Step 1: Bibliographic Details
Step 1: Bibliographic Details
Step 1: Bibliographic Details
the current strategy for the benefit of the organization through promoting cutting-edge
alternatives, projects, and tactics to senior management and HR management.
The study also discussed how the impact of gender diversity among subordinates and
middle management on HPWS improvement: Organizational demography and living
standards. While middle management that is gender varied has more collaborative
negotiating and engaging leadership abilities than middle management that is gender
homogeneous, the former has issues due to role incongruity. Moreover, the fresh ideas and
options that middle management advocates for improving HPWS can emerge from
subordinates due to the difference in living levels. Since male and female subordinates have
diverse work and life histories, they probably have different ideas about how the HPWS
should operate and how it already operates because of these disparities.