Ef3b HDT Bop PCB11

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Pillar3B: BoP, Currency Exchange, Forex, SDR, NEER, REER, PPP

Table of Contents
31 BoP, Currency Exchange, Forex, SDR, NEER, REER, PPP..........................................................515
31.1 ⛽️🎖: 🗃🤲 BoP → summing up................................................................................................516
31.1.1 💱🐯🗃 Sterilization ( )?................................................................................................................................517
31.1.2 💱🐯🗃: 🧅 🧅 Mundell-Fleming Trilemma ( - )..............................................................518
मं डल फ्लेमिंग की त्रि आयामी दूविधा

31.2 ( ⛽️🎖>🗃🤲)⚠️ India’s Balance of Payment crisis (1991).......................................................519

31.2.1 ( ⛽️🎖>🗃🤲)⚠️ Disequilibrium in BoP: Factors responsible ( असं तुलन के कारण).....................................................520

31.3 🐯🪣 RBI’s Forex Reserve: विदेशी मुद्रा रिजर्व.......................................................................................521

31.3.1 🐯🪣 📈 📉Forex Reserve: goes up or down: when / how?.................................................................................521
31.3.2 🪣🤩 Significance of Foreign Exchange Reserves ( ).......................................................................................522
31.3.3 🪣📐Indicators to find forex adequacy- as per IMF.............................................................................................522
31.3.4 🪣😰 Negative implications of Large Forex Reverse ( ).....................................................................523
नकारात्मक आयाम
31.3.5 😰 Weak Currency = Non-Tradable sector neglected.........................................................................................523
32 💱 Currency Exchange Rate: मुद्रा विनिमय दर........................................................................................524
32.1 💱 Exchange Rate Regime: Theory.............................................................................................525
32.1.1 💱🐯 😰 Fixed / Pegged System → Challenges: Study of SriLanka (2022).......................................................525
32.1.2 💱🐯 😰Managed Float System→ Challenges ?...................................................................................................526
32.1.3 💱⚔️ Currency War 2018 ( )............................................................................................................................526
मुद्रा युद्ध
32.1.4 💱⚔️Reverse Currency war?...................................................................................................................................526
32.2 💪 Soft vs Hard Currency............................................................................................................527
32.2.1 💪 Soft currency - factors affecting.........................................................................................................................527
32.2.2 ⚾️🎾 Soft Dollars vs Hard Dollars..........................................................................................................................528
32.3 🤮 Bad Money drives out good money.......................................................................................528
32.3.1 🤮 Bad Money vs good money - Modern world examples..................................................................................529
32.4 💱👴🏼 Exchange Rate Regime: Historic.......................................................................................529
32.4.1 💱🔨👴🏼 Fixed exchange rate system → Gold Standard; / (1870-1914).....................................529
सोने के मानक स्वर्णमान
32.4.2 💱 🔨👴🏼 Fixed exchange rate system → Bretton Woods System (1946-1971).................................................530
32.4.3 💱🐯Currency Exchange in India...........................................................................................................................531
32.5 💱👵🏽IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDR: विशेष आहरण अधिकार).........................................................532
32.5.1 💱👵🏽IMF SDR Formula weightage reforms 2022.................................................................................................533
32.5.2 💱👵🏽IMF Quota Reform..........................................................................................................................................534
32.5.3 💱👵🏽IMF Governors................................................................................................................................................534
32.6 💱⛽️🤲 Currency Convertibility (मुद्रा परिवर्तनीयता)..........................................................................534
32.7 💱✋🐯RBI restriction on convertibility of rupee: रुपये की परिवर्तनीयता.............................................534
32.7.1 💱🤲 Full convertibility of Rupee : ?............................................................................................536
रुपये की पूर्ण परिवर्तनीयता
32.7.2 💱🤲 ₹ 🕵️‍♂️ Convertibility → S.S. Tarapore Committee (1997)...........................................................................537
32.7.3 💱🤲 🐯 ₹ Convertibility → RBI reforms (2004-2019).......................................................................................537
32.7.4 💱🤲 🐯 FEMA Rules for Indian resident’s overseas investment (2022-Aug)..................................................538
32.7.5 💳 (Prepaid) Forex Card?........................................................................................................................................538

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32.8 🍋🗽🗼🛍LRS: TCS on Foreign: trip / shopping / investment (2023-Oct)...............................538
32.8.1 🍋 TCS Rates from 1/October/2023.......................................................................................................................539
32.8.2 🍋 TCS on LRS: Objectives......................................................................................................................................539
32.8.3 🍋🚩👶🏻 TCS FAQ by Zhande-walle Babushone: .................................................................................................539
32.9 ⚖️ FCRA Act................................................................................................................................ 540
32.9.1 FCRA on donations..................................................................................................................................................540
32.9.2 FCRA on remittance.................................................................................................................................................541

32.10 💱⚔️Currency War →Fall of Indian ₹ & RBI’s Response........................................................541

32.11 🐯 RBI's Currency Swaps (मुद्रा स्वैप/अदलाबदली समझौता)......................................................................541
32.11.1 RBI’s Currency Swap Agreement with Japan ( मुद्रा स्वैप/अदलाबदली समझौता)............................................................541
32.11.2 RBI Currency Swap with Indian Bankers.......................................................................................................542
32.11.3 Challenges to India’s BOP by ES22 and ES23.....................................................................................................543
32.11.4 →Currency Exchange Rate → Attracting Dollars: VRR and FAR..............................................................544
32.11.5 🐯🦁RBI-Govt’s measures to prevent fall of Rupee (2022-Jul-Aug)................................................................544

32.12 🤝💰Rupee Rouble Agreement.................................................................................................545

32.12.1 💸 Nostro Vostro Accounts- settlements with Russia and SriLanka...............................................................545
32.12.2 💸Internationalisation of Indian rupee ( )........................................................................546
भारतीय रुपये का अंतरराष्ट्रीयकरण
32.12.3 💱⚔️🐼💪🏻 Yuan as global currency?....................................................................................................................547
32.12.4 💱💪🏻 Dollar- the Global Currency & ”DE-Dollarization”? ( - - )....................................................547
वैश्विक आरक्षित मुद्रा

32.13 💱⚔️ Misc. Concepts: Quantitative Easing and Federal Tapering..........................................548

32.13.1 🔪🔪🥵 Strong dollars squeezes global credit.....................................................................................................549
32.13.2 💱⚔️ Misc. Concepts: Helicopter Money & Zero interest rate regimes...........................................................550
32.14 💱 Exchange Rate → Miscellaneous Terminologies................................................................551
32.14.1 💱 NEER and REER? (Hindi not imp because only prelim relevant)..............................................................551
32.14.2 🧨Afghan Currency is the Best Performing Currency in the world? (2023)...................................................554
32.14.3 💱 Purchasing Power Parity: (PPP)....................................................................................................554
क्रय शक्ति समता
32.14.4 ✍🏻🎺 Mock Questions for Mains:.........................................................................................................................555

(Batch: PCB10-Prelims) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3B- BoP & Currency Exchange → Page 515
31.1 ⛽️🎖: 🗃🤲 B P → O SUMMING UP

Sr Approx Bn. USD 2018-19 😷2020-21 2022: Apr-Dec

1Current Account Deficit: चालू खाता घाटा - 57 +24 -67
2Capital Account Surplus: पूंजी खाता + 54 +64 (+) 53
3 Errors & Omissions: त्रुटियां और चूक -0.486 -0.3 -0.1
4 Overall Balance: समग्र सं तुलन/ शेष (-) 3 bn +87 (+) 14
5 Official Reserve Transactions or (+) 3 bn (-)87 [Meaning (-) 14
Monetary Movements in RBI's [Meaning RBI bought this
Foreign Exchange Reserves** RBI sold $$ much $$ from
(रिज़र्व बैंक फॉरेक्स बाजार से डॉलर की खरीदी या from its market]
बिक्री करेगी ताकि विनिमय दर में स्थिरता रहे) reserves]
NET Balance of Payment for India 0 (ZERO) 0 (ZERO) 0 (ZERO)
- Sr. no 1 to 4 are called Autonomous transactions because they occur independently on their own
without RBI’s involvement. (यह लेनदेन स्वायत्त रूप से, अपने आप ही हो जाती है, रिज़र्व बैंक के कहने पर नहीं होती)
- Sr. no 5 is called Accommodating transaction, bcoz RBI will do it based on whether we are
having surplus or deficit due to previous 4 items (so that RBI can accommodate NET BoP to
ZERO). (यह अपने आप नहीं हो जाता, रिज़र्व बैंक ने अपना दिमाग लगाकर इसको करना पड़ता है)
- Column for 2018-19: (+) sign indicates RBI supplied/sold that many $$ from its forex reserve,

else $ becomes stronger= ₹ becomes weaker bad for importers. Here (+) Sign indicates ⏬in
RBI’s forex reserve (since RBI sold dollars) [रिज़र्व बैंक की तिजोरी में इतने डॉलर की मात्रा कम हुई]
- ##
Column for 2020: (-) sign indicates RBI purchased $$ from market, else ₹ rupee becomes
stronger= bad for exporters. (-) Sign in sr.5 row indicates ⏫in RBI’s forex reserve (since RBI
bought dollars) [रिज़र्व बैंक की तिजोरी में इतने डॉलर की मात्रा बढ़ जाएगी].

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31.1.1 💱🐯🗃 Sterilization (स्थिरीकरण)?

