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Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Grade: ______________________________________ Section: ___________________

Semester: 2 Week: 7 SSLM No. 7 ELC(s): Maintain computer systems and

➢ Objectives:
A. Familiarize occupational health and safety procedures while working with
personal computers.
B. Apply basic troubleshooting techniques in fixing computer systems errors.

➢ Topic: Diagnosing Computer Systems and Networks

Let Us Discover


PC Diagnosing
Probably the most frustrating problem computer users run into are startup problems, where
your computer won’t boot. Equally annoying are error messages you constantly run into during
your computer’s startup process. In this module, you will be given a few tips on how you can
avoid some of the most common problems that happen right after your computer is turned on.

Here you will learn basic troubleshooting.

1. Trial and error: When you find a faulty component in your computer, check it with the
other computers so that you can make sure whether the fault is in the component or
2. Check cables: In case of any device failure, check all the cables of your computer
such as data cables, power cables, internal circuitry cables, and make sure that all
these are plugged in and working fine.
3. Hardware settings: Check the hardware settings in the CMOS and the device
manager of the system and make all the device drivers up to date and all the cards are
plugged in properly.
4. Notice changes: When you notice a software or hardware error in your computer,
determine what was changed before the problem occurred.
5. Event viewer: In the event viewer, you will find the error or warning messages
associated with any faulty hardware or software.

1 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

6. Make notes: Troubleshooting is a big learning option and we can learn a lot when we
face any kind of troubleshooting on our computer. Make notes including the error
messages and their solutions, so that you have a record of how a certain problem
occurred and how did you solve it.

Common PC Problems and solutions

You are working away at your computer when suddenly, up comes an error message – or
worse, your computer comes to a screeching halt. Here are the common computer problems
and solutions that can help you.

1. Check the POST. POST stands for Power-On Self-Test. This is generally the first or
second thing that appears on a computer after turning on the power. This appears
before the operating system begins to load. The POST will display any problems found
with hardware that makes the computer unable to boot, POST may also display
problems with hardware that allow the computer to boot, but not operate at its full
capacity during operation.
2. Notice the load time of the OS (operating system). A longer than usual load time
may indicate errors in the hard drive.
3. Notice any graphics problems once the OS has loaded. Reduced graphics may
indicate driver failures or hardware failures with graphic cards.
4. Perform an auditory test. An auditory test is an unorthodox, but still effective way of
judging how a computer is working. With the computer on and running, play any decent
length audio file (usually above 30 sec). If the audio is choppy or slow, it usually means
that the processor is working at an elevated level, or there is not enough RAM to run
all programs loading. Changing the startup sound is a great way to apply this test.
Another issue associated with choppy sounds is PIO (Programmed Input/Output)
Mode. This affects how the hard drive reads and writes data from a drive. Switching to
Direct Memory Access (DMA) allows for faster reads and writes, and can sometimes
repair choppy audio.
5. Check any newly installed hardware. Many operating systems, especially Windows,
can conflict with new drivers. The driver may be badly written, or it may conflict with
another process. Windows will usually notify you about devices that are causing a
problem, or have a problem. To check this use the Device Manager, this can be
accessed by entering the Control Panel, clicking the System icon, clicking the
Hardware tab, and clicking on Device Manager. Use this to check and arrange the
properties of the hardware.
6. Check any newly installed software. Software may require more resources than the
system can provide. Chances are that if a problem begins after software starts, the
software is causing it. If the problem appears directly upon startup, it may be caused
by software that starts automatically on boot.
7. Check RAM and CPU consumption. A common problem is a choppy or sluggish
system. If a system is choppy it is good practice to see if a program is consuming more
resources than the computer can provide. An easy way to check this is to use the Task
Manager, right-click on the taskbar select Task Manager, and click the Processes tab.
The CPU column contains a number that indicates the percentage of CPU the process

2 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

is consuming. The Memory Usage column indicates how much memory a process is
8. Listen to the computer, if the hard drive is scratching or making loud noises,
shut off the computer and have a professional diagnose the hard drive. Listen to
the CPU fan, this comes at a high speed when the CPU is working hard and can tell
you when the computer is working beyond its capacity.
9. Run a virus and malware scan. Performance problems can be caused by malware
on the computer. Running a virus scan can unearth any problems. Use a commonly
updated virus scanner (such as Norton Antivirus or Avast! Antivirus)
10. Check for the problem in safe mode. To enter safe mode, tap F8 repeatedly during
POST (this works on most systems). If the problem persists in safe mode, it is a fair
bet that the operating system itself is to blame.

