Mommy and Me Start Cooking - Cook and Learn Together by DK

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& Me
Senior designer Gemma Fletcher
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Production controller Ché Creasey
Jacket designer Rosie Levine
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Category publisher Mary Ling

First American Edition, 2014

Published in the United States by
DK Publishing
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ISBN: 978-1-4654-1690-2

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Discover more at
4–5 Health and safety 52–53 Tomato sauce
6–7 Healthy eating 54–55 Pita pizzas

8–9 What is an egg? 56–57 What is a potato?
10–11 Eggs and ham 58–61 Potato fishcakes
12–15 Pancakes
FLOUR 62–63 What is a pea?
16–17 What is flour? 64–65 Pea hummus
18–23 Star cookies
24–27 Blueberry cake CHOCOLATE
28–33 Cheesy bread rolls 66–67 What is chocolate?
68–73 Chocolate truffles
PASTA 74–75 Chocolate dip
34–35 What is pasta?
36–37 Cooking pasta STRAWBERRIES
38–41 Pasta bake 76–77 What is a strawberry?
78–79 Smoothie time
42–43 What is rice? 80 Index and
44–47 Chicken risotto Acknowledgments

48–49 What is a tomato?
50–51 Preparing tomatoes
Health and safety

Health and safety

In this book you will discover the basics about popular ingredients
such as eggs and chocolate. You’ll find out where they come from
and how to cook with them. Always be careful in the kitchen and
follow all instructions.
All the projects in this book are to be made
Food wise
under adult supervision. When you see the • When you’re in the kitchen you should
warning triangle take extra care, since hot stoves, ask an adult to take things in and out
electric appliances, and sharp implements are of the oven and to use the stovetop.
used to make a recipe. Ask an adult to help. • Wash your hands before and after
you work with food. Always wash your
Getting started hands after handling raw eggs and
raw meat.
1 Read the instructions all the way • Do not lick your fingers after you’ve
through before you start. worked with food.
2 Gather together everything you need • Check the use-by date on
so it’s all in one place. all ingredients.
3 Have a cloth handy to mop up • The dessert-type recipes are
any spills. meant to be special treats within
4 Put on an apron and tie back your hair. a balanced diet.
• Carefully measure the ingredients
Key to symbols before you start a recipe or project.
Use measuring spoons and cups, and
a measuring cup, as necessary.
• Follow the packaging instructions
that indicate how to store food.

prep time
yield (serves
cooking time or makes)

US measures Metric measures Spoon measures
oz = ounce g = gram tsp = teaspoon
lb = pound ml = milliliter tbsp = tablespoon
fl oz = fluid ounce

Ask an adult to take hot dishe
in and out
of the oven.

Healthy eating
You need to eat a balanced Grains
Bread, cereals, rice, and
diet made up of a variety of pasta provide energy. They
different foods so that you Pasta are all grains, or are made
from grains. It’s better if
can grow, stay healthy, and you eat the whole-grain
varieties, since these are
have lots of energy for life. rich in minerals and fiber.

Pita bread
Your body can get important
vitamins and minerals, as well
as fiber, from fruits. Fresh,
frozen, canned, or dried—
all fruits are good for you.



Vegetables are a very important
part of a healthy diet. Like fruits,
they are full of vitamins, minerals,
and fiber. You should eat a variety
of vegetables every day. Broccoli


Healthy eating

Milk products
Dairy items provide valuable
vitamins and minerals (such as
Meat and beans calcium). Dairy produce includes
milk, yogurt, cheese, butter,
We get protein from both animal cream, and cottage cheese.
and plant sources: meat, fish,
nuts and seeds, beans, and dairy Milk
products. It’s healthy to eat a
mixture of all of these.

Salmon Cheese

Fats and oils Olive oil

Everyone needs fat for energy
and for their bodies to work
well. The right type of fat is
found in olive oil, nuts, seeds,
avocados, and oily fish.


Sugary foods and salt

Sugar gives you energy, but eating
too much can be bad for you.
Too much salt is also linked with
health problems.



What is an egg?
The anchor is
Membrane twisted strands of
egg white that hold
(skin) the yolk in place.

Chicken eggs are a
popular source of food
around the world. They
can be used in a whole
host of dishes, from
Yolk savory scrambled eggs
to sweet pancakes.

Air space
What is an egg?

Eggs contain
75 percent water and A chicken
12.5 percent protein. can lay up to
The rest is made up 259 eggs in
of vitamins, minerals, one year.
fat, and salt.

A chicken starts Eggs ArE full

to lay eggs of viTAmins ThAT
when she’s 19 hElp your body
sTAy hEAlThy.
weeks old.

Which do you
prefer? The yolk
or the white?

Which is your favorite egg to eat?

