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Thesis · June 2021

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24559.97447

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2 authors:

Adithya Ananthan Thomas Renald C J

Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College


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Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College

[Education Service: SNR Sons Charitable Trust]

[Autonomous Institution, Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade]
[Approved by AICTE and Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai]
[ISO 9001: 2015 Certified and all eligible programmes Accredited by NBA]


OF T/W OF 8:1

Submitted by
ADITHYA A 1908002,

In partial fulfilment for the award of the degree





JULY 2021

Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002



Certified that this mini project report “DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF

MICRO JET ENGINE OF T/W OF 8:1” is the bonafide work of “ADITHYA A
(1908002), PRAKASH RAJ R (1908023), SHARAN MENON R (1908030)”
Who carried out the project work under my supervision.




Aeronautical Engineering Assistant Professor

Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Aeronautical
Vattamalaiyapalyam, N.G.G.O colony post, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College,
Coimbatore – 641 022 Vattamalaiyapalyam, N.G.G.O
colony post,
Coimbatore – 641 022

Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

A project of this greatness and nature requires kind co-operation and support for its
successful completion. I wish to express my sincere thanks to all those who were
involved in the completion of this project.
We express our profound gratitude to Thiru. D. Lakshminarayanaswamy,
Managing Trustee and Thiru. R. Sundar, Joint Managing Trustee, SNR Sons
Charitable Trust, Coimbatore for providing us the educative infrastructure and
learning ambience.
We have great privilege in expressing our sincere thanks to our beloved Principal
Dr. N.R. Alamelu, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College for her encouragement
which helped us to do this project work successfully.
We would also like to immensely thank Dr. J. David Rathnaraj, Professor and
Head, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering
College for extending his cooperation, guidance, advice and support in carrying out
the project.
We convey our heartfelt thanks to our supervisor Mr. K. Robin Johny, Assistant
Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering
College for his valuable guidance, keen interest and remarkable encouragement
during the tenure of this entire work.
We pay our gratitude to our Mini Project Coordinator Mr. R.VELMURUGAN,
Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna
Engineering College for the appreciated guidance for us all through the way up to
the completion of the project work.
I instantiate my sincere gratitude toward Mr. Balasundaram, Ph.D
(Thermoacoustic Instability), Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT –Kanpur
for his excessive guidance towards books and specific methods to follow.
We record our indebtedness and wholehearted gratitude to all the faculty members
and our classmates for their valuable suggestions in all the way to shape the project
work in an effective manner and special thanks to our parents who guided in all
aspects of our life with great love and affection.

Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

List of Abbreviations, symbols, and nomenclature ...................................................................... 6
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 8
LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................................15
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS .........................................................................................................19
DESIGN OF COMPRESSOR....................................................................................................21
DESIGN OF COMBUSTION CHAMBER...................................................................................23
DESIGN OF NGV AND TURBINE.............................................................................................25
DESIGN OF SHAFT..................................................................................................................30
DESIGN OF SHAFT TUNNEL ..................................................................................................33
ENGINE PERFORMANCE........................................................................................................34
CONCLUSION ..........................................................................................................................39
References ...............................................................................................................................40

List of Tables
Table 1 MJE Components .........................................................................................................20
Table 2 Compressor parameters ...............................................................................................22
Table 3 CC Parameters ............................................................................................................24
Table 4 System Specifications for CATIA V5 ............................................................................32
Table 5 Final Engine Data .........................................................................................................37

Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

List of Figures
Figure 1 V-1 Flying bomb being loaded by Germans.................................................................. 8
Figure 2 Engine Classification .................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3 Historical Trend in the Maximum Allowable Temperatures for turbine .........................10
Figure 4 Overall efficiency trend with year in TJEs ....................................................................11
Figure 5 Mach Number with SFC of rocket and air breathing engines .......................................11
Figure 6 MJE ............................................................................................................................19
Figure 7 Cross section of an MJE .............................................................................................20
Figure 8 CC ..............................................................................................................................23
Figure 9 Temperature contour, velocity in the CC at our designed flow rate. .............................24
Figure 10 Exhaust turbine cross section....................................................................................25
Figure 11 NGV Airfoil profile GOE 427 ......................................................................................26
Figure 12 Turbine model CATIA V5 ..........................................................................................27
Figure 13 Turbine Von Misses Contour, CATIA V5 ...................................................................27
Figure 14 Rotor airfoil profile GOE 427 .....................................................................................28
Figure 15 NGV and rotor assembly CATIA V5 ..........................................................................28
Figure 16 Shaft Model ...............................................................................................................31
Figure 17 Shaft Boundary Conditions ........................................................................................31
Figure 18 Shaft Von Misses Contour .........................................................................................32
Figure 19 Shaft Draft .................................................................................................................32
Figure 20 Shaft tunnel section...................................................................................................33
Figure 21 MATLAB App GUI .....................................................................................................36

List of Charts
Chart 1 engine rpm vs pressure ratio ............................................................................ 34
Chart 2 Efflux temperature vs engine rpm ..................................................................... 35
Chart 3 Efflux temperture vs Thrust .............................................................................. 35

Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

List of Abbreviations, symbols, and nomenclature

 𝑚̇Air - Air mass flow rate
 𝑚̇Fuel – Fuel flow rate
 ABS – Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
 C1, C2 – Criteria 1 m Criteria 2,
 CAD – Computer Aided Designing
 CAE – Computer Aided Engineering
 CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate
 CC – Combustion Chamber
 CFD – Computational Fluid Dynamics
 Cm – outflow speed
 CD arrangement – Compressor Diffuser arrangement
 Cp – Specific heat of ait at constant pressure
 DRDO – Defence Research and Development Organization
 F&F – Fire and Forget
 GTE – Gas Turbine Engine
 GUI – Graphical User Interface
 ID – Internal Diameter
 INR – Indian Rupees
 MAV – Manned Aerial Vehicle
 MJE – Micro Jet Engine
 Mrel – Relative Mach number
 MSME – Micro Small Medium Enterprises
 NGV – Nozzle Guide Vane system
 OD – Outer Diameter
 Patm – Atmospheric pressure 101325 Pa
 R&D – Research & Development
 SS –Stainless Steel
 T/W – Thrust to Weight ratio
 Tcc – Combustion Chamber Operating Temperature
 TD – Technical Drawing
 Tefflux – Efflux temperature
 Tin – Inlet temperature – 295.15 K
 TSFC – Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption
 U – Peripheral speed
 UAV – Unmanned Aerial vehicle
 Uefflux = efflux velocity
 USD – united States Dollars
 Yact – Actual work done
 Yth - Theoretical work done

Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

 𝛼 - Diffuser out flow angle

 hrotor – axial turbine rotor blade height
 hngv – axial turbine stator blade height
 TFE – Turbo fan engine
 THE – Turbo jet engine
 Ep – Power supplied to the propulsive element
 Ein – Rate of energy consumption in form of fuel
 DMLS – Direct Metal Laser Sintering
 LE – Leading Edge
 TE – Trailing Edge
 1 – LE angle of stator airfoil
 2 – TE angle of stator airfoil
 1 – LE angle of rotor airfoil
 2 – TE angle of rotor airfoil

Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

GTEs are engines that operate on Brayton cycle accelerating the fluid flow across the
engine, thereby producing the thrust. This thrust is used to propel the body.

GTEs have high efficiency, T/W ratio, and high operating altitude than the piston engines. Hence
prevalent among the aircrafts. The WWI insisted the importance of aeronautics to the world, but
however the concept of GTE was not known well. After WWII, the world got to know the
importance and technical superiority of GTEs, so the GTE design and GTE-aircraft design
started to spread like a wild fire. The world’s first GTE powered F&F armament was invented by
Germans called as V-1 flying bomb.

Figure 1 V-1 Flying bomb being loaded by Germans

From there itself, the concept of a smaller GTE is started; MJE. MJEs are miniature cousins of
GTEs. But they are complex in its own way.

The GTEs can be classified into propulsive duct engines, gas turbine powerplant engines and
gas turbine jet engines.

Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002


Propulsive Gas turbine Gas turbine

duct powerplant jet engines

SCRAM Turboprop Turbojet

RAM Turboshaft Turboramjet


Figure 2 Engine Classification

When getting to learn about SCRAMJET, there is a difference between combustions in

GTEs. One is, the air is combusted at a subsonic speed , this is termed as deflagration, another
is combustion of air at a supersonic speed, this is termed as detonation.
SCRAMJET, pulse detonation engine utilizes detonation, while all other types utilize
deflagration. Initial engines were made by Germans. During that time, the turbojet engine is not
that much efficient as there were no superalloys, heat resisting materials, there was a very low
max Tcc. But gradually the Tcc of GTEs increased with new materials now manufactured by the
GTE manufacturer itself.
The following chart shows the trend of allowable temperature for turbine blade, disk and

Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

Figure 3 Historical Trend in the Maximum Allowable Temperatures for turbine

The Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption (TSFC) is a measure of how much fuel is
consumed by the engine per hour for producing 1 N of force. For most turbojet engines 0.75 to
1.0 lb/hr-lb at static bed. But in case of MJEs , the same is 0.1<TSFC<0.5 Kg/N-hr. So during
the WWII period, the turbojet engines were not popular and efficient. But with time, the
efficiency rose, which can be seen in the chart below.

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Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

Figure 4 Overall efficiency trend with year in TJEs

The TSFC of air breathing engines are much lower than the rocket engines. The
comparison chart is given below.

Figure 5 Mach Number with SFC of rocket and air breathing engines

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Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

The history of MJE started from the 1940s. Aeronautical engineers worldwide started to research
more on MJE design, at the first stretch the MJE design was so complicated, then the design was
getting simplified day by day, work by work, currently to the extent that amateurs can
manufacture, also categorized as amateur built MJEs. They are highly fuel inefficient but had a
higher T/W ratio.

GTEs compress the air, mix with fuel, combust it and decompress it and efflux at a very
high speed. It compresses air through two mechanisms, axial and radial. Both have their own
advantages and drawbacks.

Both compressors have a rotor and stator. In axial compressor, the air is forced axially
through rotor and stators alternately. They provide the engine with higher 𝑚̇Air , smaller frontal
area, lower mass, higher pressure ratios. But they cannot provide higher PR in a single stage.
They need about 7 to 14 stages to produce higher PR, thus they are long.

Radial compressors are robust. They suck air axially, compress and push radially. They
can provide higher PR in a single stage, they can work in dusty environment with a smaller
length. But provide a smaller 𝑚̇Air , their single stage have a higher mass than whole axial

After compression they pass the compressed air to the combustion chamber, they mix
with the fuel there and combust it. As per the cycle, the pressure across the CC is constant. But in
reality, some losses occur that a CC pressure drop is there. In MJE, the CC pressure drop is
around 3 to 4%. R&D is underway to reduce it further. The purpose of the CC is to increase the
enthalpy of the fluid. The need to compress is to reduce the velocity of the incoming fluid so as
to deflagrate it efficiently. This surplus pressure will be completely depressurized in the exhaust
turbine. The Tefflux plays an important role both in the engine’s thermodynamics and mechanics.
A higher Tefflux provides a very less thrust while increasing the temperature of the exhaust turbine
reducing its service life.

