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I|na| Lxam Access|ng the WAN

1ake AssessmenL LWAn llnal Lxam CCnA

LxploraLlon Accesslng Lhe WAn (verslon 40)

Whlch Lhree guldellnes would help conLrlbuLe Lo
creaLlng a sLrong password pollcy? (Choose Lhree)

Cnce a good password ls creaLed do noL change lL

***uellberaLely mlsspell words when creaLlng

***CreaLe passwords LhaL are aL leasL 8 characLers
ln lengLh

***use comblnaLlons of upper case lower case
and speclal characLers

WrlLe passwords ln locaLlons LhaL can be easlly
reLrleved Lo avold belng locked ouL

use long words found ln Lhe dlcLlonary Lo make
passwords LhaL are easy Lo remember


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8ased on Lhe ouLpuL as shown
whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs correcLly deflne how Lhe
rouLer wlll LreaL 1elneL Lrafflc LhaL comes lnLo
lnLerface lasLLLherneL 0/1? (Choose Lwo)

1elneL Lo 17216100/24 ls denled

***1elneL Lo 17216200/24 ls denled

1elneL Lo 1721600/24 ls permlLLed

***1elneL Lo 17216100/24 ls permlLLed
1elneL Lo 17216200/24 ls permlLLed

A Lechnlclan has been asked Lo run Lhe Clsco SuM
onesLep lockdown on a cusLomer rouLer WhaL
wlll be Lhe resulL of Lhls process?

1rafflc ls only accepLed from and forwarded Lo
SuMLrusLed Clsco rouLers

SecurlLy LesLlng ls performed and Lhe resulLs are
saved as a LexL flle sLored ln nv8AM

All Lrafflc LhaL enLers Lhe rouLer ls quaranLlned and
checked for vlruses before belng forwarded

***1he rouLer ls LesLed for any poLenLlal securlLy
problems and all recommended securlLyrelaLed
conflguraLlon changes wlll be auLomaLlcally applled

WhaL are Lwo maln componenLs of daLa
confldenLlallLy? (Choose Lwo)


dlglLal cerLlflcaLes





8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A neLwork admlnlsLraLor ls
Lasked wlLh compleLlng Lhe lrame 8elay Lopology
LhaL lnLerconnecLs Lwo remoLe slLes Pow should
Lhe polnLLopolnL sublnLerfaces be conflgured on
PC Lo compleLe Lhe Lopology?

framerelay lnLerfacedlcl 103 on Serlal 0/0/01
framerelay lnLerfacedlcl 203 on Serlal 0/0/02

***framerelay lnLerfacedlcl 301 on Serlal 0/0/01
framerelay lnLerfacedlcl 302 on Serlal 0/0/02

framerelay map lp 19216811 103 broadcasL on
Serlal 0/0/01
framerelay map lp 19216822 203 broadcasL on
Serlal 0/0/02

framerelay map lp 19216811 301 broadcasL on
Serlal 0/0/01
framerelay map lp 19216822 302 broadcasL on
Serlal 0/0/02

An admlnlsLraLor ls conflgurlng a dual sLack rouLer
wlLh lv6 and lv4 uslng 8lng 1he admlnlsLraLor
recelves an error message when Lrylng Lo enLer Lhe
lv4 rouLes lnLo 8lng WhaL ls Lhe cause of Lhe

When lv4 and lv6 are conflgured on Lhe same
lnLerface all lv4 addresses are overwrlLLen ln
favor of Lhe newer Lechnology

lncorrecL lv4 addresses are enLered on Lhe rouLer

8lng ls lncompaLlble wlLh dualsLack Lechnology

***lv4 ls lncompaLlble wlLh 8lng


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL All devlces are conflgured as
shown ln Lhe exhlblL C1 ls unable Lo plng Lhe
defaulL gaLeway WhaL ls Lhe cause of Lhe problem?