Chicken egg Chicken egg duck egg Quail egg

(brown) (white)


Eggs and ham 1

2 5
mins mins

Scrambled eggs are delicious on their own

You will also need:
or as part of a hot breakfast. You can • Small pat of butter
increase the flavor of the dish by adding • Pinch of salt and freshly ground
black pepper
ham to your scrambled eggs. Tools:
• Small bowl
• Fork
1 tbsp milk • Small frying pan
• Wooden spoon

a slice
1 large egg with toast
rve ttered

1oz (30g)
chopped ham

f ha m.
You can add fried mushrooms instead o

Eggs and ham

1 In a small bowl, use a fork to

whisk together the egg and
milk. Season with salt and pepper.
2 Melt the butter in the
pan over medium heat.
Add the egg mixture. Using the
3 Mix the chopped ham into
the eggs. Serve on top of
a slice of buttered toast.
wooden spoon, stir continuously
until the eggs are just set and
still creamy.


5 12-15
mins mins
(makes 12)

Pancakes are a wonderful treat for 1 cup

breakfast or perfect as a dessert self-rising fl
after a light meal. They’re incredibly
simple and fun to make.

1 tsp baking

Baking soda
makes the
pancakes rise
slightly so that
they’re fluffy. You can also use all-
purpose flour, but you’ll
need to add 1 tsp of
baking powder to it.
You will also need:
• Sunflower oil for frying

• Strainer
• Large mixing bowl
• Pitcher
• Fork
• Whisk
• Large nonstick frying pan
• Spatula


cup gs to try
3 /4
top ancakes
my our p

You can use
whole or
skim milk.

1 egg
Slices of

Slices of
Thinly slice a banana
and layer the slices on
a pancake before you
drizzle syrup on top.

Maple syrup
Confectioner’s sugar


1 Sift the flour and baking

soda into the bowl and
make a well in the center.
2 Using a fork, lightly beat
the egg and milk together
in the pitcher and pour into the
3 Ask an adult to heat a
tbsp of oil in a frying pan.
Drop large spoonfuls of the
well. Whisk the mixture until you batter into the pan.
have a smooth batter.

4 Cook the pancakes for

2 minutes, or until golden
on the bottom and with bubbles
5 Carefully slice the bananas
and strawberries with a
table knife. Serve the pancakes
on the top. Flip over to cook with the fruit and maple syrup.
the other side.

o r s erve
fr u its
Try out different co n instead.
b a
with slices of


If you don’t like syrup

you can use confectioner’s
sugar. Sprinkle it over
the pancakes and fruit.


What is Spikelet

flour? Beard
Wheat has been grown for
thousands of years. It is ground
into a powder called flour. Flour
is the key ingredient for making
bread, pastries, cakes, cookies,
and pasta. The main types of
flour are: white, whole-wheat,
self-rising, and bread.


This diagram shows a close-up
Wheat is grown in large fields.
of the head (or spike) of a wheat
It is a strong type of grass.
plant. Wheat spikes are made up
Each plant yields between
of a number of spikelets, each of
20-50 kernels of grain.
which bear one to five flowers.
The flowers turn into kernels.
What is flour?

The grain exits the

Modern farmers use combine
harvester from the
harvesters to harvest (collect)
chute at the back,
their wheat.
usually into a wagon.

The blades in the

cutter bar cut down
the wheat. It goes
up into the machine
on a conveyor belt.

The grain is separated from the

chaff and straw by a thresher.

Once harvested, grain To make it last

is taken to a factory longer, flour
where it is ground should be stored
into flour. The flour is
then packaged and
in a cool, dry,
sold in stores. dark place.


Star cookies 16
40 mins 10-12
(including mins
10 mins (depending
chilling) on cookie

These ginger and orange star cookies

have a real zing to them. You’ll have lots
of fun cutting them out of the dough
9 tbsp butter, cu
and decorating them with colored icing. be

1 cup
Small cubes of
butter are easier

fectioner’s suga to rub into flour

con r than a big block.

2 tbsp
corn syrup

Star cookies
1 tsp ground
ginger all-purpose f
ups our
c ,

You can use a

teaspoon of

ground cinnamon
if you don’t
like ginger.

Finely grated
zest of 1 orange

1 medium egg,
lightly beaten

• 2 large baking sheets
• Parchment paper
• Large mixing bowl
• Wooden spoon
• Rolling pin
Follow the steps on • Star-shaped cookie cutters
the next page to see • Cooling rack
which ingredients you • Small bowl
put into the bowl first.
To decorate:
• 21⁄2 cups confectioner’s sugar
• 2-3 tbsp water
• 2-3 drops food coloring


1 Ask an adult to preheat

the oven to 350ºF (180ºC).
Line 2 baking sheets with
2 Mix in the sugar, ginger,
and orange rind. In a small
bowl, beat the egg and corn
3 Wrap in plastic wrap and
chill in the fridge for 10
minutes. Roll out the dough on a
parchment paper. In a bowl, syrup with a fork, then add to floured surface to 1⁄4in (4–5mm)
rub the flour and butter together the mixture. Stir with a wooden thickness. Cut into stars using
until they resemble bread crumbs. spoon until it forms a ball. cookie cutters (see pages 22–23).

4 Place the stars slightly

apart on the baking sheets
and bake for 10–12 minutes, until
5 Sift the confectioner’s
sugar into a mixing bowl
and slowly stir in enough water to
6 Carefully spread the icing
onto the cookies using a
knife or drizzle it on top using
golden. Let cool on the trays create a smooth mixture. Divide a teaspoon or piping bag to
for 2 minutes, then transfer into 3 bowls. Stir in the colorings create stripes and patterns.
to a cooling rack. to make 3 different icings. Set aside until the icing sets.

p refer, try lemon

If yo u rind instead of orange.