Most of the MJEs have Tcc of 650-7500C, at full throttle have a Tefflux of about 7000C.
Commercial GTEs have a Tcc of 14000C, an operating rpm of 45000 rpm. But MJEs have an
operating rpm above 100,000 rpm. During the initial phase, the GTEs had about 7000C as Tcc.
Later on the development of super alloys, the Tcc got increased. Higher Tcc enhances GTE

In MJE scope, the air in the compressor never crosses the sound barrier so no need to
account for the swirl velocity, Mrel . However there is no space for liberal tolerances both in
design, manufacturing, even a small error of 0.2 mm will not allow the engine to run at all. The
purpose of the compressor is to reduce the velocity of the incoming air while continuing intake at
rest. In the CD arrangement, the impeller transfers enormous KE to the fluid, while the diffuser
converts the KE to PE. This surplus pressure will be converted into kinetic velocity in the

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Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

exhaust turbine. The exhaust turbine is designed such that the surplus pressure by the CD is
completely converted into KE, which in turn produces higher momentum change thereby a
higher thrust bracket. There is a difference between the impeller and turbine, the impeller is used
to impart energy to the fluid, while the turbine is to extract energy from a fluid. The function of
an exhaust turbine is the reverse of CD.

For an MJE, the combustion chamber design has started very complex, but currently the
design is greatly simplified. There are many CC layouts used in MJE field. One supplies fuel
through the central shaft, one supplies through the fuel ring, another supplies through a special
spiral coil made up of Copper and one through a fuel supply ring.

The radial compressors are prevalent and most widely used in the MJE field. Both the
radially tipped impeller (β2 =900) and retro curved impeller(β2< 900). The retro curved impeller is
also known as forward curved impeller. The radially tipped impeller is much stronger than the
retro curved one, but the retro curved ones have higher supply values(φ). The radially tipped
ones are cheaper, has a great design simplicity than the retro curved ones, but not that much
efficient as the latter.

There are two performance coefficients for the compressor; one is the pressure value,
another one is the supply value. The supply value φ states that how much percent of the
impeller’s peripheral speed is the impeller’s absolute gas speed. Let’s consider a 33 mm OD. An
optimum rpm of 250000 rpm, thee peripheral speed is about 432 ms-1, for a radially tipped
impeller the φ is about 0.25 to 0.27.
The expression for φ = 𝑐 where u is the peripheral speed, cm is the absolute gas speed. In
our problem, the cm => 117 ms-1 which means the impeller would push the air along the thrust
axis at a velocity of 117 ms-1 when given an rpm of 250000 rpm. Of course there will be blade
slip but it will be negligible considering our smaller cross section.

The compressor diffuser can be made from ABS but the exhaust diffuser should be made
up of heat resisting alloys considering the higher fluid temperature exiting from the combustion
chamber. A higher level of smoothness in the diffuser section will promote the boundary layer
separation, a bit of roughness is to be maintained. The ID of the diffuser must be at least 1.15
times the OD of the impeller since the air will be highly turbulent and swirling in that section.
The CD diameter should be at a minimum of 1.6 times the OD of the impeller, so that
considerable compression is done.

The axial blade heights are smaller for mass flow rates, so they will incur heavy losses in
this arena. However, using radial turbine increases the mass of the MJE, so an axial turbine is
made specifically to suit the throughput of the compressor, then used.

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Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

Since the MJE is subjected to severe rotational stresses, many specialized accessories
were used, some of which are not available nearby. Due to high rotational speeds, steel ball
bearings won’t sustain, a ceramic or hybrid bearing must be used. The bearings must be air
cooled, the ball bearings must be lubricated well for efficient and proper functioning. To reduce
the fuel tank size, the fuel for the MJE is used for lubrication. About 5% of lubricant is mixed
with the fuel. The lubricants are usually Aeroshell turbine oil which is an expensive one, for our
purpose a 2 stroke engine oil will do. There is a thing called Specific Engine Weight
(SEW), the ratio of the engine weight to the thrust force in N. It says that how much the engine
need to carry fuel and engine payload. A lower SEW is a need for a supersonic aircraft. The
SEW of an engine depends on

 Pressure ratio of the compressor

 Air induction capacity of the inlet
 Frontal area of the engine
 Length of the engine
 Turbine inlet temperature T: because it
 determines the nozzle inlet temperature
 Allowable stresses for the materials used
 in constructing the components of the engine.
The SEW can be reduced in the following ways in general
 Increasing Tcc
 Optimal aerodynamic and mechanical design of the engine
 Improved engine materials

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Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

1. Model Jet Engines, Thomas Kamps, 2005

In MJE CC, the air stays for 2 milli seconds. In MJE scope, the air in the compressor
never crosses the sound barrier so no need to account for the swirl velocity, Mrel. . The purpose of
the compressor is to reduce the velocity of the incoming air while continuing intake at rest. In the
CD arrangement, the impeller transfers enormous KE to the fluid, while the diffuser converts the
KE to PE. About 5% of lubricant is mixed with the fuel. The ID of the diffuser must be at least
1.15 times the OD of the impeller since the air will be highly turbulent and swirling in that
section. The CD diameter should be at a minimum of 1.6 times the OD of the impeller, so that
considerable compression is done. One supplies fuel through the central shaft, one supplies
through the fuel ring, another supplies through a special spiral coil made up of Copper.

Adding a good exhaust cone will increase the theoretical thrust further 20 %.

The radially tipped ones are cheaper, has a great design simplicity than the retro curved ones, but
not that much efficient as the latter. for a radially tipped impeller the φ is about 0.25 to 0.27. For
retro curved impeller, the φ is 0.3. A single stage axial flow compressor cannot provide higher
pressure ratio, so a radial compressor is chosen prevalently for MJEs. Critical rotational speed
and frequency is based on the youngs modulus, arrangement of bearings, shaft length and
turbomachinery weights.

