LO Grade 12 Revision Booklet Term 3 2023

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Western Cape Education Department

Directorate: Curriculum FET


Grade 12

This revision program is designed to assist you in revising the critical

content and skills that you have covered during the 3 rd term. The purpose
is to prepare you to understand the key concepts and to provide you with
an opportunity to establish the required standard and the application of
the knowledge necessary to succeed in the examination.
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
Question 1

1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose

the answer and write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number (1.1.1–1.1.9),

for example 1.1.11 D.

1.1.1 A strategy to prevent lifestyle diseases may include …

A helping and encouraging people to follow treatment instructions and take their medication.

B avoiding the habits and behaviours that contribute to lifestyle diseases.

C receiving medical treatment such as chemotherapy and radiation.

D noticing symptoms and getting treatment early when the illness starts (1)

1.1.2 Factors that contribute to lifestyle diseases include diet, sexual behaviour, …

A physical activity and substance abuse.

B hypertension and cultural practices.

C tuberculosis and substance abuse.

D cancer and cultural practices. (1)

1.1.3 The social impact of long-term participation in physical activities will result in …

A controlling your blood pressure.

B increased school performance.

C a favourable effect on productivity levels.

D better friendships and communication skills. (1)

1.1.4 People who practise unsafe sexual behaviour are at risk of HIV and ...

A prostate cancer, hypertension and diseases of the heart.

B hypertension, lung cancer and syphilis.

C cervical cancer, syphilis and gonorrhoea.

D hypertension, gonorrhoea and liver cancer. (1)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
1.1.5 Coordination in a physical activity is the ability to ...

A link all the parts of a body into one smooth movement.

B apply maximum force to the muscles in the body.

C freely move the body through a full range of motion.

D balance your body when performing a physical activity. (1)

1.2 Give ONE word/term for EACH of the following descriptions. Write only the word/term next to the
question numbers (1.2.1 to 1.2.3) in the ANSWER BOOK.

1.2.1 What is the term used to describe the ability of muscles to stretch and allow joints free movement?
1.2.2 Give the name of the chronic disease that affects glucose levels in the blood. (1)
1.2.3 Cancer, hypertension, diseases of the heart and sexually transmitted infections such as HIV/Aids
are examples of what disease. (1)
1.2.4 The process of helping a recovering drug addict to function effectively in society. (1)
1.2.5 Specific physical activities done at different stations, each with a set of instructions in a marked
area. (1)

1.3 Answer the following questions by writing the answer next to the question numbers (1.3.1 to
1.3.3) in the ANSWER BOOK. Write the answers in full sentences

1.3.1 In your own words, describe the difference between health and fitness in relation to physical
education. (1 + 1) (2)
1.3.2 Explain TWO ways in which some religious and cultural practices can cause ill health. (2 x 2) (4)
1.3.3 State THREE personal safety measures one can take to reduce the risk of injury when participating
in physical activities. (1 x 3) (3)
1.3.4 Explain ONE value-added benefit of physical activities to promote your physical health and well-
being. (1 x 2) (2)
1.3.5 Explain why smoking of cigarettes may have a negative effect on your physical appearance.
(1 x 2) (2)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.


TB (Tuberculosis), the disease of poverty, is a lifestyle disease. A *symbiotic

relationship exists between TB and poverty. New TB infection is not just the product of poverty, but
also creates poverty. Understanding the connection between TB and poverty is a powerful first step
towards breaking this vicious cycle. Fighting TB and poverty together is necessary to accelerate
economic and social growth and consequently reduce the global burden of TB.

*Symbiotic: A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence

[Adapted from www.stoptb.org. Retrieved on 2 April 2015.]

Write an essay on the impact of lifestyle diseases and include the following:

2.1 Define a lifestyle disease and indicate why TB is considered to be such a disease. (1 + 2) (3)
2.2 Discuss THREE ways in which poverty may be a contributory factor to the increase in TB infections.
(3 x 2) (6)
2.3 Suggest THREE ways in which the local government can engage the community in sustainable
programmes that will tackle TB and poverty alleviation. (3 x 2) (6)


Study the photograph below and answer the questions that follow.

3.1 State FOUR human errors that may have contributed to the disaster shown in the photograph
above. (4 x 1) (4)
3.2 Disasters such as fires may cause ill-health and result in a crisis situation. Explain FOUR ways in
which municipalities can ensure that they are prepared for such disasters. (4 x 2) (8)
3.3 Formulate and discuss ONE practical strategy that your school can implement when an emergency
occurs that threatens the safety of learners and staff at the school. (1 + 2) (3)
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
Analyse the graphs below and answer the questions that follow.

HIV prevalence by age and sex, South Africa, 2012



HIV prevalance (%)

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60+

Age group (years)

Prevalence: percentage of population that is affected

(Source: www.hsrc.ac.za. Accessed on 25 March 2014)

4.1 According to the graph the 30–34-year age group has the highest infection rate. State THREE
possible causes of the high infection rate in this age group. (3 x 1) (3)
4.2 The graph shows the difference in the infection rate between men and women. Briefly discuss
THREE reasons why there is a gender imbalance in HIV infections as reflected in the graph.
(3 x 2) (6)
4.3 State TWO intervention strategies that have been put in place by the government or your
community to prevent HIV infections. Critically evaluate the effectiveness of EACH strategy.
(2 x 3) (6)


LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
Read the extract below and answer the question that follows.


Lifestyle diseases as a result of ill health

Globally millions of people are trapped in poverty. Poverty and ill health are closely linked. The
causes of ill health are mostly rooted in the political, social and economic injustices of a country.
Poverty is both a cause and a consequence of ill health. Ill health in turn, traps communities in

In South Africa generations of families are victims of the cycle of poverty. 'Generational poverty' is
inherited across generations and manifests in a family that one is born into.

Although the government has poverty relief programmes in place, they cannot fight poverty alone.
Communities can also join in the fight against poverty by organising campaigns that can help
address this issue.

[Adapted from www.theshackbuilder.com, Quintin Adams. Accessed 11 September 2020.]

5.1 State THREE factors that could prevent people living in poverty from taking care of their health.
(3 x 1) (3)
5.2 How do you think young people can help break a cycle of 'generational poverty’? (1 x 2) (2)
5.3 Explain ONE way in which a campaign can be used to public draw public attention to issues of
lifestyle diseases resulting from poverty. (1 x 2) (2)
5.4 Discuss the importance of evaluating the outcomes of a campaign addressing poverty as a
contributing factor to ill health. (2 x 2) (4)
5.5 Assess TWO measures taken by the government to relieve poverty in local communities which may
help the issues of ill health arising from poverty. (2 x 2) (4)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
Your responses must consist of paragraphs. Marks will ONLY be allocated for responses written in full

Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

The unforeseen devastation caused by global crises and disasters, such as the Covid-19
pandemic and HIV/Aids and has taken a significant toll on people across the world. The rapid
spread of such diseases causes global health crises, which impact severely on the livelihood¹ of


¹livelihood: income, employment, businesses and jobs

[Adapted from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com, Accessed on 29 January 2021]

Write paragraphs on crises and disasters.

Use the following as a guideline:

6.1 State FOUR benefits for a person who detects a disease early enough. (4 x 1) (4)
6.2 Analyse the negative effect of people's personal views about infectious diseases on the health and
safety of people. (2 x 4) (8)
6.3 Evaluate the impact of a crisis, such as the global Covid-19 pandemic, on the current trends in the
job market. (2 x 4) (8)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3


Study the extract below and answer the questions that follow.


A worker at a well-known company took sick leave in the first term of 2019 from

7 to 9, 14 to 17 and 21 to 24 January. The employer discovered that the worker had

submitted fraudulent medical certificates.

[Adapted from www.talent360.co.za. Accessed on 7 April 2019]

Write paragraphs on the core elements of a job contract.

