RA - HDPE Fire Fitting

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Please print risk/impact matrix Att.03

Cost Center Name: High Speed Rail Cost Center No. : 1082 01 Revision ‫ مراجعة رقم‬: 0 Date ‫ التاري خ‬: 20/12/2023

Approval ‫ اإلعتماد‬:
Risk Assessment/ImpactEvaluation Team‫ فريق تقييم المخاطر‬:

Severity (1,2,3,4,5) Probability (1,2,3,4,5) Magnitude(1,2,3,4) Sensitivity (1,2,3,4)

Probability/ Probability/ Sensitivity
Hazard (H) Severity Risk/Impact Severity/Magnitude after Residual
Activity Description of Hazard/Aspect Risk(R) / Effect Sensitivity Aspect Significance Control Measures After Controls
Ser. /Aspect(A) /Magnitude Rating controls Risk/Impact
‫النشاط‬ ‫وصف المخاطر‬ Impact(I) (Risk/Impact) ‫الحساسية‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫االحتمالية بعدتنفيذ إجرءات‬
‫المخاطر‬ ‫الشدة‬ ‫تصنيف الخطر‬ ‫درجة الشدة بعد تنفيذالتحكم‬ ‫المتبق‬
‫ي‬ ‫الخطر‬
‫تأثي الخطر‬
‫ر‬ /‫االحتمالية‬ ‫التحكم‬
• Materials properly packaged and tied.
• Materials shall be appropriate to the truckload.
• Movement shall be only through designated routes
• The driver/operator shall be trained and have a proper license for the used truck
• Truckspeed shall not exceed 20km
• Trained banksmen used in the loading, unloading and movement of trucks.
• Area entrances shall be wide and sufficient.
• The unloading area shall be barricaded
• Fatality
• The forklift shall be inspected and operated by a competent person.
• Unstableloads • Medical Treatment
Transfer and • Sufficient space to be available for the forklift movement.
• Falling loads • Equipment damage
Storage of • Loaded materials shall be suitable for the forklift design.
1 H • Heavy loads and overloading. R • Fuel/Oil Leak 3 4 12 2 3 6
Equipment and • Ensure that the erection-pay area ground is level and compacted with proper drainage incorporated.
• Fire • Environmental issues
Materials • Ensure all materials are correctly stacked.
• Incompatible materials • Disruptionto other operations
• Ensure that materials are correctly supported on timber or metal dunnage.
• Ensure that loads on pallets are correctly positioned and strapped
• Assess the weight of loads before placing
• Store heavy loads at lowstorageheights
• Ensure incompatible materials are correctly segregated.
• Store flammable materials away from heat and ignition sources.
• Ensure dangerous goods and chemicals are stored as per manufactures' requirements.
• Appropriate PPEs shall be provided and used.

• Eye injuries
• Wear correct PPE
• Exposure to UV radiation • Burns to skin
• Provide localized shade (nonflammable fabrics)
• Glare • Carcinomas
• Workers are to wear long-sleeved shirts and long trousers
• Exposure to temperature extremes • Fatigue
• Provide shade where practical
H • Wing R • Heat stress 4 3 12 1 3 3
2 Working Outdoor • Provide clean, cool drinking water D Ensure regular/short rest breaks
• Rain • Dehydration
• Wear gloves when handling or picking up items of equipment from the ground
• Dust exposure D Poor visibility • Hyperthermia
• Provide wing protection where practicable – fireproof tarpaulin
• Insect bites • Hypothermia
• Provide dust suppression in the form of water.
• Stress