 If there is a BoP situation, wherein RBI has to sell ₹ to buy $ to get the NET answer ZERO then…

Such RBI action would result in supply of rupee currency in the Indian market → it can cause
inflation if there is not sufficient supply of goods for purchase.
 So, RBI must ‘absorb’ that excess rupee currency back. RBI will do it through Open Market
Operation (OMO: REF-1A2) → sell govt securities to buyback Indian rupees. This process is

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called Sterilization. रिजर्व बैंक ने यदि डॉलर खरीदने के लिए बाजार में रुपए दिए तो उन्हीं रुपयों को वापस से भी चूस लेना
चाहिए, वरना महंगाई हो सकती है → इसलिए रिजर्व बैंक, सरकारी प्रतिभूतियां भेजकर बाजार ₹ चूस लेता है इसे स्थिरीकरण कहते हैं

🔠 MCQ. Which one of these activities of the RBI is considered to be part of 'sterilisation? (Pre’23)
(a) Conducting Open Market Operations (b) Oversight of settlement and payment systems
(c) Debt and cash management for the Central and State Governments
(d) Regulating the functions of Non-banking Financial Institutions

31.1.2 💱🐯🗃 🧅 🧅
: Mundell-Fleming Trilemma (मंडल फ्लेमिंग की त्रि-आयामी दूविधा)
Theory by economists Robert Mundell and Marcus Fleming (1960s). It argues that three things can't
be accomplished together: रिजर्व बैंक तीन चीजें एक साथ नहीं कर सकते

Trilemma (त्रि-आयामी दूविधा) Example situation in Corona

1) Keep capital account open / relax Corona:- large foreign FPI,FDI inflow towards India’s
capital account convertibility to boost pharma-IT/Tech sectors. कोरोना के दौरान भारत के औषधि तथा
economy. पूंजी खाते में छू ट: भारत में विदेशी रुपया सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी क्षेत्र में ढेर सारी विदेशी पूंजी आई
लाने- ले जाने पर बहुत ज्यादा पाबं दी ना हो, ताकि
अर्थतंत्र को बढ़ोतरी मिल सके
2) Keep exchange rate stable विदेशी मुद्रा FPI,FDI ⏫ → so, inflow of Dollar$⏫⏫ → then rupee
विनिमय दर को स्थिर रखा जाए
will become stronger → exchange rate will not remain
stable & exporters will suffer due to stronger rupee.
विदेशी मुद्रा के भारत में अधिक मात्रा में आने से रुपया मजबूत होता है जो
निर्यातकों के लिए अच्छी बात नहीं
3) Keep monetary policy independent  Stronger rupee will be bad for exporters → RBI
(from what is happening elsewhere in
the world / solely focusing on Inflation
should purchase dollars & sell rupees → ⏫Rupees
supply → Inflation if there are not sufficient goods
- target) मौद्रिक नीती स्वतंत्र रूप से चलाई जा
in the market. रिज़र्व बैंक रुपया बेचकर डॉलर खरीदना शुरू करें तो
सके -बिना परवाह किए कि विनिमय दर में विदेशी
ताकतों/कारको के चलते क्या अस्थिरताएँ हो रही है. बाजार में रुपये की मात्रा बढ़ जाएगी जो महंगाई उत्पन्न कर सकती है
 So if RBI try to control the exchange rate volatility,
then RBI will end up creating inflation! यानी की विनिमय
दर की अस्थिरता रोकने के चक्कर में महंगाई उत्पन्न हो गई
 Corona-2020: amount of $$ inflow so high,
sterilization game (Ref: previous section) was
difficult. So, inflation inevitable. स्थिरीकरण वाला खेला
बहुत मुश्किल क्योंकि डॉलर/रूपये मात्रा बहुत ज्यादा थी.

(Batch: PCB10-Prelims) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3B- BoP & Currency Exchange → Page 518
In this trilemma, What did RBI do?

Way Forward: Description did RBI implement this solution?

Control the exchange RBI should buy dollars & ✅ YES. हाँ यहीं किया गया
rate volatility, prevent sell rupees. रिज़र्व बैंक ने डॉलर
Rupee from becoming खरीद और रुपया बेचना चाहिए
stronger →रुपया को
मजबूत होने से रोको
Control the inflation Then RBI should not buy ✋ No. Because RBI felt that inflation will
→ मं हगाई को काबू में रखो the dollars and sell the
rupees. तो डॉलर मत खरीदों,

increase irrespectively, because of the
Corona lockdown related supply-demand
रुपया मत बेचो, ताकि बाजार में रुपए
mismatch. लॉकडाउन में महंगाई तो वैसे भी होनी थी
का जत्था ना बढ़े, महंगाई न बढ़े
वस्तुओं की आपूर्ति में गिरावट के चलते. इसलिए रिज़र्व बैंक
ने रुपये की विनिमय दर को स्थिर रखना ज्यादा जरूरी समझा.

31.2 ( ⛽️🎖>🗃🤲)⚠️ I NDIA’S BALANCE OF PAYMENT CRISIS (1991)

Nowadays India usually has “DEFICIT” in current account (due to crude oil imports), but there is
usually sufficient “SURPLUS” in capital account (thanks to FDI & FPI) to counter/offset that Current
Account DEFICIT. (सामान्य रूप से चालू खाते में घाटा, और पूं जी खाते में अधिशेष होता है)

- But in the pre-1991’s Nehruvian Socialist Economy, many sectors were nationalised (banking
insurance) and / or reserved for the public sector companies only = mismanaged & inefficiency.

(Batch: PCB10-Prelims) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3B- BoP & Currency Exchange → Page 519
Private sector industrialists were allowed only in selected sectors, and were subjected to Licence-
Quota-Inspector Raj → ⏬competition,⏬ innovation = low exports.(Ref: 📑Pillar#4B)
- And our policy makers restricted foreign investments (FDI /FPI) fearing that
- It’ll bring USA-CIA’s invisible hand in Indian Affairs,
- Our Swadeshi industries & our ‘Non-Alignment Movement (NAM)’ will be harmed.
- 😰 End result? High level of “DEFICIT” in Current Account and not enough surplus in Capital
account to counter/offset that DEFICIT. The situation could be like this:
1991 → imaginary figures for illustration only (सिर्फ़ उदाहरण के लिए काल्पनिक आंकड़े) (Bn. USD)
Current Account (Deficit) [चालू खाते में बोहोत बड़ा घाटा] - 100
Capital Account (Surplus, but it’s insufficient surplus) [पूंजी खाते में अपर्याप्त अधिशेष] + 50
Errors & Omissions 0
Overall Balance - 50
Monetary Movements in RBI's Foreign Exchange Reserves** + 50
NET Balance of Payment for India 0
**Here plus (+) indicates RBI must sell dollars from its forex reserve to keep India’s BoP at ZERO
level. If they can’t do it then shortage of dollars in Indian market to pay for our import bills →
results in heavy weakening of Indian rupee (e.g. $1 =₹ 60 → $1= ₹ 6000) then it becomes even more
expensive to import oil. रुपया बहुत कमजोर हुआ तो कच्चा तेल आयात करना और महंगा होगा

- In 1991, RBI didn’t have enough forex reserves to get India’s BoP zero → we had to pledge our
gold to IMF to borrow dollars. सोना गिरवी रखकर डॉलर के लोन लिए
- IMF also imposed certain conditions which required India to open up its economy through LPG
reforms (Liberalisation, Privatisation, Globalisation: उदारीकरण, निजीकरण, वैश्वीकरण). 🎓Self-study
from (new) NCERT Class11:Indian economic development → Ch3.
- 2022: SriLanka facing similar problems but we’re not preparing for SrilankiPSC so boycott-PHD.

31.2.1 ( ⛽️🎖 🗃🤲 ⚠️
> ) Disequilibrium in BoP: Factors responsible (असं तुलन के कारण)
When Credit (Receipt, income money) = Debit (Payment, outgoing money) then BoP will be ZERO.
If, not then BoP is in disequilibrium. This can happen because of:

 Development disequilibrium (विकास का असं तुलन): poor nations have to import more grains,
medicines etc. = adverse BoP.
 Secular or Long-term Disequilibrium (दीर्घ अवधि तक रहने वाला): newborn nation is usually poor &
backward so imports >> Export. E.g. Nehru’s India until it matured in the 90s.
 Consumerism and Demonstration Effect: Rich Indians try to copy westernized lifestyles. So,
⬆import of Switzerland wristwatches + Sports Cars = adverse BoP. (उपभोक्तावाद, दिखावा करने की चाह

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→ ज्यादा आयात के चलते भुगतान सं तुलन खराब होता है)
 Structural Disequilibrium =if transport, electricity infrastructure is poor or Technological
Backwardness = exports can’t improve. (सं रचनात्मक और तकनीकी)
 Cyclical Disequilibrium (चक्रीय असं तुलन): When two countries may be passing through different
phases of business cycle (Boom, slowdown...तेजी और मं दी का चक्र) , so there will be mismatch in
imports, exports, FDI etc.

31.3 🐯🪣 RBI’ F S OREX RESERVE: विदेशी मुद्रा रिजर्व

The Forex Reserve component(s) are =

1) Foreign Currency Assets (includes foreign currencies & G-Sec/bonds of foreign Govts)
2) Gold (स्वर्ण)
3) Reserve Tranche Position (RTP) in the IMF. Also called Gold Tranche (What is it? = NOT IMP.)
4) Special Drawing Right (SDR) of International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Largest forex: 1) China ($3 Trillion) 2) Japan 3) Swiz >> 6) India (As of 2022-Nov as per 📙ES23)
USA is not in the top-10 list, it barely keeps ~$250 billions in reserve. Because USA has floating
exchange rate so USA central bank doesn’t worry about currency exchange.

