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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017

Principal Examiner Report for Teachers



Paper 0417/11
Written Paper

Key messages

As in previous sessions simple straightforward questions were well answered, but questions that required in
depth answers lacked full explanations in the answers given. There continues to be a large number of
generic answers given rather than relating the question to the scenario or content of the question.

There were fewer blank answers than in recent examinations with candidates attempting most of the

There are still a number of candidates who are giving brand names rather than the generic names. It is
clearly stated on the front page of the examination paper ‘No marks will be awarded for using brand names
of software packages or hardware.’

There is still a tendency to answer the question that the candidate thinks is being set rather than the one that
is actually being set.

General comments

All candidates appeared to have enough time to finish the paper.

Once again, some candidates gave extra answers that were not asked for and therefore not marked. There
are also a worrying number of candidates who write on extra sheets and the blank pages at the end of the
answer booklet. Some candidates are not noting that they have done this and Examiners can miss these
responses because of the lack of such annotation.
Overall the paper was of an appropriate difficulty.

Comments on specific questions

Question 1

All parts of this question were well answered. This was a straightforward question with the range of answers
being given in the table.

Question 2

This question proved difficult for candidates who clearly mixed up impact and non-impact printers.

Question 3

This question was well answered with most candidates achieving at least a mark.

Question 4

The whole of this question was poorly answered with many candidates missing the question completely. This
was a little surprising as questions relating to test data have been set previously in this paper and were
better answered. However previously the questions have asked candidates to explain the named test data.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 5

This question was well answered by most candidates although the most common incorrect answer was
tripping over loose wires being a health problem. The most popular correct answers were the range check
and the format check. Some candidates misread the question writing down the data types rather than the
validation check.

Question 6

As with the question on test data this question produced many poor answers. This type of question is new to
the paper and this may have had an effect on the candidates’ ability to answer it.

Question 7

Candidates also had problems with this question; especially explaining what a gutter margin and a widow
was. Many of those candidates who did understand the terms did not gain the marks due to a lack of in-
depth answer, for example a header was a place at the top of the page where the title is written.

Question 8

(a) This was a standard question on video conferencing that most candidates could answer and
therefore most gained full marks.

(b) However, this part of the question related to web-conferencing and was not as well answered, with
some candidates thinking that web-conferencing did not include video. Most candidates were able
to answer that it was a conference using the internet, but a few stated that it was over the web;
which was in the question. Candidates then had difficulty in achieving the other marks. Those
candidates that understood web-conferencing were able to gain full marks.

Question 9

RFID technology questions had been set in the previous papers therefore it was a surprise that many
candidates did not gain a mark for this question.

(a) This was a standard question relating to the operation of RFID chips, but only a few candidates
were able to achieve a mark.

(b) Some candidates answered the question relating it to the device i.e. that it was waterproof rather
than about the use of the device. Those that understood what was being asked gained one mark
but did not achieve the second mark.

Question 10

This question was also poorly answered even though questions relating to models had been asked

(a) Many of the answers given to this question showed a lack of understanding of what a computer
model was, some thinking that it was a physical model, therefore giving answers like it could
operate well under water. The most popular correct answer was that the model could be used in
different scenarios.

(b) Most candidates only achieved one mark in this section.. As with part (a) candidates appeared to
struggle with the scenario and in many cases gave generic answers or answers with little

(c) This was the most poorly answered part of the question with most candidates not giving a
comprehensive answer. Some candidates were able to explain that the microprocessor read the
data from the sensor but then could not describe the comparison of this data with the pre-set data.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 11

Again, as with some of the previous questions, candidates did not do well on this question.

(a) Some candidates had problems with this formula even though COUNTIF formulae had been set on
previous papers. Many candidates chose to use a VLOOKUP rather than a COUNTIF.

(b) This part was better answered than the other parts of this question, with many candidates gaining
at least a mark. As with other parts of the question this topic has been set previously. Some
candidates understood the method of replicating, but could not fully explain how they did it; giving
vague answers like go to the box in the cell and drag down.

(c) This formula proved to be very difficult for most candidates. Very few candidates gained full marks
on this question.

(d) Again few candidates managed full marks on this part of the question. Many were able to explain
how they inserted the chart but then did not explain what they could do to enhance it i.e. adding
titles, legends etc. The mark scheme reflects that a bar chart or a pie chart could be used. Some
candidates explained how they could copy all the data into another sheet and then create the chart,
even though the question stated that the chart would be created on another sheet.

Question 12

This question was fairly well answered.

(a) This part was well answered with candidates gaining at least three marks. Many candidates gained
marks for the fields and the tick boxes. The major issues were filling the screen and in some cases
creating an online form rather than a paper-based one.

(b) This was not as well answered as part (a) as some candidates had created an online form then
tried to expand upon it. Others gave answers like include colour and images and some added that
other fields should be added. The use of radio buttons and drop down lists were the popular correct

Question 13

(a) This part was well answered with most candidates gaining two marks out of a possible three, and
many achieved full marks. The common incorrect answer was writing videos and moving images
as two separate elements.

(b) There were a great deal of candidates getting close to the answer to this question, but not giving
the correct syntax i.e. > used instead of <, the = sign missing or even writing several lines of code.

(c) Many candidates managed to gain one or two marks on this part of the question by mentioning not
using photographs that included school uniform or not using personal data, but then did not
describe the issues that this could cause.

Question 14

This question was marked as a level of response and as in the past candidates achieved few marks. Many
candidates could give good differences between GUI and CLI but could not give good, if any, similarities.
This meant that Level 1 was the best that many candidates could achieve.

Question 15

This question caused problems with many candidates who understood the methods to help minimise health
issues, but struggled to write down advantages of these methods. They did better on writing down
disadvantages, although there was a great deal of repeated answers like ‘expensive’. As there were
problems with this question the Examiners allowed advantages and disadvantages that were not clearly
explained; although in future, if a similar question is set this leniency may not be repeated.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 16

(a) This part was better answered than part (b). The common correct answers were working and
safety of miners.

(b) Many candidates managed to achieve at least a mark on this part of the question mostly for
answers relating to the cost of buying/maintaining the robot. Some candidates related the answer
to unemployment of the workers when the question asked about the disadvantages of using the

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers



Paper 0417/12
Written Paper

Key messages

As in previous sessions straightforward questions were well answered, but questions that required in-depth
answers lacked full explanations in the responses given. Candidates need to refer to the marks allocation
when answering the question.

There were less blank answers than in recent examinations with candidates attempting most of the

There were still a number of candidates who are giving brand names rather than the generic names. It is
clearly stated on the front page of the examination paper ‘No marks will be awarded for using brand names
of software packages or hardware.’

There is still a tendency to answer the question that the candidate thinks is being set rather than the one that
is being set.

General comments

All candidates appeared to have enough time to finish the paper.

Once again, some candidates gave extra answers that were not asked for and therefore not marked. There
are also a worrying number of candidates who write on extra sheets and the blank pages at the end of the
answer booklet. Some candidates are not annotating that they have done this. Examiners can miss these
responses if suitable annotation is not given.

Overall the paper was of an appropriate difficulty.

Comments on specific questions

Question 1

This question was well answered by most candidates. Although, some candidates mixed up input and output

Question 2

Again, the candidates answered this question well. Most candidates gained at least one mark on this
question with a few gaining full marks.

Question 3

This question caused a few problems, but most candidates managed to gain at least two marks usually from
hardware requirements and program listing.

