10 1016@j Techfore 2020 119928
10 1016@j Techfore 2020 119928
10 1016@j Techfore 2020 119928
Keywords: The recent fast development of machine learning provides new tools to solve challenges in many areas. In
Machine learning finance, average options are popular financial products among corporations, institutional investors, and in-
Finance applications dividual investors for risk management and investment because average options have the advantages of cheap
Asian options prices and their payoffs are not very sensitive to the changes of the underlying asset prices at the maturity date,
Model-free asset pricing
avoiding the manipulation of asset prices and option prices. The challenge is that pricing arithmetic average
Financial technology
options requires traditional numerical methods with the drawbacks of expensive repetitive computations and
non-realistic model assumptions. This paper proposes a machine-learning method to price arithmetic and geo-
metric average options accurately and in particular quickly. The method is model-free and it is verified by
empirical applications as well as numerical experiments.
1. Introduction which are also called Asian options, have the payoffs that depend on the
average price of the underlying asset within the maturity date.
The accelerating development of computer technology and machine Among diverse options, average options are widely used by com-
learning attracts increasing research interests in the innovative solution panies, institutional investors, and individual investors to hedge against
to traditional challenges in social sciences. In the areas of finance and risks and to construct investment portfolios due to two advantages of
risk management, pricing arithmetic average options effectively is a average options, see, e.g., Fusai and Roncoroni (2007) and Kolb and
challenge in the industry. In this study, we show that the powerful deep Overdahl (2010). First, average options avoid manipulating the un-
machine learning provides a new effective method to solve this chal- derlying asset prices to affect option payoffs. The payoff of an average
lenge in theory and applications. option depends on the average price of the underlying asset over a
Options are one category of financial instruments that are largely given period, where the average price is a geometric or arithmetic
traded in industry. They are also referred to as one type of financial average of the prices of the underlying asset. Thus, in contrast to Eur-
derivatives since options are based on other underlying financial se- opean options, the average options’ payoffs are not sensitive to the
curities like corporate stocks. The holders of an option pay a premium, change of the underlying asset prices within the maturity date, and it is
i.e., the option price, to obtain the right rather than the liability to trade therefore not so profitable to manipulate the price of the underlying
the corresponding underlying assets at an agreed price called the strike asset. Second, the prices of average options are relatively cheap com-
price at or within a specific maturity date. The difference between the pared with other options whose payoffs depend on the market price of
strike price and a quantity that depends on the market prices of the the underlying asset at the maturity date. The reason is that the risk of
underlying asset forms the payoff of the option. Simple European options the average asset price is relatively lower than the risk of the asset price
have the payoffs that depend on the current market price of the un- at the maturity date.
derlying asset at the maturity date. On the contrary, average options, In addition to the two above documented advantages of Asian
We are grateful to the two anonymous reviewers for their helpful advice and comments, which significantly improved the paper. We are grateful for the helpful
comments of the participants on the First Annual Conference of Quantitative Finance and Insurance Branch of Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and
Economical Mathematics in Hulun Buir, China. The research reported in this paper was supported by Guangdong Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science for
the 13th Five-Year Plan (project No. GD19CYJ23) and Colleges Innovation Project of Guangdong (project No. 2018WTSCX131). The order of the authors is al-
phabetical in the surnames and the contributions of the authors are the same.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: 11930724@mail.sustech.edu.cn (L. Gan), h.wang@kent.ac.uk (H. Wang), yangzj@sustech.edu.cn (Z. Yang).
Received 30 June 2019; Received in revised form 14 December 2019; Accepted 20 January 2020
0040-1625/ © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
L. Gan, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 153 (2020) 119928
options, another reason for their popularity is that there is a large de- Our study is related to the recent literature about the applications of
mand for Asian options in the industry. For instance, indexed annuity machine learning technologies to price financial options. For instance,
contracts that are issued by insurance companies often carry liabilities Halperin (2017) employs a reinforcement Q-Learning method to learn
that are equivalent to the issuance of Asian options. Therefore, in- dynamically the optimization of risk-adjusted returns of a portfolio that
surance companies trade Asian options largely to hedge the embedded replicates European options. Ferguson and Green (2018) show that
option risk. To meet the increasing market demand, the Chicago Board deep learning is capable of pricing a basket option on a basket of stocks
Options Exchange (CBOE), one of the world’s largest exchange holding accurately and it is a million times faster than traditional models.
