Development of Eco-Efficient Bricks - A Life Cycle Assessment Approach

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Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102429

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Development of eco-efficient bricks – A life cycle assessment approach

Xihong Zhang , Wahidul K. Biswas *
School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Curtin University, Perth, Australia


Keywords: This paper presents the results of techno-economic and environmental performance of interlocking and con­
Interlocking bricks ventional bricks used for building wall production. Techno eco-efficiency framework consisting of compressive
Construction efficiency strength test and tensile strength derivation for structural performance assessment and life cycle assessment for
determining eco-efficiency performance was applied to determine the Eco-efficient bricks. The replacement of
conventional plain bricks with interlocking blocks improved the structural mechanical performance. This con­
struction strategy could substantially reduce construction time, minimize labour cost, and increase mechanical
performance. The techno-eco-efficiency framework determined that four out of five interlocking bricks using PT
tendon, rebar and mortar could deliver the required level of compressive and tensile strengths with reduced level
of environmental impacts in a cost competitive manner. These interlocking bricks are thus known as ‘Eco-effi­
cient’ bricks. However, the conventional bricks are not completely eco-efficient mainly due to higher environ­
mental impacts than the interlocking bricks and they were only found to be eco-efficient in terms of tensile

1. Introduction could also be reduced as interlocking bricks would self-align. Because of

the introduced interlocking mechanism, the robustness and strength of
Masonry structure is one of the most popular structural forms. This is the masonry structure constructed with interlocking bricks is also ex­
because of low project cost, good sound and thermal insulation perfor­ pected to be improved. These features could be very suitable to rural
mance. Conventional masonry consists of clay bricks connected together areas where there is always shortage of experienced labours for con­
by a layer of mortar material. Due to the low tensile and shear strengths struction of conventional brick structures [16].
of mortar, failure always initiates in the mortar or the interface between Various interlocking mechanisms have been studied, in which some
brick and mortar. In addition, the structural quality and construction different types have been applied for structure connection. The me­
efficiency much depend on the experience and competency of brick chanical performances of different interlocking bricks have been
layers. Therefore, thin-bed or dry-stacking construction methods have investigated. For instance, Shi et al. carried out both laboratory and
been introduced in the past decades to increase construction efficiency. numerical study to investigate the compressive performance of inter­
In the meanwhile, utilizing interlocking bricks to replace conventional locking brick [17]. Sturm et al. [4] carried out laboratory tests to
clay bricks to improve structure mechanical performance has also been investigate the performance of shear key. Faidra et al. [18] studied
introduced. Dry-stacking interlocking masonry blocks could signifi­ interlocking assemblies made of glass, and found the osteomorphic
cantly reduce construction time, minimize labour cost, improve struc­ blocks exhibited good multifunctionality. There is very limited study on
tural performance [1,2] and construction quality [3–6]. It therefore has the flexural bending capacity of interlocking brick because negligible
attracted many interests and has been popularly used in practice. bending resistance could be provided by mortar-less interlocking bricks
Different interlocking bricks have been introduced in the past de­ without axial pre-compression, therefore grout in the void with rein­
cades, which could help to increase construction quality and efficiency forcing bars or post-tensioning strands are needed when tensile resis­
[6–14]. The production speed of interlocking brick may be increased to tance are needed for dry-stacking interlocking bricks. When prestress is
over five times comparing to conventional brick, which in the mean­ applied, laboratory tests found that similar flexural bending response on
while associate with 20%–40% of labour cost when employing inter­ interlocking brick prism as that of conventional brick [19–21], which
locking bricks in construction [15]. The skill requirement of brick layers proved that dry stacking interlocking bricks are capable of providing

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (W.K. Biswas).
Received 30 January 2021; Received in revised form 12 March 2021; Accepted 17 March 2021
Available online 28 March 2021
2352-7102/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Zhang and W.K. Biswas Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102429