Star cookies


You can place the

cookie cutters up to
the edge of the dough.

Reroll the extra

trimmings to make
more stars.

Star cookies
Dust the cookie cutters wit h fo u

nt sti
ur to p
g pin
he rollin
t t
Dus 23

Blueberry cake
Sponge cakes are ideal for birthdays or other
special occasions. They can be filled with the fruit
of your choice. We’ve chosen juicy blueberries.
4 tbsp blueberry
cup ream jam or preserves
y c
he 2


Reserve a handful, to
6oz (175g) decorate the top of the cake.
blueberries Confectioner’s sugar, to dust
Blueberry cake
conf 2 c

up ner’s sugar
tio Tools:

20 25
mins mins 8-10 • 2 x 8in (20cm) round
cake pans
• Scissors and parchment paper
• Large mixing bowl
• Electric hand mixer
Use butter at room • Strainer
temperature, instead • Large metal spoon
of straight from the • Wire cooling rack
refrigerator. It will • Medium mixing bowl
be easier to beat • Whisk
into the mixture.

sp but
tb ed
16 ten
so f

2 cups

4 large eggs,
lightly beaten

1 Ask an adult to preheat

the oven to 350ºF (180ºC).
Draw around the pan twice on
2 Place the butter and sugar
in a large mixing bowl and
beat with the electric mixer until
3 Add a little of the eggs and
beat in. Repeat until all the
egg mixture has been added.
the parchment paper and cut light and creamy.
out. Grease the parchment
paper and line both pans.

4 Sift the flour into the

mixture. Use a metal
spoon to fold it together until
5 Divide the mixture
between the pans, leveling
the tops with the back of the
6 Leave to cool briefly in
the pans, then turn onto
a wire rack to cool. Remove the
all the flour has disappeared. spoon. Bake for 25 minutes, or parchment paper and allow
until risen and frm to the touch. the cakes to cool completely.

a n a lte rn ati v e fl l i sl i c e d
Fo r ng, you can use
instead of blueberries.

Blueberry cake

Finishing touches

Serve the cake in

slices of equal size.

Whip the cream in a bowl using the

whisk, until it forms soft peaks.
Spread the flat side of one cake
with jam, then top with whipped
cream and blueberries. Place the
other cake on top. To decorate, add
a handful of blueberries and sift
confectioner’s sugar over the top.


Cheesy bread rolls

These bread rolls are simple and fun ps strong
2 c u
to make. The melted cheese on top
hite bread flour
of each roll adds a lot of flavor to w
the bread. You can eat the rolls plain
or fill them with sandwich fillings.

11/2 cups
tepid water

2 tsp active
dry yeast

Cheesy bread rolls

2 hours 25-30
20 mins mins 9 Ingredients to serve:
• 9 lettuce leaves
• 2 tomatoes, sliced
1 tsp cups whole-whe • 5 slices ham
2 bread fl
sugar our at
• 4 slices Cheddar cheese

• Small bowl
• Teaspoon
• Large mixing bowl
• Wooden spoon
• Clean dish towel
Whole-wheat bread • Large baking sheet
flour contains tiny bits of • Pastry brush
grain that give the bread
an interesting texture.

top your rolls

11/2 tsp salt to e bakin
ms befor g

⁄3 cup
grated sharp
Cheddar cheese

1 egg, beaten


1 Pour 1⁄2 cup of the water into a small bowl.

Sprinkle in the yeast and sugar and stir
until dissolved. Let stand in a warm place for
2 Put both types of flour and the salt into a
large bowl and use a spoon to mix together.
Use your hand to make a well in the center.
5 minutes, or until bubbles appear on the surface.

3 Pour the yeast

and most of the
remaining water into the
well and gently mix together
to form a soft dough. Stir in
the extra water if it is too dry.

Cheesy bread rolls

4 Turn the dough onto a floured surface.

Knead firmly using the heel of your hand,
folding the dough over as you go. Knead for
10 minutes, until smooth and shiny. Put the
dough in a clean bowl and cover with a dish
towel. Let rise in a warm place for 11⁄2–2 hours,
until doubled in size.

5 Ask an adult to preheat the oven to 425ºF

(220ºC). Punch down the risen dough by
punching it with your knuckles.
6 Divide the dough into 9 equal pieces. Dust
your hands with a little flour and shape the
dough into rolls.

7 Place the rolls on a greased baking sheet,

cover with a damp dish towel, and let stand
for 10 minutes.
8 Brush the rolls with the egg and press the
cheese on top of each roll. Bake for 25–30
minutes, or until risen and golden.

Allow to cool slightly before fllin
with whatever you like.

Cheesy bread rolls


What is pasta?
Pasta is made by mixing finely sifted flour, olive oil, and egg.
Pasta is produced in factories, but it can also be made at
home using a pasta machine or by cutting it by hand to
make different types. Pasta is yummy and fills you up!

