UTS Grade 8 SMT Gasal 2012-2013

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Woman : Devon, are you free this afternoon?

Boy : Yes,Mom. Is there anything I can do for you?
Woman : Yes, please. Could you take me to Ms. Rahita’s house? I want to give her this
Boy : Sure, mom
Woman : Thanks, dear
Boy : My pleasure

1. The woman says,” Could you take me to Ms. Rahita’s house?” What does it mean?
a. She offers help
b. She wants to help
c. She asks for help
d. She asks for information

2. What will the woman give to Ms. Rahita?

a. An invitation
b. A proposal
c. A business letter
d. An announcement

3. Who is talking in the dialog?

a. A student and his mother
b. A boy and her woman
c. A boy and his mother
d. A daughter and her mother

4. Mr. Bamb has fish ponds. He never _____ to feed the fish everyday
a. Will forgot
b. Forgets
c. Forget
d. Forgot

5. Tania and her mother ............ in the kitchen today

a. Cook
b. Cooks
c. Cooking
d. Cooked

6. She always ....... in the garden in her spare time

a. works
b. Work
c. Working
d. worked

7. My cousin and I study in the same school. However, his class is….. mine. He is in class
VIII B, while I am in class VIII A. his class is larger than mine.
a. As big as

b. As large as
c. The same as
d. Different from

8. Both Ms. Erin and Ms. Titi are very good typists. They can type twenty – one English
words in a second. It mean that …………

a. Ms. Erin can type as good as Ms. Titi does

b. Ms. Erin can type faster than Ms. Titi does
c. Ms. Erin can type as fast as Ms. Titi does
d. Ms. Erin can type slower than Ms. Titi does

9. Mr. Riswandi has two children, Hana and Alfian. Hana is ……… her brother. She is
diligent, open minded and kind, but Alfian is a bit lazy, introvert and self centered
a. The same diligence as
b. As helpful as
c. As humble as
d. Different from

10. A train : 200 km / hours

A car : 120 Km / hours
Motorcycle : 80 km / hours
a. A train is slower than a car
b. A car is faster than a train
c. a train the fastest of all
d. a car is slower than motorcycles

This text is for questions 11 to 14

This is Topeng Ireng dance which originated from Magelang, central Java Let me tell
you what the dancers are like.
Some energetic young men dance this aweome dance. They wear black shirts with
colorful accessories on their heads, body, hands and legs. They wear hats similar to a red
Indian’s from America. They also paint their faces. There are many small bells on their shoes,
so they will rattle when the dancers stomp their feet. This makes the dance more attractive.
The spectators always give a standing ovation during the show.
The dance has very dynamic movements. Gamelan music and Javanese poems
appealing for good behavior accompany this dance. No wonder, the spectators remain seated
until the dance show ends.

11. The text is about …………….

a. Topeng Ireng dance
b. Magelang, central Java
c. Gamelan music from Magelang, central Java
d. The reason why people enjoy Topeng Ireng dance

12. “This makes the dance more attractive” (paragraph 2) The word ”this” in this statement
refers to ………………
a. The awesome dance
b. The dynamic movement
c. The sound of the jingling bells
d. The beautiful costumes of the dance
13. Which statement does NOT describe Topeng Ireng dance?
a. The dancers wear interesting costume
b. Topeng Ireng dance is from Magelang, central Java
c. Javanese gamelan music accompanies the dance show
d. Topeng Ireng dance has energetic movement which appeal other people to have
good behavior

14. Johan : ………. Will the next OSIS chairpersons be?

Dita : I am not sure. Both candidates,Fauzan and Aditya, are brilliant school student

a. What
b. When
c. Who
d. Why

15. My little sister usually ……… at 5 in the morning. She goes to school with me
a. Go
b. Going
c. Gone
d. Goes

16. Ronald : I saw you in the park yesterday. What did you do there ?

Agnes : I ………….. my old friend

a. Met
b. Meet
c. Have met
d. Am meeting

17. Mega : ……………. T-shirt do you like? The red, blue or yellow one?
Guntur : The yellow one, please.
a. Which
b. Where
c. When
d. What

18. Kenny : ………..will we order the cakes for the party?

Vanya : This afternoon after school.
a. What
All teachers
c. When
are invited

Day/date : Saturday, Oktober 1,2012

This text is for questions 19 to 20.
Time : 1:30 p.m
Venue : Teacher’s office
Agenda : Plans of celebrating the school

Please do come and share your ideas

Alan Gerry
19. When will the meeting be held?
a. In the morning
b. In the afternoon
c. In the evening
d. At night

20. All ………… should attend the meeting

a. Teachers
b. Students
c. Principals
d. School staff

21. Which statement is not true according to the text?

a. Mr. Alan Gerry is a principal
b. The meeting will be held on Saturday
c. The participants will discuss the school anniversary celebration
d. The meeting will be held in the principal’s room

This text is for questions 22 to 25.