1he defaulL gaLeway ls ln Lhe wrong subneL

S1 has blocked Lhe porL LhaL C1 ls connecLed Lo

***orL la0/2 on S2 ls asslgned Lo Lhe wrong vLAn

S2 has Lhe wrong l address asslgned Lo Lhe
vLAn30 lnLerface

Whlch sLaLemenL ls Lrue abouL nC?
Llnk LermlnaLlon ls Lhe responslblllLy of nC

***Lach neLwork proLocol has a correspondlng

nC esLabllshes Lhe lnlLlal llnk beLween

nC LesLs Lhe llnk Lo ensure LhaL Lhe llnk quallLy ls


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1hls serlal lnLerface ls noL
funcLlonlng correcLly 8ased on Lhe ouLpuL shown
whaL ls Lhe mosL llkely cause?

lmproper LMl Lype

lnLerface reseL

*** negoLlaLlon fallure

unplugged cable

WhaL ls Lhe resulL when Lhe command permlL Lcp
10231320 000233 any eq smLp ls added Lo a
named access conLrol llsL and applled on Lhe
lnbound lnLerface of a rouLer?

1C Lrafflc wlLh a desLlnaLlon Lo Lhe 10231320/24
ls permlLLed

Cnly 1elneL Lrafflc ls permlLLed Lo Lhe
10241320/24 neLwork

1Lrafflc from 10231320/24 ls permlLLed Lo
anywhere on uslng any porL

***1rafflc uslng porL 23 from Lhe 10231320/24 ls
permlLLed Lo all desLlnaLlons


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL lrom Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe show
lnLerfaces and plng commands aL whlch layer of
Lhe CSl model ls a faulL lndlcaLed?




daLa llnk


Whlch Layer 2 access meLhod separaLes Lrafflc lnLo
Llme sloLs and ls speclfled by uCCSlS for use wlLh
cable hlgh speed lnLerneL servlce?





Whlch addlLlonal funcLlonallLy ls avallable on an
lnLerface when Lhe encapsulaLlon ls changed from
PuLC Lo ?

flow conLrol

error conLrol


synchronous communlcaLlon

uurlng Lhe lnlLlal conflguraLlon of a rouLer Lhe
admlnlsLraLor enLers Lhe command no servlce
conflg Pow wlll Lhe rouLer behave as a a resulL of
Lhls command?

All servlces wlll be dlsabled

***1he defaulL conflguraLlon wlll be resLored on

AuLomaLlc conflguraLlon from Lhe neLwork wlll be

Servlces LhaL are conflgured on Lhe rouLer wlll noL
be allowed Lo orlglnaLe Lrafflc

Whlch sLaLemenL accuraLely descrlbes a role LhaL ls
played ln esLabllshlng a WAn connecLlon?

lSun and A1M are clrculLswlLched Lechnologles
LhaL are used Lo esLabllsh on demand a paLh
Lhrough Lhe servlce provlder neLwork

***uaLa llnk layer proLocols llke and PuLC
deflne how daLa ls encapsulaLed for Lransmlsslon
across a WAn llnk

A packeLswlLchlng neLwork esLabllshes a
dedlcaLed clrculL beLween nodes for Lhe duraLlon
of Lhe communlcaLlon sesslon

lrame 8elay swlLches are normally consldered Lo
be cusLomer premlses equlpmenL (CL) and are
malnLalned by local admlnlsLraLors

1he Clsco lCS on a parLlcular Clsco rouLer has been
corrupLed When Lhe rouLer booLs lnLo Lhe
8CMMCn mode whaL ls one resource LhaL Lhe
neLwork Lechnlclan needs Lo use ln order Lo
resLore Lhe Clsco lCS?

an auLhenLlcaLed username

a 1l1 server

a serlal connecLlon Lo Lhe lnLerneL

Lhe secreL password of Lhe rouLer

***access Lo a backup lCS sofLware lmage LhaL ls
sLored ln u8AM on Lhe rouLer

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL happens lf Lhe neLwork
admlnlsLraLor lssues Lhe commands shown when
an ACL called Managers already exlsLs on Lhe

1he commands overwrlLe Lhe exlsLlng Managers

***1he commands are added aL Lhe end of Lhe
exlsLlng Managers ACL

1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor recelves an error
sLaLlng LhaL Lhe ACL already exlsLs

1he commands wlll creaLe a dupllcaLe Managers
ACL conLalnlng only Lhe new commands belng

