Cpar (Reviewer)

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Technique refers to how an artist uses and primary materials, though they now also employ

manipulates materials to accomplish a desired store-bought threads and synthetic dyes. They are
formal effect and communicate a desired notion or familiar with a variety of weaving techniques and
message in his or her own unique style. designs that have been passed down through the
years. Abaca textiles are primarily handwoven in
Philippine Arts Techniques That Have Been Passed
Mindanao (musa textilis). The Magindanaon,
Down Through Generations:
Maranaw, and Yakan Moslems of Mindanao
1. Wood carving is a term that refers to any method
continue the art of cotton and silk weaving.
of shaping wood with a tool into an appealing
Basketry technique
- Divided into four categories: coiling, plaiting,
2. Molding is the process of moulding a liquid or
wickering, and twining. There are a few
malleable material, such as clay, into a desired
terminologies that are unique to baskets. Loops,
shape. Molding is a traditional method of
twining, ribs, and spokes are all examples of
creating ceramics in the Philippines.
- Pottery making in the Philippines is one of the
country's oldest art forms. T'nalak is a sacred textile produced by the T'boli
3. Fabric weaving is a textile manufacturing people in the communities surrounding Lake Sebu
technique in which two sets of yarns or threads on the island of Mindanao.
are interlaced at right angles to make a fabric or
- Textile hand-weaving is one of the Philippines' MODULE 10
most appealing and fascinating traditional crafts,
Localization is defined as utilizing available
infused with romanticism and cultural
resources accessible in your surroundings.
4. Basketry technique is the process of weaving or 1. In the banana family, including Abaca (with its
sewing malleable materials together to create fibers) has a natural shine and comes in a
three-dimensional items such as baskets, mats, variety of colors from white to ivory to dark
mesh bags and even furniture. brown.
By regions, different techniques of common 2. Bamboo is used to make a variety of items. It is
Philippine arts are used: used in construction, textiles, and other
Wood Craving industries. A variety of musical instruments
- Bulul (bul-ul or tinagtaggu) is a carved wooden 3. Buri is made from the mature leaves of the buri
figure used by the Ifugao (and their sub-tribe palm. The fiber is strong and long-lasting,
Kalanguya) peoples of northern Luzon to protect along with moisture resistance.
their rice harvest. 4. The translucent nature of Capiz shells
Molding allows light to travel through them while
- Masbate's pots features incised designs. Footed maintaining seclusion. The capiz is made from
dishes with geometric cut-outs, molding, cording, the windowpane oyster (Placuna placenta), which
or finger impressions are among the greatest early is located in the Philippines' coastal waters and is
Philippine pottery patterns, with the majority of recognized for its stunning mother-of-pearl
these being created in Batangas. Pottery traditions appearance.
continued to grow in some areas, such as Burnay 5. The palm family includes Rattan. Rattan palms
and Vigan's unglazed clay pottery. come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including
Fabric weaving towering or low climbers, single stemmed or
- The Ilocano continue to weave by hand using a clustered rattan species.
pedal loom. Cotton and natural colors are their
6. Sea shells are the hard exoskeletons that protect 8. Rural Agents, a film developed by a
and support the bodies of marine mollusks such Mariano Marcos State University-College of
as snails, bivalves, and chitons. This material is Teacher Education
commonly used to make ornaments and
decorations for the home. MODULE 11
Sculpture: Art criticism is one of the most important fields of
1. The St. Vincent Ferrer Statue in art education. The purpose of art criticism gives a
Bayambang, Pangasinan is a massive significant role in the process of inquiry in relation
bamboo statue. to contemporary arts, that is, to distinguish the
It is the world's tallest bamboo sculpture, acc different contexts of art to a familiar art form as
ording to Guinness World Records, and is de well as to appraise the culture of the Philippine arts
dicated to the town's Catholic patron saint, V with awareness and appreciation (Tabuena and
incent Ferrer Domingo, 2021).
2. The Villa Angela Heritage House, which is Art criticism is the process of critically analyzing a
located along Quirino Boulevard, is a typical work of art to evaluate its merit
Vigan house from the 1800s. 1. Description - pure description of the object
3. The "Bahay na Bato" was built along the without value judgments, analysis, or interpretation.
coast of La Union and is totally formed of It answers the question, "What do you see?".
pebbles and stones discovered throughout the
city's pavements and beaches. 2. Analysis - determining what the features suggest
Painting and deciding why the artist used such features to
4. Victorio Candido Edades was a painter convey specific ideas. "How did the artist do it?"
from Dagupan City, Pangasinan. He was the 3. Interpretation - establishing the broader context
leader of the revolutionary Thirteen for this type of art. It answers the question, "Why
Moderns, who debated the meaning and did the artist create it and what does it mean?”
function of art with its classical counterparts
in 1976, when he was declared a National 4. Judgment - Judging a piece of work means
Artist. giving it rank in relation to other works and of
Literature course considering a very important aspect of the
5. Francisco Sionil Jose was a Filipino author visual arts, its originality. It answers the question,
who was well-known in the English- “Is it a good artwork?”
speaking world. José's novels and short Barrett's Principles of Interpretation ("Art
stories depict the socioeconomic roots of criticism and Formal Analysis outline", 2022):
class battles and colonialism in Filipino 1. Artworks have "aboutness" and demand interpretation.
society, and he was named a National Artist 2. Interpretations are persuasive arguments.
of the Philippines for Literature in 2001. 3. Some interpretations are better than others.
6. Carlos Sampayan Bulosan an English- 4. Good interpretations of art tells more about the
language Filipino author and poet, immigrated artwork than they tell about the critic.
to the United States. His semi-autobiographical 5. Feelings are guide to interpretations.
America Is in the Heart is his most well-known 6. There can be different interpretations of the same
work today. Essay freedom of what they want
7. Interpretations are often based on a worldview.
7. Binasuan is a Filipino folk dance in which the
performer balances full wine glasses in each
MODULE 12 d. Portraits
e. Everyday Life
f. History and Legend
Use of Materials and the Application of g. Figures
h. History and Mythology
Techniques i. Dreams and Fantasies
Medium is defined as the material or the substance
out of which a work is made and used to create the MEDIUM refers to the material or the means
arts and crafts. which the artist uses to objectify his feeling or
Technique is the manner in which artists use and
manipulate materials to achieve the desired formal FORM refers to the physical qualities of
effect. characteristics of the image.

