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Study the delays and conflicts for construction projects and their mutual
relationship: A review
Junaid Tariq ⇑, S. Shujaa Safdar Gardezi
Department of Civil Engineering, Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST), Islamabad Expressway, Kahuta Road, Zone- V, 44000 Islamabad, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Delays and conflicts (D&Cs) are adversely affecting the performance of construction projects. They have
Received 11 September 2021 separately been addressed by many authors but the mutual relationship among them is still a key grey
Revised 26 February 2022 area. Therefore, this study aims to explore this hidden relationship. Literature was reviewed to identify
Accepted 16 April 2022
the previous ranking of D&Cs causes to develop a global ranking and to explore other hidden aspects
Available online xxxx
of mutual relationships. Data were classified through Jenks optimization that resulted in the identifica-
tion of, the top five causes of D&Cs in a global perspective and commonality among them. Among the
top five identified global causes of D&Cs, the common causes are; (1) financial problems on behalf of
Construction delays
the owner, (2) Change orders/ Variations, and (3) Lack of communication/ Poor relationship. Such explo-
Mutual relationship ration of hidden relationships among D&Cs will not only improve construction management strategies
Common causes but will also define new pathways for future research to secure project success parameters.
Jenks optimization Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-

1. Introduction ized the construction industry with the terms high risk, low mar-
gin, poor performing, poor productivity, over-ambitious, wasteful,
The importance of the construction sector for any economy is hazardous, fragmented, uncertain, and temporary [4]. This diversi-
well established in the existing literature. Construction activities fied picture expresses hard and challenging issues for the construc-
are considered as the mainstay of the global economy due to a sig- tion industry to deal with. Construction project D&Cs are the two
nificant role in worldwide GDP (gross domestic product) and significant issues among many.
employment generation [1]. Important construction sector projects Most construction projects face schedule delays that result in
play a critical role in the composition of a healthy society and further related issues [5]. Authors defined delay as the time
improve the overall social reputation of countries by fulfilling their exceeding the specified contract date or the date agreed by the pro-
social demands [2]. Any issue faced by the progress of the con- ject parties [6,7]. It is a project’s deviation from a targeted schedule
struction sector would impact the worldwide economy. and is characterized as a common problem. Delay in construction
For the last few decades, the construction industry went projects is a universally admitted issue [8]. Small or large construc-
through many evolutionary changes due to technological improve- tion projects, developing or developed economies, no one has an
ments. Despite extensive scientific work and improved manage- exception to project delays. Likewise, conflicts in construction pro-
ment techniques, construction projects are still unable to resolve jects are also considered a global and unavoidable phenomenon. To
multiple issues such as delays, conflicts, productivity loss, poor have a conflict-free project is an idealistic approach that is not pos-
performance, coordination, and many more. Poor performance of sible in real-time [9]. The occurrence of conflicts in the construc-
construction projects is a global issue [3]. Many authors character- tion industry is a routine matter as conflicts seem to be an
integral part of construction projects [10]. In existing research con-
⇑ Corresponding author. flict has been defined in multiple ways. It is a disagreement among
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Tariq). the project’s internal stakeholders originated as a result of pressure
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University. to produce the required output [11]. It may be a situation that
arises as a result of differences in opinion, objectives, approach,
goals, and interests among project individuals or organization
groups [12].
Production and hosting by Elsevier

2090-4479/Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Please cite this article as: J. Tariq and S. Shujaa Safdar Gardezi, Study the delays and conflicts for construction projects and their mutual relationship: A
review, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2022.101815
J. Tariq and S. Shujaa Safdar Gardezi Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