sufficient flexural resistance without scarifying structural performance. potential for ozone depletion and acidification due to higher fuel con­
For dry-stacking (mortar-less) construction method, the elimination sumption in transportation of ETP bio-solids than that of brick soil and
of mortar could substantially reduce material cost. It also enables ma­ WTP biosolids. These LCA studies showed how the environmental im­
sonry construction in cold weather without elaborated requirements for pacts of bricks vary with materials, regions and manufacturing pro­
weather protection. The elimination of mortar also fundamentally solve cesses. Interestingly a recent LCA study confirms that interlocking
the problem of shrinkage damage, which greatly increases construction compressed earth brick has a less carbon dioxide emission compared to
speed. These above advantages could translate into great economic the conventional fire clay bricks in building construction. No study to
benefit out of this the system while inheriting the characteristics of date used the LCA approach to determine both economic and environ­
conventional brick construction [15,22,23]. mentally bricks. The economic assessment of the manufacturing of these
For an interlocking brick structure built with dry-stacking method, brick is also equally important to discern as to whether these environ­
the interlocking mechanism could be greatly improved from the inclined mentally friendly bricks are cost competitive with the conventional
keys, which enables the interlocking blocks with a better self-centring brick [32]. The bricks can be environmentally friendly but not
capacity. The elimination of bonding mortar also removes lateral ten­ cost-competitive due to extra investment on efficiency measures or vice
sile stresses between the interlocking blocks [24]. The interlocking versa. One of the ways to address this is to conduct an eco-efficiency
blocks could slide when it is subjected to in-plane loading. This relative analysis of interlocking bricks [33]. Thus, the innovative aspect of this
movement between bricks despite tiny could contribute to much energy research is to conduct an eco-efficiency analysis to determine the cost
dissipation. competitive and environmentally friendly bricks, known as ‘eco-effi­
Whilst interlocking bricks perform better than the conventional cient bricks’.
bricks in terms of structural aspects, further assessment is required to
determine whether this replacement could potentially yield environ­ 2. Materials and method
mental and economic benefits. Conventional bricks have already been
criticised for its environmental footprints. Interlocking bricks undoubt­ This section discusses the framework for developing an ‘eco-effi­
edly avoided the use of energy intensive cement by avoiding the use of cient’ brick. Jayawardane et al. [33] was followed to develop a frame­
mortar, but it at the same time uses energy intensive steel for rein­ work for eco-efficiency assessment. This method enables the assessment
forcement purposes for attaining the improved level of structural per­ of technical, economic and environmental performance for ascertaining
formance. While the cost of cement is avoided when building walls using the eco-efficient bricks.
interlocking bricks, cost of steel is added to the construction process.
Thus, both environmental and economic assessments are required to 2.1. Techno-eco-efficiency assessment framework
compare the interlocking bricks with the conventional bricks to discern
which brick could offer the required level of structural strength with The first step is to evaluate the compressive and tensile strengths of
reduced cost and environmental impacts. Life cycle assessment (LCA) interlocking and conventional bricks so as to ensure they could give the
has widely been used to assess the economic and environmental per­ required level of structural performance. There are five types of inter­
formance of two versions of the same product for facilitating the deci­ locking bricks considered in this research and the structural perfor­
sion making strategy [25]. mance of these bricks is expected to vary from each other due to
Life cycle assessment tool has predominantly been used mainly to variation in the use of PT tendon, rebar and infill grout. Once the
assess the environmental performance of varieties of bricks not only to structural performance of bricks has been determined, a detailed life
deter their environmental performance but also find ways to improve cycle inventory (LCI) of 1 m3 of interlocking bricks and conventional
their environmental performance. Using an LCA analysis, de Souza et al. bricks have been developed. LCI consists of the quantitative values of
[26] found that ceramic brick walls produced less climate change, materials and energy used during mining to material production,
resource depletion and water withdrawal impacts than the concrete transportation of materials to construction site and construction stages
brick and the cast-in-place reinforced concrete exterior walls. Huarachi of 1 m3 of brickwork. These inputs were used in the LCA analysis to
et al. [27] found that Climate change (CC), Human Toxicity (HT) and estimate environmental impacts and costs associated with the
Freshwater Ecotoxicity (FE) are the highest impact resulting from the manufacturing of 1 m3 of brickwork. After this, the environmental im­
production of bricks due to drying and burning processes. WeiKua and pacts and cost values for 1 m3 of brickwork have been converted to the
Kamath [28] found that the substitution of concrete with bricks resulted values for 1 Mega Pascal (MPa) for both compressive and tensile
in small reduction in global warming impacts. This study incorporated a strengths. This conversion allows us to determine environmentally and
mathematical model into the LCA analysis to determine the amount of economically feasible bricks or eco-efficient bricks to obtain 1 MPa
concrete constituents that needs to be decreased in order to nullify the equivalent of compressive and tensile strengths. These values were used
increased global warming potential resulting from the increase in import to calculate the ‘eco-efficiency portfolio (PP)’ of both interlocking and
of bricks. The LCA study of Kumer et al. [29] confirms that the damages conventional bricks in order to determine eco-efficient brick(s).
caused to energy resources, ecosystem quality and human health are
very high due to use of coal in brick kiln and also due to use of electricity 2.2. Technical performance assessment
produced from coal power plants. This finding helped identify mitiga­
tion strategies which can either be the efficient use of coal or the 2.2.1. Manufacturing of interlocking block and conventional clay brick
development of an improved combustion techniques to reduce harmful system
emissions. Dabaieh et al. [30] estimated the environmental benefits in Interlocking brick: Fig. 1 shows the dimension of the interlocking
terms of resource depletion, energy consumption, and harmful emissions blocks, which is 200 mm × 180 mm × 100 mm (length × height ×
due to replacement of fired industrial bricks, which is used as a common thickness). As illustrated, the blocks are featured with protruded large
building construction material, with sundried bricks. Using the life cycle tenon and mortise (35 mm × 30 mm × 35 mm (length × height ×
impact assessment (LCIA), Mohajerani [31] showed that the incorpo­ thickness)), which are different from other interlocking blocks with only
ration of biosolids from Melbourne Water’s Victorian Eastern Treatment small shear keys. The tenons of the interlocking bricks in this study are
Plant (ETP) into bricks is environmentally friendly and is a promising inclined which allow the assembly to slide under lateral loading. The
alternative approach to address most of the environmental impacts interlocking bricks are made through high pressure moulding method
except water depletion, which was mainly due to the higher demand of using gravel, cement, and sand as raw materials, which develops a
water of biosolids-amended bricks during the shaping process. In addi­ concrete-like property. Typical machine of 5.5 kW and manufacturing
tion, bricks incorporating ETP biosolids showed a relatively higher capacity of 100 pieces of blocks per hour. To illustrate construction and