Olive oil + Flour

+ Egg

Flour, olive oil,
and egg are
mixed together
to form a dough. Dough
The dough is rolled out and
passed through the machine.
As the handle gets turned
the dough is squeezed by
the rollers. Different cutting
attachments are used to make
a variety of pasta types.

Pasta machine
What is pasta?

What is your favorite type of pasta?

Conchiglie rigate Farfalle Fusilli (twists) Whole-wheat Rigatoni (large

(shell) (butterfly shape) penne grooved tubes)

Macaroni Penne rigate Stelline Ruote tricolore Tortiglione

(narrow tubes) (striped quill) (little stars) (wheels) (hollow spiral)

Spinach trottole
Tortelloni (stuffed with Pansotti (pot-bellied (trottole means “spins”)
cheese, meat, or veggies) dumplings)

Cappellacci (stuffed Tortelli anolini

with a pumpkin filling) (half-moon-shaped bundle) Cannelloni (stuffed
Vermicelli nest with sauce and meat)

Tagliatelle (thin and

delicate flat noodles)

Spaghetti (thin string) Lasagne sheets


Cooking pasta
Pasta forms the base of many popular dishes,
so it’s important you know the right way to cook
it. If you don’t cook it long enough it is crunchy,
and if you overcook it then it becomes soggy!

1 Ask an adult to bring slightly

salted water to a boil in a
large saucepan.

2 Choose the type of pasta you

want for your meal and ask an
adult to add the correct quantity to
the boiling water. Cook the pasta
for 10–12 minutes (or less time if
recommended on the package).

Smaller pasta shapes will take less time to cook.

3 Ask an adult to use a slotted
spoon to take out a piece for
you to test that it’s ready. It should
be soft, but not soggy. Let the
pasta cool before you try it. Ask
an adult to pour the pasta into a
colander to drain it.

Use warm
running water to
rinse the pasta.


Pasta bake 4-6

15 20
mins mins

This pasta bake makes a perfect healthy family meal.

Serve it with a crisp salad to add some greens. The
meatballs are super easy and fun to make, and your
pasta bake will instantly become a family favorite.

2 tbsp chopped
fresh parsley

2 tbsp freshly
grated Parmesan cheese

(350g) lean ground be

12oz ef

Pasta bake
You can also make your
own bread crumbs by
toasting a slice of
bread and pulsing
You will also need:
it in a food processor. • Salt and freshly ground pepper
• 1 tbsp olive oil
• 1 good-quantity tomato pasta
1 tbsp dried sauce (see pages 52–53)

bread crumbs To serve:

• Crisp green salad

4oz (125g) • Large mixing bowl
• Wooden spoon
ball mozzarella, • Medium saucepan
• Large saucepan
drained and • Large ovenproof dish
roughly chopped

1 egg,

9oz (250g)
dried rigatoni
or penne pasta


1 Place the beef, egg, parsley,

Parmesan, and bread 2Use your hands to roll the
mixture into 24 small balls.
crumbs in the bowl. Season with Set aside.
3 Ask an adult to cook
the pasta in a saucepan
of slightly salted boiling water
salt and pepper. Use your hands for 10–12 minutes, until tender.
to combine the mixture. Drain well.

4 Ask an adult to heat the oil

in a large pan and lightly
brown the meatballs in 2 batches.
5 Carefully stir the pasta into
the meatball mixture, then
transfer to the ovenproof dish.
6 Tear the cheese and
sprinkle over the top of
the dish. Ask an adult to cook
Return all the meatballs to the it under a preheated broiler for
pan. Add the tomato sauce, cover, 3–4 minutes, until the cheese
and simmer for 5 minutes. has melted. Serve with a salad.

s u b s tit u or k
n t e ground rkey or p
You ca tu
for the be
ef to
make the meatballs.

Pasta bake


What is rice?
Rice is the staple
(main) food for almost
half the people in the
world. It has a mild
flavor so it goes with
lots of food. It keeps Rice grows in paddy fields
that are flooded with
for a long time and water. The water
when it’s cooked helps to stop weeds
from growing in
it can be sticky the fields.
or fluffy.
Rice has two outer layers.
The hull is on the outside,
underneath is the bran,
followed by the white rice.

White rice Bran

Rice takes about 4 months to grow. It’s
picked by hand or combine harvester.

What is rice?

White rice has had SHORTGRAIN RICE IS

the bran removed. CHOPSTICKS BECAUSE
Brown rice still has THE GRAINS ARE SOFT
its layer of bran. AND STICK TOGETHER.

Which is your favorite type of rice?

Long grain rice is light Basmati rice is used a lot Paella rice, as its name suggests,
and fluffy when cooked. in Indian-style cooking. is used to make paellas.

Carnaroli rice is often used Short grain rice is creamy when cooked Despite its name, wild rice
to make risottos. and is used for rice puddings. isn’t actually rice!


Chicken risotto 4
10 20
mins mins

Risotto dishes use hot stock to soak through

z (75g) and cook the rice, meat, and vegetables.
1 /2o low-
2 am che fa ese
This makes the meal incredibly tasty!

