Magnetic and Mechanic Effect of Electric Current

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Magnetic Effect

Mechanical Effect
electric current
Th magnitude
The i d off magnetic i fi ld at
a point due to a current element is
Laplace’s (Biot – Savart’s) Law
μ0I dl sin θ r P
dB =
4π r2 θ
Biot – Savart’s Law in vector form:

μ0 I dl x r P’

dB =
4π r3
Value of μ0 = 4π x 10-7 Hm-1 or Wb m-1 A-1
g Field due to a Straight
g Wire
carrying current:
µ0 I (sin α+ sin β)
If the conductor is infinitely long,
then α=β=90
β o α x B
a P
The field near one end of a

g straight
g conductor is

Since α= π/2 & β=0

Magnetic Field due to a solenoid

At the mid point of an ideal solenoid

Φ1=0o, Φ2=180o

At one end of the solenoid,

Φ1=0o, Φ2=90o.
Magnetic Field due to a
Ci l Loop
L carrying
i current:

M ti momentt off a currentt
carrying circular loop = M=IA
g field at the centre of
the circular coil carrying
x O x

Different views of direction of current and

Magnetic field due to circular loop of a coil:

Tangent law in magnetism

Reduction factor of TG and its units

SI unit of K is ampere(A)
Mechanical effect of Electric current:

1. A charged particle moving in a magnetic

field will experience a force of F F=Bqv
Bqv sin ɵ ,
if ɵ =0 F=0 and if ɵ = 900 then it will
experience a maximum force of F=Bqv.

2. If the charged particle is moving at an

anglel ɵ nott equall to
t 00 and
d 900 then
th it
describes an helix.
2 A charged particle moving normal to
the magnetic field direction then it
will describes a circular path of

3 When a current carrying conductor

placed in a magnetic field will
p a force of F=BIl sin ɵ.
5. The time period of the charged particle
describing circular path is

6 Two straight parallel conductors carrying

current will experience a force of

If current direction is same in both then they

will attract each other and if current direction
is opposite to each other then they will repel
each h other.
7. The torque acting on a current loop placed in a
magnetic field is where,, ɵ is the angle
between plane of the coil and magnetic field.
a) If ɵ=00 torque is maximum
b) If ɵ=900 torque is minimum τ =0
8. A galvanometer can be converted into an
ammeter by connecting a low resistance
of and its range can be

increased by using a low resistance in

9 A galvanometer
l t can b
be converted
t d into
i t a
voltmeter by

connecting a high resistance of and its

range can be increased by using
a high resistance R in series .

10 The
10. Th resistance
i t off id
ideall ammeter
t iis zero where
as the resistance of ideal voltmeter is infinity.
11. The moment of deflecting couple
acting on a moving coil galvanometer is

12.. The Magnetic potential energy of a

current loop in a magnetic field is
Where ɵ is the angle between
magnetic moment and magnetic field
direction, if ɵ decreases from 1800
to 00 then potential energy
1. Which curve represents the correct
variation of the magnetic field B due to
long straight current carrying
conductor versus distance x from the
d t

1) 2) 3) 4)




The magnetic field at a point varies inversely

with the distance of the point from the
conductor, hence

Answer is 4
2 A wire ABCD is bent as shown in figure.
2. figure
Section BC is a quarter circle of radius R.
If the wire carries a current I,, the value D
of the magnetic field at center O is
1) Zero
2) directed along the bisector of
angle OBC

3) directed perpendicular to plane of the paper

andd iinto
t th
the paper

4) directed along
g the bisector of angle
, The magnetic field at a
i t due
d tot an arc is
i D

, B

this field is directed in to the paper

Answer 3
3 The
Th strength
t th off the
th magnetic
ti field
fi ld att a
point distance r near a long straight
currentt carrying
i wire i is
i B.
B The
Th field
fi ld att a
distance r/2 will be
1) B/2 2) B/4