Use the following as a guideline:

7.1 Identify the relevant Labour Act related to sick leave in the scenario above and give TWO reasons
why workers should know the regulations on taking leave. (1 + 2) (3)
7.2 How do you think the employer came to the conclusion that the worker's medical certificates in the
scenario above were fraudulent? Discuss THREE possible reasons. (3 x 2) (6)
7.3 Recommend TWO practical ways in which employers could reinforce work ethics to counteract
absenteeism in the workplace. For EACH answer also indicate how EACH measure may improve the
work ethics of workers. (2 x 3) (6)

Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.


South African labour laws are amongst the best in the world today, as the Constitution has established
labour law rights very strongly, and over time trade unions have also been able to provide further input into
labour laws.

At the centre of labour legislation is the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA), 1997 (Act 75 of 1997).
Neither the employer nor the worker can ignore the conditions outlined in the BCEA, especially with regard
to the regulations of a job contract as stipulated in the Act.

Every employer is legally obliged to provide all workers with a contract no later than the first day of
employment. Employers are therefore well advised to enter into a job contract with a worker. It is also a
fact that very few workers actually read the job contract before signing it.

Even though South African labour laws are fairly progressive, child labour for instance, continues to exist in
a variety of labour sectors in the country. Therefore, it is important that employers have a good
understanding of the BCEA to ensure that they operate in a manner that is fully compliant with labour laws.

[Adapted from http://www.chamlabour.co.za. Accessed on 2 May 2022.]

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3

8.1 Define the term job contract. (1 x 2) (2)

8.2 State TWO ways in which trade unions could assist workers in addressing non-compliance with
working conditions. (2 x 1) (2)
8.3 Explain why the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA), 1997 (Act 75 of 1997) protects under-
aged children from working in a formal work environment. (1 x 2) (2)
8.4 How could an employer assist a young worker to minimise the consequences of misreading or not
reading a job contract? (2 x 2) (4)
8.5 Assess TWO advantages for an employer who provides workers with a job contract. (2 x 2) (4)
8.6 Examine why it is important for a worker to review a job contract. In EACH answer, also indicate
how reviewing it may benefit the worker. (2 x 3) (6)


Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.


Sooner or later you will be exposed to the recruitment processes that all job seekers go through
before a position in a company is offered to you.

[Source: Google]

Write a short essay on the recruitment process.

Use the following as a guideline:

9.1 Define the term recruitment process and explain the importance of such a process. (1 + 2) (3)
9.2 Name and describe THREE actions which will ensure that your job application is accepted.
(3 x 2) (6)

9.3 State ONE way in which EACH of the following labour acts creates a fair working environment:

• The Labour Relations Act (LRA), 1995 (Act 66 of 1995) (1 x 2) (2)

• The Employment Equity Act (EEA), 1998 (Act 55 of 1998) (1 x 2) (2)

• The Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA), 1997 Act 75 of 1997) (1 x 2) (2)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3

Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.


Finding work meaningful is something that every worker should experience. However, some people
may not find meaning in their work, hence they are most likely to act unethically in the workplace.

[Adapted from https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/what-makes-work-meaningful-or-meaningless.

Accessed on 3 December 2020.]

Write paragraphs on the value of work and work ethics.

Use the following as a guideline:

10.1 State FOUR ways in which work could give you a sense of purpose in life. (4 x 1) (4)
10.2 Analyse why it is necessary for all workers to follow the required ethical behaviour in the
workplace. (2 x 4) (8)
10.3 Critically discuss the importance of understanding your core values to ensure that you find
meaning in your work. (2 x 4) (8)
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
Memorandum – Stress


1.1.1 B (✓) (1)

1.1.2 A (✓) (1)

1.1.3 D (✓) (1)

1.1.4 C (✓) (1)

1.1.5 A (✓) (1)


1.2.1 Flexibility (✓) (1)

1.2.2 Diabetes/Sugar Diabetes/Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes (✓) (1)

1.2.3 Lifestyle (✓) (1)

1.2.4 Rehabilitation/ Rehab (✓) (1)

1.2.5 Circuit training/Obstacle courses (✓) (1)

1.3.1 Health:

It is a general term describing the overall status of a person. (✓)


Being in good health implies being free of illness or disease, and not suffering

from any impairment or pain. (✓)


A complete state of physical, psychological, social and mental wellbeing. (✓)


Any other suitable explanation for ONE mark each. (✓) (1)


Is a measure of the amount of physical capability rather than a measure of well-being. (✓)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
It is a result of physical action. (✓)


Good physical condition resulting from exercise and proper nutrition. (✓)


Any other suitable explanation for ONE mark each. (✓) (1) (2)

1.3.2 Explain TWO ways in which some religious and cultural practices can ill-health.

Marks should be awarded as follows;

TWO marks (√√) for each well-explained responses.

Possible answers could be:

• Some cultures/religions may discourage people from seeking medical help/

going to the doctor/taking medication/having blood transfusions/getting organ

transplants/donating organs, etc. (✓) what to serious can lead to illness/death. (✓)

• Some people who strongly believe that only God can heal them

can make, may prevent them from seeking medical help/medical

refuse help (✓) which may cause them not to receive medical treatment in

time receive and this may result in them getting sicker/may die. (✓)

• Unhealthy initiation ceremonies done by some religions/cultures

becomes ✓) may cause serious infection/death. (✓)

• Some religions/cultures suggest alternative medications/rates/potions that do

not has not been scientifically tested (✓) and it may interfere with Western

medicine practices/professional medical treatment that can cause

disease/death cause (✓)

• Certain religious/cultural practices prohibit the use of condors (✓) which

may cause people to contract sexually transmitted infections. (✓)

• Some baptism rituals in unsafe rivers may cause people to

going under water for a long time and drown (✓) which leads to serious

injuries/brain damage/can lead to death (✓)

• Corrupt faith healers may convince people to seek medical treatment

refuse (✓) which could cause them to die or get sick. (✓)
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
• Some religions are against abortion (even though it is legal in South Africa) (✓)

and this can lead to unnecessary stress to raise an unplanned/unwanted

child to make. (✓)

• In some cultures, a sick person may prefer to see a sangoma/traditionalist

first to visit a doctor (✓) and consequently delay the period to seek medical

care for a get sick (✓)

• In some African cultures, male relatives may be expected to re-marrying (✓)

/living with a widow of a family member (✓ )/ this can contribute to increase

the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. (✓)

• Any other TWO relevant, answers for TWO marks each. (2 x 2) (4)

1.3.3 State THREE personal safety measures one can take to reduce the risk of

injury when participating in physical activities.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

• ONE mark each (✓) for THREE responses.

Possible answers could be:

• Begin your exercise programme slowly with low-intensity exercises. (✓)

• Wear appropriate attire (clothes/shoes/no jewellery) for your activity. (✓)

• Warm up before exercising/cool down afterwards. (✓)

• Pay attention to your surroundings for possible safety hazards when

exercising outdoors. ( ✓)

• Drink water before, during, and after your workout session to keep

hydrated, even if you don't feel thirsty. (✓)

• Dress appropriately for the temperature outdoors, or opt for an indoor

activity if it's very hot or cold. (✓)

• Do not exercise when unwell or injured. (✓)

• Choose to do types of physical activity that are appropriate for your

current fitness level and health goals. (✓)

• Follow exercise rules and procedures. (✓)

• Any other relevant responses for ONE mark each. (✓) (3 x 1) (3)
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
1.3.4 Explain ONE value-added benefit of physical activities to promote your physical

health and well-being.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks (✓✓) for a well-explained response.

