Hydrogen-Tour - Lusatia - Alexandra Gering & Roald Koch

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Lusatia: From Coal to Cool with Green Hydrogen

New business opportunities in the heartland of German Energy

Transformation (Energiewende)
March 2021
Table of Contents

1. Overview of Lusatia

2. Lusatia: Opportunities at a glimpse

3. Hydrogen Region Lusatia

4. Incentives for Investment in Lusatia
5. Opportunities for Investment
6. All paths lead to Lusatia
7. Your Landing Services at hand

© 2021 – WFBB and WFS | Lusatia – From Coal to Cool 2

1. Overview of Lusatia
Logistics of Lusatia
Airports in proximity to Lusatia
BER: Capital Airport Berlin/Brandenburg. Germany‘s POTSDAM

3rd largest airport after Frankfurt (M) and Munich.

LEJ: Leipzig/Halle Airport, Europe‘s 5th largest cargo
airport. 1.24 million tonnes of cargo in 2019.
DRS: Dresden Airport, 1.7 million passengers p.a.,
maintenance location for A380 airplanes.

Road, rail and inland shipping:

European multi-modal logistics corridors linking
Scandinavia with Southern, Western and Middle
Eastern Europe.


© 2021 – WFBB and WFS | Lusatia – From Coal to Cool 3

2. Lusatia: Opportunities at a glimpse
Opportunities for Market Entries and Cooperation

Top priority areas:

Energy technologies: Hydrogen, Battery Technologies, P2X,
Sector coupling, Wind, Solar, Smart Grid etc.
Smart mobility: Electric mobility (cars, trains, planes, battery
and H2), smart mobility etc.
New manufacturing technologies: New Materials, additive
manufacturing, composites (bio-polymers etc.)

New R&D institutions:

DLR German Aerospace Center: 2 new institutes in Lusatia
Fraunhofer-Society: 3 new institutes in Lusatia
All established since 2019

Saxony & Brandenburg Joint Lusatia Project:

- No-red-tape-approach for joint project
- Transformation process with single stop multi level
support structure
- From hightech to large scale energy intensive manufacturing

Lusatia = new energy + new interconnections + new business models + new markets

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3. Hydrogen Region Lusatia
Optimal conditions for a hydrogen economy
● Numerous stakeholders and projects
already active in the field of H2
● Many opportunities for production,
storage and use of H2 (strong future
domestic market)
● Two Universities of Technology (Cottbus,
Zittau/Görlitz) for joint research and
staffing of young academics
● Strong push for innovation and
transformation from politics, academia
and society

Innovation campus SIEMENS Görlitz

● Strong partner and driver for
innovations in Lusatia
● Cooperation platform for
decarbonization, digitization and new
manufacturing technologies
● Infrastructure/machinery for future
production of hydrogen technologies

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3. Hydrogen Region Lusatia
Recent H2-Projects, Networks and Initiatives



• Lusatia was selected as

German Federal Government

• Institutional funding from
German Federal Government
as part of coal phase-out

• Aim: to develop an action plan
for implementing hydrogen
DRESDEN technology and establishing
stakeholder networks leading to
100% renewable energy

Source: Wirtschaftsregion Lausitz GmbH, Projekt Zukunftswerkstatt Lausitz, 2020, WFS & WFBB 2020

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4. Incentives for Investment in Lusatia
GRW-G Growth Programme for Small Enterprises

Who can apply? Small enterprises (SE)

< 50 employees; sales or balance sheet total max. €10

What will be funded? • Investments eligible for funding of at least €60,000 up to a

maximum of €2 million
• Provision of funds in advance for capital expenditure
• no pre-financing by companies necessary in the next 2

How much funding • Capex related grants or alternatively wage-related grants

can you expect?* • Amount of funding for eligible investments:

Basic funding rate 30%

Border area bonus 10%
Maximum funding rate 40%

* Funding regulations are valid until 31.12.2021

© 2021 – WFBB and WFS | Lusatia – From Coal to Cool 7

4. Incentives for Investment in Lusatia
GRW-G Growth Programme for Large Enterprises

Who can apply? • Small enterprises (SE) with investment volume

> €2 million
• Medium-sized enterprises (ME)
(< 250 employees and sales < €50 million,
balance sheet total < €43 million)
• Large enterprise (LE)

What will be funded?