The radial turbines from turbo cores are friction welded. Its removal is much more
complex and difficult. By his formulae, we calculated the axial blade height for thee turbine, but
the hblade is much smaller, that it will incur losses. The turbomachinery of turbochargers are made
up with heat resistance alloys.

𝑛 ∗ 𝑑2 ∗ 𝜋
𝑢= 𝑚𝑠 − 1
𝑐2𝑢 = 𝑢 − tan−1 𝛽2
It is economical to extract impellers from a turbocharger core, termed as turbo core.
A single stage axial flow compressor cannot provide higher pressure ratio, so a radial compressor
is chosen prevalently for MJEs.
The stator should be at least 15% bigger than the rotor. The taper coefficient of the axial turbine
can be taken to 0.95.
The most preferable 2 is 300 and the 2 is 350.

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Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

2. Radial Gas turbine design, Sebastian krauche, John Olhlson, 1998

The axial blade heights are smaller for mass flow rates, so they will incur heavy losses in this
arena. However, using radial turbine increases the mass of the MJE, so an axial turbine is made
specifically to suit the throughput of the compressor, then used. The radially tipped impeller is
much stronger than the retro curved one, but the retro curved ones have higher supply values(φ).
Unlike axial flow compressors, radial flow compressors have a very low 𝑚̇air.

∆𝑇 =

𝑌𝑡ℎ = 𝑢𝑐2𝑢 − 𝑢1 𝑐3𝑢 .

3. Gas turbine theory ,HIH Saravanamutto, H Cohens, GFC Rogers, 2013

The air will not follow the path dictated by impeller blades. The deviation between the
fluid flow and the vane is called incidence and is denoted as α1. It is one of the most prominent
factor in determining the blade slip.

 is usually 1.04 -1.11 in turbochargers.

ɳ𝑐 𝑌𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝛾−1
π = [1 + ]
𝑐𝑝 𝑇𝑖𝑛

𝑌𝑎𝑐𝑡 = Yth

4. Aircraft Engine Design, Jack D Mattingly, William H heiser, David T Pratt, 2002

The GTEs can be classified into propulsive duct engines, gas turbine powerplant engines
and gas turbine jet engines. Without the turbomachinery, no engine data can be calculated. The
compressor throughput is the most essential for all the engine data formulation.

𝐼𝐷 = √𝑑22 −
𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛽 × 𝜋 × 𝜏
After airfoil selection, cascading is the next step. Diffusivity factor is the degree of
difficulty in designing an airfoil cascade.

5. Engineering Design Handbook – Elements of Aircraft and Missile propulsion, AMC-

Pamphlet, AMCP 706-285, United States Army Material Command

The cp of air at the exit of CC is risen to about 1147 J/kg-K. GTEs does not have a
maximum rpm, maximum thrust. The thrust increases as the jet velocity increases. Due to

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Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

mechanical and thermodynamic considerations, the maximum energy that can be added to the air
is limited. For the same flight speed and turbine inlet conditions, the FTFE < FTJE
ɳth = 𝐸

Ein = 𝑚̇𝑓 ∆𝐻𝑐 ; Ep = 0.5 [(𝑚̇Air+ 𝑚̇Fuel)Vj2 - 𝑚̇AirV02]

(1+𝑓)𝑉𝑗 2 −𝑢2
ɳth = 2𝑓∆𝐻𝑐

6. Gas Turbines , V Ganesan

The 𝑚̇Air : 𝑚̇𝑓 is 60:1.

3600𝑔𝑐 𝑚̇ 𝑓

7. Atlas of the cascade profiles of axial flow turbines, M. Ye.Deych9 G. A. Phillipp , L.

Ya. Lazarev, Foreign Technology Division

The preferred material for the GTE turbine blades are ZhS-32 and ZhS U6, ZhS K6
which is used in RD-33’s CC and turbine blades. They have a single crystal manufacturing.

8. Design of single stage axial turbine with constant nozzle blading angle. Putra
Adnan, Firman hartono, 2018

 𝜙=𝑐
 𝜓 = 𝑢2
 0 = 00; 1 = tan−1 ( )
 1 = tan−1 ( 𝜙 )
−1 1
 2 = tan (𝜙)

There are three parts of cross section for turbine blade that is the hub, mean, and tip
profiles. The maximum turbine staggering is 0-200. The airfoil profiles can be replaced with flat
plate curves reducing the cost, and manufacturing complexity. 0.5 mm clearance is preferable.
The twisting angle cannot be achieved by changing the radius of curvature of the airfoil however
only by the pitch of airfoil.

The 1 is 00. For calculating the 1, the flow coefficients , are calculated.

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9. Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook, Boyce, Meherwan P, 2002

In radial compressors, pre swirl affects the overall Mrel.

10. Gas Turbine Engines for Model Aircrafts, Kurt Schrekling, 2005

A sheet metal thickness of 0.5 mm as it eases the manufacturing is recommended.