Question 4

This question was well answered. Cropping and rotation were well answered, but fewer candidates could
identify the other techniques.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 5

(a) Many candidates managed to identify the ADC and some gave good explanations of its use;
although some candidates thought it was a modem or a DAC. Some candidates named the device,
but did not explain why the data had to be changed; others explained why the data had to be
changed without naming the device.

(b) This was a question that had never been asked previously and seemed to cause some confusion
with the candidates. Some managed to give answers that were correct relating to the cost and the
time taken but did not expand upon them or did not place them in context, hence not gaining the
full marks.

Question 6

(a) Many candidates managed to give the answer insufficient space, but then struggled to give a
correct second answer. Too many candidates wrote answers like ‘format not supported’ which was
an incorrect answer.

(b) Many candidates were able to find differences between the devices but did not write about
similarities; hence they could not achieve full marks. Many candidates managed to gain two marks
on the question from mostly the differences between the devices. Some candidates mixed up a
CD-R with a CD-ROM.

Question 7

This question as a whole was not well answered by candidates.

(a) Many candidates gave movement sensor as the answer which was incorrect.

(b) There was a range of acceptable answers for this question, but as in previous questions the lack of
depth in the answer affected the overall mark awarded. Some candidates misread the question and
gave general answers like washing machines. Other candidates focused more on the sensor rather
than the device and its use, therefore giving answers that should have been used in part (c).

(c) This part of the question was poorly answered. A lot of candidates gave descriptions of what the
devices did rather than advantages and disadvantages of their use. Some candidates simply
repeated what had been written in part (b).

Question 8

(a) This part of the question was well answered although some candidates ticked search engine and
control unit.

(b) This part on the other hand was poorly answered. Expert systems questions are not generally well
answered in ICT, but this year the question asked for benefits rather than setting up an expert
system. The answers given still lacked depth, with some candidates giving answers relating to the
removal of the doctor rather than expert systems assisting him.

Question 9

(a) This type of question was used last year which asked for the candidates to describe how they
would create something. There has been a large improvement in the way the candidates answered
the question, but some are still giving general answers and not describing the method. Some
candidates were unsure of what a relational database actually was confusing a table with a

(b) This was better answered than part (a) with the major issue being Examination_ID which had a
leading zero and therefore was alphanumeric. Apart from that the question was well answered.

(c) This part was poorly answered with very few candidates gaining both marks. Many missed out the
Date_of_exam and other used “” when writing out the date.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

(d) Few candidates gained full marks on this part. Format check for Date_of_exam was well answered,
but some candidates suggested a range check for Examination_ID. Some of the explanations were
weak although dd/mm/yyyy was a good correct answer.

Question 10

(a) Many candidates managed to gain four or even five marks on this part of the question. The main
error was not filling the box or creating an online form when it asked for a manual form.

(b) This part of the question was not well answered. It required the candidate to explain how they
would create a mail merge for the given scenario and as with similar questions some candidates
gave generic answers rather than an explanation of the method. This was shown by answers that
related to documents rather than the membership cards.

Question 11

(a) This was a straightforward question with most candidates gaining two marks for describing how
they could name the range. However, naming the range caused some problems as spaces are not
allowed in named ranges, therefore underscores are needed. Those candidates that used single
words, gained the mark.

(b) This part was fairly well answered with many candidates gaining two marks. However VLOOKUP
has been used in previous examinations so it was a surprise that some candidates did not get the
elements in the right order. Placing the name of the range was the biggest problem facing

Question 12

(a) Many candidates gained at least two marks on this question; it was well answered by most. There
were a few, however, that gave ‘interview’ as an answer but this was part of the question.

(b) This was not as well answered as part (a) with the lack of explanation causing the biggest problem.

Question 13

(a) Many managed to gain two marks for this question with the most common incorrect answer being
typists. Some candidates ticked more than the three possible answers. With open questions like
this one, the mark for the question should be noted.

(b) There was very little understanding of either term in this question. This meant that few candidates
gained many marks. The compressed hours section gained more marks than the flexible hours
section, where more vague answers were given.

Question 14

(a) This was well answered, but there is still some confusion between verification and validation. There
is also a problem between verification and proofreading; this affected the marks gained.

(b) This part of the question was not as well answered, as many candidates believe that proofreading
is a type of verification. The standard correct answer that verification makes reference to the
original was the popular answer.

Question 15

This type of question had been asked previously and therefore it was felt that candidate should have little
problem with answering it. Filling up the inbox and the possibility that it contained a virus were the popular
correct answers, but there were a large number of incorrect answers.

Question 16

This question was the level of response question and as in previous years was poorly answered by
candidates, who rarely gained marks above a Level 1. The question asks for advantages and disadvantages
therefore in order to gain a Level 2 candidates must give both advantages and disadvantages. Many of those

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

candidates who managed to gain a Level 2 only gave the bare advantages and disadvantages. Many
candidates incorrectly deviated in to the use of WIFI for WAN or using the internet. Those that discussed the
difference between WIFI and Bluetooth and explained the benefits and drawbacks of each achieved the
most marks. Those candidates that chose either Bluetooth or WIFI were also given credit for correct
discussion points.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers



Paper 0417/13
Written Paper

Key messages

As in previous sessions straightforward questions were well answered, but questions that required in depth
answers lacked full explanations in the responses given. There continues to be a large number of generic
answers given rather than relating the question to the scenario or content of the question.

There were fewer blank answers than in recent examinations with candidates attempting most of the

There are still a number of candidates who are giving brand names rather than the generic names. It is
clearly stated on the front page of the examination paper ‘No marks will be awarded for using brand names
of software packages or hardware.’

There is still a tendency to answer the question that the candidate thinks is being set rather than the one that
is being set.

General comments

All candidates appeared to have enough time to finish the paper.

Once again, some candidates gave extra answers that were not asked for and therefore not marked. There
are also a worrying number of candidates who write on extra sheets and the blank pages at the end of the
answer booklet. Some candidates are not annotating that they have done this. Examiners can miss these
responses if adequate annotation is not given.

Overall the paper was of an appropriate difficulty.

Comments on specific questions

Question 1

Candidates gained some good marks on these questions.

(a) This question was not as well answered as expected, with some candidates writing dot-matrix
printer rather than graph plotter.

(b) – (d) Nearly all candidates gained the mark on these parts of the question.

Question 2

Most candidates managed to gain full marks on this question.

Question 3

This was a new question for the paper and apart from the vagueness of some of the responses, was well
answered. We were lenient on the symbol for next slide allowing ‘play the presentation’; however, if ‘play’
was written then this was too vague. Quite a few candidates mixed up the printer symbol with saving.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 4

Parts (a) and (b) answered better than parts (c) and (d). Candidates mixed up orphan on part (d) with widow.

Question 5

(a) Some candidates mis-read the question and thought it was online banking or banking on a phone,
using an app. Some candidates started with phone banking, but then part way through the answer
changed to online banking. Phone banking is a separate section on the syllabus. The question also
stated that the user would not be speaking to an operator, but did not reflect this in the answer

(b) This was not as well answered as expected, with some candidates writing down signature and the
amount of money in the bank account.

Question 6

(a) The question asked for methods, but candidates tended to answer with devices, therefore we
allowed the first word, i.e. barcode was ticked even though the candidate wrote barcode reader.
We may not allow this in future series.

(b) This part of the question was better answered than part (a). However, some candidates wrote eye
recognition rather than iris or retina recognition; this we felt was too vague to be awarded a mark.

(c) This part of the question asked the candidates to name the files and describe them. There were
answers that referred to the setting up of the database and to the searching of it, which related to a
question set on a previous session. Many candidates did not name the file, but we allowed the
description therefore to act as the name for this series.

(d) Many candidates managed to gain a mark for +14; although the most common incorrect responses
were the missing out of the underscore or the square brackets.