A significant number of authors have separately addressed both and commonality among them was identified through a data clus-
these issues (D&Cs) in their studies. Most of the work is related to tering technique Jenks optimization [27]. It is a useful technique
the identification of causes, impacts, and management strategies when data is intended to be divided into a few data classes [28].
for D&Cs. Elhusseiny et al. [13], carried out a study in Egypt to The classes which contain the highest significance were then
identify the significant causes of delays and expressed their mitiga- selected. The outcome of this study will help control construction
tion measures. Another study by Elhusseiny et al. [14] reported a project performance and will also provide potential grey areas
systematic framework for the analysis of different delay factors for future research.
in the perspective of the Egyptian construction industry. Jonbi
et al. [15], identified various delay factors and associated claims
2. Literature review
in the perspective of commercial buildings. Sunjka & Jacob [16],
carried out a study from the perspective of the Nigerian construc-
2.1. Delays
tion industry. They identified the important causes of delays and
their potential effect on project performance. Kraiem & Diekmann
Different forms of construction delays exist which can under-
[17], expressed different forms of delay occurrence in their study.
mine project success. Many authors categorized construction
Aneetha & Kalidindi [18], expressed the interrelationship among
delays as, avoidable (non-excusable / non-compensable) and
various factors causing a delay in a construction project. Chandu
unavoidable (excusable/compensable), Critical & non-critical and
et al. [19], provided a methodology for the ranking of time overrun
Concurrent & non-concurrent delay [29,30]. These types of delays
factors in the perspective of residential building projects. Likewise,
interact with other issues in a project life cycle uniquely and
different aspects of conflicts have also been addressed in various
impart different impacts on project performance. Therefore, it is
studies. Mitkus & Mitkus [20], carried out a study to identify the
important to understand the vulnerability of real-time projects
causes of conflicts for the construction industry. Ng et al. [21], car-
towards these different forms of delays.
ried out a study to identify how conflicts evolve and escalate
Construction project delays have the potential to impart multi-
within the project. They also enlightened the conflict management
ple hazardous impacts and can adversely affect the overall project
system in their study. Chen et al. [22], identified the impact of var-
performance. Such impacts result in the disappearance of eco-
ious forms of conflicts on project cost. Elziny et al. [23], carried out
nomic benefits for a project. Various studies have been conducted
a comprehensive review study to identify the causes of disputes
so far to identify the impact of delays. According to Memon et al.
and their resolution techniques. Their study provides an insight
[31], time overrun is ultimately a cost overrun which is one of
towards the optimal resolution of conflicting issues occurring in
the important performance indicators for a project. Delays are
construction projects. All these studies and many others as
characterized as a loss of efficiency and productivity in the con-
expressed in the literature review, have addressed both D&Cs as
struction industry [32]. Delays can cause multiple issues in the
a separate phenomenon. The only relationship between D&Cs
construction industry like legal battles, increases in costs, further
observed from the existing literature is that both are potential
project delays, productivity, financial losses, and contract failures
sources of each other. Delays negatively affect the project partici-
[33,34]. According to Trauner [35], delays adversely affect the
pants in perspective of work progress, mutual relationship & com-
interests of project stakeholders by increasing the cost associated
munication, monetary matters and can lead towards conflicts,
with the project. Delays are considered influential factors damag-
disputes, and other legalities among project parties [24,25].
ing the success profile of most of the projects [36,37].
Whereas, on another hand, Aibinu & Jagboro [26] also expressed
Various studies for the identification of major causes of delays
that conflicts, disputes, and lawsuits are the potential sources of
have been carried out in different regions of the world. Faridi &
delay in construction sector projects.
El-Sayegh [38] carried out a study in UAE and found that late
No such study was found in the existing literature that can
approval of drawings, delayed decisions, and improper planning
clearly express the mutual interaction among D&Cs and their
are the major causes of delays. According to Assaf & Al-Hejji [6],
impact on project success parameters. These issues (D&Cs) have
the unavailability of workers and financial issues were found to
deep roots and multiple hidden relationships which adversely
be the major causes of delays in KSA. Whereas, Rahman et al.
affect the project performances. To what extent D&Cs possess com-
[39] identified inflation and political instability as a major cause
monality or difference among them, how they interact and evolve
of delays in Bangladesh. There is no consensus among authors as
through project lifecycle is still a key grey area to be explored.
the significant causes vary based on project type, region, nature
Therefore, this study is the first step towards the identification of
of construction industry, firm size, experience, cultural differences,
hidden relationships among D&Cs. This review study contributes
technical expertise, etc. This lack of consensus is due to the unique
to the body of knowledge in a way that this is the pioneer study
characteristic of construction projects [40]. Despite this, still there
to address the following;
is some commonality among causes of delays in a worldwide per-
spective. This commonality has been expressed in Table 6 in the
 Identification of common impacts of delays and conflicts.
findings section of this study.
 Identification of common concerns for delays and conflicts
Some delays have been reported more influential than others.
among different countries.
Besides the major causes of delays, various authors have presented
 Establishes the relationship between delays and conflicts based
the ranking of potential causes of delays in their studies. A survey
on existing literature.
to such an extent has been presented in Table 1.
 Provides a comparison between positive impacts of delays and
 Identification of common causes of delays and conflicts among 2.2. Conflicts
the top-ranked causes.
 Provides a solid ground for future research to explore the hid- Due to the complex nature of the construction industry and the
den relationship among delays and conflicts to improve con- involvement of cross-cultural teams the occurrence of conflicts in
struction management strategies. construction projects is also considered a universal phenomenon.
Different types of conflicts occur in construction projects and
Some of the aspects have been addressed on the basis of a crit- impart different impacts to project success. Conflicts are classified
ical literature review. Whereas, the global ranking of D&Cs factors as task, relationship, and process conflicts [94]. These conflicts
J. Tariq and S. Shujaa Safdar Gardezi Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1
Top five causes of construction project delays in existing the literature.