X. Zhang and W.K. Biswas Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102429

Fig. 1. Dimensions of interlocking blocks.

cost, a typical 1 m width by 1 m tall brick wall is used as shown in Fig. 2. employed for the compression test. A 20 mm thick steel plate (150 mm
Table 1 shows the methods for manufacturing 5 types of interlocking wide × 300 mm long) is used above the brick prisms to distribute the
bricks. These methods have been used to manufacture interlocking brick applied compressive force from the 150 mm diameter loading platen.
wall. The compressive forced is applied using displacement control method at
Conventional clay brick: This is a typical brick manufactured by a constant loading rate of 0.03 mm/s. Two laser linear variable differ­
Midland Brick, Western Australia. Fig. 3 illustrate the dimension of the ential transducers are used along the brick prisms to track the
bricks. The bricks are made by kiln fire of extruded raw mixture material compressive displacements of the prisms, which are then averaged as the
comprising of primarily clay. Fig. 4 shows the construction method. compressive displacement. The compressive load is measured by an in-
Bricks are bonded by 10 mm thick mortar. And for strengthening pur­ built load cell. Fig. 5 depicts a test set-up with a 2-block prism.
pose, reinforcement (rebar) can be added. Table 2 shows the materials Since the interlocking bricks are not bonded by mortar, there is no
used for the production of two types of conventional bricks. tensile strength provided for the constructed interlocking brick wall. To
provide tensile strength for masonry wall made of interlocking bricks,
different construction methods are provided including:
2.3. Experimental procedure for structural performance test
• Method 1 – total mortar-less construction, in which the masonry wall
Since brick wall is primarily to take the compressive load from dead is by dry-stacking interlocking bricks. The theoretical tensile strength
and live load, the compressive performance of interlocking bricks is is therefore 0 MPa. This will be suitable to load-bearing or non-load
firstly examined. Three brick prisms of one-block, two-block and four- bearing walls that are not subjected to bending or uplifting induced
block are prepared for the uniaxial compression tests. Three specimens tensile forces.
are tested for each type of prisms. Dry-stacking method is employed by • Method 2 – Post-tensioning the interlocking brick wall using post-
stacking the blocks on top of each other, and no mortar is used for the tensioning strands. To achieve the minimum design requirement of
compression test. The compression tests on the interlocking brick prisms 0.2 MPa tensile strength as per Australian Standard AS3700, ϕ12mm
are conducted following EN1052-1 [25,25,34]. 7-wire tendon is designed to be placed at 1000 mm spacing through
Universal Testing System (SHIMADZU-300) at Curtin University is the preserved holes in the bricks. The tendon will be tensioned using
hydraulic jacks after the wall is stacked in position.
• Method 3 – Reinforcing the wall with rebar and mortar infill. Φ6mm
reinforcement bars are casted into dry-stacked interlocking brick
wall at 300 mm spacing through the preserved
• holes in the bricks. Grout infill is then used in the holes to bond the
rebar with the bricks. A tensile strength of 0.646 MPa is achieved
which is calculated following AS3700.
• Method 4 – Similar to method 3 but rebars are at 600 mm spacing,
which achieves a tensile strength of 0.323 MPa in the interlocking
brick wall.
• Method 5–10 mm mortar bed joining interlocking bricks. Similar to
conventional clay bricks, a 10 mm thick mortar joint can be applied
to connect the interlocking bricks so as to achieve the required 0.2
MPa minimum tensile strength.