Value-added benefits of physical activity could promote your physical health

and well-being in that it may…

• strengthen your immune system, (✓) thereby preventing illnesses such as

colds, flu, any other possible viral infections, etc. (✓)

• help you to control your weight (✓) which could prevent illnesses that may

result from being overweight. (✓)

• promote your brain health (✓) thereby enhancing your overall brain function. (✓)

• improve your sleep patterns (✓) which may ensure that you have more energy. (✓)

• develop your muscle strength/functions of your joints/build stronger bone

structure/improve your flexibility, (✓) which may help in reducing ailments

related to these bodily functions. (✓)

• improve your cardiovascular fitness, (✓) thereby ensuring healthier heart

related conditions. (✓)

• Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1 x 2) (2)

1.3.5 Explain why smoking of cigarettes may have a negative effect on your physical


Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks (✓✓) for ONE well-explained response.

Smoking may …

• result in a lack of oxygen in the blood vessels (✓) which could

cause…(any one of the following qualifiers) (✓)

- discoloration of the skin.

- uneven skin tone/spots on the skin.

- bad breath.
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
- yellow eyes.

- stains on nails/fingers.

- damages to/discoloration (✓) of gums and teeth. (✓)

• lead to a high concentration of chemicals in the body (✓) which may

cause...(any one of the following qualifiers) (✓)

- sagging/losing elasticity of the skin.

- deeper wrinkles on the face.

• disrupt the natural process of hair growth (✓) which may result in hair

thinning/loss/baldness in some people. (✓)

• cause a drop in appetite (✓) which may result in unnatural weight loss. (✓)

• Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1x2) (2)


Candidate's response must be in essay form.

2.1 Define a lifestyle disease and indicate why TB is considered to be such a disease.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark (√) for the definition.


TWO marks (√√) for the reason.

Possible responses could be:

• A lifestyle disease is usually associated with poor diet, smoking, substance abuse

and lack of exercise. (✓)


• A lifestyle disease is brought about by unhealthy habits and/or behaviour. (✓) (1)


• TB is seen as a lifestyle disease because it mainly affects low-income people (✓)

who follow a poor diet which makes them more vulnerable to the disease. (✓)

• It affects low-income people living in crowded areas with poor ventilation and
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3

unhygienic conditions (✓) which allows for the disease to spread more easily from person to person. (✓)

• Any other relevant reason for TWO marks each. (1 + 2) (3)

2.2 Discuss THREE ways in which poverty may be a contributory factor to an increase in TB infections.
Marks should be awarded as follows:

• TWO marks (✓✓) each for THREE reasons.

Possible responses could be:

• TB (Tuberculosis) emanates from the way in which people live and interact with

the environment. (✓) For example, the poorer the community, the more

overcrowded homes become and members are more likely to infect one

another with TB. (✓)

• In poor communities there is a lack of or there are poor basic health services (✓)

which all contribute to the spread of TB and its impact upon the community. (✓)

• With no health services to diagnose or treat patients, (✓) there is a longer delay

between disease and cure, perpetuating the spread of TB. (✓)

• Poverty may make it difficult for people to take their TB medication as prescribed

and to follow up regularly on their treatment, (✓) thus causing multi-drug

dependency and extreme multi-drug resistance TB. (✓)

• Poverty leads to poor nutrition and diet (✓) and this may then weaken the immune

system and increase the chances of TB infection. (✓)

• Poor communities may have lower levels of education on health issues (✓) and

may not be able to recognise the symptoms early and get appropriate help. (✓)

• Poor sanitation and no/lack of clean drinking water (√) could lead to the spread

of the disease. (✓)

• Poor communities may not have sufficient funds to afford specialist treatment that

are available in private hospitals and clinics (√) and hence may not get the best

possible treatment. (✓)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
• Any other relevant discussion for TWO marks each. (3 x 2) (6)

2.3 Suggest THREE ways in which the local government can engage the community in sustainable
programmes that will address TB and poverty alleviation.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks (✓✓) each for THREE suggestions.

Possible responses could be:

• The local government (Departments of Health, Agriculture, Education) should

promote and support programmes which will encourage community members (✓)

to have vegetable gardens that will produce nutritious food. (✓)

• Local government should support communities (√) to ensure clean drinking water

and proper sanitation. (✓)

• Local government should provide recreational facilities that would promote and

encourage engagement in physical exercises (✓) which may help build the immune

system and reduce TB infections. (✓)

• Community members should be encouraged to clean their surroundings, (✓)wear

clean clothes and drink clean water as these will prevent the spread of diseases. (✓)

• Enlist local businesses to help assist the poor in maintaining basic physical

infrastructure, (✓) such as housing and sanitation. (✓)

• Provide educational programmes to educate the community about TB (✓) so that

people are more knowledgeable about the disease. (✓)

• To organise media campaigns (√) to promote awareness about TB. (✓)

• Or any other THREE relevant responses for TWO marks (✓✓)ach. (3 x 2) (6)



3.1 THREE human errors that may have contributed to the disaster shown in the photograph.

Marks are awarded as follows:

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
ONE marks each (✓) for FOUR well explained responses

• Fires that are unattended (✓)

• Unattended burning candles or paraffin stoves (✓)

• Lit cigarette butts thrown around (✓)

• Electricity theft which may lead to faulty wiring that could cause a fire (✓)

• Faulty electrical equipment or gas cylinders (✓)

• Leaking gas bottles (✓)

• Use of flammable materials when building shacks, for example plastics,

cardboard, etc. (✓)

• Children playing with matches/fire (✓)

Or any other relevant FOUR responses. (✓✓✓✓) (4 x 1) (4)

3.2 Explain FOUR ways in which municipalities can ensure that they are prepared for such disasters.

Marks are awarded as follows:

TWO marks each (✓✓) for FOUR well explained responses.

• Funds should be allocated for relevant resources such as fire extinguishers, (✓)

transportation, food, blankets, etc. (✓)

• Municipalities must have emergency evacuation plans (✓) and all people must be

aware of the procedures should a disaster (fire) occur. (✓)

• Medical assistance must be easily accessible (✓) to assist casualties after the

disaster. (✓)

• There should be adequate provision for manholes (✓) within human settlements to

access water to extinguish fires. (✓)

• Regular training must be conducted for relief/volunteer workers (✓) to cover all

aspects of disaster management. (✓)

• Careful planning must be in place to coordinate the effective use of resources,

both human and physical, for the saving of the lives and property, (✓) limiting
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
damage to the environment and returning to a normal lifestyle as soon as

possible. (✓)

• There must be training (√) and educational programmes on safety issues. (✓)

• Municipalities must alert communities to danger (✓) by implementing warning

systems, such as a siren or alarm bell. (✓)

Or any other FOUR relevant responses. (4 x 2) (8)

3.3 Formulate and discuss ONE practical strategy that your school can implement when an emergency
occurs that threatens the safety of learners and staff at your school.

Marks should be allocated as follows:

• ONE mark to be awarded if:

○ the learner has formulated a strategy (✓)


• TWO marks to be awarded if:

○ the learner has discussed how the strategy should be implemented (✓✓)

• Strategy: Design an evacuation plan which clearly explains the procedures to

be followed when an emergency occurs, catering for the physically challenged

learners as well. (✓)

• As soon as they hear the warning siren/bell, both learners and staff should not

panic but move in an orderly fashion to the allocated evacuation exit. (✓)

• Everybody needs to gather at a designated spot for further instructions. (✓)

• The teacher or class leader/person appointed for this drill (safety officer), will

take roll call and every learner and staff member should make sure that they

hear their name being called out. (✓)

• All unaccounted persons should be reported to the person in charge of the

evacuation drill. (✓)

OR any other suitable strategy with two well-explained discussions on how to

implement the strategy. (✓✓✓) (1 + 2) (3)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3

4.1 According to the graph the 30–34-year age group has the highest infection rate. State THREE
possible causes of the high infection rate in this age group.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark (✓) for each of the THREE causes.