2 tbsp

1 small onion,

2 tbsp freshly 3 cups hot

grated Parmesan cheese chicken or
vegetable stock
Chicken risotto
1 ⁄4 cups
1 Risottos are
usually made with
e ts, cube
basmati arborio rice, but
e l d
we have used
on breas

chi 3 b

/2 cup

frozen peas

corn, dra anne
/2 cup c

You will also need:

• Small pat of butter
• 1 tbsp sunflower oil

• Strainer • Small sharp knife
• Medium saucepan with lid
• Cutting board • Wooden spoon


1 Place the rice in a strainer.

Rinse the rice under cold
running water, until the water
2 Heat the butter and oil
in the saucepan, add the
onion, and cook for 2–3 minutes.
3 Add the rice to the pan,
stir to coat in the oil, and
cook for 1 minute, until the rice
runs clear. Drain well. Stir in the chicken and cook is transparent.
until lightly browned.

4 Add half of the stock and

cook over low heat, until
most of the liquid has been
5 Stir in the remaining stock
and cook until the stock
has been absorbed and the rice
6 Stir in the cream cheese,
parsley, and Parmesan
cheese. Season to taste and
absorbed, stirring occasionally. is tender; this should take 10–12 serve in bowls immediately.
minutes. Stir in the peas and
corn and cook for 2–3 minutes.

o u t t h e c hi c k e A d d
e n for a veggie version.
L eav
more vegetable u.
s, m t of
eat-free sausages, or

Chicken risotto


What is a tomato?
A tomato is the fruit of Flower
a tomato plant, but in
cooking it’s always called
a vegetable. Tomatoes Node Leaf
are used in many ways:
as the base for sauces
and soups, or as part
of a salad. Tomatoes
come in several shapes,
colors, and sizes.



The roots of a tomato plant grow

underground and the shoots grow Primary root
above. Tomato plants need lots
of sunshine and water to thrive.
Lateral root
What is a tomato?

It takes 25 Tomatoes are often picked

tomatoes to make before they are ripe so that
one bottle of they can be transported to
tomato sauce. retailers before going bad.

PeoPle In elIZABeTHAn
The tomato was first eaten
englAnd THougHT
in South America, before it
ToMAToeS WeRe BAd foR
became popular globally.
you. noW We THInk

Vine ripened tomato

Beefsteak tomato
Cherry yellow
tomatoes tomato

green zebra tomato Baby plum tomato grape tomatoes


Preparing tomatoes
To make certain recipes you need to know how to get the
ingredients ready. Tomatoes can be used in many ways, so it’s
important to learn how to prepare them properly.

How to slice
a tomato
Use a sharp knife to cut
the first slice off one end
of the tomato. Cut the
rest of the tomato into
slices of similar thickness.

How to cube
a tomato
Cut a tomato in half vertically.
Slice the halves into wedges
of equal size. Then cut each
individual wedge into cubes.

Preparing tomatoes

How to skin a tomato

Tomatoes will not
ripen in the fridge,
so keep them at
room temperature
for the best color
and flavor.

1 Cut a cross on the top of

a tomato. Place the tomato
in a bowl. Cover with boiling water
2 Drain the water from the
bowl and place the tomato
into a bowl of cold water. When
and leave for 10 seconds. the tomato is cool enough to
handle, peel off the skin.

Tomatoes are usually

red, but some varieties
are yellow or purple.

r s atile. How to seed

azi n gl y ve
Tomatoes are am a tomato
y o urs ?
How will you us e Cut a tomato in half
horizontally. Use your
fingers to scoop out
the seeds and juice
over a small bowl.


Tomato sauce 4
10 20
mins mins

Most pasta dishes have a tomato-based You will also need:

sauce. Meat or vegetables are often • Salt and freshly ground
black pepper
added to the sauce to create variety, • 1 tsp sugar
but pasta and tomato sauce are also Tools:
delicious on their own. • Medium saucepan
• Wooden spoon

2 x 14o 1 clove garlic,

choppe z (40 crushed
d to 0g
) c es

2 tbsp

tomato paste
Small handful n,c
of fresh basil o
1 on

2 tbsp
olive oil

Tomato sauce

1 Ask an adult to heat the

oil in the saucepan over
medium heat. Add the onion and
2 Stir in the tomatoes, tomato
paste, and sugar. Bring to
a boil, then reduce the heat and
garlic and cook for 4–5 minutes, simmer, uncovered, for 15 minutes,
until softened, but not browned. stirring occasionally.

3 Using your hands, tear

the basil leaves into small
pieces. Stir into the sauce and
season to taste.

Pita pizzas
10 15
mins mins

Pizza sauce is easy to make. Spread

one tablespoon of it on a pita bread
(that’s been toasted for a minute).
Add grated mozzarella and any
other toppings you like. Ask an
adult to broil it for five minutes.

