Unit 5 - Lesson 4 - Review

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Lesson 4 – Review (Pages 94, 95)

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1.1. Language knowledge and skills
- review words about containers and quantities of food and drinks (bunch, carton, flour, butter, fridge,
supermarket, spaghetti, tablespoon, etc.) and talk about them.
- review grammar: Indefinite and definite articles; much and many; countable and uncountable nouns.
- review how to make shopping list.
- pronoun some sounds correctly: “s” endings, /ei/ and /æ/.
- put stress on nouns with two and three syllables.
1.2. Competences
- improve speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
- improve the use of English.
1.3. Attributes
- have positive attitude in English language learning so that they actively participate in all classroom
- review the old lesson and have good preparation for the first semester test.


1. Teacher’s aids: Student book and Teacher’s book, class CDs, Digital Book (DCR phần mềm tương
tác SB, DHA (từ vựng/ cấu trúc) phần mềm trò chơi tương tác), projector/interactive whiteboard / TV
(if any), PowerPoint slides, handouts.
2. Students’ aids: Student’s book, workbook, notebook.


Performance Tasks Performance Products Assessment Tools
- Listening: You will hear - Ss’ answers. - T’s feedback/Peers’
Justin and his dad talking in feedback.
the kitchen. For each question,
choose the correct answer (A,
B, or C) You will hear the
conversation twice.
- Reading: Read the text. - Ss’ answers. - T’s feedback/Peers’
Choose the best word (A, B, or feedback.
C) for each space.

- Vocabulary: Match the - Ss’ answers. - T’s feedback/Peers’

words with the descriptions. feedback.
- Grammar: Fill in the blanks - Ss’ answers. - T’s feedback/Peers’
with a, an, the, much, or many. feedback.
-Pronunciation: Circle the - Ss’ answers/ presentation. - T’s observation, T’s
word that has the underlined feedback/Peers’ feedback.
part pronounced differently
from the others.
+ Circle the word that differs
from the other three in the
position of primary stress in
each of the following

A. Warm up: (5’)
a) Objective: Introduce the new lesson and set the scene for Ss to acquire new language; get
students' attention at the beginning of the class by enjoyable and short activities as well as to engage
them in the follow-up steps.
b) Content: Review vocabulary.
c) Expected outcomes: Ss are ready for the new lesson.
d) Organization of the activity:


 Option 1: Leave Me Out!
- Give some words about food and container with
incorrect spelling.
- Have Ss look at each incorrect word and leave out 1 - Do the task.
letter to make the word correct.
- Call Ss to give answers, then pronounce the words and - Give answers.
give meaning.
- Correct Ss’ pronunciation if necessary. - Listen.
- Lead to the new lesson. Answer keys
*Illustration: 1. bunch
1. bunnch 2. tablespoon
2. tablespoony 3. rutter
3. brutter 4. carton
4. cartion 5. fridge
5. fryidge 6. spaghetti
6. spagheetti
 Option 2: Touch and Guess
- T can divide class into 2 groups to play this game or let
the whole class take part the game.
- Prepare some real objects / food such as a banana, a - Take part in the games.
carton of milk, a bar of chocolate, some candies, a
tablespoon, a teaspoon, a tomato, an egg, a lemon, …
- Put these things in a bag or a box in order that Ss can’t
see them.
- Have some Ss volunteer to touch the things in the box /
bag, then explain the objects in English.
- Have the whole class guess and give name of the things
in the box / bag.
- Score marks or give present to each Ss who has the right
- Lead to the new lesson. - Listen.
*Illustration: Possible things in the box / bag

B. New lesson (35’)

 Activity 1: Listening (7’)
a) Objective: Help Ss improve their listening skill.
b) Content:
- You will hear Justin and his dad talking in the kitchen. For each question, choose the correct answer
(A, B, or C) You will hear the conversation twice.
c) Expected outcomes: Ss listen in details and get familiar with the listening test format.
d) Organization of the activity:
You will hear Justin and his dad talking in the
kitchen. For each question, choose the correct
answer (A, B, or C) You will hear the conversation
- Have Ss read through the listening part. - Read in silence.
- Demonstrate the activity on DCR by using the
example. - Listen and then give answers.
- Play the audio (CD 2 – Track 38).
- Have Ss check answers with pairs and then give Answer keys
- Check answers as a whole class using DCR.
 Activity 2: Reading (7’)
a) Objective: Students can improve their reading skill.
b) Content:
- Read the text. Choose the best word (A, B, or C) for each space.
c) Expected outcomes: Ss read for comprehension and get familiar with the reading test format.
d) Organization of the activity:


