PT Mathematics-5 Q3

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Third Periodical Test in MATHEMATICS 5

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Item Rememb Underst Analyze Evaluat
COMPETENCY ht Apply/ Create /
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Compre Applicat Evaluatio
Knowledg Analysi Synthes
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60% 30% 10%

1. visualizes percent and 2 1,2

its relationship to
fractions, ratios, and
decimal numbers using
models. M5NS-IIIa-136

2. defines percentage, rate 2 3-4

or percent, and base.
3. identifies the base, 1 5
percentage, and rate in
a problem. M5NS-IIIa-

4. finds the percentage in 3 6,8 7

a given problem. M5NS-

5. solves routine and non- 5 14,1

routine problems 5,16,
involving percentage 17,
using appropriate
strategies and tools.

6. visualizes, names, 2 9,10

describes and draws
polygons with 5 or more
sides. M5GE-IIIc-19

7. describes and compares 2 11,

properties of polygons
(regular and irregular
polygons). M5GE-IIIc-

8. visualizes congruent 5 19,20 13, 22

polygons. M5GE-IIId-22

9. identifies the terms 1 26

related to a circle.

10. draws circles with 1 27

different radii using a
compass. M5GE-IIIe-24

11. visualizes and describes 3 23,

solid figures. M5GE-

12. makes models of 4 28,

different solid figures:
cube, prism, pyramid,
cylinder, cone, and 30,31
sphere using plane
figures. M5GE-IIIe-26

13. formulates the rule in 5 32,33,

finding the next term in 34,35,
a sequence. e.g. 1, 3, 36
7,15, (15 x 2+1)
Possible answers: (x 2
+ 1) (+2, +4, +8,
+16). M5AL-IIIf-6

14. uses different strategies 2 37-

(looking for a pattern, 38
working backwards,
etc.) to solve for the
unknown in simple
equations involving one
or more operations on
whole numbers and
fractions. e.g. 3 x _ + 1
= 10 (the unknown is
solved by working
backwards) M5AL-IIIf-

15. measures time using a 1 39

12-hour and a 24-hour
clock. M5ME-IIIg-14

16. calculates time in the 2 40-41

different world time
zones in relation to the
Philippines. M5ME-IIIg-

17. solves problems 1 42

involving time. M5ME-

18. visualizes circumference 1 45

of a circle. M5ME-IIIh-

19. measures circumference 2 44 43

of a circle using
appropriate tools. M5ME
-IIIh -68

20. finds the circumference 2 46,

of a circle. M5ME -IIIi -

21. solves routine and non - 3 48,

routine problems
involving circumference
of a circle. M5ME -IIIj - 50

50 14 5 5 10 5

Teacher I

School Principal II
SY 2023-2024

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________ Score:

Directions: Choose the percent of the shaded parts/boxes modeled by each grid below. Then, write the answer
in ratio, fraction, and decimal number .Encircle the the letter of the correct answer.

40 60
A. 40%, 40:100, , 0.40 A. 60%, 60:100, , 0.60
100 100
30 50
B.30%, 30:100, , 0.30 B. 50%, 50:100, , 0.50
100 100
20 40
C. 20%, 20:100, , 0.20 C. 40%, 40:100, , 0.40
100 100
10 30
D. 10%, 10:100, , 0.10 D. 30%, 30:100, , 0.30
100 100

3. What is 13% in decimal form?

A. 0.13 B. 1.3 C. 1.30 D. 1.33
4. It is the number compared to 100.
A. percentage B. rate C. base D. ratio
5. 30% of 300 is 90. What do you call the underlined number?
A. percentage B. rate C. base D. ratio
6. What is 75% of 400?
A. 310 B. 300 C. 250 D. 160
7. ____ is 40% of 20.
A. 8 B. 7 C. 6 D. 5
8. 80% of 150 is _____.
A. 200 B. 160 C. 140 D. 120
9. What polygon has 8 sides and 8 angles?
A. Pentagon B. Heptagon C. Hexagon D. Octagon
10. How many sides does a heptagon have?
A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10

Figure 1.

11. Which decagon appears to be regular?

A. Decagon A C. both A and B B. Decagon B D. none
12. Which decagon appears to be irregular?
A. Decagon A C. both A and B B. Decagon B D. none

13. Which of the figure is congruent to the given polygon?

14. On their family budget, Mariano family allotted 45% for the education of their children. If the family has a
monthly income of P 13, 540.00, how much is allotted for the education of their children?
A. Php 6,093 B. Php 7,447 C. Php 8, 801 D. 9, 391
15. A 50-item test was given to a group of 40 Grade Six pupils. 85% of them have a score of 30 and above?
How many pupils got a score of 30 and above?
A.37 pupils B.36 pupils C. 35 pupils D. 34 pupils
16. Our school raised Php 64 000 for the COVID 19 front liners. The Grade 5 classes donated 12 % of the total
amount. How much was Grade 5 donation?
A. Php 7, 690 B. Php 7,680 C. Php 7, 670 D. Php 7,660
17. What is 35 % of 5.6?
A. 1.96 B. 19.6 C. 16.9 D. 1.69
18. There are 64 apples in the basket. Twenty-five percent of them are green and the rest are red. How many
apples are green?
A. 14 apples B. 15 apples C. 16 apples D. 17 apples
19. Which of the given pairs of figures are congruent?