Question 7

(a) The most common fault with this question was the use of ⩾ rather than >=. There were a number
of formulae that candidates could have chosen to achieve the marks, but many made simple
mistakes and hence did not achieve full marks. This occurred across all grade boundaries not just
the lower ability candidates.

(b) Since mail merge was reintroduced with the new syllabus; it has not been well answered. This
question did not describe the process, but asked candidates to describe the advantages of using it.
This question was poorly answered by many candidates as their responses described features or
procedures of using mail merge rather than the advantages.

(c) This question was poorly answered with candidates managing spell and grammar check, but then
not achieving the third mark. Some candidates gave named validation checks which achieved a
mark if it was explained, but giving three of these only gained one mark.

Question 8

(a) This part of the question was generally well answered.

(b) As with previous questions that use OR or AND there were issues with these elements being used
incorrectly or being missed out. The other issue was the incorrect use of speech marks around the

(c) This part of the question was not as well answered as the previous two parts. Many candidates felt
the need to extend their answer to extra sheets, but rarely improved their mark. Many candidates
struggled to offer benefits and drawbacks. Many responses described features of storing details on
a database and other than commenting on searching and editing data there were few other
benefits. Drawbacks were poorly answered with many answers relating to hackers or damaged

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

computers. As with comments in my previous reports, candidates did not explain their answers well
enough to gain a mark.

Question 9

Previously questions relating to ROM and RAM were simple questions relating to storage, this question,
however, was designed to test the candidates understanding of the difference between the two elements.
Most candidates managed to achieve half marks on the question.

Question 10

(a) This question was fairly well answered, although some candidates added safety elements as well
as health issues. The question related to the candidates’ use of computers and how they solved
issues, in reality the responses; in many cases were generalised, although we did give credit to
these answers. There were a number of repeated answers like ‘have a break’.

(b) The question was fairly well answered with many candidates gaining marks. However, where some
candidates in part (a) gave safety answers, they gave health related responses in part (b). Text
book answers such as ‘trailing wires’ were common but what to do was not always explained
clearly. Some candidates concentrated on security answers e.g. ‘hackers’ ‘phishing’ and ‘viruses’.

Question 11

Many candidates managed to name the implementation methods, and there were a few that repeated direct
changeover. As in previous questions of this type we allowed different variations of the method i.e. parallel
implementation. The main problems were the advantages related to direct changeover; these tended to lack
depth or were too vague.

Question 12

(a) This question was poorly answered and as in similar types of questions candidates did not give
enough depth to their responses. Few candidates could explain ‘software copyright’ but gave
answers about ‘copying’ and sometimes involved the author and permission but rarely ‘protection’.

(b) Some candidates gained good marks on this question and they demonstrated a clear
understanding of the issues, others however, gave vague responses which showed a lack of
knowledge on this topic.

Question 13

(a) Some candidates mis-read the question seeing the word key-logger and then wrote about security
and hacking. Others managed to understand how key logging works although were vague in their
answers i.e. logging keys.

(b) This question, in reality, was the most poorly answered on the paper. Candidates that thought the
question was about the security issues related to key-logging in part (a) continued with the same
type of answer in part (b) rather than as a monitoring tool. Those that did manage to realise that it
was a monitoring tool explained the actions of the key-logger rather than how they could be

Question 14

This question was marked as a level of response question. As with previous level of response questions it
proved difficult to achieve marks above a Level 1. The question refers to advantages and disadvantages
therefore to achieve a Level 2 the candidate needs to give advantages and disadvantages, rather than one
side of the argument. Many candidates were not clear in their answers and therefore lost marks. For
example, a contactless transaction with a card is just as fast as phone transaction, but by answering phone
transactions are faster than credit/debit card transactions the mark could not be awarded. Expansion of the
points made could have improved the marks, but this was rarely seen. The topic however was very popular
and candidates could write a great deal on it, giving some good answers.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers



Paper 0417/21
Practical Test A

Key messages

Access to the internet or email during the examination is not permitted and candidates who use the internet
to find answers to the theory questions are in breach of the regulations for this syllabus. Centres who allow
access to the internet may find their candidates disqualified from the whole of the 0417 qualification.

Centres should not staple their work, hole-punch or tie it together with string. Several candidates lost marks
due to holes punched right through the database report headings resulting in missing letters in data entry
which could not then be assessed for accuracy.

A number of candidates did not print all of the required tasks, even though they had indicated on the
question paper that they had completed them. Candidates should be encouraged to print evidence as it is
completed rather than waiting until the end of the examination time. They should print all pages of a
document or report and not just the first page. Every task prompts the candidate to print their name, Centre
number and candidate number on every document submitted for assessment. It is important that candidates
do this, as without clear printed evidence of the author of the work, marks cannot be awarded by the
Examiner for these pages. Many marks can be lost because of missing candidate details and printouts will
not be marked if their names and details are missing, or if their name and details are written on by hand as
there is no real evidence that they are the originators of the work. Documents that extend to more than one
page but have identification details on one page only, such as a database report with name at top or bottom,
will be treated as the same document and the second page marked without identification details providing
the layout is consistent and it is obviously a continuation of the same report/document. Candidates should
submit all printouts and cross through any draft versions which are not to be marked. If multiple printouts are
submitted without draft versions being crossed through, only the first occurrence of each page will be

Candidates are required to produce screenshots to evidence the ICT skills that cannot be assessed through
the printed product alone. Candidates should check each printed screenshot to ensure it is clear and large
enough to be read. Where Examiners are unable to read the materials presented, they cannot award the
marks. Similarly, some candidates did not achieve marks as a result of presenting screenshots with
important elements cropped. Overall the readability of evidence was notably improved in this session with
very few marks lost through illegible evidence.

Questions relating to Assessment Objective 3 – analyse, evaluate, make reasoned judgements and present
conclusions, continue to be poorly answered. Many candidates provide descriptive responses or a list of
facts rather than considering the advantages and disadvantages in the context of the question and providing
a reasoned conclusion.

General comments

Candidates appeared well prepared for this examination. The paper gave a good spread of marks and
candidate errors were spread evenly over the sections of the paper. Most candidates completed or
attempted all elements of the paper and the majority who submitted work showed sound knowledge, skills
and understanding. It was apparent that candidates are now more familiar and confident with the skills
assessed in the new syllabus.

There were fewer typographical errors in all elements of data entry across the paper than in previous years.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Candidates and some Centre staff still have difficulty distinguishing between the typeface categories serif
and sans-serif. These are categories of font type with specific attributes and not the actual names of font
styles. Some Centres have reported on the Supervisor’s Report Folder that there is no font called ‘serif’
installed on the computers so students used Times New Roman instead. The font style names ‘serif’ and
‘sans-serif’ are unlikely to appear as an installed font.

Comments on specific questions

Task 1 – The Evidence Document

This question was completed well by most candidates. Occasionally the screenshots were too small or faint
to be read. A small number did not present the evidence document for marking.

Task 2 – Document

Question 1

Modifications to the page layout were not assessed on this paper. This question required the recalled file to
be saved with a specific filename in the format of the software being used. Most managed to save the file but
some failed to follow the capitalisation given or the file name contained errors. Many candidates continue to
save in RTF format rather than the format of the software they are using. Screenshot evidence of the save
was often inconclusive as it showed the save process rather than capturing the outcome after the file had
been saved. A screenshot showing the folder contents after saving provides the required evidence.

