UNIT 3 - LESSON 2 - PART 3 - Pronunciation and Speaking

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Lesson 2.3 – Pronunciation and Speaking (Page 25)

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1.1. Language knowledge and skills
- recognize and practice intonation at the end of statements.
- practice a conversation about a plan to go to a music show.
- talk about music show.
- invite a friend to speak.
1.2. Competences
- improve listening and speaking skills.
1.3. Attributes
- love music.
- relax with music.


1. Teacher’s aids: Student book and Teacher’s book, class CDs, digital book (DCR phần mềm tương
tác SB, DHA (từ vựng/ cấu trúc) phần mềm trò chơi tương tác), projector/interactive whiteboard / TV
(if any), PowerPoint slides, handouts.
2. Students’ aids: Student’s book, workbook, notebook, handouts.


Performance Tasks Performance Products Assessment Tools
- Listen to the sentences and - Ss’ performance and - T’s observation.
notice: intonation falls at the answers.
end of statements.
- Listen and cross out the - Ss’ answers. - T’s feedback/Peers’ feedback.
sentence doesn’t follow the note
in Task a.
- Read the sentences with the - Ss’ performance. - T’s feedback/Peers’ feedback.
sound feature noted in Task a to
a partner.
- Practice the conversation - Ss’ performance. T’s observation, T’s feedback.
between two students. Swap the
roles and repeat.
- Ask and answer about the - Ss’ performance / - T’s observation, T’s feedback.
different music shows, then Presentation.
choose four artists to see.
Complete the notes.
- Answer: Which bands or - Ss’ performance / - T’s observation, T’s feedback.
singers will you see at Presentation.

A. Warm up: (5’)
a) Objective: Introduce the new lesson and set the scene for Ss to acquire new language; get
students' attention at the beginning of the class by enjoyable and short activities as well as to engage
them in the follow-up steps.
b) Content: Music.
c) Expected outcomes: Ss have good preparation for the new lesson.
d) Organization of the activity:


 Option 1:
- Play a short video clip about a music show of a famous - Listen and watch.
singer / band in Vietnam or in the world (or a song).
- Have Ss listen and watch. - Give answers.
- Lead to the new lesson.
*Suggested clip: Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch? - Listen.

 Option 2:
- Prepare and play mp3 files of sounds of some musical
instrument. - Listen and give names of musical
- Have Ss listen and guess the name of musical instrument. instruments.
- Give feedback, show correct answers. - Listen.
- Introduce the new lesson.
B. New lesson (35’)
 Activity 1: Pre-Speaking: Pronunciation (8’)
a) Objective: Introduce: Intonation falls at the end of the statements.
b) Content:
- recognize: Intonation falls at the end of the statements.
- listen and check, find mistakes.
- practice.
c) Expected outcomes: Ss practice: “Intonation falls at the end of the statements” and use it naturally
in their speaking.
d) Organization of the activity:
Task a + b. Listen to the sentences and focus on how
the intonation falls.

- Play the recording (CD1, track 32) using DCR.

- Ask Ss to listen and focus on how the intonation falls. - Listen.
- Play the recording again, have Ss listen and repeat
with a focus on the pronunciation feature.
- Listen again and repeat.
Task c + d. Listen and cross out the sentence that
doesn’t follow the sound feature noted in Task a.
- Play the recording (CD 1 – Track 33) using DCR,
have Ss listen and cross out the option that doesn’t - Listen and cross out.
follow the sound feature in “a”.
- Call Ss to give answers.
- Give answers.
Answer keys

- Play the recording again and check answers as a

whole class. - Listen again and check.
- Then have Ss practice saying the examples with a
partner, using the pronunciation feature. - Work in pairs.
- Call some Ss to read the sentences in front of the
class. - Present.
- Ask Ss to make some more statements and practice
reading them with the right sound feature of the lesson. - Make sentences and practice reading them.
 Activity 2: While-speaking (21’)
a) Objective: Students can talk about music shows.
b) Content:
- Practice the conversation between two students. Swap the roles and repeat.
- Ask and answer about the different music shows, then choose four artists to see. Complete the notes.
- Answer: Which bands or singers will you see at Festibeat?
c) Expected outcomes: Ss produce the new language successfully and have a good role play.
d) Organization of the activity:


Practice the conversation. Swap the roles and
- Demonstrate the activity by practicing the role-play - Observe, listen.
with a student.
- Have pairs practice the conversation. - Work in pairs to practice the conversation.
- Remind Ss the way to invite partners to speak.
- Have Ss swap roles and repeat, using the ideas on - Swap roles and continue the task.
the right.
- Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of - Present.
the class.
- Give feedback and evaluation.

SPEAKING: It’s Show Time!

Task a. There's a music festival in your town this

weekend. In threes: Ask and answer about the
different music shows, then choose four artists to
see. Complete the notes.
- Demonstrate the activity having 2 Ss practice - Observe and listen.
reading the conversation.
- Have Ss work in groups of 3.
- Have students ask and answer about the different
music shows, then choose four artists to see. - Work in groups of 3 to ask and answer about
Complete the notes. the different music shows and complete the
- Observe, give help if necessary. notes.
- Have some students share the ideas with the class. - Present.
- Give feedback and evaluation.

Task b. Swap roles. Student A, now you’re the

patient. Answer the doctor’s questions and write
down their advice.
- Have students discuss which bands or singers they - Discuss.
will see.
- Observe, give help if necessary.
- Have some students share their ideas with the class. - Present.
- Give feedback and evaluation.

 Activity 3: Production (6’)

a) Objective: Help Ss relax after class.
b) Content: List some famous music shows on TV in Vietnam, and choose a show that you would like
to see. Explain for your choice.
c) Expected outcomes: Ss produce the new language successfully in everyday speaking and writing.
d) Organization of the activity:
Extra Task. List some famous music shows on
TV in Vietnam, and then choose a show that you
would like to see. Explain for your choice.
- Have Ss close all books and notebooks. - Close all books and notebooks.
- Divide class into 4 groups to list some famous
music shows in Vietnam. - Take part in the class’s activity.
- Have Ss choose a show that they would like to see
and explain for their choice.
- Call some Ss to share their answers with the whole - Give answers.
- Give feedback and evaluation. - Listen.
Suggested answers
- Famous music shows on TV in Vietnam:
Rock Viet, Rap Viet, The voice, Song ca cùng
thần tượng, Hát với ngôi sao, Giọng ải giọng
ai, …

C. Consolidation and homework assignments (5’)

* Consolidation:

* Homework:
- Make 2 statements and practice reading them, paying attention to: Intonation falls at the end of the
- Prepare: Lesson 3.1 – Listening and Reading (page 26).
- Review the vocabulary and grammar notes in Tiếng Anh 7 i-Learn Smart World Notebook
(pages 18 & 19).
- Play consolation games in Tiếng Anh 7 i-Learn Smart World DHA App on www.eduhome.com.vn

D. Reflection
a. What I liked most about this lesson today:
b. What I learned from this lesson today:
c. What I should improve for this lesson next time:

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