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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 178 – No. 43, August 2019

Using K-Means to Determine Learner Typologies for

Project-based Learning: A Case Study of the University
of Education, Winneba

Delali Kwasi Dake Esther Gyimah

Department of ICT Education Department of ICT Education
University of Education, Winneba Ghana University of Education, Winneba Ghana

ABSTRACT for grouping large data sets into number of clusters or groups.
Currently, academic instructors in Ghana have some difficulty The relevance is to mine the educational data and develop
in grouping students for projects-based courses because of grouping patterns with each training data set and a test data.
increasing student numbers. One of the recent challenges These learner typologies will help academic counsellors as a
educational institutions and instructors are facing is the reflective practice on which clusters to give more attention to
explosive growth of educational data and how to use this data because of peculiar properties.
to improve the quality of teaching. K-means clustering is an This paper investigates EDM in higher education using a case
unsupervised Data Mining technique for grouping large study from data collected in the Department of ICT
datasets with insightful similarity patterns to expose hidden Education, University of Education, Winneba. The discovered
trends and behavior in each cluster. The purpose of this knowledge will help provide academicians and University
research is to apply K-means clustering algorithm to analyze management with needed recommendations for improving
students’ clusters for centered project-based learning. This project-based learning or learner grouping.
research uses K clusters of 20. The clustering gave a low
within cluster Sum of Square Error (SSE) of 3.60889. Clusters 2. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM
1 and 6 have the highest member set of 32 each whiles Clustering is an unsupervised data mining technique used to
clusters 8 and 9 have the lowest member set of 2. The results identify groups with similar data characteristics [6]. Yet, in
show that the K-means clustering algorithm is effective in educational research, cluster analysis has been underutilized
grouping learners based on similar characteristics that indicate [7]. Learner typologies have been done in different formats by
their performance. Assessments can also be tailored to suit all academic authorities but with little machine learning
categories of learners for efficient results in project-based techniques to influence project-based course design and
courses. impact the academic performance of learners. This has led to a
subjective way of grouping learners with no supervised
Keywords learning mechanisms.
K-means, Clustering, Educational Data Mining, Data Mining,
Project-Based Learning. Effective learning designs are important for higher
educational institutions [8] and with the emergence of big data
1. INTRODUCTION and data mining, prediction and clustering will help re-design
Data in higher education is increasing rapidly with less or no course projects based on useful information from training sets.
benefits to academic counsellors, students and management.
Educational Data Mining (EDM) is a fast growing research 3. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
area with advanced machine learning techniques to mine and K-means clustering algorithm has been applied by various
better understand students learning behaviours and course re- researchers to group learners based on learning styles and
design in academia [1][2]. The ideal motive of using data behaviors. [9] studied the coupling relationships of user
mining techniques in EDM is to expose hidden data patterns attributes and propose a Coupled User-Clustering Algorithm
which serve as a predictive tool in Education. (CUCA) for web-based learning using Taylor-like expansion
to represent integrated coupling correlations of both intra-
One fast course re-design trend that academicians are coupled and inter-coupled relationships. The Taylor-like
pursuing is the concept of project-based learning by grouping expansion helps to cluster users using a spectral clustering
students per study groups or for a project purpose. Project- algorithm which when applied in web-based learning systems
based Learning (PBL) is either groups or individual learning can efficiently capture learners’ behaviors and group them for
where students’ study efforts over a certain period of time and personalized learning.
are assessed through active participation [3]. The idea behind
this concept is to improve learner participation in group In another study, [10] presented a review paper on clustering
projects and help learners develop relevant skills [4]. in educational data mining. From their extensive review, they
However, [5] mention that within the same learning setting, established that by using clustering techniques such as K-
students may exhibit different achievement levels, project- means Clustering Algorithm, it is easy to group students based
based learning when deployed, empowers learners to on similar learning styles. They proposed working towards
participate in interdisciplinary and collaborative activities. generating a unified clustering approach that can be easily
applied to any educational data with less overhead delays.
Using K-Means Clustering algorithm is a better data mining
technique for grouping students if improving learners’ In a related work, [11] proposed a clustering approach using
academic performance is of high relevance to academic K-means clustering algorithm to group students in courses
authorities. This unsupervised algorithm can form the basis that require that students’ project assignments are done in