Explanation of the THREE possible causes for the high HIV infection rate of the 30–34-year

age group:

• They are more independent and more likely to have more sexual partners and may

perhaps indulge in unprotected sex. (✓)

• They may be in a relationship and their partners insist upon having unprotected sex

because they trust one another. (✓)

• They are highly mobile and may migrate and this may result in multiple sexual

partners and hence they may be more likely to engage in unprotected sex. (✓)

• They have lifestyles that are more likely to make them more vulnerable to HIV

infection e.g. drug use, reckless behaviour, poor condom use. (✓)

• Denial by some of them that they could be infected with HIV/Aids and therefore

they do not go for testing. (✓)

• Unemployment may force some women into 'commercial sex-work'/prostitution

which make them more vulnerable to infection. (✓)

Or any other THREE relevant causes for ONE mark. (3 x 1) (3)

4.2 The graph shows the difference in the infection rate between men and women. Briefly discuss
THREE reasons why there is a gender imbalance in HIV infections as reflected in the graph.

Marks must be awarded as follows:

TWO marks (✓✓) each for THREE well explained responses.

Reasons for the gender imbalance as reflected on the graph include:

• The economic dependency of woman in certain cultures makes them more

vulnerable to HIV infection, because men tend to exert more power in these
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
relationships. (✓) This results in women not being able to protect themselves

against abuse, sexual exploitation or unprotected sex. (✓)

• Woman are more susceptible to HIV infection than men ✓ ) due to some

biological factors, e.g. immature cervix in younger females. (✓)

• In several cultures women do not have any power to negotiate sexual

issues, e.g. using condoms. (√) This make women more vulnerable to HIV

infection. (✓)

• Sexual violence, which can include rape, is prevalent in South Africa. (✓) As a

result many women may become infected because they are forced to have

unprotected sex. (✓)

• Young girls have unprotected sex with older men ('sugar daddies' – for material

benefits) who have had multiple sexual partners. (✓) This exposes young women

to the risks of contracting HIV. (✓)

• In some cultures, having multiple sexual partners and not using any protection is

a measure of masculinity and prestige among men. (✓) This can actually raise a

woman's risk of contracting HIV. (✓)

Or any other THREE relevant responses for TWO marks each. (3 x 2) (6)

4.3 State TWO intervention strategies that have been put in place by the government or your
community to prevent HIV infections. Critically evaluate the effectiveness of each strategy.
Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark (✓) for mentioning an intervention strategy


TWO marks (✓✓) for critically evaluating the strategy.

Prevention of HIV infection

• Condoms have been provided freely in health care centres. (✓

○ Condoms are effective because those who engage in safe sex (✓) have easy

access to it at the clinics. (✓)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
○ Providing free condoms may not be effective since there are still a great

number of teenage pregnancies, (✓) suggesting that there are those who do not use them. (✓)

• Mother-to-child transmission prevention programmes are implemented by

Government. (✓)

○ Mother-to-child-transmissions have decreased with proper education (✓) and

making the services accessible in most of the community. (✓)


○ There are still pregnant women who do not visit the clinic to make use of the

services provided (✓) or some of the mothers default their treatment. (✓)

• Peer education / life skills programmes have empowered youth by making information

more accessible. (✓)

○ They are more likely to discuss and open up to their peers (√) within a safe

environment than with the adults. (✓)


○ Youth do not take seriously the advice from their peers (✓) and the infection rate

keeps on rising. (✓)

• Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) and Provider Initiated Counselling and

Testing services have been made available in communities. (✓)

○ These services are free (✓)and enable early diagnosis and prevention of re-infections. (✓)


○ Because of the stigma of HIV, (✓) people in the community are still reluctant

to go for counselling. (✓)

• Awareness by religious institutions and organisations. (✓)

○ They have played an important role in facilitating information, (✓) providing

knowledge and encouraging abstinence. (✓)


○ They have not been fully involved due to the religious points of view (✓) that

make people feel judged or guilty and shameful. (✓)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
• People who are living with HIV and Aids have been engaged as ambassadors. (✓)

○ They have advocated awareness and prevention effectively, (✓) hence people

have been able to identify with them because of their real life roles and

situations. (✓)


○ People who have disclosed their HIV status (✓) have been stigmatised. (✓)

• Community prevention programmes. (✓)

○ As an example: male medical circumcision has been promoted in health

centres (✓) and thousands of men have been safely circumcised. (✓)


○ Although this service is available, a lot of men are still reluctant to make use

of these services in their community (✓) because of apathy (not interested)/

prefer to/are compelled to use traditional methods. (✓)

• There are increased home-based care centres/care givers. (✓)

○ There has been an increase in support networks, such as home-based care

and trained care givers; (✓) hence people have been able to get more help in

care and support. (✓)


○ People do not make use of these home-based cared centres (√) or are

reluctant to use the care givers. (✓)

• Media campaigns (✓)

○ They have played an important role in providing information to the public (✓)

and this has helped to decrease HIV infections. (✓)


○ These campaigns are not evident in all communities, (✓) hence people are

still unaware and infections continue. (✓)

Or any other TWO relevant responses for THREE marks each. (3 x 2) (6)


LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
5.1 State THREE factors that could prevent people living in poverty from taking care of their health.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark (✓) for each response.

Factors could include:

• Limited/no access to basic health care services (e.g. no/limited transport, distance

to health care facilities, etc.) (✓)

• Poor nutrition/inadequate diet. (✓)

• A lack of finances to afford specialised health care. (✓)

• The poor quality of health care facilities in poor communities. (✓)

• Not being able to take time off work to get medical care/collect medication. (✓)

• A lack of education on prevention and control/early detection/care/support/

intervention/treatment. (✓)

• Insufficient health care workers in poor communities. (✓)

• Any THREE of the above responses for ONE mark each. (3 x 1) (3)

5.2 How do you think young people could help to break a cycle of 'generational poverty'?

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks (✓✓) for a well-explained response.

Young people could …

• pursue all possible educational opportunities/ensure that they complete the

National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination successfully (✓) which may assist

them to secure a good/decent job. (✓)

• create a personalized career goal (✓) which may enable them to move towards

a stable career that could offer a liveable wage. (✓)

• get educated at an early stage in their lives on basic financial literacy, e.g.

household budgeting/saving strategies (✓) which may equip them with the

necessary skills to manage their finances to get them and keep them out of
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
poverty. (✓)

 find a mentor/build reliable relationships with people who could hold them accountable to
commitment to turning their situations around (✓) which may help them to build resilience in their
fight to end the legacy of poverty. (✓)
 explore entrepreneurial opportunities (✓) which may help them to earn a living. (✓)
 network with family/friends/community members/on social media about possible jobs (✓) which
may help them to get quick access to available employment opportunities. (✓)
 use the available resources such as youth development centres/programmes in the local
community (✓) to get access to information on available jobs/help them apply for
jobs/bursaries/further studies. (✓)
• Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1 x 2) (2)

5.3 Explain ONE way in which a campaign could be used to draw public attention to issues of lifestyle
diseases resulting from poverty.

Marks should be awarded as follow:

TWO marks (✓✓) for a well-explained response.

It could be used to …

 create awareness of the conditions of people living in poverty (✓) which may make others more
mindful of the factors that may lead to lifestyle diseases in such communities. (✓)
 run/report on stories in the media of people living in poverty who are affected by lifestyle diseases
(✓) so that their plight could be known/noticed/ acknowledged. (✓)
 portray stories of lifestyle diseases through creative arts such as performance/
music/painting/dance/drama (✓) and in this way all people may be educated on the negative
effects of lifestyle diseases on people living in poverty. (✓)
 allow people with lifestyle diseases as a result of poverty to share their personal stories (✓) which
may help develop empathy in others to respect people living in such conditions. (✓)
 mobilize/involve communities/educational institutions/youth organizations to participate in
discussions/debates on different media platforms on the conditions of people with lifestyle
diseases as a result of poverty (✓) so that their concerns/predicaments may be highlighted to the
wider society. (✓)
 Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1 x 2) (2)

5.4 Discuss the importance of evaluating the outcomes of a campaign addressing poverty as a
contributing factor to ill-health.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
TWO marks each (✓✓) for TWO well-explained responses.