🔠❓MCQ. Which is included in India's foreign-exchange reserves? (UPSC-Pre-2013)

A. Foreign-currency assets, Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) and loans from foreign countries.
B. Foreign-currency assets, gold holdings of the RBI and SDRs.
C. Foreign-currency assets, loans from the World Bank and SDRs.
D. Foreign-currency assets, gold holdings of the RBI and loans from the World Bank.

🔠❓MCQ. “Gold Tranche” (Reserve Tranche) refers to _ _ (UPSC-Pre-2020)

[a) A loan system of the World bank [b) One of the operations of a central bank
[c) A credit system granted by WTO to its members [d) A credit system by IMF to its members

31.3.1 🐯🪣 📈 📉Forex Reserve: goes up or down: when / how?

(Batch: PCB10-Prelims) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3B- BoP & Currency Exchange → Page 521
Factor / Variable ⬆️ Forex Reserve goes up when ⬇️ Forex goes down when
When RBI has to sell dollars to
in situation when RBI has to buy dollars
BoP accommodating get net BoP=0. e.g. when
to get net BoP =0. e.g. when Both current
transaction Current account deficit number
account and capital account are surplus.
is very high.
RBI interventions when RBI has to buy dollars to keep when RBI has to SELL dollars to
रिजर्व बैंक की दखल rupee stable. keep rupee stable.
when the market value of the forex assets reverse. Refer to the chart for
Valuation Effect
increases (जब रिजर्व बैंक की फॉरेक्स सं पत्तियों का fall in value of gold and Euro
(सं पत्तियों के मूल्य की असर)
बाजार मूल्य बढ़ जाए) during 2023-Oct-Week1.

31.3.2 🪣🤩 Significance of Foreign Exchange Reserves (महत्व)

 To maintain the exchange rate stability (मुद्रा दर में स्थिरता के लिए विदेशी मुद्रा भं डार ज़रूरी।)
 To absorb external-shocks (बाह्य वैश्विक झटकों से भारतीय अर्थतंत्र को सं भालना)
 To help economy in situations where foreign loans are very expensive/unavailable e.g. in
situations similar to Pakistan/SriLanka. (जब विदेशी स्रोतों से कर्ज़ न मिल रहा हो।)

31.3.3 🪣📐Indicators to find forex adequacy- as per IMF

📐 Indicators Description / examples
(न्यूनतम कितना विदेशी मुद्रा भं डार रिज़र्व बैंक ने रखना चाहिए?)
📐 Ratio of forex-reserve - RBI’s S.S.Tarapore committee- Shd be Large enough to pay for 6
to imports months’ imports (छः महीने के आयात का ख़र्चा उठा सके उतना फ़ोरेक्ष भं डार होना चाहिए)
📐 Ratio of forex-reserve - IMF’s Guidotti–Greenspan rule: Shd be Large enough to cover
to external debt short-term external debt of upto 1 year tenure (लघु अवधि के विदेशी ऋण चुका
सके उतना फ़ोरेक्ष भं डार होना चाहिए)
📐 Ratio of forex-reserve - e.g. Forex / M3. (What is M3 = refer Pillar1A2)

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to monetary aggregates - what's the ideal number? Ans. Eco Survey didn't mention, so, I
didn't google.

MCQ. Adequacy of foreign exchange reserves of a country is captured by which indicators? (CAPF-
2023) 1. Reserves to import ratio 2. Reserves to external debt ratio
3. Reserves to GDP ratio 4. Reserves to monetary aggregates
Codes: (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (c) 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2 and 4 only

31.3.4 🪣😰 Negative implications of Large Forex Reverse (नकारात्मक आयाम)

 if large forex reserve is built through exchange rate manipulation / deliberate weakening of local
currency e.g. China = then weak currency → imported inflation in crude oil etc. (फोरेक्स भं डार को
बढ़ाने के लिए यदि कें द्रीय बैंक जानबूझकर स्थानीय मुद्रा को कृ त्रिम रूप से कमज़ोर रखती है → आयात महँगी हो जाते हैं।)
 The excess money thus locked into forex reserve → not available for other activities e.g. health,
education, poverty removal, infrastructure. (और ऊपर से, वो सारा पैसा फ़ोरेक्ष भं डार में फँ स जाता है → वह पैसा
शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, ग़रीबी निवारण बुनियादी अवसं रचना आदि के लिए उपलब्ध नहीं रहता।)

31.3.5 😰 Weak Currency = Non-Tradable sector neglected

(व्यापार / निर्यात अयोग्य क्षेत्र) (EASILY EXPORTABLE) 👇
Healthcare, Education, Construction Manufacturing, IT, Food Processing
 If a country excessively focuses on exports → central bank will try to keep local currency weak
and the government will focus more on giving tax cuts, subsidies and cheap loans to ‘tradable’
sectors e.g. Manufacturing, IT, Food Processing
 But consequently, the non-tradable sectors (health, education) receive less funding/attention →
possible loss of social /human development. (निर्यात को बढ़ाने के लिए यदि सरकार अंधाधुंध क़िस्म से के वल निर्यात
योग्य क्षेत्रों पर ही टैक्स की कटौती/ सब्सिडी देगी → तो अंत में ग़ैर-निर्यात योग्य क्षेत्र जैसे शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, मकान-निर्माण आदि पर
सरकार कम पैसा ख़र्च करती है → जिससे मानव विकास को हानि होती है।)

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32 💱C URRENCY EXCHANGE RATE: मुद्रा विनिमय दर

Currency Exchange Rate Indian Exporter of Tea Indian Importer of Dell Laptops
Weaker ₹ = Stronger $  (assuming no  . मेरे को आयात करते वकत ज़्यादा
($1=60 → 80) change in inflation) जत्थे में पैसा देना होगा!
Stronger ₹ = Weaker $  मेरे को निर्यात करते वक्त 
($1=60 → 40) कम जत्थे में पैसा मिलेगा।
(Definition) The price of one currency in terms of the other currency is called exchange rate. E.g. $1
= ₹ 70. Meaning, it costs ₹ 70 to buy one dollar (or $0.014 to buy ₹ 1).

- This is also called Nominal Exchange Rate because it does not take into consideration inflation
or purchasing power in the respective countries. (औपचारिक विनिमय दर, महंगाई को नजरअंदाज किया)
- The place where currencies are exchanged is called Foreign Exchange Market (विदेश विनिमय बाज़ार).
Their dealers are called Authorized (Forex) Dealers (AD). They can be banks or non-banks. They
have to get registered with RBI under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA: विदेशी मुद्रा
प्रबं धन अधिनियम के अंतर्गत विदेशी मुद्रा के दलालों को रिजर्व बैंक से अनुमति लेनी होती है).
- These dealers keep separate prices for buying and selling, to make profit in between e.g. ICICI:
$1 Dollar buying price ₹ 67.95 and $1 selling price is ₹ 72.76. (इन दलालों का डॉलर खरीदने का दाम अलग
और बेचने का दाम अलग होता है ताकि बीच में उनका मुनाफा रहे)
- Such currency transaction service is also subjected to GST, however the tax depends on the
amount of currency exchanged. (e.g. upto ₹ 10 lakh exchanged in foreign currency then only ~₹

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3000 of that 10 lakh will be taxable in GST → 18% of 3000 → ₹ 540 GST Tax. GST will not be
levied on the entire 10 lakh rupees)


It is the set of rules governing the exchange of domestic currency with foreign currencies.

🔠❓MCQ. Under flexible exchange rate system, the exchange rate is determined by [CDS-2015-II]
(a) predominantly by market mechanism (b) by the Central Bank
(c) as a weighted index of a group of currencies (d) by the World Trade Organization

32.1.1 💱🐯 😰 Fixed / Pegged System → Challenges: Study of SriLanka (2022)

FAQ: Why doesn’t Srilankan Central bank supply dollars from its Forex Reserve? Ans. Bhai They
don’t have enough forex. They're begging to IMF. More in Mains HDT- Debt Trap Diplomacy.

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32.1.2 💱🐯 😰Managed Float System→ Challenges ?
1. Currency speculation and interest rates (e.g USA Fed Tapering – refer to Pillar: 1A2.)
2. Currency Manipulation/ मुद्रा जोड़-तोड़: usually occurs when a central bank keeps buying dollars to
create artificial scarcity of $ in the forex markets → dollar becomes expensive → local currency
becomes weak → boost to exports.
US Department of the Treasury publishes a semi-annual report to track such nations. China,
S.Korea, India etc have been kept in (‘Watch list’) citing the (alleged) lack of transparency and
consistency in their respective Central banks operations. (इन देशों की कें द्रीय बैंक, मुद्रा विनिमय दर को नियंत्रित रखने
के लिए जो क्रियाएं करती है, उस में पारदर्शिता नहीं, इसलिए अमेरिका उन पर मुद्रा जोड़-तोड़ का इल्जाम लगाता है)

32.1.3 💱⚔️Currency War 2018 (मुद्रा युद्ध)

2005: Chinese authorities announced they don’t manipulate/control Yuan exchange rate. They only
intervene if Yuan’s exchange rate varies more than +/- 4% from previous day.

- 2018: USA alleges that China is deliberately keeping Yuan weak to make Chinese product more
cheaper in global trade. Trump accused Russia and Japan of playing similar ‘Currency War’
against him.(चीन पर अपनी मुद्रा जानबूझकर कमज़ोर रखने का आरोप)

32.1.4 💱⚔️ Reverse Currency war?