3) 4B 4) 2B
Since magnetic field at a
point due to a long conductor is
, ,

B1 = 2B , hence answer is (4)

4. A current is flowing in a circular coil
of radius R and the magnetic field at the
center is B0. At what distance on the
axis of the coil from center the
magnetic field will be
1) 2)

3) 2R 4) 8R

T k the
h power 2/3 on either
i h side

on solving hence Answer 2

5. An infinite straight current carrying
conductor is bent into a circle as shown
in the figure. If the radius of the circle is
R, the magnetic field at the centre of the
coil is O

1) ∞ 2) Zero R

3) 4)
magnetic field at the center of
the circle is

answer (4)
6. Two long thin wires ABC and EFG are
shown in figure. They carry currents
‘I’ as shown. The magnitude of the
magnetic field at ‘O’ is

1) Zero 2) B F
3) 4)
Answer: magnetic field at a point due
t a straight
to t i ht conductor
d t is i

angle subtended by AB at o is and BC is

d th b
the observer

similarly magnetic field at o due to EFG isA B F
also O E
towards the observer c

hence the net field at o is

on solving
Hence answer is (3)
7. Two circular current carrying coils of
radii 3 cm and 6 cm are each equivalent
eq i alent
to a magnetic dipole having equal
Magnetic moments
moments. The currents through
the coils are in the ratio of
1) :1 2) 2:1

3) 2 :1 4) 4:1
magnetic moment

Hence answer is (4)

8. The magnetic field at the centre of
the circular coil of radius r carrying
current I is B1. The field at the centre
of another coil of radius 2r carrying
same current I is B2. The ratio B1/B2
1) 1:2 2) :1

3) 1: 4) 2:1
Answer: magnetic field at the
Center of the circular coil is

, ,

Answer 4
9. An electron is accelerated from rest
through a potential difference V. This electron
experiences a force F while moving normal to
if magnetic
ti field.
fi ld On
O increasing
i i the
potential difference to V1 , the force
experienced by the electron in the same
magnetic field becomes 2F. then, the ratio
(V1/V) is equal to
1) 2)

3) 4)



Answer : 1
10.Two circular coils P and Q are made from
similar wires but the radius of Q is twice
th t off P.
P what
h t should
h ld be
b the
th value
l off
potential difference across them so that
the magnetic induction at their centers
may be the same?

1) 2)

3) 4)

Answer (3)
11. A circular loop of radius R, carrying a
current I, lies in x-y plane with its centre
at origin. The total magnetic flux through
x-y plane is

1) directly proportional to I

2) directly proportional to R
3 ) inversely proportional to R

4)) zero
Answer :

on passing current through the

coil the number of magnetic fields
entering the coil are equal to number
field lines leaving the coil hence the
total flux through the coil is zero.
Answer (4)
12. A particle of charge q and mass m moves
in a circular orbit of radius r with angular
speed . The ratio of the magnitude of its
magnetic moment to that of its angular
momentum depends on

1) 2)

3) 4)
Answer: The angular momentum L of the
particle is given by


Magnetic moment,

Answer (3)
13. A proton moving with a constant velocity
passes through a region of space
without any change in its velocity. If E
and B represent the electric and
magnetic fields respectively, this region
of space may have

1) E = 0, B = 0 2) E = 0, B ≠0

3) E≠0, B ≠0 4) all the above

There is no change in velocity. It can be
possible when electric magnetic fields are
absent, i.e., E=0, B=0. Or when electric and
magnetic fields are present but force due to
electric field is equal and opposite to the force
due to magnetic field, (i.e., E≠0, B≠ 0). Or
when E=0 but B ≠0. ≠0

e sinθ = 0,
0 ii.e.,
e θ = 0 v and B,
B are in the same
14 A wire extending from x = 0 to x = a
14. a,
carries a current i. If point P is located
at x = 2a
2a. The magnetic field due to the
wire at P is

1) 2)

