Meeting Xi: Ok. No Problem !

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• Which complaints seem reasonable? Which ones seem
unreasonable? Why?
• Check (√) a complaint you have about a family member. What
other complaints do people sometimes have about family
• Listen and practice!
• What complaints do Jason and Lisa have about their parents?
Mr. Field : Jason …. Jason! Turn down the TV, please.
Jason : Oh, but this is my favorite program !
Mr. Field : I know. But it’s very loud.
Jason : Ok. I’ll turn it down.
Mr. Field : That’s better. Thanks
Mrs. Field : Lisa, please pick up your things. They’re all over the
Lisa : In a minute, Mom. I’m on the phone.
Mrs. Field : All right. But do it as soon as you hang up.
Lisa : Ok. No problem!
Mrs. Field : Goodness! Were we like this when we were kids?
Mr. Field : Definitely!
With nouns With pronouns Request & Response
Turn down the TV. Turn it down Please turn down the music
Turn the TV down. Ok. I’ll turn it down
Pick up your things. Pick them up. Pick up your clothes, please
Pick your things up All right. I’ll pick them up
A. Complete the requests with these words. Then compare with a

1. Pick up the toys, please. 6. Please take off …….

2. Turn …… off, please. 7. Hang …. Up, please.
3. Clean …… up, please. 8. Please take out ………
4. Please put ……. Away. 9. Please let …. Out.
5. Please turn down ……. 10. Turn on …., please.
B. Pair work. Take turns making the request about
above. Respond with pronouns.

A : Pick up the toys, please.

B : No problem. I’ll pick them up.
A. Find a phrase that is usually paired with each two part verb.
(some phrases go with more than one verb). Then add one more
phrase for each verb

The garage the mess the newspapers your coat

The groceries the microwave the towels your laptop

Clean up ……. …….. Take out ……. ……..

Hang up …… . ……… throw out …….. ………
Pick up …….. ……… turn off ………. ………
Put away …….. …….. Turn on …….. ………
B. What requests can you make in each of these rooms? Write
four requests and four unusual excuses. Use two-part verbs.
the kitchen the living room
the bathroom the bedroom
C. Pair work. Take turns making the requests you wrote in part B.
Respond by giving an unusual excuse.
A : Kim, please clean up your mess in the kitchen
B : Sorry, I can’t clean it up right now. I have to take the cat
out for a walk.
Modal + simple form of verb would you mind …. + gerund
• Can you turn the stereo off? • Would you mind turning the stereo
• Could you close the door, please?
• Would you mind closing the door,
• Would you please take your please?
garbage out?
• Would you mind not putting your
garbage here?
A. Match the request with the appropriate responses. Then compare with a
partner and practice them. (More than one answer may be possible).

1. Could you lend me twenty dollars?

2. Can you get me a sandwich?
3. Can you help me move to my new house?
4. Would you mind not sitting here?
5. Could you move your car from my space?
6. Would you mind not talking so loudly?

a. We’re sorry. We’ll talk more quietly.

b. I’m sorry. I’ll do it right away
c. Sorry. I didn’t realize this seat was taken
d. Are you kidding? I don’t have any cash.
e. I’m really sorry, but I’m busy.
f. Sure, no problem. I’d be glad to

B. Pair work. Take turns making the requests in part A. give your own
C. Class activity. Think of five unusual requests. Go around the class and
make your requests. How many people accept? How many refuse?
A : Could you lend me your toothbrush?
B : Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t have it with me.
A. Think of three complaints you have about your neighbors. Write
three requests you want to make. Choose from these topics or
use ideas of your own.
Garbage guest noise parking pets security
B. Pair work. Take turns making your requests. The “neighbor”
should apologize by giving an excuse, admitting a mistake, or
making an offer or promise.
A : Would you mind not putting your garbage in the hallway?
B : Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it bothered you.

Different ways to apologize

Give an excuse “ I’m sorry. I didn’t realize …..”
Admit a mistake “ I forgot I left it three.”
Make an offer “ I’ll take it out right now.”
Make a promise “ I promise I’ll … / I’ll make sure to …..”

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