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 178 – No. 43, August 2019

groups. The algorithm grouped the students based on topics 4.1 Data Source
that suited their similar interests and preferences and made The dataset for this study is taken from the Database
use of the weighted formula that ensured that the maximum Management Systems continuous assessment of second year
number of students allowed for a group was not exceeded. students for the 2017/2018 academic year with a population of
The results showed that 73% of the learners were satisfied 259 students in the Department of ICT Education of the
with their groups because they received one of their top three University. The course is project-based and require students to
priority choices for their preferred topic. be grouped to work on projects for the semester. The K-means
[12] in their research proposed a grouping method based on Clustering Algorithm is used to group students into learner
two clustering techniques: similarity student clustering and typologies based on their performance in all three assessment
complementation student clustering to automatically group categories.
students in Foreign Language Learning (FLL) for effective Table 1. Attribute Description of Dataset for Database
group based learning. Course Groupings
They argued that the manual grouping method was not No Attribute Description Values
accurate because students were not grouped based on their
knowledge levels and the method also failed to capture 1 Quiz Entity – Relationship <40
changes in students’ knowledge during the learning process Diagram
and adjust the groups automatically. Hence with the proposed
clustering method, a student profile is built to model students’ 2 Test Core Database <20
knowledge levels, which is updated automatically based on Concept
the examination results of each student. The proposed 3 Practical Hands on Database <30
clustering methods and the manual grouping methods were Database Practical Test
then evaluated for learning effectiveness. The results showed Design Test
that the proposed clustering methods enhanced the
effectiveness of group-based learning.
In another related research, [13] implemented an Automated These are attribute with instance records used as basis to
Group Decomposition Program (AGDP) tool that grouped group students. Each attribute has a specific purpose on the
students using the K-means clustering algorithm for effective learners’ ability to understand the Database subject and class
collaborative learning. The tool can be used to group students groupings are based on the marks scored by the students in
into either heterogeneous groups, based on the students’ each instance.
knowledge of the subject; or homogeneous groups based on
characteristics of communication skills, fluency in using 4.1.1 Quiz
computers and group work attitude or a mixed grouping of The quiz assessment was based on Entity-Relationship (ER)
both heterogeneous and homogeneous characteristics. Then Diagram design. E-R diagram is part of the conceptual
final heterogeneous groups are formed so that students can framework in database design. It relates to Entities and
share the skills learnt in their groups with other students in Attributes in a database design and the relationship between
their new groups thereby enhancing effective collaborative entity instances. The diagrammatic representation of
learning. cardinalities using crow’s foot notation was added to the E-R
design. Learners were introduced to SmartDraw and tested
4. METHODOLOGY using it.
Academic Instructors at the University of Education, Winneba
(UEW) are focusing on project-based learning as a way to
4.1.2 Test
improve learner-centered education. Constructivists’ The test assessment exposed the learner to core database
approaches emphasize learners actively constructing their own concepts especially in data abstraction, data model, entity
knowledge rather than passively receiving information types, attribute types and normalization. These concepts form
transmitted to them from teachers and text books. From a the basic rule in any Database Management System.
constructivist perspective, knowledge cannot simply be given Normalization for instance introduced the learner to database
to students: students must construct their own meanings [14]. anomalies and functional dependencies. Normal Forms up to
The Department of ICT Education under the University Third Normal Form (3NF) was explained to learners and later
started implementing project-based group learning from 2015 tested in design concepts.
to Date. Key departmental courses: Database Management 4.1.3 Practical Database Design Test
Systems, C++, Java, Computer Networking and Visual The practical test was mainly in the area of Structured Query
Literacy were used as prototypes. The selection criteria for Language (SQL) and MySQL Database Management System
grouping the students were based on incremental index was adopted for the course. Learners were tested practically
numbers and subjective student’s performance with no on using SQL Data Definition Commands and Data
analytical statistics. Manipulation Commands. Evaluation was done based on
practical Database creation, relationship between tables and
One of the Researchers of this study was the Instructor for the manipulation of records.
Database Management Systems second year class for the
academic year 2016/2017 and the results after the project- 4.2 K-Means Clustering Algorithm
based grouping were not satisfactory. With observation, the Clustering is a data mining technique for grouping data into
researcher realized that brilliant learners normally do the work classes with identical characteristics and seeks to identify
for the group. The projects actually did little impact on homogenous groups of data instances based on the values of
improving the strengths of the group due to the generic nature their attributes [15][16].
of the tasks and the groupings.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 178 – No. 43, August 2019

Cluster analysis divides data into groups that are useful and
share common characteristics. With clustering, data groupings
will have a high intra-cluster similarity and low inter-cluster
similarity [17]. K-Means is a partitioned clustering algorithm
with unsupervised classification of patterns that determines all
clusters at once with its derivative as K-medoid. K-means
partitions n instances into k clusters where and each
instance belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean. This
algorithm aims at minimizing the squared error objective
K-means is similar to Gaussians expectation-maximization
algorithm [18] in that both algorithms attempt to find cluster
centroids in a data. This algorithm operates on data points into
k clusters using Euclidean distance between the two points.

