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AUTHORS: Buenaventura B. Magallon & Fortunato P. Diño
RESEARCH QUESTION: How might we improve self-medication practices on antibiotics of rural Filipino communities in
order to prevent drug-related complications?
Soroush, A., Abdi, Exploring the A qualitative None None 1. Self-medication is
A., Andayeshgar, B., perceived study the use of one or
Vahdat, A., &
Khatony, A. (2018).
factors that more medications
Exploring the affect self- without physician’s
perceived factors medication diagnosis, opinion, or
that affect self- among prescription and
medication among nursing supervision, which
nursing students: a
students: a includes the use of
study. BMC qualitative herbal or chemical
nursing, 17(1), 35. study drugs.
2. Todays, self-
medication is one of
the biggest socio-
health and economic
problems among
nursing students of
various societies.
Bennadi, D. (2013). Self- None Not discuss India 1. Families, friends,
Self-medication: A medication: A neighbors, the
challenge. Journal
current pharmacist, previous
of basic and clinical challenge prescribed drug, or
pharmacy, 5(1), 19. suggestions from an
advertisement in
newspapers or
popular magazines
are common sources
of self-medications.
2. Self-medication has
traditionally been
defined as “the
taking of drugs,
herbs or home
remedies on one's
own initiative, or on
the advice of another
person, without
consulting a doctor.”
Hughes, C. M., Benefits and None None None 1. Self-medication
McElnay, J. C., & Risks of Self- facilitates better use
Fleming, G. F.
(2001). Benefits and
medication of clinical skills.
risks of self 2. Self- medication
medication. Drug associated with risks
safety, 24(14), 1027- such as
1037. misdiagnose, use of
excessive drug
dosage, prolonged
duration of use and
Ruiz, M. E. (2010). Risks of Self- None None None
Risks of self-
1. Several benefits
medication have been linked to
practices. Current appropriate self-
drug safety, 5(4), medication, among
315-323. them: increased
access to medication
and relief for the
patient, the active
role of the patient in
his or her own health
care, better use of
physicians and
pharmacists skills
and reduced (or at
least optimized)
burden of
governments due to
health expenditure
linked to the
treatment of minor
health conditions
2. Potential risks of self-
medication practices
include: incorrect
delays in seeking
medical advice when
needed, infrequent
but severe adverse
reactions, dangerous
drug interactions,
incorrect manner of
incorrect dosage,
incorrect choice of
therapy, masking of
a severe disease and
risk of dependence
and abuse.
Esan, D. T., Fasoro, Assessment None 384 respondents Nigeria 1. Self-medication is
A. A., Odesanya, O.
E., Esan, T. O., Ojo, of Self- the use of drugs to
E. F., & Faeji, C. O. Medication treat self-diagnosed
(2018). Assessment
of Self-Medication
Practices and disorders or
Practices and Its Its Associated symptoms or the
Associated Factors Factors intermittent or
among among continued use of
Undergraduates of a Undergraduat prescribed drug for
Private University in
Nigeria. Journal of
es of a chronic or recurrent
environmental and Private disease or
public health, 2018. University in symptoms.
Barber, D. A., Prevalence Study design 307 participants Central Visayan 1. Antibiotic sharing
Casquejo, E., and region of the was common and
Ybañez, P. L., correlates of Philippines was associated with
Pinote, M. T., antibiotic misconceptions
Casquejo, L., sharing in the about proper
Pinote, L. S., ... Philippines: antibiotic use.
& Young, A. M. antibiotic 2. Antibiotics were
(2017). misconceptio widely available
Prevalence and ns and in sari‐sari stands,
correlates of community‐ and usually without
antibiotic sharing level access expiration
in the to non‐ information.
Philippines: medical 3. This study suggests
antibiotic sources of that multipronged
misconceptions antibiotics and locally tailored
and community‐ approaches to
level access to curbing informal
non‐medical antibiotic access are
sources of needed in the
antibiotics. Tropi Philippines and
cal Medicine & similar Southeast‐
International Asian countries.