A I 0 0
• Pinch points • Implement regular equipment inspections and logbook system.
• Shear points • Equipment to be tagged with an“Out of Service” tag and
• Accidental start isolated before being worked on and earthed if required.
• Equipment failure • Equipment to be fitted with an adequate muffler system.
• Noise • Medical treatment • Personnelto wear hearingprotectionwherewarranted
• Vibration • Health effects • Equipment to be fitted with acoustic shielding
Operation of Stationary H • Thermal R • Stress 3 3 9 • All hot pipes and surfaces to correctly lagged/shielded 1 5 5
Equipment • Fire/explosion • Property and equipment damage • Ensure fire extinguisher is available within the equipment
• Over rev/speed • Fire and explosion • Ensure proper refuelling system is implemented
• Over pressurization • Fueling is only to be undertaken by trained personnel
• Limited or poor access • Machines to be fitted with removable covers for easy access for maintenance purposes.
• Fuelspillages
A I 0 0
D Avoid manual handling by usingspecialbeams.
D Teamlifting (e.g. several workers to handle large loads)
D Using manually operated load handling) e.g. trolley,
• Heavy loads chain–block, forklift, wheelbarrow)
• Poor ergonomics D All assist lifting equipment shall be maintained and inspected.
• Slippery objects D Dividing the load into smaller packages to reduce the weight.
• Slippery surfaces • Reduce duration& frequency of manual handling
• Jammed objects • Provide adequate recovery time
• Equipment and property damage
• Unknown load weight • Ensure provision of dry and anti-slip surfaces and access.
• Fatigue
• High frequency of lifting/action Site instructions shall correct D Any leaks and spillage.
Manual Handling, Pushing, H R • Stress 4 3 12 2 2 4
4 • Pre-existing injury
Pulling/Bio-mechanics • Medical Treatment • Ensure provision of adequate free space for
• Disease • equipment and worker's movement without any obstacles.
• Chronic/Acutedisorder
• Shifting weight • If the employee knows of preexisting medical conditions, he must inform his supervisor.
• Biomechanical inefficiency • Rebar caps to be fitted to all exposed installed rebar
• Equipment failures • Dealing with jammed objects shall be executed by skilled persons and under supervision from a responsible engineer.
• Equipment getting stuck or high level of friction on moving parts • Avoid stooping and twisting by modifying the workplace.
• Sharp edges • All involved workers shall be physically fitted to the task.
• TBT shall be conducted regarding safe handling technique and dealt weights.
• Appropriate PPEs shall be provided and used.
A I 0 0
• Ladders to commercially built.No homemade ladders to
be used on the project.
• Personnel are not to work from ladders other than light-duty
tasks or inspection functions
• Personnel working at a height (Above 1,8 Meters) on a ladder
must be tied off to a separate suitable anchor point/structure
• Personnelworking ona ladder are not to reachtoo far to
• Fall from height either side of the ladder. Both feet must be kept on the ladder
• Failure of the ladder • Fatality rung when working
Using Ladders • Electrocution • Injury • Ensure ladders are fitted with anti-slip feet 2 3 6
5 H R 3 4 12
• The ladder struck by mobile equipment • Equipment and • Ladders to be free from damage or painting.
• Incorrect erection of ladder • property damage • Head of the ladder to exceed the working point by the meter.
• Incorrect type ladder • Ladders are not to be used for any purpose other than
access and light-duty tasks
• Ensure the ladder is placed on a stable none slippery surface
• Ladders to be positioned at the correct angle to work.
• Ladders are not to be used to support loads other than the
weight of one person carrying very light hand equipment.

JV-HSE-SP007 Att.04 Rev.00 26 Oct. 2023 Page 1 of 2

Probability/ Probability/ Sensitivity
Hazard (H) Severity Risk/Impact Severity/Magnitude after Residual
Activity Description of Hazard/Aspect Risk(R) / Effect Sensitivity Aspect Significance Control Measures After Controls
Ser. /Aspect(A) /Magnitude Rating controls Risk/Impact
‫النشاط‬ ‫وصف المخاطر‬ Impact(I) (Risk/Impact) ‫الحساسية‬ ‫إجراءات التحكم‬ ‫االحتمالية بعدتنفيذ إجرءات‬
‫المخاطر‬ ‫الشدة‬ ‫تصنيف الخطر‬ ‫درجة الشدة بعد تنفيذالتحكم‬ ‫المتبق‬
‫ي‬ ‫الخطر‬
‫تأثي الخطر‬
‫ر‬ /‫االحتمالية‬ ‫التحكم‬

