EFF - Imp Questions - List - MVSIR

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CA Intermediate – May 2023

Economics for Finance

EFF Important
Questions List

By CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR)


EFF Important Questions List

Business & Commercial Knowledge

Chp No. of Approx

Chapter Name Page No.
No. MCQs Marks

Determination of National 8 to 12
1 30 1–8
Income Marks

8 to 12
2 Public Finance 26 9 – 12

8 to 12
3 The Money Market 27 13 – 17

8 to 12
4 International Trade 27 18 - 22

Total 40 Marks

FM & EFF Compiler (Que & Ans) available on – mvsir.in

EFF Important Questions


Q. 1 Compiler Q.3 MTP Mar 19, Apr 19

What do you understand by the term ‘final good”?

Q. 2 Compiler Q.6 PYQ Nov 18

Explain the Concept of Gross National Product at market price (GNPMP).

Q. 3 Compiler Q.8 MTP Mar 22

How GDP and GNP differ in their treatment of international transaction?

Q. 4 Compiler Q.13 RTP May 22

Can the GDP of a country be taken as an Index of welfare of people in the country?

Q. 5 Compiler Q.15 RTP Nov 22

What are the Challenges in compilation of in National Income Accounting?

Q. 6 Compiler Q.17 RTP May 20 & MTP May 20

How are the following transactions treated in national income calculation? What is
the rationale in each case?
i. Electricity sold to a steel plant
ii. Electric power sold to a consumer household
iii. A car manufacturer procuring parts and components from the market
A computer producer buys a robot produced in the same country and uses it in
production of computers.

Q. 7 Compiler Q.19 PYQ July 21, MTP Sep 22

What do you mean about gross investment of a country?

Q. 8 Compiler Q.22 PYQ Nov 20, MTP Oct 19, RTP May 22
Which is the most appropriate method for calculation of National Income in developed
Is country like India unable to estimate their National Income wholly by one method?
Give comments

Q. 9 Compiler Q.27 MTP Oct 21

What is supra regional sector in an economy?

CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR) 1

EFF Important Questions

Q. 10 Compiler Q.34 PYQ Dec 21

The Nominal GDP and Real GDP of a country in the financial year 2018-19 were Rs
1,500 crore and Rs 1,200 crore respectively, you are required to calculate:
i. GDP deflator in the financial year 2018-19 and comment.
Inflation rate in the financial year 2019-20 assuming. GDP deflator rate in this year
is 140 as compared to the year 2018-19.

Q. 11 Compiler Q.36 RTP May 18

You are given the following data on an economy in millions
Consumer Expenditure (inclusive of indirect taxes) 110

Investment 20

Government Expenditure (inclusive of transfer payments) 70

Exports 20

Imports 50

Net Property Income from abroad 10

Transfer payments 20

Indirect taxes 30

Population 0.5
i. Calculate the Gross Domestic Product at market prices.
ii. Calculate the Gross National Income at market prices.
iii. Calculate the Gross Domestic Product at factor cost.
Calculate the per capita Gross National Income at factor cost.

Q. 12 Compiler Q.38 PYQ July 21

The following information is related to an economy:
Particulars (Rs.) In Crore

Domestic Sales 3600

Opening Stock 800

Exports 1000

Depreciation 300

Closing Stock 200

Net indirect tax 400

Intermediate consumption 600

Net factor income from abroad 10

2 CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR)

EFF Important Questions

Calculate the followings:

i. Gross Value of Output (GVOMP)
ii. Gross Value Added (GVAMP)
iii. Net Value Added (NVAMP)
iv. Net Domestic Product (NDPFC)
Net National Product (NNPFC)

Q.13 Compiler Q.42 RTP May 19

Using the information given in the following table calculate,
Particulars Amount

Sales by firm B to general government 300

Sales by firm A 1500

Sales by firm B to households 1350

Change in stock of firm A 200

Closing stock of firm B 140

Opening stock of firm B 130

Purchases by firm A 270

Indirect taxes paid by both the firms 375

Consumption of fixed capital 720

Sales by firm A to B 300

i. Value added by firm A and firm B
ii. Gross Domestic Product at Market Price
iii. Net Domestic Product at Factor Cost.