Health, 22(5),
World Health Antibiotic Study design Not discuss Not discuss 1. Antibiotic resistance
Organization Resistance is one of the biggest
(2018). Antibiotic threats to global
resistance. health, food security,
Retrieved April 23,
and development
2019, from
t/news-room/fact- 2. Antibiotic resistance
sheets/detail/antibi occurs naturally, but
otic-resistance misuse of antibiotics
in humans and
animals is
accelerating the
3. Antibiotic resistance
leads to longer
hospital stays, higher
medical costs and
increased mortality.
Wang, X., Peng, Massive None 11,192 All regions of 1. Chinese young
D., Wang, W., misuse of questionnaires China adults massively
Xu, Y., Zhou, X., antibiotics by misuse antibiotics
& Hesketh, T. university for self-limiting
(2017). Massive students in all illnesses.
misuse of regions of 2. Poor knowledge is
antibiotics by China: associated with
university implications more antibiotic
students in all for national misuse behaviors.
regions of China: policy 3. Demand-side
implications for contributed over
national one-half of antibiotic
policy. Internatio misuse compared
nal journal of with supply-side.
agents, 50(3),
Zhu, X., Pan, H., Self- Cross-sectional 2608 website Jiangsu 1. Self-medication with
Yang, Z., Cui, B., medication study visitors University (JSU) antibiotics among
Zhang, D., & Ba- practices with in eastern Chinese university
Thein, W. antibiotics China students is highly
(2016). Self- among prevalent.
medication Chinese 2. Poor self-medication
practices with university practices are
antibiotics students positively
among Chinese associated with
university adverse drug
students. Public events.
health, 130, 78- 3. Strict regulations on
83. non-prescription
antibiotics are

Alghadeer, S., Self- Cross-sectional 1264 respondent Saudi Arabia 1. Antibiotic resistance
Aljuaydi, K., medication study issue is more
Babelghaith, S., with frequent in
Alhammad, A., & antibiotics in developing
Alarifi, M. N. Saudi Arabia countries.
(2018). Self- 2. The prevalence and
medication with reasons of self-
antibiotics in medication are still
Saudi unidentified in
Arabia. Saudi community
pharmaceutical perspective in Saudi
journal, 26(5), Arabia.
719-724. 3. Ironically, most of
the respondent who
used antibiotic
without prescription
thought it might be
harmful for them.
Núñez, M., Antibiotic self- None 1000 college University 1. Antibiotic self-
Tresierra-Ayala, medication in students students in medication is a kind
M., & Gil- university Trujillo, Peru of indiscriminate use
Olivares, F. students from of antibiotics.
(2016). Antibiotic Trujillo, Peru 2. The drug most often
self-medication used for self-
in university medication
students from was amoxicillin
Trujillo, 3. A high use of
Peru. Medicina antibiotic self-
Universitaria, 18( medication was
73), 205-209. reported and a
probable link to
Roche, M., Misuse of None 53 prescriptions University 1. Sixty percent of
Bornet, C., antibiotics hospital in treatments were
Monges, P., reserved for Southern unnecessary or
Stein, A., hospital France inappropriate.
Gensollen, S., & settings in 2. Inappropriate
Seng, P. (2016). outpatients: a prescriptions were
Misuse of prospective usually observed in
antibiotics clinical audit skin.
reserved for in a university 3. A real-time analysis
hospital settings hospital in of prescriptions could
in outpatients: a Southern improve the quality of
prospective France antibiotic use.
clinical audit in a
hospital in
France. Internati
onal journal of
agents, 48(1),
Stein, K., The use and A scoping review The authors Not discuss 1. Considering the
Farmer, J., misuse of identified 1,912
Singhal, S., antibiotics in studies but seriousness of
Marra, F., dentistry: A considered only antibiotic resistance,
Sutherland, S., & scoping 118 studies
Quiñonez, C. review eligible for the authors highlight
(2018). The use review. trends in antibiotic
and misuse of
prescribing practices,
antibiotics in
dentistry: A characterize factors
scoping contributing to the
review. The
Journal of the use and misuse of
American Dental antibiotics in
Association, 149(
dentistry, provide
10), 869-884.
