Ikea Research Paper

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Struggling with your Ikea research paper? You're not alone.

Writing a thesis on any topic can be a

daunting task, but when it comes to tackling a subject as complex and multifaceted as Ikea, the
challenge can feel particularly overwhelming. From navigating the vast amount of information
available to ensuring your arguments are well-supported and cohesive, there are numerous hurdles to

One of the biggest difficulties students face when writing a thesis on Ikea is conducting thorough
research. With its global reach and diverse range of products and services, Ikea presents a wealth of
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and sustainability efforts, there are countless angles to explore, making it easy to feel lost or

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Brief Overview: Background Sustaining one’s competitive positioning in an industry which is highly
complex and globalized, is one of the most crucial challenges faced by managers in recent times. The
difficulties and challenges for ikea in China 50 4. Partnership is very important to the success of a
company. Reed, J. (2007). IKEA switches UK car fleets to hybrids, Financial Times, Jun 11, p.24.
Additionally, some marketing analysts have viewed supply chain management as about creating the
purchasers creating good relations with their entrusted suppliers. However, the starting point has
always been the needs of IKEA’s customers. It is likely that this cost-efficiency and cost leadership
strategy will continue at IKEA even after the departure of Kamprad. Currently, the products IKEA
offer has only to do with the home. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. It is on
account of these corporate tactics that the company is successfully able to market and sell its
products worldwide, at affordable rates, as compared to its competitors. Furthermore, to enhance
this strategy, the firm also incorporates the behavioral and benefits variables. According to the
economics records as at 2008 this is the world largest furniture retailer. (Forbes, 2013). Lastly, since
the products it offers are limited to the modern, edgy type, those who do not appreciate this style
will not likely become customers, thereby limiting further their target market (Lange, 2000). This
acted as a boon for the brand thereby enhancing its image and reputation to a significant extent.
How Should Marianne Barner Respond To The German Video. Some of the factors to the success
and its strategic strengths are. IKEA in Asia and Europe has taken advantage of the U.S. declining
dollar value with more importation into the country so as to take market share away from U.S.
domestic furniture producers. IKEA needs to find more local suppliers to keep lower price. Smith, T.
(2009). The social media revolution, International Journal of Market Research. The writer of the
essay suggests that at the present global environment, successes and failures in business are actually
the results of right or wrong decisions Decisions regarding strategic marketing are something that
provides the competitive edge to a firm. The following are IKEA’s SWOT analysis: Strengths IKEA
possesses an internationally known and very strong brand that can attract consumers of key
demographic groups. This research design is appropriate given that it allows the use of qualitative
analysis of variables. There is a need to set up good value-chain analysis which will curb the
underproduction in the storage of furniture. What is admirable about IKEA is that fact that it ties its
objectives with its intention to allowing people to get a better everyday life by providing them with
affordable, durable and functional furnishings. Kamprad established a strong cost leadership
strategy at IKEA, with a focus on internal efficiency (academon.com 2004). IKEA’s use of Internet
and mobile device marketing represents significant cost savings from magazine and catalogue
production and adds more modern efficiency related to usage of technologies that are favoured by
consumers. What lessons can the successors learn from this case. Growth in supermarket cash
availability and ability to procure global supplies similar to that of IKEA weakens IKEA’s position as
a competitive player. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Markets in countries where IKEA is currently operating has become saturated, and from this
perspective international market expansion would make a good business sense for IKEA. The
products of Home Depot are in direct competition with that of IKEA.