• Investments eligible for funding starting at a minimum of €100,000

How much funding • Capex related or alternatively wage related grants

can you expect? * • Funding amount for eligible investments up to max. €50 million**
Basic funding 5% 5% 5%
SME - supplement 20% 10% 0%
Structure- and
Quality criteria 5% 5% 5%
Border area bonus 10% 10% 10%
Funding ceiling 40% 30% 20%
* Funding regulations are valid until 31.12.2021
** Additional conditions apply for investments over €50 million.

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5. Opportunities for Investment
Excellent business locations for your investment
Cottbus TIP
Technology & Industry Park
180 ha
„Green Areal Lausitz“
Industrial park in Cottbus and 100% RE Industry Park (Drewitz)
close to Brandenburg
University of Technology 209 ha
Airfield Schipkau /
Industrial Park „Schwarzheide“ dedicated to new energy and
mobility with 100% Renewable
125 ha Energy concept
Former airfield close to Industrial
Park Schwarzheide with excellent
logistics connection GOLSSEN
Industrial Park „Schwarze Pumpe“

250 ha

excellent industrial infrastructure


Industrial Park „Rietschen“
Industrial Park „Boxberg“ SCHWARZHEIDE
50 ha
13 ha transition to future industries
R&D location for carbon fiber

Industrial Park „Görlitz Ebersbach“

Industrial Park „Kamenz“
10 ha highly skilled workforce and great
different industrial hall sizes, that transport infrastructure
are ready to move in ZITTAU

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5. Opportunities for Investment
Industrial Park „Schwarze Pumpe“

BigBattery Available industrial areas Renewable Energies

Railway Hub

Available industrial areas

250 hectares more, available in 2023

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6. All paths lead to Lusatia
10 reasons why Lusatia is the perfect location to invest
Lusatia is…
 in the heart of Europe and the logistics‘ gateway between
Eastern and Western Europe
 the region with the highest investment incentives in
 an energy region past, present and future, and home of an
experienced workforce
 supported by 17 billion EUR from German Government
dedicated for infrastructure investments
 ready for industries shaping the future and demanding a
diverse science and research landscape
 home to global players like BASF, Daimler, Alstom, Vestas as
well as to many innovative SMEs
 highly affordable in terms of industrial land prices and costs
of living
 excellent for recreation with a beautiful natural landscape
 industry friendly with fast and unbureaucratic approval
 offering tailor-made project support for investors thanks to
close collaboration between the Brandenburg, Saxony and
local economic development agencies
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7. Your Landing Services at Hand
Your points of contact in Germany

Location Location
Dresden, Saxony Potsdam, Brandenburg
Phone Phone
+49-351-2138 240 +49-331 73061 214
E-Mail E-Mail
[email protected] [email protected]

Alexandra Gering
Saxony Economic Development Corp.
Alexandra Gering Roald Koch
Team Lusatia Team Lusatia
Saxony Economic Economic Development
Development Corp. Agency Brandenburg

© 2021 – WFBB and WFS | Lusatia – From Coal to Cool 12

7. Your Landing Services at Hand

Please check for more information on


Please give us a call or

set up an online meeting
(zoom, Teams or any other platform)

Alexandra Gering
Saxony Economic Development Corp.

© 2021 – WFBB and WFS | Lusatia – From Coal to Cool 13


These documents are intended for presentation purposes only. The content is protected by copyright. All rights to the presentation and its contents are entitled to the Brandenburg
Economic Development Corporation (WFBB) and the Saxony Economic Development Corporation (WFS – Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH). The transfer to third parties as well
as any reproduction, modification or other use and the use of the whole content or parts of it, requires the prior written agreement of the WFBB and WFS.
Backup: Testimonial
Toyota Denso – Deutsche Klimakompressor GmbH (TDDK)

Kazushige MURAO, Managing

Director of TDDK:
“As No.1 in the world market for car air
condition compressors we deliver our
refrigerant compressors from Bernsdorf,
Western Lusatia, to the European car plants
of many OEM. Being located here for more
than 20 years we are with a thousand
employees and therefore biggest Japanese
• Joint venture of Toyota Industries Corporation and investor in Lusatia firmly rooted in Lusatian
Denso Corporation soil. We enjoyed each and every minute since
our investment decision for this site.”
• One of Europe’s leading manufacturers of
compressors for car air conditionings
• Producing for all renowned car makers
• Successful company with combined expertise of
Japanese and German engineering
• Prime example of fruitful Japanese investment
and bilateral cooperation in Lusatia

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