2.4. Eco-efficiency framework

The eco-efficiency framework of Jayawardane et al. [33] was used to

develop steps for determining the eco-efficiency performance of inter­
locking and conventional bricks. This framework allows the integration
of environmental and economic objectives of sustainability. The aim is
to obtain structural performance with reduced level of both environ­
mental impacts and costs. Sometimes the environmental improvement
strategies could increase the costs or vice versa. Therefore,
eco-efficiency framework was used to balance environmental impacts
Fig. 2. The 1 m × 1 m wall composed of interlocking blocks. and costs through a comparative assessment process to determine as to

X. Zhang and W.K. Biswas Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102429

Table 1
Specifications of the interlocking brick wall system.
Method 1: Mortar-less (brick stacking for low-rise structures)

Number of blocks Volume of brick material Weight of brick materials

pcs m3 Kg
250/9 7/90 m3 560/9
Method 2: Mortar-less with post-tensioning tendon (ϕ12mm 7-wire tendon for minimum tensile strength 0.2 MPa)
Number of blocks Volume of brick material Weight of brick materials Volume of PT tendon Weight of PT tendon
pcs m3 Kg m3 kg
250/9 7/90 560/9 1.0744e-5 0.0838
Method 3: Mortar-less with rebar and infill grout (ϕ6mm rebar @300 mm spacing)
Number of blocks Volume of brick material Weight of brick materials Volume of rebar Weight of rebar Volume of grout Weight of grout
pcs m3 Kg m3 kg m3 kg
250/9 7/90 560/9 9.425e-5 0.7651 0.0023 4.6
Method 4: Mortar-less with rebar and infill grout (ϕ6mm rebar @600 mm spacing)
Number of blocks Volume of brick material Weight of brick materials Volume of rebar Weight of rebar Volume of grout Weight of grout
pcs m3 Kg m3 kg m3 kg
250/9 7/90 560/9 4.712e-5 0.3675 0.0012 2.4
Method 5: blocks with 10 mm mortar joint

Number of blocks Volume of brick material Weight of brick materials Volume of grout Weight of grout
Pcs m3 Kg m3 kg
250/9 7/90 560/9 0.005 10

Life cycle assessment approach has been used in the Eco-efficiency

Assessment (EEA) framework to determine environmental impacts and
costs of bricks. Firstly, an environmental life cycle assessment (ELCA)
approach following ISO14040-44 guidelines [35] was used to calculate
environmental impacts of both interlocking and conventional bricks.
This guideline consists of four steps, including goal and scope, life cycle
inventory (LCI), life cycle environmental impact assessment (LCIA) and
interpretation. The goal of this ELCA is to determine the environmental
impacts of different types of interlocking and conventional bricks. This
ELCA follows a ‘cradle to gate’ approach, including the mining of ma­
terial production, transportation of these materials to the construction
site, and construction stages. Because bricks are laid manually, the en­
ergy consumption during the construction stage was considered zero.
The brickwork of 1 m3 was chosen as the functional unit in this LCA
study in order to carry out a mass balance to estimate the amount of
energy and materials used to produce 1 m3 of brickworks for 5 types of
interlocking bricks (Table 1) and 2 types of conventional bricks
(Table 2). Fourteen environmental impacts that are considered relevant
specifically for Australia’s construction sector by the Building Product
Fig. 3. Configuration of midland brick Innovation Council [36] are listed below:

Global warming (kg CO2 e/inhabitant/year)

Abiotic resource depletion (kg Sb e/inhabitant per year)
Land use and ecological diversity (ha/inhabitant/year)
Water depletion (m3 H2O/inhabitant/year)
Eutrophication (kg PO4 e/inhabitant/year)
Acidification (kg SO2 e/inhabitant/year)
Fresh water aquatic ecotoxicity (kg 1,4-DB e/inhabitant/year)
Marine aquatic ecotoxicity (kg 1,4-DB e/inhabitant/year)
Terrestrial ecotoxicity (kg 1,4-DB e/inhabitant/year)
Photochemical smog (kg NMVOC/inhabitant/year)
Ozone depletion (kg CFC-11 e/inhabitant/year)
Ionising radiation (kBq U235 e/inhabitant/year)
Human toxicity (kg 1,4-DB e/inhabitant/year)
Respiratory inorganics (kg PM2.5 e/inhabitant/year)

Developing an LCI is a pre-requisite to estimate these aforemen­

Fig. 4. Construction method. tioned environmental impacts. Table 3 shows the LCIs consisting of in­
puts, including, brick, PT tendon, rebar, infill grout and transportation,
whether the interlocking brick could offer better eco-efficiency perfor­ for both interlocking and conventional bricks, based on the aforemen­
mance than the normal or conventional bricks. Other than comparison, tioned experiment for testing structural performance.
this framework also helped discern as to whether interlocking bricks are The inputs of life-cycle inventory have been linked to corresponding
eco-efficient or not. emission factor databases in the SimaPro 8.4 LCA software [37]. Since

X. Zhang and W.K. Biswas Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102429

Table 2
Specifications of conventional brick wall systems.
Method 1: block with 10 mm mortar joints

Number of blocks Volume of brick material Weight of brick materials Volume of grout Weight of grout

Pcs m3 kg m3 kg
50/3 1/20 40 0.0023 4.6
Method 2: block with 10 mm mortar and rebar (ϕ6mm rebar @600 mm spacing)
Number of blocks Volume of brick material Weight of brick materials Volume of rebar Weight of rebar Volume of grout Weight of grout
Pcs m3 Kg m3 Kg m3 kg
50/3 1/20 40 4.712e-5 0.3675 0.0023 4.6

Fig. 5. Test setup for uniaxial prism compression test.