Q.14 Compiler Q.52 ICAI SM, RTP May 20, MTP Oct 22
Calculate the Operating Surplus with the help of following data
Particulars Rs. in Crores

Sales 4000

Compensation of employees 800

Intermediate consumption 600

Rent 400

Interest 300

Net indirect tax 500

Consumption of Fixed Capital 200

CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR) 3

EFF Important Questions

Mixed Income 400

Q.15 Compiler Q.52 ICAI SM

Calculate Gross Domestic Product at market Prices (GDPMP) and derive national income
from the following data (in Crores of Rs.)
Particulars Amount

Inventory Investment 100

Exports 200

Indirect taxes 100

Net factor income from abroad - 50

Personal consumption expenditure 3,500

Gross residential construction investment 300

Depreciation 50

Imports 100

Government purchases of goods and services 1000

Gross public investment 200

Gross business fixed investment 300

Q.16 Compiler Q.61 RTP May 2022

Calculate National Income with the help of Expenditure Method and Income Method:

Particulars In Crore

Compensation of employees 1600

Profit 700

Net factor Income from above abroad 40

Indirect Taxes 200

Subsidies 80

Private Final Consumption Expenditure 1800

Net domestic capital formation 900

Depreciation 150

Interest 600

Rent 400

4 CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR)

EFF Important Questions

Mixed Income of self employed 800

Export 50

Import 30

Government Final consumption expenditure 1,100

Employees contribution to social security scheme 400

Q.17 Compiler Q.72 RTP Nov 2019

Calculate Personal Income from the following data:

Particulars In Crore

Undistributed profits of corporation 50

Net domestic product accruing to private sector 700

Corporation tax 65

Net factor income from abroad 10

Net current transfer from rest of the world 20

Net current transfer from the government 25

Interest on national debt 40

Q.18 Compiler Q.73 ICAI SM

On basis of following information, calculate NNP at market price and Disposable personal
Items Rs. in Crores

NDP at factor cost 14,900

Income from domestic product accruing to government 150

Interest on National debt 170

Transfer payment by government 60

Net private donation from abroad 30

Net factor income from abroad 80

Indirect taxes 335

Direct taxes 100

Subsidies 262

Taxes on corporate profits 222

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EFF Important Questions

Undistributed profits of corporations 105

Q.19 Compiler Q.75 RTP Nov 21

Calculate from the following data:
a) Private Income
b) Personal Income

Particulars In Crore

Savings of non-department private enterprises 5,000

Income from domestic product accruing to private sector 450

Saving of private corporate sector 250

Current Transfer from government administrative


Current Transfer from of the world 200

Corporative Tax 80

Direct personal tax 160

Net factor Income from abroad (70)

Q.20 Compiler Q.76 RTP Nov 18

Calculate Gross National Disposable income from the following data (in Rs. Crores)
NDP at factor cost 6000

Net factor income to abroad -300

Consumption of fixed capital 400

Current transfers from government 200

Net current transfers from rest of the world 500

Indirect taxes 700

Subsidies 600

Q.21 Compiler Q.83 RTP Nov 22

What are the factors that causes leakages in the multiplier?

Q.22 Compiler Q.86 RTP Nov 21, MTP Sep 22

How deflationary gap arises in an economy?

6 CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR)

EFF Important Questions

Q.23 Compiler Q.88 MTP May 20, Mar 22, RTP May 18, Nov 18
What would happen if aggregate expenditures were to exceed the country’s economy’s
production capacity?

Q.24 Compiler Q.97 PYQ Dec 21

How is aggregate consumption function affected, if:
i. An impending war is expected to result in shortage of goods and an adoption of
a rationing system,
ii. Increased cost for steel, oil etc. are expected to result in higher prices for
consumer goods, or
The leadership assures that economic policy is bringing the recession to an end.

Q.25 Compiler Q.99 MTP Nov 21, Mar 22, Apr 22, RTP May 22
How is multiplier useful in of functioning of Keynesian theory of determination of
National Income?
What are the factors behind the concept of multiplier?

Q.26 Compiler Q.102 MTP Aug 18

If an economy has a flat aggregate expenditure function, what would be the nature of
the multiplier?

Q.27 Compiler Q.119 MTP Mar 2019

The equilibrium level of income of an economy is Rs. 2,000 crores. The autonomous
consumption expenditure is equal to Rs.100 crores and investment expenditure is Rs.500
crores. Calculate.
i. Consumption expenditure level of National Income.
ii. Marginal propensity to save and Marginal propensity to consume
Break-even level of Income.

