Ib Pre Interm Skillsbookpp76 112

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startinga meeting

When participants don't know each other. When you arrive.

Introduce people. Introduce yourself to people that you
Saya little about what they do. do not know.

Saywhy they are at the meeting. Saya little about your job and
Saywhy you are at the meeting.
Summarisethe aims and obiectivesof
the meeting. General
Remind people of any decisionsthat Readthe agendabefore the meeting.
must be reached. Be clear about the aims and obiectives
Tell people how long the meeting will of the meeting.
take and if there will be anv breaks. Prepareany information that you may
need to talk about at the meeting.

in a meeting

Preparewell. Arrive late.

Keepyour voicepositive. Makepersonalcomments.
Be positive
Stayon the topic of the meeting. Beaggressive.
Usepolite phrasesto agreeanC Focuson the negative.
Speakclearlyand confidently. Bediscouraged if people
Makeyour point in short, interruptyou.Wait until
simplesentences. theyfinish and then
Listento what peoplearesaying. continuemakingyour point.

76 a Good businesspractice
to suggestions
Making suggestions
Whenyou arepreparingfor the meetingit is a goodideato:
look throughall the agendapointsand makea list of any questions
/ suggestions
that you have.
highlightsubjectswhereyou may needto respond.
research any topicsyou may needto talk about.
Respondingto suggestions
Usepositivebody languageif you agreewith suggestions (for example,nodding,
leaningforwardto showinterest).
Do not interruptunlessyou havesomethingimportantto say.
If you do needto interrupt,be polite.
Startwith a positivecommentbeforemakinga negativecomment.
with an opinion, try to think of a goodalternativeidea.
If you disagree

Listencarefullyto what otherpeoplesay.
fuk peopleto clarifyinformationwherenecessary.
Considerall the prosand cons.
Recapkey information,to checkthat you haveunderstoodcorrectly.

closinga meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
It is usually the final item on the agenda.
Peopleat the meeting can talk about topics that have not been discussedon the main
Sometimesthere is not time to discussan AOB item fully.
The chairpersonmight decideto include the item in the next meeting.

A summary of key points

The chairperson:
summariseskey discussionpoints.
repeatsany important decisions.
confirms any tasksthat need to be completed before the next meeting.

Concluding the meeting

If another meeting is necessary,it is a good idea to arrangethe time and date while
everyoneis still present.
Try to end the meeting with a positive phrase.For example: It's been an ufieresiLng
meetwvgwith lots oJ chall.en{tng ideas. NOT: It's been a dfficuLt meetivtgwith lots oJ
Thank everyonefor attending.
Thank all the speakersfor contributing.

Good businesspracticeI77
a presentation
The opening of a presentationgivesthe audience:
a clear overview of the subjectof the presentation.
the key points that the speakerwill talk about (ideally no more than three or four points).
an outline of the structure of the presentation.
Fwstwe a.reLooktng at ... arud then ... next ... arld fLnaLLg...

Be a good presenter
Be well prepared.
Speakin a clear,confident voice.
Look at the whole audienceat the start, so that they feel included.
It isn't necessaryto tell jokes or storiesunlessyou feel comfortable doing so.

Before the presentation
Rehearsethe presentationusing the visual aids, so that you feel comfortable with
On the day of the presentation,check that all the equipment you need is present in
the room, and is working.
Check details.(Are there enough socketsfor all the equipment that you want to use?
Is equipment plugged in? Is the electricityworking? Are there enough marker or OHT
Are the chairs set out in a way that allows the audience to view your presentation

During the presentation

When you use visuals pause occasionallyto give the audiencetime to look at the
Don't just read the words on the visual, use the information as a way of introducing
your point.
Stand still when you want the audience to concentrateon visual material.
Don't leave visual aids up too long; the audiencewill look at them instead of
listening to you.

78 a Good business practice

Endingthe presentation
Signalthat the presentationis coming to an end
e.9.,... to sttmup brieJlg,beJoreI ansuteraour questions...

Move to the front of any visual aids, so that the audience can seeyou clearly.
Summarisethe main points of the presentationin one or two sentences.
Use short, powerful sentences.

Pauseafter key words and phrasesto add emphasis.
Thank the audience for their attention.
Pauseand then invite questions.

Deal with questions

When you prepare the presentationthink about questionsthat people may ask and
Answer only one question at a time.
Repeatthe question. It givesthe audiencea chanceto hear it clearly and givesyou
extra time to think.
Speakto the whole audience,not just the questioner.
Don't take questions personally,remain calm and polite.
Some difficult questions may have to be researchedand respondedto later, e.9.,
I don't have that tnformatr.on with me, but I'LLcheck and get back to Aou with

Prioritise calls.
Group calls together.If one number is engaged,move on to the next on the list.
Write down what you want to talk about and in what order.
Tick off the points as you complete them.
Prepareuseful phrasesin advance,including any technical vocabulary and reference
If you have an important point to make, say it more than once.
If someoneis speakingtoo quickly, repeatkey information as they say it. This will
slow them down.

Good businesspractice179
You want to change the appointment.

apologise tu, what you want

Jean, I'm afratd t haye to chanfe our appowttment. explain briefly why you need
Sometlin{ has come up on the 22nd. to changethe appointment
Can you make the 25tlx?...
That's grent, thaytks.Seeyou then. suggestanother date / time

thank you

You want to cancel the appointment. You don't want to make another appointment
at the moment:
I'm aJratd t ha\te to canceLow appomnnent on the 22nd ...
I'Ll.caLLAou et qlater date to reschedule...
sorrA Jor ang inconvenience.

Keep promises.If you say that you will call back, do call back.
Be honest.If you want to cancel the appointment permanently, say so and explain why.

Makinganddealingwith complaints

Check that you are talking to the right If you are not the correct person to deal
person to help with the problem. with the complaint:
Be polite and calm. give the caller information about
Explain what the problem is. who they should contact.
Have any necessarydocuments and If you are the correct person:
referenceswith you when you make the call. listen to the complaint before
Don't include unnecessarydetails. commenting.
Make a note of any important information, be polite and calm.
for example the name of the person dealing apologise.(I'msorrA to hear that ...)
with your complaint.
make a note of any important
Saywhat you want to happen. information.
If a telephone complaint is not working, suggestsolutions.
write a letter.

80 r Goodbusinesspractice
for a negotiation
What do you want from the negotiation?
Decideon your bottomLtne - the minimum you will accept.
What does the other person want from the negotiation?
Look for similarities betweenyour proposal and their proposal.
What areasmight causeproblems?
What suggestionscan you make to solve the problems?

When you are in the negotiation:

Emphasisethe need to reach agreement.
Summariseyour offer.
Pauseto let the other person consider your proposal.
Listen carefully to the response.
Remember!It isn't necessaryto acceptthe first offer.You can reply by making
conditional offers: If gou utqease AoLLroffer, we'Ll i,m.prwe the delwery date.

Small talk is important becauseit can help you to start conversationsthat let you get to
know the person that you are doing businesswith. It is a good idea to:
think about suitable conversationtopics e.g.,the weather,recentholidays, etc.
prepare some social questions,e.g.,How was Aour jowney? How ts bwiness?
think about the social questionsyour host / guestmight askyou. Preparesome replies.
focus on what the other person is saying at the moment.
read about the country where your visitor comesfrom or the country you are visiting.
Use the information to start conversationsand ask questionsabout the country.

A businesslunch is a goodopportunityto relaxand getto know people.However,it is
importantto rememberthat it is still business.
If you arevisitingpeoplein anothercountry,do someresearch to checkon what
behaviour expected, for example: Is it to
OK discuss business duringthe meal?Will
your host / hostessbe offendedif you refusefood or drink?If you visit your host /
hostess at home,shouldyou takea gift?
It is a goodideato ordera dish that is not difficult to eat.You can concentrate
on the
peoplethat you arehavinglunch with insteadof worryingabouthow to eatthe food.
If you do not know the peoplewell, it is a goodideato stayformal and polite and to:
arriveon time.
turn off mobilephonesduringthe meal.
thank vour host / hostessat the end of the meal.

Good businesspracticeI 81
IEI Exchanging
l l l l l r r r , l

Fmrwe{ XmS*rgg*l

IEf,| Precise
or approximateinformation?
I l l l l r r r , l

ffs'*s$ss &6:pr*x$m*alte

@ Directand indirectrequests
l l I l I r r . , l

K3$rect XnS.$r*ct

EM Sayingwhatyou think
l r r r r , r l r l
ffi$p{mmmt$* F{q*rx*st

Eft| raking aboutpastevents

l l t l t r l t l

F{x*d sffiffi$"**fl}c* F[sx'$h {.* $ffi{$r$*r'*{e

@| Focuson the pastand future

t l t r r r r t , l

f*eus Pnstf*cus

@| Attitudesto arrangements
l l l l l r l r r l

$:[e S$xed

E@ Attitudesto procedures
t l r r r r r r , l
Nt*ref*xed il*ss 'f{xed

Efil Showingreactions
I l l l I r I r . l

]"espsn$s $$ea,rtrn[

@l How much explanation?

l l l l l r r r , l

& {{tt[s & lot

@ Responding
in conversation
l l l l l r r r . l

SK S$*wqt*w

E]|l| Caim or expressrve?

ea[m ffixPresst'.,e

[@g Attitudesto time in meetings

l l l l l r r r ' l

R*$.mxed d

@ Saying'No'ina negotiation
l r r r r r r , , l l
ffi*frxs* i*'ad'ir**t{.y ffi*fu$s**{r**th,

@|[ Formaland informal presentations

l r r r r r r , , r l
3mf*rpmmI il*r::r ai

82 a Culture profile
simpleandcontinuous Exercises
The present simple has the following uses. ffi Choose the correct form of the verbs in
r re$ularor routineevents italtcs.
WeuswaLLy start the weekwith a teaynmeetuq. I Shewrite / writestraining programmes.
ShevisitsJapaytonce a month. 2 Thecompanydoesn't/ isn'tmakinga profit.
r permanentor long-termsituations 3 Theyarchadng /haye a meeting.
I work at head ffice in London. 4 We don'tfmrsmng /fxrush work at 6pm.
The comparry desig?lscomryuterfames. 5 That printer doesn't/ tsn'twork.
6 Are / Do you often visit headoffice?
K*y wwrds
7 What time rs / doesGeoffarriving?
usually, normallg, reguLarlg, oJten,
8 I'm not / I don't understandthe problem.
fr equervtlg,somettmes,r arelg, al,wa4s,nw er,
werA daU/ week/ month / year, oncea.
week/ twiceamontlt ffi Complete the text with the appropriate
form of the verbs in brackets, present simple
The present continuous has the following uses. or present continuous.
* somethinghappeningnow / at the moment JamesO'Brianand FranMitchell('be)
entrepreneurs. They(' live) and
Just a moment - I'm Wtng to find yow fiLe. (' work) in Cardiffin Wales.James
Nick's talktng to a"customerright now. ('design) and ('produce)
r temporarysituations the productsand Fran('sell) the goods
We're not dweloptng arLAnew products this on the internet. ('
James not work) on a
montLl. new productat the moment,but Fran('visit)
Wa's workuq at home todag - she'snot wt clientsin Prague. Jamesand Fran
the ffice. (' talk) on the phone everyday to
. futurefixedarrangements discuss business.They ('onot talk) now
because Fran(" be) in a meeting.
We'reflging to Texason Mondw4t9th.
Mike's meeting the directorstomorrow.
ffi Oecide if the sentencesbelow contain
w*rds mistakes. Change the form of the verb where
naw, at the moment, cllTrerltl.y,th:tsweek
1 We'renot liking the new computersystem.
The continuous is not usually used with the 2 How many boxesdo you need?
following verbs. 3 Smithsareseeminginterestedin our products.
r givingopinions 4 Paul'stravellingto NewYork nextweek.
Like,disLike,prefer,think, beltw e, knw,t,meflrL 5 Is Marta preferringthe secondoption?
' describingsenses elJew seocls afueqc ou - lJerro3 t palsaralur
ruaessqtrws g afueqr ou - ltaJrof, z a>IIIt.uop aM I
* € aslJJexg ot ,ta)I
describingownershipand needs
hane,need,owtL wantt sl tt SuHIellou ere 0I 41el6 Surlrsn s1g fiuqrom
](usrZ sllas9 sacnpordE sufllsapt >lrona€ a^ll T, ere I
Z esrJJaxg ol day

