GTB Part C

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BOOK 1 GRAMMAR (9246 questions))

PART A: ................................................................................................................................. 2-50

14 Elementary tests, 14 Pre-Intermediate tests, 8 Intermediate tests.
Each test is specified on different grammar topics. (1976 questions-) 1-2

PART B: ............................................................................................................................. 51-102

14 tests including Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper intermediate level
grammar tests.
Every test is focused on a different grammar topic. (2452 questions) 1-2-3

PART C: ........................................................................................................................... 103-150

16 Multi-level grammar tests.
Each test is specified on a different grammar topic. (1418 questions) 4

PART D: ........................................................................................................................... 151-190

20 perfect multi-level grammar tests for assessment.
(2000 questions) 4

PART E: ........................................................................................................................... 191-218

6 Elementary, 5 Intermediate, 3 Advanced grammar tests.
The formats of the tests are similar and the level gradually increases. (1400 questions) 1-2-3

BOOK 2 VOCABULARY (5859 questions)

PART A: ........................................................................................................................... 220-250

A wide range of vocabulary tests for new learners. Compiled from various resources.
(1657 questions) 1-2

PART B: ........................................................................................................................... 251-286

A rich collection of vocabulary tests for intermediate and upper intermediate levels.
(1988 questions) 2-3

PART C: ........................................................................................................................... 287-302

An assortment of phrasal verbs.
(714 questions) 3

PART D: ........................................................................................................................... 303-327

25 upper level vocabulary tests.
(1000 questions) 3

PART E: ........................................................................................................................... 328-341

Advanced level synonym questions.
500 questions) 3

BOOK 3 MISCELLANEOUS (1056 questions)

BOOK 3: .......................................................................................................................... 342-401

Miscellaneous: Includes questions for a better reading comprehension, dialogue build, colloquial
and idiomatic expressions. Helps you understand and use English perfectly.
(1056 questions) 4


BOOK 1 - PART A ................................................................................................................... 403

BOOK 1 - PART B .................................................................................................................. 406

BOOK 1 - PART C .................................................................................................................. 409

BOOK 1 - PART D ................................................................................................................... 411

BOOK 1 - PART E ................................................................................................................... 414

BOOK 2 - PART A ................................................................................................................... 416

BOOK 2 - PART B .................................................................................................................. 421

BOOK 2 - PART C .................................................................................................................. 426

BOOK 2 - PART D .................................................................................................................. 427

BOOK 2 - PART E ................................................................................................................... 429

BOOK 3................................................................................................................................... 430

C TEST 1 articles
1. On ___ bright January morning ___ telephone kept ringing in my 18. Peter is on ___ night duty. When I go to ___ bed, he goes to ___
office. work.
A) the/the B) a/the C) -/- A) the/-/a B) -/-/- C) a/a/a
D) -/the E) the/- D) the/the/- E) -/the/a

2. On ___ first day they stopped at ___ river and decided to make 19. R.Peary was ___ famous American polar traveler. He was ___
___ camp. first to reach ___ North Pole in 1909.
A) the/a/a B) the/-/a C) the/an/a A) a/the/the B) the/the/- C) a/the/a
D) -/the/- E) the/an/an D) -/the/- E) an/the/a

3. At ___ first they began to look for ___ dry place. 20. He likes to have ___ rest in ___ country.
A) the/a B) -/a C) a/the A) -/- B) -/the C) the/-
D) an/a E) the/- D) a/- E) a/the

4. To climb ___ tree is not to climb ___ mountain. 21. Don’t stay outside in ___ cold; come in by ___ fire.
A) a/a B) a/the C) the/the A) the/the B) the/a C) -/a
D) -/- E) the/- D) the/- E) a/the

5. Where there’s ___ will, there’s ___ way. 22. It’s ___ pity that my birthday comes only once ___ year.
A) a/a B) -/- C) the/the A) a/- B) the/a C) a/a
D) a/the E) the/a D) an/the E) -/a

6. ___ man always went to ___ same bar at ___ same time every 23. ___ boy was shy and always looked down when ___ grown-ups
day and asked for two glasses of ___ soda. spoke to him.
A) A/the/the/- B) A/the/the/a C) A/the/-/- A) a/the B) the/- C) an/-
D) -/the/the/- E) A/-/the/a D) -/a E) the/a

7. ___ weather was rainy and we made ___ bet whether you would 24. There was ___ good restaurant near ___ cinema and Joan decided
come. to have ___ dinner there.
A) The/a B) -/the C) A/a A) the/a/- B) -/the/- C) an/-/the
D) -/a E) An/a D) a/a/the E) a/the/a

8. - Are you afraid of ___ him? 25. Kate ate ___ meat with ___ vegetables for ___ second course.
- Not ___ bit. A) -/-/the B) a/the/- C) the/a/the
A) the/a B) -/a C) -/- D) -/an/- E) an/-/a
D) the/- E) an/a
26. I’ll never forget ___ first time I saw ___ real American Christmas
9. ___ USA is ___ country. It is in North America. tree.
A) -/a B) the/a C) the/ A) a/the B) an/- C) -/a
D) the/the E) -/- D) the/a E) the/-

10. If ___ guest has to leave ___ table during ___ meal he always 27. “___ English cannot make ___ good coffee”, she thought leaving
asks his hostess, “Will you please excuse me for ___ minute”. ___ restaurant.
A) a/the/a/a B) -/the/a/- C) the/the/-/the A) the/a/an B) an/-/the C) -/the/the
D) an/the/a/a E) -/-/-/a D) a/-/a E) the/-/the

11. ___ most favorite game is cricket, which is called by ___ English 28. At ___ first it was difficult for her to drive ___ car in ___ London.
“___ greatest game in ___ world”. A) -/the/- B) the/the/- C) -/-/the
A) the/the/the/the B) the/a/the/the C) -/the/-/the D) a/-/the E) a/a/-
D) a/the/-/the E) the/an/-/the
29. ___ few days later I entered ___ reading room of ___ public
12. In his childhood he lived with ___ grandfather, ___ poor tailor. library.
A) a/the B) -/the C) the/a A) A/the/the B) The/the/the C) -/the/-
D) a/a E) the/the D) A/a/- E) -/a/-

13. ___ night being sharp and frosty, we trembled from ___ foot to 30. ___ book is always ___ acceptable gift.
___ head. A) A/an B) The/ C) The/the
A) the/the/the B) the/-/- C) a/-/- D) An/the E) -/a
D) -/a/a E) -/-/-
31. Sofia is ___ capital of ___ Bulgaria.
14. My ___ friend likes to listen to ___ good story. A) -/- B) the/the C) the/-
A) -/the B) a/a C) the/the D) the/a E) -/a
D) -/a E) a/-
32. Many years ago ___ Tower Bridge of London was ___ fortress.
15. ___ idea of helping ___ man was unpleasant in itself. A) -/a B) the/the C) a/-
A) -/the B) the/the C) the/a D) the/- E) the/a
D) -/- E) a/a
33. ___ youth of Great Britain wants to have ___ better life for ___
16. When I lived in Paris some years ago I used to buy ___ copy of Le British people.
Monde every evening at ___ same local newspaper kiosk. A) -/-/the B) the/a/the C) the/the/the
A) -/a B) a/the C) a/a D) the/-/the E) -/the/-
D) the/a E) the/the
34. ___ Moon has no ___ light. It is bright because ___ Sun shines on
17. ___ death of her husband resulted in ___ loss of her home also. it.
A) -/- B) -/the C) the/the A) The/-/the B) The/a/the C) -/-/the
D) a/- E) a/a D) The/the/the E) A/an/the

Book 1 Part C 103 Articles

35. ___ shortest man in ___ world and ___ tallest man in ___ world 53. ___ longest river in ___ world is ___ Mississippi.
live in ___ Africa. A) a/the/an B) the/a/the C) he/an/the
A) The/the/the/the/- B) The/the/-/an/an C) -/the/-/an/an D) an/the/the E) the/the/the
D) The/a/-/-/an E) The/-/-/-/-
54. It took us ___ hour and ___ half to do shopping and we got ___
36. Hope is ___ good breakfast, but ___ bad supper. home at 4.
A) a/a B) the/the C) a/the A) an/a/- B) the/an/the C) on/the/the
D) a/an E) a/- D) an/the/a E) a/the/the
37. I always wear sunglasses when I go ___ beach. ___ sun bothers
55. ___ apple ___ day keeps ___ doctor away.
my eyes.
A) an/a/the B) an/-/a C) the/a/a
A) the/the B) a/the C) -/a
D) a/a/the E) an/the/the
D) an/a E) the/a

38. She ordered ___ fried chicken with ___ green salad and black 56. We had ___ good talk with him about ___ weather, ___ literature
coffee for ___ dessert. and other things.
A) -/-/- B) the/-/- C) an/the/ A) -/the/the B) a/the/- C) a/-/the
D) -/a/the E) a/an/the D) the/the/a E) a/a/-

39. My aunt lived on ___ ground floor of ___ old house on ___ River 57. ___ girl from ___ farm came once ___ week to help to clean ___
Thames. house.
A) the/an/the B) -/the/a C) the/the/- A) a/a/the/the B) the/a/the/the C) the/the/a/the
D) -/an/the E) a/an/a D) the/a/a/a E) the/the/the/a

40. On the New Year Eve some of ___ pupils stayed at ___ school 58. ___ questions Ann asked always seemed to be ___ questions
later than usual. which Paul knew ___ answer.
A) the/- B) the/the C) -/the A) a/the/the B) the/a/a C) the/-/a
D) a/a E) the/a D) the/-/the E) -/the/the
41. ___ best runner in the race was ___ young girl.
59. Before the New Year we usually have ___ wonderful party at ___
A) a/an B) the/an C) -/the
D) the/a E) the/the
A) a / the B) the / the C) a / -
42. The first of ___ January is ___ great holiday in many countries. D) an/ - E) - / the
A) the/a B) -/an C) -/a
D) the/- E) the/the 60. There is ___ hair in my soup and ___ plate is dirty.
A) -/- B) the/the C) a/the
43. On ___ Sundays my father stays in ___ bed till ten o’clock reading D) the/a E) -/the
___ Sunday papers.
A) the/the/- B) -/-/the C) an/-/- 61. Soon our team scored ___ goal and won ___ game.
D) the/the/the E) -/-/- A) the/the B) a/a C) a/the
D) the/a E) an/the
44. After ___ fourth lesson English pupils have ___ break of ___ hour
and ___ half for dinner. 62. Let’s have ___ good breakfast and start the day
A) a/a/a/a B) the/a/-/a C) a/the/an/a A) the B) - C) any
D) the/a/an/a E) -/-/an/a D) a E) an
45. On ___ day of___ race many people came to the skating.
63. ___ youngest boy has just started going to school, ___ eldest
A) -/- B) a/the C) the/a
boy is at ___ college.
D) the/- E) the/the
A) the/the/- B) the/-/the C) the/-/the
46. ___ Sahara is in the northern part of Africa. D) -/-/- E) a/-/a
A) - B) a C) an
D) the E) any 64. -Did you come by ___ air?
-No, I came by ___ sea. I had a lovely voyage on ___ Queen
47. ___ fog was so thick that we couldn’t see ___ side of ___ road. Elizabeth II.
A) a/the/a B) the/-/- C) the/the/the A) an/the/the B) -/-/the C) an/a/a
D) -/the/a E) the/a/a D) the/the/the E) -/-/a

48. I remember an episode in ___ my life when I had to spend ___ 65. We have a very good train service from here to ___ city centre
month in the country. and many people go to ___ work by train.
A) a/- B) the/a C) -/an A) a/a B) the/the C) -/-
D) -/a E) an/the D) the/- E) an/a

49. In ___ afternoon ___ wind increased and they soon found 66. - I didn’t recognize you. You look different.
themselves in ___ difficulties. - I know I lost ___ lot of ___ weight.
A) the/the/- B) an/a/the C) -/the/- A) a/- B) an/the C) a/the
D) the/the/the E) the/a/the D) the/a E) the/the

50. They took part in ___ demonstration in ___ Independence Square. 67. ___ sun came out right after ___ rain and there was ___ beautiful
A) -/the B) a/a C) the/- rainbow in ___ sky.
D) -/- E) the/the A) The/the/a/the B) The/a/the/the C) A/a/the/a
D) The/the/the/a E) A/the/a/the
51. And what ___ beautiful picture there is over there on ___ wall!
A) -/a B) a/the C) a/- 68. I always have ___ breakfast at 8 a.m. Today I had ___ very nice
D) the/a E) a/a breakfast.
A) a/the B) -/a C) -/-
52. Roger looked at him and, without ___ word, gave him ___ ten- D) the/- E) a/-
dollar note.
A) a/a B) -/- C) -/the 69. He was ___ very tall man with ___ dark hair.
D) the/- E) a/- A) a/the B) a/- C) the/the
D) -/- E) a/a

Book 1 Part C 104 Articles

70. Would you like to be ___ English teacher at ___ college. 88. ___ Rome was not built in ___ day.
A) the/- B) the/the C) a/- A) the/a B) -/the C) -/a
D) an/- E) the/a D) -/- E) an/a

71. We had ___ very nice meal. ___ vegetables were especially 89. The beautiful child gave Pinocchio ___ some medicine and ___
good. piece of sugar.
A) -/- B) -/the C) a/- A) a/the B) the/a C) -/a
D) a/the E) the/the D) the/the E) a/an

72. All ___ books on ___ top of the shelf belong to me. 90. Italy is in ___ South of ___ Europe, isn’t it?
A) -/a B) the/- C) the/the A) an/a B) the/- C) the/the
D) -/the E) on/with D) the/an E) an/the

73. If you live in ___ foreign country you should try and learn ___ 91. ___ West End is ___ richest part of ___ capital.
language. A) a/an/the B) the/a/a C) the/the/the
A) a/the B) -/- C) -/a D) the/-/the E) the/the/-
D) the/the E) the/a
92. -When will ___ next bus be?
74. Washington is situated on ___ Potomac River in ___ District of -___ next will be tomorrow morning.
Columbia. A) -/- B) the/the C) a/a
A) -/- B) the/- C) -/the D) a/the E) the/a
D) the/the E) a/an
93. ___ Latin America is on ___ South of America.
75. David picked up ___ nut from ___ hole. A) the/a B) -/the C) the/the
A) the/the B) a/an C) a/the D) -/- E) the/-
D) the/a E) an/a
94. Spring is ___ best season of ___ year.
76. Once ___ pupils of ___ fifth form read ___ book about Robin A) the/a B) I/the C) a/a
Hood. D) the/the E) a/-
A) -/the/a B) a/an/the C) the/the/a
D) an/a/the E) -/the/an 95. ___ long walk in ___ country is very interesting.
A) a/the B) the/a C) the/the
77. ___ concert began with ___ song about ___ peace and ___ work. D) a/a E) -/the
A) the/a/-/- B) a/the/the/the C) a/the/-/-
D) the/the/a/a E) a/a/-/- 96. ___ Smiths enjoyed their rest at the coast of ___ Black Sea last
78. ___ Penguins live in the South Pole. A) -/the B) the/the C) the/
A) a B) an C) - D) the/a E) a/a
D) the E) some
97. “___ Queen Mary” is one of ___ biggest ships in the world.
79. France covers ___ area of 551000 sq kms. A) -/a B) -/the C) the/the
A) the B) a C) - D) -/- E) the/a
D) an E) one
98. They stayed only ___ day at the hotel.
80. Open ___ books at ___ page 20 and read ___ text. A) a B) the C) an
A) -/the/the B) the/-/the C) -/-/the D) - E) some
D) the/-/a E) -/the/a
99. It is ___ holiday of all European people. ___ people have ___ two
81. You realize that ___ time to choose one job out of ___ hundreds days’ holiday.
has come. A) -/-/- B) a/-/the C) the/-/the
A) the/- B) a/the C) the/a D) the/the/a E) a/the/a
D) an/a E) -/the
100. This is ___ lion that I saw in the circus yesterday.
82. There were ___ three shelters on ___ cliff. A) a B) - C) the
A) -/the B) -/a C) the/the D) an E) any
D) a/a E) a/the

83. I saw ___ good deal of him during ___ war.

A) -/a B) the/the C) a/a
D) the/- E) a/the

84. He sat down at ___ piano and played ___ piece that he had
played in the morning.
A) a/a B) a/the C) the/the
D) the/a E) the/-

85. ___ doctor says ___ child must eat ___ apple ___ day.
A) the/the/a/a B) a/a/the/a
C) the/the/an/the D) a/a/an/a
E) the/the/an/a

86. ___ Browns invited me to ___ dinner.

A) -/the B) the/a C) -/a
D) the/- E) the/an

87. They went on ___ expedition to ___ North.

A) a/the B) an/the C) -/the
D) the/the E) the/a

Book 1 Part C 105 Articles

TEST 2 prepositions
1. Our government pays great attention ___ the education ___ the 18. In England the cars go ___ the left side.
youth. A) in B) near C) of
A) -/of B) of/of C) to/to D) to E) on
D) to/of E) by/of
19. ___ general everything was all right. They thought they were
2. ___ summer holidays many boys and girls like to go ___ the walking ___ the direction ___ the village when they lost the
country ___ their teachers. way.
A) at/by/to B) into/at/with C) -/to/to A) for/-/to B) in/to/of C) in/in/of
D) during/to/with E) during/to/by D) by/to/to E) in/in/to

3. The girl saw a beautiful garden ___ the end of the corridor with 20. I know that he is a noisy boy, but ___ the same time I can’t be
red flowers ___ it. angry ___ him.
A) at/in B) at/on C) to/in A) -/to B) at/with C) -/with
D) in/in E) of/on D) in/about E) by/for

4. At night when there are no clouds ___ the sky you can see many 21. What are curtains usually made ___?
stars. A) in B) with C) of
A) on B) in C) at D) - E) at
D) to E) a/an
22. Great Britain consists ___ three parts.
5. He is very good ___ maths. A) of B) with C) from
A) in B) at C) - D) in E) by
D) about E) with
23. The train stopped ___ all the stations and long before we got ___
6. He’s got a very good head ___ his shoulders. London every seat was taken and people were standing ___ the
A) over B) beyond C) on corridors.
D) since E) for A) to/at/in B) in/to/ C) at/in/on
D) at/to/in E) -/in/at
7. I asked him ___ help.
A) in B) about C) for 24. I congratulated all my classmates ___ passing the exam.
D) by E) with A) for B) with C) on
D) in E) within
8. Father was very angry ___ his son: “You’ll be punished according
___ the seriousness ___ your guilt. 25. - ___ what time will you arrive?
A) to/-/of B) for/to/to C) to/to/to - I don’t know. It depends ___ the traffic.
D) with/to/of E) with/-/of A) at/- B) in/from C) -/on
D) by/with E) for/out of
9. An electric lamp hangs from the centre ___ the ceiling ___ the
table. 26. My father died three years ago ___ a sudden heart attack.
A) to/in B) of/above C) to/on A) from B) on C) at
D) in/from E) on/near D) by E) in

10. Everybody wanted to come here ___ time. 27. This house reminds me ___ the one I lived ___ when I was a
A) by B) for C) in child.
D) without E) at A) of/in B) about/at C) near/-
D) -/in E) on/with
11. It is very warm. I am going to take ___ my scarf.
A) out B) in C) off 28. We shall be waiting ___ a bus___ 2 till 3.
D) for E) of A) -/to B) -/until C) for/from
D) for/to E) of/for
12. There is something very attractive ___ him.
A) in B) about C) with 29. There is a place ___ 6 stamps ___ each page ___ Nick’s stamp
D) by E) at book.
A) for/on/of B) to/in/in C) for/at/of
13. What is there ___ the ground floor ___ your school? D) at/on/for E) for/in/of
A) in/in B) on/at C) on/of
D) in/at E) near/in 30. Alice drank ___ the bottle and turned ___ a very small girl.
A) of/in B) for/at C) out/of
14. They will be fighting ___ political reforms. D) from/on E) from/into
A) in B) on C) at
D) by E) for 31. When we draw we make pictures ___ a pen, a pencil or chalk.
A) by B) with C) of
15. It’s better to wait for five minutes before crossing the street than D) at E) in
stay ___ a month at the hospital.
32. He suddenly jumped ___ a bus.
A) at B) on C) for
A) by B) at C) to
D) of E) till
D) on E) of
16. The famous explorer left ___ the North ___ the fifth of March. 33. Who is the girl ___ the blue dress, sitting ___ the head of the
A) to/on B) to/in C) for/at table?
D) from/on E) for/on A) with/in B) on/upon C) in/at
D) without/in E) in/of
17. They put ___ illuminations ___ front of all buildings.
A) down/over B) up/on C) down/near 34. Children are very fond ___ swimming.
D) up/at E) -/in A) of B) about C) till
D) at E) in

Book 1 Part C 106 Prepositions

35. The old woman could go ___ foot, but she preferred going ___ car. 53. He stared ___ her ___ amazement.
A) with/in B) without/at C) in/on A) at/in B) -/with C) to/of
D) on/to E) on/by D) with/besides E) on/at

36. ___ the top of the hill the tourists could see hundreds of cars 54. Pete was tired, he lay down ___ the sofa ___ his fur coat and fell
running quickly ___ the road. asleep.
A) from/along B) at/to C) on/along A) in/to B) on/under C) at/by
D) from/in E) with/for D) near/by E) near/at

37. Please go on ___ your work while I am out. 55. We’ve neither been ___ the theatre, nor ___ the cinema ___ a
A) to B) with C) in long time.
D) up E) at A) to/to/for B) at/with/on C) on/to/at
D) with/at/for E) at/on/to
38. We arrived ___ London ___ 6 p.m. ___ a foggy November day.
A) in/at/on B) to/at/in C) at/in/in 56. The captain looked ___ his glasses and saw a man ___ the sea not
D) on/of/- E) -/in/on far ___ the ship.
A) after/on/at B) through/at/in C) with/by/to
39. He started going ___ school ___ the age of five. D) through/in/from E) for/of/about
A) to/in B) at/on C) to/at
D) before/of E) into/on 57. The teacher explained the new rule ___ the pupils and they
listened ___ her attentively.
40. I’m going to wait ___ it stops raining. A) at / - B) to / of C) from / to
A) till B) before C) on D) by / of E) to / to
D) at E) for
58. ___ looking ___ his papers he understood it was time
41. He came ___ . I told him about my plan and he ___ once agreed ___ him to type them.
___ it. A) on / by / to B) on / after / in C) in / at / before
A) into/at/with B) in/at/to C) in/-/with D) after / through / for E) for / through / in
D) out/for/- E) -/at/to
59. Don’t tell anybody ___ this. It’s only ___ us.
42. We have worked ___ the plan ___ the new district ___ six months. A) -/besides B) about/between C) on/by
A) over/off /about B) at/of/for C) of/in/in D) on/within E) about/among
D) about/of/to E) of/at/for
60. The girl wanted to cook the meal herself, but Sophia insisted ___
43. There is a man sitting ___ the TV set ___ the hall. helping her.
A) to/at B) before/on C) near/at A) on B) to C) from
D) towards/or E) in front of/in D) in E) for

44. Did they enjoy ___ their trip down the river? 61. He should take care ___ his health.
A) - B) with C) in A) for B) on C) at
D) for E) into D) to E) of

45. I think Dan fell ___ love with Alice. 62. You must work hard ___ your English.
A) for B) with C) in A) on B) at C) for
D) to E) into D) from E) by

46. My friends went ___ a cycling tour last week. 63. We are very busy ___ weekdays.
A) to B) on C) in A) out of B) in C) on
D) for E) before D) at E) of

47. She was ___ duty and had to stay ___ the classroom ___ classes. 64. Mr. Brown had to hurry up as his friend was waiting ___ him ___
A) after/at/at B) on/in/after C) on/at/at the corner ___ the street.
D) in/in/in E) on/with/at A) for/at/of B) for/in/- C) -/in/-
D) with/at/in E) for/in/for
48. “Be careful ___ the crossing,” he said ___ the children.
A) for/at B) at/to C) for/to 65. He decided to marry ___ Rose ___ money.
D) to/at E) on/for A) -/for B) for/to C) on/with
D) by/for E) after/-
49. It was difficult ___ him to earn money ___ the
country, so he went ___ town. 66. I remember being met ___ zoo station ___ one of their pupils.
A) at/in/after B) through/under/to C) for/in/to A) near/from B) in/with
D) on/at/before E) for/to/in C) besides/among D) of/for
E) at/by
50. They drove ___ London ___ Paris, stopping ___ Vienna.
A) into/from/at B) from/to/on C) to/for/near 67. They dined ___ a small restaurant which had been “decorated”
D) from/to/in E) to/from/on ___ rather bad pictures ___ young people.
A) at/with/on B) near/by/of C) in/with/by
51. We lived ___ the suburb ___ a big city ___ the factory where D) to/-/with E) at/towards/from
father worked.
A) at/in/at B) in/before/of C) of/by/to 68. Go ___ the kitchen and get a bottle ___ milk ___ the refrigerator.
D) through/at/on E) in/of/near A) at/of/from B) to/of/out of C) in/-/from
D) to/of/of E) into/of/in
52. He thought ___ a plan and stayed there ___ a few weeks.
A) on / of B) about / at C) of / in 69. He became interested ___ physics ___ the age ___ 14.
D) of / for E) on / for A) in/in/of B) in/at/of C) in/for/in
D) at/at/of E) of/in/of

Book 1 Part C 107 Prepositions

70. I remember that it was ___ my fifteenth birthday that she first put 87. My contract has been extended ___ another year.
them ___ my hands. A) to B) during C) in
A) in/on B) on/into C) on/at D) for E) over
D) into/on E) at/on
88. Think ___ the end ___ every beginning.
71. I think we’ll have read the article ___ 5 p.m. today. A) for/with B) to/for C) of/in
A) at B) to C) for D) with/with E) about/at
D) by E) in
89. “It is ___ no interest ___ me whether we’ll win or lose,” said the
72. It’s necessary ___ him to do it ___ this year. football player.
A) of/in B) for/- C) to/during A) - / for B) of / - C) of / to
D) for/by E) to/- D) - / - E) in / for

73. I wanted a book ___ Oscar Wilde and asked the librarian to show 90. Mike failed ___ the exam, but his sister got ___ .
___ me some ___ his books. A) in / through B) on / on C) though / out
A) by/-/of B) of/to/by C) of/with/at D) - / over E) - / off
D) on/on/with E) by/to/by
91. Mrs. Smith was very good ___ sewing and knitting and she was
74. Take a piece ___ chalk and write the sentence ___ the blackboard. always well-dressed.
A) of/at B) of/of C) on/on A) by B) on C) for
D) of/in E) of/on D) of E) at

75. ___ Monday morning I had been waiting ___ you ___ two hours 92. He was interested ___ planes and rockets.
but you didn’t come. A) of B) by C) in
A) in/for/at B) on/-/for C) -/with/during D) on E) with
D) on/for/for E) on/for/-
93. Christmas is the celebration ___ the birth ___ Christ.
76. What is happening ___ this picture? A) in/of B) of/of C) of/-
A) at B) from C) of D) in/- E) -/of
D) in E) off
94. I don’t think she is afraid ___ dogs.
77. Do you agree ___ her? A) - B) of C) on
A) to B) of C) for D) in E) with
D) by E) with
95. ___ my opinion he is a very clever boy.
78. “___ your place I’d ask the boy to apologize ___ you,” Ann said A) in B) on C) for
___ her friend. D) with E) to
A) on/with/in B) in/to/to C) at/to/for
D) with/on/on E) up/with/to 96. It was nice ___ you to come to see me.
A) about B) of C) -
79. I arrived ___ the station ___ a taxi. D) about E) on
A) to/by B) at/in C) to/on
D) into/by E) at/by 97. She was completely blind ___ her faults.
A) of B) about C) on
80. A traveler who visits New York ___ the first time admires ___ D) to E) for
the new architecture.
A) with/of B) of/of C) for/- 98. This news is ___ great importance ___ me.
D) in/with E) at/to A) to/to B) at/for C) of/for
D) of/at E) -/on
81. The girl was dressed ___ the latest fashion but my clothes were
quite ___ fashion. 99. You can’t answer ___ my question again. Why haven’t you
A) after / out B) by / out C) in / out of learned the words ___ heart?
D) for / off E) on / to A) to/on B) -/by C) on/by
D) on/with E) -/to
82. He is waiting ___ us ___ .
A) to / round B) over / above C) out of / from 100. -Will Mr. Black be at home ___ Saturday evening?
D) for / outside E) until / since -Yes, he’ll be at home ___ four.
A) in/after B) at/before C) -/after
83. I looked ___ the box, but there was nothing ___ . D) on/after E) on/under
A) inside / into B) into / inside C) around / of
D) off / upon E) out of / inside

84. I have read some articles ___ this subject ___ the books you gave
A) about / for B) except / during
C) beyond / between D) down / by
E) on / besides

85. We protested ___ delays ___ delivery ___ the goods.

A) against / in / of B) across / over / after
C) about / under / of D) against / of / in
E) along / behind / beside

86. I can see all the details; the lazy cat spread out ___ the fireplace,
my aunt ___ one chimney corner.
A) with / without B) in front of / in C) in / on
D) within / beyond E) above / over

Book 1 Part C 108 Prepositions

TEST 3 pronouns
1. Have you heard that a friend of ___ went to Vietnam 21. ___ roommate and ___ have to share a bookshelf: ___ keeps ___
A) my B) mine C) her books on the top two shelves, and I keep ___ on the bottom two
D) their E) its shelves.
A) my/me/she/her/mine B) his/me/her/hers/my
2. That is the girl ___ brother came to see ___
C) my/I/she/her/mine D) her/hers/she/her/my
A) that / we B) whose / us C) which / they
E) my/her/she/hers/mine
D) whom / its E) what / us
22. Later DICKENS described HIS CHILDHOOD in some
3. If ___ has ___ questions, I’ll be pleased to answer them.
of his famous novels.
A) someone/any B) anyone/any C) none/any
A) she/them B) they/it C) he/us
D) anyone/none E) someone/none
D) him/them E) he/it
4. I haven’t read ___ of these books but George has read ___ of
23. Of course I ___ used to be very wealthy.
A) my B) mine C) myself
A) none/some B) no/some C) any/some
D) ourselves E) himself
D) any/any E) any/no
24. I enjoyed the music, but I didn’t like the play ___ .
5. That pen isn’t ___ . ___ is a green one.
A) yourself B) herself C) myself
A) my/my B) his/he C) mine/mine
D) itself E) himself
D) I/me E) her/its
25. I always enjoy ___ when I go to concerts of classical music.
6. She always thinks of ___ happiness.
A) himself B) myself C) themselves
A) another B) others C) other
D) herself E) ourselves
D) another’s E) others’
26. You know, Mary bought ___ a new dress yesterday.
7. ___ was not a marriage that could last.
A) myself B) itself C) himself
A) my B) her C) them
D) oneself E) herself
D) theirs E) our
27. Let the boys clean the room ___ .
8. If this hat is ___, where have you put ___?
A) them B) himself C) their
A) your/mine B) his/hers C) mine/her
D) theirs E) themselves
D) ours/their E) hers/my
28. We should help everyone as much as possible because we often
9. ___ read the book and ___ took it to the library.
need help ___ .
A) He/me B) I/he C) You/her
A) themselves B) ourselves C) yourselves
D) She/her E) we/them
D) himself E) myself
10. The work done by ___ is very important.
29. Did you all do the grammar exercises ___?
A) he B) she C) we
A) yourselves B) yourself C) herself
D) they E) you
D) themselves E) ourselves
11. Why is ___ sitting in the dark?
30. He will sit in the room to keep ___ warm.
A) we B) she C) you
A) himself B) herself C) themselves
D) I E) her
D) yourself E) myself
12. - What has Ann?
31. I looked at ___ in the mirror.
- ___ has a very nice cat
A) me B) its C) myself
A) we B) it C) she
D) my E) mine
D) he E) them
32. Dorothy was happy when she found ___ in a magic country.
13. Will ___ please give me your pen?
A) her B) she C) hers
A) he B) she C) you
D) herself E) himself
D) him E) them
33. They always went to places ___ they saw historical monuments.
14. MR. WATSON said that THE MYSTERY was over.
A) which B) what C) that
A) he/it B) he/she C) she/she
D) where E) who
D) they/it E) he/them
34. “___ else is here?” she asked.
15 Bad NEWS has wings.
A) my B) whom C) which
A) it B) he C) they
D) why E) who
D) she E) them
35. I wonder ___ her sister’s boy looks like.
16. I have a cat. ___ is very nice.
A) that B) what C) which
A) you B) they C) it
D) who E) whose
D) its E) who
36. I like the book ___ I’ve read recently.
17. How many children have THE TAYLORS?
A) who B) what C) which
A) them B) they C) it
D) whose E) whatever
D) their E) its
37. The man ___ works at this table is my friend.
18. ___ didn’t take our children to the park as ___ were at school.
A) how B) what C) who
A) her / our B) we / they C) us / they
D) which E) as
D) we / them E) his / her
38. ___ chapter did you like best?
19. What makes THE SATELLITE rush round the earth at such a great
A) what B) whose C) which
D) that E) this
A) she B) its C) her
D) it E) him 39. Cook was an English explorer ___ made three voyages round the
20. ___ house is almost the same as ___ neighbors’ house. The only
A) what B) who C) which
difference in appearance is that ___is grey and ___ is white.
D) where E) when
A) our/ours/ours/theirs B) ours/ours/our/their
C) my/hers/my/her D) our/our/ours/theirs 40. You shouldn’t live with a man ___ doesn’t love you.
E) my/ours/ours/theirs A) that B) which C) who
D) what E) whom

Book 1 Part C 109 Pronouns

41. You must find somebody ___ can help you. 62. But now we are both happy and we love ___ .
A) whose B) whom C) who A) us B) each one C) everyone
D) what E) which D) each other E) another
42. Who could tell ___ his son’s circumstances really was. 63. Michel can only guess ___ ___ think.
A) which B) that C) why A) whom/he B) that/me C) who/our
D) what E) whose D) what/I E) what/he
43. Here are the books, ___ is yours? 64. - ___ is your daughter?
A) what B) which C) whose - ___ is an English teacher.
D) wherever E) whether A) that / she B) what / she C) she / who
D) who / her E) which / that
44. When they saw a POLICEMAN they stopped in the middle of the
STREET. 65. He was very angry because he couldn’t find the report ___ .
A) his/him B) him/it C) her/its A) everywhere B) something C) anywhere
D) he/it E) him/ours D) somewhere E) nowhere
45. He didn’t take many clothes with ___ 66. ___ of you can play the piano?
A) them B) him C) his A) where B) what C) whose
D) your E) ours D) which E) whom
46. -On what days do you have English lessons? 67. There is the man ___ ___ saw in the park the other day.
-We have ___ on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. A) whom / we B) which / our C) what / ours
A) them B) it C) her D) what / we E) whose / we
D) him E) they
68. Come at ___ time ___ is convenient to ___ .
47. Nick knows English well. Ask ___ to help you. A) any / what / when B) some / that / us C) any / that / you
A) her B) hers C) me D) some / which / her E) some / what / you
D) him E) us
69. At last we’ve found our book, but where is ___?
48. He wanted ___ to ring ___ up. A) her B) your C) you
A) they/them B) her/your C) you/him D) yours E) mine
D) them/their E) us/his
70. ___ met ___ in the street and ___ told ___ all about it.
49. I can’t find all the books you asked me for. I put ___ I found on A) they/him/he/me B) he/him/them/they
your desk. C) they/him/he/them D) he/them/she/him
A) the B) this C) that E) she/her/he/them
D) those E) its
71. I’ve brought ___ books for you.
50. Leave THE CHILDREN alone. A) any B) anyone C) some
A) they B) us C) them D) someone E) which
D) its E) our
72. ___ want ___ matches. Have ___ got ___?
51. I have a father, a mother, a grandfather, three brothers and two A) She / any / any / they B) I / some / you / any
sisters. ___ my family. C) They / any / we / some D) I / some / you / some
A) Its B) These were C) Those were E) He / some / you / any
D) That was E) This is
73. The word “Germans” was ___ to be frightened at.
52. ___ your skis? A) somebody B) something C) anything
A) Is this B) Are that C) Is that D) any E) someone
D) Are these E) Those are
74. Why didn’t you ask ___ to help ___?
53. She would like ___ to go in for sport. A) somebody / your B) anybody / you
A) us B) we C) our C) anyone / yourself D) somebody / yourselves
D) ours E) she E) anybody / somebody
54. Father watched ___ crossing the street. 75. They broke into little groups. ___ had his own wonderful story to
A) he B) we C) him tell.
D) yourself E) himself A) some B) all C) every
D) each E) other
55. They all ran out of the hotel except ___ .
A) mine B) his C) hers 76. Those seats are not ___, they are ___ .
D) one E) nobody A) theirs/ours B) her/mine C) your/our
D) themselves/ours E) his/it
56. Do you see ___ bushes on the ___ side of the river?
A) this/other B) that/another C) them/other 77. Kate is a very nice girl and I like ___ for ___ kindness.
D) those/other E) some/other A) him/her B) her/she C) she/her
D) her/her E) she/his
57. ___ are pencils and ___ are pens.
A) this/that B) that/these C) these/those 78. - Here are ___ shoes.
D) that/this E) those/those - These aren’t ___ . They are ___ .
A) my/mine/my B) her/her/mine
58. Take it from ___ and give it to ___ .
C) your/mine/yours D) their/yours/ours
A) he/I B) him/me C) you/you
E) our/yours/their
D) his/my E) they/us
79. ___ do you like best - your mother or your father?
59. He put the map before ___ .
A) what B) who C) which one
A) him B) they C) he
D) whose E) why
D) my E) she
80. ___ thought ___ could read the story ___ .
60. - I need a TV-set.
A) You / she/herself B) You/herself/her
- Why don’t you buy ___ .
C) She/she/herself D) He/him/his
A) them B) one C) ones
E) You/yourself/your
D) him E) its
81. ___ are ___ maps and ___ are ___ .
61. It was clear they loved ___ .
A) these/yours/those/her B) these/your/those/ours
A) one another B) each other C) their
C) this/you/that/our D) these/him/those/me
D) who ever E) what ever
E) those/hers/these/you

Book 1 Part C 110 Pronouns

82. Some of the WOMEN watched THE CHILDREN playing with THEIR 101. ___ of them must take an exam.
TOYS. A) some B) nobody C) every
A) she/they/them B) them/them/them D) everybody E) any
C) they/they/them D) us/you/it
E) them/they/they 102. ___ mother never regarded ___ with much favor and there was
an antipathy between ___ .
83. Summer in ___ place is much cooler than in ___ .
A) my/her/them B) its/her/us C) his/they/us
A) my/her B) our/their C) their/ours
D) your/it/you E) she/we/you
D) mine/yours E) his/my
84. Is there ___ interesting in the newspaper today? 103. We’ve got a language lab in our college, and ___ is quite up-to-
A) anything B) any C) something date. Have you got ___ in yours?
D) some E) no A) it / one B) one / some C) it / some
D) one / any E) it / it
85. She asked ___ to visit ___ sick child.
A) our/their B) us/him C) them/hers
104. We always want ___ to do the most difficult part of the work.
D) us/her E) his/her
A) someone’s B) someone C) pupils
86. ___ the results of your work. D) they E) ones
A) this is B) that was C) this was
105. He might have concealed from ___ but not from ___ .
D) those are E) that is
A) other/herself B) others/himself
87. ___ shoes are black, ___ are brown. C) each other/him D) themselves/us
A) me/his B) our/him C) my/hers E) on another/it
D) he/my E) their/we
106. She put out ___ hand and took ___ .
88. - Where is the hen?
A) hers/my B) her/mine C) she/he
- ___ is sitting on ___ nest.
D) them/his E) its/ours
A) she/hers B) he’s/his C) she’s/hers
D) it/its E) it’s/his
107. If ___ can’t talk to Mark ___ don’t want to talk to ___ .
89. -” I didn’t see ___ puppies, Dad”. A) she/she/somebody B) he/he/anybody C) I/I/any one
-”___ are with ___ mother”, said Alice’s father. D) they/they/it E) you/you/they
A) yours/it is/its B) our/they/ours C) my/they/your
D) my/them/their E) their/it’s/its 108. ___ told ___ a strange “Good bye” and looked at ___ .
A) He/my/one another B) Which/them/it C) We/me/us
90. -Yesterday I found a watch. I don’t know whose watch was ___ .
D) They/their/them E) They/me/each other
-___ was ___ if you found it in the garden.
A) this/that/our B) they/this/his C) that/that/mine
109. The teacher asked ___ if he did the work ___ .
D) these/those/hers E) that/this/your
A) her/his B) its/ours
91. Ted and Nick looked for ___ dog for a long time. C) him/themselves D) him/himself
They found a little one but it wasn’t ___ . E) us/them
A) his/its B) our/their C) his/mine
110. If ___ comes home early, tell ___ to wait for ___ .
D) their/theirs E) their/ours
A) she/him/hers B) he/her/him C) he/him/me
92. Next year famous Mr. Toscanini came to the town to see Mr. Smith D) we/us/them E) it/me/her
again. But ___ couldn’t find ___ .
A) she/him B) they/her C) he/her 111. I don’t think this pen is ___, it’s ___ .
D) she/her E) he/him A) my/yours B) mine/your C) his/my
D) yours/mine E) their/hers
93. I want ___ to answer ___ question.
A) her/them B) their/our C) her/him
112. I felt ___ becoming irritated by ___ .
D) you/his E) you/hers
A) itself/them B) myself/her
94. Will ___ give ___ your pen? I’ve left ___ at home. C) one another/that D) them/theirs
A) you/me/my B) you/him/your C) they/her/his E) who/which
D) they/you/their E) you/me/mine
113. - Did you meet ___ friends at the party?
95. There was ___ in my suitcase so I could carry it without ___
- No, I met ___ .
A) some of yours / no B) any of your / none
A) something/no B) nothing/any
C) any of your / no D) some of your / no
C) anything/some D) nothing/some
E) any of you / none
E) some/any
96. You are ___ now, and don’t let ___ forget it. 114. -Have ___ finished ___ work?
A) anybody/anyone B) somebody/anybody -Yes, we have. We’ve done ___ .
C) something/anything D) something/something A) she/her/it B) they/there/it C) you/your/it
E) anything/anyone D) you/their/this E) he/your/-
97. It’s not easy to the old man to do shopping. My parents have to
115. We asked ___ to join ___ if ___ liked.
do ___ shopping for ___ to help.
A) you/their/we B) me/them/theirs C) you/her/you
A) him/him B) his/his C) him/his
D) him/she/he E) them/we/he
D) his/him E) her/him
116. Have ___ seen ___? Is this book ___ ?
98. ___ doesn’t like to be reminded ___ ___ mother lives in a
A) she/her/his B) they/hers/my C) you/her/hers
D) him/me/mine E) you/me/your
A) he/what/her B) I/-/my C) she/that/her
D) we/what/their E) her/which/her
117. ___ invited ___ to stay with ___ in the hotel.
99. How much time does ___ spend on ___ homework? A) I/me/them B) she/he/they C) we/us/me
A) we/our B) he/his C) me/her D) they/us/them E) you/us/she
D) them/their E) her/she
118. There is ___ you must believe in.
100. ___ presidents elected in years ending in zero died in ___ office.
A) his B) anything C) anybody
A) his/her B) everybody/their C) our/her
D) something E) some
D) all/their E) their/all

Book 1 Part C 111 Pronouns

119. I’ll go to ___ place, ___ time you wish. 136. A friend of ___ told ___ about it.
A) some/some B) any/any C) no/any A) his/my B) mine/me C) your/me
D) any/no E) -/- D) mine/she E) their/them

120. You’ve got an excellent secretary in your office. We’ve got ___ 137. I’ve never heard ___ speak to ___ .
too, but ___ doesn’t speak ___ foreign language. A) she / he B) them / they C) her / him
A) one / he / any B) him / he / some D) they / him E) you / they
C) some / one / any D) one / one / any
E) one / he / no 138. -Do you know ___ Cindy gave a present to her boss?
A) who B) why C) that
121. Then she saw ___ father. He had laid ___ fishing rod and was D) how much E) what
taking something from ___ pocket.
A) his/her/its B) her/his/his C) them/his/his 139. ___ eyes were as bright as ___ .
D) its/his/its E) they/his/his A) mine/you B) his/hers C) its/she
D) hers/his E) ours/our
122. - “Please, stay a little while”
- “Of course, mum, ___ was going to suggest ___ ___ . 140. I can’t find my watch ___ . I’ve looked for it ___ .
A) he/it/myself B) we/us/ourselves C) it/it/itself A) nothing/anything B) something/everywhere
D) I/it/myself E) she/us/myself C) everywhere/nowhere D) anywhere/everywhere
E) anybody/nobody
123. I wanted to ask ___ both what you thought of my latest films if
___ saw them. 141. We got home late. We were very tired and ___ went to bed at
A) you/you B) their/we C) his/him once.
D) me/I E) hers/you A) anybody B) nobody C) somebody
D) anything E) everybody
124. I was late. I found ___ in the house.
A) each B) nobody C) one 142. I have found ___ lost pen. I don’t need ___ .
D) some E) any A) his/me B) we/they C) her/its
D) your/it E) your/them
125. This book is ___, there is ___ name on ___ .
A) your/your/it B) his/me/it C) mine/my/me 143. ___ say that he is leaving ___ native town tomorrow.
D) his/it/his E) mine/my/it A) he/his B) we/us C) they/his
D) she/his E) I/him
126. John left the house without saying ___ to ___ .
A) nothing / somebody B) nothing / nobody 144. Could you give ___ book to ___ please. She has forgotten to take
C) anything / anybody D) anything / nobody ___ .
E) something / nobody A) her/your/hers B) your/her/hers C) my/my/mine
D) him/his/theirs E) it/him/its
127. We asked her to tell us ___ interesting, but she refused to tell us
___ . 145. Here is ___ notebook, but I can’t find ___ .
A) anything / anything B) anything / nothing A) my/your B) you/mine C) your/their
C) anything / none D) something / nothing D) his/her E) your/mine
E) something / anything
146. -Do you know ___ this word means?
128. MOTHER will send MARY to buy THE TICKETS. -Yes, it means “continue”.
A) she/herself/it B) she/her/them A) who B) when C) that
C) she/it/their D) she/them/hers D) why E) what
E) she/your/theirs
147. Which of ___ is ___ brother? ___ are so alike.
129. - Isn’t that ___ friend over there? A) him/my/they B) them/your/they C) us/his/you
- Oh! No, she isn’t ___ friend, she is ___ . D) you/her/we E) them/his/you
A) your / my / yours B) your / his / my
148. The CHILD was looking for HIS CAP while HIS FATHER called him.
C) my / yours / mine D) mine / my / yours
A) he/it/he B) he/it/him C) he/it/his
E) ours / your / mine
D) she/it/her E) she/it/it
130. “I’m going out with my friend”, she said.
149. When a child, ISAAC lived with HIS MOTHER, UNCLE, AND
She said that ___ was going out with ___ friend.
A) I/my B) she/her C) they/their
A) he/them B) she/him C) they/him
D) you/your E) we/our
D) it/her E) they/us
131. He always looks unhappy. ___ in the world can make him smile.
150. On ___ way home Peter decided to buy new skates for ___.
A) anybody B) something C) nothing
A) he/him B) his/his C) his/herself
D) anything E) someone
D) his/himself E) her/him
132. Have you packed ___?
A) anybody B) someone C) everybody
A) they/them B) they/it C) you/them
D) everything E) nobody
D) they/her E) be/him
133. I don’t like the hat of ___ at all. ___ doesn’t suit ___ .
152. A BLIND MAN was groping for the DOOR-HANDLE.
A) hers/it/you B) her/it/you C) mine/it/his
A) he/it B) she/it C) it/them
D) theirs/he/them E) yours/it/you
D) they/me E) she/them
134. Dick has lost ___ screwdriver. Leave ___ ___ .
153. He asked her name and ___ told ___ ___ .
A) yours/her/my B) his/her/mine C) his/him/yours
A) she/him/her B) he/her/her C) she/her/his
D) our/him/its
D) she/him/hers E) he/he/his
E) my/me/their
154. “But I can’t do ___ for him,” the girl told ___ friend.
135. This isn’t ___ book. It must be ___ .
A) somebody/their B) anything/her
A) my/yours B) your/she C) his/her
C) something/any D) theirs/nothing
D) her/me E) our/its
E) anybody/no

Book 1 Part C 112 Pronouns

155. THE EIGHTH OF MARCH is WOMEN’S Day. 173. Our goods are not beautiful.
A) It/their B) It/her C) It/his -Do you think ___ are better?
D) It/our E) She/her A) your B) their C) her
D) its E) theirs
156. ___ own hand shook as ___ accepted a rose or two
from ___ and thanked ___ . 174. ___ name is Samuel, but ___ may call ___ Sam.
A) his/he/hers/her B) my/they/theirs/her A) her/he/him B) his/you/me C) my/she/him
C) her/we/ours/us D) their/us/we/they D) your/you/me E) my/you/me
E) our/he/his/himself
175. POETESS was not in the HALL.
157. Can you give me ___ to eat? I’m very hungry. A) she/it B) he/it C) it/it
A) anything B) nothing C) what D) they/it E) you/it
D) someone E) anybody
176. In the town there were ___ new hospitals.
158. There was ___ snakelike in the boy’s black eyes. A) anybody B) some C) any
A) something B) someone C) some D) something E) oneselves
D) anything E) none
177. It was ___ he didn’t want to remember.
159. ___ is devoted to ___ family. A) anything B) nobody C) anybody
A) I/my B) he/him C) he/his D) anyone E) something
D) she/mine E) it/them
178. ___ put on ___ coats and left the room.
160. ___ was evident that ___ wanted ___ to drop the A) we/his B) you/her C) they/their
subject, ___ I did accordingly. D) he/his E) she/her
A) she/she/I/who B) I/she/me/that
179. When Peter told ___ about ___ I didn’t believe ___ .
C) it/she/me/which D) they/theirs/I/me
A) her/her/her B) they/me/them C) him/it/her
E) that/us/him/-
D) me/it/him E) us/you/her
161. I didn’t want to think about ___ else but English. 180. Let ___ take ___ book, please.
A) nothing B) anything C) someone A) his/her B) him/- C) him/your
D) everywhere E) nobody D) me/him E) I/my

162. I never have ___ for breakfast but a cup of hot milk. 181. ___ is ___ watch and ___ is ___ .
A) someone B) nothing C) anything A) that/her/this/you B) this/him/that/her
D) everything E) anyone C) this/my/that/yours D) this/you/that/your
E) this/her/that/her
163. MY FRIEND AND I walked in SCOTLAND last year and climbed
the MOUNTAINS there. 182. As ___ is clear to ___, I’m not going to say ___ else.
A) they/it/them B) you/he/they C) we/it/them A) everything/somebody/anything
D) you/she/they E) he/he/them B) everybody/somebody/anybody
C) everything/everybody/anything
164. Here is ___ exercise book. Where’s ___? D) somebody/nobody/something
A) my/her B) my/yours C) his/your E) nothing/nobody/anything
D) her/their E) me/its
183. Is there ___ in the room? Please, open the door!
A) somewhere B) something C) anything
165. ___ are going to give Kate and Bob a washing-machine for ___
D) some day E) anybody
A) they/his B) I / her C) we/their 184. This is ___ watch and that is ___ .
D) you/your E) some/any A) yours/mine B) my/yours C) your I yours
D) my/you E) mine I your
166. Ann took ___ bicycle. Will you give ___ ___ ?
A) her/my/theirs B) our/me/him C) my/you/ours 185. It’s very quiet in the office today. There’s ___ here. ___ is on
D) my/me/yours E) he/its/hers holiday.
A) anybody / everybody B) anything / nothing
167. Father said: “You may go ___ you like.” C) nobody / all of them D) somebody / nothing
A) anywhere B) nowhere C) something E) nobody / everybody
D) anyone E) somewhere
186. I’ll be very glad if you invite ___ else to join us.
168. Where is your niece? ___ is somewhere here. Don’t you hear ___ A) somebody B) one more C) friend
singing ? D) aunt E) something
A) he/his B) it/its C) he/their
187. Don’t worry. I’ll do ___ best to help ___ .
D) she/its E) she/her
A) my/you B) your/you C) his/him
D) her/her E) -/to you
169. My flat is large. What about ___?
A) mine B) her C) their 188. ___ friend is going to make a report today. ___ say ___ will be
D) your E) yours very interesting.
A) my/he/it B) her/we/its C) his/they/it
170. Has ___ read the text? D) our/she/he E) your/it/it
A) any B) anybody C) someone
D) some E) we 189. Can I use ___ pen today? I’ve left ___ at home.
A) his/her B) your/mine C) her/his
171. Did ___ want ___ to help ___? D) me/them E) my/it
A) you / he / her B) you / me / them C) they / her / he
D) them / her / he E) he / his / him 190. Here is ___ text-book. Where is ___?
A) her / my B) his / their C) my / them
172. That test with a bad mark was ___, those were ___ D) my / yours E) it / it
A) my/her B) his/her C) yours/their
D) me/ours E) mine/theirs

Book 1 Part C 113 Pronouns

TEST 4 Present Tenses
1. I’m taking my sister out as she ___ any sun for a long time. 18. “Little boy”, said a man, “why do you carry that umbrella over your
A) hasn’t had B) haven’t had C) hadn’t been head? It ___ and the sun ___”
D) will have E) shall have A) rains/isn’t shining B) doesn’t rain/shines
C) isn’t raining/isn’t shining D) is raining/is shining
2. He ___ ill for three months already. E) isn’t raining/don’t shine
A) was B) has been C) is
D) have been E) were 19. Who often has dinner at the canteen?
A) I did B) we do C) he had
3. Who goes sightseeing? D) they have E) she will
A) Nina does. B) We shall. C) We did.
D) I did. E) She has. 20. I ___ never ___ him before.
A) - /met B) - /meet C) have/met
4. I usually ___ a blouse and jeans at home, but today I ___ on a new D) has/met E) -/meets
A) wear/have put B) have worn/have put 21. The weather is awful, it ___ all day.
C) wore/has put D) wears/has put A) rains B) is raining C) rained
E) will wear/put D) has rained E) has been raining

5. What ___ the president ___? 22. It is 2 o’clock. I ___ afraid I ___ late.
-He ___ a contract. A) was/am B) shall be/am C) am/am
A) does/do/has signed B) is/doing/is signing D) was/was E) am/wasn’t
C) will/do/was signing D) is/ going to do/would sign
E) shall/do/has been signing 23. Who usually answers these letters in your office?
A) My friend can. B) That man will. C) I do, of course.
6. Look! The cat ___ your cutlet. D) Mary is. E) Those engineers did.
A) is eating B) was eating C) eats
D) has been eating E) had eaten 24. The milk is hot I ___ on it to make it cold.
A) am blowing B) blow C) is blowing
7. You look pale. You ___ too hard these days. D) blew E) had blown
A) have been working B) worked C) are working
D) work E) were working 25. - You don’t like horror films, do you?
- ___ . They are so terrifying.
8. What ___ you ___ since I saw you last? A) Yes, I can. B) No, I can’t. C) No, I don’t.
A) do/do B) are/doing D) Yes, I do. E) No, we didn’t.
C) have/been doing D) did/do
E) will/do 26. ___ this engineer work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
A) do B) does C) has
9. It is 8.30. Ben and Ann ___ breakfast. D) had E) shall
A) have B) are having C) is having
D) was having E) were having 27. He ___ never ___ him sing.
A) had___ heard B) has___heard C) have___ heard
10. She ___ a journalist nowadays. D) was___ hearing E) is___ hearing
A) are B) was C) is
D) were E) am 28. I think ___ .
A) if he is about fifty B) he is about fifty C) her about fifty
11. You ___ always ___ your things. Put them into their bag. D) him about fifty E) be about fifty
A) are/losing B) -/lost
C) have/lost D) shall/have been losing 29. I miss her very much, almost every minute of the day I think of
E) had/lust her, or I think I ___ her.
A) am hearing B) hear C) heard
12. What place ___ the youth of our country occupy in all branches D) have heard E) will hear
A) did B) shall C) is 30. Look! There ___ a man sitting at the first table near the door. He
D) does E) will ___ at us.
A) was/looks B) had been/looked
13. I ___ home for lunch on Mondays. I have lunch in the canteen. C) were/had looked D) is/is looking
A) didn’t go B) was going C) don’t go E) is/was looking
D) doesn’t go E) will not go
31. These engineers always ___ in the office and ___
14. Westminster Abbey is the ancient old church in which the
A) stayed/learn B) stay/learn C) stays/learns
coronation ceremonies of almost all English kings and queens
D) have stayed/learned E) stay/learned
___ place.
A) will take B) was taken C) was taking
32. It’s the happiest evening I ever ___ .
D) is taking E) have taken
A) had B) have had C) has
15. This is the most interesting film I ___ ever ___. D) has had E) had had
A) didn’t/see B) was/seen C) have /saw
D) have/seen E) had/seen 33. Let me show the picture that I ___ this week.
A) am drawing B) shall be drawing C) have drawn
16. “Nobody ___ in that country,” said Pinocchio to his friend. D) drew E) will be drawing
A) don’t learn B) are learning C) learns
D) doesn’t learn E) learn 34. This is the 7th year Ann and Mary ___ this school.
A) has attended B) have been attending
17. Paul ___ a student of Cambridge University. C) had been attending D) are attending
A) were B) are C) am E) were attending
D) be E) is

Book 1 Part C 114 Present Tenses

35. He ___ his English in the morning, he ___ it in the evening. 52. Nothing will make him ___ back to her.
A) doesn’t have/is having B) don’t have/had A) to come B) come C) came
C) doesn’t have/has D) didn’t have/have D) coming E) would come
E) hadn’t/will have
53. Listen! Someone ___ at the door.
36. The sun ___ in the East and ___ in the West. A) knocks B) to knock C) has knocked
A) sets/rises B) sets/goes C) rises/sets D) is knocking E) has been knocking
D) goes/rises E) set/rise
54. “This thief ___ usually promise to steal again,” said Sherlock
37. While ___ to school we always ___ a bus. Holmes.
A) going/take B) went/take A) won’t B) didn’t C) isn’t
C) shall go/will take D) had gone/took D) doesn’t E) don’t
E) goes/takes
55. Samuel says he’s 25 years old, but nobody ___ him.
38. We don’t like him because he always ___ lies. A) is believing B) believes C) had believed
A) tell B) was telling C) tells D) don’t believe E) doesn’t believe
D) are telling E) has told
56. The sea ___ to those who ___ to listen to it.
39. I ___ all my work. I am free now. A) speaks/likes B) speak/like C) speaks/like
A) do B) am doing C) shall do D) speak/likes E) speak/will like
D) have done E) had done
57. Take your umbrella. It ___ .
40. She ___ at school since 1984. A) was raining B) rained C) rains
A) teach B) has been teaching C) taught D) is raining E) would be raining
D) was teaching E) have taught
58. We can’t disturb him now. He ___ .
41. - ___ your father ___ at the Medical College? A) operate B) will operate C) has operated
- Yes, he does. D) is operating E) operates
A) do/work B) did/work C) has/worked
D) does/work E) shall/work 59. The children of the man who works with me ___ the window this
42. He ___ to school at 7:30 and ___ at 2 o’clock. A) were broken B) break C) broke
A) goes/comes back B) went/is coming back D) have broken E) had broken
C) go/come back D) was going/has come back
E) is going/came back 60. “Who ___ this picture?” the teacher asks.
A) is drawn B) drawn C) have drawn
43. -You ___ not ___ your soup. D) draws E) has drawn
-I’m sorry. I’m not hungry.
A) are/eat B) has/eaten C) are/eating 61. -Where is Comrade A?
D) did/ate E) will/eat -He ___ tennis.
A) plays B) is playing C) played
44. -Who ___ French in your family? D) has been playing E) will play
-I ___ .
A) speaks/do B) speak/does C) spoke/do 62. I ___ never ___ such beautiful flowers before.
D) speaking/did E) are speaking/did A) shall / see B) had / seen C) have / seen
D) has / seen E) will / see
45. Although Mary has been cooking for many years, she still ___
how to prepare Chinese food. 63. I’ve got to get him to the station. His train ___ at the moment.
A) did not know B) know C) don’t know A) leave B) has left C) had left
D) doesn’t know E) hadn’t known D) is leaving E) are leaving

46. The aims of the course ___ me willing to begin. 64. -What ___ you ___?
A) makes B) is making C) were made -I ___ now.
D) make E) making A) are/doing/am washing up
B) have/done/am washing up
47. Listen! Somebody ___ in the next room. C) have/been done/am washed up
A) sing B) sings C) are singing D) were/done/have washed up
D) is singing E) is sung E) is/doing/did not wash up

48. -___ life ___ on Mars? 65. We can go out now. It ___ .
-No, it ___ . A) don’t rain B) rains C) didn’t rain
A) Does/exist/doesn’t B) Did/existed/didn’t D) has rained E) isn’t raining
C) Has/existed/had D) Had/existed/had
E) Will/exist/will 66. You’ll see what I ___ about you recently.
A) shall write B) have written C) had written
49. I ___ this man at all. D) is written E) was written
A) don’t know B) know C) knew
D) have known E) doesn’t know 67. She ___ since last week.
A) is ill B) was ill C) had been ill
50. The boys ___ four English books this year. D) has been ill E) will be ill
A) read B) had read C) reads
D) have read E) read 68. Listen! Somebody ___ at the door.
A) knocked B) has knocked C) is knocking
51. I know he reads every book I ___ ever ___ of. D) was knocking E) knocks
A) -/hear B) -/heard C) have/heard
D) has/heard E) had/heard 69. This year we ___ a good harvest of cotton.
A) has grown B) have grown C) grown
D) were growing E) are grown

Book 1 Part C 115 Present Tenses

70. Look at the little boys! They ___ with stones. 89. Who ___ writing the text yet?
A) play B) will play C) are playing A) haven’t finished B) didn’t finish C) doesn’t finish
D) is playing E) played D) won’t finish E) hasn’t finished

71. It ___ him 20 minutes to get to the work usually. 90. - What ___ you ___?
A) take B) is taking C) have taken - I ___ a letter.
D) is not taking E) takes A) are doing/am writing B) have done/am writing
C) did/write D) have done/am writing
72. Usually my working day ___ at 8.30 sharp. E) has done/wrote
A) start B) starts C) would be
D) won’t start E) has started 91. We ___ already twenty words.
A) learned B) have learned C) learn
73. Stop a minute, think what you ___ . D) will learn E) are learning
A) are saying B) say C) says
D) is saying E) has said 92. “I can’t marry Mr. Fire. I ___ already ___ my word to another
man”, said the chief’s daughter.
74. The population of the world ___ very fast. A) don’t/give B) had/given C) shall/give
A) rise B) rises C) is rising D) didn’t/give E) have/given
D) rose E) is risen
93. Be quick! A dog ___ after your child.
75. Tourists ___ a lot of different information when they travel. A) runs B) ran C) was running
A) get B) gets C) has got D) will run E) is running
D) would get E) were getting
94. I ___ never ___ to the USA.
76. The English seaside ___ very popular lately. A) is/ been B) has/been C) have/been
A) becomes B) has become C) became D) having/been E) was/being
D) will become E) is becoming
95. Oh, not really, I ___ a minute since I came in.
77. ___ he already___ the rules in the race ? A) haven’t had B) haven’t C) were not
A) did/break B) does/break C) is/breaking D) will have E) hadn’t
D) has/broken E) had/broken
96. Take away the crib; the teacher ___ at you.
78. Peter ___ his lessons. When he finishes them he’ll watch TV. A) look B) is looking C) looks
A) does B) do C) did D) looked E) had looked
D) is doing E) has done
97. I ___ them for 10 months.
79. I ___ never ___ the book. A) know B) knows C) have known
A) didn’t/read B) haven’t/read C) have/read D) will know E) shall know
D) don’t/read E) was/reading
98. Why ___ you ___ the coat? It’s not cold.
80. Look! The girls ___ in the park. A) do/put on B) has/put on C) have/put on
A) skate B) skated C) are skating D) would/put on E) had/put on
D) will skate E) has skated
99. Don’t enter the classroom. The students ___ an exam.
81. She is sorry, she ___ so rude. A) write B) were writing C) have written
A) were B) will be C) are D) are writing E) had been written
D) has been E) had been
100. Look! They ___ in our direction.
82. Why ___ nothing ___? A) come B) came C) will come
A) has / been done still B) hasn’t / been done yet D) was coming E) are coming
C) has / been done yet D) was / done yet
E) have / been done yet 101. I ___ Paul since Christmas.
A) don’t see B) haven’t seen C) hadn’t seen
83. Shh! The teacher ___ on the blackboard. D) wasn’t seen E) won’t see
A) wrote B) was writing C) writes
D) will write E) is writing 102. “Fortune” ___ the magazine of business success for over 50 years.
A) is B) was C) will be
84. I ___ here since 1972. D) has been E) were
A) was living B) had lived C) lives
D) am living E) have lived 103. She ___ false impressions on those who ___ you.
A) will produce / hadn’t known
85. ___ you ___ to England?
B) produces / don’t know
A) were/being B) are/being C) have/been
C) produces / doesn’t know
D) were/being E) had/been
D) has produced / will not know
86. Hello! Who ___? E) would produce / have not known
A) spoke B) speaks
C) has been speaking D) is speaking 104. Food prices ___ rapidly in the past few months.
E) was spoken A) had risen B) has risen C) have risen
D) was rising E) rises
87. Max ___ to be good at interpreting, ___ he?
A) doesn’t seem/does B) seems/does
C)seemed/did D) seems/does
E) didn’t seem/doesn’t

88. ___ you ever ___ Herr Boschen sing his great German comic
A) had/heard B) did/hear C) do/hear
D) are/hearing E) have/heard

Book 1 Part C 116 Present Tenses

TEST 5 Future Tenses
1. I ___ to start a new life tomorrow. 19. This time tomorrow we ___ probably ___ fishing.
A) to be going B) am going C) shall go A) are/will B) -/shall C) shall/be
D) is going E) were going D) shall/- E) do/are

2. Mark ___ into the army next year. 20. What ___ you ___ at 6 tomorrow?
A) was going B) goes C) will go A) will/do B) was/doing C) will/be doing
D) would go E) will be go D) is/doing E) will/have done

3. They ___ dinner at this time tomorrow. 21. By the end of the first term we ___ many English books.
A) have B) are having C) will have A) shall be read B) read C) shall have read
D) having had E) will be having D) have read E) shall read

4. -What’s happened to your hair? Your mother ___ 22. What ___ you ___ at 6 tomorrow?
A) didn’t like B) liked C) likes A) did/do B) will/be doing C) do/do
D) would like E) won’t like D) do/did E) have/done

5. I ___ if you come too late tomorrow. 23. He ___ for you at 7 in the evening next Sunday.
A) shall be sleeping B) will sleep C) sleep A) was waiting B) were waiting C) will be waiting
D) am sleeping E) was sleeping D) have waited E) had been waited

6. Be quick or we ___ for school.

A) are late B) is late C) have been late
D) shall be late E) will not be late

7. What ___ you ___ next Sunday?

A) were doing B) have done C) are doing
D) are done E) were done

8. I think I ___ a cassette recorder and use it in class.

A) buy B) am buying C) shall buy
D) would buy E) bought

9. We ___ for Niagara tomorrow.

A) are leaving B) have left C) left
D) had to leave E) shall be left

10. I’ll ask him what he ___ for lunch.

A) was having B) are having C) would have
D) should have E) will have

11. Who ___ for a walk tomorrow?

A) go B) will go C) didn’t go
D) doesn’t go E) went

12. They ___ their English exam at this time tomorrow.

A) will take B) will be taking C) would take
D) is taking E) take

13. My boss ___ some V.I.P’s tomorrow.

A) will be received B) is receiving
C) will have received D) receive
E) has received

14. Ask him when the engineers ___ finish the talks.
A) will B) would C) had
D) have E) do

15. He ___ to learn French next year.

A) was going B) is going C) are going
D) will be going E) shall be going

16. All the children ___ on an excursion next week.

A) go B) went C) have gone
D) will go E) has gone

17. ___ you ___ at 6 tomorrow?

A) will/sleep B) were/sleeping
C) will/be sleeping D) do/sleep
E) are/sleeping

18. I shall be back by 6 and I hope you ___ a good sleep by that time.
A) will have had B) will have C) would have
D) have had E) had had

Book 1 Part C 117 Future Tenses

TEST 6 Past Tenses
1. She never ___ to eat soup. 16. She ___ you a letter three weeks ago.
A) didn’t like B) like C) had liked A) had sent B) has sent C) sent
D) would not like E) liked D) send E) was sending

2. “I’ll drink tea from this tin mug.” 17. When he ___ home I ___ him the book.
“Where ___ you ___ it?” A) came /shall show B) comes/showed
A) did/find B) do/find C) did/found C) has come/has shown D) came/showed
D) were/found E) are/found E) was coming/shall show

3. It was dark and cold. At one moment he thought that he ___ his 18. They ___ breakfast at 7 and ___ home at eight.
way. A) have/left B) had/left C) had/leave
A) lost B) will lose C) had lost D) have/leaves E) had/had left
D) was lost E) loses
19. Long ago people ___ little about those minerals.
4. I didn’t know anyone in the city where I ___ to get. A) had known B) knowed C) will know
A) did try B) was trying C) would try D) knew E) have known
D) have tried E) shall try
20. The dentist ___ two of his teeth. One of them ___ quite good.
5. -Why ___ you go to the plant? A) pulls out/are B) pull out/was
-I ___ no time. C) pulled out/was D) pull out/was
A) do/had B) will/have C) did/hadn’t E) pulled out/were
D) didn’t/hadn’t E) didn’t/had
21. I couldn’t imagine what ___ to her.
6. A policeman ___ me crossing the street yesterday. A) had happened B) has been happened
A) seen B) saw C) has seen C) will happen D) has been happening
D) will see E) had seen E) happens

7. Arthur ___ all his exams by 5 o’clock yesterday. 22. He felt that he ___ it wrong.
A) passed B) passes C) has passed A) has made B) made C) will make
D) has been passed E) had passed D) was made E) had made

8. He evidently ___ his shoes for a very long time. They were 23. I ___ my homework when my mother came.
worn-out. A) already did B) have already done
A) were wearing B) are wearing C) had already done D) has already done
C) had been wearing D) was wearing E) already do
E) had been worn
24. Turning I found my father sitting beside me on the sofa. I said
9. So, the invisible man ___ into the shop and ___ down. “How ___ you ___ here?”
A) comes/walked B) didn’t come/walk C) came/walked A) do/get B) did/get C) does/get
D) will come/walked E) comes/would walk D) was/getting E) has/been getting

10. -We were at the theatre 2 days ago. The performance was 25. Last summer we ___ a trip to Houston.
excellent. A) made B) has made C) are making
-Who ___ the leading part? D) shall make E) will be making
A) did play B) play C) played
D) would play E) has played 26. He ___ barely ___ of him until that evening.
A) had/heard B) has/heard C) was/heard
11. One day the boys found a man in the forest. He ___ D) did/hear E) didn’t/hear
A) will die B) had been dying C) had died
D) was dying E) die 27. She ___ in Tashkent five years ago.
A) had lived B) lived C) has lived
12. His father ___ a doctor and he ___ to make his son a doctor, too. D) live E) have lived
A) was/wants B) were/wanted
C) will be/would want D) was/wanted 28. We ___ English, so I know it a little.
E) were/wanted A) were learning B) learned C) learns
D) should learn E) were learning
13. During his school years Cronin ___ great interest in literature.
A) take B) took C) has taken 29. Yesterday at this time it ___ .
D) had taken E) would take A) had snowed B) snows C) snowed
D) was snowing E) had been snowing
14. He ___ the box yesterday, because he had to do it.
A) would open B) had opening C) have opened 30. We ___ he ___ ill.
D) opens E) opened A) did not know/was B) knew/am ill C) knew/will be
D) had known/is E) were known/be
15. While the gentlemen ___ the recent events, the ladies ___ about
the weather. 31. The plane ___ at 4 and it ___ us 20 minutes to get there.
A) discuss/talk A) was landing/was taking B) was landing/took
B) are discussing/was talking C) landed/took D) lands/was taken
C) being discussed/being talked E) has landed/is taking
D) were discussing/were talking
E) have discussed/have talked 32. We ___ the station by 5 o’clock yesterday.
A) shall reach B) were reaching C) had reached
D) reached E) would reach

Book 1 Part C 118 Past Tenses

33. The Browns ___ out of town last Sunday and ___ a good time there. 50. What ___ you ___ at 5 p.m. yesterday?
A) were going/had B) went/are having A) did/do B) have/been doing C) would/do
C) went/had D) are going/were having D) were/doing E) will/do
E) goes/has
51. Who ___ to see me last week?
34. Before answering the telephone he ___ down the table. A) comes B) will come C) came
A) laid B) was lying C) had laid D) has come E) have come
D) lay E) has laid
52. They didn’t believe him and ___ to laugh.
35. Who ___ at the meeting yesterday? A) begin B) begins C) began
A) speak B) speaks C) spoke D) had begun E) have begun
D) had spoken E) will speak
53. Children didn’t ___ to school because it ___ Sunday.
36. He met me with the bird in his hand. It ___ curiously at me. A) went/was B) go/were
A) looks B) was looking C) have gone/was D) gone/was
C) has been looking D) would look E) go/was
E) should look
54. The train ___ at 8.30 p.m. today, but as a rule it ___ at 8.00 p.m.
37. Nick ___ yesterday. sharp.
A) will not come B) hadn’t come C) didn’t come A) has left / starts B) left / started
D) hasn’t come E) came not C) left / has started D) has left / has started
E) have left / starts
38. I knew that he ___ the same paper each morning.
A) was bought B) buys C) is buying 55. The moon ___ and it ___ surprisingly light at night yesterday.
D) bought E) had bought A) is rising / is B) rose / was C) had risen / was
D) was rising / were E) rose / had been
39. He asked the children who ___ the book.
A) tore B) tear C) tears 56. Who ___ him yesterday?
D) had torn E) will tear A) has seen B) did see C) saw
D) have seen E) sees
40. Who ___ on a hike yesterday?
A) did go B) will go C) has gone 57. He ___ nobody about his secret that day.
D) went E) had went A) don’t tell B) tell C) didn’t tell
D) told E) doesn’t tell
41. I ___ to do it but I ___ no time. I was very busy.
A) wanted/has B) want/had have
C) wanted/had D) would want/have
E) have wanted/shall have

42. - What a luck. I haven’t seen you for ages.