Q.28 Compiler Q.120 ICAI SM

If saving function S = -10 + 0.2Y and autonomous investment I = 50 Crores. Find out
the equilibrium level of income, consumption and if investment increases permanently by
Rs. 5 Crores, what will be the new level of income and consumption?

Q.29 Compiler Q.127 ICAI SM

The consumption function is C = 40 + 0.8Yd,T= 0.1Y, I = 60 Crores G = 40 Crores, X
= 58 and M = 0.05 Y. Find out equilibrium level of income, Net Export, net export if
export were to increase by 6.25.

Q.30 Compiler Q.141 RTP May 18

For an Economy with the following specifications Consumption,
C = 50 + 0.75 Yd
Investment, I = 100

CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR) 7

EFF Important Questions

Government Expenditure, G = 200

Transfer Payments, R= 110
Income Tax = 0.2Y
i. Find out the equilibrium of income and the value of expenditure multiplier.
ii. If autonomous taxes worth Rs. 25 Crores are added. Find out equilibrium level of
If the economy is opened up with exports X = 25 and imports M = 5 + 0.25Y Calculate
the new level of Income and balance of Trade (Assume that there are no autonomous

8 CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR)

EFF Important Questions


1. Compiler Q.2 MTP SEP 22

Describe the various interventionist measures adopted by the government?

2. Compiler Q.4 MTP Mar 22

Explain how the role of State is pivotal in Public Finance?

3. Compiler Q.6 PYQ Jan 21, RTP Nov 19, May 22

How can the government influence the resource allocation in an economy?

4. Compiler Q.15 MTP Mar 19, Mar 21, ICAI SM

Describe rationale for the stabilisation function of government policy.

5. Compiler Q.17 RTP Nov 22

Does government intervention always result in correcting market failure?

6. Compiler Q.20 MTP May 20, Apr 22

How do the markets fail in an economy? What are the main reasons behind this
market failure and economic inefficiency?

7. Compiler Q.23 PYQ Nov 20, July 21, Dec 21 MTP Apr
19, RTP Nov 18
Explain the different types of externalities? How do externalities lead to welfare
loss of markets?

8. Compiler Q.29 RTP May 18

Identify the market outcomes for each of the following situations
i. A few youngsters play loud music at night. Neighbours may not be able to
ii. Ram buys a large SUV which is very heavy
iii. X smokes in a public place.
iv. Rural school students are given vaccination against measles
Traffic congestion making travel very uncomfortable.

9. Compiler Q.30 ICAI SM

Identify the market outcomes for each of the following situations
a) Piracy of computer programs
b) Some species of fish are now getting extinct because they have been caught
c) The municipality provides sirens four times a day
d) Burglar alarms are installed by many in your locality

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EFF Important Questions

e) Global warming increases due to emissions of fossil fuels

10. Compiler Q.34 PYQ Jan 21, MTP Aug 18, RTP May 19
Distinguish between private cost and social cost

11. Compiler Q.40 PYQ May 18, PYQ Nov 20

What are the Features of Public Goods?

12. Compiler Q.48 MTP Oct 20

Define near public goods. Is it desirable to keep people away from such goods? Give

13. Compiler Q.51 PYQ July 21, MTP Mar 19, May 20,
Oct 20, ICAI SM
Define common access resources? Why are they over used?

14. Compiler Q.59 PYQ Nov 20, RTP May 22

Explain the situation “where a pharmaceutical Company has full information regarding
the risks of a product, but it continues to sell”?

15. Compiler Q.62 PYQ Dec 21, MTP Oct 19, ICAI SM
How does the government intervene to minimize market power?
How do governments ensure that market power does not create distortions in the

16. Compiler Q.65 PYQ Nov 19

Describe the problems in administering an efficient pollution tax.

17. Compiler Q.70 PYQ Nov 18, MTP Nov 21, RTP May 20
How do government correct market failure resulting from demerits goods?
Why is government intervention required in case of demerit good?

18. Compiler Q.74 PYQ Nov 20, MTP Mar 19, Apr 19, May
20, Sep 22, RTP Nov 18, Nov 19,
Nov 21, ICAI SM
Describe price ceilings with examples.
Explain why government imposes price ceilings, Explain market outcome of price
ceiling through diagram
What is the market outcome of price ceiling explain with a help of a diagram?