ocre l,usaop
s qsrurJ , r,.l!YTrtrltr:li
? Furneu
I esIJJa)'qI ol utax

Grammar referenceI 83
and uncountabte Exercises
countablenouns :, : Decide if the sentences below contain
mistakes. Change the form of the noun
havesingularand haveno plural form where necessary.
plural forms
I We employ a lot of extra staff in the summer.
usea / an with the neverusefr / an
singular 2 How many worker usually arrive late?
useeithersingularor useonly singularverb 3 Can you give me some informations,please?
plural verb form form 4 The machine'sworking again now.
worker,book,desk, staf, oiL,water, 5 We need to buy new equipmentssoon.
machiyte,co't:tL, eqwpment,moneA, 6 lt's a very good companies to work for.
comrynnq,su{festion wformation, adyice 7 You haven't got much money to spend on this.
8 Can I ask you for some advices?
* in positive sentences
Complete the sentences with sorne or ffitA.
with countablenouns in the plural
1 ld like information about vour
with uncountablenouns
We're havmg soyneprobluns ynth the computer.
2 Would vou like help?
There'ssome coffee on the table.
3 We don't have files.
u in offers and requests
4 Tuanhas suggestionsfor the
with both countableand uncountablenouns project.
Would you Likesome tea? 5 Do you have ideas,Katrin?
any 6 We're having computerproblems.
* in negativesentencesand questions 7 Can I get you magazines?
with countablenouns in the plural 8 They aren't having meetingstoday.
with uncountablenouns
There isn't any tnformanon about hotels. Choose the correct words in italtcs.
Do you haye wny detatls about tlus? 1 How much / many employeesdo you have?
2 We've got a l.ot of / marLa work to do.
* mainly in negativesentencesand questions 3 There isn't yru,tch/ maru4 time.
4 Lots oJ / Much people use PowerPointin
with uncountablenouns
We hayen't got trutch tirne.
5 There rsn't yru,tch/ mang money in the budget.
Is there m:uch demand for theseproducts?
6 I've got aLot oJ/ much meetingsthis week.
many 7 We don't have much / maru4customerstoday.
* mainly in negativesentencesand questions 8 Is there much / maru4demand for your
with countablenouns in the plural products in Asia?
Do you haye milyLA customers iyt the south?
qJnw8 {ueu Z
No, not manA.
Jo lol e 9 qtntu I Jo slol ? qrnw € Jo ]ol e 7 fuew1
g asrJJaxg ot lley
a lot of / lots of (informal)
due g
* in positive sentences: ewos z atuos g fue g ar.uostr t\uv € ewos Z atuos I
with countablenouns in the plural Z asrJJexfl ol z{a;1
with uncountablenouns etrlpe g afueqc ou - ltetto3 z
You seea lot of sunteillance cmneras tn the duedwoc 9 )uarudrnba s aflueql ou - llarro3 t
streetsin London. uorler.uJoJur€ sJalJonn7 afiueqJ ou - lJarJoJ I

There'salot of computer cntne nowadays. I asrJJexg or Aa)

84 f Grammar reference
Modalverbs,part 1 Exercises
Form Write complete offerc.
n modal verbs are followed bv the infinitive
Can lget lyou lcoffee?
without to
Cayt I get you a cofree?
I must $o now.
1 Can / help I your luggagez
I can't find the customerfile.
2 Would / like / come / lunchl
Could we start soon?
3 / could / help I you / finish / report.
K exceptionsare haye to and need to
4 /canlopen/door/you.
I need to go now.
5 Could /pay ltaxiz
We don't haye to keq theserecords.
Do gou hane to Leayenow? 'l:,: Write
complete requests.
Modals important for politeness Can /give her / message?
* offers Can gou lwe her a message,pLease?
Can I ... ? Could t ... ? I cayt... I couLd... 1 Can / speakto / SalesManager?
WouLdyou Like ... ? 2 Can / we / order I taxiZ
Can I help you with Aour bags? 3 May / open / window?
Wowld Aou ltke to sit here? 4 Would I meetJames / airport?
w requests
5 Could / borrow / vour calculator?
Can I ... ? Coul.dI ... ? Can you ... ?
Could Aou ... ? WouLdyou ... ?
.'.,,rQsmplete the sentences with cwn, cflll't,
Could I bonow Aour penfor a moment? might, might not, will or wott't.
Would Aou show me how to use thts
I I'm afraid I come to the
machine, please?
presentation.I'm meetinga visitor.
m polite suggestions
2 She be late for her appointment if
You could ... / We could ... I thxnkwe slnuld ... the traffic is bad.
You could take the tratn - it's \)erA Jost. 3 you play golfi
I thrnl< we should trayel fust class. 4 I'm sure they want any coffee
* perfilission until after the meeting.
Can I ...?MaU I ...?(more formal) 5 We certainly get it to you today.
You can / You maA 6 David take the job unlesswe offer
Can I / Mag I smoke inhere? Yes,gou cwn. him more monev.

Modals of possibility ],uolvvlou IqFIW g

w certainty (ttpn) II, 9 l,uonrr? IIIM/uef, e llyvvlq?yx 7 l.uer I

wiLI"/ won't € asrf,Jexg ot zbx

It's Late- I wott't hate tnne to read the report arolulnJlerrno^ /v\orroqI plnoS I
tornght. el.rodrreaq] le sauef ]aaw nod plnolt t
m possibility / uncertainty 2aseeld'rvtopuwr aqt uado I,{eW g
ffiW, nnght, could, marynot, might not ;aseald'xe] e rapJoe^\ ue3 Z
;aseald'rafleuery seleseql o] >leadsI uef, I
We could haw probLemswith transport.
z asrJJaxg o1 fay
We ma.g not afrle m time for the meetmg.
* ability erxelaql ;o3 rted I plnof, s
'nor{ro; roop eq} uado ue)
can / c&rl't, could / couldn't (past) I?
'lrodar rno,{ qsrug no,{ dlaq plnot
I can't read thts. It's too smalL.
aqlunl ol aruoJol altl nortp1noiy17
I couldn't mderstand the report; it was too
;aFeFFnlrno,t qlrm nod dlaq I ue3 I
I asrJJaxt ol ulay

Grammar referenceI 85
Moda[verbs,part 2 Exercises
Form ,' Cross out the word that is not necessary
w modal verbs are followed bv the infinitive in each sentence.
without to 1 You should be talk to Customer Services.
I tru,st go now. 2 They have to to go by taxi.
I can't find the u,stomer ftle. 3 You have mustn't lock the door.
Could we start soon? 4 We are need to promote this product.
w exceptionsare haye to and need to
5 I must have finish this report by 5 o'clock.
I need to $o now.
We don't hane to keep theserecords. Choose the correct verbs in italtcs.
Do gou haye to leantenow?
1 I shoul.dn't/ need to book a conferenceroom
Modals of obligation for our meeting.
* advice 2 Important! All visitors could / hane to report
to reception.
You should / You shouLdn't... (stronger)
You mtst / You yyttlstn't... (very stron$) 3 They don'thale to / shouldn't wear a
uniform; casualclothesare fine.
You should talk to ollr nccotntts maytaler -
she can heLpAou. 4 You mustn't I don't need to pressthat button
- it turns all the computers offl
You mastn't LeayeLondon without tuittng
the Tower! 5 We should I need to go to the exhibition. It
e looks really interesting!
6 Do we haye to I must work next weekenda
mu,st/ mustn't
I mast trA to let to work earLier.
Rewrite the words in italtcs using modal
I tru,sttt't spend so much time on the mternet.
verbs and any other necessary words.
s generalrule
I Staf are not aLl"owedto smoke in the restaurant.
haye to
2 lt's not necess&rAJor you to enter a password.
Do you haw to hantea yka to trayel"to l<l,tssifr?
ffi necessary 3 It wouLd be a {ood ideafor gou to discussthe
problem with your manager.
need to
4 lt's m4 personal rul.e not to make any
We need to plan ottr next saLesconJerertcesoon. mistakesin my reports.
e not necessary 5 lt's necessarufor us to carry our ID cards at all
don't hate to / don't need to times.
You don't hanteto haye a Msafor tlrc IJK. 6 I stronfly ahtrse you to seethat new show.
You don't need to wnte aletter - aou cffir
phone. lsntu no^ g
ol e^eq eM g l,ulsnw I ? plnoqs no^ €
e not allowed o] e^eq l,uop no^ / ol peeu ],uop noAZ ],ulsnur JJels I
m:ustn't € asrJJaxg or z(a)
You mustn't LeayeAour car in front oJ the
o] a^eq g
hoteL- it's & no parkmg area! plnoqs I l,ulsnw ? ol e^eq ],uop € ol a^eq z ol paeu I

Z asrJJaxg ol fax

aneq g ete I e^e14€ ol z aq I

I asrJJaxg or fa11

85 I Grammar reference
andsupertatives Exercises
Forming comparative adjectives ffiS Correct the mistakes in each sentence.
. shortadjectives (onesyllable)+ -er 1 That factoryis the biggerone in Europe.
Thenan modeLrs chearyer. 2 Our productsaremorecheapthan Jenson's.
' shortadjectives ending-g 6 + -er 3 The new managerisn't as friendlythan the
Theclient u happiq with the new design. lastone.
. longeradjectives (two or moresyllables)more 4 This is bestlaptopthat you can buy.
/ less+ adjective 5 This year,we'remuch busyerthan lastyear.
I thLnk this coat ts more fashionable. 6 It's the moreexpensive car on the marketright
r irregularcomparativeforms now.
bad - worse
ffi* co*plete the sentenceswith as, than, the
far - finther or nothing (-).
Thenew design'isworuethan the old one.
I I think it's best restaurantrn
The other restntlreyLtts loetter-but it'sfurthu
The new model isn't as good the
Use old one.
r to show difference 3 I think I like this one better
A is biggerthan B 4 Our prices are better
B is not asbig asA competitors'.
TheV8 tsfaster than the V6.
TheV6 tsn't ils er<penswe
as the V8. complete the sentenceswith a
* to showsimilarity comparative or superlative phrase, using the
adjective in brackets.
TLusgeat'ssalesA.rens good as Lastgeafs. I My new car is (big) the old one.
2 This is (expensive) dish on the
Forming superlative adjectives menu.
. shortadjectives (onesyllable) (the)+ (bad) thing is the weather;it's
adjective+ -est awful.
Tlis Laptopis the smallest one on the market. Thishotel is (comfortable) the last
" shortadjectives ending-y (the)+ adjective one.
Y+ -iest 5 That's(large) one that we have.
That was olrr busiestweekoJthe Aear. 6 Usethe otherphotocopier. It makes(good)
longeradjectives (two or moresyllables)(the) copies.
most /Least adjective In Spain,dinner is (late) 1n
It's the most loenunfuI dresstn the show. England.
Tlasis the least expenstlernodeLAou carl bLq. Is that (fast) computer that you
irregularsuperlativeforms have?

