Aryan Classical Literary Education

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Aryan Classical Literary Education (1)
An Aryan Educational Orientation

Part One

Our three millennia of Aryan Roman civilization have had an education that has been literary and military in
character. It has never existed for the purpose of earning a living but rather for achieving a death. It has
never been for non-Aryans. In ancient Rome Jews and Negroes were excluded from Roman education, not
because they could not fight but because they did not fit into the existing Aryan Roman elite. They had their
places, but elsewhere.

How to establish the best literary canon for a literary-military Aryan education? The way that will maintain
the Aryan origins in their greatest state of purity. Hence a genetic approach that begins at the beginning and
proceeds patiently forward through time to ensure the spiritual purity of the race. [To access many of these
books the U.S. Library of Congress Online Catalog and local library Interlibrary Loan services are hard to

In our literary origins were the the explosion of ancient Aegean Thera/Santorini/Atlantis and the glory of the
Bronze Age, not to mention the exploits of that Aryan Prince of Egypt, Moses: Troy, King David and the
voyages of Aeneas and the Exodus. These are present for our education in the poetry of the Iliad, the Psalms
and the Aeneid. For the Iliad the translations of George Herbert Palmer or of Chase and Perry are perhaps
best; it is a great pity Lord Tennyson never completed more than a few passages of his version. The ideal
would be to make a translation Tennyson would have made.

Concerning the Psalms, I’m searching for a comprehensive book on the racial context of the Bible history. It
is well-known among Jewish and Bible experts that the ancient Hebrews claimed an Aramean origin and the
Arameans in turn had a ruling nobility that claimed Aryan roots. It’s more difficult to find an author with the
daring to spell all this out clearly. This does involve the origins of modern Armenia as well.

Books that bring out the profound Aryan spirit of the Iliad are “The Best of the Achaeans” by Gregory Nagy
and “Homer and the Heroic Tradition” by Cedric H. Whitman. With these we can clearly see how the Iliad
spiritually prepared the way for the Incarnation of Helios under the Pax Romana of Emperor Augustus. Of
course, Alexander brought this dream of the Iliad into reality as the Hellenistic Age. Many more volumes
ought to be written on these themes alone.

After the magnificent writings of Homeros, the wisdom of Hesiod is quite great. One good volume of him
would be “Hesiod Theogony Works and Days” translated by M.L. West as an Oxford Paperback in 1988 and
subsequently. Pindar isn’t one to ignore either, not to mention Plutarch. Heil Hellas! 1/5
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With the classic Roman writers (Virgilius, Horace, Ovid, Cicero, to keep it to a minimum) we are really
getting started. As a window on them I’d recommend the writings of Allen Mandelbaum. Mandelbaum’s
translation of the Aeneid is worthy of high praise for accuracy and readability. Of course, the Aeneid
translation of John Dryden is also for the ages. “Vergil in the Middle Ages” by Domenico Comparetti is an
example among others of a good Virgilius study of benefit to any thinking Aryan.

Horace is our Aryan sense of humor. In this he does not age and never will.
“Selected Poems of Horace With an Introduction by George F. Whicher” published for the Classics Club by
Walter J. Black” in 1947 would be hard to beat for excellence. “The Odes of Horace” translated by James
Michie with intro by Rex Warner, 1963, Washington Square Press, packs a good punch too.

Ovid is our anti-Darwin, who wrote the Metamorphosis, his masterpiece. It’s either Ovid or Darwin; we
can’t have both. Ovid is the better of the two.

The translation by Allen Mandelbaum is quite fine and to learn of the Beauty of the Gods we can’t do better
than study this great Aryan Roman poet.

Cicero is wise. He’s much underrated nowadays only because our contemporaries are terribly stupid. That’s
the only possible explanation of his lack of popular appeal in our time. To be a wise Aryan study him for a
lifetime. George Washington was the greatest incarnation of Ciceronian wisdom. Cicero is the true
inspiration of our American Republic and Constitution. Even Emperor Augustus, his great rival, honored his

I must mention in passing Sallust and Seneca. The valor and style of our own great Nietzsche derives from

Now our Aryan literary canon passes on to more celestial times as Rome rose above this world and became
ever more superior to it until in our own time that world would coil back against Holy Rome in vicious
revenge. We progress to exalted Roman Catholic writers such as St. Methodius of Olympus, St. Clement of
Alexandria, Origen, St. Ambrose, St. Jerome, Lactantius, Prudentius, St. Pope Leo the Great, St. Pope
Gregory the Great and Venantius Fortunatus. These are all easily available on the New website,
along with much magnificent Aryan Biblical literature. Enjoy these incomparable literary gems as Roman
solar wisdom.

We reach to times of Boethius and his brave “The Consolation of Philosophy” and of the Roman educator
Cassiodorus Senator. Then the Carolignian Renaissance of Alcuin of York, Maurus Rabanus, the four
Notkers of St. Gall, Sedulius Scotus and the great flowering of Benedictine teaching and music. “The Love
of Learning and the Desire for God: A Study of Monastic Culture” by Dom Jean Leclercq, O.S.B., is an
excellent overview of this supremely literary age of our Aryan Roman past.

