JEE Main Chemistry Previous Year Questions With Solutions On Hydrocarbons

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JEE Main Chemistry Previous Year Questions With Solutions on


1. The gas liberated by the electrolysis of Dipotassium succinate solution is :

(1) Ethyne
(2) Ethene
(3) Propene
(4) Ethane

(CH2COO-)2 → CH2 = CH2 + 2CO2 (g) + 2e-
2H2O + 2e- → 2OH- + H2 (g)
So the gas generated during electrolysis of Dipotassium succinate solution is ethene.
Hence option (2) is the answer.

2. Which one of the following classes of compounds is obtained by polymerization of acetylene?

(1) Poly-ene
(2) Poly-yne
(3) Poly-amide
(4) Poly-ester

nHC ≡ CH → ( CH =CH)n poly-yne
Hence option (2) is the answer.

3. One mole of a symmetrical alkene on ozonolysis gives two moles of an aldehyde having a
molecular mass of 44 u. The alkene is:-
(1) Ethene
(2) Propene
(3) 1-Butene
(4) 2-Butene

2-Butene on ozonolysis gives 2 moles of acetaldehyde with the molecular mass of 44gm/mol.
Hence option (4) is the answer.

4. Which branched chain isomer of the hydrocarbon with molecular mass 72 u gives only one isomer
of mono substituted alkyl halide?
(1) Neopentane
(2) Isohexane
(3) Neohexane
(4) Tertiary butyl chloride
JEE Main Chemistry Previous Year Questions With Solutions on

Molecular mass indicates that it is pentane. Neopentane can only form one mono substituted alkyl
halide as all the hydrogens are equivalent in neopentane.
Hence option (1) is the answer.

5. Ozonolysis of an organic compound gives formaldehyde as one of the products. This confirms the
presence of:-
(1) an isopropyl group
(2) an acetylenic triple bond
(3) two ethylenic double bonds
(4) a vinyl group

In Ozonolysis, the presence of the vinyl group gives formaldehyde as one of the products.
Hence option (3) is the answer.

6. In the given transformation, which of the following is the most appropriate reagent?

(1) NaBH4
(2) NH2-NH2, OH
(3) Zn - Hg / HCl
(4) Na, Liq.NH3

In NH2-NH2, OH, the medium is basic so it will not have any effect on the OH group in the reagent.
Hence option (2) is the answer.

7. The number and type of bonds in C22- ion in CaC2 are:

(1) Two σ bonds and one π – bond
(2) Two σ bonds and two π – bonds
(3) One σ bond and two π – bonds
(4) One σ bond and one π bond

Ca+2 [C≡C] -2
One σ bond and two π – bonds are there in C22- ion in CaC2.
Hence option (3) is the answer.
JEE Main Chemistry Previous Year Questions With Solutions on

8. In the hydroboration – oxidation reaction of propene with diborane, H2O2 and NaOH, the organic
compound formed is :
( 2) (CH3)3COH
(4) CH3CH2OH

The hydroboration–oxidation reaction is a two-step hydration reaction that converts an alkene into
alcohol. It is an anti-Markovnikov reaction. The organic compound formed in the hydroboration –
oxidation reaction of propene with diborane, H2O2 and NaOH is CH3CH2CH2OH.
Hence option (1) is the answer.

9. Which one of the following has the minimum boiling point?

(1) n-Butane
(2) 1-Butyne
(3) 1-Butene
(4) Isobutene

Among the isomeric alkanes, the normal isomer has a higher boiling point than the branched-chain
isomer. The higher the branching of the chain, the lower is the boiling point. The n-alkanes have more
surface area in comparison to branched-chain isomers. So, intermolecular forces are weaker in
branched-chain isomers. Hence they have lower boiling points in comparison to straight-chain isomers.
Hence option (4) is the answer.

10. The gas evolved on heating CH3MgBr in methanol is

(1) methane
(2) ethane
(3) propane
(4) HBr

The gas evolved on heating Methyl magnesium bromide in methanol is methane.
CH3-O-H + CH3MgBr → CH3-H + Ch3-OMgBr
Hence option (1) is the answer.

11. The reagent needed for converting

JEE Main Chemistry Previous Year Questions With Solutions on

(1) H2 / lindlar Cat.

(2) Catalytic Hydrogenation
(3) LiAlH4
(4) Li/ NH3

Li/NH3 is the birch reagent. It reduces the alkyne to trans alkene.
Hence option (4) is the answer.

12. In the presence of peroxide, HCl and HI do not give anti-Markovnikov's addition to alkenes
(1) All the steps are exothermic in HCl and HI
(2) One of the steps is endothermic in HCl and HI
(3) HCl is oxidizing and the HI is reducing
(4) Both HCl and HI are strong acids

Bromides will take part in radical based reactions in the presence of organic peroxides. Fission of the
peroxide O-O linkage causes a Br radical which behaves differently to Bromide, by adding to the less
substituted side of the alkene(anti - markovnikov). HI and HCl does not do this for energetic reasons.
The addition of Cl and I radicals to the alkene in an anti-markovnikov fashion is an endothermic
reaction. Hence it is unfavourable. All hydrogen halides will add according to the markovnikov rule,
without the presence of peroxide,
Hence option (2) is the answer.

13. Polysubstitution is a major drawback in

(a) Reimer-Tiemann reaction
(b) Friedel-Crafts acylation
(c) Friedel-Crafts alkylation
(d) Acetylation of aniline.

The product obtained is more activated in Friedel-Crafts alkylation and thus, polysubstitution will take
Hence option (3) is the answer.

14. Which one of the following is reduced with zinc and hydrochloric acid to give the corresponding
(1) Ethyl acetate
(2) Acetic acid
(3) Acetamide
(4) Butan-2-one
JEE Main Chemistry Previous Year Questions With Solutions on

Butan-2-one will get reduced into butane when treated with zinc and hydrochloric acid following
Clemmensen reaction whereas Zn/HCl do not reduce ester, acid and amide.
Hence option (4) is the answer.

15. The hydrocarbon which can react with sodium in liquid ammonia is
(1) CH3CH2C ≡ CCH2CH3
(3) CH3CH2C ≡ CH
(4) CH3CH ≡ CHCH3

Terminal alkynes have acidic hydrogen. Terminal alkynes react with sodium in liquid ammonia to give
ionic compounds.
Hence option (3) is the answer.

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