It ensures that the number of suppliers used is reduced to a manageable level. Moreover, “with an
aim of lowering prices across its entire offering by an average of 2% to 3% each year, its signature
feature is the flat packed product that customers assemble at home, thus reducing transportation
costs” (Profile:IKEA, 2011, online). The company should keep long term partnership with its
suppliers to builds on mutual trust and understanding. IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad and the
strategic level management team might be more receptive to the idea of implementing democratic
management style over longer period of time through devising relevant programs and initiatives
because implementing the proposed changes in such a manner would not involve dramatic changes
in a short period of time, and thus may not contradict to established principles and norms within the
company. This fact might defer the proposed changes from taking place because Ingvar Kamprad
might see these changes unnecessary and even violating the basic principles of leadership that has
ensured the achievement of the current status for IKEA. The firm in its strategy describes the
acquisition of the material and sourcing of the infrastructure. Ingka Holding, in turn, belongs entirely
to Stichting Ingka Foundation; a Dutch?registered, tax? Perhaps you can return back to the
homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for. The situation is worsened with the
highly volatile external economic environment, making it difficult for firms to offer good quality
products at lower prices. We know that IKEA has been in collaboration with UNICEF to build
schools and hospitals for. Further expansion can be made and better plans for marketing the products
of IKEA is currently being handled mainly through the use of technological advancement such as
the use of the internet, phone applications and social networking. There are two main relationships;
vertical relationships and horizontal relationships. Its target market can be divided into two segments,
i.e., the DIY home improvement customers and the professional business customer. As a small
retailer, this company misses out the opportunities in selling in huge department stores. The
weakened U.S. dollar has also given rise to new opportunities for profitability. U.S. furniture
manufacturers, IKEA’s competition, have experienced slow gains in sales profitability because of this
weakened dollar, whilst also experiencing higher food prices and fuel prices (Dibenedetto 2008).
IKEA is one of the Swedish multinational company which we are talking in this case study is.
According to Porter there are various key elements which form a typical value chain - such as
marketing, sales, inbound and outbound logistics, procurement, technology development as well as
human resource management. The process of benchmarking is of vital significance for organizations
today, since it affords them the ability to compare their performance with that of their rivals or
similar processes within their own organizations. IKEA relies on its bricks-and-mortar retail stores in
North America and Europe for its sales contribution, however Asian consumers seem to be turning
toward more e-commerce such as the development of the TaoBao buyers network that contributes
billions of USD to multiple retailers. It is supply chain management The significance of supply chain
management in organization is evidently addressed at length in this discussion. The advent of
globalization, followed by information age, has expanded and to an extent, blurred the geographical
boundaries, in the process, opening up newer avenues for global competitors to co-exist alongside
the local firms. Considering the current corporate climate, it is imperative for corporate leaders to
continuously strive to improve their product offerings and range, and offer good quality products to
their customer at affordable rates, as compared to their competitors. Through the above strategy
network, IKEA has been able to measure the effectiveness of the customers. The company has
efficient and effective operational process through proper management with good control and the
analysis of processes that helps in creating success. Having said this, there seems to be missing steps
in assuring the success of this transfer of. This made it easier for the customers to find out the best
matching product and also showed how Ikea thinks about its customer and focuses on a customer-
centric marketing approach. This will also resolve the problem of storage in Ikea the furniture store.
The success of furniture storage in Ikea is influenced by the manner in which the management tailors
the service processes and operations to boost the productivity of the Ikea furniture storage.This
concept immensely contributes to the success of a firm given the value-chain analysis concerned
with the service blueprint (Giriappa 56). Is the service blueprint in sync with the overall furniture
storage goal in the country? Supply chain operations reference model us a management tool that is
adopted to help in addressing, improving and communicating various decisions in the company’s
supply chain management. Threats The growing mainstream of retailers starts to mirror the flat
packed low cost model for furniture spearheaded by IKEA which can have a big effect on it.