companies, introduced the new product, Asian FLEX Index Options, in Cao et al. (2018) utilize neural networks to examine the volatility
April 2016. Only in the first week, open interest for such Asian options surface of the S&P 500 index option, which responses distinctively in
soared to more than 680 contracts with a notional value of more than high and low volatility environments. In sharp contrast to the literature
$6 million.1 that considers the pricing of options, for which there are closed-form
There are two types of Asian options: one is geometric and the other solutions in early studies, the novelty of our study is that we implement
is arithmetic due to the different interpretations of the word “average”. a model-free and data-driven deep learning method to price the popular
It is straightforward to price geometric average options following a arithmetic Asian options, for which there has been no closed-form so-
simple explicit expression. However, there is still no closed-form solu- lution all the time. Our method is verified by numerical experiments
tion available for pricing arithmetic average options because the dis- and empirical applications. To the best of our knowledge, there is no
tribution of the payoff of an arithmetic Asian options is unknown, even paper pricing arithmetic Asian options with model-free pricing method
though they have been studied for a long time. Usually, arithmetic in the framework of deep learning.
Asian options are priced by solving a Partial Differential Equation (PDE) For a complete overview of related literature on the application of
numerically (Vecer, 2001) or by Monte Carlo simulation. For more machine learning to option pricing, we summarize the following recent
details, please refer to Yan (2018), Yang et al. (2011) among others. studies that consider more complicated processes of jumps and sto-
The challenge of pricing arithmetic average options with the traditional chastic volatilities. Karatas et al. (2019) price vanilla and exotic options
numerical methods comes from the drawbacks of expensive repetitive by using deep neural networks under diffusion and jump processes that
computations and simplified models with non-realistic assumptions. incorporate stochastic volatilities. They test a variety of loss functions
Pricing arithmetic Asian options effectively is a long-standing pro- and optimization methods to show that deep neural networks ex-
blem in finance practice given the fact that arithmetic Asian options are ponentially accelerate option pricing. Fu and Hirsa (2019) use a ma-
much more popular than geometric Asian options. Most actual Asian chine learning technique to reduce the error of the quadratic approx-
options in both the exchange markets and over-the-counter (OTC) imation method for pricing American options under the variance
markets are arithmetic Asian options, as pointed out by Fusai and gamma model and show that their method is efficient and accurate
Roncoroni (2007) and Kolb and Overdahl (2010). For example, the compared to the classic methods of finite difference and simulation.
popular Asian FLEX Index Options are arithmetic Asian options in the Jacquier et al. (2019) apply machine learning methods to learn the
exchange market. Another type of popular arithmetic Asian options control variates in the simulation method of pricing European and
traded in the market are WTI Average Price Options based on oil futures Asian options in local stochastic volatility models.
and CMEgroup.com reports that their open interest is up to 413,681 Although these recent studies demonstrate the capability of ma-
contracts on 17th January 2020. These options are favored in thinly chine learning in solving complicated option pricing models, we focus
traded asset markets like oil markets, where the trading volume is re- on the standard model with a process of geometric Brownian motion
latively low but individual transactions are particularly large, because without jumps and stochastic volatilities for three reasons. First, the
in these markets the manipulation of asset prices is possible. In OTC standard model for the geometric Asian options has an analytical so-
markets, Average Rate Options are wildly traded to hedge against the lution that is a reliable benchmark to verify the accuracy and speed of
adverse movements of foreign exchange rates and many of these op- our method. Second, our method is essentially a model-free and data-
tions are settled on the arithmetic average prices (Levy, 1992). Un- driven method that can potentially learn option prices generated by
fortunately, in sharp contrast to geometric Asian options, there are no models with a broad range of processes. Third, the stochastic processes
effective closed-form solutions for pricing arithmetic Asian options and characterizing the underlying stock prices do not affect our method
this is a long-standing unresolved problem. since our method is independent of the option pricing models. The
In this paper, we propose a machine learning method based on deep model in our study serves the purpose of data generation for verifying
learning to price arithmetic and geometric average options. This the effectiveness of our model-free method.