Question 2

Headers and footers were generally inserted as instructed with an automated file path and page number field
used. Occasionally these were not aligned with the page margins or the file path detail wrapped to a second
line which did not align to the right margin. A few candidates used the built in content control to help align the
text but did not remove superfluous text or placeholders in the header and/or footer area which was

Question 3

Candidates are required to create paragraph styles according to a house style specification provided. The
styles must be correctly named and the correct attributes applied. This was completed to a higher standard
than in previous sessions. Common errors in creating the styles included errors in the style names, serif or
sans-serif font styles set incorrectly and incorrect spacing applied before and/or after the style. Screenshot
evidence of the TSS-subhead style provided detail of the style settings. Candidates who simply applied the
attributes to the relevant text rather than creating styles did not gain marks. The created style was
sometimes based on another style which inherited the formatting of the original style. A style with additional
formatting not detailed in the House style specification was penalised.

Question 4

The application of the TSS-title style to the document title was generally well done. Some candidates had not
saved the ‘all capitals’ font attribute as part of the style with the title remaining in sentence case. Some had
not set 11 point space after. Additional enhancements not detailed in the House style specification such as
italics, or a line across the width of the page were penalised.

Question 5 and 6

Candidates entered the subtitle text along with their name. A few incorrectly entered a space before the
colon. The TSS-subtitle style was correctly applied to this text although occasionally this displayed a sans-
serif font style or included additional space below the text. Some had based the subtitle style on the
previously created TSS-title style and the TSS-subtitle therefore inherited bold formatting (and capitals where
this had been correctly set) which was penalised.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 7

Most attempted to apply the TSS-body style to the rest of the text in the document. Some inconsistencies
were found in the TSS-body text style with the sans-serif font style and size not applied consistently, full
justification not applied to all the body text and some inconsistent spacing after paragraphs of body text.
Another common error was no spacing above the chart and table which indicated that the 11 point spacing
after had not been set as part of the TSS-body style. Had this been set and applied correctly the spacing
above these items would have been set automatically. Candidates should check carefully that the style has
been fully applied to all the text.

Question 8

Generally the required text was changed into two columns with the required column spacing. Some
candidates inserted the column break below rather than above the subheading and a small number
displayed the entire document in two columns.

Question 9

This question tested the application of the TSS-subhead style to each subheading within the document.
Screenshot evidence of the TSS-subhead style settings was provided in the Evidence Document and if all
eight subheadings matched these settings this application mark was awarded. If there was no evidence that
the style had been created, then this application mark was not awarded.

Question 10

Most candidates inserted a new row in the correct position in the table and entered the new data correctly
although ‘Literature’ was occasionally keyed as ‘literature’ and/or the currency symbol(s) omitted. A few
candidates added this entry to the bottom of their table and a few included it on a new line within the table
without inserting a new row.

Question 11

The table had been supplied in the recall file and this should have been a straightforward task of merging
and formatting the first row of the table. However many candidates found merging the cells challenging and
several excluded this first row from all the table formatting.

Question 12

Candidates who created and then applied TSS-table style performed better than those who simply attempted
to format the table data. Gridlines were generally applied correctly. The TSS-table style was not applied
consistently with table data not left aligned and inconsistent spacing before and/or after each row. The most
common error was text wrapping to a second line as the column widths had not been adjusted to
accommodate the data.

Question 13 to 17

Most candidates created a vertical bar chart and inserted this in the correct position within the column width.
The most common error was the incorrect selection of data with most charting more than year 2016 only.

The chart title and x-axis label were correctly entered although a few candidates included an unnecessary
legend. Formatting the value axis scale to display a maximum value with set data increments was not well
done. Some candidates used the default scaling and many formatted the y-axis from 300 to 1200 resulting in
a loss of data. A number of horizontal bar charts and an occasional pie chart were seen.

Question 18 to 20

Most candidates inserted the image in the correct position and reflected it so the scroll was positioned on the
right. The image was aligned and resized correctly with the text wrapped around the image. Most candidates
achieved full marks for this task.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 21

The overall presentation of the document was good with very few split tables and far fewer widows or
orphans than in previous sessions. Most had aligned the columns at the top of each page. Spacing below
the chart and table were often inconsistent and whilst the actual space had not been specified it should be

Task 3 – Database

Question 22

Most candidates correctly imported the csv file and used the correct field names and data types. The primary
key was set correctly but due to image cropping was not always shown in the structure screenshot but could
be seen in later evidence. A few incorrectly included an ID field. A small number of candidates formatted the
Gender field as Boolean instead of text and the date was not always displayed in the format specified. Most
candidates formatted the Paid field to display Yes/No, but there were some instances of True/False, –1/0 or
checkboxes used.

Question 23

Candidates were required to restrict data entry in the Gender field. This was expected to be set through a
validation rule but other controls were accepted providing it clearly evidenced the field it applied to and there
was evidence that data entry was limited to F and M only, i.e. a value list or Combo box with ‘limit to list’ etc.
Validation was not particularly well done with very few managing to correctly restrict data entry. A number of
candidates correctly set validation but did not evidence which field this had been applied to. Several
evidenced a filter within a query as their version of a validation routine, or M/F set as search criteria in a
query design.

Question 24

Most candidates entered the new record correctly and there were very few errors in this data.

Question 25

The second table was imported without difficulty. The primary key was correctly set and the tables
successfully linked through a one-to-many relationship. There was no instruction to enforce referential
integrity and this is not tested at this level.

Question 26

The first report used fields from the students table only. The search was based on three fields using a
wildcard and search operators. The report was to display specified fields in the correct order, be sorted on
two fields and presented in portrait orientation. A calculation was required to count the number of courses
and this was occasionally not displayed under the Course field. The wildcard search on the Course field was
often incorrect with candidates either searching for Art, or *Art. The search criteria for Weeks was often
incorrect with >3 or <=3. Almost all candidates correctly used the criterion Paid is Yes. Most displayed the
correct fields but these were often in the wrong order as without manual intervention the software will default
to placing the sort fields first in the report. A few candidates omitted the Paid field. The field widths required
some manipulation to ensure these were all displayed with the data in full. Sorting on two fields was
sometimes incorrect with only the Weeks field sorted. Most provided evidence of the formula used to
calculate the number of courses although some used SUM instead of COUNT. The Total enrolments label
was mostly entered correctly to the left of the calculation, but there were some capitalisation errors and/or
the final letter was missing.

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 27

The second report used fields from both tables. A new field heading was inserted and a calculated field
created with a simple calculation which was generally successfully achieved. The new field heading
occasionally contained capitalisation or data entry errors. The calculated field was to be displayed with a
currency symbol to two decimal places. Most candidates formatted the new field correctly but did not identify
that Weekly_Cost was also a currency value. Most displayed the correct fields but these were often in the
wrong order as the software defaults to placing the sort fields first in the report. This can be avoided by
setting the sort order in the report after creating the structure of the report rather than as the report is built.
The report was to fit on one single landscape page and tested the candidate’s ability to manipulate the data
and adjust the field widths to present the report as requested. Identification details were to be entered at the
top right and page numbers removed. Data was sorted on one field in ascending order which was completed

Question 28

There was a very mixed response to the reasons for encoding data. Some candidates gave good clear
reasons for encoding data including saving storage space and faster data entry, but others confused ‘coding’
with ‘encryption’. Some just described how M and F were abbreviations, and others did not attempt an

Question 29

The vast majority of students identified numeric as the most appropriate data type for a telephone number
field. Candidates who correctly chose alphanumeric or text gave a clear reason for their choice, but many
chose ‘long integer’ and said it was ‘because telephone numbers were long’. A minority did not attempt an