3) Loge 4) Zero

Angle made by the wire at the point

p is θ=0,
θ=0 by Biot Savart
s law

since θ=0
θ 0
sin θ=0
Answer (4)
( )
15 The wire loop formed by joining two
semi circular sections of radii R1
and R2 and centre O, carries a
current I as shown. The magnetic
field at O has a magnitude

1) 2)

3) 4)
Answer: angle subtended by the arcs of radius
R1 and R2 at the point o is
B t the
th magneticti field
fi ld att a point
i t due
to an arc is

Hence, magnetic field due to R1 is

away from the observer due to R2 is
towards the observer

net field at O is B = B1 - B2

Answer (1)
16 T
16. Two concentric t i coils
il carry the
th same currentt
in opposite directions. The diameter of the
i coil
il is
i half
h lf that
th t off the
th outer
t coil.
il If the
magnetic field produced by the outer coil at
th common centre
the t isi 1 tesla,
t l the
th nett field
fi ld att
the centre is

1) 1 T 2) 2 T

3) 3 T 4) 4 T
Magnetic field at the center of a
circular coil is

Magnetic field due to inner coil

Magnetic field due to outer coil

since B1>B2 also, directions of currents are opposite

Net magnetic field at the center, B=B1-B2

B = 2 - 1=1T answer ((1)) O I1

17) A and B are two concentric circular
conductors of centre O and carrying
currents I1 and I2 as shown in figure.
figure The
ratio of their radii is 1 : 2 and ratio of the
flux densities at O due to A and B is 1 : 44.
The value of I1/I2 is
1) 2) A

I1 I2
3) 4)
Answer: Magnetic field produced at the
center off the
h circular
i l coilil is
, , ,

Hence answer (1)

18. A TG of reduction factor 1 A is placed with
h plane
l off its
i coil il perpendicular
di l to the
magnetic meridian. When a current of 1 A is
passedd through
h h it,
i the h deflection
d fl i produced
d d is

1) 300 2) 600

3) 450 4) Z
on keeping the plane of the coil normal to
the magnetic meridian, if the current passing
through the coil is in clockwise direction then the
magnetic needle is in the direction of magnetic
meridian hence the angle made by the needle is 00,
if the current is in anticlockwise the field produced
is opposite to magnetic meridian hence the needle
makes 1800 , therefore
Answer ( 4 )
19. A current of 2A pproduces a deflection of 300
in a TG. A deflection of 600 will be produced
y a current of
in it by
1) 1 A 2) 3 A

3) 4 A 4) 6 A

on solving hence
answer (4)
20. A very long straight wire carries a current
g +Q
I. At the instant when a charge Q at p
point P
has velocity, as shown, the force on the
g is :
Q y

P O x
1) Opposite to ox 2) Along ox

3)) Opposite
pp to oy
y 4)) Along
g oyy
Answer : By right hand clasp rule magnetic
field at a p
point is into the board.
Hence by fleming’s left hand rule.
The direction of force acting on the
charge is along oy
Q y
4) Along oy
P O x

21 A moving coil galvanometer has 150
equal divisions. Its current sensitivity is
10 divisions per milliampere and voltage
sensitivity is 2 divisions per millivolt. In
order that each division reads 1 volt
volt, the
resistance in ohm needed to be connected

in series with the coil will be ( in )
1) 99995 2) 9995

3) 103 4) 105
Answer / = 15 mA
: Ig = 150/10 A also
l potential
i l
difference required for 2 division
deflection = 1 mV ∴ the maximum
potential difference required for 150
divisions is 75 mV. Galvanometer
resistance = G =

R =10000 – 5 = 9995 Ω in series

2) 9995
22. A proton, a deuteron and an α - particle
having the same kinetic energy are moving
in circular trajectories in a constant
magnetic field. If rp, rd and rα denote
respectively the radii of the trajectories of
these particles, then :

1)) rα = rp < rd 2) rα > rd > rp

3) rα = rd > rp 4) rp = rd = rα
Answer :
Radius of circular path described
by charged particle is r =
If EK and m are constant

