Sys210 final تمام

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Made by: Timaa Bajabaa (2022-2023)
Sys210 (CHAPTER 5):
*Explain information ethics and its associated issues:

Ethics are the principles and standards that guide our behavior toward other people.
Information ethics govern the ethical and moral issues arising from the development and
use of information technologies as well as the creation, collection, duplication, distribution,
and processing of information itself (with or without the aid of computer technologies).
Ethical dilemmas in this area usually arise not as simple, clear-cut situations but as clashes
among competing goals, responsibilities, and loyalties. Inevitably, there will be more than
one socially acceptable or correct decision.

Business issues related to information ethics include intellectual property, copyright,

pirated software, counterfeit software, digital rights management. Privacy is a major ethical
issue we mean by privacy the right to be left alone when you want to be, to have control
over your own personal possessions, and not to be observed without your consent.
Confidentiality the assurance that messages and information are available only to those who
are authorized to view them. The Individuals form the only ethical component of MIS such as
copy, use, and distribute software, create and spread viruses. Acting ethically and legally are
not always the same.

*Describe information security and the difference between hackers and viruses:

Information security is a broad term encompassing the protection of information from

accidental or intentional misuse by persons inside or outside an organization. Information
security is perhaps the most fundamental and critical of all the technologies an organization
must have squarely in place to execute its business strategy. Without solid security
processes and procedures, none of the other technologies can develop business advantages.
Understanding how to secure information systems is critical to keeping downtime to a
minimum and uptime to a maximum. Downtime refers to a period of time when a system is

Hackers and viruses are two of the hottest issues currently facing information security.
Hackers are experts in technology who use their knowledge to break into computers and
computer networks, either for profit or simply for the challenge. Such as, black-hat hacker,
cracker, hactivist. A virus is software written with malicious intent to cause annoyance or
damage. Such as, back door program, polymorphic virus, worm. Additionally, the security
threat to e-business include elevation of privilege, malicious code, spyware.

*other topics:

Information does not care how it is used, it will not stop itself from sending spam, viruses,
or highly-sensitive information. Tools to prevent information misuse, Information
management, Information governance, Information compliance, Information Secrecy,
Information Property.

*Describe the roles and purposes of data warehouses and data marts in an organization:

A data warehouse is a logical collection of information, gathered from many different

operational databases, that supports business analysis and decision making tasks. The
primary value of a data warehouse is to combine information, more specifically, strategic
information, throughout an organization into a single repository in such a way that the
people who need that information can make decisions and undertake business analysis.
Data warehouse is simply a tool that enables business users, typically managers, to be more
effective in many ways, such as, developing customer profiles, identifying new-product
opportunities, improving business operations, identifying financial issues.

Data mart contains a subset of data warehouse information. Extraction, transformation,

and loading (ETL) – a process that extracts information from internal and external databases,
transforms the information using a common set of enterprise definitions, and loads the
information into a data warehouse.

‫خذوا الشكل من الساليد‬

*Identify the advantages of using business intelligence to support managerial decision


Business intelligence (BI) is information collected from multiple sources such as suppliers,
customers, competitors, partners, and industries that analyzes patterns, trends, and
relationships for strategic decision making. Many organizations today find it next to
impossible to understand their own strengths and weaknesses, let alone their biggest
competitors’, due to enormous volumes of organizational data being inaccessible to all but
the MIS department.

Organizational data includes far more than simple structured data elements in a database;
the set of data also includes unstructured data such as voice mail, customer phone calls, text
messages, video clips, along with numerous new forms of data, such as tweets from Twitter.
Managers today find themselves in the position of being data rich and information poor, and
they need to implement business intelligence systems to solve this challenge. Business
intelligence enables business users to receive data for analysis that is Reliable, Consistent,
Understandable, Easily manipulated.

*Other topics:

Information cleansing or scrubbing – A process that weeds out and fixes or discards
inconsistent, incorrect, or incomplete information. An organization must maintain high-
quality data in the data warehouse. It help us identify missing records, redundant records,
missing keys, erroneous relationships, inaccurate data.