Reference Top Causes

[41] Poor project management, Poor contracting approach, Poor construction Procedures, Interdependencies, Weak contractor’s prior evaluation, Delayed
design reviews
[32] Contractor’s financial issues, Delayed approvals, Delayed material supply, Improper site organization, Poor coordination, Inefficient resource planning and
[6] Changes by the client, Delayed payments, Contractor’s Poor planning and scheduling, Contractor’s poor management, Labor availability, Contractor’s
financial issues
[33] Poor contractor’s planning, Poor contractor’s site management, Insufficient contractor’s experience, Client’s financial issues, Subcontractors issues,
Availability of material
[42] Contractor’s financial problems, Demands for changes by the owner
[43] Financial uncertainties, External risks, Design risks, Risk associated with efficient management, Construction risks
[44] Funding problems
[45] Delayed payments, Owner/contractor’s financial problems, Changes in contract, Poor economic situation, Problems related to the procurement of material
[16] Political instability, contractor’s poor planning, Compensation payments issues, Wrong selection of contracting parties by the owner, Unfavorable weather
[46] Lack of funds for equipment, Poor time estimation, Payment issues, Variation orders, Poor cost estimation
[47] Financial issues and economic conditions
[48] Imported materials issues, Unrealistic project timeframe, Problems regarding client-related material, Land acquisition, Demand for changes
[49] Delayed site possession, Change orders, Unfavorable climatic conditions
[50] Owner’s financial problems, Lack of contractor’s experience, Changes by the client, Delayed site possession, Project’s funding issues
[51] Changes in scope, Payment issues, Inefficient project’s monitoring and control, Issues related to project cost, Negative political impact
[52] Fuel shortage, Contractors cash flow issue, Foreign currency issues for import of material and equipment, Improper payment procedure by the owner,
Equipment availability
[53] Equipment availability, Communication problems, Subcontractor’s issues, Lack of experience of design professionals, Change orders by the client
[8] Political instability, No freedom of movement, Preference to the lowest bid, Payment issues related to the client, Availability of equipment
[54] Availability of material, Poor project scheduling, Delayed material supply, Unavailability of skilled labor, Project complexity
[55] Inflation, Poor budgeting schedule
[56] Funding issues related to project, Poor prior planning, Equipment related issues, Delayed material supply
[57] Political involvement, Countries’ economic condition, Delayed material testing and reporting, Late contractor’s payment, Poor delay management strategy
[58] Financial problems, Contractor’s poor management, Issues in procuring material, Lacking technical efficiency, Increase in price of materials
[59] Contractor’s financial capability, Delayed payments by the owner, Political instability, Lack of communication, Lack of required equipment
[60] Issues related to design team, Changes by the owner, Weather effect, Unfavorable site condition, Delayed deliveries of work
[61] Source of finance at the start, Planning issues related to the scope of work, Management of working capital during execution, Quality concerns
[62] Problems related to design, Delayed delivery of material, Financial issues related to the owner, Delayed decision making, Quality concerns, and mistakes at
contractors end
[63] Financial and payments problems, Inefficient management of the contract, Availability of material, Poor cost estimates, Inflation, and price changes
[64] Lack of proper site management and supervision, Unanticipated ground conditions, Delayed decisions, Changes by the owner, Required variations of work
[65] Variation orders by the client, Client’s financial difficulties, Clients’ experience
[38] Delayed Approval of drawing, Inefficient prior planning, Delayed decisions by the client
[66] Financial and payment issues, Poor planning and management, Poor contract management, Poor communication among members
[67] Change orders, Changes in the scope of work, Contractor’s financial issues, Delayed decisions, Poor planning, Design changes, Poor coordination
[68] Inefficient project management
[69] Insufficient technical staff by the contractor, Contractor’s financial problems, Required equipment, Availability of equipment, Material’s availability
[70] Design problems, Change orders, Delay in the issuance of NOC’s for design, Delayed approvals and permissions
[5] Delayed work payments, No training for workers, Improper waste management, Impractical contract duration, Mistakes
[71] Payments and financial problems at client’s end, Changes by client, Unforeseen ground conditions, Poor labor productivity, Poor planning and scheduling
[72] Economical and financial problems of the client, Availability of required equipment, Lack of contractor’s experience, Materials availability, Equipment
[73] Contractor’s financial issues, Owner’s financial problems, Issues in drawing, Issues related to subcontractor, Issues related to equipment
[74] Delayed payment, Poor cost estimates, Overlooking complexity factor, Financial and funding problems, Poor supervision
[75] Payments and financial issues, Poor planning of the project, Delayed material supply, Impact of site conditions/ Poor investigation, Improper Site
[76] Contractor’s financial problems, Owner’s financial issues, Bad performance by subcontractor, Material procurement issues related to contractor, Issues with
[77] The financial difficulty for a contractor, Financial problems related to the owner, Required equipment, Delayed payments, Subcontractors bad performance
[78] Design issues, Impractical time frame, Delayed governmental permissions and approvals, inaccurate estimates, Variation orders
[79] Subcontractor’s bad performance, Inefficient staff of contractor, Poor Planning and scheduling, Contractor’s poor project management, Client’s delayed
[80] Poor project scheduling, Inexperienced labor, Inexperienced design professionals, Bad relationships among workers, Poor project planning and scheduling
[81] Change orders, Impractical contract duration, delayed and excessive change orders, Delayed work payments, Poor contractor’s project planning, and
[82] Client’s interference, Inexperienced contractor, Financial issues, Poor labor productivity, Delayed decisions
[83] Variation orders, Delayed decisions by the client, Design Errors
[84] Delayed decisions, Change orders, Unrealistic time durations, Improper contract specifications, Contractor’s financial issues
[85] Issues related to permissions for work, Design issues, Client’s delayed decisions, and demand for changes
[86] Inexperienced contractor, Improper site management and supervision, Poor planning and scheduling, Design changes by client
[87] Improper Planning, Subcontractors related issues
[88] Changes by the owner, Errors in drawing, Poor work performance by the contractor, Inexperienced consultant, Delayed instructions by the consultant
[89] Inexperienced working members, Availability of labor
[90] Availability of resources, Contractor’s financial issues, Organizational issues, Design problems, Extra work
[91] Delayed payment to the contractor, Increase in prices
[92] Payments and financial issues, Nonconformance to contract conditions, Poor site management, Governmental policies, Poor planning
[93] Poor commitment, Poor site management, No coordination at the site, Poor planning, Ambiguous scope

J. Tariq and S. Shujaa Safdar Gardezi Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

have different modes of occurrence and behave uniquely every Table 2

time they occur at various levels of the project life cycle. Top five causes of construction project conflicts in the existing literature.