Evaluating the outcomes of a campaign that addresses poverty as a

contributing factor to ill-health is important because one could…

• check whether the specific aims of the campaign on ill-health and poverty were

met/practical (✓) in order to assess if these aims were actually achievable. (✓)

• identify whether problems were addressed within a given time-frame (✓) and this

may help to assist in the planning of future campaigns on poverty and ill-health. (✓)

• determine whether the goals of the campaign on ill health were realistic/

measurable (✓) in order to see if the proposed changes occurred/ or if follow-up

sessions are required for those affected people who could not be reached. (✓)

• assess whether appropriate processes/steps regarding the campaign on ill-health

were followed (✓) in order to verify if anybody's human rights were violated. (✓)

• check whether the procedures followed were free from any loopholes/gaps (✓) so

that the necessary improvements may be made to reach the desired outcomes

of campaign on ill-health resulting from poverty in the future. (✓)

• measure if the target group was reached (✓) which may then confirm if the

campaign was inclusive of all those affected by the issues of ill-health as a result

of poverty. (✓)

• assess whether the impact of such a campaign on ill-health resulting from poverty

is sustainable (✓) in order to determine if follow-up actions are required/the goals

were achieved. (✓)

• determine if the budget was/resources were adequate to implement all the

plans (✓) in order to know if more money/resources may be needed for future

campaigns on poverty and its effects on ill-health. (✓)

• judge if the campaign was successful or not (✓) in order see which aspects of a

campaign on poverty as a contributing factor to ill-health needs to be changed. (✓)

• Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks each. (2 x 2) (4)
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
5.5 Assess TWO measures taken by the government to relieve poverty in local communities which may
help to address issues of ill-health, arising from poverty.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks each (✓✓) for TWO well-explained responses.

Measures implemented by the government to relieve poverty in local

communities could include…

• the provisioning of low-cost housing to the poor (✓) which may help to provide

people with warmth and shelter, preventing them from getting ill. (✓)

• the payment of social grants (child support/disability grants/pensions/COVID relief

funds) to qualifying members of the community (✓) which may be seen as

sufficient to cater for the basic standard of living to cover costs for basic medical

assistance. (✓)

• the issuance of free basic electricity and water (✓) which may be adequate

for different households in the country to assist them in sustaining their overall health. (✓)

• the implementation of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP)/Community

Works Programme (CWP) that provides an income to people in poor communities

across South Africa to alleviate poverty (✓) which may assist some people to improve

their general health. (✓)

• school/community feeding schemes funded by the government (✓) which caters for

the nutritional needs of most people living in poverty, helping them to maintain a

healthy diet. (✓)

• community-based training/funding for local food gardens (✓) which may help people

to produce their own food, ensuring sustainable nutrition for healthy living. (✓)

• Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks each. (2 x 2) (4)



Candidates' responses must be in the form of PARAGRAPHS. Marks will only be awarded for

responses written in full sentences.

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3

• In this question, candidates' answers must be written in full sentences as

far as possible. Hence, within the 4-mark question, candidates could and

should be awarded 4, 3, 2 and 1 or a 0 (zero) depending on the level of

answers given.

• To be awarded the full FOUR marks for an EVALUATION question,

candidates must give a statement, (✓) qualify the statement (✓) a second

statement, (✓) qualify the second statement. (✓)

6.1 Mention FOUR benefits for a person who detects a disease early enough.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark (✓) for each response.

Possible answers could include:

• The chances for someone making a full recovery is better. (✓)

• Unnecessary death/fatalities may be prevented/the odds of surviving are greater. (✓)

• Treatment could be more effective. (✓)

• A person's quality of life may not be affected as severely. (✓)

• Restoring/maintaining good health may not be so costly. (✓)

• The condition could be managed/controlled instead of worsening. (✓)

• Appropriate lifestyle interventions could be done, leading to a longer, healthier

life. (✓)

• Harm to other organs in the body may be prevented/your overall health may be

protected. (✓)

• It may prevent a disease from fully developing. (✓)

• The chances of a long-term cure are much better than if the disease has progressed. (✓)

• Any FOUR of the above responses for ONE mark each. (4x1) (4)
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
6.2 Analyse the negative effect of people's personal views about infectious diseases on the health and
safety of people.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

FOUR marks (✓✓✓✓) for each well-explained response.

NOTE: To be awarded the full FOUR marks, candidates must give a statement,

(✓) elaborate on the statement, (✓) qualify it (✓) and give an outcome. (✓)

If people should…

• form their own theories about the disease/virus (✓) it may influence others to

believe those opinions (✓) which may lead to the spread of fake news (✓) and this

may cause confusion among people about whether they should comply with

safety regulations or not. (✓)

• misuse what may seem to be normal social and economic activity (✓) and become

complacent with the crisis situation (✓) it may cause them to engage carelessly

with others (✓) and this may put themselves and others at a higher risk of

contracting the disease/virus. (✓)

• choose to deny the reality of such a disease (✓) as their own way of coping with

such a health crisis (✓) it may make them to ignore the devastating effects of

such a disease (✓) and this may cause them to unintentionally spread the

disease/ virus.( ✓)

• argue that it is their right to not disclose their health status, (✓) knowing well that

they may infect others (✓) they may thereby only consider their own interest (✓)

and this may deprive others of their right to be safe and stay healthy. (✓)

• prefer to not trust the scientific evidence of how the disease/virus is contracted/

spread (✓) they may believe that the disease is merely a political conspiracy(✓)

and they may then refuse to comply with compulsory safety precautions (✓)

leading them to disregard the seriousness of the disease. (✓)

• put their faith entirely in religious/traditional practices (✓) they may believe that

they will not contract the disease/virus by doing so (✓) which may cause them
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
to not trust in any other form of prevention/treatment (✓) and this may lead to

unnecessary illness/untimely deaths. (✓)

• Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks each. (2x4) (8)

6.3 Evaluate the impact of a crisis such as the global COVID-19 pandemic on the current trends in the
job market.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

FOUR marks (✓✓✓✓) for each well-explained response.

NOTE: To be awarded the full FOUR marks for the EVALUATION, candidates must give

a statement, (✓) qualify the statement, (✓) give a second statement, (✓) qualify

the second statement. (✓)

Possible answers could include:

• There has been an extreme downturn in economic activity as a result of this global

crisis (✓) which had an even more severe impact on youth employment possibilities; (✓)

however, this situation has created an opportunity for many young people to become entrepreneurs/to
come up with innovative entrepreneurial ideas (✓) which eventually

has become long-term/sustainable employment options for many of them. (✓)

• The economic restrictions that the global pandemic brought about has caused a

massive decline in work-based learning opportunities (✓) which has amplified the

difficulties that young jobseekers already experienced prior to the pandemic; (✓)

however, many virtual platforms have since been created (✓) affording people

alternative access to different learning opportunities. (✓)

• An even greater percentage of young people now have to compete for one job (✓)

which has mainly advantaged the best skilled young workers; (✓) thus forcing others

to identify/acknowledge their shortcomings, (✓) resulting in opportunities for them

to gain new skills to survive in the current job-hunting climate. (✓)

• Many people lost their jobs/had to take a cut in salary/had a disruption in their

careers (✓) which means that they now have to compete with a new cohort joining

the labour force; (✓) spurring many people to unlock other talents/entrepreneurial
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
skills (✓) opening up a completely new working world to them. (✓)

• There has been a shift in job skills demands, (✓) forcing many workers to rapidly

adapt and learn new technological skills; (✓) resulting in a higher demand for

technical courses/online crash courses in technology (✓) so that people could

meet the demands of remote working at a national/international level. (✓)