11. Lambert Kolibri T32

 Max rpm : 243000 rpm

 Idling rpm : 90000 rpm
 Engine diameter : 66 mm
 EGT (at full throttle) : 6800C
 Pressure ratio : 2.2
 Air mass flow rate : 0.05 kg/s

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The MJE design process requires certain inputs called as initial engine data such as the
impeller OD, Tcc , PR, operating rpm, required thrust. The novelty of this engine is stated below:

● Smallest ever size

● T/W of more than 8:1
● Higher efficiency

The size of the engine is determined by the impeller OD, as many critical parameters
such as the diffuser OD & ID, CC diameter, PR, mass flow rates are dependent on it. The thrust
and performance of the engine is dependent on the engine rpm, PR, Tcc. The fabrication of an
impeller is very expensive for a single piece. According to Kamps(2007), it is economical to
extract impellers from a turbocharger core, termed as turbo core. Without the impeller OD, no
initial engine data could be calculated. The search for the smallest turbo core began. From
Ukkadam old market(MMA Market), the smallest ever turbo core is chosen. The impeller of the
Chevrolet beat diesel car has an OD of 33 mm. This was chosen, there are both radially tipped
and retro curved ones available. But the retro curved one was not available. So the initial engine
data is proceeded with the radially tipped impeller. As without them in the order, nothing should
be calculated (Jack D Mattingly, August 2002). Axial compressors are light in weight, higher
mass flow rate. They are used prevalently in GTE. But in MJE, the situation is different. A single
stage axial flow compressor cannot provide higher pressure ratio, so a radial compressor is
chosen prevalently for MJEs (Kamps, 2005).

Figure 6 MJE

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Figure 7 Cross section of an MJE

Number Component
1 Impeller
2 Inlet cover
3 Ceramic bearings
4 Combustion chamber(CC)
5 Fuel ring
6 Fuel supply tubes
7 Radial Diffuser
8 Radial turbine
9 Thrust cone
10 Shaft
11 Shaft tunnel
Table 1 MJE Components

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Unlike axial flow compressors, radial flow compressors have a very low 𝑚̇air. But they
are the members who give the higher Pr for MJE on a single stage. Higher 𝑚̇air, requires higher
operation area. (Schrekling). So an MJE isn’t possible.
Most of MJEs have their rotational speeds in excess of 100,000 rpm whilst of the GTEs it
is maximum 40000 rpm. By the report from Lambert Kolibri T32, it works at 243000 rpm
(Lambert Microturbines). . So we reduced the size further, then increased rpm to 250000 rpm.
This 7000 rpm difference gives exceptional results theoretically.
By (Boyce, 2002), in radial compressors, pre swirl affects the overall Mrel. As in MJE the
sound barrier isn’t even crossed according to (Kamps, Model jet engines, 2005), no need to
account for that. Most of the commercial MJEs use retro curved impellers, because it has a
higher supply value (). It means that it supplies air backward at more than 25% of the
peripheral speed.
By (Kamps, Model jet engines, 2005),  = 𝑐 2 . It is one of the performance coefficients.
For retro curved impellers it is more than 0.3, for radially tipped ones it is 0.25 to 0.27. Even
though radially tipped blades have supply values, it responds to throttle changes faster than the
retro curved impellers. Their maintenance is simple and cheap. Now we have chosen the
rotational velocity, the wheel diameter, the supply value. Let’s find pressure ratio.
𝑛∗𝑑2 ∗𝜋
𝑢= 𝑚𝑠 − 1 → 𝑢 = 397 ms-1
According to (Sebastian Krausche, 1998),𝑌𝑡ℎ = 𝑢𝑐2𝑢 − 𝑢1 𝑐3𝑢 . But as we have a single
compressor stage,
→ 𝑌𝑡ℎ = 𝑢𝑐2𝑢
By (Kamps, Model jet engines, 2005),𝑐2𝑢 = 𝑢 − tan−1 since our β2 = 900, 𝑐2𝑢 = 𝑢
𝛽 2
So, 𝑌𝑡ℎ = 𝑢2
By (HIH Saravanamutto, 2013),
𝑌𝑎𝑐𝑡 = Yth

 Is also one of the loss coefficients, called pressure value in MJE field (Kamps, Model
jet engines, 2005), and known as power input factor in GTE field (HIH Saravanamutto, 2013). It
is usually 1.04 -1.11 in turbochargers.
Yact = 1.04Yth
Yact =163913.4 J
ɳ𝑐 𝑌𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝛾−1
By (HIH Saravanamutto, 2013), π = [1 + ]
𝑐𝑝 𝑇𝑖𝑛
Πc = 2.33
Now we got the engine π. For the πrotor, it will be half.
πrotor = π0.5
At the diffuser outlet, the Pressure will be 3.7 Patm, the temperature

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∆𝑇 = → 163.1 𝐾,
Tdiffuser = ∆𝑇 + 𝑇𝑖𝑛 → 163.1 + 295.15 → 488.25 𝐾
For finding 𝑚̇air, cm is needed.
𝑐𝑚 = 0.27 ∗ 𝑢 → 117 𝑚𝑠 −1
𝜌 = 𝑅𝑇

𝑚̇𝑎𝑖𝑟 = 𝜌𝐴𝑐𝑚 → 𝜌𝜋𝑑2 ℎ𝑐𝑚 → 0.086 𝑘𝑔𝑠 −1

(Kamps, Model jet engines, 2005), 𝛼 = 𝑢𝑚 → 150
By (Sebastian Krausche, 1998), for thickness sake, the 𝛼 = 15 ± 20
Thereby the compressor is fully defined. Results are as follows

33 mm
Impeller diameter
56 mm
Diffuser diameter
Diffuser outflow angle(α)
ID : 8mm, OD : 22 mm, T : 11 mm
Bearing diameter
3 mm
Vane height

Table 2 Compressor parameters

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CC is one of the most complicated part of the MJE. In GTE, it is the shortest one, while
in MJE it is the big one, as the air stays in the CC for about 2 milliseconds. (Kamps, Model jet
engines, 2005)
In most of the MJEs the Tcc is usually 650-7500C. But we increased it to about 8000C.
The new recent engines such as BF100, BF140, TJ100 have their Tefflux up to a range of about
680-7600C at full throttle it reduces the engine operation span in the full throttle. In order to
reduce Tefflux , we increased the rpm of the engine.
(Kamps, Model jet engines, 2005) Prefers Tcc of about 6500C, as it will reduce the R&D
on the MJE. But it will not compete with the current products. Inconel x750 is chosen as the new
material for the CC. It starts to scale above 9000C and Young’s modulus changes after 11000C.
(Schrekling) Recommends a sheet metal thickness of 0.5 mm as it eases the
manufacturing. But commercial MJEs have a 0.3 mm thickness in their CCs. We reduced the
thickness too.
The combustion chamber is modelled in CATIA V5. Then it is analyzed using ANSYS
Fluent at the calculated 𝑚̇𝑎𝑖𝑟 . By, (V.Ganesean) the stoichiometric ratio of 60:1 should be
maintained to prevent the soot formation during the combustion and high thermal efficiency. The
final revised one is given below.