What is next on our chronological tour through Aryan Classical Literature might come as a surprise to some.
Our own English literature, but of the Old English variety. Venerable Bede is a great Aryan writer as well as
a great English writer. For our Aryan literary canon the Anglo-Saxon literary corpus is essential. There is in
fact nothing quite like it before the Romantic Era of the Nineteenth Century. I’m partial to the translations of 2/5
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Michael Alexander and Frederick Rebsamen. “An Anthology of Beowulf Criticism” edited by Lewis E.
Nicholson, University of Notre Dame Press, 1965 is a good example of many fine available studies of the
pleasantly concise Old English corpus of manuscripts that have passed down to us through the viscitudes of
time. Another is “The Art and Background of Old English Poetry” by Barbara C. Raw, St. Martin’s Press,
1978. A careful reading of Old English would reveal that the foundations of our Black Sun mind was already
present in the medieval Aryan Anglo-Saxon nobility.

For Aryanists the interest of this medieval literature in Old English/Anglo-Saxon as well as in Old
Norse/Icelandic, Old French/Norman French and early German is unique and profound. This writing
complements the pagan-Catholic interface of the reigns of Emperors Constantine, Constans and Constantius
in the Fourth Century. This is solar Catholicism.

A couple of exceptional English translations are “The Poetic Edda, Translated from the Icelandic with an
Introduction and Notes” by Henry Adams Bellows, published by The American-Scandinavian Foundation,
1968 as well as “The Lay of The Nibelung Men” translated from German by Arthur S. Way, Cambridge
University Press, 1911. The Germanic and Icelandic studies of Jorge Luis Borges are also of rare utility for
our Aryan education. Someone with leisure needs to translate them from Spanish!

Roughly speaking we’ve now reached the year 1000 in our quick to-the-point revue. We should note that
both Emperors Charlemagne and Otto the Great were extraordinary patrons of Aryan literature and education,
like King Alfred the Great of England. To achieve Aryan purity we won’t do better than to immerse
ourselves in their cultural milieu, after we’ve spent much Roman otium enjoying the Pagan/Catholic Aryan
Roman classic writers before them. Of course, our Aryan education program must also take account of the
history, architecture and music of these amazing long ago times.

As we move past the year 1000 Europe becomes much more powerful and prosperous, which includes a
further growth in vernacular literatures. The nun-poetess Hroswitha of Gandersheim wrote great Aryan plays
imitating Terence, an ancient Roman playwright. Her epic celebrating the reign of Emperor Otto the Great is
a milestone in our literary history. In our Anglo-Norman literature that suceeded the Anglo-Saxon, we have
the charming tales of Marie de France, perhaps the troubador of greatest sensibility. Her High Medieval
writings provide an ideal introduction into the world of “Parzifal” of the late Middle Ages.

“The Song of Roland” sung at the

Battle of Hastings in 1066 is the epic that carries the Iliad and Aeneid up into eternal solar Roman Catholic
heights. A quite readable translation of this epic with a superb introduction well-suited for our Aryan
educational needs would be “The Song of Roland: Newly translated and with an Introduction by Robert
Harrison” published by New American Library, 1970, by Robert Harrison. We enter here into a world where
time is already weakening, where distant echoes of the Ragnarok to come are becoming gradually louder.

Since my focus is the education of an Aryan knighthood I’ll proceed with a tight focus on that central thread
of our literary heritage. Next we can scarcely avoid the study of the poems of Dante. These would, I think,
be well matched with the writings of St. Gertrude the Great. Together they might well be said to express our
Aryan imagination. We should study the Parzifal of Wolfram von Eschenbach within the context of Dante
and St. Gertrude as the fountainheads of our contemporary Aryan knightly education.

Then we could see the next level as the writings of Fray Luis de Leon of the Spanish Golden Age. With
Dante and Fray Luis we would be somewhat unimaginative not to notice the arrow of their spiritual direction 3/5
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as being none other than our contemporary Aryan fascism. I’d then recommend the writings of Fr. Richard
Crashaw as an ideal exposition of Aryan kingship as that was so well embodied in Jesuit art and education.
The art of Nicolas Poussin complements the Roman themes of Crashaw quite well.

We could then leap forward to the writings of Count Joseph de Maistre and the Count Arthur de Gobineau,
then leading us at last to the more familiar Aryan wisdom of Schopenhaur and Wagner. To express their ideas
in literature we could not do better than Gabriele D’Annunzio and the poetic lords of the British Empire:
Lord de Tabley, Coventry Patmore, Francis Thompson, Rupert Brooke, Lord Alfred Douglas and William
Butler Yeats. The Roman studies of Henry Formby belong here as well. The intensely Aryan character of the
British Imperial cultural elite is quite striking, although today also quite hidden away. The sculpture (before
circa 1912) of the British Empire is a fine indicator of its true character.

Musicians such as Handel, Haydn, Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Richard Strauss and the English composers
such as William Byrd, Henry Purcell and Edward Elgar should always be in the background of our Aryan

Our own American poets Henry Ticknor, Paul Hayne, Longfellow, Pound and Eliot are quite relevant as
well. They would be well complemented by the poems of Jessica Powers.

to be continued
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on May 6, 2009 at 2:48 am Comments (2)

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1. On May 15, 2009 at 12:11 am Learn Spanish said:

great site and good information


2. On May 22, 2009 at 10:46 pm rnhmfxld said:

BMcKa0 eypvmynvuify, [url=]vmojsknfzmxe[/url],


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