Like delays, conflicts also have the potential to undermine the Reference Top Causes
project’s productivity that leads to project failure. They have many [103] Interpersonal interaction/ relationship
drawbacks like internal fighting, poor relationships, and misunder- [104] People (relationship), Process (Planning/Approach), Project issues
standings which can adversely affect the performance of individu- (nature/complexity)
als in an organization [95]. Effective conflict management can [105] Change of scope, Change conditions, Delay, Disruption,
contain its negative impact. Conflicts can negatively affect the rela- [106] Management, Culture, Communications, Design, Economics
tionship among individuals, their performance and can create a [24] Scope changes, Weather, Restricted site access
trust deficit [96,97]. Such issues can reduce productivity and can [107] Misunderstandings, Unpredictability
lead to project delays, cost overruns, and disputes. The existence [108] Unrealistic expectations, Contract documents, Communications,
Lack of team spirit, Changes
of conflict can damage a project’s sustainability [96]. According
[100] Employees awareness, Discriminatory treatment, Not
to Park & Jung [98], in Korean construction sector projects, on aver- considering the employees on the key decisions, Cumbersome
age conflicts among external stakeholders caused delays of around objection regarding the dispute procedure, Varied work activities
3.6 years and a 290% increase in cost. According to Yates & Hard- [109] Payment, Performance, Delay, Negligence, Quality
castle [99], conflicts adversely affect both direct and indirect pro- [110] Contractor related (delays in work progress), Contract related,
Design related (inadequate specifications), Owner related
ject costs. Conflicts result in cost overrun for the project as a
(payment delays), External factors (legal and economic factors)
heavy cost is involved in conflict resolution [21]. [111] Schedules, Project priorities, Manpower resources, Technical
Various authors identified major causes of conflicts in their issues, Administrative procedures
studies. According to Maiti & Choi [100], workers’ awareness and [112] Goals/Priority Definition, Personality, Communication, Politics,
Administrative Procedures
poor organizational management are the major factors causing
[113] External involvement/Legalities/protest, Compensation issues,
conflict in the Korean construction industry. Li et al. [101] found Location selection
that in the Chinese construction industry unilateral communica- [114] Varying interests
tion is the major factor causing conflict. Whereas, the major causes [115] An incomplete contract
of conflicts in Tanzania were found to be payment delays and cul- [116] Complexity in the construction technologies, Increasingly
specialized division of labor
tural differences [102]. Like delays, due to the unique nature of
[117] Delay in Payment, Contractual Claims, Public Interruption, Poor
construction projects and varying dynamics of different geograph- communication, Differing site conditions
ical locations, the reported major causes of conflicts are also not [118] Delays in payments, Variations in contract, Difference in
the same everywhere. Despite this, still there is some commonality evaluation, Lack of communication, Design errors
[9] Differing site condition, Local people obstruction, Difference in
among causes of conflicts from a worldwide perspective. This com-
change order evaluation, Errors and omission in design, Excessive
monality has been expressed in Table 7 in the findings section of quantity of works
this study. [119] Everyone not getting paid, Lack of stakeholders involved in the
Besides the major causes of conflicts, various authors have pre- design phase, inadequate contract documentation, Not
sented the ranking of potential causes of conflicts in their studies. communicating issues timely, Improper record-keeping
[120] Varying conditions, Interpretation, Workplace conditions,
The top five influential causes of conflicts obtained from existing
Communications, Law
literature are expressed in Table 2. [121] Poor financial projections on the client’s side, Poor public
relationship between the project people and the public, Lack of
funds, Change of the scope of works due to clients’ requirement
2.3. Relationship between delays and conflicts instability, Deliberate blockage of information flow
[122] Management, Communication, People, Contract documents
Despite being two different entities having different manage- [123] Delay, Unrealistic expectations
[124] Change Orders, Pre-Award Design, Pre-Construction, Quality
ment strategies, the literature provides a strong relationship
between them. Construction project D&Cs are mutually related [125] Uncertainty, Contractual problems, Opportunistic behavior
and both are the potential source of each other. [20] Improper communication
[21] Communication issues
[126] Communication issues
2.3.1. Delays as a potential source of conflict [127] Scope changes, Entrance of new member to the team
Extensive research work has already been performed to estab- [128] Behavioral problems, contractual problems, Technical problems
due to uncertainty and low experience
lish the argument that delays are the potential source of conflicts
[129] Contractual matters, Variations/changes
in construction projects. They negatively affect the project partici- Extension of time, Payment, Quality of technical specification
pants in perspective of work progress, mutual relationship & com- [130] Lack of communication, Distrust, Misinterpretations of contracts,
munication, monetary matters and can lead to conflicts, disputes, Uncertainties of role and responsibilities, An us versus them
and other legalities among project parties [24,25]. The negative posture based on an imbalance in risk allocations.
[131] Budget overrun, Outstanding payments, Different percentage of
effect of delay on project stakeholders results into the occurrence
claim submission and certification, Number of days behind
of conflicts, disputes, and legal fights [133,134]. Shrivas & Singla programmed, Liquidated damages
[135] found that delays adversely affect the project success param- [132] Inadequate contractor‘s management, Supervision, and
eters. They further argued that a timely and efficient management coordination, Delay or suspension of works, Failure to plan and
strategy can prevent delays from becoming more severe issues execute the changes of works, Failure to understand and
correctly bid or price the works
thus avoiding the occurrence of disputes. Project delays adversely
affect project schedule, cost and are a potential source of the con-
flicting environment within an organization that can even lead to a
project failure [32]. A study in Tanzania explored that schedule
delays, budget overrun, adverse social influence, problems related 2.3.2. Conflict as a potential source of delay
to resources and conflicting issues occur as a result of project Similarly, according to the existing literature conflicts are also
delays [30]. considered as the potential source of delays in construction pro-
Based upon the studies above, the transformation of delay into jects. Aibinu & Jagboro [26] expressed that conflicts, disputes,
conflict is shown in Fig. 1. and lawsuits are the potential sources of delay in construction sec-