Figure 8 CC

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Figure 9 Temperature contour, velocity in the CC at our designed flow rate.

The analysis results shows that the even though the reaction temperature is 2800 K inside
the primary zone, the CC walls are at 790 – 8100C which shows that it has a considerable
The CC exhaust temperature will be at 8000C to 8500C.

Can annular
19 mm
51 mm
39.1 mm
Hooked tubes (nos.)
0.0015 kgs-1
Table 3 CC Parameters

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The advantages and disadvantages of the radial turbine system was studied profusely,
due to the radial output, the swirl velocity can reduces the energy in the efflux flow
which reduces the thrust. Therefore, the possibility of an axial turbine is studied and is

The axial turbine consists of an NGV (stator) and a turbine (rotor). The NGV can
be called as stator or a nozzle. The airfoil structures of the stator and rotor is studied,
the airfoil profile of the stator is inverted while that of the rotor is not inverted. It can be
seen in the fig below.

Figure 10 Exhaust turbine cross section

By (Kamps, Kamps, 2009), the stator should be at least 15% bigger than the
rotor. The taper coefficient of the axial turbine can be taken to 0.95. As the first step, the
enthalpy should be completed.

∆ℎ𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒 = 1073.15 × 1147 × (1 − 𝑃𝑟 −0.248 ) => 229.72 kJ

The efficiency of the turbine can be taken to be 0.75.

∆𝑇 = 0.75×1147
=> 150.1 K

Its half is the separate temperature drop for the NGV and turbine.
At the end of the NGV, the temperature of the flow from the CC reduced to 1073.15-75 =998 K.
𝜌= 287×998
=> 0.531 kgm-3

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𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑣 = 0.531×455.3 → 3.56 × 10−4 𝑚2
At the end of the turbine, the temperature of the flow is 1073.15-150=923.15 K
So, the density (ρ) becomes 0.4244 kgm-3.
𝐴𝑟𝑜𝑡 = → 4.5 × 10−4 𝑚2
0.4244 × 455.3
𝐼𝐷 = √𝑑22 −
𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛽 × 𝜋 × 𝜏

By (Kamps, Kamps, 2009), the most preferable 2 is 300 and the 2 is 350. But the 1 should be
calculated for efficient depressurization. The 1 is 00. For calculating the 1, the flow coefficients
, are calculated.

𝑢 ∆ℎ
By (Putra Adnan, 2018),  = 𝑐 and  = 𝑢2 , they are 1.69 and 1.477 respectively.
Then the 1 = tan−1 ( 𝜙
) => 15.60

By the above, IDngv becomes 12mm, while the IDrotor becomes 19 mm.
𝑂𝐷𝑛𝑔𝑣 − 𝐼𝐷𝑛𝑔𝑣
ℎ𝑛𝑔𝑣 =

By this the hngv is 15 mm, while the hrotor = 7 mm.

Next the airfoil has to be chosen, the most suited airfoils here will be subsonic airfoils, so
the (M.Ye.Deych, 1977) is studied and then the GOE 427 airfoil is chosen for the axial turbine.
Both the NGV and the rotor has the same airfoil profile but the stator has no twist or stagger
while the rotor has a tip stagger of about 150. The blades are designed using the design
modeler of ANSYS 19.2. Then they are modelled into a turbine using CATIA V5
The GOE 427 airfoil is created and plotted using the airfoil plotter of

Figure 11 NGV Airfoil profile GOE 427

The rotor coordinates are downloaded, then made into a blade in ANSYS
DesignModeller, then imported in CATIA V5 and modelled into a turbine and is shown

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Figure 12 Turbine model CATIA V5

The turbine was analysed in CATIA V5 on a laptop with specifications in Table 6. The
Von Misses contour is shown below. The mesh size was 0.5 mm, tetrahedrons, rpm was given
as 220000 rpm.

Figure 13 Turbine Von Misses Contour, CATIA V5

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Figure 14 Rotor airfoil profile GOE 427

The NGV and rotor assembly is completely designed and assembled and is shown
below. A clearance of 0.5mm is provided.

Figure 15 NGV and rotor assembly CATIA V5

The weight of the whole assembly when applied with INCONEL 718 comes as 37g. The
manufacturing of the NGV and turbine is proposed to be from the DMLS.
Next the pressure ratio of the turbine is calculated.
𝐶𝑝,𝑎 Δ𝑇𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 1.005(105)
Tcc – T04 = => 0.75×1.147 → 122.8 𝐾
Tcc – T04 = 𝜂𝑡 𝑇𝑐𝑐 (1 − 𝑃𝑟 0.246 ) → 𝑃𝑟𝑡 = 1.95