Abaca – belongs to Banana family. Its fiber has a Some examples of Local materials used in the
natural luster with colors ranging from pure white to
ivory and dark brown. Abaca - belongs to the banana family its fiber has a
natural luster Example products are slipper, ropes
Bamboo – is used as a raw material in creating
and Chelsea chair.
many products. Ex. Construction Bakbak - is the outermost covering or leaf sheath
Coconut – this tree has multiple uses. Hats, mats, of the abaca stalk. The strong brown fiber used to
make furniture. Example products are mat, jar,
baskets, wall hanging, rugs, toys, etc.
Cecilia jar and dining table.
Clay – this material is used in forming a pottery and Bamboo - is used a raw material in creating many
jar with designs products, Example products are kubing, bungkaka,
tangatongngkung, pateteg and gabbang.
Buri – is extracted from the matured leaves of the Buntal - is a cylindrical-shaped fibers. Example
buri palm. products are shoes, desk accessories like pen holder.
Buri - is extracted from the matured leaves of the
Rattan – belongs to the palm family. There are buri palm. Example products hats, bags and baskets.
different types of rattan palms, such as high or low Coir - is the fibrous material surrounding the fruit
climbers and single stemmed or clustered rattan of the coconut tree. Example products are indoor or
species. outdoor fiber carpets, wall covering, and doormat.


MODULE 13 Collage is a technique of an art production

primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork
is made from an assemblage of different forms
SUBJECTS in art refers to the main idea that is LAND – ART - Earthworks or earth arts is an art
represented in the artwork. The subject in art is movement in which landscapes and the work of art
are Inextricably linked.
basically the essence of the piece.
DIGITAL ARTS is an artistic work or practice that
Two subjects: representational objective art and uses digital technology as an essential part of the
Non- representational creative or presentation process.
Graffiti are writings or drawings that have been
Kinds of Subjects scribbled, scratched or painted illicitly on a wall
PRINTMAKING is the process of making
a. Landscape, seascapes and cityscapes artworks by painting, normally in the paper
b. Still Life Mixed – media refers to artwork in the making of
c. Animals which more than one medium has been employed.
Use of New Materials Another characteristic that

TECHNIQUES ARE USED TO MAKE was employed to bring about modern art was the
CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK use of different objects, materials that looked
MINIMALISM seeks to take away what’s useless to the common man but were brought to
unnecessary and leaving only what’s essential. great use by modern artists. The means or