Common Troubleshooting for Computer Units

1. Double-check the power connections.
2. Voltage Regulator and power supply could cause power failure
in the computer unit.
3. Check the power cords and cable connectors in your computer
4. Unseated card. Loose cards could cause malfunction.
5. Check the boot sequence configuration in the advance BIOS
(Basic Input /Output Unit) setup.

Diagnosing Network Connection

Things to look for if a PC is connected to the internet or network:
● First, check the cable connecting to the network card into
the network hub.
● Check the back of the computer to see if the network card
light is on.
● Check the network cable ( use cable tester)
● Check the network HUB (use multi-tester)

Sample Diagnostic Plan by listing down all possible components to be checked based
on the symptoms as depicted in the table below.

Symptoms: Dead Computer Monitor

Possible components to be checked Good Defective Remedy
AC Outlet
Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)
AVR Fuse
Monitor Power Cable
Monitor Switch
Power Supply

3 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

Let Us Try

Activity 1. Test Me!

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Use a separate sheet of paper for your
1. When you find a faulty component in your computer, you check it with the other computers
so that you can make sure whether the fault is in the component or not. Which
troubleshooting method you are using?
a. Hardware Settings b. Trial and Error c. Notice Changes d. Make Notes
2. Which of the following refers to a method of testing a computer hardware device or
software program to ensure it is working as it should be?
a. Hardware Troubleshooting c. PC Diagnosing
b. Software Troubleshooting d. Error Checker
3. Which troubleshooting method uses Device Manager to check if all the device drivers are
up to date and all the cards are plugged in properly?
a. Trial and Error c. Event Viewer
b. Hardware Settings d. Make Notes
4. An auditory test is an unorthodox, but still effective way of judging how a computer is
working. What does it mean if the audio is choppy or slow?
a. The motherboard is defective.
b. The speaker is not connected properly.
c. The Windows Operating System is corrupted.
d. There is not enough RAM to run all programs loading.
5. What does the Power-On Self-Test (POST) provide in solving the PC problems?
a. It boosts the performance of the computer system.
b. It helps drive the operating system to control and operate the peripheral devices.
c. It generates a long beep sound during the loading of the Windows Operating System.
d. It displays any problems found with hardware that makes the computer unable to boot.

Let Us Do

Activity 2. Essay Writing

Scenario: You turn on your computer and you noticed that your system unit has a power and
the power supply is on or functioning but no display on the monitor, what should you do to fix
the problem? List down the steps in troubleshooting your computer display.

4 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

Let Us Apply

Activity 3. Making a Diagnostic Plan

Directions: Develop a diagnostic plan depicted on the table. List down all possible
components to be checked based on the symptom. Write your answer on the table as shown

Symptoms: No Sound Output

Possible programs and components to be checked Defective Remedy


Criteria for the Activity 2 & 3

The performance of the learner will be rated based on the following criteria:
Criteria Excellent (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3)
Substantial, specific,
Sufficiently developed Limited content with
and/or illustrative content
Content content with adequate inadequate
demonstrating strong
Knowledge elaboration or elaboration or
development and
explanation. explanation.
sophisticated ideas.
The information is The information is The organizational
broken down into a broken down into a pattern is not
block-by-block structure. block-by-block identifiable. Some
It follows a consistent structure, but may not details are not in a
and Structure
order when discussing follow a consistent logical or expected
the comparison. order when discussing order, and this
the comparison. distracts the reader.
No error in grammar 1-3 errors in grammar 4 or more errors in
and/or spelling that and/or spelling that grammar and/or
Grammar and
distracts the reader from distract the reader spelling distract the
the content. from the content. reader from the

5 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021


● CG TVL CSS: Code: TLE_IACSS9-12MRCN-IIf-j-41

● Milambiling, Owen. Computer Hardware Servicing 9 Learner's Materials.
Department of Education-Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (DepEd-
IMCS), 2013.

SSLM Development Team

Writer: Archie B. Catedral
Content Editor: Acel S. Monares
LR Evaluator: Melrose B. Gapate
Illustrator: None
Creative Arts Designer: Reggie D. Galindez
Education Program Supervisor - EPP/TLE/TVL: Amalia C. Caballes
Education Program Supervisor – Learning Resources: Sally A. Palomo
Curriculum Implementation Division Chief: Juliet F. Lastimosa
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: Carlos G. Susarno, Ph. D.
Schools Division Superintendent: Romelito G. Flores, CESO V

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7 GSC-CID-LRMS-ESSLM, v.r. 03.00, Effective June 14, 2021

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