Longboat Solo Variant - Hold Back The River v0.1

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Longboat solo variant

Hold back the river v0.1

Choose a colour for you and a different one for your AI opponent and gather all the cards of
those colours together. Instead of removing a berserker and sheep from each colour, from
those cards that would normally be removed put the sheep of your colour in your longboat.
For the AI opponent, put the berserker of their colour in their longboat (put the other 2
removed cards on the box).

Combine the remaining 20 cards of the 2 chosen colours and shuffle these together to
create the play deck and place it face down on the table.

Create the ‘river’ as normal by drawing 12 cards from play deck and placing them into a 4x4
grid face up on the table.

As the AI opponent begins with the fastest longboat, they go first.

The AI and you will take turns drawing cards from the river as normal until the river is
depleted – the round is then over, players calculate their speed (vikings minus sheep as
normal), remake the river by drawing from the play deck and then the player with the
fastest longboat goes first.

The game lasts 3 rounds (until the play deck is depleted) after which scoring will commence
and this will be calculated as normal (speed + loyalty + loot)

AI draw priority
When the AI opponent draws cards from the river it will do so following the below priority:

Priority If there is loot available in your If there is no loot in your longboat

longboat that can be stolen that can be stolen
1 Berserker (AI colour) Loot (AI colour with shield)
2 Berserker (your colour) Loot (any colour without shield)
3 Loot (AI colour with shield) Drummer (AI colour)
4 Loot (any colour without shield) Drummer (your colour)
5 Drummer (AI colour) Sheep (AI colour)
6 Drummer (your colour) Sheep (your colour)
7 Sheep (AI colour) Viking (AI colour)
8 Sheep (your colour) Viking (your colour)
9 Viking (AI colour) Berserker (AI colour)
10 Viking (your colour) Berserker (your colour)
If picking a card would mean that loot will be available to you on your next turn, the the AI
will skip that card and draw the next card in the priority list. It will keep skipping priority in
this way if the next card in priority order would also provide you with loot.

If there are no other options but to draw a card and make loot available to you then it will
go ahead and draw that card.

If tied for priority, the AI will select the card furthest to the left in the river

Drummer ability
There is a change to the ability of the drummer for the AI player. It still works the same for
you (swap the position of any two cards in the river), but for the AI this ability is replaced
and instead they immediately draw an additional card from the bottom row after you’ve
moved cards down to fill any gap.

Berserker ability
When the AI draws the Berserker it will steal Loot as normal and will prioritise Loot in the AI
colour with a shield and then Loot of any colour.

The AI may still be forced to draw the Berserker even if there is no Loot on your longboat
but there are no other viable draw options for the AI to take. In this instance, the AI places
the Berserker in their longboat but can’t use the steal Loot ability.

Winning the game

After calculating scores, you’ll win if you have a higher score than the AI opponent.

(This is a fan-made solo variant by Paul Calderwood / BGG user Jaggybranches )

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