FOUND OBJECTS Taking something that people instruments to make the works of contemporary art
view as useless, and then using it in a unique way in are changing and new technologies are used day by
order to make artwork
LARGE SCALE ART, and art that includes the
environment has come into its own as one of the Use of Color Traditionally, color was used as
most important movements within contemporary art means to bring reality to paintings and art pieces.
However, modern artists experimented with colors
and used it unconventionally to make new textures
MODULE 15 and themes and used them in their pieces of art. The
Characteristics of Contemporary Arts colors used are strong and the content is symbolic.
Innovation in Art From the meaning of
contemporary, contemporary art is an art that is
Newer Techniques Modern art is not only about
living in present times. It reflects current issues or
playing and experimenting with colors and objects,
current events. So, from time to time it changes
rather it has also given birth to newer techniques
along with the society. It could sometimes break the
that forming the basis for contemporary art today.
rules of traditional art, created by modern humans.
Abstract expressionism is a style of art that has
been one of the main manifestations of the spirit of
the 20th century. It emphasizes the expressions of
the self and emotions. The colors are more violent,
and the contents have a symbolic tint.
Chromolithography is a prime example of a
technique that was developed by Jules Cheret.
Chromolithography is a unique method for making
multi-color prints. A chromolithograph is made
using anywhere from eight to forty stones, one for
each color
Surrealism was focused on tapping into the
unconscious mind to release creativity. Surrealistic
art is characterized by dream-like visuals, the use of MEDIUM - ‘Medium’ refers to “any raw material
symbolism, and collage images. or mode of expression used in an artistic or creative
Fauvism comprises the first of the expressions of
FORM - Form refers to the physical characteristics
contemporary art. The specific characteristics of of an art. It is about the utilization of elements of art
Fauvism are aggression in the use of colors such as line, shape form, space, color, value and
(basically primary, complementary along with
garish tones) and their autonomy in relation to 4Ms in Art Production

shapes. METHODS – refers to the framework of the

Cubism is a style of art which aims to show all the
possible viewpoints of a person or an object all at Title or name of Production refers to the name of
productions. Catch the audience attention
once. It is called Cubism because the items
Target Audience refers to the group that is the
represented in the artworks look like they are made primary target of the production.
out of cubes and other geometrical shapes.
Procedures are the activities that need to be done.
Neoplasticism is based on two-dimensionality, use
Venue or Platform refers to the space you will
of straight lines and primary colors. Its objective is use to execute your production. It can be physical
to divest itself of the particular to manifest the space or an online platform.
purity of art. Date of Implementation or Target date of
Finish is the expected of production’s launching
Contemporary is either happening at the same
MATERIALS – refers to the artwork presented
time or happening now.
on a production such as the script on a drama.
Innovation Art: Emmanuel Garibay. Hangarin Center of the production that consist the concept.
MACHINE – refers to the mediums, machinery,
MODULE 16 tools or equipment to be used in a production.
MANPOWER – refers to the team of people
assigned to a specific role. It can be the director,
SUBJECT - refers to anything that represented in
producers, choreographers, dancers, artist or crew.
an artwork. It can be an object, person, scenery,
Because of them the whole process of creating the
colors and etc., even though subject can be the
production can be fun and it will be easier to
center of an, some masterpiece do not have subjects.
Production Process
Objective art/ representational or figurative art.
Production is a form of learning whereby students
is artwork that depicts easily recognizable subject
create a product or concrete artifact.
Preproduction stage/ Planning stage – students
Non-objective art is an artwork that doesn’t have
brainstorm, draw, discuss, demonstrate and create a
identifiable forms or recognizable subject matter.
draft plan that includes roles for team members,
Deals with basic elements of art.
tools needed and a plausible time line for each step.
Production stage/ Development stage – students provides examples and models during the
engage in direct creation, including designing, process.
making models of their products, and performing
the other tasks outlined in their plan.
Postproduction stage/Evaluation stage –
The “Black Rainbow” by Zig Dulay is a film and
students reflect on the feedback from their
about a young Aeta boy name Itan who is unable
audience and on the process and product. They
to continue with his education because his parents
debrief or discuss and reflect, individually in team
could no longer afford to send him in school.
or as a class.
“CHAROT” is gay slang, one of the many fluid
terms generated by popular lingo, often used as an
1. Focus on Process – This is important because interjection to express the flimsy nature of a
often while creating projects, learners may get statement and to which the appropriate response
caught in the graphics and other “fun” parts of should be… charot, or char, its abbreviated
production and lose some of the project’s expression.
opportunities for learning. Teacher may
Playwright Luna Griño-Inocian’s retelling is a
establish both language and content goal for the
kid-relevant, mesmerizing modern take on the
students to focus in process.
Pinoy epic. Like capturing a mythical bird and
triumphing over a seven-headed serpent The
2. Know your audience – Learners need an
Quest for Adarna:
audience that is external to immediate classroom
and that cares about and has knowledge of the
product, because such an audience will provide
useful, authentic, and effective feedback.

3. Use effective tools – It is important that

students will understand how to use computer
tools that might help them in their production
process. Students do not need to understand
every component of the program, but the salient
features that support the current process.

4. Apply the tools – It is important that students

know not only how to use the tools but also that
they understand the opportunities that each tool
affords. To this end, teachers and learners can
brainstorm the kinds of tasks that can be
accomplished with tools such as database
program, a word processor, or graphic

5. Ask your teacher – Whenever there are queries

about the production, ask the assistance of your
teacher. Your teacher will help you break the
task into logical stages and encourages you to
use a variety of re- sources in different modes
such as writing, graphics and oral language; and

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