Question 30

Candidates were asked to evaluate the Gender and Payment_Type fields of a data entry form. Many
candidates described or evaluated the form as a whole instead of focussing on the two given fields. Some
reiterated their answer to encoding in Step 28 and many other answers were too vague, using words like
‘good’, ‘unprofessional’, etc., without giving clear reasons for the opinion or without saying what
improvements could be made. Few candidates performed well in this task with the majority describing the
form or providing a general overview of what makes a good or bad form without giving an evaluation with

Task 4 – Mail Merge

Question 31 to 33

The mail merge task was very well done and candidates appear to have mastered this skill. The use of a
date field causes issues for some candidates who displayed the year in four figures instead of two, and some
transposed the day/month to mm/dd/yy. Where a date field had been used this was not always today’s date
with some using CreateDate, SaveDate or PrintDate field codes. A common error is candidates incorrectly
deleting existing spacing and punctuation as they replace the fields in the letter. Careful checking and proof
reading would help identify these issues before the merge is completed. Most candidates replaced the
required text with their name but some did not enter the other details in the footer, or incorrectly entered
these in the header instead. The selection of only the three specified recipients was usually accurately
achieved. Not all candidates evidence the use of a field for today’s date and the formatting of this, instead
giving a screen shot of the master letter or the date format dialogue box.

Task 5 – Presentation

Question 34 to 35

Candidates successfully imported the slides and presented these as a title and bullet list. The master items
were entered onto the slides although these were not always positioned consistently suggesting a master
slide may not have been used. Marks were lost for one or more elements not being in the same position on
all slides and occasionally one or more of the master items overlapped the text on the slide. The most
common error was the omission of the slide numbers or slide numbers being illegible as they were not
displayed in black text and could not be seen even with magnification.

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 36

Most students changed the layout of slide 1 to a Title Slide layout and added the new text correctly with their
name. A few candidates left a bullet on the subtitle. When a built-in slide design had been used this did not
always provide a title and subtitle that was centred in the middle of the slide, and occasionally the subtitle
was larger than the title.

Question 37

Most candidates attempted to draw the diagram with varying degrees of success. Only a small minority of
candidates gained full marks. The text was entered within the shapes but there were numerous data entry
errors with the most common being the omission of the final exclamation mark, as well as the use of initial
capitals. Inserting a hexagon shape proved difficult for many and some tried to draw it using separate lines
resulting in large gaps. Many did not maintain the vertical layout of the diagram and a variety of arrows were
used, with many not joining the shapes together. Some candidates unnecessarily shaded the shapes.

Question 38

Demoting the bulleted items to a dashed, italic list was not done well. This should have been a
straightforward task using the promote/demote list option but there were many inconsistencies between each
bulleted section on the slide with dashed items not aligned, text missing and italics not applied.

Question 39

A significant number of candidates printed all slides as full-page slides instead of as handouts six slides to
the page. Some candidates printed slide one instead of slide two as the single full-page slide.

Task 6 – Printing the Evidence Document

Question 40

Some candidates submitted no printout of the Evidence Document. It is essential that candidates print their
Evidence Document as failure to do so can result in a number of lost marks. Candidates should be
encouraged to print this towards the end of the exam, regardless of whether they have finished the paper.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers



Paper 0417/22
Practical Test A

Key messages

Access to the internet or email during the examination is not permitted and candidates who use the internet
to find answers to the theory questions are in breach of the regulations for this syllabus. Centres who allow
access to the internet may find their candidates disqualified from the whole of the 0417 qualification.

Centres should not staple their work, hole-punch or tie it together with string. Several candidates lost marks
due to holes punched right through the database report headings resulting in missing letters in data entry
which could not then be assessed for accuracy.

A number of candidates did not print all of the required tasks, even though they had indicated on the
question paper that they had completed them. Candidates should be encouraged to print evidence as it is
completed rather than waiting until the end of the examination time. They should print all pages of a
document or report and not just the first page. Every task prompts the candidate to print their name, Centre
number and candidate number on every document submitted for assessment. It is important that candidates
do this, as without clear printed evidence of the author of the work, marks cannot be awarded by the
Examiner for these pages. Many marks can be lost because of missing candidate details and printouts will
not be marked if their names and details are missing, or if their name and details are written on by hand as
there is no real evidence that they are the originators of the work. Documents that extend to more than one
page but have identification details on one page only such as a database report with name at top or bottom,
will be treated as the same document and the second page marked without identification details providing
the layout is consistent and it is obviously a continuation of the same report/document. Candidates should
submit all printouts and cross through any draft versions which are not to be marked. If multiple printouts are
submitted without draft versions being crossed through, only the first occurrence of each page will be

Candidates are required to produce screenshots to evidence the ICT skills that cannot be assessed through
the printed product alone. Candidates should check each printed screenshot to ensure it is clear and large
enough to be read. Where Examiners are unable to read the materials presented, they cannot award the
marks. Similarly, some candidates did not achieve marks as a result of presenting screenshots with
important elements cropped. Overall the readability of evidence was notably improved in this session with
very few marks lost through illegible evidence.

Questions relating to Assessment Objective 3 – analyse, evaluate, make reasoned judgements and present
conclusions, continue to be poorly answered. Many candidates provide descriptive responses or a list of
facts rather than considering the advantages and disadvantages in the context of the question and providing
a reasoned conclusion.

General comments

Candidates appeared well prepared for this examination. The paper gave a good spread of marks and
candidate errors were spread evenly over the sections of the paper. Most candidates completed or
attempted all elements of the paper and the majority who submitted work showed sound knowledge, skills
and understanding. It was apparent that candidates are now more familiar and confident with the skills
assessed in the new syllabus.

There were fewer typographical errors in all elements of data entry across the paper than in previous years.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Candidates and some Centre staff still have difficulty distinguishing between the typeface categories serif
and sans-serif. These are categories of font type with specific attributes and not the actual names of font
styles. Some Centres have reported on the Supervisor’s Report Folder that there is no font called ‘serif’
installed on the computers so students used Times New Roman instead. The font style names ‘serif’ and
‘sans-serif’ are unlikely to appear as an installed font.

Comments on specific questions

Task 1 – The Evidence Document

This question was completed well by most candidates. Occasionally the screenshots were too small or faint
to be read. A small number did not present the evidence document for marking.

Task 2 – Document

Question 1

Most candidates changed the page orientation to landscape. Amendments to the paper size and margin
settings were not assessed in this paper.

Question 2

This question required the recalled file to be saved with a specified filename in the format of the word
processing software being used. Most candidates saved the file but some failed to follow the capitalisation
given or the file name contained errors. Some candidates continue to save in RTF format rather than the
format of the software they are using. Screenshot evidence of the save was often inconclusive as it showed
the save process rather than capturing the outcome after the file had been saved. A screenshot of the folder
contents after saving provides the required evidence.

Question 3

Headers and footers were generally inserted as instructed with automated page numbers and an automated
file name and path used. Occasionally these were not aligned with the page margins or the file path detail
wrapped to a second line which did not align to the right margin. A few candidates used the built in content
control to help align the text but did not remove superfluous text or placeholders in the header and/or footer
area which was penalised.

Question 4

Candidates are required to create paragraph styles according to the House style specification provided. The
styles must be correctly named with the correct attributes applied to each. This was completed to a higher
standard than in previous sessions. Common errors in creating the styles included errors in the style names,
serif or sans-serif font styles set incorrectly and incorrect spacing applied before and/or after the style.
Screenshot evidence of the UG-bullet style was required to show the attributes set for this style. Candidates
who simply format the relevant text rather than creating styles did not gain marks. Some styles were based
on another style and therefore inherited the formatting of another style. Additional formatting which was not
requested in the House style specification was penalised.