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𝑃𝑟𝑐 −∆𝑝𝑐𝑐 2.3−0.115

P04 = → → 1.121 𝑏𝑎𝑟𝑠
𝑃𝑟𝑡 1.95
For the isentropic flow through nozzle,
𝑇04 𝑃04 0.248 1.121 0.248
=( ) → ( ) → 1.02
𝑇05 ′ 𝑃5 1
𝑇04 950.4
𝑇05 ′ = → → 931.72 𝐾
1.02 1.02
𝑇04 − 𝑇05 = (950.35 − 931.72) × 0.965 → 17.98 𝐾
𝑇04 = 932.4 𝐾
𝐶𝑗 2
= 𝑇04 − 𝑇05 → √2 × 1147 × 17.98 → 203.1 𝑚𝑠 −1
F = 0.086x203.1
F = 17.5 N

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The shaft is the part that completely operates the engine. It rotates the turbomachinery
at a certain speed. So there are two problems here, rotation of shaft and rotating
masses of turbomachinery. In commercial GTEs, the turbine is at very high angular
velocity and the compressor wheel is at a much lower one. This is achieved due to the
planetary gear that was developed by GTE manufacturers. So, professional turbines use
shafts of different diameters. The diameter of the shaft is different at different places. Thereby,
the centrifugal force influence is lesser. But in MJEs, the word of planetary gear and
different angular velocity is itself impossible. MJEs always operate at same angular
velocity. So the compressor wheel and the turbine is going to be at the same angular
velocity and the shaft is going to spin it.

The shaft is the member that connects all the components of a JE together. It also has another
purpose i.e., to transfer the power from the radial turbine to the compressor. The complexity in
designing a shaft is similar to that of a CC. The added factor to be considered here is the rotor
dynamics. Unlike CC, it is rotary. At a higher rpm of an MJE, the centrifugal force bends the
shaft, no matter whether the bending is elastic or plastic, it is dangerous, it injures the engine

The shaft is left-hand threaded on both sides. Based on the rpm, the material is chosen. The MJE
KJ-66 has its shaft made from aluminium, as it rotates at 117000 rpm max. But the lambert
Kolibri T32 engine shaft is made from chrome steel as it rotates at about 245000 rpm. SS310 is
chosen to be the material of shaft. As it has good machinability, weldability and a higher elastic
modulus of 200GPa, it can withstand rotation of about 300000 rpm, without the turbomachinery,
but with the turbomachinery, the rotation value changes.

To prevent the temperature of the CC affecting the shaft, it is shielded with the shaft
tunnel. MJEs do not have a maximum rpm, they raise until you increase the throttle,
while there are certain limitations for the rpm which is given by the max rpm of the
turbomachinery and the shaft. The turbomachinery as extracted from the turbochargers
have a max rpm of about 270000 rpm. But the shaft has a parameter that defines its
max rpm, critical bending rotational frequency ω. The maximum rpm at which the shaft
bends is called bending critical rotational speed, denoted as 𝜔 and is expressed in 1/s or Hertz
(Hz). It is based on the young’s modulus, arrangement of bearings, shaft length and
turbo machinery weights.
𝑚(𝑙 + 𝑐)𝑐 2
Where E – Youngs modulus of shaft material, 210GPa

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I – area moment of shaft, 0.3221m4

M – mass of the wheel, 31g
l – distance between two bearings, 51.5 mm
c – distance between the CGs of bearing and the wheel, 14 mm.

So our ωimpeller = 22581 Hz, roughly about 22581( 𝜋 ) → 215645 𝑟𝑝𝑚
So ωturbine = 25145 Hz, i.e., 240115 rpm.
1 1 1 1
So as a whole, 𝜔 = +𝜔 +𝜔
𝜔𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 2 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒

So, we get a rotor max rpm of 227880 rpm. The rotor model is modelled in CATIA V5
and simulated in CATIA Analysis and Simulation itself.

Figure 16 Shaft Model

Both of the shaft ends are fixed. In the forces part, Impeller mass is 31g and the
turbine’s mass is 25g. The turbine’s mass is found using the momentum tool of CATIA
V5 with Inconel x750 material applied.

Figure 17 Shaft Boundary Conditions

The mesh was tetrahedron and the cell size was 0.5 mm. The shaft is simulated
for 220000 rpm. This was simulated in a laptop with specifications below.

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Description Value
Processor AMD Ryzen 3, 5.2 GHz
GPU Memory 4.9 GB

Table 4 System Specifications for CATIA V5

Figure 18 Shaft Von Misses Contour

As the shaft portion for turbine is longer, there is a higher stress in that region,
while the impeller’s is small so lesser stress is there. Using fillets further deteriorated the
generated stress.

Figure 19 Shaft Draft

The shaft design is thus finalized.

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The shaft tunnel is a covering that covers the part of the shaft emerging
from the diffuser and ends in the NGV. It is used as a shielding to protect the shaft from
heat, as the temperature will be violent with the shaft strength. In MJEs with operating
temperature less than 6000C, the shaft tunnel material was aluminium. But in recent
cases, the Tcc >8000C even for MJEs, so the shaft tunnel material is changed to SS310.
Its thickness can be less, as the steel has higher strength , stiffness, higher CTE than
Aluminium. So it can be made from sheet metal of 0.5mm thickness and rolled over
twice such that the total thickness is 1 mm.

Figure 20 Shaft tunnel section

According to the CATIA V5 structural analysis of the shaft, at max rpm of 220000
rpm with the loads applied, the maximum translational displacement is 8.26 µm. So, a
generous clearance of 1.5 mm is there between the shaft tunnel inner walls and the
shaft. So the shaft tunnel design is finalized.

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The calculations are done in MATLAB and ran with different input data for choosing
reliable and optimal design.

Chart 1 engine rpm vs pressure ratio

The efficiency of a GTE is dependent upon its π, a higher π must be there. Of

course excess rotational velocities are injurious . So an optimum rpm is chosen i.e.,
250000 rpm.
Even for the same Tcc, the Tefflux and the thrust varied on the rpm. A higher rpm of
270000 rpm depressurizes the flow better than a lower rpm.