insight into the
importance of
stewardship in
the oral
health setting, and
encourage dentists
to reflect on their
antibiotic prescription

Ruiz, M. E. (2010). Risk of Self None None None 1. Self-medication is

Risks of self- Medication defined as the
practices. Current
Practices selection and use of
drug safety, 5(4), medicines by
315-323. individuals (or a
member of the
individuals' family) to
treat self-recognized
or self-diagnosed
conditions or
symptoms. Several
benefits have been
linked to appropriate
among them:
increased access to
medication and relief
for the patient, the
active role of the
patient in his or her
own health care,
better use of
physicians and
pharmacists skills
and reduced (or at
least optimized)
burden of
governments due to
health expenditure
linked to the
treatment of minor
health conditions
Kassie, A. D., Self- Quantitative 744 Northeast 1. presence of
Bifftu, B. B., Medication research participants Ethiopia, medication
& practice and at home,
Mekonnen, H. associated accessibility
S. (2018). Self- factors among of
medication adult pharmacies
practice and household , peer
associated members in pressure
factors among meket district, and
adult Northeast previous
household Ethiopia, 2017 experience
members in of SMP
Meket district, were the
Northeast predictors
Ethiopia, 2017. of self-
BMC medication
Pharmacology practice
and Toxicology, 2. Strengtheni
19(1), 15. ng of the
on the side
effects of
are very

s to
the practice
Lv, B., Zhou, Z., Quantitative 731 students Western China 1. Student’s
Xu, G., Yang, Knowledge, research knowledge about
D., Wu, L., attitudes and antibiotics seems
Shen, Q., ... practices to be inadequate,
& and their practice
concerning self-
Fang, Y. (2014). s were
Knowledge, medication with inappropriate.
attitudes and antibiotic among 2. There is a need
practices university students for harsher legal
concerning in western China regulations and
self‐medication supervision on
with antibiotics the sale of
among antibiotics without
university prescription in
students in retail pharmacies.
western C hina.
Medicine &
Health, 19(7),
Al Rasheed, A., Descriptive 681 patients Riyadh City 1. Health education
Yagoub, U., Prevalence and research KSA on the appropriate use of
Alkhashan, H., Predictors of Self- antibiotics is highly
Abdelhay, O., Medication with recommendded.
Alawwad, A., Al
antibiotic in Al
Aboud, A., & 2. The proper use of
Al Wazarat Health treatment guidelines
Battal, S. (2016). Center, Riyadh for antibiotic therapy
Prevalence and City, will significantly
predictors of reduce self-
self-medication KSA prescription with
with antibiotics antibiotics.
in Al Wazarat
Health Center,
Riyadh City,
KSA. BioMed
Zhu, X., Pan, Quantitative 1086 Jiangsu 1. Self- Medication with
H., Yang, Z., Self-Medication Research participants University antibiotics among
Cui, B., Zhang, practices with (JSU) Chinese university
D., & Ba- antibiotics among in eastern students is highly
Thein, China prevalent.
Chinese university
W. (2016). Self- 2. Female gender,
medication students older age,
practices with and prior
antibiotics knowledge of
among Chinese antibiotics are
university independent risk
students. factors.
Public health, 3. Poor self- medication
130, 78-83. Practices are
Positively associated
with adverse
Drug events.
4. Strict regulations
on non-prescription
antibiotics are
recommend ded.
Garofalo, L., Di Quantitative 672 parents Italy 1. The frequency of
Giuseppe, G., Self-medication research of oral self-medication
& Angelillo, I. practices among students was quite high and,
F. (2015). Self- Parents in Italy in most cases,
medication inappropriate with
practices a potential impact
among parents on the health status
in Italy. and educative
BioMed programs are
Research needed.
Inquirer, P. D. Editorial Not discuss Not discuss 1. The problem has
(2018, November Don’t self- grown with the
25). Don't self- medicate
medicate. Retrieved spike in the use of
April 23, 2019, from antibiotics
https://opinion.inqui worldwide since
rer.net/117708/dont 2000, with some
of the highest
consumption in
2. “Don’t go to social
media to find
answers. Go see
your doctor.”