Table 3
Life cycle inventory of interlocking (IL) bricks and conventional bricks (CB).
Mining to material Unit IL 1 IL 2 IL 3 IL 4 IL5 CB 1 CB 2

Min tensile strength MPa/m3 0 0.2 0.646 0.323 0.2 0.2 0.723
Weight of brick kg/m3 415 415 415 415 415 444 444
PT tendon kg/m3 0 0.0838 0 0 0 0 0
Rebar kg/m3 0 0 0.7651 0.3675 0 0 0.3675
Infill grout kg/m3 0 0 4.6 2.4 10 4.6 4.6
Total weight kg/m3 415 415 420 418 425 449 449
Transportation to site tkm 4356 4356 4404 4381 4450 12043 12046

the databases of brick, PT tendon, rebar, infill grout are not directly • Emission factors of 25 kg of Bentonite, 250 kg of cement and 910 m3
available in the software, the emission databases of these inputs were of water and 483 kWh of electricity required to make 1185 kg of in
created to represent the local conditions of Western Australia. grout was considered for developing the database of infill grout.

• The unit of transportation was considered as tonne-kilometres (or The inputs of brickworks were linked to the corresponding emission
tkm) travelled in order to determine the emissions associated with factors in the LCA software to calculate 14 environmental impacts of
transportation. these bricks. All these environmental impacts cannot be estimated using
• The emission factor of cement that accounts for 10% of the total an Australian impact method. The six impacts, including photochemical
weight of interlocking brick and the emissions associated with the smog, ozone depletion, ionising radiation, respiratory inorganics, and
generation of electricity in Western Australia for producing the 1 kg Abiotic resource depletion which cannot be calculated using an
brick in interlocking brick making machine were used to develop an Australian impact method were calculated using Recipe, Traci and CML
emission factor database for interlocking bricks. methods available in the software. Consideration of these methods was
• The emission factor for wire drawn steel was considered for devel­ also deemed appropriate for Australia by Bengtsson and Howard [36]
oping the emission factor database for PT tendon. Emission factor of and Renouf et al. [38]. The input values in the LCI of each brickwork
steel rebar, blast furnace and electric arc furnace route at plant was (Table 3) were multiplied by the corresponding emission factors to es­
considered for rebar. timate the impacts listed in Table 4.
After ELCA analysis, an economic analysis was carried out to

X. Zhang and W.K. Biswas Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102429

Table 4
Impact assessment methods to estimate the environmental impacts.
Impact Assessment Methods Environmental Impacts Units

Australian indicator set v2.01 [39] Land use and ecological diversity Ha a
Eutrophication kg PO3−
4 e
Water depletion m3 H2O
Global warming t CO2 e
Human toxicity kg 1,4-DB e
Terrestrial ecotoxicity kg 1,4-DB e
Freshwater ecotoxicity kg 1,4-DB e
Marine ecotoxicity kg 1,4-DB e
CML 2 baseline 2001 [40] Abiotic depletion kg Sb e
ReCiPe Midpoint (E) V1.12/Europe Recipe E [41] Acidification kg SO2 e
Ozone depletion kg CFC-11 e
Photochemical smog kg NMVOC
Ionising radiation kg U235 e
TRACI v2.1 [42] Respiratory inorganics kg PM2.5 e

e − equivalent, Ha. a – hectare years, PO3−

4 – phosphate, CO2 – carbon dioxide, DB – disability, NMVOC – non-methane volatile organic compounds, U235 – uranium
235, Sb – antimony, CFC – cholorofluorocarbon, SO2 – sulphur dioxide, PM – particulate matter.