I don’t find it important for exam, until future Economic Surveys talks about it however you can
satisfy your intellectual curiosity by watching my lecture on YouTube: https://youtu.be/OFj-oz-DeQI

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Type 💪Hard currency Soft currency

Volatility in currency high volatility
low volatility (=more stability)
exchange rate (=less stability)
Dollar, Pound, Euro etc currencies of currencies of the poor
the developed nations countries in Africa & Asia

32.2.1 💪 Soft currency - factors affecting

1) Income of customers 2) Demand vs Supply of Forex
3) Interest Rate Arbitrage 4) Speculation.

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32.2.2 ⚾️🎾 Soft Dollars vs Hard Dollars
This is a technical concept associated with American Sharemarket mutual fund commission. Not
very imp for our exam. But some Babushonas will come to drink my blood (after they out-of-
trend mock-MCQs from inexperienced quizmasters) - so here is the answer:

in above chart, Who is the paying purple box commission to the broker?
 - if Mutual fund is paying from his own profit / own pocket called Hard Dollars
 - if Investor is paying it (via hidden charges imposed by Mutual Fund) called Soft Dollars.
 Note: This concept is from American Sharemarket, and not Indian Sharemarket. I've used Indian
brand photos/logos for easier visualization. now plz don't come to ask me IF there is similar
concept of "Hard Rupee vs Soft Rupee" in India's Mutual fund = waste your time in ChatGPT.


 - “Bad money drives out good money.” Thomas Gresham’s law (Britain)
 - “Good money drives out bad money” Adolphe Thiers’s law (France)

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 - People stop using currencies that they consider to be of poor quality and adopt currencies that
are found to be of better quality. AND/OR
 - People hoard/store the currency that they find to be of better quality.

🚩👶🏻 FAQ: aren’t these two laws contradictory- one says good money drive bad money whereas
other statement says bad money drives out good money? Ans. Depends on the context/MCQ

32.3.1 🤮 Bad Money vs good money - Modern world examples

 2008: Zimbabwe ki local public prefers to use American dollars over their local currency due to
heavy inflation. Once the price of a loaf of bread = 10 million Zimbabwe dollar currency units.
So, it was more convenient to carry American dollars in pocket (=good money), than Zimbabwe
currency in a truck/cart (=bad money). → “Good money drives out bad money” Adolphe
Thiers’s law (France)
 2022: Zimbabwe launched Gold coin currency called ‘Mosi-oa-Tunya’ (priced at 1 coin =
$1,800) because their public doesn't trust the local paper currency due to hyper-inflation.
 2022: Foreigners DONOT ACCEPT the FIXED exchange rate of Srilankan Rupee Because Sri-
Lankan Rupee at fixed exchange rate (Dollar=200) is BAD MONEY for them.

🚩👶🏻 FAQ: I've 500 jaat ke counter argument / doubts ke why X didn't happen in Y? and why "A"
should be called "B"? or can we say "C" also is example of "D" ? Ans. NOTIMP4exam / waste ur time
in chatGPT & mere ko maaf karo. I'm finished from exam point of view.


32.4.1 💱🔨👴🏼 Fixed exchange rate system → Gold Standard; सोने के मानक/ स्वर्णमान (1870-1914)

- USA would issue $1 note, if only it has 14 grams of gold in reserve, whereas England would issue
one pound note if only it has 73 grams of gold in its reserve. Accordingly, their exchange rate will
be 1 Pound =73/14 = ~5 USD.
- And, each Central Bank Governor has promised to convert their currency into gold at a fixed
amount. So, a person could walk with paper currency & demand gold coins/biscuits in return.
- When the gold mining production declined, nations gradually shifted to ‘bimetallism’ e.g. $1
promised with 14 gm gold or 210 gm of silver whichever available with their Central Bank.
This system collapsed during the First World War (WW1) because the nation’s currency printing
capacity was limited by their gold reserve, but their governments where more eager to print more
money to finance the war (soldiers’ salaries, rifles’ ammunition etc.)

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32.4.2 💱 🔨👴🏼 Fixed exchange rate system → Bretton Woods System (1946-1971)

Here, USA agreed to fix price of its $1 = (1/35) ounces of gold. [1 ounce = 28 grams]. USA allowed
free convertibility of Dollar to Gold. So if a person walked into the US Federal Reserve with $35, their
chairman (Governor) will give him one ounce of gold.

 Then IMF fixed the exchange rate of every country's currency against USA. e.g.₹ 1= $0.30 =
~0.24 grams of Gold. So, that implied India can’t issue more currency If Indian RBI does not
have proportionately sufficient gold reserve of its own. Still if RBI issues more ₹ currency,
International Monetary Fund (IMF: अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष) will order India to devalue its rupee
exchange rate against dollar.
 American Economist Robert Triffin claimed this system will collapse eventually because gold is
a finite commodity and its price will continue to rise (from 1 ounce of gold = $35 to $40). So
there is always danger of people converting the local currency into dollars and then converting
dollars into gold @$35, then selling it in open market @profit, then US Feds Chairman can’t
continue honouring his promise. It was called “Triffin Dilemma: त्रिफ़िन दुविधा”. He therefore
suggested an alternative SDR (Paper gold) system for IMF. (स्वर्ण का जत्था अमर्यादित नहीं है इसलिए यह
व्यवस्था एक दिन तबाह हो जाएगी)
 1971: USA President Robert Nixon pulled out of Bretton Woods gold convertibility system,
mainly because he wanted freedom to print more dollars to finance the Cold War (शीत युद्ध) and

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arms race against the USSR. You may read more about the Cold War in NCERT PolSci-I
Class12ch1: http://ncert.nic.in/ncerts/l/leps101.pdf
 Thus, USA shifted to “Floating Exchange System”. Eventually most of the nations also shifted in
that either floating / managed-floating system. (अमेरिका ने डॉलर का विनिमय दर बाजार पर छोड़ दिया है)
 2000: Ecuador adopted Dollarization i.e. it abandoned the domestic currency and adopted the
US dollar as their official currency. (कु छ देशोने अमेरिकी डॉलर को ही अपनी वैधानिक मुद्रा मान ली है)

32.4.3 💱🐯 Currency Exchange in India

We need not waste time looking at what was the system in India before 1995. But for reference of
non-UPSC Exams:

Towards Fixed Exchange Rate: निश्चित विनिमय दर की ओर →

➢ 1860 onwards: Fixed Fiduciary System. i.e. British Indian Govt can issue Rs.10 crore notes on
fiduciary (“trust”) backed by G-Sec. Beyond that every note must be backed by gold / silver.
British govt fixed exchange rate between Rupee currency with Pound.
➢ 1923: Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar's doctoral thesis "The Problem of the Rupee" analyzed the
economic consequences of the British colonial government's policies on the Indian currency. He
argued that the exchange rate between the Indian rupee and the British pound was unfavorable
to India
➢ 1935 onwards: Proportional Reserve. RBI must keep ~40% gold to the value of currency issued.
➢ 1946 onwards: Bretton Woods / IMF system of fixed exchange rate. Wherein ₹ price was fixed
(pegged) against dollar, and dollar price was fixed (pegged) against gold.
➢ 1956 onwards: While RBI could issue any amount of Indian currency but that has to be balanced
by the Assets of the issue department (Recall M0). Of course, if RBI printed too much currency
backed by only Indian G-sec but (without adequate Gold / Forex Reserve, then IMF may force ₹
devaluation against Dollar). So, we adopted “Minimum Reserve System” i.e. RBI must keep ₹
400 crore of foreign currency/security + ₹ ‘x’ crore worth gold.
Towards Managed Floating Exchange Rate →

✓ 1995 onwards: “Minimum Reserve System; न्यूनतम आरक्षित प्रणाली” is continued but RBI is required
to only keep ₹ ’x’ crores of gold. No compulsion for RBI to keep additional 400 crore worth
foreign currency or foreign securities. RBI can print as much currency it wants as long as its
balanced by the Assets of Issue Dept. (such as Indian G-sec, Foreign Securities, Gold etc.)
System Minimum Reserve system Managed Float system
How much money [M0] can RBI
Objective? How will currency exchange rate decided?

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System Minimum Reserve system Managed Float system
RBI कितना पेसा छाप सकती है, उससे जुड़ा हुआ मुद्रा विनिमय दर कै से तय होता है? उससे जुड़ा हुआ concept
concept है। है।

32.5 💱👵🏽IMF SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS (SDR: विशेष आहरण अधिकार)

After the collapse of Bretton Woods Exchange Rate System, IMF was converted into a type of
‘deposit bank’, where the members would deposit currencies in the proportion of quotas allotted to
them (depending on size of their economy, openness etc).

- IMF will pay them a small interest rate for their deposits. And IMF would lend this money to a
member facing balance of payment crisis. To operationalize this mechanism, IMF would allot an
artificial currency / accounting unit called SDR to the members based on their deposits. (सभ्य देश
द्वारा जमा की गयी राशि के सामने उसे एक कृ त्रिम मुद्रा / लेखा इकाई दी जाती है, जिसे एसडीआर कहते है)

- Initially the price of SDR was fixed against the amount of gold but present mechanism:
Currency Basket Weight Exchange rate against $?
U.S. Dollar 43.38% $1=$1
Euro 29.31% 1.13
Chinese Yuan (Renminbi *added in 2015) 12.28% 6.7
Japanese Yen 7.59% And so on
Pound Sterling 8.09 And so on
- By applying a formula involving (weight * exchange rate), IMF will obtain value of 1 SDR = how
many dollars? Presently, 1 SDR = $1.40 = ₹ 98 (assuming $1 is trading @₹ 70).