{ood - best
lsalseJer{}g ueq} ra}el z
bad - worst :alle9 9 lsa3.re1
aq] I uuql elqeuoJr.uof,eroru ?
far -frnthest lsroM aqt € arrrsuadxa ]sotu aql 7 uelt;a38lq t
Wlnch photo do you tlwnk rs bestJor ollr € esrlJaxg ot fa)
adyerttsement? ueq)' -€ se7 atlll
Arrwtng Laters the worct thLngyou carudo. z esrJraxg ol llay
IvIy deskts the one that tsfwthest from the
anrsuadxa lsow aql 9 Jarsnqs
window. lseqaql 7 sedlpual{ se }.usr€ .radeaqrz rsalprqaql t
I asroJelql ot ztay

Grammar reference I 87
Pastsimple Exercises
Form r.:,:,Choose the correct past simple form in
* positive itahcs.
Regular verb + -ed. 1 What time did you see/ Aou sn\l Alan?
Wefintshed at 8:00. 2 We buged I bought some nice presentsat the
Irregular verbs market.
I ynet Clwls at LastyeAr's conference. 3 I didn't wal.k I walked to work today.
w negative
4 Did the presentationstarted / start on time?
did + r.;ot + verb 5 We was I were very pleasedwith the sales
Ow clients didn't like the nwl seryice. figures.
* question
6 Which airport did Mark go / went to?
Did anglooda leane a messageJor me ,",: Complete the sentences with the past
simple form of the verbs in brackets.
The past simple has the following uses. 1 He (open) his first shop in 2005.
ffi events that happened at a definite time in 2 We (start) the website last yeaL
the past
3 They (not work) for Amtec two
I jom.ed the companrytn 2003. yearsa$o.
The nw secretary did,n't come m yesterday. 4 Sirah fioin) the company last
* finished actions or events month.
When Aou were a student, did Aou work iyt 5 The auditor (arrive) in Milan
the hoLidaAs? yesterday.
Yes,I worked Jor a teleco"tyts
comryarty rn the 6 The company (order) 200 units
holidays. last Tuesday.
* finished time periods(withfor) 7 The factory (stop) production in
Nsha worked tn the ftnance department for 2 2003.
geare,from 2003tiLL2OO5. 8 It was a nice day, so Pietro (walk)
to work.
K*v w**v*-{*l
tn ZOOS,
from 2OO2to 2oo4,l.astweek / Write the sentences in the past simple.
month / gear, AesterdaA,h!o, tn the past
I fly to Hong Kong on Wednesday.
il,*grtsp*r't I get some samplesat the exhibition.
be was / were go went I don't buy any new products.
begin began have had I meet some useful contactsfor the new project.
bring brought know knew Do you go to the exhibition last year?
buy bought make made What do you think of iu
come came meet met
Iulql no,{prp I
drive drove see saw oFno.,{plq s }eur? ,tnqt,uprpe loF7 ma[JI
find found sell sold g asrJJar(gor ubx
fly flew speak spoke
9et got think thought pa^rrre
s pauror, r|"",?i:Ji'?
n,#l:;o^.i ?'j3|i:i
Z eSIJJexf, ol .{a)
ofl 9 a;am9 lrels ? IIe&\ e lq3noq r, eesno,{ prp t
I esrf,raxg ol fa;1

88 f Grammar reference
Futureforms Exercises
will + infinitive
":rl. Choose the correct furure form of the
* Positive:wiLL;shortform: IL - fLL,you'LL,etc. verbs in italncs.
ry Negative: will not; shortform: won't 1 Themanagement havedecidedthat theyare
* Question:WiLLyou I WiLLhe ... ? goxngto I wiLIclosethe Parisbranchnext
WiU goufirush that today?
No, I won't firish it today. I'Lldo it 2 Can you checkPieter'sdiary?WiLl,he meet I Is
tomorrow. he meetinSthe new CEOtoday?
3 I sawthe plans;they are {owvgto /wiLL
will + infinitive has the following uses. expandthe warehouse.
m predictionswe feelcertainabout Oh, look, weVe run out of copier paper. t'LLget /
l'LLdefrrutelgfitnsh thrsproject tomorrow. I'm gettwt{ some from the stationerycupboard.
Wewon't hane tune to Lookat yotn report He won't come I kn't conwng into work
tlusweek. today; he's working at home.
m intention,whenwe makethe decisionnow to She'LL
be I She'sbetng a director in a year or
do something two.
I'lI let Aou |mow what I decide. I can tell you now, when you ask the staff,
m intention afterthe verbsthink, hope and they aren't acceptwt{/ Eotng to ecceptyour
expect proposal.
Do gou thLnk you'll staAwith the comrywny 8 Is that the phone? Leaveit,I'm goxngto / IIL
lerA Long? answer it.
We hope you'Il be aloleto jotn the research
teaTnnextaear. ,' Read the email to Roy about his visit to a
supplier next week. Put the underlined verbs
to + infinitive has the following uses. into the correct furure form.
m predictionswe feelcertainabout
Hi, Roy
Are the staff goLr'{to tucceptthe chan{es? You'meet Lisa Clark, the SalesManagerat llam
It tsn't gorr';gto be an easrymeetwLg. next Thursday.I 'not have time to book your
It's {oing to be dffia,tLtto pleasearcrybody. plane ticketthis morning. I'book it this
* intentions,when the decisionto do something afternoon.Jack hopes you nrneg!him for lunch on
was madebefore Friday, if you have time. He's 'contact you at your
hotel tomorrow evening.Are you 'stay at the
I'm going to visit the Greekffice next month.
Continental Hotel again?I expectthey'h4yg
We aren't {oing to stag \era Lon!. vacancies.I 'phons you later to check.
Aregou golng to stay in Athens? Bestwishes
The present continuous has the following use. Sarah
w arrangements for thingsto happenat a fixed
time in the future euoqd II, g aneqIII^aZ Furrtels9 lleluot ol
FuroFI leatu II, ? 4ooq II, € aneql.uornz Furlaaruere I
We'remeetingtn the conferenceroom at 10.
Z asrJJaxg o1 z(ay
Aregou seeingthe accotnttmxttomorrow?
II,I 8 ldaoreol Furo?z eg II,eqS9 Surwoo],usrs
pF II.l t ot Surofiare € Furleawaq sl z ol Furofla.reI
I asrf,Jexfl ol Aa)

Grammar referenceI 89
Theimperative Exercises
Form , , Match the imperatives l-6 with the
* positive instructions: phrases a-f.
infinitive of the verb without to 1 Careful! a to the meeting now.
Come m! 2 Wait! b late for the presentation.
Tttwt off the Lightswhen you Leaue. 3 Do not enter c the money in there.
Listen. The prtnter's maktng a strnylge noise. 4 Put d This coffee is very hot!
w negativeinstructions: 5 Don't be e fhe lights are still red.
Dott't / Do not + infinitive without to 6 Let'sgo f without permission.
Don't be late!
Don't forget to post those letters. ' , Complete the instructions for printing a
Pleasedo not touch the equipment. document with the imperatives.
* Let's+ infinitive is also a polite imperative press Switch Check touch let's Open
Let'sfinish. Choose Attach
Let's go for Lunch now. OK, ' print this document.'
Let's Wa a{atn tomorrow. on the laptop.' the printer cable.
n the document. Don't '
* conditional instructions
that key yet! '_ that there is paper in the
IJ+ present tense + imperative printer. '_ the print quality that you
lf gou seeJoart, gwe her m4 best wtshes. want. OK. now' the 'print'key.
Dott't tntentryt LLimffhe's busA.
lf we don't get an answerbg Friday, sqrd ssa.rd8 asooq3Z
them another ematL. {raqf, 9 qrno} s uado I qJe]lv € r{J}r/v\s
z s.}alI
Z esrJraxg o1 u[ay

eg gs )t J€ez pl
I asrJJexfl or z[a;1

90 f Grammar reference
Presentperfect Exercises
Form #,ffiCooct the mistakes in each sentence.

" positive I How long you have worked here?

Subject + haye / ha'ls+ past paniciple 2 Carla, did you met Stefan?
The nw brocltures haye a:nwed. 3 I hadn't spoken to Julestoday.
. negative 4 We have no sold many units this week.
Subject + hanten't / hasn't + past participle 5 Sorry I'm late, I was had some problems.
Mr D avtson hasn' t phoned. 6 Fran'sjust went home.
' question 7 Which countries have visited you?
Hante/ Has + subject + past paniciple 8 I haven't seemany new models yet.
Haye you finished?
ffi Write complete sentences using the
The present perfect has the following uses. present perfect.
r recent events
1 you / finish / the report?
Salesfigwes hane imprwed recently.
2 How long /you /live / in Rome?
We hayen't seettra big rise m demand.
3 He /just / start / work / in the Marketing
Has yotn manager just started? department.
r eventsthat affect the present situation (but we 4 I / not / use / the company car since Tuesday.
don't say when they happened)
5 I / never / meet / the Chief Executive.
Wices haye S,oneup tunLdtheg're yerA
6 Our market share / have / remain steadv /
" unfinished eventsstarting in the past and
continuing up to the present(usingJor and
since) $$ Choose the correct form of the verbs in
I'ye beqr. in sales since 1992.
The compam4 has loeenthe market Leaderfor 1 Ellen phoned / has phoned Lars yesterday.
tWee Aears yLow. 2 Had / Hanteyou arranged the presentation yet?
r answering 'How long?'about an unfinished 3 | bought / hane bought a new car last month.
event 4 The company grew / has lrown rapidly in
Ho,r,vlong ha ye Aou worked Jor Exxon? recentyears.

