SJMPS 36B608 614
SJMPS 36B608 614
SJMPS 36B608 614
*Corresponding Author:
Zonobia Qamar
Email: [email protected]
Abstract: The current study assesses the knowledge and practices towards maintenance and care of the peripheral
intravenous cannulation among the nurses of public hospitals of Lahore, Pakistan. The data was collected from 240
nurses of Services hospital Lahore, Pakistan through convenient sampling. The results of the current study depict that
nurses of Services hospital, Lahore, Pakistan have good knowledge regarding care and IV cannula but lack the practices.
Therefore, healthcare provider should train the nurses to improve the practices in the public hospitals especially. SPSS 21
used to analyze the data. Limitations and recommendations are given in the end of this study.
Keywords: Knowledge, Nurses, Practice, Peripheral intravenous (I/V) cannulation
However, the incidences of local or blood In today’s world of health care, nurses must
stream infections are related to IV therapy. A possess up to date knowledge while practicing
considerable number of deaths occur due to blood intravenous therapy for safe nursing practice as well as
stream infections like every 10th person is suffering excellent quality of care. Nurses are responsible for
from one type of hepatitis which is life threatening. This provision of safe, patient centered and effective care to
problem occurs due to the poor practices of intravenous the patients. To minimize the severity of complications,
cannulation or therapy [2]. Moreover, may cause the puncture site must be constantly monitored for early
universal infection which can be mechanical or identification of signs. In addition, hands should be
infectious like Occlusion, thrombosis, dislodgment, decontaminated properly before gathering equipment,
infiltration, leakage, phlebitis and scar formation are the palpation of the veins, cannulation and placing gloves
mechanical complication while fungal and bacterial on hand, repeat it after removing gloves and before and
sepsis are included in infectious complication [3]. after the contact with patients [7]. Likewise, American
National Guidelines emphasizes on the cleansing of the
Peripheral intravenous cannulation is the most port as it is important for the patency of I/V line [4].
common source of infection due to the migration of skin However, documentation plays a vital role in the
flora on the site of insertion into the cutaneous tract of generation of real time data and the improvement of
Table no.1,1 shows the frequency distribution 94.2% (n=226) were female nurses while 5.8% (n=14)
of gender of the study participants. the results show that male nurses participated.
Marital status
Table-1.2: Marital status
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Table no. 1.3 shows the participant’s age. The 21-25 years, 13.8% (33) nurses were from age group
results show that 43.8% (n=105) were young nurses 31-35 years and only 8.8% (n=21) nurses were above
under age group of 26-30years, 33.8% (n=81) were in 36-40years and above group.
Table-1.4: Qualification
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Valid Diploma in G nursing and midwifery 116 48.3 48.3 48.3
Specialization 62 25.8 25.8 74.2
Post RN 58 24.2 24.2 98.3
Others 4 1.7 1.7 100.0
Total 240 100.0 100.0
Table no.1.4 show the qualification level of the nurses did just diploma holder, Specialized nurses were
study participants. The results show that 48.3% (n=116) 25.83% (n=62) and 24.2% (n=58) did Post RN
Table 1.5 show the job experience of nurses (n=119) have 1-5 years of experience, 28.2% (n=63)
participated. The results show that 12.5% (n=30) nurses had 6-10years of experience and only 11.7%
respondents have less than 1 year of experience, 49.6% (n=28) nurses had above 10 years of experience.
Table 2.1 show he results of the nurses’ were agree and strongly agree regarding the questions
knowledge care and maintenance of peripheral IV of knowledge which means that nurses of Services
cannula. In table 2.1, 15 question analyzes the nurses’ hospital have knowledge regarding care and peripheral
knowledge and it depicts that majority of the nurses IV cannula safe usage.