IKEA needs to find more local suppliers to keep lower price. According to the economics records as
at 2008 this is the world. The business model offered is unique in construction and implementation
with limited competition. In terms of power and political struggles in IKEA, its most current conflict
internally is the issue started by a disgruntled employee who released a tell-all book narrating his
experiences as Kamprad’s secretary. International Conference on Industrial Product Service Systems,
Technische. The price tag for a product is decided in advance and the product is developed in
accordance with the pre-decided price. Basic compliance issues to regional and international laws
are part of the regular business practices of IKEA and have been built into packaging and process
models. I have to do so for all the IKEA employees” belongs to Ingvar Rothacher, thus it can be
stated that IKEA founder has practiced exemplary leadership as well. However, the principle can be
used to boost the performance of a firm. In addition, this information helps in determination of the
most value-adding activities. The company can capitalize on the customer desire to the environmental
impact and green movement. IKEA’s value proposition that serves as an attraction to buyers is its
offer of affordable, functional and distinctly designed furnishings. We make this possible by
offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as
many people as possible will be able to afford them” (Inter Ikea Systems B.V, 2011, online). Indeed,
internal processes have been streamlined in a bid to realize value from the activity based
management. The parent company that holds all IKEA stores is Ingka Holding, a privately registered
company. Kamprad has done an excellent job in bringing in professional management to run IKEA.
With. Because the company has many operations in North America, Europe and Asia, the unique
political environments for each region provide ongoing changes and flexibility to its operational and
procurement models for each territory. A stipulated communication configuration strategy helps the
management ensure that the company keeps close contact with the suppliers. Accessed on 20 August
2011 from IKEA Website, (1999-2011). Guerrilla marketing is ideal for small businesses to reach out
to a large audience without spending a huge amount. Stenebo also intimidated that the company did
not really advocate eco-friendly products. This will also resolve the problem of storage in Ikea the
furniture store. Kamprad has designed this structure in order to spread risk, secure capital reserves,
and ensure. However, the economic conditions in this European country allowed IKEA to stay in
focus with its strategic expansion goals. Taking lessons from the example of DELL, and considering
the readings and experiences of visiting ikea outlets, it can be seen that such capabilities of these big
names, mainly referred to as make-to-order by the gurus of operations management; these are the
skills that actually make them stand out from their competition. The company has more than 200
stores spread in more than 30 countries across the globe. The provision of clear and consistent
performance of the aims and objectives of the people. This also enables IKEA to lower the prices of
its products. The former will highlight the current state of these sectors, whereas the latter will
provide information on the development of furniture store over time. Economic Factors- due to
inflation, the rate of GDP declined from 8% in 2010 to 5.4 % in 2013. As a result, the growth rate of
the organizations operating in segments such as agriculture, furniture and services also declined
significantly as presented in the below graph.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The company
believes that there is a need to ensure that the supply chain management should be reduced and cost
effective. The author states that ikea 's first store opened in 1958 and since then the company has
grown so much that last year it had 237 stores in 34 different countries with 504,154,000 people
visiting the stores. This concept shows the quality of service and customer service delivery expected.
This report also includes the target market, brand positioning, and marketing mix. This strategic
decision has enabled IKEA to maintain a competitive advantage, and earn. This might prove
effective for the organization of IKEA to attract wide range of customers of varying preferences and
income groups. The suppliers and designers are required to compete with each other to make the
product while the customers share the burden of transportation costs thus adding value to the firm in
the process. 3.2. Value chain analysis: Value chain analysis is a method of strategic analysis developed
and introduced by Michael Porter which is used by organizations to assist them in developing a
transformation process with inputs and outputs across various stages of the model. Accordingly,
environment, leadership, mission and strategy and culture are considered to be transformational
factors, whereas, all the remaining variables are transactional factors. “Transformational factors
“entail significantly new behaviour by organisational members and major alterations to other
variables in the model. Rather than relying on traditional magazines such as the company’s IKEA
Family Live Magazine and the annual product catalogues, reaching Asian consumers through Internet
marketing and stronger presence through mobile advertising is a step to transform IKEA for the next