10 CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR)

EFF Important Questions

When price of certain essential goods rises excessively, how does the government
intervene to control the price? Explain with the help of an example and with suitable

19. Compiler Q.79 RTP Nov 20, MTP Sep 22, Oct 21,
Explain why do governments provide subsidies? Illustrate a few examples of
What are the role of subsidy as part of government intervention in public finance?
What is the objective of government subsidy?

20. Compiler Q.83 PYQ Nov 19, MTP Oct 19, RTP May 22,
What is the distinction between discretionary and non-discretionary fiscal policy?

21. Compiler Q.85 PYQ Nov 20, MTP May 20, Apr 22, RTP
May 18, Nov 18
Examine what types of fiscal policy measures are useful for redistribution of income
in an economy?
Fiscal policy plays a significant role in reducing inequality and achieving equity and
social justice. Do you agree? Substantiate your answer with examples.

22. Compiler Q.86 PYQ Nov 18, Nov 19, Dec 21, MTP Mar
19, Oct 20
Explain the term Contractionary Fiscal Policy. What are the measures undertaken
in a contractionary fiscal policy?

23. Compiler Q.88 RTP May 18, May 20

Analyse what should be the tax policy during recession and depression?
Suppose country X is passing through recession, what type of tax policy should be
framed during this period?

24. Compiler Q.95 PYQ May 18, Jan 21, MTP Mar 19, Nov
21, RTP Nov 22, ICAI SM
What is meant by Crowding out?
How is economy effected by crowding out effect?

CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR) 11

EFF Important Questions

25. Compiler Q.96 PYQ Jan 21

Calculate the Fiscal Deficit and Primary Deficit from the data given below:

Total Expenditure on Revenue Account and Capital Account 547.62

Revenue Receipts 226.82

Non-debt Capital Receipts 103.00

Interest Payments 84.00

26. Compiler Q.99 MTP Aug 18

The equilibrium level of real GDP is Rs 1,000 billion, the full employment level of
real GDP is Rs 1,250 billion, and the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is 0.60.
How much government spending (∆G) would be needed to raise income to full-
employment level?

12 CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR)

EFF Important Questions

CHAPTER 3 - Money Market

1. Compiler Q.3 PYQ Nov 18, ICAI SM

Mention the general characteristics of Money.

2. Compiler Q.6 MTP Oct 20

Do you think money is a unique store of value?

3. Compiler Q.7 RTP May 19

Which of the functions of money do the following items satisfy?
i. A credit card.
ii. A token of specified amount of money which can be used for shopping

4. Compiler Q.12 PYQ May 18, MTP Oct 20, RTP Nov 19
Explain the classical version of quantity theory of demand for money
Explain the Fisher’s Quantity theory of demand for money?
Explain the following modified equation of exchange as given by Irving Fisher: MV

5. Compiler Q.16 PYQ July 21

Fisher's equation of exchange is: MV =PT. If velocity (V) = 25, Price (P) 110.5 and
volume of transaction (T) = 200 billion.
1. Total money supply (m)
2. Effect on M when velocity (V) increases to 75
Velocity (V) when the volume of transactions increases to 325 billion.

6. Compiler Q.18 PYQ Nov 19, MTP Aug 18

Explain the Cambridge Version of Cash Balance Approach, Md = k P Y
Explain the neo-classical approach to demand for money

7. Compiler Q.20 PYQ May 18, Dec 21, MTP Oct 21, Sep 22
Why do people hold money balances?
Explain why people hold money according to Liquidity Preference Theory
What are the different motive for holding cash according to Keynes?

CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR) 13

EFF Important Questions

8. Compiler Q.23 PYQ Dec 21 RTP May 18

Explain how speculative motive for holding cash is related to market interest rate

9. Compiler Q.28 PYQ July 21

Justify the following statements in the light of holding cash balance.
1) For investment in interest bearing assets
2) In the prevailing scenario, usually all transactions are made through online or E-
Money is a unique store of value

10. Compiler Q.29 MTP Oct 21, Mar 22, RTP May 21
Explain the concept of Liquidity Trap.
What are the impact of liquidity trap on the economy?

11. Compiler Q.30 PYQ Dec 21, RTP Nov 18

Critically examine the post Keynesian theories of demand for money?