- When ___ we ___ last time?
A) did / meet B) have / met C) had / met
D) did / met E) will / meet

43. In the summer of 1868, Melville Bell ___ on a lecture tour in the
USA and Canada.
A) goes B) had gone C) went
D) have gone E) has gone

44. He ___ his work before you came.

A) finished B) finishes C) has finished
D) had finished E) finish

45. Why ___ he go to Great Britain last month?

A) did B) was C) will
D) had E) has

46. Did you ___ or ___ the potatoes?

A) mince/peeled B) minced/peeled
C) minced/peeling D) peels/minced
E) mince/peel

47. When she ___ they ___ and he left the house.
A) had come/quarreled B) came/quarreled
C) has come/quarreled D) comes/would quarrel
E) came/had quarreled

48. - Who had left the room by the time I came yesterday?
A) Tom did B) Tom does C) Tom had
D) Tom has E) Tom was

49. Neither your parents nor I ___ very glad of the fact that you failed
your Math exam.
A) has been B) have been C) were
D) was E) are

Book 1 Part C 119 Past Tenses

TEST 7 Mixed Tenses
1. Ann ___ that she ___ the visitor before. 17. Mr. Brown ___ to me 2 hours ago to return the book which he
A) thought / saw B) thinks / sees ___ .
C) is thinking / sees D) thought / had seen A) comes / borrows B) came / had borrowed
E) have thought / had seen C) will come / borrowed D) came / borrowed
E) was coming / borrowed
2. As it ___ dark we ___ to go home.
A) gets / decided B) would get / shall decide 18. No sooner he ___ than he ___ ill.
C) had got / have decided D) was getting / decided A) had arrived / falls B) had arrived / fell
E) will be getting / had decided C) arrives / has fallen D) arrived / will fall
E) is arriving / is falling
3. He ___ looking at her, wondering where he ___ her
A) keep / see B) kept / had seen 19. I ___ my homework by 6 o’clock yesterday and when my mother
C) keeps / saw D) had kept / had seen came home I ___ supper.
E) being kept / would see A) did / have B) have done / had
C) had done / was having D) was doing / had
4. They ___ to get married last month although they ___ each other
E) do / have
for only six weeks.
A) decide / know B) decided / know 20. He said that he ___ school and he ___ to enter the academy.
C) decided / had known D) decided / knew A) finished / was going B) has finished / is going
E) decided / has known C) had finished / was going D) finishes / are going
E) finish / was going
5. ___ the weather good when you ___ tennis?
A) is / played B) was / were playing 21. It ___ dark and it ___ .
C) will be / played D) is / will be playing A) is / are raining B) was / was raining
E) has been / will play C) are / was D) were / were
E) were / was
6. When he ___ to the station the train already ___ .
A) comes / left B) came / leaves 22. The pupils ___ the sentences yet, the teacher ___ the blackboard.
C) came / had left D) had come / left A) has not written / will clean
E) has come / leaves B) had not written / cleaned
C) did not write / cleans
7. Last Monday when I ___ the house it ___ heavily.
D) are not writing / clean
A) leave / rain B) left / was raining
E) had not written / had cleaned
C) left / had rained D) was leaving / rained
E) leave / rains 23. Henry ___ Puerto Rico before he ___ to St. Thomas.
A) visited / had gone B) had visited / went
8. Yesterday when Tom ___ the lesson___ .
C) was visiting / went D) would visit / goes
A) comes / already begins B) came / had already begun
E) visited / went
C) came / already began D) will come / already begins
E) came / already begins 24. The company ___ some new equipments before the strike ___ .
A) have ordered / begin B) had ordered / began
9. I ___ the call because I ___ a shower.
C) ordered / begins D) is ordering / began
A) didn’t answer / was taking B) don’t answer / take
E) will order / had begun
C) doesn’t answer / am taking D) will not answer / take
E) am answering / am taking 25. I ___ he ___ it interesting.
A) hoped / find B) hoped / finds
10. After Mary ___ the room, she ___ the floor.
C) hopes / would find D) hoped / would find
A) tidied up / washes B) tidies up / has washed
E) will find / find
C) has tidied up / washed D) had tidied up / washed
E) is tidying up / washes 26. Mark Twain ___ that they ___ about him.
A) understand / speaks B) understands / speaks
11. Yesterday at this time when his hat ___ he ___ across the bridge.
C) will understand / spoke D) understood / are speaking
A) blows off / is walking B) blew off / had walked
E) understood / were speaking
C) has blown off / is walking D) blew off / was walking
E) had blown off / walks 27. On our way home we ___ the problem if we could ___ the fine
celebration of our mother’s birthday.
12. He wanted me to go to the skating-rink together.
A) discussed / organized
As he ___ I ___ my skates he ___ me his brother’s.
B) were discussing / organize
A) knows / broke / offer B) knew / broke / offers
C) had discussed / organize
C) knew / had broken / offered D) know / had broken / will offer
D) have discussed / were organizing
E) knew / has broken / offered
E) discuss / organizes
13. Tom looked at his hands. He ___ that those hands ___ young and
28. The greater part of London ___ of wood, but after the great fire
strong before.
wider streets and brick houses ___ .
A) knew / was B) know / are
A) had been / were built B) was / were built
C) had known / were D) knew / be
C) is / have been built D) are / are built
E) knew / had been
E) has been / is built
14. He ___ us the firm ___ wool since 1935.
29. After my parents ___ home my life ___ better.
A) told / had been exporting B) tells / would export
A) had returned / became B) will return / become
C) said / is exporting D) will be told / exports
C) return / have become D) return / have become
E) told / has been exporting
E) return / would become
15. He didn’t ___ well though he ___ a hard day before.
30. Why ___ you come yesterday? We ___ a good time.
A) slept / spent B) sleep / spend
A) don’t / can have B) didn’t / could have had
C) sleeping / had spent D) sleep / had spent
C) will / might have D) doesn’t / will have
E) slept / had spent
E) did not / shall have
16. He ___ at the blackboard and ___ that the English teacher ___
31. He___ even before I ___ a finger on him.
the word “apple” there.
A) screams / was laid B) screamed / had laid
A) was looking / sees/wrote B) looks / sees / had written
C) would scream / am laying D) screams / laid
C) looked / saw / was writing D) is looking / saw / writes
E) screamed / would lay
E) has looked / has seen / is writing

Book 1 Part C 120 Mixed Tenses

32. I___ never___ to Cambridge, but I once ___ Oxford. 45. When Mr. Brown ___ to the party all the guests ___ at the table.
A) did / go / visit A) come / sat B) came / are sitting
B) have / been / visited C) came / were sitting D) comes / sit
C) have / been / had visited E) came / had sat
D) was / visiting / had been visiting
46. Nick ___ he ___ his homework by 4 o’clock.
E) will / have gone / don’t visit
A) say / has done B) said / had done
33. We ___ to wait because the man ___ . C) says / do D) said / does
A) told / was questioned E) said / has done
B) were told / questioned
47. The American ___ the question slowly so that we ___
C) were told / is questioned
A) repeated / should understand
D) told / was being questioned
B) repeat / understood
E) were told / was being questioned
C) repeats / would understand
34. They didn’t know that he ___ from the University in 1990 and D) repeated / understand
then ___ abroad. E) repeats / understands
A) had graduated / is working B) graduated / works
48. My sister ___ in Florida for one year when we ___ to New York.
C) graduated / was working D) was graduating / worked
A) has lived / came B) have lived / come
E) had graduated / worked
C) lived / come D) had lived / came
35. We learned that he ___ the office 5 minutes before he ___ . E) live / came
A) left / returned B) had left / returned
49. He came to the writing table and ___ through the letters which
C) would leave / returned D) would have left / came
___ for him.
E) had left / had returned
A) look / was waiting B) looked / were waiting
36. - ___ you ___ him this week? C) looks / has been waiting D) looked / waiting
- Yes, I ___ him on Sunday. E) looks / are waiting
A) did / see / saw B) did / see / have seen
50. Ann ___ her work by 4 o’clock and ___ shopping.
C) have / seen / see D) do / see / saw
A) finished / went B) finishes / will go
E) have / seen / saw
C) had finished / went D) has finished / go
37. I ___ my interview with the vice-president when my daughter E) will finish / went
___ me.
51. He ___ he ___ lunch an hour before.
A) had / were calling B) was having / had called
A) say / had B) said / would have
C) have had / called D) had / called
C) says / shall have D) said / had
E) was having / called
E) said / had had
38. Ronald Reagan ___ president for 8 years before he ___ .
52. When we ___ the station the train ___ already ___ .
A) had been / has retired B) had been / had retired
A) reach / has / left B) reached / had / left
C) was / had retired D) had been / retired
C) reach / was / leaving D) shall reach / - / left
E) was / retired
E) were reaching / were / leaving
39. I went out of the house. It ___ . It ___ for two weeks.
53. I knew that she ___ Miss Betsy, because I remembered how my
A) rained / was raining
mother ___ her.
B) had rained / was raining
A) was / had described B) is / described
C) was raining / had been raining
C) would be / had described D) had been / described
D) had been raining / was raining
E) has been / describes
E) was raining / rained
54. She said that Bob ___ as he ___ research work.
40. After long consideration we ___ to the conclusion our behavior
A) was busy / was doing B) was busy / had done
___ .
C) was busy / have done D) was busy / would be doing
A) came / had been justified
E) is busy / will be doing
B) came / will be justified
C) will come / would be justified 55. He says he ___ his friend whom he ___ for many years.
D) are coming / will justify A) meets / didn’t see B) met / hadn’t seen
E) has come / are being justified C) met / haven’t seen D) will meet / sees
E) meet / doesn’t see
41. The plan ___ for two hours when he ___ .
A) had been discussed / came 56. That day when we were in the restaurant each one ___ what he
B) is discussed / comes ___ .
C) will be discussed / come A) receive / orders B) received / had ordered
D) has been discussed / comes C) is receiving / is ordering D) will receive / would order
E) was discussed / would come E) is received / is ordered
42. Christopher Columbus didn’t know where he ___. When he landed 57. - What ___ you ___ here?
he didn’t know where he ___ when he got back to Spain he didn’t - I ___ for my friend.
know where he ___. - How long ___ you ___ for him?
A) was sailing / was / had been - For twenty minutes.
B) had sailed / was / was A) are / doing / am waiting / have / been waiting
C) is sailing / had been / has been B) do / do / am waiting / do / wait
D) will be sailing / will be / will have been C) are / doing / wait / have / been waiting
E) would sail / hadn’t been / haven’t been D) have / done / am waiting / are / waiting
E) are / doing / am waiting / are / waiting
43. That day after Mr. Brown ___ the letter he ___ me to clarify some
details. 58. Julia has overslept again. She is going ___ late to her work. “I had
A) has studied / phoned B) studied / phoned better ___ a taxi” she thinks.
C) had studied / phoned D) had studied / had phoned A) being / take B) to be / take
E) studied / is phoning C) be / to take D) to be / to take
E) to be / taking
44. When Christopher Columbus ___ 14 he ___ a sailor.
A) is / became B) was / became 59. They ___ just ___ and ___ supper now.
C) was / becomes D) are / become A) have / come / are having B) had / come / are having
E) were / became C) have / come / is having D) had / come / had
E) have / come / have

Book 1 Part C 121 Mixed Tenses

60. I usually ___ there by train but this week-end I ___ by bus. 76. He ___ me his name but I ___ it.
A) go / am going B) went / go A) tell / am forgetting B) will tell / forgot
C) go / go D) go / are going C) told / have forgotten D) has told / shall forget
E) go / was going E) was told / forgot
61. You ___ very thoughtful. What ___ you ___ about? 77. They ___ you the money before they ___ .
A) looked / was / thinking A) send / leave B) sent / left
B) look / are / thinking C) will send / leave D) sent / had left
C) look / are / think E) should sent / had left
D) looking / are / thinking
E) have looked / had / thought 78. I ___ already ___ the doctor about it, but she couldn’t ___ me.
A) has / seen / helped B) have / seen / help
62. His situation ___ since spring. Now he ___ much better.
C) had / seen / had helped D) will / have seen / help
A) has improved / feel B) improves / felt
E) is/having seen / is helping
C) improve / is feeling D) has improved / feels
E) improved / has felt 79. The weather ___ as nice today as it ___ yesterday.
63. It’s evening. People ___ to their house and ___ TV A) is / was B) are / were
A) come / are watching B) have come / are watching C) is / will be D) was / were
C) come / watch D) has come / are watching E) were / shall be
E) are coming / have watched
80. You ___ six cakes since we ___ .
64. Please, ___ me the newspaper a postman ___ today. A) had / had come B) had had / came
A) show / bring B) shows / brings C) have / come D) have had / came
C) showed / brought D) show / brought E) have had / have come
E) show / has brought
81. The English ___ of sports and ___ themselves as good sportsmen.
65. Do you ___ that woman in the corner? She ___ her dog walk. A) are fond / regard B) is fond / regards
A) see / is having B) saw / was having C) were fond / regards D) was fond / regards
C) to see / is having D) see / has E) am fond / are regarding
E) seen / have
82. The children ___ their hands and they ___ lunch now.
66. My dog ___ a lot but it ___ at the moment.
A) are washing / are having B) have washed / are having
A) is barking / doesn’t bark B) barked / didn’t bark
C) wash / have D) washed / are having
C) barks / isn’t barking D) was barking / won’t bark
E) wash / have had
E) will bark / doesn’t bark
67. I ___ about it at the moment and I think that I ___ how to use it 83. Don’t go out. It ___ . It ___ since morning.
now. A) rains / rains B) has rained / rains
A) read / knew B) was reading / knew C) was raining / was raining D) is raining / has been raining
C) am reading / know D) read / know E) is raining / had rained
E) shall read / have known
84. I ___ you the book after I ___ it.
68. Tom ___ the book since yesterday morning and he ___ it. A) give / read B) shall give / had read
A) has read / just finished C) shall give / have read D) have given / shall read
B) has been reading / has just finished E) am giving / read
C) had been reading / has just finished
D) will read / just finishes 85. She ___ all the work and now she ___ in the next room.
E) read / is just finishing A) did / rest B) have done / rests
C) does / rests D) has done / is resting
69. I ___ I ___ you there. E) had done / is resting
A) thought / meet B) thinks / meet
C) think / have met D) thinks / met 86. She ___ this book this week and she ___ discuss it.
E) think / has met A) read / can B) has read / could
C) had read / can D) have read / can
70. He ___ a very experienced teacher. He ___ French for 15 years.
E) has read / can
A) to be / taught B) am / is teaching
C) is / has been teaching D) will be / was teaching 87. “I hope you ___ well?” “Yes, I ___ ill for two weeks. Now I ___
E) was / are teaching well.”
71. I’m ___ to tell you the story I ___ at school today. A) felt / was / is B) feel / is / am
A) go / hear B) going / heard C) is feeling / are / is D) are feeling / have been / am
C) to go / hear D) going / have heard E) was feeling / was / am
E) going / had heard
88. -___ you ___ the man for many years?
72. Jimmy, Jane and Billy wanted ___ their grandfather who ___ to -Yes, we ___ at Cambridge together.
visit them. A) have / known / were B) do / know / is
A) to impress / had come B) impressed / came C) were / known / were D) have / known / was
C) will impress / comes D) had impressed / has come E) did / know / was
E) to impress / to come
89. I ___ an exercise now but I ___ it in some minutes.
73. On ___ the room he ___ left and ___ his way.
A) write / finished B) writes / will finish
A) entering / turned / went on
C) wrote / is finishing D) am writing / shall finish
B) having entered / has turned / goes on
E) have written / had finished
C) entered / turns / went on
D) enter / turn / goes on
90. Last year he ___ better than he ___ now.
E) entering / turns / went on
A) sings / did B) sang / is doing
74. ___ you read the book “The Godfather”? If yes, when ___ you read? C) had sung / does D) would sing / did
A) did / have B) will / do C) have / did E) had been singing / is doing
D) were / done E) has / does
91. Students ___ already their tests and now they ___
75. I ___ Tom since he ___ school.
A) had written / hand B) are writing / handed
A) have seen / leave B) saw / has left
C) have written / are handing D) wrote / will hand
C) hadn’t seen / left D) haven’t seen / left
E) write / hands
E) see / leave

Book 1 Part C 122 Mixed Tenses

92. It is going to rain. I ___ glad I ___ my umbrella with me today. 105. Look! There ___ nothing here. Everything ___ away.
A) am/takes B) am/have taken A) are / have been taken B) is / has been taken
C) is/taken D) are/took C) is / is taken D) is / is being taken
E) is/takes E) is / will be taken
93. Bill ___ his girl-friend now. That’s the third time he ___ her this 106. Everybody ___ at what ___ .
evening. A) was surprised/has happened
A) phones / phones B) has phoned / phones B) was surprised/had happened
C) is phoning / has phoned D) will phone / has phoned C) is surprised/happen
E) is phoning / had phoned D) surprise/happen
E) will be surprised/ happened
94. Here ___ your keys. The boy ___ you up to your rooms and your
luggage ___ up straight away. 107. The famous writer Tolstoy ___ forever in our memories, in the
A) is/show/will bring books he ___ to us.
B) are/show/will be brought A) will live / has left B) is living / will be leaving
C) are/will show/will be brought C) lived / leaves D) would be living / had left
D) were/will show/brings E) have been living / left
E) are/has shown/will bring
108. Ernest Hemingway ___ one of those people who ___ in their
95. -How long ___ you ___ to stay? beds.
-I ___ we ___ here for a week at least. A) had not been / died B) are / died
A) are/going/expect/shall be B) were/going/expected/shall be C) was not / die D) was not / dies
C) is/going/expect/are D) do/go/expected/are E) is being / have not died
E) does/go/expect/will be
109. If you ___ so rude to her she ___ to us earlier.
96. -Is this your first visit to London? A) were not / had come
-No, I ___ here several times before and I ___ quite at home in B) hadn’t been / would have come
London. C) are / would have come
A) was/have felt B) have been/feel D) are / will come
C) had been/felt D) has been/felt E) are not being / would come
E) were/have felt
110. “Hello, Mr. Roberts” ___ the clerk. “What ___ you ___
97. I don’t know when she ___ but when she ___ I’ll give her your home your the wife today?”
book. A) greet / do / take B) greeting / were / taking
A) will come/will come B) will come/come C) greeted / are / taking D) will greet / did / taken
C) come/will come D) will come/comes E) will greet / did / take
E) comes/will come
111. Two years ago she ___ and now she ___ her time visiting friends.
98. You ___ here until your mother ___ ready to leave. A) retires / spends B) retired / spends
A) will stay/is B) would stay/is C) had retired / spends D) would retire / is spending
C) stayed/will be D) are staying/had been E) will retire / spent
E) have stayed/would be
112. He might ___ the accident if he ___ more careful.
99. Many changes ___ place since I ___ in my native town 10 years A) avoid / was B) have avoided / had been
ago. C) avoid / had been D) had avoided / were
A) has taken/was B) are taking/had been E) avoids / is
C) took/was D) has taken/am
113. -Hello, Ann! I ___ you for ages. Where have you been all this
E) have taken/was
100. I ___ to America five years ago. Since then, I ___ American, and -I ___ to Italy. I ___ back yesterday.
___ nearly all I ___ there. A) didn’t see/was/came
A) had gone/haven’t spoken/have B) haven’t seen/have been/came
B) had gone/don’t speak/forget/learned C) don’t see/have been/have come
C) was going/haven’t spoken/forgot/had learned D) saw/was/came back
D) went/haven’t spoken/ have forgotten/learned E) haven’t seen/had been/had come
E) went/hasn’t spoken/forgot/had learned
114. -What ___ you ___ at 6 p.m. yesterday?
101. It has been long since I ___ him last. I ___ from him all these -I ___ my homework. After I ___ it I played chess with my friend.
years. A) did/do/did/have done
A) saw/haven’t heard B) had seen/haven’t heard B) was/doing/was doing/had done
C) see/don’t hear D) saw/don’t hear C) were/doing/was doing/had done
E) have seen/haven’t heard D) were/doing/did/have done
E) had/done/had done/did
102. He was sure they ___ the station before night ___ .
A) will reach / came B) would reach / came 115. This book ___ quite different from the one I ___
C) would have reached / came D) would reach / would come A) is/have read B) was/am reading
E) reached / came C) has been/read D) have been/reads
E) is/read
103. - “___ you ___ this film yet?”
- “Yes.” 116. -___ I ___ after the luggage or ___ you?
- “When ___ you ___ it?” -If you ___ to the luggage and pay the driver I’ll go in and see
A) have / seen / have / seen about rooms.
B) have / seen / did / see A) shall/look/will/see
C) are / going to see / did / see B) shall/look/will/will see
D) did / see / have / seen C) will/look/shall/saw
E) have / seen / are / going to see D) should/look/would/would see
E) would/looked/will/saw
104. -When ___ you ___ here?
-I ___ just ___ . 117. Nobody knows what ___ at this meeting but she ___ to him
A) did/come back/have/come back since.
B) have/come back/have/come back A) was said / hasn’t spoken B) is said / hasn’t spoken
C) will/come back/have/come C) has said / hasn’t spoken D) was said / didn’t speak
D) do/come back/have/has come E) is being said / doesn’t speak
E) are/coming back/was/coming back

Book 1 Part C 123 Mixed Tenses

TEST 8 Modals
1. Why didn’t you help him? You ___ have done it. 17. Visitors ___ stay in the hospital after ten pm.
A) must B) can C) could A) might not B) needn’t C) couldn’t
D) were to E) was able to D) must not E) didn’t have to

2. A: ___ I phone you tonight? 18. We had an appointment yesterday afternoon but he ___ see me.
B: Yes, you ___ . A) might not B) cannot C) have to
A) may / may B) must / might D) mustn’t E) wasn’t able to
C) could / can’t D) shouldn’t / shouldn’t
E) have to / had to 19. I didn’t ___ ring her up for she did it herself.
A) had to B) could C) be to
3. But I ___ stay in England for six months, and not for a fortnight as D) have to E) must
I had planned.
A) had to B) have to C) am able to 20. The rain was so sudden that everybody ___ take a shelter.
D) can E) shall have A) can B) could C) have to
D) are to E) had to
4. -I ___ draw a circle with a pencil only, and you?
-Neither can I. 21. If you ___ fix a radio, you ___ repair a TV too.
A) can’t B) can C) may A) can / will be able to B) must / may C) couldn’t / can
D) shan’t E) couldn’t D) need / has to E) may / needn’t to

5. Last week I ___ go to town on business trip as the Ministry of 22. -I’ve examined you very carefully. I think all you ___ is a good
Education had asked me to come. rest.
A) had to B) might C) should -But I’m still feeling sick. Why don’t you look at my tongue?
D) could E) was able to -It ___ a rest too.
A) must / may B) might / can C) need / could
6. If one person is careless with a library book, then it ___ be read D) should / have to E) need / needs
by others.
A) can’t B) couldn’t C) may 23. You ___ do this work yourself, if you try.
D) can E) mightn’t A) can B) had to C) must
D) was able to E) were to do
7. After a book is written, it passes through the heads of very many
different workers. Each worker works carefully, for there ___ not 24. Guests of the hotel ___ warn the clerk in advance when they
be any mistakes. leave.
A) must B) couldn’t C) could A) can B) may C) must
D) might E) has to D) is to E) had to

8. He tried, but ___ persuade nobody. 25. My mother ___ neither read nor write after the operation and
A) could B) couldn’t C) can now I ___ help her.
D) might E) won’t A) have to / must B) could / have to
C) couldn’t / had to D) were able / can
9. People who know a foreign language ___ learn a second one E) might / need
A) may B) should C) mustn’t 26. ___ I borrow your text-book? I’ve left mine at home.
D) can E) needn’t A) am able to B) must C) have to
D) need E) may
10. ___ I have a word with you, please?
A) may B) had to C) have to 27. People ___ exercise regularly, otherwise they will get out of
D) must E) am able to shape.
A) must not B) should C) can
11. At first I ___ skate well, now I ___ . D) might E) has to
A) couldn’t / can B) may / can C) mustn’t / can
D) should / shouldn’t E) must / needn’t 28. “Ma,” said a little girl, “Willie wants the biggest piece of cake,
and I think I ___ have it, because he was eating cakes two years
12. She said they ___ go to the cinema if they liked. before I was born.”
A) must B) may C) can A) couldn’t B) has to C) is to
D) had to E) could D) should E) had to

13. - What is your sister doing? 29. -I live near my work.

- She ___ be watching TV. -So you ___ go to the office by crowded buses.
A) may B) can’t C) needn’t A) have to B) are able to C) don’t have to
D) has to E) could D) would have to E) can’t

14. I didn’t want to go there but I ___ . 30. -I ___ go to the cinema yesterday.
A) must B) might C) shall -Why?
D) can’t E) had to -Because I ___ complete my work.
A) can’t / must B) couldn’t / had to
15. - ___ I go there now? C) didn’t have to / may D) wasn’t to / need
- No, you ___ . E) should / have to
A) can / hadn’t to B) am / aren’t C) must / needn’t
D) might / could E) should / will 31. The skier broke his leg and ___ compete in the recent Olympic
16. - Where is he? A) couldn’t B) mustn’t C) had to
- He ___ be walking in the park. D) can’t E) might
A) can’t B) is able to C) has to
D) must E) ought to

Book 1 Part C 124 Modals

32. I ___ not translate this text yesterday. ___ you help me to translate it 49. “Never put off till tomorrow what you ___ do today.”
tonight? A) have to B) must C) might
A) could / can B) can / can C) may / may D) can E) should
D) had to / could E) can / must
50. -I ___ understand the rule; ___ I take the examination another
33. Does Larry ___ leave home at 7.30? time?
A) have to B) must C) has to -Yes, of course.
D) need E) should A) could / can B) may / may C) can’t / may
D) mustn’t / must E) may / can
34. -___ any of you speak Italian?
-No, but we are learning it and I hope we ___ speak it next year. 51. Pupils ___ speak only English at their English lessons.
A) must / will have to B) may / have got to A) must not B) must C) cannot
C) can / shall be able to D) could / could D) has to E) had to
E) might / had to
52. The lecturer mentioned the name of the town several times, but
35. - ___ I take your pen for a moment? unfortunately I ___ remember it.
- Certainly. A) can B) could C) may
A) must B) may C) might D) could not E) may not
D) should E) will
53. -Must I do this exercise too?
36. I ___ speak English last year but I ___ do it now. -No, you ___ . It isn’t necessary.
A) must / can B) could / can C) might / may A) can’t B) may not C) mustn’t
D) couldn’t / can E) might / could D) needn’t E) oughtn’t to

37. Mother, ___ I go for a walk? I’ve done all my work. 54. Mother, look, I ___ skate well.
A) have to B) am to C) may A) can B) may C) must
D) must E) might D) have to E) ought to

38. I was ill and ___ go to school for some days. 55. I’m sorry you ___ smoke here.
A) can’t B) must C) could A) had to B) can’t C) could
D) couldn’t E) can D) must E) have to

39. - ___ we do this work now? 56. We ___ protect our nature from pollution.
- ___ . You can do it tomorrow. A) need B) had to C) are to
A) Can / Yes, you can B) Must / No, you needn’t D) may E) must
C) May / Yes, you may D) Could / Yes, you must
E) Might / No, you might not 57. He is very helpless, I ___ help him.
A) need B) might C) have to
40. “___ I do anything for you?”, the secretary asked the stranger. D) can E) may
A) can B) had to C) must
D) have to E) am 58. Excuse me, ___ you tell me the time?
A) may B) must C) might
41. - ___ we finish our work today? D) can E) are able to
- No, you ___ .
A) Can / couldn’t B) May / can C) Have to / can 59. My grandfather’s ill and I ___ go to see him today, I ___ go with
D) Must / needn’t E) Had / needn’t you.
A) can / can’t B) have to / can’t C) may / have to
42. I ___ go to the library for books as I often write compositions at school. D) need / must E) be able to / may not
A) can B) could C) may
D) might E) have to 60. The Browns ___ not return on Sunday, as the weather was bad.
A) may B) could C) have to
43. It ___ rain this afternoon. D) must E) can’t
A) had to B) may C) is able to
D) could E) might 61. I looked through this book about 2 hours, but ___ find anything
44. ___ the director receive me now? A) can’t B) couldn’t C) had to
A) Have to B) Is able C) Can D) can E) hadn’t to
D) Is to E) Has to
62. You ___ do this for it’s necessary.
45. Who ___ help him at 2 yesterday? A) may B) can C) have to
A) have to B) is to C) can D) has E) could
D) need E) had to
63. You ___ work hard at your English.
46. I said that after all that had happened I ___ run away to my aunt’s. A) must B) mustn’t C) can’t
A) could B) might C) had to D) has to E) may not
D) need E) was able to
64. We ___ read much in the original if we want to learn a foreign
47. - ___ I go to the cinema? language.
- No, you ___ . The film is for grown ups. A) had to B) can C) must
A) may / mustn’t B) can / needn’t C) could / can’t D) may E) could
D) must / may not E) shall / haven’t
65. We ___ do it by midday if we had the instruments.
48. Teacher: “You ___ ring me up when you ___ my advice. A) may B) can C) must
A) could / need B) may / need C) can / will need D) could E) might
D) must / needed E) have to / need
66. You ___ get a visa before you go abroad next summer.
A) may B) can C) could
D) have to E) will have to

Book 1 Part C 125 Modals

67. If you want to improve your English you ___ work very hard. 85. Mark Twain ___ easily ___ across the Mississippi River.
A) can B) may C) are able to A) must / swim B) had to / swam C) may / swim
D) had to E) must D) would / to swim E) could / swim

68. You’ve been traveling all day. You ___ be very tired. 86. It was late but the pupils ___ stay at school for an additional
A) must B) can’t C) might lesson.
D) ought to E) shouldn’t A) could B) must C) had to
D) needed E) might
69. My eyesight isn’t very good. I ___ wear glasses for reading.
A) might B) have to C) can 87. The children have done their homework. I think they ___ have a
D) may E) could rest now.
A) may B) might C) are
70. He said that I ___ look around. D) could E) will be able to
A) might B) may C) can
D) has to E) is able to 88. -Shall I retell the text?
-___ . You can only translate it.
71. He ___ agree with your suggestion. A) Yes, you will. B) Do, please. C) No, you didn’t.
A) may not B) need C) are able to D) No, you needn’t. E) Yes, you may.
D) are to E) have to
89. Patient: Must I go to the hospital?
72. My son fell ill yesterday, I ___ stay at home. Doctor: No, you ___ . You ___ stay at home.
A) must B) can C) may A) can’t / had to B) mustn’t / had to C) needn’t / may
D) need E) had to D) are able to / can E) shouldn’t / might

73. I will not read this book, you ___ do it if you want. 90. It ___ rain today. There are so many clouds in the sky.
A) can B) might C) have to A) can B) has to C) may
D) can’t E) must D) should E) mustn’t

74. ___ you show me those black shoes? How much are they? 91. I understood that he ___ never ___ back.
A) may B) must C) can A) will / come B) doesn’t / came C) won’t / home
D) have to E) will have to D) would / come E) wouldn’t / come

75. I ___ leave the party early last night, because I wasn’t very well. 92. My son is ill so I ___ stay at home.
A) must B) may C) could A) mustn’t B) has to C) can
D) have to E) had to D) may E) have to

76. She ___ lift me up with one hand. 93. Must I do it? No, you ___ . It isn’t necessary.
A) may B) need C) can A) couldn’t B) may not C) needn’t
D) to have to E) to be able to D) can’t E) shouldn’t

77. You ___ work if you don ‘t want to. 94. I feel sick and tired. So I ___ go to school.
A) must not B) can’t C) needn’t A) can B) could C) haven’t to
D) must E) has to D) am not able to E) am able to

78. You ___ come and have dinner with us some day. 95. He was very poor and ___ marry a woman eight years older than
A) was able to B) could C) has to himself.
D) is to E) must A) must B) could C) needed
D) had to E) might
79. It was very difficult to hear. I ___ understand what she was
saying. 96. Children ___ go to school at the age of 7.
A) can’t B) may not C) wasn’t able to A) can B) must C) may
D) couldn’t E) could D) has to E) could

80. The teacher told us that we ___ work harder at our English. 97. - ___ I trouble you for a moment?
A) have B) must C) could - Yes, certainly. What ___ I do for you?
D) may E) had to A) can / might B) may / can C) must / may
D) could / may E) can / must
81. A little girl comes up to her mother and asks if she ___ go to the
park with her friend. 98. He ___ know her address. Ask him.
A) couldn’t B) can’t C) must A) need B) must C) could
D) may E) has to D) might E) have to

82. If you are ill and ___ go to school you ___ learn everything what 99. You knew he was ill. You ___ have visited him.
you have missed. A) can B) might C) need
A) can / must B) can’t / must C) may / can D) have to E) may
D) has to / may E) can’t / might
100. May I take this pen? No, you ___ .
83. The dog had run away and the children ___ find it though they A) can B) may C) mustn’t
were looking for it the whole day. D) need E) haven’t to
A) can B) can’t C) could
D) may E) could not 101. -”What’s happened to the dog? It isn’t here.”
-”Dan ___ have taken it with him.”
84. As Mr. John hadn’t got the dictionary at hand, he ___ guess the A) had to B) was to C) might
meaning of the word. D) may E) could
A) should B) can C) has to
D) must E) had to 102. You ___ give it back to me before you go.
A) might B) couldn’t C) must
D) need E) had to

Book 1 Part C 126 Modals

103. That’s a question nobody ___ answer. 120. That day as I ___ to be there at 5 sharp, I ___ to take a taxi.
A) must not B) were to C) cannot A) am / had to B) is / may C) was / had to
D) might E) can D) were / can E) were / had to

104. ___ God be with you. 121. You ___ read this book: you are grown up.
A) can B) must C) may A) may B) might C) has to
D) had to E) is to D) can’t E) may not

105. A fool man ___ ask more questions than a wise man ___ answer. 122. I ___ come to see you tonight as I ___ answer many questions.
A) may / can B) can / must C) may / might A) can / may B) can’t / have to C) can’t / can not
D) can / might E) must / could. D) must / had to E) may / may not

106. “Does Jack shave?” 123. Last night the plane ___ land because of the sudden change of
“No, he’s got a beard so he ___ shave.” the wind.
A) hasn’t to B) hasn’t got to C) don’t have to A) must B) may C) has to
D) can’t E) will be able to D) had to E) can

107. Don’t worry. You ___ do it just now. You ___ do it tomorrow. 124. ___ he speak French as English last year?
A) must / can B) should / may C) can / could A) can B) may C) had to
D) had to / must E) needn’t / can D) can’t E) could

108. I ___ speak English well now but I hope I ___ speak next year. 125. She said that he ___ take her dictionary.
A) could / can B) can’t / shall be able to A) may B) can C) is allowed
C) must / shall have to D) may / may D) is able E) might
E) am able to / shall have to
126. As my sister was taking an examination I ___ look after her baby
109. The driver ___ have taken a side road. yesterday.
A) shall B) need C) may A) could B) had to C) must
D) have to E) is to D) was able to E) should

110. He ___ have replaced the tire, it was still quite good. 127. “He ___ in the house now,” thinks the girl.
A) could B) can C) needn’t A) could B) may be C) might be
D) had to E) should D) had to be E) will be

111. How ___ I tell her that her life will be ruined from this day on? I 128. Your brother is ill, so he ___ go out for a walk.
think, I can’t. A) can B) could C) may
A) must B) need C) may D) might E) must not
D) shall E) can
129. It ___ rain today, we ___ see clouds in the sky.
112. It was so warm that we ___ wear our coats. It was very pleasant. A) has to / can B) must / have to C) could / can’t
A) couldn’t B) didn’t have to C) shouldn’t D) may / can E) might / must
D) mightn’t E) mustn’t
130. Charles Dickens ___ go to school at an early age, as he ___ help
113. They will get hungry on the train; I think, you ___ give them his family.
some sandwiches. A) should / would B) couldn’t / had to
A) should B) could C) might C) must / couldn’t D) might / should
D) had to E) needn’t E) had not to / would

114. You ___ a raincoat. You are wet through. 131. They ___ tell the truth, but they ___ .
A) must have worn B) may wear A) had to / can’t B) have to / couldn’t C) must / can’t
C) should have worn D) could wear D) are to / couldn’t E) may /had to
E) needn’t have worn
132. I have very little time and I ___ take a taxi.
115. “You ___ choose any present you like, take it, please”, said mother. A) may B) could C) should
A) might B) could C) may D) have to E) have
D) have to E) are able to
133. You ___ this. Why didn’t you use a chance?
116. -Have you looked through these newspapers? A) can do B) could have done C) must do
-No, I haven’t. I ___ write an article. D) may do E) need do
A) has to B) had to C) mustn’t
D) can E) might 134. I ___ send him a letter yesterday.
A) am B) can C) may
117. We didn’t go out last night. We ___ to the cinema but we decided D) had to E) should
to stay at home.
A) could have gone B) must have gone C) should go 135. She told him he ___ go home.
D) are to go E) needn’t go A) may B) can C) ought
D) might E) have to
118. I was at home yesterday. You ___ have called and taken the
dictionary. 136. No matter how she ___ try the door ___ open.
A) must B) may C) could A) can / should B) could / must C) should / will
D) can E) had to D) might / wouldn’t E) must / ought to

119. - When I was a child I ___ draw well. 137. ___ I take your book ? I ___ write many exercises tomorrow.
- And now? ___ you do it now? A) must / must B) should / have to
A) must / may B) could / can C) should / need C) may / shall have to D) might / had to
D) may / could E) ought to / can’t E) can / would

Book 1 Part C 127 Modals

138. She ___ get up and she ___ stay in bed as she is 155. Find the synonym of the modal verb “must”.
seriously ill. A) I might be wrong.
A) must / has to B) can’t / has to C) should / is to B) We may go there.
D) may / must E) is able / shall C) He needs a dictionary.
D) You can say anything.
139. My cousin ___ read and write when he was five. E) He was to go to the south.
A) could B) may C) have to
D) must E) can 156. You ___ easily find the newspaper now where his article was
140. We ___ to meet at the theatre entrance at a quarter to eight A) might B) need C) couldn’t
yesterday. D) had to E) can
A) are B) must C) have
D) were E) couldn’t 157. He said that his father was ill and they ___ go to see the doctor
141. They ___ do this the day after tomorrow. Now they are very A) can B) had to C) are able
busy. D) can’t E) may
A) may B) can C) must
D) will be able to E) were able to 158. Sorry, I ___ go with you. I ___ finish my work.
A) may not / must B) couldn’t / have to C) mustn’t / can
142. I ___ write to Ann. I haven’t written to her for ages. D) can’t / must E) am / could
A) can B) must C) had to
D) could E) may 159. Last year in April I ___ use my umbrella more often than in May.
A) must B) can C) were able
143. This work ___ be done at once. D) had to E) may
A) can B) must C) ought
D) should E) may 160. “___ I have another cup of tea?”
A) must B) might C) may
144. The teacher said they ___ all go home. D) would E) need
A) may B) have to C) might
D) can E) be able to 161. -I wonder where the chief is.
-He ___ be in his office. I’ve seen him this morning.
145. -How ___ I get to the nearest bus stop? A) is able to B) should C) have to
-You ___ go straight and then turn to the left. D) must E) had to
A) must / can B) can / must C) should / may
D) may / have to E) could / might 162. “I ___ go, Padre, the students will be waiting for me.
A) is to B) can C) be able
146. Oh, you are seriously ill. I think you ___ consult a doctor and if he D) must E) may
tells you to keep to bed you ___ do.
A) may / might B) must / can’t C) should / must
D) have to / couldn’t E) has to / may

147. Tom ___ pass his exam in Literature and now he is working hard
as he ___ take it again.
A) can’t / was able B) must / had to C) may / could
D) couldn’t / has to E) can’t / had to

148. ___ I come in? No, you ___ I am very busy now. I ___ write a
A) can / can / must B) must / may not / had to
C) may / can’t / must D) may / may not / can
E) must / mustn’t / may

149. - ___ I smoke here?

- No, you ___ .
A) can / may B) may / mustn’t C) can / should
D) can / can’t E) may / need

150. You ___ break the body but you ___ break the spirit.
A) may / can’t B) could / can’t C) must / must
D) can / might not E) may / may

151. He ___ tell you how glad he is.

A) was able to B) couldn’t C) can’t
D) had to E) have

152. He said that I ___ telephone him any time I liked.

A) can B) will C) might
D) have to E) will have to

153. I have a terrible headache. I ___ do anything.

A) could B) can C) should
D) can’t E) might

154. -___ your son speak English?

-No, but he ___ when he was a schoolboy.
A) has to / must B) could / may C) might / can
D) can / could E) may / must

Book 1 Part C 128 Modals

TEST 9 Conditionals
TYPE 1 15. If you ___ in a hurry, leave that to me.
A) will be B) were
C) are D) was
1. If I ___ my entrance exams I ___ the happiest man in the world. E) are being
A) shall pass / would be B) passed / am
C) passed / would have been D) will pass / be 16. If you ___ to please an English person, be very polite about his
E) pass / shall be garden.
A) want B) wanted
2. We ___ to see you next Sunday, if I ___ well. C) are wanting D) will want
A) shall come / shall get B) come / get E) wants
C) comes / will get D) will come / get
E) will come / will get 17. You ___ miss the train if you ___ a taxi.
A) will / don’t take B) - / don’t take
3. What ___ you ___ if the train ___ in time? C) will / won’t take D) don’t / take
A) will be / doing / come B) did / will not come E) will / would not take
C) do / didn’t / come D) have / done / came
E) will / do / doesn’t come 18. We ___ if they ___ .
A) shall not know / come B) don’t know / will come
4. If I ___ time I ___ you. C) didn’t know / will come D) haven’t known / come
A) have / help B) shall have / shall help E) knew / will come
C) shall have / help D) have / shall help
E) has / help 19. If you want to be healthy you should ___ .
A) sleep much B) attend all your classes
5. If you ___ tickets we ___ Paris. C) go in for sports D) give up sport
A) will buy / shall visit B) bought / visit E) take up art
C) buys / visited D) were buying / should visit
E) buy / shall visit 20. If you ___ Oxford you ___ some interesting old buildings.
A) will visit / will see B) visit / see
6. Tomorrow if the weather ___ fine we ___ out of the town for C) visited / will see D) visits / see
hours. E) visit / will see
A) is / shall get B) will be / shall get
C) be / will get D) were / get 21. He ___ the picture if it ___ him.
E) was / get A) will buy / impressed B) would buy / impresses
C) will buy / impresses D) will buy / will impress
7. If you are free, watch the film they ___ on TV. E) has bought / impress
A) shows B) showed
C) are showing D) had showed 22. If you ___ Ann tomorrow, can you tell her to phone?
E) have showed A) saw B) see
C) will see D) had seen
8. If the weather ___ fine we ___ to the park. E) shall see
A) is / shall go B) was / go
C) are / go D) was / shall go 23. They are expecting us. They will be disappointed if we ___ .
E) would / should go A) won’t come B) didn’t come
C) haven’t come D) don’t come
9. If my friend ___ to our town next year I ___ him the sights of the E) came
A) shall come / show B) comes / shall show 24. I wonder whether he ___ if nothing unexpected ___
C) has come / is showing D) is coming / will show A) comes / detains B) will come / detain
E) come / shows C) comes / will detain D) will come / will detain
E) will come / detains
10. They ___ not object to your plan if you ___ it up perfectly.
A) do / will make B) did / won’t make 25. I ___ my work in time if you ___ me.
C) will / make D) would / don’t make A) shall do / help B) should do / helps
E) don’t / shall make C) do / will help D) have done / help
E) had done / would help
11. If ___ rings me up, tell him that I’ll be in at 5.
A) anything B) nobody 26. The British people think, if you ___ tea ___ you.
C) everything D) something A) were depressed / cheers
E) somebody B) are depressed / will cheer
C) shall be depressed / will cheer
12. Hark will play tennis if he ___ his work in time. D) have been depressed / cheered
A) finish B) finished E) had been depressed / was cheered
C) finishing D) finishes
E) will finish 27. If you ___ wisely you ___ cheerfully.
A) command / will be obeyed
13. If you ___ after two hares you ___ none.
B) commanded / would have been obeyed
A) run / catch B) run / will catch
C) had commanded / would be obeyed
C) will run / will catch D) will run / catch
D) command / will obey
E) ran / catch
E) will command / are obeyed
14. If we ___ English four times a week we’ll learn it.
A) are having B) had 28. If it ___ this winter, we ___ skiing.
C) have D) will have A) snow / go B) snows / shall go
E) shall have C) snowed / went D) snowed / had gone
E) had snowed / had gone

Book 1 Part C 129 Conditionals - Type 1

29. I ___ them some money if they ___ me for. TYPE 2
A) send / ask B) sent / asked
C) will send / will ask D) would send / ask
E) shall send / ask 1. If he ___ in Tokyo he ___ us.
A) was / will visit B) were / would visit
30. If I ___ shopping I ___ some food tomorrow. C) will be / will visit D) is / would visit
A) went / shall buy B) go / buy E) are / will visit
C) am going / would buy D) go / shall buy
E) had gone / would buy 2. If he ___ ill, he would stay at home.
A) is B) be
31. We ___ for a walk if the weather___ fine. C) were D) am
A) shall go / will be B) go / is E) are
C) shall go / is D) go / will be
E) goes / will be 3. What would you do if a millionaire ___ you a lot of money.
A) gave B) give
32. lf the weather ___ fine we ___ for a walk. C) will give D) giving
A) was / shall go B) is / shall go E) gives
C) will be / shall go D) is / go
E) was / went 4. If it ___ not so late I should go with you.
A) was B) were
33. Mike ___ certainly if he ___ not busy. C) is D) be
A) comes / is B) will come / will be E) are
C) will come / is D) comes / will be
E) come / will be 5. If I ___ the car myself I ___ you use it.
A) needed / would let
34. I ___ next week if I can ___ a train ticket. B) don’t need / would let
A) go / get B) shall go / got C) didn’t need / wouldn’t let
C) went / got D) shall go / get D) didn’t need / would let
E) was going / get E) doesn’t need / would let

35. I ___ happy if I ___ the university. 6. This house ___ better if they ___ it, ___ the grass and ___ flowers.
A) shall be / shall enter B) am / shall enter A) will look / painted / cut / plant
C) am / enter D) shall be / enter B) would look / paint / cut / planted
E) was / enter C) looks / painted / cut / planted
D) looked / painted / cut / planted
36. Our fate is in her hands now. If she ___ tickets we ___ away. E) would look / painted / cut / planted
A) has bought / would fly
B) buys / shall fly 7. If I ___ you I ___ never her.
C) buy / fly A) am / shall forgive
D) bought / fly B) was / don’t forgive
E) bought / would have flown C) were / would forgive
D) had been / forgave
37. If you ___ in their talk they ___ . E) shall be / would have forgiven
A) don’t interfere / will quarrel
B) didn’t interfere / have quarreled 8. I am sure Mike will lend you some money. I ___ if he refused.
C) doesn’t interfere / will quarrel A) will be surprised B) am surprised
D) interfere / should have quarreled C) would have been surprised D) would be surprised
E) interfere / are quarrelling E) were surprised

9. Many people would be out of work if that factory ___ down.

A) had been closed B) were closed
C) was closing D) is closed
E) will be closed

10. I ___ living in England if the weather ___ better.

A) don’t mind / was B) didn’t mind / is
C) wouldn’t mind / is D) wouldn’t mind / were
E) wouldn’t mind / will be

11. She promised that nothing ___ till he ___ home.

A) would be done / came B) is done / came
C) will be done / comes D) has been done / came
E) have been done / comes

12. If he ___ generous, he ___ the poor.

A) were/would have helped B) is/would have helped
C) was/would help D) was/will help
E) were/would help

13. If I ___ you I ___ French next year.

A) am / learn B) was / shall learn
C) am / should learn D) were / should learn
E) were / learned

14. I ___ so upset, if I ___ you.

A) am / am B) wouldn’t be / were
C) was / were D) won’t be / are
E) shall be / would be

Book 1 Part C 130 Conditionals - Type 2

15. If you ___ the Prime Minister what ___ you ___ ? TYPE 3
A) are / would / have done
B) were / would / do
C) will be/will / do 1. The boy ___ at home an hour before, if he ___ his school at one
D) have been / are / doing o’clock last Monday.
E) will have been / would / be doing A) would be / had left
B) was / would leave
16. If he ___ here he ___ help you. C) had been / had left
A) is / would help B) were / would help D) has been / left
C) would be / helped D) was / helps E) would have been / had left
E) are / helping
2. ___ he would have signed his name in the corner.
17. I hoped if I ___ by the 10 o’clock train I ___ change for a bus. A) If he would have painted the picture
A) went / shan’t B) should go / hadn’t B) If he paints the picture
C) go / shan’t D) went / shouldn’t C) If he painted the picture
E) go / shouldn’t D) If he shall paint the picture
E) If he had painted the picture
18. Mr. Bond said if Mr. Blake ___ at 10 o’clock he ___ to see him
later. 3. If you ___ him yesterday he ___ you everything.
A) is busy / will come B) will be busy / will come A) asked / told
C) was busy / came D) was busy / would come B) has asked / will tell
E) is busy / comes C) asked / would tell
D) had asked / would have told
19. ___ your mother wouldn’t be angry with you. E) would ask / would have told
A) If you didn’t get bad marks.
B) If you got bad marks. 4. If you had worked more, you ___ to translate this article yesterday.
C) If you haven’t got bad marks. A) are able
D) If you get bad marks. B) was able
E) If you don’t get bad marks. C) were able
D) would have been able
20. If I were you ___ . E) has been able
A) I shall wait B) I wait
C) I would wait D) I waited 5. If you ___ to me yesterday, we ___ this article.
E) I’m waiting A) came / shall translate
B) would come / should translate
21. If all the seas ___ one sea, what a great sea it ___ . C) had come / should have translated
A) were/would be B) is/will be D) come / having translated
C) would be/were will D) be/will be E) were coming / should be translating
E) were / will be
6. If you ___ in time yesterday we ___ this work.
22. ___ you really ___ me if I ___ away? A) had come / would have done
A) would / follow / go B) came / would have done
B) will / follow / am going C) come / shall go
C) would / follow / went D) will come / shall go
D) will / follow / would have gone E) come / would go
E) will / follow / goes
7. She ___ if she ___ that she was ill.
23. If I ___ you I ___ him. A) won’t go out / knows
A) am / will help B) to be / would help B) didn’t go out / knew
C) were / would help D) is / would have helped C) hasn’t gone out / has known
E) are / will help D) wouldn’t have gone out / had known
E) doesn’t go out / knows
24. If my brothers ___ time now they ___ help me.
A) has / helps B) have had / have helped 8. -He failed his exam and he has to take it again in summer.
C) have / help D) is having / helped -If he ___ so many lessons he ___ it. But he didn’t follow the
E) had / would help teacher’s advice.
A) didn’t miss / would pass
25. If I ___ the power I ___ people smoking at school and public B) hadn’t missed / would have passed
places. C) doesn’t miss / won’t pass
A) had / stop B) could have / would stop D) has missed / will pass
C) had / stopped D) had / would stop E) will miss / doesn’t pass
E) have / would stop
9. “I ___ my work if you___ me then. Thank you.”
26. If Helen ___ anywhere in the world she ___ in India. A) shan’t finish / don’t help.
A) lived / live B) live / would live B) haven’t finished / don’t help.
C) could live / would live D) didn’t live / would live C) shouldn’t have finished / hadn’t helped.
E) lives / would live D) don’t finish / won’t help.
E) didn’t finish / helped.
27. If I ___ you I ___ harder.
A) am / will work B) will be / work 10. - Why didn’t you do the task?
C) be / shall work D) were / would work - If he ___ everything from the start we ___ it earlier.
E) am / would have worked A) hadn’t spoilt / would have done
B) didn’t spoil / would have done
28. If I ___ you I ___ it. C) doesn’t spoil / will do
A) am / regretted B) am / regrets D) wouldn’t spoil / did
C) were / wouldn’t regret D) is / didn’t regret E) spoils / shall have done
E) was / regret

Book 1 Part C 131 Conditionals - Type 3

11. The children ___ in the open air if the weather ___ better last MIXED
A) had played / was
B) played / was 1. If you ___ the dictionary yesterday I ___ to translate the article
C) would have played / had been today.
D) will play / is A) had given / would be able B) give / am able
E) would play / were C) gave / will be able D) will give / am able
E) have given / was able
12. If we ___ a letter at 8 o’clock yesterday, we ___ on the same day.
A) got / started 2. If the help ___ in time, the experiment ___ tomorrow afternoon.
B) had got / had started A) had offered / would he completed
C) would get / had started B) was offered / will be completed
D) had got / should have started C) had been offered / would be completed
E) should have got / had started D) is offered / would be completed
E) are offered / will be completed
13. If you ___ so many lessons you ___ all the exams.
A) didn’t miss / passed 3. If you ___ these pills yesterday you ___ well now.
B) hadn’t missed / would have passed A) had taken / would be B) took / would be
C) haven’t missed / would pass C) had taken / had been D) took / will be
D) missed / will pass E) would take / would be
E) had missed / would have passed
4. If I had gone to the party last night, I ___ tired now.
14. I would have sent you a postcard while I was on holiday if I ___ A) will be B) am
your address. C) would be D) would have been
A) had B) was having E) was
C) had had D) will have
E) would have 5. She didn’t know if the letter ___ by the time she ___
A) would be delivered / will come
15. If the driver ___ the accident wouldn’t have happened. B) would deliver / comes
A) didn’t B) doesn’t stop C) will be delivered / came
C) won’t stop D) hadn’t stopped D) would have been delivered / came
E) hasn’t stopped E) was delivered / came

16. If he ___ all right, he ___ with us yesterday. 6. If he ___ English well, he ___ the article without difficulty
A) was / was yesterday.
B) had been / would have been A) knew / would have translated
C) were / would be B) know / had been translated
D) had been / would be C) has known / will have translate
E) would be / would have been D) would know / will translate
E) would have known / would have translated
17. If she ___ a new dress, I ___ her then.
A) hadn’t been wearing / might have recognized 7. If you ___ harder last year you ___ English well now.
B) didn’t wear / might recognize A) worked / had known
C) wasn’t wearing / might recognize B) work / will know
D) wouldn’t wear / would recognize C) had worked / would know
E) hadn’t been wearing / might recognize D) will work / know
E) would work / would have known
18. They ___ for the examination better if they ___ about it earlier.
A) would prepare / knew 8. If you ___ harder you ___ more money and now you ___ to buy
B) prepare / know a car.
C) prepared / knew A) have worked / would earn / could
D) would have prepared / had known B) had worked / would have earned / would be able
E) will prepare / know C) had worked / would earn / will be able
D) has worked / would have earned / could
E) worked / would earn / might

9. If you ___ your swimming suit you would be able to go for a swim
A) don’t leave B) weren’t leaving
C) will not leave D) haven’t left
E) hadn’t left

Book 1 Part C 132 Conditionals - Mixed

TEST 10 Comparatives - Superlatives
1. It was ___ music I have ever heard. 19. -Please, give me this bouquet of flowers. I think it is___ than the rest
A) more beautiful B) less beautiful ones.
C) the most beautiful D) beautiful -But it’s ___ .
E) most beautiful -Never mind. I’ll buy it.
A) beautiful / expensive
2. It’s ___ powder I have ever used. B) more beautiful / more expensive
A) good B) - C) the best C) the most beautiful / most expensive
D) best E) better D) beautiful / most expensive
E) most beautiful / most expensive
3. John is ___ of all to act.
A) quickest B) quick C) -
20. Of the four girls Marcia is ___ .
D) quicker E) the quickest
A) prettiest B) prettier C) -
4. He is ___ strong ___ his brother. D) the prettiest E) prettier
A) as / like B) similar / as C) as / as
D) strong / than E) so / as 21. It’s ___ to go by car than by train.
A) cheap B) cheaper C) -
5. English grammar is ___ than Russian one. D) cheapest E) the cheapest
A) easy B) easier C) the easiest
D) as easy as E) not so easy 22. It is much ___ to speak English than to understand
A) - B) the most difficult C) more difficult
6. I have ___ time than he does. D) difficult E) most difficult
A) bigger B) larger C) most
D) less E) least 23. He’s ___ intelligent than my brother.
A) most B) good C) better
7. This girl is ___ intelligent than the rest of the class.
D) more E) last
A) most B) the most C) more
D) the more E) much
24. He is ___ among his classmates.
8. Two heads are ___ than one. A) old B) taller C) the youngest
A) good B) bad C) worse D) short E) higher
D) worst E) better
25. This is ___ place I’ve ever seen.
9. Alice came late, Philip came later, and Tony ___ A) dirty B) the dirtiest C) more dirty
A) latest B) last C) the latest D) dirtier E) -
D) later E) the last
26. What is ___ crime than loss of time.
10. Mark Twain, one of ___ and ___ American writers, lived in a small A) greater B) greatest C) great
town in his childhood. D) - E) most great
A) greater / most popular
B) great / more popular 27. He came home in the ___ mood.
C) the greatest / most popular A) sun B) sunniest C) more sunny
D) more great / the most popular D) much sunny E) sunnier
E) most great / the popular
28. False friend is ___ than open enemies.
11. -Why didn’t you discuss this question yesterday? A) worst B) worse C) the worst
-It was ___ important than the others. D) - E) bad
A) little B) least C) the least
D) - E) less 29. “Why do you always buy five loaves, no ___ and ___?”
12. Your English is much ___ now. You’ve made___ mistakes this A) many / little B) less / fewer C) more / much
time. D) more / less E) most / less
A) best / least B) better / less C) the best / less
D) good / less E) best / the least 30. It’s ___ in here than it is in the street.
A) hot B) the hottest C) -
13. The Thames is ___ river in Great Britain. D) hotter E) hottest
A) the longest B) long C) longest
D) - E) longer 31. Are the streets of London ___ or ___ than the streets of Belfast?
A) the narrowest / wider B) narrow / wide
14. Do you have ___ or ___ rain this autumn than the last one.
C) narrower / wider D) more narrow / wide
A) many / little B) more / less C) more / fewer
E) most narrow / most wide
D) much / less E) more / few
15. Please, tell me something ___ than this old joke. 32. I make ___ mistakes now than last year.
A) interesting B) less interesting A) few B) fewer C) -
C) more interesting D) the most interesting D) the fewest E) fewest
E) the least interesting
33. The weather is much ___ pleasant than it usually is at this time.
16. This question is ___ than the first one, let’s discuss it tomorrow. A) most B) more C) the most
A) important B) less important D) little E) -
C) the most important D) the least important
E) - 34. To spend summer at the seaside is ___ pleasant than in the town.
17. Do you have ___ or ___ sunny days this summer? A) - B) less C) the most
A) more / few B) many / less C) much / little D) more E) the least
D) more / less E) many / few
35. It is ___ and ___ to live here than there.
18. We have ___ money than they have. A) warm / most pleasant B) warmer / pleasant
A) little B) much C) less C) warmest / pleasanter D) warmer / more pleasant
D) few E) many E) warm / more pleasant

Book 1 Part C 133 Comparatives - Superlatives

36. Are the streets ___ and ___ than they were some years ago ? 55. Which bird flies ___, the swallow or the gull?
A) wide / cleaner B) wider / cleanest A) - B) fast C) faster
C) widest / cleaner D) widest / cleanest D) the fastest E) fastest
E) wider / cleaner
56. My clothes have never been ___ than this.
37. Lake Baikal is ___ lake in the world. A) cleaner B) cleanest C) clean
A) deeper B) the deepest C) deep D) - E) the cleanest
D) deepest E) -
57. My dress is ___ than yours, isn’t it?
38. Many people think Scotland is ___ than England. A) long B) - C) the longest
A) most beautiful B) the least beautiful C) least beautiful D) longest E) longer
D) more beautiful E) beautiful
58. Which is ___ country in the UK?
39. My luggage was ___ than my friend’s. A) industrial B) the most industrial
A) good B) the best C) many C) more industrial D) most industrial
D) less E) the worst E) industrial
40. Her love must be ___ than mine.
59. Do you speak English ___ than Spanish?
A) the deepest B) most deep C) deepest
A) most fluently B) fluent C) rather fluent
D) deeper E) deep
D) fluently E) more fluently
41. His plan is ___ practical of all.
A) - B) more C) much 60. Margaret types ___ than Mary does.
D) the most E) most A) fast B) - C) faster
D) the fastest E) fastest
42. I think it is ___ beautiful landscape I’ve ever seen.
A) more B) more C) the most 61. This chair is ___ comfortable than that one.
D) the best E) worst A) - B) little C) less
D) the least E) least
43. Our garden is ___ than that of the neighbor’s.
A) little B) the least C) most difficult 62. Both of them are skiing very badly, but she is skiing even ___
D) the best E) less than he is.
A) bad B) - C) worse
44. Which are ___ comfortable, sandals or tennis shoes? D) the worst E) worst
A) most B) little C) more
D) much E) any 63. The ___ you start, the ___ you’ll finish.
A) soon / more quickly
45. In the second half, the team played ___ and the game ended in a B) sooner / more quickly
draw. C) sooner / quickly
A) earliest B) the worst D) soon / quickly
C) interesting D) the most interesting E) more sooner / more quickly
E) worse
64. The play I saw yesterday was ___ than this one.
46. Area of Brazil is ___ than that of England. A) bad B) worse C) worst
A) less B) most C) much D) the worst E) -
D) larger E) many
65. Mary is much ___ than Ann, though they are both alike.
47. He was ___ angry than I had expected. A) tall B) taller C) the tallest
A) most B) more C) much D) - E) tallest
D) better E) good
66. My arm felt hot but that ache was ___ than the pain that burned
48. Which question do you think is ___ difficult one? in my breast.
A) - B) much C) more A) stronger B) the strongest C) strongest
D) the most E) most D) strong E) -
49. There is ___ milk in this jug than in that one. 67. Your dictation is ___ of all.
A) most B) the most C) the least A) bad B) worse C) good
D) little E) less D) well E) the worst
50. The weather today is ___ than yesterday. 68. My room is ___ than yours.
A) good B) bad C) fine A) large B) - C) larger
D) worse E) the worst D) the largest E) largest
51. Her version is ___ original than yours. 69. “Family album” is ___ than “Follow me”.
A) much B) the most C) more A) interesting B) most interesting
D) many E) the least C) more interesting D) the most interesting
E) as interesting
52. Mr. Smith liked his ___ son than others.
A) older B) elder C) the oldest 70. This exercise is ___ than the last one.
D) all E) the eldest A) - B) good C) best
D) better E) the best
53. Yesterday Camilla was ___ girl there.
A) happy B) happiest C) the happiest 71. The longer the way the ___ tired we are.
D) - E) happier A) most B) more C) the most
D) - E) much
54. Traveling is ___ in summer than in winter.
A) interesting B) more interesting
C) the most interesting D) farther
E) largest

Book 1 Part C 134 Comparatives - Superlatives

72. Today ___ and ___ people come to understand that learning English 90. Monte Carlo is one of ___ beautiful cities in the world.
is ___ . A) much B) the most C) much more
A) many / much / most useful B) many / more / more useful D) the least E) less
C) little / less / useful D) most / less / less useful
E) more / more / useful 91. Let me know if you hear any ___ news.
A) many B) more C) most
73. ___ goods you sell, ___ profit you’ll make. D) the most E) much
A) more / more B) the more / more
C) more / the more D) the more / the more 92. It’s ___ weather anyone can remember.
E) the most / the most A) better B) the worst C) bad
D) worse E) least
74. Yesterday was ___ day we’ve had this summer.
A) hotter B) hot C) the hottest 93. I think the cotton of Turkmenistan is one of ___ in the world.
D) hottest E) much hotter A) better B) good C) the best
D) longer E) richer
75. Girls are much ___ than boys.
A) quiet B) the quietest C) so quiet 94. I have done ___ part of my homework.
D) quieter E) too quiet A) difficult B) more difficult C) most difficult
D) the most difficult E) -
76. Do you need any ___ help?
A) much B) more C) many 95. Can’t you type ___?
D) most E) the most A) shortly B) more carefully C) hardly
D) nearly E) completely
77. Actions speak ___ than words.
A) loudest B) less louder C) most loudest 96. The teacher said that the results of our tests were not good. She
D) louder E) loudly added that ___ of all was mine.
A) bad B) better C) worse
78. It is ___ work I’ve ever done. D) good E) the worst
A) bad B) worse C) better
D) the worst E) best 97. Which season is ___ in Thailand?
A) rainy B) the rainiest C) most rainy
79. Uncle Nick was the ___ son of the family. D) more rainy E) raining
A) old B) young C) big
D) elder E) next 98. ___ I can stay is three hours.
A) long B) longer C) more longer
80. This room is ___ than that one. D) the longest E) much longer
A) large B) little C) the smallest
D) the least E) smaller 99. Unfortunately her disease was ___ than we thought at first.
A) more serious B) serious
81. The twenty second of December is ___ day of the year. C) the most serious D) most serious
A) short B) much shorter C) shorter E) the more serious
D) the shortest E) less short
100. This is ___ clown I’ve ever seen.
82. Who is ___ important person in the history of your country? A) good B) better C) the best
A) more B) less C) high D) well E) bad
D) popular E) the most
101. Vatican is ___ country in Europe.
83. I think, today the British television program “The Weakest Link” A) less B) the smallest C) smaller
is ___ popular of all the TV programs. D) greater E) small
A) more B) much C) the most
D) - E) most 102. It’s ___ today ___ it was yesterday.
A) a little warmer / that B) little warm / than
84. John is ___ but ___ boy in the family. C) more warmer / that D) a little warmer / than
A) taller / the youngest B) the tallest / the youngest E) the warmest / than
C) taller / younger D) more tall / the most young
E) the tallest / more young 103. We discover that we were ___ in early youth than somewhat
___ .
85. This is ___ rule in this book. A) wise / late B) wiser / later C) wise / latest
A) difficult B) more difficult C) most difficult D) wisest / late E) wise / later
D) the most difficult E) much difficult
104. The higher is the fence, ___ is the neighbor.
86. Antalya in my opinion is ___ place for rest. A) better B) the best C) best
A) good B) less C) the least D) good E) the better
D) the best E) better
105. ___ people live in the South than in the North of America.
87. The story I have read is ___ in this book. A) more B) most C) the most
A) the most interesting B) more interesting D) much E) many
C) less interesting D) much interesting
E) few interesting 106. You won’t find ___ restaurant than this. They’ll all be ___ expensive
___ this one.
88. They showed me their best suits but, if these are their ___ suits, A) the cheapest / as / as B) a cheaper / as / as
what are their ___ ones like. C) a cheaper / as more D) the cheapest / most / than
A) best / worst B) better / worst C) best / worse E) a cheaper / most / as
D) worse / better E) good / worst

89. He works the ___ but earns the ___ .

A) harder / less B) more / most C) less / harder
D) hardest / least E) least / harder

Book 1 Part C 135 Comparatives - Superlatives

TEST 11 Infinitive - Gerund
1. He admitted ___ the car but denied ___ it by himself. 18. We stopped at the motorway services ___ something to eat.
A) stealing / doing B) to steal / doing A) to get B) to have got C) was getting
C) stealing / to do D) to steal / to do D) get E) got
E) stealing / to be done
19. I’m not really interested in ___ to the University.
2. How do you feel if someone laughs at you? I hate people ___ at A) go B) went C) going
me. D) being gone E) have gone
A) laughed B) laughing C) being laughed
D) to be laughed E) to be laughing 20. This article is worth ___ .
A) reading B) read C) to read
3. We often hear her ___ at concerts. D) has read E) will read
A) sings B) singing C) sang
D) to sing E) have sung 21. They have got enough money ___ to the cinema.
A) go B) having gone C) to have gone
4. Mother wants him ___ to the country during the summer. D) to go E) going
A) goes B) go C) to go
D) will go E) went 22. I saw him ___ a newspaper.
A) to read B) to have read C) reading
5. ___ many books on history helps school children to get knowledge D) to be reading E) having read
about the past of different nations.
A) read B) reads C) has read 23. Watch me ___ the fence.
D) will read E) reading A) jumping B) jumped C) to jump
D) had jumped E) did jump
6. As well as ___ I like ___ .
A) running/walking B) run/walk C) run/walked 24. She decided ___ to Spain for her holidays.
D) running/walked E) run/to walk A) to go B) go C) goes
D) to be going E) to have gone
7. The man ___ the newspaper is my brother.
A) read B) reads C) has read 25. In winter he spends much time in the mountains, he is fond of
D) reading E) will read ___ .
A) to skate B) skated C) skating
8. It is very pleasant ___ in the river on hot days in the summers. D) to be skated E) having skated
A) bathe B) bathing C) bathed
D) to bathe E) having bathed 26. The street was full of people ___ and ___ home.
A) laughed / gone B) laughing / going
9. He warmed himself by ___ hot tea. C) having laughed / go D) to laugh / to go
A) drinking B) drank C) drunk E) to be laughed / going
D) to drink E) is drinking
27. ___ a foreign language you can ___ great opportunities in your
10. It’s very pleasant ___ on the beach in summer. life.
A) lie B) to lie C) lay A) know / have B) knowing / to have
D) lain E) lying C) knowing / have D) knows / having
E) knowing / having
11. -I hope my dream will come true this year.
-And what do you dream of? 28. On ___ the classroom the teacher asked to the pupil on duty,
-Oh, I dream of ___ a law school and ___ a lawyer. “Who is absent?”
A) to enter / to become B) enter / become A) entering B) entered C) to enter
C) entering / becoming D) entered / become D) be entering E) being entered
E) to enter / becoming
29. Working in the garden it is pleasant ___ to music.
12. He sat in the arm-chair ___ a newspaper. A) listening B) listened C) to listen
A) read B) reads C) reading D) after listening E) having listened
D) had read E) is read
30. You are lucky you have not got a child ___ .
13. ___ English is the best way of ___ it. A) to look after B) should look after
A) speak / learn B) speaking / learning C) looking after D) having looked after
C) to speak / to learn D) spoke / learning E) is looking after
E) speak / learning
31. She saw the girl ___ in the yard.
14. She dreams of her son’s ___ a director of the company. A) playing B) on playing C) played
A) becoming B) is becoming C) become D) to play E) was playing
D) became E) was becoming
32. He usually left us without ___ a word.
15. Why didn’t you try ___ yourself a job? A) to say B) saying C) said
A) found B) have found C) finding D) say E) having been said
D) to find E) to be found
33. I’m fond of ___ in the river.
16. We watched the coastline ___ slowly. A) have swum B) swam C) swim
A) recede B) to recede C) recedes D) swimming E) having swum
D) have receded E) receded
34. The aim of the exhibition is ___ experience.
17. Nobody heard her ___ English. A) to be exchanged B) exchanged
A) spoke B) speaks C) speak C) to have exchanged D) to exchange
D) was speaking E) had spoken. E) being exchanged

Book 1 Part C 136 Infinitive - Gerund

35. The horse ___ the race ___ the winner of the same event two years 52. The girl ___ in the yard asked me the time.
ago. A) play B) to play C) played
A) led / was B) leading / is C) leading / was D) playing E) was playing
D) to lead / was E) leads / being
53. The emperor thought of ___ his state powerful.
36. His mother was against his ___ football. A) becoming B) become C) became
A) play B) was playing C) played D) having become E) had become
D) to play E) playing
54. Mother was anxious ___ her family.
37. Miss Benson was looking forward to ___ the title role in the new A) to see B) seeing C) to be seen
play. D) having seen E) being seen
A) play B) playing C) to be played
D) played E) being played 55. I can’t help ___ you about it.
A) to tell B) telling C) having told
38. Pete likes ___ . His dream is to visit Japan. D) having been told E) being told
A) painting B) reading C) writing
D) traveling E) swimming 56. Many builders and engineers from other republics began ___ to
build new houses in Moscow in 1995.
39. My friends need ___ English A) helping B) would help C) helped
A) learns B) to learn D) shall help E) having helped
C) to have learned D) to be learned
E) having learned 57. I have never heard him ___ French.
A) to speak B) speaking C) spoken
40. When I came into the room she stopped ___ T.V. D) being spoken E) to have spoken
A) watching B) watch C) watched
D) on watching E) watches 58. Nobody expected him ___ Lola.
A) marry B) married C) to marry
41. Which of the boys ___ in the yard is Ted? D) will marry E) would marry
A) play B) played C) plays
D) is playing E) playing 59. This holiday is worth ___ .
A) celebrates B) celebrated C) celebrating
42. We saw them ___ the street. D) have celebrated E) to celebrate
A) crossed B) crossing C) will cross
D) had crossed E) will be crossing 60. Frank is in hospital. He feels bad. He has to give up ___ and ___
beer. But he can’t. He says to his wife, ‘’Would you mind ___
43. It’s never too late ___ . some cigarettes next time?”
A) being learned B) not to learn C) learned A) smoking / to drink / bringing
D) learning E) to learn B) to smoke / drinking / bringing
C) smoking / drank / bringing
44. The girls ___ in the garden are my sisters. D) smoking / drinking / bringing
A) played B) to play C) playing E) to smoke / to drink / to bring
D) on playing E) are playing
61. Ernest Hemingway was fond of ___ books.
45. I like ___ the people happy. A) read B) to read C) reading
A) to have made B) made C) making D) be read E) to be read
D) having made E) being made
62. Turn on the radio. I want ___ to the news.
46. Besides ___ I like ___ swimming competitions. A) listen B) listening C) to listen
A) swimming / to watch B) to swim / to watch D) listened E) have been listened
C) swimming / watched D) to swim / watching
E) swimming / watch 63. How do you feel if someone interrupts you?I hate people ___
47. Tom wants to read a book but Susan makes him ___ something in A) interrupted B) to be interrupted
the paper. It’s an advertisement for a better job. She wants him C) not to interrupt D) having interrupted
___ for this job. E) interrupting
A) to read / to apply B) to read / apply
C) read / to apply D) reading / apply 64. After ___ my work I’ll join you.
E) to read / applying A) finish B) to finish C) have finished
D) finishing E) finished
48. She left the room without ___ good bye.
A) say B) saying C) to say 65. Please, try ___ quiet, everyone is sleeping.
D) said E) on saying A) be B) to be C) being
D) having been E) been
49. The friends spoke of their ___ together.
A) to go B) going C) gone 66. He enjoyed ___ .
D) is going E) on going A) singing B) sing C) was singing
D) to sing E) sung
50. If your plane has crashed high in the mountains, it’s best ___ close to
the plane. Rescuers have got a better chance of ___ the plane than 67. The man ___ in the garden is listening to music.
one person alone. A) work B) is working C) working
A) to keep / finding B) keeping / found D) to work E) worked
C) kept / to have found D) kept / not to find
E) keeping / being found 68. ___ the article we began ___ it.
A) reading / discuss B) having read / discussing
51. Robert saw the doctor ___ the patient. C) to read / to discuss D) read / discussing
A) to examine B) to have examined E) reading / discussed
C) having examined D) being examined
E) examine

Book 1 Part C 137 Infinitive - Gerund

69. The man ___ a cigarette is Tom’s cousin. 87. He remembered he was going to buy a new suit ___ the shop.
A) smoked B) to smoke C) smoking A) pass B) passes C) to pass
D) have smoked E) had smoked D) passing E) will pass

70. I study English again, because ___ a foreign language is very 88. ___ for better future many Asians leave their native countries ___ to
important. Europe.
A) speak B) spoken C) having spoken A) hope / move B) hoping / moves
D) speaking E) spoke C) hoped / moving D) hoping / moving
E) hope / moving
71. I like your ___ English.
A) speak B) speaking C) was spoken 89. She tried to be serious but she couldn’t help ___ .
D) have spoken E) having spoken A) to laugh B) laughing C) laughed
D) laugh E) having laughed
72. Instead of ___ for Olga at home I decided ___ her in the street.
A) to wait / to meet B) waiting / to meet 90. Would you mind ___ the door, please?
C) waiting / meeting D) to wait / to meet A) to close B) being closed C) closing
E) wait / meeting D) close E) closed

73. They looked at the ___ plane. 91. She has nobody ___ to.
A) flying B) flown C) flew A) talked B) to talk C) talk
D) being flown E) having been flown D) talks E) is talking

74. ___ the language he couldn’t understand the question. 92. I enjoy ___ in the garden at week-ends.
A) know B) knows C) not to know A) work B) to work C) to be working
D) known E) not knowing D) working E) worked

75. Which of these four young men ___ by the fire is your son? 93. He is an artistic person - very good at ___ poetry.
A) sitting B) sit C) will sit A) to write B) to be written
D) sits E) sat C) having written D) write
E) writing
76. We expect him ___ tomorrow.
A) arrived B) to arrive C) to have arrived 94. ___ in Geneva for many years he knew the city well.
D) to be arrived E) having arrived A) Living B) Lived C) Being lived
D) To live E) Have lived
77. They sat up all night ___ .
A) talk B) talked C) talking 95. Captain was the last ___ the ship.
D) to be talked E) to have talked A) leaving B) is leaving C) on leaving
D) to leave E) left
78. The young man didn’t stop ___ although I asked him twice.
A) is smoking B) smoked C) smoking 96. I don’t mind ___ .
D) smoked E) to smoke A) to walk B) be walking
C) walking D) having been walked
79. He introduced me to an acquaintance ___ that I did not know her. E) to have walked
A) to believe B) believing
C) to have believed D) of believing 97. If you are lost in a snow storm it’s best ___ a hole and sit in it until
E) not to believe it stops ___ .
A) digging / snowing B) dig / snowed
80. I hope ___ you this evening. C) to dig / snowed D) digging / snowed
A) to see B) to be seen C) have seen E) to dig / snowing
D) see E) seen

81. I am thankful for his ___ in time.

A) came B) come C) to have come
D) coming E) to come

82. I remember the day when you took me aboard of your ship to
help you in ___ the shark.
A) hunt B) to hunt C) hunting
D) hunted E) having hunted

83. But the beaver went on ___ lace.

A) to make B) make C) made
D) making E) have made

84. ___ with you is real pleasure.

A) talked B) is talking C) on talking
D) talking E) talks

85. What time do you come to the office?

-Usually at 9, but tomorrow I’ll have to be there a bit earlier ___
through some documents.
A) looking B) looked C) to be looking
D) to look E) to be looked

86. We knew nothing of his ___ a student.

A) being B) be C) been
D) to be E) to have been

Book 1 Part C 138 Infinitive - Gerund

TEST 12 Passive voice
1. The Remembrance Day and the Veteran’s Day ___ on the 11th of 13. All the business letters ___ yesterday. They ___ to the post
November every year. office immediately.
A) celebrated B) are celebrated A) answered / take
C) will be celebrated D) was celebrated B) were answered / took
E) is celebrated C) are answered / were taken
D) answered / took
2. I hope that the truth ___ very soon. E) were answered / were taken
A) will find out B) will be finding out
14. The special information ___ in an hour or so, that’s why it ___ in
C) is found out D) will be found out
the newspapers yesterday.
E) shall find out
A) brings / didn’t publish
3. Everything ___ before you came. B) will bring / don’t publish
C) will be brought / wasn’t published
A) is done B) was done
D) will be brought / didn’t publish
C) has done D) had been done
E) brought / wasn’t published
E) has been done
15. Houses ___ very quickly now.
4. -Did the company test the equipment yesterday?
-Yes it _____. A) builds B) are building
C) built D) are built
A) has tested B) had been tested
E) were built
C) had tested D) was tested
E) tested.
16. In 1834 the Houses of Parliament with the exception of
Westminster Hall ___ by fire, they ___ later.
5. People go to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier to stand in silence
for a minute to honor the memory of those who ___ in wars. A) destroyed / was rebuilt
B) was being destroyed / rebuilt
A) is killed B) will be killed
C) were destroyed /were rebuilt
C) was killed D) are killed
D) is destroyed / has been rebuilt
E) were killed
E) destroys / rebuilds
6. The sports competitions which ___ on Sunday ___ by a lot of
17. You can’t use this textbook now. It ___ by your friend.
A) takes B) has been taken
A) are held / will be visited
C) took D) were taken
B) was held / will visit
E) had taken
C) will held / will visit
D) have been held / have visited
18. Many modern apartments ___ in Berlin since 1980.
E) will be held / will be visited
A) are built B) are building
7. The inspector is not in the town. He ___ to another place some C) were built D) have been built
days ago. E) has been built
A) was sent B) sent
19. The new film ___ in all the big theatres of the city.
C) will be sent D) will send
E) sends A) is demonstrated B) was being demonstrated
C) is being demonstrated D) would be demonstrated
8. This story ___ to everybody as the name of the first space pioneer E) had been demonstrated
___ in the heart of people all over the world.
20. Nobody likes ___ for at night.
A) knows / lives B) knew / lived
C) is known / is lived D) is known / lives A) be sent B) is sent
E) knows / is lived C) was sent D) to be sent
E) sent
9. The business letter ___ just ___ .
21. I ___ that I ___ at the station at 5.
A) is / written B) has / been written
C) was / written D) were / written A) was told / should be met B) told / is being met
E) is / going to write C) tells / am met D) am told / was met
E) will be told / would be met
10. Business letters ___ usually on special forms.
22. Heroes ___ by people because they served their people and
A) will be written B) are written
their country.
C) are being written D) is written
E) write A) is remembered B) was remembered
C) are remembered D) had been remembered
11. Sometimes a lot of guests ___ to his birthday party. E) would be remembered
A) had invited B) was invited
23. By the time we came to the bookshop all books ___
C) were inviting D) are invited
E) is inviting A) are sold B) were sold
C) had been sold D) are being sold
12. The business letters ___ tomorrow. E) is being sold
A) are sent B) is sent
24. Don’t touch the door, it ___ just ___ .
C) will be sent D) will send
E) would be sent A) is / being painted B) has / been painted
C) is / painted D) will / be painted
E) would / be painted

Book 1 Part C 139 Passive voice

25. Scientific articles ___ often ___ in this paper. 38. A woman’s work ___ never done.
A) to be / published B) are / being published A) are B) is
C) are / published D) have / published C) will D) would
E) are / publish E) were

26. The fugitive ___ from prison to prison in Germany until he ___ in 39. Last Monday I received a telegram ___ by my sister on the 1st of
prison in 1944. May.
A) transferred / killed A) sending B) to send
B) was transferred / was killed C) had sent D) sent
C) is transferred / was killed E) was sent
D) has been transferred / has been killed
E) will be transferred / was killed 40. “I ___ the test yet today,” said Ann.
A) wasn’t given B) hadn’t been given
27. I ___ a card to the club and in the afternoon I went there to play
C) am not given D) haven’t been given
E) have been given
A) had been given B) were given
C) was given D) have given 41. I ___ about my father’s death before my mother.
E) was giving
A) is told B) shall be told
C) had been told D) were told
28. I hope this book ___ .
E) have been told
A) will find B) will be found
C) found D) were found 42. Someone wrote this report last week. This report ___ last week.
E) had been found
A) is written B) was written
C) has been written D) had been written
29. ___ about this film tomorrow.
E) would be written
A) It is an article B) He said
C) I shall be asked D) Bob liked to tell 43. Finally he decided to come back and live in the house of his
E) He couldn’t parents which ___ by his aunt.
A) kept B) was kept
30. New schools ___ in our city every year.
C) are kept D) were kept
A) is built B) are to be built E) keeps
C) will build D) are built
E) have built 44. The people next door disappeared 6 months ago. They ___ since
31. A liar ___ when he speaks the truth.
A)aren’t seen B) haven’t been seen
A) don’t believe B) isn’t believed C) weren’t seen D) weren’t being seen
C) believed D) believe E) aren’t being seen
E) didn’t believe
45. It is winter. Everything ___ with snow.
32. The doctor ___ just ___ for.
A) is covered B) covered
A) is / sent B) was / sent C) were covered D) will cover
C) has / sent D) has / been sent E) are covered
E) will / be sent
46. The men ___ after the explosion.
33. This year a very beautiful theatre ___ in our city.
A) are said to be arrested
A) built B) was built B) said to be arrested
C) has been built D) had been built C) are said to being arrested
E) has built D) are said to have been arrested
E) are said to arrest
34. The Great Expectations ___ by Charles Dickens.
47. -”Did someone throw those letters away?”
A) were written B) is written
-”Yes, but it was a mistake. They ___ away.”
C) wrote D) are written
E) was written A) mustn’t be thrown
B) shouldn’t be thrown
35. In 1969 two manned spaceships ___ into space from the first C) shouldn’t have been thrown
space station. D) can’t be thrown
E) need to be thrown
A) launch B) launched
C) launches D) were launching
48. A.: Was there any trouble at the yesterday’s demonstration?
E) were launched
B.: Yes, about twenty people ___ .
36. We can’t get there in time. By the time we get there the papers A) had been arrested B) arrested
___ . C) were being arrested D) were arrested
E) are arrested
A) will be destroyed B) would be destroyed
C) will have been destroyed D) are destroyed
49. Mike didn’t have his car yesterday. It ___ at the station.
E) have been destroyed
A) was serviced B) were serviced
37. This school ___ next year. C) had serviced D) had been serviced
E) is serviced
A) will close B) is closed
C) will be closed D) was closed
E) would be closed

Book 1 Part C 140 Passive voice

50. You can’t come in. She ___ for the TV. 63. A lot of books by this writer ___ into many languages of the
A) is interviewed B) interviews
C) is being interviewed D) was interviewed A) translated B) is translated
E) has been interviewed C) were translated D) has been translated
E) had been translated
51. I had an unpleasant feeling that I ___ .
64. The great English scientist Isaac Newton ___ not far from
A) watched B) was watched
C) have been watched D) was being watched
E) will be watched A) born B) is born
C) are born D) were born
52. He’ll finish the job tomorrow. The job ___ E) was born
A) is finished B) would be finished
65. May Day ___ in Great Britain with singing and dancing round a
C) will be finished D) will finish
E) was finished
A) celebrate B) celebrated
53. After a thorough examination the patient ___ home. C) is celebrated D) is celebrating
E) has celebrated
A) was sent B) were sent
C) are sent D) to send
66. He ate everything that ___ on the table.
E) sends
A) is leaving B) was left
54. I ___ for shopping yesterday. C) were left D) is left
A) is sent B) was sent E) are left
C) am sent D) are sent
E) has been sent 67. He made a rush at the door without realizing it ___ by me earlier.
A) locks B) is locked
55. How much money ___ yesterday?
C) was locked D) am locking
A) is stolen B) stole E) had been locked
C) will steal D) will be stolen
E) was stolen

56. Ron Glib is a successful journalist. He ___ a big salary and his
articles ___ in newspaper. He ___ all over the world to write
about world events.
A) pays/publish/sends
B) paid/are published/isn’t sent
C) was paid/published/shall be sent
D) is paid/are published/is sent
E) will play/weren’t published/sent

57. This work ___ tomorrow.

A) is finished B) was finished
C) had finished D) have been finished
E) will be finished

58. The delegation ___ at the station by the students yesterday.

A) meet B) is met
C) have been met D) was met
E) are met

59. Today acupuncture ___ effectively in our country.

A) were used B) are used
C) is used D) has been used
E) had used

60. Some scrap metal ___ and ___ in the school yard by the evening
last Sunday.
A) was gathered/heaped
B) has been gathered/heaped
C) will be gathered/heaped
D) had been gathered/heaped
E) would be gathered/heaped

61. The first coins in America ___ in 1752. They were not regular in
A) are made B) made
C) were made D) was made
E) is made

62. Many magnificent palaces and museums ___ in our city lately.
A) have built B) has built
C) has been built D) have been built
E) were built

Book 1 Part C 141 Passive voice

TEST 13 Indirect speech
1. The teacher promised ___ . 10. “Don’t play in the street!”
A) that we can learn three English songs. A) My mother told me don’t play in the street.
B) if we learn three English songs. B) My mother said to play in the street.
C) we would learn three English songs. C) She asked me to play in the street.
D) whether we would learn three English songs. D) My mother told me not to play in the street.
E) who will learn three English songs. E) My mother said I should play in the street.