K*y words 5 Customer servicewas / hasbeen important to

our company for 15years- and it still is today!
recently, wt recent Tnonths/ years, tn the
6 He Lwed / has Lwed in Rio for three vearsbut
Lastmonth / gear, jtst, nuw, since,Jor
(exceptwith finished periods of time) now he lives in Sydney.

fis s?t
tffis m,;* tar p*st g*mffite$pL*s
rr*g t"x uaeqseqs urvrorF
seq? lqFnoqg e^eHz pauoqd1
be been go $one € asrcJexuol Aex
begin begun have had 'aun[eJursdpealspaureueJseqaJer{s
}elreurrno 9
bring brought know known 'a^rlnf,axI
JelqS er{} }al.ura^au e4I 5
'r{epsanlef,urs;er rtuedurol eq} pesn
buy bought make made },uanuVI r
come come meet met Furla4rewaql ur lro/v\ peuels rsnf seq ag 6
drive driven eawo5 ul pe ll nod aneqfiuo1mog 7
see seen
auodar eql paqsrug nod aAeHI
find found sell sold
z esrJJax[ or fa)
fly flown speak spoken
get got ueasl.ue^er{g
think thought peUs1zr nof aleq z auofl lsnf 9 per{ e^eq I plos }ou
a eq ? l.uelerl € ]ew nod aneq z pe{Jo 4,nor{aneq I
I esrJJaxu ol r{a)

Grammar referenceI 91
Passiveverbs Exercises
Passive sentences are formed as follows. ,.:'rlrChoose the correct words in italtcs to
form passive sentences.
" Subject+ to be + past participl e (+ bg + agent)
[agent = person or thing who did the action] 1 My watch has lwas stolen.
Active: We manufacture the goods in Korea. 2 When was / did the window broken?
Passive:The goodswre manufacfined wvKoren 3 The new system wlLLI wiLLbe installed next
Active: The salesteam sold 4.000units last month.
month. 4 Our producrs don't / Aren't made in Europe
Passive:Forn thousqnd uyits were sold Last any more.
month. 5 The printer wtsn't I hasn't been fixed yet.
Active: The CEO will open the new factory 6 The fire alarm k / has tested once a week.
next week.
Passive:TheJactory vnll loeopened bg the it'.,:''.
newrite the sentences usin$ the correct
CEO next week. form of the passive.
The passive has the following uses. 1 Somebodystole computers from the office.
u when we don't know who did something Computers
My purse has been. stolen! 2 The managerphoned the police.
* when it isn't important who did something The police
Theseproductswere testedgesterday. 3 The police interviewed staff.
systemsand processes Staff
Job appLicnnoysare sorted,nnd the best 4 They sent a report to the lnsurancecompany.
ca.rldidatesare selectedand intewiewed. The insurancecompany
formal language(lettersand reports) 5 They are processingthe insurance claim.
Yotn enquug has beqt passedon to the sales The insuranceclaim
6 Head Office will replacethe computers.
Themarketfor DVD players was researched
Lastyear, and theflndtnfs are rqorted wt Thecomputers
otn Decembersunea. acggOpeeH dq paoeldaraq IIIrll.9
passacord furaq sr g
uoda; e luas se^\?
arrlod aql r{q pe/v\erlJa}ureJervr€

Z asrJJexg ot AaX
sr 9 l.useq I l,uare ? aq IIP\ € se^\z sei!\I
I asrf,Jaxg o1 zfay

92 | Grammar reference
Conditionals Exercises
Conditional instructions: ffi Completethe sentenceswith if or witl.
. $+ presenttense+ imperative we reducecosts,we'll increase
If I'm not in the ffice, pleaseLeante
a messa{e. profits.
Conditional t They give us a discount if we buy
t If + presenttense+ future with wiLLor won't two.
. IJ* presenttense+ can / cara't/ could / couldn't We could have problems we
spend too much.
If ow comryentors ftnd out about orn new If you increaseour discount,we
product, theg'Il warfi to copg it.
buy moreof your products.
We'lI be lery happUif gou can jom w for
theysignthe contractif we extend
the deadlines?
Conditional t has the following uses. theydon't offerhim a pay rise,
. talk aboutthe futureresultsof a possible will he leavethe company?
actionor event
If we ryend too much, we'ILrtrn out of mona4. ffi Completethe sentenceswith if or would,.
TheUwott't bu.gow productsif theg ilretlt More people buy the productif
food qualiu4. we completelyre-designed
If mana{emertt doesrt'tgwe w the budgetwe 2 I finishedwork earlier.I wouldn't
need,we could hanteproblems. be so tired.
r termsin a contractor agreement 3 If we raised prices,we lose
If gou are not fuLLy satisfiedwith tWs customers.
product, we will refi,md Aour moneA. 4 I think qualitywould go down
reducedcostsanv more.
Conditional 2
. ff + pasttense+ would / wouldn't you buy this productif it were
r IJ+ pasttense+ could / rwlgltt
6 it had more features,would more
tf the price was Lower,I'd bu.git. people buy ita
I wouldn't bttg it if it $tastt't good qualitg.
If gou reduced the price,we might be ffi Choose the correct form in italics.
I If the deliveryis late, it'LL/ it'dbe a problem.
Conditional z has the following uses. 2 Woul.d/ WilLL theybuy more if we reducedthe
r imagineunrealsituations price?
If arctyone usedematl,we wouldn't need to 3 If we sold out, I'd / flL be veryhappy.
send Letters. 4 If you return the product,we'd/weIL credit
If eleqtnc ca:tsdidn't hane so manry your account.
dtsadyayvthges, mwe peoplewouldbug them. He won't / wouldn't agreeto the contractif
r imaginethe resultsof improbableactionsor we can'tguarantee the deadline.
events If I had more money,I'LL/l'dbuy a bettercar.
lf ow saleshtseased bU15per cent,we'd
make a lot of profit.
If other companies entered the market, there
7 P,I e plnoM Z II,U I
P,I 9 l,uoa,rI ll,azvt
w ould be more comry ennon.
g asrJraxg or zb)

JI 9 p1no6 S Jl V plno^a€.JI z plno^^ r

Z asrJraxg o1 day

JI 9 11t1' 49
IIIIV \Vi l e ul 1^z JI I
I asrJJaxg ol fa;1

Grammar reference193
Adjectivesand adverbs Exercises
Adjectives ,'.'., Correct the mistake in each sentence.
* describe or qualifynouns I He has a greenbig company car.
He'sAn excellentmana{er. 2 The product expensiveis.
Word order 3 It was an unusually place to have a
* in front of the noun presentation.
The directors have bought a wooden large
Tlusis nn easAta.sk.
sculpturefor reception.
o wherethereareseveraladjectives:
5 The negotiationlong and difficult was.
size colour material noun
6 We worked very hardly.
A large black leather bug.
7 She speakswell French.
" aftersomeverbs:be,become,feel.
8 Pricesare rising very slow.
The qualitU is good.
The compan4is becoming profitable.
,,,,' Change the adjectives into adverbs.
Adverbs 1 This machine breaksdown easy.
* go with verbsto describehow or how often
2 If you talk to him reasonable,he will
you do something.
Sheworks ffiaently. 3 I visit Penangfrequent.
I often checksharcpriceson the wtternet. 4 We need to look at this realistic.
* adverbsthat tell you how often:
5 The new scheduleis working good.
sometunes,often,usualLg,r arel.y,occasionalLg,
6 Peteusual arrives late on Mondays.
JrequentLq,{ eneraLLy,normaLLy,aLwags,n6)er
7 The finishing team work very quick.
Forming adverbs from adjectives 8 When you write a businessletter, it's very
s mostadjectives + -Ly important to spell correct.
slow sLowly
* adjectives endingin a y + 4Ly g dgcrnb2 dllensn9
steady- steadilg IIa^aS ztllerrlsrlea.r
7 ,{lluanbarS e dlqeuosear
7 z{1rsea
n adjectives endingin 4c + -aLLy z asrJJaxgor ztay
automatic - automaticaLlg g
u adjectives endingin -able-abLg 'qruerJpooFs4eads
aqg/'llam r4luerss4eads
r easonable- r easonabLy pteq9
s irregularadverbs llnrrgrp pue Euol se^\uorlerloFauaVt E
Adjective Adverb arnldlncs uepoo/!\aflrc1etr
areld Iensnunue €
That'sa fast car. He drivestoo fast.
'anrsuadxa sr lcnpord altz
It's a veryhard job Thesalesteamis
.recduedruor uaa;BFIq e t
to do. workinghard.
I esrJJaxg ot fax
They'regood workers.Theydo theirjob well.
Word order
* adverbsthat tell you how follow the verb and
any objectin the sentence
Salesrose ra:pidlg.
u adverbsthat tell you how often,aswell as
adverbsof certaintyand uncertainty,can go
in front of the main verbor at the beginning
or end of the sentence.
I often work nLL6 o'clock.
Sometfurtes prices fo down.

94 a Grammarreference
p a sse Task
1, Page
|@Task3 !@|
StudentA StudentA
Meeting aim: talk about the new company r You are a receptionistat Entel
website Investments.The phone rings.Answer it.
Introduce: two new members of the team * Ask the caller'sname.
Use your partners' real names and add the . The line is busy, so ask the caller to wait.
information below to describewhat thev do. , After a few seconds,connect the caller to
Student B Student C's phone.
Responsiblefor updating information on the
website page13
Student C fqTask3
Web Designer StudentA
Is creating the website
Call t
PhoneStudentB.Sayyou are checkingdetails
about your new PA Shestartswork tomorrow.

IEATask z Pase
ftlnsErloursg Put*tps(
StudentA E.nnmyee NuH
BER: GAorrfl
Call t l^lons,s:J7 upunsa vteexT.
Start the call. Ask to speak to Dave Reynolds.
You want Dave to call you back. Answer the Call z
questions.Thank Student B for their help
Student B phones you to check details about
and say goodbye.
a new customer.
Call z The correct information is:
You are IsabelMeira's colleague.Sheis at Name: Eduardo Estervez
lunch. Answer the phone and useyour real Company name: LNE Electronics
name. Offer to take a message. Ask questions
Mobile phone number: OZZOOgOZZ3g
to complete the telephone messagepad. Tell
Student B that you will give Isabelthe message.

Pad Task1, Page
Student A
T**t*-l, You areSamYoung.You area supplier.you
arriveat receptionto meetChrisGreenfrom
{q:nt*.c-L no.rvre-: RondorServices. ChrisGreenis vour customer
fc**pang: and you regularlyspeakon the phone.you
arecurrentlyworkingon a new salesproject.
i e -! . : GreetChris Green.
. AnswerChris'squestionaboutyour
F4esso.?*t currentprojects.
. Ask Chrisabouthis / her work /

Pairwork a 95
Task 3G
z Page Task1, Page
!@ @
Stexd*rxt &
You are a relocationsconsultant.Look at You are the insurance representative.Look at
your diary. Phoneyour client and ask to the notes about the break-in and write three
make an appointment. questions.Use the prompts in itaLicsto help
The office was broken in*o (wlten?)
The policewere called (who?)
PCsand laptops were stolen (how martg?)
Look at the information below and answer
your partner's questions.