12. Compiler Q.37 MTP Nov 21, Mar 22, RTP Nov 19
Why empirical analysis of money supply is important?
What is the rationale of measuring money supply?.

13. Compiler Q.44 PYQ Nov 19 Jan 21 RTP Nov 19

What is high powered money? Calculate it from the following data:
Components in Million (Rs.)

Net RBI Credit to the Government 41,561.2

RBI credit to the Commercial sector 18,459.3

RBI’s net non-monetary liabilities 24,981.2

RBI’s claims on banks 31,456.2

RBI’s Net foreign assets 10,456.1

Government’s currency liabilities to the public 21,417.1

14. Compiler Q.47 PYQ Dec 21

The following information is given:
Components in Crores (Rs.)

Notes in Circulation 25,00,000

Circulation of Rupee Coins 26,000

14 CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR)

EFF Important Questions

Circulation of Small Coins 850

Cash on hand with Banks 95,000

Bankers' Deposits with RBI 4,500

Other Deposits with RBI 180

Total Post office Deposits 12,000

Time Deposits with Banks 15,000

You are required to compute:
i. Currency with the Public; and
Reserve Money.

15. Compiler Q.52 RTP Nov 20

Distinguish between M1 and M2. Find out M1 when a country has the following
monetary asset information as of Mar 20:
Components in Million (Rs.)

Cash in hands of the public 300

Demand Deposits 400

Savings Type accounts 2000

Money Market Mutual Funds 1000

Traveller’s checks 50

Small Time Deposits 500

Large Time Deposits 450

Other Checkable Deposits 150

16. Compiler Q.56 PYQ Nov 20, Jan 21

Compute M3 from the following data
Components in Crores (Rs.)

Currency with the public 2,25,432.6

Demand Deposits with Banks 3,40,242.4

Time Deposits with Banks 2,80,736.8

Post office savings Deposits

(Excluding National Saving Certificates)

Other Deposits with RBI

(Including Government Deposits)

CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR) 15

EFF Important Questions

Post Office National Saving Certificates 83.7

Government Deposits with RBI· 102.5

17. Compiler Q.60 RTP May 20

Calculate liquidity aggregate L2 when the following information is given-
Particulars in Crores (Rs.)

Term deposits with term lending institutions 750

Term borrowing by refinancing institutions 450

All deposits with post office savings banks 1,320

Term deposits with refinancing institutions 590

Certificate of deposits issued by FIs 290

Public deposits of non-banking financial companies 450

NM3 2,650

National saving certificates 240

18. Compiler Q.65 PYQ Jan 21, RTP Nov 18, Nov 21
What is money multiplier approach to supply of money?

19. Compiler Q.68 PYQ May 18, Nov 20, MTP Oct 18,
RTP Nov 18
Explain how each of the following may affect money multiplier and money supply?
i. Fearing shortage of money in ATM’s, people decide to hoard money?
ii. During festival season, people decide to withdraw money through ATMs very
iii. Banks open large number of ATMs all over country
iv. E banking becomes very common and nearly all people use them
v. If Commercial banks decide to keep 100% reserves.
vi. If Commercial Banks do not keep reserves
vii. If Commercial Banks keep excess reserves.
viii. If Commercial Banks keep less reserves

20. Compiler Q.74 PYQ Nov 20

“The deposit multiplier and the money multiplier though closely related are not
identical". Explain briefly.

21. Compiler Q.76 MTP May 20, Oct 22, ICAI SM

What effect does government expenditure have on money supply?

16 CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR)

EFF Important Questions

22. Compiler Q.80 MTP Nov 21, Mar 22, RTP Nov 21
What are the operating procedures and instrument of monetary policy?
Explain operating procedures in the context of monetary policy of India?

23. Compiler Q.84 PYQ Nov 18, RTP May 20

How does the monetary policy influence the price level and the national income?

24. Compiler Q.90 PYQ Nov 20, Jan 21, MTP Mar 19,
Sep 22, RTP Nov 18
Explain the function of SLR? What are the eligible securities of SLR?
What are the eligible securities for SLR?
Explain the functioning of SLR?
How do changes in Statutory liquidity ratio impact the economy?

25. Compiler Q.95 PYQ May 18, July 21

Explain the difference between Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) and Marginal
Standing Facility (MSF).

26. Compiler Q.99 PYQ Jan 21, MTP May 20, Mar 22, Sep
22, RTP May 18, May 19,
What role does Market Stabilization Scheme (MSS) play in our economy?