J. Tariq and S. Shujaa Safdar Gardezi Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

tor projects. According to Harmon [136], conflicts can cause vari- and 35 research articles regarding construction projects conflicts
ous issues like schedule delay, increase in project cost, Poor pro- were selected. The ranking of D&Cs factors provided by different
ductivity, financial losses, and poor working relationships. authors in these selected studies for different regions and the vary-
Honrao & Desai [137] conducted a study on infrastructure projects ing nature of civil engineering construction projects are presented
in India and found that cost increases, schedule delays, disturbance in Table 1 and Table 2. The ranking of factors from each study dif-
to traffic flow, and conflicts are the important issues causing the fers from the other depending upon their geographical location and
delay. Venkateswaran & Murugasan [138] identified the causes of type of project. To identify the top-ranked causes of D&Cs for civil
delays in the perspective of road over bridge construction projects engineering construction projects from a global perspective, it was
in India. They found that acquiring land, extensive stakeholder necessary to classify the existing data into different classes. For this
involvement, conflicts, disputes, and lawsuits are the critical purpose, the Jenks optimization technique [27] was adopted for
causes of delay. According to Wilks [139], the Dubai metro faced data classification and identification & ranking of the most signifi-
extensive schedule delays and cost overrun as a result of disputes cant causes of D&Cs. Jenks optimization is a data clustering tech-
arising due to demands for changes in design and scope of work. nique that helps in the classification of real data effectively [28].
Mahdi & Soliman [79] characterized conflicts between stakehold- This technique is helpful regarding real data classification into a
ers as a significant cause of delay among other critical causes. limited number of classes. The desired ranking can be achieved
According to Assaf et al. [140], important causes of delays in con- on the basis of the importance of each class. This classification
struction sector projects are late approval of drawings, financial resulted in a global ranking of the potential causes of D&Cs for civil
issues, demands for changes in design, conflicts between subcon- engineering construction projects. Firstly, a comprehensive group
tractors, delayed decisions, bureaucratic involvement, and avail- list for causes of D&Cs was developed as presented in Table 8
ability of skilled and unskilled labor. and Table 9. The remaining data presented in these tables include
Based upon the studies above, the transformation of conflict the classification of factors through Jenks optimization that
into delay is shown in Fig. 2. expresses which cause of the delay has the most repetitive occur-
All forms of delays are harmful because they result in financial rence among different studies and what rank has been occupied by
losses [41]. As no positive aspect of delay was reported from the each cause in all those studies. Based on this classification, the top
literature, therefore it can be concluded that delays only impart five global causes of D&Cs were identified. The common causes
negative effects on project performance. However, Conflicts pos- among them were also identified and are presented in finding
sess both positive and negative attributes. All forms of conflicts No.4. Moreover, various other aspects of mutual relationship
do not impart a negative impact on the project. Irrespective of rela- among D&Cs like transformation mechanism (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2),
tional conflicts there exist project requirement conflicts which can comparison of positive impacts (Table 3), common impacts
improve performance, productivity, and relationship among team (Table 4), and their common causes of occurrence among different
members [96]. Disagreement as a result of conflict can produce countries (Table 5 and Table 6) have also been extracted from the
positive outcomes and can be beneficial in the perspective of pro- collected literature.
ject performance [141]. A comparison of the positive impacts of The geographical distributions of the studies reviewed for the
construction delays and conflicts is given in Table 3. identification of top-ranked causes of delays and conflicts are pre-
The question arises that to what extent these requirements con- sented in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. This representation tells that most of the
flicts are beneficial. According to Loosemore et al. [142], beneficial work related to causes of delays is carried out as; (1) Asia 52 %, (2)
conflicts should only be permitted as long as they are not compro- Africa 37% and (3) Europe 8%. Similarly, most of the work related to
mising project constraints and are producing positive results. No causes of conflicts is carried out as; (1) Asia 28% (2) In the perspec-
such study exists so far that can further elaborate on this extent. tive of Global construction industry 26%; (3) North America 20% (4)
Furthermore, no study exists that can provide a comparison Africa 8%.
between the positive and negative outcomes of conflicts for real-
time projects.

4. Results and discussions

3. Research methodology

The findings of this review study are expressed below.

A detailed literature review was carried out regarding construc-
tion project delays, conflicts, and their mutual relationship.
Research articles relevant to the topic were selected in the perspec-
tive of keywords ‘‘construction delays + conflicts + mutual relation-
ship ‘‘, by using Google Scholar, Scopus, and Science web. Literature 4.1. Finding no 1: Common impacts of delays and conflicts
was carefully examined to cover all existing data regarding D&Cs
that occurred in all types of civil engineering construction projects. Project performance can only be improved if we develop a bet-
A holistic approach was adopted to cover all the regions of the glo- ter understanding of the issues and the impacts they impart on
bal construction industry. The overall methodological research project success parameters. Besides the individual impacts of
flow of this study is presented in Fig. 3 below. D&Cs on project performance, the common impacts they impart
Total 172 research studies have been reviewed. Specifically, for have also been reported in Table 4. Adopting a proactive approach,
the identification of the top five significant global causes of D&Cs, a addressing and preparing strategies for common impacts of D&Cs
total of 60 research articles regarding construction project delays can help manage both issues (D&Cs) in a single effort.

Fig. 1. Transformation of delay into conflict.

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Fig. 2. Transformation of conflict into delay.

Table 3 4.2. Finding no 2: Common causes of delays and conflicts among

Comparison of positive impacts of delays and conflicts. different countries
Positive impact of Delays Positive impact of
Conflicts It was observed from the literature that significant causes of
No positive impact of delay on project Improve performance and D&Cs vary from region to region and country to country. But at
performance was reported from the productivity [97] the same time, certain D&Cs have been reported across various
literature Innovative Ideas [142] construction industries with common concerns. Such identification
Creativity [143]

Fig. 3. Research flow chart.

J. Tariq and S. Shujaa Safdar Gardezi Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 4 4.3. Finding no 3: Ranking of top five causes of delays and conflicts in
Common impacts of delays and conflicts. global perspective
Common Impacts Reference
Cost Overrun [139,31] Various authors identified significant causes of D&Cs for differ-
Productivity Loss [32,136] ent construction industries which are presented in Table 1 and
Conflict and Disputes [134,144,145] Table 2. These causes significantly vary depending upon the region
Project Delays / Schedule Overrun [32,98] and project types. It was necessary to identify the global perspec-
tive that what are the most influential causes of D&Cs among dif-
ferent civil engineering construction projects. Therefore, the
can be helpful to develop region-specific policies to address D&Cs collected data was required to be grouped and classified based
more efficiently. Identified common causes of delays among differ- on ranking provided by different authors in their studies belonging
ent countries are presented in Table 5. to different countries. Jenks optimization was the most suitable
Likewise, there are certain causes of conflicts that are common technique to classify the data collected from the literature. All
among different countries. These identified common causes have the influential causes were carefully reviewed and were grouped
been reported in Table 6. to develop a comprehensive list of D&Cs. Like in Table 7, all the

Table 5
Common causes of delays among different countries.

