A18026 019 Rev1 Review Report FAT Scan

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© EFJV CML3 PHASE 3 - PSC P3 010 SLURRY TREATMENT PLANT e REVIEW REPORT -- FAT EFIV MS A18 026- CML3 Phase 3A /3C a TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘AGENDA 2 4. TROMMEL — _4 2. _ SEPARATION PLANT, 5 3. EXHAUST WATER UNIT 6 4. SLURRY MANAGEMENT (PARTS FOR SITE ERECTION). 7 |. PREPARATION OF MAIN BENTONITE -BENTOMIX 1 second hand e 6. PREPARATION OF MAIN BENTONITE -BENTOMIX 2- new ° 7. EXCESS SLURRY TRANSFER PUMPS ~ MP3 PUMPS ROOM. 10 {FRESH WATER MANAGEMENT & MAIN BENTOMITE DOSING ~ B4/B5 PUMPS ROOM _10 9. LIME REACTOR. a 10, MEMBRANES INFLATING UNIT 2 44, MUD CORE BLAST UNIT. 2 42 LTRATES UNIT a3 13. FPMUD FEED UNIT 2 414 RECYCLED WATER MANAGEMENT -B6 PUMPS ROOM, 3 415. ELECTRICITY/ PC / SCADA, 14 16 OTHER, 14 “Tis docurent the property o MSSAS. can nt be repre without» witten author EFIV MS A18 026- CML3 Phase 3A /3C aos. ‘AGENDA Factory: uING © Wednestay 24/08/2019 : + ah-oh: briefing, general presentation + 5h=12h workshop at Veyre-Monton (63960) + Inspection & test ofthe trommel ‘+ Separation plant inspection with test of dewatering screens + 12h—23h lunch time + 1Bh-17h: workshop at Veyre-Monton ‘= Test ofboth Bentomix units Test of ime reactor + Inspection of3 pumps! room * Inspection of units for FP (inflating unit / trates uni / core bast, unt) + ahaa: debriefing © Thursdan 24/08/2019 ; * 9h= 12h workshop at Scat factory (om, 63200) + Inspection of power unit + Inspection & st with the Seada + 12hah:tunch time + Ah-1Sh: debriefing / signature of cet cates ‘This documents the propery of MS SAS. a tbe repro thou wren autora, EFIV 0 um saelelpmaeay MS A18 026- CML3 Phase 3A /3C Howat _ tm ae r ies va) maa [reemmvornme, aa | Sop ces frets fr ts = ta) rar [Sowa muencrmerrns | ot | onsrmecon ofc eann bea AS © | wreenne enous wpe ererescnnsacune amu : wo a El wa | roravusetiirem a I §a7 “Ths dcunent isthe property ol MSSAS It can tbe reproduced without witenautoration. eb EFIV AL | d ssa ™ a MS A18 026-CML3 Phase 3A /3C | trem se commons | { eI Seam nis rc, ‘anno wns era 2 a acne eco ror ms) wna owns 23, 2 ara orecure cnn \" ‘nese AERO Row wna : | + Beam wait to insal pth sand pars + Connecting bose of sand pumps motors: change the ale gn with stel one + ad ne por ach ‘+ tsa automat greases lor sand pur hep forthe cent the gressr cp for pack dnd + Point modi pipes up the manu valve io bypass the destng uit) + Changed of eatery for wires or dewater ag sereens 1 Identity unt number wth cers and acarding the layout drawing sing hand fer level 3 (Segsing ans) 1+ Moke openingsin all mols for he rubber ies + Preperealleuber pps forthe? us ot ep wth then + Fish to eqlp 2 no 250 econ (vetow ones re ising) + %manal ave tobe stale onthe MS 250 hones diver “Supply deta of elurishment for meters san pms ‘check supp eating junctions between modules » Hiss Seean clischarge choke (x6) - fs Tis documents the property of MS AS. can ot be oprodced without watenauthorato, Fe EFIV samo 019 MS A18 026- CML3 Phase 3A /3C ‘EXHAUST WATER UNIT how Task roe ‘Comnenrs + era covn nner as ssa oresumesn THOT | gy). poo 2noveerumons THE QUFFERTANK ‘Supply deta freshmen for motos Sco oncans rove in, TY eo | unc enenersroressums]| 33.) ow | srurorouremasccos a START UP THESANO PUMP WIT of fe a ow © “hisdocumenti the property of MEAS. anno ba reprodiced without nen utr, S EFIV a MS A18 026- CML3 Phase 3A /3C | rere sass 018 A 4, SLURRY MANAGEMENT (PARTS FOR SITE ERECTION) re Tas a ‘Conaens an TaN @« seroreurctRova.ves 43, LEVEL SENSORS FOR TANKS G “4 arvonmersronsiamaasrane | ss FLownerenFoRPeEsRaCc ie a DENSITY METER(EXCERT THE a | see.) ic 7 f> "his documents the property of MS A. Itcan ot be reproduced without a wren ahaa, EFIV MS A18 026 CML3 Phase 3A /3C —S. PREPARATION OF MAIN BENTONITE BENTOMIXA-secondhand sass 918 rem ase ee | wearer Spey tats eturbismont for equipment = scons ror ET ——s e@ ras, eStore MSS) mm) sa | tsror meaty or sa Wear |Tsrornewacimc norte a sem [Seeeeoreamn 37. ‘cra |remcauesinovor cane se, wie | rsrermotunas ‘ew maces HE wos? TO WO ss, MP-O* | ecuoNor Ware ‘ymax wepas sat, wane, | RSForTmNcER sa, purrs FoR So (cRew /OUST ” | FLTER/SAFETYVALVE) se} i _ “This docuent isthe proper of MS SAS anno be reproduced without witen thorn, s 9 EFIV MS A18 026- CML3 Phase 3A /3C Lo] eed ve hoe easso) coms 6a. (8x2 | AssewaLy OF EQUIPMENT. a WAKATTHESUCTION PFE @ «. Searrwetmrcmmesecrnane, |B | rages siemens 63. TESTCF THE EMERGENCY STOP a 6.4, | WELDK2 | Testor me wersnna norren a 6. | VIBK2. | Waren eum oF one ran a 66 | SCEX2 | Smutanow ot senranme PowDER mac s 6.7, | AG.BK2 | Horeogesanon OF THE TAM a = | nara © ce) |e crani tienen vee a, MER srexcuunonoewaren * nar 610, |[MPB* | svar ramaren 8 os br PARTS FOR SILO (SCREW / DUST FILTER/SAFETY | va 6 ‘This documents the propery of MSSAS. tan nothereproduedwihoutawrttenautoriaton, 5 EFIV MS A18 026— CML3 Phase 3A /3C saan 919 |e sumroicuanon ore ronmie na, roxy ormueenens eae | | ecu onins roe css, AF 7 ane, ener STO MSP) | FRESH WATER MANAGEMENT & MAIN BENTON! ro vs communes ° t a |= nom anne on : " 1 Shracmanonore | @ a iscuurvonaws puvecasnas ary | [stacey ps . os “Thc daument the oroaery of MIS. Ican not be reproduced wthoutawitenawharization. pasos 8 cones sero van 8 vo%aD es a ee menccins = ‘scanvxcns mesic or ‘ne cor HSM Cea sa] evum|wramuncorer 5] nein |hovoamanovor nea os] om |raroreu @ or) Me | percsaroncrwaee 9a) eo. |rerormae val moore nncraor er “TWisdocumen athe property of MSS. can not be ceprosuced wild «writen strato. EFIV MS A18 026-CMIL3 Phase 3A /3C 111. MUD CORE BLAST UNIT vow tx or commas @ co 2 secon (russ, se rans, encency sores) es- ‘is document ithe propery of MS SAS cn note reproduced wthoutawiten authoraaton, —¢" | ERIV ss o18 MS A18 026- CML3 Phase 3A /3C 112, FILTRATES UNIT Tas a commen cuca sent WITHOUT rownerénsurPueo For ienz2)| eumrvonoustnnscases. ew | ‘ESE STOP MS PLS ARTS SUPPLE FOR ALBO22 7 RECYCLED WATER MANAGEMENT 86 PUMPS ROOM = tase a comes a pooner] ® _—— EFIV na06.09 MS A18 026- CML3 Phase 3A /3C es —_ J =f ee s = sa contaoc room a @ af SCADA PRESENTATION _ “+ onogie aczessof motor’ popu fo operator status “+ charg we oleic agra by "13 CAO wth newlog> “+ Changelog fort &seade + 80059 aceen ‘+ Supt soare partis with lect pats “+ Kee the st ey forthe sca wie spin with the lenge trem Commer | 182 momen 0 . S pgos ite 61, gy pet Mion aa ‘his dacmant the prope of MAS. can note reprodced without witten authorization.

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