determine the unit cost for the brickworks. The same functional unit that obtained from ABS [49] and ABS [50], were used to determine the GDP
was used for ELCA was considered in the economic assessment (i.e. per inhabitant.
AUD/MPa) to maintain the consistency of economic and environmental This normalised cost (NC) is expressed as the number of Australian
assessments. Economic analysis used the same inputs used in ELCA (i.e. inhabitants who are generating the same amount of annual GDP (Eq.
Table 1) but labour data was added to these inputs to estimate life cycle (3)) [33].
cost. The cost of this transport (i.e. 0.09/tkm for truck) was sourced from
the Department of Infrastructural and Regional Development [43]. This NC = [inhabitants] (3)
price was inflated using relevant year inflation rates. The cost of inter­
locking and conventional bricks were obtained from Curtin University The initial eco-efficiency portfolio positions (PPe and PPc) of the
(according to the material cost, and technician labour cost). and brickworks “b” were calculated by determining the ratio of the nor­
Midland Bricks, Western Australia. The unit cost of rebar and PT Tendon malised cost/environmental impact values and the average normalised
are AUD 1.6/kg [44] and AUD 0.8/kg [45], respectively. The labour cost cost/impact values of brickworks “j” (Eqs. (4) and (5)) [33].
in terms of laying bricks for one m2 of brick wall was obtained from EIb
Ref. [46], which was inflated to 2020 price (i.e. AUD60/m2) using the PPe,b = (4)
inflation rates from Ref. [47]. The labour cost of interlocking bricks is
70% less than that for conventional bricks [48]. NCb
Once environmental impacts and cost are determined for each PPc,b = (5)
brickwork, these values are normalised and weighted (using environ­
mental impact weighting factors) to ascertain a single score for overall These portfolio positions calculated were adjusted using the envi­
environmental performance of each of brickwork, while the cost of ronment to cost relevance factor (Re,c ) (Eq. (6)) in order to determine as
brickwork is normalised to the recent Australian Gross Domestic Product to whether cost is more effective (Re,c < 1) for determining eco-efficient
(GDP). The normalised cost and environmental impact values of brick­ bricks or vice-versa. This shows how the changes in the environmental
works are then used to determine the ‘eco-efficiency portfolios’. and economic performance of one type of brick could potentially affect
Following steps are required to conduct an eco-efficiency portfolio the same performance of another type of brick.
analysis. ∑
( EI)/j
Normalisation and weighting of environmental impacts: For the Re,c = ∑ (6)
( NC)/j
brickworks, the normalised values (NVi) of each environmental impact
“ei” is determined by dividing life cycle environmental impact (LCEIi) by This relevance factor was used to calculate the final portfolio
the gross domestic environmental impact (GDEIi) in Table 3 (Eq. (1))
[26]. Table 5
Normalisation factors of the environmental impacts [36].
NVi = [inhabitants] (1) Environmental Impact Gross Domestic Environmental Impact (per Weights
inhabitant per year)
The normalisation factor of each impact is represented in terms of the Land use and ecological 26 Ha a 20.90%
same impact caused by an Australian inhabitant per year. (Table 5). diversity
These normalised values were aggregated into a single environ­ Eutrophication 19 kg PO3−
4 e 2.90%
mental score using the relative weight (W) of each impact. These Ws are Water depletion 930 m3 H2O 6.20%
Global warming potential 28,690 t CO2 e 19.50%
specifically developed for Australia [36] (Table 5). The normalised
Photochemical smog 75 kg NMVOC 2.80%
environmental impacts (EI) were calculated using Eq. (2) [33]. Human toxicity 3216 kg 1,4-DB e 2.70%
Terrestrial ecotoxicity 88 kg 1,4-DB e 10.30%

Freshwater ecotoxicity 172 kg 1,4-DB e 6.90%
EI = NEei × Wei [inhabitants] (2)
Marine ecotoxicity 12,117,106 kg 1,4-DB e 7.70%
Ionising radiation 1306 kg U235 e 1.90%
Normalisation of costs: The LCCtotal of brickworks were normalised Abiotic depletion 300 kg Sb e 8.20%
using the recent Australian gross domestic product (GDP). The values of Ozone depletion 0.002 kg CFC-11 e 3.90%
Acidification 123 kg SO2 e 3.10%
GDP (AUD1,815,372 million) and the total population (25.2 million), Respiratory inorganics 45 kg PM2.5 e 3.00%

X. Zhang and W.K. Biswas Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102429

Fig. 6. Sample eco-efficiency portfolio [51].

positions of bricks (PP’e,b and PP’c,b) in which the environmental impact

and cost values were equally balanced (Eqs. (7)–(8)) [33].
[(∑ )/ [ ((∑ ) / )] √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ]
PP′ e,b = PPe,b j + PPe,b − PPe,b j ⋅ Re,c
/ [(∑ )/ ]
PPe,b j (7)

[(∑ )/ [ ((∑ ) / )] / √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ]

PP′ c,b = PPc,b j + PPc,b − PPc,b j Re,c
/ [(∑ )/ ]
PPc,b j (8)

If the ratio of PP’e,b and PP’c,b is ≥ 1, then the option is eco-

efficient. It means that the portfolio position will be either on the di­
agonal line or above the line of a rectangular portfolio plot. Any point on
the diagonal line is 1 (Fig. 6).