Common Causes of Delays Global industry experiencing common causes

Delayed decisions UAE [38], US [83]
Poor project planning UAE [38], Iran [133], Thailand [133], Pakistan [146]
Issues related to project Hong Kong [64], Tanzania [30], Thailand [147], Bangladesh [148], Pakistan [149]
Poor relationship/ Conflicting India [150], Tanzania [30]
Inexperienced working India [150], Uganda [151], Pakistan [146], China [53]
Atmospheric Conditions India [150], Pakistan [146], UK [152]
Financial problems KSA [6], Jordan [42], Tanzania [30], Uganda [151], Turkey [153], Iran [55], Thailand [147], Pakistan [149,146], Bangladesh [148], Kuwait
[65], Egypt [72], South Africa [67], India [138], Ghana [58,74], Malaysia [154], Zambia [45], Denmark [44]
Availability of skilled workers KSA [6], India [155]
Variation orders Jordan [42], Tanzania [30], Iran [133], Thailand [147], US [83], China [53], UAE [78]
Availability of required Thailand [147], Pakistan [146], China [53]
Issues related to design Uganda [151], Turkey [153], Thailand [147], India [155], UAE [78]
Political instability Bangladesh [39], Afghanistan [49], Pakistan [156]

Table 6
Common causes of conflicts among different countries.

Common causes of conflicts Global industry experiencing common causes

Lack of communication China [116], Hong Kong [101], Pakistan [117], Lithuania [20]
Poor relationship US [96], Korea [157], China [116]
Problems related to the contract Australia [115], US [128]
Financial problems/ Delayed payments Pakistan [117], Libya & Serbia [118], Tanzania [102]
Cultural difference Libya & Serbia [118], Tanzania [102]
Unforeseen site conditions Pakistan [117], Korea [9]
External interference Pakistan [117], Korea [9]

Fig. 4. Geographical distribution of studies reviewed for delays.

J. Tariq and S. Shujaa Safdar Gardezi Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 5. Geographical distribution of studies reviewed for conflicts.

delay factors related to project planning and scheduling were influential factors were considered for both cases. Scale from 1 to 5
grouped as Poor project planning & scheduling. The ranks provided represents ranking from most significant to least significant among
to these grouped causes of D&Cs by different authors in the exist- the top five identified causes. The first grouped delay cause in
ing literature are expressed in Table 7 and Table 8. Only the top five Table 7 is poor project planning & scheduling and a total of 23

Table 7
Ranking of top five causes of delays.

Causes groups Rank by researchers 1 2 3 4 5 Sum

Poor project planning and scheduling 1 [33,41,80,87] 2 [16,38,46,48,54,56,66,75,78] 3 [6,79,84,86] 4 [93] 4 9 4 1 5 23
5 [32,67,71,81,92]
Project management/ site management 1 [64,68] 2 [33,58,66,86,93] 3 [5,61,92] 4 [6,43,79] 5 [57,75] 2 5 3 3 2 15
Inaccurate cost estimates 2 [74] 4 [63,78] 5 [46] – 1 – 2 1 4
Improper supervision/monitoring and control 1 [64] 3 [51] 4 [6] 5 [74] 1 – 1 1 1 4
Issues related to contracts 2 [41,63,81,92] 3 [45,66] 4 [5] – 4 2 1 – 7
Adoption of poor construction methodology, sequence, and 3 [41] – – 1 – – 1
Problems related to design 1 [62,70,78] 2 [85] 3 [43,83] 5 [41] 3 1 2 – 1 7
Economic conditions 2 [47,57] 4 [45] – 2 – 1 – 3
Financial/ funding issues, progress payments of work, cash 1 [5,43]–[45,47,50,56,58,61,63,66,71,72,74,75,91,92] 2 17 8 4 5 1 35
flows, budgeting (Owner related) [6,51,59,65,69,76,77,55] 3 [46,62,67,82] 4 [8,33,52,57,81] 5 [50]
Financial problems related to contractor 1 [32,42,59,73,76,77] 2 [45,52,90] 4 [84] 6 3 – 1 – 10
Delayed approvals, permissions 1 [85] 2 [32] 3 [70,78] 1 1 2 – – 4
Slow decision making 1 [84] 2 [83] 3 [38,64,85] 4 [62,67] 5 [79,82] 1 1 3 2 2 9
Problems related to material 1 [48,54] 2 [62] 3 [32,57,58,63,75] 4 [56,72,76] 5 [45,69] 2 1 5 3 2 13
Problems related to equipment 1 [46,52,53] 2 [72] 3 [56,69,77] 4 [73] 5 [8,59] 3 1 3 1 2 10
Problems related to labor 2 [89] 4 [54,71,82] 5 [6] – 1 – 3 1 5
Change orders, variations, Excessive/Extra work 1 [6,51,65,67,81,83,88] 2 [42,49,60,70,71,84] 3 [50] 4 [46,64,85,86,90] 7 6 1 5 3 22
5 [48,53,78]
Inexperience of consultant 3 [80] 4 [53,88] – – 1 2 – 3
Lack of experience of contractor/ subcontractors 1 [86] 2 [50,82] 3 [33,72,73,76] 5 [77] 1 2 4 – 1 8
Issues related to contractors 3 [88] – – 1 – – 1
Lack of experience of labor 2 [80] – 1 – – – 1
Inexperienced Owner 3 [65] – – 1 – – 1
Subcontractor’s issues 1 [79] 2 [87] 3 [53] 5 [33] 1 1 1 – 1 4
Lack of communication, coordination, Dependency 2 [53] 3 [93] 4 [32,41,59,66,80] – 1 1 5 – 7
External risks/external stake holder’s involvement 2 [43] – 1 – – – 1
Owner interferences 1 [82] 1 – – – – 1
Errors, mistakes 5 [5] – – – – 1 1
Law and order situation, political instability, crisis 1 [8,16,57] 3 [59] 5 [51] 3 – 1 – 1 5
Selection of working parties, prior evaluation of contracting 2 [79] 4 [16,41] – 1 – 2 – 3
Calamities, weather conditions, disasters 3 [49,60] 5 [16] – – 2 – 1 3
Land acquisition, possessions 1 [49] 4 [48,50] 1 – – 2 – 3
Culture of awarding the contract to the lowest bid, type of 3 [8] 5 [84] – – 1 – 1 2
bidding, contract awarding procedure
The complexity of work, Lack of required technical efficiency/ 1 [69] 2 [5] 4 [58] 5 [54] 1 1 – 1 1 4
Inflation/ price fluctuation 1 [55] 2 [91] 5 [58,63] 1 1 – – 2 4
Site investigation, ground /subsurface conditions 2 [64] 3 [71] 4 [60,75] – 1 1 2 – 4
Delayed deliveries 5 [60] – – – – 1 1
Conformance to quality/ quality control 4 [61] 5 [62] – – – 1 1 2
Issues related to architects/drawings 1 [38] 2 [73,88] 5 [76] 1 2 – – 1 4
Problems related to consultant 1 [60] 5 [88] 1 – – – 1 2
Governmental policies 4 [92] – – – 1 – 1
Issues related to project scope 2 [61,67] 5 [93] – 2 – – 1 3
Poor commitment, dedication, interest, attention 1 [93] 1 – – – – 1
Construction risks, 5 [43] – – – – 1 1
Compensation payments 3 [16] – – 1 – – 1