W E DN ES D A Y l Bth
l-3pm rneet JG
3:3O-6prn interview {or new PA KingswaY Insurance usuallY
processesclaims in four
T HUR SD AY 1gth
sent to
All claim forms must be
lOarrr presen+A+ron in Bristol'
KingswaY'shead office
ll:3Oorn-2prnworKing lunch TK willbe
The following documents
FRIDAY 2O1h rePort and an
, required: a Police
B:3O-llarn reloca*ions meeting wi-l-h BL
assessment bY our insurance
3-*:3Oprn rnee*ing wi*h projec+ managers $
nF$Sas.$*,s*1Si{$$$SF.1|1s\sd$f"r-",1ifws!T'ra5$1$$$s},e!,rii!$-sl5iiai$!',:.. r'',-e" 1"$}-r , rePresentative'

z Pase
Task 54
Situation I @
Use the information below to answer
Student B's questions.Explain company
proceduresand give advice.Check that You are the insurance assessor.
StudentB understands. Your report is not complete.
* The police are still investigatingthe
Order stationery
Advice: Contact Carol break-in.
Procedure: Need to complete a stationery w Your report cannot be finished until the
form (checkStudent B knows police investigationis complete.
how to do this) w Policeestimatethe investigationwill be
Book meeting room finished this week.
Advice: Phone conferencebookings * Your report will be ready a week after the
Procedure: Book at least two davs before investigationis complete.
meeting * The insurancecompany will pay out a
Situation 2 month after they receiveyour report.
Use the prompts to write questions.Ask Useful phrases
StudentB the questions.Use expressions becatne ...
The report is not corvtpLete
from the lessonto show that you understand
In other words ...
or to ask for clarification.
Car W h e r el l l p a r k z
S o .. . .
Security pass Who lI I contact?

96 a Pairwork
1, Page
5T Taskz Pase
I@| @
StudesxtA %ffudcxru&
Call t You need an answer to item 1.Make sure that
You arethe client.OrdernumberGX40078H. everyonekeepsto the point for this question.
m You ordered1,500copiesof your When discussingitem 3, ask a question to
companybrochurefrom a localprinting find out if it would be possibleto changethe
company,but the logo is wrong. time of the Englishclasses.
* Thelogois printedin blue and white- it
shouldbe greenand white.
* PhoneGMH Printingand explainthe P a s6es
* You would like new copiesof the &
brochureby the end of this weekfor a You are an employeerepresentative.Look at
companyconference.(I'd Like...) the possiblereasonsfor poor staff attendance
Call z and tick the two ideasyou think are most
You arethe supplier.You work for Abigail's important.
Flowers,a companythat suppliesplantsto I Staff are working long hours and
with a problem.
offices.A client telephones motivation is low.
* Askyour clientwhat the problemis. I Employeeshave not had a pay rise for
m Listento the problem,apologiseand two years.
a}reeto help. I Holidays have been cut by three days by
* Notethe problemand what you agreed new mana$ement.
to do. I fhe working environment is dull and
T Other
1, Page
Task 67 Theseare some ideas that you prepared for
I@ the brainstorming meeting.Add two more
Student A ideasto the list:
* Offer a bonus for good attendance.
You work for a web designcompanyasa
* Staff can win an extra da5/sholiday for
projectmana$er.Theprojectthat you are
workingon hassomeproblemsand you six months' full attendance.
needto negotiate a new deadlinewith your ffi

client.Lookat the information,then present M

your proposalto StudentB.Listento Student

B'sresponses then reachan a$reement.

{IRGFNT |@trTaskz Pases

MeBr pRoA waB DssrGwreAA is rn
Wr woN'r HAVe eNouGHwrT DgsictrrRs Name: use your real name
ro QoAPrcrt PPodeQr on riAe.
Job title: IT trainer
PueAss PHoxe Qtiexr ro APoLoGisEAND
rXPtAix w6 N66D A NeW DEADL|NE. Job description: you teach people to
use new computer
$ $ &&$ s. A&e &$, $
' e$F. $ &&$ * $ t ' $ , $$ programs
ternporar'y =
desiSner €\r\00 ?er week Company name: Howtech
rrrillclierrtaeceVIIhis exlra eosf? Company description: organises
if not, prcileet= Z wezks late training courses

Pairwork 197
Taskr Page
1,r Task3pase13
ffi StudemtB
m You phone Entel Investments.The Call t
receptionistanswers. StudentA phonesyou to checkdetailsabout
* Sayyou want to speak to Student C (use a new PA.
Student C's real name). Thecorrectinformationis:
Can I speak to ... ? Name: LouiseFinley
* Reply to what the receptionistsays(use Employeenumber: G8X9l
your real name). Works: 35 hoursa week
* The receptionistconnectsyou to StudentC.
Call z
* Tell StudentC vour name.
PhoneStudentA. Sayyou arechecking
informationabouta new customer.

Taskz page1,2
@| li*.mt-; 5GL,r*rcio ixst-t-r-+]
St*rdemtffi (crr:,:;c,n.J *c-ffit-: t #l T Ei,r-:j-i:{or,tJe3
11?nnl.it, :*iiana riu,ril'Dui. Cl'j'O ?OC
Call t
You are Dave Reynolds'colleague. He is in a
meeting.Answer the phone and useyour real
name.Offer to take a message.Ask questions
to completethe telephonemessagepad. tell Task1 Page14
StudentA that you will give Dave the message.
" , " , " 0 x # * ' a#
Pad You are an actor / actressstarring in a new
advertisingcampaign for Dominion. The pR
F*,v*, Managermeetsyou at the airport. This is
your first meeting.
t*l*,**** v:ftyr-:#;
w Respondto the PRManager's
**r:rpeny; introduction and greeting.
T*i. nn., * Answer the PRManager'squestion about
fft*xs*'g*, your journey.

Call z Task2 Page1.6

Start the call. Ask to speakto Isabel Meira.
You want Isabel to call you back.Answer the St**demt
questions.Thank StudentA for their help
and say goodbye. You are a businessconsultant.you arrive at
Lombard Industries to give a presentation.
The Training Managermeetsyou in
reception.This is your first meeting.
Task2 Page44 * Respondto the Training Manager's
greeting(useyour real name).
Strsdemtffi ffnmmst{srx
*d*a * Respondto the question about your
Uselocalradio. journey.
PerfectConciergeis a new companyand you m Respondto the offer.
want to savemoneyon advertising. o fuk to use a photocopier (to copy
Cost:$250for a one-minuteadvertisement. information sheetsfor the presentation).

98 f Pairwork
T a s k 3P a g e e Task
z Page
@ @
$tudemtffi Student ffi
Meeting aim: decide on the location for the You area client.Lookat your diary.You
new production plant receivea call from the relocationsconsultant.
Introduce: two new members of the team He /She wantsto makean appointment.
Use your partners' real names and add the
information below to describewhat thev do. MONDAY 16th
Student A J-3;SQpm produc*ivit; rnee*ing
Responsiblefor organising the move TUESDAY 171h
Student C lO6rn1* pm .*ta{{ appraisals
Human ResourcesManager
Is communicating with staff about the move WEDNESDAY l Bth
?*lQ,3Oarn{inish report
tl6m-l*:5Qprnrneetiry *i+h AEO
:-+prn meet visitors frorn

S Mei vo* o{{ice
Situation I FRIDAY 201h

g-Q,3O Am prepare {iSures{or {inance

Use the prompts to write questions.Ask
r r r q s r t r \ 3 J3r3O*5' p y r \ +inance
I J V - p P"n - l t r w l F \ ( # F mee*ing
rrrqgT tr\3
StudentA the questions.Use expressions
from the lessonto respond to their answer. ry1-ee"s'*w*st*"str1 |e4ry4r1tTff*e4ry*1*4@ry***::€r4@Frry.. ".-."",${

Stationerv Who /llcontact?

Meetingroom How /l /bookz
1, Page
Task 4e
Situation 2 f@
Use the information below to answerStudent Stnrdsmt
As questions.Explain company proceduresand
give advice.Checkthat StudentA understands. Conversation I
Ghecklist Done When
Park car
Advice: On left of car park A r r a n gceh a i rfso r rles-ferdarr
Procedure:Contact reception for a parking
P l u gi nt h e0 H P do i* in 5 v"rin,.i*es
Security pass tothetable
,f tnrs fnornl!,3

Advice: Go to the securityoffice, next to

Write'Welcome'on do no"v
,, reception theflipchart
Procedure:Need to bring some
Set up the screen f rres-1'ercia'r
identification (for example a nttrM;ri:lwli#4lesireryg:CSa1'r%4''+a:!! .*"".*-, ---*.d,@sl@ff{'4

passportor driving licence)

Conversation 2
3 Page
l@| Arrange
$tudent ffi P l u gi nt h el a p t o p
At the meeting,suggest this ideaor one of Putcoffeecups .
your own to celebratethe companylaunch: o na t a b l e

a partyin a castlewith classicalmusicians Putanextension B,

l e a dn e x t t o t h0eH r y
and a banquet.
Turnthelighton i'

Pairworka 99
z Pase
Task 50 Task
1, Page
|@ J@
StudentB $tudent B
Listento StudentA describesome sales Call t
figures.Then describethesesalesfigures to You arethe supplier.You work for GMH
StudentA. with a problem.
Printing.A clienttelephones
Month Sales Month Sales E Askyour clientwhat the problemis.
January €70,000 April €z5,ooo * Listento the problem,apologise and
February€68,000 May €84,000 agreeto help.
March €68,000 June €80,000 " Note the problemand what you agreed
to do.
Call z
Pase53 You arethe client.Ordernumber 5TY4431.
I@Task1, m You boughtfour largeplantsto put in
$tudentE reception
You are the SecurityManager.Look at the q Two of the plantshavedied.
information below and answer vour * PhoneAbigail'sFlowersto explainthe
partner'squestions. problem.
s You would like the companyto replace
wasbrokeninto on
CSGElectronics the plantstodaybecauseyou havean
Thursday FourPCsandtwo
4th October. importantvisitorcoming.(I'd Like...)
contactedbythe GeneralManager.

Look at the notes about KingswayInsurance trg Task

z Pase
and write three questions.Use the prompts
in italics to help you. StudentH
Claim {orrn is sent (wh.ere?) You needan answerto item 2. Makesure
Doarments are reXuired (wLnch?) that everyonekeepsto the point for this
Kingswayprocessesthe claim (how
Long?) Whendiscussing item 1,aska questionto
find out if the staffrestaurantwill ofFer
z Pase
Student B Task
r PaseL1,
You arethe SecurityManager.Lookat the |@|
notesand write threequestions.Askyour $tudente
partnerto clarifywherenecessary.
' Thereceptionist putsthrougha call.
report isn't cornplete(wLA?)
* Answerthe phoneand sayyour name.
report ready (wh.en?)
inscrrancecompanywill pay ou* (when?) o Greetthe caller.
Useful phrases
Coul,dyou expLnnwhgz
CouLdgou jwt cl,arify... ?
Can.I jr.tstcheck... ?
So,... ?