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Chart 2 Efflux temperature vs engine rpm

As the Tefflux reduces, the thrust increment can be seen as shown.

Chart 3 Efflux temperture vs Thrust

But designing an engine that works at an rpm of 250,000 is difficult and requires
an extreme precise work. In order to further reduce the time consumption for iterating
the design calculations, a matlab code is made. For further usage for the researchers, a
matlab app is developed with a user friendly GUI.

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Figure 21 MATLAB App GUI

The matlab app can perform and display various performance graphs and critical engine
parameters such as diffuser diameter, pressure ratio, mass flow rate, TSFC, thrust,
EGT. The matlab app was posted in the Matlab Central File Exchange and is indexed
on the department’s website.

By iterating the design calculations for different rpms the maximum thrust can be
produced is found up to 17.7 N at 230000 rpm with an EGT of 600 0C. So the
corresponding pressure ratio is 2.39.

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The MJE T-1 is analysed numerically and calculatively too. The CC walls has
sufficient cooling even though the reaction temperature in CC reached about 2000K, the
CC walls remain below 10000C which means the dilution areas are working properly.
The rpm was drastically assumed high during the project beginning because it was in
comparison with the Lambert Kolibri T32 engine. But with the calculative analysis done
with both hand and MATLAB, the rpm of higher thrust is found; 220000 rpm. At rpm
higher than this resulted in a reduction in thrust by 15.3% and the reduction in efflux
velocity by 23.153 %. Even though the EGT at this rpm is down 10.15%, the energy in
the exhaust gas is so low such that the exhaust cone can no more optimize the flow.
EGT of 6010C is an acceptable efflux temperature, which in 25 hours service
period inflicts no damage. Even at full throttle, the theoretical fuel flow needs to be
90g/min, which is much lower than the current commercial ones, but in reality, due to
the power lost to the shaft transmission, lubrication layers between compressor and
diffuser and ball bearings it is projected to grow by 12%. The peripheral speed of the
compressor wheel is about 397 m/s, so it produces a pressure ratio of 2.33 at max rpm
and a mass flow rate of 0.086 kg/s which is above Kolibri T32. The exhaust temperature
at full throttle is 11.62% lesser than that of Kolibri T32. Since the beginning, a lot of
changes has been brought up with the design, such as the engine rpm, the material of
the compressor stator have been changed to ABS from Aluminium, the material of the
shaft tunnel has been changed to steel and the thickness is also reduced from 8 mm to
3 mm. The turbine is yet to be fabricated with Inconel 750x on a 3 Axis CNC Lathe
Machine. The MJE is standardized as below.

Parameters Values
N 220000 rpm
Pressure ratio 2.33
Efflux temperature 6010C
Thrust(no exhaust cone, full throttle) 17.7 N
Efflux velocity 203 ms-1
𝑚̇fuel 0.0015 kgs-1
𝑚̇air 0.086 kgs-1
Fuel chosen Jet A1 fuel
TSFC 0.2339 Kg/N-hr
Lubricant 2 stroke engine oil
Table 5 Final Engine Data

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The CC is to be made with 0.3 mm thin sheet metal of Inconel x750 as its
strength changes only beyond 9000C.

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The design of the micro jet engine is prepared and drafted. The turbine, NGV are
being tested numerically as they are of the higher importance in thrust generation in an
aircraft power plant. The max rpm chosen was 250000 rpm at the beginning and
brought down to 230000 rpm at further iterations. The air cooling of the turbines will be
of further importance in future works. The test rigs for the MJE testing will be further
developed in the second phase of this project. The fuel will be brought from a heli pad
near our college, Planet-X. If anyone of our team gets the AICTE Idea Lab, student
coordinator post, this UAV jet propulsion will be embedded in our curriculum as well.
This prototype will be tested till 0.6M regime till 100 feet. An MJE monitoring system will
be setup with a home built computer. This can be used as a lab facility for MJEs and
even Gas Turbines. Thus the equipment set up for this project will be a successful lab
equipment in future.

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Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SREC 1908002

1. Boyce, M. P. (2002). Gas Turbine engineering handbook. Gulf professional publishing.
2. Cohen, H. (1996). Gas Turbine theory. Longmann Group Limited.
3. Donald E. Holeski, S. M. (1969). Effect of Rotor Tip Clearance on the Performance of .
National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
4. HIH Saravanamutto, H. G. (2013). Gas Turbine Theory. Pearson.
5. Jack D Mattingly, W. H. (August 2002). Aircraft Engine Design. AIAA Education Press .
6. Kamps, T. (2005). Model jet engines. Traplet Publications.
7. Kamps, T. (2009). Model Jet Engines. Sweden: Traplet publications.
8. Lambert Microturbines. (n.d.). Products. Retrieved from lambert-
9. Lewis. (1996). Turbomachinery Performance Analysis. Elsevier Science and
10. M.Ye.Deych, G. L. (1977). Atlas of cascade profiles for axial flow turbines. Russia:
Foreign Technology Division, USSR .
11. Putra Adnan, F. H. (2018). Design of Single Stage Axial Turbine with constant nozzle
angle blading for Micro turbojet engines. Journal of Physics.
12. Schrekling, K. (n.d.). Gas turbine engines for model aircrafts. Germany.
13. Sebastian Krausche, J. O. (1998). Radial gas turbine design. Sweden: Master.
14. United States Army Material Command. (1969). Engineering Design handbook,
Elements of aircraft Propulsion. Headquarters, United States Air Force.
15. V.Ganesean. (n.d.). Gas turbines .
16. W. Betz, R. B. (1986). High Temperature Alloys for Gas Turbines and Other
Applications. Elsevier.

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