‫خذوا الشكل من الساليد‬

*Identify the four common characteristics of big data:

Big data is a collection of large, complex data sets, including structured and unstructured
data, which cannot be analyzed using traditional database methods and tools. The four V’s
of big data include variety, veracity, voluminous, and velocity. Variety includes different
forms of structured and unstructured data. Veracity includes the uncertainty of data,
including biases, noise, and abnormalities. Voluminous is the scale of data. Velocity is the
analysis of streaming data as it travels around the Internet.

*Explain data mining and identify the three elements of data mining:

Data mining is the process of analyzing data to extract information not offered by the raw
data alone. The three elements of data mining include data, discovery, and deployment.

*Data: Foundation for data-directed decision making.

*Discovery: Process of identifying new patterns, trends, and insights.
*Deployment: Process of implementing discoveries to drive success.

Data-mining tools – use a variety of techniques to find patterns and relationships in large
volumes of information. Data mining techniques include Classification, Estimation, Affinity
grouping, Clustering. Data mining prediction analysis methods include Optimization,
Forecasting, Regression.

*Explain the importance of data analytics and data visualization:

Algorithms are mathematical formulas placed in software that performs an analysis on a

data set. Analytics is the science of fact-based decision making. Analytics uses software-
based algorithms and statistics to derive meaning from data. Advanced analytics uses data
patterns to make forward-looking predictions to explain to the organization where it is

Data visualization describes technologies that allow users to see or visualize data to
transform information into a business perspective. Data visualization is a powerful way to
simplify complex data sets by placing data in a format that is easily grasped and understood
far quicker than the raw data alone. There is some examples of data visualization such as
Infographics, Data artist, Analysis paralysis.

*Other topics:
Distributed computing – processes and manages algorithms across many machines in a
computing environment.

Virtualization – Creation of a virtual version of computing resources, such as an operating

system, a server, a storage device, or network resource.

*Explain the importance of decision making for managers at each of the three primary
organization levels along with the associated decision characteristics:

Decision-making skills are essential for all business professionals, at every company level,
who make decisions that run the business. At the operational level, employees develop,
control, and maintain core business activities required to run the day-to-day operations.
Operational decisions are considered structured decisions, which arise in situations in which
established processes offer potential solutions. Structured decisions are made frequently
and are almost repetitive in nature; they affect short-term business strategies.

At the managerial level, managerial decision-making challenges include analyze large

amounts of information, apply sophisticated analysis techniques, make decisions quickly.
Employees are continuously evaluating company operations to hone the firm’s abilities to
identify, adapt to, and leverage change. Managerial decisions cover short- and medium-
range plans, schedules, and budgets along with policies, procedures, and business objectives
for the firm. These types of decisions are considered semistructured decisions; they occur in
situations in which a few established processes help to evaluate potential solutions, but not
enough to lead to a definite recommended decision.

At the strategic level, managers develop overall business strategies, goals, and objectives
as part of the company’s strategic plan. They also monitor the strategic performance of the
organization and its overall direction in the political, economic, and competitive business
environment. Strategic decisions are highly unstructured decisions, occurring in situations in
which no procedures or rules exist to guide decision makers toward the correct choice. They
are infrequent, extremely important, and typically related to long-term business strategy.

*Classify the different operational support systems, managerial support systems, and
strategic support systems and explain how managers can use these systems to make
decisions and gain competitive advantages:

Being able to sort, calculate, analyze, and slice-and-dice information is critical to an

organization’s success. Without knowing what is occurring throughout the organization,
there is no way that managers and executives can make solid decisions to support the
business. The different operational, managerial, and strategic support systems include :

*Operational: A transaction processing system (TPS) is the basic business system that
serves the operational level (analysts) in an organization. The most common example of a
TPS is an operational accounting system such as a payroll system or an order -entry system.
Online transaction processing (OLTP) capturing of transaction and event information using
technology to process, store, and update. Source document the original transaction record.