27. Compiler Q.102 PYQ Nov 2018

Explain the role of Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) in India.

CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR) 17

EFF Important Questions

CHAPTER 4 - International Trade

1. Compiler Q.2 PYQ May 19, MTP Oct 19, MTP May
How does trade increase economic efficiency and which view argued that trade is a
zero- sum game and how?

2. Compiler Q.8 ICAI SM

The table below shows the number of labour hours required to produce wheat and
cloth in two countries X and Y.
Commodity Country X Country Y

1 unit of cloth 4 1.0

1 unit of wheat 2 2.5

1. Compare the productivity of labour in both countries in respect of both
2. Which country has absolute advantage in the production of wheat?
3. Which country has absolute advantage in the production of cloth?
4. If there is trade, which commodity should these countries produce?
What are the opportunity costs of each commodity?

3. Compiler Q.11 MTP Oct 20

Countries China and India have a total of 6000 hours each of labour available each
day to produce shirts and trousers. Both countries use equal number of hours on
each good each day. China produces 1000 shirts and 300 trousers per day. India
produces 300 shirts and 200 trousers per day.
In the absence of trade:
i. Which country has absolute advantage in producing Shirts and Trousers?
ii. Which country has comparative advantage in producing Shirts and Trousers?

4. Compiler Q.12 PYQ Nov 19, Nov 20 MTP Mar 19 Oct

21, Apr 22
What are the reason for superiority of Hecksher Ohlin theory of International
Trade over the theory of comparative advantage?
What is the crux of Heckscher-Ohlin theory of International Trade
Explain the key features of modem theory of international trade

5. Compiler Q.16 PYQ July 21, May 22, MTP Nov 21,
RTP May 21
Briefly explain the New Trade Theory and its importance.

18 CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR)

EFF Important Questions

What is the effect of New Trade Policy on Industries?

6. Compiler Q.17 PYQ Nov 19

The price index for exports of Bangladesh in the year 18-19 (based on 2010-11)
was 233.73 and the price index for imports of it was 220.50 (based on 2010-11)
i. What do these figures mean?
ii. Calculate the index of terms of trade for Bangladesh.
iii. How would you interpret the index of terms of trade for Bangladesh?

7. Compiler Q.21 RTP NOV 22

How do trade Policy influence international trade?

8. Compiler Q.25 MTP Mar 22, RTP May 20, PYQ May 18,
PYQ July 21, MTP May 20
Explain how a tariff levied on an imported product affects both the country
exporting a product and the country importing that product.
What role tariff plays as response to trade distortions?

9. Compiler Q.28 PYQ May 19, RTP May 22

What is Compound tariff and how it is different from Mixed Tariff?

10. Compiler Q.32 PYQ Dec 21, MTP May 20, Sep 22, ICAI
How does Escalated tariff structure work and discriminated ?

11. Compiler Q.38 PYQ May 18, MTP Mar 19, Apr 22, RTP
May 18, ICAI SM
Define ‘dumping’? What is meant by an ‘Anti-dumping’ measure?

12. Compiler Q.41 PYQ Nov 20, MTP Nov 21, PYQ May 22,
What is countervailing duty and how does it effect trade policy?

13. Compiler Q.44 PYQ Jan 21

You are given the following information:
Good M India Japan China
(Mobile Phones) (in $) (in $) (in $)

Average Cost 70.5 69.4 70.9

Price per unit for domestic sales 71.2 71.10 70.9

Price charged in Dubai 71.9 70.6 70.6

CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR) 19

EFF Important Questions

a) Which of the three exporters are engaged in anticompetitive act in the

international market while pricing its export of mobile phones to Dubai?
What would be the effect of such pricing on domestic producers of mobile phones?

14. Compiler Q.45 PYQ Jan 21, MTP Apr 22, RTP Nov 18
Nov 19 May 21
Explain how ‘technical barriers to trade’ (TBT) may operate as a protectionist
Food Laws, Quality Standards and Industrial Standards are examples of which type
of non-tariff measures? Give Comments.
Describe different technical barriers to trade (TBT) and their effects on trade?