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- SDR is called ‘Paper Gold’ because it’s merely an accounting entry or artificial currency, without
any gold involved. (इसकी पीछे कोई स्वर्ण नहीं है , के वल एक हिसाब किताब की एक प्रक्रिया है)
- SDR can be traded among the members, it can be converted into members’ currencies as per
above method & be used to settle their Balance of Payment Transactions / Crisis.
- If the BoP crisis is so big, that a country’s entire SDR quota exhausts, then member country may
borrow more SDR from IMF (and then convert it into dollar etc to pay off the import bill), but
eventually member will have to repay this loan to IMF with interest.
- Individual nations’ central Banks keep some of the SDR as Reserve Tranche Position (RTP):
What that means and how does that work is not important. # 🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो

😤 FAQ/MORAL Outrage: Why Indian Rupee currency is not in SDR formula?

ANS. IMF reviews the SDR formula’s currencies every five years -with two conditions
[A) Country must be among the Top exporter Nations.
[B) Country’s currency need to be “freely usable” (= capital account convertibility rules shd be

32.5.1 💱👵🏽IMF SDR Formula weightage reforms 2022

🌷Latest weighting 🥀Previous weighting
U.S. Dollar 43.38%⬆️ 41.73%
Euro 29.31% 30.93%
Chinese Yuan (Renminbi *added in 2015) 12.28% ⬆️ 10.92%
Japanese Yen 7.59% 8.33%
Pound Sterling 7.44% 8.09%
Total 100% 100%

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Reason for reform: IMF directors felt this reform was needed based on international trade and
financial market developments from 2017 to 2021.

32.5.2 💱👵🏽
IMF Quota Reform
- 2016: The total SDR increased, and India’s quota was increased from 2.44% to 2.76%
- India is 8th largest quota holder after USA (~18%), Japan (~7%), China (~6%)... India (2.76%)
- 2021: IMF members approved adding extra $650 billion dollars worth of SDR to IMF. India’s
likely to get 2.76% of 650 billion = Approx. 17to18 billion dollars worth of SDR.

32.5.3 💱👵🏽
IMF Governors
- In IMF, a member’s voting power depends on his SDR quota.
- For India, this voting power is exercised by India’s Finance Minister – who acts as the ex-officio
Governor in IMF’s Board of Governors. (वित्त मंत्री होते है आईएमएफ के पदेन / पद के हिसाब से गवर्नर)
- If Finance Minister absent, then RBI Governor can vote as the Alternate Governor during the
IMF’s meetings. (वित्त मंत्री की गैरहाजरी मे वैकल्पिक गवर्नर के रूप में रिज़र्व बैंक के गवर्नर वोट देने जा सकते हैं)

🔠❓MCQ. Recently, which one of the following currencies has been proposed to be added to the basket of
IMF's SDR? (UPSC-Pre-2016) (A) Russian Rouble (B) South African Rand (C) Rupee(D) Renminbi

32.6 💱⛽️🤲 C URRENCY CONVERTIBILITY (मुद्रा परिवर्तनीयता)

Presently, India has managed floating exchange rate system wherein, currency exchange rate is
determined by the market forces of supply and demand, however, during high level of volatility RBI
will intervene to buy / sell ₹ or $ to stabilize the exchange rate.

- But if people are allowed to convert the local and foreign currency in an unrestricted manner →
so much volatility that RBI will not be able to manage. (अमर्यादित रूप से लोगों को मुद्रा परिवर्तित करने दी तो
विनिमय दर में इतनी भारी अस्थिरता होगी जिसे रिजर्व बैंक काबू नहीं कर पाएगा 😰)
- So, RBI puts certain restrictions on the convertibility of Indian rupee to foreign currency using
the powers conferred under
- Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 (FERA: विदेशी मुद्रा विनियमन अधिनियम)
- FERA was later replaced by Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA: पुराने कानून
में मज़ा नहीं आ रहा था तो सरकार ने नया कानून बनाया- विदेशी मुद्रा प्रबं धन अधिनियम)


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💱🤲 Convertibility on Capital Account Transactions: पूं जी खाता लेनदेन पर
💱🤲 BoP → Capital Account → Borrowing → External commercial borrowing (ECB)
- बाहरी वाणिज्यिक उधार: RBI’s ECB ceiling is up to $1.50 billion (or equivalent other currency) per year
for Indian Companies. [भारतीय कं पनियां प्रतिवर्ष इस मात्रा से ज्यादा कर्ज विदेशों से नहीं ला सकती]
- That means even if Bank of America was willing to lend $3 billion to Reliance ltd, Mukesh
Ambani can’t bring all those dollars (or its converted rupee equivalent) in India.
- If he tries through illegal methods like Hawala, then Enforcement Directorate (ED प्रवर्तन निर्देशालय )
will take action for FEMA violation.

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💱🤲 BoP → Capital Account → Investment → FPI
- An FPI can’t invest in more than 5% of available G-sec in the Indian market and more than 20%
of the available corporate bonds in the Indian market.
- So, even if Morgan Stanley or Franklin Templeton investment fund has billions of dollars they
can’t bring them all to India because of above restrictions.
- Similar restrictions on FDI as well. Govt decides FDI policy → RBI mandates the forex dealers
accordingly to convert or not convert foreign currency into Indian currency. E.g. Las Vegas’s
Flamingo Casino company can’t convert $ into ₹ to invest in Goa’s Casino (Because FDI
prohibited in Casino). If they manage to ‘smuggle’ rupees through Hawala / Mafia-don-walla
boats then again ED will take action for FEMA violation.
Thus, Indian rupee is not fully convertible on capital account transactions.

💱⛽️ 🎖 Convertibility on Current account transactions: चालू खाता लेनदेन पर

BoP → Current account → Trade → import (of Gold)

 During 2013 to 2014, RBI’s 80:20 norms mandated min.20% of the imported gold must be
exported back.
 Until then Jeweller/bullion dealers will not get permission to (convert their rupees into
dollars/foreign currency) to import next consignment of gold.
 However, if we disregard such few rare examples/restriction, Indian rupee is considered fully
convertible on current account transactions (i.e. Import and export, remittance, income transfer
gift and donations) since 1994. चालू खाता लेनदेन पर रुपये की परिवर्तनीयता सम्पूर्ण है।

32.7.1 💱🤲 Full convertibility of Rupee :रुपये की पूर्ण परिवर्तनीयता?

Meaning? India should permit unrestricted conversion of Indian ₹ to foreign currency for both
current account and capital account transactions. → more FDI investment in India → NPA
problem solved, new factories, jobs, GDP growth, rivers of honey and milk will flow.

 Before 1997, East Asian “Tiger” economies: (South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand,
Vietnam Philippines etc.) allowed full capital account convertibility to attract FDI.
 But 1997: Their automobile & steel companies filed bankruptcy → The foreign investors
panicked, sold their shares and bonds → got local currency → converted into $ and ran away.
The flight of this ‘HOT MONEY’ resulted into extreme depreciation of local currency $1 = 2000
Indonesian Rupiah → $1= 18,000 Indonesian Rupiah → heavy inflation in petrol diesel →

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social unrest, riots and political instability. None of their central banks had enough forex reserve
to combat this crisis. (यदि भारत में इसकी अनुमति दी तो दक्षिण कोरिया और इंडोनेशिया जैसी समस्या हो सकती है)
 So, in 1998, their GDP growth rates fell in negative territory e.g. Indonesia (-13.7%) Because of
their mistake of allowing full currency convertibility. Whereas India and China grew at 6-8%
because we had not allowed it.

32.7.2 💱🤲 🕵️ ₹ ‍♂️Convertibility → S.S. Tarapore Committee (1997)

He suggested India to allow full Capital Account Convertibility (CAC) only when the fundamentals
of our economy become strong enough, such as: ( तारापुर समिति के हिसाब से यदि भारतीय अर्थतंत्र की बुनियाद
एकदम मजबूत हो जाए तो पूर्ण परिवर्तनीयता अनुमति की देनी चाहिए)

 RBI must have enough forex to sustain 6 months’ import

 Fiscal deficit must not be more than 3.5% of GDP
 Inflation must not be more than 3-5%
 Banks’ NPA must not be more than 5% of their total assets. And so forth. So, time is not yet ripe
for allowing full CAC.

🔠❓MCQ. Convertibility of rupee implies:(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2015)

(a) being able to convert rupee notes into gold.
(b) allowing the value of rupee to be fixed by market forces.
(c) freely permitting the conversion of rupee to other currencies and vice versa.
(d) developing an international market for currencies in India.