2. Bill: “Have you seen any interesting comedy lately, Nancy?” 11. Ann: “Is your sister good at English?”
Bill asked Nancy ___ . Ann asked me ___ .
A) if he will see an interesting film A) that my sister is good at English
B) if he saw an interesting comedy lately B) if my sister was good at English
C) what comedy Nancy saw lately C) whether my sister is good at English
D) if she had seen any interesting comedy lately D) my sister is good at English
E) if she would see an interesting comedy E)her sister was good at English
3. Nick: “Did you see a bird in the tree?” 12. Tom: “Don’t forget to bring my book, Ann”.
Nick wonders ___ in the tree. Tom asked Ann: ___ .
A) if I saw a bird. A) that she didn’t forget to bring his book
B) that I saw a bird. B) that she doesn’t bring his book
C) if I had seen a bird. C) not to forget to bring his book
D) whether I see a bird. D) not to forget to bring her book
E) if I have seen a bird. E) if she didn’t forget to bring the book
4. Dick to Lucy: Have you received my telegram ? 13. Mother: “We are going to have supper”.
Dick asked if ___ . Mother says ___ .
A) Lucy had received his telegram. A) they are going to have supper
B) Lucy has received his telegram B) they were going to have supper
C) Lucy would receive his telegram C) that they would have supper
D) Lucy will receive his telegram D) they won’t have supper
E) Lucy received his telegram E) they haven’t had supper yet
5. Ann: Write down my address. 14. Jack said: “I was at home yesterday.”
Ann asked me ___ . Jack said ___ .
A) he wrote down my address A) he was at home.
B) to write down her address B) Jack said he was at home the day before
C) he had written her address C) he will be at home.
D) she writes down her address D) he had been at home a week ago.
E) she wrote down his address E) he had been at home the day before.
6. He said, “I’m very busy today.” 15. “Do you go in for sports?”, he asked.
He said ___ . He asked ___ .
A) he had been very busy that day A) he went in for sports.
B) he is very busy today B) if I went in for sports.
C) he was very busy that day C) if I’ll go in for sports.
D) I’m very busy today D) I should go in for sports.
E) I had been very busy that day E) if I had gone in for sports.

7. Lena said, “Where have you been yesterday?” 16. “Will Tom help me?” she said.
Lena asked ___ . She asked ___ .
A) where she had been the day before. A) will Tom help her
B) where she had been yesterday. B) if Tom would help her
C) where she was the day before. C) whether he will help her
D) where she could be the day before. D) whether would he help her
E) where she hasn’t been before. E) that Tom would be helping her

8. He thought: “What am I going to do?” 17. Peter said, “Alice, are you busy now?”
He thought ___ . Peter asked Alice ___ .

A) what was he going to do A) she was busy.

B) what he was going to do B) if she was busy then.
C) what he is going to do C) she would be busy.
D) it he was going to do D) if she wasn’t busy then.
E) what is he going to do E) if she is busy.
18. My sister said: “I hope we shall go on an excursion to the lake”.
9. Mother asked me ___ . My sister said that ___ on an excursion to the lake”.
A) why I have spent all the money A) she hopes we will go
B) that I had spent all the money B) she didn’t hope that we shall go
C) if I had spent all the money C) she hoped they would go
D) when I spend all the money D) she hoped we were going
E) if I will spend all the money E) she hoped we can go

Book 1 Part C 142 Indirect speech

19. Jim and Julia have been in the restaurant for an hour and they 29. The director wondered ___ .
have not been served yet. Julia is angry. “You said ___ a good
A) if I know English.
B) If I knew English.
A) it is B) it has been C) he knows English.
C) it will be D) it was D) how I know English.
E) it can’t be E) who has known English.
20. “Did you work at a factory 3 years ago?” she asked her friend. 30. Mary says “I clean my room every day.”
She asked her friend if she ___ . Mary says that ___ .
A) worked at a factory 3 years ago. A) I clean her room every day.
B) had worked at a factory 3 years before. B) she cleans my room every day.
C) really worked at a factory 3 years before. C) she cleaned her room every day.
D) work at a factory. D) she cleans her room every day.
E) worked at a factory for 3 years. E) her room was cleaned every day.
21. She said she ___ her friend for ages. 31. - “Have you seen my daughter?” a woman is asking her neighbor.
A) didn’t B) hadn’t seen A woman is asking her neighbor ___ her daughter.
C) hasn’t seen D) doesn’t see A) has she seen
E) saw B) have I seen
C) if she has seen
22. He asked her “Did anybody call this morning?” D) if they have seen
He asked her ___ . E) have you seen
A) if anybody called this morning
B) if somebody had called that morning 32. He ___ me if I ___ a taxi yesterday.
C) if somebody called that morning A) will ask / takes
D) who called that morning B) ask / take
E) had called anybody that morning C) is asking / shall take
D) asked / had taken
23. Teacher: “Tom, read the story, please”. E) will ask / take
Teacher asked Tom ___ .
A) to read the story 33. She asked in surprise ___ .
B) read the story A) if he had really read all the books
C) that he reads it B) if this is what her mother buys her
D) whether he reads the story C) if the cafe is still open
E) it he read the story D) whether I have already read his article
E) did she caused much trouble
24. He said “I met him in 1950”.
He said ___ . 34. The doctor asked his nurse ___ .
A) I met him in 1950 A) when is she going to give the medicine to the
B) he had been met by him in 1950 B) if she would come in time the following day
C) he used to meet him in 1950 C) if the patient prepared for the operation
D) he had met him in 1950 D) if the tests are ready for applicants
E) he was meeting him in 1950 E) when the patient feels asleep tell me
25. Jane asked Bob: “What did you buy yesterday?” 35. They ___ us that they ___ from their families for more than a
Jane asked Bob what ___ . year.
A) he would buy the next day A) tell / were not hearing
B) he bought yesterday B) would be told / hear
C) he had bought the day before C) had told / don’t hear
D) he has just bought D) told / had not heard
E) his friend had already bought E) told / will be hearing
26. He said, “I do not want to see this film”. 36. Teachers always tell their pupils ___ .
He said that ___ .
A) not to cross street when the traffic light is red
A) he did not want to see that film. B) doesn’t cross the road on red traffic light
B) he doesn’t want to see a film. C) don’t ask many questions if they are not
C) he didn’t want to see this film. D) when they come to the lesson
D) he wanted to see that film. E) they helped their parents
E) not to see that film.
37. I wondered ___ .
27. He says “What do the pupils study?”
He asks ___ . A) if the train had come on time
B) had the train come on time
A) what do the pupils study. C) whether the train comes on time
B) what the pupils study. D) if the train will come on time
C) what the pupils studied. E) when the train is due to come
D) what the pupils have studied study.
E) whether the pupils study something. 38. She promised her friends she ___ and ___ them the next day.
28. My mother told me ___ . A) had come / had seen
B) will come / see
A) did not go there. B) that I can go there. C) would come / see
C) not to go there. D) not going there. D) comes / sees
E) let not go there. E) came / saw

Book 1 Part C 143 Indirect speech

39. “You must do what you are told”. 49. He has just said, “I want to speak to you”.
She said ___ . He has just said ___ .
A) that must do what I was told A) he wants to speak to me
B) what have to do what I was told B) he wanted to speak to me
C) what had to do what I was told C) I want to speak to her
D) that she must do what she was told D) he had wanted to speak to me
E) she had to do what she was told E) he will want to speak to me

40. The sergeant said that nothing ___ from the two boys since they 50. Mother told me “Don’t stay out long’’.
___ at the Victoria Station. Mother told me ___ .
A) was heard / saw A) did not stay out long
B) will be heard / were seen B) not to stay out long
C) had been heard / were seen C) that I mustn’t stay out long
D) had heard / saw D) I shouldn’t stay out long
E) would have heard / were seen E) stay out long

41. Nick whispered: “I know that the boys were angry with me”. 51. “Where did they spend the vacation?”
Nick whispered that ___ . Tom said ___ .
A) he knows that the boys were angry with me A) they came back.
B) he knew that the boys were angry with him B) they had spent it at the seaside.
C) he knows that the boys were angry with him C) they were young.
D) I know that the boys were angry with me D) they left for an hour.
E) he knew that the boys had been angry with him E) they have spent it at home.

42. Alice is told: “Clean your teeth twice a day!” 52. The secretary said to the visitor: “ When did you graduate from
Alice is told ___ the University?”
The secretary asked the visitor ___ .
A) clean her teeth twice a day
B) if she cleans her teeth twice a day A) when he graduates from the University.
C) clean your teeth twice a day B) when did he graduate from the University.
D) to clean her teeth twice a day C) when he had graduated from the University.
E) cleaned her teeth twice a day D) when did she graduate from the University.
E) he graduated from the University.
43. I am always asked ___ .
53. What will you do if Jack is out when you come?
A) why am I late B) are you late
She asked me ___ .
C) is he absent D) why was I present
E) if I am on duty A) what would I do if Jack was out when I came
B) what I will do if Jack is out when I come
44. Julia continued, “You said ___ good service.” C) what I would do if Jack was out when I came
D) what Jack would do if I was out when he came
A) you knew the owner and always got
E) what I will do if Jack was out when I came
B) you know the owner and have got
C) you know the owner and get
54. Jane said, “I shall help you.”
D) you know the owner and will get
Jane said ___ .
E) you know the owner and are going to get
A) she helped us B) she will help him
45. Julia continued, “You said ___ .” C) she helps us D) she would help us
E) she had helped us
A) you have been here before
B) you were here yesterday
55. The manager wondered ___ .
C) you will be here tomorrow
D) you are here now A) if the customers’ answer can be positive
E) you had been here before B) if the visitors are coming
C) whether the letters are being posted
46. He wanted to know ___ . D) if the paper has been typed
E) if the secretary had come
A) whether she knows him
B) if she knew him
56. I ___ I ___ her back.
C) that she knew him
D) what she knew him A) thought / would get B) thought / shall get
E) did she know him C) think / had got D) thinks / am get ting
E) doesn’t think / get
47. “When will you be there, Tom?” asked Dan.
Dan asked Tom ___ . 57. The father wondered ___ .
A) when you will be there A) what mark his daughter gets
B) when he will be there B) where the mother is
C) when he would be there C) how his son does at school
D) when his friend would be there D) if his daughter had passed her exams
E) when you would be there E) whether everybody is at home

48. He said to me: “I’ll come as soon as I can”. 58. The teacher asked her pupils ___ .
He told me that ___ .
A) where are their textbooks
A) he came as soon as he would be able B) where their textbooks are
B) he would come as soon as I could C) where their textbooks were
C) he comes as soon as he can D) be quiet, please, listen to me
D) he would come as soon as he could E) why they open the text books
E) I would come as soon as I could

Book 1 Part C 144 Indirect speech

59. I ___ my mother___ want to meet her new son-in-law for the 70. “Were you at the Zoo last night?” asks Jane.
first time in my presence. Jane asks ___ at the Zoo last night.
A) knows / will not B) had known / will not A) that I was B) if I was
C) knew / would not D) know / had not C) if I had been D) if I am
E) shall know / did not E) whether was I

60. The man said:” I have brought all my things “. 71. “Whose birthday is it?” said Jane.
The man said ___ . Jane asked whose birthday ___ .
A) I have brought all his things. A) it is B) it
B) that he had brought all his things. C) it was D) is it
C) he has brought all his things. E) it had been
D) they have brought all his things.
E) that he brought all his things. 72. “Where do you live?” the boy asked.
The boy wanted to know where ___ .
61. “Don’t make so much noise, Michael,” said Ellen.
A) do I live B) did I live
Ellen told Michael ___ so much noise.
C) I live D) I lived
A) to make B) not to make E) I had lived
C) do make D) don’t make
E) didn’t make 73. “Where did you live?” my boss asked.
My boss wanted to know where ___ .
62. A foreigner asked: “How do English people spend their Sundays?”
A) do I live B) did I live
A foreigner asked how ___ their Sundays.
C) I live D) I had lived
A) do English people spend E) I lived
B) did English people spend
C) English people spent 74. “I spoke to Jane last week,” she said.
D) English people spend She said ___ .
E) had English people spent
A) I spoke to Jane last week.
B) she had spoken to Jane last week.
63. The film director was asked ___ .
C) she had spoken to Jane a week before.
A) if he likes to play on grass D) I had spoken to Jane a week before.
B) which airline he works for E) she spoke to Jane a week before.
C) if he had ever won an Oscar
D) that he took part in the concert 75. “Don’t wait for me, Ann,” said Tom.
E) why he is nervous before the match Tom told Ann ___ .
A) to wait for him B) not to wait for him
64. The police officer asked us ___ .
C) didn’t wait for him D) don’t wait for him
A) are we going that way E) if she waited for him
B) where we were going
C) when did the tram stop 76. The manager asks the secretary ___ .
D) if could we stop at the traffic light
A) if Mr. Smith would be busy at little next day
E) whether we speak English
B) if Mr. Smith will be busy at 11 tomorrow
C) if Mr. Smith had been busy at 11
65. He said that ___ .
D) has Mr. Smith been busy by 11 today
A) his friend is learning English E) will Mr. Smith be busy at 11 tomorrow
B) our classroom will be cleaned tomorrow
C) they were going to the nearest post-office 77. He was sure that he ___ this time.
D) his car was stolen a few weeks ago
A) will fail B) wouldn’t fail
E) there is nothing to do
C) fails D) failed
E) will not fail
66. He said to her, “Don’t enter the room”.
He ordered her ___ the room.
78. “Can you open the door for me, my son?” asked an old woman.
A) not to enter B) to enter An old woman asked a young ___ the door for her.
C) didn’t enter D) doesn’t enter
A) can he open B) he opens
E) do not enter
C) does he open D) if he can open
E) to open
67. “How far do I have to walk?” she asked me.
She wanted to know how far ___ to walk.
79. She said, “I lost the key of my room.”
A) she had B) she has She said that ___ .
C) I have D) I had A) she had lost the key of her room
E) she will have B) she lost the key of my room
C)I had lost the key of my room
68. She told him that she ___ to see him the following DAY. D) I lose the key of my room
E) she lost the key of the room
A) will come B) come
C) came D) would come
80. I asked Nelly, “What are you looking for?”
E) comes
I asked Nelly what ___ looking for.
69. “Did you sleep well?” I asked him. A) are you B) she was
I asked him if ___ well. C) were you D) was she
E) she is
A) he sleeps B) he slept
C) he had slept D) you slept
E) you did sleep

Book 1 Part C 145 Indirect speech

TEST 14 When - while - where - as soon as
1. ___ you tell him about it when you ___ him? 16. When the woman was out a postman ___ a letter.
A) did / see B) does / saw A) brings B) bring
C) will / see D) would / see C) brought D) had brought
E) do / will see E) has brought
2. Tomorrow when you ___ the sun ___ . 17. I hope it ___ when you ___ to London.
A) woke up / shines B) have woken up / was shining A) doesn’t rain / will get B) is raining / get
C) wake up / will be shining D) will wake up / will shine C) won’t be raining / get D) will rain / will get
E) woke up / shined E) rained / have got
3. When my sister ___ at the college 2 years ago she ___ to learn
18. When the lesson ___ we ___ home.
several foreign languages.
A) are over / go B) is over / goes
A) was studying / tried B) studies / tries
C) is over / shall go D) will be over / go
C) studied / was trying D) was studying / was trying
E) will be over / shall go
E) studies / trying
4. When I ___ that morning the sun ___ high in the sky. 19. What ___ you ___ when your father returned?
A) will wake up / had shone B) have waken up / shines A) will / do B) were / doing
C) shall wake up / was shining D) woke up / was shining C) was / do D) will / be doing
E) woke up / will be shining E) were / do

5. When I ___ the letter I wondered what ___ . 20. When we ___ in Seville we ___ sightseeing.
A) got / had happened B) get / happens A) are / went B) were / went
C) got / happened D) had got / had happened C) shall be / go D) are / go
E) got / has happened E) had been / go
6. I ___ to know when you ___ . 21. ___ when he was painting the ceiling.
A) don’t want / will come B) shall want / come A) He found his passport B) He burnt his hand
C) want / had come D) didn’t want / come C) He bought a new car D) He wrote a letter
E) didn’t want / are coming E) He fell off the ladder
7. When I ___ home my mother ___ me that my friend ___ me an
22. It ___ since morning when we ___ .
hour before.
A) has rained / went out B) had been raining / went out
A) had come / told / had called
C) was raining / go out D) rained / will go out
B) came / told / called
E) rained / went out
C) came / told / had called
D) was coming / told / called 23. When I ___ back to the table, six soldiers ___ there.
E) came / was telling / had called A) came / were sitting B) comes / were sitting
8. I ___ still, when you ___ . C) has come / sit D) came / are sitting
A) am working / will return E) came / will sit
B) shall be working / return
C) was working / are returning 24. When I ___ younger I ___ an idea of a wife who ___ with me in
D) shall have been working / have returned my thoughts as well as aims.
E) was working / are returned A) was / had / will be B) was / had / would be
C) had been / had / is D) have been / have / will be
9. When Harris ___ her she ___ Paris. E) was / had had / had been
A) is meeting / was leaving B) met / was leaving
C) had met / left D) meets / left 25. When I ___ school I ___ the university.
E) met / will leave A) shall finish / shall enter B) finish / enter
C) shall finish / enter D) finish / shall enter
10. When he ___ in London, it ___ heavily. E) finish/entered
A) arrive / rains B) arrives / rained
C) arrived / was raining D) will arrive / rains 26. I visited my sister when she ___ in Moscow.
E) arrived / is raining A) lived B) lives
C) were lived D) is living
11. It ___ when we ___ home.
E) were living
A) rained / came B) rained / was coming
C) was raining / came D) will rain / came 27. We ___ have our supper when our mother ___ from the market.
E) rained / shall come A) shall / comes B) - / comes
12. When we ___ the beach the rain ___ already ___ . C) - / will come D) shan’t / come
A) leave / has / started B) will leave / have / started E) shall / come
C) left / had / started D) left / have / started
E) are leaving / was / starting 28. The passengers ___ for the train for 20 minutes when it ___ into
the station.
13. What ___ you ___ when I ___ ? A) waited / pulls B) had waited / pulled
A) did / do / returned B) are / doing / shall return C) had been waiting / pulled D) will wait / had pulled
C) will / be doing / return D) do / do / return E) are waiting / was pulled
E) have done / am returning
29. Yesterday when I ___ her she ___ me about you.
14. When I ___ him up they said that he ___ an hour ago. A) have met / told B) was meeting / told
A) call / left B) called / has left C) have met / would tell D) have met / tell
C) should call / has left D) call / leaves E) met / had told
E) called / had left
30. When I came in my mother ___ dinner.
15. When you ___ me up yesterday it ___ hard.
A) cooked B) were cooking
A) rings / will rain B) rang / was raining
C) will cook D) have cooked
C) will rang / will rain D) ring / rains
E) was cooking
E) had rung / had rained

Book 1 Part C 146 When - While - Where - As soon as

31. When I ___ home, I ___ a friend of mine. 45. While we ___ sightseeing the students ___ the book.
A) was going / met B) go / meet A) went / were reading B) to go / were reading
C) was going / was meeting D) are going / meet C) went / are reading D) go / were read
E) were going / met E) have gone / have read

32. I ___ terrible when I ___ that morning. 46. While you ___ a rest, we ___ the task.
A) felt / wake up B) feels / wake up A) were having / did B) have / do
C) felt / woke up D) feel / woke up C) shall have / done D) have had / did
E) felt / had woken up E) is having / do

33. When they ___ about it there ___ much trouble. 47. While he ___ to school his elder brother ___ from the Institute.
A) finds out / be B) found out / were His brother is a teacher now.
C) is finding out / is D) find out / will be A) had gone / graduated
E) found out / had been B) has been gone / will graduate
C) is going / has been graduating
34. Lane ___ through the morning papers when the telephone ___ . D) went / graduated
A) was looking / rang B) were looking / rang E) goes / graduated
C) are looking / rung D) have looked / ring
E) looked / is ringing 48. ___ while he was having breakfast.
A) He climbed the fence B) His pen stopped writing
35. A ship ___ near the Malta Islands when the men on board ___ a
C) He fell off the ladder D) He bit his tongue
dolphin in the water.
E) He painted the ceiling
A) was fishing / noticed B) fished / noticed
C) was fishing / will notice D) is fishing / noticed
49. Mary ___ Nick where he ___ after graduating from the University.
E) fished / notices
A) asked / works B) ask / would work
36. How fast ___ you ___ when the accident ___? C) ask / worked D) asked / would work
A) were / driving / happened B) did / drive / was happening E) asked / has worked
C) will / drive / had happened D) are / driving / will happen
E) - / drive / happens 50. We ___ into the room where the old man ___ . He was seriously
37. I ___ my hand when I ___ the dinner. A) go / lies B) goes / lie
A) was burning / cooked B) had burnt / am cooking C) went / is lying D) went / was lying
C) shall burn / shall cook D) burnt / was cooking E) was going / was lying
E) have burnt / cooked
51. Mrs. Black ___ into the room where her husband ___ and began
38. We ___ ready when you ___ home. to cry.
A) are / will come B) shall / come A) comes / sits B) came / was sitting
C) shall be / will come D) shall be / come C) came / sat D) came / were sitting
E) will be / came E) was coming / sat

39. Two hours ago when the children ___ in the yard a terrible storm 52. As soon as he___ to Copenhagen he___ us a letter.
___ . A) get / send B) gets / sends
A) were playing / began C) gets / will send D) got / should send
B) played / began E) got / has sent
C) were playing / were beginning
D) played / were beginning 53. I ___ you as soon as we ___ the contract.
E) play / begins A) shall call / sign B) call / sign
C) called / sign D) would call / sign
40. It ___ for three hours when we ___ home. E) is calling / are signing
A) will have been raining / came
B) is raining / come 54. As soon as I ___ the result I ___ you know.
C) rained / came A) hear / shall let B) will hear / will let
D) rains / came C) hear / let D) heard / let
E) had been raining / came E) have heard / let

41. While we ___ an article mother ___ dinner. 55. As soon as the guests ___ we ___ our party.
A) were translated / was cooking A) will come / began B) comes / begin
B) were translating / cooked C) will come / begin D) come / shall begin
C) have been translating / is cooking E) come / begin
D) translated / had cooked
E) are translating / was cooking 56. I was in the supermarket. As soon as I ___ for the goods somebody
___ me.
42. He looked at the carpet while ___ for her answer. A) paid / would push B) had paid / pushed
A) to wait B) be waiting C) have paid / pushed D) pay / will push
C) waiting D) waited E) have paid / is pushing
E) having waited
57. As soon as we ___ the house we ___ to it.
43. While the woman ___ her children quickly passed her and ___
A) shall build / move B) build / shall move
C) will build / shall move D) built / shall move
A) was talking / was going B) was talking / went
E) build / move
C) talks / went D) were talking / went
E) talked / went
58. As soon as he ___ to see me, we ___ chess.
44. I understood that while the student ___ I couldn’t enter the A) will come / shall play
room. B) comes / shall play
A) would be examined B) is examining C) will come / play
C) was examined D) was being examined D) comes / play
E) is examined E) came / play

Book 1 Part C 147 When - While - Where - As soon as

TEST 15 Q uestions tags
1. He had no practice in composing music, ___ ? 14. They have to ask somebody else to help them, ___?
A) didn’t he B) had he A) haven’t they B) have they
C) does he D) has he C) do they D) don’t they
E) doesn’t he E) hasn’t he

2. You have read all Pushkin’s books, ___? 15. There were many mistakes in your dictation, ___ ?
A) not you B) have you A) weren’t they B) were there
C) haven’t you D) aren’t you C) aren’t they D) weren’t there
E) isn’t it E) aren’t there

3. You have a bad headache, ___? 16. He had lunch at home today, ___ ?
A) isn’t it B) don’t you A) hadn’t he? B) wasn’t he?
C) does it D) haven’t you C) did he? D) didn’t he?
E) won’t we E) had he?

4. He never thought what might come out of it, ___? 17. You lived here 3 months ago, ___?
A) does he B) hasn’t he A) don’t you B) had you
C) didn’t he D) did he C) didn’t you D) have you
E) won’t he E) do you

5. She comes from the family of Donovan, ___? 18. It isn’t very early now, ___?
A) hasn’t he B) didn’t she A) isn’t it B) it is
C) do you D) doesn’t she C) doesn’t it D) hasn’t it
E) won’t she E) is it

6. You have finished your work, ___? 19. Pete doesn’t work hard, ___?
A) didn’t you B) haven’t you A) is he B) he does
C) don’t you D) won’t you C) does he D) he works
E) have you E) doesn’t he

7. He isn’t a student, ___ he? 20. A sick man can’t go out, can he?
A) is B) does A) No, he can’t. B) I didn’t know.
C) do D) isn’t C) Yes, she could. D) No, he isn’t.
E) was E) Yes, he could.

8. There are so many people in the street, ___? 21. Nothing can stop us now, ___?
A) are they B) are there A) don’t it B) doesn’t it
C) aren’t they D) aren’t there C) can’t it D) can it
E) isn’t there E) does it

9. You don’t play the piano, ___? 22. There is neither electricity nor gas on the island, ___?
A) don’t you B) do you A) is there B) isn’t there
C) doesn’t it D) does it C) there is D) there isn’t
E) isn’t it E) isn’t it

10. This winter is not very cold, ___?

A) isn’t it B) is it
C) does it D) won’t it
E) hasn’t it

11. The manner of addressing people in Britain is quite different from

ours, ___?
A) it is B) isn’t there
C) is there D) is it
E) isn’t it

12. There won’t be any trouble, ___?

A) wasn’t there B) will not there
C) will there D) do there
E) wouldn’t there

13. The boy wasn’t able to do it alone, ___?

A) didn’t he B) wasn’t he
C) was he D) did he
E) wasn’t it

Book 1 Part C 148 Questions tags

TEST 16 Additions to remarks
1. -Don’t you know I’m a football fan? 13. I can never find my books.
-___ . I shout for Galatasaray.
A) Neither can I. B) Her too.
A) Not, did I B) He is too C) Neither does she. D) I can’t too.
C) So am I D) Either do I E) We can either.
E) Neither was I
14. I wasn’t at school when I heard the news.
2. Our professor thinks we like his subject. What about yours?
A) So did I. B) Yes, I was.
A) So does he. C) Did you? D) Neither were they.
B) No, our professor is very young. E) No, she wasn’t.
C) Our students don’t know anything.
D) Yes, the student’s life is not sugar and candy. 15. -I do not like porridge at all.
E) Ours is the best in the world. -___ .
A) So do I B) Neither did we
3. “I don’t like reptiles.”
C) Neither does your sister D) Won’t you?
A) Neither am I. B) So do I. E) Neither am I
C) Neither do I. D) I don’t like them too.
E) Me to. 16. -He saw nobody in the room, and you?
- ___ .
4. I am fond of reading.
A) neither did I B) so did I
A) So do I B) Neither can he C) neither do I D) so do I
C) So wasn’t he D) So is my son E) I either
E) I am either
17. - I am proud of my country, and you?
5. “I like skating.” - ___ .
A) So do I B) Neither do I A) so we do B) so did we
C) Neither does he D) So is he C) so are we D) we too
E) I did too E) we also.

6. Tom: I won’t have any more. 18. -His uncle is a very clever man.
Ann: ___ . -And ___ .
A) So shall I B) So do I A) his father too. B) his father also.
C) Neither do I D) Neither shall I C) so does his father D) so is his father.
E) Nor I shall E) so his father is.

7. I haven’t heard him sing. 19. - I don’t like people who tell lies, and you?
- ___ . I just hate them.
A) Neither had we. B) Neither has my friend.
C) I haven’t either. D) So do I. A) I too B) I also
E) So have he. C) So do I D) Neither do I
E) I am also
8. -“My friend can’t go to the theatre tonight.”
- ___ . 20. - My little brother is very clever.
- ___ .
A) Neither can I B) So can I
C) I don’t either D) Neither do I A) so was mine B) so is mine
E) So can he C) my is too D) mine is either
E) neither is mine
9. -I haven’t read “David Copperfield” by Charles Dickens.
21. A: George is a student, and you ?
A) Neither has my brother. B) Neither can I.
B: ___ .
C) So, did I D) Either does he.
E) Haven’t they? A) He is B) So am I
C) A student D) Yes, I am
10. She didn’t see anyone she knew, and ___ did Nick. E) Yes, I do
A) either B) or
22. - I have never been to England.
C) neither D) still
- ___ .
E) too
A) Me so B) Neither was I
11. - My brother is going to enter the Institute. C) Neither have I D) Neither did I
- ___ . E) So have I
A) So is my sister. B) Neither am I
23. - I don’t like football.
C) So did my brother. D) Nor can I
- ___ .
E) Neither do we.
A) So does Ann. B) Ann does neither.
12. - I’ve never been to England. C) Ann doesn’t too. D) Neither doesn’t Ann.
- ___ . But I hope I shall visit it some day. E) Neither does Ann.
- ___ . Now that our country has become independent we’ve got
more chances of visiting other countries. 24. - Douglas can’t cope with the task.
- ___ .
A) I was there/So shall I B) I wasn’t there/Neither shall I
C) Neither have I/So do I D) Really?/Yes, I shall A) His friends can’t too B) So can his friends
E) So have I/Neither do I C) I can’t either D) Neither can I
E) His friends can’t neither

Book 1 Part C 149 Additions to remarks

25. - Her hopes were realized. 37. The guide would like the tourists to see the centre of the city.
- ___ .
A) They wouldn’t either. B) Neither would they.
A) Mine did too B) My were too C) So should they. D) A so they would.
C) Mine were either D) Her were too E) So would they.
E) So were mine
38. You mustn’t stay on the beach in hot weather.
26. - Albert is seldom in time for his classes.
A) You can’t either. B) Neither must you.
- ___ .
C) Neither you must. D) Mustn’t you either.
A) John is too B) So is John E) You don’t have either.
C) I do too D) His friends aren’t either
E) Neither aren’t his friends 39. She never liked to wear clothes in bright colors.
27. - Alex had to stay in bed for 5 days.
A) Neither I did. B) So did her friend.
- ___ .
C) Her friend did either. D) Neither did her mother.
A) I had to B) So did I E) Her mother either didn’t.
C) Pier had too D) So had I
E) I do too 40. Betsy always goes to the country for weekends.
A) Neither does her friend. B) We don’t either.
28. - He was hardly upset when he heard the news.
C) So do we. D) So they do.
- ___ .
E) He doesn’t either.
A) I wasn’t either B) So was I
C) His friend was too D) Neither I was 41. My friend doesn’t like detective stories.
E) Neither was I
A) Neither do I. B) Neither I do.
C) I do either. D) So do I.
29. - He has no money.
E) I do neither.
- ___ .
A) I don’t either. B) Either have I. 42. -Have you got any hobbies?
C) I haven’t neither. D) Neither do I. -Yes, I have. I like English.
E) I do too. -___ .
A) So have I B) So has he
30. - It’s raining and I have to stay at home.
C) Neither have I D) So do I
- ___ .
E) Neither do you
A) Linda have too. B) Linda does too.
C) So does Linda. D) Linda has so. 43. -I don’t like horror films, and you?
E) Linda does either. -___ . I can’t sleep after seeing such films. I like fantastic films.
-___ . I’ve got some at home.
31. - Brian had English yesterday.
A) Yes, do / I don’t like them
- ___ .
B) No, don’t / I like it
A) So did I. B) So had I. C) Neither do I / So do I
C) I didn’t too. D) So does I. D) So do I / Neither do I
E) Neither did I. E) Neither I do / So I do

32. - She has lived in Moscow for 20 years.

- ___ .
A) I do too. B) So do I.
C) I have too. D) So have I.
E) Neither have I.

33. My sister has graduated from the University.

A) So is my sister B) Her sister has either
C) So has his brother D) Neither did mine
E) So do they

34. A: I’ll not go back with my car, and you?

B: ___ .
A) Neither shall I B) Neither do I
C) So shall I D) Neither are we
E) Me too

35. - I had to help my mother about the house.

- ___ .
A) Neither had I B) Either hadn’t we
C) So had I D) So did I
E) So do I

36. The thief had to run out of the shop when the policeman began
A) the customers had to B) so the customers did
C) so had the customers D) so did the customers
E) neither did the customers

Book 1 Part C 150 Additions to remarks


______ a fluent speaker of English?

26. His girlfriend _______ while he was still having a bath.
A) was arriving B) has arrived C) arrived D) is arriving
A) Is her B) He C) Does she D) Is she 27. “If I _______ quickly, we wont be late for the party,” said Peter.
2. This is a desk, and ______ tables? A) drive B) will drive C) drove D) would drive
A) those are B) these C) that are D) that is 28. She asked him where ______.
3. This is ______ boyfriend? A) the party is B) the party was
A) hers B) of her C) to him D) her C) was the party D) is the party
4. There are ______ people in the office. 29. “If I _____ the way to the house, we wouldn’t be so late.” He replied
A) the B) little C) some D) any A) knew B) know B) would know D) had know
5. ______ money on Helens table? 30. Peter wanted ______ a policeman.
A) There is some B) There is any A) that Mary would ask B) Mary asking
C) Is it some D) Is there any C) Mary should ask D) Mary to ask
6. A: Where’s Helen? 31. Marry said she _____ him driving fast, and asked him to slow down.
B: She ______ in the office A) isn’t liking B) hasn’t liking
A) is sitting B) sit C) sitting D) sits C) didn’t like D) doesn’t like
7. She ______ French and English, so she has got a good job. 32. When they finally arrived, they _____ the car and went in.
A) speak B) speaks C) speaking D) is speaking A) had parked B) were parking
8. A: What _____ ? C) parked D) have parked
B: She is writing a letter. 33. They were _____ that they didn’t get anything to eat.
A) does she do B) does she C) is she doing D) she is doing A) such late B) so late C) too late D) very late
9. She ______ speaks no foreign languages. 34. Peter made Mary _____ all night.
A) is not B) ___ C) doesn’t D) don’t A) to dance B) that she danced
10. A: Are Peter and Mary still sitting in the office? C) dance D) dancing
B: No, _____
35. When you _____ him tomorrow, you will think he is ten years older.
A) they don’t sit B) they standing
A) see C) will be
C) there aren’t D) they aren’t
C) would see D) are going to see
11. What language _____?
36. He promised his wife they _____ here earlier next time.
A) do you speak B) you speak
A) will get B) get C) shall get D) would get
C) you are speaking D) speak you
12. A: Are there any people in the bar? 37. _____ Peter nor I was able to drive home.
B: No, ______ A) Either B) Not only C) Nor D) Neither
A) any B) there aren’t C) there isn’t D) are there 38. Helen found a good job, and _____ Peter.
13. Helen has got only ______ money. A) also B) too did C) so did D) so
A) any B) a little C) no D) few 39. The milk ______ at 8 o’clock the following morning.
14. A: Do you want some tea? A) was delivering B) delivered
B: No, I don’t want _____ thank you. C) was delivered D) is delivered
A) nothing B) none C) anything D) something 40. “If I’d known I’d feel so ill, I _____ to party,” Peter moaned.
15. I’m sorry, but I ______ the test yet. A) would go B) wouldn’t have gone
A) don’t finish B) haven’t finished C) didn’t go D) would have gone
C) didn’t finish D) aren’t finished 41. He heard on the morning news that a family of 6 _____ in an
16. ______ English before? explosion.
A) Have you B) Do you study A) were being injured B) had injured
C) Are you studying D) Have you studied C) have injured D) had been injured
17. Marry ______ to the bank on Monday. 42. The family had just had a new gas cooker _____ in their kitchen.
A) go B) going C) gone D) went A) fitted B) fitting C) to be fitted D) for fit
18. Marry ______ hasn’t telephoned Peter. 43. The man who fixed it must ______ a mistake with the connections.
A) yet B) still C) always D) never A) have made B) to have made
19. Peter ______ in the living room when the phone rang. C) to made D) made
A) was sitting B) has been sitting 44. He ______ his job properly because a lot of gas escaped.
C) at D) has she wanted A) shouldn’t do B) must have done
20. A: What ______? C) was able to do D) can’t have done
B: She wanted to talk to him. 45. After Peter ______ his breakfast, he went to work.
A) wanted she B) did she want A) finishing B) was finishing
C) she wanted D) has she wanted C) had finished D) has finished
21. Peter can’t speak Italian, ______? 46. He thought he ______ able to read about the explosion when he
A) isn’t B) can’t he C) does he D) can he got home.
22. Jack ______ Turkish soon. A) will be B) is C) would be D) was
A) goes to learn B) learns
47. “By the time I get home the story _____ in the evening newspaper,”
C) is going to learn D) is learning
he thought.
23. He asked her friend to speak ______ on the telephone. A) appears B) would be
A) clear B) more clearly C) will have appeared D) has appeared
C) very clear D) too clearly
48. Peter ______ spending weekends alone.
24. “What ______ this evening?” Marry asked. A) didn’t use to B) wasn’t used to
A) you will do B) do you C) hadn’t used to D) used not to
C) very clear D) are you doing
49. He wished she ______ have to spend so much time away.
25. She enjoys ______ to parties. A) didn’t B) hadn’t C) doesn’t D) couldn’t
A) to go B) that they go C) going D) go

Book 1 Part D 151 Test 1

50. He suggested _______ him on Tuesday evening. 77. Alice is the same age _______ David.
A) her to meet B) she should meet A) with B) like C) as D) by
C) she meeting D) that her meeting
78. Who _____ the dinner?
51. You ______ have worried because the test wasn’t difficult, was it? A) did cook B) cooked C) was cook D) is cooked
A) could B) needn’t C) must D) wouldn’t
79. How many times a week did you do English at school?
52. Now it’s time ______ a short composition. A) Four times in a week B) Twice in a week
A) you write C) you are writing C) Once in a week D) Twice a week
B) for to write D) you wrote
80. She is staying with her parents _____ the time being because she
53. He ______ ill for a long time. can’t afford to rent an apartment.
A) has had B) has been C) is D) were A) during B) for C) since D) in
54. I had two eggs for breakfast and ______ of them was fresh. 81. The children want me to ______ them a story now.
A) either B) neither C) no D) none A) say B) talk C) tell D) speak
55. A: Have you passed the test? 82. He _____ hard because he answered all the questions in the exam.
B: ___________ A) must have studied B) should study
A) I don’t doubt B) Yes, I doubt it C) should have studied D) ought to study
C) I doubt D) I doubt it
83. His aunt died three months ago. Since then he ____ to Ankara twice.
56. I usually watch TV, but at present I ______ to the radio. A) went B) has gone C) is going D) was gone
A) am listening B) listened C) listen D) will listen
84. She married ______ an Englishman.
57. He speaks English well ______ he has never been to England. A) by B) with C) to D) too
A) however B) even C) so D) although
85. They met some people _____ sons were all football players.
58. How long _______ Mr. Brown? A) who B) who’s C) whom D) whose
A) do you know B) did you know
86. They really don’t know ______.
C) have you known D) will you known
A) when does the football game begin
59. Jane is ______ than Mary. B) when the football game begin
A) very tall B) taller C) the tallest D) tallest C) when begins the football game
D) when the football game begins
60. While I _______ my car I heard a scream.
A) was parking B) will park C) park D) have parked 87. He _____ difficulty on the last test he took.
A) had B) has C) is having D) will have
61. Turkish is easy, but English ________.
A) is B) does not C) is not D) is not, either 88. After _____ his coffee, he left the restaurant.
A) drinking B) drank C) drink D) to drink
62. _____ are broken.
A) The legs of the table B) Table’s leg 89. She only takes ____ sugar in her tea.
C) One leg of the table D) One of the legs of the table A) few B) a lot C) a little D) a few

63. There is _____ we can do to help you. 90. The teacher’s book, _____ lives of great men and women, has 500
A) nothing B) anything C) somewhere D) any pages.
A) who contains B) which contains
64. My brother is very _____ musician C) which is contain D) whose contains
A) the most talented B) talented
91. They ______ earlier than the others, but they arrived later.
C) more talented D) talent
A) are leaving C) had left B) leave D) left
65. He wrote a _______ book last year.
92. You can travel ______.
A) good B) the worst C) worst D) very
A) neither by train or by bus B) either by train or by bus
66. The detective has not solved the mystery ______. C) either by train nor by bus D) or by train nor by bus
A) still B) yet C) already D) therefore 93. They will leave the house as soon as they _____ lunch.
67. He ______ in Africa this time tomorrow. A) finish eating B) will finish to eat
A) is traveling B) was traveling C) finish to eat D) will finish eating
C) will be traveling D) has been traveling 94. ____ all her efforts, she could not please her family.
68. My brother is _______ young to be a team leader. A) In spite of B) Nevertheless
A) enough B) too C) yet D) much C) Although D) However

69. ______ of his books do you like best? 95. We _____ helped you even if we had wanted to because we did not
A) Which B) What C) Who D) Whom know how to do it.
A) may not have B) can’t have
70. My friend asked me _____ I wanted to drink anything. C) might not have D) couldn’t have
A) what B) which C) if D) that
96. I should have called him right away if I _____ his telephone number.
71. ______ read any good book recently? A) have know B) will know
A) Have you B) Do you C) Did you D) Are you C) had known D) would know
72. She doesn’t have _____ money. 97. _____ coffee after dinner.
A) many B) much C) no D) very A) I’m used to drinking B) I used to drinking
C) I’m used drinking D) would know
73. George enjoys _____ in the sea.
A) from swimming B) swim 98. They were speaking so loudly that I couldn’t help _____ what they
C) to swim D) swimming said.
A) to overhear B) overhearing
74. Can you tell me _____ ?
C) overhear D) but to overhear
A) where does Jack live B) where Jack lives
C) where is Jack living D) where is Jack 99. He seems to be director. I remember ______ in school.
A) saw him B) seeing him
75. Did you see the pencil ______ two days ago? C) him to see D) to see him
A) I bought it B) which I bought it
C) that I bought it D) which I bought 100. To travel in the European Community, Dutch people ______ a
76. He would buy a new car if he ______ more money. A) haven’t got B) don’t need
A) had B) would had C) would have D) have had C) mustn’t get D) shouldn’t get

Book 1 Part D 152 Test 1

1. Tom _____ already left when you arrived. 31. Tom _____ more for the test yesterday.
A) he B) just C) had D) was A) can always study B) will be able to study
C) could have studied D) always studied
2. I _____ working until you came.
A) am B) will be C) had been D) won’t 32. Ronald _____ left last week.
A) should B) might not C) have D) might have
3. The landlord _____ just rented the apartment when I got there.
A) almost B) have C) had been D) had 33. By 5:30 this afternoon, Bob _____ been at work for eight hours.
A) has B) will C) have D) will have
4. _____ they rented it before you called?
A) How B) Who C) Did D) Had 34. Everyone will _____ lunch by 2:30.
A) be B) eat for C) have had D) had have
5. _____ you like to go the movies tonight?
A) How B) Had C) Would D) Why 35. The painters _____ finished their work by tomorrow.
A) have B) will have C) won’t be D) were
6. I _____ rather study in the library..
A) would B) can C) much D) will 36. The package should be here _____ ten o’clock tomorrow.
A) delivered B) sent C) by D) by mail
7. _____ it be possible to go next week?
A) Can B) How C) Rather D) May 37. Susan will probably work ______ six.
A) for B) under C) until D) by
8. No, I ____ like to go then.
A) can’t B) can C) wouldn’t D) not 38. _____ the time our boss is sixty, he will have worked for forty years.
A) When B) Until C) Over D) By
9. If my car _____ start, I will be late.
A) didn’t B) doesn’t C) don’t D) did 39. Always put medicine away after _____ it.
A) taking B) took C) you took D) you’re
10. If Anita doesn’t hurry, she _____ be able to finish.
A) won’t B) would C) can D) can’t 40. You should always check your tires before _____ your car.
A) drive B) driving C) you drove D) you’re driving
11. Leonard won’t come _____ it rains tomorrow.
A) will B) if C) because D) and 41. Are you interested in ______ a watch?
A) by B) for C) buying D) to buy
12. If I _____ a chef, I’d make a great meal.
A) was B) were C) am D) cooked 42. Joan said that _____ .
A) I’m at my office B) she was at her office
13. If it _____ cold outside, Linda would go to the beach.
C) she’s been at my office D) you are at your office
A) weren’t B) isn’t C) wasn’t D) won’t be
14. Jim ______ study harder if he had more time. 43. Jack _____ to Tom.
A) will B) won’t C) were D) would A) says that he had spoken B) say that he speaks
C) said that he had spoken D) had spoken that he will say
15. Many cameras _____ in Japan.
A) made B) here C) are making D) are made 44. Lucy told him that _____ to you.
A) she wants talk B) I want to talk
16. Watson _____ needed here tomorrow. C) she wanted to talk D) you wanted to talk
A) not B) isn’t C) was D) aren’t
45. I thought that he _____ something for me.
17. The computer _____ guaranteed by the company. A) was supposed to do B) is supposed to do
A) is B) are C) it’s D) aren’t C) was supposed D) is supposed to
18. These packages are _____ special care because they’re fragile. 46. Carlos heard that you _____ in town.
A) give B) needing C) given D) giving A) are B) been C) were D) gone
19. When the door _____, Frank was very surprised. 47. They promised that they _____ Mike next year.
A) opens B) is opened C) was opened D) shuts A) visit B) will visit C) would visit D) won’t visit
20. “The letter _____ last week,” Helen said. 48. I don’t mind _____ for you.
A) is sent B) was sent C) will be sent D) sent A) to wait B) waiting C) to waiting D) wait
21. These houses _____ by settlers many years ago. 49. Betty couldn’t help ____ when Oscar fell down.
A) are maid B) were built C) built D) made A) the laugh B) at laughing C) to laugh D) laughing
22. America _____ by Christopher Columbus in 1492. 50. The old man can’t stand _____ the bus to work.
A) was here B) was discovered A) riding B) ride C) the ride D) sitting
C) found D) had ships
51. Don’t be nervous. I want you _____ .
23. Wilma ______ called if she had forgotten her keys. A) not nervous B) to relax C) relax D) relaxing
A) had B) would C) found D) would have
52. Excuse me, officer. I’d like you _____ me.
24. They would have gone home if we ______ here. A) helping B) to help C) help D) for helping
A) aren’t B) won’t be C) hadn’t been D) are
53. The instructor wants us _____ for the test.
25. If Bruce had been careful, he _____ had an accident. A) student B) study hard C) to prepare D) writing
A) has B) have
C) wouldn’t D) wouldn’t have 54. “Would you like me _____ ?” he asked.
A) dancing B) a dance C) to dance D) dance
26. Would Bruce _____ his car if he had driven slowly?
A) damage B) had damaged 55. Traffic was bad because the highway _____ repaired.
C) have damaged D) damaged A) will be B) is C) was being D) being

27. Janet taught _____ to play the piano. 56. They didn’t consider the traffic problem when the plans for the project
A) myself B) herself C) yourself D) I _____ made last year.
A) have been B) was being C) were being D) are carefully
28. The Nelsons enjoyed _____ on their vacation on a lonely island.
A) themselves B) yourself C) yourselves D) ourselves 57. The English test _____ yesterday.
A) being B) was given C) being here D) being hard
29. I’m teaching _____ to speak English.
A) himself B) us C) yourself D) myself 58. Jean has _____ paid a good salary.
A) earned B) being C) been D) been earning
30. It was very cold today. You _____ your sweater.
A) could wear B) should have worn 59. Mr. Bond’s suitcase _____ examined already by the customs officer.
C) should wear D) couldn’t worn A) carefully B) is C) has D) has been

Book 1 Part D 153 Test 2

60. Their passports _____ checked by the officer. 80. Before he died he decided to leave all his money to a stranger.
A) already have B) have already been A) He made up his money to a stranger.
C) already been D) have already to be B) He made out his money to a stranger.
C) He made off with his money to a stranger.
61. What did the surgeon tell Elizabeth?
D) He made his money over to a stranger.
He recommended ______ an operation.
A) that she have B) her have 81. He loves creating stories for his child.
C) she has D) that she will have A) He loves making out stories for his child.
B) He loves making over stories for his child.
62. John _____ in Japan before he came here.
C) He loves making up stories for his child.
A) learned B) been educated
D) He loves making of with stories for his child.
C) been reading D) had gone to school
82. The robber escaped with all the jewels.
63. A: Our house needs painting.
A) The robber made off with all the jewels
B: You can _____ a company paint it.
B) The robber made up with al the jewels
A) get B) have C) ask D) tell
C) The robber made out with all the jewels
64. Roberts seems _____ ready. D) The robber made over with all the jewels
A) it is B) being C) to be D) of being 83. This book is very difficult. I don’t understand it.
65. They imagine London _____ like the picture. A) I can’t make it up. B) I can’t make it out.
A) be B) to be C) being D) look C) I can’t make it off D) I can’t make it over.
66. The teacher seems _____ small for all the people. 84. You must concentrate on your work.
A) to B) to be too C) it’s to D) too much A) You must settle up to your work.
B) You must settle down to your work.
67. Nancy had imagined it _____ different. C) You must settle down for your work.
A) much B) is C) will be D) to be D) You must settle down your work.
68. When Adam was a child, he ______ to live on a farm. 85. He is well off.
A) likes B) farmed C) used D) wishes A) He is healthy B) He is away
69. Mr. Jasper ______ to be a baseball player. C) He is wealthy D) He is good-hearted
A) as B) used C) has been D) never 86. He’s very calculating.
70. Before the invention of he automobile, people ______ use horses A) He is good at managing a business.
for transportation. B) He is a good at planning things secretly.
A) to B) always C) to travel D) used to C) He is good at running games.
D) He is good at mathematics.
Decide which of the sentences means the same as the given
sentence. 87. He is a hot-head.
A) He has a fever. B) He is fierce.
71. She has finished her friendship with him. C) He is very intelligent. D) He is curious.
A) She has done for him. B) She has done with him.
C) She has done to him. D) She done at him. 88. Peter Brown was the sole survivor of the air crash.
A) He was the only person who wasn’t killed in the crash.
72. He cannot be saved. He is certain to die. B) He was the only person who was killed in the crash.
A) He is done down. B) He is done up. C) He was the first person to reach the scene of the crash.
C) He is done to. D) He is done for. D) He was the only one to blame for the crash.
73. He took a lot of money from me by cheating. 89. He is a man of spirit.
A) He did me out a lot of money. A) He is strong B) He is energetic
B) He did me from a lot of money. C) He is funny D) He is drunk
C) He did me up to a lot of money.
D) He did me out from a lot of money. 90. I won’t go unless Mary goes.
A) I will go if Mary doesn’t go. B) I won’t go if Mary goes.
74. The army is not capable of fighting any more battles. C) I won’t go if Mary doesn’t go. D) I won’t go when Mary goes.
A) The army is not fit to any more battles.
B) The army is no fit in with any more battles. Choose the word closest in meaning to the words in underlines.
C) The army is not fit for any more battles. 91. Jerry, who is a good athlete, has been able to keeps place on the
D) The army is not fit by any more battles. team.
A) play B) participate C) maintain D) recruit
75. My friend is difficult. He never manages to adapt his plans to ours.
A) He never fits in to our plans. B) He never fits by our plans. 92. Your wages will depend on how well you do the job.
C) He never fits in for our plans. D) He never fits in with our plans. A) salary B) skills C) waves D) employers
76. I am trying to pull all these papers in this drawer. 93. Raymond discovered several errors on his test.
A) I am trying to fit these papers to the drawer. A) answers B) corrections C) mistakes D) numbers
B) I am trying to fit these papers in with the drawer. 94. Chris became aware of his mistake instantly
C) I am trying to fit these papers by the drawer. A) entirely B) frequently C) obviously D) immediately
D) I am trying to fit these papers into the drawer.
95. Mrs. Johnson said that the mayor was very arrogant.
77. These new orders have nothing to do with us. A) official B) crude C) haughty D) attractive
A) These new orders do not apply to us.
B) These new orders do not apply for us. 96. The complete set of books will cost sixty dollars.
C) These new orders do not apply with us. A) entire B) finish C) common D) interesting
D) These new orders do not apply by us. 97. After the football game, the field was a scene of total chaos.
78. I would like that job. I want to get it. A) celebration B) comprehension
A) I am going to apply by that job. C) sports D) confusion
B) I am going to apply with that job. 98. Jean was unable to provide an acceptable explanation.
C) I am going to apply for that job. A) simple B) alternative C) additional D) satisfactory
D) I am going to apply to that job.
99. If the mechanic had done the work properly, you wouldn’t have had
79. He was just to see that mountain through the fog. trouble with the car.
A) He was able to make off with the mountain’s shape. A) on the engine B) completely
B) He was able to make out the mountain’s shape. C) easily D) correctly
C) He was able to make over the mountain’s shape.
100. Ted will do well in colleges
D) He was able to make up the mountain’s shape.
A) have fun B) be nice C) work hard D) be successful

Book 1 Part D 154 Test 2

1. _____ a pencil in my bag which you can borrow. 25. Father to son : Please, don’t argue with me.
A) That’s B) What’s C) It’s D) There’s The father ______ argue with him
A) wanted that his son didn’t B) asked his son if he didn’t
2. It gets very hot there in the summer, _____ ?
C) asked his son not to D) said that his son didn’t
A) isn’t it B) is there C) doesn’t it D) does there
26. He is _____ that he has no time for regular meals.
3. Don’t worry, I’ll do the shopping for you today; I _____ the office
A) such a busy man B) such busy man
early on Fridays.
C) so busy man D) a so busy man
A) will leave B) will be leaving
C) leave D) am leaving 27. He drove so fast _____ .
A) when he was caught by the police
4. Henry remembered Mary’s birthday and _____ .
B) as his car had broken down
A) her a gift sent B) a gift to her sent
C) that the passengers became frightened
C) to her a gift sent D) sent her a gift
D) than most men had done
5. I see you are still doing your math home-work. How many problems
28. Tourist to policeman: How far is it to the station?
_____ so far?
The tourist _____ to the station.
A) will you finish B) are you finished
A) inquired how far it was B) asked me that was it far
C) are you finishing D) have you finished
C) wanted to know if it was D) said how far it was
6. My brother finished his dinner _____ than my sister.
29. Dear Mary, this is the first time _____ you a letter.
A) quickly B) much quicker
A) of writing B) for me write
C) more quickly D) the quickest
C) that I had written D) I am writing
7. I ______ to get on the bus when the doors closed and I was left
30. Who’s that girl? I can’t remember _____ her before.
A) to see B) if I see C) seeing D) did I see
A) was going B) had gone C) would go D) was gone
31. I wish you _____ so much. It is bad for your health.
8. He’s already about _____ his father.
A) won’t be smoking B) don’t smoke
A) so tall than B) as tall as C) as tall than D) so tall as
C) aren’t smoking D) didn’t smoke
9. Ali has been with us _____ three years.
32. A: Oh, your coat’s wet!
A) since B) while C) during D) for
B: That’s because _____ .
10. This morning you _____ me about your father’s accident when we A) the rainy weather C) the rain is
were interrupted. I’d like to hear the rest of the story. C) it’s been raining D) it might raining
A) have told B) were telling C) told D) are telling
33. A: Is the math problems very difficult?
11. A: Have you heard anything from Tom lately? B: The problem ______ is not difficult, but it takes a long time to do.
B: Yes, let me be the first to tell you ______ good news about him. A) which B) that C) it D) itself
A) the B) his C) any D) these
34. The lab assistant made the students _____ the experiment all over
12. How _____ have you been to Germany? again.
A) much time B) long for C) many times D) long ago A) did B) doing C) do D) done
13. Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you _____ . 35. He has been very lonely since _____ .
A) everywhere B) all pieces C) anywhere D) some places A) many years B) a long time
C) his dead wife D) his wife died
14. Jack is not only a good student _____ a fine athlete.
A) rather than B) as well as C) but also D) in addition 36. I want to go to the station. Can you tell me which bus _____ ?
A) to take B) takes C) I am taking D) for me to take
15. The police wanted _____ our car to a side street.
A) us to move B) well to move C) we moved D) is moved 37. Don’t touch that hot stove. ______ .
A) It’ll get burned B) It’ll be burned
16. This lesson is ______ than I expected.
C) You’ll burn it D) You’ll get burned
A) much harder B) the hardest C) most hard D) more hard
38. The reason _____ I’m writing is to tell you about a party on Saturday.
17. A: He’s the best person for the job.
A) because B) for C) why D) of
B: I _____ so, too; but now I’m not sure
A) don’t think B) used to think C) think D) am thinking 39. Let’s stay at home tonight, _____ you want to watch TV.
A) that B) since C) because of D) whether
18. You may find the end of the story quite _____ .
A) surprised B) surprised C) surprising D) surprise 40. I wish I could find ______ .
A) living quiet somewhere B) a quit somewhere to live
19. A: Mary’s very late. I hope nothing has happened to her. C) some quiet where to live D) somewhere quiet to live
B: ______
A) I don’t either B) Neither do I 41. A: I wonder why my watch isn’t working.
C) So do I D) I hope to B: You _____ it.
A) must have dropped B) could drop
20. The advisor has not yet returned the student lists, but when ____ C) should have dropped D) must be dropping
they will be put on the bulletin board.
A) he will B) they do C) he does D) they are 42. He is getting his latest novel _____ next month.
A) to publish B) publishing
21. A: Who cooks dinner at your house? C) published D) be published
B: It _____ by my elder sister.
A) is cooked B) is cooking C) has cooked D) can cook 43. Although Ali is quite short, _____ reach the apples on the tree.
A) he can also B) he just can’t
22. Mary to Tom: I have something to show you. C) he’s tall enough to D) he’s too short to
Mary told Tom that _____ had something to show _____ .
44. You can buy almost anything in this supermarket; _____ , it has a
A) I / you B) she / him C) you / him D) she / you
cafeteria serving good cheap meals.
23. A: What are you boiling that water for? A) however B) moreover C) meanwhile D) otherwise
B: ______ . 45. If I had known that the book was so boring, _____
A) To make tea B) For make tea A) I wouldn’t buy it. B) I wouldn’t have bought it
C) Making tea D) Because of making tea C) I would have bought it D) I would buy it
24. The students _____ Don’t interrupt them. 46. A: How did the water feel?
A) are seeming busy B) seem to be busy B: ______
C) are seeming busily D) seem busily A) Warm B) Warmth C) Warmly D) Warmest

Book 1 Part D 155 Test 3

47. A manager should have a good knowledge of labor _____ . 73. If you _____ your money carelessly, you wouldn’t have been penniless
A) organizer B) organization C) organized D) organize in the middle of your holiday.
A) hadn’t spent B) didn’t spend
48. Petroleum _____ are getting more and more expensive everyday.
C) haven’t spent D) wouldn’t spent
A) produces B) products C) production D) productivity
74. The boss made him _____ the report all from the beginning.
49. We had a very _____ time at the football match yesterday.
A) write B) written C) wrote D) which
A) excited B) excitement C) exciting D) excitedly
75. I was disappointed with my birthday present. It wasn’t exactly _____
50. He had to pay the library for the _____ book.
I expected.
A) lose B) lost C) loss D) loser
A) that B) that what C) what D) which
51. Stop talking and _____ with your work.
76. We had a test yesterday. I wish _____ .
A) get on B) get away C) get after D) get back
A) we hadn’t one B) we hadn’t had one
52. _____ the radio; I can’t hear what you’re saying. C) we didn’t have one D) we don’t have one
A) Turn up B) Turn on C) Turn away D) Turn down
77. The baby is crying. I think she has been _____ by the noise.
53. I am sorry I am so late. My car _____ . A) afraid B) frightened C) frighten D) frightening
A) broke up B) broke away C) broke down D) broke in
78. Your sister never saw me, _____?
54. Will you _____ the baby this morning while I do my shopping. A) did she B) does she C) didn’t you D) doesn’t she
A) look over B) look back C) look up D) look after
79. Whether one will fail or succeed depends _____ himself.
55. Did Alice ______ to live here? A) from B) on C) to D) in
A) used B) use C) used to D) ever
80. The moment she _____ her wounded husband, she burst into tears.
56. A: Are you still employed at the airport? A) will see B) sees C) has seen D) saw
B: Yes, I ______ there since 1978.
81. It’s been rainy all afternoon, ______it?
A) had been working B) worked
A) wasn’t B) isn’t C) hasn’t D) doesn’t
C) have been working D) am working
82. I am interested ______ English.
57. A: You mean there was no food left when you got to the reception?
A) at B) to C) for D) in
B: Exactly, they _____ everything up.
A) will eat B) had eaten C) ate D) have eaten 83. After I _____ my dinner, I typed my report.
A) had B) have C) had had D) will have
58. Wasn’t he really doing any work at home? No, I found him _____ in
an armchair 84. If you’re not feeling well, take a hot bath. It’ll _____ you good.
A) sleep B) to sleep C) sleeping D) slept A) do B) made C) help D) does
59. A: Which shoe of this pair did you say was too tight? 85. The twins look almost alike. None of us can _____ the difference
B: _____ ; both of them fit me perfectly. between them.
A) None B) Neither C) Nor D) No one A) say B) tell C) make D) prove
60. You look tired. What _____ ? 86. Now that I’ve bought a car, I _____ take the bus to work.
A) did you do B) were you doing A) needn’t B) must C) mustn’t D) hadn’t
C) have you been doing D) you have done 87. It’s time we _____ working.
61. A: Do you play snowball in Florida in the winter? A) start B) will start C) started D) had started
B: No, it _____ for that. 88. _____ strange car we saw near the post office belongs to the major.
A) isn’t so cold B) is very cold A) One of B) The C) An D) Two
C) isn’t cold enough D) isn’t too cold
89. The river that runs ______ our town has now become a health hazard.
62. If I _____ your father, I would certainly punish you for this. A) in B) through C) over D) from
A) am B) were C) had been D) was
90. I wonder if you could give me _____ advice about finding a job.
63. The journalist saw two brigands _____ an old man to death. A) an B) a C) any D) many
A) beat B) bit C) bite D) beaten
91. How long ago did you _____?
64. Thousands of traffic accidents ______ by careless drivers every day. A) have painted your house B) had your house painted
A) are caused B) will cause C) caused D) cause C) have your house painted D) have your house paint
65. I’ve just finished ______ my shopping. 92. I really think there is too ____ furniture in your office?
A) to make B) doing C) to do D) making A) much B) more C) many D) most
66. She has no intention of _____ a poor man like you. 93. My coffee is _____ hot that I can’t drink it.
A) marry B) to marry C) marrying D) married A) very B) much C) so D) too
67. I wish _____ what to do in an emergency like this. 94. I _____ him at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow.
A) I knew B) I know C) knowing D) to know A) am supposed to see B) am supposed to seeing
68. You _____ watch what you are saying. The boss is very upset today. C) supposed to see D) am suppose to see
A) would rather B) had better 95. Paul studies his lessons the most carefully _____ all the students in
C) had rather D) would sooner class.
69. The old woman knew about everything ____ was going on in the A) than B) from C) as D) of
neighborhood. 96. Because it was raining, the children _____ out.
A) what B) where C) that D) who A) wasn’t going B) hadn’t gone
C) didn’t go D) have gone
70. Very _____ people can learn how to read efficiently.
A) less B) few C) little D) a little 97. While they were mending the wall, the roof _____ in.
A) falls B) fell C) is falling D) had fallen
71. He sometimes wishes he _____ a computer.
A) doesn’t touch B) will not touch 98. He found that the petrol tank ____ since he left the town.
C) had never touched D) has never touched A) leaked B) is leaking
C) was leaking D) had been leaking
72. Roy didn’t go to school yesterday and _____.
A) nor didn’t James B) neither didn’t James 99. It ____ me a long time to realize she had deceived me.
C) James didn’t either D) James didn’t too A) take B) took C) takes D) will be taken
100. The bus was crowded yesterday, so we ______ stand all the way.
A) had B) would have C) had to D) will have to

Book 1 Part D 156 Test 3

1. She traveled _____ the world. 25. There isn’t ____ at the bus-stop.
A) over B) across C) on D) around A) anybody B) any persons C) people D) somebody
2. There’s a park across the street ____ the hospital. 26. He hasn’t bought ____ oranges.
A) of B) to C) from D) for A) a lot B) any C) much D) some
3. I’m taking ____ some books. 27. ____ don’t like red wine.
A) hers B) her C) to her D) she A) Some people B) Somebody
C) Any people D) Anybody
4. ____ bottle on the table.
A) It has a B) There’s a C) It’s a D) There are 28. Tom didn’t call the police. Helen didn’t call ____ .
A) them, either B) him, either
5. A: Does your mother like Turkish coffee?
C) them, too D) him, too
B: Yes, she ____ .
A) do B) does C) does like D) likes 29. Sally is ____ George.
A) as tall than B) so tall as
6. I have a very good radio. I don’t need ____ .
C) as tall as D) so tall that
A) other one B) any C) some D) another one
30. Who ____ on Sundays?
7. Helen is always reading books. She ____ like to read.
A) do help you B) you help
A) will B) would C) must D) can
C) do you help D) you do help
8. I am not ____ to vote.
31. A: What is Mary like?
A) very old B) old enough C) enough old D) old for
B: She ____ .
9. Tom and Helen ____ the radio. A) is very well B) likes ice-cream
A) are listening on B) are listening to C) is like tall D) is very pretty
C) is listening on D) is listening to
32. ____ to California last month?
10. Where’s the book? A) Did he go B) Was he
A) There’s it B) He’s under the chair C) Is like tall D) Has he gone
C) It’s here D) There’s on a chair
33. A: Whose is that?
11. What’s her brother doing? B: It’s ____ .
A) They are playing B) He is playing football A) my B) of Tom
C) They are playing golf D) He is playing C) my sister D) ours
12. I am not used to ____ strong coffee. 34. Helen never eats potatoes, and ____ .
A) drink B) drinking C) drank D) drunk A) so doesn’t Ken B) neither doesn’t Ken
C) neither does Ken D) neither Ken does
13. A: Are you going to find a new job?
B: I don’t know. I ____ . 35. The party will start ____ Sunday.
A) should B) might C) must D) will A) on 9 o’clock at B) at 9 o’clock on
C) at 9 o’clock in D) 9 o’clock
14. Tom is tall, and ____ .
A) Henry is, too B) Henry is to 36. This is ____ that.
C) George’s too. D) Henry is A) the same as B) the same that
C) different that D) different
15. A: Do Mr. and Mrs. Smith speak French?
B: ____ . 37. I don’t know who ____ chocolate.
A) He does, but she doesn’t A) like B) likes C) is liking D) is like
B) He speaks, but she doesn’t speak
38. Fred eats ____ bread.
C) He speaks, but she isn’t
A) too many B) fewer C) too much D) any
D) He is, but she doesn’t
39. A: Who went to Bursa?
16. Do they live in England?
B: Helen ____ .
A) Yes, they live B) No, they don’t have
A) did B) went C) has D) is
C) Yes, they do D) No, they aren’t
40. Ask him ____ .
17. Helen is behind Mary. Mary is ____ Helen.
A) how old is he B) how old he is
A) beside B) between C) in front of D) next
C) Helen is D) how old he has
18. That’s Helen. She ____ .
41. This is ____ friend.
A) is long hair B) has long hair
A) of Helen B) Helen’s C) Helen is D) Helen
C) have long hair D) have hair long
42. ____ the ball.
19. What’s that man?
A) Kicking B) Kick C) What if D) What is
A) He’s Tom B) He’s a driver
C) It’s tom D) Yes, he is 43. I can kick a ball, but I ____ play football.
A) can B) am C) can’t D) will
20. He ____ his own meals while his wife was at her mother’s.
A) often cooks B) cooks quite often 44. ____ eat the ice-cream.
C) often cooked D) has often cooked A) Don’t B) Can’t C) Where D) When
21. Is that a dog? 45. Please walk ____ the street.
A) Yes, it is B) Yes, that’s A) after B) across C) for D) out
C) Yes, it’s that dog D) Yes, a dog is that
46. What ____ in her hand?
22. There are ____ in the classroom but only one teacher. A) she has B) is she
A) many student B) much student C) does she have D) she is
C) a lot of students D) a lot of student
47. Helen has ____ headache.
23. Helen ____ . A) a B) the C) some D) an
A) gave Tom the pen B) gave the pen Tom
48. Tom has ____ flu.
C) gave to Tom the pen D) gave to the pen Tom
A) a B) the C) some D) an
24. The sun ____ in the east.
49. Peter has a fever because he has ____ measles.
A) is always rising B) rises always
A) a B) the C) some D) of
C) always is rising D) always rises

Book 1 Part D 157 Test 4

50. The car is dirty. We ____ wash it. 78. Mrs. Brown feels ____ .
A) don’t have to B) have A) beautifully B) nicely C) terrible D) easily
C) have to D) do
79. If he ____ really as happy as you say, why doesn’t he smile
51. How many ____ are there? occasionally?
A) shoe B) pair of shoes A) is B) were C) was D) be
C) pair D) pairs of shoes
80. The movie ____ interesting at the end.
52. Whose slippers ____ ? A) stops B) sees C) goes D) gets
A) this is B) is this C) are these D) is this
81. A: My brothers speak English.
53. We’ll ____ swimming. B: So ____ .
A) go to B) going C) to D) go A) my brothers do B) my brothers speak
C) do my brothers D) my brothers speak too
54. I’m ____ shopping.
A) going B) can’t go C) go D) don’t go 82. I went to New York. So ____ .
A) I went B) she goes
55. The ____ house is on Park Street.
C) did my friend D) she also
A) Bill’s B) friend C) Browns’ D) boys
83. I can’t speak French, and my friend can’t ____ .
56. Peter wants ____ a pocket calculator now.
A) so B) either C) so too D) neither
A) uses B) likes C) to use D) be
84. Tom’s mother sent ____ a letter.
57. A: What ____ ?
A) him B) for him C) to him D) by him
B: It’s November 22, 1984.
A) the date is B) day C) is the date D) day is today 85. A: ____ can design computers?
B: Engineers can.
58. A: When is your birthday?
A) How B) Who C) Why D) Whom
B: It is ____ August.
A) on B) into C) between D) in 86. ____ do you write to about the job?
A) What B) Why C) Whom D) When
59. My birthday is ____ June 27.
A) on B) into C) between D) in 87. Kathy is wearing a hat ____ is red.
A) it B) so C) that D) such
60. There isn’t ____ at your house now.
A) person B) somebody C) people D) anybody 88. Helen has a friend ____ plays football.
A) who B) always C) he D) his team
61. Is there ____ on the meat?
A) anybody B) thing C) anything D) somebody 89. She showed me some pictures ____ were very interesting.
A) that B) all C) their D) they
62. Betty ____ come to the party.
A) may not B) is C) maybe D) does 90. Do you know where ____ a good dinner?
A) a restaurant for B) get
63. The brown car is ____ than the white car.
C) we can get D) can we get
A) smaller B) the smallest C) smallest D) small
91. It is difficult ____ English?
64. The movie is ____ than the book.
A) to learn B) having C) have D) speak
A) most interesting B) interesting
C) more interesting D) interestingly 92. I don’t understand how ____ the homework.
A) write B) doing C) read D) to do
65. These apples aren’t as ____ those.
A) better than B) good as 93. This is my friend ____ house is near mine.
C) good D) better A) who lives in B) whose
C) who is D) in this
66. That TV program is ____ than the other one.
A) good B) worst C) worse D) well 94. Do you know ____ car that is?
A) if B) with a C) how fast D) whose
67. The man ____ you bought this car from cheated you.
A) which B) that C) what D) which that 95. It ____ this morning when I woke up.
A) is raining B) will rain C) was raining D) would rain
68. ____ did Tom eat for breakfast?
A) When B) Where C) What D) How 96. I was sleeping ____ the alarm rang.
A) when B) how C) why D) which
69. A: ____ did you go there?
B: To visit some friends. 97. If Frank had more time, he ____ to see more movies.
A) When B) Why C) How D) What A) would B) would be able
C) can D) had
70. I spent ____ time studying for the test.
A) a lot of B) hours of C) a few D) not much 98. We will work on the problem ____ we solve it.
A) why B) how C) until D) by
71. They have been good friends ____ 1978.
A) for B) in C) since D) before 99. I look forward ____ you soon.
A) of visiting B) to visiting C) to visit D) visiting
72. David has been ____ for three hours.
A) working B) to work C) worked D) not work 100. He is ____ to understand my instructions.
A) very stupid B) stupid enough
73. I can’t find my book ____ .
C) too stupid D) such a stupid
A) everywhere B) not here C) where D) anywhere
74. I want to go ____ this weekend.
A) everywhere B) mountains C) somewhere D) beach
75. Tom speaks English ____ .
A) good B) difficult C) easy D) well
76. My friend drives ____ .
A) fast B) bad C) good D) careful
77. We work ____ every day.
A) well B) bad C) good D) much

Book 1 Part D 158 Test 4

1. A: Did you read this book? 24. Find the driver ____ car is blocking the entrance.
B: No, I didn’t. I wish I ____ it. A) which B) whom C) what D) whose
A) read B) can read C) had read D) will read
25. We will have another test tomorrow. I wish ____ .
2. He will study ____ . A) we wouldn’t have one B) we hadn’t had one
A) until I will come back B) when I came back C) we don’t have one D) we won’t have one
C) when I will come back D) until I come back
26. I didn’t take the test last week. I wish ____ .
3. He has a headache so he ____ take an aspirin. A) I took it B) I would have take it
A) must B) ought C) had to D) must have C) I had taken it D) I have taken it
4. By the end of the year, I ____ this journey ten times. 27. I haven’t had a peaceful day ____ six months.
A) will do B) will have done A) from B) at C) for D) since
C) will be doing D) will have been doing
28. She likes Turkish coffee ____ .
5. He would have told me if he ____ it. A) much B) very much C) very D) as well as
A) knew B) would know
C) has known D) had known 29. Was the sound ____ you heard like a roar of lion?
A) that B) what C) who D) whose
6. You will have a long holiday if you ____ your class.
A) will pass B) are going to pass 30. Mary ____ the house early yesterday morning.
C) pass D) would pass A) left B) leaves C) has left D) is leaving

7. I didn’t know that your book ____ into English until Charles told me. 31. She’d rather that ____ with her homework.
A) translating B) translated A) you help B) you to help C) you helped D) will help
C) have been translated D) had been translated 32. Which book ____ ?
8. The Browns will go on a picnic unless it ____ . A) Mary likes B) does Mary likes
A) doesn’t rain B) won’t rain C) Mary like D) does Mary like
C) rains D) will rain 33. The United Kingdom and France made ____ its doors to European
9. The teacher has Ali ____ the blackboard everyday. drug sellers in 1860.
A) cleaned B) clean C) cleans D) to clean A) China to open B) China opened
C) China open D) China opening
10. Don’t mention it. It’s the ____ I can do.
A) little B) least C) less D) likely 34. She swims ____ than I do.
A) good B) well C) better D) too good
11. Don’t you always feel very ____ when you are home?
A) happy B) hardly C) happily D) nicely 35. ____ Germany nor England really cares for the rights of
underdeveloped countries.
12. Helen has finished her school and ____ . A) Either B) Nor C) Not D) Neither
A) so did her brother B) so has her brother
C) so finished her brother D) so her brother has 36. You ____ the car carelessly because it is still very dirty.
A) shouldn’t clean B) could clean
13. Rose doesn’t like horror films and ____. C) must have cleaned D) can’t have cleaned
A) James doesn’t too B) James doesn’t either
C) James doesn’t neither D) nor doesn’t James 37. ____ help our friends, shall we?
A) Let’s B) Shall we C) To D) Will we
14. He must be the director. I remember ____ in school.
A) to be him B) him to be 38. I am interested ____ swimming.
C) seeing him D) saw him A) for B) in C) to D) at

15. Both boxers trained very ___ for several weeks before the fight. 39. He’s been with us ____ ten years.
A) much B) hardly C) many D) hard A) since B) from C) in D) for

16. A: Helen is leaving home to get a job in New York. 40. Children often cut ____ with a knife.
B: I think ____ will make her father sad. A) himself B) they C) herself D) themselves
A) her leaving B) she leaving 41. The ____ names are Helen and Lucy.
C) she leaves D) her to leave A) woman’s B) women C) their D) women’s
17. He ____ mistake in the examination. 42. I’m sure he ____ a job by the end of the year.
A) did a B) was C) made a D) made A) will be finding B) will have found
18. Do you know where ____ ? C) will be having D) will have been finding
A) will they meet B) they will meet 43. It’s been cloudy all morning, ____ it?
C) do they meet D) are they meeting A) hasn’t B) doesn’t C) isn’t D) wasn’t
19. These grapes ____ in the sun. 44. You never went there, ____ you?
A) has been dried B) have been dry A) do B) did C) don’t D) didn’t
C) have been dried D) have being dried
45. Stress, ____ is a psychological problem, may lead to physical illness.
20. He ____ for half an hour when he realized he was painting the wrong A) which B) what C) that D) whose
A) worked B) had worked 46. Helen must work hard, ____ she?
C) has worked D) has been working A) mustn’t B) doesn’t C) must D) does

21. I haven’t eaten anything ____ . 47. A: How is your father’s cold?
A) since five hours B) since yesterday morning B: ____ it get worse, we will call the doctor.
C) for yesterday morning D) for five o’clock A) Should B) Might C) If D) Unless

22. The teacher told us ____ noise in class. 48. Try to be a little more tactful, ____ you?
A) don’t make B) not to make A) don’t B) aren’t C) will D) are
C) not make D) not making
49. He said he ____ her.
23. I can’t remember the writer of the book _____ I have just read. A) know B) is knowing C) known D) knew
A) who B) whose C) whom D) that

Book 1 Part D 159 Test 5

50. She told me where ____ . 76. If you ____ your book, you will have a long holiday.
A) she lived B) does she live A) finish B) will finish
C) has she lived D) did she live C) are going to finish D) finished
51. I was glad we ____ the candles when the lights went out. 77. I would have called him right away if I ____ his telephone number.
A) has had B) have been having A) have known B) will know
C) were having D) had had C) had known D) would know
52. Jack asked me if ____ swimming. 78. We will not eat outside ____ it rains.
A) do I like C) I was liked B) I liked D) did I like A) until B) since C) unless D) if
53. He has written two books, and ____ is any good. 79. ____ have coffee after lunch?
A) both of them B) neither A) Did you B) Were you C) Are you D) You were
C) one of them D) all of which
80. When ____ born?
54. I told him _____ close the door. A) did you B) were you C) are you D) you were
A) do not B) don’t to C) don’t D) not to
81. This photograph, ____ I took five years ago, shows the harbor quite
55. His teacher told them ____ hard. well.
A) study B) studied C) to study D) studying A) who B) when C) which D) what
56. When ____ to you? 82. The patient ____ by the doctor.
A) does that letter sent B) was that book sent A) has being examined B) has examined
C) did that letter sent D) can that book send C) has been examined D) has been exam

57. ____ waste any more time on this project. 83. They haven’t drunk anything ____.
A) Do B) Don’t we C) Let’s D) Let’s not A) since five hours B) since yesterday morning
C) for five o’clock D) for yesterday morning
58. He doesn’t know anything about cars, so he ____ by a trained
mechanic. 84. John has written a novel and ____ .
A) repairs it B) it repairs A) so his sister, has B) so got married his sister
C) has it repaired D) is repaired C) so has his sister D) so did his sister
85. Rose didn’t do anything yesterday, and ____ .
59. Rarely ____ such terrible poverty as in this African city.
A) nor James B) neither James
A) she had seen B) she was being seen
C) James didn’t either D) James hadn’t either
C) had she seen D) was she seen
86. He ____ less work than his wife.
60. ____ all that rubbish thrown away, will you? A) made B) made a C) was D) did
A) Please B) Let C) Do D) Have
87. Most of my students would rather ____ .
61. What do you want ____ ? A) play than study B) play than studies
A) to me to do B) me to do C) to me do D) me do C) plays than study D) to play than to study
62. We ____ shelter until it stops snowing, or we’ll freeze. 88. Does anybody know where ____ ?
A) had better B) had had C) had rather to D) would better A) are they meeting B) do they meet
C) will they meet D) they will meet
63. ____ that dress specially made for you?
A) Have you B) Hadn’t you C) Had you D) Did you have 89. I think the roof needs ____ .
A) mending B) to mend
64. She finally admitted ____ the key. C) be mended D) to be mending
A) taking B) took C) to take D) takes
90. She had the servant ____ the windows.
65. I’d appreciate ____ from you. A) to clean B) clean C) cleans D) cleaned
A) to hear B) heard C) hear D) hearing
91. Aunt Elizabeth got the roof ____ .
66. Does she deny ____ that? A) mends B) mend C) mended D) to mend
A) to say B) says C) saying D) said
92. I ____ the test when the bell rang.
67. We’re looking forward ____ the museum. A) already have finished B) have already finished
A) visit B) visiting C) to visiting D) to visit C) had already finish D) had already finished
68. It’s no good ____ the door after the money has been stolen. It’s too 93. She dances ____ than I do.
late. A) badly B) too badly C) worst D) worse
A) lock B) locking C) locks D) to lock
94. Mary ____ the house early yesterday morning
69. Why don’t you try ____ it with a hammer? It might work. A) lived B) left C) has left D) leaves
A) hit B) having hit C) hitting D) to be hitting
95. We had a test yesterday, I wish ____ .
70. The police said he ____ arrested on several previous occasions. A) we hadn’t one B) we didn’t have one
A) might be B) would have been C) we hadn’t had one D) we wouldn’t have one
C) will be D) had been
96. Has she ever ____ her leg?
71. He never spends ____ money. A) broken B) breaking C) broke D) breaks
A) many B) some C) much D) a lot
97. Will you ____ have lunch with us tomorrow?
72. We will work on the computer ____. A) be able to B) are able to C) able to D) be able
A) when he will come back B) by the time he came back
C) until he comes back D) until he will come back 98. What kind of books ____ ?
A) does Mary likes B) Mary likes
73. He has an exam tomorrow, so he ____ study. C) Mary like D) does Mary like
A) ought B) must C) had to D) must have
99. I have to go to a dentist tomorrow. I wish ____.
74. You say you have gone to his office, but I think you ____ A) I have gone there B) I had gone there
A) ought to phone him B) ought to have phoned him C) I wouldn’t have to D) I wouldn’t have gone there
C) should has phoned him D) should phone him
100. My son is seventeen years old. He is ____ to get married.
75. She would tell you so if she ____ it. A) too old B) old enough
A) had known B) would know C) too young D) enough young
C) has known D) knew