• Many companies had to change their business strategies in order to survive in

this recession period (✓) to stay relevant in this sudden changing business

environment; (✓) resulting in them having to come up with innovative ways to

market their business (✓) thereby creating new job opportunities for others. (✓)

• Face to face recruitment processes could no longer be done because of

international lockdown regulations (✓) which caused serious delays in people being

appointed to available positions; (✓) in turn, companies had to adapt to online

recruitment processes/virtual platforms (✓) which has become an easier/faster way

to connect with candidates/retrieve any necessary documentation/information

from candidates. (✓)

• Most companies had to work from home (✓) so that they could still deliver services/

keep their clientele/make business; (✓) however, working from home has caused

some workers to feel isolated (✓) as they no longer have colleagues around them

to depend on for assistance. (✓)

• Many companies have retrenched workers (✓) since they realized that the

company could do without people in certain positions; (✓) whereas other

companies have used this situation as an opportunity to monitor/evaluate the

work of employees more closely (✓) thereby holding more people accountable for

their productivity/deliverables. (✓)

• Many people, especially those who were mainly office based, had to adapt to

working from home (✓) forcing them to learn new ways of working and managing

their household responsibilities at the same time (✓) (any one of the following)…

- resulting in some people appreciating it as an opportunity to spend more

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
time with their families (✓) thereby preferring to work as digital nomads. (✓)

- resulting in others missing the interaction with other colleagues/work

environment (✓) thereby still preferring to work from the office. (✓)

• Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks each. (2 x 4) (8)



Candidate's response must be in paragraphs.

7.1 Identify the relevant labour Act related to sick leave in the above scenario and state TWO reasons
why workers should know the regulations with regard to taking leave.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark (✓) for the Act and ONE mark each (✓)(✓) for each reason.

Labour Act:

• Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA), 75 of 1997 (✓) (1)


Workers should know the regulations so that they may know …

• what the rules are pertaining to the different types of leave (e.g. sick/annual/

special/maternity/paternity leave). (✓)

• what required documentation is needed for different leave-taking. (✓)

• by when the relevant documents should be submitted to the employer. (✓)

• the rules with regard to the submission of medical certificates for sick leave. (✓)

• how their salaries may be affected if they exhaust the number of days allocated

to the different types of leave. (✓)

• what the consequences could be should they violate any of the regulations

regarding leave-taking. (✓)

• Any other TWO relevant responses for ONE mark each. (2 x 1) (3)

7.2 How do you think the employer came to the conclusion that the worker's medical certificates in the
above scenario were fraudulent? Discuss THREE possible reasons.
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks each (✓✓) for THREE well-explained responses.

Possible answers could be:

• The worker may have tampered with the dates/handwriting on the medical

certificates, (✓) which may have raised suspicion that the certificates were

forged. (✓)

• The employer may have been aware of previous misconducts by the worker, (✓)

which may have led to closer scrutiny of the medical certificates, hence

discovering it to be fraudulent. (✓)

• The workers may have submitted medical certificates that were not issued and

signed by registered medical practitioners/practitioners who were not registered

with the medical board/Health Professionals Council of South Africa (HPCSA), (✓)

which then would imply/mean that the certificates were not authentic. (✓)

• There may have been a pattern of poor work attendance by the worker who may

have submitted fraudulent medical certificates in the past,( ✓) which could have

confirmed that he/she has a history of not complying with the company's policies/

procedures, leading to the employer's conclusion that he/she could have falsified

the medical certificates. (✓)

• The medical certificates may not have had all the required information of the

medical practitioner, (✓) which is why the certificates could not be accepted as

valid. (✓)

• The employer may have made a general inquiry on the worker's visit to the doctor, (✓)

which could have indicated that the information on the medical certificates was

not reliable. (✓)

• The employer may have found evidence on social media/through co-workers that

the worker was actually engaged in social activities at the time of being supposedly

sick (✓) which then verified that the medical certificates did not reflect his/her true

medical condition he/she claimed to have had. (✓)

• The medical certificates may have been from a practitioner known to issue
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
fraudulent certificates (✓) which then may have raised concerns that the

certificates were not legal. (✓)

• Any other THREE relevant responses for TWO marks each. (3 x 2) (6)

7.3 Recommend TWO practical ways in which employers could reinforce work ethics to counteract
absenteeism in the workplace. For EACH answer also indicate how EACH measure may improve the
work ethics of workers.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

THREE marks each (✓✓) for TWO well-explained responses.


• In this question, candidates' answers must be written in full sentences as far as possible.

Hence, within the 3- mark question, candidates could and should be awarded 3, 2

and 1 or a 0 (zero) depending on the level of answers given.

• To be awarded the full three marks candidates must give a statement, (✓) qualify the

statement (✓) and give an outcome. (✓)

Employers could…

• regularly emphasise the expectations for attendance at work (✓) so that all workers

may be clear on the matter at all times (✓) and this may ensure that they may always

make responsible decisions regarding work attendance. (✓)

• enforce the work attendance policy consistently (✓) so that workers may realize

the seriousness thereof (✓) and in this way there may be more discipline with

regard to attendance in the workplace. (✓)

• ensure that all workers know what to do when they are to be late/miss a day (✓)

so that they may follow proper procedures (✓) and this may guarantee that their

absence from work does not negatively affect their productivity. (✓)

• assess the amount of paid time-off allowed, (✓) which may reduce planned/

unplanned absence from work (✓) and this may enhance their dedication to

their work. (✓)

• consider introducing employee wellness programmes (✓) which may help reduce
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
work/personal stress (✓) and in this way they may develop a positive approach

to work. (✓)

• work towards keeping workers engaged with interesting work projects (✓) which

may allow them to apply innovation/creativity (✓) and this may keep them

motivated at their work. (✓)

• have wellness call centers where workers could seek assistance confidentially, (✓)

which may encourage them to talk to someone about their personal/work-related

problems affecting their work negatively (✓) and this may prevent them from

staying absent from work as a coping mechanism. (✓)

• offer professional counseling services (✓) which may help workers to cope with

the specific aspects that are causing them to be absent from work (✓) and in this

way they may be able to carry out their duties/responsibilities as expected in

their job contracts. (✓)

• monitor how workers use their leave (✓) which may help them to manage their

leave better (✓) and in this way they may be able to plan their leave in line with

their work responsibilities. (✓)

• Any other TWO relevant responses for THREE marks each. (2 x 3) (6)



8.1 Define the term job contract.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks (✓✓) for a well-explained response.

It may refer to the …

• written agreement between the employer and the worker (✓) that offers clear

guidelines/expectations of the job. (✓)

• binding document between the employer and worker (✓) that specifies the details

about the worker's duties/responsibilities/obligations. (✓)

• signed agreement between the employer and the worker (✓) that is bound by law. (✓)
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
• legal written guidelines (✓) that aims to promote good working relationships between

the employer and the worker. (✓)

• Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1 x 2) (2)

8.2 State TWO ways in which trade unions could assist workers in addressing non-compliance of
working conditions.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark (✓) for each of the TWO responses.

Trade unions could …

• conduct regular surveys with their members. (✓)

• educate members on how to identify poor labour practices. (✓)

• provide methods for workers to report any non-compliance. (✓)

• ensure that workers can report non-compliance without fear of victimisation. ( ✓)

• organise legal strikes/protests/mass action. (✓)

• enforce labour laws on behalf of their members. (✓)

• regularly monitor whether new policies or procedures do not disadvantage workers. (✓)

• empower workers to monitor/improve/take ownership of their own work conditions. (✓)

• regularly update workers on workplace practices that may affect them directly. (✓)

• advise workers on how to complete reports on non-compliance. (✓)

• represent workers in meetings with the employer. (✓)

• Any TWO of the above responses for ONE mark each. (2 x 1) (2)

8.3 Explain why the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA), 1997 (Act 75 of 1997), protects under-
aged children from working in a formal work environment.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks (✓✓) for a well-explained response.