method is a model-free approach for asset pricing. We highlight the Our work also connects to one of the developments of financial
effectiveness of the new method by carrying out a comprehensive nu- technology in applying machine learning technologies to financial
merical experiment with computer-generated data. In addition, we prediction and asset pricing. Heaton et al. (2016) apply some deep
verify the new method through an empirical test with real data and the learning algorithms of prediction and classification to discover the
results highlight the effectiveness of the method. Most of the absolute function relationship between a dependent variable and a group of
pricing errors are between ± 0.0015. The median of prediction bias is independent variables that cannot be revealed by existing financial
about 0.8% and the 95% bias mean is less than 2%. The mean square economic theory. McGhee (2018) applies neural networks to a general
error (MSE) is near zero at 10 6 . The value of R2 and the correlation stochastic volatility process and achieves a high degree of accuracy and
between the real data and the predicted data are almost 1. Furthermore, 10,000 times faster than the finite difference method. Liu et al. (2019)
the trained deep learning model is able to compute 10,000 Asian option introduce an efficient method of neural networks for calibrating the
prices in less than 1 s, which is much faster than the exact formula parameters of high-dimensional stochastic volatility models by
method taking 22 s for Geometric average options and the time-con- avoiding the issues caused by local minima. Horvath et al. (2019)
suming simulation method taking 100,000 s. In brief, both effectiveness employ a neural network to calibrate several volatility models and
and efficiency of the deep learning method are beneficial to practi- show that it only takes a few milliseconds to calibrate the full implied
tioners in the industry who usually have to carry out a large number of volatility surface. Weigand (2019) provides a literature review on the
computations and make prompt decisions. application of machine learning to empirical asset pricing with a
highlight of the pitfalls in the application. More generally,
Fan et al. (2019) present a survey on common neural network models
See the post on CBOE Blogs at https://www.cboe.com/blogs/options-hub/ and point out the practical and theoretical benefits of deep learning.
2016/04/27/first-trades-new-cboe-flex-index-options-asian-style-settlement. Our work complements this strand of literature by comprehensively
L. Gan, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 153 (2020) 119928
investigating the effectiveness of pricing Asian options with deep 2.1. Basic model settings
Our paper is most closely related to Culkin and Das (2017), who There are two types of assets listed in the financial market. One is
train a deep learning neural network to calculate standard European the risk-free asset called a bond, whose price B(t) at time t satisfies the
option prices, which can be directly obtained from the Black and following ordinary differential equation:
Scholes formula. Our study is different from theirs in several aspects.
B (t ) = rB (t ) dt , B (0) = 1, 0 t T,
First, we use deep learning to estimate the prices of both geometric and
arithmetic Asian options, where the latter does not have an explicit where the constant r denotes the risk-free interest rate and the constant
formula. We successfully provide a new method with deep learning to T > 0 is the maturity date. The other asset is a risky one called stock
solve the challenging problem. Second, we use the Adam optimization and its price S(t) satisfies the stochastic differential equation below:
algorithm to update the model parameters in our neural network, which dS (t ) = µS (t ) dt + S (t ) dW (t ), S (0) = S0, 0 t T,
reaches more accurate results than other updating methods. Third, we
perform a series of comprehensive random experiments to investigate where W(t) is a one-dimensional standard Brownian motion that cap-
the effects of the sample size on the accuracy. For each sample, we tures the randomness and risk in the market. The constant μ is the ex-
randomly carry out 100 times of deep learning using 10 different pected return rate of the stock and σ is its volatility that characterizes the
training sets and testing sets and 10 different initial states. These standard deviation of the stock return.
random experiments support the robustness of our results. Using these
random experiments, we compare our method with the simulation 2.2. The geometric Asian option
method, the explicit formula, and the real data, which all verify its
effectiveness. Last, we also examine computational efficiency and we At the maturity date T, the payoff V(T) of the geometric Asian op-
reveal that the new method is not only more accurate but also much tion is determined by the geometric average of stock prices in the time
faster than the traditional methods including the analytic formula interval [0, T]. The payoff is
method for the geometric Asian options.
{ T1 }
T +
Our paper and Fang and George (2017) share some common in- V (T ) = exp ln S (u ) du K ,
terests in the application of machine learning to the pricing of Asian
options, but our work differs from theirs in the aspects of methods and where K > 0 is the strike price of the option that is stated on the option
effectiveness. First, they integrate the classic (Levy, 1992) approxima- contract. It is well known that the fair price V(t) of the option is de-
tion formula for arithmetic Asian options with a single-layer neural termined by the risk-neutral expectation of the terminal payoff V(T)
network that acts as a filter to map real volatilities from data to implied discounted by the risk-free interest rate r. That is
volatilities for the Levy approximation. Their method is not a model-
V (t ) = e r (T t ) (V (T )| t), V (0) = V0, 0 t T,
free method and it relies on the assumptions of Levy (1992) model. By
contrast, our method is independent of any option pricing models and it where represents the expectation under the risk-neutral probability
directly applies a multi-layer deep learning neural network to discover .