, denotes the Euclidean distance between the data

point { } and the cluster centroid in vector space { }.

Fig 2: Part of the dataset in Weka for Analysis

The dataset was subjected to K-Means clustering algorithm in
Weka for the groupings of the Students into 20 clusters.

Fig 1: Logic behind the K-means Algorithm in creating

homogenous groups from number of clusters
4.2.1 Algorithm Steps
 Specify k, the desired number of clusters
 Choose k points at random as cluster centers (centroid)
 Assign all instances to their closes cluster centers
(Euclidean distance)
 Calculate the centroid, the mean of instances of each Fig 3: K-means
In Figure 3, the cluster results were based on 3 attributes,
 These centroids are the new cluster enters Quiz, Test, and Design Test. The K-means algorithm iterated
9 times to give the 20 clusters for consideration using the
 Continue until the cluster centers don’t change
Euclidean Distance. The K-means clustering gave a low sum
5. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS of squared error (SSE) of 3.60889. The low SSE figure is an
indication of a good cluster results.
A total of 259 instances were taken to run the classifier in
Weka environment. The Comma-Separated Values (CSV) in
excel was converted to the Weka Attribute-Relation File
Format (ARFF) using the ARFF-Viewer in Weka

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 178 – No. 43, August 2019

Fig 5: Cluster member in percentages

Figure 5 above shows clustered instances percentage. Clusters
1 and 6 has the highest membership of 32 each represented as
24%. Clusters 8 and 9 has membership of 2 each with a 2%







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Quiz Test Design Test

Fig 4: K-means member centroid

Figure 4 shows the centroids results calculated using the
Euclidean Distance of K-means algorithm under the attributes Fig 6: Sample Data Instances and Corresponding Clusters
Quiz, Test and Design Test. There were 20 clusters in general
Figure 6 above shows sample Data instances and
starting from 0 – 19. Each cluster has similar numeric
corresponding cluster member numbers. The attributes
characteristics and features.
instances were grouped under Quiz, Test, and Design Test.
From the results presented in figure 4, each of the 20 clusters
represent students groupings based on the similarity of their
scores and performance in three areas: Quiz, Test and
Practical Database Design Test.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 178 – No. 43, August 2019

5.1 General Cluster Patterns maximum number of students allowed for a group was not
Cluster Analysis in Education especially for project-based exceeded.
learning from this research is extremely important if the This research conducted references most of the literature
concept of constructivism and personalized learning is of reviewed for this study of the importance of using clustering
relevance to Instructors. Cluster member analysis presents a algorithm, especially K-means in grouping learners for either
unique opportunity for Instructors to improve the academic homogenous or heterogeneous projects if improving learners
performance of project-groups and re-design project contents academic score is of much relevance to Instructors.
for projects groups and even further, for individuals within the
clusters. From the research conducted even without individual 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
cluster analysis, students performed well generally in the In this paper, the K-means clustering algorithm is used to
Practical Database Design Test scoring as compared to determine similar learner typologies among students in a
Database Management System class at the University of
scores in Quiz and Test as shown in Figure 4. This
Education, Winneba. The researchers limited the number of
can be linked to SQL tutorial given to the learners even before clusters in this research to 20 and had a low sum of squared
the semester started. This research used K-means algorithm error (SSE) of 3.60889 which is an indication of a good
and limited the number of clusters to 20. Increasing the cluster cluster results after 9 iterations. The results of this research
groupings will increase the similarity in patterns of its helped in grouping learners according to their strengths and
members. This prototype is a representation of how Academic areas of improvement in the Database Course. The results
Instructors can design projects for large class members in show that the K-means unsupervised learning algorithm was
revealing interesting pattern groups. effective in grouping learners with similar concept score in
the Database course.
5.2 Interesting Cluster Patterns
This research modeled a classifier using training dataset from
5.2.1 Cluster 1 2017/2018 Database Course from the University of Education,
From Figure 5, Cluster 1 has one of the highest membership
Winneba. With this clustering, class labels are now generated
of 32 students but students in this cluster had a relatively
for each cluster member for the Database Course, making
Average scores in Quiz, Test and Practical Database Design
predictive classification possible for Test Data. A future
Test. Scoring , and respectively as research will be in the area of cluster member predictions
represented in Figure 6. The project for this cluster should using classification techniques.
cover strongly all the three aspects of the Database course and
the Instructor guidance of this cluster must be intensified. 7. REFERENCES
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