=1: : 1 1H1, 1H2, 1H3

Hence,, rα = rp < rd 1)) rα = rp < rd

23. Two p
particles A and B masses mA and
mB respectively and having the same
g are moving
charge g in a p
plane. A uniform
magnetic field exists perpendicular to this
plane. The speeds
p p of the p
particles are vA
and vB respectively and the trajectories are
as shown in the figure. Then :
1) mA vA < mB vB 2) mA vA > mB vB B

3) mA < mB and vA < vB,

4) mA = mB and vA = vB
Answer : Radius of path described by the charged
particle r = if B,, q constant then

r ∝ mv

As rA > rB hence vA > vB A

∴ mA vA > mB vB

2) mA vA > mB vB
24. Two long conductors separated by a
distance d have currents I1 and I2 in same
direction. They exert a fore F on each other.
If current in one is increased to two times
and distance is made 3d. The new value of
force between them is :
2) – 2F

3) 4)

25. A milli ammeter of range 10mA has a coil
of resistance 1Ω.
1Ω To use it as a voltmeter of
range 10V, the resistance that must be
connected in series with it is

1) 9 Ω 2) 99 Ω

3) 999 Ω 4) 1000 Ω
Answer :

= 1000 – 1 = 999 Ω

3) 999 Ω
26 A particle of mass m carrying charge q
is accelerated by a p.d. V. It enters
perpendicularly in a region of uniform
magnetic field B and executes circular arc
of radius RR. The specific charge (q/m) is

1) 2)

3) 4)
Answer :

work done W = Ek Vq = ½ mv2


27 A conducting
27. d ti lloop carrying
i a currentt I
is placed in a uniform magnetic field
i ti into
i t the
th plane
l off the
th paper as
shown. The loop will have a tendency to :
B y
1) Contract 2) Expand ⊗
3) Move towards +ve x-axis I

4) Move
ove towards
ow ds –ve
ve x-axiss
Answer : Since net force on a current carrying loop in
uniform magnetic field is zero, hence loop
cannott translate
t l t hence
h (3) and
d (4) are wrong.
From Fleming’s left hand rule we can see
h magnetic i fi
ld is
i perpendicular
di l to theh
board and inwards and current in the loop is
clockwise hence the magnetic force on each
element of the loop is radially outwards
hence, the loop will have tendency to expand.

2) Expand
28 A conducting
28. d ti circular
i l loop
l off radius
di r carries
i a
constant current i. It is placed in a uniform
magnetic field such that is perpendicular to
the plane of the loop. The net magnetic force acting
on the loop is :
2) 2πir
1) ir

3) Zero 4) πir
Answer :

y Y

x x

net force acting is zero net force acting is zero

but loop expands but loop contracts

3) Zero
29. 2 MeV pproton is moving
g pperpendicular
p to a
uniform magnetic field of 2.5 T, the force on the
t isi : (mass
( off the
th proton 1 6 x 10-27
t = 1.6 27kg)
k )
1) 10 x 10-12 N 2)) 8 x 10-11 N

5 x 10-10 N
3) 22.5 4) 8 x 10-12 N
Answer :
1 6 x 10-13
Ek = ½ mv2 2MeV = 2 x 1.6
= ½ mv2 = 3.2 x 10-13 J

= 2 x 107 m/s

F = Bqv Sin 900

F = 2.5 x 1.6 x 10-19 x 2 x 107 = 8 x 10-12 N
4)) 8 x 10-12
12 N
30. A charged particle enters a magnetic
fi 4 0 with
at an angle off 45 i the
magnetic field. The path of the
particle will be
1) A helix
h li 2) An Ellipse