WhaL can a neLwork admlnlsLraLor do Lo recover
from a losL rouLer password?

use Lhe copy LfLp flash command

booL Lhe rouLer Lo booL8CM mode and enLer Lhe b
command Lo load Lhe lCS manually

LelneL from anoLher rouLer and lssue Lhe show
runnlngconflg command Lo vlew Lhe password

***booL Lhe rouLer Lo 8CM monlLor mode and
conflgure Lhe rouLer Lo lgnore Lhe sLarLup
conflguraLlon when lL lnlLlallzes

Whlch sLaLemenL ls Lrue of uSL?

lL ls Lyplcally deployed ln a mesh Lopology

1he neLwork ls shared uslng a loglcal bus Lopology

***8andwldLh ls dependenL on Lhe number of
concurrenL users

1ransfer raLes are dependenL on Lhe lengLh of Lhe
local loop

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL LlC8 has been conflgured as
a rouLlng proLocol on Lhe neLwork users on Lhe
19216810/24 neLwork should have full access Lo
Lhe web server LhaL ls connecLed Lo 19216830/24
buL should noL be allowed Lo LelneL Lo rouLer 83
verlfylng Lhe conflguraLlon Lhe neLwork
admlnlsLraLor reallzes LhaL users on neLwork
19216810/24 can successfully LelneL Lo Lhe
rouLer WhaL should be done Lo remedy Lhe

***1he ACL 101 sLaLemenLs 10 and 20 should be

1he ACL 101 should be applled on 83 v1? llnes 0 4
ln Lhe lnbound dlrecLlon

1he ACL 101 should be applled on 83 v1? llnes 0 4
ln Lhe ouLbound dlrecLlon

1he ACL 101 should be applled on 83 Serlal0/0/1
lnLerface ln Lhe ouLbound dlrecLlon

1he ACL 101 sLaLemenL 10 should be changed Lo
permlL lp 19216810 000233 any

WhaL wlll be Lhe resulL of Lhe enable secreL
command when added aL Lhe global conflguraLlon
mode on Lhe rouLer?

***lL wlll use Mu3 encrypLlon Lo proLecL Lhe
prlvlleged LxLC level access

lL wlll use Lype 7 encrypLlon and wlll encrypL only
Lhe prlvlleged LxLC level passwords

lL wlll use Lype 7 encrypLlon Lo prevenL all
passwords LhaL are dlsplayed on Lhe screen from
belng readable

lL wlll use Mu3 encrypLlon Lo proLecL Lhe
passwords LhaL are only used ln Lhe A and CPA
auLhenLlcaLlon process


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL LlC8 has been conflgured as
a rouLlng proLocol on Lhe neLwork users on Lhe
19216810/24 neLwork should be able Lo
esLabllsh a 1l1 connecLlon Lo Lhe flle server on
Lhe 19216830/24 neLwork for flle backup 1he
users complaln LhaL Lhey do noL have Lhe requlred
access WhaL ls Lhe posslble cause of Lhe problem?

1l1 uses uu as a LransporL proLocol uu ls noL
allowed by Lhe ACL 120

1l1 uses SM1 as a LransporL proLocol SM1 ls
blocked by sLaLemenL 10 ln Lhe ACL 120

1l1 uses 1C as a LransporL proLocol 1C ls
blocked by sLaLemenL 20 ln Lhe ACL 120

***1l1 uses lCM as a LransporL proLocol lCM ls
blocked by sLaLemenL 30 ln Lhe ACL 120

Whlch Lwo proLocols ln comblnaLlon should be
used Lo esLabllsh a llnk wlLh secure auLhenLlcaLlon
beLween a Clsco and a nonClsco rouLer? (Choose






Whlch sLaLemenL ls Lrue abouL wlldcard masks?

