Rule 30 A) and B) Andhra-Pradesh-State-And-Subordinate-Service-Rules-1996-With-Amendments - 22
Rule 30 A) and B) Andhra-Pradesh-State-And-Subordinate-Service-Rules-1996-With-Amendments - 22
Rule 30 A) and B) Andhra-Pradesh-State-And-Subordinate-Service-Rules-1996-With-Amendments - 22
these rules or the special rules applicable to the concerned members of a service.
30. RESIGNATION:- (a) A member of a service may resign his appointment and the
acceptance of his resignation by the appointing authority shall take effect:-
(i) in case he is on duty, from the date on which he is relieved of his duties in pursuance
of such acceptance;
(ii) in case he is on leave, from the date of communication of such acceptance to the
member or if the said authority so directs, from the date of expiry of leave; and
(iii) in any other case, from the date of communication of such acceptance to the
member or from such other date, not being earlier than the date on which he was last
on duty, as the said authority may, having regard to administrative exigencies, specify.
Provided further a member of a service may with draw his resignation before it
takes effect.
Provided also that no withdrawal of resignation shall be permitted except with the
sanction of the Government, if the withdrawal is made after the resignation takes effect.
(b) If the resignation of a member of a service has been accepted, but has not taken
effect and he withdraws his resignation before it has taken effect, he should be deemed
to be continuing in service. If the person is permitted to withdraw his resignation after it
has taken effect and is re-appointed to the post from which he resigned, such
reappointment shall be subject to the conditions specified in sub-rules (c) and (d).
(c) A member of service, shall, if he resigns his appointment, forfeit not only the
service rendered by him in the particular post held by him at the time of resignation but
all his previous service under the Government.
(d) The reappointment of a person, who has resigned from Government service and
who is re-appointed to any service, shall be treated in the same way as a first
appointment to such service by direct recruitment and all rules governing such
appointment shall apply; and on such re-appointment, he shall not be entitled to count
any portion of his previous service for any benefit or concession admissible under any
rule or order.
Provided that nothing contained in this rule shall affect the operation of clause (b)
of Article 418 or Article 422 of the Civil Services Regulations or of any other rules similar
thereto for the time being in force.
Provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall affect the benefits accrued to such
member of a service or services in the previous post or posts, except the lien or
probationery right, as the case may be, on such post or posts.