a way of estimating option prices. Second, using WTI option data, the According to Yan (2018) among others, the price V(t) of the geo-
accuracy achieved by their method is not as ideal as their simulation metric Asian option can be solved and represented by the following
experiments while our method achieves high accuracy in WTI data. explicit expressions:
Specifically, the order of magnitude of their MSE ranges from 10 3 to
V (t ) = e r (T t ) [exp( ) (M ) K (N )], 0 t T,
10 1 while ours is from 10 6 to 10 7 . Their R2-value is about 0.72 to
0.9942 while ours is about 0.99987. Due to model dependence, the where Φ( · ) represents the standard normal distribution function and
performance of their method deteriorates in real data where there are t
large differences between real volatilities and implied volatilities. On [
ln S (u ) du + (T t )ln S (t )]/T + (T t ) 2 (2r 2 )/(4T ) + (T t )3 2/(6T ) 2,
the contrary, our method is not limited by any model assumptions and
therefore it can learn real data effectively through deep learning. [4 ln S (u) du + 4(T t )ln S (t ) 4T ln K + (T t )2 (2r 2 )]/(4 ),
The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 introduces the
pricing problem of Asian options and three methods of option pricing + (T t )3 /(3T )
M , N .
are discussed: the analytical solution, the simulation method, and the (T
t)2 / 3 (T
t)2 / 3
deep learning method. Section 3 provides numerical experiments and
empirical analysis to verify the new method based on deep learning. In particular, the price of the geometric Asian option at the initial time
Section 4 summarizes the main findings. t = 0 is
where K > 0 is the strike price of the option. It is very difficult to price
L. Gan, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 153 (2020) 119928
the arithmetic Asian option, in sharp contrast to the geometric Asian Das (2017): Leaky ReLU (Leaky Rectified Linear Unit, Maas and
option. It is time-consuming to approximate the option price by the Ng, 2013), ELU (Exponential Linear Unit, Clevert et al., 2016), ReLU
traditional methods of numerically solving partial differential equations (Rectified Linear Unit, Nair and Hinton, 2010), and ELU again, re-
or Monte Carlo numerical simulation. Yang et al. (2011) provide ex- spectively.
plicit expressions for pricing the arithmetic Asian option but it still Fig. 1 portrays the deep learning model of the BP neural network,
requires a series of time-consuming computations to obtain a specific which comprises the process of data transmission and the process of
price. These prior methods have to perform expensive and repetitive parameter update. During the process of parameter updating, the model
computations when some parameters are changed, which are im- compares the predicted values and the output value of the network in
practical for real-time investment. order to compute the predicting error between the predicted values and
To approximate the arithmetic Asian option price by the traditional the output value, which determines the value of a previously given loss
Monte Carlo simulation method, one needs to simulate a large number function. Meanwhile, the model calculates the gradient of the loss
of paths of the underlying stock asset prices and option prices by a high- function and propagates relevant parameters according to a chain rule.
performance computer. Specifically, the simulation method starts from Our model uses the Adam (Adaptive moment estimation, Kingma and
simulating a number of paths of the stock price and then it computes Ba, 2014) stochastic gradient descent optimization algorithm to update
the arithmetic average of the asset prices on each path. After that, one the model parameters.
computes the sample payoff of the option for each path. Finally, after Before the learning process starts, we need to set some hyper-
discounting all sample payoffs to the initial time by the risk-free interest parameters for the BP neural network. Following a typical setting in
rate r and calculating their mean, we obtain an approximation of the practice and the literature, e.g., Culkin and Das (2017), we set a
fair price of the option. dropout rate of 25% to avoid over-fitting data and the batch size of data
for each training is 64. With these hyper-parameters, we let the model
run training 2500 times. For the Adam algorithm, we set the learning
2.4. Deep learning framework rate to 0.1 and keep the default values of the TensorFlow framework for
other Adam parameters. Finally, we let the deep learning model output
For pricing Asian options, we apply a deep learning algorithm of the results with the minimal mean square error (MSE) of prediction.
Back Propagation (BP) neural network that comprises the forward
propagation of a working signal and the back propagation of an error
signal. The BP algorithm is implemented on the TensorFlow framework 3. The effectiveness of pricing Asian options with deep learning
(Abadi et al., 2016), which is developed by Google for deep learning.
The TensorFlow framework has the advantages of flexibility, efficiency, In this section, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the new option
scalability, and portability. pricing method with deep learning through two different kinds of data.