To make the pizza

sauce, you will need:
• 1 cup tomato sauce
• 2 tbsp tomato paste
• 1⁄2 tsp sugar
• 1 tsp mixed dried herbs
• Small saucepan
• Wooden spoon

Place all the ingredients for the sauce in

the saucepan. Ask an adult to simmer the
sauce over low heat, stirring occasionally,
for 5 minutes. Let cool.
Pita pizzas
For the toppings:
• 4 tbsp pizza sauce (1 tbsp per pita) Which pizza toppings will
• 4 handfuls of grated mozzarella
• 1 slice of ham, cut into strips
you choose?
• 1 handful of corn
• Slice of pineapple, cut into chunks
• 5 pieces of pepperoni
• 1 slice of green, red, and Ham, corn, and
yellow pepper, diced pineapple
• 4 cherry tomatoes, sliced
• 3 fresh basil leaves, to garnish
• 1 handful of chargrilled chicken pieces
• 1 mushroom, sliced and fried
• 4 strips of red pepper

Pepperoni and

Cheese and
tomato with basil

Chicken, mushroom,
and red pepper

Lay out your ingredients,

ready to make your pizzas.


What is Flower

a potato?
A potato is a vegetable
that grows under
the ground. Potatoes Leaflets
come in a variety of
types and sizes.
They are a popular
food around the world
and are prepared to
eat in a variety of ways.

Developing tuber stem
Shoots begin to push out of
the ground 2–6 weeks after
planting. Under the ground,
potatoes (called tubers) form.

Fully expanded tuber

Old seed
Roots place
What is a potato?

Potatoes can The flower of the

be diced, sliced, potato plant is toxic.
cubed, and grated. certain types of potato
They can be fried, plant produce small
boiled, mashed, green fruits. don’t eat
steamed, them though—they
are poisonous!
or baked!

The layer just inside

In The US, PoTATo
the skin is the most
ProdUcTS Are
nutritious part of the
The Second moST
potato. Always use a
conSUmed food
potato peeler to keep
overAll, TrAIlIng
from cutting too deep
only dAIry
and losing nutrients.
Potatoes are only
distantly related
to sweet potatoes,
yukon russet
which are root
gold Sweet

potatoes fingerling 57

Potato fishcakes
Creamy mashed potatoes
and salmon covered in
1 tbsp fresh crispy bread crumbs
parsley, make this dish
chopped irresistible.

9oz (250g)
potatoes, peeled Cut the
into 2in
(5cm) pieces.

2 scallions,
trimmed and
finely chopped
2 tsp Dijon mustard
Potato fishcakes

cup all-purpose
2 ⁄3 flou
60-70 40
mins mins 4

11⁄3 cups dried

bread crumbs
You will also need:
• Freshly ground black pepper
• Pinch of salt
• 6 tbsp sunflower oil
• Salad, to serve
• Lemon wedges, to serve

• Medium saucepan
• Colander
12oz (350g) • Potato masher
• Mixing bowl
canned salmon, • Fork
• Wooden spoon
drained weight • Large plate
• Plastic wrap
• Dish
• 2 medium plates
• Large frying pan
• Fish slice
2 eggs • Paper towels


1 Half fll the saucepan with

water. Add the potatoes
and a pinch of salt. Ask an
2 Drain the potatoes in the
colander and put them
back in the pan. Mash until
3 Break the salmon into small
pieces in a bowl, removing
the skin and bones. Stir in the
adult to bring it to a boil smooth and let them stand until potatoes, mustard, scallions, and
and cook for 12–15 minutes. they are cool enough to handle. parsley. Season.

4 Lightly dust your hands with

a little flour and shape the
mixture into 8 cakes. Place on
5 Beat the eggs. Put the
flour and bread crumbs
on separate plates. Coat each
6 Ask an adult to heat half
the oil in a large pan over
medium heat. Shallow fry 4 of
a plate, cover with plastic wrap, fshcake in flour, then egg, and the fshcakes for 2–3 minutes on
and chill in the refrigerator for then bread crumbs. Ask an each side, or until golden. Keep
30 minutes. adult to preheat the oven them warm in the oven. Repeat
to low heat. with the other fshcakes.

o n
ve the f s h c akes with of le m
S e r a w e d g e
an d a
mixed-leaf salad.

Potato fishcakes


What is a pea?
Peas are a popular
vegetable to grow and eat. Flower
There are two main types
to try. The garden pea is
shelled from its pod before
being eaten, but podded Pea
peas, such as snow peas or pod
sugar snap peas, are eaten
with the pod intact.



Peas grow on vinelike plants.
When the flower drops off,
a pea pod grows in its place.
The peas grow inside the pod
until they’re ready to pick.

What is a pea?

Shelling peas
Press down gently
on one end of the
Peas are green
pod to open it up. because they are
picked before they
are ripe. A ripe pea
is more yellow than
green in color.

Use your thumb to push down one side

of the pod to reveal the peas.

Once picked, peas

can be kept in the
refrigerator or freezer.
Only 5 percent of peas
picked are sold fresh.
Most are frozen
Use your thumb to push down inside the or canned.
pod so that all the peas come out.

Sugar snap peas pea pods

Snow peas peas

Pea hummus 6
5 3
mins mins

This pea hummus is incredibly tasty and full You will also need:
of flavor. Packed with protein and vitamins, • Salt and freshly ground
black pepper
this dip is perfect as a healthy snack or as • Vegetables, to serve
a side dish to accompany lunch or dinner. Tools:
• Medium saucepan
• Strainer
1 tbsp tahini Juice of 1 lemon • Food processor
• Bowl or 3 paper cups

2 tbsp olive oil

11⁄2 cup an
s fr c
) ined
oze g
00 dra
kp (4



Pea hummus

1 Cook the peas in a saucepan

of boiling water for 3 minutes.
Carefully drain through a strainer,
then refresh under cold water.

