Conditional Quitclaim (Mel Laver)

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Republic of the Philippines )

City of __________________ ) S.S.


I, MELVYN LAVER, born on July 30, 1967 and the registered

owner of RUNRUNNER11 identified with Official Number of Ship
SSR190947 categorized as a Sailing Yacht bearing Hull Identification
Number 852096 hereby freely state the following:

1. That today, I hereby release GOLDEN ANCHOR SHIPPING LINES

CORP. and/or FRANCES MONICA HING MANTELE including their
officers, affiliates, management team and representatives from liability
arising from the maritime collision that happened on March 2023
involving their vessel LCT Golden Monica and my yacht Runrunner11;

2. That the aforecited release is CONDITIONED and shall take effect only
upon the deposit of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (Php
300,000.00) to my account that I have provided to them, to wit: BPI
Savings Account No. 2199234113 bearing account name MELVYN

3. That I will not file any civil, criminal, administrative suits

and/complaints with any court, office, and/or quasi-judicial body
FRANCES MONICA HING MANTELE including their affiliates,
management team and the corresponding owners thereof in relation to
and/or arising from the March 2023 collision of the maritime vessels
registered under our respective names;

4. That I acknowledge the fortuitous nature of the aforementioned

collision which transpired, and that I recognize further that the incident
is but an accident beyond the ordinary and/or extraordinary control of
and/or FRANCES MONICA HING MANTELE including their officers,
affiliates, management team and representatives;

5. That I hereby forever release GOLDEN ANCHOR SHIPPING LINES,

CORP., and/or FRANCES MONICA HING MANTELE including their
officers, affiliates, management team and representatives from any
obligation/liability of any nature, cause, and/or source relating to the
incident stated above;

6. That in the event that I, or those who I represent, violate my covenant/s

stated herein, or should have made misrepresentation/s in order to
unjustly receive the amount mentioned above, I personally hold myself
to return to FRANCES MONICA HING MANTELE, twice said amount
as liquidated damages in addition to any amount that may be rendered
by a Court of competent jurisdiction

That I am executing this CONDITIONAL QUITCLAIM to attest to

all the truth of the foregoing and to serve as notice to the public of my
freely given consent this 16th Day of October 2023.






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