Question 5

Applying the UG-title style to the document title was well done. Candidates should not make any changes to
this text. A few candidates had set a serif font type rather than a sans-serif font and some applied additional
enhancements such as bold or drew a line across the width of the page which were not detailed in the House
style specification and were penalised.

Question 6 and 7

Most candidates entered the subtitle text in the correct position along with their name. A few incorrectly
entered a space before the colon. The UG-subtitle style was correctly applied to this text although
occasionally this displayed a serif font type or included additional spacing below the text. Additional
formatting inherited from the UG-title style and not listed in the House style specification (i.e. underline) was

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 8

Most attempted to apply the UG-body style to the rest of the text in the document. Some inconsistencies
were found in the UG-body text style with a serif font style and size not applied consistently, full justification
not applied to all the body text and some inconsistent spacing after paragraphs of body text. Another
common error was no spacing above the chart and this suggests that the 12 point space after had not been
set as part of the UG-body style. Had this been set and applied correctly the spacing above the chart would
have been set automatically. Candidates should check carefully that the style has been fully applied to all the

Question 9

Generally the required text was changed into three columns. Some candidates inserted the column break
below rather than above the subheading and a small number displayed the entire document in three
columns. The spacing between the columns was occasionally set at less than 1.5 centimetres.

Question 10

This question tested the application of the UG-bullet style with square shaped bullets and a 1 centimetre
hanging indent. A few candidates changed one or more list items to display initial capitals and some did not
set a hanging indent so the text incorrectly aligned under the bullet. A small number did not apply the
UG-bullet style to all the required text.

Question 11

This question tested the application of the UG-subhead style to each subheading within the document and
was generally performed well. Occasionally one subheading had been missed.

Question 12 to 15

Most candidates created a pie chart and inserted this in the correct position within the column width. The
most common error was the incorrect selection of data with most charting more than the total values only.
Most entered the chart title correctly although this occasionally contained errors such as ‘by’ instead of ‘By’.
Most candidates displayed a legend but where the chart plotted four sectors the legend items were not
always fully visible. Percentage values were displayed on each sector but this occasionally included
additional labels and/or data.

Question 16 and 17

Most candidates applied an external border and shading to the paragraph. Some candidates applied the
border to the wrong paragraph and several applied the default border width rather than a 3 to 4 point border.
Shading was applied but occasionally this was too light to be assessed. Some candidates applied the
shading to the text rather than the paragraph and it therefore did not fill box.

Question 18

The paragraph move was generally done well although a few copied the paragraph and some paragraphs
were incomplete with the full stop or more not moved. Spacing around the move was often inconsistent and
should be carefully checked as part of the final proofreading check.

Question 19 to 21

Most candidates inserted the image in the correct position. Aligning, reflecting and resizing the image were
generally well done. A few candidates failed to maintain the aspect ratio of the image but the majority
achieved full marks for this task.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 22

The overall layout and presentation of the document was generally good. Care should be taken to ensure
there is consistent spacing between paragraphs, particularly where text has been moved or inserted. Some
candidates did not notice or correct split lists. Occasionally the columns were not aligned at the top of the
page and there were several instances of subheadings left as widows in this document. The two spelling
errors in the penultimate paragraph were often not corrected.

Question 23

This question required the candidate to evaluate the differences between a blog and a forum and
recommend, with reasons, the most appropriate for use by the university. An evaluation should include
positives and negatives for each method and a conclusion to suggest which would be the most appropriate
for the task and why. Most responses to this question were weak. Those that attempted the question
provided descriptions or a list of facts rather than relating this to the context of use by the university and
providing a reasoned conclusion. A significant number of candidates confused the term ‘forum’ with ‘form’
and thought that it was not useful as it had to be filled in. Many compared a blog to an online or printed
questionnaire and many seemed to think that a blog could be amended or moderated by anyone. Not many
actually stated that a forum was for group discussions/sharing or that a blog was produced by one
person/organisation and could not be changed by anyone else. Most candidates gave a recommendation but
did not support this with their reasoning.

Task 3 – Database

Question 24

Almost all candidates correctly imported the csv file and used the correct field names and data types
although a few incorrectly included an ID field. The Full_Time field was occasionally set at a text field rather
than Boolean and this was often displayed on the report with True/False or Yes/No rather than as a
checkbox. Most set the primary key correctly

Question 25

Restricting data entry in the Length field proved difficult for a number of candidates with many evidencing a
filter within a query as their version of a validation routine. Those that did set this as a validation rule often
confused the operators entering <6 or >=6 instead of <=6. A number of candidates correctly set validation
but did not evidence which field this had been applied to. Less commonly data entry was restricted through
drop down lists. Any control which restricted data entry was accepted providing it clearly evidenced the field
it applied to and that no other entries would be accepted in the field.

Question 26

Most candidates entered the new record correctly and there were very few errors in this data.

Question 27

The second table was imported without difficulty. The primary key was correctly set and the tables
successfully linked through a one-to-many relationship. There was no instruction to enforce referential
integrity and this is not tested at this level.

Question 28

This report was generally done well. Most candidates used the correct search criteria and found the correct
number of records. Most displayed the correct fields but these were often in the wrong order as without
manual intervention the software will default to placing the sort fields first in the report. This can be avoided
by setting the sort order in the report after creating the structure of the report. The report was to fit on one
single portrait page and therefore tested the candidate’s ability to manipulate the data and adjust the field
widths to present the report as requested. The report was usually sorted correctly on the Length field but the
second field sort in ascending order of Subject proved difficult. Most correctly calculated the number of
subjects, positioned this under the Subject field and provided evidence of the formula used although some
used SUM instead of COUNT. The Total subjects label was mostly entered correctly to the left of the
calculation, but there were some capitalisation errors and/or the final letter was missing. The most common
errors were incorrect field order, truncated data and failure to present the report on one page.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 29

The second report used fields from both tables and searched on three fields using a wildcard and search
operators. The selection methods did not always find the correct records with a common omission being the
records which began with Science. Where candidates create a query and enter the search criteria on
separate rows using the OR option they should ensure all the criteria is entered on every row to prevent only
a partial result. Most sorted the data correctly and displayed the correct fields but these were occasionally
presented in the wrong order with the sort field positioned first in the report. The report was to fit the width of
a landscape page and tested the candidate’s ability to manipulate the data and adjust the field widths to
present the report as requested. Identification details were correctly entered at the top right but many did not
remove the page numbers from the report. The creation of a new calculated field was generally done well
although the new field heading occasionally contained capitalisation or data entry errors. The most common
errors were incorrect field order, truncated data, incorrect search criteria and the Boolean field not displayed
as a checkbox.

Task 4 – Mail Merge

Question 30

The mail merge task was done well and candidates appear to have mastered this skill. A number of
candidates are still not using a date field and it was evident that the date had been keyed in rather than using
a field. This was often presented in a shortened style or displayed as 25/04/2017 rather than in the format dd
MMMM yyyy. Where a date field had been used this was not always today’s date with some using
CreateDate, SaveDate or PrintDate field codes. Most candidates inserted the correct merge fields in the
correct position on the checklist. The most common error continues to be failure to retain space between the
fields and deleting existing punctuation as they insert the fields. Several candidates had deleted the colons
from the headings in the first section of the checklist. A few candidates failed to insert the Site and Tutor
fields and the full stop after Tutor was often removed. The session fields were correctly inserted although
sometimes these were duplicated. Most candidates included their details in the footer of the document
although some incorrectly entered these in the header instead. Not all candidates evidenced the use of a
field for today’s date and the formatting of this, instead giving a screen shot of the master letter or the date
format dialogue box.