Anwar, M., Green, J. Not discuss 24 Pakistan 1. Minor illnesses are
A., Norris, P., & Self-medication, participants
Bukhari, N. I. (2015).
usually treated in
Self-medication, home remedies, home and
home remedies, and and spiritual community
spiritual healing:
common responses healing: common contexts. Despite,
to everyday responses to or perhaps because
symptoms in
everyday of, their
Pakistan. Health commonness,
Psychology and symptoms in
Behavioral responses to minor
Medicine, 3(1), 281- illness are poorly
295. researched,
especially outside
2. Self-care, self-
medication, use of
home and herbal
remedies and
spiritual healing
were found to be
the most common
responses to these
Ball, D., & Salenga, Not discuss Not discuss Philippines 1. The Philippines has
R. (2017). Pharmaceutical a large and well-
Policy in the Policy in the developed
Philippines. Philippines pharmaceutical
In Pharmaceutical sector with a focus
Policy in Countries on production of
with Developing
Healthcare generic medicines.
Systems (pp. 45-73). 2. Pharmaceutical
Adis, Cham.
regulation through
the Philippines Food
and Drug
Administration is
affected by resource
constraints and
substandard and
medicines remain a
3. The Department of
Health maintains
medicines access
programs, and local
government units
provide services
within their
Ngu, R., Feteh, V., A cross- 308 Mboppi Baptist 1. Antibiotic self-
Kika, B., Ayeah, C., Prevalence and sectional study participants Hospital, medication in
Chifor, T., Njim, T., ...
& Yengo, F. (2018). Determinants of Douala, patients with
Prevalence and Antibiotic Self- Cameroon respiratory tract
Determinants of infections (RTI) is
Antibiotic Self- Medication among increasing globally
Medication among Adult Patients with and has been
Adult Patients with
Respiratory Tract reported to be one of
Respiratory Tract
Infections in the Infections in the the prime
Mboppi Baptist Mboppi Baptist contributors to
Hospital, Douala, antimicrobial
Cameroon: A Cross- Hospital, Douala,
resistance (AMR).
Sectional Cameroon: A 2. Control of the use of
Study. Diseases, 6(2)
, 49. antibiotics,
Cross-Sectional organisation of
Study medication
programs, and
education of the
general population
on the adverse
consequences of
antibiotic self-
medication are
Hossain, M. Not discuss 276 Parents Faridpur, 1. A survey was entitled
(2016). Prevalence of Prevalence of Self- Madaripur and by “prevalence of
Self-medication of
Antibiotics in Children medication of Shariatpur self-medication of
and Parental Antibiotics in district of antibiotics in children
Perception and Bangladesh and parental
Knowledge Children and perception and
Regarding Antibiotic Parental knowledge regarding
use and
Perception and antibiotic use and
Resistance (Doctoral
dissertation, East Knowledge resistance”.
West University). Regarding 2. The aims and
objectives of this
Antibiotic use and
research were to
Resistance identify the
prevalence of self-
medication with
antibiotic to children,
to determine parents’
knowledge, attitude
and practice of self-
medication by
exploring the
knowledge and
attitude about self-
medication of
Rahmawati, R., & Review 85622 Taiwan 1. At least 970 million
Bajorek, B. V. (2017). Self-medication respondents people globally have
among people living among people hypertension, and
with hypertension: a living with this figure is
review. Family estimated to rise to
practice, 34(2), 147- hypertension: a more than 1.5 billion
153. review by 2025
2. Self-medication is a
common form of self-
care and is defined
as the use of
products [including
(OTC) medicines,
herbal medicines,
dietary supplements
and vitamins] to treat
health complaints or
3. Patients with chronic
diseases such as
hypertension are
highly likely to self-
4. Understanding the
practices of people
living with
hypertension is
important for
ensuring successful
Gupta, B. M. (2019). Observational 100 Europe 1. Hypertension is a
Self Medication Self Medication study hypertensive non communicable
Behaviour in
Hypertensive Patients Behaviour in patients disease and
in a Tertiary Care Hypertensive presently remains a
Hospital. Journal of challenge to the
Advanced Medical Patients in a world. It is associated
and Dental Sciences Tertiary Care with many
Research, 7(2), 65-
Hospital complications such
as cardiovascular
diseases, renal
diseases, stroke.