Book 1 Part D 160 Test 5

1. I ____ here for five years so far. 30. Mary wondered what ____ that I wanted.
A) worked B) have worked A) it was B) is it C) was it D) it is
C) am working D) was working 31. I got the computer ____.
2. George must go home now, but he wishes ____ . A) repairing B) repaired C) repairs D) to repair
A) he hasn’t had to B) hadn’t had to 32. I ____ up early last year.
C) he mustn’t D) he didn’t have to A) use to get B) used to getting
3. The teacher told us ____ any mistakes. C) used get D) used to get
A) don’t make B) not make 33. You are ____ I am.
C) not to make D) not made A) the same age as B) the same age with
4. I took a taxi so that I ____ miss the train. C) the same age like D) same age as
A) can’t B) wouldn’t C) won’t D) don’t 34. He’s ____ dressed quickly.
5. The ____ names are David and Samuel. A) use getting B) use to getting
A) man’s B) men’s C) men D) their C) used to get D) used to getting
6. You never saw him, ____ you? 35. I wish I ____ yesterday.
A) did B) do C) didn’t D) don’t A) met B) would meet C) had met D) meet

7. They walked ____ the hospital. 36. Do you mind ____ the window?
A) until to B) as far as C) until D) as much as A) closing B) to close C) close D) to closing
37. They came here ____ the second day of May.
8. Who ____ ?
A) until B) in C) on D) at
A) for you waited B) did you wait for you
C) did you wait for D) did wait for you 38. She wrote her name on ____ book.
A) most B) each C) all D) both
9. There’s a boy over there, ____?
A) doesn’t there B) wasn’t there 39. I’d ____ finish this book.
C) isn’t it D) isn’t there A) not better to B) not better C) better not D) better not to

10. He’ll take ___. 40. She ____ go there.

A) them off B) of them C) them of D) bus on A) would rather not B) wouldn’t rather
C) would rather not to D) would rather don’t
11. We’ll get ____ here.
41. ____ clever, he would not have passed.
A) on bus B) the bus on C) on the bus D) bus on
A) Was he not B) If he been
12. She has been with us ____ ten years. C) If he will not be D) If he had not been
A) since B) from C) for D) in
42. The policeman ____ that man if he doesn’t stop disturbing neighbors.
13. We must be very careful when we drive, ____ we? A) arrests B) will arrest C) would arrest D) had arrested
A) mustn’t B) must C) oughtn’t D) don’t 43. He would never have found such a good job ____ his uncle’s help.
14. It’s been rainy all afternoon, ____ it? A) if B) with C) unless D) but for
A) wasn’t B) isn’t C) hasn’t D) doesn’t 44. If only ____ , this wouldn’t have happened.
15. Children often hurt ____ while playing in the garden. A) we have been careful B) had we been careful
A) themselves B) himself C) their D) they C) we were not careful D) we had been careful
16. New York is ____ important city in USA. 45. John: I’m tired.
A) the more B) the most C) more D) most Jerry: Yes, you look as if ____ a good night’s sleep.
A) you need B) you would be needed
17. I am interested ____ flying kites. C) you would need D) you’ve needed
A) at B to C) for D) in
46. Would he have gone to Europe if ____ Europeans are racists?
18. The temperature is about 35C today, ____ it? A) he had known B) he was knowing
A) isn’t B) doesn’t C) shall D) won’t C) had he known D) was he knowing
19. His father told him ____ careful. 47. No matter what he said to his girlfriend, she ____ listen to him.
A) being B) to be C) be D) been A) isn’t B) wasn’t C) wouldn’t D) couldn’t
20. She told him where ____. 48. Mary: Why didn’t you call me?
A) she lived B) does she live Jane: Well, ____ all this week.
C) has she lived D) did she live A) I was trying to call you B) Trying to call you
C) I’ve been trying to call you D) I tried to call you
21. ____ their sister given a present last year?
A) Are B) Is C) Was D) Does 49. Tony: What a surprise to see you at the airport yesterday!
Bill: Yes, ____ some friends.
22. She’s ____ her lunch.
A) I’ve been seeing off B) I’ve seen off
A) already eaten B) still eaten
C) I was seeing off D) I would see off
C) eaten yet D) yet eaten
50. We’re delighted to see you back! ____ you so much!
23. English ____ almost everywhere in the world. A) We’ve missed B) We were missing
A) is speaking B) is spoke C) is spoken D) spoken C) We had missed D) We are missing
24. She asked me if ____ her. 51. Tom: I’ve been reading Turkish books.
A) I had seen B) had I seen C) I have seen D) did I see Ann: Oh, really? ____ you knew Turkish.
25. I asked him ____ close the door. A) I haven’t known B) I didn’t know
A) do not B) don’t to C) not to D) don’t C) I hadn’t known D) I don’t know
26. Jack asked me if ____ swimming. 52. Dan: Have you ever seen her secret house?
A) did I like B) I liked C) do I like D) I was liked Bob: Yes, ____ last year
A) I’d seen it B) I’ve seen it
27. When ____ to you? C) I saw it D) I did see it
A) did that letter send B) does that letter send
C) is that letter sending D) was that letter sent 53. I think you ____ this work yesterday evening.
A) should have done B) had done
28. Where do you want ____? C) should do D) would do
A) me go B) to me go C) to me to go D) me to go
54. They discovered that the files ____ stolen while they were the other
29. He said he ____ her before. room.
A) meets B) has met C) had met D) was met A) is B) will be C) had been D) was been

Book 1 Part D 161 Test 6

55. I asked you to get some white cheese! You ____ bought this! 81. If only ________ it, none of this would’ve happened.
A) shouldn’t have B) hadn’t to have A) I wouldn’t have mentioned B) I hadn’t mentioned
C) mustn’t have D) wouldn’t have C) I haven’t mentioned D) I would’ve mentioned
56. I always enjoyed ____ in that lake in summer. 82. A: I’ve got a terrible headache.
A) to have swum B) been swimming B: Yes, you look as if ________ an aspirin.
C) to swimming D) swimming A) you need B) you would need
57. The boy told his teacher a lie to avoid ____. C) you would’ve needed D) you’ve needed
A) be punished B) to be punished 83. ________ to the market, when it started to the rain.
C) being punished D) punishing A) I was just about to go B) I would just go
58. The two children ____ to look forward ____ to their grandparents C) I’m just about to go D) I’ve just about gone
house at Christmas 84. ________ but I didn’t have enough money.
A) use / to going B) used / to going A) I would buy it B) I will have bought it
C) used to / to go D) use to / to go C) I was going to buy it D) I’ll buy it
59. Having worked hard for three months, he succeeded ____ his exam. 85. A: Why haven’t you told me about your problems before?
A) to pass B) in to pass C) in passing D) passing B: Well, ________ all this week.
60. They accused him ___ a thief. A) I was trying to tell you all about them
A) for being B) as being C) of being D) to be B) I’ve been trying to tell you all about them
C) I’m trying to tell you all about them
61. We are very busy at the office. I must ____ my holiday for a while.
D) I tried to tell you all about them
A) put up B) put through C) put off D) put in
86. A: Did you see your boss at the airport yesterday!
62. We have an extra room in our house. We will gladly ____ you ____
B: Yes, ________ his family.
for a week or two.
A) he’s been seeing off B) he was seeing off
A) put / up B) put / off C) put / through D) put / in
C) he was seen off D) he would see off
63. How do you find your new neighbors? I’ve heard they are difficult
to ____ . 87. A: What is the most serious disadvantage of living in a city?
A) get up B) get on with C) get down D) get over B: The most serious one is ________ the city is too noisy.
A) hich is B) about which
64. I tried to telephone my family several times last night, but I just C) because of the fact that D) that
couldn’t ____.
A) get up B) get on with C) get down D) get through 88. How nice to be back home! ________ it so much!
A) We’ve missed B) We had missed
65. Who do you think will ____ when he resigns? C) We were missing D) We are missing
A) take over B) take in C) take up D) take off
89. A: I’ve been working a lot on my computer these days.
66. With her blue eyes she seems to ____ her aunt. B: Oh, really? ________ you had a computer.
A) take after B) take off C) take away D) take for A) I haven’t known B) I hadn’t known
67. There was so much noise I could hardly ____ what he was saying. C) I didn’t know D) I don’t know
A) make out B) make for C) make up D) make off 90. A: Have you written to them?
68. Despite the snowstorm, we decided to ____ Chicago instead of B: Yes, ________ twice last month.
sleeping in the car. A) I’d written to them B) I wrote to them
A) make out B) make for C) make up D) make off C) I’ve written to them D) I would have written to them
69. After the operation one of the nurses stayed at his bedside, waiting 91. A: How long has he been away?
for him to ____ . B: Oh, ________ three weeks on Friday.
A) come up B) come around A) he’ll be gone B) he’ll gone
C) come off D) come away C) he will have been D) he will have been gone
70. He’s full of wonderful plans, but they very seldom ____ . 92. A: I do hope we can watch TV tonight.
A) come in B) come about C) come off D) come down B: Oh, yes. I’m sure ________ the serial by now.
71. He got a low mark, but he ____ to have answered most of the questions A) they’ll put up B) they’ll have put up
correctly. C) they’d put up D) they’ll be put up
A) contracts B) claims C) blames D) conceives 93. A: What excellent French you speak!
72. She was fifteen minutes late because she was __ by a traffic jam. B: So ________ ! I lived in Paris for twenty years.
A) bent on B) fled C) troubled D) delayed A) I must B) I should C) I am to D) I have to
73. Teachers like ________ students. 94. A: What was that noise?
A) conscious B) conscientious B: Oh, don’t worry; it ________ the cat.
C) consenting D) conscience A) should’ve been B) can be
C) must have been D) ought to be
74. Her parents will never ________ such outrageous behavior.
A) put up B) endeavor C) concentrate D) tolerate 95. What a lovely carpet you’ve bought! It ________ expensive!
A) should’ve been B) has been
75. After trying for some time, he gave ________ working on it.
C) must have been D) ought to be
A) way B) up C) in D) on
76. Are you any good ________ making soup? 96. He is getting fatter and fatter. He ________ eating too much.
A) by B) for C) at D) from A) must be B) can be C) may D) might

77. ________ for his great courage, all lives would have been lost. Find the synonyms of the underlined words.
A) It had not been B) It wouldn’t have seen 97. It’s incredible to see him in such good health after the accident.
C) Had it not been D) Wouldn’t it have been A) creditable B) increasing C) unthinkable D) unbelievable
78. Yes, I know you’re tired this morning, but ________ to the party, 98. She was angry because he disregarded her feelings in this matter.
you wouldn’t have come home late. A) did not ignore B) discharged
A) if you would have gone B) if you hadn’t gone C) paid no attention to D) considered
C) if you have gone D) if you wouldn’t have gone
99. During the ten years he worked in Germany he accumulated a fortune.
79. Unless he’s offered more money elsewhere, ________ this job. A) made B) expanded C) concentrated D) increased
A) he won’t accept B) he would accept
100. He did his work reluctantly because he did not like the director.
C) he’ll accept D) he wouldn’t accept
A) slowly B) unwillingly C) inefficiently D) unhesitatingly
80. If I’d realized this before, I ________ in such a mess now.
A) won’t have been B) wouldn’t be
C) wouldn’t have been D) won’t be
Book 1 Part D 162 Test 6
1. A: I’ve eaten far too much! 27. I want to pay ________ the book.
B: Oh ________ all that exercise. A) at B) for C) of D) to
A) it has to be B) it must be 28. She takes ________ her shoes when she enter the house.
C) it ought to be D) it should be A) on B) in C) off D) of
2. A: There was a lot of noise in this building last night. 29. Put ________ your sweater before you get out.
B: Well, ________ . I was out at a party all night. A) on B) in C) down D) at
A) it might have been me B) it mustn’t have been me
C) it couldn’t have been me D) it shouldn’t have been me 30. The tourist asked ________ some information.
A) of B) for C) from D) to
3. A: I’m surprised your husband didn’t stay longer.
B: Well, ________ , had the weather been better. 31. I don’t like ________ hot drinks.
A) he should have done B) he might’ve done A) serve B) serving to C) to serving D) being served
C) he has done D) he must have done 32. They continued ________ songs.
4. A: Must I always pay my rent by cheque? A) to singing B) to sing C) with singing D) being singing
B: No, ________ . Pay it however you want to. 33. The costumer insists on ________ , so hurry up.
A) you needn’t B) you mustn’t A) serving B) being served C) serve D) having served
C) you shouldn’t D) you oughtn’t
34. She didn’t finish ________ coffee.
5. A: I hate all this polite chat at cocktail parties. A) have B) having C) to have D) have
B: Oh, you ________ polite in my house. Say whatever you want!
A) mustn’t be B) shouldn’t be 35. The house is ________ for him to buy.
C) needn’t be D) oughtn’t to be A) made B) did C) had D) making
6. I’m sorry but I can’t ________ anybody at the moment because the 36. The ________ we climbed, the thinner the air became.
bedrooms are being redecorated. A) high B) higher C) highly D) highest
A) put up B) put up with C) put off D) put with 37. They never ________ plans for the work.
7. I must say I wouldn’t buy it, but don’t be ________ by me. A) make B) do C) perform D) ask
A) put up B) put up with C) put off D) put with 38. His brother was here ________ Saturday.
8. If he hadn’t been so drunk, he would have ________ his ideas more A) in B) by C) on D) at
convincingly. 39. Ali always goes to school ________ bus.
A) put across B) put up with C) put through D) put with A) with B) by C) on D) in
9. The noise in the classroom is getting unbearable. I simply won’t 40. She is still in school, ________ ?
________ it! A) is she B) isn’t it C) isn’t she D) is it
A) put across B) put up with C) put through D) put with
41. A: Don’t you like this lesson?
10. I’ll never go to that grocer’s again. He seems to ________ his prices B: ________ .
every day. A) No, I’m not. B) No, I don’t C) No, I don’t like. D) Yes, I don’t.
A) put up B) put up with C) put off D) put with
42. The social problems of Spain are ________ those of Turkey.
11. A: How do you find your new colleague? A) alike B) similar C) same as D) the same as
B: I’m told he’s difficult to ________ .
A) get on with B) get along with C) get over D) get off 43. Jim is not ________ a quick worker ________ you are.
A) such / as B) so / that C) such / that D) more / than
12. They say he’ll never ________ his dismissal.
A) get on with B) get along with C) get over D) get off 44. “You didn’t understand what he was saying. I didn’t, either.” means:
A) Either you or I understood what he was saying.
13. I tried to telephone Istanbul yesterday, but I just couldn’t ________. B) Neither you nor I understood what he was saying.
A) get on with B) get along with C) Both you and I understood what he was saying.
C) get through D) get off D) Just as you understood what he was saying so did I.
14. Mr. Brown is so old now he just can’t ________ as he used to. 45. The guest, ________ , apologized to the host for his attitude.
A) get about B) get away C) get around D) off A) his mistake is realized B) he realized his mistake
15. There’s no doubt that he’s guilty and I’m sure he won’t ________ . C) realizing his mistake D) realized his mistake.
A) get about B) get across C) get off D) get away 46. “He needn’t have beaten the child.” means:
16. I’ll have so much spare time, I’ll probably ______ some kind of hobby. A) He didn’t beat the child B) The child needed to be beaten.
A) take up B) take along C) take down D) take in C) He needed to beat the child. D) He beat the child.
17. Have you any idea which son of his will _______ when he retires? 47. “I’d much rather have watched TV at home.” means:
A) take up B) take along C) take over D) take in A) I will watch TV at home. B) I couldn’t watch TV at home.
C) I watched TV at home. D) I won’t watch TV at home.
18. He’s very funny when he ________ his grandfather.
A) takes off B) takes to C) takes after D) takes for 48. “Jane didn’t need to worry about Judy.” means:
A) Jane wanted Judy to worry. B) Jane didn’t need Judy to worry.
19. She ________ her friends for advice on investing her money. C) Jane didn’t worry about Judy. D) Jane worried about Judy.
A) looks after B) looks away C) looks to D) looks into
49. “You could have done more than you did to help her wash the car.”
20. It’s very difficult to ________ a person who has so many prejudices. means:
A) take to B) take off C) take in D) take for A) You helped more than she wanted you to.
21. The line’s very bad. It’s difficult to ________ what he’s saying. B) You helped her but not much.
A) make off B) make out C) make for D) make up C) You helped as much as you could.
D) You didn’t help her at all.
22. I don’t really like his being absent so much, but he does ________
the most amusing excuses. 50. “If I hadn’t been wearing my boots, I would have been sick.” means:
A) make for B) make up C) make away D) make out A) It’s a pity I didn’t wear my boots.
B) It’s pity I more my boots.
23. They attacked the poor man and ________ every penny he had. C) It’s a good thing I was wearing my boots.
A) stole him B) stole of him C) robbed him D) robbed him of D) It’s a good thing I didn’t wear my boots.
24. To avoid paying death duties, he’ll ________ his whole estate to his
51. The furniture ______ wonderful but ______ hard and uncomfortable.
son this year.
A) seems / sounds B) looks / feels
A) make over B) make for C) make off D) make up
C) looks / sounds D) feels / seems
25. No, the burglar didn’t take too much, but he did manage to ________ 52. “You can look after yourself and I can look after myself” means: “We
some of my best carpets. can look after ________”
A) make for with B) make out with A) each other B) yourself C) ourselves D) myself
C) make off with D) make of with
53. ________ he does, his mother forgives him.
26. Helen served tea ________ them. A) Whenever B) Wherever C) Whatever D) However
A) from B) to C) in D) at

Book 1 Part D 163 Test 7

54. Witness: Two men and a woman stole the money. 77. “I think she might be on this bus.” means: ________ on this bus.
Detective: Did you actually see ______ the money? A) She is pure she is B) She is possibly
A) them to steal B) him to steal C) She won’t be D) She is definitely
C) them stealing D) him stealing 78. A: I’ve got a terrible cold.
55. I had lunch with my friends but I ______ dinner with my family now. B: You ________ .
A) have B) have been having A) had better go to bed B) had better not go to a doctor
C) am not having D) am having C) must go out D) need to work harder
56. The party _______ by my friend. 79. ________ have a cup of coffee if you don’t mind.
A) being organized B) is being organized A) I decided to B) I’m sure to C) I’d rather D) I prefer
C) organized D) is organizing 80. The car ________ if you ________ to a mechanic.
57. He ______ the accident if he ______ drunk; but he was drunk and A) breaks down / will take it
had the accident. B) will break down / will take
A) wouldn’t have / hadn’t been B) wouldn’t have / weren’t C) is going to break down / don’t take it
C) wouldn’t have had / weren’t D) wouldn’t have had / hadn’t been D) will break down / won’t take it
58. A: What was he arrested ________ ? 81. Those policemen react ________ faster in emergencies.
B: He smashed up a pub and left ________ paying. A) many B) a lot of C) some D) much
A) _ / on B) for / on C) for/ without D) in/ without 82. That’s the ________ car I’ve ever seen. It uses ________ petrol than
59. You are talking to a foreigner in Turkish, but you don’t think he any other car I know.
understands you. So you say: A) cheapest / less B) cheaper / less
“You ________ to understand me.” C) cheapest / the least D) cheaper / more
A) aren’t sure B) can’t C) don’t seem D) shouldn’t 83. Ali studies 3 hours a day. Emre studies 2 hours a day. Emre doesn’t
60. ________ did it take her ________ all the dishes? study ________ Ali does.
A) How much / washing B) How long / to wash A) so hard that B) as hard as C) as good as D) less than
C) How long / washing D) How much / to wash 84. He always leaves ________ work at 5:30 and goes ________ home.
61. Who is that pretty girl ________ ? A) from / to B) _ / _ C) _ / to D) from / _
A) that everybody is looking B) everybody is looking at her 85. How are we going to finish this work when we’ve got only ________
C) which everybody is looking D) everybody is looking at time and ________ people to do it?
62. The bad smell in the kitchen was really _______ . We were all _______. A) a few / a few B) a little / a little
A) disgusting / disgusted B) disgusting / disgust C) a few / a little D) a little / a few
C) disgusted / disgusting D) disgust / disgusting 86. There isn’t ________ food left but there are ________ drinks.
A) any / some B) some / some C) some / any D) any / any
63. Today many parents ________ their children go to bed late.
A) get B) let C) do D) force 87. A: People have a duty to fight inflation.
B: ________ .
64. Arthur: I must finish that work today. A) Neither does the Government B) So does the Government
Arthur said he ________ finish the work that day. C) So did the Government D) The Government doesn’t either
A) had to B) must C) would D) might
88. Don’t disturb them. They ________ to an important lecture.
65. I’ve been short of money ________ I bought a new house. A) listened B) listen C) are listening D) have listened
A) although B) when C) because of D) ever since
89. What are those students in the line waiting ________ ?
66. My friend broke one of the best vases, so she said: “I hope you’ll A) about B) to C) for D) at
excuse me ________ .”
A) to break that vase B) for breaking that vase 90. _____ you leave the letter on the table, my sister will post it for you.
C) for being broken D) to be broken A) Unless B) If C) Wherever D) Even though
67. Cindy: Is Manhattan near here? 91. A: Why didn’t you answer me?
Cindy wanted to know ________ Manhattan was near here. B: I didn’t hear ________ .
A) what B) which C) where D) if A) why did you ask it B) what did you ask
C) what you asked D) why you asked
68. Nobody wants to do anything about that problem ________
everybody knows it is serious. 92. “He isn’t sure he can repair the damage but, he hopes to.” Means
A) that’s why B) even though C) thereby D) because of “He ________ be able to repair it.”
A) will B) should C) may D) would
69. ________ , silent people or talkative ones?
A) What you love is B) Why do you love best 93. “It’s time salaries went up” means:
C) Which you prefer is D) Who do you hate most A) This time salaries went up
B) Salaries went up that time
70. The car is terribly dirty. I’m sure it ________ for weeks. C) Salaries went up and it was the right time
A) isn’t cleaned B) hasn’t been cleaned D) We think salaries ought to go up
C) hadn’t been cleaned D) wasn’t cleaned
94. A: When did they give the workers a rise?
71. A: Why do you save ________ money? B: A rise ________ last month.
B: To get married. A) was given to them B) gave them
A) up B) for C) with D) to C) was given for them D) had been given to them
72. I ________ to him because I thought I ________ him somewhere. 95. A: Did you manage to pass the exam?
A) had spoken / saw B) spoke / saw B: It was ________ , but I managed it all right.
C) spoke / had seen D) had spoken / had seen A) difficult enough B) too difficult
C) extremely difficult D) such difficult
73. A: ________ the burglar before?
B: No, I ________ him before I saw him in the bank. 96. ________ his good work and manners he didn’t get a promotion.
A) Did you ever see / hadn’t met A) Because of B) In spite of C) Even though D) As a result of
B) Had you ever seen / hadn’t met 97. It is clear that progress destroys beauty. That’s why most people
C) Have you ever seen / didn’t meet object to it ________ our surrounding this way.
D) Had you ever seen / didn’t meet A) change B) be changed C) changed D) changing
74. A: Why did you leave the concert early? 98. A: You ought to explain this matter to the union.
B: Because I found ________ . B: It’s already been explained ________ .
A) it boring B) it bored C) bored D) boring A) them B) to them C) for them D) to this matter
75. I’d like you ________ spending all our money on that old car. In fact, 99. That scientist was one of the first ________ with bacteria.
you don’t even have ________ that car. A) experimenting B) to experiment
A) to stop / to drive B) stopping / to drive C) experiment D) experiments
C) to stop / driving D) stop / to drive
100. She ________ found her photographs, because she is still looking
76. No matter how hard they struggled with it, the window _____ open. for them.
A) isn’t B) wasn’t C) wouldn’t D) couldn’t A) mustn’t has B) can’t have C) needn’t have D) oughtn’t have

Book 1 Part D 164 Test 7

1. I’m not _________ that subject. 26. Mary suggested that she ________ a pretty next week.
A) interesting with B) interested with A) will have B) should have C) will have to D) has
C) interested in D) interested by
27. A: What was happening at the TV studio when you visited it?
2. Alice is unhappy today. She can’t study ________ . B: Programs ________ and recordings ________.
A) something B) anything A) were being produced / made
C) nothing D) everything B) produced / were being made
C) were produced / made
3. The student ________ something to write with.
D) were being produced / were being made
A) is need B) needs C) is needing D) is needed
28. The teacher wrote our names down ________ she should forget.
4. Who is going to answer ________ question?
A) because B) in order to C) lest D) so as not to
A) that B) to that C) for that D) _
29. The Government publish health warnings on cigarettes ________
5. Can you tell me where ________ ?
people would become aware of the dangers of smoking.
A) does John live B) John is alive
A) even though B) so that C) as soon as D) in case
C) John lives D) is John living
30. How can you leave him because of ________ ?
6. ________ you like some tea?
A) his poverty B) he is poor C) his poor D) he is poverty
A) Will B) Would C) Are D) Can
31. If she ever decides to get married, I’m sure I will be the last person
7. Do you mind ________ the window?
________ .
A) open B) to open C) opening D) you open
A) who has found about it B) to find out about it
8. My brother doesn’t like coffee, ________ I do. C) will find out about it D) who find out about it
A) neither B) but C) nor D) so
32. Susan was introduced to Mr. Baker _______ had died in a car accident.
9. She felt ill after ________ the food. A) whose younger son B) the younger son of
A) being eaten B) to eat C) eating D) eaten C) whom younger son D) who younger son
10. Jane is the same age ________ Mary. 33. The students didn’t study for the exam. They ________ studied
A) like B) with C) as D) so because most of them ________ passed.
A) might / should have B) should / might have
11. He lives ________ 27 Gulf Street.
C) should have / might have D) might have / should have
A) at B) on C) in D) of
34. Only when every possible treatment had been tried ________ decide
12. Where is the new student from? ________ .
for an operation.
A) He is coming from Bursa B) He is from Bursa
A) didn’t they B) did they C) they did D) they didn’t
C) He can come from Bursa D) He came from Bursa
35. A: Did they type the letters in time?
13. When did your school begin? ________ .
B: Yes, ________ in time.
A) Since September B) At September
A) they were typed the letters B) the letters were typed
C) In September D) For September
C) the letters typed D) the letters have been typed
14. There are several kinds of mushrooms in Turkey ________ poisonous.
36. I don’t mind your ________ it but I don’t like you ________ it.
A) they are B) that are
A) think / say B) think / saying
C) which they are D) being
C) thinking / saying D) thinking / say
15. They would buy the car if they ________ enough money.
37. My uncle is an engineer and ________ my aunt.
A) would have B) had C) have had D) had had
A) so is B) so does C) so D) does
16. Did you like the house ________ yesterday?
38. It’s difficult to make both ends meet these days the taxes ______ so
A) which I showed you B) I showed you which
C) which I showed you it D) I showed it
A) with B) are C) being D) to be
17. George’s father told him ________ . 39. Our teacher is opposed ________ students read novels written 200
A) don’t go out B) not go out years ago.
C) not to go out D) do not go out A) making B) to make C) make D) to making
18. How long have you lived here? ________ . 40. A: Have they taken the car to the garage?
A) Since ten years B) For ten years B: Yes, ________ to the garage.
C) From ten years D) In ten years A) the car was taken B) the car have been taken
19. Haven’t you ever seen a tiger? ________ . C) the car had been taken D) the car has been taken
A) No, never B) Not, not never 41. ________ the world’s population is rising fast, food production is
C) No, not ever D) Yes. Never keeping pace with it.
20. A: Which man is your teacher? A) Because of B) In spite of C) Although D) Unless
B: ________ . 42. I don’t know her well, but I’ve met her ________ times.
A) The man is near the window is my teacher A) plenty B) another C) several D) more
B) The man near the window is my teacher
43. Thousands of people have seen the exhibition ________ it opened
C) The man who is my teacher near the window
last month.
D) The man is near the window who is my teacher
A) while B) when C) until D) since
21. Turks ________ in Anatolia for a thousand years by 2099.
44. We should never forget how our ancestors have struggled ________
A) will be living B) have lived
C) will have lived D) will live
A) for B) on C) of D) by
22. A: What does Mary’s mother do? 45. We know each other ______ we have never been officially introduced.
B: ________ . A) even B) if even C) even though D) however
A) She is a woman B) She teaches English
C) She is very well D) She lives happily 46. I wouldn’t ask for your help ________ I had no choice.
A) since B) despite C) even if D) although
23. What would you have done if you ________ a lot of money?
A) had B) have had 47. He is sick of being mistaken ________ his brother.
C) had had D) should have had A) by B) as C) of D) for

24. Istanbul is ________ in Turkey. 48. Since the coal mines closed, there ________ no jobs here.
A) the most important city B) most important a city A) are B) have been C) is D) were being
C) the most important a city D) most important a city 49. There must be some other reason for her failure ________ this.
A) as well B) too C) also D) besides
25. _______ four years in the country, he came back healthier than ever.
A) Having spent B) Spending 50. Their arguments are bound to result ________ a fight.
C) After spent D) After spend A) to B) on C) with D) in

Book 1 Part D 165 Test 8

51. A man who spends all the money he has is ________ . 80. Tom, ________ no foreign languages, can’t find a good job.
A) fool B) a fool C) foolishly D) foolish man A) speaking B) spoke C) speaks D) is speaking
52. Can you tell what model each of ________ ? 81. The detective asked the gangster where ________ .
A) them to be B) them are C) they are D) them is A) the gun was B) was the gun
C) did he hide the gun D) the gun hidden
53. The diplomats haven’t been able to arrive ______ an agreement yet.
A) by B) at C) on D) to 82. After Jack ________ his poem, he decided not to show it to anybody.
A) finishing B) had finished C) was finishing D) has finished
54. All athletes who have taken drugs will be disqualified ______ the race.
A) out B) to C) against D) from 83. He thought he ________ able to find more information on British
55. ________ a drop of rain fell for months, and all the crops died.
A) will be B) would be C) is D) was
A) No B) None C) Not D) Not any
84. If it ________ so expensive, Linda would often eat out.
56. He is ________ short-sighted to be pilot.
A) weren’t B) wasn’t C) isn’t D) won’t be
A) so B) too C) not D) enough
85. Americans Indians ______ feel so unhappy if they were treated fairly.
57. Most people ________ the dark.
A) will B) were C) won’t D) would not
A) fear B) are in fear C) frightened D) afraid of
86. It is easy to develop bad study habits, but it is extremely difficult to
58. He had difficulty ________ his wife to stay home.
rid ________ of them.
A) convince B) to convince C) convincing D) for convincing
A) ourselves B) itself C) themselves D) yourselves
59. If you want to succeed, you must ________ .
87. We will probably have to work ________ midnight today because
A) keep to try B) keep in trying
the report should be ready tomorrow.
C) keep on trying D) keep on to try
A) for B) until C) under D) by
60. When he was a boy, he ________ to himself all day.
88. ________ cause extensive damage to our city each year.
A) will sing B) would sing C) has sung D) is singing
A) Because of the winds during hurricanes
61. ________ of the wine was spoilt. B) The winds of hurricanes
A) Few B) Several C) A good deal D) A good many C) The winds which
D) That the winds of hurricanes
62. The American Indians today are deprived ________ all the privileges
the white man is enjoying. 89. Malaria ________ by the female mosquito.
A) of B) off C) _ D) from A) transmits B) transmitted C) is transmitted D) to transmit
63. She was glad ________ the opportunity to discuss the matter. 90. Water, ________ , is also one of the most abundant compounds on
A) of B) to C) on D) for earth.
A) is necessary for human survival
64. ________ he promises to quit gambling, we’ll offer him the job.
B) one of the most critical elements for human survival
A) For B) Although C) Even D) Provided
C) it is necessary for human survival
65. ________ hard I try, I can’t seem to be of any help to anybody. D) for human survival
A) Even though B) However C) When D) So
91. The Social Security Act of 1935 was ________ .
66. No one ________ to enter the building until the police have checked A) written to insure workers against unemployment
the victim’s identification. B) it insured workers against unemployment
A) will allow B) will be allowing C) written that it insured workers against unemployment
C) has been allowed D) is going to be allowed D) workers against unemployment
67. I’m very satisfied ________ your last report. 92. Philosophers are not sure _______ .
A) on B) for C) of D) with A) how can universal peace be secured
B) universal peace can be
68. He is envious ________ his brother’s success, and this makes him a C) precisely how universal peace can be secured
sullen person. D) can universal peace be secured
A) of B) from C) to D) by
93. Overexposure to the sun ________ .
69. She isn’t content ________ their present income and keeps nagging A) more than damage to the skin
her husband. B) damage to the skin
A) with B) for C) of D) to C) can produce damage to the skin
70. I was very tempted, but I refrained ________ the last glass. D) more damage to the skin
A) drink B) to drink C) drinking D) from drinking 94. Antarctica is larger ________ , but it has no native human population.
71. Everyone must pay a fee before ________ his certificate. A) with some countries
A) to collect B) collecting B) Europe and Australia put together
C) to have collected D) collect C) from Europe or Australia
D) than Europe or Australia
72. I wish I ________ of writing the report on the computer long ago.
A) thought B) think C) had thought D) have thought 95. ________ paper was first used by the Chinese.
A) That the belief B) The belief that
73. The British contractors are said ________ half the government officials C) To believe that D) It is believed that
in the country.
A) to have bribed B) bribing C) be bribed D) has bribed 96. Gold is the preferred choice of jewelry makers ________
74. ________ of this land has been poisoned by chemicals. A) since it is B) it is C) because of D) insofar as
A) A good many B) Several
C) A good deal D) Few 97. ________ growing awareness of social ills, the philosophers wrote
increasingly more to warn people.
75. We have the pleasure ________ you that your book has been awarded A) A B) When a C) Because her D) Due to her
the first prize.
A) of informing B) in informing 98. ________ categorized as lipids.
C) on informing D) informing A) Fats and also oils B) While fats and oils
C) Fats and oils are D) Fats and oils
76. Spiders mainly feed ________ insects.
A) by B) at C) from D) on 99. The overwhelming majority of people who ________ in the rescue
operations were volunteers.
77. Our company is three times ________ yours.
A) they served B) did they serve
A) bigger as B) bigger C) as bigger than D) as big as
C) serving D) served
78. She did nothing but ________ excuses all the time.
A) to making B) to make C) make D) making 100. ________ is found in many kinds of fruits and vegetables.
A) Vitamin C B) That vitamin C
79. Tom ________ a computer, so he can’t find a good job. C) It is latex vitamin C D) Because vitamin C
A) uses B) is using C) cannot use D) used

Book 1 Part D 166 Test 8

1. They asked a lot of questions ________ his job. 29. What has ________ ?
A) about B) of C) for D) on A) he doing B) been done C) it does D) being done

2. They need some gas. They’re looking ________ a gas station. 30. They ________ football now.
A) for B) to C) from D) at A) is playing B) plays C) play D) are playing

3. She was ________ Paris last month. 31. They ________ at the King’s Restaurant last night.
A) to B) at C) in D) from A) eat B) did eat C) eating D) ate

4. There’s park across the street ________ the hospital. 32. He ________ today.
A) of B) from C) to D) for A) are working B) is working C) work D) working

5. He has an apartment ________ Maple Street. 33. Nancy ________ speak French.
A) at B) on C) into D) between A) is B) wants C) want to D) can

6. There aren’t any pictures ________ the wall. 34. Peter ________ the dinner although he was ordered to.
A) to B) in C) at D) on A) didn’t prepare B) wasn’t prepared
C) had to be prepared D) should have been prepared
7. He never watches TV ________ Sunday.
A) at B) in C) on D) with 35. A: Does Anne like music?
B: Yes, she ________ .
8. I have only been here ________ 1983. A) do B) likes C) does D) does like
A) for B) by C) since D) in
36. He ________ at that office for a long time.
9. My uncle has not been here ________ the end of May. A) works B) is working
A) since B) during C) for D) while C) has been working D) working
10. I have not seen my best friend ________ nearly a fortnight. 37. Mary has been ________ English for three years.
A) ago B) for C) since D) while A) studied B) study C) studying D) to study
11. My brother was ________ all week. 38. I ________ go shopping tomorrow.
A) at the home B) at home C) in the home D) in home A) am B) may C) want D) think
12. You don’t like hamburgers, ________ ? 39. A man who is very healthy ________ to see a doctor frequently.
A) you don’t B) don’t you C) you do D) do you A) should go B) doesn’t have C) ought D) has
13. She likes to exercise, ________ ? 40. Unfortunately, I ________ wash the dishes now.
A) does she B) she doesn’t C) doesn’t she D) she does A) can B) like to C) have to D) try to
14. There aren’t any more books, ________ ? 41. Do they always watch television? Yes, they ________ .
A) are they B) are there C) aren’t there D) aren’t they A) watch B) do C) do watch D) does
15. She’s found her money, ________ ? 42. ________ you like to go the movies tonight?
A) is she B) hasn’t she C) isn’t she D) has she A) How B) Had C) Would D) Why
16. I’ll be 29 next month, ________ ? 43. We won’t have ________ apples.
A) am I B) aren’t I C) will I D) won’t I A) much B) any C) some D) few
17. Where are the glasses? ________ on the shelf 44. There’s ________ milk in the refrigerator.
A) They’re B) There C) Their D) There are A) a little B) a few C) much D) many
18. The boys are cleaning ________ shoes. 45. He doesn’t drink ________ coffee.
A) there B) their C) theirs D) them A) much B) a little C) some D) many
19. She ________ the bus every day. 46. I spent ________ time studying for the test.
A) taking B) takes C) is taking D) take A) a lot of B) a few C) not much D) hours
20. I know it is here ________ . 47. There aren’t any glasses on the shelf. There aren’t ________ on the
A) anywhere B) everywhere C) somewhere D) in table, either.
A) some B) a few C) none D) any
21. I can’t find that book ________ .
A) everywhere B) where C) not here D) anywhere 48. There are ________ magazines in the living room.
A) any B) a few C) much D) a little
22. That book is not Helen’s. It is ________ .
A) her B) my C) his D) them 49. She doesn’t have any sugar. She needs ________ .
A) any B) one C) some D) another
23. Is there ________ on the meat?
A) anybody B) anything C) somebody D) thing 50. I’m only going to buy ________ stamps.
A) many B) much C) a few D) a little
24. The ________ house is on Taylor Street .
A) Bill’s B) friend C) Brown’s D) families 51. There wasn’t ________ traffic on that street last night.
A) many B) a lot of C) a little D) much
25. This is ________ friend.
A) Helen B) Helen’s 52. We bought ________ food today.
C) one of Helen’s D) of Helen’s A) much B) many C) a lot of D) plenty
26. My friend and ________ went for a walk. 53. If I ________ a chef, I would make a great meal.
A) me B) my C) mine D) I A) am B) was C) were D) had been
27. Maria ________ at home yesterday. 54. We ________ to go with him if we can’t get permission.
A) is B) were C) was D) went A) want to be B) won’t be able
C) don’t D) can’t
28. Did she ________ anything strange there?
A) saw B) seeing C) see D) look

Book 1 Part D 167 Test 9

55. Leonard won’t come here ________ it rains tomorrow. 78. The cookies taste ________ .
A) will B) if C) because D) and A) well B) much C) good D) beautifully

56. If Tom goes ________ movies, he won’t be able to come to dinner. 79. ________ bottle in the sink.
A) to B) to the C) the D) inside A) It has a B) It is C) There’s a D) There are

57. If Anita doesn’t hurry, she ________ be able to finish her paper. 80. ________ magazines in the closet.
A) won’t B) would C) can D) can’t A) They’re B) Their C) There D) There are

58. A: ________ is responsible for all this confusion? 81. ________ coffee in the pot.
B: It may be Jack. A) It’s a B) It has C) There’s a D) There’s some
A) How B) Why C) Who D) Whom
82. A video set is ________ than a television set.
59. A: ________ do you go there? A) more expensive B) expensive
B: To visit some friends. C) most expensive D) the most expensive
A) When B) Why C) What D) Where
83. The yellow car is ________ car in the parking lot.
60. ________ did Helen eat for breakfast? A) dirtier B) the dirtier C) the dirtiest D) the dirty
A) When B) What C) Where D) Why
84. My hat is different ________ yours.
61. He hasn’t bought ________ apples. A) to B) as C) like D) from
A) a lot B) any C) much D) some
85. Barbara doesn’t have a car, ________ she takes the bus to work.
62. Sarah, what ________ doing? A) as B) because C) then D) so
A) she is B) are C) are you D) is
86. ________ Tom nor his wife has a cold.
63. Are there six books on the table? A) Neither B) Nor C) Either D) Or
A) No, five are. B) No, there is.
C) No, there are three. D) No, there are any. 87. We managed to reach our house ________ the road was flooded.
A) whether B) because C) although D) unless
64. A: ________ does she go to work?
B: At nine o’clock. 88. He was late, ________ he took a taxi.
A) Why B) Where C) When D) How A) as B) so C) then D) since

65. Wind power is both clean ________ . 89. Mrs. Simpson will visit ________ Spain or Greece.
A) and expensive B) but expensive A) both B) either C) neither D) between
C) but expensive also D) cheap
90. The car is both fast ________ economical.
66. Tom will mend the window when ________ home. A) if B) and C) or D) but
A) he come B) does he come
C) he is coming D) he comes 91. Gold ________ in many countries.
A) is found B) finds C) has found D) finding
67. Are you making any more cakes?
A) Yes, I do B) Yes, I am 92. Many cameras ________ in Japan.
C) Yes, I am doing D) Yes, I am making A) made B) are making C) here D) are made

68. A: Were you singing when I came in? 93. There was a storm. Two trees ________ down.
B: Yes, I ________ . A) were blowing B) were blown
A) sang B) was C) were D) did C) were to blow D) blew

69. Lately, he has become interested in ________ antiques. 94. The electric light bulb ________ by Thomas Edison.
A) collecting B) to collect C) collect D) for collecting A) is invented B) was invented
C) invented D) invents
70. I wonder when ________ home.
A) is she coming B) will she come 95. Even though construction costs are high, a new hospital ________
C) she is coming D) can she come next year.
A) will be built B) would be built
71. The singer ________ many compliments on her new album. C) is built D) builds
A) paid B) has been paid
C) being paid D) has been paying 96. I don’t know ________ book this is.
A) interesting B) who C) whose D) your
72. He is ________ .
A) artist B) of artist C) an artist D) artistically 97. This is my friend ________ house is near mine.
A) who lives is B) who is C) whose D) in his
73. Gloria is a good dancer. She dances ________ .
A) good B) goodly C) very good D) well 98. Helen is wearing a jacket ________ is red.
A) it B) as red C) that D) such
74. We work ________ every day.
A) hard B) hardly C) careful D) good 99. Do you know a good place ________ we can have lunch?
A) somewhere B) where C) anywhere D) there
75. ________ Helen reads in bed.
A) Never B) Seldom C) Sometimes D) Almost 100. This is the ________ suit I have ever bought.
A) more expensive B) most expensively
76. You seem ________a jazz fan. C) most expensive D) more expensively
A) liking B) to be C) are D) to himself

77. That man ________ terrible.

A) cooks B) feels C) runs D) works

Book 1 Part D 168 Test 9

1. ________ is going to the party. 27. There are some good restaurants ________ our little town.
A) All B) Everyone C) Every D) Some A) at B) for C) in D) from

2. Tom cut ________ while he was shaving this morning. 28. She drives her husband ________ work.
A) him B) his C) himself D) he A) to B) with C) at D) in

3. The food is on the table. Please help ________ to meat. 29. My friends ________ to play tennis.
A) you B) your C) it D) yourself A) like B) wants C) can D) likes

4. We came out of the swimming pool and dried ________ carefully. 30. Do you know where ________ a passport?
A) us B) our C) ourselves D) ours A) get me B) can get me C) to get D) get

5. Tom and Martha are learning judo so that they can protect ________ 31. She’s asking ________ some questions.
if necessary. A) them B) to them C) for them D) of them
A) them B) their C) theirs D) themselves
32. She will make dinner when she ________ home.
6. My pen must be ________ but I can’t find it. A) gets B) gets to C) will get D) is getting
A) anywhere B) somewhere C) nowhere D) anything
33. They went ________ after school.
7. There isn’t ________ at the door. A) to home B) at home C) home D) to the home
A) anyone B) someone C) no one D) nobody
34. You are the ________ person I’ve ever known.
8. The government ________ is in danger of falling. A) luckier B) more lucky C) too lucky D) luckiest
A) itself B) its C) it D) they
35. She prefers playing cards ________ television.
9. Mary and Tom ________ the house. A) than watch B) to watch C) to watching D) than watching
A) is looking B) are looking at
C) is looking at D) are looking 36. They work in the ________ building in Istanbul.
A) modern B) too modern
10. Do they live in England? C) more modern D) most modern
A) Yes, they live. B) No, they don’t.
C) Yes, they are. D) No, they don’t live 37. He wasn’t ________ to carry the case by himself.
A) too strong B) strong enough
11. What is his sister doing? C) so strong D) as strong
A) Read. B) He’s reading.
C) She’s reading D) It’s reading 38. Is Helen ________ Kate?
A) taller B) so tall as C) as tall as D) tall than
12. Where is the book?
A) There is. B) It’s here. 39. Please tell me where ________ .
C) He’s under the chair. D) There’s one chair. A) does Peter live B) Peter live
C) Peter lives D) Peter does live
13. Allan ________ his trip carefully.
A) planning B) had been planning 40. Where ________ yesterday?
C) he plans D) has a plan for A) was you B) have you been
C) did you D) were you
14. Bruce ________ driving safely before the accident.
A) hadn’t been B) always C) he was D) wasn’t he 41. How ________ to the station from here?
A) to go B) do you go C) do one go D) go we
15. We often ________ dinner at six.
A) having B) has C) are having D) have 42. Where ________ .
A) Ali works? B) works Ali?
16. She ________ play tennis yesterday because it was raining. C) does Ali work? D) Ali is working?
A) won’t B) always C) couldn’t D) shouldn’t
43. What’s that man?
17. Carlos heard that you ________ in town. A) He’s Tom. B) It’s Tom C) Yes, it’s Tom D) He’s a pilot
A) are B) been C) were D) gone
44. Do you dance or draw?
18. He promised that they ________ the following Saturday. A) I’m dancing but drawing. B) I’m dancing, but I not drawing.
A) come B) shall come C) would come D) are coming C) I dance, but I don’t draw. D) I dance, but I am not drawing.

19. The tree is ________ the door. 45. If Mr. White ________ mayor, he will save the city park.
A) between B) in front C) beside D) next A) will become B) becomes C) is becoming D) became

20. Tom is in front of Helen. Helen is ________ Tom. 46. They ________ raise animals if they lived on a farm.
A) beside B) behind C) before D) between A) shall B) should C) can D) could

21. She flew ________ high mountains. 47. If he had more time, he ________ take piano lessons.
A) over B) under C) in D) at A) can B) will C) would D) may

22. She looks ________ an actress. 48. If I were you, I ________ take the bus.
A) as B) as if C) like D) as though A) shall B) can C) will D) would

23. Paula hurried ________ station. 49. They will work overtime if they ________ for it.
A) into B) as if C) to the D) as through A) get paid B) will get paid
C) would get paid D) have gotten paid
24. She’s thinking ________ her house.
A) to sell B) of selling C) on selling D) she sell 50. We expect them ________ at nine o’clock.
A) are coming B) come C) to come D) will come
25. I’m interested ________ getting a job at the airport.
A) for B) in C) about D) to 51. In cold countries people wear thick clothes ________ warm.
A) for keeping B) for to keep C) to keep D) keep
26. Peter received a letter ________ France yesterday.
A) to B) by C) of D) from 52. The movie ________ interesting at the end.
A) goes B) gets C) sees D) stops

Book 1 Part D 169 Test 10

53. The flowers smell ________ . 78. Tell ________ back tomorrow.
A) much B) very much C) good D) well A) Martha to come B) Martha come
C) to Martha to come D) to Martha come
54. The theater seems ________ small for all the people.
A) to B) to be too C) it’s to D) too much 79. At the post office he asked ________ .
A) stamps B) some stamps
55. Jean enjoys jogging and ________ . C) four stamps D) for stamps
A) to swim B) a swim C) swimming D) swim
80. I’ve just finished ________ my shopping.
56. Edmond enjoys hiking and ________ . A) to make B) doing C) to do D) to
A) to camp B) to climb mountains
C) fishing D) a fish 81. Do you know where ________ ?
A) is the hotel B) can I find the hotel
57. Tomorrow I’ll go to the library ________ . C) was the hotel D) the hotel is
A) and study B) for studying
C) and studying D) reading 82. The telephone rang ________ I was going out of the house.
A) just B) just as C) even if D) even
58. The cake is delicious, but I can’t eat ________ more.
A) some B) no C) any D) nothing 83. Peter isn’t very tall. ________ is John.
A) So B) Neither C) Too D) Short
59. ________ people take the bus.
A) Much B) A little C) A lot of D) Any 84. They don’t have much free time. Neither ________ .
A) do we have B) do we C) we do D) are we
60. They don’t have ________ clothes.
A) much B) some C) few D) many 85. She is hungry, and ________ am I.
A) so B) nor C) neither D) too
61. There wasn’t ________ traffic on that street last night.
A) many B) some C) a little D) much 86. This is the restaurant ________ we used to eat.
A) which B) where C) that D) when
62. He has spent a large ________ of money on his new house.
A) deal B) amount C) number D) place 87. Many people ________ Mohammed Ali is the greatest boxer of all
63. Helen has answered ________ questions. A) are believing B) believe
A) the more B) very much C) any D) a few C) do believe D) like

64. America ________ by Christopher Columbus in 1492. 88. There ________ news tonight.
A) was here B) found A) are not many B) is not much
C) was discovered D) had ships C) are not much D) is not many

65. The computer ________ guaranteed by the company. 89. Albert is hungry. He ________ to have dinner now.
A) is B) are C) it’s D) aren’t A) can B) want C) wants D) likes

66. These houses ________ by settlers many yeas ago. 90. Please call Gloria when you ________ home.
A) are made B) were built C) built D) made A) get B) will get C) get to D) are getting

67. Where is the girl ________ saw the accident? 91. May I ask a favor ________ you?
A) whom B) _ C) she D) who A) of B) from C) for D) to

68. This is the watch ________ does not work properly. 92. We are going ________ a party tomorrow.
A) who B) that C) it D) _ A) to have B) to go C) having D) to go

69. You didn’t lose your watch, ________ ? 93. Betty couldn’t help ________ when Oscar fell down.
A) did you B) it’s lost C) didn’t you D) either A) the laugh B) to laugh C) at laughing D) laughing

70. Linda was studying last night, ________ ? 94. He took a shower before ________ dressed.
A) wasn’t she B) she wasn’t C) she was D) did she A) he gets B) to get C) getting D) he has gotten

71. You didn’t mind waiting for us, ________ ? 95. I enjoy ________ music.
A) haven’t you B) aren’t you C) don’t you D) did you A) listen to B) listening C) listening to D) to listen to

72. You didn’t like our new computer, ________ ? 96. Would you mind ________ the window?
A) didn’t you B) you didn’t C) you did D) did you A) open B) to open C) opening D) opened

73. Helen and Tom were both excited about the project, ________ ? 97. The doctor made me ________ in bed for a week.
A) were they B) weren’t they C) they were D) she was A) staying B) to stay C) stayed D) stay

74. Roberta wasn’t in class today, ________ ? 98. I don’t mind ________ for you.
A) wasn’t she B) was she C) weren’t they D) very much A) to wait B) waiting C) to waiting D) wait

75. Jimmy isn’t ________ to go out alone. 99. I can’t stand ________ the bus to work.
A) very old B) enough old C) old enough D) old for A) riding B) ride C) the ride D) sitting

76. Last week Tom ________ his leg. 100. Sam likes to ________ on the weekends.
A) falls and breaks B) fallen and broken A) go fish B) go to fish C) go fishing D) do fishing
C) fell and broke D) fell and has broken

77. ________ clever baby!

A) What B) How C) What a D) How a

Book 1 Part D 170 Test 10

1. ________ people don’t know what the weather is like in other 27. Have you been to the post office? Yes, I ________ .
countries. A) did B) have C) want D) was
A) The most B) Most of C) Most D) A great
28. Nancy ________ to play tennis tomorrow.
2. Our government spends ________ money on schools. A) goes B) is going C) will like D) likes
A) much B) many C) a lot of D) a great
29. They ________ to the park yet.
3. We did ________ exercises yesterday without making ________ A) didn’t go B) have gone C) haven’t gone D) don’t go
A) some / any B) some / some C) some / no D) any / some 30. They ________ the dishes when she left.
A) was washing B) were washing
4. The boys ate ________ sandwiches, but they didn’t drink ________ C) are washing D) have washed
milk at all.
A) some / no B) any / no C) some / any D) some / some 31. He’s taking ________ some chocolates.
A) her B) to her C) hers D) she
5. That man never does ________ work
A) some B) any C) anything D) something 32. She doesn’t know ________ about sports.
A) anything B) something C) nothing D) none
6. They have ________ butter.
A) some B) any C) a D) one 33. Albert has a good radio. He doesn’t need ________ .
A) other one B) any C) some D) another one
7. They don’t know ________ people in Florida.
A) much B) some C) a few D) many 34. A: Whose is that?
B: It’s ________ .
8. ________ the volcanoes in Japan are active. A) my B) ours C) of Tom D) my sisters.
A) However, of B) Several of C) Few D) There are
35. I didn’t call the police. My son didn’t call ________ .
9. The animal was hiding ________ a tree. A) them, either B) them, too
A) in front of B) behind C) next to D) with C) him, either D) him, too

10. ________ my friends live near me. 36. Both of those men are tall. ________ of them is short.
A) Most B) Most of C) Of D) Five A) None B) Neither C) Any D) Some

11. Helen works ________ a large office. 37. The girls are washing ________ clothes.
A) on B) in C) at D) for A) there B) theirs C) their D) them

12. My friends leads ________ a very easy life. 38. Marie has two radios. ________ of them are good.
A) with B) in C) _ D) to A) Some B) Any C) Both D) One

13. A lot of students were standing ________ a queue. 39. Albert likes Linda. He brought ________ a bar of chocolate yesterday.
A) in B) on C) at D) with A) for her B) hers C) to her D) her

14. The women are not interested ________ the demonstration in the 40. I don’t know ________ at the bank.
park. A) anyone B) any person C) someone D) nobody
A) on B) to C) for D) in
41. You’d better take your umbrella. It ________ rain.
15. The party will start ________ Sunday. A) might B) must C) can D) would
A) 8 o’clock at B) 8 o’clock C) on 8 o’clock D) at 8 o’clock on
42. He ________ play basketball in high school.
16. An old car was parked ________ the house. A) use to B) used to C) like to D) always
A) front of B) at the front C) in front of D) in front
43. Linda ________ go to the market today.
17. He takes good care ________ his motorcycle. A) have to B) has to C) need to D) likes to
A) for B) of C) to D) with
44. Mr. Brown works very hard. He ________ relax more.
18. A: Is this ________ book you were telling me about? A) likes to B) would C) shall D) should
B: Yes, it is about ________ life of Queen Victoria.
A) _ / _ B) the / the C) a / a D) a / the 45. Last year Mr. Taylor ________ work 60 hours a week.
A) must B) had to C) would D) has to
19. The whale is ________ of all living mammals.
A) the largest B) largest 46. I’m not used to ________ early.
C) the largest which is D) larger than A) get up B) getting up C) I get up D) be getting up

20. Tom plays tennis well, but he’s not very good ________ basketball. 47. We would have to sign a lease, ________ ?
A) in B) at C) on D) for A) do we B) wouldn’t we C) haven’t we D) hadn’t we

21. I never ________ coffee. 48. He’ll have to stay home if he ________ to the bank.
A) drink B) am drinking A) can’t go B) can’t C) been going D) won’t go
C) from a cup of D) drink like that coffee
49. ________ children went on the flight.
22. Barbara and Tony ________ to the beach last Sunday. A) All of B) Them C) One of D) Both
A) was B) went C) go D) were
50. I ________ rather go shopping tomorrow. I have a lot of work today.
23. Don’t forget to give him the message when you ________ him. A) would B) can C) much D) will
A) see B) will see C) have seen D) are seeing
51. If the projector ________ , we won’t be able to see the movie.
24. Did Anne wash the dishes? Yes, she ________ . A) doesn’t work B) worked C) didn’t work D) wasn’t work
A) did B) did wash C) is washing D) washed
52. If people ________ , he will feel bad.
25. Did they have dinner at home? No, they ________ . A) will laugh B) wouldn’t laughed
A) didn’t have B) have not C) didn’t D) don’t C) laugh D) would laugh

26. We ________ a good movie last week. 53. If I had a car, I ________ to the theater.
A) saw B) have seen C) were seeing D) see A) drive B) would drive C) would drove D) drives

Book 1 Part D 171 Test 11

54. If they stand up, we ________ see the screen. 78. How long have you been working ________ hospital?
A) doesn’t B) won’t be able to A) this B) that C) at the D) next door the
C) haven’t to D) aren’t
79. It is not always easy to pass thread ________ the eye of a needle.
55. If my car ________ start, I will be late. A) from B) to C) through D) in
A) didn’t B) doesn’t C) don’t D) did
80. We stepped ________ the house ________ the garden.
56. I would come if I ________ enough time. A) from / to B) out of / into C) out of / for D) _ / into
A) had B) have C) will have D) can have
81. I lost my keys ________ I was playing football.
57. He would feel better if he ________ more sleep. A) during B) while C) because of D) for
A) got B) gets C) will get D) has gotten
82. ________ does she take the bus? Because she doesn’t have a car.
58. You will succeed if you ________ . A) Why B) Where C) When D) How
A) are trying B) will try
C) try D) are going to try 83. I don’t need ________ money.
A) no other B) another C) any D) any other
59. ________ long books are interesting.
A) Many B) Many of C) Many the D) Of 84. How much money ________ in the bank?
A) he has got B) has he got C) he had D) he did
60. ________ charming person she is!
A) What B) How C) That D) What a 85. There isn’t ________ water left, so we can’t make tea.
A) some B) a little C) any D) more
61. ________ people came than I expected.
A) Other B) Fewer C) Another D) Few 86. How ________ men work for Mr. White?
A) much B) a lot of C) hard D) many
62. I don’t know where ________ .
A) is the post-office B) has the post-office 87. How ________ do you earn a month?
C) the post-office D) the post-office is A) many B) hard C) often D) much

63. Tom sat near the fire ________ . 88. ________ some paper on the desk.
A) to get warm B) for to get warm A) It has B) There are C) They’re D) There’s
C) for getting warm D) get warm
89. A living room is usually ________ than the kitchen.
64. She came ________ because her car had broken down. A) bigger B) the bigger C) biggest D) very big
A) to walk B) walk C) by foot D) on foot
90. This is an old photograph of me when I ________ .
65. She is very fond ________ modern art. A) was having short hair B) have short hair
A) in B) of C) with D) at C) have had D) had short hair

66. I find English spelling ________ . 91. A: What is your new partner like?
A) it is difficult B) is difficult C) be difficult D) difficult B: She ________ .
A) likes football B) is like any other partner
67. It is not easy ________ me to tell you what happened. C) likes almost nothing D) is tall and slender
A) of B) for C) to D) from
92. ________ is heavier, a kilo of gold or a kilo of feather?
68. The film has finished, and the people ________ home. A) What B) Which C) How much D) Who
A) went B) have gone C) were going D) going
93. ________ is the highest mountain in the world?
69. She felt ill after ________ the food. A) What B) Which C) Who D) How
A) eat B) eating C) to eat D) eaten
94. ________ is the price of this blouse?
70. I saw somebody ________ towards your house. A) What B) Who C) How D) Which
A) going B) went C) gone D) to go
95. ________ lives in that old house?
71. ________ his experiments, Faraday made an important discovery. A) What B) Who C) Which D) How
A) While B) During C) Since D) For
96. ________ shall I give you, tea or lemonade?
72. Tom is ________ Helen. A) Where B) How C) What D) Why
A) as tall than B) as tall as C) so tall as D) so tall than
97. The rescue team ________ in the region hit by the recent earthquake
73. A dozen is ________ twenty. last week.
A) almost the same as B) half as much as A) are B) were C) was D) went
C) much more than D) less than
98. We ________ to London last Monday.
74. I felt ill on Saturday, but I felt ________ on Sunday. A) can drive B) will drive C) drove D) had driven
A) worse B) badly C) worst D) _
99. I will probably work ________ six.
75. Are you interested in ________ a watch? A) for B) under C) by D) until
A) by B) for C) buying D) to buy
100. ________ the time Mr. Brown is sixty, he will have completed more
76. I hope everyone in your family is ________ good health. than ten detective novels forty years.
A) in B) for C) at D) on A) When B) Until C) Over D) By

77. Our visitor will arrive ________ the airport soon after midnight.
A) in B) at C) on D) over

Book 1 Part D 172 Test 11

1. ________ is the climate like in your country? 27. We bought a lamp for Mr. Pools. We gave it ________ last night.
A) What B) Which C) Where D) How A) him B) to him C) his D) for him

2. ________ of these students studies hard? 28. Don’t talk ________ .

A) What B) How C) Which D) Who A) him B) he C) to him D) at him

3. She will come at 7 o’clock ________ evening. 29. A: Whose car is that?
A) of this B) on this C) this D) at this B: It’s ________ .
A) to her B) hers C) her D) Mrs. Jacobs
4. A: Are my shoes in the box?
B: No, there ________ in the box. 30. A: Whose is this?
A) isn’t anything B) isn’t nothing B: ________ .
C) aren’t things D) isn’t any A) His B) He’s C) It’s D) It is

5. Alice is ________ as the boys. 31. There isn’t ________ in the restaurant.
A) too strong B) so strong C) as strong D) also strong A) any people B) any persons C) anybody D) nobody

6. I never eat potatoes, and ________. 32. A: Have you got any apples?
A) so doesn’t Tom B) neither does Tom B: Yes, I’ve got ________ .
C) neither is Tom D) neither Tom does A) a small B) one small
C) two small ones D) two small
7. What ________ on Sundays?
A) Ali usually does B) does Ali usually do 33. ________ don’t like red wine.
C) does Ali usually D) usually does Ali do A) Some people B) Any people
C) Somebody D) Anybody
8. ________ lovely food!
A) Which B) How C) What D) Where 34. I can hardly see ________ without my glasses.
A) anything B) something C) nothing D) nowhere
9. I think there are ________ in the garden.
A) nobody B) someone C) some people D) anybody 35. The Nelsons enjoyed ________ on their vacation.
A) themselves B) yourselves C) yourself D) ourselves
10. This is ________.
A) the question thirty B) the question thirteenth 36. Mrs. Baker is fond of her students. She’s giving ________ some
C) question thirty D) thirteen question candy.
A) to them B) them C) they D) for them
11. The sun came ________ the windows.
A) out of B) into C) with D) through 37. My sister called last week. I haven’t spoken ________ since.
A) him B) she C) her D) to her
12. The old man came ________ the stairs.
A) out of B) through C) down D) off 38. Is this typewriter ________ ?
A) your B) yours C) to you D) you
13. In Britain people drive ________ the left.
A) on B) in C) at D) _ 39. He ________ in the heavy rain and came home dripping wet.
A) was caught B) caught C) catch D) have caught
14. The distance ______ Ankara ______ Bursa is five hundred kilometers.
A) from / to B) to / to C) _ / from D) from / _ 40. She has ________ strange in her handbag.
A) something B) some things C) a thing D) anything
15. You may write ________ a pencil or a pen.
A) with B) for C) in D) from 41. She’s telling ________ an amusing story.
A) they B) them C) to them D) their
16. Subtract two ________ ten.
A) under B) out of C) than D) from 42. All of the students did ________ homework.
A) his B) her C) its D) their
17. Mt. Everest is a little ________ 29,000 feet high.
A) over B) than C) above D) for 43. I imagine ________ to have Italian ancestors.
A) she B) his C) her D) their
18. Many women are afraid ________ mice.
A) with B) of C) from D) than 44. When I returned home, my father asked me where I ________ .
A) was B) had been C) have been D) went
19. There is a big difference ________ a cheap watch and an expensive
one. 45. Tom has just left for San Francisco. By six o’clock tomorrow he
A) with B) than C) from D) between ________ New York.
A) will have reached B) will reach
20. Tom was really delighted ________ your gift. C) reaches D) has reached
A) with B) for C) about D) in
46. My brother told me that he ________ the letter.
21. Wallace wasn’t very careful when he drove the car, ________ ? A) has posted B) will post C) had posted D) is posting
A) wasn’t he B) did he C) didn’t he D) was he
47. You can go home if you ________ your work.
22. She didn’t tell Robert where her wife was, ________ ? A) are finishing B) finished
A) wasn’t she B) did she C) didn’t she D) was she C) will finish D) have finished
23. Your friends aren’t given any chance, ________ ? 48. When I arrived home at 7 o’clock, I was very surprised. Everybody
A) do they B) aren’t they C) haven’t they D) are they ________ out.
A) were B) has gone C) had gone D) is
24. Linda is thirsty. She wants ________ glass of milk.
A) other B) some C) any D) another 49. He is sad because he ________ some money.
A) lost B) had lost C) has lost D) was lost
25. I want to give my brother ________ for his birthday.
A) a thing B) anything C) something D) any 50. Mohammed Ali ________ his first world title fight in 1960.
A) has won B) is winning C) was winning D) won
26. Is that umbrella ________ ?
A) you B) to you C) your D) yours 51. Water ________ at a temperature of 1000 C.
A) is boiling B) boils C) boiled D) boil

Book 1 Part D 173 Test 12

52. In cold climates people ________ sitting in the sun. 76. Jack finished the assignment quickly and ______.
A) like B) likes C) are liking D) do like A) correctly B) correct C) rapid D) hardly

53. I was doing the shopping while you ________ tennis. 77. Frank likes singing and ______.
A) played B) were playing A) to dance B) a dance C) dance D) dancing
C) have played D) have been playing
78. Harvey’s new story is both short ______ interesting.
54. We ________ television when a bird flew into the room. A) but B) nor C) and D) it,s
A) was watching B) were watching
C) looked at D) saw 79. A: Why don’t you call Rita?
B: I ______ call her a few minutes ago, but her phone was busy.
55. Do they often go to the beach? Yes, they ________ . A) am B) do C) will D) did
A) do B) go C) do go D) are going
80. Neither Jake ______ Diana can speak Japanese.
56. Does Albert have any new magazines? No, he ________ . A) and B) or C) nor D) if
A) does B) doesn’t C) has D) don’t
81. Many adult students of English wish they ______ their language
57. He didn’t understand me ________ I spoke to him slowly and clearly. studies earlier.
A) although B) however C) since D) because A) would start B) started
C) would have started D) had started
58. ________ you open the window please?
A) Could B) Shall C) Should D) Must 82. Did they tell you whether or not they ______ there at 10 o’clock?
A) would be B) were gone C) will go D) can go
59. She would rather read ________ listen to the radio.
A) than B) to C) or D) and 83. They’ll work on the problem ______ they solve it.
A) why B) by C) until D) that
60. You look hungry. ________ you like a sandwich?
A) Will B) Would C) Do D) can 84. Have you ever thought ______ psychology?
A) studied B) to study C) of studying D) have studied
61. Professor Perkins ________ teach at your school.
A) has B) use to C) is used to D) used to 85. Tina was afraid of ______ home by herself.
A) gone B) going C) go___ D) goes
62. ________ to drive a bulldozer?
A) Are you using B) Did you use 86. I look forward ______ you soon.
C) Do you use D) Have you used A) of visiting B) to visiting C) to visit D) will visit

63. He ________ to go to college in his own hometown. 87. Before ______ to the meeting, Harry was at his office.
A) uses B) use C) used D) had used A) to come B) comes C) came D) coming

64. Our suitcases ________ examined before anybody said anything. 88. Have you met the new secretary ______ last week?
A) have been B) is being C) can’t D) had been A) hired B) she was hired
C) was hired D) when she was hired
65. Let’s drive ________ , shall we?
A) to downtown B) at downtown 89. ______ of the students gave their views on the subject.
C) up downtown D) downtown A) Each B) Neither C) All D) One

66. The theater is located ______. 90. Neither Nancy nor Lorna remembered to bring ______ camera.
A) downtown B) to downtown A) their B) neither C) them D) her
C) in downtown D) into downtown
91. I fell and hurt ______ .
67. The guests are ______. A) himself B) myself C) me D) ourselves
A) in upstairs B) at door
C) in the living-room D) downstairs 92. You didn’t damage car, ______ ?
A) I hope B) didn’t it C) you accident D) did you
68. You can find many stores ______ of town.
A) in center B) the center C) in the center D) center 93. ______ of the students did well on their test.
A) Each B) Either C) Neither D) Most
69. The fish moved ______ and silently through the water.
A) swimming B) rapid C) to swim D) quickly 94. Before I woke up, the burglars ______ most of my possessions.
A) have taken B) had taken C) were taking D) will take
70. ______ countries waged a war against poverty
A) Both of B) Both C) None of D) None 95. Thomas ______ his vacation for several months.
A) planning B) had been planning
71. The whale ______ as a fish, but it is actually a mammal. C) is planning D) been planning for
A) regards B) is regarded
C) regarded D) which has been regarded 96. The dog ______ bit me wasn’t mad, fortunately.
A) that B) who C) whom D) _
72. The Empire State Building is different ______ the Parliament Building
in Brasilia. 97. Tell me about the differences ______ this city and the one you come
A) between B) from C) to D) for from.
A) of B) than C) between D) from
73. The American pyramids are in some ways similar ______ the Egyptian
pyramids. 98. There are many differences ______ the styles of these two writers.
A) between B) from C) to D) for A) between B) from C) to D) for

74. He was ______ than I was at playing chess. 99. It was nice ______ to remember my mother’s birthday.
A) good B) better C)the best D) best A) don’t forget B) a present C) for D) of you

75. Martha has been watching television, and ______. 100. The child grew ______ when his father entered the room.
A) Ralph has too B) Ralph hasn’t either A) silent B) silently C) happily D) up
C) so does Palph D) neither has Ralph

Book 1 Part D 174 Test 12

1. Her husband is ill in _____ hospital, so she has to stay at _____ 23. _____ poverty in the world.
home to look after _____ children instead of going to work. A) There are always B) It has always
A) __ / __ / __ C) the / the / the C) It has always been D) There has always been
B) __ / the / the D) __ / __ / the
24. _____ the children for me while I’m out.
2. Because _____ sun was so strong, they decided to sleep during A) Look after B) Take care C) Look at D) Care
_____ day and travel by _____ night.
25. Robert seems _____ ready.
A) the / the / __ C) the / the / the
A) it is B) to be C) being D) of being
B) the / __ / __ D) __ / __ / __
26. He was working at the office when the telegram _____.
3. Here is a picture of _____ village where I was born. It is about ten
A) was arriving B) has arrived C) arrived D) arrives
minutes by _____ car from Wellington, _____ big town.
A) the / __ / a B) the / the / __ 27. This is the first time I _____ tennis this month.
B) __ / the / __ D) the / __ / __ A) play B) have played C) was playing D) played
4. The two kinds of _____ dog that I detest most are _____ snow dogs 28. Tom _____ carefully when he had the accident.
and _____ lap dogs. A) hadn’t been driving B) hadn,t been
A) the / __ / __ C) __ / __ / __ C) drives D) driving very
B) __ / the / the__ D) the / __ / __
29. The Browns family _____ about moving for several months.
5. Do you think that I could ever learn to speak _____ Japanese _____ A) thinking B) had been thinking
way _____ Japanese speak it? C) been thinking D) are thinking
A) __ / the / the__ C) __ / __ / __
30. We _____ for only a few minutes before you came.
B) the / the / the__ D) __ / the / __
A) will wait B) have to wait
6. This is _____ toughest steak I have eaten. It is _____ last time I eat in C) have been waiting D) had been waiting
this restaurant.
31. Julia _____ our visit.
A) __/__ C) __ / the B) the / __ D) the / the
A) hadn’t been expecting B) was very surprised
7. I would like _____ there yesterday. C) hadn,t been to expect D) had expected for
A) being C) to have been
32. Tom: Have you seen that film?
B) having to be D) to be
Bob: Yes, I have.
8. I can’t find my sister. Do you know _____? Tom: When?
A) where is she B) where she is Bob: I _____ it a week ago.
C) somewhere she is D) is she anywhere A) would see B) had seen C) saw D) have seen
9. Mr. Green has a _____ vacation. 33. He _____ the rent last Friday.
A) two weeks B) two-week’s A) pays B) has paid C) was paying D) paid
C) two weeks’ D) two-week
34. Has Nick finished his work yet? Yes, he _____ half an hour ago.
10. Have you heard _____ weather forecast? A) has finished B) had finished C) was finishing D) finished
A) yesterday B) tomorrow’s C) for today’s D) next week
35. At eight o’clock last night I _____ a book.
11. She ran in a _____ race. A) was reading B) have read C) read D) am reading
A) ten kilometer B) ten-kilometer
36. They would have gone home if we _____ here.
C) ten kilometer’s D) ten-kilometers
A) aren’t B) won’t be C) hadn’t been D) are
12. _____ weather will be great.
37. If Bruce had been careful, he _____ had an accident.
A) Tomorrow B) Yesterday’s C) Yesterday D) Tomorrow’s
A) has B) have C) wouldn’t D) wouldn’t have
13. I wish my car _____ make so much noise.
38. Wilma _____ called if she had forgotten her keys.
A) won’t B) can’t C) didn’t D) doesn’t
A) had B) was C) would D) would have
14. “Are you leaving, Sam?” asked Mabel.
39. If they _____ harder, they would succeed.
She asked Sam if he _____.
A) could try B) try C) tried D) had tried
A) is leaving B) leaves C) was leaving D) would leave
40. If Bruce ____ to a small country, his vacation would have been better.
15. Alice said that _____.
A) went B) have gone C) has gone D) had gone
A) I’m at my office B) she was at her office
C) I’m at her office D) you have been at your office 41. If I _____ a politician, I would never tell lies.
A) was B) were C) am D) cooked
16. Jack _____ to Tom.
A) says that he had spoken B) said that he had spoken 42. _____ been made?
C) say that he speaks D) had spoken that he will say A) Have the arrangements B) When the invitations
B) The urgent steps D) A good salary was
17. “How have you been, Mona?” asked Fred.
He asked Mona how _____. 43. “The letter _____ last week”, Lola said.
A) she was B) she had been A) is sent B) was sent C) will be sent D) sent
C) was she D) had she been
44. When the door _____ Frank was very surprised.
18. He hoped that they _____ that question. A) opens B) is opened C) was opened D) shuts
A) don’t ask B) will ask C) would ask D) can’t ask
45. I’m teaching _____ to speak English.
19. The new system is more productive and _____. A) himself B) yourself C) us D) myself
A) cheap B) less dangerously
46. The work had _____ under extremely difficult conditions.
C) less expensive D) costing less
A) for them B) completed C) to be done D) slightly
20. It was foolish _____ your advice.
47. Traffic was bad because the highway _____ repaired.
A) to be forgotten B) for her forgetting
A) will be B) was being C) is D) being
C) of her to forget D) to listen
48. _____ mountains that we climbed were high.
21. She gave me a very nice book _____.
A) All B) All of C) Of the D) All of the
A) reading B) read C) to read D) will read
49. Do you know the man _____ lives across the street?
22. He can climb trees _____ a monkey.
A) which B) there C) who D) what
A) as though B) like C) as D) as if

Book 1 Part D 175 Test 13

50. I know a man _____ wife is a taxi driver. 76. His choice of words _____ very good.
A) who’s B) his C) the D) whose A) is B) are C) will D) being

51. A special computer had _____ for use in space. 77. _____ does Helen behave foolishly.
A) to be B) to be designed A) Always B) Sometimes C) Usually D) Never
C) been used D) developed
78. _____ to become a film star.
52. Jack’s always reading books. He _____ like to read. A) Every child want B) Not every child wants
A) will B) must C) would D) can C) Not every child want D) Not children want

53. He _____ buy a car so he could drive to work. 79. Next month you _____.
A) has to B) has had to C) will have to D) had to A) will be as old as I am B) will be so old as I am
C) will be very old as me D) will be so old as me
54. The phone is ringing. _____ I answer it?
A) Will B) Would C) Shall D) Won’t 80. They need some envelopes. They don’t have _____ left.
A) some B) any C) a few D) much
55. They _____ rather see a larger apartment.
A) had B) have C) would D) will 81. She runs _____ than her brother.
A) faster B) fastest C) as fast D) more fast
56. When _____ the best time to call?
A) it is B) they would C) have you D) would be 82. Ships are fun, but _____ to travel by plane.
A) also faster B) they were faster
57. Tom hasn’t been working here since he came to Turkey, _____ ? C) it is faster D) they aren’t as fast as
A) did he B) has he C) didn’t he D) hasn’t he
83. Peter’s essay was different _____ Paul’s.
58. Coffee beans are picked by hand and then _____. A) between B) to C) for D) from
A) drying B) dried
C) which are dried D) by drying 84. They live _____ than we do.
A) comfortable B) more comfortably
59. Ray and Ida were not at work today, _____ ? C) comfortably D) very comfortably
A) weren’t they B) they were C) they weren’t D) were they
85. She isn’t _____ to run a big business.
60. Ramon and Jorge weren’t angry, _____ ? A) so old B) enough old C) very old D) old enough
A) have they been B) did they
C) have they D) were they 86. Men _____ work is good receive high wages.
A) whom B) who C) whose D) of whom
61. The European countries didn’t stop the war, _____ ?
A) could they B) did they C) would they D) didn’t they 87. Children _____ behavior is bad may be punished.
A) who B) of whom C) whom D) whose

62. Sandy likes the green dress. She s _____ now.
A) trying for it. B) trying it on 88. Is that the man _____ sells newspapers?
C) trying them on D) trying on it A) who is known B) that is sometimes
C) whose brother I know D) who
63. We were at the train station _____ meet our father.
A) to B) for C) in D) on 89. Now that I’ve bought a car, I _____ walk to work.
A) mustn’t B) must C) needn’t D) hadn’t
64. Albert has gone to the market _____ some eggs.
A) for buying B) for buy C) to buy D) buy 90. They are giving away _____ of their old furniture.
A) any B) many C) few D) some
65. It’s no use _____. Nobody will take any notice of you.
A) you complain B) complaining 91. The author still works hard, but not quite as _____ as he used to.
C) to complain D) complain A) hardly B) — C) hard D) more

66. Isn’t it about time _____ taking life seriously? 92. The film was _____ boring that we walked out in the middle.
A) you started B) starting C) you start D) start A) such B) so C) too D) because

67. I’d rather _____ in tonight. There is too much pollution outside. 93. He drove so _____ that he lost his job.
A) stay B) to stay C) staying D) stayed A) badly B) quick C) cowardly D) worse

68. There’s no point _____ with him. 94. After _____ , I washed my face.
A) to argue B) you argue C) in arguing D) of arguing A) got up B) getting up C) can get up D) gotten up

69. _____ you stop that noise or I will. 95. How _____ from Leeds to Liverpool?
A) Either B) If C) Or D) Rather A) far is there B) far is it C) long is there D) long is it

70. _____ Gordon or Sam will help you. 96. Don’t you think he’s still _____ young to stay out so late?
A) Both B) Because C) Either D) Neither A) enough B) very much C) far too D) extremely