***A wlldcard mask musL be creaLed by lnverLlng
Lhe subneL mask

A wlldcard mask performs Lhe same funcLlon as a
subneL mask

A wlldcard mask of 0000 means Lhe address
should maLch exacLly

A wlldcard mask uses a 1 Lo ldenLlfy l address
blLs LhaL musL be checked


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL arLlal resulLs of Lhe show lp
accessllsL and show lp lnLerface la0/1 commands
for rouLer 83 are shown 1here are no oLher ACLs
ln effecL PosL A ls unable Lo LelneL Lo hosL 8
Whlch Lwo acLlons wlll correcL Lhe problem buL sLlll
resLrlcL oLher Lrafflc beLween Lhe Lwo neLworks?
(Choose Lwo)

Apply Lhe ACL ln Lhe lnbound dlrecLlon on la0/0

***Apply Lhe ACL ln Lhe ouLbound dlrecLlon on
la0/0 lnLerface

Change Lhe proLocol ln Lhe access llsL enLrles Lo

***8everse Lhe order of Lhe 1C proLocol
sLaLemenLs ln Lhe ACL

Modlfy Lhe second enLry ln Lhe llsL Lo permlL Lcp
hosL 1921681010 any eq LelneL


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch sLaLemenL correcLly
descrlbes how 8ouLer1 processes an l1 requesL
packeL LhaL enLers lnLerface S0/0/0 and ls desLlned
for an l1 server aL l address 1721613?

1he rouLer maLches Lhe lncomlng packeL Lo Lhe
sLaLemenL LhaL ls creaLed by accessllsL 201 permlL
lp any any command and allows Lhe packeL lnLo
Lhe rouLer

1he rouLer reaches Lhe end of ACL 101 wlLhouL
maLchlng a condlLlon and drops Lhe packeL
because Lhere ls no sLaLemenL LhaL was creaLed by
accessllsL 101 permlL lp any any command

***1he rouLer maLches Lhe lncomlng packeL Lo Lhe
sLaLemenL LhaL was creaLed by Lhe accessllsL 101
permlL lp any 1721610 000233 command
lgnores Lhe remalnlng sLaLemenLs ln ACL 101 and
allows Lhe packeL lnLo Lhe rouLer

1he rouLer maLches Lhe lncomlng packeL Lo Lhe
sLaLemenL LhaL was creaLed by Lhe accessllsL 201
deny lcmp 1721610 000233 any command
conLlnues comparlng Lhe packeL Lo Lhe remalnlng
sLaLemenLs ln ACL 201 Lo ensure LhaL no
subsequenL sLaLemenLs allow l1 and Lhen Lhe
rouLer drops Lhe packeL

Whlch characLerlsLlc of vn Lechnology prevenLs
Lhe conLenLs of daLa communlcaLlons from belng
read by unauLhorlzed parLles?





8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8ouLer1 ls noL able Lo
communlcaLe wlLh lLs peer LhaL ls connecLed Lo
Lhls lnLerface 8ased on Lhe ouLpuL as shown whaL
ls Lhe mosL llkely cause?

lnLerface reseL

***unplugged cable

lmproper LMl Lype

negoLlaLlon fallure


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A neLwork admlnlsLraLor ls
creaLlng a proLoLype Lo verlfy Lhe new WAn deslgn
Powever Lhe communlcaLlon beLween Lhe Lwo
rouLers cannoL be esLabllshed 8ased on Lhe ouLpuL
of Lhe commands whaL can be done Lo solve Lhe

8eplace Lhe serlal cable

8eplace Lhe WlC on 8A

***Conflgure 8A wlLh a clock raLe command

lssue a no shuLdown lnLerface command on 88

WhaL funcLlon does LC perform ln Lhe
esLabllshmenL of a sesslon?

***LC brlngs Lhe neLwork layer proLocols up and

lL carrles packeLs from several neLwork layer

lL encapsulaLes and negoLlaLes opLlons for l and

lL negoLlaLes and seLs up conLrol opLlons on Lhe
WAn daLa llnk

An admlnlsLraLor lssues Lhe command confreg
0x2142 aL Lhe rommon 1 prompL WhaL ls Lhe
effecL when Lhls rouLer ls rebooLed?

ConLenLs ln 8AM wlll be erased

***ConLenLs ln 8AM wlll be lgnored

ConLenLs ln nv8AM wlll be erased

ConLenLs ln nv8AM wlll be lgnored


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A neLwork admlnlsLraLor ls
Lrylng Lo conflgure a rouLer Lo use SuM AfLer Lhls
conflguraLlon shown ln Lhe exhlblL ls applled Lhe
SuM lnLerface of Lhe rouLer ls sLlll noL accesslble
WhaL ls Lhe cause of Lhe problem?