Deep learning refers to machine learning models that comprise The first is the artificial data produced by the computer to train and to
multiple processing layers to analyze data. The first layer is the input test the deep learning model. We let the computer generate three sets of
layer and the last layer is the output layer. The layers between the input option price data by three traditional methods: the explicit formula
layer and the output layer are hidden layers that affect the complexity method of geometric Asian options and the simulation method for both
and effectiveness of a deep learning algorithm. In our implement of geometric Asian options and arithmetic Asian options. To obtain three
deep learning, we choose four hidden layers and each of them contains sets of price data with a large size, we vary the parameter values of
100 neurons. These neurons receive inputs from previous neurons and these Asian options within some ranges. After that, we divide the ar-
then they process data with activation functions. The activation func- tificial data into two parts and we use one part of these data to train our
tions that we use on our four hidden layers are as Culkin and BP neural network model and the other to test the prediction accuracy
L. Gan, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 153 (2020) 119928
Fig. 3. Predicted prices vs computer generated prices of Asian options. Fig. 3 plots the predicted prices using deep learning vs the computer generated prices using (a)
the exact formula of geometric Asian option; (b) the simulation of geometric Asian option; (c) the simulation of arithmetic Asian option.
Fig. 4. Absolute prediction errors of Asian option prices. Fig. 4 plots the densities of absolute prediction errors between the predicted prices using deep learning and
the computer generated prices using (a) the exact formula of geometric Asian option; (b) the simulation of geometric Asian option; (c) the simulation of arithmetic
Asian option.
of the model. To check our method, we collect real Asian option data 3.1.1. Data generation process
from a market. We use real data to further verify the effectiveness of the To generate a large size of data set, we first need to randomly draw
deep learning method for option pricing. option parameters from some chosen ranges of values. Table 1 lists the
ranges of parameter values that we choose, which are similar to
Culkin and Das (2017), who consider European options. In addition, we
3.1. The effectiveness of deep learning by computer-generated data follow the convention of 250 trading days in a year. The annualized
maturity is within the range of [0.004, 3] with a time interval being 1/
In this section, we explain the effectiveness of deep learning by a 250. It is also assumed that the strike prices of the Asian options are
simulation computation and it is further verified by an empirical ana- between 0.7 and 1.3 times the initial price of the underlying asset,
lysis in the next section. which are taken in practice by most traders in the market.
After obtaining a random draw of the option parameter values from
Fig. 5. Relative prediction errors of Asian option prices. Fig. 5 plots the relative prediction errors between the predicted prices using deep learning and the computer
generated prices using (a) the exact formula of geometric Asian option; (b) the simulation of geometric Asian option; (c) the simulation of arithmetic Asian option.
L. Gan, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 153 (2020) 119928
Fig. 6. Prediction of Asian option prices using real data. Fig. 6 plots (a) the predicted prices using deep learning vs the real prices; (b) the absolute prediction errors;
(c) the relative prediction errors, between the predicted prices and the real prices of Asian options.
L. Gan, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 153 (2020) 119928
Table 1 the test set, we use the data to train the deep learning model 10 times
Parameters and value ranges. with 10 random initial states. In total, each group of sample is used to
Parameter Range train the deep learning model 100 times under different allocations and
initial states.
Stock price (S) $10 - $500
Strike price (K) $7 - $650
Maturity (T) 1 day to 3 years 3.1.2. The accuracy analysis of numerical results
Risk free rate (r) 1% - 3% As described before, we have three sets of computer-generated data
Volatility (σ) 5% - 90%
of Asian option prices using three traditional methods: the explicit and
Call price (C) $0 - $328
exact formula for geometric Asian options, the simulation method for
Notes. Table 1 lists the ranges of option parameters that we geometric Asian options, and the simulation method for arithmetic
use to generate option data for numerical comparison and Asian options. For each set of data, we divide them into six groups with
analysis. We take a large number of random draws within the sizes of 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000. For each
these ranges in order to generate a large size of sample data. group of data, we carry out 100 times of deep learning using 10 dif-
ferent training sets and testing sets and 10 different initial states. Each
Table 1, we use three traditional pricing methods to generate three sets deep learning provides the outputs of 31,001 parameter values, of
of artificial Asian option data, with which we examine the effectiveness which 30,600 are weights and 401 are bias parameters.
of the new method based on deep learning. As shown in the flowchart After 100 runs of deep learning, we report five measures for the
Fig. 2, the three traditional methods are the exact formula method for effectiveness of deep learning: the bias median, the 95% bias mean, i.e.
geometric Asian options, the geometric average method for geometric the mean of the predicted errors which are less than the 95th percentile,
Asian options, and the arithmetic average method for arithmetic Asian the mean square error (MSE), the correlation coefficient ρ between the
options. For the last two methods, we use Monte Carlo simulation to original data and the predicted data, and the R2 value for the training
produce the stock price path 5000 times and we calculate the option set and the test set of each data group, as shown in Table 2 to Table 4.