71. _____ you leave now, or you’ll miss the bus. 97. Jimmy took a book from the shelf a few minutes ago. He’s putting
A) Neither B) Nor C) Either D) Or _____ now.
A) it on B) back it C) it back D) them back
72. _____ the child nor her mother could play the violin.
A) Either B) Although C) Both D) Neither 98. Tom has never been to Turkey. _____ .
A) Neither is Helen B) Nor is Helen
73. Neither of the boys brought _____ lunch. C) Neither has Helen D) Helen isn’t, either
A) his B) its C) their D) he
99. It would be polite _____ to write and thank Martha for the gift.
74. Each of the countries sent _____ representative to the international A) your letter B) of you
conference. C) of you a letter D) a short letter
A) their B) its C) some D) official
100. It was good _____ to return my tools.
75. Please tell us about some of the dangers a detective _____ to face in A) for you B) about you C) of you D) you come
his work.
A) will B) can C) has D) have

Book 1 Part D 176 Test 13

1. _____English people are forever complaining about _____ weather, 25. Johnson would go to the beach if it ______ cold outside.
but in fact, ____ British Isles have a reasonable climate on the whole. A) weren’t B) isn’t C) wasn’t D) won’t
A) the / the / the B) __ / the / __
C) __ / the / the D) __ / __ / the 26. Jim ____ study harder if he had more time.
A) will B) were C) won’t D) would
2. We always stay at the Palace Court Hotel because it is _____ only
one with ____ facilities for _____ disabled. 27. If she _____ Peter her telephone number, he would call her.
A) the / the / the B) __ / the / the A) gave B) will give C) gives D) has given
C) the / a / __ D) __ / __ / the
28. He would have met Mr. Taylor if he _____ to the meeting.
3. ______ Swiss Alps are a good place to go if you like _____ skiing. A) goes B) had gone C) went D) would go
There is usually plenty of _____ snow during the winter months.
29. If I were you, I ______ more exercise.
A) The / __ / __ B) __ / __ / __
A) would get B) can get C) will get D) shall get
C) __ / the / __ D) the / the / the
30. If Tom had been more careful, he _____ had an accident.
4. Most people in our country prefer tea ____ coffee.
A) has B) have C) wouldn’t D) wouldn’t have
A) from B) for C) to D) at
31. My son hopes _____ soon.
5. I never ask favors ____ anyone unless it is absolutely necessary.
A) for a job B) to be hired
A) of B) from C) for D) to
C) about working D) hired for a job
6. The large house was made _____ two flats.
32. That computer _____ in another country.
A) out of B) into C) from D) than
A) was assembled B) repairs
7. I want to know what _____ . C) are guaranteed D) makes
A) are those boys doing B) were those boys doing
33. That information _____ over the telephone.
C) will those boys do D) those boys are doing
A) were given B) is giving
8. You’re an intelligent person and you can take care of _____ . C) isn’t given D) hadn’t been giving
A) you B) your C) yourself D) yourselves
34. That product ______ sold in many countries.
9. Can’t we eat ______ somewhere else? A) were B) will C) is D) are being
A) in B) _ _ _ C) on D) at
35. _____ the answer given to you yesterday?
10. She only has ____ free time on the weekends. A) Are B) Could C) Is D) Was
A) much B) a few C) a little D) any
36. These packages should _____ special care because they are fragile.
11. Wind power is ______ and clean. A) have given B) be given C) be needed D) be needing
A) either inexpensive B) neither cheap
37. We took the oranges _______ were in the refrigerator.
C) both inexpensive D) inexpensive also
A) that B) who C) there D) those
12. ____ them went to the movies.
38. The man with _____ she was arguing has a bad temper.
A) All B) Of both C) Both of D) They all of
A) who B) that C) whose D) whom
13. ____ paragraphs in Ben’s essay are short.
39. A watch _______ is unreliable is not much use.
A) Few of them B) All of them
A) _ _ _ B) who C) which D) whose
C) Most of the D) They are all
40. The wrestler _____ leg was broken is better now.
14. A: Has Linda finished her homework yet?
A) who is B) whom C) whose D) that
B: Yes, she ______ it a little while ago.
A) had finished B) has finished C) is finishing D) finished 41. Jim and Andrew can’t come tomorrow, and _____ .
A) so can’t I B) we can’t neither
15. She’s doing her homework first. Then she ____ TV.
C) neither can we D) so can’t we
A) watches B) would watch C) Shall watch D) will watch
42. Rita wants to visit Nebraska, and _____.
16. The boys were playing football when we _______ the park.
A) Clive does too B) also does Clive
A) left B) have left C) were leaving D) leave
C) does Clive also D) Clive wants too
17. She was making dinner when he ______ home.
43. John doesn’t like cheese, and Mary _____.
A) came B) has come C) was coming D) comes
A) so too B) does either
18. Felix ____ just spoken to the landlord when I called. C) doesn’t either D) does neither
A) was B) had C) will D) were
44. My friend has graduated from a college, and _____ .
19. She ____ breakfast when I called. A) so do I B) so have I C) so did I D) so had she
A) had had B) did have C) have had D) has had
45. Your house is not comfortable, and _____ .
20. Ralph hadn’t _____ carefully when he broke the machine. A) so is mine B) so mine is
A) been very B) working C) neither is mine D) neither mine is
C) being worked D) been working
46. A: Do you think our team will win the big game on Sunday?
21. Oscar ____ already left when you arrived. B: I don’t know. They _____ win.
A) he B) just C) had D) was A) would B) will C) can D) might

22. _____ they rented it before you called? 47. Before the invention of the automobile, people _____ use horses for
A) How B) Who C) Did D) Had transportation.
A) to B) to travel C) always D) used to
23. They promised that they _____ Mike next year.
A) visit B) will visit C) would visit D) won’t visit 48. _____ it be possible to go next week if they were here?
A) Can B) How C) Rather D) Would
24. Mr. Brown was doing the shopping while his wife _____.
A) has been studying B) was studied 49. “Would you like ______ ?” he asked.
C) was studying D) had been studying A) dancing B) a dance C) to dance D) dance

Book 1 Part D 177 Test 14

50. Mr. Jasper ______ to be a basketball player. 76. I don’t think there’s _____ home.
A) was used B) used C) has been D) is used A) any person B) any people C) someone D) anyone

51. I shall not waste time _______ his letter. 77. The ____ lamp is in the bedroom.
A) reply B) replying C) to reply D) replied A) other B) another C) any D) other one
’ ’
52. It s nearly lunch time. Why don t we stop ____ a bite to eat? 78. When would you like ____ you?
A) to have B) have C) having D) had A) that I call B) I’m calling C) me to call D) I’d call

53. We had to stand up _____ a better view of the game. 79. Be careful with that knife. You might cut _____ .
A) to get B) getting C) get D) _ _ _ A) yourself B) myself C) itself D) you

54. They earned a living by ____ old cars. 80. She taught _____ to play the piano.
A) sell B) to sell C) sold D) selling A) of herself B) in herself C) by herself D) herself

55. Mr. White is telling his wife ______ him tea. 81. You and Carl can help _____ , can t you ?
A) to make B) make C) making D) made A) myself B) yourself C) yourselves D) we

56. Suzie’s mother allowed her _____ to the party last night. 82. Fortunately, the snake ______ bit the explorer wasn’t poisonous.
A) go B) to go C) going D) went A) that B) who C) whose D) whom

57. He kept on ______ the same mistakes. 83. This poem is ______ long that I can’t learn it by heart.
A) to make B) to do C) making D) doing A) very B) too C) so D) enough

58. Don’t be nervous. I want you _____. 84. He’s _____ to do any serious work.
A) not nervous B) to relax C) relax D) relaxing A) too lazy B) lazy enough C) very lazy D) so lazy

59. Excuse me, officer. I d like you ______ me. 85. ____ he was seriously wounded, he went on fighting.
A) helping B) help C) to help D) for helping A) Even B) Yet C) Although D) In spite

60. There aren’t enough men, _____ the work might take a long time. 86. She isn’t _____ to face all these misfortunes.
A) since B) in order to C) although D) so A) strong for B) strong enough
C) enough strong D) very strong
61. She took time to help me _____ she was very busy.
A) since B) because C) although D) so 87. It was thoughtful ______ us your summer house.
A) of you to offer B) for your offer
62. Not only did he call on time, _____ he also left an important message. C) of your offering D) of you offering
A) therefore B) however C) but D) and
88. It was foolish _____ to Ronald’s advice and buy this junk.
63. The mechanic can’t fix the car, and _____ . A) of him listening B) of him to listen
A) I can either B) so do I C) I can, too D) neither can I C) he was listening D) for him to listen to
64. Alexander plays basketball very well, and ____ . 89. Yesterday he had a terrible accident. He ran ______ a police car.
A) so I do B) so do I C) also do I D) so what A) with B) on C) for D) into
65. We won’t leave _____ we do all there is to do. 90. Having lost their house in the disaster, they don’t have _____ to go.
A) that B) until C) by D) don’t A) nowhere B) any where C) somewhere D) anywhere
66. She dances as _____ as a professional dancer does. 91. Marry isn’t going _____ this weekend.
A) worse B) good C) better D) fine A) anywhere B) somewhere C) to anywhere D) to somewhere
67. The Persian Empire is ____ empire history has ever seen. 92. Joan was sick yesterday; ______ she didn’t go to work.
A) greedier B) too greedy A) however B) nevertheless C) therefore D) frequently
C) the greediest D) greedy enough
93. The new system is more wasteful than _____ .
68. I didn’t ____ like Chinese food, but now I am fond of it. A) economical B) less efficiently
A) use to B) used to C) used D) usually C) less expensively D) cost less
69. It was _____ that we felt exhausted when we finally arrived at the 94. I saw a boy break your window with his ball. _____ it made me
camp. really mad.
A) such a long journey B) a long journey so A) That he broke B) What he broke
C) a long journey D) a journey so C) He broke D) He has broken
70. Tom plays the piano ____ Arthur. 95. In back of the house _______ built almost a century ago.
A) well B) more A) is a barn B) there a barn
C) a lot better than D) much more C) a barn is D) has a barn there
71. Italian people usually speak _____ than Turkish people. 96. ____ kindly she talks to everybody!
A) somewhat quickly B) more quickly A) What B) That C) How D) What a
C) too quickly D) very quickly
97. ____ crowded city New York is!
72. All of those oranges are ripe. ____ of them are green. A) What a B) How C) That D) What is
A) Some B) Many C) Neither D) None

98. _____ the stamps in Dave s collection are rare ones.
73. I think ____ took your umbrella. A) Many of B) Some C) Of all D) Not any
A) anyone B) other C) person D) someone
99. Don’t tell me about your problems. I’ve got enough problems of
74. Dr. Barnard has a lot of books. _____ of them were written in the _____ .
Middle Ages. A) my B) me C) my own D) own
A) Some B) Any C) Neither D) Both
100. He has taken the exam six times so far and he ______ to pass it yet.
75. None of those glasses are clean. _____ of them are as dirty as can A) isn’t able B) can’t
be. C) hasn’t been able D) wasn’t able
A) Some B) All C) Both D) Many

Book 1 Part D 178 Test 14

1. A great many articles are made ______ nylon. 27. He said that he ______ me.
A) from B) than C) of D) out of A) have met B) would meet C) meet D) are meeting
2. We have been working in terrible conditions ______ May. 28. Did you think that they ______ their promise.
A) for B) since C) by D) until A) would keep B) won’t keep C) are keeping D) have to keep
3. Please open your books ______ page 78. 29. The painters ______ finished their work by tomorrow.
A) to B) at C) on D) for A) have B) will have C) have been D) had
4. Why are those people ______ such a hurry? 30. By May 10, Tom ______ been in Turkey for two years.
A) in B) on C) for D) _____ A) has B) have C) will D) will have
5. My radio doesn’t work very well, but I don’t know what is wrong 31. Our family owns an antique piano. We ______ since 1915.
______ it. A) have it B) got it C) have got it D) have had it
A) for B) to C) on D) with 32. A: Have you been to the United States?
6. Are there any objections ______ the committee’s plan of action? B: Yes, I ______ in 1989.
A) to B) for C) at D) _____ A) went there B) have gone there
C) have been there D) went
7. I am going to ask a few questions ______ that old gentleman.
A) up B) from C) to D) _____ 33. I will be glad when he ______ .
A) went B) had gone C) has gone D) will go
8. There are a number of differences ______ the two theories.
A) from B) among C) between D) than 34. For years her only ambition ______ to become a film star.
A) is B) has been C) have been D) are
9. Susan will probably work ______ six.
35. If you had got up earlier, you ______ not ______ the bus.
A) for B) under C) until D) by
A) will/miss B) had/missed
10. The package should be here ______ ten o’clock tomorrow. C) would/have missed D) did/miss
A) delivered B) sent C) by mail D) by 36. If motorists were to drive more carefully, they ______ fewer accidents.
11. There is only one way to win the battle ______ inflation. A) will have B) would have had
A) with B) against C) for D) over C) would have D) would be

12. Sam has a lot friends in Ankara, but he doesn’t know _____ in Bursa. 37. He’ll have to leave town soon if he ______ trouble.
A) someone B) anyone C) any friend D) any person A) didn’t want B) hadn’t C) would rather D) doesn’t want
38. You can prolong your life, ______, eat wisely, and avoid smoking.
13. Nancy traveled ______ the world.
A) exercising B) with exercising
A) around B) on C) across D) over
C) to exercise D) if you exercise
14. His friend lives ______ on the other side of town.
39. They ______ if the movie weren’t funny.
A) near B) here C) somewhere D) anywhere
A) not laugh B) wouldn’t laugh
15. Laura enjoys music, and _____ . C) will laugh D) aren’t laughing
A) either do I B) neither can she 40. If Frank had more time, he ______ to see more movies.
C) I do too D) she doesn’t either A) would like B) will like C) like D) liked
16. He hates liars, and so ______ . 41. The projector ______ if the shutter doesn’t open.
A) does he B) she does C) is she D) works she A) no work B) don’t work C) work D) won’t work

17. Tom has been very busy, and ______ . 42. People ______ like the movie better if the dialogues were shorter.
A) neither am I B) I have too C) so have I D) so do I A) would B) can
C) would be able D) had
18. James wants to buy a new car; ______, he doesn’t have enough
43. If he ______ from that window, he would be killed.
A) fell B) will fall C) has fallen D) would fall
A) therefore B) however C) moreover D) consequently
44. If Mohammed Ali ______ his first fight with Sonny Liston, no one
19. Mrs. Chunk doesn’t enjoy driving, and ______ . would have been surprised.
A) either does she B) she does too A) lost B) had lost
C) I do too D) neither do I C) has lost D) would have lost
20. Jack can play the piano, and ______ . 45. ______ you decide to go, call the station and reserve the tickets.
A) so can Helen B) either can Helen A) Had B) Do C) Should D) Would
C) Helen plays either D) neither does Helen
46. Their passports ______ checked by the officer.
21. Last year at this time Tom Brown ______ Hollywood. A) already have B) already been
A) lived at B) was living at C) have already been D) have already to be
C) was living in D) is living in 47. The old patient ______ special care because his condition was critical.
22. A: Has Barbara typed the letter yet? A) giving B) is given C) give D) given
B: Yes, she ______ it a long time ago. 48. Many of the goods made in Japan ______ to other countries.
A) typed B) has typed A) export B) exported C) exporting D) are exported
C) was typing D) has been typing
49. Two fishermen ______ in the open sea yesterday afternoon.
23. She was crossing the road when she ______ the package. A) have been rescued B) rescued
A) drops B) dropped C) was dropping D) has dropped C) were rescued D) are rescued
24. We ______ dinner when the guests arrived unexpectedly. 50. A: What are they doing to that old house?
A) was having B) were having C) have D) has dropped B: It ______ .
A) pulled down B) being pulled down
25. The telegram ______ at nine o’clock yesterday morning. C) is pull down D) is being pulled down
A) has arrived B) was arriving
C) arrived D) had arrived 51. She was seriously sick. ______ she didn’t go to work last week.
A) That’s why C) Owing to
26. I hope everyone ______ to the party tomorrow. B) It is why D) However
A) will come B) shall come C) come D) are coming

Book 1 Part D 179 Test 15

52. More people die in automobile accidents ______ in war. 78. Send him to the baker’s ______ some bread.
A) than B) as C) like D) those A) to buy B) for buying
C) in order that D) for I buy
53. I feel sorry about the man ______ three sons were killed in a traffic
accident. 79. I was very happy ______ him that he had won the prize.
A) who had B) of whose C) that he had D) whose A) to tell B) tell C) telling D) has told
54. From ______ did you borrow that book? 80. It was a waste of time ______ him to keep quiet. He simply could
A) whom B) who C) that D) which not stop talking.
A) ask B) asking C) asked D) ____
55. This is the key ______ I lost yesterday.
A) who B) whom C) ___ D)whose 81. Whoever ______ that picture was a fine artist.
A) paints B) was painted C) has painted D) had painted
56. We love to play tennis, but if they close the park we ______ play
tennis any more. 82. What ______ here before you arrived?
A) can’t B) won’t be able to A) happens B) had happened

C) couldn t D) won’t have to C) happening D) happen
57. Sam has worked hard today. He ______ be tired now. 83. ______ ever painted an apartment before?
A) shall B) can C)will D) must A) Do you B) Will you C) Had you D) Did you have
58. Barney has just found a job, and he is very happy. He ______ like his 84. She had ______ late before.
job. A) no B) no ever C) not been D) not ever
A) should B) will C)must D) has to
85. The landlord ______ just rented the apartment before they called.
59. The 100-year-old man ______ for the secret to his longevity. A) is B) has C) was D) had
A) often asked B) was often asked
C) who was often asked D) who often asked 86. ______ ever driven a car like this before?
A) You had B) Did you C) Have you D) Were you
60. I think that man is a burglar. ______ I call the police?
A) Could B) Will C) Shall D) Would 87. Who ______ talking to before I came?
A) you are B) have they been
61. ______ he seems today, the old man was once a dangerous criminal. C) are D) had they been
A) Peaceful B) As peaceful as
C) Although peaceful D) No matter peaceful 88. I ______ rather not work in this office. It is terribly cold.
A) would B) had C) have D) will
62. She ______ taken another course. She can use the computer well.
A) was B) isn’t C) has been D) should have 89. When ______ possible to get some more information?
A) Would it be B) Had it C) Has it D) Would be it
63. When Jack was a child, he ______ to live on a farm with his family.
A) likes B) farmed C) used D) wishes 90. The plan ______ will put a lot of people out of work.
A) to mechanize the factory B) has mechanized the factory
64. ______ speak to Felix? C) is to mechanize the factory D) is to mechanize the factory.
A) Would you like to B) Had you
C) Have you D) When were you 91. The director ______ consulted about the plan.
A) have been B) should have been
65. You would like to see a good movie, ______ you? C) would D) being
A) wouldn’t B) hadn’t C) haven’t D) weren’t
92. A: It’s too bad you can’t come tomorrow.
66. The instructor wants us ______ for the test. B: I ______ come, but I’d rather stay home.
A) student B) study hard C) to prepare D) writing A) can B) did C) have D) do
67. ______ being useful, glass is also ornamental. 93. Mace ______ a highly flavored spice used in foods.
A) Besides B) Aside C) Though D)Because A) is B) which is C) as it is D) to be like
68. Parents should always put medicine away after ______ it. Otherwise,
94. Never ______ such a beautiful village before.
children might take it and harm themselves.
A) I had seen B) I saw
A) take B) you took C) took D) taking
C) have I seen D) had I been seen
69. You should always check your tires before ______ your car.
95. ______ difficult to work when you are tired.
A) drive B) driving C) you drove D) you’re driving
A) It is B) It was C) It D) Its
70. She made him ______ the kitchen.
96. ______ to read about the customs of other countries.
A) to paint B) painted C) painting D) paint
A) That was extremely interesting
71. She has a very important report ______ . B) It was interesting
A) typing B) to prepare C) Is it very interesting
C) which it was typed D) she prepared D) That many students like
72. Would you mind ______ home early? 97. We have a lot of tasks this weekend, ______ .
A) I came B) coming C) to come D) you come A) each one is demanding great attention
B) each one has demanded great attention
73. I can’t stand ______ in a long line.
C) each one demanding great attention
A) wait B) waiting C) to wait D) waited
D) and each one has demanding great attention

74. We couldn t help ______ when she fell off the horse.
98. Bethlehem, the city ______ Jesus was born, is regarded as a holy
A) the laugh B) laughing C) laugh D) to laugh
sanctum by Christians.
75. Do you know the beautiful lady ______ ? A) which was B) that where C) where D) whose city
A) sit in the car B) she sat in the car
99. Physical therapy ______ assuage his pain and speed his recovery.
C) sitting in the car D) she is sitting in the car
A) expects to B) has expected
76. If you don,t ______ smoking, you’ll never regain your health? C) expected D) is expected to
A) give of B) give away
100. ______ is that there is a risk of heart attack for the elderly.
C) give up D) give off
A) One important drawback of aerobics
77. The children ______ play with them. B) There is one important drawback of aerobics
A) want that I B) want me to C) It is one important drawback of aerobics
C) want me for D) want my D) If there is one important drawback of aerobics.

Book 1 Part D 180 Test 15

1. I insisted that he ______ me the money. 25. George, ______ speaks German, applied the job.
A) is paying B) pays C) was paying D) pay A) whom B) that C) who D) _ _ _ _
2. It is imperative that air pollution ______. 26. The beliefs ______ Moslems hold are based on the teachings of
A) eliminated B) is eliminated Prophet Mohammed.
B) be eliminated D) was eliminated A) that B) whom C) who D) whose
3. It is essential that she ______ smoking. 27. Although ______ named until 1782, aluminum was used as early as
A) give up B) is giving up 5300 B.C.
C) gives up D) gave up A) it was not B) could not be
4. I don’t enjoy ______at by other people. C) there must not have been D) which was never
A) laughing B) being laughed 28. In front of the house ______ looking at us threateningly.
C) laughed D) to laugh A) was a large dog B) a large dog
5. It is easy ______ by his lies. C) a large dog was D) a dog was large
A) to be fooled B) fooling C) to fool D) fooled 29. Never before ______ such ridiculous arguments.
6. It is ______to study for a test and then to fail it. A) have we heard B) we had heard
A) frustrating B) frustrate C) frustrated D) frustration C) we have heard D) we could have heard
7. She felt great ______ at not being able to ride a horse. 30. Not once ______ offer to help me.
A) frustration B) frustrating C) frustrate D) frustrated A) I have B) did he C) had his D) for him to
8. Usually a bird species gains public recognition ______ faces the 31. Known reserves of petroleum are said to be sufficient only ______
danger of extinction. the end of the century.
A) which only B) only when it A) by B) since C) until D) unless
C) only when D) which it 32. Not only ______ buildings, they also specify different kinds of
9. Why ______ at a given time is not known. materials for their buildings.
A) does a drought occur B) a drought should occur A) architects to design B) design architects do
C) it is a drought that D) a drought that occurs C) do design architects D) do architects design
10. It ______ the Titanic sank while crossing the Atlantic. 33. On top of the hill ______.
A) is 1912 when B) in 1912 that A) standing a huge building B) stood a huge building
C) which was in 1912 D) was in 1912 that C) a huge building was D) a huge building standing
11. ____ 1980 that Voyager transmitted photographs of Saturn to earth. 34. Among the plays being presented ______ written by Eugene O.Neil.
A) When it was B) During B) It was D) It was in A) is as famous B) is a famous one
12. It was in 1901 ____ Roosevelt became President of the United States. C) a famous play D) one is famous
A) when B) which C) that D) who 35. Never before ______ a war as bloody as the Vietnam War.
13. He must run very fast ______ he wants to catch the bus. A) history has seen B) history has seen
A) so that B) because C) unless D) so C) does history see D) has history seen
14. Father is not going to light the bonfire ______ we have gathered 36. Between the two trees ______.
enough wood. A) a flower garden was B) garden was a flower
A) because B) although C) if D) so C) a garden was flower D) was a flower garden
15. “I will come to the meeting”, Tom said to me. 37. Between the two mountains ______.
Tom promised me that ______. A) a river is B) is a river
A) he will come to the meeting. C) the river is there D) along the river
B) I will come to the meeting. 38. In front of the station ______.
C) I would come to the meeting. A) some people are B) stood several people
D) he would come to the meeting. C) did I wait D) I am
16. “I will help you”, Bob said to me. 39. Not once ______ the chance to talk to the project manager.
A) Bob told me he would help me. A) did we get B) we are C) will be able D) for us
B) Bob told me that I will help you.
C) Bob said that he would help you. 40. ______ wants to come is welcome.
D) Bob told me that he would help you. A) Who B) He C) A person D) Whoever
17. ______ was more than mere nervousness: it was a real phobia. 41. Never ______ a museum with as many paintings as this one.
A) He was afraid of flying B) His fear of flying A) they had visited B) they have visited
C) Afraid of flying D) If he was afraid of flying C) had they visited D) they must have visited
18. It was Albert Einstein who developed the theory ______ relativity. 42. ______ but he must also avoid any evidence of partiality.
A) of B) that C) was D) in A) If you are a judge, you must be unbiased
B) A judge must be unbiased.
19. The icy conditions made road travel dangerous, so ______ going by
C) Not only must a judge be unbiased
car we took the subway.
D) Not just be punctual
A) therefore B) instead of C) as well as D) in spite of
20. ______ the many hardships they had to face, the balloonists managed 43. ______ was obvious when she was caught with the stolen diamonds.
to reach their destination. A) If she was involved in the robbery
A) Despite B) In addition to B) She was involved in the robbery
C) Because of D) In accordance with C) Because she was involved in the robbery
D) That she was involved in the robbery
21. ______ the extraordinarily good results, it was decided to try the
same approach next year. 44. The world would be a better place ______ we could abolish wars.
A) In spite of B) However C) In view of D) Despite A) if B) so that C) unless D) although
22. New oil deposits are being searched for; ______ they are very difficult 45. ______ sanitary conditions are so primitive, disease may be rampant
to find. all throughout the poverty-stricken country.
A) because B) therefore C) however D) too A) Although B) Due to C) Because D) With
23. The rate of energy consumption has increased; ______ it continues 46. They told their friends that they ______ a vacation in August and
to rise each year. would visit them on their way to Ankara.
A) because B) moreover C) consequently D) therefore A) would take B) took C) had taken D) were taken
24. Wilson works hard at school; ______, he does well on test. 47. Some people think it’s time we all ______ a single international
A) not only B) correctly C) consequently D) studying language.
A) learned B) should learn C) learn D) will learn

Book 1 Part D 181 Test 16

48. It’s no use ______ to learn a language just by studying a dictionary. 75. ______ possible that scientists will someday release the energy stored
A) to try B) try C) trying D) in trying in water.
49. ______ with a foreign family can be a good way to learn a language. A) That is B) To be C) It is D) That it is
A) Live B) Living C) Lived D) Life 76. He ate a huge supper. He ______ very hungry.
50. She turned off the tape recorder ______ pushing the stop button. A) must be B) can’t be
A) by B) with C) in D) be C) must have been D) can’t have been
51. Low-income families have a hard time ______. 77. I feel a draught. The windows ______ open.
A) they buy enough meat B) to buy enough meat A) must be B) were
C) buying enough meat D) for buying meat. C) must have been D) had to be
78. There wasn’t any milk this morning. The milkman ______ to leave it.
52. He said that he ______ the film the day before.
A) must forget B) must have forgotten
A) would see B) has seen C) had seen D) saw
C) can’t forget D) can’t have forgotten
53. After Mohammed Ali ______ an Olympic gold medal, he became a 79. According to some historians, if the United States had not used the
professional boxer. atom bomb, the Japanese ______ half of the world.
A) has won B) had won C) won D) was winning A) had conquered B) would conquer
54. A: It’s too bad she’s never worked in a real estate office. C) would have conquered D) had had conquered
B: She ______ worked in one, but it was just a summer job. 80. Alice ______ have been told about the problem because she was on
A) has B) is C) was D) did vacation and could not be reached.
55. A: I’m sorry that Sam hasn’t learned to drive yet. A) shouldn’t B) couldn’t C) needn’t D) must
B: He ______ learned, but he doesn’t like to drive. 81. Could the package ______ to the wrong address?
A) does B) have C) had D) has A) being sent B) to be sent C) have been sent D) will be sent
56. If we don’t hurry, the wedding ______ before our arrival. 82. You are broke now because you spent all your money foolishly. You
A) took place B) will have taken place ______ your money foolishly.
C) takes place D) should have taken place A) must spend B) shouldn’t have spent
57. In three years time, I ______ my studies. C) must have spent D) mustn’t have spent
A) will have finished B) finish 83. Architects also design theaters, ______ is the Sydney Opera House.
C) will finish D) am finishing A) examples of which B) example which
58. They never ______ the packages that they ______. C) an example of which D) of which
A) had received / had ordered B) received / ordered 84. English is quite difficult because of all the exceptions ______ have
C) received / had ordered D) received / has ordered to be learned.
59. The secretary ______ the office after she ______ the letters. A) which B) what C) they D) those
A) left / had typed B) had left / had typed 85. We were impressed by the traditional architecture of Japan, ______
C) left / typed D) had left / typed is in this picture.
A) it B) examples of which
60. For the past three days she ______ in a bad mood.
C) an example of which D) that
A) were B) have been C) was D) has been
86. Hydrogen peroxide ______ as a bleaching agent because it effectively
61. One of the most effective ways of getting ahead in life ______. whitens a variety of fibers and surfaces.
A) you work hard and regularly A) which is used B) housewives are using
B) is to be a trustworthy person C) used D) is used
C) know how to solve problems quickly
D) having invested in personal relationships 87. The Bengal tiger, ______ can be seen in the local zoo, is an extremely
interesting animal.
62. He ______ of Einstein before I gave him a book on relativity. A) of B) examples of which
A) did not hear B) had not heard C) where D) of which
C) would not hear D) would not have heard
88. Niemeyer designed many buildings in Brazil, ______ are in Brasilia.
63. Although he ______ the windows, they are still dirty. A) an example of which B) examples of which
A) has cleaned B) cleaned C) will clean D) had cleaned C) examples which D) of which
64. Have you heard the ______ weather forecast? 89. Many of the items ______ were given to the employees.
A) yesterday B) three-week C) today,s D) two weeks A) sell B) sale C) sold to D) not sold
65. Carl has a ______ vacation every year. 90. Even though Mohammed Ali has now lost his title, people ______
A) two-week B) two week C) two weeks D) of two weeks always remember him as a champion.
66. Had they gone to the island a day earlier, they ______ the storm. A) would B) did C) will D) shall
A) will have avoided B) would avoid 91. There is only one kind of species of snake ______ poisonous in Turkey.
C) would have avoided D) had avoided A) it is B) that is C) is D) being
67. They ______ a better project if they had worked harder. 92. ______ I prefer Bangkok, my friend would rather live in Tokyo.
A) might have B) had had A) Which B) But C) While D) For example
C) have D) might have had 93. Not only ______ come late, you also haven’t brought my book.
68. I would have come, ______ I been invited. A) are you B) you haven’t C) you did D) have you
A) should B) when C) if D) had 94. Neither my friend ______ I like playing soccer.
69. ______ he studied more carefully, he could have improved his grade. A) or B) and C) but D) nor
A) However B) Might C) Had D) Should have 95. It is said that Chinese is perhaps the world’s _____ language to master.
A) harder B) hardest C) hard D) too hard
70. ______ you need my help tomorrow, please call me.
A) Should B) Had C) Might D) Would 96. Learning a second language is not the same _____ learning a first
71. Have you been ______ today? A) as B) like C) that D) which
A) to outside B) from C) outside D) of outside
97. Fewer babies are born with birth defects ______ advances in prenatal
72. Many people with spinal cord injuries can, with the help of computer care during this decade.
implants, ______. A) because of B) than C) since D) as to
A) recovering some of their mobility
B) they can recover some of their mobility 98. The play was ______ one that I saw in London last year.
C) recover some of their mobility A) it B) similar from
D) who are recovering some of their mobility C) similar to D) different between
99. Working provides people with personal satisfaction ______ wealth.
73. She sang ______ and was admired by everybody.
A) apart from B) as well as C) beside D) next to
A) as beautiful as a bird B) beautifying
C) beautifully D) beautiful like a bird 100. A: Why don’t you send your resume if you want the job?
B: I ______ send it, but it got lost in the mail.
74. ______ require years of hard work to develop a successful software. A) did B) do C) can D) will
A) It will B) That will C) Will it D) The company

Book 1 Part D 182 Test 16

1. Neither of the men gave _____ approval. 25. Mr. Nester can’t swim, and _____ .
A) their B) his C) its D) they A) I can too B) I can’t either
C) I swim neither D) neither do I
2. Most of the women sent____applications to the director of the
program. 26. It would be _____ to write George and thank him.
A) their B) her C) her own D) them A) a letter from you B) kind of letter
C) kind of you D) of you
3. Gold_____to be the most alliable metal of all.
A) know B) has known C) is known D) knows 27. Every year, a _____ automobile race is held in Indianapolis.
A) five hundred miles B) five hundred-mile
4. _____enjoyed their meal.
C) five hundred mile D) of hundred miles
A) Every guest B) Neither guest
C) Each of the guests D) Some guests 28. Rose ran in a _____ race.
A) twenty-kilometer B) twenty kilometer’s
5. The cause of the series of disasters____not yet known, but an enquiry
C) of twenty kilometers D) for twenty kilometers
has been set up to find out what happened.
A) are B) is C) has D) were 29. A: Have you finished your book _____ ?
B: No, I am _____ in the middle of it.
6. Each team has received_____new uniforms.
A) yet/still B) already/still C) still/already D) yet/yet
A) their B) them C) his D) its
30. _____ lucky I am to see you this morning!
7. It was____Dave to quit his job.
A) What B) What a C) How D) That
A) fired because B) stupid of
C) foolish by D) because of school 31. The delay was due _____ negligence, not to lack of funds.
A) for B) to C) from D) because
8. Robert didn’t study for the test; _____ he did very well.
A) consequently B) nevertheless 32. We insist _____ prompt attention.
C) therefore D) moreover A) for B) on C) at D) in
9. The sheep_____to be brought down from the hills in bad weather, 33. We shall agree _____ any reasonable proposal.
or some might die. A) for B) with C) to D) for
A) has B) would C) must D) have
34. I’m afraid we can’t agree _____ each other _____ anything.
10. I’ll go to the station and_____for you A) with/on B) with/with C) on/on D) on/with
A) wait B) to wait C) waiting D) have waited
35. The fluctuation in the money market is _____ worries the economists.
11. Their ship was designed to make several trips and____equipment. A) what B) which C) that D) whose
A) carrying B) to carry C) for carrying D) carries
36. Is there a shop round here where they sell _____ clothes?
12. _____ of measurement has ever equaled the metric system in A) children’s B) child’s C) children D) childish
37. The building should be finished in about three _____ .
A) Another system B) A new system
A) of months B) month’s C) month D) months
C) No other system D) Other systems
38. _____ motivate learning is well documented.
13. _____ to hear that Charles is doing well at his job.
A) That is computers B) Computers that
A) That is good B) It is good C) I am good D) What is good
C) That computers D) It is those computers
14. I don’t care if we go to the beach or not. _____ .
39. Raymond studies for several hours every evening; _____ , he does
A) It’s up to you B) Mind your own business
very well on tests.
C) We haven’t got all day D) It isn’t worth it
A) however B) not only C) nevertheless D) consequently
15. She lost her job yesterday. _____ .
40. Dr. Osaka gives interesting lectures; _____, he is very popular with
A) We are proud of her B) I can’t stand her
his students.
C) I believe in her D) I feel sorry for her
A) however B) consequently
16. Susie said, “I’ll wash the dishes.” C) but also D) not only
She said she _____ the dishes.
41. I wasn’t in the office yesterday; _____ , I didn’t get the message you
A) would wash B) will wash C) shall wash D) could wash
left for me.
17. People respect Dr. Play. They _____ him because of his great A) however B) not only C) therefore D) nevertheless
42. Who was the first person _____ today?
A) look up to B) look at C) look up D) look for
A) spoke to you B) you spoke to
18. It’s high time _____ measures to protect our environment. C) you spoke D) whom you spoke
A) we take B) we took
43. _____ city life has its advantages, it also has its disadvantages.
C) we have taken D) we are taking
A) Like B) While C) But D) For example
19. The Food and Drug Administration makes grocers and restaurant
44. The argument soon developed _____ a quarrel.
owners _____ all milk before selling it.
A) out B) from C) of D) into
A) pasteurized B) had pasteurized
C) pasteurize D) should have pasteurized 45. I am ashamed _____ my mistakes on that composition.
A) of B) from C) for D) with
20. She has always wanted other people _____ slowly.
A) that they speak B) to speak 46. _____ my opinion, English is a difficult language.
C) have spoken D) had spoken A) For B) To C) In D) With
21. We would like _____ our radio. 47. The service in the restaurant is very poor; there aren’t enough waiters
A) she’s fixing B) she’d fix C) she had fixed D) her to fix to wait _____ people.
A) to B) on C) for D) at
22. The discovery was made after a _____ search.
A) two years B) twice a year 48. Don’t blame other people _____ your own mistakes.
C) two year D) two year’s A) on B) at C) for D) _____
23. It’s very important _____ before entering the contest. 49. This simple machine consists _____ three small wheels and a handle.
A) having practiced B) to have practiced A) of B) for C) from D) at
C) having to practice D) practicing
50. Let’s not have fish again tonight; I am tired _____ fish.
24. ____ highway accidents may paralyze traffic for hours is known to all. A) from B) with C) of D) _____
A) These B) That C) As D) Because

Book 1 Part D 183 Test 17

51. _____ I known you were coming, we would have stayed at home. 77. _____ is to visit Asia and Africa.
A) Should B) Had C) Might D) Would A) It would be exciting B) How interesting
C) What I’d like to do D) That’s what I’d do
52. _____ I not heard the warning, I would have had a serious accident.
A) Had B) If C) Should D) Would 78. _____ I am talking about does not really concern you.
A) What B) That’s what C) Why D) It’s why
53. _____ I listened to your advice, I wouldn’t have had any trouble.
A) When B) Had C) Although D) Then 79. _____ requires a lot of patience to learn a second language.
A) Teachers B) Students C) That D) It
54. The car _____ with gas if the service station had been open.
A) should have filled B) would have been 80. _____ to know is the address of Tim’s house.
C) would have been filled D) could be filled A) What I will need B) Had I needed
C) That I will need D) What directions are needed
55. _____ Bruce not driven so fast, he wouldn’t have had an accident.
A) Should B) Had C) Might D) Would 81. Crocodiles are different from alligators _____ they have pointed snouts.
A) in which B) with which C) in that D) that
56. Would Bruce _____ his car if he had driven slowly?
A) damage B) have damage 82. How long _____ here by the time she’s sixty-five?
C) have damaged D) damaged A) will she work B) she will work
C) does she work D) will she have worked
57. He wishes he _____ the exam.
A) will pass B) had passed C) has passed D) can pass 83. We _____ several possibilities before we made the decisions.
A) had been B) hadn’t been
58. Intolerance between ethnic groups _____ on lack of information.
C) been considering D) had been considering
A) usually based B) which has been based
C) which is usually based D) is usually based 84. The lower the stock market falls, _____ .
A) then the price of gold rises higher
59. _____ bough gasoline if they had had more money?
B) the higher the price of gold rises
A) Would they have B) Have they
C) because the price of gold rises high
C) They had D) Had they
D) the price of gold to rise higher
60. If I had checked the gas, I wouldn’t _____ to walk to the gas station.
85. Rafts _____ the trunks of trees may have been the earliest vehicles.
A) has had B) have had C) had had D) had have
A) are made from B) made from
61. My mother, _____ you never met, works in a hospital. C) which they are made from D) which made
A) _____ B) that C) who D) whom
86. For the past ten minutes I _____ for my friend to come. He hasn’t
62. Helen’s sister, for _____ we work, is really a good manager. arrived yet.
A) _____ B) who C) that D) whom A) wait B) am waiting
C) have been waiting D) waiting
63. Houses for _____ people pay high prices aren’t always well built.
A) _____ B) that C) which D) whom 87. He _____ better as soon as he had eaten dinner.
A) would feel B) will feel C) felt D) could feel
64. Goods _____ we have paid for have not been delivered.
A) that B) of which C) who D) whose 88. They took a rest after they _____ the yard.
A) had cleaned up B) were cleaning up
65. The room in _____ Peter works is very small. C) would clean up D) have cleaned up
A) that B) which C) _____ D) who
89. For three days we _____ the living room, and still haven’t finished.
66. The girl to _____ I spoke comes from Italy. A) paint B) are painting
A) _____ B) who C) whose D) whom C) have to paint D) have been painting
67. The letter _____ I wrote to him was foolish. 90. When she left the building, she had the feeling she _____ .
A) who B) to which C) _____ D) whose A) is watched B) may be watched
68. Although he has money, with _____ he can do most things, he is C) was being watched D) has been watched
rather unhappy. 91. I expect him _____ the job by four o’clock.
A) that B) _____ C) which D) who A) finishing B) to be complete
69. Manuel asked _____ to the project. C) have been finished D) to have completed
A) to work B) to be assigned 92. I would like _____ to the concert last night.
C) for a job D) to be fired A) to go B) going
C) to have gone D) will have gone
70. The mechanic expects the car _____ by nylon.
A) have fixed B) have finished 93. A chameleon is a tree lizard _____ can change colors in order to
C) to have been repaired D) repairing conceal itself in the vegetation.
A) with which it B) that C) whose life it D) that it
71. What happened when the recipes _____ presented?
A) were being B) are past 94. He imagined the man _____ him.
C) have been D) will be A) to be following B) were following
C) want to follow D) follow
72. I expect all the arrangements _____ by tomorrow.
A) to have been made B) will be making 95. They were looking for a good _____ car.
C) have been made D) were made A) use B) used C) to use D) using

73. Irma wants _____ an opportunity to explain. 96. They had their car _____ at Nick’s Garage.
A) being given B) to be given C) for D) to giving A) repairing B) to repair C) repaired D) repair

74. This book is said _____ in the fourteenth century. 97. She was late to work. She _____ a taxi instead of waiting for the bus.
A) many times B) to have been written A) would have taken B) might have taken
C) when it was written D) by being written C) must have taken D) should have taken
98. A new employee had _____ after Mr. Ferguson fired Oscar.
75. One of the primary causes of traffic accidents _____ .
A) to have been working B) to be working
A) is reckless driving B) people drive recklessly
C) to be hired D) to be for the job
C) people who drive recklessly D) driving recklessly
99. Hundreds of workers had _____ to build the pipeline.
76. Land _____ in large cities that architects conserve space by designing
A) hired B) to be hired C) been hiring D) hiring
A) is more expensive B) which is most expensive 100. No one realized that the document was important. It ____ thrown out.
C) is so expensive D) the most expensive thing A) would have been B) wouldn’t have been
C) should have been D) might have been

Book 1 Part D 184 Test 17

1. ____ such as dogs and cats can teach children lessons in 27. If every child _____ his teeth every day, dentists would not be very
responsibility. busy.
A) Taking care of pets B) If they take care of pets A) brushes B) would brush C) brushed D) had brushed
C) Take care of pets D) Only when they take care of
28. If I _____ English perfectly, I wouldn’t be studying English now.
2. Many of the health problems are found to result from _____ an A) spoke B) speak C) am speaking D) would speak
unbalanced diet.
29. Mr. Bell’s car _____ a taxi last night if he hadn’t been driving too
A) people eat B) eating C) eaten D) if people eat
3. Styles _____ in the 1940s have recently reappeared in high-fashion A) would not hit B) didn’t hit
boutiques. C) had not hit D) wouldn’t have hit
A) have been popular
30. If they _____ to me, they wouldn’t have made that mistakes.
B) were popular
A) listened B) could listen C) would listen D) had listened
C) that were popular
D) which they were universally popular 31. An old lady, _____ looks younger than her years, takes care of the
4. The idea of a set _____ the most fundamental concept in
A) that B) _____ C) who D) whom
A) which is B) which it is C) to be D) is 32. Chocolate, for _____ I have a great liking, is going up in price.
A) _____ B) that C) which D) whom
5. It’s easier to talk about a problem _____ to resolve it.
A) that is difficult B) than 33. My doctor, from _____ I have few secrets, is a close friend of mine.
C) which is difficult D) one finds it difficult A) _____ B) who C) that D) whom
6. Nancy had imagined life on the campus _____ different. 34. Mr. Black, _____ opinion I value, told me to look for a new job.
A) much B) is C) will be D) to be A) _____ B) which C) that D) whose
7. Wine _____ its flavor when it has not been properly sealed. 35. Two tables, _____ were beautifully polished, stood in the middle of
A) which loses B) loses C) to lose D) is lost the room.
A) _____ B) that C) which D) who
8. Don’t forget _____ your lessons before you get to bed.
A) study B) to study C) studying D) studied 36. Mrs. Brown is almost _____ tall _____ her husband.
A) so/so B) so/as C) as/as D) like/as
9. I promise _____ after movies, no matter how sleepy I feel.
A) study B) to study C) studying D) studied 37. I saw the paintings _____ were in the living room.
A) that B) who C) there D) those
10. Please go on _____ until you know all these words by heart.
A) study B) to study C) studying D) studied 38. We’ve looked _____ for the keys we lost.
A) in all places B) at all places C) over all D) everywhere
11. Where is the body of the _____ man?
A) murder B) to murder C) murdered D) murdering 39. Jean has _____ paid a good salary.
A) been B) being C) had D) _____
12. Mr. Tanner can’t walk because he has a_____ leg.
A) break B) breaking C) broke D) broken 40. Al repairs are _____ without charge.
A) did B) doing C) made D) making
13. Have you ever seen a _____ fish?
A) fly B) to fly C) flew D) flying 41. Why _____ sent late?
A) the order was B) it was
14. I expected _____ last night, but I couldn’t find my book.
C) they were D) was the order
A) study B) studying C) to study D) studied
42. _____ the stamps put on the package or in it?
15. Why did you decide _____ before breakfast instead of after dinner?
A) Do B) Does C) Are D) Will
A) studying B) to study C) study D) studied
43. Kevin’s suitcase _____ examined already by the customs officer?
16. Can you finish _____ before the guests arrive?
A) carefully B) is C) has D) has been
A) study B) to study C) studying D) studied
44. Much of the work _____ done yesterday.
17. I’d like to exchange this shirt _____ a large one?
A) being B) was C) will be D) won’t be
A) with B) to C) for D) from
45. Was the package _____ carefully?
18. The prisoners were forced to work outside _____ the danger from
A) opens B) opening C) opened D) open
wild animals and snakes.
A) in spite of B) for C) because D) of 46. Traffic was bad because the highway _____ repaired.
A) will be B) was being C) is D) being
19. The train arrived late _____ bad weather.
A) due to B) because C) out of D) from 47. They were in danger of _____ .
A) injured B) injure C) been injured D) being injured
20. His prices are too high; let’s bargain _____ him.
A) for B) from C) with D) _____ 48. The English test was _____ yesterday.
A) being B) being here C) giving D) given
21. Don’t you ever feel bored _____ the same kind of music, day after
day? 49. _____ her never- ending energy, the project turned out to be a
A) from B) with C) on D) at failure.
A) Nevertheless B) Although
22. The princess was dressed _____ green silk.
C) Despite D) On condition that
A) in B) on C) from D) _____
50. _____ happened after she left the house is difficult to explain.
23. What is the use _____ to convince a foolish person?
A) That B) Which C) Before D) What
A) of trying B) to try C) from trying D) for trying
51. ____ was to have dinner after the movie.
24. _____ human being had ever traveled alone to the North Pole until
A) What B) What I want
C) What we are to do D) What I wanted to do
A) No B) If no C) Although D) There was no
52. ____best is riding horses.
25. If every country _____ more money on education the world would
A) She likes B) What she likes
be a better place to live in.
C) That she likes D) What she is like
A) spends B) spent C) would spend D) is spending
53. We heard that ____ called the mayor.
26. If nobody _____ taxes, governments would have no money.
A) you would B) they will C) we are D) she had
A) paid B) would pay C) pays D) can pay

Book 1 Part D 185 Test 18

54. Did Smith tell the reporter that the small boats ____. 80. Helen hardly ever goes to ____ the theatre.
A) were crowding B) crowded A) the cinema nor B) neither the cinema nor
C) were the crowd D) were crowded C) either the cinema or D) the cinema or
55. ____ next year, the highway will have been started.
81. ____ depends on good preparation and strong delivery.
A) At B) Until C) By D) On
A) If you want to win a debate B) People winning a debate
56. ____ its fragile appearance, a newborn infant is extremely sturdy. C) Winning a debate D) Some people win a debate
A) In spite of B) Although C) For D) Unlike
82. Of the four girls, Mary is the ____.
57. They will ____ to build the highway by next year.
A) prettier B) prettiest C) pretty D) far prettier
A) starting B) have started C) had started D) started
58. The smoke ____ from the oil refinery distorts the view. 83. We’ve missed the bus. There’s nothing we can do now ____ wait
A) is rising B) that is rising C) has risen D) must rise for the next one.
A) although B) unless C) except D) if
59. The landlord ____ just rented the apartment when I got there.
A) was B) had been C) have D) had
84. Some women are wearing jeans ____ skirts.
60. Nucleoproteins are the essential chemicals ____ living matter A) to wearing B) until were
duplicates itself. C) for wearing D) instead of wearing
A) which all B) what C) whose D) with which
85. ____ did Ellen enter the contest, but she also won the first prize.
61. ____and a strict sleeping schedule are necessary to sound health.
A) How B) Both C) Neither D) Not only
A) If you exercise daily B) With daily exercise
C) You exercise D) Daily exercise
86. To judge a person, ____ what he says but observe what he does.
62. ____ are brightly colored beetles that help farmers by eating harmful A) do not listen to B) when you do not listen to
insects. C) your not listening to D) listening not to
A) Because ladybugs B) Ladybugs
C) Due to ladybugs D) If ladybugs 87. Not only were the students late, but they ____ their books.
A) forgot them B) also forgot
63. I got a letter from an old friend. It was a ____ surprise for me.
C) forget D) were forgetting
A) pleasantly B) pleased C) pleasant D) to please
64. She ____ take a taxi because she was in a hurry. 88. She plays tennis ____ that everyone thinks she is a professional player.
A) has to B) had to C) must D) should A) so good B) very well C) too well D) so well
65. It was very cold today. You ____ your sweater.
89. Since it ____ for more than a week, everything in the house felt
A) could wear B) should wear
C) should have worn D) couldn’t worn
A) has rained B) had been raining
66. After strict safety regulations have been introduced, only rarely ____. C) it rained D) will have rained
A) does an accident occur B) accidents occur
C) occurring accidents D) an accident has occurred 90. A: Where is Tom working these days?
B: He’s still at Gima ____ I know.
67. I thought that he ____ something for me.
A) as B) because C) that D) as far as
A) was supposed to do B) was supposed to
C) is supposed to do D) is supposed to
91. Only when every possible treatment had been tried ____ decide for
68. Tom ____ more for the test yesterday. an operation.
A) can always study B) could have studied A) didn’t they B) they did C) they didn’t D) did they
C) will be able to study D) always studied
92. She doesn’t ____ English.
69. Did Alice really ____ to live in this small town?
A) either speaks or writes B) neither speak nor write
A) used B) use C) used to D) ever
C) speak or write D) speak nor write
70. The alarm clock is ringing. It ____ be time to get up.
A) must B) can’t C) will D) should 93. I’m bad ____ remembering face.
A) at B) in C) with D) on
71. The higher a mountaineer climbs, ____.
A) the thinner the air will become.
94. These are nice apples. How ____ a kilo.
B) there will be thinner air
A) many are there B) much are there
C) the air will become thinner
C) much are they D) many are they
D) thinner the air will become
72. A: That desk is exactly what I need. 95. Very small hotels ____ this serve good food.
B: Would you consider ____ it then? A) as B) with C) in D) like
A) to buy B) buy C) buying D) about buying
96. A sports car is expensive ____.
73. Today isn’t ____ cold ____ yesterday.
A) to run B) running C) run D) ran
A) __/as B) so/like C) so/as D) so/so
74. There are apricots on our tree ____ large ____ a fist. 97. Because early balloons were at the mercy of shifting winds, ____
A) like/as B) so/as C) as/like D) as/as not considered a practical means of transportation.
A) they were B) which were C) so they were D) were
75. Tokyo isn’t quite ____ far from Beijing ____ Istanbul is.
A) so/so B) so/like C) __/as D) so/as
98. Tom is waiting ____ the doctor.
76. I have ____ experience than you do. A) to see B) for to see C) for seeing D) see
A) as much B) less C) little D) fewer
99. I haven’t a chair ____.
77. ____ a person earns, the more the family spends.
A) to sit B) for to sit on C) to sit on D) for sitting
A) The most B) When C) The more D) How much
78. Sue is ____ Lucy. 100. In any line of business, it is ____ customers.
A) a lot pretty than B) a lot prettier than A) important pleasing B) important to please
C) pretty than D) prettier as C) important for pleasing D) important pleased
79. Why is there ____ traffic on the streets in August than in September?
A) fewer B) less C) little D) few

Book 1 Part D 186 Test 18

1. Several ____ friends attended last night’s concert. 27. The old man died not of injuries ____ in the accident but of a heart
A) them B) my C) of my D) of them attack.
2. The actor ____ house we visited was Robert Redford. A) were sustained B) sustained
A) which B) whose C) who D) of whom C) to sustain D) what sustained

3. A person who talks to ____ is not necessarily mad. 28. It was recently reported that a young research scientist ____ a blood
A) himself B) oneself C) him D) itself test to diagnose cancer.
A) found B) finding C) who found D) to have found
4. My sister taught ____ to cook Chinese dishes.
A) myself B) themselves C) himself D) herself 29. There are over 12000 people ____ in New York.
A) they don’t have any fixed address
5. Sometimes it’s a good idea to study ____. B) don’t have any fixed address
A) by yourself B) itself C) by itself D) in yourself C) whose fixed address
6. ____ of the men brought his tools. D) with no fixed address
A) Both B) Neither C) Some D) Not all 30. In the desert ____ for water is of primary importance.
7. ____you decide to take violin classes let me know. A) all living things need B) if there is no need
A) While B) Should C) Do D) Because C) the need D) all living things that need
8. I wish I ____ what to do now. 31. ____, generally found in the desert, is useful as a water softener in
A) know B) knew C) have known D) had known the laundry industry.
A) When Borax B) Borax C) It is Borax D) Borax is
9. The whole house ____ if he hadn’t called the fireman.
A) would be destroyed B) would have been destroyed 32. Pete ____ by the time the meeting starts.
C) will have been destroyed D) would destroy A) arrived B) had arrived C) will have arrived D) has arrived
10. ____ been late if he hadn’t forgotten his keys? 33. No sooner ____ the door than the thief fled.
A) Would he have B) He had A) had I opened B) have I opened
C) Had he D) Have he C) did I open D) I had opened
11. ____, which is essential in learning a language, can be difficult for 34. Linda hoped ____ to Ralph’s party.
beginners. A) to be invited B) to have invitation
A) Students ask questions B) If students ask questions C) for being invited D) she will be invited
C) Students who ask questions D) Asking questions 35. After working on the same project for several months, Mr. Williams
12. If Bruce ____ the top up, his car wouldn’t have gotten wet. asked ____ a different assignment.
A) put B) has put C) had put D) puts A) for a more interesting B) to be interested for
C) to be given D) for giving him
13. If she ____ somewhat taller, she would join the team.
A) were B) be C) am D) will be 36. Before the computer could be repaired, a special part had ____
from Japan.
14. They would refuse to read the book if they ____ it.
A) to import B) to be imported
A) like B) doesn’t like C) didn’t like D) don’t like
C) a very long delivery D) to have been important
15. Nancy would have ____ a vacation if she had had enough money.
37. If it keeps on raining the game may ____.
A) take B) taken C) takes D) took
A) delay B) be delayed C) have delayed D) have to delay
16. They ____ to the cinema if they had known it was the last night of
38. ____the president given a warm welcome?
the film.
A) Did B) Have C) Should D) Was
A) will go B) would go
C) would have gone D) had gone 39. ____your company’s products guaranteed?
A) Do B) Are C) Would D) Will
17. ____ said under oath was disputed by several other witnesses.
A) It is the man B) What the man 40. The packages ____ at the post office.
C) That the man D) The man A) weighs B) was weigh C) weigh D) are weighed
18. ____ is prevalent in both primitive societies and advanced cultures. 41. The Sea of Marmara ____ so much that it can now support only little
A) They believe in life after death life.
B) Life after death A) is polluted B) with dangerous pollution
C) Their life after death C) has been polluted D) has polluted
D) The belief in life after death 42. The answers ____ into Spanish.
19. Holman’s Department Store ____ business in the same location for A) were translated B) are translate
fifty years before it moved. C) is translated D) are translating
A) doing B) had been 43. The order ____ sent last month.
C) had been doing D) is doing A) is B) will C) was D) will be
20. She will be late unless she ____ now. 44. All developed countries are running out of space ____ their garbage.
A) leaves B) is leaving C) is going to leave D) will leave A) it discards B) in which to discard
21. She ____ the bus before the accident took place. C) which discards D) which they discard
A) had gotten off B) was getting off 45. If Charles Lindbergh ____ across the Atlantic, another person would
C) has gotten off D) would get off have done that sooner or later.
22. ____, measles can now be prevented by a vaccine. A) hasn’t been B) would not fly C) did not fly D) hadn’t flown
A) Although a serious health hazard 46. Gilberto ____ more precise instructions; he couldn’t do the job.
B) It was once a serious health hazard A) must be given B) should be given
C) That once a serious health hazard C) should have been given D) must have been given
D) Once a serious health hazard
47. ____the legendary land of the lost continent of Atlantis may some
23. Jimmy and Linda were walking home when they ____ a loud noise. day be found.
A) saw B) were hearing C) heard D) met A) The belief B) It is believed that
24. The library ____ since last Wednesday. C) Believing D) That belief
A) has been closed B) was closed 48. Do you intend ____ English while you are visiting England?
C) closed D) is closed A) to study B) study C) studying D) studied
25. She ____ television since she got home a couple of hours ago. 49. I’d appreciate ____ an answer as soon as possible.
A) watched B) is watching A) receive B) to receive C) receiving D) received
C) has been watching D) watched
50. Do you want me ____ that doctor’s address for you.
26. The last time ____ to the library was last week. A) to copy B) copy C) copying D) copied
A) I have gone B) I have been to
51. Won’t you let the children ____ a little longer?
C) I was D) I went
A) stay B) to stay C) staying D) stayed

Book 1 Part D 187 Test 19

52. Most teachers don’t permit their students ____ dictionaries during an 76. Were you ____ when the car started skidding?
examination. A) frightening B) frightened
A) use B) to use C) using D) used C) being frightening D) frighten
53. She doesn’t allow her daughter ____ high heels. 77. ____ is to finish this test.
A) wear B) wearing C) to wear D) _ _ _ A) That’s what I want B) What I want to do
54. Her mother makes her ____ to bed before ten every evening. C) This is what I want D) It was easy of me
A) to go B) going C) go D) went 78. ____ I’m calling about is the job advertised in Sunday’s newspaper.
55. Please have the doctor ____ that report. A) Where B) What C) Why D) How
A) sign B) to sign C) signing D) _ _ _ 79. Mr. Smart, ____, walks five miles every day.
56. Shall we request the committee ____ our suggestion again? A) whose is sixty B) he is sixty five
A) consider B) considering C) to consider D) _ _ _ C) who is seventy D) almost eighty old

57. Oscar is expected to pick up the products and ____ them to 80. Mary has three children, ____.
customers. A) who likes toys B) all of which like toys
A) he delivers B) to deliver C) then delivers D) delivering C) one of whom likes toys D) both of them enjoy toys

58. ____, Horace returned to the house. 81. The students, ____, did extremely well on today’s English test.
A) Tired of waiting B) Tiring of wait A) most of them had studied hard
C) Of waiting tiring D) After tired from waiting B) most of whom to study hard
C) most of whom had studied hard
59. Recycling ____ the process of collecting used materials and D) they all studied very hard
manufacturing them into new products.
A) which is B) which is done by 82. The Wilson’s had three children, ____.
C) which has D) is A) and both of them are musicians
B) all who became musicians
60. A person ____ eventually deceives only himself. C) all of whom became musicians
A) tells lies B) who tells lies D) two musicians and one is salesman
C) can tell lies well D) has told lies
83. The children, ____, were not injured in the crash.
61. Learning to live with a chronic illness such as diabetes ____ an A) frightened and seriously hurt in the crash
ongoing process. B) all of whom were frightened
A) that has to be B) it has to be C) all of them were frightened
C) has to be D) and has to be D) both of them were frightened
62. The package ____ been sent to the wrong person; we’ve never 84. There are two trails up the mountain, ____.
seen it. A) both of which are difficult B) either of them is difficult
A) must have B) would have C) should have D) can’t have C) that are difficult trails D) they are difficult
63. The ____ the thief is caught, the happier everyone will be. 85. I ate two sandwiches, ____ were delicious.
A) quickly B) quickest C) fast D) sooner A) one of them B) both of which
64. He may have got delayed. This sentence means: C) either of which D) none of whom
A) He will arrive shortly. 86. ____ I go, I seem to bump into people I was at school with.
B) He has permission to arrive late. A) Wherever B) Where C) When D) How
C) It is probable that he has been delayed.
D) He was delayed. 87. ____you lost your job, what would you do then?
A) When B) After C) So D) Supposing
65. He is very tired. He ____ hard today.
A) might have worked B) must have worked 88. Take an umbrella ____ you won’t get wet.
C) should have worked D) would have worked A) so that B) in case C) so D) _ _ _

66. You ____ drive carefully. The roads are wet. 89. Take an umbrella ____ it rains.
A) would rather B) had better C) had rather D) are better A) so that B) in case C) so D) _ _ _
90. Have something to eat ____ you can’t get anything to eat later.
67. Mary ____ be in Paris because I saw her here in Ankara only two
A) in case B) so that C) so D) _ _ _
hours ago.
A) can’t B) mustn’t be C) isn’t able to D) may not 91. This picnic site ____ quite tidy is now a disgrace.
A) used to be B) could be
68. He’s ____ to know the answer. C) which used to be D) would be
A) likely B) probably C) maybe D) obviously
92. He failed his driving test ____ he practiced a lot.
69. She ____ a lot by cutting down on the luxuries, but she didn’t. A) so B) because C) even though D) so that
A) could save B) could have saved
C) should save D) would save 93. She is fit and healthy ____ she doesn’t get much exercise.
A) so B) because C) even though D) so that
70. As we drove on, the countryside became ____ and more beautiful.
94. ____ my friend works at home, I have to drive to work.
A) beautiful B) very beautiful C) more D) so beautiful
A) While B) Like C) For example D) But
71. Jack’s ability to wrong things at the wrong time ____.
95. Neither the housing shortage ____ the problem of pollution can be
A) it amazes us B) is amazed
solved easily.
C) which is amazing D) is amazing
A) and B) or C) neither D) nor
72. She ____ terribly disappointed in her low grade because she ____
96. If our friend had not warned us of the danger, we ____ now.
very hard the night before.
A) must have been dead B) would have been all dead
A) ___ / has studied B) was / had studied
C) would all be dead D) had all died
C) would be / has studied D) was /can’t have studied
97. ____ did Oswald damage his skis, but he also broke his leg.
73. I should ____ my assignment last night, but there was no electricity. A) Neither B) How C) Not only D) Why
A) have done B) do C) had done D) did
98. Not only did Oscar lose his job, but he ____ his car.
74. ____ has enough natural resources so as to be practically self-sufficient A) also damaged B) and an accident
in the event of war. C) lost also D) and
A) Our country which B) Only when our country
C) Our country D) If our country 99. I shall say no more ____ I be misunderstood.
A) so B) in order that C) lest D) even though
75. ____ is to study Chinese.
A) What I plan to do B) A very difficult language 100. Children are forbidden to play with matches ____ they may get
C) The language that D) What language burned.
A) so that B) for fear that C) if D) when

Book 1 Part D 188 Test 19

1. He won’t be able to finish studying those reports at the office. 26. ____it is getting late; I suggest we break off now.
He wants to ____ at home. A) As though B) So C) As D) Where
A) look for them B) look after them
27. ____ I can see, he has no intention of paying the bill.
C) look them over D) look them up
A) As far as B) So C) Because D) When
2. Some of the tenants are upset because the landlord won’t ____ the
28. We will have a picnic on Saturday ____ it rains.
A) if B) as if C) however D) unless
A) keep off B) keep on C) keep up with D) keep up
29. He meets ____ people that he can’t remember all their names.
3. Many of the items ____ were given to the poor.
A) so many B) so much C) very many D) too many
A) sell B) sale C) sold to D) not sold
30. ____ he does his work, I don’t mind what time he arrives at the
4. Mr. Green received all the complaints ____ to our office.
A) sent B) were sent C) sending D) be sent
A) As long as B) As C) Unless D) So
5. Anyone ____ in hunting can come with me.
31. ____a good thing you didn’t get caught.
A) interesting B) interested
A) That’s B) It’s C) What is D) There is
C) was interested D) was interesting
32. We’ll go to Paris for our holiday ____ it isn’t too expensive.
6. War and Peace is a long novel ____by Leo Tolstoy.
A) unless B) provided C) so D) except
A) written B) it was written
C) was written D) wrote 33. It looks ____ it is going rain.
A) that B) as C) as if D) like
7. Have you met the new secretary ____ last week?
A) hired B) was hired 34. ____ the weather was fine, I opened all the windows.
C) she was hired D) when she was hired A) As B) Because of C) Due to D) Since that
8. ____ entering the hall, he found everyone waiting for him. 35. I’ll leave him a note ____ he’ll know where we are.
A) At B) While C) On D) In A) so that B) that C) in order that D) for
9. His parents died when he was young, so he was ____ by his aunt. 36. ____ he worked all day, he couldn’t finish the job.
A) brought out B) grown up A) Even B) In case C) So D) Although
C) brought up D) grown
37. ____, the music company cancelled the record contract.
10. You can’t rely ____ him to do the job properly. A) The band having broken up
A) on B) with C) to D) in B) The band has broken up
C) They have broken up the band
11. Don’t make him ____ it if he doesn’t want to.
D) The band broke up
A) do B) doing C) to do D) done
38. It’s difficult to make both ends meet these days, the taxes ____ so
12. He rushed out of the room, ____ the door as he went.
A) slam B) slamming C) slams D) slammed
A) with B) being C) are D) be
13. He arrived without ____ us that he was coming.
39. Customers ____ with the product can return it to the store.
A) warn B) having warned
A) who buy B) bought C) purchased D) not satisfied
C) have warned D) to warned
40. He ate all the meat ____.
14. The man ____ for a bus were knocked down when a lorry skidded
A) A) giving him B) given to him
and ran off the road.
C) gave to him D) had given to him
A) wait B) waiting C) waited D) were waiting
41. Most tarantulas, ____ occur in the temperate zone, live in the tropics.
15. After ____ all the doors and windows thoroughly, I went to bed.
A) which they B) some of them
A) check B) have checked
C) several species of which D) several species also
C) having checked D) have been checked
42. ____ two years ago, Rita’s car costs five thousand dollars.
16. The man is going to drown ____ nobody jumps into the river to save
A) Purchased less than B) To buy a car
C) Expensive cars D) Buying automobile
A) in case B) unless C) so D) that
43. Mrs. Smith answers all the letters ____ to her husband.
17. Martin hasn’t got a library ticket, ____ he can’t borrow books from
A) sent B) send for C) are sent D) sending
the library.
A) so B) unless C) if D) that 44. I have two cars, ____.
A) and so do I B) both of which are old
18. ____you have driven a car like this, you will never want to drive any
C) all of them stolen D) and I do too
other car.
A) Once B) In case C) Although D) Therefore 45. Ronald Eliot, ____, is in my English class.
A) his brother is a pilot B) whose brother is a pilot
19. He looked ____ he had seen a ghost.
C) who’s his brother a pilot D) whose not a pilot
A) as B) as if C) like D) because
46. Anyone ____ in taking the course can enroll next week.
20. Don’t use the car ____ it is absolutely necessary.
A) wants B) is interested C) interested D) wanting
A) if B) so C) because D) unless
47. “Sunflowers” is one of many beautiful pictures ____ by Vincent van
21. You can take books out of the library ____ you bring them back.
A) provided B) unless C) because D) so
A) painted B) was painted
22. It is ____ an expensive hotel that only the rich can afford it. C) it was painted D) when it was painted
A) _ _ _ B) very C) so D) such
48. Raymond has two brothers, ____.
23. The restaurant was ____ crowded that we couldn’t get a table. A) both of whom live in Turkey B) whom they live in Turkey
A) _ _ _ B) such C) so D) very C) both of them live in Turkey D) one of them lives in Turkey
24. He has ____ large feet that he can’t get shoes to fit him. 49. ____only two elderly people who were enjoying the beautiful
A) so B) _ _ _ C) very D) such weather.
A) _ _ _ B) As many as C) There were D) It was
25. He gave me ____ good advice that I was able to save thousands of
pounds. 50. There were twenty people near the scene, ____ saw the accident.
A) _ _ _ B) very C) so D) such A) all of whom B) most C) whom D) both of them

Book 1 Part D 189 Test 20

51. Two men ____ on the bridge were injured yesterday afternoon. 75. ____ the problem, Susan was able to correct it.
A) working B) work C) worked D) were working A) Having recognized B) Recognize
C) Having been recognized D) Recognized
52. She bought many beautiful objects in Japan, ____ is this painting.
A) an example of which B) example of which 76. Not having ____ instructions, George could not do the job properly.
C) examples of which D) of which A) been given B) given C) giving D) given the
53. According to black leaders, ____ the most malignant cancer in the 77. ____ in the city for several years, he was able to help the tourists.
body of America. A) They have lived B) Have lived
A) it is racism B) racism which is C) Having lived D) Having live
C) racism is D) nothing but racism
78. ____ by the noise, the bird flew away.
54. The interest on savings accounts at HSBC Bank are ____ Bank of Rome. A) Fearing B) Afraid C) Frightened D) Building
A) higher than B) higher than that of
79. ____ in 1795, the house has many interesting features.
C) higher of D) as high as
A) Later B) Built
55. Fresh fruit costs twice ____ canned fruit. C) When it was built D) Building
A) more expensive than B) higher than
80. ____ her problem, Tom wrote Susan a letter.
C) much as D) as much as
A) Because B) Hearing about
56. She was ____ I met at the party. C) Write about D) What about
A) the one B) whom C) who D) that
81. This ____ the fourth time you’ve asked me the same difficult question.
57. ____she needs is a good rest. A) had to be B) must be C) to be D) have been
A) That B) What
82. He told the police that he ____ there since March.
C) The thing what D) Which
A) not be B) hasn’t been C) wasn’t D) hadn’t been
58. Is this ____ looking for?
83. I’m not going to miss the chance of seeing this performance ____ it is.
A) you were B) that you were
A) however expensive B) although expensive
C) what you were D) which you were
C) nevertheless expensive D) how expensive
59. The UN has destroyed an Iraqi factory which ____ to produce
84. She demanded that she ____ given the exact figures.
biological weapons.
A) be B) are C) were D) have
A) it is claimed B) claimed C) claiming D) is claimed
85. No sooner ____ the match than flames shot across the floor.
60. My father, ____ knows two languages, works for a publisher.
A) did he drop B) he dropped
A) whom B) that C) who D) whose
C) he had dropped D) plans
61. The man ____ were all actors.
86. Not until now ____ popularly recognized that man is destroying his
A) to those I talked B) I talked to
C) whom I talked D) talked
A) it has become B) it becomes
62. He didn’t thank me for the present. That is ____ annoyed me. C) does it become D) has it become
A) _ _ _ B) the thing C) what D) the thing what
87. Not for one moment ____ my friend’s innocence.
63. The reason ____ I’m writing is to tell you about a party next week. A) I doubted B) I did doubt C) did I doubt D) I doubt
A) because B) why C) for D) as
88. Hardly ____ the harbor when a storm broke out.
64. ____ in my first visit to Turkey that I went to Bodrum. A) had we left B) we had left C) we left D) we did leave
A) It is B) It was C) It has been D) Its
89. You will pass the exam ____ you get over 50% in each section.
65. ____ to see that you are feeling better. A) provided B) unless C) so D) otherwise
A) It is nice B) Therefore C) That’s fine D) I went
90. There will be even greater unemployment ____ the government
66. It is less expensive for me to take the bus to work, but ____ to take radically alters its policies.
my car. A) provided B) unless C) as if D) in case
A) I will B) for I will C) it is less than D) it is faster
91. I have taken out a life insurance to protect my wife and children
67. ____ requires years of practice to play the guitar as well as Carlos. ____ something should happen to me.
A) Music of high quality B) That music of high quality A) unless B) otherwise C) in case D) provided
C) It D) Playing music
92. We’ll have a good crop of beans this summer ____ an unexpected
68. ____ to spend that much money for a shirt. frost damages the plants.
A) Consequently, foolish B) Not only A) unless B) if C) provided D) so
C) Foolish of him D) It is foolish
93. The east of Argentina is agricultural, ____the west is industrialized.
69. ____ to hear from Lillian after so many years. A) whereas B) because C) so D) since
A) Consequently, nice B) It was nice
94. They would rather cut down on a few luxuries now ____ not be able
C) That was nice D) She was nice
to go away on holiday in the summer.
70. ____ to watch the dancers perform. A) than B) on C) to D) for
A) Interesting nevertheless B) That was interesting
95. The government aims ____ inflation by at least 20% this year.
C) Not only was it interesting D) It was interesting
A) reducing B) to reduce C) reduce D) reduced
71. ____ an enjoyable way to spend an evening.
96. ”Don’t go out alone after dark in that city, Tom,” said Martha. Martha
A) Therefore B) It was
____Tom not to go out after dark in that city.
C) Was it D) Going to a movie
A) said B) promised C) threatened D) warned
72. Prime Minister ____ by members of his own party of using
97. They prohibited him ____ going in.
undemocratic methods.
A) from B) to C) for D) in
A) who was accused B) whom they have accused
C) has been accused D) had accused 98. I have dissuaded Mary ____ involving the police.
A) from B) to C) in D) for
73. ____ the bus yesterday morning, Mr. Gomez saw a terrible
automobile accident. 99. The guard prevented the prisoner ____ escaping.
A) On his way to work B) Because it was crowded A) for B) to C) from D) than
C) Waiting for D) Missed
100. Life is full of secrets, many ____ will never be explained.
74. ____ down the street, Lionel lost his watch. A) of where B) of whose C) of whom D) of that
A) Running B) Fall C) Ran fast D) Run

Book 1 Part D 190 Test 20

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.
A) The sun is in a sky. B) The sun is in the sky.
25. A) John’s looking at I and you. B) Your looking at John and I.
C) I’m looking at you and John. D) John and I am looking at you.
C) Sun is in a sky. D) A sun is in a sky. 26. A) That girl is some of my friends.
B) This girl is one of my friends.
2. What ________ John doing? C) That girl is me friend.
A) are B) do C) does D) is D) This girl’s are friends.
3. John and Mary ________ the radio. 27. A) This is Mr. Smith there. B) That is the Mr. Smith there.
A) are listening on B) are listening to C) This is the Mr. Smith here. D) That is Mr. Smith there.
C) is listening on D) is listening to
28. Our house is ________ Washington Street
4. Bill and I ________ here. A) in B) from C) at D) on
A) we’re B) we C) we are D) are
29. A) Who now in London lives? B) Who in London live?
5. Sarah, what ________ doing? C) Who lives in London now? D) Who live now in London?
A) she is B) are you C) are D) is
30. Monday is the first day.
6. Mary’s ________ the garden. A) Tuesday is the second. B) The second is Thursday.
A) in B) at C) on D) into C) Tuesday is the fourth. D) The fourth is Thursday.
7. Are there six books on the table? 31. Jane is in front of Tom. Tom is ________ Jane.
A) No, are five? B) No, there are three. A) beside B) behind C) before D) between
C) No, there’s the one. D) No, there are any. 32. Tom is Mrs. Smith’s son.
8. Tom often sings, but ________ . A) She is his son. B) She is her son.
A) sings Sarah? B) Sarah sings? C) He is her son. D) He is his son
C) Sarah does? D) does Sarah? 33. A) Come here to us! B) Go here to we!
9. Tony is looking at ________ . C) Go there to us! D) Come here to my!
A) she B) he C) her D) here 34. A) Don’t look at us! B) Don’t looking at us!
10. Who’s that boy? C) No looking at we! D) Not look at us!
A) Is Bill. B) It’s Tom. C) It’s a boy. D) Peter’s that. 35. A) Some girl are listening to the old men.
11. Where’s the book? B) An old man is listening to the girl.
A) There’s it. B) He’s under the chair. C) An old men are listening the girl.
C) It’s here. D) There’s on a chair. D) The old man are listening to a girl.

12. Are you happy? 36. A) Listen to he and he’s brother!

A) Yes, I’m. B) No, I aren’t. C) Yes, I am. D) No, I not. B) Listen to he and his brother!
C) Listen to him and his brother!
13. What’s his name? D) Listen to him and he’s brother!
A) It’s name Jack. B) It’s Jack.
37. Whose hats are those? They are ________ hats.
C) It’s Jack’s name. D) It’s a Jack.
A) he’s B) Mr. Black’s C) Mrs.’ Black’s D) She’s
14. Do you dance or draw? 38. A) Where are you going to put the cups?
A) I’m dance but I’m not draw. B) Where are you going put the cups?
B) I dance but I don’t draw. C) Where you’re going put the cups?
C) I’m dancing but I not drawing. D) Where you are going to put the cups?
D) I dance but I’m not drawing.
39. Jane’s tall and ________ .
15. Is that a book? A) John’s, too. B) Tom is, too.
A) Yes, there is. B) Yes, it is. C) Tom is to. D) Tom are two.
C) Yes, that’s. D) Yes, is a book.
40. Does Brian play football?
16. Is that horse big? A) Yes, and Sam doesn’t, too. B) No, but Sam doesn’t.
A) No, that’s a little. B) No, that’s little horse. C) Yes, but Sam doesn’t. D) No, and Sam does, too.
C) No, it’s little horse. D) No, it isn’t.
41. James is talking to ________ .
17. What’s her brother doing? A) they B) them C) she D) your
A) Playing football. B) Is playing football.
C) He playing football. D) She’s playing football. 42. These pens are ________ .
A) Pats B) of Pat C) Pat’s D) to Pat
18. How many chairs are there in the room?
43. Sarah ________ cat.
A) Are four. B) Are five chairs there.
A) haves a B) haves some C) has some D) has a
C) There’s one. D) There’s a chair.
44. This is ________ .
19. A) Is that table big brown? B) Is that big brown table? A) second lesson B) the lesson two
C) Is that big table brown? D) Is brown that big table? C) lesson the second D) lesson two
20. A) Mary can dance tomorrow. 45. A) Lena cans have Mikes’ radio. B) Lena can has Mike’s radio.
B) Mary cans dance tomorrow. C) Lena can have Mike’s radio. D) Lena can has Mikes’ radio.
C) Mary she can dance tomorrow.
D) Mary can tomorrow dance. 46. It’s 21.00.
A) Yes, it’s nine in the evening. B) Yes, it’s nine clocks.
21. The lamp is ________ the television. C) Yes, it’s nine in the afternoon. D) Yes, it’s nine hours.
A) at B) next to C) near of D) between
47. 164 is ________ .
22. The tree is ________ the door. A) hundred sixty four. B) a hundred sixty four.
A) between B) in front C) beside D) next C) hundred sixty and four. D) a hundred and sixty four.
23. What’s that girl? 48. A) The girls don’t do the homework.
A) It’s a student B) She’s student. B) The girls don’t the homework.
C) She’s a student. D) She’s a student girl. C) The girls doesn’t do the homework.
24. Do the girls know Tom? D) The girls don’t does the homework.
A) Yes, they knows her. B) No, they isn’t. 49. Do Mr. and Mrs. Smith speak English?
C) Yes, they know. D) No, they don’t. A) He does but she doesn’t. B) He speak but she doesn’t.
C) He do but she don’t. D) He speak but she don’t.