15. Compiler Q.52 MTP Oct 20, RTP Nov 19

Is prohibition of import of poultry from countries affected by avian flu, meat and
poultry processing standards to reduce pathogens, residue limits for pesticides in
foods etc. an example of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measure? How?
Which technical measures are applied to protect human, animal or plant life from
risks arising from additives, pests, contaminants, toxins or disease-causing
organisms. Explain with an example.

16. Compiler Q.53 PYQ Dec 21

Discuss the non-technical measures adopted by the countries with reference to
i. Trade related investment measures; and
ii. Price control measures

17. Compiler Q.57 PYQ July 21, MTP Oct 18, RTP May 22,
What is Voluntary Export Restraints? Under which circumstances exporters commit
to voluntary export restraint? Discuss.

18. Compiler Q.61 PYQ Dec 21, RTP Nov 20

Describe the different types of agreements that take place during the negotiations
of trade?

19. Compiler Q.65 PYQ May 18, Nov 19, Nov 20, July 21, Dec 21,
MTP Aug 18, May 20, RTP May 18, May 22
What are the major functions/objectives of the WTO? What do you understand by
the term ‘Most-favored-nation’ (MFN)?

20 CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR)

EFF Important Questions

20. Compiler Q.68 PYQ Nov 18

World Trade Organisation (WTO) has a three-tier system of decision making.“

21. Compiler Q.72 MTP Aug 18, MTP Oct 18

What is meant by ‘safeguard measures’ under WTO?

22. Compiler Q.76 MTP Oct 20

Differentiate Trade- Related Investment Measures (TRIMS) and Trade-Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).

23. Compiler Q.85 PYQ Dec 21, MTP Oct 18, RTP May 21,
Mention the types of transactions in the forex market? Also distinguish between
forward premium and forward discount.

24. Compiler Q.88 PYQ July 21, MTP Oct 19, Oct 22
What are the main advantages of fixed rate regime in an open economy?

25. Compiler Q.90 PYQ Dec 21, RTP May 19

How is exchange rate determined under floating exchange rate regime?
How is the nominal exchange rate determined? Explain.

26. Compiler Q.92 PYQ Nov 20

Explain the concept of soft peg and hard peg exchange rate policies.

27. Compiler Q.98 PYQ Nov 18

The Nominal Exchange rate of India is Rs. 56/1 $, Price Index in India is 116 and
Price Index in USA is 112. What will be the Real Exchange Rate of India?

28. Compiler Q.102 RTP NOV 22

How does appreciation and depreciation of currency affect real economy?

29. Compiler Q.103 PYQ Jan 21

Compare and contrast between devaluation and depreciation in the context of
exchange rate.

30. Compiler Q.108 PYQ Jan 21, PYQ Nov 20

Following exchange rate quotations are available for different periods:
1. The spot exchange rate changes from Rs. 65 per $ to Rs. 68 per $.
2. The spot exchange rate changes from $ 0.0125 per rupee to $ 0.01625 per

CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR) 21

EFF Important Questions

Answer the following:

A. Identify the nature of rate quotations in (1) and (2) above.
B. Identify the base currency and counter currency in (1) and (2) above.
What are possible consequences on exports and imports of (1) and (2) above.

31. Compiler Q.110 MTP Aug 18, MTP Mar 19, RTP May 21,
RTP Nov 21, Nov 22, ICAI SM
What is Arbitrage? What is the outcome of Arbitrage?
How does arbitrage prevents the risk arising out of the fluctuations in the exchange

32. Compiler Q.114 PYQ May 19, RTP Nov 18

Enumerate the bases of distinction between FDI and FPI

33. Compiler Q.119 PYQ Nov 18, MTP Oct 18, Oct 21, Apr
What are the different routes for securing FDI?
What are the different modes of foreign Direct Investment?

34. Compiler Q.121 PYQ July 21, RTP Nov 20, MTP Oct 22,
Into how many parts are FDIs categorized according to the nature of foreign
investment? Describe them.
Distinguish between horizontal, vertical and conglomerate type of foreign

35. Compiler Q.125 PYQ Jan 21, MTP Mar 19, RTP May 18
Define foreign direct investment (FDI). Mention two arguments made in favour of
FDI to developing economies like India?

36. Compiler Q.126 MTP Apr 19, RTP May 19

How do foreign direct investments affect human capital in recipient countries?
Mention the effects of FDI on host country labour.

37. Compiler Q.133 PYQ May 18

Describe deterrents to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the country.

22 CA Mohnish Vora (MVSIR)

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