Mid Year Agric f2 p1

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1. The total number of people living in an area is known as…
A. Density B. Population C. Number D. Total
2. Which of the following is a farming system practised in Zimbabwe?
A. Incropping B. Mixed farming C. Mixed growing D. Outcropping
3. A farming system that involves the same crop on the same piece of
land year after is known as….. A. Monoculture B. Crop rotation C.
Intensive farming D. Extensive farming
4. The following is disadvantage of intercropping…..A. Supplies crops
on high demand B. Reduced risk of total failure C. Some crops may
not be compatible D. Pest build up is reduced
5. Ways of reducing adverse effects of environmental factors include:
A. Weeding B. Prunning C. Mulching D. Cutting
6. Exotic timber trees are …… A. Trees that originate locally B. Trees
that are expensive C. Trees exported to other countries D. Trees
imported from other countries
7. …….is an example of an indigenous forest trees grown in Zimbabwe.
A. Wattle B. Mukwa C. Pine D. Cypress
8. The following is a characteristic of hardwoods…… A. Grow fast
B. Light coloured C. Grow straight D. Grow slowly
9. A place set aside for raising of tree seedlings before they are
transplanted is known as…. A. Tree nursery B. Permanent station
C. Tree plantation D. Transplanting
10. Transplanting is the removal of ……. A. seedlings from the
permanent planting station to the nursery B. seedlings from the
nursery to the permanent planting position C. seedlings from the
orchard to the permanent planting station D. seedlings from the tree
plantation to the orchard
11. Protected plants and animals are also known as ….. A. dangerous
species B. problem species C. endangered species D. unknown
12. ……is an example of specially protected plants in Zimbabwe.
A. Gum B. Aloe C. Pine D. Mango
13. The following is a sacred animal in Zimbabwe… A. Zimbabwean
Bird B. Mangrove fern C. Cobra snake D. Big baboon
14. Problem animals : A. eat human beings B. destroy crops C. kill
all animals D. eat both humans and animals
15. The following is a set of dangerous animals only. A. Lion,
baboon, buffalo. B. Warthog, elephant, lion. C. Elephant, lion,
leopard. D. Jackal, buffalo, leopard.
16. The top of the soil is also called…. A. Horizon A B. Horizon O
C. Horizon D D. Horizon B
17. Another name for horizon is… A. Profile B. Vertical C. Layer
D. Section
18. Colour of the soil is determined by the presence of….. A. organic
matter B. living organisms C. microbial activity D. plant roots
19. ……soil has poor water holding capacity. A. Clay B. Silt
C. Sand D. Loam
20. ……… is an example of organic fertilizers. A. Farmyard
B. Compound C. Straight D. Inorganic
21. A straight fertilizer supplies…. A. two major nutrients B. single
major nutrients C. three major nutrients D. three minor nutrients
22. Another name for fauna is…… A. Animals B. Forest C. Plants
D. Flora
23. Which of the following is an example of inorganic fertilizers?
A. Compound B. Compost C. Farmyard D. Cattle
24. Organic fertilizers have an advantage of being….. A. Labour
intensive B. Readily available C. Spreading diseases D. Supply
known quantities
25. Which of the following fertilizers are applied as a top dressing?
A. compound fertilizers B. green manure C. straight fertilizers
D. compost fertilizers
26. Loam soils are made up of …… A. clay and silt B. sand and loam
C. sand and clay D. clay and loam
27. ………soil consists of loose and large particles. A. sand B. clay
C. silt D. loam
28. Select a list with natural water sources? A. River, dam, borehole
B. River, stream, aquifer C. River, weir, stream D. Stream, pond,
29. A plant with seeds containing a single cotyledon is classified as….
A. Monocotyledons. B. Botanical C. Dicotyledons D. Broadleaved
30. Select a pair of leguminous plants. A. Rape and covo
B. Tomatoes and potatoes C. Pumpkin and watermelon
D. Soyabeans and roundnuts
31. Leaf vegetables are known as ….. A. brassicas B. legumes
C. cucurbits D. graminae
32. Another name for graminae plants is….. A. Cereals B. Legumes
C. Cucurbits D. Solaneceous
33. The following is a male part of a bean flower. A. Style
B. Anther C. Stigma D. Ovules
34. Which part of a flower contains female sex cells? A. Petals
B. Ovary C. Stigma D. Ovules
35. Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the …..A. stigma to
the anther B. style to the ovary C. style to the filament D. anther to
the stigma
36. …….develops into seeds after fertilization. A. Ovules B. Pollen
grains C. Silky D. Style
37. Another name for vegetative plant reproduction is … A. sexual
reproduction B. artificial reproduction C. natural reproduction
D. asexual reproduction
38. The following is an advantage of sexual reproduction.
A. Identical plants are produced B. Some vegetative parts may rot
C. Hybrid crops are produced D. Desired features are passed on.
39. Onions can be propagated or reproduced through….. A. Stolons
B. Rhizome C. Suckers D. Bulbs
40. The following is a characteristic of a wind pollinated flowers…
A. Have bright coloured petals B. Have a sticky stigma C. They
produce nectar D. Have no scent


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