3) A Ci
l 4) A St
i ht li
Answer :

charged particle moving with ɵ not equal to 00

andd 900 the
h trajectory
j off the
h particle
i l is
i a helix
h li this
is because the component of v perpendicular to B
i v sin
ie i ɵ makes
k theh particle
i l moves ini circle
i l andd
the component v cos ɵ which is parallel to B
k the
th particle
ti l move alongl the
th straight
t i ht line.
The resultant of these two motion is an helix.
31. Two particles X and Y having equal charges,
after being accelerated through the same
potential difference, enter a region of uniform
magnetic field and describe circular paths of
radii R1 and R2 respectively. The ratio of the
mass of X to that of Y is

1) 2)

3) 4)
Answer :
Ek = W

,R∝ ½ mv2 = Vq

32. A charged particle is moving in a uniform
i field
fi ld in
i a circular
i l pathh off radius
di r. When
gy of the pparticle is four times, then the
the energy
new radius will be :
1) 2) 22r

3) 4) r
Answer :
Radius of the path of charged particle is

2) 2r
33. An electron accelerated through a potential
diff enters
t into
i t a uniform
if transverse
magnetic field and experience a force F. If the
l ti potential
t ti l is
i increased
i d to
t 2V,
2V the
electron in the same magnetic field will
i a force
f :
1) F 2)

3) 4) 2F
Answer : Ek = W ½ mv2 = eV

F = evB θ = 900


Hence, F2 = 3)
i A andd B carry currents as shown
34. Two wires h i
figure. g
The magnetic interactions :
F i2

i1 X

1) push i2 away from i1 2) push i2 close to i1

3)) turn i2 clockwise 4) turn i2 anticlockwise

Answer :
Magnetic field produced due i2
to i1 in x is into the board on ..

one side and towards the

observer on another side, i1 X
hence by Fleming’s
Fleming s left hand ⊗
rule force on i2 is F
4) turn i2 anticlockwise
35. When two TGs of the same radii are
connected in series, a flow of current in them
produces deflections of 600 and 450. The
ratio of the number of turns is

1) 2)

3) 4)
Answer: In series current through
both the coils are equal
I 1 = I2

, (2)
36. A so
36 solenoid
e o d 1.5m
5 long
o ga andd00.4 c
cm in
diameter possesses 10 turns per cm
g A current of 5A flows through
length. g
it. The magnetic field at the middle on
the axis inside the solenoid is

1) 4π x 10-2 T 2) 4π x 10-3 T

3) 2π x 10-3 T 4) 2π x 10-5 T
Answer: magnetic field at the middle
along the axis of the solenoid is

(3) 2π x 10-3 T
37. The magnetic field at the centre of a
y g conductor of
circular current carrying
radius r is Bc. The magnetic field on
its axis at a distance r from the centre
is Ba. The value of Bc : Ba will be

1) 2)

3) 4)

on solving

38. At a certain place, the angle of dip is
300 and horizontal component of
earth’s magnetic field is 0.5 oersted.
The earth’s total magnetic field
(in oersted) is
1) 2) 1

3) 4) 0.5


(3) Bv
39 A and
39. d B are di t i ll opposite
diametrically it
points of a uniform circular conductor
off radius
di r. A currentt off I amp enters
the conductor at A. Then the magnetic
fi ld att O,
field O the
th centre
t off the
th circle
i l isi
(in T)
1) 2) A

3) 4) Zero

The magnetic fields at the center due

to the two portions of the conductor are
equal and opposite. Therefore the
resultant field at the center is zero.