100I Pairurork
Pase65 z Pase68
@Task3 I@Task
Stude*lt S Studes"ltffi
You are the SalesDirector.You are in charge You are a hotel manager.
of making sure that people keep to the point. You will receivea phone call from an events
Agenda item: Should production move to managerwho wants to negotiatethe price of
Asia? rooms for a group booking.
You want all production moved to Asia. Look at the information below and decide
* If production is moved to Asia, they will what you could ofFer.
be able to make the fans quickly and Use polite phrasesto acceptand refuseoffers
cheaply. or to give yourself time to think.
* If production does not move to Asia, Hotel information
your company will not be able to meet
The hotel offers a discount for groups of to
the increasein orders.
staying at the hotel on the same dates.
AOB 1-4 guests no discount
The buyer from a supermarketchain phoned 5-10guests 15per cent discount
just beforethe meeting.He wants to place a
10+guests 25 per cent discount
large order. Is it OK to agree?
Price:$1s0per personper night including
breakfastand dinner. (all ratesare negotiable)
1, Page
67 Additional information:
I@ The hotel is usually quiet January-April.
StudentB It is possibleto negotiatea lower price for
guestswho do not have breakfastand dinner
Your company is launching a new website.
at the hotel.
StudentA is a project manager for the web
designcompany,and is going to call you to
negotiatea new deadline.Look at the
following information, then take the call and Task
3 Pase
listen to StudentAs proposal.Respondto
the proposal then reach an agreement. StudentB
&e * &$ . r* $ & &$ &s $ $ e $ &$ * * * $ $ $' Youarean HR representative. Lookat the
possiblereasons for poorstaffattendance and
To do', tick theturoideasyou think aremostimportant.
remember .- flCIex+nae.x7flhfu&s
0n I Staffdo not respectthe rules.
wehsitepraydt. I Theyaretakingsickleaveinsteadof
a (onpetitorjs iaunchigtheir:website usingholidays.
in 3 weeks'tirne* importar,tto laurr*h tr It is too easyfor staffto takesickleave.
before +heydol I Managersdo not keeprecordsfor staff
T Other
Thesearesomeideasthat you preparedfor
the brainstormingmeeting. Add two more
z Pase44
@| ideasto the list:
Haveattendancechartson the notice
Student C Prornotionidea
boardsin all departments.
UseTV advertising. All absence of morethan one dav should
An advertisementduring a weeklysoap requirea doctor'scertificate.
operawould reacha wide audience.
for a one-minuteadvertisement.

r 101
z Pase
Tz P a sse
l@| |@Task3
$tudent ffi $tudentfl
Use the notesto summarisepoints and Meeting aim: decideon the training courses
conclude the presentation. to offer employees
Summing up: Concluding: Introduce: two new members of the team
' Make new staff feel ru Respectnew Use your partners' real names and add the
welcome from dav employees and information below to describewhat thev do
one. theywill Student A
' Taketime to get to respectyou.
Training assistant
know new employees. Useful phrases Responsiblefor telling staff about the new
" Give new staff the And to conclude... training courses
training they need to Tham.k youfor Student B
do the job well.
Aour attentton. Training consultant
Useful phrases Are there arty Is arranging new coursesfor the company
Let'sLook at the most
tmportant poutts agaxn...
To suynW ... z Pase
To summa.rise... @Task
You needan answerto item 3.Makesurethat
trgTask3 Pase
73 everyone keepsto the point for this question.
Whendiscussing item 2, aska questionto
Student B find out if partnersareinvited to the party.
Summaryof presentation:
r Yourcompanyis launchinga seriesof
projectsto improvemotivation. 3 Pase
n Management
motivationin HeadOffice. Studentff
n Motivationaltraineris goingto visit next You are the Production Director.You are in
month. chargeof managingtime in the meeting.
, Therewill alsobe a conference on Agenda item: Should production move to
motivationlaterin the year. Asia?
Presentthe conclusionof your talk to your You want to keep production in the UK.
partner.Invitequestionsand respond,giving * If production is moved to Asia, the
ieasonswherenecessarv. production department will lose work.
u You think that your department can meet
orderswithout moving production to Asia.
3 Pase
Student C The union representativeswant to discuss
this subjectwith you after this meeting.How
At the meeting,suggest this ideaor one of much can you tell them?
your own to celebratethe companylaunch:
a classicalconcertwith food servedduring
the interval.
Your idea:

lO2 a Pairwork
P a g3er

T h a n ky o u f o r h e l p i n gt h e l o c a lc o m m u n i t yb y i n v e s t i n g
i n o n e o f o u r p r o j e c t sP . l e a s er e a dt h e i n f o r m a t i o na b o u t
t h r e e p r o j e c t sa n d l e t m e k n o w w h i c h o n e y o u r c o m p a n y
w o u l d l i k et o s p o n s o r .

T h i sp r o j e c to r g a n i s e as m i n i b u sf o r o l d e r p e o p l ei n t h e
c o m m u n i t y .T h e b u s c o l l e c t sp e o p l e f r o m t h e i r h o m e s .
T h e b u s r o u t e i n c l u d e st h e c o m m u n i t yc e n t r e ,h e a l t h
c e n t r ea n d l o c a ls h o p s T . h e b u sw o u l d t h e n t a k e p e o p l e
b a c kt o t h e i r h o m e s .M a n y o l d e r p e o p l e h a v e d i f f i c u l t y
u s i n gt h e p u b l i c b u s s e r v i c ea s t h e y c a n n o t w a l k l o n g
d i s t a n c e st o t h e b u s s t o p . T h e b u s w o u l d h a v e y o u r
c o m p a n y ' sl o g o o n t h e s i d e .S p o n s o r s h iw p ill needto
i n c l u d em a i n t e n a n c oef t h e b u s .

T h i sp r o j e c tw o r k s w i t h l o c a ls c h o o l st o f i n a n c eb u s i n e s s
p r o j e c t sf o r s t u d e n t sa g e d 1 2 - 1 8 .T h e s c h o o cl h i l d r e na r e
e n c o u r a g e dt o w o r k i n t e a m s o n a p r o j e c t .A b u s i n e s s
c o n s u l t a n tp r o v i d e sa d v i c eo n s e t t i n g u p t h e b u s i n e s s
a n d h e l p sw i t h s e t t i n g u p a b u s i n e s sp l a n . T h i s g i v e s
s t u d e n t sa n o p p o r t u n i t y t o w o r k i n a r e a l b u s i n e s s
s i t u a t i o n . A n yp r o fi t sf r o m t h e b u s i n e sws o u l d b e u s e dt o
f i n a n c e e d u c a t i o n a l p r o j e c t s f o r t h e s c h o o l s .A n y
a d v e r t i s i n gf o r t h e e n t r e p r e n e u rp r o j e c t so n l o c a lr a d i o
a n d T V w o u l d m e n t i o n y o u r c o m p a n y .A s p a r t o f t h e
p r o j e c tw , e w o u l d a l s ol i k ea n e m p l o y e eo f y o u r c o m p a n y
t o c o m ea n d g i v e r e g u l a rt a l k st o t h e s c h o o cl h i l d r e n .

T h i s p r o j e c th e l p sc r e a t eg a r d e n si n c i t i e s .L o c a lp e o p l e
c a n c o m e t o t h e g a r d e n t o r e l a x .T h e r e w o u l d a l s o b e
c o m m u n a lv e g e t a b l eg a r d e n s .A l o c a l g a r d e n e rw i l l
p r o v i d eh e l p a n d a d v i c eT. h i sw o u l d h e l pa l l m e m b e r so f
t h e c o m m u n i t yt o c o m e t o g e t h e r t o h e l p w i t h w o r k o n
t h e g a r d e n a n d p r o v i d ef o o d t h a t c o u l d b e g i v e n t o
p o o r e rf a m i l i e si n t h e a r e a .A l l v o l u n t e e r sw o r k i n g o n t h e
g a r d e n w o u l d w e a r T - s h i r t sw i t h y o u r c o m p a n y n a m e
and logo.
? Pase
Student$ Promotionidea
Use national radio.
An advertisementon a classicalradio station
would reach a small but wealthy audience.
Cost: $3,s00for a one-minute advertisement.

Task3 Page
Student D
At the meeting,suggest
this ideaor one of
your own to celebrate
the companylaunch:
an exclusivesportsevent,with a marqueeto
Your idea:

P a s6e5
You are the Marketing Director.You are in
chargeof making the meeting return to the
subject if it moves away from the point.
Agenda item: Should production move to
You think that:
' Someparts could be made in Asia.
. The product should be assembledin
the UK.
There was a picture of a famous movie star
using the solafan in the newspapersthis
,porning. Did anyone elseseeita Would it be
useful to use in advertising the product?

104I Pairwork
june: Thanks.
Listening1 page7 (cDtrack1)
M James: Hello.JamesMacDonaldspeaking.
june: Hi, James,it'sJunehere.
1 Introduceyoursetf
Lukas: Hi, I'm Lukas. James: Hi, June.How areyou?
$}awla: Nice to meet you, Lukas.I'm Shula.
Lukas: Pleasedto meet you, Shula.What's your jobz g 2 page
Listenin i.l (cDtrack6)
$hexla; I'm an engineer.What do you do, Lukas?
Lukas: I'm a student. Alex: Hello. June Shen'sphone.
$amres:Hello. Can I speakto June, please?
Alex: She'snot here at the moment. Can I take a
Listening1 page7 (cDtrack2) message?
jaavres:Yesplease,can she call me back?
Conversation2 Intrsduceothers
Alex: Certainly.Can I have your name, please?
James: Hadi,this is Lu.Lu'san accountant. jnmes: JamesMacDonald.
this is Hadi.Hadi'sa designer.
Alex: Can you spell MacDonald, please?
n-{adi:Pleased to meetyou,Lu.
Lu: Nice to meetyou,Hadi. Ja*:nes: Sure,that's M-A{-D-GN-A-L-D.
Alex: OK. And what's your company name,
Listening2 page8 (cDtrack3) jarmes: It's JMP Communications.
Alex: Sorry,did you sayJMP Communications?
Part 1 jnnmes:Yes,that's right.
Hello, everyone.Welcome to our meeting today. Alex: OK, and can I take your telephone number,
We're here to discussthe new company lo$o. Let please?
me start by introducing two new members of the
-fannes:Certainly, It's 01632960 0883.
Alex: 01632960 0883.And that's James
MacDonald from JMP Communications.
Listening2 pagee (cDtrack4) jarmes: That's right.
M Alex: Great.I'll give her the message.
Part2 ,[amaes:Thanks for your help.
This is Karim Sahbaz.He is the PRManagerfor Alex: You're welcome. Bve.
the project.He'sresponsible for promotingthe
new logo.And this is NorikoYagi.Sheis a
designerand her main roleis to designthe logo.
3 pag
Listening e Lz(cDtrack7)
Listening1 paget o (cDtrack5)
@ Conversation1
Ulla: Hi, William. Can I checksomefigureswith
you?I'm updatingthe informationon the
Jurae:Can I speakto JamesMacDonald,please? company website.
Receptionist:One moment,please.... I'm afraid William: Sure,how can I help?
his line'sbusy.Would you like to holde
Ulla: How many new recruits did we employ this
June: Certainly. year?
Receptionist:His line'sfreenow. I'll just put you William: Oh we had a lot this year.There were
through. over 60 new recruits.I think.