Question 31 and 32

The mail merge selection was not done well. The selection process should have found four applicants who
start on or after 11/09/2017 but a significant number of candidates failed to print the correct number of
checklists even though the search criteria shown in the Evidence Document indicated they had produced the
correct search. On previous papers the result of the selection produced three documents and candidates
may have been expecting a similar result. A small number of candidates searched for greater than
11/09/2017 which produced only two checklists.

Task 5 – Presentation

Question 33

Most candidates successfully imported the slides and presented each as a title and bulleted list.

Question 34

The master items were entered onto the slides although these were not always in the specified position or
positioned consistently suggesting a master slide may not have been used. Marks were lost for one or more
elements not being in the same position on all slides and the logo was frequently not resized resulting in the
headings overlapping the logo. The most common error was the omission or inconsistent position of the slide

Question 35

Most students changed the layout of slide 1 to a title and subtitle layout and added their name to the text. A
few candidates left a bullet on the subtitle. Any alignment of the title and subtitle were accepted although the
title was expected to be larger than the subtitle.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 36

Nearly all candidates deleted the slide correctly.

Question 37

Most candidates changed the slide to a title and table layout. The table was generally well produced
although some candidates incorrectly applied shading to the table. Candidates who followed the instructions
to create the table structure and then copy the data into the table presented this well. A few candidates
opened the CSV file and copied the data, pasting this onto a blank slide in the presentation. The table then
had to be resized. This method invariably produced four columns of data rather than three.

Question 38

Most managed to insert a new row above the first row of the table and enter the heading although this text
often contained capitalisation or data entry errors. A few candidates entered the heading in a separate text
box which they positioned above the table.

Question 39 and 40

Those that inserted a new row in the table usually correctly merged the cells although the heading was not
always centre aligned. The majority enlarged the font size of rows 1 and 2 although not all applied bold
enhancement. Occasionally the font size was increased in columns 1 and 2 rather than rows 1 and 2.

Question 41 and 42

The answers to the theory questions were very mixed with few candidates achieving full marks. Many
answers were too vague, and there were quite a few candidates who entered more than two responses for
each slide. Extra answers were ignored.

Most candidates managed to identify at least one reason why internet information may not be reliable with
most stating that the information may be out of date, that wikis can be edited by non-experts and the internet
is not regulated. A few responses related to the security of web pages which did not answer the question.

Methods of checking the reliability of internet information included checking the website domain with .ac, .gov
and .edu suffixes given as reliable. A few incorrectly stated that suffixes were reliable. Other common
responses were comparing information from different sources/websites and checking when the information
was last updated.

Question 43

A significant number of candidates printed all slides as full-page slides instead of as handouts with 6 slides to
the page. Most printed the two slides as full page slides, and either portrait or landscape orientation was

Task 6 – Printing the Evidence Document

Question 40

Some candidates submitted no printout of the Evidence Document. It is essential that candidates print their
Evidence Document as failure to do so can result in a number of lost marks. Candidates should be
encouraged to print this towards the end of the exam, regardless of whether they have finished the paper.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers



Paper 0417/31
Practical Test B

General comments

A small number of candidates failed to print their name, Centre number and candidate number on some of
the documents submitted for assessment. Without clear printed evidence of the author of the work,
Examiners were unable to award any marks for these pages. It is not acceptable for candidates to annotate
their printouts by hand with their name as there is no real evidence that they are the originators of the work.

Some candidates omitted one or more of the pages from the required printouts. A small number of
candidates submitted multiple printouts for some of the tasks and failed to cross out those printouts that were
draft copies. Candidates must be aware of the dangers of cropping evidence in order to save space on a
sheet, it often looks impressive but this can lead to the loss of crucial data which could attain marks. In this
session far more candidates, than in previous sessions, printed work that was too small to read even using
magnification devices. Candidates MUST ensure that all text can be easily read with the naked eye.

Comments on specific questions

Question 1

Many of the candidates who showed evidence of the image resize gained full marks for the image

Question 2

Where candidates successfully completed step 3, Examiners could evidence the majority of candidates had
cropped the image to the specified size and saved this with the specified filename.

Question 3

Most candidates created the new folder and placed the correct files within it, not all used the folder name as
specified in the question paper; however, the majority of candidates did not show the folder name, file names
and extensions and particularly the image dimensions in this screen shot.

Question 4

A significant number of candidates responded to this evaluation stating that they would perform the tasks
that they had already performed up to this point without consideration of other solutions. The most popular
correct answers involved saving the file in jpeg (or gif) format and the impact that these changes would make
on file size and on improved transmission/upload/download times for the webpage. Often candidates’
answers were imprecise, for example: referring to ‘size’ rather than file size. Very few candidates suggested
that the colour depth of the image could be reduced to further improve the image for website use. Only a few
candidates considered the negative effects of reducing the image quality when seen in the web browser.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 5

This question was well answered by the majority of candidates, creating the table to the specifications given
and entering the text given. The accuracy of the text entry was not usually completed to the same high
standards with a number of typographical errors evident. A significant number of candidates set appropriate
alternate text for the image. This should describe to a user what the image, which is missing, shows in a
format that would be suitable for output using a text reader within the browser.

Question 6

Most candidates performed well in this question; there were many good descriptions of how they had used
hyperlinks in web pages that they had created. It must be noted that several candidates thought that a
hyperlink sent an email message rather than opened an email editor and prepared an email so it could be

Question 7

This question was not well answered, many candidates not adding anything in this cell, or adding
descriptions of absolute and relative paths in spreadsheets, rather than in the context of a web site. There
were some excellent, well considered answers from some candidates.

Question 8

The stylesheet was often attached as specified to the webpage, although some candidates did not place this
in the head section of the HTML.

Question 9

Most candidates set the text alignment as specified and the font sizes, although fewer candidates used the
most efficient methods by realising statements like font-size: 16px could be applied to 3 styles in a single
statement. Frequently discovered errors included the use of incorrect syntax for the css comment which
should have been placed at the top of the stylesheet and contain the candidate’s name, Centre number and
candidate number. Many candidates did not use the /* */ to surround the comment, some used no notation,
some used HTML comment markers and even JavaScript comment markers were seen by examiners. The
use of padding (set in either the table or table data sections) was often not correct. Examiners also viewed
many instances of the now deprecated HTML cell-padding=« command seen in the submissions. A
significant number of candidates did not replace the words List style with the correct selector. A number of
candidates did not save this stylesheet with a filename containing their candidate number, or if they did save
it in this format, did not then attach this stylesheet file to their web page. Most candidates who did use the
correct filename and attached the stylesheet to their web page got the correct priority by placing this
stylesheet below the one attached in step 8.

A few stylesheet screenshots contained truncated lines of css, often omitting part of their definitions including
the closing curly bracket ‘}’. Many of the screen shots submitted for both the browser view and the html were
too small to read, even when enlarged with magnification devices.

Question 10

The majority of candidates completed this step as specified although a small number placed both text
elements in the header rather than one in the header and one in the footer.

Question 11

This step was completed well by the majority of candidates, a small number of candidates set the text as a
serif rather than sans serif font. A few candidates did not alter the text colour to white.

Question 12

Most candidates completed this as specified. Some candidates set the range to jc rather than JC.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 13

The majority of candidates completed this step with 100% accuracy. The data set that was used for the
lookup range was not sorted so the LOOKUP function was not appropriate for this task and the final False (or
0) parameter was required. Some candidates omitted this parameter.

Question 14

This function was frequently completed as specified with the majority of candidates obtaining the right

Question 15

Most candidates who completed steps 13 and 14 replicated these functions as specified.