***1he username and password are noL
conflgured correcLly

1he auLhenLlcaLlon meLhod ls noL conflgured

1he P11 LlmeouL pollcy ls noL conflgured correcLly

1he vLys are noL conflgured correcLly

An admlnlsLraLor learns of an emall LhaL has been
recelved by a number of users ln Lhe company 1hls
emall appears Lo come from Lhe offlce of Lhe
admlnlsLraLor 1he emall asks Lhe users Lo conflrm
Lhelr accounL and password lnformaLlon Whlch
Lype of securlLy LhreaL does Lhls emall represenL?






8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he corporaLe neLwork LhaL ls
shown has been asslgned neLwork 172161280/19
for use aL branch offlce LAns vLSM ls noL belng
used Whlch subneL mask wlll allow Lhe mosL
efflclenL uLlllzaLlon of l addresses?








8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Pow many addresses could be
asslgned Lo cllenLs by uPC_8ouLer?







8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch daLa Lransmlsslon
Lechnology ls belng represenLed?





8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A hosL connecLed Lo la0/0 ls
unable Lo acqulre an l address from Lhe uPC
server 1he ouLpuL of Lhe debug lp dhcp server
command shows uPCu Lhere ls no address pool
for 192168317 WhaL ls Lhe problem?

1he address 192168317 address ls already ln use
by la0/0

***1he pool of addresses for Lhe 192neLwork pool
ls conflgured lncorrecLly

1he lp helperaddress command should be used on
Lhe la0/0 lnLerface

1he 192168317 address has noL been excluded
from Lhe 192neLwork pool
WhaL ma[or beneflL does Clsco PuLC provlde LhaL
lSC sLandard PuLC lacks?

flow conLrol

error conLrol

***mulLlproLocol supporL

cycllc redundancy checks

A neLwork admlnlsLraLor has moved Lhe company
lnLraneL web server from a swlLch porL Lo a
dedlcaLed rouLer lnLerface Pow can Lhe
admlnlsLraLor deLermlne how Lhls change has
affecLed performance and avallablllLy on Lhe
company lnLraneL?

***conducL a performance LesL and compare wlLh
Lhe basellne LhaL was esLabllshed prevlously

ueLermlne performance on Lhe lnLraneL by
monlLorlng load Llmes of company web pages from
remoLe slLes

lnLervlew deparLmenLal admlnlsLraLlve asslsLanLs
and deLermlne lf Lhey Lhlnk load Llme for web
pages has lmproved

Compare Lhe hlL counLs on Lhe company web
server for Lhe currenL week Lo Lhe values LhaL were
recorded ln prevlous weeks

AL whaL physlcal locaLlon does Lhe responslbllLy for
a WAn connecLlon change from Lhe user Lo Lhe
servlce provlder?

demlllLarlzed zone (uMZ)

***demarcaLlon polnL

local loop


WhaL funcLlonallLy do access conLrol llsLs provlde
when lmplemenLlng dynamlc nA1 on a Clsco rouLer?

whlch addresses are allowed Lo be accessed from
Lhe lnslde neLwork

whlch addresses are allowed ouL of Lhe rouLer

whlch addresses are asslgned Lo a nA1 pool

***whlch addresses are Lo be LranslaLed

A neLwork admlnlsLraLor ls Lasked wlLh malnLalnlng
Lwo remoLe locaLlons ln Lhe same clLy 8oLh
locaLlons use Lhe same servlce provlder and have
Lhe same servlce plan for uSL servlce When
comparlng download raLes lL ls noLlced LhaL Lhe
locaLlon on Lhe LasL slde of Lown has a fasLer
download raLe Lhan Lhe locaLlon on Lhe WesL slde
of Lown Pow can Lhls be explalned?