J. Tariq and S. Shujaa Safdar Gardezi Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 8
Ranking of Top five causes of conflicts.

Causes groups Rank by researchers 1 2 3 4 5 Sum

Poor project planning and scheduling 1 [111] 3 [129] 4 [131] 1 – 1 1 – 3
Project management/ site management 1[106,122] 2 – – – – 2
Inaccurate cost estimates 5 [132] – – – – 1 1
Improper supervision/monitoring and control 2 [132] – 1 – – – 1
Issues related to contracts 1 [115,129] 2 [108,110,118,125,128] 3 [119,130] 4 2 5 2 1 – 10
Adoption of poor construction methodology, sequence, and approach/ Process 2 [104] – 1 – – – 1
Problems related to design 2 [124] 3 [110] 4 [9,106] 5 [118] – 1 1 2 1 5
Economic conditions 5 [106] – – – – 1 1
Financial/ funding issues,progress payments of work, cash flows, budgeting Owner 1 [109,117]–[119,121,131] 4 [110,129] 6 – – 2 – 8
Problems related to labor 2 [116] 3 [111] – 1 1 – – 2
Change orders, variations, Excessive/Extra work (avoid design and drawings) 1 [124] 2 [129] 3 [9] 4 [132] 5 [135,165] 1 1 1 1 2 6
Issues related to contractors 1 [110,132] 2 – – – – 2
Lack of communication, coordination, Dependency factor, relationships, 1 [20,21,103,104,107,126,130] 2 [122,127,100] 7 3 3 3 – 16
discriminatory treatment 3 [106,108,112] 4 [117,118,120]
External risks/external stake holders involvement 1 [113] 2 [9,121] 3 [117,122] 5 [110] 1 2 2 – 1 6
Owner interferences/ other disruptions 4 [105] – – – 1 – 1
Errors, mistakes, negligence 4 [109] – – – 1 – 1
Calamities, weather conditions, disasters 2 [24] – 1 – – – 1
Land acquisition, possessions, site access 3 [24] – – 1 – – 1
Complexity/nature of work, Lack of required technical efficiency/ training/awareness 1 [116,100] 3 [104] 4 [111] 2 – 1 1 – 4
Site investigation, differing conditions, ground /subsurface conditions 1 [9,120] 2 [105] 5 [117] 2 1 – – 1 4
Delayed deliveries/ Delays 1 [123] 3 [131,136,155] 1 – 3 – – 4
Conformance to quality/ quality control 4 [124] 5 [109] – – – 1 1 2
Issues related to project scope 1 [24,105,127] 3 – – – – 3
Construction risks/ unpredictability 1 [125] 2 [107] 5 [130] 1 1 – – 1 3
Compensation payments 2 [113] – 1 – – – 1
Acceleration 5 [105] – – – – 1 1
Culture 2 [106] – 1 – – – 1
Expectations 1 [108] 2 [123] 1 1 – – – 2
Stakeholder involvement in decision making 2 [119] 3 [100] – 1 1 – – 2
Problem resolution procedures 4 [100] – – – 1 – 1
Performance 2 [109] – 1 – – – 1
Project priorities/ varying interests 1 [112,114] 2 [111] 2 1 – – – 3
Administrative procedures 5 [111,112] – – – – 2 2
Personality/ behavior/ team spirit / dedication 1 [128] 2 [112] 3 [125] 4 [108] 1 1 1 1 – 4
Politics 4 [112] – – – 1 – 1
Site/ location selection 3 [113] – – 1 – – 1
Claims 2 [117] 3 [131] – 1 1 – – 2
Interpretation (data/information) 2 [120] – 1 – – – 1
Law (ambiguity/awareness) 5 [120] – – – – 1 1
Information sharing 5 [121] – – – – 1 1
Trust 2 [130] – 1 – – – 1
Roles and responsibility 4 [130] – – – 1 – 1