Possible answers could include:

• The responsibilities of a formal job may add stress to a child's life (✓) as they may not

be emotionally ready to deal with the failures/challenges of tasks. (✓)

• A working environment may expose under-aged children to inappropriate

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
situations/people (✓) which they may not be able to cope/deal with. (✓)

• Early engagement with the demands of the adult world (✓) may lead to children not

knowing how to deal with the effect of their childhood ending too soon. (✓)

• Under aged children may be unskilled for specific jobs (✓) and therefore it may be

too labour intensive for their physical capacity. (✓)

• Children working at such a young age (✓) may be deprived of their legal/

democratic right to education. (✓)

• Children earning their own money at such a vulnerable stage of their lives (✓) could

spend the money unwisely/be financially exploited by adults. (✓)

• Young working children may be abused by adults (✓) and may unknowingly

become victims of human trafficking. (✓)

• Young children may adopt bad habits from adults (✓) which may endanger their

own health/safety. (✓)

• Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1 x 2) (2)

8.4 How could an employer assist a young worker to minimise the consequences of misreading or not
reading a job contract?

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks (✓✓) for each well-explained response.

Employers could …

• ensure that the lawyers who are drawing up these contracts, simplify the language (✓)

so that workers who are not fluent readers may also understand what they read/sign. (✓)

• create a favourable environment/atmosphere for workers to read and sign their

contracts (✓) so that they may not feel threatened/ pressurised in any way. (✓)

• have translators/interpreters available to assist with first/second additional language

speakers (✓) since the language used in these contracts may be more difficult to

understand for such workers. (✓)

• set aside a specific date and time for workers to be assisted by trade union members/
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
pro-bono lawyers/legal advisers/mentors to help clarify any possible queries/

uncertainties in the contract (✓) which may prevent any misunderstanding of

regulations as stipulated in the contract. (✓)

• have animations/drawings/simulations included in the contracts (✓) so that workers

with disabilities/learning difficulties may also have a clear understanding of their

conditions of service. (✓)

• ensure that contracts are legible/neatly typed (✓) so that workers may not

misunderstand the content of the contract. (✓)

• ensure that the agreed conditions of work is not written in fine print (✓) so that

workers may not overlook important details of the contract. (✓)

• Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks each. (2 x 2) (4)

8.5 Assess TWO advantages for an employer who provides workers with a job contract.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks (✓✓) for each well-explained response.

It may …

• minimise incidents of non-compliance by workers an employer may have to deal

with on a daily basis (✓) and this may send a clear message to workers of the legal

rights an employer may have in the event of breach of contract. (✓)

• help the employer to establish the necessary structure/order in the work place (✓)

thereby reducing possible risks the employer may have to manage. (✓)

• protect the business/company through policies included in the contract (✓) thereby

reducing the possibility of legal claims against the employer. (✓)

• protect sensitive information of the company/employer (✓) as the employer may

have included confidentiality clauses in the contract. (✓)

• ensure that the employer provides the worker with a full job description in writing (✓)

whereby the employer would have a reference in the event of workers not fulfilling

their duties. (✓)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
• safeguard the employer by preventing workers from becoming their opposition

after leaving the company (✓) as it may prevent/forbid workers to sell/offer the

same products/services. (✓)

An employer may use the job contract to …

• attract highly skilled/sought-after workers (✓) which may ensure that possible

candidates would not consider to work for the competition. (✓)

• Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks each. (2 x 2) (4)

8.6 Examine why it is important for a worker to review a job contract. In EACH answer, also indicate
how reviewing it may benefit the worker.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

THREE marks (✓✓✓) for each well-explained response.

Possible answers could be:

• You may realise that your job description has changed (✓) and you are not being

compensated accordingly, (✓) which may then enable you to renegotiate your

salary. (✓)

• The working conditions of workers may need to improve (✓) since it may not be in

accordance with the applicable labour law (✓) and if workers would ensure that

these amendments are effected in their contracts, they may legally be entitled to

more conducive working environments. (✓)

• The company may upgrade equipment in order to meet the 21st century

technological advances (✓) and as a worker you may need to be upskilled, (✓)

which may then ensure that you hold the employer accountable for the relevant

training that you may require to be efficient in your job. (✓)

• The employer may have to amend the job contract to accommodate reasonable

concerns/requests of workers, (✓) so it would be important for workers to confirm

that these changes reflect in the job contract, (✓) and this would then ensure that

their demands are met. (✓)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
• The company may expand the business (✓) and the contract may have changed,

indicating that workers would be eligible for promotion/salary increases, (✓) and

workers who would be aware of these improvements could then ensure that the

employer complies with such agreements. (✓)

• An employer may have indicated a decrease of overtime hours in the contract (✓)

and workers who would familiarise themselves with these changes (✓) may then

ensure that they are not being exploited by exceeding the overtime as stipulated

in the contract. (✓)

• Workers who would be up to date with their job contracts (✓) and who may want

to leave the company to pursue better opportunities at another company (✓) may

know that they would be relieved from their contract of employment without being

penalised. (✓)

• Any TWO of the above responses for THREE marks each. (2 x 3) (6)




9.1 Definition of the term job recruitment process and an explanation of the importance of such a

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark (✓) for a definition of recruitment process and TWO marks (✓✓) for

a well-explained response.

Definition of recruitment process:

It is a …

• process/method of finding suitable candidates for a job. (✓)


• way of attracting/selecting/appointing suitable candidates for a job in an organisation. (✓)

Any other relevant definition for ONE mark. (✓)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
The importance of the process of recruitment is to …

• attract the right kind of employees (✓) by availing a high number of candidates. (✓)

• provide the organisation with ample skills (✓) so as to choose the best one for

present or future use. (✓)

• enable companies to target potential candidates and recruit them for future

employment (✓) rather than striving to find the right one at the last minute. (✓)

• ensure diversity in selection (✓) in order to meet all legal and social types of

obligations such as affirmative action/employment equity. (✓)

• ensure fairness/transparency (✓) in order to give equal opportunity to all job-seekers. (✓)

• direct the employer on the correct processes and procedures to be followed (✓) so

as to combat unfair discrimination/minimize possible disputes. (✓)

• create a platform which applicants can use to base their grievances on (✓) in case

they were disadvantaged by the process/the process was flawed. (✓)

Any other relevant explanation for TWO marks. (✓✓) (1 x 2) (2)

9.2 THREE actions which will ensure that your job application is accepted.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

Give TWO (✓✓) marks for any of the following THREE ways:

Three actions which will ensure that your job application is accepted:

• Write a cover letter to give an overview of your abilities/qualifications relevant to the

job requirements (✓) so that it is clear why you are the suitable candidate for the position. (✓)

• Include all required documents and information (certified copies of your ID/

certificates) (✓) to ensure that you have met all requirements. (✓)

• Submission must be on time (✓) to avoid your application being rejected. (✓)

• Complete the application form correctly (✓) so that your application is accepted. (✓)

• Provide your correct contact details (✓) so that you can be contacted/reached for

an interview. (✓)

• Carefully check your spelling and grammar/use appropriate language (✓) in order
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
to leave a good impression/prove your professionalism/display good academic skills. (✓)

• Send your application to the appropriate person or as indicated in the

advertisement (✓) so that your application does not get lost. (✓)

• Write a concise and accurate CV according to the job description (✓) so that your

prospective employer gets a quick overview of your competency/experience. (✓)

• Use correct and credible references (✓) so that the employer gets a professional

impression of your work experience. (✓)

Any other THREE relevant responses for TWO marks each. (✓✓) (3 x 2) (6)

9.3 ONE way in which EACH of the following labour acts can create a fair working environment:

• The Labour Relations Act (LRA), 1995 (Act 66 of 1995)

• The Employment Equity Act (EEA), 1998 (Act 55 of 1998)

• The Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA), 1997 (Act 75 of 1997)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

Give TWO (✓✓) marks for each well-explained response on each act.