Book 1 Part E 191 Elementary test 1

50. Who are those boys? One is my brother and ________ . 76. A) These boy is a good friend.
A) the big boy is Peter. B) a big boy is Peter. B) My friends are these goods boys.
C) the big boy is a Peter. D) a big boy is a Peter. C) This boy is some good friend.
D) My friend is that good boy.
51. A) Some sun is in a sky. B) Sun is in some sky.
C) A sun is in a sky. D) The sun is in the sky. 77. A) This is my shoes there. B) Those are my shoes there.
C) These are my shoes there. D) Those are my shoes here.
52. Where ________ Mary standing?
A) do B) does C) is D) are 78. My brother is looking ________ his cat. It may be in the garden.
A) in B) out C) at D) for
53. Tom and Anne ________ the table.
A) are sitting in B) are sitting on 79. A) Does Milly now living in Scotland?
C) is sitting in D) is sitting on B) Is Milly now in Scotland living?
C) Does Milly in Scotland now live?
54. Sarah and I ________ here. D) Does Milly live in Scotland now?
A) we B) are we C) we’re D) are
80. Monday is the first day.
55. John, what ________ doing? A) Tuesday is the fourth. B) Thursday is the fourth.
A) are you B) is C) your D) he’s C) The second is Tuesday. D) The second is Thursday.
56. Anne’s ________ the bedroom. 81. Ken is behind Mary. Mary is ________ Ken.
A) at B) on C) in D) into A) beside B) in front of C) between D) next
57. Are there many trees near the house? 82. Carrie is Mr. Smith’s daughter.
A) There’s one. B) Are four. C) There five. D) Three of trees. A) He is of her the father. B) He is of she the father.
C) He is her father. D) He is she’s father.
58. Mary speaks English, but ________ .
A) speaks Bill? B) Bill speaks? C) Bills does? D) does Bill? 83. A) Come here to my! B) Come here to us!
C) Come there to me! D) Come here at me!
59. Barbara is looking at ________ .
A) there B) them C) we D) my 84. A) Not listen to me radio! B) No listen at my radio!
C) Don’t listen on my radio! D) Don’t listen to my radio!
60. Who’s that woman?
A) Anne is it. B) Is Sarah. C) He’s Barbara. D) It’s Jane. 85. A) A old woman lives near me.
B) A young woman live near my house.
61. Where’s the cat? C) The old woman lives near me.
A) There’s on the table. B) It’s on the table. D) An old women lives near my house.
C) There’s under a table. D) It’s under table.
86. Listen to ________ sister!
62. Is Mary pretty? A) she and she’s B) she and her
A) Yes, she is. B) No, she’s n’t. C) her and she D) her and her
C) No, isn’t. D) Yes, she’s.
87. Whose cats are they? They are ________ cats.
63. What’s her name? A) Miss Smith’s B) Miss’s Smith’s
A) The name Anne. B) Anne is she name. C) the Miss Smith’s D) Miss’s Smith
C) It’s Anne. D) It’s Anne’s name.
88. Where ________ bottles?
64. Do you draw or sing? A) you are going to take this B) are you going take the
A) I draw and I sing. B) I’m drawing and singing. C) you are going take those D) are you going to take these
C) I do draw and singing. D) I drawing and singing. 89. A) Tom’s clever and they are, too
65. Is that a table? B) Tom’s brother clever and they are, too
A) Yes, there is. B) Yes, it is. C) Tom clever but they’re two
C) Yes, that’s. D) Yes, it’s that table. D) Tom’s clever but they are two
66. Is that house small? 90. Can Bill sing?
A) No, it isn’t. B) No, there’s a big house. A) Yes, and Peter can’t, too B) No, and Peter can, too
C) No, a big house is that. D) No, that’s big house. C) No, but Peter can’t D) Yes, but Peter can’t

67. What’s his sister doing? 91. Tony is talking to ________ .

A) Reading. B) She reading. A) my B) we C) them D) your
C) He’s reading. D) It’s reading. 92. This ball is ________ Chris.
68. How many trees are there? A) of B) to C) at D) for
A) There’s a tree. B) There are any. 93. A) Mark’s some pen B) Mark’s some pens
C) There are three. D) There are trees. C) Mark has some pens D) Mark has some pen
69. A) Is this little book red? B) Is this little red book? 94. A) This is two lessons B) This is lesson two.
C) Is this little book a red? D) Is red this little book? C) This is second lesson. D) This is lesson the second.
70. A) Fred cans tomorrow work. B) Fred can working tomorrow. 95. A) Pat can have Jim’s hat. B) Pat can to have Jim’s hat.
C) Fred he can work tomorrow. D) Fred can work tomorrow. C) Pat can have Jims’ hat. D) Pat can to have Jims’ hat.
71. The cup is ________ the radio. 96. It’s 11.45.
A) at B) near C) between D) next A) Yes, it’s fifteen to eleven. B) Yes, it’s fifteen from twelve.
C) Yes, it’s a quarter to twelve. D) Yes, it’s a quarter past twelve.
72. The window is ________ the door.
A) next B) between C) with D) beside 97. 140 is ________ .
A) one hundred forty. B) one hundred fourteen.
73. What’s that man?
C) one hundred and forty. D) one hundred and fourteen.
A) He’s my brother. B) It’s an old man.
C) Yes, it’s that man. D) He’s a teacher. 98. A) Tom don’t plays football. B) Tom doesn’t play football.
C) Tom don’t plays the football. D) Tom don’t play the football.
74. Do they live in England?
A) Yes, they live. B) Yes, they live in it. 99. Does father read the newspaper?
C) No, they don’t. D) No, they don’t live. A) Yes, he reads. B) No, he doesn’t.
C) No, he not read. D) No, he reads not.
75. A) Mary is sitting near you and me.
B) You and me is sitting near Mary. 100. That’s Jane. She ________ .
C) Mary and you sitting near me. A) have hair long. B) have long hair.
D) You and Mary’s sitting near me. C) has hair long. D) has long hair.

Book 1 Part E 192 Elementary test 1

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. 26. A) Is you friend that pretty girl?
B) Is that friend you’re pretty girl?
1. A) The bird are in the sky. B) A bird’s in a sky.
C) Is that girl pretty your friend?
C) The birds in a sky. D) The bird’s in the sky.
D) Is that pretty girl your friend?
2. What ________ doing?
27. A) Is this your hat there? B) Are those your hats there?
A) are they B) do they C) does they D) is they
C) Are those your hats here? D) Is this your hats here?
3. Jane and Tom ________ the door.
28. There are ________ people on the street.
A) are walking at B) walks to
A) any B) a little C) a lot of D) much
C) walks to D) are walking to
29. A) Do Gary live in Bristol now? B) Does Gary live in Bristol now?
4. Charles and I ________ .
C) Is living in Bristol, now? D) Does now Gary live in Bristol?
A) am here B) we are here C) are here D) we here
30. Monday is the first day.
5. Anne, what ________ ?
A) Tuesday is the second. B) The second is Thursday.
A) is doing B) she’s doing C) are doing D) are you doing
C) Tuesday is the fourth. D) The fourth is Thursday.
6. Tom’s ________ street.
31. Mike is beside Pat. Pat is ________ Mike.
A) in the B) at the C) into the D) under
A) behind B) between C) beside D) in front of
7. How many girls are there in the room?
32. Tom is Mrs. Black’s son.
A) There are any. B) There’s one.
A) She is his daughter. B) He is his son.
C) A girl. D) There two.
C) She is her son. D) He is her son.
8. Mary works, but ________ .
33. A) Go over there to they! B) Go over there to them!
A) works Tom? B) does Tom? C) Tom does? D) Tom works?
C) Come over there to me! D) Come to them over here!
9. Liz is looking at ________ .
34. A) Look my garden, Susan! B) Susan looks my garden.
A) them B) they C) there D) their
C) Susan is look at my garden. D) Look at my garden, Susan!
10. Who’s that girl?
35. A) You know not the old man. B) You know a old man.
A) He’s Elizabeth. B) Her name Sarah.
C) An old man knows you. D) An old man don’t knows you.
C) She’s a good girl. D) It’s Anne.
36. Watch ________ .
11. Where’s the dog?
A) him and his dog! B) he and he’s dog!
A) He’s under chair. B) There’s on a table.
C) he and his dog! D) him and its dog!
C) It’s near the window. D) Its here.
37. Whose house is this? It’s ________ house.
12. Is John tall?
A) the Mr. Smith’s B) our
A) Yes, he’s. B) No, he’sn’t. C) No, his not. D) Yes, he is.
C) Mrs.’ Smith D) she’s
13. What’s his name?
38. A) Where are they going put the books?
A) It John. B) It’s John.
B) Where there are going to put the books?
C) John it’s the name. D) Its John.
C) Where are they going to put the books?
14. Do you draw or write? D) Where are there going put the books?
A) I’m draw and write. B) I drawing and writing.
39. A) Jack’s English and Anne are two.
C) I’m not draw but I’m write. D) I draw and I write.
B) Jack’s English and Anne is too English.
15. Is that a chair? C) Jack’s English and Anne’s, too.
A) Yes, that’s. B) Yes, there is. D) Jack’s English and Anne is, too.
C) Yes, it is. D) Yes, it’s that chair.
40. Do pigs fly?
16. Is this chair brown? A) No, and dogs don’t. B) No, and not dogs, too.
A) No, isn’t brown chair. B) No, this is green chair. C) No, and dogs not. D) No, and dog doesn’t fly.
C) Yes, it’s brown. D) Yes, it is a brown.
41. Jack is standing beside ________ .
17. What’s her father doing? A) us B) its C) they D) your
A) Her working in the garden. B) Working in the garden.
42. This car is ________ .
C) Is working in the garden. D) She is working in the garden.
A) of John B) to John C) John’s D) Johns’
18. How many books are there?
A) They’re many. B) There are any. 43. A) Betty has some flower. B) Betty’s has any flowers.
C) There are eight. D) Are two books there. C) Betty’s any flowers. D) Betty has some flowers.

19. A) Is that red book a big? B) Is that book a big red? 44. A) These are the third lesson. B) This is the lesson two.
C) Is red that big book? D) Is that red book big? C) This is a lesson, too. D) This is third lesson.

20. Anne ________ tomorrow. 45. A) Tom cans have Joan’s bicycle.
A) can sing B) can to sing B) Tom can have Joan’s bicycle.
C) is going sing D) going to sing C) Tom can to have Joan’s bicycle.
D) Tom can has Joan’s bicycle.
21. The pen is ________ his pocket.
A) in B) into C) at D) to 46. It’s 11.30.
A) Yes, it’s thirty past eleven. B) Yes, it’s half past eleven.
22. The car is ________ the tree. C) Yes, its’ thirty to twelve. D) Yes, its half to twelve.
A) near of B) with C) beside D) next
47. 439 is ________ .
23. What’s that man?
A) four hundred and thirty nine. B) four hundreds and thirty nine.
A) He’s John. B) Yes, it’s a man.
C) four hundred thirty nine. D) four hundreds thirty and nine.
C) It’s John. D) He’s a teacher.
24. Do you like the boat? 48. A) The teacher don’t like some book.
A) No, I don’t like it. B) Yes, I like him. B) The teacher doesn’t likes some book.
C) No, I like not. D) Yes, I like. C) The teacher don’t like his book.
D) The teacher doesn’t like her book.
25. A) Ken is talking to Jane and we.
B) We and Jane is talking to Ken. 49. Mother washes the girls’ hair. Look, she ________ .
C) Jane and we talking to Ken. A) is washing it now. B) washes it now.
D) We are talking to Ken and Jane. C) is washing them now. D) washes them now.

Book 1 Part E 193 Elementary test 2

50. The cat has ________ . 76. Are ________ brothers?
A) the long legs. B) long legs. A) those big boys some B) some those big boys
C) the legs long. D) legs long. C) those big boys D) big boys those
51. I’m not looking ________ . 77. A) Is that her dog there? B) Is this her dogs here?
A) at sun B) at a sky C) at the sun D) at some sky C) Are these her dogs there? D) Are those her dogs here?
52. Where ________ standing? 78. Brenda is writing ________ .
A) is they B) are they C) do they D) does they A) with a book B) on a paper C) by a pencil D) in paper
53. Mary and John ________ the house. 79. A) Where now lives Alan? B) Where is now Alan living?
A) is looking B) are looking at C) Where does now Alan live? D) Where is Alan living now?
C) is looking at D) are looking
80. Monday is the first day.
54. Anne and I ________ here. A) Tuesday is the fourth. B) Thursday is the fourth.
A) are B) we’re C) is D) am C) The second is Tuesday. D) The second is Thursday.
55. Fred, what ________ doing? 81. Bill is in front of Carrie. Carrie is ________ Bill.
A) is B) are C) he’s D) are you A) behind B) between C) next D) beside
56. A) Charles in the street. B) Charles at the street. 82. Elizabeth is Mr. Brown’s daughter. Mr. Brown is ________ father.
C) Charles is in the street. D) Charles is at the street. A) her B) his C) its D) their
57. How many books are there on the table? 83. A) Come here to my! B) Come here to we!
A) There is one on. B) There are three. C) Come here to us! D) Go here to us!
C) There are three of books. D) There are any books.
84. A) Jack listen my radio. B) Listen on my radio, Jack!
58. Anne works, but ________ . C) Jack is listen to my radio. D) Listen to my radio, Jack!
A) does Peter? B) Peter does? C) works Peter? D) Peter works?
85. A) An old men is sitting on the park.
59. Mike is looking at ________ . B) The old men is sitting in the park.
A) they B) she C) my D) us C) An old man is sitting in the park.
D) The old man are sitting on the park.
60. Who’s that man?
A) He’s teacher. B) It’s John. 86. Look at ________ cat!
C) Is Peter. D) That’s a man. A) her and she’s B) her and her
C) she and her D) she and she’s
61. Where’s the chair?
A) The chair near the table. B) Its there. 87. Whose car is that? It’s ________ car.
C) It’s in the room. D) There’s near the door. A) our B) hour C) there D) theirs
62. Are you writing? 88. Where ________ put the cups?
A) No, I aren’t. B) Yes, I am. A) are you going to B) you going to
C) Yes, I’m. D) No, I not. C) you are going D) are you going
63. What’s her name? 89. A) Sally’s sister pretty and they are, too.
A) There’s Mary. B) She name Mary. B) Sally’s pretty and they’re, too.
C) Her name’s Mary. D) She’s name is Mary. C) Sally’s pretty and they are, too.
D) Sally’s pretty but they are.
64. Do you sing or dance?
A) I’m sing but not dance. B) I singing and dancing. 90. Is Jane in the bedroom?
C) I do sing and dance. D) I sing and I dance. A) No, but Pat isn’t. B) No, but Pat is.
C) Yes, and Pat isn’t too. D) Yes, but Pat isn’t too.
65. Is that a dog?
A) Yes, it is. B) Yes, that’s. 91. Barry is sitting near ________ .
C) Yes, it’s that dog. D) Yes, there is. A) my B) your C) me D) we
66. Is this book red? 92. Whose flowers are they?
A) No, is this book green B) No, this is green book. They’re ________ .
C) No, it’s a green. D) No, it’s green. A) to Mary B) of Mary C) Maries D) Mary’s
67. What’s his mother doing? 93. A) Ken have any books. B) Ken has some books.
A) He’s shopping. B) His shopping. C) Ken has any books. D) Ken have some books.
C) Her shopping. D) Shopping.
94. A) This is a lesson, too. B) These are lessons two.
68. How many books are there? C) This is the lesson fourth. D) This is the lesson two.
A) Five. B) They’re five.
95. A) Mary can has John’s bicycle.
C) There are five. D) There’s a book.
B) Mary can have the bicycle of John.
69. A) Is this big red chair? B) Is this a big chair red? C) Mary can to have John’s bicycle.
C) Is red this big chair? D) Is this big chair red? D) Mary can have John’s bicycle.
70. Bill ________ play tomorrow. 96. It’s 7.30.
A) going to B) can C) is going D) can to A) Yes, it’s half past seven. B) Yes, the clock is half past seven.
C) Yes, it’s half past eight. D) Yes, the clock is half past eight.
71. The knife is ________ the bottle.
A) at B) next C) near D) between 97. 316 is ________ .
A) three hundred and sixteen. B) three hundred sixteen.
72. The bicycle is ________ the house.
C) three hundred and sixty. D) three hundred sixty.
A) near of B) front of C) next D) behind
98. A) Mary plays not the tennis. B) Mary does not play the tennis.
73. What’s that woman?
C) Mary plays not tennis. D) Mary does not play tennis.
A) She’s a doctor. B) She calls Jane.
C) Her name Jane. D) It’s Jane. 99. Do Mr. and Mrs. Brown live in England?
A) Yes, they do live. B) Yes, they lives.
74. Do you know Peter?
C) Yes, they do. D) Yes, they live.
A) Yes, I know. B) No, I’m not.
C) Yes, I do. D) No, I don’t know. 100. Mrs. Johnson is washing the girls’ hair.
A) He is washing her hair. B) She is washing her hair.
75. A) They’re live near you and I. B) You live near them and me.
C) He is washing their hair. D) She is washing their hair.
C) They and I’m live near you. D) They lives near you and me.

Book 1 Part E 194 Elementary test 2

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. 27. Molly is the girl ________ brown hair?
A) of many B) with many C) of a lot of D) with a lot of
1. There are ________ in the classroom but only one teacher.
A) many people B) much pupils 28. What time ________ breakfast?
C) a lot people D) a lot of pupils A) does Mary have the B) does Mary have
C) has Mary D) has Mary the
2. Kate ________ .
A) gave to Peter the pen B) gave the pen to Peter 29. His mother will come at 8 o’clock ________ evening.
C) give to Peter the pen D) give the pen to Peter A) of this B) on this C) this D) at this
3. The sun ________ in the East. 30. I feel very well because I went to bed very early ________ .
A) is always rising B) always is rising A) last night B) tonight C) this night D) in the night
C) rises always D) always rises
31. What is Mary like? She ________ .
4. Which girls ________ ? A) is very well B) likes ice-cream
A) John likes B) likes John C) is like tall men D) is very pretty
C) does John like D) do John like
32. Have the people got the money now? Yes, the police gave ________.
5. There isn’t ________ at the bus – stop. A) them to them B) it to it
A) anybody B) people C) any persons D) somebody C) it to them D) them to it
6. Kim and Fred ________ home. 33. Terry is behind Belinda. Yes, Belinda is ________ Terry.
A) are at B) are in C) they are in D) they are at A) in front of B) behind C) between D) next
7. What color are your new shoes? 34. Pauline is ________ radio.
A) They are brown color. B) Their brown. A) listening to B) listening to the
C) They’re brown. D) They are colour brown. C) listening in D) listening in the
8. A) Are the big nice apples? B) Are nice the big apples? 35. Are those books in the car? Yes, Alice ________ yesterday.
C) Are big and nice the apples? D) Are the big apples nice? A) put them B) put them into
C) puts them in D) put them in
9. He hasn’t bought ________ oranges.
A) a lot B) much C) any D) some 36. ________ to Scotland last month?
A) Did Andrew go B) Was Andrew
10. A) Go there to they. B) Go there to them!
C) Has Andrew been D) Has Andrew gone
C) Go here to we. D) Go here to us!
37. This is an old photograph of me when I ________ .
11. How ________ from London to Gatwick?
A) have short hairs B) had short hairs
A) it is going B) to go C) we can go D) can we go
C) have short hair D) had short hair
12. ________ Mary reads in bed.
38. Whose is that? It’s ________ .
A) Always B) Seldom C) Sometimes D) Never
A) my B) my sisters C) of Tom D) ours
13. Millie ________ at the flowers in the garden.
39. My brother was ________ all week.
A) is seeing B) is looking C) is washing D) is watching
A) at the home B) at home C) in the home D) in home
14. ________ don’t like red wine.
40. Barry never eats potatoes and ________ .
A) Some people B) Any people
A) so doesn’t Molly B) neither doesn’t Molly
C) Somebody D) Anybody
C) neither does Molly D) neither Molly does
15. Did you visit Canada last year?
41. James ________ to play tomorrow.
A) No, I went never there. B) No, I never was there.
A) is going B) can C) shall D) will
C) No, I’ve never been there. D) No, I never have been there.
42. How is your brother?
16. Tom didn’t call the police. Brenda didn’t call ________ .
A) That’s he. B) That’s him.
A) them, either. B) them, too. C) him, either. D) him, too.
C) He’s very well. D) He’s very good.
17. Sally is ________ Paul.
43. Is there ________ the bottle?
A) as tall than B) as tall as C) so tall as D) so tall that
A) much water into B) much water in
18. Do you like that shop? Yes, I ________ every week. C) many water into D) many water in
A) come there B) come here C) go there D) go here
44. The party will start ________ Saturday.
19. Brian is the man ________ . A) on 8 o’clock at B) on 8 o’clock
A) of a hat B) of no hat C) with hat D) without a hat C) 8 o’clock at D) at 8 o’clock on
20. Pauline’s ________ as the boys. 45. Are you going to shops? No, ________ .
A) too strong B) of no hat C) as strong D) also strong A) I cycle there B) usually on the bus
C) to the work D) I’ve already been
21. Are my shoes in the box? No, there ________ in the box.
A) isn’t anything B) aren’t no things 46. Here are three girls. ________ .
C) isn’t nothing D) isn’t any things A) Which girl is the bigger? B) What girl is the bigger?
C) Which girl is the biggest? D) What girl is the biggest?
22. Have you got any apples? Yes, I’ve got ________ .
A) a small B) one small 47. Jack is writing ________ .
C) two small ones D) two small A) with pen B) on the wall C) by a pen D) out of a pen
23. Whose are those dogs? They’re ________ . 48. What ________ on Saturdays?
A) of them B) to them C) their D) theirs A) Ken usually does B) does Ken usually do
C) does Ken usually D) usually does Ken do
24. A) How is your age? B) How old are you?
C) What age have you got? D) How many years have you? 49. “Have you been to America?” “________ “
A) Ever B) Already C) Yet D) Never
25. Who ________ on Saturdays?
A) do help you B) you help C) do you help D) you do help 50. Tony ________ make some cakes tomorrow.
A) is going to B) he’ll C) want to D) can to
26. 572 is ________ .
A) five hundred and seventy two 51. Fred ________ to the shops.
B) five hundred seventy two A) went just B) just was going
C) five hundreds seventy two C) has just gone D) just has gone
D) five hundreds and seventy two

Book 1 Part E 195 Elementary test 3

52. Ann gave ________ . 78. What time ________ dinner?
A) my the flowers B) the flowers mine A) Peter has B) do Peter has
C) the flowers me D) me the flowers C) does Peter has D) does Peter have
53. Mary ________ to school. 79. Her father will come 8 o’clock ________ .
A) never walks B) is never walking A) this evening B) this afternoon
C) walks never D) never is walking C) in this evening D) in this afternoon
54. Where ________ . 80. I feel fine today because I ________ .
A) Mary works? B) works Mary? A) have gone to bed early tonight.
C) does Mary works? D) does Mary work? B) have gone to bed early last night.
C) went to bed early tonight.
55. Who ________ .
D) went to bed early last night.
A) Tom usually helps? B) Tom does usually help?
C) does Tom usually help? D) usually Tom does help? 81. What is Tom like? He ________ .
A) likes a cup of tea. B) is liking football.
56. What color is your dog?
C) isn’t very nice. D) isn’t very well.
A) It’s grey. B) It’s a grey.
C) It’s color grey. D) It’s the grey color. 82. Has Susan got the money? Yes, John gave ________ yesterday.
A) to her them B) to her it C) her them D) it to her
57. A) Is the little clever boy? B) Is clever the little boy?
C) Is the little boy a clever? D) Is the little boy clever? 83. Debbie is beside Jane. Yes, Jane is ________ Debbie.
A) behind B) beside C) next D) between
58. Mary hasn’t got ________ .
A) no friend B) many friends 84. Sam is ________ the radio.
C) some friend D) much friend A) listening to B) listening in C) hearing to D) hearing in
59. A) Not to do that! B) No do that! 85. The shoes are in the box. I know, because my brother ________
C) Don’t do that! D) Don’t that! yesterday.
A) has put them in B) put them in
60. A) Come here to me! B) Come there to me!
C) has put them D) put them
C) Go here to they! D) Go there to he!
86. Last month ________ to Scotland.
61. How ________ to the station from here?
A) was Ian B) Ian was C) went Ian D) Ian went
A) to go B) do you go C) do one go D) go we
87. Which student is near the teacher? Malcolm is ________ .
62. Brian is ________ Pamela.
A) much near B) very nearer C) the nearest D) the next
A) as old as B) not old as C) as old that D) not old that
88. Whose is this? It’s ________ .
63. Mother ________ the children through the window.
A) my B) his C) her D) our
A) is seeing B) is looking C) is watching D) is washing
89. Tomorrow my sister will come ________ late.
64. ________ going to the party.
A) home B) at home C) to home D) to the home
A) Everyone are B) Everyone is
C) Every people are D) Every people is 90. Nancy works in a shop and ________ .
A) so does Alan too B) so Alan does
65. Did your brother go to America last year?
C) that does Alan too D) that Alan too does
A) No, he did never go there. B) No, he has never gone there.
C) No, he never was there. D) No, he’s never been there. 91. Rose ________ to sing on Saturday,
A) can B) will C) is going D) shall
66. Jenny hasn’t got a dog. Mike hasn’t ________ .
A) got, either. B) got, too. 92. What is your cousin?
C) got one, either. D) got one, too. A) That’s she. B) This is her.
C) I haven’t got any. D) She’s a doctor.
67. 215 is ________ .
A) two hundred fifty B) two hundred and fifty 93. Can you see ________ the bottles?
C) two hundred fifteen D) two hundred and fifteen A) many beer into B) much beer into
C) many beer in D) much beer in
68. Have you been to the United States? Yes, I ________ in 1965.
A) went there B) went here C) came there D) came here 94. We’ll do it ________ .
A) 11 o’clock in this morning B) on 11 o’clock this morning
69. Janet is the girl ________ in her hand.
C) this morning at 11 o’clock D) in this morning at 11 o’clock
A) with anything B) with nothing
C) of anything D) of nothing 95. Are you going to work? No, ________ .
A) I’m take a bus. B) to the doctor’s.
70. Anne’s older ________ .
C) by train. D) I’m riding by bicycle.
A) that Mary B) than Mary’s C) than us D) that I’m
96. Here are three books. ________ like best?
71. Are the bicycles in the garage? No, there ________ in the garage.
A) Which book do you B) Which book you
A) is nothing B) isn’t nothing
C) What book do you D) What book you
C) isn’t something D) is anything
97. The old man came ________ the stairs.
72. Have you got any brown socks? No, but I’ve got ________ .
A) out of B) through C) off D) down
A) some blue ones B) some blues
C) some blue one D) a blue ones 98. What ________ on Saturday?
A) does Jim usually B) John usually does
73. Whose is this house? It’s ________ .
C) usually does Jim D) does John usually do
A) our B) ours C) our one D) ours one
99. “Have you been to Scotland?” “________ “
74. A) How old he is? B) How many years has he?
A) Not ever. B) Not yet. C) Not already. D) Not never.
C) What age he has? D) How old is he?
100. Beryl ________ sing tomorrow.
75. There isn’t ________ in the restaurant.
A) going to B) is going C) can D) can to
A) any people B) any persons C) anybody D) nobody
76. Laura’s ________ her sister.
A) very taller than B) much taller than
C) very taller that D) much taller that
77. Pat’s a girl ________ long arms.
A) with some B) with her C) with D) with the

Book 1 Part E 196 Elementary test 3

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. 26. 333 is ________ .
A) three hundreds and thirty three.
1. Jack gave ________.
B) three hundred and thirty three.
A) to her the flowers. B) the flowers to hers.
C) three hundreds thirty and three.
C) her the flowers. D) hers the flowers.
D) three hundred thirty and three.
2. The sun ________ early in summer.
27. Carol is the girl ________ in her hand.
A) always rises B) rises always
A) without anything B) without nothing
C) is always rising D) is rising always
C) of anything D) of something
3. What ________ at the weekend?
28. What time ________ dinner?
A) Jane does do B) does Jane do
A) has John B) John has he
C) do Jane D) Jane does
C) does John have D) has John got
4. Who ________ .
29. Bill will come ________ .
A) do Mary likes? B) Mary likes?
A) at 9 o’clock this afternoon. B) at 9 o’clock this evening.
C) do Mary like? D) does Mary like?
C) in this afternoon at 9 o’clock. D) in this evening at 9 o’clock.
5. Bill and Carrie ________ the street.
30. I feel fine because I ________ night.
A) they are at B) they are in C) are in D) are at
A) have gone to bed early last B) have gone to bed early this
6. What color’s your bicycle? C) went to bed early last D) went to bed early this
A) It’s the red. B) It’s red.
31. What is Shirley like? She ________ .
C) It’s a red color. D) It’s color’s red.
A) is like my sister. B) likes us.
7. A) Is the black cat your? B) Is the black cat yours? C) like my brother. D) is liking ice-cream.
C) Is your the black cat? D) Is the your black cat?
32. Has Colin got a pen? Yes, the teacher has ________ .
8. Bill hasn’t seen ________ . A) lent one him. B) lent him one.
A) much boats B) any boat C) many boats D) some boats C) borrowed one him. D) borrowed him one.
9. ________ the room! 33. Carrie is in front of David. Yes, David is ________ Carrie.
A) Don’t go in B) Don’t going to A) beside B) between C) before D) behind
C) Not to go in D) Not go into
34. Eva is ________ my radio.
10. A) Go here to me! B) Go to my here! A) hearing to B) hearing on C) listening to D) listening on
C) Come to my here! D) Come here to me!
35. Are the papers in your room? Yes, my mother ________ yesterday.
11. Where ________ some stamps for this letter? A) put them there B) puts them there
A) can I buy B) I can buy C) I buy D) to buy C) put it there D) puts it there
12. Ken is as good ________ . 36. Last year ________ to Canada.
A) is Brian. B) Brian is. C) as Brian. D) than Brian. A) went Mary B) did Mary go C) Mary went D) Mary was
13. Lynn ________ television every evening. 37. Mary was going to a wedding so she brushed ________ well.
A) looks at B) locks at C) washes at D) watches at A) her hair B) her hairs C) the hair D) the hairs
14. ________ good weather. 38. Whose are those?
A) Every person likes B) Every person like A) It’s of the teacher. B) It’s theirs.
C) Everybody like D) Everybody likes C) They’re Jill’s brother’s. D) They’re our.
15. Did you go to Scotland last year? 39. This evening I’ll come ________ early.
A) No, I did never go there. B) No, I’ve never been there. A) to home B) at home C) in home D) home
C) No, I’ve never gone here. D) No, I never went here.
40. Mary likes ice-cream and ________ .
16. I didn’t see the people there. I didn’t see ________ . A) so John too does. B) so does John too.
A) him, too. B) him either. C) them, too. D) them either. C) John likes too. D) John too likes.
17. Pat and Jane are ________ her. 41. Boris usually ________ breakfast at eight o’clock.
A) clever than B) clever that C) as clever as D) so clever as A) has got the B) has C) take D) eats the
18. Do you ________ ? 42. How is your sister?
A) come often here B) come here often A) She’s fine. B) She’s good. C) She s there. D) That’s her.
C) go often here D) go here often
43. There’s ________ those bottles there.
19. Mary is the girl ________ . A) much beer on B) much beers in
A) about the television. B) of the red hair. C) a lot of beer in D) a lot of beer on
C) at the kitchen. D) by the window.
44. Paula’s singing ________ afternoon.
20. Do you go to school? A) at this B) in this C) on this D) this
A) No, I work. B) Yes, I am.
45. Are you going to the doctor’s? No, ________
C) No, I go home. D) No, I cycle.
A) to the police station. B) I’m coming there.
21. Are my pencils on your desk? No, there ________ on my desk. C) usually by bus. D) he’s going to me.
A) aren’t something B) isn’t something
46. There are the two boys.
C) aren’t anything D) isn’t anything
A) What boy is the clever? B) What boy is the clever one?
22. Have you got some red shoes? No, but I’ve got ________ . C) Which is the clever? D) Which boy is the clever one?
A) some yellow pair. B) some yellows.
47. The sun came ________ the windows.
C) some yellow. D) some yellow ones.
A) out of B) into C) with D) through
23. Whose is that car? It’s ________ .
48. When ________ her homework?
A) theirs B) there’s C) their D) there
A) does Wendy usually do B) does Wendy usually
24. A) What age has she? B) How many years has she? C) Wendy usually does D) usually does Wendy
C) How old is she? D) How old she is?
49. Have you been to the mountains?
25. There wasn’t ________ in the garden. A) does Wendy usually do B) does Wendy usually
A) some people B) anybody C) Wendy usually does D) usually does Wendy
C) any people D) no persons

Book 1 Part E 197 Elementary test 4

50. Joan ________ play on Saturday. 76. There wasn’t ________ on the bus.
A) going to B) can C) is going D) can t A) no person B) nobody C) any person D) anyone
51. The bicycle is ________ the car. 77. Jim is ________ boy in the class.
A) front of B) near of C) next D) behind A) the smaller B) smaller C) the smallest D) smallest
52. Tom gave ________ . 78. Margaret is the girl ________ .
A) Pat the book B) the book Pat A) between my brother B) at the back
C) to Pat the book D) the book a Pat C) on the tree D) at the street
53. Sarah ________ tennis on Sundays. 79. What time ________ dinner?
A) plays never B) never plays A) does Jane have B) does Jane have the
C) is never playing D) never is playing C) has Jane D) has Jane the
54. When ________ football? 80. Sally will come at 8 o’clock ________ .
A) do Jim plays B) plays Jim C) Jim plays D) does Jim play A) this day B) this afternoon
C) this night D) this evening
55. Who ________ .
A) do Tom love? B) do love Tom? 81. I feel fine because I went ________ .
C) does Tom love? D) Tom loves? A) to the bed early last night B) to bed early last night
C) to the bed early tonight D) to bed early tonight
56. John and I ________ school.
A) are at B) are to C) we are at D) we are to 82. What is Peter like? He ________ .
A) is very well B) is very nice C) like football D) is liking tennis
57. What color are your gloves?
A) They are some brown. B) Some brown gloves. 83. Has Jimmy got his books now? Yes, my brother ________ yesterday.
C) They are color brown. D) They are brown. A) gave them to him B) gave to him them
C) has given them to him D) has given to him them
58. A) Are the big cars blue? B) Are the cars big blue?
C) Are big the blue cars? D) Are the big blue cars? 84. Arthur is beside Penny. Yes, Penny is ________ Arthur.
A) behind B) before C) beside D) between
59. Did you see ________ people?
A) much B) a C) any D) a lot 85. Are the pencils in the box? Yes, Norma ________ on Saturday.
A) put them B) puts them
60. ________ your homework?
C) put them there D) puts them there
A) Don’t B) Don’t do C) Not do D) Not to do
86. ________ to Ireland last year?
61. A) Go here to us! B) Go there to they!
A) Mary went B) Did Mary go C) Mary was D) Was Mary
C) Come there to we! D) Come here to us!
87. It was a bad day so Mike ________ his raincoat.
62. How ________ telephone to England?
A) puts on B) put on C) takes on D) took on
A) do I B) can C) I do D) to
88. Whose are these? ________ .
63. This is ________ .
A) Theirs. B) Are my sister’s.
A) the question thirty. B) the question thirteen.
C) It’s mine. D) They’re her.
C) the question thirty. D) question thirteen.
89. My brother ________ early.
64. Jack ________ football on Saturday afternoon.
A) often goes to home B) goes often to home
A) looks B) locks C) washes D) watches
C) often goes home D) goes often home
65. ________ live in the town.
90. John doesn’t like beer and ________ .
A) Somebody B) Anybody C) Some people D) Any people
A) so I do B) so do I C) neither I do D) neither do I
66. Did you go to Ireland last year?
91. Kathie always ________ lunch in a restaurant.
A) No, I’ve never been to Ireland.
A) is eating B) take C) has D) has got
B) No, here I have never gone.
C) No, I haven’t gone to Ireland. 92. What’s that man?
D) No, I did never go there. A) He’s Eric. B) It’s Bill.
C) He’s student. D) He’s a teacher.
67. Molly hasn’t got your money. Jack hasn’t got ________ .
A) it, too. B) them, too. C) it, either. D) them, either. 93. I’ve put ________ water in the bottles.
A) a lot of B) much C) many D) any
68. Bill and I ________ good as you.
A) are as B) am as C) as D) we’re as 94. You can’t see the sun ________ .
A) at the night B) at night C) at the nights D) at nights
69. Mary’s here. She’s just ________ .
A) gone B) been C) got D) come 95. Are you going to school? No, ________ .
A) I take the bus. B) I’m cycling.
70. Jeremy is the man ________ .
C) to the shops. D) I’m coming to school.
A) of the long legs B) of the tall legs
C) with the long legs D) with the tall legs 96. Here are three pens. ________ you like best?
A) What one do B) What one
71. Fred’s ________ Charles.
C) Which one do D) Which one
A) much better that B) much better than
C) very better that D) very better than 97. Mary is writing ________ .
A) in paper B) with a pen C) by a pen D) with pen
72. Are my books on the table? No, there ________ on the table.
A) aren’t anything B) isn’t anything 98. Where ________ in the summer?
C) aren’t something D) isn’t something A) usually Lena goes B) goes usually Lena
C) does Lena usually go D) usually does Lena go
73. Have you got some brown eggs? No, but I’ve got ________ .
A) any white ones B) some white ones 99. Have you visited Edinburgh?
C) some white one D) any white one A) Not yet B) Not ever C) Already D) Ever
74. Whose is the table? It’s ________ . 100. Donald ________ sixteen tomorrow.
A) of us B) to us C) ours D) our A) is being B) going to be C) shall be D) will be
75. A) How old are you? B) How many years are you?
C) How old you are? D) What age do you have?

Book 1 Part E 198 Elementary test 4

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. 27. John was ________ the bus for ten minutes.
A) waiting for B) expecting C) attending D) hoping for
John: Mr. Jackson __1__ the children to the zoo yesterday. When they
got there they __2__ a bell, and when they were inside they saw 28. Have you been to the USA? ________ .
a man in the lion house. A) Ever B) Never C) Already D) Yet
Mary: Why __3__?
John: He __4__ the lions their food. 29. Shall I buy some apples? Yes, ________.
Mary: How much __5__? A) get a kilo of big B) bring a kilo
John: The children didn’t __6__. Did you know that __7__ two C) take few big ones D) buy a lot of
restaurants in the zoo? So people __8__ go out if __9__ eat
30. Ken doesn’t come from London. ________.
A) Neither Tom does B) Tom isn’t coming, too
Mary: What time __10__ the restaurants?
C) Tom also D) Nor does Tom
John: Oh, the children __11__ remember times. They __12__ times
aren’t important. 31. Do you need any water? No, ________ .
1. A) was taking B) did take C) took D) has taken A) I needn’t any B) I’ve got some
C) I don’t need D) I haven’t got any
2. A) heard B) were hearing C) listened D) were listening
32. ________ lovely food!
3. A) was he here B) has he been there
A) Which B) Which a C) What D) What a
C) has he been here D) was he there
4. A) was just giving B) has just given 33. I’m going to give ________ .
C) gave just D) had given just A) to him a record B) him a record
C) a record him D) some record to him
5. A) he gave to them B) did he give them
C) gave he to them D) did he to them give 34. I don’t know who ________ chocolate.
A) is liking B) like C) are liking D) likes
6. A) tell it me B) say me C) tell me D) say it to me
7. A) are there B) are they C) they are D) there are 35. ________ we don’t get home before midnight.
A) Sometimes B) Always C) Never D) Every time
8. A) mustn’t to B) mustn’t C) don’t need to D) don’t need
36. ________ to become a film star.
9. A) they want to B) they want C) he wants to D) he wants
A) No every child wants B) No every children want
10. A) do open B) do they open C) are open D) are opening C) Not every child wants D) Not every children want
11. A) can’t B) may not C) aren’t able D) couldn’t to 37. Whose is this?
12. A) say to me what B) say me which A) His B) He’s C) Its D) It’s
C) tell me what D) tell me that
38. Were you singing when I came in? Yes, I ________
13. A) How is your age? B) How old are you? A) sang B) sung C) was D) were
C) What age have you got? D) How many years you are?
39. Where’s the record?
14. Mary had ________ money. A) There’s it. B) He’s under the chair.
A) enough B) many C) fewer D) any C) There’s on a chair. D) It’s here.
15. A) What shoes are they made? B) What shoes are made of? 40. Are you making cakes?
C) What are shoes made of? D) What are made of shoes? A) Yes, I do. B) Yes, I am.
16. ________ are very clever. C) Yes, I’m doing. D) Yes, I’m making.
A) Both them B) Both of them
41. Next month ________ seventeen.
C) The both boys D) Both of boys
A) I’ll be B) shall I be C) I’m being D) I have
17. What ________ on Sundays?
A) does John usually do B) do John usually does 42. How’s the baby?
C) John usually does D) does John usually A) He’s Alison’s. B) She’s very well.
C) That’s the baby. D) She’s a girl.
18. There wasn’t ________ in the park.
A) some people B) anybody 43. When did you last ________ Mr. Brown?
C) any people D) no people A) meat B) met C) meeting D) meet

19. This is ________ that. 44. Have you ever ________ the Atlantic?
A) the same as B) the same that A) flown along B) flowed along
C) different that D) the different from C) flown across D) flowed across
20. Michael always wants ________ money. 45. Yesterday Mary ________ to me with a problem.
A) a few B) too many C) so much D) another A) came B) goes C) went D) come
21. When ________ give her this book. 46. ________ lots of trees round the house?
A) Alison will arrive B) is Alison arriving A) Were always there B) Have there always been
C) Alison arrive D) Alison arrives C) Had there always D) Were they always
22. I think there are ________ in the garden. 47. What date is it?
A) nobody B) someone C) some people D) anybody A) The third of march. B) The third march.
23. Michael stayed with us ________ three weeks. C) Of march the third. D) March the third.
A) since B) in C) for D) through 48. His daughter is ________ .
24. Carrie is ________ Hilary. A) as old as yours B) as old as your one
A) pretty than B) prettier than C) so old as yours D) so old as your one
C) so pretty as D) more pretty that
49. He ________ his hat and went out.
25. Did you buy ________ cheese? A) takes on B) took on C) puts on D) put on
A) so many B) too C) these D) a lot of
50. A) Was the English women old?
26. ________ the men’s a doctor? B) Was the English women an old?
A) What B) Both C) Which of D) Who of C) Were the English women some old?
D) Were the English women old?

Book 1 Part E 199 Elementary test 5

“Peter __51__ back from the shop,” said Mr. James. “He __52__ 76. ________ those books do you want?
some new football boots, but he __53__ find any that were right for A) What are B) Which of C) Which are D) What
him.” “__54__ the same?” I asked. “He said they showed __55__ but he 77. Mary was waiting ________ bus stop.
__56__ any of them.” “What __57__ do about his boots, then?” I asked. A) for a B) at the C) by D) the
“Well, the shop told __58__ next week. It’s not a big problem because
he __59__ to have them before the new school term. But he __60__ to 78. Have you ever been to Ireland?
A) Not yet. B) Not already. C) Not ever. D) Not still.
arrange his things early. For example, he __61__ late for school.” “My
daughter is different,” I said. “I __62__ throw her out when it’s time for 79. Shall I get some apples? Yes, ________ red ones.
school.” A) bring some B) take a few C) take any D) bring a little

51. A) has just come B) came just 80. John never eats meat.
C) just went D) was just arriving A) That does Tom. B) Tom doesn’t too.
C) Neither does Tom. D) Tom does neither.
52. A) wanted buying B) like to buy
C) had liked to buy D) wanted to buy 81. Do you want a drink?
A) Yes, I want. B) Yes, I do want.
53. A) didn’t able B) wasn’t able to
C) No, I don’t. D) No, I don’t want.
C) couldn’t to D) mustn’t
54. A) Have all of them been B) Were all they 82. ________ clever idea!
C) Were they all D) Have they all been A) What a B) What C) So D) How

55. A) to him different pairs B) different pairs for him 83. Mary got ________ .
C) him different pairs D) for him different pairs A) for her birthday a pen. B) at her birthday a pen.
C) a pen for her birthday. D) a pen at her birthday.
56. A) wasn’t liking B) didn’t like
C) hasn’t liked D) hadn’t liked 84. Ask him ________ .
57. A) Peter will B) will Peter to A) how old he is. B) how old is he.
C) is Peter going D) is Peter going to C) how old has he D) how old he has

58. A) him to come back B) to him come back 85. ________ we didn’t visit John in hospital.
C) him coming back D) he could come back A) Already B) Sometimes C) Never D) Always
59. A) needs not B) doesn’t need 86. ________ to get rich.
C) mustn’t D) may not A) Not every young man try B) Not every young man tries
60. A) is beginning always B) is always beginning C) No every young men try D) No every young man tries
C) begins always D) always begins
87. Whose is this?
61. A) is never coming B) never is A) There’s. B) There. C) Their. D) Theirs.
C) has never been D) comes never
88. Who went to Paris? John ________ .
62. A) need B) may C) have to D) can A) has B) did C) does D) was
63. A) What age has she? B) How many years she has?
89. Where’s the dog?
C) How old is she? D) How old she is?
A) It’s on the table. B) There’s on the table.
64. Fred eats ________ bread. C) There’s under a table. D) It’s under a table.
A) too many B) so much C) fewer D) any
90. Are you going to school?
65. A) Of what cups are made? B) Of what are cups? A) No, I don’t. B) No, I’m cycling.
C) What cups are made of? D) What are cups made of? C) No, to the shops. D) No, to shops.
66. ________ are very good.
91. Next month Jane ________ twenty three.
A) Both those boys B) The both boys
A) is having B) has C) shall be D) will be
C) Both of they D) Both they
92. How’s John’s sister?
67. Where ________ at the weekend?
A) She’s fine. B) That’s she. C) This is her. D) She’s good.
A) usually Mary goes B) does Mary usually go
C) goes usually Mary D) do Mary usually goes 93. Have you ________ the cups with tea?
68. There isn’t ________ at the station. A) felt B) feel C) filled D) full
A) people B) some persons
94. Did John ________ to drive a car?
C) anyone D) somebody
A) teach you B) taught you C) learn you D) learnt you
69. Cars are ________ lorries.
95. Why have you ________ to me?
A) as different to B) not same as
A) gone B) come C) came D) went
C) not as same as D) different from
70. Mary has answered ________ questions. 96. Last Sunday ________ thousands of people at the beach.
A) the more B) any C) very much D) a few A) it was B) they were C) there was D) there were

71. John will mend the window when ________ . 97. What’s today’s date?
A) he comes B) does he can C) is he coming D) he will come A) Of January the second. B) Of January second.
C) The January second. D) January the second.
72. I haven’t seen ________ this week.
A) much people B) no people 98. My daughter is older ________ .
C) someone D) anybody A) that his one B) than his C) than his one D) that his

73. Next year we are going to stay in Scotland ________ two weeks. 99. She ________ her hat and left the room.
A) on B) for C) through D) in A) takes on B) took on C) puts on D) put on
74. Pat isn’t ________ Val. 100. A) Was the big car expensive? B) Was the expensive car a big?
A) so heavy as B) heavy than C) heavier than D) so heavy than C) Was expensive the big car? D) Was the expensive a big car?
75. They have visited ________ countries.
A) a lot of B) so much C) the both D) every

Book 1 Part E 200 Elementary test 5

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. 26. ________ these girls do you know?
A) Which of B) Who are C) What of D) How many
Tom: Hello, Ann. How are you? 27. Yesterday John ________ the bus.
Ann: Well, I __1__ the doctor’s yesterday. A) waited for ten minutes B) was expecting ten minutes
Tom: What __2__ you? C) waited ten minutes for D) expected for ten minutes
Ann: He said that I have a weak stomach, but I __3__ take any medicine.
28. Have you ever visited Rome?
Tom: How __4__ that you were ill? A) Ever. B) Still. C) Already. D) Never.
Ann: I was teaching __5__ a bicycle, and I couldn’t run as fast as I
29. What sort of car shall I get?
A) Get no English! B) Get none English!
Tom: Well, what __7__ tomorrow evening? C) Don’t get any one English! D) Don’t get an English one!
Ann: I __8__ __9__ invite me for dinner?
Tom: __10__ __11__ in town this week, and I want __12__ with me. 30. Mary doesn’t like cats. ________ .
A) So does John B) John doesn’t either
C) John doesn’t too. D) John also.
1. A) was to B) went to C) have been to D) have gone to
31. Do you want some milk? No, ________ .
2. A) did he tell to B) he has told
A) I’ve got any B) I don’t want
C) did he tell D) has he told to
C) I haven’t got any D) I’ve got some
3. A) mustn’t B) don’t need to
32. ________ clever women!
C) couldn’t D) may not
A) Which B) What a C) What D) How
4. A) did you notice B) have you noticed it
33. Mary bought ________ .
C) were you noticing it D) you noticed
A) to Peter a pen B) a pen to Peter
5. A) to my cousin ride B) my cousin riding C) for Peter a pen D) a pen for Peter
C) my cousin to ride D) my cousin ride
34. Tell me who ________ blue eyes.
6. A) did need B) needed to C) must D) had to A) is having B) are having C) has D) have
7. A) are you doing B) are you going do 35. ________ work on Saturdays.
C) will you to do D) do you A) Sometimes didn’t I B) Sometimes I didn’t
C) Never didn’t I D) Never I didn’t
8. A) didn’t plan anything B) haven’t planned something
C) didn’t plan something D) haven’t planned anything 36. ________ to get married.
A) Not every girl wants B) Not every girl want
9. A) Do you like to B) Are you wanting
C) No every girl wants D) No every girl want
C) Are you going to D) You will
37. Whose is that? It’s ________ .
10. A) Not this B) No that C) No this D) Not that
A) he’s B) there’s C) theirs D) she’s
11. A) There are some good films B) It’s some good film
38. Were you working when I came in? Yes, ________ .
C) There’s some good film D) They are some good films
A) I was. B) was I. C) I did. D) did I.
12. A) you going B) that you go
39. Where’s my cup?
C) you to go D) that you’ll go
A) It here B) It’s near window.
13. A) How old he is? B) How many years has he? C) He’s under chair. D) There’s on a table.
C) What age he has? D) What is his age?
40. Is Mary doing her homework?
14. Sheila put in ________ water. A) No, she doesn’t. B) No, she isn’t doing.
A) any B) so much C) few D) enough of C) No, she doesn’t do. D) No, she isn’t.
15. A) What are cars made of? B) What cars are made of? 41. Next month you ________ .
C) What off are made cars? D) What are made of cars? A) shall be as old as I B) will be so old as I
C) will be as old as me D) shall be so old as me
16. ________ sing beautifully.
A) These both girls. B) Both of they 42. How many times have you been?
C) Both of them D) These two girls A) One times. B) Quite much.
C) Two months. D) Twice.
17. When ________ his homework?
A) Tom usually does B) does Tom usually 43. Has Mary ________ the ring?
C) does Tom usually do D) usually does Tom A) fond B) found C) find D) fined
18. There was ________ on the train. 44. Mary ________ that expensive show.
A) no persons B) anyone C) any person D) nobody A) walked and see B) gone and saw
C) got and seen D) went and saw
19. Newspapers ________ magazines.
A) aren’t same that B) are different of 45. Did you ________ here by bus this morning?
C) aren’t the same as D) are the different from A) go B) went C) come D) came
20. I spoke to ________ people at the bus stop. 46. At 10 o’clock yesterday ________ hundreds of people outside.
A) a few B) a pair of C) much D) another A) there were B) there was
C) there were being D) there was being
21. I’ll talk to Mary when ________ time.
A) has she B) she has C) she have D) she’ll have 47. What date is it? It’s ________ .
A) July twentieth first. B) of July twenty first.
22. There wasn’t ________ in the box.
C) the twenty first of July. D) the twentieth first of July.
A) any things B) anything C) something D) nothing
48. My car was ________ .
23. Last year Joan stayed in London ________ weeks.
A) between his one B) between his
A) through six B) on six C) six D) in six
C) beside his one D) beside his
24. Jack is ________ Joe.
49. Mary ________ her boots because it was raining.
A) as quite than B) so quiet as
A) put on B) puts on C) takes on D) took on
C) more quite than D) quieter than
50. A) Was black the little dog? B) Was the little dog black?
25. They bought ________ bread.
C) Was the little black dog? D) Was the little dog a black?
A) any B) a lot of C) many D) much

Book 1 Part E 201 Elementary test 6

Ann: Look! Tom __51__ a dress for my birthday. 76. ________ those newspapers have you read?
Pat: It’s lovely __52__ it at Bromley’s? A) What are B) Which C) What of D) Which of
Ann: No, he __53__ one there, but they didn’t show __54__ that he 77. It was raining when Mary ________ the bus.
__55__. A) waited B) expected
Pat: That’s odd. They __56__ dresses that are all right for me. My C) was expecting D) was waiting for
birthday was two months ago.
78. Have you been to the museum?
Ann: What __57__ for you? A) Not yet. B) Not already. C) Not ever. D) Not still.
Pat: He __58__ tell him something that he __59__ buy. I said, “I __60__
anything at all. I __61__ a lot of clothes.” “That’s true,” he said. 79. What kind of watch shall I buy? Get ________ .
A) one Swiss B) a French
“__62__ out for dinner instead.”
C) a Japanese one D) some American one
51. A) gave to me B) has given to me 80. Mary doesn’t speak Russian.
C) have given me D) has given me A) Laura doesn’t either. B) Neither Laura does.
C) Laura doesn’t neither. D) Laura doesn’t too.
52. A) Was he buying B) Did he buy
C) He bought D) Had he bought 81. Do you want another cake? No, thank you. I’ve still got ________ .
53. A) tried get B) wanted have A) some B) someone’s C) some ones D) ones
C) wanted to get D) tried to have 82. ________ clever people!
54. A) to him something B) anything him A) What a B) What C) How D) So
C) something to him D) him anything
83. They gave ________ .
55. A) was happy B) interested C) liked D) pleased A) the girls some books B) to the girls some books
C) to them some books D) some books the girls
56. A) are always having B) always have
C) have often D) do have often 84. I can’t say who ________ the answer.
A) is knowing B) knows C) are knowing D) know
57. A) did Peter buy B) Peter bought
C) has Peter bought D) Peter has bought 85. ________ I don’t work on Saturday.
58. A) asked me B) said me to C) asked me to D) said to me A) Always B) Never C) Sometimes D) Seldom

59. A) could B) was able to C) may D) can 86. ________ the homework.
A) No every students do B) No every student does
60. A) needn’t B) mustn’t need C) Not every students do D) Not every student does
C) haven’t to need D) don’t need
87. Whose is this? It’s ________ .
61. A) still have got B) already have got
A) yours B) to Mary C) of him D) a mine
C) have already got D) have got still
88. Have you ever been to Scotland? Yes, I ________ last year.
62. A) We’ll be going B) Let us to go
A) was B) was being C) have gone D) went
C) Will we go D) Let’s go
63. A) What is your age? B) How many years you have? 89. Where’s the lamp?
C) How old you are? D) What age do you have? A) The chair near the table. B) Its there
C) It’s in the room. D) There’s near the door.
64. John bought ________ cheese.
A) enough of B) too many C) fewer D) more 90. Are you going to work?
A) No, to the shops. B) No, to shopping.
65. A) What pencils made of? C) No, I don’t. D) No, I take the bus.
B) What are pencils made of?
C) What pencils are they made of? 91. Next month ________ twenty-one.
D) What are made of pencils? A) has my sister B) my sister will be
C) my sister shall have D) my sister going to be
66. ________ like music.
A) The both girls B) Both this girls 92. How’s the old man?
C) Both of them D) Both they A) He’s sixty-five. B) That’s him.
C) He’s much better. D) Mr Smith is the old man.
67. What ________ on Saturday.
A) Ken usually does B) does Ken usually 93. Did John ________ with the band yesterday?
C) usually does Ken do D) does Ken usually do A) sing B) sung C) song D) sang
68. There isn’t ________ in the garden. 94. Last week John ________ his leg.
A) anyone B) no person C) persons D) any people A) felt and broken B) fell and broke
69. He thinks John ________ . C) feels and breaks D) fallen and broken
A) the same as I B) is the same as me
95. When did you ________ to see me last?
C) is same as me D) is the same I am
A) go B) went C) came D) come
70. Cathie has read ________ French books.
96. What ________ behind the house when you were a child?
A) so much B) a few C) the more D) every
A) was there B) there were C) were there D) there was
71. When ________, I’ll talk to him.
A) does Peter come B) Peter will come 97. What date is it? It’s ________ .
C) Peter comes D) can Peter come A) the July fourth. B) the fourth of July.
C) of July the fourth. D) fourth July.
72. I don’t know ________ geography.
A) something about B) anything about 98. My car was ________ .
C) something of D) anything of A) in front of the his B) in front of his
C) in front the his D) in front of he’s
73. Next year we’re going to stay there ________ a week.
A) in B) through C) during D) for 99. Jack ________ his thick coat because it was snowing.
A) puts on B) put on C) takes on D) took on
74. Is Chris ________ Kate?
A) taller that B) so tall as C) as tall as D) taller as 100. A) Was the big brown book? B) Was the brown book a big?
C) Was the big book brown? D) Was the brown a big book?
75. Tom gave us ________ apples.
A) a lot of B) so much C) same D) this

Book 1 Part E 202 Elementary test 6

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. 25. ________ at the moment, I’ll go to the shops.
A) For it doesn’t rain B) As it doesn’t rain
Last June my brother __1__ a car. He had had an old scooter before, C) For it isn’t raining D) As it isn’t raining
but it __2__ several times during the spring. “What you want is a second
26. Bill drinks ________ whisky.
– hand Mini,” I suggested. “If you give me the money,” he said, “__3__
A) any B) none C) too many D) so much
one tomorrow.” “I can’t give you the money,” I replied, “but what about
Aunt Myra. She must have enough. We __4__ her since Christmas but 27. ________ are very intelligent.
A) Both of them B) Both them C) Both they D) The both
she always hints that we __5__ go and see her more often.”
We told our parents where we were going. They weren’t very happy 28. In a shop ________ customers.
about it and asked us not to go. So __6__ But later that same day A) it is important pleasing B) it is important to please
C) there is important pleasing D) there is important to please
something strange __7__. A doctor __8__ us that Aunt Myra __9__ into
hospital for an operation. “__10__ go and see her at the same time,” said 29. Don’t leave your shoes on the table.
my mother. “You two go today, but don’t mention the money.” A) Put off them! B) Take them off!
C) Pick them off! D) Pick up them!
When we __11__ Aunt Myra __12__ “I’m not seriously ill,” she said,
“but the doctor insist that __13__ to drive my car. You can have it if you 30. ________ in my class likes the teacher.
promise __14__ me to the seaside now and again.” We agreed, and now A) All persons B) All pupils C) Everyone D) All people
we quite enjoy our monthly trips to the coast with Aunt Myra. 31. We expected about 20 girls but there were ________ people there.
A) another B) others C) some D) more
1. A) wanted to buy B) wanted buying
C) liked to buy D) liked buying 32. Your bicycle shouldn’t be in the house!
A) Take it out! B) Get out it! C) Put it off! D) Take away it!
2. A) was breaking down B) was breaking up
C) had broken down D) had broken up 33. What time does the bus ________ Bradford?
A) go away to B) go away for C) leave to D) leave for
3. A) I get B) I’m going
34. She ________ be Canadian because she’s got a British passport.
C) I’m going to get D) I’ll get
A) can’t B) isn’t able to C) mustn’t D) doesn’t need
4. A) are not seeing B) haven’t seen
35. “Our daughter ________”, they said.
C) didn’t see D) don’t see
A) was born since three years
5. A) should B) shall C) would D) will B) is born for three years ago
C) was born three years ago
6. A) that we haven’t B) that we didn’t
D) has been born since three years ago
C) we haven’t D) we didn’t
36. When ________ English?
7. A) occurred B) took the place A) has he begun to study B) has he begun study
C) passed D) was there C) did he begin to study D) did he begin study
8. A) rang for telling B) rang to tell 37. Do you want some cheese? No, ________ .
C) rung for telling D) rung to tell A) I’ve some still B) I still haven’t much
9. A) had gone B) had been C) has gone D) has been C) I don’t want D) I’ve still got much

10. A) We may not all B) We can’t all 38. Brenda likes going to the theatre and ________ .
C) All we can’t D) All we may not A) so do I B) so go I C) so I like D) so I am

11. A) have come there B) were arriving 39. ________ from London to Edinburgh!
C) got there D) came to there A) How long there is B) What a long way it is
C) What distance is there D) How long is
12. A) was seeming quite happily B) was seeming quite happy
40. He’s a good guitarist, but he plays the piano ________ .
C) seemed quite happily D) seemed quite happy
A) quite well B) too hardly C) very good D) much better
13. A) I’m getting so old B) I’m getting too old
41. When you go to the shops, bring me ________ .
C) I get so old D) I get too old
A) a fruit tin B) a fruits tin C) a tin of fruit D) a tin of fruits
14. A) taking B) bringing C) to take D) to bring 42. Molly doesn’t eat fish.
15. Can this camera ________ good photos? A) So doesn’t John. B) Neither does John.
A) make B) to make C) take D) to take C) John doesn’t too. D) John doesn’t that either.
16. Who was the first person ________ today? 43. The airport is five miles ________ .
A) spoke to you B) you spoke to A) away from here B) from here away
C) you spoke D) whom you spoke C) far from here D) far away from here
17. I can’t find the book ________ . 44. Please ask ________ and see me.
A) nowhere B) everywhere C) anywhere D) somewhere A) to Bill come B) Bill to come C) to Bill come D) Bill come
18. There was a house at ________ . 45. She always buys ________ my birthday.
A) the mountain foot B) the foot of the mountain A) anything nice to B) anything nice for
C) the feet of the mountain D) the mountain’s foot C) something awful to D) something awful for
19. A person who talks to ________ is not necessarily mad. 46. Aren’t they friends ________ ?
A) himself B) oneself C) yourself D) itself A) of yours B) of you C) to yours D) to you
20. I’ll be 13 tomorrow, ________ ? 47. She hardly ever eats ________ potatoes.
A) am I B) aren’t I C) won’t I D) will I A) or bread or B) bread or
C) neither bread or D) neither bread nor
21. Did you hear ________ Julie said?
A) what B) that C) that what D) which 48. This is the record we ________ .
A) like so much B) are liking so much
22. Spanish people usually speak ________ than English people.
C) like it much D) are liking it much
A) quicklier B) more quicklier
C) more quickly D) more quicker 49. She’s going to buy ________ new trousers.
A) some pair of B) some C) a couple of D) this
23. That old lady can’t stop me ________ the tennis match on my radio.
A) to listen B) listening C) listen to D) listening to 50. Is she going to school? No, ________
A) she doesn’t B) she’s cycling
24. I haven’t got a chair ________ .
C) she gets by bus D) to the shops
A) to sit B) for to sit on C) to sit on D) for sitting

Book 1 Part E 203 Intermediate test 1

Nowadays __51__ quite early what kind of work they would __52__. 75. ________ was fine, I sat out in the garden.
When I was at school, we had to choose what to study when we were A) For it B) As it C) For there D) As there
fifteen. I chose scientific subjects. “In the future, scientists __53__ a lot of 76. While we were traveling ________, it started to rain.
money,” my parents said. __54__ to learn physics and chemistry, but in A) towards London in my car B) towards London by my car
the end I decided that I would never be a scientist. It was a long time C) against London in my car D) against London by my car
__55__ my parents that I wasn’t happy at school. “I didn’t think you
77. Jack brought us ________ cheese.
were,” said my mother. “__56__,” said my father. “Well, the best __57__
A) enough of B) too many C) some more D) a lot
now is to look for a job.”
I talked about it with my friends Frank and Lesley. Neither of them 78. ________ draw very well.
__58__ suggest anything, but they promised that they __59__ their friends. A) These both children B) Both of they
A few days later while I __60__ bed, someone telephoned. “Is that Miss C) Both them D) Both these girls
Jenkins?” a man’s voice asked. “I understand your hobby is photography 79. To travel from England to Scotland you ________ a passport.
and I’ve got a job that might interest you in my clothes factory. My name A) mustn’t have B) haven’t got C) don’t need D) needn’t
is Mr. Thomson.” He seemed pleasant on the phone so I went __61__. I
80. Your pen’s on the floor.
was __62__ I almost forgot to say goodbye. “Good luck!” my mother
A) Pick it up! B) Pick up it! C) Take it up! D) Take up it!
__63__ me.
I arrived a bit early and when Mr. Thomson came he asked me if 81. I like bacon and eggs ________ .
__64__ for a long time. “No, not long,” I replied. After talking to me for A) for breakfast B) for the breakfast
about twenty minutes he offered me a job – not as a photographer C) with breakfast D) with the breakfast
though, as a model! 82. Do you like the cakes? I don’t like ________ .
A) all them B) them all C) every D) everyone
51. A) the most people decide B) the most people decides
C) most people decide D) most people decides 83. Children shouldn’t leave their toys on the floor. They should ________.
A) put out them B) put off them
52. A) like to do B) like to make C) do D) make
C) put them away D) put them off
53. A) shall I earn B) will earn C) going to earn D) are earning
84. Where can we get a ball? Let’s ________ .
54. A) During three years I’ve tried B) During three years I tried A) lend one from John B) lend John’s one
C) For three years I’ve tried D) For three years I tried C) borrow one of John D) borrow one from John
55. A) that I didn’t tell B) before I told 85. I ________ home at half past six.
C) when I wasn’t telling D) before telling A) was at B) come at C) arrive in D) go to
56. A) Nor I did B) I didn’t neither 86. I ________ early, but on Sundays I stay in bed late.
C) I didn’t either D) I didn’t too A) usually go up B) usually get up
57. A) to do B) you should do C) used to go up D) used to get up
C) thing to do D) thing that you do 87. When ________ Mr. Jones?
58. A) may B) might C) can D) could A) you have met B) you did meet
C) you met D) did you meet
59. A) should ask B) would ask C) were asking D) have asked
88. The girls ________ talked to were quite happy.
60. A) was still in B) still was in C) was still in the D) still was in the A) we B) which we C) those we D) what we
61. A) that I should see him B) for seeing him 89. Tony likes walking in the country and ________ .
C) to see him D) for to see him A) also does Mary B) so does Mary
62. A) so excited than B) so excited as C) Mary likes also D) so Mary likes
C) so much excited D) so excited that 90. ________ it is from Bristol to Glasgow!
63. A) told B) said C) told to D) said to A) What long a way B) What distance
C) How long way D) How far
64. A) I had been waiting B) I had been expecting him
C) I have been waiting D) I have been expecting him 91. I ________ meet her every day.
A) used to B) wanted C) liked D) am not able
65. Is her ________ than mine?
A) shorter hair B) hair shorter 92. You said the books were on the desk, but ________ there.
C) hair more short D) more short hair A) there was no one B) there were none
C) there were no ones D) was none
66. Phone me when you get ________ .
A) to home B) at home C) in home D) home 93. Have you got a ________, please?
A) fishes tin B) fish tin C) tin of fishes D) tin of fish
67. When ________ a game of football?
A) had you last B) did you last have 94. John’s not been to New York.
C) last had you D) did you have last A) Neither has Ben. B) Ben hasn’t also.
C) Nor is Ben. D) Ben isn’t too.
68. I can’t find the book ________ .
A) nowhere B) everywhere C) anywhere D) somewhere 95. How ________ have you been to America?
A) much time B) many times C) long for D) long ago
69. There’s not much news in today’s paper, ________ ?
A) isn’t it B) are there C) is there D) aren’t there 96. Tell ________ back tomorrow.
A) Pam to come B) Pam come
70. Fred doesn’t like babies ________ Jill. C) to Pam to come D) to Pam come
A) Nor does B) So doesn’t C) So does D) Nor doesn’t
97. There was a lot of post today but ________ you.
71. He often tells stories ________ . A) it’s nothing for either of B) it’s nothing for either
A) what people laugh at B) which people laugh C) there’s nothing for either of D) there’s nothing for either
C) that people laugh at D) at what people laugh
98. He doesn’t ________ English.
72. Let’s not ________ tonight. There’s a good film on television. A) neither speak or write B) neither speak nor write
A) to go somewhere B) go to somewhere C) speak or write D) speak nor write
C) go nowhere D) go anywhere
99. Is that the man ________ yesterday?
73. The baby is crying! Will you ________ while I prepare his milk? A) you’ve met B) has met you
A) tear him up B) look after him C) you met D) met you
C) care him D) make him up
100. The restaurant had plenty of tables but ________ .
74. A secretary’s job isn’t always easy ________ . A) one only empty B) only one empty
A) of to do B) for doing C) of doing D) to do C) no one empty D) no ones empty

Book 1 Part E 204 Intermediate test 1

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. 25. ________ the weather was fine, I opened all the windows.
A) As B) For C) Because of D) Since that
“Hello, Jill. How nice to see you here,” said Jack. “__1__ here often?”
“Not as much as I’d like. I often used to meet my friends here, but now I 26. I’ve just seen Mary ________ the village.
live a long way away,” Jill explained. “In fact, it’s exactly three years A) to walk towards B) to walk against
__2__” “Well,” said Jack, “tell me what __3__ here today, then.” “Last C) walking towards D) walking against
week my mother had an accident in her car. She __4__ when it happened. 27. Sally didn’t put in ________ water.
Suddenly a motorcycle came out of another street and she __5__ stop A) no B) so much C) enough of D) few
very quickly, and she __6__ another car from behind. She banged her 28. ________ like ice-cream.
head on the car roof.” “__7__ her safety belt on at the time?” Jack asked. A) Every children B) Every child
“No, she never wears one. I don’t think __8__ in that car,” Jill explained. C) All of children D) All children
“I hope your mother __9__” said Jack. “No, thank goodness, but the
doctor said she __10__ stay in hospital __11__ completely better,” 29. When you go abroad, do you ________ take your passport?
A) have to B) ought to C) need D) must
explained Jill. “And so you __12__ see her now?” Jack wanted to know.
“Yes,” said Jill, “every day someone goes to the hospital __13__. She’s a 30. You don’t need your hat.
lot better now.” “I’m glad to hear that,” said Jack. “Anyway __14__ coffee.” A) Put off it! B) Put it off! C) Take off it! D) Take it off!

1. A) Are you coming B) Are you going 31. How many elephants did you see? ________ .
C) Do you come D) Do you go A) None B) No one C) Not many ones D) No many

2. A) since then we moved B) since we moved 32. We’re going to go ________ car.
C) that we moved us D) that we move A) in France in John’s B) in France by John’s
C) to France in John’s D) to France by John’s
3. A) you’re doing B) you do
33. It’s dark without the lights. Let’s ________ .
C) do you do D) takes you
A) switch on them B) turn them on
4. A) went the Oxford Street along C) to turn on them D) to switch them on
B) was going Oxford Street along
34. What time does the train ________ Bristol?
C) was going along Oxford Street
A) arrive into B) come at C) go into D) get to
D) went along the Oxford Street
35. How ________ here?
5. A) must B) had to C) ought to D) had better
A) long you stay B) often you stay
6. A) was beaten with B) was hit with C) long are you staying D) often are you staying
C) was beaten by D) was hit by 36. Everybody ________ in bed.
7. A) Was she having B) Did she have A) has to spend some time B) have to spend some time
C) Has she put D) She was wearing C) has to spend sometimes D) have to spend sometimes
8. A) they were any B) there were any 37. These are nice apples. How ________ in a kilo?
C) they were any ones D) there were any ones A) much are there B) many are there
C) much are they D) many are they
9. A) wasn’t badly hurt B) wasn’t hurt bad
C) wasn’t so much hurt D) wasn’t too much hurt 38. Paul’s ill, so he ________ a doctor tomorrow.
A) is going to be visit B) goes to meet
10. A) need B) ought C) should D) would rather
C) is going to see D) goes to tell
11. A) until she is B) until when she will be 39. How ________ from Leeds to Liverpool?
C) until she will be D) until she’s going to be A) far is there B) long is there C) far is it D) long way is
12. A) just were at B) just were in 40. She’s ________ singer in England.
C) have just gone to D) have just been to A) most known B) the most known
13. A) for seeing her B) for to see her C) most famous D) the most famous
C) that we see her D) to see her 41. ________ to finish quickly.
14. A) let me pay you your B) let me to pay your A) No every student wants B) No every student want
C) let me pay for your D) let me to pay for your C) Not every student wants D) Not every student want
15. Where ________ yesterday? 42. My mother usually has ________ bed.
A) went you B) was you A) the breakfast in B) breakfast in
C) have you been D) were you C) the breakfast in the D) breakfast in the
16. I’ve just finished ________ my shopping. 43. Beryl isn’t going to the dance.
A) to make B) doing C) to do D) making A) Neither Pat is. B) Pat isn’t too.
C) Pat also. D) Nor is Pat.
17. The girl ________ the bicycle is Jane.
A) riding on B) driving in C) driving on D) riding in 44. Who taught you ________ a car?
A) driving B) to drive C) riding D) to ride
18. He’s lived in London ________ .
A) for some time B) since he is born 45. A lot of letters and cards came today, but ________ you.
C) since a long time D) since some time A) there wasn’t anything for B) there wasn’t something for
C) it wasn’t anything for D) it wasn’t something for
19. At the post office he asked ________ .
A) stamps B) some stamps 46. Sarah hardly ever goes to ________ the theatre.
C) four stamps D) for four stamps A) neither the cinema or B) neither the cinema nor
C) either the cinema nor D) the cinema or
20. The girl ________ house he visited was Elizabeth.
A) of which B) of whom C) which D) whose 47. ________ the girls came on the trip.
A) Neither B) Nobody of C) None of D) No one of
21. I have a ________ paper in my desk.
48. I’ve thrown away my old trousers. I’ll have to buy ________ .
A) lot B) little C) loss D) little of
A) a new pair B) a new one
22. “Can’t you read?” Mary said ________ to the notice. C) some new D) some new pair
A) and pointed angry B) angrily pointed
49. Kim and Tony weren’t the only people in the garden. There ________.
C) pointing angrily D) and angrily pointing
A) were some other ones B) were some others
23. Tom is waiting ________ the doctor. C) was another D) was someone more
A) to see B) for to see C) for seeing D) for see
50. I want to leave my car. Can you tell me ________ near here?
24. I’m not sure which restaurant ________ . A) if there’s a car park B) is there a car park
A) to eat on B) eating at C) to eat at D) for eating C) if there’s a parking D) is there a parking

Book 1 Part E 205 Intermediate test 2

I work at Poleson Ltd. __51__ there since 1967. Last month the 76. Jane had ________ furniture for her room.
manager asked __52__ one morning __53__ time. He was new so I A) enough B) many C) all D) any
wondered __54__. When I went to see him, he said “I’d like __55__ me 77. I like ________ two records.
with a special project. I’ve heard that you speak German.” He said that a A) these both B) both these C) all these D) these all
factory in Germany wanted a specialist for six months. “Tell me __56__ 78. To drive a car safely it is ________ good brakes.
go.” I __57__ a few days to think about it. “All right,” he said, “and if you A) essential with B) essential having
want all the details, my secretary __58__ them to you.” So I asked his C) essential to have D) essential have
secretary __59__ give me the papers. “I don’t know where they are,” she 79. If you’ve read my book, please ________ to me.
said. “When I __60__ them, I’ll phone you. Oh! Here they are. Let me A) give it again B) give again it C) give it back D) give back it
__61__ them back after you’ve read them.”
80. ________ people came than I expected.
When I told my friends about it they all said, “__62__!” “__63__,” I
A) Other B) Fewer C) Another D) Few
said. But next day I told the manager I wanted to go and he said, “I
hoped __64__.” 81. In some countries children normally go ________ bikes.
A) to school on B) to the school on
51. A) I’m working B) I’ve been working C) to school by D) to the school by
C) I am worker D) I have been worker 82. You’ll get cold without your coat.
52. A) I should see him B) me see him A) Take on it! B) Take it on! C) Put on it! D) Put it on!
C) that I saw him D) me to see him 83. We haven’t got a record player. Let’s ________ .
53. A) when I should have B) then I should have A) to borrow the Mary’s B) borrow Mary’s
C) when I had D) the I had C) to lend one of Mary D) lend Mary’s one

54. A) how he would be B) how he should be 84. Mary ________ be in Paris because I saw her in town only an hour
C) what he would be like D) how he should like me ago.
A) mustn’t B) isn’t able to C) can’t D) may not
55. A) that you will help B) that you should help
C) you to help D) you helping 85. The station? Take the second turning ________ .
A) to left, then go straight on B) to the left, then go straight on
56. A) if you may B) if you can C) may you D) can you C) to left, then go right forward D) to the left, then go right forward
57. A) explained him I liked B) explained him I’d like 86. Simon ________ the club.
C) told him I liked D) told him I’d like A) often plays tennis at B) often plays tennis on
58. A) will give B) is going to give C) plays often tennis at D) plays often tennis on
C) gives D) is giving 87. Do you want another cake? No, thank you, ________ .
59. A) please B) to C) please to D) that she A) I still have got some left B) I’ve still got some left
C) I still have some ones D) I have still some ones
60. A) am going to find B) will find
C) find D) am finding 88. The men ________ were all office workers.
A) which I talked B) to those I talked
61. A) to have B) have C) to get D) get C) those I talked to D) I talked to
62. A) It looks to be marvelous B) It looks marvelously 89. ________ is Oxford from Cambridge?
C) It seems marvelous D) It seems marvelously A) How far B) How long
63. A) didn’t yet say that yes B) haven’t said yes yet C) How long away D) What distance
C) haven’t yet said that yes D) didn’t yet say yes 90. She ________ the cinema, but her husband doesn’t go with her.
64. A) that you’d agree B) that you agreed A) used to go B) usually sees
C) for you to agree D) you to agree C) often goes to D) visits sometimes

65. Must we ________ this homework tonight? 91. We’ve looked ________ for the keys we lost.
A) to do B) to make C) do D) make A) in all places B) at all places C) over all D) everywhere

66. My piano is magnificent ________ since I was 18. 92. There’s something wrong with the table. Yes, I can ________ .
A) I got it B) I’ve got it C) I have it D) I’ve had it A) feel it that it’s moving B) touch its moves
C) touch it moving D) feel it moving
67. The last time ________ to the library was last week.
93. Sally never goes to pubs.
A) I have gone B) I have been C) I was D) I went
A) Tom doesn’t that either. B) Tom doesn’t too.
68. My parents ________ in this evening. C) Neither does Tom. D) Tom does neither.
A) are both B) all are C) both are D) are all
94. Agnes was the first girl ________ when you got here.
69. I don’t want ________ . A) you talked to whom B) you talked to
A) that anybody saw me B) anybody to see me C) whom you talked D) who talked you
C) that anybody sees me D) anybody see me 95. Many parents allow their children ________ own decisions.
70. Can I ________ this book back to you? A) making their B) making the C) to make their D) to make the
A) to take B) to bring C) take D) bring 96. The teacher says that Mary ________ work hard next year.
71. Why is there ________ traffic on the streets in February than in May? A) will have to B) has better
A) less B) fewer C) few D) little C) would rather to D) had rather

72. ________ it’s raining, we’ll stay at home. 97. The American film I saw was ________ .
A) As B) Like C) How D) Because of A) not very funny B) not much funny
C) not very fun D) not too much fun
73. Tim sat near the fire ________ warm.
A) for to get B) for get C) to get D) for getting 98. Try to find me ________ scissors.
A) a pair B) two C) some D) one
74. I don’t know where ________ .
99. Teresa wasn’t the only one in the car ________
A) the lavatory to be B) is the lavatory
A) It was some other. B) It was someone else.
C) be the lavatory D) the lavatory is
C) There was some other. D) There was someone else.
75. We watched carefully ________ the houses.
100. I’d like to leave my car near here. Where’s the ________ please?
A) during she walked against B) during she walked towards
A) nearest parking B) next parking
C) while she walked against D) while she walked towards
C) nearest car park D) next car park

Book 1 Part E 206 Intermediate test 2

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. 25. I’ve been looking for you ________ .
A) everywhere B) anywhere C) for all places D) in all places
I __1__ to your letter, which __2__ before __3__ for Rome. __4__
yesterday that the company __5__ me there next week for a business 26. ________ he was tired he went on working.
conference. If I __6__ about it earlier I would have told you. Anyway, I’ll A) Even B) Yet C) Although D) In spite
ring you as soon as I __7__ there.
27. Send him to the baker’s ________ the bread.
John Marshall came into my office while I __8__ the arrangements
A) to buy B) in order he buys
for my flight to Rome. You __9__ him last year when you were in England.
C) for to buy D) for buying
If you __10__ him, you would remember him because he is over two
meters tall. He told me that he __11__ for the previous two months on 28. Wanda is ________ Jane.
the plans for the new factory in Naples. He __12__ very hard because he A) a lot pretty than B) a lot prettier that
looked very tired. By the time I come to Rome he __13__ them so I’ll C) much more pretty that D) much prettier than
bring them with me.
29. He didn’t know ________ or go home.
1. A) like to reply B) would like replying A) to wait B) if that he should wait
C) would like to reply D) am wanting to reply C) if to wait D) whether to wait

2. A) arrived two days ago B) has arrived two days ago 30. ________ me ________ .
C) arrived since two days D) has arrived since two days A) Tell / what is this B) Tell / what this is
C) Say / what is this D) Say / what this is
3. A) to go out B) to leave C) leave D) leaving
4. A) I was said B) It was said me 31. If you ________ help you, you only have to ask me.
C) I was told D) It was told me A) want me to B) want that I
C) want I should D) are wanting me to
5. A) shall have sent B) is going to send
C) shall be sending D) shall send 32. “I’m going to the theatre tonight.” “So ________ ”
A) will I B) I will C) am I D) do I
6. A) knew B) had known
C) would have known D) would know 33. How ________ is it from here to New York?
7. A) get B) will get C) shall get D) will have got A) long way B) long C) far D) much far

8. A) made B) did make C) had made D) was making 34. I wish I ________ what to do.
A) knew B) have known C) know D) would know
9. A) can have met B) may have met
C) can meet D) may meet 35. He likes playing ________
A) the football B) football C) at football D) at the football
10. A) meet B) met C) were meeting D) would meet
11. A) has worked B) has been worked 36. My brother, ________ lives in Iceland, is coming to visit us.
C) had been worked D) had been working A) which B) that C) whom D) who

12. A) must have worked B) had to work 37. He’s already about ________ his father.
C) need have worked D) needed to work A) so tall than B) as tall than C) as tall as D) so tall as
13. A) will finish B) will be finished 38. ________ him go out if he wants to.
C) will have finished D) has finished A) Allow B) Leave C) Let D) Permit
14. Take an umbrella ________ it rains.
39. I didn’t hear what he was ________
A) in any case B) in case C) because D) for
A) telling B) saying C) talking D) speaking
15. I ________ have coffee than tea.
A) like more to B) prefer C) would rather D) had better 40. I ________ watching this program because it is very interesting.
A) amuse B) please C) delight D) enjoy
16. He didn’t thank me for the present. That is ________ annoyed me.
A) the which B) that which 41. That student ________ his hand every time I ask a question.
C) the thing what D) what A) gets out B) gets up C) rises D) puts up
17. I’ll have to buy ________ trousers. 42. I ________ hands with him when he came in.
A) a B) two C) a pair of D) a couple of A) gave B) greeted C) shook D) offered
18. She looks ________ .
43. He wants to get a better ________ and earn more money.
A) pleasant B) to be pleasant
A) job B) work C) employ D) employment
C) that she’s pleasant D) pleasantly
19. When you ________ the furniture, please tell me. 44. ________ the children for me while I’m out.
A) will finish to move B) finish to move A) Look after B) Look to C) Take care D) Care
C) will finish moving D) have finished moving
In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but
20. The reason ________ I’m writing is to tell you about a party on one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A) because B) why C) for D) as 45. A) ball B) call C) fall D) shall
21. Don’t make him ________ it if he doesn’t want to.
46. A) freeze B) piece C) please D) trees
A) do B) to do C) doing D) that he do
22. He’s ________ to know the answer. 47. A) lose B) chose C) rose D) nose
A) likely B) probable C) maybe D) probably
48. A) what B) cat C) sat D) fat
23. She came ________ because her car has broken down.
A) walking B) by foot C) with foot D) on foot 49. A) fair B) wear C) hear D) their
24. That’s the man ________ yesterday.
A) which I was talking to B) what I was talking to 50. A) days B) says C) ways D) plays
C) I was talking to D) with who I was talking

Book 1 Part E 207 Intermediate test 3

I __51__ asleep while I was working because it took me a long time 74. ________ he worked all day, he couldn’t finish the job.
to realize that the telephone __52__. When I answered it, my girl friend A) Although B) Even C) In case D) In spite
__53__ “__54__ that we __55__ to the cinema tonight? __56__. If you 75. That’s the hotel ________ last year.
__57__ soon, we’ll miss the film.” A) which we stayed B) at which we stayed at
I suddenly remembered that __58__ for the first performance of a C) where we stayed at D) where we stayed
new film. If I __59__ so much work to do, I would have taken her out to
76. I’ll leave him a note ________ he’ll know where we are.
dinner before __60__ to the cinema. I said: “by the time I get there, the A) so that B) that C) in order D) for
film __61__. __62__ out to dinner instead.” “You are a nuisance,” she
said. “I __63__ the tickets. Anyway, I’ve already had dinner.” 77. You ________ drive carefully. The roads are wet.
A) had rather B) would rather C) had better D) would better
51. A) should fall B) ought to fall
78. She broke a ________ while she was washing up.
C) had to fall D) must have fallen
A) glass wine B) wine glass C) glass for wine D) glass of wine
52. A) rang B) was ringing 79. I’m going to the hairdresser’s to ________ .
C) has rung D) has been ringing A) cut my hair B) have my hair cut
C) have cut my hair D) cut me my hair
53. A) said B) told C) was saying D) was telling
80. He couldn’t help ________ that his wife was worried.
54. A) Aren’t you remembering B) Aren’t you remembered
A) except notice B) notice
C) Doesn’t you remember D) Don’t you remember
C) to notice D) noticing
55. A) would go B) go C) are going D) will be going 81. He wanted to know the reason ________ I was late.
A) as B) for C) why D) because
56. A) It’s half an hour I am waiting here.
B) I’m waiting here since half an hour 82. I’m bad ________ remembering faces.
C) I’ve been waiting here for half an hour. A) at B) in C) with D) on
D) I’ve been waiting here since half an hour.
83. She ________ read her a story.
57. A) aren’t coming B) don’t come A) wants that I B) wants me for
C) won’t come D) wouldn’t come C) is wanting that I D) wants me to

58. A) Sarah had been given some tickets 84. He hasn’t been here ________ .
B) some tickets to Sarah had been given A) three weeks ago B) since three weeks
C) to Sarah some tickets had been given C) during three weeks D) for three weeks
D) they had been given some tickets to Sarah
85. He is ________ a horse.
59. A) should not have B) would not have A) as strong like B) as strong as
C) had not have D) would not have C) so strong as D) so strong than

60. A) to go B) go C) going D) I was going 86. “Which is your sister?” “She’s the girl ________ is wearing the green
61. A) will have started B) shall have started A) who B) who’s C) which D) what
C) has started D) has to start
87. There’s no one to ________ .
62. A) Let’s going B) Let’s go C) Will we go D) Would we go A) look the children after B) look after the children
63. A) hadn’t accept B) mustn’t have accept C) take care the children D) care the children
C) didn’t need to accept D) needn’t have accepted 88. I wanted to go there by plane but I hadn’t enough money to pay for
64. Take hold of it firmly ________ in falls. the ________ .
A) because B) for C) in case D) in any case A) journey B) travel C) voyage D) fly

65. He looks ________ . 89. He failed the examination three times but ________ he passed.
A) to be sad B) sad C) sadly D) that he’s sad A) at the end B) at finish C) at last D) at least

66. Would you like some more coffee? There’s still ________ left. 90. She ________ the cups and some of them broke.
A) a little B) little C) a few D) few A) dropped B) fell C) let D) let fall

67. I gave her ________ stocking for her birthday. 91. Tennis is a ________ invented by an Englishman a hundred years
A) a pair of B) a couple of C) a D) any ago.
A) game B) play C) toy D) match
68. Frank plays ________ Alex.
A) a lot more better that B) much more better that 92. He got a job in a furniture ________ .
C) a lot better than D) much more well than A) society B) industry C) fabric D) factory

69. How ________ is your house from here? 93. He has spent a large ________ of money on his new house.
A) long B) far C) much far D) long way A) deal B) amount C) number D) piece

70. You can’t rely ________ him to do the job properly. 94. His parents died when he was young so he was ________ by his
A) to B) with C) in D) on aunt.
A) brought out B) grown up C) brought up D) grown
71. I’d never allow my children ________ like that.
A) that they behaved B) behave In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but
C) to behave D) behaving one does not. Choose the one that does not.