research studies considered this cause among the top five rankings bers as a top-ranked cause of conflict in construction projects.
in their studies. Four authors ranked poor project planning & Similarly, the remaining 4 most critical causes of conflicts are;
scheduling as a number 1, nine authors ranked it as No. 2, four (2) Problems related to contract, (3) Delays in a construction pro-
authors ranked it as No.3, and so on respectively. ject, (4) Financial problems related to the owner, and (5) Change
According to the results of Table 7 maximum (17) authors orders/ Variations. However, the following ranking is based on a
ranked financial problems on behalf of the owner as number 1 repetitive occurrence of causes in most of the studies; (1) Lack of
and maximum (9) authors ranked project planning & scheduling communication/ Relationship, (2) Problems related to contract,
as the number 2 cause of delay in their studies. Similarly, the (3) Financial problems on behalf of the owner, (4) Change orders
remaining 3 rankings of critical causes of delays are; (3) Problems /Variations and (5) External involvement/ risks.
related to materials, (4) Change orders/ variations, and (5) Lack of
communication. However, the following ranking is based on a
common occurrence of causes in most of the studies. The maxi-
4.4. Finding no 4: Identification of common causes of delays and
mum sum of 35 studies reported the repetitive occurrence of ‘fi-
conflicts among top five identified global causes
nancial problems on behalf of the owner’ within the range of the
top five causes. Therefore, based on repetitive occurrence it is
Among the top five identified global causes of D&Cs, the com-
ranked as No. 1 in this study. Whereas the remaining rankings
mon causes are; (1) financial problems on behalf of the owner,
for repetitive occurrence are; (2) Project planning and scheduling,
(2) Change orders/ Variations, and (3) Lack of communication/ Poor
(3) Change orders/ Variations, (4) Project/Site management, and (5)
relationship. As these causes possess a global occurrence and are
Problems related to the material.
common among D&Cs so it would be quite helpful for project man-
According to the results of Table 8 maximum (7) authors con-
agers/planners to address these issues proactively in the future and
sidered Lack of communication/ Relationships among team mem-
to minimize the mutual impact of D&Cs in a smart way.
J. Tariq and S. Shujaa Safdar Gardezi Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 9 unable to minimize their negative impact. Understanding critical

Tools and techniques. factors that cause D&Cs and insight towards their relationship
Tools and Techniques Reference can help in developing suitable strategies to manage construction
Literature review [5,110,53,74] projects more effectively.
Interviews/ Experts opinion [45,71,80,81] This study identified various aspects of mutual relationship
Case Studies [158,159] among D&Cs, their potential ranking in a global perspective, and
Questionnaire Surveys [57,50,119,72,77] commonality among the top-ranked causes of D&Cs for civil engi-
Interpretive structural modelling (ISM) [41]
System Dynamics [160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167]
neering construction projects. The top five delay causes for civil
Structural equation modeling (SEM) [75] engineering construction projects in a global perspective are; (1)
Cognitive Mapping [18] financial problems on behalf of owner (2) Project planning &
Artificial neural network ANN [168,169,170] scheduling (3) Problems related to materials, (4) Change orders/
(PSO)-Based Neural Network [171]
variations, and (5) Lack of communication. The top five conflict
SPSS [121]
Regression analysis [93,56] causes are; (1) Lack of communication/ Relationships among team
Ordinal regression model [172] members, (2) Problems related to contract, (3) Delays in the con-
Relative importance index (RII) [84,72,5,54,68,32,61] struction project, (4) Financial problems related to the owner,
Fuzzy ranking [80] and (5) Change orders/ Variations. The common causes of D&Cs
Monte Carlo simulation [43]
among the identified global rankings are; (1) financial problems
Analytical network process (ANP) [110]
Friedman and Wilcoxon tests [44] on behalf of the owner, (2) Change orders/ Variations, and (3) Lack
Spearman’s Rank Correlation [62,79] of communication/ Poor relationship.
Frequency Index, Severity Index, and [76,119,77,71] The outcome of this study can significantly help researchers to
Importance Index
assess the deeper perspective of the relationship among factors
Kruskal-Wallis test [47]
ANOVA test [42] causing D&Cs and can assist the construction professionals in
Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance [58] managing the said issues efficiently. Future research shall be con-
Weighted mean method [46] ducted in the following direction to look further into D&Cs factors
Pareto analysis, sample t-test, and [73] and their relationship;
Concordance analysis

(1) Project-specific and region-specific ranking of D&Cs factors

should be identified to develop consensus among authors
4.5. Finding no 5: Previously adopted tools and techniques related to about the significance of factors; (2) The interaction among
delays and conflicts in the existing literature: D&Cs factors at different phases of the project lifecycle; (3)
Type/level of delay produces what level of conflict and vice
Various tools and techniques previously adopted by different versa; (4) How D&Cs are associated with project stakehold-
researchers in the perspective of D&Cs have been reported in ers at various levels of the project lifecycle; (5) Uncommon
Table 9. All these tools and techniques comprehensively express aspects among D&Cs which require individual attention;
how the relevant data has been previously collected and analyzed (6) Development of Delay versus conflict and conflict versus
in different studies. Most of the techniques address data collection, delay prediction models; (7) Delineation of the extent to
identification & ranking of factors, the relationship among factors, which beneficial conflicts remain beneficial for a construc-
prediction frameworks, and propagation behaviors. Therefore, this tion project.
comprehensive list can be quite helpful for future research in a way
that researchers can review the most extensively used techniques
in the perspective of D&Cs and can adopt a suitable one with min-
Declaration of Competing Interest
imum effort. Previously adopted tools and techniques related to
D&Cs in existing literature are expressed in Table 9.
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
It was observed from the literature that the Relative importance
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
index (RII) was extensively used by many authors for the identifi-
to influence the work reported in this paper.
cation and prioritization of factors. Significant use of ANN has been
observed for the development of prediction models. The use of ISM
and SEM has been observed to establish a relationship between References:
factors. Cognitive mapping was adopted to develop a relationship
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Engr Junaid Tariq is a Ph.D. scholar at Capital University Dr. Syed shuja Safdar Gardezi is serving as Assistant
of Science and Technology CUST, Islamabad Pakistan professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Capital
with a research interest in Construction management. university of science and technology CUST Islamabad
He is also serving as Lecturer in the Department of Civil Pakistan. He was awarded with a Ph.D. degree from UTP
Engineering, Mirpur university of science and technol- Malaysia.
ogy (MUST), Mirpur AJ&K.


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