2. Treating the
hypertension also
decreases the
incidence of
associated with
Jafari, F., Quantitative 272 elderly 1. considering the
Khatony, A., & Prevalence of Self- Research Kermanshah- relatively high rates
Rahmani, E. Medication Among Iran of self-medication
(2015). the Elderly in among the elderly as
Prevalence of well as its side
self-medication effects, designing
among the elderly and performing
in Kermanshah- educational
Iran. Global programs are
journal of health suggested for the
science, 7(2), elderly people.
360. 2. The prevalence of
among the elderly
was relatively high.
The most common
reasons given by the
elderly for self-
medication were
certainty of its safety,
prior experience
about the drug,
saving the time, non-
seriousness of the
illnesses, and prior
experience about the
Bilal, M., Haseeb, Quantitative none 1. Self-medication with
A., Khan, M. H., Self-Medication Sindh antibiotics is
Arshad, M. H., with Antibiotics becoming
Ladak, A. A., among People increasingly common
Niazi, S. K., ... & due to multiple
Dwelling in Rural
Manji, A. A. K. factors. The public
(2016). Self- Areas of Sindh who are using these
medication with antibiotics generally
antibiotics among do not have full
people dwelling in information regarding
rural areas of their proper use,
Sindh. Journal of especially the
clinical and dosages and
diagnostic possible side-effects.
research: Hence, unregulated
JCDR, 10(5), use of such
OC08. medicines may cause
dangerous adverse
effects in the
2. Prompt actions must
be taken by the
government to
enforce stricter laws
on pharmacies
especially antibiotics,
without prescriptions.
Health care
especially physicians,
should play their role
by providing
guidance and
counselling their
patients regarding
proper antibiotic use.
Awareness and
programs targeting
the general
population are also
required so that
people are made
aware of the dangers
of self-medication
with antibiotics
without sufficient
Summoro, T. S., Quantitative 1,440 1. Rational prescribing
Gidebo, K. D., Evaluation of research patient southern is a primary step to
Kanche, Z. Z., & trends of drug- Ethiopia ensure rational drug
Woticha, E. W. prescribing use. Often, half of the
(2015). Evaluation medicines are
patterns based on
of trends of drug- prescribed irrationally
prescribing WHO prescribing and half of these are
patterns based on indicators at even used incorrectly
WHO prescribing outpatient as the patients fail to
indicators at departments of take their medicines
outpatient appropriately
four hospitals in
departments of 2. The quality of
four hospitals in southern Ethiopia prescribing is a major
southern determinant of how
Ethiopia. Drug patients use
design, medicines. It plays a
development and crucial role in the
therapy, 9, 4551. treatment of serious
health conditions
when people do tend
to consult health
professionals. The
way in which health
prescribe multiple
medicines reinforces
consumers’ beliefs
that they need “a pill
for every illness” and
that a cure is unlikely
without using
Selvaraj, K., Quantitative 42 people 1. Self-medication is an
Kumar, S. G., & Prevalence of self- research who reported India, Urban important health
Ramalingam, A. medication self- Puducherry issue in this area.
(2014). practices and its medication Health education of
Prevalence of the public and
associated factors
self-medication regulation of
practices and its in Urban pharmacies may help
associated factors Puducherry, India in limiting the self-
in Urban medication practices.
Puducherry, 2. Self medication is an
India. Perspective important concern for
s in clinical health authorities at
research, 5(1), global level. This
32. study was aimed to
find the prevalence of
self medication for
allopathic drugs and
associated factors
among households of
urban community.
This study was also
aimed at assessing
the attitude of
respondents who had
experienced self-

Hardon, A., & Geest, Survey 2000 Philippines, 1. We can’t give cough
S. V. D. (1987). Hazards of self- respondents Island of medicine for infant
Hazards of self-
medication. medication Luzon patient for the reason
some of cough
medicine contains
substance that
unsuitable for them.
2. In order to combat
health risks and
bacterial resistance,
it is important to
consider how drugs
are being made
available for

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