payoff for each stock path. In total, we stimulate 5000 payoffs. After The bias represents the relative prediction error. That is, the program
discounting the payoffs to the initial time and calculating their mean, firstly computes the absolute value of the difference between a pre-
we generate one option price. In this way, we repeat the random draw, dicted option price and the option price from the original data and then
exactly analytic computation, and stochastic simulation a number of it divides the absolute difference by the output price.
times to obtain three large sets of sample data. Table 2 reports five measures for the effectiveness of pricing geo-
Before feeding a set of option price data into a deep learning model, metric Asian options by the deep learning method under six groups of
we standardize these data. The option pricing theory implies that the sample data that are generated by the exact formula of geometric Asian
option price V is linearly correlated with the stock price S and the op- option prices. We find that these measures are robust across the six
tion strike price K, see Hutchinson et al. (1994). Hence, one can stan- groups of data for both the training set and the testing set. Take the
dardize the data by dividing the option prices and the stock prices by training set for example. The medians of bias indicate that the relative
the strike price K as follows: errors of the predicted option prices in more than half of the training
sets are within 1.4%. The 95% bias means are about 2.66%. The MSEs
V (S0, K )/ K = V (S0/ K , 1).
in the training set are near zero at 10 6 . The correlations ρ between the
After that, one can input the standardized data along with the five predicted data and the original data are almost 1, so are the values of
parameter values S0, K, T, r, σ into a deep learning model. R2. In the testing set, all of these measures are similar to those in the
For the three sets of computer-generated data, we divided each set training set, which explains that there are no over-fitting problems in
of data into a series of sample groups with six different sizes: 500, 1000, our model.
5000, 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000. For each group of data, we randomly Similarly, Tables 3 and 4 show the measures for the effectiveness of
allocate data to a training set and a test set according to the ratio of 4:1. pricing geometric and arithmetic Asian options by the deep learning
For example, the group of data with 500 option prices is randomly al- method under six groups of sample data. In contrast to Table 2, the two
located into 400 training prices and 100 test prices. Then, we use these sets of data for Tables 3 and 4 are generated by the simulation of
sample data to examine the effectiveness of the pricing method with geometric and arithmetic Asian option prices respectively. Over the two
deep learning. To prevent the contingency of the experimental results, sets of data, the effectiveness of deep learning is robust across the six
we randomly generate the sample groups and allocate the sample group groups of data for both the training set and the testing set. The medians
randomly into a training set and a test set. The process is repeated 10 of bias indicate that the relative errors of the predicted option prices in
times. For each group of data with an allocation of the training set and more than half of the data are not above 3%. Almost all of the 95% bias
Table 2
Effectiveness of deep learning using data generated by the exact formula of geometric Asian option price.
Sample size 500 1000 5000 10,000 20,000 50,000
Training set
Bias Median 0.01100 0.01219 0.01245 0.01283 0.01268 0.01290
95% Bias Mean 0.02335 0.02667 0.02603 0.02663 0.02623 0.02665
MSE 6.17E−06 7.49E−06 8.7E−06 8.92E−06 8.72E−06 9.02E−06
ρ 0.99983 0.99870 0.99892 0.99836 0.99887 0.99955
R2 0.99960 0.99952 0.99943 0.99942 0.99943 0.99941
Testing set
Bias Median 0.01348 0.01361 0.01265 0.01283 0.01283 0.01284
95% Bias Mean 0.02951 0.03205 0.02753 0.02683 0.02684 0.02668
MSE 1.19E−05 1.05E−05 8.96E−06 9.01E−06 8.88E−06 8.99E−06
ρ 0.99980 0.99793 0.99878 0.99840 0.99878 0.99947
R2 0.99922 0.99927 0.99942 0.99942 0.99942 0.99941
Notes. Table 2 reports five measures for the effectiveness of pricing geometric Asian options by the deep learning method under six groups of sample data that are
generated by the exact formula of geometric Asian option price.
L. Gan, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 153 (2020) 119928
Table 3
Effectiveness of deep learning using data generated by the simulation of geometric Asian option price.