•• Tools Materials
to beproperly
inspected packaged and tied. by the project colour code system.
and colour-coded
•• Pre-use Materials shallinspection
Visual be appropriate to the
shall be truckload.
conducted to ensure good
• Movement
insulation andshall
thatbe only and
wiring through designated
casing routes
are free from damage.
•• The driver/operator shall be trained
Hot work permit to be issued, if required. and have a proper license for the used truck
•• Truckspeed shall not exceed 20km
Tool/Equipment shall be able to withstand normal, overload
• Trained
and banksmen
fault currents andused
the loading,
be used unloading
within and movement of trucks.
• Area
the entrances shall
manufacturer’s be wide
rating and byand sufficient.
any manufacturer’s instructions.
• Fatality •• PersonnelThe unloading areawith
working shallelectrical
be barricaded
equipment at the height where
• The is
there forklift shallfor
potential be “Kick
Back”and operated
shall by a competent
be provided with a person.
• Unstableloads • Medical Treatment
Transfer and •stable Sufficient
work space
platformto be available for the forklift movement.
• Falling loads • Equipment damage
Storage of •• Heavy
Electricity •• Loaded materials
Manufacture shall
guards be suitable
shall be fittedfor theelectrical
to all forklift design.
hand tools
1 H loads and overloading. R •• Fatality
Fuel/Oil Leak 3 4 12 2 3 6
Equipment and •• Fire
High temperatures / explosion •• Environmental •• Damaged
Ensure that orthe erection-pay
faulty area ground
electrical hand tools toisbelevel and compacted
immediately removedwith proper
from use.drainage incorporated.
(electrocution) issues
Using Electrical Tools H •• Incompatible
Falling from height
materials R •• Disruptionto other operations 4 4 16 •• Safe Ensure all materials
correct routing are correctly
of cables stacked.
to avoid running over, trapped, 1 3 3
6 Injury
/ Equipment • Exposed energized parts • Ensure over
dragged that rough
materials are correctly
surfaces or gettingsupported
in contactonwith
timber or metal dunnage.
• Equipment damage • Ensure that loads on pallets are correctly positioned and strapped
• Noise chemicals or hot surfaces.
•• Assess the weight
Avoid using equipmentof loads before
in wet placing and use supply
heavyareloads at lowstorageheights
suitable for this.
•• Avoid
incompatible materials are
or temporary correctly segregated.
•• Avoid
Store flammable
flexing. away from heat and ignition sources.
•• Equipment
Ensure dangerous
and cable goods and
shall chemicals
withstand are stored
exposure as per solar
to water, manufactures' requirements.
• Appropriate
radiation, PPEs by
gnawing shall be and
rates provided andheat.
extreme used.
• Use suitable protective systems (e.g. RCD & double isolation)
• Only competent workers who can use tools/equipment.
• Suitable PPEs shall be provided and used.
• TBT shall be conducted before commencing the activity.
A I 0 0
• Eliminate the confined space entry by modifying it or having work done from outside.
• PTW shall be obtained before entry.
• Working alone is prohibited and provides a watcher.
• Flammable atmosphere.
• Isolate all sources and use LOTO.
• Noise. • Fire / Explosion.
• Ensure suitable entry, safe access and egress.
• Inadequate lighting • Acute/Chronic disorder.
Confined Space • Conduct continuous testing of the atmosphere (Gas& Oxygen levels).
• Electricity • Fatality.
Entry e.g. pits, • Using suitable tools in confined space conditions.
7 H • Engulfment R • Infection. 3 4 12 2 4 8
trenches, • Good ventilation and lighting shall be provided.
• Biological Hazards • Asphyxiation
pipelines, etc. • Competent workers who are permitted to enter a confined space.
• Oxygen deficiency/enrichment • Loss of consciousness.
• Reduce the duration and frequency of the work inside the
• Body temperature • Rescue difficulty.
confined space.
• Interior configuration

• Electrical work to be performed only by qualified electrical

• All electrical work is to be strictly supervised and formally
quality checked
• Electrical systems and cables to protect from damage from other construction processes, welding, gas cutting, rigging, etc.
• All components used in electrical work to be as
• per design specifications
• ELCBs to be fitted to electrical equipment
• Electricity • Electrical equipment not to pass through
• Ground faults • explosive zones unless it is explosion-protected
• Electrocution
• Non-termination of cables • All electrical panels are to be locked and only accessed by
• Fatality
• Exposed live wires authorized. electrical personnel when working on electrical
Temporary Construction • Injury
8 H • Damaged equipment R 4 4 16 components are required 2 3 6
Power and lighting • Property and
• Faulty work • Project LOTO system to be employed.
• Equipment
• Faulty electrical equipment • Lighting design to take into account the amount and quality of
• damage
• Fire lighting
• Explosion • Lighting maintenance schedule to be implemented
• Only authorized electrical personnel to work on lighting
• Bollards to be placed around the base of lighting towers to
protect towers from accidental damage from mobile plants and
• Portable lighting masts to be extended to full height
• Earth leads to be connected.
• Specific training shall be conducted for all involved workers

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