32.7.3 💱🤲 🐯 ₹ Convertibility → RBI reforms (2004-2019)

While RBI has not permitted full convertibility of Indian rupee (on Capital Account), but over the
years it has liberalised the norms, such as (पूर्ण रूप से छू ट तो नहीं दी, लेकिन उदारीकरण सरलीकरण किया है)

 2004 → Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS: उदारीकृ त विप्रेषण योजना) for each financial year, An
Indian resident (incl. minor) is allowed to take out upto $2,50,000 (or its equivalents in other
currencies) from India.
 He may use it for either current account or capital account transaction as per his wish. (e.g.
paying for college fees abroad, buying shares, bonds, properties, bank accounts abroad.)
 😰Controversy? Panama papers allege certain Bollywood celebrities used LRS window to shift
money from India in their shell companies in tax havens → later used those shell companies for
tax avoidance. [Ref: Black Money Handout for more]
 2016 onwards: RBI began relaxing the norms for External Commercial Borrowing (ECB),

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Before-2016 2016 onwards 2022 onwards
ECB limit → more strict relaxed to $750 million per $1.50 billion per
company per year. company per year.
( ✋Although ECB is prohibited in certain categories e.g. purchase of farm house, tobacco, betting,
gambling, lottery etc. कु छ क्षेत्रो में विदेशी कर्ज लेने की मनाई)

32.7.4 💱🤲 🐯
FEMA Rules for Indian resident’s overseas investment (2022-Aug)
 No Indian resident can invest in foreign companies who are doing gambling biz or real estate biz.
 Wilful defaulters need to get a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Indian authorities (RBI, ED
etc) before making any ‘financial commitment’ abroad (e.g. taking new loan from USA)
 plus many other technical things but not very IMP for Exam.

32.7.5 💳
(Prepaid) Forex Card?
e.g. HDFC Hajj Umrah Card (Saudi Riyal Currency)

• pay Rs.2.65 lakh to HDFC to get Prepaid Forex card worth 12000 Saudi Riyal balance.
• need not carry physical foreign currency to Saudi. Swipe the card for shopping in Saudi.


 Under the RBI’s LRS scheme, an individual can remit up to USD 2.5 lakh annually overseas
without approval of the RBI. (2.50 lakh Dollars= 2.07 crore Rupees; when 1Dollar=83Rs)
 Remittances beyond the USD 2.5 lakh or its equivalent in foreign currency require approval from
the RBI.
 If Indian resident spending money abroad, his banker/NBFC/Forex supplier in India is required
to collect TCS in following rates:
Foreign Payment Debit Card/ Forex Card/
Credit Card
Method Bank-transfer
No. Money spent via credit card is not Yes. Rates given below in next
TCS applicable
counted under LRS quota table: 👇

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32.8.1 🍋 TCS Rates from 1/October/2023
Type of transaction upto ₹7 lakh beyond ₹7 L
Foreign tour package, foreign shopping 5% 20%
overseas investments in foreign companies’ shares, bonds,
0% 20%
real estate etc.
Education / medical treatment 0% 5%
Any other purpose e.g. donation, pilgrimage, gifting etc. 0% 20%
Note: there are many terms-conditions here e.g. medical trip ke liye separate rules, education loans
ke liye separate TCS rules but we’re not for Chartered Accountant exam, basic is enough.

32.8.2 🍋 TCS on LRS: Objectives

 Discourage Indians from too much shopping abroad (because more foreign shopping = higher
CAD= not good for BoP/ exchange rate stability).
 Data surveillance on Tax evaders.
 Note: TCS is not additional tax. - it is adjusted against the income tax liability- just like TDS.
(Ref: Pillar#2A1 for more)

32.8.3 🍋🚩👶🏻 TCS FAQ by Zhande-walle Babushone:

I am putting FAQ here So even the other newcomers can train their brain ke how to not think like
Zhande-walle Babushone when studying economy– IF u really want to finish syllabus in time
🚩👶🏻 FAQ Ans.
bhai dhyaan se handout padho na.
TDS = when banker 'pays' you interest on your
in Pillar2A1 u said bankers cut TDS but here
you're saying banker cut TCS!!!!!!???? WHY
TCS = when banker is 'selling' you foreign
currency / selling currency conversion services.
If I swipe debit card to pay seller 10 lakh rupees
abroad, how much money will be charged?
TDS gets 'cut' from payment.
Option: 8 lakh to seller + 2 lakh TCS = 10 lakh
TCS gets 'added' to the payment.
So ans is Option-B, but not imp4exam.
OptionB: 10 lakh to seller + 2 lakh TCS = 12
If tour package is 8 lakh then whole 8 lakh pe
show me one PYQ where UPSC asked such
20% or 7 lakh tak 5% and then remainder 1
faaltu-ki-real life / practical dilemmas.
lakh pe 20%?

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🚩👶🏻 FAQ Ans.
Notimp4Exam because govt did not explicitly
give official reason. My guess is
1. There was heavy social media outrage credit
Why foreign spending using Credit cards card users against TCS on credit card so perhaps
exempted from TCS? govt did not want to lose the voters among upper
middle class / elite people.
2. For CBDT, it is easy to trace credit card data,
EVEN without cutting TCS.
You’re making khichdi of concepts. Don’t mix
up photo frames pillar2A1 with Pillar 3. We are
here talking only about foreign spending. nd we
if I buy luxury car using credit card within
are not for Chartered Accountant exam. If
India, then TCS applicable?
something not explicitly mentioned in Press
statement or newspaper articles, I don’t search
for its answers.
I am finished with this topic. Mere ko maaf karo.
other 500 jaat ke doubts/FAQs on this matter?
थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो. 🙏
32.9 ⚖️ FCRA A CT
1 is Indian sending money abroad for current Yes→FEMA Act→ LRS
account or capital account transactions? (liberalized remittance scheme)
2 is foreign money coming to India for Indian Yes→ FEMA Act
export earning payment, FDI/FPI etc financial
investment, ECB loans etc ?
3 is foreign money coming to India for matters Yes→ FCRA Act
other than cell#2. e.g. inward-donation, inward-
remittance to India etc.

32.9.1 FCRA on donations

1) Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 2010 (FCRA -विदेशी अंशदान विनियमन अधिनियम).
2) if NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) / Universities were allowed to accept foreign
donations in an unrestricted manner, they may become puppets of ISI / Pakistan / China / CIA.
3) So, Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) requires them to ‘register’ and furnish annual reports.
4) Organizations who fail to comply with it, are prohibited from accepting foreign donations.
(भारत में काम कर रहे समाजसेवी सं स्थान/ यूनिवर्सिटी इत्यादि अगर विदेशों से चंदा लेते हैं तो उन्होंने गृह मंत्रालय से पंजीकरण करवाना
होता है और सालाना रिपोर्ट जमा करने होते हैं.)

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32.9.2 FCRA on remittance
BEFORE After 2022-reform
How much money can Indian receive from his relatives ₹1 lakh ₹10 lakhs
abroad without informing the authorities.
🤩Benefit? Ease of receiving foreign money without legal-paper-work → more $ to India→ prevents
more fall of rupee. (बिना सरकार को सूचित किए सालाना 10 लाख रुपये तक की रक़म विदेश में रहते अपने रिश्तेदारों से आप मँगवा
सकते हैं.)


What does this mean? How does it work? Ans. Watch Video Lecture.

32.11 🐯 RBI'S CURRENCY SWAPS (मुद्रा स्वैप/अदलाबदली समझौता)

32.11.1 🐯 RBI’s Currency Swap Agreement with Japan (मुद्रा स्वैप/अदलाबदली समझौता)

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(img source: Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah)

e.g. Central banks of India and Japan signed Currency Swap Agreement of $75 billions i.e. either
party can use that much dollar currency from other party’s forex reserve during the crisis.

32.11.2 🐯 RBI Currency Swap with Indian Bankers

2022-March: RBI done $5 bn dollar-swap with Indian Bank/NBFCs to ⏫dollar supply in Indian
market, to prevent weakening of Rupee.

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FAQ: will this change in money supply - not cause XYZ problem- in inflation, loan interest rate
etc? Ans. look at one photo frame at a time. Do not make Birbal Khichdi unnecessarily.

32.11.3 Challenges to India’s BOP by ES22 and ES23

 📙📙ES22 has identified following challenges: 1) Fed Tapering: risks of global liquidity
tightening 2) Inflation in global commodity prices 3) high freight costs 4) Geo-political crisis in
Ukraine 5)
 Challenges to India’s BoP as per 📙ES23
 USA Fed Tapering impact on India→ 1) tightening of dollar supply 2) share market volatility 3)
outflow of FPI money (अमेरिकी फे ड टेपरिंग के चलते भारत में डॉलर आपूर्ति में तंगी/कटौती, एफपीआई का निकल भागना,
शेयर बाजार में गिरावट)
 Local Currency depreciation (स्थानीय मुद्रा का कमजोर होना)
 Slowdown in global growth and trade ( वैश्विक वृद्धि और व्यापार में मंदी)
 Inflation in global commodity prices and food prices ( वस्तु और खाद्य चीजों के वैश्विक दामों में महंगाई)
 Russia-Ukraine conflict and other geopolitical crisis. (भू-राजनीतिक सं कट)
 COVID-19 new variants.

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32.11.4 💸💰 Currency Exchange Rate → Attracting Dollars: VRR and FAR
Voluntary Retention Route (VRR: : स्वैच्छिक अवधारण मार्ग) and Fully Accessible Route (FAR: सम्पूर्णत: सुगम्य
मार्ग) are technical rules / systems of RBI to encourage foreigners to buy Indian companies’ Bonds and
Indian Govt’s G-Sec. how exactly they work? Ans. Technical stuff, NOT IMP for Exam. Just accept
and move to next topic.

🤩Benefit? Investors will convert $ & other foreign currency into ₹ to buy Bonds and G-Sec= more $
$ coming towards India = helps keeping BoP and currency exchange rate stable during crisis.

Note: RBI frequently / in FPI investment quota/limits in G-sec, depending on how RBI wants
to shape bond-yield, flow of dollars & available quota of G-sec for local investors to play its repo &
OMO games. But that ball by ball chase is NOTIMP. वो सब पं चात हमारे काम की नहीं.