3. Results and discussions

3.1. Technical feasibility study

3.1.1. Prism compressive strength

Masonry walls are designed primary to take compressive force
induced by dead and live loads of superstructures and house inhibits. It
is therefore important to evaluate and ensure sufficient compressive
strength is achieved for the new brick system. Therefore, the compres­
sive strength of interlocking bricks made components is firstly
Fig. 7 presents the axial load-displacement curves of interlocking
brick prisms made of the 1-block, 2-block and 4-block. For the 1-block
prism, the applied compressive load rises gradually to around 20 kN
at 1.3 mm axial displacement, when due to seating effect [52] the gaps
close between the bricks. As a result, the slope of the curve increases and
Fig. 7. Force-displacement curves with prism cracking development.
the load increases quickly with displacement until an ultimate load of
128 kN is reached, which corresponds to about 6.4 MPa compressive
strength. The bricks begin to damage which can be observed as the of blocks. Because of asperity interactions at prism interfaces more as­
force-displacement curve drops. Due to inherent interface variability, perities could be worn when more blocks are under compression. About
slightly difference was found on the force-displacement curves among 100 kN ultimate compressive force is measured for the 4-block prisms,
the three specimens tested. Similar behaviour can be found for the which corresponds to 5 MPa equivalent prism compressive strength. A
2-block and 4-block prisms. It is worth noting that because of seating larger displacement is found on the 4-block prisms comparing to the
effect, the initial displacement increases with the increase in the number 1-block and 2-block prisms. The load quickly reduces after reaching the

X. Zhang and W.K. Biswas Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102429

Table 6 economic and environmental performance required to be ascertained for

Summary of strengths of interlocking and conventional bricks with different determining the ‘eco-efficient bricks’.
construction methods.
Type/method IL 1 IL 2 IL 3 IL 4 IL 5 CB1 CB 2 3.2.1. Environmental impacts
Compressive strength 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 0.2 0.723
Firstly, an environmental life cycle assessment has been conducted to
Mpa estimate 14 environmental impacts in order to conduct an eco-efficiency
Min. tensile strength 0 0.2 0.656 0.323 0.2 0.2 0.723 analysis. Fig. 8 shows the total environmental impacts of 1 m3 of five
(MPa) interlocking bricks (IL) and two conventional bricks (CB). The envi­
ronmental impacts were presented in term of habitants per year, which
means that all impacts were converted to habitants per year and then
ultimate compressive force. The above tested equivalent compressive
they were added to obtain a single environmental score (habitants per
strength of interlocking brick prism is found to be similar to conven­
year) for each brick. Global warming impact has been found to be the
tional clay brick made prism. It is worth noting that normally clay brick
dominant impact for all type of bricks including interlocking and con­
material has a strength between 10 MPa and 15 MPa [53], while that for
ventional ones. This is not only because of the use of carbon intensive
brick assembly is between 4 and 8 MPa due to influence of mortar and
materials like cement and clay bricks, but it is also due to the fact that
brick interface [54]. Through the above compressive test, it could be
global warming impact has been given the highest weight among all
found that the compressive strength of interlocking brick wall is strongly
environmental impacts in Australia (Table 5). In few cases water use was
influenced by the number of bricks. A parametric study showed that an
found to be the dominant impact mainly due to the use of water in infill
averaged compressive strength of 5.5 MPa could be achieved for inter­
grouts. Interlocking brick 5 has the highest impact among all inter­
locking brick wall, which is therefore used for the different design
locking bricks, while conventional type 2 bricks have the highest impact
methods as tabulated in Table 6. It is worth noting that the 5.5 MPa
among conventional bricks due to having higher amount of infill grouts
compressive strength is for interlocking brick assembly rather than brick
compared to other bricks (as confirmed by Fig. 9). The environmental
material (which is about 15 MPa [55]). Design standard requires a
impact of conventional brick 1 (i.e. CB1) is 67%, 67%, 48%. 58% and
minimum brick material compressive strength of 3 MPa [56]. Like clay
28% higher than IL1, IL2, IL3, IL4 and IL5 respectively. In the case of
brick, the interlocking brick could also meet the design limit.
conventional brick 2 or CB2, the environmental impact is 73%, 73%,
54%, 64% and 34% higher than IL1, IL2, IL3, IL4 and IL5 respectively.
3.1.2. Wall tensile strength
Fig. 9 shows that infill grout alone accounts for 85% and 90% of the
For conventional clay brick, the construction can be categorized as
total water consumption for conventional brick 2 and interlocking brick
steel reinforced with rebar and not-reinforced. When no reinforcement is
5, respectively. Cement and fired clay brick accounted for 71% and 95%
used, a 10 mm thick mortar bed is used to bond the clay bricks, which
of the total global warming impact of the production of interlocking
provides a minimum tensile strength of 0.2 MPa based on bond-wrench
brick 7 and conventional brick 2, respectively. Infill grout consists of a
test. It is worth noting that many factors such as workmanship quality,
large amount of energy intensive cement (21%) and a large amount of
mortar grade, setting time etc. all could influence the tensile strength.
water (77%) and therefore, brickworks with a higher amount of infill
But 0.2 MPa is found to be conservative which is the minimum tensile
grout have higher environmental impacts. The results of the current
strength requirement as defined by design standard AS 3700 [57]. When
study have been compared with other studies in terms of environmental
Φ6mm reinforcement bars are used at 600 mm spacing, a tensile
impacts. A recent study by Asman et al. [58] found that the interlocking
strength of 0.723 MPa for the conventional brick is calculated following
compressed earth brick (CEB) produced 56.79 kgCO2/m3 of wall, which
AS3700. Table 6 summarizes the tensile strength of both interlocking
is close to the results in this current studies as the carbon footprint of
bricks and conventional clay bricks using different construction
interlocking bricks in the current study varies from 46.5 kg CO2 e to
55.72 kg CO2e (Table 7). While interlocking bricks have been found
environmentally friendlier than conventional bricks, it is yet to be
3.2. Eco-efficiency analysis ascertained as to whether the former is more eco-efficient than the
Whilst interlocking bricks were found to demonstrate the same level
and even better structural properties than conventional bricks, their

Fig. 8. Environmental impacts of interlocking and conventional bricks in terms of Eco-points.

