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pos Oui Cail Os Mum Fock Rx & se - —S| He who eae hedugh 0 bits -ocls for or raed ba Sor + b = |Bancipal a ie a Ratha OS. the. Se be bel \d_xeoponcible is © fors an_o théx, 6R_ hse omy ack sho == emolhe< sn dea ing vailhsUhvid a whe ie = = 7 Bate | | / [eeciamatS | ra emploc ana ov sha an be ie Any 7, tae! (so Ag ona joy: hd Findon Not dlis wil fe = 7 an age _ : ——finy person who _ ic [In simple words 4 “en whe _ie eT le _confsack can ap porn eM {—— sand eta E nese he mut A com thus, bh _incompeleaY penton Wi ibis INokez Me principle who t wesponsible for hisae minox ow = essen who is of UNSOUN wn lis mind sit — =_eppinted, as re b ant the cantsach ot ase because te oni nevex 4 pay "ote colbwect 9 — : i es i dple : Neout 1! Whe canbe Pai ‘ ‘Gran be Beat dAse ef major i) Nob let ase d Z Exceptions of conndesations Y Quasantee Dale wd pong : = ongidexation is no nece ssah4 a9 0a bo lives im Sukkux oma |. The (ip __amanag ea in— Ihe “Th of “a a arte cS < F ne Aine ne e oth orden ot Ee ep fl ts a er or 7 2s \dusfes} thine, ch, is neseseastf 27) Ow te ac . Mexchorile ager He con de oll och fox Sheer bai L hz bas ioe oe gis astharity bet he ak teal roe yeteotore: ar atl bey B, we. “tins ip Lond to eccves Le Koxdechs a le 408 (Kn ers 1 lecel process necessar Is J moet sioverme Ihe Me) pe sept z 2 debt, Tr 7 si A : F. = pa d cae 2 je & valid dieshadhe. fox be ast & enshlules B Fic a ent te Com on his busines of ship buildex, B chs pias ome ain malexiale, and acres woskmen , fos Ihe pusposer af coxsyume 2 ke business. } = = y | = ID nevtra actos on me: . Te sach shy fa _— hes. cx \ a ca Gracy | = ott ae hom op bya f becson ae q jp en sithout’ hrs authent = inca Effect af abhi —>——Prinep - Elect Disauon lohere ods ase done |. a ee ce ghee hac ah (Goifenk o be exbmned os _wnpli: =I) ay Pt | dts eu Sud acts. +4 lect Dicoum 197 Rakifealione =™Pret er satis Key 8 tbs pom lous oxity lenda?% money bec. ‘pfecoe B 4 ei Date __jaces pe _ yr oa an Bix pons fe m4 Bs Pond - implies q__*a - : Kno wuisite fox valicf salification: No eat cath can be sn ale. foxy a pssson. tant kknoule. of fhe facls of the. ‘case. is satel Tyler eat and Bimal mad hoses. [hi know! ati pi caBons -Suc Tse ald). ao j paincipal waif a Ike teansadtion ushich is me ficial Eli land wefeck Ihe weet Rak-+ecabon of rmaukizig ack cannot ssn ppexson. at , pe tay atl opp nal [he ace cannol law onolh He pesfosm ac The pases! is plied iat Le Pete peal ) Colleen of teade iD Nalars a Ths agency i Expl a sn} She \n en of Wee ogeney ‘i SS A eub- agent ic Yee ert of Ihe agent: 0 “nt 0 He the aaah a nat ‘te he principal» Pag at -eapontliy fox cuba: enka faut pancipal. iy of principal. m__tach | code , | Ike agent will i eSpos Ho the. Principal ema “thhiscl paw ) Pow Ihe ae. of himncelf core) Pos Ibe “ac “of Soo 24 he Pring pal is_ nok -=Sponsit Ihe Ris ng ‘olen not Espen, i he printipall but to / le. —Sainal aseut. When om. aq jet ints a pesion, £6 at | she pst a Ihe. consent ov uthosteu pal. anol if the L Med = pena, ample “will ra be tonsidexed as $ the agent, cub panies i r Seeks ceays ! Tihuetsolions 2 2 _ Se ‘5 i = to sel his (Ws) estobe bay auction, ariel to employ lan auchoneex fos Se Puspose 8 vames_ C, an auctioneer, te concluct Ihe sale. Cc is Sa 2. is A's aseat fox jhe comdue of Ike sale. ie os B a_meschual in K axachi : wecove’ Ihe smencue ue to A fee Instsude icitow, to take lecal < ——_lagginsk Cond Co,, fxr Ihe _mecoveny sf lhe ps D_ is net a Sub= agent bats. | G< ent oS A 4 U t } 1 2 19S Asent’ dubu to select An shhex agent for Lid paincipal. t we bound exexdise [he sam z 7 amount of discsetion as aman of. ! Si dene. 0: ise in bi : Se. Nie : pe oe SS actos 2 “Texminalion (acta te) Gracy ores t a rs an vey in are omatley agency» of Such noche Pa bE be teamninele ssa in pan ‘pal i +... |Seebesng 20%, ; — lush. pain >a) ama. Teele » anevada custhest Fre ppl ny ele fist ec to | bis agent. ata Fine belle 4 — bind the ra —_Biinei a. 333. aX me. rea Wher, he eral jCompensa fon__-fes xevocahion bu psmcpael , Os enunciation bur agent | | exe. is contract On Se SK pCe? (Kal the moplied Et Crake) be such case if rsevocahien dene by pzincipal Compen scale to Ne agent: Nice vewsa - Nokice of. ssevocation / Fax wevacabion do the ast leu he Peep senunciahton . the /wseasmable /moktee | mu 5 14 senune to nepal bs f - on © a ox wenunciaten may lee either