*Managerial: A decision support system (DSS) models information to support managers

and business professionals during the decision-making process. And online analytical
processing (OLAP) manipulation of information to create business intelligence in support of
strategic decision making. Four quantitative models used by DSSs include : What-if analysis,
Sensitivity analysis, Goal-seeking analysis, Optimization analysis.

*Strategic: An executive information system (EIS) is a specialized DSS that supports

senior-level executives within the organization. Including Granularity, Visualization, Digital
*Describe artificial intelligence, and identify its five main types:

Artificial intelligence (AI) simulates human thinking and behavior, such as the ability to
reason and learn. Intelligent system – Various commercial applications of artificial
intelligence. The five most common categories of AI are:

*Expert systems — computerized advisory programs that imitate the reasoning

processes of experts in solving difficult problems.
*Neural networks — attempts to emulate the way the human brain works.
- Fuzzy logic : a mathematical method of handling imprecise or subjective information.
*Genetic algorithm — a system that mimics the evolutionary, survival-of-the-fittest
process to generate increasingly better solutions to a problem.
- Shopping bot : software that will search several retailer websites and provide a
comparison of each retailer’s offerings including price and availability.
*Intelligent agents — a special-purpose knowledge-based information system that
accomplishes specific tasks on behalf of its users.
*Virtual reality — a computer-simulated environment that can be a simulation of the
real world or an imaginary world.

*Other topics:

The six-step decision-making process:

* Problem Identification: Define the problem as clearly and precisely as possible.
*Data Collection: Gather problem-related data, including who, what, where, when, why,
and how. Be sure to gather facts, not rumors or opinions about the problem.
* Solution Generation: Detail every solution possible, including ideas that seem
* Solution Test: Evaluate solutions in terms of feasibility (can it be completed?),
suitability (is it a permanent or a temporary fix?), and acceptability (can all participants form
a consensus?).
*Solution Selection: Select the solution that best solves the problem and meets the
needs of the business.
*Solution Implementation: If the solution solves the problem, then the decisions made
were correct. If not, then the decisions were incorrect and the process begins again.

Model – A simplified representation or abstraction of reality.

*Models help managers to :
-Calculate risks.
-Understand uncertainty.
-Change variables.
-Manipulate time to make decisions.

*Describe supply chain management along with its impact on business:

A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in obtaining raw
materials or a product. To automate and enable sophisticated decision making in these
critical areas, companies are turning to systems that provide demand forecasting, inventory
control, and information flows between suppliers and customers. Supply chain
management (SCM) is the management of information flows between and among activities
in a supply chain to maximize total supply chain effectiveness and corporate profitability. In
the past, manufacturing efforts focused primarily on quality improvement efforts within the
company; today these efforts reach across the entire supply chain, including customers,
customers’ customers, suppliers, and suppliers’ suppliers. Today’s supply chain is an intricate
network of business partners linked through communication channels and relationships.

Improved visibility across the supply chain and increased profitability for the firm are the
primary business benefits received when implementing supply chain management systems.
Supply chain visibility — is the ability to view all areas up and down the supply chain in real
time. And it includes supply chain planning system, supply chain execution system, bullwhip
effect. The primary challenges associated with supply chain management include costs and
complexity. The next wave in supply chain management will be home-based supply chain
fulfillment. No more running to the store to replace your products because your store will
come to you as soon as you need a new product.

*Identify the three components of supply chain management along with the technologies
reinventing the supply chain:

The three components of supply chain management on which companies focus to find
efficiencies include procurement, logistics, and materials management. Procurement is the
purchasing of goods and services to meet the needs of the supply chain. Logistics processes
that control the distribution, maintenance, and replacement of materials and personnel to
support the supply chain. Materials management includes activities that govern the flow of
tangible, physical materials through the supply chain such as shipping, transport,
distribution, and warehousing.

The technologies reinventing the supply chain include 3D printing which supports
procurement, radio frequency identification (RFID) which supports logistics, drones which
supports logistics, and robotics which supports materials management. The fastest growing
extensions for supply chain management include: Supply chain event management (SCEM),
Selling chain management, Collaborative engineering, Collaborative demand planning .


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