32.11.5 🐯🦁RBI-Govt’s measures to prevent fall of Rupee (2022-Jul-Aug)

 🐯RBI Exempts Foreigners’ deposits in Indian bank from CRR and SLR. This will encourage
bankers to offer attractive deposit interest rates to such clients → ⏫dollar flow → stable rupee /
prevent weakening of rupee (in the aftermath of US Fed Tapering). How? Ref this Video for
more: https://youtu.be/KoiXkAreWoA (विदेशीयो के द्बचत खातों पे भारतीय बेंको ने सीआरआर व एसएलआर नहि
निभाना होगा। ताकि उन खातों पर भारतीय बेंकर विदेशी व्यक्ति को ज़्यादा ब्याज-दर दे सके और विदेशी लोग आकर्षित होकर ढेर
सारा विदेशी धन भारत में लेकर आए।)
 🐯 (2) RBI increased with the limit of external commercial borrowings (ECB) from present 750
million dollars to to $1.5 billion per financial year.
 🐯 (3) RBI relax to the guidelines related to FPI investment in G-Sec and Bonds.
 🦁Govt: Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010’s donation limits amended allowing
Indians to receive upto 10 lakh a year from their relatives abroad without informing the
authorities. (The previous limit was 1 lakh) (बिना सरकार को सूचित किए सालाना 10 लाख रुपये तक की रक़म विदेश
में रहते अपने रिश्तेदारों से आप मँगवा सकते हैं)
 🦁Govt: Customs duty on gold hiked to 12.5 per cent from 7.5 per cent to discourage imports.
(विदेशों से आयात होने वाले सोने पर लगने वाली सीमा शुल्क में बढ़ोतरी की गई है।)

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 2018-Dec: India signed pact with Iran to pay crude oil bill in rupee currency. National Iranian
Oil Co (NIOC) will open a bank account in India’s UCO Bank (a PSB). Indian oil companies will
make payments there in ₹ currency. Then Iran used this ₹ income to pay for Indian Tea & Rice
purchase → helps ⏬ the demand of dollars. (😰However later, due to American pressure, govt
of India stopped this arrangement).
 2022: Russian banks banned from the SWIFT messaging system that enables international
financial transactions. (Ref: Pillar1B2)
 So, Russia proposed “Rupee-rouble trade agreement”. (‘Rouble’ sometimes also spelled as
‘Ruble’. 1 Ruble = 100 kopeks. Just like ₹1= 100 paisa)
 In such agreement, India pays for Russian imports in rupee currency and then Russian
companies will use that money to import goods from India.
(भारत रूस से कच्चा तेल आयात करेगा तब भुगतान रुपया मुद्रा में करें → उन रुपयों से रूसी सरकारी कम्पनियां- भारत से अनाज-
दवाइयां इत्यादि ख़रीदे. रूस पर स्विफ़्ट वित्तीय सं देश प्रणाली की पाबं दियों के चलते वो एसा समझौता करने को बेताब है। एक ज़माने में
भारत ने ईरान के साथ भी कु छ ऐसा ही समझौता किया था।)

32.12.1 💸 Nostro Vostro Accounts- settlements with Russia and SriLanka

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 Picture is worth 1000 words. What it means? Explained in video.
 India has begun utilising such accounts for doing import from Russia, SriLanka, Malaysia etc.

32.12.2 💸Internationalisation of Indian rupee (भारतीय रुपये का अंतरराष्ट्रीयकरण )

US dollar (USD) 88%
Indian rupee (INR) 1.6%
Minimum % required to be 📙
4% (as per ES23) (अलग-अलग देशों के कें द्रीय बैंक के फॉरेक्स आपूर्ति
called ‘international currency’ भं डारों में, जब न्यूनतम/कम से कम 4% जत्था भारतीय रुपए का होगा- तब भारतीय
मुद्रा का अंतरराष्ट्रीय करण हो चुका है ऐसा माना जाएगा।)
Internationalization means increasing the use of Rupee for current & capital transactions, and in
forex reserve of other nations. (चालू खाते पूंजी खाते, व् अन्य देशों के फोरेक्स भं डारों में रुपए का चलन बढ़ाना)

😍 Benefit (फ़ायदे) 😰 Challenges (चुनौतियां)

reduces the dependence of dollars India does not have enough export products that attract
& currency exchange rate Russians. So, once Ukraine war is over, Russians will not do
volatility (डॉलर पर निर्भरता तथा विनिमय such deals. India need to increase Quality and variety of its
दर की अस्थिरता कम करेगा) exports.
[रूसियों को पसं द है ऐसी बहुत सारी चीज़ें भारत बनाता नहीं इसलिए यूक्रे न युद्ध ख़त्म
होने के बाद हो सकता है रूसी हमारे साथ ऐसा समझौता रद्द कर दे]
reduces the danger of “imported if Russian Exporter uses his rupee payment to invest in

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😍 Benefit (फ़ायदे) 😰 Challenges (चुनौतियां)
inflation” that happened with Indian share market….but when/IF he suddenly quits by
expensive dollar → expensive panic-selling those shares, it’ll crash Indian sharemarket. [रूसी
petrol. (डॉलर महँगा होने पर भारत में पेट्रोल निर्यातक जिसे भारतीय रुपये में पैसा मिला है वह उन्हें रुपयों को भारतीय शेयर बाज़ार
महँगा हो जाता है उस आयातित महँगाई के में निवेश करेगा। लेकिन जब एक दिन वो अचानक से उन शेयर्स को पानी के भाव बैच
ख़तरे को कम करेगा) के भाग जाएगा, तब भारतीय शेयर बाज़ार गिर सकता है]
reduces India’s vulnerability to Increases India’s vulnerability to how Russian/Sri Lankan,
global-shocks like US Fed Non-Indian exporters/investors react to such global
Tapering/ Taper Tantrum (अमेरिकी situations. (विदेशी निर्यातक जिन्हें भारतीय रुपया में पैसा मिला है वह वैश्विक
फे ड टैपरिंग जैसी वैश्विक घटनाओं में भारत की घटनाओं पर कै से वर्तन करते हैं उस पर भारत की भैद्यता बढ़ेगी)
भैद्यता को कम करेगा)
😄Some more benefits?
 😄makes it easier for India to trade with countries that are banned by USA and western powers /
SWIFT messaging system e.g. Russia, Iran. [अमेरिकी और पश्चिमी महासत्ताओं ने रूस ईरान जैसे देशों पर जो पाबं दियां
लगायी है उसके बावजूद भी भारत उन बहिष्कृ त देशों के साथ व्यापार आसानी से कर पाएगा।]
 😄reduces the cost of doing business because Indian businessmen does not have to pay
fees/commission to forex agent for converting rupee currency into dollars. [विदेशी मुद्रा परिवर्तित करने
वाले एजेंट को फ़ीस नहीं देनी होगी, इसलिए धंधा करने की लागत ख़र्च कम होगी]
✍️Conclusion: There are risks but they are unavoidable if India wants to be an ‘Atma-Nirbhar’
economic superpower.

32.12.3 💱⚔️🐼💪🏻 Yuan as global currency?

 2015: Yuan added in SDR basket of currency. → It ⏫acceptance of Yuan in global economy.
 China is also loaning Yuan to other nations for infra. development in One Belt One Road
Initiative (OBOR: एक क्षेत्र एक मार्ग पहल), via AIIB and BRICS bank, and even via Panda Bonds.
 In future, China may have to be less dependent on dollar$ while importing oil, missiles, metal
and food commodities- as other nations begin to happily accept Yuan.
 Such Yuan dominance may pose strategic challenges to USA and India.

32.12.4 💱💪🏻
Dollar- the Global Currency & ”DE-Dollarization”? (वैश्विक-आरक्षित-मुद्रा)
 Foreign exchange reserves of 150 nations- internal composition is: 55% US dollars, 30% euros,
2% Yuan (Renminbi, Chinese currency) and 13% Misc. other currencies. That shows majority of
the nations keep large % of their forex reserve in US dollar. विश्व के ज़्यादातर देशों के विदेशी आरक्षित निधि
कोष मैं बहुतायत रूप से डॉलर मुद्रा में इन पैसों को रखा जाता है।
 Thus US dollar is presently the “Global Reserve Currency”. (डॉलर को वैश्विक-आरक्षित-मुद्रा माना जाता है।)
 “de-dollarisation” = Attempts to ⏬ the domination of $ in forex reserve and in international
transactions. e.g. 2021: Russian Central Bank reduced dollar-denominated assets to 16% in its

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forex reserve. (विदेशी मुद्रा भं डार में तथा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय लेनदेन में अमरीकी डॉलर का प्रभुत्व कम करना)
 Can Indian rupee become global reserve currency? Ans. In a very long future yes if, India adopts
full capital account convertibility, keeps inflation, fiscal deficit, currency exchange rates under
control and becomes a sizeable exporter and global economic superpower. (रुपया-मुद्रा ऐसा दर्जा हासिल
करेंगी जब यदि पूँजी-खाते में सं पूर्ण रूप से परिवर्तनीयता दी जाए, महँगाई क़ाबू में रहे, राजकोषीय घाटा क़ाबू में रहे, मुद्रा विनिमय दर
क़ाबू में रहे, और भारत एक बड़ा निर्यातक और आर्थिक महासत्ता बनकर दिखाए- तो फिर एसा हो सकता हे।)


 2007-08: Subprime crisis in USA → Borrowers unable to repay home loans → American Banks
NBFCs’ bad loans / NPA / toxic assets increased → to help them, US Federal Reserve printed
new dollars & used $ to buy those toxic assets/bonds (also known as mortgage-backed securities
(MBS) → ⏫ dollar supply in the system. Known as “Quantitative Easing (मात्रात्मक आसानी)”.
 2013: American Central Bank (US Federal Reserve) gradually cut down its toxic asset
purchasing program → less quantity of dollars issued → called “Fed Tapering (सं घीय टेपिंग)”.