2 Place all the ingredients in

a food processor and blend
until smooth and creamy. Season
with salt and pepper. Use a
teaspoon to test a small amount.
Transfer to a bowl or into two
paper cups to serve.

Serve with sliced vegetables

such as carrot
s, peppers,
celery, and s

What is chocolate?
Chocolate is made from cocoa
beans, the seeds of the cacao Stem
tree, which grows in tropical Outer
forests. Cocoa beans were shell
first used to make a bitter
drink that was the opposite
of the sweet hot chocolate we
drink today and the creamy
bars we love to eat!

Cocoa pods grow on the main
branches and trunk of the cacao
The inside of a cocoa
bean is called the nib.
tree. They grow to the size of melons
and take 4–5 months to ripen.

What is chocolate?


w ith cocoa m d by whole m
a rt a ss e il k




th e n
add sugar
u g et choco
coa butt yo late
d co er. !
an d



veryth g toget

Milk chocolate is
the same as dark White chocolate
chocolate, but contains cocoa butter,
with milk added. not cocoa mass (ground
cocoa beans), so isn’t
always thought to
be true chocolate.
Cocoa powder is
made from ground
cocoa beans that Dark chocolate is
have had the cocoa cocoa mass mixed
butter removed. with sugar and
cocoa butter.

Chocolate truffles
Create these amazing truffles as
presents for friends and family. Make
6 gift boxes and put 4 truffles in each box.
Everyone will be impressed with how 1 tbsp
delicious and pretty your truffles are. unsalted butter

Make sure you use

heavy cream. Light
cream is too runny
and won’t work.
⁄3 cup
heavy cream

Chocolate truffles

5 mins 125
Makes 24

ctioner’s sugar

o your hands.
e ust

You can also
make these
truffles with
milk or dark

10oz (300g)
white chocolate
(30% cocoa)
To decorate:
Choose from
• Sifted cocoa powder
• Grated milk, dark,
and white chocolate
• Chocolate pieces
• Sugar sprinkles
• Chopped nuts, e.g., pistachios,
roasted hazelnuts
• Shredded coconut

Make sure you use

a bowl big enough to • Baking sheet
fit all the ingredients. • Parchment paper
• Medium-sized bowl
• Small saucepan
• Wooden spoon
• Teaspoon
• Strainer


1 Line the baking sheet with

parchment paper. Break the
chocolate into small pieces in the
bowl and set aside. Put the cream
in the small saucepan with the
butter and ask an adult to bring
it slowly to a boil. Immediately
pour in the broken chocolate.

2 With a wooden spoon, stir

until the mixture is smooth
and all the chocolate has melted.
Cover and allow the mixture to
cool for about 10 minutes at room
temperature. Then transfer to the
refrigerator to chill for about 2
hours, until firm enough to handle.

Be creative and come up with o
toppings es i n.
to roll your truff

Chocolate truffles

3 Using a teaspoon, scoop out bite-sized

pieces of the chocolate mixture. 4 Dust your hands with powdered sugar
so that they don’t stick to the chocolate.
Roll into balls and place on the baking sheet.

5 Roll the truffles in sifted

cocoa powder or grated
chocolate, sprinkles, nuts, or
coconut. Place in individual
baking cups and chill. They
will keep for up to 10 days
in an airtight container. Store
them in the refrigerator
because they contain cream.


Chocolate truffles

What’s your favorite truffle?

Rolled in chopped Dusted with Sprinkled with

pistachio nuts cocoa powder shredded coconut

These chocolate truffles

are so delicious they will Rolled in dark Covered in Rolled in grated
chocolate pieces colorful sprinkles milk chocolate
melt in your mouth.


Chocolate dip 4
20 2-3
mins mins

Fruit dipped in chocolate is a sweet treat

You will also need:
that everyone will like. Make this dish • ½ cantaloupe,
for a party. Everyone can start dipping seeds scooped out (use a melon
baller to make balls from the fruit)
and share in the chocolatey fun! • 1 pineapple, sliced into chunks
• 2 mangoes, cubed
• 3 kiwi fruit, sliced

41⁄2oz (125g) Tools:

• Small saucepan
good- quality • Small grater
milk chocolate • Wooden spoon
• Serving bowl
• 2 large plates
• Wooden skewers
The chocolate should be
32 percent cocoa. Break
it into small pieces.

⁄3 cup
heavy cream
2 tbsp
corn syrup
1 lime

Chocolate dip

1 Place the chocolate, cream,

and corn syrup in the pan
and finely grate the rind of the
2 Cook on low heat, stirring
until all the chocolate has
melted and you have a smooth
lime over the top. sauce. Pour into a serving bowl
and let cool.

Arrange the fruit

onto 2 large plates.
Using skewers, dip
the fruit in the
chocolate dip.


What is a strawberry?
Strawberries are a popular fruit to grow and eat
around the world. The sweet flavor, soft texture, and
juice content of a strawberry make it perfect for use
in drinks, desserts, jams, and sauces.

