Audit Points Detail - XLSX - Pendencies
Audit Points Detail - XLSX - Pendencies
Audit Points Detail - XLSX - Pendencies
OPT0500011 20-Jul
OPT0500005 20-Jul
WRE0300004 20-Jul
CMP2300014 20-Jul
OPT0700002 15-Jul
OPT0700004 15-Jul
TOI0800010 20-Jul
OLD /Faulty/ Repair / Scrap July
ITEM NAME System Physical Variance
Fiber Termination Box with Splitter (sr) 1:8 19 19 0
Fiber Termination Box with Splitter 1:8 249 249 0
IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 4x4 Wireless concurrent Outdoor AP WAVE2 2 0 -2
MikroTik CRS 106-IC-5S 2 0 -2
Optical Power Meter 32 32 0
Optical Power Meter with VFL Deviser 66 78 12
Plier 57 57 0
System Physical Variance Audit Remarks
24 0 -24 Justify how zero became short in current audit
379 382 3 Excess Qty as per previous and current audit
- - - Justify why it it transferred to Suspense
- - - Justify why it it transferred to Suspense
100 110 10 Justify how zero became excess in current audit
115 115 0 Justify how excess became zero in current audit
57 30 -27 Justify how zero became short in current audit
SCM comments
Recounting by Jatinder
Recounting by Jatinder
1 Transferred to Origin
1 in suspense still
22 Excess in Netplus in total ( Power meter), which will be misc in and then sold as scrap
22 Excess in Netplus in total ( Power meter), which will be misc in and then sold as scrap
Recounting pending- Issuance to Electrical dept counting
Status Suspense Return from Suspense or scrap
Pending for action 0 0
Pending for action 0 0
Both Qty pervious had been issued to MD Sir Home 2 1
Pending for action 2 1
Pending for action 0 0
Pending for action 0 0
Pending for action 0 0
Net Misc In Final Remark By SCM
0 0 Working On This as Main Stock Item Code Qty System Issue (Working On This)
0 0 Working On This as Main Stock Item Code Qty System Issue (Working On This)
1 0 Previoius Issued To MD Sir Home.
1 0 Not Found
0 0 Total 22 Power Meter Excess which all are Scrap Model wise seggrigation in process
0 0 Total 22 Power Meter Excess which all are Scrap Model wise seggrigation in process
0 0 material is transfer from Docsis Working On This on physical Verfication
To be discussed with Gobind Ji
To be discussed with Gobind Ji
MAIN Stock
Date of Previous Audit Item Item Description
2/9/2023 GPE0200009 ZTE GPON ONT DUAL BAND - F670L
- OPT0300007 Joint Box 4F
9/16/2023 NEA0400010 Patch Cord LC/PC - LC/PC- 3 Mtrs.
9/14/2023 OPT0700005 Power Meter Model No UW 402X+ (VFL + RJ 45 Tester +LED)
9/16/2023 NE11000035 WDM Coupler
04.07.2023 NEA1600001 Telescopic Ladder 12 Feet
2/9/2023 NEA1300008/NEA1300003 Wall Fixture with Bolt ( For 1 F Fiber )
06.07.2023 WC04000006 Patch Cord LC/UPC to LC/UPC 3 Mtr Single Mode (Duplex)
2/9/2023 CMP2300016 PM WANI Router
06.07.2023 NE04000001 Multi Mode Optic Fiber Patch Cord (LC to LC) Duplex 2Mtr
9/16/2023 OPT0400001 Sleeves 45mm(Netplus+FW)
2/9/2023 GPE0200014 GENEXIS GPON ONT ( Earth 4222 ) DUAL BAND
2/9/2023 OPT0800008/OPT0800009 FMS 48F Fully Loaded
9/15/2023 NEA1300007 Retainer Hook Small
89 89 0 89 102 13
700 Mis In Against Patch Cord Missing Total Qty 153 Nos Of Other Spcification,
Recounting/ 10175 Excess To Be Mis Uploded
198 Misc in instead of 200, movement and recounting pendi
Status Suspense Misc In Return from Suspense/Scrap Net
Pending for action 0 0 0 0
Pending for action 118 5979 0 118
Pending for action 144 0 0 144
Pending for action 0 0 0 0
Pending for action 10 0 0 10
Pending for action 0 0 0 0
Pending for action 29174 0 15000 14174
Pending for action 1 0 0 1
Pending for action 0 0 0 0
Pending for action 8 0 0 8
Pending for action 0 2100 0 0
Pending for action 0 0 0 0
Pending for action 21 0 0 21
Pending for action 16337 0 6000 10337
Done By Sandeep 0 0 0 0