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 Result?= (perceived) shortage of dollars in USA → Loans% become more expensive in USA→
American investors began selling shares/bonds in other countries, and took their dollars back to
USA (to lend to local businessmen). This phenomenon was called “Taper Tantrum”. It resulted
into weakening of other currencies against USD. [गैर अमेरिकी देशों की मुद्राएं बहुत कमजोर हो गई थी]

 2020: During Corona, American Central Bank again started purchase of Bonds to increase
money supply in market. (कोरोना में अर्थतंत्र को पुनर्जीवित करने के लिए वापस ये तमाशा शुरू किया था)
 Then what happened? Is explained in above chart, also in Pillar1A2 (MonPolicy) and 1C

32.13.1 🔪🔪🥵 Strong dollars squeezes global credit

मजबूत डॉलर से वैश्विक कर्ज उपलब्धता को निचोड़ के रख देता है

🔠 MCQ. Statement I: A very strong US Dollar squeezes global credit. (UPSC-EPFO-2023)

Statement II: Many countries and companies outside America borrow in Dollars.
(a) Both statement I and II are correct and statement II is the correct explanation for I
(b) Both statement I and II are correct and statement II is not the correct explanation for statement I
(c) Statement I is correct but II is incorrect (d) Statement I is incorrect but II is correct

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32.13.2 💱⚔️ Misc. Concepts: Helicopter Money & Zero interest rate regimes

🔠❓MCQ. Find Correct Statements (Prelims-2022)

1. Tight monetary policy of US Federal Reserve could lead to capital flight. (अमरीका में सं कु चन वादी मौद्रिक नीति के
चलते भारत में से पूं जी का गमन हो सकता है)
2. Capital flight may increase the interest cost of firms with existing External Commercial Borrowings
(ECBs). (पूं जी गमन के चलते जिन कं पनियों ने विदेशी वाणिज्यिक कर लिया है उनके ब्याज का ख़र्चा बढ़ सकता है)
3. Devaluation of domestic currency decreases the currency risk associated with ECBs. (स्थानीय मुद्रा को कमज़ोर
करने से विदेशी वाणिज्यिक कर्ज़ के साथ जुड़े मुद्रा जोखिम कम हो सकते हैं )
Codes: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only. (c) 1 and 3 only. (d) 1, 2 and 3

🔠❓MCQ. In the context of India, which of the following factors are contributors to reducing the risk of a
currency crisis? ( Prelims-2019)
1. The foreign currency earnings of India’s IT sector.
2. Increasing the government expenditure.
3. Remittances from Indians abroad.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 3 only (c) 2 only (d) 1,2 and 3 only

🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following is not the most likely measure the Government/RBI takes to stop the
slide of Indian rupee? (Prelims-2019)
(a) Curbing imports of non-essential goods and promoting exports
(b) Encouraging Indian borrowers to issue rupee denominated Masala bonds
(c) Easing conditions relating to external commercial borrowing

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(d) Following an expansionary monetary policy

🔠❓MCQ. The price of any currency in international market is decided by: (Pre-2012)
1. The World Bank.
2. Demand for goods/services provided by the country concerned.
3. Stability of the government of the concerned country. [उस देश में सरकार की स्थिरता]
4. Economic potential of the country in question. [उस देश की आर्थिक क्षमता]
Answer codes: (a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4

🔠❓MCQ. If another global financial crisis happens in the near future, which of the following
actions/policies are most likely to give some immunity to India? (Prelims-2020)
1. Not depending on short-term foreign borrowings [लघु अवधि के विदेशी कर्ज पर निर्भर न रहा जाए]
2. Opening up to more foreign banks [अधिक विदेशी बैंको को शाखाएँ खुलने दी जाए]
3. Maintaining full capital account convertibility [पूंजी खाते पर पूर्ण रूप से परिवर्तनशीलता]
Codes: [a) 1 only [b) 1 and 2 only [c) 3 only [d) 1, 2 and 3

🔠❓MCQ. Consider the following actions which the Government can take: (Prelims-2011)
1. Devaluing the domestic currency. [देसी मुद्रा को कमजोर करें]
2. Reduction in the export subsidy. [निर्यात-सब्सिडी कम करें]
3. Adopting suitable policies to attract greater FDI and Flls. [विदेशी निवेश को बढ़ोतरी दें]
Which of the above can help in reducing the current account deficit?
Codes: A) 1 and 2 B) 2 and 3 C) 3 only D) 1 and 3

🔠❓The effect of devaluation of a currency is that it necessarily _ _ _ . [Pre-2021]

1. improves the competitiveness of the domestic exports in the foreign markets
2. increases the foreign value of domestic currency [स्थानिक मुद्रा के विदेशी मूल्य में बढ़ोतरी होगी]
3. improves the trade balance [व्यापार सं तुलन बेहतर होगा]
Codes: a) 1 Only b) 1 and 2 c) 3 Only d) 2 and 3


32.14.1 NEER and REER? (Hindi not imp because only prelim relevant)
In real life we are not just trading with USA but other countries, using foreign currencies other than
US dollars (Euro, Pound, Yen, Yuan etc).

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 Therefore, only tracking $1=60, $1=70 will not give a full picture. So, RBI also calculates
geometric average of rupee’s exchange rate against upto 36 types of foreign currencies. The
formula will give weightage to each of those 36 foreign currencies depending on their trade-
volume with India.

 The result is called “Nominal effective exchange rate (NEER)”.

 When NEER is mathematically adjusted as per the CPI-inflation price-levels in India and those
foreign countries, it’s called “Real effective exchange rate (REER)”.

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 REER interpreted as the quantity of domestic goods required to purchase one unit of a given
basket of foreign goods, says NCERT.

 NEER vs REER values help finding whether a currency is really weakening (depreciating) against
foreign currencies or not, thus helps to know our international competitiveness in exports.
 For example: REER ⏬ = foreigners will find our export prices attractive. REER⏫ = foreigners
will find our export prices less attractive. Says 📔📔ES20. How?NotIMP
 2018’s analysis reveals that though Indian rupee weakened against dollar $1=₹ 63 → ₹ 74, but
rupee has not so greatly weakened against other foreign currencies.
USD (NEER) +7.8%
INR (NEER) -4.8%
So, ES23 said: it is not that the INR has weakened, but it is the US dollar that has strengthened.
(ऐसा नहीं है कि भारत का रुपया कमजोर हुआ है बल्कि डॉलर मजबूत हुआ है यह कहना उचित होगा)

🔠❓MCQ. Find Correct Statements (Prelims-2022)

1. An increase in Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) indicates the appreciation of rupee. (नीर
बढ़ा तो मतलब यह पैसा मज़बूत हुआ)
2. An increase in the Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) indicates an improvement in trade
competitiveness. (रिर बढ़ा तो मतलब है विश्व व्यापार प्रतिस्पर्धा (में भारतीय उत्पादों की) स्थिति बेहतर हुई)
3. An increasing trend in domestic inflation relative to inflation in other countries is likely to cause
an increasing divergence between NEER and REER. (यदि भारत में अन्य देशों के मुक़ाबले महँगाई बढ़ेगी तो के

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नीर-रिर के बीच ज़्यादा खाई दिखेगी)
Codes: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

32.14.2 🧨 Afghan Currency is the Best Performing Currency in the world? (2023)

32.14.3 💱 Purchasing Power Parity: क्रय शक्ति समता (PPP)

 Hypothetical concept that tries to compare two currencies’ exchange rate through their
purchasing power in respective countries. (एक समान वस्तुएँ ख़रीदने के ख़र्च के अनुपात में विनिमय दर)
 So, If 1 cup of coffee in India = ₹ 20 whereas 1 cup of coffee costs $2 in USA then Dollar to Rupee

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exchange rate (PPP) should be $1 = ₹ 10. (According to OECD: exact figure is $1=₹ 17@PPP).
 This (hypothetical) exchange rate can happen in real life, if both the countries have Floating
Exchange Rate without any intervention of the respective Central banks; and if the bilateral
trade is free of protectionism (= without tariff or non-tariff barriers).
 GDP is the total market value of all goods and services produced in a country within a year.
When we convert these GDP values from local currencies into PPP $ exchange rates, the largest
economies of the world (GDP, PPP wise) are 1) USA 2) China 3) India 4) Japan 5) Germany
Big Mac Index  The Economist magazine’s informal index to measure PPP exchange rate using
the price of one McDonald burger in USA vs the respective country.
Twin Deficit  It’s the term used when both Current Account Deficit and Fiscal Deficit are
दोहरा घाटा high : चालू खाता घाटा और राजकोषीय घाटा
🔠❓MCQ. Find correct statement(s) (UPSC-Prelims-2020)
1. Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) exchange rates are calculated by the prices of the same basket of
goods and services in different countries.
2. In terms of PPP dollars, India is the sixth largest economy in the world.
Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

32.14.4 ✍ 🏻🎺 Mock Questions for Mains:

Centered around the themes of – measures taken by government/RBI to reduce current account
deficit, stabilise the rupee exchange rate, reforms taken in the FDI and its implications. Etc They’re
shifted to the Mains Handout.

📑Next HDT: Pillar3C: WTO & other International Economic Orgs, Trade
Agreements, Protectionism and burning issues.

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