The Labour Relations Act creates a fair working environment because it …

• regulates rules for the relationship between the employer and worker (✓) thereby

ensuring fair practice between the two parties. (✓)

• gives the worker the right to belong to a trade union (✓) whereby the worker can be

protected by his trade union in the workplace. (✓)

• established the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA)( ✓)

whereby disputes and arguments are settled between workers and employers in a

fair manner. (✓)

• regulates the organisational rights of trade unions (✓) to ensure that they do not

overstep their boundaries. (✓)

• promotes and facilitates collective bargaining at the workplace (✓) to meet the

rights of its members. (✓)

• regulates the right to strike and the recourse to lock out (✓) in conformity with the
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
Constitution. (✓)

• promotes employee participation in decision-making (✓) through the establishment

of workplace forums. (✓)

• provides simple procedures for dispute resolution (✓) in order to achieve a win-win

situation between employer and employee. (✓)

• also provides for dispute resolution (✓) through independent alternative dispute

resolution services. (✓)

Any other well-explained response for TWO marks. (✓✓) (1 x 2) (2)

The Employment Equity Act creates a fair working environment because it …

• promotes equal opportunities in the workplace (✓) thereby unfair discrimination or

practices in any employment policy or practice are eliminated. ( ✓)

• regulates affirmative action (✓) therefore people from the designated groups are

given employment opportunities which ensure fair treatment of all people. ( ✓)

• implements affirmative action measures (✓) to redress the disadvantages of the past. (✓)

• ensures equitable representation in all occupational categories and levels in the

work force (✓) to address imbalances of the designated groups. (✓)

Any other well-explained response for TWO marks. (✓✓) (1 x 2) (2)

The Basic Conditions of Employment Act creates a fair working environment because it ...

• ensures that all workers have employment contracts (✓) so that the worker and

employer are both protected from unfair working practices. (✓)

• sets out the duties and responsibilities workers have towards their employers(✓)

therefore making sure that workers do what is expected of them so that employers

do not make unreasonable requests. (✓)

• regulates the right to fair labour practices (✓) by establishing and enforcing basic

conditions of employment/monitoring the variation of basic conditions of employment. (✓)

• prescribes the minimum conditions of employment (✓) that employers must legally

comply with. (✓)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
• protects workers from exploitation (✓) thereby promoting respect for human rights

and social justice. (✓)

• regulates labour practices (✓) by setting out the rights and duties of employers and

employees. (✓)

• ensures social justice (✓) by establishing the basic standards of employment with

regard to working hours, leave, payment, dismissal and dispute resolutions. ( ✓)

Any other well-explained response for TWO marks. (✓✓) (1 x 2) (2)




• In this question, candidates' answers must be written in full sentences as far as

possible. Hence, within the 4-mark question, candidates could and should be

awarded 4, 3, 2 and 1 or a 0 (zero) depending on the level of answers given.

10.1 Mention FOUR ways in which work could give you a sense of purpose in life.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark (✓) for each response.

Possible answers could include:

 Each day of your life may be filled with daily goals to accomplish. (✓)
 You have a specific role to play at your work place. (✓)
 You may learn new skills and experience different things every day. (✓)
 You may experience a sense of companionship/camaraderie/that you are part of/belong/fit in with
your peers/colleagues. (✓)
 It may afford you opportunities to grow as a person in different facets of your life/ explore
alternative career paths. (✓)
 You are able to contribute to the economy and your community. (✓)
 It may instill feelings of self-worth/accomplishment/significance. (✓)
 You may be doing what you love/heeding your calling in life. (✓)
 You may feel that your life is valuable and rewarding to yourself and others. (✓)
 It could give you balance in life. (✓)
 It may offer you certainty/financial and/or emotional stability/direction in life. (✓)
 You could serve as a role model to other members of your community. (✓
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
 Any FOUR of the above responses for ONE mark. (4 x 1) (4)

10.2 Analyse why it is necessary for all workers to follow the required ethical behaviour in the work

Marks should be awarded as follows:

FOUR marks (✓✓✓✓) for each well-explained response.

NOTE: To be awarded the full FOUR marks, candidates must give a statement,

(✓) elaborate on the statement, (✓) qualify it (✓) and give an outcome. (✓)

If all workers would…

• do their work with diligence (✓) they would strive to continually perform at their

level best (✓) which may greatly improve the overall productivity in the work

place (✓) and this may assist in achieving the common goal of the company. (✓)

• commit to always function efficiently (✓) it may lessen any possible frustration

among co-workers (✓) which may create a sense of a joined work force (✓) and

this may enable everyone to complete their work within the required time limits. (✓)

• take pride in their work (✓) they would do their work with the necessary

enthusiasm(✓) thereby ensuring outstanding service delivery at all times (✓) and

this may strengthen the integrity of every worker in the company. ( ✓)

• honour the responsibilities assigned to them, (✓) then each one would also accept

accountability for their own failures/successes (✓) which may prevent any possible

hostility among workers (✓) and this may enhance good working relationships in

the workplace. (✓)

• aim to be professional at all times (✓) everyone could be encouraged to strictly

follow this conduct (✓) which may help all workers to maintain the same working

standards (✓) thereby ensuring that the principles of the company are upheld. (✓)

• treat each other with respect under all circumstances (✓) it could inspire a positive

change to the manner in which they engage with one another (✓) which may

foster an attitude of mindfulness (✓) and this may secure an emotionally safe
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
working environment for everyone. (✓)

• show integrity in all that they do (✓) they may refrain from engaging in dishonest

practices (✓) which may prevent fraud/corruption in the workplace (✓) and this

may ensure that everyone would strive to maintain high morals in the work place. (✓)

• Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks. (2 x 4) (8)

10.3 Critically discuss the importance of understanding your core values to ensure that you may find
meaning in your work.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

FOUR marks (✓✓✓✓) for each well-explained response.

NOTE: To be awarded the full FOUR marks, candidates must give a statement,

(✓) elaborate on the statement, (✓) qualify it (✓) and give an outcome. (✓)

Possible answers could include:

• Exploring your core values first, is an important step toward setting realistic career

goals (✓) as you cannot set a goal for what you want if you do not know what you

are looking for (✓) but being aware of your core values could give you clarity

about what you want from life (✓) and this could put you in a better position to

pursue a job that would be meaningful to you. (✓)

• Identifying your core values is crucial in making important life decisions (✓) as it

may enable you to prioritize these values (✓) which may then guide you in finding

a job that would offer the values that you are looking for (✓) and this may help

you to reflect if you are following the right career. (✓)

• Defining your core values is important when pursuing a job opportunity (✓) since

this may help you to determine whether your own values are in line with the work

values (✓) and if not, whether you would be able to adapt otherwise, (✓) and this

may help you to view job opportunities through the correct lens. (✓)

• Your core values could be the compass that leads you to a suitable career (✓) so

it is vital that you always revisit these values (✓) to make sure that you do not lose
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 12 Term 3
sight of what really matters in your life (✓) and this may help you to determine

what career moves you should or should not make/whether you should keep or

leave a job. (✓)

• When you clearly outline your core values (✓) it may help you to do reflection of

what is important for you in a job, (✓) providing you with more guidance when

you have to consider the prospects of the job (✓) and this may make it easier for

you to either accept or decline a particular job. (✓)

• Your core values could help you to determine the significance of a specific job

to you (✓) and by following these values early in your career (✓) may make it

easier to decide which job opportunities you could consider (✓) and this may help

you to find the job that would offer you the satisfaction/contentment that you are

looking for in a job. (✓)

• Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks. (2 x 4) (8)


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