The strawberry fruit grows
as the petals fall away.


Leaf Strawberries need moist

growing conditions. They
should be planted in
dappled shade or in
direct sunlight to thrive.

Stem Runner


What is a strawberry?

the garden
strawberry that A ServiNg of eight
we eat today was coNtAiNS More
first cultivated in vitAMiN c thAN
france in the oNe orANge.

Strawberries are a Strawberries are

traditional dessert the only fruit
served in Sweden on
Midsummer’s Night
that have seeds
(June 23). on the outside.

in roman times, 60,000lb (28,000kg)

strawberries strawberries are eaten
at the annual tennis
were used as tournament in
a medicine. Wimbledon, UK.


Smoothie time 4

Smoothies make a yummy snack or a

tasty breakfast drink. They are easy and • Table knife
quick to make and you can experiment with • Cutting board
• Blender
your own choices of ingredients.

1 cup
fat-free n 1 cup
vanilla yogurt 1 ripe ban skim milk

tha t you
p o wberries
im stra
tI nse u eat them.
ri re yo 10oz (300g)
b ef

Hull the strawberries first

by taking out the stems.
Smoothie time

1 Use a table knife to cut the

strawberries in half and set
them aside. Peel the banana and
roughly chop it into chunks.

2 Carefully place the strawberries

and banana in a blender with the
vanilla yogurt and the milk. Put the lid
on securely. Blend until the mixture is
thick and smooth, then pour into
glasses. Serve at once.

Freeze your smoothies

for a cool treat! It’s best to drink a
Once you’ve made your smoothie right after it’s
smoothie mixture you can made. If you let it sit for
pour it into 4 molds to too long, you’ll need to stir
make delicious ice pops, it to remix the ingredients.
ready for a hot day.

A, B, C, D
Bacon 14
Flour 12, 14, 16–17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 28,
29, 30, 32, 34, 59, 60
Pepperoni 55
Peppers 55, 64, 65
Banana 13, 14, 78, 79 Fruits 6, 74, 75 Pineapple 55, 74, 75
Basil 52, 53, 55 Garlic 52, 53 Pizza 54–55
Beans 7 Ginger, ground 19, 20 Potato 56–61
Beef, ground 38, 40
Blueberries 24, 27 H, I, J, k Q, R, S, T, U
Bread 16, 28–33, 54–55 Ham 10, 11, 29, 55 Rice 42–47
Bread crumbs 39, 40, 59, 60 Healthy eating 6–7 Salad 38, 39, 40, 60
Butter 18, 20, 25, 26, 68, 69, 70 Jam 24, 27 Salmon 59, 60
Cheese Kiwi 74, 75 Smoothie 78–79
Cheddar cheese 29, 32 Strawberries 13, 14, 26, 76–79
Cream cheese 44, 46 L, M, N, O, P Sugar 7, 18, 20, 25, 26, 29, 30
Mozzarella 39, 40, 55 Lemon 20, 64, 65 Tahini 64, 65
Parmesan cheese 38, 40, 44, 46 Lettuce 29 Toast 10, 11
Chicken 8, 9, 44, 45, 46, 55 Lime 74, 75 Tomatoes 29, 48–55
Chickpeas 64, 65 Mango 74, 75 Tomato sauce 54
Chocolate 66–67, 68–71, 73, 74–75 Meat 7, 52
Cocoa 66, 67 Meatballs 38–41 V, W, X, Y, Z
Combine harvester 17, 42 Melon 74, 75 Vegetables 6, 52, 65
Confectioner’s sugar 13, 15, 19, 20, 24, 27, 69, 71 Milk 10, 11, 13, 14, 78, 79 Vegetable stock 44, 46
Cookies 16, 18–23 Milk products 7 Vitamins 6–7, 57, 77
Corn 45, 46, 55 Mushrooms 10, 55 Wheat 16, 17
Corn syrup 18, 20, 74, 75 Nuts 69, 73 Yeast 28, 30
Cream 24, 27, 68, 69, 74, 75 Onion 44, 46, 52, 53, 58, 60 Yogurt 78, 79
Dijon mustard 58–59 Orange 19, 20
Dough 20, 22, 30, 31, 32, 34 Pancakes 12–15
Parsley 38, 40, 44, 46, 58, 60
E, F, G Pasta 16, 34–35, 36–37, 38–39, 40, 52
Eggs 8–11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 25, 26, 29, Pastries 16
32, 34, 39, 59, 60 Peas 45, 46, 62–63, 64–65

With thanks to: Jennifer Lane for additional editing, With special thanks to the models:
Tamsin Weston for additional prop styling, Roberto Barney Allen, Abi and Kate Arnold,
Katie Federico for assisting at a photo shoot, Lara Duffy, James and Ying Glover,
and Jo Casey for proofreading. Kathryn Meeker, Ella and Eva Menzie
and Oliver Tran.
Photos courtesy of: Peter Anderson, Philip Dowell,
Will Heap, Ian O’Leary, Richard Leeney,
Gary Ombler, William Shaw, and Linda Whitwam.
All other images © Dorling Kindersley


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