72. I can’t stop. I ________ . 95. A) word B) lord C) heard D) bird

A) am going running B) am at a run 96. A) run B) done C) none D) won
C) am in a hurry D) have a hurry
97. A) great B) beat C) treat D) seat
73. He asked me ________ stay.
A) how long I was going to 98. A) tries B) wise C) twice D) buys
B) how long was I going to
99. A) town B) grown C) shown D) known
C) how long time I was going to
D) how long time was I going to 100. A) head B) bed C) said D) paid

Book 1 Part E 208 Intermediate test 3

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. 25. It’s the ________ film I’ve ever seen.
A) more interesting B) most interesting
When I went to bed last night, I __1__ asleep immediately. I __2__ C) more interested D) most interested
tired because I __3__ so hard for several hours. So I forgot to close the
windows before __4__ into bed. If I had remembered, the thief __5__. 26. He doesn’t know the answer ________ I’ve told him several times.
A) in spite B) even C) while D) although
But __6__ a perfect opportunity to enter the house. The next time I __7__
late I will lock the house carefully. 27. ________ English?
A policeman came to see me about the theft. “__8__ investigate,” A) How long time are you studying
he said. “So I __9__ ask you some questions. First, how __10__?” I told B) How long do you study
him that I __11__ the window open. “You __12__ more careful,” he said. C) How long have you been studying
D) How long time have you studied
“If people __13__ their houses properly, we wouldn’t have so much
work to do.” 28. The little boy keeps the insect in a ________ .
A) match box B) box of matches
1. A) fell B) did fell C) was falling D) have fallen C) box of the matches D) box match
2. A) had to be B) ought to be
29. She’s going to the photographer’s ________ .
C) must have been D) needed to be
A) to take her photograph B) to have taken her photograph
3. A) have been working B) had been working C) to have her photograph D) that he takes her photograph
C) have being working D) had being working
30. He looks ________ .
4. A) getting B) to get C) going D) to go A) to be unhappy B) unhappily
5. A) has not got in B) had not got in C) unhappy D) that he’s unhappy
C) would not get in D) would not have got in 31. Where have you been? I’ve been playing ________ .
6. A) it was given to him B) there was given to him A) the tennis B) at tennis C) at the tennis D) tennis
C) he has been given D) he was given
32. It’s very kind ________ invite me.
7. A) shall work B) will work A) from you to B) of you to C) by you to D) that you
C) work D) will be working
33. I can’t break. It’s ________ iron.
8. A) I’ve been said to B) I’ve been told to A) as hard as B) so hard as C) as hard than D) so hard than
C) It has been said to me D) It has been told me
9. A) would B) would to 34. I didn’t know ________ him or not.
C) am wanting to D) want to A) whether to help B) if to help
C) to help D) if that I should help
10. A) the thief got in B) was the thief getting in
C) has the thief got in D) did the thief get in 35. ________ of them knew about the plan because it was secret.
A) Some B) Any C) No one D) None
11. A) had let B) had left C) was letting D) was leaving
12. A) would be B) ought be C) should be D) had to be 36. Mont Blanc, ________ we visited last summer, is the highest
mountain in Europe.
13. A) looked after B) looks after A) where B) which C) that D) what
C) have looked after D) should look after
37. This question is ________ difficult for me.
14. There are so many cars ________ nowadays. A) so much B) too much C) too D) enough
A) for all places B) in all the place
C) anywhere D) everywhere 38. It ________ the village where we spent our holidays last summer.
15. Ask him to go to the post office ________ some stamps. A) reminds me of B) remembers me of
A) to get B) for getting C) reminds me to D) remembers me to
C) in order he gets D) that he gets 39. Living here at the top of the mountain with no one else near you
16. The reason ________ I can’t come is that I have to work late. must be very ________ .
A) because B) for C) as D) why A) sole B) alone C) only D) lonely
17. She cut the cloth with ________ scissors. 40. The tailor made him a new ________ .
A) a couple of B) a pair of C) two D) a A) clothes B) suit C) dress D) wear
18. ________ me ________ . 41. The clock ________ and we realized it was two o’clock.
A) Tell / where are you going B) Tell / where you are going A) hit B) struck C) turned D) rang
C) Say / where are you going D) Say / where you are going
19. The children ________ play with them. 42. Good ________ ! I hope you win the race.
A) want that I B) want me for A) sort B) wish C) luck D) chance
C) want me to D) are wanting that 43. My car ________ so I had to come by bus.
20. He may be able to come to the party. ________ the other hand, he A) fell down B) fell over C) broke down D) broke up
may be too busy.
A) On B) In C) By D) For 44. Look what Father ________ me when he came home from work.
A) brought B) took C) carried D) fetched
21. I haven’t seen him ________ .
A) last week B) during last week In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but
C) for last week D) since last week one does not. Choose the one that does not.
22. I’m fond ________ good music. 45. A) force B) sauce C) horse D) worse
A) to the B) to C) of the D) of
46. A) good B) wood C) blood D) stood
23. John is ________ .
A) a friend of me B) a friend mine 47. A) but B) put C) cut D) shut
C) a friend of mine D) one friend of mine
48. A) lost B) most C) post D) ghost
24. She’s the girl ________ .
A) whose money was stolen B) the which money was stolen 49. A) talk B) pork C) fork D) work
C) whose money was robbed D) the which money was robbed
50. A) mass B) pass C) grass D) class

Book 1 Part E 209 Intermediate test 4

I went to the doctor’s yesterday. I __51__ for half an hour before he 75. Who is responsible ________ the arrangements?
__52__ see me. “I __53__ abroad next week,” I said. “I __54__ to Africa A) for make B) to make C) to making D) for making
on business. But __55__ two days. __56__ I’ll be well enough to go?” 76. Speak to him slowly ________ he will understand you better.
“When I __57__ you, I’ll be able to tell you,” the doctor said. A) in order B) so that C) for D) that
“I __58__ in the garden when I suddenly felt the pain,” I told the
77. He wanted to know ________ there.
doctor. “If I __59__ immediately, it would have been all right, I suppose.
A) how long time I had been B) how long had I been
But I __60__ any exercise in my job so I went on working.” After __61__ C) how long time had I been D) how long I had been
me carefully, the doctor said: “You __62__ a bone in your back. I __63__
you to hospital for an X-ray.” 78. He works too hard. That is ________ is wrong with him.
A) that which B) the what
51. A) must wait B) had to wait C) should wait D) ought to wait C) what D) the thing what

52. A) can B) may C) might D) could 79. I know it’s not important but I can’t help ________ about it.
A) except to think B) thinking
53. A) shall be go B) will be go C) am going D) go C) think D) to think
54. A) am sent B) am being sent 80. He finally ________ the driving test after failing three times.
C) am send D) be sent A) succeeded in passing B) succeeded to pass
C) could pass D) managed passing
55. A) I’ve had a pain for B) I’ve had a pain since
C) I’m having a pain for D) I’m having a pain since 81. She’s very fond ________ modern art.
A) of the B) of C) to the D) to
56. A) Do you think B) Are you thinking
C) Does you think D) You are thinking 82. “I went to the cinema last night.” “So ________ ”
A) I have B) have I C) I did D) did I
57. A) am examining B) will examine
C) will have examined D) have examined 83. I won’t allow you ________ for the meal.
A) pay B) paying
58. A) worked B) have worked
C) to pay D) that you should pay
C) was working D) have been working
84. She hasn’t written to me ________ .
59. A) had stopped B) would have stopped
A) for last month B) during last month
C) stopped D) would stop
C) since last month D) a month ago
60. A) never get B) don’t get ever
85. It was ________ that we felt tired when we arrived.
C) am never getting D) am not ever getting
A) a so long travel B) such a long travel
61. A) examine B) to examine C) such a long journey D) a so long journey
C) examining D) that he had examined
86. Is this ________ looking for?
62. A) can be hurt B) may be hurt A) you were B) that you were
C) can have hurt D) may have hurt C) what were you D) what you were

63. A) would send B) would like to send 87. That’s the man ________ killed my cat.
C) am wanting to send D) will like to send A) whose dog B) the dog of whom
C) which dog D) the which dog
64. It’s ________ I expected.
A) much bigger than B) much bigger that 88. I learnt how to ________ a bicycle when I was six years old.
C) a lot more big than D) a lot more big that A) drive B) ride C) conduct D) lead

65. They’ll hurt ________ if we don’t stop them fighting. 89. I don’t think I could ________ another night without sleep.
A) one to another B) one the other A) stand B) support C) put up D) carry
C) each the other D) each other
90. They ________ on holiday in Switzerland and became good friends.
66. I’ve brought you ________ flowers for your birthday. A) found B) knew C) met D) encountered
A) few B) a few C) little D) a little
91. They were very happy when they ________ the end of their journey.
67. He didn’t know ________ or stay at home. A) arrived B) arrived to C) arrived at D) reached at
A) to go B) if that he should go
92. He ________ .
C) if to go D) whether to go
A) robbed me my coat B) stole me my coat
68. Would you mind ________ the window? C) robbed my coat from me D) stole my coat from me
A) that I open B) open C) to open D) opening
93. ________ at the door before you come into the room.
69. Are you interested ________ tennis tomorrow? A) Hit B) Knock C) Touch D) Strike
A) in playing B) for playing C) on playing D) to play
94. If you don’t ________ smoking you’ll never get better.
70. I wouldn’t rely ________ him if I were you. A) give off B) give out C) give from D) give up
A) to B) for C) on D) in
In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but
71. Her father didn’t let her ________ out with him. one does not. Choose the one that does not.
A) to go B) go C) going D) that she went
72. Don’t wait for me if you ________ . 95. A) love B) move C) above D) glove
A) have a hurry B) are in a hurry
C) have speed D) are in a speed 96. A) gone B) bone C) stone D) own

73. ________ beautiful flowers! 97. A) want B) plant C) aunt D) can’t

A) What a B) What C) How D) So
98. A) weak B) peak C) break D) speak
74. I’m going to the passport office ________ .
A) to stamp my passport
99. A) low B) cow C) grow D) slow
B) for stamping my passport
C) to have stamped my passport
100. A) eyes B) rise C) price D) dies
D) to have my passport stamped

Book 1 Part E 210 Intermediate test 4

Choose the correct Answer. Only one answer is correct. 23. It was raining, ________ was a pity.
A) what B) that C) the which D) which
My wife and I went to the Airport to meet some friends. Their plane
landed but they weren’t on it. 24. Your car is ________ mine.
“__1__ if there is a massage for us,” my wife said. A) the same that B) as
“They __2__ the plane. Or perhaps they __3__ from coming for C) similar to D) alike
some reason.” 25. I’m going away for a ________ .
After __4__ information At the information desk without success, I A) holiday of a week B) week holiday
had an idea” __5__ their letter?” I asked my wife. She found it in her C) holiday week D) week’s holiday
“Here you Are,” she said. “We __6__ at 10 o’clock on the 7th and 26. Why ________ ? It’s not very important.
__7__ us.” A) to worry B) worry
C) you are worried D) you worry
“But today’ s the 6th,” I said. “We should have looked at the date
before. If we had, we wouldn’t have had this journey for nothing.” 27. I don’t like ________ at me.
“How silly!” my wife said. “ I __8__ this letter around for days A) them shouting B) them shout
without looking at it.” C) their shout D) that they shout

1. A) Let’s see B) Let’s to see C) Will we see D) We are seeing 28. It often snows ________ January.
A) on B) in C) for D) at
2. A) can have missed B) may have missed
C) can have lost D) may have lost 29. I’ll meet you again ________ the weekend.
A) by B) on C) at D) for
3. A) would be prevented B) would be avoided
C) have been prevented D) have been avoided 30. It’s the first turning ________ the left after the traffic lights.
A) on B) in C) by D) for
4. A) asking for B) to ask for C) asking D) to ask
31. He wasn’t ________ to lift the case.
5. A) Do you yet have B) Do you already have A) too strong B) enough strong
C) Have you yet got D) Have you still got C) strong enough D) so strong
6. A) Are arriving B) would arrive 32. He can climb trees ________ a monkey.
C) will be arrive D) will be arrived A) as B) like C) the same that D) similarly than
7. A) want you to wait B) want that you look for 33. He ________ lives in the house where he was born.
C) would like you to meet D) would like that find A) already B) yet C) still D) every
8. A) am carrying B) have been carrying 34. It’s ten o’clock in the morning so he’s still ________.
C) carry D) must carry A) at the bed B) at bed C) in bed D) in the bed
9. I’ve often ________ at hotel. 35. He was a good swimmer so he ________ swim to the river bank
A) remained B) rested C) stayed D) passed when the boat sank.
10. I didn’t know what do but then an idea suddenly ________ to me. A) could B) might C) succeeded to D) was able to
A) happened B) entered C) occurred D) hit 36. She’s been very kind, ________ ?
11. When they arrived at the crossroads, he went the wrong ________. A) isn’t she B) hasn’t she C) wasn’t she D) doesn’t she
A) way B) direction C) route D) street 37. He was left alone, with ________ to look after him.
12. Your work has been ________ so we’re going to give you a rise in A) someone B) anyone C) not one D) no one
salary. 38. I pulled the handle ________ I could.
A) regular B) well C) satisfactory D) available A) so hardly as B) as hardly as C) so hard as D) as hard as
13. That’s the best horse in the ________ . 39. Have you got match? I’ve left my ________ at home.
A) career B) run C) rate D) race A) cigarette lighter B) cigarettes lighter
14. The weather ________ says it will rain tomorrow. C) cigarette’s lighter C) lighter for cigarettes
A) provision B) forecast C) advertisementD) advise 40. That’s the dog ________ .
15. There are a lot of mistakes in this exercise. I’ll have to ________ it A) we’ve been looking after
again with you. B) after which we’ve been looking
A) come though B) go over C) repass C) instruct C) what we’ve been looking after
D) we’ve been taking care for
16. If there are no buses, we’ll have to take a taxi. We must get there
________ . 41. I made him ________ what I had told him.
A) somehow or other B) somewhere or other A) repeating B) that he repeated
C) on one way or another D) anyway or other C) repeat D) to repeat

17. ________ I read, the more I understand. 42. I was ________ tired that I had to rest.
A) The more B) So much C) How much D) For how much A) so much B) so C) enough D) too

18. ________ he does his work, I don’t mind what time he arrives at the 43. He ________ live in the country than in the city.
office. A) prefers B) likes better to
A) So far as B) So long as C) In case D) Meanwhile C) had better D) would rather

19. ________ entering the hall, he found everyone waiting for him. 44. He ________ his sister.
A) At B) While C) On D) In A) remembers me of B) remembers me
C) reminds me of D) reminds me
20. It’s years ________ a picture.
A) that I don’t paint B) that I didn’t paint 45. Put on your raincoat ________ it rains.
C) since I painted D) ago I painted A) because B) for C) in any case D) in case

21. I found the first question ________ . In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but
A) to be easy B) the easy C) that it was easy D) easy one does not. Choose one that does not.
22. ________ an empty seat at the back of the bus.
46. A) raise B) trays C) says D) stays
A) She happened to find
B) She happened to meet 47. A) crown B) thrown C) brown D) town
C) It happened her that she found
48. A) prove B) move C) groove D) love
D) It happened her that she met

Book 1 Part E 211 Intermediate test 5

49. A) were B) spare C) chair D) pair 74. Do what you think is right, ________ they say.
A) however B) whatever C) whichever D) for all
50. A) water B) porter C) daughter D) laughter
75. He arrived late, ________ was annoying.
My wife’s mother was taken ill two days ago so my wife had to go A) what B) that C) which D) the which
and look after her. Before __51__ my wife said, “I had better tell you
where everything is or you __52__ know what to do. But my train is 76. His job is ________ yours.
A) the same that B) as
leaving in half an hour’s time and I must get to mother‘s house as soon
C) alike D) similar to
as I __53__”
“__54__,”I said. “I can look after myself.” 77. He needs a ________ .
A) few days’ rest B) few days rest
Now I realize that I __55__ for a map of the house. If I __56__, I
C) little days’ rest D) little days rest
would have found all the food I needed.
But when my wife __57__ back tomorrow, she won’t have any dirty 78. Do you know ________ the repairs?
dishes to wash up because I __58__ in restaurants since she went away. A) to do B) how to do C) to make D) how to make
79. We usually have fine weather ________ summer.
51. A) she was leaving B) that she left
A) at B) on C) in D) while
C) leaving D) to leave
80. My flat is ________ the third floor of the building.
52. A) shan’t B) shouldn’t C) wouldn’t D) won’t
A) by B) at C) in D) on
53. A) can B) may C) could D) might
81. They live ________ the other side of the road.
54. A) Not to mind B) Don’t worry A) in B) on C) for D) by
C) Not to import D) Don’t mater
82. He isn’t ________ to reach the ceiling.
55. A) had to ask B) ought to ask A) so tall B) as tall C) enough tall D) tall enough
C) must have asked D) should have asked
83. They treated him ________ a king when he won all that money.
56. A) had B) have C) did D) would A) as B) as being C) like D) like he was
57. A) comes B) come C) shall come D) will come 84. I’ve told him several times but he ________ doesn’t understand.
A) yet B) already C) no longer D) still
58. A) am eating B) eat
C) have been eating D) ate 85. ________ did you go in the car this morning?
A) How far B) How much far
59. He’s ________ his sister.
C) How long D) How much
A) much taller than B) much taller that
C) much more tall than D) much more tall that 86. He’d done that before, ________ ?
A) wouldn’t he B) shouldn’t he C) hadn’t he D) didn’t he
60. She had three sons, all ________ became doctors.
A) of which B) which C) of whom D) who 87. ________ of them understood him.
A) None B) No one C) anyone D) someone
61. You ________ go now. It’s getting late.
A) had rather B) would rather C) would batter D) had better 88. It’s ________ mountain in the world,
A) the more high B) the higher
62. I’m going to spend a few days with some ________ of mine, who
C) the highest D) the most high
live in the north of Scotland.
A) relatives B) familiars C) neighbors D) companies 89. I’m going to a concert tomorrow evening. So ________ .
A) I am B) am I C) I will D) will I
63. The ________ outside the house said “No Parking”
A) advice B) single C) label D) notice 90. That’s the firm ________ .
A) what we’ve been dealing with
64. He has no ________ of winning.
B) we’ve been dealing with
A) occasion B) luck C) opportunity D) chance
C) We’ve been treating with
65. Those people over there are speaking a language I don’t understand. D) what we’ve been treating with
They must be ________ .
91. She let the children ________ to play.
A) foreign B) strange C) rare D) outlandish
A) going out B) that they went out
66. I didn’t write it. That is not my ________ on the cheque. C) to go out D) go out
A) mark B) letter C) firm D) signature
92. It was ________ that he couldn’t finish it alone.
67. The actors have to ________ before they appear in front of the strong A) a so difficult work B) a so difficult job
lights on television. C) such a difficult job D) such a difficult work
A) cover up B) paint up C) make up D) do up
93. I ________ photographs.
68. It is a difficult problem but we must find the answer ________ . A) enjoy taking B) enjoy to take
A) by one way or other B) somehow or other C) amuse taking D) amuse to take
C) anyhow or other D) anyway or other
94. I ________ me what happened.
69. I want ________ immediately. A) would like you tell B) would like you to tell
A) That this work is made B) this work made C) would like you telling D) would like that tell
C) That this work is done D) this work done
95. ________ he wasn’t hungry, he ate a big meal.
70. He’s used to ________ in public. A) Although B) In spite C) Unless D) Even
A) be speaking B) the speaking
C) speaking D) speak In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but
one does not. Choose one that does not.
71. You can fly to London this evening ________ you don’t mind
changing planes in Paris.
96. A) cleared B) feared C) beard D) heard
A) provided B) except C) unless D) so far as
97. A) shoes B) goes C) blows D) knows
72. It’s ages ________ him.
A) that I don’t see B) that didn’t see 98. A) wait B) state C) great D) heat
C) ago I saw D) since I saw
99. A) among B) wrong C) rung D) sung
73. He made me ________ .
100. A) broad B) load C) showed D) road
A) angry B) be angry
C) to be angry D) that I got angry

Book 1 Part E 212 Intermediate test 5

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. Hello, Mary! I __26__ you before now but I __27__ so hard at the
office that I didn’t have time. My boss __28__ to holiday tomorrow and
I had been sitting __1__ in my usual compartment __2__ at least ten he __29__ arrange everything before he __30__ If he had given me
minutes, waiting __3__. The trains from Littlebury never seemed to start sensible instruction I could have done the work next week. But you __31__
__4__ and I often thought that I could have __5__ in bed a little longer or the same problems with your boss. Anyway, __32__ two tickets for the
had __6__ cup of tea before __7__ Suddenly I heart someone shouting new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday __33__ and see it together?
__8__ the platform outside. A young girl was running towards the train.
The man __9__ put out his hand to stop her but she run past him and 26. A) should have rung B) must have rung
opened the door of my compartment. Then the whistle blew and the C) had to ring D) ought to ring
train started. 27. A) must work B) must have worked
“I nearly missed it, __10__?” the girl said. “How long does it take to C) have had to work D) ought to work
__11__ London?”
28. A) will go B) is going
“It depends on the __12__” I said. “Some days it’s __13__ others.”
C) shall go D) shall be going
“I’ll have to __14__, __15__ late again tomorrow,” she said. “It’s my first
day __16__ with a new firm today and they told me that the man __17__ 29. A) wants that I B) would that I
is very strict. I __18__ him yet so I don’t know __19__ but he sounds a bit C) would like that I D) wants me to
frightening. 30. A) leaves B) shall leave C) will leave D) is leaving
She talked about her new job __20__ the way to London and before
31. A) have to have B) can have
long, I realized that she was going to work for my firm. My __21__
C) ought to have D) must have
secretary had just left so I must be her new boss __22__ only fair to tell
her. 32. A) they have been given to me B) I have been given
“Oh, dear,” she said.” __23__ mistake! I wish I __24__” C) I am given D) they are given to me
“Never mind,” I said. “At least you’ll know when your train’s late 33. A) May we go B) Do you like to go
that __25__” C) Shall we go D) Will we go
34. The lift is out of _____ so we’ll have to walk.
1. A) for myself B) only myself C) by myself D) in my own
A) function B) order C) running D) work
2. A) for B) during C) since D) meanwhile
35. Dinner will be ready _____ but we have time for a drink before than.
3. A) the train to start B) for the train start A) currently B) lately C) presently D) suddenly
C) the train’s start D) for the train to start
36. What do you _____ to do about the problem now that this solution
4. A) on their hour B) on time has failed.
C) at their hour D) at time A) attempt B) think C) pretend D) intend
5. A) lain B) laid C) lied D) lay 37. We have _____ for a new secretary but we haven’t had any replies
6. A) other B) some other C) another D) one other
A) advertised B) advised C) announced D) noticed
7. A) I had left the home B) leave from home
38. I’ve _____ for the job and I hope I get it.
C) leaving home D) to leave home
A) appointed B) applied C) presented D) succeeded
8. A) at B) by C) in D) on
39. He threw the box out of the window and it fell to the _____ outside.
9. A)at place B) on duty C) for control D) in post A) flat B) floor C) plain D) ground
10. A) haven’t I B) don’t I C) wasn’t I D) didn’t I 40. 100 competitors had _____ the race.
A) put their names for B) entered for
11. A) get to B) arrive to C) reach to D) make to
C) put themselves for D) taken part
12. A) driver to the engine B) driver engine
41. I’m very _____ to you for your help.
C) engine’s driver D) engine driver
A) grateful B) agreeable C) pleased D) thanks
13. A) far slower that B) much slower than
42. He’s so mean that he wouldn’t give a beggar a _____ of bread.
C) a lot more slow than D) a great deal more slow than
A) peel B) shell C) crust D) skin
14. A) mend me the watch B) mend me my watch
43. Will you be able to come to the party? I _____ .
C) have my watch mended D) have mended my watch
A) believe yes B) am afraid not
15. A) in order not are B) so as not to be C) don’t hope so D) don’t expect
C) for not being D) so that it’s not
44. I never expected you to turn _____ at the meeting. I thought you
16. A) at job B) in job C) in work D) at work were abroad.
A) A round B) on C) in D) up
17. A) I’m going to work for B) what I’m going to work for
C) for which I’m going to work D) which I’m going to work 45. The plane is just going to take _____.
A) away B) out C) off D) up
18. A) didn’t meet B) haven’t met
C) didn’t know D) haven’t known
In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but
19. A) what he is like B) what is he like one does not. Choose one that does not.
C) how he is D) how is he
46. A) knees B) peace C) freeze D) keys
20. A) through B) by C) on D) in
47. A) home B) sum C) crumb D) come
21. A) proper B) own C) same D) self
22. A) There was B) That was C) It was D) Was 48. A) straighter B) greater C) water D) later
23. A) What a terrible B) What terrible
49. A) ache B) shake C) steak D) weak
C) How terrible D) So terrible a
24. A) had known B) have known 50. A) another B) bother C) brother D) mother
C) knew D) would have known
25. A) so will the mine be B) the mine will be, too
C) So will mine D) mine will be, too

Book 1 Part E 213 Advanced test 1

I __51__ don’t believe in ghosts __52__ my experience at the “Darling! There’s hardly any petrol left in the tank. I __76__ it up
Rose Inn. __53__ I have never seen one. But ghost stories have made before we left home. __77__ a garage quite near but I __78__ drive
me __54__ uncomfortable since then I __55__ the inn late at night carefully until we __79__ there. If only I __80__ the petrol before we
and asked __56__. started out! Damn! I __81__ this to happen for the last ten minutes. I’ll
“ There’s nothing left,” he said, “__57__ to sleep in Number7.” have to push the car to the side of the road because we __82__ if we
“ Why not?” I said. “What’s wrong with it?”, I was so tired that I leave it here. But I can’t imagine what __83__ to let this happen.
would have slept __58__.
“Nothing,” he said slowly. “ but something happened there a few 76. A) must have filled B) should have filled
months ago.” C) would have filled D) had to fill
Every old inn has __59__ strange stories, so I thought that __60__ 77. A) There may be B) It may be
he told me about it, the better. I was willing to listen to anything for C) There can be D) It can be
__61__ a bed to sleep in.
“A man came here late at night, __62__ you,” the landlord said. “I 78. A) like better B) would better
thought there was something odd __63__ him because he kept looking C) had better D) prefer
__64__ his shoulder while he was signing his name in the book. He
79. A) shall get B) will get
asked me __65__ have and I offered __66__” “__67__ a man who has C) are getting D) get
said he’ll kill me,” he said suddenly. “With a knife.” He looked __68__
that I thought I had better __69__ him to his room. I locked the door and 80. A) checked B) would have checking
left him __70__. The next day we __71__ him dead, with a knife beside C) had checked D) have checked
him. He had __72__” the landlord said. “or someone else had done it.
81. A) am expecting B) expect
Do you mind sleeping there now you know the story?”. “Well,” I said. C) have been expecting D) was expecting
“__73__ is following me. But I wish you __74__ the story in morning
__75__ I’ll sleep here on the bar if you’ve got a couple of blankets.” 82. A) will be fined B) will fine
C) will be being fined D) will be fining
51. A) Already B) Yet C) no longer D) still
83. A) was I thinking about B) I was thinking about
52. A) Even though B) even after C) although D) in spite C) did I think about D) I thought about

53. A) At least B) At last C) At first D) At once 84. He _____ me by two games to one
A) beat B) conquered C) gained D) won
54. A) To feel B) feel myself C) feel D) that I feel
85. His office is on the third _____ of the building.
55. A) arrived to B) arrived at C) reached to D) reached at A) floor B) flat C) ground D) level
56. A) room of the landlord B) room from the landlod 86. How long are you thinking of _____ in this country?
C) the landlord a room D) the landlord for a room A) reminding B) staying C) resting D) inhabiting
57. A) If you didn’t like B) If you don’t like 87. I don’t want to go into the sea. I’d rather lie on the _____.
C) Unless you are liking D) Unless you’d like A) coast B) beach C) bank D) seaside
58. A) anywhere B) somewhere 88. I’m _____ . I didn’t pass the examination but I’ll do better next time.
C) nowhere D) in whatever place A) deceived B) despaired C) disillusioned D) disappointed
59. A) his B) its C) their D) the 89. The lecture was so _____ that everyone went to sleep.
A) boring B) bored C) tiring D) tired
60. A)so soon as B) as soon as C) the soonest D) the sooner
90. I _____ an answer to my letter within a few days.
61. A) the sake of B) the lack of C) the need of D) the wish of A) hope B) wait C) look forward D) expect
62. A) as B) like C) the same that D) similar with 91. When he _____ he wants to be an architect.
63. A) with B) of C) about D) around A) ages B) grows C) grows up D) increases

64. A) through B) back C) over D) after 92. It’s on the top shelf, out of _____.
A) distance B) reach C) touch D) attempt
65. A) what room could he B) what room he may
C) which room could he D) which room he could 93. He’s worked so _____ that he deserves a rest.
A) roughly B) intensive C) hardly D) hard
66. A) to him the number 7 B) to him number 7
C) him number 7 D) him the number 7 94. They’re staying with us _____ the time being until they find a place
of their own.
67. A) It’s B) There’s C) That’s D) He’s A) during B) in C) since D) for

68. A) to be so frightened B) so frightened 95. I‘ll call _____ you at 8.30 and give you a lift to work.
C) with such fright D) with such fright A) in B) for C) at D) up

69. A) to bring B) to take C) bring D) take In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but
one does not. Choose one that does not.
70. A) by himself B) by his self C) only himself D) in his own

71. A) met B) knew C) found D) uncovered 96. A) blood B) stood C) flood D) mud

72. A) cut himself the throat B) himself cut the throat 97. A) word B) third C) stirred D) lord
C) his throat cut D) cut his throat
98. A) war B) bar C) far D) star
73. A) None B) No one C) Anyone D) Any one
99. A) eyes B) prize C) lies D) buys
74. A) told me B) had told me
C) would tell me D) would have told me 100. A) build B) mild C) wild D) child
75. A) As it is B) Like it is
C) Being like that D) Being as that

Book 1 Part E 214 Advanced test 1

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. “Excuse me, Mrs. Jones. Would you mind __26__ me a favor? I __27__
shopping. But as soon as I shut my front door I realized I had left my key
I can clearly remember the first time I __1__ Mr. Andrews, my old in the house. So when I __28__ back I __29__ get in. It was very silly of
headmaster, __2__ __3__. During the war, I had been __4__ school in me. I __30__ at all because all the groceries __31__ I only wanted some
the north of England but my family had just returned to London. __5__ for mustard. __32__ come in and climb over the fence into my back garden?
children to go to and my father had to go from __6__ asking them __7__ That is very kind of you. I wish I __33__ give you so much trouble.”
__8__ pupil. I used to go with him but he had __9__ hard time trying to
persuade people __10__ him that I seldom had to do __11__. We had 26. A) making B) doing C) to make D) to do
been to all the schools __12__ we lived, but __13__ my father argued,
the more impossible it became. In the end, we went to a school __14__ 27. A) have just been B) have just gone
C) would just go D) was just going
from home. The headmaster __15__ for at least an hour. While we were
waiting, I looked round that the __16__, __17__ was one of those old 28. A) get B) am getting
Victorian structures, completely __18__ but still standing. I could hear C) shall get D) will get
the boys playing in the playground outside. When the headmaster’s
secretary finally let us __19__ his office, Mr. Andrews spoke to me first . 29. A) can’t B) won’t be able to
C) haven’t been able to D) couldn’t
“Why do you want to come here?” he said. I had been thinking __20__
something about studying but I couldn’t help __21__ the boys outside. 30. A) needn’t have come out B) didn’t need to come out
“I don’t know __22__ in London,” I said.” I’d like __23__ with the other C) mustn’t have come out D) hadn’t to come out
boys. I read a lot of books, too” I added. “All right,” Mr. Andrews said.
“We have one place free, __24__” 31. A) have already been delivered B) already have delivered
C) are being delivered already D) already are being delivered
My two years at that school were among the __25__ of my life.
32. A) Shall I B) Will I
1. A) met B) knew C) found D) discovered C) May I D) Do you want me to
2. A) even B) nevertheless C) although D) in spite
33. A) don’t have to B) haven’t to
3. A) it’s now since over 20 years C) hadn’t to D) didn’t have to
B) it’s over 20 years ago now
C) it’s since more than 20 years now Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.
D) it makes more than 20 years now
34. Would you ______ holding this box for me while I open the door?
4. A) in the B) in C) at D) at the A) like B) matter C) mind D) object
5. A) There were not enough schools left 35. He is ______ dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.
B) There were not still enough schools A) carrying B) fitting C) bearing D) wearing
C) There didn’t stay enough schools
D) Not enough schools rested 36. He has told to get off the bus because he couldn’t pay the ______.
A) bill B) journey C) travel D) fare
6. A) one to another B) each to other
C) one to other D) the ones to the others 37. They have put the bird in a cage to ______ it from flying away.
7. A) that they took me B) for taking me A) avoid B) prevent C) hinder D) resist
C) for to take me D) to take me
38. He has some very ______ habits. He always has a bath with his
8. A) as B) as a C) like D) like a clothes on.
A) strange B) rare C) uneven D) foreign
9. A) such B) such a C) so D) a so
10. A) just for seeing B) just for to see 39. The ______ outside the house said “Private”.
C) even seeing D) even to see A) advice B) label C) notice D) signal

11. A) no test B) one test 40. If the boss sees you doing that, you’ll get into ______.
C) any test D) some test A) trouble B) nuisance C) mess D) problem
12. A) near where B) near 41. I was so ______ by the news that I don’t know what to say.
C) near to D) near the place there A) admired B) marveled C) amazed D) wondered
13. A) the most B) the more
42. He’s ______ because he has won the prize.
C) how much D) for how much
A) nervous B) satisfying C) excited D) exciting
14. A) at five miles B) five miles long
C) about five miles away D) about five miles far 43. He likes lying in bed. He still wasn’t ______ when I rang him at 10
15. A) kept us to wait B) kept us waiting A) out B) away C) up D) in
C) made us to waiting D) made us waiting
44. If you don’t know how to spell a word, look it ______ in the
16. A) building of the school B) building school
C) school’s building D) school building
A) up B) after C) out D) for
17. A) which B) that C) what D) it
45. He carries ______ as if he were the boss.
18. A) of the old time B) outside its time A) through B) off C) out D) on
C) past its date D) out of date
In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but
19. A) to enter B) to pass in C) to come into D) into
one does not. Choose one that does not.
20. A) of saying B) to say C) of telling D) to tell
46. A) dull B) bull C) wool D) pull
21. A) to remember B) remembering
C) to remind D) reminding 47. A) earth B) birth C) worth D) north
22. A) no one B) none C) someone D) anyone 48. A) done B) none C) won D) son
23. A) that I played B) the play C) to play D) playing
49. A) warn B) dawn C) scorn D) barn
24. A) in truth B) it’s the truth C) in fact D) it’s fact
50. A) wise B) cries C) rice D) sighs
25. A) happier B) happiest C) more happy D) most happy

Book 1 Part E 215 Advanced test 2

We arrived __51__ Spain for the first time __52__. And I decided “ I wonder why __76__ yet. I told Jim how to get here but
to buy a car because we had sold __53__ we had in England before perhaps I __77__ a map. The traffic __78__ them, of course. But I’m
leaving. Yesterday the office rang us __54__ the car was ready. I had sure they would have telephoned us if they __79__ lost.”
tried out a model __55__ it before but as I was __56__ in this city, my “Yes, but by the time they __80__ here , the dinner __81__. What a
wife didn’t __57__ it on my own so we went together to __58__. We nuisance! I __82__ to all this trouble. __83__ getting everything ready.”
paid __59__ and signed the papers. They told us that __60__ us to a
garage, __61__ we could fill up. The __62__ the office was __63__ 76. A) they didn’t arrive B) didn’t they arrive
and we got there safely. But when I turned into the main road I C) they haven’t arrived D) haven’t they arrived
suddenly saw a lot of cars racing towards me. I got __64__ __65__ by
77. A) should have given him B) had to give him
backing into the garage __66__ and the man behind me shouted at
C) ought to give him D) must have given him
me. “__67__ problem to __68__ on the right, isn’t it?” my wife said.
“Yes, if only I __69__ a few lessons for practice” I replied. “You 78. A) can delay B) may delay
__70__ go carefully __71__ home,” my wife said. “You’d be sorry if C) can have delayed D) may have delayed
you had an accident __72__ the first day, __73__ “Would you __74__
me when you are thinking of leaving? Or are you going to sit in your 79. A) would get B) had got
car __75__ day?” C) would have got D)would be got

80. A) will get B) would get C) get D) are getting

51. A) to B) in C) at D) on
52. A) few weeks since B) since a few weeks 81. A) has been spoilt B) will be spoilt
C) few weeks ago D) a few weeks ago C) shall be spoilt D) is spilt

53. A) that B) which C) the one D) the one what 82. A) needn’t have gone B) didn’t need to go
C) mustn’t have gone D) hadn’t to go
54. A) for saying B) to say C) for telling D) to tell
83. A) I am working for hours B) I have been working for hours
55. A) as B) like C) the same that D) similar C) It’s hours I’m working D) It’s hours I’ve been working
56. A) no longer used to driving B) still not used to drive Choose the correct Answer. Only one answer is correct.
C) not yet used to driving D) already not used to drive
84. He was killed in a car ______.
57. A) want me to collect B) like me to collect A) blow B) crash C) shock D) hit
C) want that I collected D) like that I collected
85. All the hotel in the town was full up so we stayed in a ______village.
58. A) bring it B) take it C) fetch it D) carry it away A) close B) neighbor C) near D) nearby
59. A) the car B) the car for 86. He won the first ______ in the competition.
C) for the car D) how much the car A) prize B) price C) reward D) premium
60. A) there was enough petrol to take 87. Sixty per cent of television viewers chose him as their ______ actor.
B) there was enough petrol for taking A) popular B) preferred C) favorite D) favored
C) it was enough petrol to take
D) it was enough petrol for taking 88. We‘ve been ______ with that firm for many years.
A) treating B) making business
61. A) where at B) there C) there where D) where C) dealing D) supplying
62. A) nearest garage at B) nearest garage to 89. I can‘t give you an answer yet. I’d like ______ more time to consider
C) garage most near D) most near garage to my decision.
63. A) at 100 yards away B) at 100 yards far A) quite B) fairly C) hardly D) rather
C) about 100 yards away D) about 100 yards far 90. I learnt to ______ a bicycle when I was six years old.
64. A) away from their way B) away from their road A) drive B) ride C) guide D) conduct
C) out of their way D) out their road
91. The lady who had invited us heard me telling my wife that the dinner
65. A) as far as I could B) so fast as I could was terrible so I was ______.
C) as fast s I may D) so fast as I may A) confused B) nervous C) shameful D) embarrassed

66. A) once more B) one more time 92. Sometimes a bus ______ gets on the bus and checks the tickets.
C) one other time D) another time A) inspector B) agent C) conductor D) officer
67. A) It’s so much B) It’s such a 93. Where do you ______ the writing paper? In this desk.
C) That’s such a D) That’s so much a A) keep B) hold C) maintain D) guard
68. A) remind to drive B) remind driving 94. PTO stands ______ “Please turn over”— the page, of course.
C) remember to drive D) remember driving A) as B) like C) for D) by
69. A) would have B) would have had 95. He’ll soon get ______ his disappointment and be quite cheerful again
C) was having D) had had by the morning.
70. A) had better B) would better A) over B) out of C) away D) through
C) had rather D) would better
In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but
71. A) in the way to B) on the way to one does not. Choose one that does not.
C) in the way D) on the way
96. A) case B) phrase C) base D) lace
72. A) in B) on C) at D) by
97. A) eight B) height C) weight D) freight
73. A) hadn’t you? B) shouldn’t you
C) wouldn’t you? D) won’t you? 98. A) wrong B) young C) sung D) tongue
74. A) mind to tell B) object telling 99. A) lower B) shower C) tower D) power
C) mind telling D) upset to tell
100. A) sound B) ground C) drowned D) owned
75. A) every B) each C) all the D) all

Book 1 Part E 216 Advanced test 2

Choose correct answer. Only one answer is correct. “__26__ I ask the waiter for the bill, darling, when you __27__ your
One crossing of the Atlantic is very much like __1__; and people “Yes I think you __28__. I __29__ this film for such a long time that I
who cross it frequently do not __2__ for the __3__ of its interest. Most of __30__ any of it.”
us are quite happy when we feel __4__ to go to bed and pleased when “Waiter! The bill, please. Oh dear, I haven’t got my wallet. I __31__
the journey __5__. On the first night this time I felt especially lazy and it in my other jacket. I wish I __32__ it before we came out.”
went to bed __6__ earlier than usual. When I __7__ my cabin, I was “Good heaven! Now I suppose they’ll make us __33__”
surprised __8__ that I __9__ a companion during my trip. I had expected
__10__ but there was a suitcase __11__ mine in the opposite corner. I 26. A) Shall B) Will C) Am I going D) Ought
wondered who __12__. Soon afterward he came in. He was the sort of 27. A) will finish B) shall finish
man you might meet __13__, except that he was wearing __14__ good C) will have finish D) have finished
clothes that I made up my mind that we would not __15__, __16__, and
28. A) had rather B) would rather C) had better D) would better
did not say __17__.
I suppose I slept for several hours because when I woke up it was 29. A) am looking forward to seeing
the middle of the night. I felt cold but covered __18__ __19__ and tried B) am looking forward to see
to __20__. Then I realized that a draught was coming from somewhere. C) have been looking forward to seeing
I got up __21__ the door but found it already locked from the inside. D) have been looking forward to see
The cold air was coming from the window opposite. I crossed the room 30. A) wouldn’t like that we miss
and __22__ the moon shone through it on to the other bed. __23__ B) wouldn’t like to miss
there. It took me a minute or two to __24__ the door myself. I realized C) wouldn’t miss
that my companion __25__ through the window into the sea. D) wouldn’t like that we missed

1. A) other B) the other C) another D) one other 31. A) must have left B) had to leave
C) should have left D) ought have left
2. A) make the travel B) make the voyage
C) do the travel D) do the voyage 32. A) would check B) have checked
C) would have checked D) had checked
3. A) reason B) motive C) cause D sake
33. A) to wash up B) wash up
4. A) tired enough B) enough tired C) washing up D) the washing up
C) ourselves tired enough D) our selves enough tired
34. He ______ out of the window for a moment and then went on
5. A) is achieved B) finish C) is over D) is in the end
6. A) quite B) rather C) fairly D) somehow A) glanced B) viewed C) glimpsed D) regarded
7. A) arrived in B) reached to C) arrived to D) reached at 35. It’s the ______ in this country to go out and pick flower on the first
8. A) for seeing B) that I saw C) at seeing D) to see day of spring.
A) use B) custom C) habit D) normal
9. A) am to have B) should have had
C) would have D) ought to have 36. He made a swift ______ from his illness.
A) repair B) survival C) relief D) recovery
10. A) being lonely B) to be lonely C) being alone D) to be alone
37. It gave me a strange feeling of excitement to see my name in ______.
11. A) like B) as C) similar than D) the same that A) news B) print C) publication D) press
12. A) could he be and how he would be
38. You’d better add it up. I am no good at ______.
B) he could be and what he would be like
A) counters B) characters C) summaries D) figures
C) could he be and what would he be like
D he could be and he would be 39. Our main concern is to raise the voters’ ______ of living.
13. A) in each place B) for all parts A) standard B) capacity C) degree D) condition
C) somewhere D) anywhere 40. I’d like to take ______ of this opportunity to thank you all for your
14. A) a so B) so C) such a D) such cooperation.
A) profit B) benefit C) advantage D) occasion
15. A) treat together well B) pass together well
C) get on well together D) go by well together 41. He ______ to hit me if I didn’t do as he said.
A) pretended B) thought C) threatened D) warned
16. A) whoever he was B) whoever was he
C) however he was D) however was he 42. He does not feel like playing tennis because he’s ______.
A) out of condition B) off condition
17. A) him a single word B) him not one word
C) off fitness D) out of fitness
C) a single word to him D) not one word to
18. A) up me B) up myself C) up to myself D) myself up 43. He’s been working too hard and he’s ______. He needs a rest.
A) broken apart B) broken up C) run down D) run over
19. A) so well as I could B) as well as I could
C) so well that I might D) as well that I might 44. We went to the station to ______.
A) see them out B) see them off
20. A) go back to sleep B) go back to sleeping C) goodbye them D) say them goodbye
C) put myself to sleep again D) put myself for sleeping again
45. New problems are always ______ in the factory.
21. A) to shut B) for shutting A) raising B) going up C) waking up D) coming up
C) in order that I shut D) so as for shutting
In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but
22. A) while doing like that B) as I did like that
one does not. Choose the one that does not.
C) as I did so D) at doing so
23. A) It was no one B) There was no one 46. A) spear B) wear C) dare D) prayer
C) It any one D) There was any one 47. A) spread B) tread C) bread D) bead
24. A) remind to lock B) remember to lock 48. A) blow B) allow C) owe D) sew
C) remind locking D) remember locking
49. A) goose B) prose C) flows D) knows
25. A) had to jump B) was to have jumped
C) must have jumped D) could be jumped 50. A) crime B) limb C) climb D) rhyme

Book 1 Part E 217 Advanced test 3

The news did not come directly to Ella herself __51__ her “I have been looking for this office since I arrived at the station. It
indirectly in hints that she had won the prize. But as she was a calm, __76__ be in the main street. I __77__ me a hotel, please.”
quiet girl, she __52__ without __53__, __54__ the whole school was “Certainly, sir. But you __78__ so far. If you’d turned left at the
full of rumors and statements from students who had no right to be station, you __79__ it straightaway. Now, __80__ see if we can find you
something suitable?”
__55__ at all because __56__ really knew __57__ what result of this
“I only want a room for one night but I can not stand sleeping in
year’s art competition was.
noisy rooms.”
But Ella was __58__ good artist, her lines so sure that __59__ student “All the hotels here are near the main road. You __81__ come home
in the art class was expected to win. But you never __60__. Last year with me, sir. You’ll be more comfortable. In fact, when you __82__ my
nobody had expected Frank Peters to win with the funny modern painting wife’s cooking, you’ll realize you __83__ have come to a better place.”
he had __61__ the city bridge. __62__, it was hard to __63__ the bridge
until you looked at the picture for a long time. Still, Frank had got the prize 76. A) should B) has to C) ought D) must have
and the President of the Board of Governors had presented __64__ at a 77. A) would like finding B) would like you to find
big dinner in the Ritz Hotel. C) would like that you find D) am wanting you to find
Ella was a rather shy girl but her classmates seldom thought of her
78. A) did not need to walk B) needn’t have walked
__65__ shy. She was pretty and intelligent and __66__ very well with
C) must not have walked D) were not to walk
everyone. She played games well, had taken part in the school play, and
never seemed to __67__, except in pleasant ways. She liked her school. 79. A) would have found B) had found
She was very fond of her art teacher, Miss Drake, __68__ was natural. C) should have found D) would find
__69__ wonderful about Miss Drake was that she brought out the best in 80. A) let’s to B) are we going to
her students-not __70__ but theirs. __71__ best, __72__, was not good C) will we D) shall we
enough to please Miss Drake. So Ella was __73__ the prize, not just for
herself and her parents but because she had heard Miss Drake __74__ 81. A) had better B) would better
that it was the __75__ seen from one of her students. C) had rather D) would rather
82. A) will be tasting B) shall taste
51. A) It reached B) They reached
C) taste D) will taste
C) It arrived at D) They arrived wt
83. A) can not B) might C) may not D) couldn’t
52. A) went on to work B) went on working
C) went back for working D) went back working 84. She chose some very pretty ______ paper for the present.
A) covering B) involving C) packing D) wrapping
53. A) telling nothing B) telling anything
C) saying nothing D) saying anything 85. Everyone else was killed in the accident. I was the only one to ______.
A) relive B) survive C) alive D) outlive
54. A) in spite B) nevertheless
C) although D) however 86. That’s a nice dress. It ______ you perfectly.
A) suits B) costumes C) matches D) goes
55. A) doing advertisements B) making advertisement
C) doing announcements D) making announcements 87. The ______ stuck on the outside of the envelope said “By Air”.
A) label B) ticked
56. A) no one B) some one C) anyone D) not anyone
C) signal D) advertisement
57. A) still B) already C) yet D) any lounger
88. She died after a long ______.
58. A) such a B) such C) a so D) so A) disease B) sickness C) illness D) failing

59. A) not another B) no one other 89. I ______ to inform you that there’s nothing we can do to help you.
C) no other D) none other A) sorry B) respect C) resent D) regret

60. A) might know B) could be sure 90. I’ll put the flowers in this ______ They’ll look nice there.
C) can learn D) may be secure A) mug B) vase C) crystal D) bucked

61. A) done for B) made about C) done of D) made on 91. ______ I didn’t understand the job but now I’m making progress.
A) On the beginning B) At first
62. A) In the reality B) To say truth C) Surely D) In fact C) For a start D) In principle
63. A) pick up B) see through C) take hold of D) make out 92. Would you mind paying for the tickets ______?
64. A) him it B) it to him C) it him D) him for it A) in advance B) forward C) primarily D) now and then

65. A) as B) like C) to be D) for 93. How long did it take you to realize he was dishonest? I ______ from
the start.
66. A) got on B) got by C) passed D) carried A) looked him through B) saw through him
C) looked forward to him D) saw him through
67. A) distinguish B) stand off C) stand out D) stand up
94. We’re going to have our house ______. The decorators are coming
68. A) which B) what C) where D) whose next week.
69. A) The thing what was B) What was A) done up B) done in
C) The D) The which was C) made over D) made away with

70. A) her best herself B) her best self 95. He asked me what was ______ in the street outside.
C) her own best D) her proper best A) succeeding B) making out
C) doing up D) going on
71. A) Other person’s B) Other peoples’
C) Anybody’s else D) Anybody else’s In this series of questions, three words have the same sound but
one does not. Choose the one that does not.
72. A) for how good it might be B) for how good might it be
C) however good it was D) however good was it 96. A) freeze B) ease C) seize D) lease
97. A) weight B) great C) wheat D) freight
73. A) looking forward to win B) looking forward to winning
C) wishing to win D) waiting for winning 98. A) palm B) calm C) warm D) harm
74. A) say B) tell C) to say D) to tell 99. A) hint B) mint C) print D) pint

75. A) better painting she ever had B) best painting she ever had 100. A) stuff B) cough C) rough D) enough
C) better painting she had ever D) best painting she had ever
Book 1 Part E 218 Advanced test 3


ELEMENTARY Test: 1 (Page 2) ELEMENTARY Test: 7 (Page 11)

1-A 2-B 3-C 4-C 5-A 6-C 7-D 8-A 1-A 2-C 3-B 4-D 5-A 6-C 7-B 8-C
9-A 10-C 11-D 12-C 13-A 14-C 15-A 16-C 9-A 10-B 11-A 12-D 13-B 14-C 15-A 16-D
17-D 18-C 19-C 20-B 21-C 22-C 23-C 24-C 17-A 18-C 19-B 20-A 21-B 22-A 23-C 24-B
25-C 26-C 27-C 28-C 29-C 30-C 31-A 32-B 25-B 26-C 27-A 28-C 29-A 30-B 31-C 32-A
33-C 34-D 35-B 36-A 37-B 38-A 39-B 40-B
33-C 34-B 35-A 36-B 37-C 38-A 39-A 40-C
41-A 42-B 43-A 44-A
41-C 42-D 43-A 44-C 45-A 46-C 47-C 48-C
49-D 50-D 51-A 52-C 53-D 54-C 55-D 56-A
ELEMENTARY Test: 2 (Page 3)
57-A 58-B
1-D 2-B 3-B 4-A 5-C 6-B 7-A 8-C
9-C 10-A 11-B 12-D 13-B 14-B 15-C 16-C ELEMENTARY Test: 8 (Page 13)
17-A 18-C 19-A 20-C 21-C 22-A 23-C 24-C
25-B 26-C 27-B 28-C 29-D 30-C 31-A 32-B 1-A 2-A 3-B 4-D 5-A 6-C 7-B 8-D
33-A 34-B 35-A 36-B 37-D 38-A 39-B 40-C 9-B 10-D 11-A 12-B 13-D 14-B 15-B 16-D
41-C 42-D 43-A 44-C 45-B 46-A 47-A 48-D 17-A 18-B 19-C 20-B 21-A 22-B 23-C 24-A
49-D 50-B 51-A 52-C 53-B 54-D 55-D 56-A 25-B 26-C 27-A 28-B 29-A 30-C 31-B 32-A
57-A 33-A 34-B 35-C 36-D 37-D 38-D 39-C 40-A
41-C 42-A 43-B 44-B 45-C 46-B 47-A 48-B
ELEMENTARY Test: 3 (Page 4) 49-D 50-A 51-B 52-D 53-C 54-A 55-B 56-C
57-A 58-B 59-B 60-A 61-C 62-D 63-A 64-C
1-D 2-B 3-A 4-C 5-C 6-A 7-C 8-C
9-A 10-C 11-B 12-C 13-D 14-B 15-D 16-A 65-D 66-A 67-D 68-A 69-C 70-B 71-D 72-A
17-D 18-D 19-A 20-B 21-C 22-B 23-C 24-A 73-B 74-C 75-A 76-D 77-A 78-C 79-A 80-D
25-C 26-D 27-B 28-B 29-B 30-B 31-C 32-B 81-A 82-C 83-C 84-B 85-D 86-B 87-C 88-B
33-A 34-C 35-C 36-A 37-A 38-C 39-B 40-C 89-A 90-A 91-B 92-A 93-D 94-D 95-A 96-C
41-A 42-A 43-D 44-D 45-B 46-B 47-D 48-B 97-C 98-B 99-A 100-A
49-C 50-B 51-A 52-C 53-B 54-C 55-A 56-A
57-D 58-C 59-C 60-D ELEMENTARY Test: 9 (Page 15)

1-B 2-C 3-A 4-C 5-A 6-B 7-C 8-B

ELEMENTARY Test: 4 (Page 6)
9-B 10-B 11-C 12-A 13-B 14-B 15-D 16-B
1-D 2-A 3-B 4-D 5-C 6-B 7-C 8-A 17-A 18-D 19-D 20-D 21-C 22-D 23-B 24-B
9-B 10-C 11-D 12-A 13-C 14-A 15-A 16-D 25-C 26-C 27-B 28-A 29-A 30-B 31-D 32-A
17-A 18-B 19-C 20-C 21-C 22-A 23-C 24-C
33-B 34-D 35-D 36-C 37-A 38-B 39-A 40-D
25-D 26-B 27-B 28-D 29-B 30-C 31-A 32-C
41-A 42-C 43-A 44-D 45-A 46-C 47-B 48-D
33-A 34-B 35-B 36-A 37-B 38-A 39-C 40-B
49-D 50-D 51-A 52-A 53-B 54-D 55-D 56-C
41-B 42-B 43-A 44-C 45-A 46-C 47-D 48-B
49-A 50-B 51-C 52-B 53-A 54-D 55-B 56-B 57-B 58-D 59-A 60-A 61-B 62-B 63-C 64-A
57-C 58-A 59-A 60-C 61-A 62-B 63-B 64-C 65-D 66-D 67-B 68-C 69-A 70-A 71-B 72-C
65-A 66-D 67-B 68-C 69-B 70-A 71-A 72-A 73-D 74-B 75-A 76-C 77-B 78-B 79-C 80-A
73-A 74-C 75-B 76-C 77-A 78-D 79-A 80-A
81-A 82-B 83-B 84-C ELEMENTARY Test: 10 (Page 16)

1-C 2-B 3-A 4-A 5-C 6-D 7-D 8-C

ELEMENTARY Test: 5 (Page 8)
9-A 10-D 11-B 12-C 13-C 14-B 15-C 16-C
1-C 2-A 3-B 4-D 5-A 6-C 7-A 8-C 17-B 18-A 19-A 20-A 21-D 22-C 23-C 24-C
9-D 10-A 11-C 12-D 13-A 14-C 15-B 16-D 25-B 26-B 27-B 28-B 29-C 30-D 31-C 32-C
17-A 18-C 19-C 20-B 21-C 22-A 23-C 24-B 33-A 34-A 35-C 36-B 37-A 38-C 39-A 40-B
25-C 26-C 27-A 28-A 29-B 30-C 31-B 32-A 41-A 42-C 43-B 44-D 45-B 46-B 47-C 48-D
33-C 34-B 35-D 36-B 37-B 38-A 39-B 40-B
49-A 50-B 51-B 52-A 53-C 54-D 55-A 56-B
41-C 42-B 43-A 44-C 45-C 46-D 47-B 48-A
57-A 58-D 59-B 60-C 61-B 62-C 63-C 64-A
49-C 50-A 51-B 52-A 53-A 54-B 55-A 56-A
65-B 66-C

ELEMENTARY Test: 11 (Page 18)

ELEMENTARY Test: 6 (Page 9)
1-C 2-A 3-C 4-D 5-A 6-A 7-C 8-D
1-B 2-D 3-A 4-C 5-A 6-D 7-C 8-B
9-A 10-B 11-D 12-A 13-C 14-B 15-D 16-A 9-A 10-C 11-D 12-C 13-B 14-A 15-C 16-A
17-B 18-C 19-D 20-B 21-A 22-A 23-B 24-B 17-C 18-B 19-D 20-A 21-C 22-C 23-A 24-B
25-C 26-D 27-B 28-C 29-A 30-B 31-A 32-B 25-C 26-B 27-A 28-A 29-C 30-B 31-C 32-D
33-B 34-D 35-C 36-A 37-C 38-B 39-C 40-A 33-B 34-A 35-B 36-A 37-B 38-D 39-B 40-C
41-B 42-B 43-B 44-B 45-C 46-B 47-A 48-C 41-B 42-B 43-A 44-D 45-C 46-B 47-D 48-C
49-A 50-D 51-B 52-B 53-C 54-C 55-C 56-A 49-C 50-A 51-C 52-A 53-C 54-D 55-C 56-D
57-B 58-B 59-A 60-C 61-B 62-A 63-A 64-A 57-C 58-A 59-C 60-B 61-D
65-C 66-B 67-C 68-B 69-B 70-C 71-B 72-B
73-C 74-A 75-C 76-A 77-B

Book 1 - Part A 403 Answers

ELEMENTARY Test: 12 (Page 19) PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test: 4 (Page 28)

1-D 2-B 3-A 4-C 5-B 6-C 7-D 8-B 1-C 2-A 3-B 4-A 5-B 6-C 7-D 8-C
9-A 10-C 11-B 12-B 13-D 14-A 15-C 16-D 9-B 10-B 11-D 12-C 13-A 14-C 15-B 16-C
17-C 18-D 19-C 20-A 21-D 22-C 23-A 24-C 17-D 18-D 19-D 20-C 21-D 22-D 23-A 24-C
25-C 26-B 27-C 28-B 29-C 30-A 31-A 32-B 25-D 26-C 27-B 28-B 29-C 30-D 31-A 32-B
33-C 34-D 35-C 36-D 37-B 38-A 39-B 40-C 33-A 34-A 35-D 36-C 37-C 38-A 39-C 40-B
41-B 42-A 43-B 44-A 45-B 46-D 47-A 48-B 41-A 42-C 43-A 44-B 45-D 46-C 47-B 48-C
49-D 50-B 51-C 52-B 53-B 54-C 55-D 49-C 50-A

ELEMENTARY Test: 13 (Page 21) PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test: 5 (Page 29)

1-A 2-B 3-B 4-B 5-C 6-B 7-D 8-C 1-C 2-B 3-D 4-C 5-D 6-C 7-B 8-A
9-C 10-B 11-C 12-D 13-D 14-C 15-B 16-C 9-C 10-B 11-B 12-C 13-B 14-C 15-D 16-A
17-D 18-B 19-A 20-D 21-C 22-B 23-C 24-D 17-C 18-B 19-D 20-C 21-C 22-A 23-B 24-A
25-C 26-D 27-A 28-B 29-D 30-C 31-D 32-A 25-D 26-B 27-A 28-B 29-B 30-A 31-B 32-C
33-C 34-A 35-B 36-A 37-B 38-A 39-C 40-D 33-A 34-A 35-D 36-B 37-D 38-B 39-A 40-D
41-A 42-B 43-C 44-D 45-A 46-A 47-A 48-B 41-B 42-C 43-B 44-B 45-D 46-A 47-C 48-B
49-A 50-D 51-B 52-B 53-A 54-C 49-B 50-B

ELEMENTARY Test: 14 (Page 22) PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test: 6 (Page 30)

1-C 2-B 3-B 4-D 5-D 6-D 7-C 8-A 1-A 2-D 3-B 4-C 5-A 6-B 7-D 8-C
9-C 10-C 11-B 12-C 13-B 14-A 15-B 16-D 9-B 10-A 11-C 12-D 13-C 14-A 15-B 16-C
17-D 18-D 19-D 20-B 21-A 22-D 23-D 24-C 17-D 18-B 19-C 20-B 21-D 22-C 23-B 24-A
25-A 26-D 27-C 28-A 29-C 30-B 31-D 32-B 25-C 26-B 27-C 28-A 29-C 30-C 31-B 32-A
33-A 34-D 35-D 36-B 37-B 38-A 39-D 40-B 33-C 34-B 35-C 36-D 37-A 38-D 39-C
41-B 42-D 43-D 44-B 45-C 46-D 47-A 48-C
49-B 50-C 51-D 52-A 53-B 54-C 55-A PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test: 7 (Page 31)

1-B 2-A 3-D 4-A 5-D 6-B 7-B 8-C

PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test: 1 (Page 24)
9-D 10-B 11-A 12-C 13-B 14-C 15-A 16-D
1-D 2-B 3-C 4-C 5-A 6-D 7-D 8-B 17-C 18-A 19-A 20-A 21-D 22-B 23-B 24-C
9-C 10-D 11-B 12-C 13-D 14-C 15-B 16-C 25-A 26-B 27-D 28-B 29-C 30-B 31-C 32-A
17-B 18-C 19-A 20-B 21-A 22-D 23-C 24-D 33-B 34-D 35-C 36-B 37-C 38-A 39-D 40-A
25-B 26-C 27-D 28-A 29-B 30-C 31-A 32-D 41-A 42-C 43-B 44-D 45-C 46-C 47-B 48-A
33-C 34-B 35-A 36-B 37-B 38-B 39-C 40-C 49-D 50-C
41-A 42-B 43-C 44-C 45-A 46-B 47-C 48-A
49-D 50-A 51-A 52-C 53-B 54-C 55-D 56-C PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test: 8 (Page 32)
57-A 58-C 59-B 60-D 61-A 62-B 63-B 64-D
1-B 2-D 3-A 4-B 5-C 6-C 7-A 8-C
9-D 10-B 11-C 12-D 13-A 14-C 15-A 16-C
17-A 18-B 19-D 20-C 21-B 22-D 23-C 24-A
PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test: 2 (Page 26)
25-B 26-D 27-B 28-D 29-C 30-B 31-A 32-D
1-B 2-C 3-A 4-C 5-D 6-C 7-C 8-D 33-A 34-B 35-C 36-D 37-A 38-B 39-C 40-D
9-A 10-B 11-D 12-A 13-B 14-C 15-D 16-C 41-D 42-B 43-A 44-D 45-C 46-A 47-D 48-D
17-A 18-C 19-D 20-C 21-B 22-A 23-B 24-B 49-C 50-D
25-C 26-B 27-C 28-D 29-A 30-D 31-C 32-C
33-B 34-D 35-C 36-C 37-C 38-B 39-A 40-C PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test: 9 (Page 34)
1-C 2-B 3-A 4-A 5-A 6-B 7-D 8-B
9-D 10-D 11-C 12-A 13-C 14-D 15-B 16-D
PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test: 3 (Page 27)
17-C 18-B 19-D 20-B 21-C 22-A 23-D 24-C
1-C 2-A 3-B 4-B 5-C 6-C 7-B 8-A 25-C 26-C 27-B 28-D 29-C 30-D 31-B 32-C
9-D 10-D 11-C 12-D 13-C 14-B 15-D 16-C 33-D 34-D 35-A 36-A 37-B 38-D 39-A 40-B
17-B 18-B 19-D 20-A 21-B 22-A 23-D 24-D 41-C 42-B 43-B 44-A 45-B 46-C 47-D 48-C
25-B 26-B 27-A 28-C 29-D 30-B 31-B 32-C 49-D 50-C
33-D 34-B 35-C 36-D 37-B 38-C 39-C 40-C
41-B 42-A 43-D 44-D 45-C 46-C 47-B 48-C PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test: 10 (Page 35)
49-D 50-D
1-C 2-D 3-D 4-A 5-C 6-C 7-A 8-B
9-C 10-B 11-D 12-B 13-C 14-D 15-C 16-A
17-D 18-A 19-C 20-D 21-A 22-C 23-D 24-B
25-A 26-B 27-A 28-C 29-B 30-A 31-C 32-A
33-B 34-B 35-D 36-A 37-B 38-B 39-B 40-C
41-C 42-B 43-C 44-A 45-D 46-B 47-A 48-D
49-C 50-C

Answers 404 Book 1 - Part A

PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test: 11 (Page 36) INTERMEDIATE Test 4 (Page 45)

1-C 2-A 3-C 4-D 5-D 6-B 7-A 8-D 1-D 2-B 3-C 4-A 5-A 6-B 7-A 8-C
9-C 10-B 11-B 12-D 13-C 14-A 15-D 16-B 9-A 10-B 11-C 12-A 13-B 14-C 15-D 16-B
17-A 18-B 19-C 20-C 21-B 22-D 23-A 24-D 17-B 18-D 19-C 20-C 21-B 22-B 23-A 24-C
25-B 26-C 27-B 28-C 29-C 30-D 31-C 32-B 25-B 26-D 27-D 28-D 29-D 30-C 31-B 32-D
33-D 34-B 35-A 36-B 37-C 38-D 39-B 40-B 33-A 34-D 35-C 36-D 37-B 38-A 39-C 40-C
41-B 42-D 43-D 44-A 45-C 46-B 47-C 48-B
49-D 50-B INTERMEDIATE Test 5 (Page 46)

1-B 2-B 3-A 4-B 5-A 6-B 7-B 8-B

PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test: 12 (Page 37)
9-D 10-B 11-A 12-B 13-B 14-A 15-B 16-D
1-C 2-B 3-C 4-D 5-B 6-C 7-D 8-C 17-C 18-A 19-A 20-B 21-C 22-A 23-A 24-A
9-B 10-C 11-D 12-C 13-D 14-B 15-C 16-D 25-A 26-A 27-B 28-B 29-B 30-B 31-B 32-A
17-D 18-D 19-C 20-D 21-C 22-B 23-C 24-A 33-A 34-A 35-B 36-A 37-C 38-B 39-A 40-B
25-C 26-B 27-D 28-B 29-B 30-B 31-C 32-B 41-C 42-D 43-B
33-B 34-D 35-D 36-B 37-D 38-B 39-D 40-B
41-D 42-A 43-C 44-D 45-D 46-D 47-B 48-C INTERMEDIATE Test 6 (Page 47)
49-D 50-B
1-B 2-A 3-B 4-A 5-A 6-B 7-D 8-C
9-D 10-C 11-C 12-A 13-C 14-D 15-C 16-C
PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test: 13 (Page 39)
17-D 18-C 19-C 20-D 21-C 22-B 23-C 24-A
1-C 2-B 3-D 4-A 5-A 6-D 7-D 8-C 25-B 26-B 27-A 28-C 29-A 30-C 31-A 32-A
9-B 10-B 11-C 12-D 13-C 14-B 15-C 16-C 33-C 34-A 35-A 36-B 37-A 38-A 39-A 40-C
17-A 18-C 19-A 20-D 21-D 22-D 23-B 24-D 41-C 42-B 43-A 44-B 45-D 46-C 47-A 48-A
25-A 26-D 27-B 28-D 29-A 30-C 31-B 32-C 49-B 50-A 51-D 52-B 53-D 54-D 55-C 56-C
33-D 34-B 35-D 36-C 37-C 38-C 39-B 40-A 57-D 58-A 59-A 60-B 61-A 62-B 63-B 64-A
41-D 42-B 43-D 44-A 45-D 46-B 47-A 48-A 65-C 66-C 67-B 68-A 69-C 70-B 71-A 72-D
49-B 50-C 73-A 74-D 75-D 76-B

PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test: 14 (Page 40) INTERMEDIATE Test 7 (Page 48)

1-C 2-B 3-B 4-A 5-C 6-D 7-B 8-C 1-C 2-A 3-A 4-D 5-B 6-D 7-B 8-B
9-A 10-D 11-C 12-D 13-C 14-B 15-A 16-C 9-D 10-B 11-C 12-D 13-C 14-A 15-B 16-A
17-B 18-D 19-D 20-A 21-A 22-C 23-B 24-A 17-A 18-B 19-A 20-B 21-B 22-C 23-B 24-C
25-B 26-A 27-C 28-B 29-A 30-A 31-D 32-B 25-B 26-D 27-A 28-D 29-C 30-B 31-D 32-D
33-B 34-C 35-B 36-D 37-B 38-C 39-D 40-D 33-B 34-A 35-B 36-A 37-B 38-A 39-A 40-C
41-C 42-A 43-C 44-B 45-B 46-C 47-C 48-B 41-B 42-C 43-B 44-C 45-D 46-B 47-A 48-D
49-C 50-C 49-A 50-C 51-B 52-A 53-D 54-D 55-B 56-A
57-C 58-B 59-C 60-C 61-B 62-D 63-B 64-D
INTERMEDIATE Test 1 (Page 42) 65-C 66-D 67-C 68-C 69-A

1-B 2-D 3-A 4-C 5-B 6-D 7-A 8-D

INTERMEDIATE Test 8 (Page 50)
9-A 10-B 11-B 12-D 13-B 14-D 15-B 16-D
17-D 18-C 19-B 20-B 21-A 22-B 23-C 24-C 1-A 2-A 3-D 4-C 5-D 6-A 7-B 8-A
25-A 26-D 27-C 28-C 29-A 30-B 31-C 32-D 9-D 10-D 11-A 12-A 13-C 14-B 15-A 16-C
33-B 34-A 35-A 36-D 37-D 38-D 39-B 40-D 17-B 18-D 19-B 20-A

INTERMEDIATE Test 2 (Page 43)

1-C 2-A 3-C 4-C 5-B 6-D 7-C 8-B

9-A 10-C 11-D 12-A 13-D 14-B 15-A 16-C
17-A 18-A 19-D 20-C 21-A 22-D 23-C 24-D
25-A 26-B 27-A 28-C 29-C 30-A 31-D 32-B
33-A 34-C 35-B 36-D 37-D 38-C 39-A 40-D
41-D 42-D 43-C

INTERMEDIATE Test 3 (Page 44)

1-D 2-A 3-C 4-A 5-C 6-B 7-C 8-A

9-D 10-B 11-C 12-A 13-B 14-D 15-C 16-D
17-A 18-D 19-A 20-A 21-C 22-C 23-B 24-A
25-C 26-B 27-D 28-B 29-B 30-A 31-D 32-A
33-C 34-A 35-D 36-B 37-A 38-D 39-B 40-C
41-B 42-A

Book 1 - Part A 405 Answers



Pronouns - adverbs - adjectives - determines Tenses - Passives (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) 3

(Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) 1 (Page 51) (Page 59)