five years. IKEA has essentially changedthe way people shopfor furniture, cons of this. So, this
brand is highly preferred by the customers of UK market among other contenders. Method The
PESTEL and SWOT analyses are two of the prime evaluation tools that provide with strategic
analysis of the organization and facilitates in understanding the big picture of the situation and
atmosphere wherein the operations of the organization is running (Chapman, 2011, pp. Consequently,
productivity of a firm will to increase. Another unique feature of IKEA's value chain is that it uses
subcontracted manufactures all over the world since it does not have any manufacturing facilities of
its own. Table of Contents Page Abstract 2 Introduction 3 Advertisements distort reality 4
Advertising is a one-sided stand to obtain corporate goals 6 Some audience does not have enough
ability to understand advertisement's purpose 7 Conclusion 9 References 10 Abstract In this paper,
the proponent tries to discuss advertising as an integral component of mass communication through
the media. Inter IKEA Systems B.V. (2010). It takes a dream to create a successful business idea. It
opens itself to more competition such as Target, Costco, etc. Only 28 percent preferred the traditional
cash and carry method of consumer buying (Suomi). The company uses the customer road map tool
that helps in customer differentiation. IKEA has been forced to develop a supply chain model that is
very scrutinizing of supplier labour policies, putting considerable strain on in-house procurement to
ensure compliance to IKEA’s no child labour processes. In other words, the current team of senior
level management in IKEA may fail to appreciate the advantages of democratic management style,
being deceived by their current high level of performance and taking current leadership position of
the company for granted. This exit of long-standing leadership will place IKEA in new leadership
hands and will likely revamp some of the company’s existing corporate policies and long-term
strategies. Ikea Taiwan came up with the most innovative idea to keep all the distractions away from
the table and focus only on food and spend some quality time with people. The 1990s has given risen
to a new form of luxury, where consumers fantasize and consume expensive products. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Thus, with respect to
organisational change, external environment has the greatest impact. However, we believe that this
was to a large extent IKEA’s fault. By March 2010, the sales in the industry grew by 7% with its
main customers being the middle class and the upper class in the society. Environmental analysis
establishes a linkage between a business and its operating environment.
These can represent significant costs and restructuring of the supply chain to ensure that no products
are being subcontracted from regions that use child labour in production. Kamprad is its founder and
control the company through INGKA Foundation which has its headquarters in The Netherlands.
The ikea Group has evolved into a worldwide brand of retail sales, with 127,000 employees in 41
countries and an annual turnover of 23. Regardless of who takes on Kamprad’s legacy of leadership,
it is likely these will remain the values of IKEA because of his dedication to these values and how he
passed them to his children. The suppliers, on the other hand compete with each other to gain the
right to produce the newly developed product. Embed Host your publication on your website or
blog with just a few clicks. The founder of IKEA, Ingvar Kamprad, will be retiring as active director
of the company in 2012, passing the legacy onto one of his three sons. The company’s annual report
states, in relation to the internal culture and business mentality: “We believe in doing more with less,
being humble by listening to and learning from others and being fair and honest” (ikea.com 2009,
p.7). These are long-standing values that are part of the corporate culture and the basic principle
behind the value-minded business model for IKEA. The management argues that it is only possible
to realize that through a reasonable distribution idea, rational development of unique products and
the adopting of product conditions. This might prove advantageous for IKEA to create a distinct
position in the market among others. Along with this, the market share also increased from 7.3% in
2012 to 8.5% in 2013 in the market of UK. Esty, D., Winston, A. (2009). Green to Gold: How Smart
Companies Use. Guerrilla marketing is ideal for small businesses to reach out to a large audience
without spending a huge amount. Mangairial Economic; Solutions to solve the negative externality
that is ind. IKEA’s vision statement, “to create a better everyday life for the many people” should be
re? There will be collection of both primary and secondary data. Such activities by the governments
can be initiated for the reasons of protecting local businesses. Other than this, the instable
government policies and regulations also acted as a curse that hampered the growth of the
organization of IKEA. Strategic management: IKEA BY YOU YOUR SCHOOL INFO HERE
HERE Strategic management: IKEA PESTEL analysis At the political level, IKEA faces
considerable opportunities and challenges as a global furniture retailer. Moreover, the rate of buying
behaviour of the individual of the UK market reduced that sharply declined the total sales of IKEA
in the market among others. Therefore, his way of ownership transfer without losing control can.
Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns.
Thus, the organization of IKEA might try to implement the strategy of cost-leadership, in which
value added products may be presented at a competitive cost. IKEA’s vision statement, “to create a
better everyday life for the many people” lays the. The company also maps its resources on a Just in
Time basis, and only delivers materials and resources when they are needed. IKEA is one of the high
volume retailers across the globe and buys products from a number of suppliers in at least 50
countries. Although it seems to be a good plan, the charismatic and leadership qualities of Kamprad.
IKEA relies on its bricks-and-mortar retail stores in North America and Europe for its sales
contribution, however Asian consumers seem to be turning toward more e-commerce such as the
development of the TaoBao buyers network that contributes billions of USD to multiple retailers.
IKEA must continuously deal with political angst in certain countries where it operates and, since
the company’s supply chain is global, becomes a target of political objectives. However, research did
not identify any significant marketing presence on social media websites and blogging networks.
They should start by apologizing, and then state the course of. An increase in its products’ prices
brought about by the increase in the price of raw materials may prove negative to its image. IKEA
typically, in its bricks-and-mortar retail facilities, provides products to cash and carry customers
internationally. Of its employees, about 14,500 work in the whole sale, purchasing and distribution
sectors. The firm focuses on its supplier networks in order to maintain cost leadership in the industry.
Marketing and Sales: The marketing and sale strategy of IKEA is also starkly different as compared
to its competitors. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Their different content makes
it relevant to a wide range of audiences and customers tend to buy products that they relate to. It
should be able to urgently respond to the needs of the customers. Similarly, in this paragraph, SWOT
analysis is used to detect the environmental factors of IKEA in UK market. This gives IKEA more
visibility for international target customers and represents innovation in customer service. IKEA is
currently struggling with their online store making them unable to enter small markets. Therefore, by
the end of 2009, IKEA group became successful to operate in more than 332 stores in 40 countries.
In 1991, the strategy resulted to the acquisition of Swedwood which was one of the leading
manufacturers with offices in Europe. The system collects the entire supply chain sustainability via its
scorecards on some of the existing standards like the sustainability consortium and GRI. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Through the above strategy
network, IKEA has been able to measure the effectiveness of the customers. Regardless of who takes
on Kamprad’s legacy of leadership, it is likely these will remain the values of IKEA because of his
dedication to these values and how he passed them to his children. Environmental Factors- in order
to prevent the environment from pollution, varied types of inventive machines and materials are
used. Currently, the products IKEA offer has only to do with the home. Being a pioneer in the retail
of modern designed home furnishings through the internet, they could get instant recognition. In late
50’s and early 60’s, Kamprad encountered stiff opposition from Sweden's large furniture. What is the
status of the furniture storage in Ikea before initiation of service blueprint? Ikea faced countless
hiccups when they introduced its global product in India and China but as a true marketer, they
learned from their mistakes quickly and they localized their marketing strategies, they came up with
the twist in their campaign which made them more relatable. IKEA’s vision statement, “to create a
better everyday life for the many people” lays the. DO: In this stage, the goal is that people consider
or are in process of buying the product. People prefer buying IKEA products due to its low prices
and durability as well as its quality. Furthermore IKEA also has a large network of trading offices
which are connected closely with its suppliers in helping them to reduce costs, and improve the
product quality as well as enhance the working environment. IKEA actually froze its investments in
Russia in 2009 due to its anti-corruption stand and a recent scenario that involved bribes paid to
subcontractors related to the procurement of electricity suppliers in St. The concept applies cost
drivers in the allocation of costs to products.

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