Sickle Cell Anemia Research Paper Conclusion

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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Sickle Cell Anemia Research Paper Conclusion

Crafting a comprehensive and compelling conclusion for a Sickle Cell Anemia research paper is
undoubtedly a challenging task. As researchers delve into the complexities of this genetic disorder,
summarizing the findings and providing meaningful insights requires a unique skill set. The intricate
nature of the subject matter, coupled with the need for precision and accuracy, can be overwhelming
for even the most seasoned academic writers.

Sickle Cell Anemia, a hereditary blood disorder, demands a thorough understanding of molecular
biology, genetics, and medical sciences. Addressing the intricacies of the disease, exploring treatment
options, and discussing potential future avenues of research are pivotal components of a well-
rounded research paper. Translating this vast body of information into a concise yet comprehensive
conclusion is a formidable undertaking.

Researchers often find themselves grappling with the challenge of striking the right balance between
summarizing key points and leaving a lasting impression on the reader. The conclusion is not merely a
recapitulation but an opportunity to underscore the significance of the study and its potential
implications for the field.

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Sickle hemoglobin confers tolerance to Plasmodium infection. Cell 145.2 (2011):398-409. Print. Low
pH levels in blood and low oxygen tension can lead to repeated infarcts in the spleen leading to
fibrosis and shrinkage. Aljuburi, G., Okoye, O., Majeed, A., et al. (2012). Views of patients about
sickle cell disease management in primary care: a questionnaire-based pilot study. Not so much
information has been given out to the public concerning the disease to the public. It is usually self-
limiting and causes mild symptoms, such as fatigue, or tiredness. NA replication takes place in the
interphase of the cell cycle. Lastly, numerous arguments such as those suggesting that depression
may be serving evolutionary purposes have also been made and research in this exciting field is still
on going. There are even DNA analysis testing to see who is likely to have children with Sickle Cell
Anemia. In his book, the Origin of the species by natural selection, Darwin particularly outlined the
steps of survival for the fittest by arguing that populations often show variations in virtually all traits
and that certain variations can improve the survivorship of individuals or organisms(improving their
fitness). Sickle Cell Anemia INTRODUCTION “Sickle cell anemia is a disease passed down through
families in which red blood cells form an abnormal crescent shape. Outline your continuity of
operations for financial responsibility to ensure that an event will be mitigated. It has been found that
this disease is very well equipped in resisting malaria or in other words sickle cell anemia is a fairly
effective resistant against malaria. Though being such a massive problem to the body, it is still an
underestimated complication that not all are aware of and not much education is given on in areas
with low medical health coverage. Normal red blood cells are discoid and look like rings without
holes in the centre. Anxiety is whereby a mother does not know what will happen to the child when
they are giving birth and so they get nervous. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic.
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Acute chest syndrome is also common among adults and is probably due to pulmonary infarction but
resembles pneumonia. Mrs. Anna Ward Ridge Road MS. Do Now!!!. Please pick up an Anticipation
Guide at the Door. How many people in this pedigree are carriers of sickle cell anemia? 3. It can be
treated by blood transfusions from a donor with healthy blood cells, or a bone marrow transplant.
This makes it nearly impossible to know if sleep problems stem from OSAS or if the disease itself is
actually what was impacting proper sleep. Researchers used Townes knockout-transgenic with sickle
cell disease (SS) and sickle trait (AS) sickle cell mice that they made to be HbS homozygous and
heterozygous, which they confirmed using Hb gel electrophoresis. However, it is possible for sickle
cell anemia sufferers to live a full life provided regular treatment and self-care protocols are
religiously observed. The A Record points your hostname to an IP address. This creates the HbS
gene that is shown in people with sickle cell. DIAGNOSIS CRITERIA “Complete blood count
(CBC) test, Hemoglobin electrophoresis, Sickle cell test” (Sickle cell anemia, 2011) etc are some of
the. Our bodies are like computers; we are all uniquely designed to perform specific task and just
like computers we get viruses and our bodies begin to malfunction. A person who is heterozygous
for the hemoglobin gene will have fewer sickle-shaped red blood cells and a mild case of Sickle Cell
Anemia while a homozygous person for sickle cell is likely to experience a high number of sickle cells
and a full-blown case of the disease (Kawthalkar, 2012). Allele-specific Oligonucleotides (ASOs):
Make two oligonucleotide probes: (a) Normal sequence (b) Sequence of mutant allele.
Mechanism of action of enzymes- By Hurnaum Karishma (Student SSR Medical Coll. This causes a
condition called anemia, which is when the number of blood cells in the body is low. Identify the
critical resources that your agency cannot provide and would receive through mutual aid or
nongovernmental organizations. One misfolded hemoglobin can stick to other misfolded
hemoglobins, forming long and stiff fibers. HLS 430 CTUO Agricultural Marketing Services Inc
Organizational Planning Essay. In suspected cases, prenatal diagnosis is also possible though
chorionic villous sampling. For example, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, and cystic fibrosis are. The
commonest variant is Hemoglobin A (?2?2) which accounts for 95% to 98% of the total in adults.
Many new studies have shown that hydroxyurea has helped patients with chronic sickle cell disease
by reducing their number of crises while also being a great way to manage the disease. Multiorgan
involvement can be there manifesting as anatomical and functional alterations of the kidney, and
enlargement of spleen and liver. The cell sickling occurs as a result of the genetic mutation that
results in the formation of abnormal hemoglobin known as hemoglobin S. It may start in one