(4) zero.
40.Two circular coils have number of turns in
the ratio 1:3 and radii in the ratio 3:1.
If the same current flows through them,
the magnetic fields at their centers will be in
the ratio

1) 1:1 2) 1:3

3) 3:1 4) 1:9
Answer: The field due to the first coil is

(4) 1:9
41. In the figure shown, the force per unit
length of the long parallel wires is
2x10-6Nm-1then the
resistance R is

1) 1 Ω 2)) 2 Ω

3) 4Ω 4) 8Ω


4) 8Ω
42. The deflecting couple of the coil of a
s spended coil galvanometer,
gal anometer if the number
n mber
of turns 2000, area is 6x10-4- m2, field is 1T
When the coil carries a current of 1A is
6 10-66 Nm
1) 6x10 N 6 10-77 Nm
2) 6x10 N

2 10-77 Nm
3) 2x10 N 3 10-66 Nm
4) 3x10 N

3) 2x10-7 Nm
43. If an α - particle describes a circular path
of radius r in a magnetic field B, then the
radius of the circular path described by a
proton of same energy in the same magnetic
field is :
1) 2r 2)

3) 4) r

For same and m

hence 4) r
44. Two concentric circular coils of 5 turns each
are situated
it t d in
i the
th same plane.
l Their
Th i radii
dii are
0.1 m and 0.2 m and they carry currents of 0.1
A and 00.3
3 A respecti
el in the opposite
directions. The magnetic field at the common
centre in T is
1) 2)

3) zero 4)
The field due to the first coil is

The field due to the second coil is

These two fields are in opposite directions.

∴Their resultant is ,

Answer (1)
45 The variation of magnetic field B due to
a circular coil carrying current with distance
x form the centre of the coil is given by
1. B 2. B

x x
3. 4. B

x x x
Answer: The expression for the field is,

at the centre of the coil ii.e.,

e x=0,0 the field is
maximum. As x increases, the field decreases
on either side of the coil as shown
sho n in
the fig. (3). hence answer is (3)
46) The number of turns in the coils of two TG’s
are n1 and n2 and the radii of their coils are
r1 and r2 respectively. The TG’s are connected
in series and a current is passed through them.
The deflection produced in them will be equal
only in
1. 2.

3. 4.
Answer : Since the TG’s are in series currents
th h them
th l
are equal.

Hence answer is (1)

47.Two resistances of 2Ω and 5 Ω are
connected in series with a TG of resistance
3Ω and a cell of emf 10V and negligible
internal resistance. The deflection produced
in the TG if its reduction factor is 1/ A is

1) 300 2) 450

3) 500 4) 600
A The
Th currentt in
i the
th circuit
i it isi

Hence answer is (4)

( )
48. A rectangular loop carrying a current i is
situated near a long straight wire such that the
i is i parallel
ll l to one off the
h sides
id off the
h loop
l andd
it is in the plane of the loop. If steady current I is
established in the wire as shown in the figure
the loop will :
1) Rotate about an axis parallel to the wire

2) Move away from the wire

3) Move towards the wire
4) Remain stationary
Answer : A straight wire carrying current produce
non uniform field towards right of it. Force bc and ad
get cancelled. Force on ab is attractive where as an cd
it is repulsive as F α1/d. Therefore Force of attraction
is more hence,
hence loop move
mo e towards
to ards the wire.

3) Move towards the wire

49. A moving coil galvanometer of resistance
100 Ω is converted to ammeter by ya
resistance of 0.1 Ω in the circuit.
Galvanometer g gives full scale deflection at
100 µA. The minimum current in the
circuit for maximum deflection is
1) 100.1mA 2)1000.1mA
3)10.01mA 4)1.001mA

1)) 100.1mA
50. With a resistance R connected in series
with a galvanometer of resistance 100 Ω
it acts as a voltmeter of range 0 – V. To
range a resistance of 1000 Ω is
thrice the range,
to be connected in series with R. Then the
value of R is (in Ω) :
1) 1100 2) 800

3) 900 4) 400
Answer : G = 100 Ω, V = V, V' = 3V, R = ?