r tos
Ulla: Sorry can I just check the exact figure? Ulla: Thanks,William.I'll add the new
5fffi3$mrm:Just a moment, I'll check.OK there were informationto the websiteright now.
64 recruits. Wiil${mwr;
No problem,Ulla.
UI[m: Great.What percentagearewomen?
%.Vli3i*car:About 50 per cent are women, I think.
UIla: Do you mean exactly50 per cent? ffi
LJmm,let me look at the figures.OK,51
Fart t At the ainport
per cent of the new recruits are women.
Yasmin: Good afternoon, I'm Yasmin Fahim.
{-iila: Great.I have one final question. My data
Welcome to Cairo.
showsthat just under 30 per cent of the recruits '{'fvm:
are from outside Europe.Is that correct? Pleasedto meet you, Yasmin. Thanks for
meeting me.
1+sil1a*rm; That's right Ulla. Twenty-sevenper cent
are from Asia,Africa or Australia. Yasmin: Can I help with your luggagez
[.rtla: Sorry,did you sayAsia, Africa and America? n:: I'm fine. thanks.
Ymsmin: How was your flighta
Ulla: OK, I've got that. Thanks for your help, Tilv!: Oh, not too bad but the weather was awful.
William. Bye. Yasmin: Would you like to get a drink before I
No problem, Ulla. Bye. drive you to your hotel?
?.isn: Thanks,I'd like a coffee.Can you tell me
where the restroomsare?I'd like to freshen up.
3 page
s) Yasrmin: Certainly, the/re just over here.I'll show
ffi$ you.
eonversation3 'firgt:
Hi, Ulla, I have some new figuresfor
the company website.The information only
arrived this morning. Listening
Ulla: Wait a secondand I'll get a pen. OK, go
ahead. Part* At reeeptfon
The figure for the amount of new Stephanie: Hi, Charles.It's good to seeyou again.
recruitswas ... How are you?
Ultra: Sorry I didn't catch that. It's a very bad line. {"h*r1ies:Not too bad thanks, Stephanie.And
I said therewere ... recruits,not 64. you?
Ulla: Could you say that again,please? Stephranie:Fine, thanks.Can I get you a coffee?
Yes,there were T4 new recruits,not 54. fihmrlcs: Not at the moment, thanks.
Ulla: Seventy-fournot 64. Is that correct? $tephanie: Is there anything you need for your
That's right.
Oh yes,could I use a desk to set up my
Ulla::OK. ThanksWilliam. Anything else?
Yes.54 per cent of the new recruits are
Stephanie: Sure.Would you like to use my office?
women not 5l per cent, OK?
ilhmrles: That would be great,thanks.
Ulla: Yes,I've got that.
Also, four of the new recruits are from
the United ... Listening
1 page
UEla: Can you repeat that, please,William?
Four of the new recruits are from the fulartha: Are you readyto order,Jake?
united Arab Emirates. jm$ae; Themenu is verygood.What do you
Utla: OK. So we have new recruits from Asia, recommend,Martha?
Africa, Australia and The United Arab Martha: Thechickenis verygoodhere.
Emirates. jmla*:Great,I'll havethat.
That's correct. jr*k<*:I reallyenjoyeatingout in Spain.you eat

106r Audioscripts
dinner laterin the eveningoverherethan we businessand by 1990,we had a chain of tz shops
do in England,and I like that. in Europe. For the next three or four years
Martha: That'sright.I think we takelongerover everythingwas fine, then there were problems
our mealstoo.We like to relaxand enjoyour with the economy.It wasn't a lreaL time to take
food. chances.So what did I do? I bought a huge new
warehouse!After a while, we started to sell our
Jake: This is delicious,Martha. products by mail order. I was always interestedin
Manha: I'm gladyou like it. It's a regional the web, so I launched a company website.
speciality. Finally, in 2005we launched our online store.
Jake: This is much nicerthan the staffrestaurant! And now The GadgetHouse is one of the most
Martha: Yes,it's moreexpensive too,but don't successfulnew internet companies.
worry the companyis paying!
Jake: Martha,thankyou for a lovelymeal. Listening1 pageaB(cDtrack14)
Martha: It was my pleasure,Jake. @|
Speakerl: I think sportsdrinkswill be a big
Listening2 page23 (CDtrackt2) market.More and morepeoplearetakingout
gym membershipand want to keepfit. Sowe
could seea big increasein this area.
Lisa: Oh, sorry Philip,I thoughtit wasturned off.
Speaker2: I don't think therewill be any great
Justa second... change.Kidswill still want fizzydrinks in ten
Philip: Hey,that'san interestinglookingphone, years'tirne.Let'sstaywith our currenttarget
Lisa. market- childrenand teenagers.
Lisa: Yes,it's the latestmodel.Would you like to Speaker3: I'm surethe over-55marketwill grow.
havea lookt All our research showsthat older peoplewill
Philip: Yes,please.It looksreallystylish.Doesit definitelybe an importantmarketin the next
haveany specialfeatures? few years.But will theywant to buy fizzy
Lisa: Yes,it's designedfor useunderwater. drinks?
Philip: Wow, that's amazin!!But you can't useit Speaker4: It's possiblethat healthdrinks could
to speakunderwatercanyou? be an importantarea.In the futurepeople
Lisa: No, but you can useit to textand take won't want lots of chemicalsin their soft
photos. drinks.They'llwant to drink somethingthat's
goodfor them.
Philip: What'sit madeofr
Lisa: It's madeof metalbut thereis a special
plasticcoverthat protectsit from water. Listening2 page30 (cDtmck15)
Waiter: Are you readyto order?
Lisa: Couldwe havea momentlonger? Chairperson:I'm sureyou all havecommentson
Waiter: Certainly. the anti-ageing drink. FirstI'd like to hear
from the threekey departmentsthat would be
Philip:,'*Iereyou are,Lisa.I guesswe shouldstart
involvedin the project.Sanjay,if we can start
discussing the menu insteadof the phone!
with you.What'syour opinion on the drinka
Now what do vou recommend... z
Sanjay: Speakingfor the R&Ddepartment,it's very
exciting.There'slots of potential.But we would
Listeningpage25 {cDtrack13} needto do somemoreresearch on ingredients.
@ Chairperson: OK.Thanks,Sanjay.Let'shearfrom
Hi, everyone,thanksfor inviting me heretoday. Marketing.Simonewhat do you think about
My nameis BrunoCardosoand todayI'm hereto this?
tell you about how my company,TheGadget Simone: I think it's goingto be difficult to target
House,grewfrom one smallshopto one of the an older groupwithout losingour teenage
mostsuccessful online companies. To beginwith, market.To avoid this we'll haveto organisean
let'slook at how the companystarted.t openeda excellentadvertisingcampaignwhen we
gift shop in Lisbonin Portugalin 1985.
After launchthe product.
movingto Berlinin 1988, I decidedto expandthe

Audioscriptsr 107
Chairperson: Mmm, yes,thanks.Tomas,how do Tmrxn:9:30 is good for me. Thanks,Adriana.
you feel about the production side? Adriana: No problem, Tom. I'll seeyou at 9:30on
Tornas: I don't think it would be a problem for Wednesdaythe zgth then.
the production department. I'll talk to R&D T*rxl: Seeyou on the 29th. Bye.
and we can work out a schedule.
Adriana: Bye,Tom.
Chairperson: Thanks.Now has anyone elsegot
any thoughts on this?
Listening1 page38 (cDtrack18)
1 page36 (cDtrack16)
W HR: OK so,overhereon the left is the car park.
Don't forgetto seeHuman Resources to
Adriana: Hello, Adriana speaking. arrangeyour parkingpermit later.
Tcxm: Hi, Adriana. It's Tom Davis here. tuTmn:Right.
Adriana: Hi, Tom. What can I do for you? HR: Good.Well,turn right here,and this is the
Terprn:I'd like to arrangean appointment with warehouse.
you to talk about the Brotsky contract. Are you tu{a$: OK.
free at the end of the month?
HR: Letme showyou the canteen.Go straighton,
Adriana: I'11justlook in my diary ... What date's pastthe warehouse, and it'sjust hereon the
good for you? right.fll takeyou therefor lunch later.
Ymem:Well, I hope to be in Warsaw around the fu$nn:Great.
28th.Can we meet then?
HR: Lookoverhere.Thatbig building,behindthe
Adriana: I'm afraid I'm busy on the Z8th.How loadingbay,is the Productionarea.l'11 introduce
about Wednesday the 29rh? you to the ProductionManagerthis afternoon.
T"mrxr:I can't make the 29th, I'm afraid. What iVtan: OK,thanks.
about the 30th?
HR: Now, that small office,betweenreception
Adriana: Yes,the 30th is good for me. What time? and the Human Resources ofFice.is Salesand
Yoxrt; Let'ssay around 9 o'clockzOh wait, I'm Marketing.
planning to visit a client that morning, could Man: Aha.
we make it a lunch meeting instead,say l:30?
FIR: Comewith me and I'll introduceyou to the
Adriana: Yes,that's fine. FinanceManager,his officeis just nextdoor
Toxst: Great. to Human Resources.
Adriana: OK, I'll seeyou at 1:30on Thursday the IV{am:Right.Thanks.
Te>ffil:Seeyou then. Bye,Adriana.
2 page3e (cDtrack1e)
Adriana: Bye,Tom. @
Sylvia: Follow me and I'11show you the staff
2 page37 (cDtrack17)
Listening room. There is a ten-minute tea break in the
M morning and afternoon. If you want tea or
Adriana: Adriana speaking. coffee,there is a machine over here.Do you
know how to use thesevending machines?
Hi, Adriana. It's Tom here.
Afberto: Erm ...
Adriana: Hi, Tom. How can I help?
Sylvia: It's OK, I'll show you. Take a cup and
T.nrre;I'm afraid something'scome up. Is it
insert it here.Then put your money in here,
possibleto bring forward our appointment?
and pressthe button next to the drink that
Adriana: No problem. Would you like to arrange you want and there you are! Shall I go over
another date now? that again?
T*sm: That would be great.Are you still free on A[beyto: No, that's fine.
the 29th?My client cancelledso we could
Sylvia: It might be best to have tea, the coffeeis
meet in the morning.
Adriana: Yes,that's fine. Let'ssav 9:3O?
Alheyt*: Thanks for the advice!

108I Audioscripts
Sylvia: Right,let'sgo round the cornerto the staff Hffi, I'm not sureaboutthat.We havea tight
restaurant. Thisway.It'sjust round here.Don't budgeton this.
forgetto collectyour lunch cardfrom the office. How abouta travelalarm clocka
Alberto: So,you can'tusemoney? A: Yeah,I like that.Any otherideas?
Sylvia: No, if you want to eat in the restaurant, E : What aboutgivingthem a pen with our
you needa speciallunch card like this.It's a companynameon?
goodideato collectit from receptionbefore
No, I don't think that would work.OK,let me
1O:OO, they'rebusierafterthat. just go overthoseideasagain...
Alberto: Fine.
Sylvia: The photocopyroom is straightdown this
corridorat the end.on the left. Listening page51(cDtrack21)
Alberto: night.
Sylvia:Therearethreephotocopymachines; the one Presenterl: And now we $o overto our financial
on the left is for smallquantities.If you havea correspondent, DesWhitely.
lot of copies,makesurethatyou usethe oneon Presenter 2: Thismonthwe'veseensomebig
the right.Do you havea photocopycode? contrastsin shareprices.Oil priceshaverisen
Alberto: Sorry? dramatically, causingthe sharepriceto increase.
Thishashad an effecton the transportindustry
Sylvia: You needa photocopycodeto usethe
copymachines.It's importantto getone from
time lastyear.Oil priceshavealsoaffectedthe
the mediasupportofficeassoonas possible.
You can'tmakeany copieswithout it. energyindustry wherecharges haveincreased
slightly,by bewveen 0.5per centand O.z5 per
Alberto: OK. cent.But the sharepricehasremainedsteady.IT
Sylvia: Go throughthesedoubledoorsand down sharescontinueto risegradually.I predictthat
thereon the left is the IT supportcentre.They theywill slowlyincreasein valueoverthe next
dealwith any computerproblems.If you need two or threemonths.
any help,rememberto call the supportteam
on 22O9,OK?
Alberto: Did you say2209?
Listening1 page 52 (cDtrack22)
Sylvia: That'sright.
Alberto: OK thanks. [IR = Insurance representativefrom CaruInsurance,
MD = Managing Director of Manzoor sports]
IR: I just have a few questions,to help me
page42 (cDtrack
Listening zo) complete my report. First of all, how did the
@[ fire start?
OK, on to the next point on the agenda- ideas MD: We think it startedbecausethe manager
for the promotional gift for our tenth didn't turn off the heater.
anniversarycelebrations. Now, the gift doesn't IR: And where was the heater located?
needto havea travelconnectionbut MD: It's in the store room. at the back of the
obviouslyit hasto remind customers of our factory.
company.So,any ideas?
IR: OK. Now, can you tell me what was damagedZ
I think we shouldgivecustomers a little holder
MD: Yes,it was terrible, the fire destroyeda
to put theirbusiness cardsin. Perhaps we could
getthe holdersprintedwith the companylogo, whole new collection of sportswear.
phonenumberand web address. IR: Oh, I see.Anything else?
A: That'sa goodidea.Anyoneelse? MD: Well. of coursewe had to redecoratethe
C : We needto do somethingreallyspecialto
mark the occasion. Why not arrangea IR: Uhuh.And who discovered the fire?
celebrationparty for all our major clients?We MD: It was Peter,the cleaner.
could evenhavea specialtheme,with food IR: OK,and what did he do?
and entertainmentfrom differentcountries.
MD: Well,naturally,he phonedthe fire brigade
that sort of thing.