Viona likes jasmines. She plants them in a big pot and then puts the pot in the garden,
in front of her house.
The jasmine has a slim stem and deciduous leaves. It has many branches. When it is
growing bigger, Viona will move it from the pot to the ground.
Viona waters her jasmine regularly. She also gives it enough sunlight. To make it grow
better, she adds fertilizer.
Now, the plant is flowering. It is very beautiful. The flowers are white and strongly
scented. Each flower has five or six lobes.

22. Where can we find Viona’s jasmine?

a. At the backyard
b. Beside her house
c. In front of her house
d. In a park of her house

23. What will Viona do when her jasmine is growing bigger?
a. She will sell it
b. She will cut it down
c. She will move it from the pot to the ground
d. She will put it in a bigger pot

24. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

a. The place where Viona grows her jasmine
b. The description of Viona’s jasmine flowers
c. The description of Viona’s jasmine tree
d. Viona’s treatment for her jasmine

This text is for questions 25 to 26.

Some time ago, my mother and I traveled to Surabaya to visit my sister. We went there
by train.
On the train, two young men in their early 20s sat in front of us. They were not well-built
and noisy. They were laughing loudly and obviously enjoying themselves. I took an instant
dislike to them.
As we sped through the suburbs, I kept an eye on them as they joked around, with an
occasional glance in our direction. Actually I felt annoyed. When one of them got off, I
relaxed a little.
When we eventually pulled into our station, the man was obviously alighting too. As
I struggled towards him with my luggage, he asked me whether I needed some help.
Then, he carried the heavier suitcase up the station steps for us. We were pleasantly
surprised and very grateful. I didn’t think that the man who seemed harsh was helpful.
Adopted from: Richard Channel, Taken Aback, A Helping Hand to Lighten the Load in
Reader’s Digest volume 97 no. 579 June 2011, Singapore, Reader’s Digest Asia Pte. Ltd.,

25. Where did the story take place?

a. In a railway station.
b. In a bus terminal.
c. On a train.
d. On a bus.

26. “. . . with an occasional glance in our direction.” (Paragraph 3)A similar meaning to the
word ‘occasional’ is ………..
a. empty
b. hopeful
c. frequent
d. sometimes

This text is for questions 27 to 28.

Last week my family and I went to Bali. It was my first time there. We stayed at a hotel
in a 2-bedroom suite.

The first day, we walked over to a shopping center. We wanted to check out prices at
restaurants because the hotel prices seemed outrageously high. Every restaurant was
offering 60% discounts on food (not drinks), so eating was much more affordable than
Then, we met my father’s friend. He funds an orphanage of 20 children from his own
pockets. We met the children and gave them some donations. We also went to the children’s
school and handed out school supplies to them.
The next day was our first venture into Kuta. We walked on the beach. We were
immediately surrounded by very pushy hawkers. The best things though were the views of
the sunset, ocean and Kuta beach from the terrace eating area. We shopped around the area
for a couple hours. We were asked to fill out “tourism” surveys by people on the streets.

Adopted from: http://baliforfamilies.com/cyndi_and_family_just_back.htm (January 11, 2012)

27. How was the food price at the hotel compared to the price in restaurants?
a. It was similar.
b. It was cheaper.
c. It was lower.
d. It was more expensive.

28. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a. The writer’s family stayed in a 2-bedroom suite.
b. There are twenty children living in the orphanage.
c. The best view in Kuta beach was the sunset.
d. The writer had visited Bali twice.

Arrange the words into a good sentence number 29 to 30

29. camel - from – a – den – lion – its - and – a – escaped – attacked

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a. 3-5-10-2-8-4-7-1-9-6
b. 3-5-9-7-8-1-4-10-2-8
c. 3-5-9-2-6-4-7-10-8-1
d. 3-5-9-2-8-6-10-4-1-7

30. on – do – usually – sister – I – gardening – and – morning – my – Sunday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a. 9-4-7-5-3-2-6-1-10-8
b. 9-4-7-5-1-6-3-8-10-2
c. 9-4-7-5-8-2-10-1-6-3
d. 9-4-7-5-1-8-6-10-3-2


01. a. The students ( weren,t / didn,t / wasn,t ) go to school last Sunday.

b. What ( were/did/was ) they write last night ?

02. a. What ( was/were/did) you read last night ?
b. What time (was/were/did) she go to the bus station last night?


03. a. usually – me – father - a present – my – gives - my birthday – for – a present

b. always – many birds – on summer – come – there – in – place


04. a. What are you read in living room last night?

b. Mr. Sivian and Ms. Yohana buy a new I-Pad in Paris supermall for their daughter last

05. Write an invitation based on the following data

What Farewell party

Who (addressee) Mr. Bram’s family

When Saturday, July 21,2012 at 6.30 p.m

Where Mr. Jan’s house at Jie Whan residence Madiun



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