Read the text. Choose the best word (A, B, or C)
for each space.
- Demonstrate the activity on DCR by using the - Observe and listen.
example. - Work individually.
- Have Ss look and read, then choose the correct
answer, underline the supporting ideas for their
answers. - Give answers, explain.
- Call Ss to give answers, explain. Answer keys
- Give feedback and evaluation.

 Activity 3: Vocabulary (7’)

a) Objective: Ss can review vocabulary about community services.
b) Content: Match the words with the descriptions.
c) Expected outcomes: Ss produce the new language successfully, and they can use these words in
speaking and writing.
d) Organization of the activity:
Match the words with the descriptions.
- Have Ss read the phrases and words. - Read the phrases and words.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to match the words with - Work in pairs to match.
the descriptions.
- Have Ss give answers, tell the meaning of the - Give answers.
words /phrase again. Answer keys
- Check answers as a whole class using DCR.

 Activity 4: Grammar (10’)

a) Objective: Ss can review the use of English: How much / How many / indefinite and definite
b) Content:
- Fill in the blanks with a, an, the, much, or many.
c) Expected outcomes: Ss produce the new language successfully, and they can use the grammar
points in speaking and writing.
d) Organization of the activity:
Task a. Fill in the blanks with a, an, the, much,
or many.
- Ask Ss to work individually to fill in the blanks - Work individually.
with a, an, the, much, or many.
- Have Ss work in pairs to check each other’s work. - Work in pairs.
- Call Ss to give answers, explain for their choice.
- Check answers as a whole class using DCR. - Give answers.
Answer keys

 Activity 5: Pronunciation (4’)

a) Objective: Ss can review the word stress and vowels, last consonant of “s” endings.
b) Content:
- Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounces differently from the others.
- Circle the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the
following questions.
c) Expected outcomes: Ss produce the new language successfully.
d) Organization of the activity:
Task a. Circle the word that has the underlined
part pronounced differently from the others.
- Have Ss distinguish the sound: /“s” endings, /ei/ - Listen.
and /æ/.
- Ask Ss to work individually to circle the answer. - Work individually.
- Have Ss work in pairs to check each other’s work. - Work in pairs.
- Call Ss to give answers, pronounce the words - Give answers.
again. Answer keys
- Give feedback, correct Ss’ pronunciation if
Task b. Circle the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in
each of the following questions.
- Remind Ss some basic rules of putting stress on
nouns with 2 or 3 syllables.
- Ask Ss to work individually.
- Have Ss work in pairs to check each other’s work. - Listen.
- Call Ss to give answers, pronounce the words - Work individually.
again. - Work in pairs.
- Give feedback, correct Ss’ pronunciation if
- Give answers.
Answer keys

C. Consolidation and homework assignments (5’)

* Consolidation:
* Grammar of Unit 5: Indefinite and definite articles; much and many; countable and
uncountable nouns.
* Vocabulary of Unit 5: Words about containers and quantities of food and drinks (bunch, carton,
flour, butter, fridge, supermarket, spaghetti, tablespoon, …).

* Homework:
- Review vocabulary, grammar of unit 5.
- Do the exercises in WB: Review of Unit 5 (page 66).
- Do exercises in Tiếng Anh 7 i-Learn Smart World Notebook: Review Units 1-5 (pages 34 & 35).
- Do the Semester 1 Test in Tiếng Anh 7 i-Learn Smart World Notebook (pages 68 & 69).
- Have good preparation for the first semester test.
- Prepare: Unit 6 – New words and Listening (page 44 – SB).

D. Reflection
a. What I liked most about this lesson today:
b. What I learned from this lesson today:
c. What I should improve for this lesson next time:

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