Question 16

Most candidates completed this using an AVERAGE function although not all specified the correct range.

Question 17

Unfortunately, a significant number of candidates placed the formula in cell F61 rather than cell G61. The
formula was frequently correct, although some candidates did select an incorrect range for the SUM.

Question 18

Many candidates completed this as specified, but a significant number of candidates did not set the Pay rate
column as currency. Other errors noted here included the use of incorrect or inconsistent currency values
and formatting the average number of hours worked as a currency value.

Question 19

Most candidates successfully saved and printed their spreadsheet, but a number failed to display the row
and column headings and/or set the column widths so that all data and formulae could be seen by the

Question 20

Almost all candidates completed this step as instructed.

Question 21

Although a significant number of candidates completed this as specified there were a number of candidates
who hid rows 1 and 2 as well as rows 3 to 15. Most candidates had hidden rows 60 and 61.

Question 22

More candidates completed this searching and sorting task with 100% accuracy that many previous
sessions. There were search errors, especially where wildcard searches had not been performed, some
candidates also failed to sort the data in ascending order of name. Some candidates did not select all he
data when sorting resulting in the loss of data integrity.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers



Paper 0417/32
Practical Test B

General comments

There were significant differences in the range of results from Centre to Centre and from candidate to
candidate within Centres. The paper gave a good spread of marks and candidate errors were spread evenly
over the sections of the paper.

A small number of candidates did not print their name, Centre number and candidate number on some of the
documents submitted for assessment. Without clear printed evidence of the author of the work, Examiners
were unable to award any marks for these pages. It is not acceptable for candidates to annotate their
printouts by hand with their name as there is no real evidence that they are the originators of the work.

Some candidates omitted one or more of the pages from the required printouts. A small number of
candidates submitted multiple printouts for some of the tasks and did not cross out those printouts that were
draft copies. Where multiple printouts are submitted, Examiners will only mark the first occurrence of each
page. Candidates must be aware of the dangers of cutting and pasting cropped versions of evidence in order
to save space on a sheet. It often looks impressive, but this invariably leads to the loss of crucial data which
could attain marks. In this session far more candidates (than in previous sessions) printed work that was too
small to read even using magnification devices. Candidates MUST ensure that all text can be easily read
with the naked eye.

Comments on specific questions

Question 1

Most candidates completed this step as specified, although there were a significant number of candidates
who did not give the folder the correct name. A number of candidates did not show the original
1732switch.png in their Evidence Document.

Question 2

Very few candidates showed the Examiner evidence of how they reduced the colour depth of the image.
Some altered the colour balance by changing red green and blue levels instead of reducing the colour depth.
Whilst most candidates gave before and after printouts, few showed their method.

Question 3

With few candidates showing evidence of the reduction in colour depth in step 2, many did not evaluate their
attempts. Many entered descriptions of their method that did not reduce the number of colours/changing the
file type or saving with 8 bits per channel rather than 16 bits per channel. Some candidates did discuss
reducing the image to 2 colours (to black and white) and others gained a mark for a realisation that image
quality was changed with their attempts. Other popular correct answers involved saving the file in jpeg (or gif)
format and the impact that these changes would make on file size and on improved
transmission/upload/download times for the web page.

Question 4

Examiners could find evidence that the majority of candidates had cropped the image to the specified size
and saved this with the specified filename.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 5

This question was well answered by the majority of candidates, creating the table to the specifications given
and entering the text given. The accuracy of the text entry was not always of the same high standards with a
number of typographical errors evident. Some candidates set appropriate alternate text for the image. A
significant number did not set any alternate text. The alternate text should describe to a user what the image
(that is missing) shows in a format that would be suitable for output using a text reader within the browser.

Question 6

Many candidates answered this question well and identified FTP as File Transfer Protocol. The most
common erroneous answer was FrontPage. Most candidates set this as style h2.

Question 7

This question was not well answered, many candidates not adding anything in this cell, or adding
requirements like a computer or the internet. Few descriptions related to FTP, most were general
descriptions of items required to access the internet. It was clear from the quality of answers to this question
that few candidates had first-hand experience of this process.

Question 8

The stylesheet was often attached as specified to the webpage, although some candidates did not place this
in the head section.

Question 9

This question discriminated well giving a full range of marks from 0 to 18. Most candidates set the text
alignment as specified and many set font sizes to the correct value, but some used pixels instead of points
as the measurement of size. Many candidates were unable to ‘centre align the table within the browser
window. Few candidates used the most efficient methods by realising statements like font-size: 16 pt and
font-family:Arial, sans-serif; could be applied to more than one style in a single statement. A significant
number of candidates included extra fonts, (particularly Helvetica), not in the specification. Frequently
discovered errors included the use of incorrect syntax for the css comment which should have been placed
at the top of the stylesheet and contain the candidate’s name, Centre number and candidate number. Many
candidates did not use the /* */ to surround the comment, some used no notation, some used HTML
comment markers and even JavaScript comment markers were seen by Examiners. A number of candidates
did not save this with a filename containing their candidate number, or if they did save it in this format, did
not attach this file to their web page. Many candidates who used the correct filename and attached the
stylesheet to their web page got the correct priority by placing this stylesheet below the one attached in step

A few stylesheet screenshots contained truncated lines of css, often omitting part of their definitions including
the closing curly bracket ‘}’. Many of the screen shots submitted for both the browser view and the html were
too small to read, even when enlarged with magnification devices.

Question 10

The majority of candidates completed this step as specified.

Question 11

This step was completed well by the majority of candidates, although some inserted only a single row.

Question 12

Many candidates introduced data entry errors when inserting the text specified in this question. The most
common errors were spelling, spacing and case errors.

© 2017
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0417 Information and Communication Technology June 2017
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 13

The merge element of this question was frequently performed as specified, but a small number of candidates
did not set a black background and/or set the text as a serif rather than a sans serif font. Some candidates
appeared to have black text on a black background making it impossible to check for data entry errors.

Question 14

This function was rarely completed as specified, most merged and aligned the cell contents but few
candidates set this as a subtitle.

Question 15

Most candidates completed this using a VLOOKUP function and obtained the correct results. Some
candidates omitted FALSE or 0 and others used TRUE or 1 for the final parameter; which for an unsorted
range of data did not give the correct results.

Question 16

Most candidates who completed step 15 replicated their function as specified.

Question 17

Most candidates successfully saved and printed their spreadsheet, but a number failed to display the row
and column headings and/or set the column widths so that all data and formulae could be seen by the
Examiner. A number printed the whole spreadsheet instead of the range specified.

Question 18

Most candidates successfully printed their spreadsheet showing the values, but some candidates who had
set row and column headings on for the formulae view did not turn them off again for this printout.

Question 19

Many candidates completed this as specified, but a significant number of candidates did not resize the image
whilst maintaining its aspect ratio and/or resize the row height as specified.

Question 20

Many candidates completed this step as instructed.

Question 21

Although a significant number of candidates completed this as specified there were a number of candidates
who did not select all the data when sorting so did not maintain the integrity of the data during this process.
Some candidates did not ‘refine the extract’ but appeared to use the original data.

Question 22

This question resulted in a wide range of candidate solutions, Examiners were looking for solutions that
would work for all data and would replicate in order to award full marks; solutions that gave the correct
results but did not replicate or work for all data gained some credit. Most who attempted it did produce
solutions with the correct answers. The labelling of the chart however was often found to be inadequate, with
few candidates identifying clearly what the data represented (including the units used for the average
download speeds). Appropriately labelled charts had a meaningful and detailed title, axis labels and axis

© 2017

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