Sample size 500 1000 5000 10,000 20,000 50,000
Training set
Bias Median 0.02536 0.02546 0.02587 0.02581 0.02623 0.02602
95% Bias Mean 0.05383 0.05478 0.05124 0.05113 0.05163 0.05298
MSE 7.62E−05 4.21E−05 3.88E−05 4.56E−05 4.13E−05 3.82E−05
ρ 0.99406 0.99672 0.99723 0.99596 0.99696 0.99811
R2 0.99514 0.99727 0.99748 0.99705 0.99730 0.99751
Testing set
Bias Median 0.02910 0.02765 0.02645 0.02581 0.02635 0.02612
95% Bias Mean 0.09776 0.05866 0.05361 0.05222 0.05173 0.05372
MSE 3.75E−05 3.23E−05 3.05E−05 3.67E−05 5.15E−05 4.07E−05
ρ 0.99460 0.99656 0.99750 0.99663 0.99653 0.99803
R2 0.99761 0.99797 0.99801 0.99765 0.99662 0.99734
Notes. Table 3 reports five measures for the effectiveness of pricing geometric Asian options by the deep learning method under six groups of sample data that are
generated by the simulation of geometric Asian option price.
means are less than 5.5%. The MSEs are near zero at 10 5 . The values of Table 5
R2 and the correlation ρs between the original data and the predicted The comparisons of computation time.
data are almost 1. No. of Prices Geometric Geometric Arithmetic
Compared with Table 2, the medians of bias and the 95% bias
means in Tables 3 and 4 are about twice the corresponding values in D.L. Formula D.L. Sim. D.L. Sim.
Table 2. These differences are expected since the data to be learned for
Panel A: Computation time using a laptop
Table 2 are obtained from the analytical solution while the data that are 1000 0.54 s 2.43 s 0.50 s > 104 s 0.48 s > 104 s
inputted to the deep learning method for Tables 3 and 4 are generated 10,000 0.76 s 22.16 s 0.72 s > 105 s 0.60 s > 105 s
by simulation. Random numbers for simulation unavoidably introduce Panel B: Computation Time Using a Workstation
more noises to the simulation-generated data than the data obtained 1000 0.13 s 0.27 s 0.13 s ≈ 104 s 0.15 s ≈ 104 s
10,000 0.22 s 2.70 s 0.22 s ≈ 105 s 0.22 s ≈ 105 s
from the analytical solution. Although the performance implied by
Tables 3 and 4 is not as high as that indicated by Table 2, it is rea- Notes. Table 5 compares the time of computing 1000 or 10,000 prices of Asian
sonable and acceptable. Indeed, the MSEs are kept at the level near zero options by four methods: the deep learning method represented by D.L., the
and both R2-value and ρ-value are close to 1 in Tables 3 and 4 as well. In exact formula method of geometric Asian options, the simulation method of
addition, the differences in these tables show that our method is a data- geometric Asian options, and the simulation method of arithmetic Asian op-
driven method and the data quality affects its performance. When we tions. Panel A and B list computational time using a laptop and a workstation
use actual option data to train the deep learning model in Section 3.2, respectively. ” > 10n” (” ≈ 10n”) represents that the computation time is
we achieve lower biases than those based on the data generated by the greater than (within) the order of magnitude 10n.
analytical formula.
In short, from the results in Tables 2 to 4 we conclude that our corresponding strike prices, and prediction errors for Asian options
method is robust in both training sets and testing sets across different under three different situations. In each of these figures, we use three
sizes of sample data generated by three kinds of methods. These robust traditional methods to generate three sets of data. The sub-figures with
results demonstrate the effectiveness of the deep learning method for the label “(a)” use the data sets generated by the exact formula for
pricing Asian options even if the size of the training data is small. We geometric Asian options, while the sub-figures “(b)” and “(c)” take the
emphasize that the robust results across different sizes of sample data data sets from the simulation of geometric and arithmetic Asian options
are particularly useful in practice since the size of real data for one respectively. We use the groups of data with the size of 50,000 across
particular option is usually limited. the three sets of data to produce the figures.
After we show the robust results of deep learning across different Fig. 3 displays the predicted prices using deep learning vs the price
sizes of data, we illustrate the effectiveness of deep learning intuitively data generated by the computer according to three traditional methods.
in Figs. 3 to 5. Similar to Culkin and Das (2017) who examine standard It shows that for both training set and testing set, almost all of the price
options, we plot the prediction prices, which are standardized by the pairs are close to a straight line at the 45 degrees with a very narrow
Table 4
Effectiveness of deep learning using data generated by the simulation of arithmetic Asian option price.