location of the body, and then stop and move around throughout the body. Sickle cell disease is most
common in individuals residing in or originating from sub-Saharan Africa. Nurse should be able to
assist such mothers who are about to deliver to go for regular checkups so that it can be established
whether the sickness is advancing in either the child or the mother. Unit 3 - Individual Project
Running head: Organizational Financial PlanningAssignment DescriptionDevelop an emergency
man. When deoxygenated, the HbS molecules polymerize to form psuedocrystalline structures called
tactoids. The degree of anemia, the frequency of crises, morbidity and involvement of organ systems
varies from one individual to another. Sickle cell anemia can be diagnosed by a simple blood test,
mostly to newborns. Counselling is a very important aspect of this disease but most people cannot
explore it because of poverty. A study on Sickle Cell Anaemia in pregnant women is very significant
for it will impart knowledge on this condition in relation to the woman's and the in-born child's
health. There are several symptoms that can be diagnosed as soon as infant is four months old. “The
clinical course of sickle cell anemia does not follow a single pattern; some patients have mild
symptoms, and some have very severe symptoms. The basic problem, however, is the same: the
sickle-shaped red blood cells tend to get stuck in narrow blood vessels, blocking the flow of blood”
(Bownas, Jennifer). Sickle hemoglobin confers tolerance to Plasmodium infection. Cell 145.2
(2011):398-409. Print. According to Dr. Whittaker, in our region there are abnormally higher cases of
Sickle Cell Anemia, so I found it important to learn more about the disease, what cause it, what are
the symptoms as well as the options of treatments for this disease. As a result, treatment for sickle
cell anemia is usually aimed at avoiding crises, relieving symptoms and preventing complications”
(Mayo Clinic Staff). Several children do not show any sign of SCA until the fetal hemoglobin
quantity drops and there is a rise in postnatal hemoglobin. The demographics of the sample show that
most of the women who were interviewed are paid below 50,000 dollars. With numerous other
diseases, opioid usage has been linked to addictions. Which means people can bring it and can
communicate anywhere at any time. When doing this, blood is taken out of the body, and new blood
is transfused in. Hiren, Dhanani. “Sickle Cell Disease: History and Origin.” The Internet Journal of
Haematology 1.2(2004): 23-28. Print.
In the 1950s, American scientist Vernon Ingram isolated the culprit, an amino acid called valine,
which took the place of glutamic in the beta-globin chain of hemoglobin. Symptoms like enlarged
spleens and high fevers were common among the affected individuals. When the spleen becomes
damaged, patience will experience many infections. Normal red blood cells are round like
doughnuts, and they move through small blood tubes in the body to deliver oxygen. Some research
questionnaires would be used, and patients and doctors would be asked to answer some questions
which will be provided to them by a research team. As stated by Bloom (2001), research tool will
explore all areas of research where it will compare and analyze the present and data from the research
which will be carried out. One of the limiting factors for bone marrow transplantation is lack of
availability of matched donor. They should continue with their research work, which has assisted in
helping people realise that Sickle cell anaemia is a disease of the red blood cell, and those who suffer
from the disease are protected from malaria because the sickle trait serves as a defensive mechanism
against malaria (Dyson et al, 2006). Chromosome Affected The chromosome it affects is chromosome
number 11. Patients of this disease are extremely prone to infection due to their abnormal red blood
cells. Another big complication with Sickle Cell Anemia is infections. Several factors indeed affect
pregnant women who have the sickle cell trait or who have the disease and the factors are, fear
anxiety and level of education. If each parent carries one reaping hook haemoglobin cistron ( S ) and
one normal cistron ( A ), each kid has a 25 % opportunity of inheriting two faulty cistrons and
holding reaping hook cell anaemia; a 25 % opportunity of inheriting two normal cistrons and non
holding the disease; and a 50 % opportunity of being an unaffected bearer like the parents. ”. The
lower price also enables the mobile phone to become. Patients with the sickle cell disease should be
checked regularly so that the detection of the disease can be done early to reduce the spread of the
disease. People in those area have approximately 100,000 annual births. Inusa et. al found that 80%
of cases of sickle cell disease were from births occurring in Sub-Saharan African countries (2018).
Since then, many people have established studies to explore more about their effects and its origin.
SCD was a way for the human body to adapt from contracting the malaria parasite. However, this
varies depending on the severity of the disease and other factors. It determines if you have the
disease or is a carrier of the trait. Many of the SS mice were assumed to have pain while sleeping.
Early screening of newborns also contributes to survival rates because treatment protocols are begun
early before extensive organ damage makes it more complicated to treat. Most commonly, the
episodes involve the bone and spleen but any involve any tissue. According to Dr. Whittaker, in our
region there are abnormally higher cases of Sickle Cell Anemia, so I found it important to learn more
about the disease, what cause it, what are the symptoms as well as the options of treatments for this
disease. In adults, infarction mainly occurs in the subchondrium and diaphyses of the long bones.
Payment is made only after you have completed your 1-on-1 session and are satisfied with your
session. The condition leads to anemia and other critical consequences contributing to morbidity and
mortality. Some forms of Anemia like Thalassemia and Sickle- cell anemia are genetic. They
frequently have hepatosplenomegaly, leg ulcers and cardiomegaly and present to hospital settings in
cardiac failure (Meremikwu and Okomo, 2011). Other studies have suggested that the conditions in
sickle cell trait erythrocytes may directly kill the Malaria parasites thereby impairing their

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