T iincrease th
To the range tto th
i ththe iinitial
iti l

R + 1000 = = 3 ((R + G)) – G

R + 1000 = 3R + 2G = 3R + 200
800 = 2R because G = 100

Hence R = 400 Ω Answer (4)

51. A voltmeter has a range 0 – V with a series
resistance R. With a series resistance 2R,
the range is 0 – V'. The correct relation
between V and V' is

1) V’ > 2V 2) V’ = 2V

3) V’ >> 2V 4) V’ < 2V

52. To increase the range of voltmeter :

1) A shunt must be used

2) The resistance of the voltmeter must be
3) The series resistance must be increased
4) The resistance must be removed

Hence range of voltmeter increases with

series resistance R.
Answer: 3
53. To send 10% of the main current
through a moving coil
galvanometer of resistance 99
ohm the shunt required is
(in ohm)

1) 10 3) 9

2) 9.9 4) 11

54. A galvanometer has a resistance G and a
current Ia flowing in it produces full scale
deflection. S1 is the value of the shunt, which
converts it into an ammeter of range 0 – I and
S2 is the shunt for the range 0 – 2I. The ratio
S1/S2 is

‐ 2)
1) ‐ ‐
3) 1 4) 2

Answer: 2
55 A current carrying loop is placed in a
uniform magnetic field in four different
i t ti I,
II III and
d IV,
IV arrange them
in the decreasing order of potential
energy : ^
^A ^
n n
B ^ B

1) I > III > II > I

n 2) I > II > III > IV

3) I > IV > II > III 4) III > IV > I > II

Answer :
Magnetic Potential Energy U = M . B = ‐ MB cos θ

θ = angle between B And M

M= magnetic moment,
Umax when θ = 1800 , Umin when θ = 00
S as θ decreases
So d f
from 8 0 to
180 t 00 its
it potential
t ti l
energy also decreases.
hence I > IV > II > III

3) I > IV > II > III

56 Two
T parallelll l wires
i carrying
i currentst
in the same direction attract each other
because off :
1)) Potential difference between them
2) Mutual inductance between them
3) Electric force between them
4) Magnetic force between them
On passing the electric current in a conductor
a magnetic field will be produced. Since the
two parallel conductors are carrying current
that results in a magnetic field. That means
both conductors are in the magnetic field of the
other. Hence they experience an attractive
magnetic force according to Fleming's left
hand rule.
Answer: (4)
57 An ammeter and a voltmeter are joined in
series to a cell. Their readings are A
and V respectively.
respectively If a resistance is now
joined in parallel with the voltmeter, then S
1) A will increase, V will decrease
2) A will decrease, V will increase.
3) Both A and V will decrease.
4) Both A and V will increase.

When resistance is joined in parallel with the

voltmeter the equivalent resistance is less than
both the resistance, as a result of this current in
A will increase and voltmeter reads the potential
difference of the resistance. But the potential
difference of the cell is more than the potential
difference of resistance therefore V decreases.
Answer: 1
58.A voltmeter of range 3V and resistance
200 Ω can
can’tt be converted to an ammeter
s of range

1) 10 mA 2) 100mA

3) 1A 4) 10A

Hence it can’t be converted into an ammeter

of range 10mA
Answer: 1
59. A uniform electric and magnetic fields are
acting along same direction in a certain region.
An electron projected in the direction of fields with
some velocity

1) It will turn towards right of direction of motion

2) It will turn towards left of direction of motion
3) Its velocity will decrease
4) Its velocity will increase

Since the charge particle is moving along the

magnetic field direction hence the magnetic
force acting F=Bqv sin ɵ is zero because ɵ is
zero but the electron will experience an
electric force F=Eq opposite to field. Hence its
velocity will be increased.

Answer: 4
60 Two semi-circular loops of radii R and r are
connected to two straight conductors AB and
CD as shown in the figure. A current of I A is
passed through the loops as shown. The resultant
field at their common centre is.
2) [-]
r R
[ ] A B C D

Answer: The field at O due to the straight
conductors AB and CD is zero. The field at
O due to the semicircular loop of radius R is
dl= πR & sinθ=1

The field at O due to the semicircular loop of

radius r is
dl πr & sinθ=1
dl= i θ

These two fields are in the same direction.

∴ their resultant is

B2+B1 = [ ] Answer (2)

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