Sample size 500 1000 5000 10,000 20,000 50,000
Training set
Bias Median 0.02418 0.02546 0.02617 0.02594 0.02639 0.02578
95% Bias Mean 0.04557 0.04776 0.04945 0.04797 0.04971 0.04799
MSE 3.51E−05 4.26E−05 4.63E−05 4.81E−05 5.67E−05 5.06E−05
ρ 0.99758 0.99773 0.99636 0.99584 0.99570 0.99540
R2 0.99828 0.99788 0.99766 0.99754 0.99713 0.99740
Testing set
Bias Median 0.02798 0.02724 0.02669 0.02610 0.02642 0.02584
95% Bias Mean 0.05648 0.05052 0.05146 0.04858 0.05144 0.04789
MSE 5.26E−05 4.70E−05 6.80E−05 5.87E−05 4.84E−05 5.19E−05
ρ 0.99402 0.99732 0.99559 0.99518 0.99561 0.99570
R2 0.99742 0.99752 0.99645 0.99702 0.99759 0.99732
Notes. Table 4 reports five measures for the effectiveness of pricing arithmetic Asian options by the deep learning method under six groups of sample data that are
generated by the simulation of arithmetic Asian option price.
L. Gan, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 153 (2020) 119928
L. Gan, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 153 (2020) 119928
on option pricing and stock returns and he specifies a criterion of 5%, train the deep learning model, which produces more accurate results
which is more than double of our 2% bias. Based on S&P 500-stock than those in the numerical experiment using our three sets of simu-
index options, Fortune (1996) discovers systematic and sizable errors lation data. The deep learning method achieves superior performance in
that are produced by the widely-used Black–Scholes option pricing the real data because there are fewer extreme cases in the real data than
model. There are average 10% to 100% (15% to 40%) pricing bias for in the computer-generated data in our numerical experiments. Our
call (put) options. Similarly, Yakoob and Durham (2002) show pricing numerical results imply that the deep learning method is expected to be
bias of 0.060% to 70.684% (0.416% to 29.118%) for call (put) options. robust to be applied in practice since our numerical experiments are
More recently, Heo et al. (2017) find pricing biases ranging from about tougher than the real situation. Furthermore, the deep learning method
2.28% to 4% using six models of European / American options and is a model-free approach for asset pricing, which avoids non-realistic
Yahoo options data. The potential explanations for these biases are model assumptions.
limitations on arbitrage, short-selling restrictions, and unrealistic model Artificial intelligence enters a new era after the on-going improve-
assumptions. Compared with these existing studies, the 2% bias from ment of computer performance and the wide applications of machine
the deep learning pricing method in our study is reasonable. learning. The applications of artificial intelligence in many fields have
To illustrate the effectiveness intuitively, Fig. 6 compares the stan- achieved remarkable results but their applications in finance just
dardized prediction prices of deep learning and the standardized real started. In finance, there are many tasks of finding a functioning re-
prices of average options. Fig. 6(a) shows that the predicted prices and lationship between a dependent variable and a series of independent
the real prices are close to a line approaching 45 degrees with a very variables from finance data in real-time. Generally, traditional methods
narrow width, which indicates that the prediction of deep learning in are not capable of fulfilling such tasks. In this paper, we provide a
actual data is excellent and the errors in both training set and test set method of applying the recent development in machine learning to
are small. Indeed, Fig. 6(b) shows that most of the absolute pricing price a class of financial products. We demonstrate that the method is
errors compared with real data are between ± 0.0015 in both training effective as other applications of machine learning in other areas. This
set and testing set. Similarly, Fig. 6(c) displays that the relative pricing method can be conveniently applied by investment managers or traders
errors of standardized prices are quite small, except for a small number in the industry of financial trading in the real world. With the devel-
of cases where the option values near zero, naturally leading to large opment of computer techniques and big data, artificial intelligence in
relative errors. finance has a much brighter future than we expected.
The results in Fig. 6 shows that the performance of deep learning by
real data is better than the performance of deep learning by the data CRediT authorship contribution statement
generated by the computer. There are two reasons for the advantage of
deep learning by real data. First, in the real market, there are barely Lirong Gan: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation,
transactions near extreme situations where the standardized option Formal analysis, Resources, Data curation, Writing - original draft,
price C/K approximates 0. As pointed out before, the standardized Writing - review & editing, Visualization. Huamao Wang:
option values near 0 push up the relative pricing errors. Second, the Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Resources, Data
option parameter values in the real data must be distributed in some curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing,
short intervals instead of the large ranges in the numerical experiment. Supervision, Project administration. Zhaojun Yang: Conceptualization,
Therefore, Fig. 6 illustrates that the learning process using real data is Methodology, Formal analysis, Resources, Writing - original draft,
much more effective than using the data generated by the computer. Writing - review & editing, Supervision, Project administration,
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