X. Zhang and W.K. Biswas Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102429

Fig. 9. Hotspot analysis (thick red lines) - Breakdown of global warming impacts and water use in terms of inputs for Interlocking brick 5 and conventional brick 2.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

based on compressive strength, but no conventional brick was found

Table 7
to be eco-efficient as their portfolio positions are below the diagonal line
Global warming impacts of interlocking bricks.
(or ratio of PP’e,b and PP’c,b is ≤ 1) (Fig. 10). Although the costs of both
Impact category Unit IL 1 IL 2 IL 3 IL 4 IL 5 conventional and interlocking bricks are almost the same, the environ­
Global Warming kg CO2e- 46.5 46.6 52.0 48.24 47.7 mental performance of the latter is significantly higher than the former
and so they cannot deliver the same level of structural performance in an
eco-efficient manner. Another reason is that the compressive strength
3.2.2. Economic costs
provided by the interlocking bricks is higher than the conversional brick.
Table 8 shows that the interlocking bricks are cost-ecompetitive with
IL 1 and IL2 bricks are the most eco-efficient bricks compared to other
conventional bricks when delivering 1 MPa equivalnet amount of
interlocking bricks due to the fact that these two types of interlocking
compressive strength due to having higher strenght than the latter.
brick do not use energy intensive rebar and infill grout using cement.
When considering the unit cost in terms of tensile stregth, the conve­
When eco-efficiency portfolio positions are based on tensile strength,
sional bricks are cost-competitive then the interlocking bricks due to
then all bricks except for IL1 were found eco-efficient. Whilst the envi­
having significanly higher tensile strengh than the latter. However, both
ronmental impacts of conventional bricks are higher than interlocking
interlocking and conventional bricks have more or less the same unit
bricks, they are found to achieve eco-efficiency mainly due to having
costs, when the costs of these bricks were compared only in terms of per
higher tensile strength (C2) than the interlocking bricks and also due to
m3 of brick. Whilst the environmental performance of interlocaking
the use of less energy intensive materials (C1). IL3 offers the best eco-
bricks is better than the conventional ones, it is important to discern as
efficiency performance due to having high tensile strength. Despite
to whether interlocking bricks can be more cost-competitive and envi­
the cost as well as environmental impacts of IL1 are lower than other
ronmentally friendlier than conventional ones to deliver the required
interlocking and conventional bricks, its tensile strength is so negligible
level of structural performance.
that it has not been found to be an eco-efficient brick based on the tensile
3.2.3. Eco-efficiency portfolio
Interlocking brick types, including IL2, IL3, IL4, L4, and IL5 are thus
All 5 interlocking brick works have been found to be eco-efficient

Table 8
Costs of interlocking and conventional bricks in terms of Australian Dollar (AUD).

Brick 129.63 129.63 129.63 129.63 129.6 59.52 59.52

PT tendon 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00
Rebar 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.30 0.0 0.00 0.30
Infill grout 0.00 0.00 11.96 6.24 26.0 11.96 11.96
Transportation cost 0.39 0.39 0.40 0.39 0.4 1.08 1.08
Labour 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1
Total AUD/m3 150.09 130.12 142.62 136.57 156.0 144.07 156.03
AUD/m3/MPa of CS 27.29 23.66 25.93 24.83 28.4 52.01 52.01
AUD/m3/MPa of TS 15,008.6 750.91 251.83 484.92 779.04 820.65 880.47

Note: AUD = 0.78USD in March 2021.

X. Zhang and W.K. Biswas Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102429

interlocking bricks and conventional bricks in the eco-efficiency

framework had enabled to find out the bricks delivering the same
structural strengths with reduced environmental impacts not entailing
the excessive cost. This paper concluded that most of the interlocking
brick works except for the one using bricks only (i.e. without mortar,
rebar, tendon, grout etc.) demonstrated better eco-efficiency perfor­
mance than conventional bricks to deliver same compressive and tensile
strengths. Conventional bricks were not found to be completely eco-
efficient but they are eco-efficient based on tensile strengths only.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Xihong Zhang: Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation,

Methodology, Resources, Validation, Writing – review & editing.
Wahidul K. Biswas: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology,
Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original
draft, Writing – review & editing.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.


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