fay express ow implied : Gracy Tre dewminalon 0 does mot_dake. hypect befece if ecu Known te fbn aos tegyrs)_ ax _befewe it becom Layo te Whiea_ posh the_ “euthosibey [Sf om ogee Oy Ogee meane si Tt ie he e st hreaxmable _cavs in _and Preser vation _sf he = enbusted to. him, "ie pn eor beam fone _scumdamind) » aadaf) Gracy Ttemination of subs a jens autboly. ——__ lhe fesminahion of Ike! authors causes the levwinaten ef Ike. ous sub - aaeuts appoinbeo| by “he. aspul Sal aE ad Y as sent [gente Duly te Panag: He the dixechons." ox othévuase custon./ L op An asent a be bound 4 “Te conduck the ines: his pain ccasdsne te {he tons qn ey fhe prindpal. Tn _ absence of amy such divec fone! td a to he custom whic pasrale in =f the same_kim tha e" I 5 + ucts Suc! sihen the ) acts al [Kexwvice , fan be 4 he sp act male. ak fat fein “prgsipa ‘debunk pe it ; L wearnalbfe come cuacl EkN{ to eo Usdade sein |e xtwcigs a tas -dubiee Moweaverhe is Mable lta compensate the. Sa hie mis conduct / nec genes Op ere cead uscal sesuaiyi la ey he elie nec xf |B. Book he deine Ua bach Sale G fmtectvemt. 5 aaa $ sralee Som pensabrer eo wespcs! bn less thaws. fey tshinad. — ope account te paincioal . An 0320s w oun} to xendes paspes laccounts —4o_ his principal on oR —_|A mouse, be Gracy must be submiffed whe ever Jemanded ° Koy Pancpal- ee anaes Ss }Communica te Pincioa] ™ an Articles. lk is -_ the “tay sf_an acent|,_in case 4 af fillay 1 Mase all easonable ae ence. Se? bis. paineY pal, and om seekers ) to -plotnin fis Son est: 2 aS sk ent deals on_his acount without incpa): n “hen cave je peindpal bas ane fe sepa iabe ronsaclior - Hw etsations s a dixect: B +o sell_% estate. om” lentes eves IhS stale be forse = a_mme om _ lhe ee Stale el Tunknoum to 4. B nfooens 2 D thal he wishes fu Ne _gétale. for him self, but conceals tka! dlacoxeo 9 ofiigmine | A allows B be buy ign ante entifled tho se¢ain anc othe papas weer mmoWadet ox _im movable f (he, : i se Date SS > =, autfeal -abhe exercise. of ke autbnn! See oe § be es not ng Qonds te 8 as a xesull ho aged couldnat “he delivers} ta C. Ces BR fore breach sf eombracke IB Sm A fle bread a suit, Iho A sen Ps) defend ths cud B, eto Ve sult aud) held ltabste, Sec breach to es ome) Confs Av. lewrench. Hese A ts peal comasy fos ech ovnens |b en. to! fe cindermifed wee Econses on gt dene. _d_ m iw? arf a aie _uth en an perp rex _ pang aan , Me 2 eonZsecus Yeon 6 Wea eam ar ik _COMLES rea an wa te the. sighbs pemon: for’ all chaxges, expen ny patna ft thar he inuwws duvine tr (nurse = on 2 oy J Gracy, emplagen Aprtncipl)_ f— — nage tt esieninal. act. | Where me P 2son employs am shaw th ts eximinal,! Ihe. plo: er is not ouhais (xfrem _ Am expres ‘ond eorif Compensation ba agent fers a connect kes principals nealeck T 7 om ‘an te « en! fn est sf jij Ce sf to as i butch layers » a 5 empl lous B pode af th the -Se9 ffl, house and puts up Ihe sco Wn sy Re unakalffallyh oat upl amd & coffees Poa ve Wee wae | igsing oni ft = d. al- he fe ent fox Ikeix gale arnt, wha 0 the! princi al. ai 2 a. metpal f Ihe peste fed feonh Bt Ie peice od Je adit poy __elaim a 5 st Ie _p clea, Fa Ec In a Sou an - 4 C5 ns Sa eth ~ when an ‘agent does maexe lain he i culbeszed do} and when he bo: LaF salut ecloes which is wifi, his axsthes sak dan be Rh = ich d his Spe sh omgh ally af hak he ea i Quine lees coil heauthesk, Lindl 7 icauthesb > % ing os hekwern him ond bis papa Tv ndipal net bod .uohen excess of gaenb. xpos ie net sepamble. . “ow acent cloes mese lhan he i suthenined do ble. and what he does beyend the Scope. oh his suber éannat be 7__ led feen, shat is wihtn sb, Ihe panda epasa mot beund fo nize Ihe fransacherr him - antl eo lam ousn Sum weupecs 6000. Bo may Bin Me boi ¢ Bl ot b 7 Tied peasons 8 — Bee Hebe, ne pad te _ WW pessen s undeuly mee] fa be bee authorited $e) a satel op pobksy } Ike: 4 « EON ea bai him’ Yas cach agen Ciatole., af Bt tle ea ey hits: Jon Ss haw ie fie te lo, 2 a ase chil Gracy 6: wis Vo te xeon falsely contacting as agent: ne: U U Te ko formance: 5 ‘pesen {sh ushom rm combract pas ben lenlered indo Ike chavacley of asent: is mot Lenlilled| ty wesuive Ihe exfostnante ct hil he. Was 39> sealild ecbongy not_as. agent button hés var e@ccoumt: ash onkrac is_enteved 1 foxy a —patacon appareils fn tha chaxads: as agents buck eality bn his oun accoust, Seckion: 257 Gracy

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