20. Two polygons are _____________ if they have the same shape and size.
A. Congruent B. similar C. Equal D. equivalent
21. In the figure, quadrilateral ABCD is congruent to quadrilateral XWZY. Which of the following is the correct

23. What do you call a space figure that has two circular bases and a curved surface?
A. Cone B. Cylinder C. Cube D. Rectangular prism
24. Which statement refers to a pyramid?
A. It is a polyhedron. B. It has parallel sides.
C. It has a circular base. D. It has a curved surface.
25. What are the examples of non-polyhedron?
A. Cube, cone and cylinder B. Cone, sphere and cylinder
C. Cone, cube and rectangular prism D. Sphere, cone and triangular prism

26. Which figure shows a radius measuring 2 cm when drawn using your compass?

27. This figure shows a ____.

A. chord B. central angle C. Radius D. Radii

Direction: Find the correct net for the following solid figures




Directions: Formulate the rule for the given sequence. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

32) 37, 41, 45, 49, 53, 57

A. Add 4 to each term C. Multiply 4 to each term
B. Subtract 4 to each term D. Divide 4 to each term
33) 30, 27, 24, 21, 18, 15, 12
A. Subtract 3 to each term C. Divide 3 to each term
B. Add 3 to each term D. Multiply 3 to each term
34) 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36
A. Add 10 to each term C. Add 6 to each term
B. Add 8 to each term D. Add 5 to each term
35) 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49
A. Subtract 7 to each term C. Multiply 7 to each term
B. Add 7 to each term D. Divide 7 to each term
36) 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37, 42,
A. Add 5 to each term C. Multiply 5 to each term
B. Subtract 5 to each term D. Divide 5 to each term

Directions: Work backwards to solve the equation.

37. 6N + 5 = 23
A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12
38. 2N + 12 - 10 = 10
A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 10

39. What time is shown using 24-hour clock?

A. 12 25 H B. 14 25 H C. 12 00 H D. 15 25 H
40. If the difference in Philippine Standard Time is (- 6), what time is in Cairo, Egypt if it is 3:25 the
A. 4:25 a.m B. 9:25 a.m C. 9:00 a.m D. 9:55 a.m
41. Using (-6) as difference from Philippine Standard Time (PST), what is the time in Warsaw Poland if it is
Saturday, 3:00 p.m in the Philippines?
A. 10:00 a.m B. 9:25 a.m C. 9:10 a.m D. 9:00 a.m.
42. How long was the trip if the ferry from Plaridel left on Tuesday at 12 10H and arrived in Siquijor
at 17 30H?
A. The trip lasted for 6 hr and 20 minutes.
B. The trip lasted for 5 hr and 20 minutes.
C. The trip lasted for 4 hr and 20 minutes.
D. The trip lasted for 3 hr and 25 minutes.
Directions: Measure the circumference of a circle in centimeter. Write the letter of the correct


Directions: Find the circumference of the circle using the given diameter/radius. Write the letter of the
correct answer.

46. d = 9 cm
A. 28.16 cm C. 28.36 cm B. 28.26 cm D. 28.46 cm
47. r = 15 cm
A. 94.10 cm C. 94.30 cm B. 94.20 cm D. 94.40 cm

Juanita is calculating the circumference of a ring with a diameter of 9 mm. What is the circumference of
the ring?

48. What is asked in the problem? Answer: _____________________

A. The diameter of the ring is 9 mm.
B. The circumference of the ring is 28.26 mm.
C. What is the circumference of the ring?
D. The ring with a diameter
49. What is the solution? Answer: ____________________
A. C=2rd B.
C. D.
50. What is the answer? Answer: ____________________
A. 28.26 mm. D. 20mm B. 27mm c. 24mm


No. Answer No. Answer

1 A 26 C

2 A 27 C

3 A 28 C

4 B 29 C

5 A 30 C

6 B 31 A

7 A 32 A

8 D 33 A

9 D 34 D

10 D 35 B

11 A 36 A

12 A 37 A

13 B 38 B

14 A 39 A

15 D 40 B

16 B 41 D

17 A 42 B
18 C 43 B
19 C 44 C
20 A 45 A
21 C 46 B
22 B 47 B
23 B 48 C

24 A 49 D

25 B 50 B

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