1he WesL slde has a hlgh volume of C1S Lrafflc

1he WesL slde of Lown ls downloadlng larger

***1he servlce provlder ls closer Lo Lhe locaLlon on
Lhe LasL slde

More cllenLs share a connecLlon Lo Lhe uSLAM on
Lhe WesL slde


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8ranch A has a nonClsco
rouLer LhaL ls uslng lL1l encapsulaLlon and 8ranch
8 has a Clsco rouLer AfLer Lhe commands LhaL are
shown are enLered 81 and 82 fall Lo esLabllsh Lhe
vC 1he 82 LMl ls Clsco and Lhe 81 LMl ls AnSl
1he LMl ls successfully esLabllshed aL boLh
locaLlons Why ls Lhe vC falllng?

1he vC Lo 81 musL be polnLLopolnL

LMl Lypes musL maLch on each end of a vC

1he frame relay vCs cannoL be esLabllshed
beLween Clsco and nonClsco rouLers

***1he lL1l parameLer ls mlsslng from Lhe frame
relay map lp 1010101 201 command

A recenLly paLched appllcaLlon server ls
experlenclng response Llme problems 1he
neLwork on whlch Lhe appllcaLlon server ls locaLed
has been experlenclng occaslonal ouLages LhaL Lhe
neLwork Leam belleves may be relaLed Lo recenL
rouLlng changes neLwork and appllcaLlon Leams
have been noLlfled Lo work on Lhelr respecLlve
lssues Whlch sLaLemenL applles Lo Lhls slLuaLlon?

Cnly resulLs from Lhe sofLware package should be
LesLed as Lhe neLwork ls deslgned Lo accommodaLe
Lhe proposed sofLware plaLform

Schedullng wlll be easy lf Lhe neLwork and sofLware
Leams work lndependenLly

***lL wlll be dlfflculL Lo lsolaLe Lhe problem lf Lwo
Leams are lmplemenLlng changes lndependenLly

8esulLs from changes wlll be easler Lo reconclle
and documenL lf each Leam works ln lsolaLlon


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 81 ls performlng nA1 overload
for Lhe 10110/24 lnslde neLwork PosL A has senL
a packeL Lo Lhe web server WhaL ls Lhe desLlnaLlon
l address of Lhe reLurn packeL from Lhe web





WhaL ls a characLerlsLlc feaLure of a worm?

***explolLs a known vulnerablllLy

aLLaches Lo execuLable programs

masquerades as a leglLmaLe program

lles dormanL unLll Lrlggered by an evenL Llme or

When conflgurlng a lrame 8elay connecLlon whaL
ls Lhe purpose of lnverse A8?

Lo asslgn a uLCl Lo a remoLe peer

Lo dlsable peer requesLs from deLermlnlng local
Layer 3 addresses

Lo negoLlaLe LMl encapsulaLlons beLween local and
remoLe lrame 8elay peers

***Lo creaLe a mapplng of uLCl Lo Layer 3
addresses LhaL belong Lo remoLe peers

A llghL manufacLurlng company wlshes Lo replace
lLs uSL servlce wlLh a nonllneofslghL broadband
wlreless soluLlon LhaL offers comparable speeds
Whlch soluLlon should Lhe cusLomer choose?




MeLro LLherneL

Whlch lrame 8elay flow conLrol mechanlsm ls used
Lo slgnal rouLers LhaL Lhey should reduce Lhe flow
raLe of frames?






Whlch opLlon correcLly deflnes Lhe capaclLy
Lhrough Lhe local loop guaranLeed Lo a cusLomer
by Lhe servlce provlder?






8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL ls placed ln Lhe address
fleld ln Lhe header of a frame LhaL wlll Lravel from
Lhe San !ose rouLer Lo Lhe uC rouLer?

uLCl 103

***uLCl 301



WhaL are Lhree aLLrlbuLes of a securlLy pollcy?
(Choose Lhree)

***lL provldes sLepbysLep procedures Lo harden
rouLers and oLher neLwork devlces

lL deflnes accepLable and unaccepLable use of
neLwork resources

lL focuses prlmarlly on aLLacks from ouLslde of Lhe

***lL deflnes a process for managlng securlLy

lL should noL need Lo be alLered once lmplemenLed

***lL creaLes a basls for legal acLlon lf necessary

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