Audioscriptsr tOl
IR: Are the fire alarmstestedregularly? Mark: Could you tell me what the problem is?
&,{ffi:Yes,certainly.Themanagertestsall the Sievrome:Well, product numbers Wz 03 and SC382
alarmsoncea week. are both fine, but AH6 98 is the wrong quantity.
IR: Right.OK,thanksfor your help.I'll getbackto Mark: I'm sorry to hear that. How many did you
you if I haveany morequestions. receive?
Only 900 units. I askedfor 1,200units.
2 page53(cDtrack
a3) Mark: OK, I'm afraid there'sa mistake on our
m order form. I'm very sorry about that, Simone.
$irm*ne: The problem is we are working on an
[CEO,$ftS= SecurityManager,FO = Finance urgent order and it's very important that I
Officer, RM = ResourcesMana$erl
have the complete order for AH6 98 as soon as
CHO: What's the latest news on the break-in? possible.I need it by the end of the week.
S&S:It's all under control. The police were here Mark: I seethe problem. I'll ar::angeto send it by
today. courier.
FO: Oh, do you mean they'vefound the stolen $imemme:
Mark: Was there anything else?
S&rtr:No. What I mean is, the reports are being
Yes,product number KJZeB didn't
processedat the moment.
arrive. Could you send it by courier too?
RM: Stuart,can I just check,is the insurance
Mark: Certainly, I'll deal with that right now. It'll
company ready to pay yet?
be with you tomorrow morning.
S&4: No, the insurancecompany won't pay until
$ismnrae:OK. Thanks for your help, Mark.
they receivethe police report.
Mark: Glad to be of help, Simone.Bye.
CEOI So,the police haven't given the insurance
company the report yet?
Stu1:That's right. And they need a report from the Listening2 page59 (CDtrack?5)
independentassessor too.
FO: Could you just clarify *hy the insurance
[$# = shop owner, S = supplier]
company need two reports?
S: Melton Food Supplies.
$&r1:Well, they need a report from the police and a
$(}: Hello, I wonder if you can help me. I have a
separatereport from the independent assessor.
problem with my order, CH16Y.
In other words, the insurancecompany won't
pay until all the reportsare complete. S: What problem?
RM: Can you explain why the independent " {}: We ordered 20 kilos of cheesefor our
assessorhasn't finished his report yet? delicatessen.
Becausewe need to arrangean appointment S: Yeah?
with the assessorto talk about it. $ffi; Well, I've got a problem with the order.
CEO: OK, can you get onto that, Stuart? $: Yeah?
$iW, Sure.I'll call after the meeting to arrangean Sffi: The boxeswere broken during transit and the
appolntment. cheeseis damaged.
CEO: Thanks. S: Yeah?Andz
S{}; The problem is I can't sell the cheesein my
1 page
Listening 57(cDtrack
ffi S: Well, what do you expectme to do about it?
S{"}: I'd like you to send a new order of cheese
Mark: Hi, Mark Lodgespeaking.
and take the damagedcheeseaway.
Siear*sr*:Hello, this is SimoneTournis from
S: All the deliveriesare finished today. I can
cancel the order and refund the money or
Mark; Hi, Simone.What can I do for you? deliver a new order early tomorrow - the
I wonder if you can help me. I've got a refund'll take four weeks.Which do you want?
problem with order number 5900286M. $ffi: Deliver it early tomorrow, please.

110I Audioscripts
S: Yeahall right. Vnnessa: Oh yes,the uniforms ... uffi, perhapsI
ii#: Well,thankyou verymuch! should have brought one to show you allz
S: Yeah.Bye. Maybe I should call my PA and get her to
bring one now?
t&aairg:*rs$m:Vanessa,we need to be quick, I'm
3 page
Listening ao)
Fsitn track afraid.
ffi| Vanessa: Oh, sorry.Yes,OK, well they all arrived
$: Hello. How can I help? yesterdayand they look very smart.
t;t"-):I've got a problem with my order, CHIGY. C*rairpers$n: Excellent.Sylvie,has the press
releasebeen sent out?
S; I'm sorry to hear that. Could you tell me what
the problem is? Sylvie: Not yet. Can I show you some changes
:i'i"::The boxeswere broken during transit and the that I made to it today?
cheeseis damaged.the problem is, I can't sell Chairpers*n: We don't have much time. Can I
the cheesein my shop. just have a quick lookz
S: I'm very sorry about that. Sylvie: Here you are.Turn to the last page.
$ilr: I'd like you to send a new order of cheese C&aairperson:Yes,that looks fine. Can you send it
and take the damaged cheeseaway. out this afternoon?
$: I'm afraid all the deliveriesare finished today. Sylvie: Certainly.
We've got two options. I can either cancel the Claairper$*rx: OK - it's time to finish. Thanks,
order and refund the monev or deliver a everyone,I'll speakto you tomorrow.
replacementorder first thing tomorrow. If I
arrangea refund, it will take four weeks. ffi

l$,*: The best solution is if vou deliver it earlv wlErryrw

$: Certainly.I'll deal with that right now. Is everybodyclear about what they have to do
:r.-:':Thanks for your help. this week?Good. Is there anything elsewe
need to discuss?OK. Let'sstop there, and I'll
$: Glad to be of help. Bye. seeyou all next week.
Right, I think we've coveredeverythingon the
# l . , ^ A . ,
qWffiI .Listening
. r
1 pages? (fDtraek27) : agenda.John, you'll get onto head office, and
w Sylviawill look at the figuresagain.This is a
good point to finish. Thank you for all your
{J}eairperson:OK, we're running out of time. Let's ideason how to solvethe problem. I'll send
move on to the next point. Interviewingnew out the minutes of this meetingto you
staff for the spa.Steve,could you tell us how tomorrow.
'ti*,rtx" Right, is that everything?Let'sgo and get a
Sure.lVe have most of the staff that we coffee.
need.But n'e still have to employ a new
receprlonlsi. OK, so we're all agreedon the areasthat will
help productivity to increase.Does anyone
Sylvie: Couldn't someonefrom the hotel work on have any other business?No? OK, let's finish
receptlon? there and I'11seeyou at next month's meeting.
Chninperson: That'sa good idea.Steve,speakto
the PersonnelManaeerand get back to me. ffiffiIKEFE

li*r'*: OK. Kff;lffiEq ListeningpaEe6s {Cffitraek3s)

Chairpersorl: \\-har about the uniforms?
Sylvie: Could \\-eolu;s.r-iaik about the opening Part 1
party? Gordon, I know that we both want this project to
Chairperson: Not ar tri :r.1:rerr. Sr'lvie.I'll talk move forward as quickly as possible.Our position
to you about it atrcr :f-e meerine.OK?Now is that we need more time to completethe order.
Vanessa,what at'oui ::a i::i:orms? The original order was for 2,OZO metres,then it
was increasedto 5,500metres.All our fabric is
hand-painted. If we try to work faster,the quality

AudioscriptsI ttt
won't be as good. If I employed more staff, it
would increasethe price of the order. However,if 3 page73(cDtrack34)
you gave us a two-week extension on the delivery
date,we'd guaranteeour original price. Part 1
To summarisethe main points again,first a key
page67 (cDtrack30)
Listening member of the team left the company. Second,we
@ didn't understand the task.Then, we discovered
that some of the information we neededwas
Part2 confidential. Finally, there was a changeof
I can understandyour position,Amy,but I don't deadline.To conclude,communication wasn't
want the quality or the priceto change.I propose good and the team lost motivation. Does anyone
that we receivehalf the orderby the agreed have any questions?
delivervdateand half two weekslater.
Listening3 page73 (CDtrack35)
page67 (cDtrack31)
Part 3 Woman: YesI havea question.Who left the team?
Amy: Yes,I'm sure we can do that, Gordon. Team Leader:HamelVincent.He wasa key
Gordon: Great.I'll arrangea new contract with memberof staffand it wasdifficult to replace
the new dates. him. He alsohad a lot of knowledgeaboutthe
.subjectand we had to spenda lot of time
Aniy: Excellent.Thanks for your help.
traininghis replacement.
. Man: Why didn't you understandthe task?
Listening1 page 71,(cDtrack32) TearnLeader:That'sa goodquestion.The
[@ Production Manager said that the task was to
To sum up, I'd like to briefly look at the main find ways to increaseproductivity. But then
pointsagain.First,help your staffto succeed by the Finance Director said we neededto find
givingthem clear,achievable objectives.Second, ways to cut the cost of production. We weren't
keepstaffinformedof any major changes. clear about the objectivesof the task.
Worriedpeoplearenot motivatedpeople.Next, Woman: What information was confidential?
celebrate success.Letyour staffknow when they Tearn tr-eader:I'm afraid I can't answer that at
do somethingwell. Don'tjust tell staffwhenthey the moment. I'll checkwith mv director and
do somethingwrong.And finally,encourage getbackto you.
initiativeand creativity- createa working Man: Whenwasthe new deadline?
environmentwhereeveryonefeelsthat their ideas
will be heard. Team Leader:Theend of April. We were
originallytold that the deadlinewasin June.
Woman: Can you explainwhy you didn't
Listening2 page72 (CDtrack33) increasethe budgetfor new technology?
Team Leader:I can'tgo into that now, but if you
1 seeme afterwardsI'll talk to vou aboutthat.
To finish,rememberthe threeRsof successful
effort,offer responsibility
and rewardachievement. Thanksfor listening.I
hopeyou enjoyedthe talk. Now, doesanyone
haveany questions?
To conclude,rememberthe threeRsof successful
and rewardachievement.Thankyou for your
attention.Would anyonelike to askany questions?

ll2 a Audioscripts

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