1-B 2- A 3-D 4-C 5-C 6-B 7-C 8-B 1-B 2-D 3-A 4-B 5-C 6-D 7-D 8-C
9-B 10-A 11-C 12-D 13-D 14-D 15-B 16-A 9-B 10-A 11-B 12-D 13-C 14-A 15-C 16-B
17-D 18-B 19-C 20-D 21-D 22-B 23-A 24-A 17-A 18-D 19-A 20-C 21-D 22-B 23-A 24-D
25-B 26-C 27-D 28-B 29-A 30-A 31-B 32-D 25-D 26-C 27-B 28-C 29-A 30-D 31-A 32-B
33-C 34-D 35-A 36-B 37-A 38-B 39-D 40-D 33-C 34-B 35-C 36-D 37-B 38-B 39-C 40-A
41-A 42-D 43-C 44-B 45-C 46-A 47-C 48-A 41-D 42-A 43-C 44-A 45-D 46-A 47-B 48-B
49-C 50-B 51-D 52-B 53-D 54-A 55-B 56-D 49-C 50-D 51-A 52-B 53-D 54-B 55-D 56-C
57-B 58-D 59-A 60-C 61-D 62-C 63-C 64-A 57-A 58-B 59-D 60-A 61-C 62-A 63-C 64-B
65-D 66-D 67-A 68-A 69-D 70-B 71-C 72-A 65-D 66-C 67-A 68-B 69-D 70-D 71-C 72-A
73-B 74-C 75-A 76-D 77-A 78-A 79-B 80-C 73-C 74-D 75-A 76-B 77-B 78-D 79-C 80-C
81-A 82-D 83-B 84-B 85-D 86-C 87-A 88-D
81-D 82-A 83-A 84-B 85-C 86-A 87-C 88-A
89-D 90-D 91-D 92-B 93-B 94-D 95-B 96-C
89-C 90-D 91-B 92-A 93-B 94-A 95-B 96-A
97-A 98-A 99-B 100-C 101-D 102-B 103-C 104-A
97-D 98-B 99-D 100-A 101-A 102-C 103-C 104-B
105-B 106-D 107-D 108-A 109-D 110-D 111-D 112-C
105-A 106-C 107-B 108-D 109-D 110-A 111-A 112-B
113-A 114-C 115-A 116-C 117-B 118-B 119-C 120-A
113-B 114-D 115-D 116-D 117-A 118-C 119-B 120-D
121-C 122-C 123-B 124-B 125-B 126-B 127-C 128-A
121-C 122-B 123-A 124-C 125-D 126-A 127-D 128-C
129-D 130-B 131-A 132-A 133-A 134-D 135-C 136-D
129-A 130-B 131-D 132-C 133-B 134-A 135-B 136-D
137-B 138-B 139-A 140-C 141-C 142-D 143-B 144-D
137-A 138-A 139-C 140-A 141-A 142-A 143-D 144-C
145-D 146-B 147-A 148-C 149-A 150-B 151-B 152-A
145-D 146-B 147-D 148-D 149-A 150-B 151-C 152-A
153-B 154-A 155-A 156-D 157-C 158-D 159-B 160-A
153-D 154-B 155-C 156-A 157-D 158-B 159-C 160-A 161-B 162-C 163-D 164-B 165-A 166-B 167-D 168-A
161-D 162-B 163-D 164-D 165-B 166-A 167-C 168-D 169-A 170-B 171-A 172-A 173-C 174-C 175-D 176-C
169-A 170-B 171-B 172-C 173-B 174-A 175-B 176-D 177-B 178-B 179-A 180-A 181-B 182-C 183-D 184-C
177-C 178-D 179-A 180-A 181-C 182-B 183-B 184-D 185-B 186-B 187-C 188-C 189-A 190-C 191-A 192-A
185-D 186-C 187-C 188-A 189-B 190-A 191-A 192-A 193-D 194-C 195-B 196-D 197-B 198-C 199-A 200-D
193-C 194-A 195-D 196-A 197-B 198-C 199-A 200-C 201-A 202-C 203-A 204-A 205-D 206-C 207-B 208-D
201-B 202-C 203-D 204-A 205-B 206-B 207-C 208-B 209-C 210-B 211-C 212-A 213-B 214-D 215-A 216-C
209-B 210-D 211-C 212-A 213-B 214-D 215-D 216-B 217-D 218-B 219-A 220-A 221-C 222-D 223-B 224-C
217-B 218-D 219-A 220-A 221-C 222-B 223-B 224-B 225-D 226-A 227-A 228-A 229-D 230-B 231-D 232-D
225-A 226-B 227-B 228-C 229-C 230-B 231-B 232-A 233-B 234-A 235-C 236-B 237-D 238-D 239-B 240-A
233-C 241-A 242-D 243-B 244-D 245-B 246-B 247-B 248-A
249-D 250-D 251-A 252-D 253-C 254-A 255-C 256-D
Pronouns - adverbs - adjectives - determines 257-C 258-B 259-C 260-C 261-C 262-D 263-A 264-A
(Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate) 2 (Page 55) 265-D 266-B 267-C 268-A 269-A 270-B 271-A 272-A
273-C 274-D 275-C 276-B 277-D 278-A 279-B 280-C
1-C 2-A 3-C 4-A 5-C 6-C 7-B 8-A
281-B 282-A 283-B 284-B 285-D 286-C 287-C 288-B
9-A 10-A 11-C 12-B 13-C 14-A 15-A 16-B
289-B 290-C 291-A 292-D 293-B 294-D 295-A
17-C 18-B 19-A 20-C 21-B 22-A 23-C 24-A
25-C 26-C 27-D 28-C 29-A 30-D 31-D 32-A
Tenses - Passives (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate) 4
33-B 34-B 35-A 36-A 37-A 38-B 39-C 40-D
(Page 65)
41-A 42-B 43-A 44-C 45-D 46-B 47-A 48-B
49-D 50-A 51-D 52-B 53-B 54-C 55-A 56-B 1-C 2-A 3-C 4-C 5-C 6-D 7-C 8-B
57-B 58-A 59-C 60-B 61-C 62-D 63-A 64-A 9-C 10-A 11-B 12-B 13-A 14-B 15-A 16-A
65-B 66-C 67-D 68-B 69-A 70-C 71-B 72-D 17-C 18-B 19-B 20-A 21-C 22-C 23-A 24-B
73-C 74-B 75-D 76-C 77-D 78-A 79-D 80-A 25-D 26-D 27-C 28-B 29-C 30-D 31-A 32-B
81-C 82-A 83-D 84-B 85-D 86-B 87-C 88-C 33-B 34-C 35-B 36-A 37-C 38-D 39-A 40-B
89-A 90-A 91-A 92-D 93-B 94-A 95-C 96-D 41-A 42-D 43-B 44-B 45-C 46-A 47-A 48-C
97-B 98-A 99-A 100-C 101-A 102-B 103-D 104-A 49-D 50-D 51-C 52-A 53-C 54-C 55-D 56-B
105-A 106-A 107-B 108-C 109-D 110-C 111-A 112-D 57-A 58-B 59-C 60-A 61-B 62-A 63-A 64-C
113-A 114-C 115-A 116-C 117-B 118-A 119-B 120-C 65-D 66-A 67-C 68-C 69-B 70-A 71-D 72-C
121-C 122-D 123-D 124-B 125-A 126-A 127-C 128-D 73-D 74-A 75-A 76-D 77-D 78-B 79-B 80-B
129-B 130-D 131-C 132-D 133-D 134-B 135-C 136-B 81-B 82-B 83-A 84-A 85-A 86-C 87-C 88-B
137-A 138-D 139-C 140-B 141-D 142-C 143-D 144-A 89-C 90-B 91-C 92-C 93-B 94-D 95-B 96-C
145-B 146-B 147-B 148-C 149-D 150-B 151-A 152-D 97-B 98-D 99-B 100-C 101-D 102-D 103-A 104-D
153-C 154-D 155-A 156-C 157-B 158-A 159-C 160-C 105-B 106-D 107-C 108-D 109-B 110-B 111-D 112-D
161-B 162-C 163-A 164-A 165-D 166-C 167-A 168-D 113-C 114-A 115-D 116-C 117-B 118-C 119-A 120-C
121-A 122-D 123-C 124-A 125-D 126-A 127-C 128-B
169-C 170-D 171-C 172-B 173-A 174-D 175-B 176-D
129-C 130-A 131-A 132-C 133-A 134-A 135-B 136-B
177-C 178-B 179-B 180-A 181-D 182-B 183-C 184-D
137-D 138-B 139-A 140-A 141-D 142-B 143-A 144-C
185-A 186-D 187-A 188-A 189-D 190-A 191-B 192-A
145-C 146-B 147-C 148-B 149-C 150-B 151-D 152-B
193-C 194-A 195-B

Answers 406 Book 1 - Part B

Clauses (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) 5 (Page 69) Modals (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) 7 (Page 80)

1-B 2-A 3-C 4-C 5-D 6-C 7-A 8-B 1-C 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-C 6-A 7-B 8-B
9-C 10-A 11-B 12-A 13-D 14-B 15-D 16-B 9-A 10-B 11-A 12-C 13-A 14-C 15-B 16-D
17-B 18-C 19-A 20-B 21-A 22-A 23-C 24-D 17-B 18-B 19-C 20-A 21-A 22-C 23-B 24-D
25-C 26-C 27-D 28-D 29-B 30-D 31-A 32-C 25-B 26-B 27-A 28-A 29-D 30-B 31-C 32-B
33-D 34-B 35-A 36-A 37-B 38-A 39-C 40-D 33-C 34-B 35-C 36-A 37-D 38-B 39-D 40-A
41-D 42-A 43-C 44-C 45-C 46-C 47-A 48-D 41-B 42-A 43-C 44-B 45-B 46-B 47-C 48-A
49-D 50-D 51-C 52-B 53-B 54-A 55-B 56-D 49-A 50-C 51-C 52-A 53-B 54-B 55-B 56-A
57-D 58-C 59-C 60-B 61-A 62-D 63-C 64-A 57-A 58-C 59-A 60-B 61-A 62-C 63-B 64-C
65-B 66-C 67-A 68-A 69-B 70-D 71-C 72-A 65-A 66-D 67-B 68-A 69-C 70-A 71-C 72-A
73-C 74-D 75-B 76-B 77-A 78-B 79-A 80-C 73-C 74-C 75-B 76-A 77-A 78-D 79-C 80-B
81-C 82-A 83-A 84-D 85-B 86-D 87-C 88-A 81-D 82-B 83-B 84-D 85-A 86-B 87-A 88-D
89-D 90-D 91-A 92-C 93-D 94-C 95-B 96-A 89-C 90-B 91-A 92-C 93-A 94-C 95-A 96-C
97-D 98-C 99-B 100-A 101-B 102-A 103-C 104-C 97-A 98-B 99-A 100-C
105-A 106-A 107-B 108-C 109-B 110-A 111-A 112-D
113-D 114-C 115-B 116-B 117-B 118-C 119-B 120-D Modals (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate) 8 (Page 82)
121-A 122-B 123-A 124-A 125-C 126-D 127-A 128-B
1-C 2-A 3-C 4-D 5-A 6-D 7-D 8-C
129-D 130-B 131-B 132-D 133-A 134-C 135-C 136-A
9-A 10-A 11-D 12-C 13-B 14-A 15-C 16-D
137-D 138-A 139-C 140-A 141-D 142-B 143-A 144-C
17-C 18-A 19-B 20-B 21-A 22-D 23-A 24-C
145-A 146-B 147-A 148-C 149-C 150-B 151-A 152-D
25-D 26-B 27-A 28-B 29-B 30-C 31-B 32-D
153-B 154-D 155-B 156-C 157-C 158-B 159-C 160-C
33-B 34-A 35-B 36-D 37-C 38-B 39-B 40-D
161-B 162-A 163-D 164-A 165-A 166-A 167-A 168-C
41-C 42-C 43-A 44-C 45-A 46-C 47-D 48-A
169-C 170-A 171-D 172-C 173-A 174-C 175-B 176-C
49-B 50-C 51-B 52-D 53-D 54-C 55-C 56-D
177-A 178-A 179-B 180-A
57-D 58-B 59-B 60-A 61-C 62-C 63-C 64-C
65-D 66-B 67-D 68-A 69-A 70-A 71-B 72-D
Clauses (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate) 6 (Page 73)
73-A 74-B 75-D 76-A 77-D 78-D 79-A 80-B
1-D 2-C 3-B 4-B 5-D 6-A 7-D 8-B 81-B 82-C 83-A 84-D 85-B 86-D 87-C 88-B
9-A 10-D 11-A 12-B 13-A 14-C 15-A 16-B 89-C 90-D 91-A 92-B 93-B 94-C 95-B 96-D
17-C 18-C 19-D 20-A 21-B 22-A 23-B 24-C 97-D 98-D 99-A 100-C 101-D 102-C 103-D 104-C
25-A 26-C 27-B 28-B 29-A 30-D 31-A 32-C 105-B 106-B 107-B 108-D 109-B 110-A 111-C 112-B
33-B 34-B 35-D 36-B 37-A 38-C 39-C 40-A 113-B 114-C 115-B 116-A 117-C 118-B 119-C 120-C
41-C 42-C 43-D 44-A 45-B 46-D 47-D 48-C
49-B 50-A 51-B 52-D 53-B 54-A 55-A 56-B Prepositions (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) 9 (Page 85)
57-D 58-A 59-C 60-C 61-D 62-D 63-C 64-B
1-D 2-B 3-A 4-D 5-A 6-B 7-C 8-B
65-D 66-C 67-D 68-B 69-A 70-D 71-B 72-D
9-D 10-D 11-A 12-B 13-C 14-A 15-B 16-D
73-B 74-A 75-D 76-D 77-C 78-D 79-B 80-A
17-C 18-A 19-C 20-A 21-B 22-C 23-D 24-A
81-B 82-A 83-C 84-A 85-A 86-B 87-C 88-C
25-D 26-C 27-B 28-D 29-A 30-B 31-C 32-A
89-D 90-B 91-A 92-B 93-A 94-B 95-A 96-A
33-D 34-A 35-C 36-A 37-D 38-B 39-A 40-C
97-D 98-B 99-C 100-B 101-A 102-B 103-B 104-B
41-C 42-B 43-D 44-B 45-C 46-B 47-A 48-A
105-B 106-A 107-C 108-B 109-D 110-C 111-B 112-D
49-B 50-A 51-D 52-D 53-A 54-C 55-C 56-B
113-A 114-D 115-A 116-B 117-B 118-C 119-C 120-B
57-A 58-D 59-A 60-A 61-B 62-C 63A 64-C
121-A 122-C 123-B 124-A 125-C 126-B 127-C 128-A
65-A 66-D 67-A 68-C 69-B 70-B 71-D 72-D
129-A 130-D 131-A 132-C 133-D 134-C 135-B 136-C
73-D 74-A 75-A 76-B 77-D 78-C 79-D 80-A
137-B 138-A 139-B 140-A 141-C 142-A 143-B 144-B
81-A 82-B 83-B 84-C 85-A 86-D 87-D 88-B
145-B 146-C 147-B 148-D 149-C 150-A 151-D 152-B
89-C 90-B 91-B 92-D 93-A 94-D 95-C 96-C
153-C 154-C 155-A 156-C 157-B 158-C 159-D 160-A
97-A 98-A 99-C 100-A 101-B 102-A 103-D 104-A
161-B 162-A 163-B 164-D 165-D 166-C 167-A 168-D
105-C 106-B 107-C 108-A 109-C 110-B 111-A 112-C
169-B 170-A 171-D 172-C 173-A 174-D 175-D 176-C
113-C 114-A 115-B 116-C 117-A 118-C 119-A 120-B
177-B 178-A 179-C 180-B 181-B 182-A 183-B 184-D
121-D 122-C 123-C 124-C 125-C 126-B 127-D 128-C
185-A 186-B 187- A 188-B 189-C 190-A 191-B 192-C
129-D 130-A 131-C 132-D 133-A 134-A 135-B 136-B
193-B 194-C 195-D 196-A 197-A 198-A 199-C 200-B
137-A 138-B 139-C 140-D 141-C 142-A 143-B 144-B
201-B 202-D 203-D 204-C 205-A 206-B 207-A 208-C
145-C 146-A 147-D 148-D 149-C 150-B
209-D 210-B 211-A 212-C 213-D 214-A 215-B 216-A
217-B 218-D 219-D 220-B 221-C 222-B 223-A 224-C
225-A 226-B 227-A 228-C 229-C 230-A 231-C 232-A
233-B 234-D 235-D 236-A 237-A 238-A 239-D 240-D
241-A 242-C 243-B 244-B 245-D 246-C 247-C 248-B
249-C 250-A 251-B 252-D 253-C 254-A 255-D 256-A
257-B 258-A 259-B 260-D 261-C 262-A 263-C 264-B
265B 266-B 267-A 268-A 269-D 270-D 271-A 272-C
273-A 274-C 275-B 276-C 277-A 278-C 279-B 280-C

Book 1 - Part B 407 Answers

Prepositions (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate) 10 Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate) 13
(Page 88) (Page 95)

1-A 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-A 6-A 7-B 8-A 1-B 2-A 3-D 4-C 5-D 6-B 7-A 8-C
9-D 10-A 11-C 12-C 13-B 14-A 15-D 16-A 9-A 10-D 11-D 12-B 13-A 14-C 15-C 16-A
17-C 18-D 19-D 20-A 21-D 22-A 23-B 24-A 17-C 18-D 19-A 20-C 21-A 22-D 23-A 24-C
25-D 26-C 27-B 28-D 29-C 30-B 31-A 32-D 25-A 26-B 27-B 28-D 29-B 30-A 31-D 32-B
33-A 34-D 35-A 36-D 37-B 38-D 39-C 40-D 33-A 34-B 35-A 36-B 37-A 38-A 39-A 40-C
41-A 42-B 43-B 44-B 45-A 46-D 47-B 48-C 41-B 42-B 43-A 44-B 45-A 46-D 47-C 48-C
49-A 50-D 51-D 52-B 53-C 54-D 55-D 56-B 49-A 50-A 51-C 52-A 53-B 54-B 55-A 56-C
57-B 58-C 59-D 60-A 61-B 62-C 63-D 64-A 57-C 58-B 59-D 60-B 61-C 62-A 63-C 64-A
65-A 66-C 67-B 68-C 69-B 70-D 71-A 72-B 65-D 66-B 67-A 68-A 69-A 70-C 71-A 72-C
73-D 74-C 75-D 76-A 77-C 78-B 79-A 80-C 73-D 74-B 75-A 76-C 77-A 78-C 79-C 80-B
81-B 82-D 83-C 84-A 85-B 86-B 87-D 88-C 81-A 82-C 83-D 84-D 85-B 86-A 87-B 88-C
89-A 90-C 91-A 92-C 93-D 94-A 95-B 96-B 89-A 90-C 91-D 92-C 93-D 94-B 95-A 96-C
97-A 98-C 99-A 100-D 101-B 102-B 103-B 104-D 97-B 98-A 99-C
105-A 106-C 107-D 108-C 109-A 110-B 111-A 112-C
113-C 114-A 115-C 116-B 117-D 118-B 119-C 120-C Gerund - infinitive (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate) 14
121-B 122-A 123-B 124-D 125-D 126-D 127-B 128-A (Page 97)
129-C 130-B 131-C 132-B 133-C 134-A 135-B 136-A
1-A 2-A 3-A 4-C 5-C 6-B 7-B 8-D
137-A 138-A 139-A 140-C 141-A 142-A 143-B 144-D
9-B 10-A 11-B 12-A 13-C 14-B 15-A 16-D
145-D 146-A 147-D 148-D 149-A 150-D 151-B 152-B
17-C 18-B 19-B 20-A 21-C 22-D 23-A 24-C
153-B 154-A 155-A 156-B 157-A 158-B 159-D 160-B
25-B 26-A 27-D 28-B 29-C 30-C 31-B 32-B
161-A 162-B 163-D 164-B 165-D 166-D 167-B 168-C
33-D 34-D 35-B 36-C 37-D 38-B 39-D 40-A
169-C 170-B 171-D 172-B
41-A 42-C 43-B 44-D 45-B 46-A 47-B 48-C
49-C 50-B 51-D 52-B 53-A 54-B 55-A 56-D
Prepositions after adjectives (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate) 11
57-A 58-D 59-C 60-A 61-D 62-C 63-A 64-C
(Page 91)
65-A 66-C 67-A 68-D 69-B 70-D 71-B 72-A
1-B 2-D 3-B 4-D 5-A 6-A 7-B 8-C 73-C 74-B 75-D 76-A 77-A 78-A 79-D 80-B
9-C 10-B 11-D 12-A 13-D 14-D 15-C 16-A 81-C 82-D 83-C 84-A 85-B 86-A 87-C 88-C
17-B 18-A 19-C 20-A 21-B 22-D 23-A 24-D 89-A 90-A 91-A 92-B 93-B 94-C 95-B 96-B
25-A 26-A 27-C 28-C 29-A 30-D 31-D 32-A 97-C 98-A 99-A 100-C 101-A 102-A 103-C 104-A
33-D 34-A 35-B 36-C 37-A 38-B 39-D 40-B 105-B 106-D 107-C 108-B 109-A 110-C 111-B 112-C
41-D 42-A 43-C 44-B 45-A 46-D 47-A 48-C 113-A 114-D 115-B 116-A 117-A 118-C 119-C 120-A
49-B 50-A 51-D 52-B 53-A 54-C 55-A 56-D 121-C 122-D 123-D 124-C 125-A 126-D 127-B 128-A
57-D 58-A 59-C 60-A 61-A 62-B 63-D 64-D 129-C 130-B 131-C 132-D 133-C 134-C 135-B 136-D
65-A 66-C 67-D 68-B 69-D 70-C 71-D 72-B 137-A 138-C 139-B 140-B 141-D 142-A 143-A 144-C
73-A 74-B 75-A 76-C 77-C 78-A 79-C 80-D 145-B 146-D 147-B 148-C 149-A 150-D 151-C 152-A
81-D 82-A 83-C 84-A 85-B 86-B 87-A 88-D 153-D 154-B 155-A 156-C 157-D 158-B 159-A 160-C
89-A 90-B 91-C 92-A 93-C 94-D 95-D 96-B 161-C 162-B 163-A 164-D 165-D 166-B 167-A 168-C
97-B 98-C 99-A 100-D 101-D 102-B 103-B 104-A 169-A 170-A 171-A 172-D 173-C 174-A 175-B 176-D
105-D 106-C 107-C 108-B 109-B 110-A 111-B 112-A 177-C 178-C 179-C 180-A 181-C 182-D 183-D 184-C
113-B 114-A 185-D 186-A 187-A 188-B 189-D 190-C 191-C 192-D
193-B 194-A 195-C 196-D 197-A 198-A 199-B 200-C
Prepositions after verbs 201-C 202-A 203-A 204-C 205-A 206-C 207-C 208-B
(Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate) 12 (Page 93) 209-D 210-A 211-B 212-D 213-C 214-B 215-C 216-C
217-A 218-B 219-A 220-C 221-D 222-B 223-D 224-C
1-B 2-A 3-D 4-C 5-D 6-C 7-A 8-B
225-A 226-B 227-D 228-C 229-A 230-C 231-D 232-C
9-A 10-C 11-D 12-B 13-A 14-B 15-D 16-C
233-A 234-C 235-C 236-B 237-C 238-D 239-D 240-B
17-A 18-B 19-D 20-A 21-C 22-C 23-D 24-B
241-D 242-D 243-A 244-A 245-C 246-C 247-C
25-A 26-D 27-A 28-C 29-B 30-D 31-B 32-D
33-B 34-A 35-C 36-B 37-D 38-A 39-B 40-C
41-D 42-C 43-D 44-A 45-C 46-C 47-C 48-D
49-B 50-B 51-A 52-D 53-C 54-A 55-D 56-B
57-A 58-D 59-B 60-B 61-A 62-D 63-C 64-A
65-B 66-D 67-A 68-D 69-C 70-A 71-C 72-A
73-D 74-B 75-C 76-A 77-D 78-D 79-C 80-A
81-B 82-B 83-A 84-B 85-B 86-A 87-D 88-A
89-B 90-B 91-D 92-A 93-D 94-B 95-C 96-B
97-D 98-C 99-A 100-A 101-C 102-C 103-A 104-C
105-A 106-B 107-A 108-C 109-C 110-D 111-A 112-C
113-B 114-A 115-C

Answers 408 Book 1 - Part B


Test 1: Articles (Page 103) Test 4: Present Tenses (Page 114)

1-B 2-A 3-B 4-A 5-A 6-A 7-A 8-B 1-A 2-B 3-A 4-A 5-B 6-A 7-A 8-C
9-B 10-A 11-A 12-C 13-B 14-D 15-B 16-B 9-B 10-C 11-A 12-D 13-C 14-E 15-D 16-C
17-C 18-B 19-A 20-E 21-A 22-C 23-B 24-E 17-E 18-C 19-B 20-C 21-E 22-C 23-C 24-A
25-A 26-D 27-E 28-A 29-A 30-A 31-C 32-E 25-C 26-B 27-B 28-B 29-B 30-D 31-B 32-B
33-B 34-A 35-A 36-A 37-A 38-A 39-A 40-A 33-C 34-B 35-C 36-C 37-A 38-C 39-D 40-B
41-D 42-C 43-B 44-D 45-E 46-D 47-C 48-D 41-D 42-A 43-C 44-A 45-D 46-D 47-D 48-A
49-A 50-C 51-B 52-A 53-E 54-A 55-A 56-B 49-A 50-D 51-C 52-B 53-D 54-D 55-B 56-C
57-C 58-D 59-C 60-C 61-C 62-D 63-A 64-B 57-D 58-D 59-D 60-E 61-B 62-C 63-D 64-A
65-D 66-A 67-A 68-B 69-B 70-D 71-D 72-C 65-E 66-B 67-D 68-C 69-B 70-C 71-E 72-B
73-A 74-C 75-D 76-C 77-A 78-C 79-D 80-B 73-A 74-C 75-A 76-B 77-D 78-D 79-C 80-C
81-A 82-A 83-E 84-C 85-E 86-D 87-B 88-C 81-D 82-C 83-E 84-E 85-C 86-D 87-A 88-E
89-C 90-B 91-C 92-B 93-B 94-D 95-A 96-B 89-E 90-A 91-B 92-E 93-E 94-C 95-A 96-B
97-C 98-A 99-D 100-C 97-C 98-C 99-D 100-E 101-B 102-D 103-B 104-C

Test 2: Prepositions (Page 106) Test 5: Future Tenses (Page 117)

1-D 2-D 3-A 4-B 5-B 6-C 7-C 8-D 1-B 2-C 3-E 4-E 5-A 6-D 7-C 8-C
9-B 10-C 11-C 12-B 13-C 14-E 15-C 16-E 9-A 10-E 11-B 12-B 13-B 14-A 15-B 16-D
17-E 18-E 19-C 20-B 21-C 22-A 23-D 24-C 17-C 18-A 19-C 20-C 21-C 22-B 23-C
25-C 26-A 27-A 28-C 29-A 30-E 31-B 32-D
33-C 34-A 35-E 36-A 37-B 38-A 39-C 40-A Test 6: Past Tenses (Page 118)
41-B 42-B 43-E 44-A 45-C 46-B 47-B 48-B
1-E 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-E 6-B 7-E 8-C
49-C 50-D 51-E 52-D 53-A 54-B 55-A 56-D
9-C 10-C 11-D 12-D 13-B 14-E 15-D 16-C
57-E 58-D 59-B 60-A 61-E 62-B 63-C 64-A
17-D 18-B 19-D 20-C 21-A 22-E 23-C 24-B
65-A 66-E 67-C 68-B 69-B 70-B 71-D 72-B
25-A 26-A 27-B 28-B 29-D 30-A 31-C 32-C
73-A 74-E 75-D 76-D 77-E 78-B 79-B 80-C
33-C 34-A 35-C 36-B 37-C 38-D 39-D 40-D
81-C 82-D 83-B 84-E 85-A 86-B 87-D 88-E
41-C 42-A 43-C 44-D 45-A 46-E 47-B 48-C
89-C 90-A 91-E 92-C 93-B 94-B 95-A 96-B
49-D 50-D 51-C 52-C 53-E 54-B 55-B 56-C
97-D 98-C 99-B 100-D

Test 3: Pronouns (Page 109)

Test 7: Mixed Tenses (Page 120)
1-B 2-B 3-B 4-C 5-C 6-E 7-D 8-B
1-D 2-D 3-B 4-C 5-B 6-C 7-B 8-B
9-B 10-E 11-B 12-C 13-C 14-A 15-A 16-C
9-A 10-D 11-D 12-C 13-E 14-A 15-D 16-C
17-B 18-B 19-D 20-D 21-C 22-E 23-C 24-D
17-B 18-B 19-C 20-C 21-B 22-B 23-B 24-B
25-B 26-E 27-E 28-B 29-A 30-A 31-C 32-D
25-D 26-E 27-B 28-A 29-A 30-B 31-E 32-B
33-D 34-E 35-B 36-C 37-C 38-C 39-B 40-C
33-E 34-E 35-B 36-E 37-E 38-D 39-C 40-A
41-C 42-D 43-B 44-B 45-B 46-A 47-D 48-C
41-A 42-A 43-C 44-B 45-C 46-B 47-A 48-D
49-D 50-C 51-E 52-D 53-A 54-C 55-D 56-D
49-B 50-C 51-E 52-B 53-A 54-A 55-B 56-B
57-C 58-B 59-A 60-B 61-B 62-D 63-D 64-B
57-A 58-B 59-A 60-A 61-B 62-D 63-B 64-E
65-C 66-D 67-A 68-C 69-D 70-C 71-C 72-B
65-A 66-C 67-C 68-B 69-C 70-C 71-D 72-A
73-B 74-B 75-D 76-A 77-D 78-C 79-B 80-C
73-A 74-C 75-D 76-C 77-C 78-B 79-A 80-D
81-B 82-B 83-C 84-A 85-D 86-D 87-C 88-D
81-A 82-B 83-D 84-C 85-D 86-E 87-D 88-A
89-C 90-C 91-D 92-E 93-D 94-E 95-B 96-B
89-D 90-B 91-C 92-B 93-C 94-C 95-A 96-B
97-D 98-C 99-B 100-D 101-A 102-A 103-A 104-B
97-D 98-A 99-E 100-D 101-A 102-B 103-B 104-A
105-B 106-B 107-C 108-E 109-D 110-C 111-D 112-B
105-B 106-B 107-A 108-C 109-B 110-C 111-B 112-B
113-B 114-C 115-C 116-C 117-D 118-D 119-B 120-A
113-B 114-C 115-E 116-A 117-A
121-B 122-D 123-A 124-B 125-E 126-C 127-E 128-B
129-A 130-B 131-C 132-D 133-E 134-C 135-A 136-B
137-C 138-B 139-B 140-D 141-E 142-D 143-C 144-B
145-E 146-E 147-B 148-A 149-A 150-D 151-A 152-A
153-D 154-B 155-A 156-A 157-A 158-A 159-C 160-C
161-B 162-C 163-C 164-B 165-C 166-D 167-A 168-E
169-E 170-B 171-B 172-C 173-E 174-E 175-A 176-B
177-E 178-C 179-D 180-C 181-C 182-C 183-E 184-B
185-E 186-A 187-A 188-C 189-B 190-D

Book 1 - Part C 409 Answers

Test 8: Modals (Page 124) Test 11: Infinitive - Gerund (Page 136)

1-C 2-A 3-A 4-A 5-A 6-A 7-A 8-A 1-A 2-B 3-B 4-C 5-E 6-A 7-D 8-D
9-D 10-A 11-A 12-E 13-A 14-E 15-C 16-D 9-A 10-B 11-C 12-C 13-B 14-A 15-D 16-A
17-D 18-E 19-D 20-E 21-A 22-E 23-A 24-C 17-C 18-A 19-C 20-A 21-D 22-C 23-A 24-A
25-B 26-E 27-B 28-D 29-C 30-B 31-A 32-A 25-C 26-B 27-C 28-A 29-C 30-A 31-A 32-B
33-A 34-C 35-B 36-D 37-C 38-D 39-B 40-A 33-D 34-D 35-C 36-E 37-B 38-D 39-B 40-A
41-D 42-E 43-B 44-C 45-E 46-C 47-A 48-B 41-E 42-B 43-E 44-C 45-C 46-A 47-C 48-B
49-D 50-C 51-B 52-D 53-D 54-A 55-B 56-E 49-B 50-A 51-E 52-D 53-A 54-A 55-B 56-A
57-C 58-D 59-B 60-B 61-B 62-C 63-A 64-C 57-B 58-C 59-C 60-D 61-C 62-C 63-E 64-D
65-D 66-E 67-E 68-A 69-B 70-A 71-A 72-E 65-B 66-A 67-C 68-B 69-C 70-D 71-B 72-B
73-A 74-C 75-E 76-C 77-C 78-E 79-D 80-E 73-A 74-E 75-A 76-B 77-C 78-C 79-B 80-A
81-D 82-B 83-E 84-E 85-E 86-C 87-A 88-D 81-D 82-C 83-D 84-D 85-D 86-A 87-D 88-D
89-C 90-C 91-D 92-E 93-C 94-D 95-D 96-B 89-B 90-C 91-B 92-D 93-E 94-A 95-D 96-C
97-B 98-B 99-B 100-C 101-C 102-C 103-E 104-C 97-E
105-A 106-B 107-E 108-B 109-C 110-C 111-E 112-B
113-A 114-C 115-C 116-B 117-A 118-C 119-B 120-C Test 12: Passive voice (Page 139)
121-A 122-B 123-D 124-E 125-E 126-B 127-C 128-E
1-B 2-D 3-D 4-D 5-E 6-E 7-A 8-D
129-D 130-B 131-C 132-D 133-B 134-D 135-D 136-D
9-B 10-B 11-D 12-C 13-E 14-C 15-D 16-C
137-C 138-B 139-A 140-D 141-D 142-B 143-B 144-C
17-B 18-D 19-C 20-D 21-A 22-C 23-C 24-B
145-B 146-C 147-D 148-C 149-D 150-A 151-C 152-C
25-C 26-B 27-C 28-B 29-C 30-D 31-B 32-D
153-D 154-D 155-E 156-E 157-B 158-D 159-D 160-C
33-C 34-E 35-E 36-C 37-C 38-B 39-D 40-D
161-D 162-D
41-C 42-B 43-B 44-B 45-A 46-D 47-C 48-D
49-A 50-C 51-D 52-C 53-A 54-B 55-E 56-D
Test 9: Conditionals (Page 129)
57-E 58-D 59-C 60-A 61-C 62-D 63-C 64-E
Type 1 65-C 66-B 67-E
1-E 2-D 3-E 4-D 5-E 6-A 7-C 8-A
9-B 10-C 11-E 12-D 13-B 14-C 15-C 16-A Test 13: Indirect speech (Page 142)
17-A 18-B 19-C 20-E 21-C 22-B 23-D 24-E
1-C 2-D 3-A 4-A 5-B 6-C 7-A 8-B
25-A 26-B 27-A 28-B 29-E 30-D 31-C 32-B
9-C 10-D 11-B 12-C 13-A 14-E 15-B 16-B
33-C 34-D 35-D 36-B 37-A
17-B 18-C 19-D 20-B 21-B 22-B 23-A 24-D
25-C 26-A 27-B 28-C 29-B 30-D 31-C 32-D
Type 2
33-A 34-B 35-D 36-A 37-A 38-C 39-E 40-C
1-B 2-C 3-A 4-B 5-D 6-E 7-C 8-D
41-E 42-D 43-E 44-A 45-E 46-B 47-C 48-D
9-B 10-D 11-A 12-E 13-D 14-B 15-B 16-B
49-B 50-B 51-B 52-C 53-C 54-D 55-E 56-A
17-D 18-D 19-A 20-C 21-A 22-C 23-C 24-E
57-D 58-C 59-C 60-B 61-B 62-C 63-C 64-B
25-D 26-C 27-D 28-C
65-C 66-A 67-A 68-D 69-C 70-B 71-C 72-D
73-D 74-C 75-B 76-B 77-B 78-E 79-A 80-B
Type 3
1-E 2-E 3-D 4-D 5-C 6-A 7-D 8-B
Test 14: When - While - Where - As soon as (Page 146)
9-C 10-A 11-C 12-D 13-B 14-C 15-D 16-B
17-A 18-D 1-C 2-C 3-A 4-D 5-A 6-A 7-C 8-B
9-B 10-C 11-C 12-C 13-C 14-E 15-B 16-C
Mixed 17-C 18-C 19-B 20-B 21-E 22-B 23-A 24-B
1-A 2-C 3-A 4-C 5-D 6-A 7-C 8-B 25-D 26-A 27-A 28-C 29-B 30-E 31-A 32-C
9-E 33-D 34-A 35-A 36-A 37-D 38-D 39-A 40-E
41-B 42-C 43-B 44-D 45-A 46-A 47-D 48-D
Test 10: Comparatives - Superlatives (Page 133) 49-D 50-D 51-B 52-C 53-A 54-A 55-D 56-B
57-B 58-B
1-C 2-C 3-E 4-C 5-B 6-D 7-C 8-E
9-C 10-C 11-E 12-B 13-A 14-B 15-C 16-B
Test 15: Questions tags (Page 148)
17-D 18-C 19-B 20-D 21-B 22-C 23-D 24-C
25-B 26-A 27-B 28-B 29-D 30-D 31-C 32-B 1-B 2-C 3-B 4-D 5-D 6-B 7-A 8-D
33-B 34-D 35-D 36-E 37-B 38-D 39-D 40-D 9-B 10-B 11-E 12-C 13-C 14-D 15-D 16-D
41-D 42-C 43-E 44-C 45-E 46-D 47-B 48-D 17-C 18-E 19-C 20-A 21-D 22-A
49-E 50-D 51-C 52-B 53-C 54-B 55-C 56-A
57-E 58-B 59-E 60-C 61-C 62-C 63-B 64-B Test 16: Additions to remarks (Page 149)
65-B 66-A 67-E 68-C 69-C 70-D 71-B 72-E 1-C 2-A 3-C 4-D 5-A 6-D 7-B 8-A
73-D 74-C 75-D 76-B 77-D 78-D 79-D 80-E 9-A 10-C 11-A 12-C 13-A 14-D 15-C 16-A
81-D 82-E 83-C 84-B 85-D 86-D 87-A 88-A 17-C 18-D 19-D 20-B 21-B 22-C 23-E 24-D
89-D 90-B 91-B 92-B 93-C 94-D 95-B 96-E 25-E 26-D 27-B 28-E 29-D 30-C 31-A 32-D
97-B 98-D 99-A 100-C 101-B 102-D 103-B 104-E 33-C 34-A 35-D 36-D 37-E 38-B 39-D 40-C
105-A 106-B 41-A 42-D 43-C

Answers 410 Book 1 - Part C


Test 1 (Page 151) Test 5 (Page 159)

1-D 2-A 3-D 4-C 5-D 6-A 7-B 8-C 1-C 2-D 3-A 4-B 5-D 6-C 7-D 8-C
9-B 10-D 11-A 12-B 13-B 14-C 15-B 16-D 9-B 10-B 11-A 12-B 13-B 14-C 15-D 16-A
17-D 18-B 19-A 20-B 21-D 22-C 23-B 24-D 17-C 18-B 19-C 20-B 21-B 22-B 23-D 24-D
25-C 26-C 27-A 28-B 29-A 30-D 31-C 32-C 25-A 26-C 27-C 28-B 29-A 30-A 31-C 32-D
33-B 34-C 35-A 36-D 37-D 38-C 39-C 40-B 33-C 34-C 35-D 36-C 37-A 38-B 39-D 40-D
41-D 42-A 43-A 44-D 45-C 46-C 47-C 48-B 41-D 42-B 43-A 44-B 45-A 46-A 47-A 48-C
49-A 50-B 51-B 52-D 53-B 54-B 55-D 56-A 49-D 50-A 51-D 52-B 53-B 54-D 55-C 56-B
57-D 58-C 59-B 60-A 61-C 62-A 63-A 64-B 57-D 58-C 59-C 60-D 61-B 62-A 63-D 64-A
65-A 66-B 67-C 68-B 69-A 70-C 71-A 72-B 65-D 66-C 67-C 68-B 69-C 70-D 71-C 72-C
73-D 74-B 75-D 76-A 77-C 78-B 79-D 80-B 73-B 74-B 75-D 76-A 77-C 78-D 79-A 80-B
81-C 82-A 83-B 84-C 85-D 86-D 87-A 88-A 81-C 82-C 83-B 84-C 85-C 86-D 87-A 88-D
89-C 90-B 91-C 92-B 93-A 94-A 95-D 96-C 89-A 90-B 91-C 92-D 93-D 94-B 95-C 96-A
97-A 98-B 99-B 100-B 97-A 98-D 99-C 100-C

Test 2 (Page 153) Test 6 (Page 161)

1-C 2-C 3-D 4-D 5-C 6-A 7-A 8-C 1-B 2-D 3-C 4-B 5-B 6-A 7-B 8-C
9-B 10-A 11-B 12-B 13-A 14-D 15-D 16-B 9-D 10-A 11-C 12-C 13-A 14-C 15-A 16-B
17-A 18-C 19-C 20-B 21-B 22-B 23-D 24-C 17-D 18-A 19-B 20-A 21-C 22-A 23-C 24-A
25-D 26-C 27-B 28-A 29-D 30-B 31-C 32-D 25-C 26-B 27-D 28-D 29-C 30-A 31-B 32-D
33-D 34-C 35-B 36-C 37-C 38-D 39-A 40-B 33-A 34-D 35-C 36-A 37-C 38-B 39-C 40-A
41-C 42-C 43-C 44-C 45-A 46-C 47-C 48-B 41-D 42-B 43-D 44-D 45-A 46-A 47-C 48-C
49-D 50-A 51-B 52-B 53-C 54-C 55-C 56-C 49-C 50-A 51-B 52-C 53-A 54-C 55-A 56-D
57-B 58-C 59-D 60-B 61-A 62-D 63-B 64-C 57-C 58-B 59-C 60-C 61-C 62-A 63-B 64-D
65-B 66-B 67-D 68-C 69-B 70-D 71-B 72-D 65-A 66-A 67-A 68-B 69-B 70-B 71-B 72-D
73-A 74-C 75-C 76-D 77-A 78-C 79-B 80-B 73-B 74-D 75-B 76-C 77-C 78-B 79-C 80-C
81-C 82-D 83-B 84-B 85-C 86-B 87-B 88-A 81-B 82-A 83-A 84-C 85-B 86-B 87-D 88-A
89-B 90-C 91-C 92-A 93-C 94-D 95-C 96-A 89-C 90-B 91-D 92-B 93-A 94-C 95-C 96-A
97-D 98-D 99-D 100-D 97-D 98-C 99-A 100-B

Test 3 (Page 155) Test 7 (Page 163)

1-D 2-C 3-C 4-D 5-D 6-C 7-A 8-B 1-B 2-C 3-B 4-A 5-C 6-A 7-C 8-A
9-D 10-B 11-A 12-C 13-A 14-C 15-A 16-A 9-B 10-A 11-B 12-C 13-C 14-A 15-C 16-A
17-B 18-C 19-C 20-C 21-A 22-B 23-A 24-B 17-C 18-A 19-C 20-A 21-B 22-B 23-D 24-A
25-C 26-A 27-C 28-A 29-D 30-C 31-D 32-C 25-C 26-B 27-B 28-C 29-A 30-B 31-D 32-B
33-D 34-C 35-D 36-A 37-D 38-C 39-B 40-D 33-B 34-B 35-A 36-B 37-A 38-C 39-B 40-C
41-A 42-C 43-C 44-B 45-B 46-A 47-B 48-B 41-B 42-D 43-A 44-B 45-C 46-D 47-B 48-C
49-C 50-B 51-A 52-D 53-C 54-D 55-B 56-C 49-B 50-C 51-B 52-C 53-C 54-C 55-D 56-B
57-B 58-C 59-B 60-C 61-C 62-B 63-A 64-A 57-D 58-C 59-C 60-B 61-D 62-A 63-B 64-A
65-B 66-C 67-A 68-B 69-C 70-B 71-C 72-C 65-D 66-B 67-D 68-B 69-D 70-B 71-A 72-C
73-A 74-A 75-C 76-B 77-B 78-A 79-B 80-D 73-B 74-A 75-A 76-C 77-B 78-A 79-C 80-C
81-C 82-D 83-C 84-A 85-B 86-A 87-C 88-B 81-D 82-A 83-B 84-B 85-D 86-A 87-B 88-C
89-B 90-C 91-C 92-A 93-C 94-A 95-D 96-C 89-C 90-B 91-C 92-C 93-D 94-A 95-C 96-B
97-B 98-D 99-B 100-C 97-D 98-B 99-B 100-B

Test 4 (Page 157) Test 8 (Page 165)

1-D 2-C 3-B 4-B 5-B 6-D 7-C 8-B 1-C 2-B 3-B 4-A 5-C 6-B 7-C 8-B
9-B 10-C 11-B 12-B 13-B 14-A 15-A 16-C 9-C 10-C 11-A 12-B 13-C 14-B 15-B 16-A
17-C 18-B 19-B 20-C 21-A 22-C 23-A 24-D 17-C 18-B 19-A 20-B 21-C 22-B 23-C 24-A
25-A 26-B 27-A 28-A 29-C 30-C 31-D 32-A 25-A 26-B 27-D 28-C 29-B 30-A 31-B 32-A
33-D 34-C 35-B 36-A 37-B 38-C 39-A 40-B 33-C 34-B 35-B 36-C 37-A 38-C 39-D 40-A
41-B 42-B 43-C 44-A 45-B 46-C 47-A 48-B 41-C 42-C 43-D 44-A 45-C 46-C 47-D 48-B
49-B 50-C 51-D 52-C 53-D 54-A 55-C 56-C 49-D 50-D 51-B 52-D 53-B 54-D 55-C 56-B
57-C 58-D 59-A 60-D 61-C 62-A 63-A 64-C 57-A 58-C 59-C 60-B 61-C 62-A 63-D 64-D
65-B 66-C 67-B 68-C 69-B 70-A 71-C 72-A 65-B 66-D 67-D 68-A 69-A 70-D 71-B 72-C
73-D 74-C 75-D 76-A 77-A 78-C 79-A 80-D 73-A 74-C 75-A 76-D 77-D 78-D 79-C 80-A
81-C 82-C 83-B 84-A 85-B 86-C 87-C 88-A 81-A 82-B 83-B 84-A 85-D 86-A 87-B 88-B
89-A 90-C 91-A 92-D 93-B 94-C 95-C 96-A 89-C 90-B 91-A 92-C 93-C 94-D 95-D 96-A
97-B 98-C 99-B 100-C 97-D 98-C 99-D 100-A

Book 1 - Part D 411 Answers

Test 9 (Page 167) Test 13 (Page 175)

1-A 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-B 6-D 7-C 8-C 1-D 2-A 3-A 4-C 5-D 6-D 7-C 8-B
9-A 10-B 11-B 12-D 13-C 14-B 15-B 16-D 9-D 10-B 11-B 12-D 13-C 14-C 15-B 16-B
17-A 18-B 19-B 20-C 21-D 22-C 23-B 24-C 17-B 18-C 19-C 20-C 21-C 22-B 23-D 24-A
25-B 26-D 27-C 28-C 29-B 30-D 31-D 32-B 25-B 26-C 27-B 28-A 29-B 30-D 31-A 32-C
33-D 34-A 35-C 36-C 37-C 38-B 39-B 40-C 33-D 34-D 35-A 36-C 37-D 38-D 39-C 40-D
41-B 42-C 43-B 44-A 45-A 46-A 47-D 48-B 41-B 42-A 43-B 44-C 45-D 46-C 47-B 48-D
49-C 50-C 51-D 52-C 53-C 54-B 55-B 56-B 49-C 50-D 51-B 52-B 53-D 54-C 55-C 56-D
57-A 58-C 59-B 60-B 61-B 62-C 63-C 64-C 57-B 58-B 59-D 60-D 61-B 62-B 63-A 64-C
65-A 66-D 67-B 68-B 69-A 70-C 71-B 72-C 65-B 66-A 67-A 68-C 69-A 70-C 71-C 72-D
73-D 74-A 75-C 76-B 77-B 78-C 79-C 80-D 73-A 74-B 75-C 76-A 77-D 78-B 79-A 80-B
81-D 82-A 83-C 84-D 85-D 86-A 87-C 88-B 81-A 82-D 83-D 84-B 85-D 86-C 87-D 88-D
89-B 90-B 91-A 92-D 93-B 94-B 95-A 96-C 89-C 90-D 91-C 92-B 93-A 94-B 95-B 96-C
97-C 98-C 99-B 100-C 97-C 98-C 99-B 100-C

Test 10 (Page 169) Test 14 (Page 177)

1-B 2-C 3-D 4-C 5-D 6-B 7-A 8-A 1-A 2-A 3-A 4-C 5-A 6-B 7-D 8-C
9-B 10-B 11-C 12-B 13-B 14-A 15-D 16-C 9-B 10-C 11-C 12-C 13-C 14-D 15-D 16-A
17-C 18-C 19-C 20-B 21-A 22-C 23-A 24-B 17-A 18-B 19-A 20-D 21-C 22-D 23-C 24-C
25-B 26-D 27-C 28-A 29-A 30-C 31-A 32-A 25-A 26-D 27-A 28-B 29-A 30-D 31-B 32-A
33-C 34-D 35-C 36-D 37-B 38-C 39-C 40-D 33-C 34-C 35-D 36-B 37-A 38-D 39-B 40-C
41-B 42-C 43-D 44-C 45-B 46-D 47-C 48-D 41-C 42-A 43-C 44-B 45-C 46-D 47-D 48-D
49-A 50-C 51-C 52-B 53-C 54-B 55-C 56-C 49-C 50-B 51-B 52-A 53-A 54-D 55-A 56-B
57-A 58-C 59-C 60-D 61-D 62-B 63-D 64-C 57-C 58-B 59-C 60-D 61-C 62-C 63-D 64-B
65-A 66-B 67-D 68-B 69-A 70-A 71-D 72-D 65-B 66-B 67-C 68-A 69-A 70-C 71-B 72-D
73-B 74-B 75-C 76-C 77-C 78-A 79-D 80-B 73-D 74-A 75-B 76-D 77-A 78-C 79-A 80-D
81-D 82-B 83-B 84-B 85-A 86-B 87-B 88-B 81-C 82-A 83-C 84-A 85-C 86-B 87-A 88-B
89-C 90-A 91-A 92-A 93-D 94-C 95-C 96-C 89-D 90-D 91-A 92-C 93-A 94-A 95-A 96-C
97-D 98-B 99-A 100-C 97-A 98-A 99-C 100-C

Test 11 (Page 171) Test 15 (Page 179)

1-C 2-C 3-A 4-C 5-B 6-A 7-D 8-B 1-C 2-B 3-A 4-A 5-D 6-A 7-C 8-C
9-B 10-B 11-B 12-C 13-A 14-D 15-D 16-C 9-C 10-D 11-B 12-B 13-A 14-C 15-C 16-A
17-B 18-B 19-A 20-B 21-A 22-B 23-A 24-A 17-C 18-B 19-D 20-A 21-C 22-A 23-B 24-B
25-C 26-A 27-B 28-B 29-C 30-B 31-A 32-A 25-C 26-A 27-B 28-A 29-B 30-D 31-D 32-A
33-D 34-B 35-A 36-B 37-C 38-C 39-D 40-A 33-C 34-B 35-C 36-C 37-D 38-D 39-B 40-A
41-A 42-B 43-B 44-D 45-B 46-B 47-B 48-A 41-D 42-A 43-A 44-B 45-C 46-C 47-B 48-D
49-D 50-A 51-A 52-C 53-B 54-B 55-B 56-A 49-C 50-D 51-A 52-A 53-D 54-A 55-C 56-B
57-A 58-C 59-A 60-D 61-B 62-D 63-A 64-D 57-D 58-C 59-B 60-C 61-B 62-D 63-C 64-A
65-B 66-D 67-B 68-B 69-B 70-A 71-B 72-B 65-A 66-C 67-A 68-D 69-B 70-D 71-B 72-B
73-D 74-A 75-C 76-A 77-B 78-C 79-C 80-B 73-B 74-B 75-C 76-C 77-B 78-A 79-A 80-B
81-B 82-A 83-C 84-B 85-C 86-D 87-D 88-D 81-D 82-B 83-C 84-C 85-D 86-C 87-D 88-A
89-A 90-D 91-D 92-B 93-B 94-A 95-B 96-C 89-A 90-A 91-B 92-A 93-A 94-C 95-A 96-B
97-C 98-C 99-D 100-D 97-C 98-C 99-D 100-A

Test 12 (Page 173) Test 16 (Page 181)

1-A 2-C 3-C 4-A 5-C 6-B 7-B 8-C 1-D 2-B 3-A 4-B 5-A 6-A 7-A 8-B
9-C 10-C 11-D 12-C 13-A 14-A 15-A 16-D 9-B 10-D 11-D 12-C 13-B 14-B 15-D 16-A
17-A 18-B 19-D 20-A 21-D 22-B 23-D 24-D 17-B 18-A 19-B 20-A 21-C 22-C 23-B 24-C
25-C 26-D 27-B 28-C 29-D 30-A 31-C 32-C 25-C 26-A 27-A 28-A 29-A 30-B 31-C 32-D
33-A 34-A 35-A 36-B 37-D 38-B 39-A 40-A 33-B 34-B 35-D 36-D 37-B 38-B 39-A 40-D
41-B 42-D 43-C 44-B 45-A 46-C 47-D 48-C 41-C 42-C 43-D 44-A 45-C 46-A 47-A 48-C
49-C 50-D 51-B 52-A 53-B 54-B 55-A 56-B 49-B 50-A 51-C 52-C 53-B 54-A 55-D 56-B
57-A 58-A 59-A 60-B 61-D 62-B 63-C 64-D 57-A 58-C 59-A 60-D 61-B 62-B 63-A 64-B
65-D 66-A 67-D 68-C 69-D 70-B 71-B 72-B 65-A 66-C 67-D 68-D 69-C 70-A 71-C 72-C
73-C 74-B 75-A 76-A 77-D 78-C 79-D 80-C 73-C 74-A 75-C 76-C 77-A 78-B 79-C 80-B
81-D 82-A 83-C 84-C 85-B 86-B 87-D 88-A 81-C 82-B 83-C 84-A 85-C 86-D 87-B 88-B
89-C 90-A 91-B 92-D 93-D 94-B 95-B 96-A 89-D 90-C 91-B 92-C 93-D 94-D 95-B 96-A
97-C 98-A 99-D 100-A 97-A 98-C 99-B 100-A

Answers 412 Book 1 - Part D

Test 17 (Page 183)

1-B 2-A 3-C 4-D 5-B 6-D 7-B 8-B

9-D 10-A 11-B 12-C 13-B 14-A 15-D 16-A
17-A 18-B 19-C 20-B 21-D 22-C 23-B 24-B
25-B 26-C 27-B 28-A 29-A 30-C 31-B 32-B
33-C 34-A 35-A 36-A 37-D 38-C 39-D 40-B
41-C 42-B 43-B 44-D 45-A 46-A 47-B 48-C
49-A 50-C 51-B 52-A 53-B 54-C 55-B 56-C
57-B 58-D 59-A 60-B 61-C 62-D 63-C 64-A
65-B 66-D 67-C 68-C 69-B 70-C 71-A 72-A
73-B 74-B 75-A 76-C 77-C 78-A 79-D 80-A
81-C 82-D 83-D 84-B 85-B 86-C 87-C 88-A
89-D 90-C 91-D 92-C 93-B 94-A 95-B 96-C
97-D 98-C 99-B 100-D

Test 18 (Page 185)

1-A 2-B 3-C 4-D 5-B 6-D 7-B 8-B

9-B 10-C 11-C 12-D 13-D 14-C 15-B 16-C
17-C 18-A 19-A 20-C 21-B 22-A 23-A 24-A
25-B 26-A 27-C 28-A 29-D 30-D 31-C 32-C
33-D 34-D 35-C 36-C 37-A 38-A 39-A 40-C
41-D 42-C 43-D 44-B 45-C 46-B 47-D 48-D
49-C 50-D 51-D 52-B 53-D 54-D 55-C 56-A
57-B 58-B 59-D 60-D 61-D 62-B 63-C 64-B
65-C 66-A 67-A 68-B 69-B 70-A 71-A 72-C
73-C 74-D 75-D 76-B 77-C 78-B 79-B 80-C
81-C 82-B 83-C 84-D 85-D 86-A 87-B 88-D
89-B 90-D 91-D 92-C 93-A 94-C 95-D 96-A
97-A 98-A 99-C 100-B

Test 19 (Page 187)

1-C 2-B 3-A 4-D 5-A 6-B 7-B 8-B

9-B 10-A 11-D 12-C 13-A 14-C 15-B 16-C
17-B 18-D 19-C 20-A 21-A 22-D 23-C 24-A
25-C 26-D 27-B 28-A 29-D 30-C 31-B 32-C
33-A 34-A 35-C 36-B 37-B 38-D 39-B 40-D
41-C 42-A 43-C 44-B 45-D 46-C 47-B 48-A
49-C 50-A 51-A 52-B 53-C 54-C 55-A 56-C
57-B 58-A 59-D 60-B 61-C 62-A 63-D 64-C
65-B 66-B 67-A 68-A 69-B 70-C 71-D 72-B
73-A 74-C 75-A 76-B 77-B 78-B 79-C 80-C
81-C 82-C 83-B 84-A 85-B 86-A 87-D 88-A
89-B 90-A 91-C 92-C 93-C 94-A 95-D 96-B
97-C 98-A 99-C 100-B

Test 20 (Page 189)

1-C 2-D 3-D 4-A 5-B 6-A 7-A 8-C

9-C 10-A 11-A 12-B 13-B 14-B 15-C 16-B
17-A 18-A 19-B 20-D 21-A 22-D 23-C 24-D
25-D 26-C 27-A 28-D 29-A 30-A 31-B 32-B
33-C 34-A 35-A 36-D 37-A 38-B 39-D 40-B
41-C 42-A 43-A 44-B 45-B 46-C 47-A 48-A
49-C 50-A 51-A 52-A 53-C 54-B 55-D 56-A
57-B 58-C 59-D 60-C 61-B 62-C 63-B 64-B
65-A 66-D 67-C 68-D 69-B 70-D 71-B 72-C
73-C 74-A 75-A 76-A 77-C 78-C 79-B 80-B
81-B 82-D 83-A 84-A 85-A 86-D 87-C 88-A
89-A 90-B 91-C 92-A 93-A 94-A 95-B 96-D
97-A 98-A 99-C 100-D

Book 1 - Part D 413 Answers


Elementary test 1 (Page 191) Elementary test 5 (Page 199)

1-B 2-D 3-B 4-D 5-B 6-A 7-B 8-D 1-C 2-A 3-D 4-A 5-B 6-C 7-D 8-C
9-C 10-B 11-C 12-C 13-B 14-B 15-B 16-D 9-A 10-B 11-A 12-D 13-B 14-A 15-C 16-B
17-A 18-C 19-C 20-A 21-B 22-C 23-C 24-D 17-A 18-B 19-A 20-C 21-D 22-C 23-C 24-B
25-C 26-B 27-D 28-D 29-C 30-A 31-B 32-C 25-D 26-C 27-A 28-B 29-B 30-D 31-B 32-C
33-A 34-A 35-B 36-C 37-B 38-A 39-B 40-C 33-B 34-D 35-A 36-C 37-A 38-C 39-D 40-B
41-B 42-C 43-D 44-D 45-C 46-A 47-D 48-A 41-A 42-B 43-D 44-C 45-A 46-B 47-D 48-A
49-A 50-A 51-D 52-C 53-B 54-D 55-A 56-C 49-D 50-D 51-A 52-D 53-B 54-C 55-C 56-B
57-A 58-D 59-B 60-D 61-B 62-A 63-C 64-A 57-D 58-A 59-B 60-D 61-C 62-C 63-C 64-B
65-B 66-A 67-A 68-C 69-A 70-D 71-B 72-D 65-D 66-A 67-B 68-C 69-D 70-D 71-A 72-D
73-D 74-C 75-A 76-D 77-B 78-B 79-D 80-B 73-B 74-C 75-A 76-B 77-B 78-A 79-A 80-C
81-B 82-C 83-B 84-D 85-C 86-D 87-A 88-D 81-C 82-A 83-C 84-A 85-B 86-B 87-D 88-B
89-A 90-D 91-C 92-D 93-C 94-B 95-A 96-C 89-A 90-C 91-D 92-A 93-C 94-A 95-B 96-D
97-C 98-B 99-B 100-D 97-D 98-B 99-D 100-A

Elementary test 2 (Page 193) Elementary test 6 (Page 201)

1-D 2-A 3-D 4-C 5-D 6-A 7-B 8-B 1-B 2-C 3-B 4-A 5-C 6-B 7-A 8-D
9-A 10-D 11-C 12-D 13-B 14-D 15-C 16-C 9-C 10-A 11-A 12-C 13-D 14-B 15-A 16-D
17-B 18-C 19-D 20-A 21-A 22-C 23-D 24-A 17-C 18-D 19-C 20-A 21-B 22-B 23-C 24-D
25-D 26-D 27-B 28-C 29-D 30-A 31-C 32-D 25-B 26-A 27-C 28-D 29-D 30-B 31-D 32-C
33-B 34-D 35-C 36-A 37-B 38-C 39-D 40-A 33-D 34-C 35-B 36-A 37-C 38-A 39-B 40-D
41-A 42-C 43-D 44-C 45-B 46-B 47-A 48-D 41-C 42-D 43-B 44-D 45-C 46-A 47-C 48-D
49-A 50-B 51-C 52-B 53-B 54-A 55-D 56-C 49-A 50-B 51-D 52-B 53-C 54-D 55-C 56-B
57-B 58-A 59-D 60-B 61-C 62-B 63-C 64-D 57-A 58-C 59-A 60-D 61-C 62-D 63-A 64-D
65-A 66-D 67-D 68-A 69-D 70-B 71-C 72-D 65-B 66-C 67-D 68-A 69-B 70-B 71-C 72-B
73-A 74-C 75-B 76-C 77-A 78-B 79-D 80-B 73-D 74-C 75-A 76-D 77-D 78-A 79-C 80-A
81-A 82-A 83-C 84-D 85-C 86-B 87-A 88-A 81-A 82-B 83-A 84-B 85-C 86-D 87-A 88-D
89-C 90-B 91-C 92-D 93-B 94-A 95-D 96-A 89-C 90-A 91-B 92-C 93-A 94-B 95-D 96-A
97-A 98-D 99-C 100-D 97-B 98-B 99-B 100-C

Elementary test 3 (Page 195) Intermediate test 1 (Page 203)

1-D 2-B 3-D 4-C 5-A 6-A 7-C 8-D 1-A 2-C 3-D 4-B 5-A 6-D 7-A 8-B
9-C 10-B 11-D 12-C 13-B 14-A 15-C 16-A 9-A 10-B 11-C 12-D 13-B 14-C 15-C 16-B
17-B 18-C 19-D 20-C 21-A 22-C 23-D 24-B 17-C 18-B 19-A 20-C 21-A 22-C 23-D 24-C
25-C 26-A 27-D 28-B 29-C 30-A 31-D 32-C 25-D 26-D 27-A 28-B 29-B 30-C 31-D 32-A
33-A 34-B 35-D 36-A 37-D 38-D 39-B 40-C 33-D 34-A 35-C 36-C 37-D 38-A 39-B 40-D
41-A 42-C 43-B 44-D 45-D 46-C 47-B 48-B 41-C 42-B 43-A 44-B 45-D 46-A 47-B 48-A
49-D 50-A 51-C 52-D 53-A 54-D 55-C 56-A 49-B 50-D 51-C 52-A 53-B 54-D 55-B 56-C
57-D 58-B 59-C 60-A 61-B 62-A 63-C 64-B 57-C 58-D 59-B 60-A 61-C 62-D 63-D 64-A
65-D 66-C 67-D 68-A 69-B 70-C 71-A 72-A 65-B 66-D 67-B 68-C 69-C 70-A 71-C 72-D
73-B 74-D 75-C 76-B 77-C 78-D 79-A 80-D 73-B 74-D 75-B 76-A 77-C 78-D 79-C 80-A
81-C 82-D 83-B 84-A 85-B 86-D 87-C 88-B 81-A 82-B 83-C 84-D 85-A 86-B 87-D 88-A
89-A 90-A 91-C 92-D 93-D 94-C 95-B 96-A 89-B 90-D 91-A 92-B 93-D 94-A 95-B 96-A
97-D 98-D 99-B 100-C 97-C 98-C 99-C 100-B

Elementary test 4 (Page 197) Intermediate test 2 (Page 205)

1-C 2-A 3-B 4-D 5-C 6-B 7-B 8-C 1-C 2-B 3-A 4-C 5-B 6-D 7-B 8-B
9-A 10-D 11-A 12-C 13-A 14-D 15-B 16-D 9-A 10-C 11-A 12-D 13-D 14-C 15-D 16-B
17-C 18-B 19-D 20-A 21-D 22-D 23-A 24-C 17-A 18-A 19-D 20-D 21-B 22-C 23-A 24-C
25-B 26-B 27-A 28-C 29-B 30-C 31-A 32-B 25-A 26-C 27-B 28-D 29-A 30-D 31-A 32-C
33-D 34-C 35-A 36-C 37-A 38-C 39-D 40-B 33-B 34-D 35-C 36-A 37-B 38-C 39-C 40-D
41-B 42-A 43-C 44-D 45-A 46-D 47-D 48-A 41-C 42-B 43-D 44-B 45-A 46-D 47-C 48-A
49-C 50-B 51-D 52-A 53-B 54-D 55-C 56-A 49-B 50-A 51-B 52-D 53-C 54-C 55-C 56-B
57-D 58-A 59-C 60-B 61-D 62-A 63-D 64-D 57-D 58-A 59-B 60-C 61-B 62-C 63-B 64-A
65-C 66-A 67-C 68-A 69-D 70-C 71-B 72-B 65-C 66-D 67-D 68-A 69-B 70-D 71-A 72-A
73-B 74-C 75-A 76-D 77-C 78-B 79-A 80-D 73-C 74-D 75-D 76-A 77-B 78-C 79-C 80-B
81-B 82-B 83-A 84-C 85-C 86-B 87-B 88-A 81-A 82-D 83-B 84-C 85-B 86-A 87-B 88-D
89-C 90-D 91-C 92-D 93-A 94-B 95-C 96-C 89-A 90-C 91-D 92-D 93-C 94-B 95-C 96-A
97-B 98-C 99-A 100-D 97-A 98-C 99-D 100-C

Answers 414 Book 1 - Part E

Intermediate test 3 (Page 207) Advanced test 2 (Page 215)

1-C 2-A 3-D 4-C 5-B 6-B 7-A 8-D 1-A 2-C 3-B 4-C 5-A 6-A 7-D 8-B
9-B 10-B 11-D 12-A 13-C 14-B 15-C 16-D 9-B 10-D 11-C 12-A 13-B 14-C 15-B 16-D
17-C 18-A 19-D 20-B 21-A 22-A 23-D 24-C 17-A 18-D 19-D 20-A 21-B 22-D 23-C 24-C
25-A 26-C 27-A 28-D 29-D 30-B 31-A 32-C 25-B 26-B 27-D 28-A 29-B 30-A 31-A 32-C
33-C 34-A 35-B 36-D 37-C 38-C 39-B 40-D 33-D 34-C 35-D 36-D 37-B 38-A 39-C 40-A
41-D 42-C 43-A 44-A 45-D 46-B 47-A 48-A 41-C 42-C 43-C 44-A 45-D 46-A 47-D 48-C
49-C 50-B 51-D 52-B 53-A 54-D 55-C 56-C 49-D 50-C 51-B 52-D 53-C 54-B 55-B 56-C
57-B 58-A 59-C 60-C 61-A 62-B 63-D 64-C 57-A 58-C 59-C 60-A 61-D 62-B 63-C 64-C
65-B 66-A 67-A 68-C 69-B 70-D 71-C 72-C 65-A 66-A 67-B 68-C 69-D 70-A 71-D 72-B
73-A 74-A 75-D 76-A 77-C 78-B 79-B 80-D 73-C 74-C 75-D 76-C 77-A 78-D 79-B 80-C
81-C 82-A 83-D 84-D 85-B 86-A 87-B 88-A 81-B 82-A 83-B 84-B 85-D 86-A 87-C 88-C
89-C 90-A 91-A 92-D 93-B 94-C 95-B 96-D 89-D 90-B 91-D 92-C 93-A 94-C 95-A 96-B
97-A 98-C 99-A 100-D 97-B 98-A 99-A 100-D

Intermediate test 4 (Page 209) Advanced test 3 (Page 217)

1-A 2-C 3-B 4-A 5-D 6-D 7-C 8-B 1-C 2-B 3-D 4-A 5-C 6-B 7-A 8-D
9-D 10-D 11-B 12-C 13-A 14-D 15-A 16-D 9-C 10-D 11-A 12-B 13-D 14-D 15-C 16-A
17-B 18-B 19-C 20-A 21-D 22-D 23-C 24-A 17-C 18-D 19-B 20-A 21-A 22-C 23-B 24-D
25-B 26-D 27-C 28-A 29-C 30-C 31-D 32-B 25-C 26-A 27-D 28-C 29-C 30-B 31-A 32-D
33-A 34-A 35-D 36-B 37-C 38-A 39-D 40-B 33-B 34-A 35-B 36-D 37-B 38-D 39-A 40-C
41-B 42-C 43-C 44-A 45-D 46-C 47-B 48-A 41-C 42-A 43-C 44-B 45-D 46-A 47-D 48-B
49-D 50-A 51-B 52-D 53-C 54-B 55-A 56-A 49-A 50-B 51-A 52-B 53-D 54-C 55-D 56-A
57-D 58-C 59-A 60-A 61-C 62-D 63-B 64-A 57-C 58-A 59-C 60-B 61-C 62-D 63-D 64-B
65-D 66-B 67-D 68-D 69-A 70-C 71-B 72-B 65-A 66-A 67-C 68-A 69-B 70-C 71-D 72-C
73-B 74-D 75-D 76-B 77-D 78-C 79-B 80-A 73-B 74-A 75-D 76-A 77-B 78-B 79-A 80-D
81-B 82-D 83-C 84-C 85-C 86-D 87-A 88-B 81-A 82-C 83-D 84-D 85-B 86-A 87-A 88-C
89-A 90-C 91-C 92-D 93-B 94-D 95-B 96-A 89-D 90-B 91-B 92-A 93-B 94-A 95-D 96-D
97-A 98-C 99-B 100-C 97-C 98-C 99-D 100-B

Intermediate test 5 (Page 211)

1-A 2-B 3-C 4-A 5-D 6-A 7-C 8-B

9-C 10-C 11-A 12-C 13-D 14-B 15-B 16-A
17-A 18-B 19-C 20-C 21-D 22-A 23-D 24-C
25-D 26-B 27-A 28-B 29-C 30-A 31-C 32-B
33-C 34-C 35-D 36-B 37-D 38-D 39-A 40-A
41-C 42-B 43-D 44-C 45-D 46-C 47-B 48-D
49-A 50-D 51-C 52-D 53-A 54-B 55-D 56-A
57-A 58-C 59-A 60-C 61-D 62-A 63-D 64-D
65-A 66-D 67-C 68-B 69-D 70-C 71-A 72-D
73-A 74-B 75-C 76-D 77-A 78-B 79-C 80-D
81-B 82-D 83-C 84-D 85-A 86-C 87-A 88-C
89-B 90-B 91-D 92-C 93-A 94-B 95-A 96-D
97-A 98-D 99-B 100-A

Advanced test 1 (Page 213)

1-C 2-A 3-D 4-B 5-A 6-C 7-C 8-D

9-B 10-D 11-A 12-D 13-B 14-C 15-B 16-D
17-A 18-B 19-A 20-C 21-B 22-C 23-A 24-A
25-D 26-A 27-C 28-B 29-D 30-A 31-D 32-B
33-C 34-B 35-C 36-D 37-A 38-B 39-D 40-B
41-A 42-C 43-B 44-D 45-C 46-B 47-A 48-C
49-D 50-B 51-D 52-B 53-A 54-C 55-B 56-D
57-D 58-A 59-B 60-D 61-A 62-B 63-C 64-C
65-D 66-C 67-B 68-B 69-D 70-A 71-C 72-D
73-B 74-B 75-A 76-B 77-A 78-C 79-D 80-C
81-C 82-A 83-B 84-A 85-A 86-B 87-B 88-D
89-A 90-D 91-C 92-B 93-D 94-D 95-B 96-B
97-D 98-A 99-B 100-A

Book 1 - Part E 415 Answers


Elementary vocabulary Test 1 (Page 220) Classified topics (Page 228)

1-B 2-D 3-A 4-C 5-C 6-D 7-A 8-A ANIMALS

9-B 10-C 11-A 12-B 13-B 14-C 15-D 16-B
1-A 2-B 3-C 4-D 5-A 6-B 7-B 8-C
17-C 18-D 19-B 20-A 21-B 22-C 23-B 24-B
9-D 10-A 11-C 12-D 13-D 14-B 15-A
25-C 26-D 27-A 28-C 29-A 30-D 31-C 32-A
33-C 34-B 35-C 36-C 37-A 38-C 39-D 40-B BATHROOM
41-D 42-A 43-B 44-A 45-A 46-D 47-B 48-C
1-D 2-C 3-B 4-A 5-A 6-B 7-C 8-D
49-C 50-A 51-B 52-A 53-D 54-C 55-B 56-A
9-A 10-A 11-B 12-B 13-C 14-C 15-D
57-D 58-C 59-D 60-D 61-A 62-D 63-B 64-A
65-C 66-A 67-B 68-A 69-C 70-B 71-C 72-D
73-B 74-B 75-D 76-B 77-C 78-D 79-C 80-A
81-C 82-D 83-B 84-B 85-A 86-C 87-D 88-D 1-A 2-A 3-D 4-D 5-C 6-B 7-A 8-C
89-C 90-B 91-A 92-D 93-B 94-D 95-A 96-D 9-C 10-B 11-D 12-A 13-A 14-B 15-A
97-C 98-B 99-A 100-C

Elementary vocabulary Test 2 (Page 222) 1-B 2-B 3-A 4-C 5-A 6-D 7-D 8-A
9-B 10-A 11-C 12-C 13-C 14-A 15-A
1-C 2-D 3-A 4-A 5-D 6-A 7-D 8-D
9-C 10-A 11-A 12-C 13-B 14-C 15-D 16-A
17-A 18-B 19-C 20-D 21-B 22-D 23-D 24-C
25-A 26-B 27-D 28-A 29-C 30-A 31-D 32-B 1-A 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-D 6-A 7-C 8-D
33-C 34-B 35-D 36-A 37-C 38-C 39-A 40-B 9-A 10-C 11-C 12-B 13-B 14-A 15-A
41-D 42-C 43-A 44-D 45-A 46-C 47-A 48-B
49-A 50-D 51-A 52-D 53-C 54-B 55-D 56-C
57-C 58-A 59-B 60-B 61-A 62-D 63-B 64-A 1-C 2-D 3-D 4-A 5-A 6-B 7-A 8-A
65-C 66-D 67-C 68-B 69-D 70-D 71-D 72-B 9-A 10-C 11-D 12-D 13-B 14-A 15-A
73-A 74-C 75-C 76-C 77-B 78-D 79-A 80-D
81-B 82-D 83-A 84-B 85-C 86-A 87-D 88-C FOOD
89-B 90-A 91-C 92-C 93-C 94-B 95-A 96-B 1-D 2-C 3-B 4-A 5-A 6-B 7-B 8-D
97-D 98-C 99-D 100-B 9-A 10-A 11-C 12-C 13-C 14-A 15-A

Elementary vocabulary Test 3 (Page 224) HEALTH

1-A 2-B 3-B 4-A 5-B 6-D 7-B 8-A 1-C 2-A 3-A 4-D 5-B 6-C 7-C 8-A
9-D 10-A 11-D 12-A 13-C 14-B 15-C 16-D 9-A 10-B 11-B 12-D 13-A 14-A 15-A
17-A 18-C 19-B 20-D 21-C 22-A 23-B 24-A
25-A 26-C 27-D 28-A 29-B 30-C 31-D 32-B JOBS
33-D 34-A 35-A 36-C 37-D 38-B 39-D 40-D 1-A 2-A 3-B 4-D 5-C 6-B 7-C 8-D
41-D 42-A 43-C 44-D 45-C 46-D 47-B 48-B 9-A 10-A 11-B 12-B 13-C 14-A 15-A
49-A 50-D 51-A 52-D 53-D 54-C 55-B 56-A
57-D 58-A 59-D 60-C 61-B 62-C 63-D 64-A LIVING ROOM
65-B 66-C 67-C 68-A 69-B 70-A 71-C 72-B
1-A 2-B 3-C 4-D 5-A 6-B 7-C 8-D
73-D 74-C 75-B 76-A 77-B 78-A 79-B 80-A
9-D 10-C 11-B 12-B 13-A 14-A 15-A
81-D 82-C 83-A 84-D 85-C 86-B 87-D 88-C
89-B 90-B 91-B 92-D 93-B 94-A 95-C 96-B
97-D 98-D 99-C 100-B
1-C 2-C 3-B 4-B 5-A 6-A 7-A 8-A
Elementary vocabulary Test 4 (Page 226) 9-A 10-C 11-B 12-B 13-B 14-A 15-A

1-D 2-D 3-A 4-C 5-D 6-C 7-C 8-B SPORTS

9-D 10-D 11-C 12-C 13-A 14-C 15-C 16-D
1-B 2-B 3-C 4-A 5-A 6-D 7-D 8-D
17-D 18-D 19-D 20-A 21-C 22-D 23-D 24-A
9-A 10-A 11-B 12-A 13-A 14-C 15-D
25-C 26-D 27-B 28-C 29-D 30-C 31-A 32-D
33-D 34-C 35-B 36-D 37-D 38-D 39-B 40-C
41-C 42-B 43-B 44-B 45-A 46-A 47-B 48-C
49-B 50-B 51-B 52-D 53-B 54-C 55-D 56-B 1-A 2-A 3-C 4-C 5-C 6-D 7-B 8-B
57-D 58-B 59-D 60-B 61-D 62-C 63-A 64-A 9-A 10-A 11-A 12-D 13-C 14-D 15-A
65-B 66-D 67-A 68-D 69-C 70-C 71-C 72-C
73-B 74-C 75-B 76-A 77-D 78-C 79-A 80-A WEATHER
81-A 82-D 83-B 84-B 85-D 86-B 87-B 88-C 1-B 2-B 3-A 4-A 5-A 6-C 7-C 8-D
89-B 90-A 91-C 92-C 93-D 94-C 95-B 96-B 9-D 10-B 11-B 12-A 13-C 14-C 15-B
97-A 98-D 99-A 100-B

Book 2 - Part A 416 Answers

Synonyms (Page 233) CCCCC

1-D 2-A 3-A 4-C 5-C 6-B 7-C 8-A 1- cocoa 2- China 3- cup
9-A 10-C 11-C 12-B 13-A 14-C 15-B 16-D 4- castle 5- captain 6- cab
17-E 18-C 19-D 20-B 21-B 22-D 23-D 24-D 7- cage 8- Cairo 9- chair
25-A 26-B 27-D 28-C 29-C 30-B 31-A 32-B 10- cheap
33-E 34-A 35-C 36-B 37-E 38-C 39-A 40-D
41-A 42-A 43-C 44-C 45-C 46-A 47-A 48-B DDDDD
49-D 50-C 51-E 52-E 53-C 54-D 55-A 56-C
1- dog 2- a diamond 3- dozen
57-C 58-D 59-B 60-B 61-B 62-B 63-D 64-D
4- drunk 5- deaf 6- dentist
65-D 66-D 67-A 68-B 69-B 70-A 71-A 72-D
7- dictionary 8- desserts 9- diet
73-A 74-D 75-B 76-C 77-D 78-D 79-B 80-A
10- decade
81-D 82-A 83-D 84-A 85-C 86-D 87-B 88-B
89-C 90-A 91-D 92-A 93-B 94-D 95-C 96-D
97-C 98-C 99-A 100-C
1- elbow 2- empty 3- enlargement
Antonyms (Page 236) 4- exit 5- expensive 6- engine
7- everywhere 8- equator 9- earthquakes
1-A 2-D 3-D 4-D 5-D 6-D 7-C 8-A
10- end
9-A 10-D 11-D 12-B 13-C 14-B 15-B 16-C
17-D 18-A 19-A 20-C 21-B 22-A 23-B 24-D
25-C 26-A 27-D 28-B 29-C 30-D 31-C 32-C
33-D 34-D 35-D 36-C 37-C 38-B 39-C 40-D 1- farmer 2- favorite 3- form
41-D 42-B 43-C 44-E 45-A 46-D 47-D 48-B 4- fog 5- fool 6- fortnight
49-A 50-B 51-B 52-E 53-C 54-D 55-C 56-E 7- fragile 8- freckles 9- free
57-D 58-B 59-C 60-C 61-C 62-B 63-E 64-E 10- frying
65-B 66-C 67-B 68-B 69-D 70-B 71-A 72-A
73-A 74-A 75-A 76-A 77-C 78-D 79-A 80-A GGGGG
81-A 82-A 83-A 84-D 85-C 86-D 87-C 88-A 1- garden 2- Germany 3- glove
89-B 90-A 91-D 92-C 93-A 94-C 95-B 96-B 4- golf 5- glue 6- grandparents
97-B 98-D 99-B 100-A 101-C 102-C 103-D 104-C 7- gray/grey 8- grapes 9- guitar
105-C 106-C 107-D 108-D 109-A 110-C 111-C 112-A 10- gum
113-D 114-A 115-A 116-A 117-C 118-D 119-A 120-D
121-D 122-A 123-C 124-C HHHHH

1- hammer 2- handsome 3- hat

The logic List (Page 239)
4- hate 5- hips 6- honeymoon
1-D 2-C 3-A 4-B 5-A 6-D 7-C 8-D 7- a hospital 8- a hundred 9- hurricane
9-D 10-B 11-A 12-B 13-A 14-B 15-A 16-C 10- hell
17-C 18-D 19-D 20-D 21-A 22-D 23-B 24-B
25-D 26-A 27-C 28-A 29-D 30-C 31-D 32-B I I I I I
33-B 34-A 35-C 36-B 37-A 38-C 39-D 40-B
1- ice 2- illegal 3- in
41-A 42-D 43-B 44-B 45-B 46-C 47-B 48-A
4- ink 5- insect 6- instrument
49-C 50-B 51-C 52-C 53-C 54-D 55-B 56-E
7- international 8- Irish 9- island
57-E 58-E 59-A 60-C 61-B 62-B 63-D 64-C
10- inside
65-A 66-C 67-E 68-B 69-C 70-B 71-B 72-E
73-B 74-D 75-E 76-D 77-B 78-C 79-E 80-A
81-D 82-E 83-C 84-A 85-A 86-C 87-E 88-D
89-B 90-C 91-C 92-D 93-E 94-C 95-D 96-D 1- jacket 2- jade 3- jam
4- jigsaw puzzle 5- job 6- judge
Vocabulary A-Z (Page 241) 7- joke 8- Jupiter 9- journey
10- jingle

1- airplane 2- actors 3- an adult KKKKK

4- Australia 5- an air conditioner 6- an alarm clock
1- kangaroo 2- kettle 3- key
7- alive 8- an ashtray 9- attractive
4- kilo 5- kiss 6- kitchen
10- an astronaut
7- knee 8- knife 9- kid
10- knock

1- bachelor 2- baggage 3- barber LLLLL

4- barefoot 5- blood 6- British 1- lunch 2- library 3- leather
7- burglar 8- bullet 9- by 4- lost 5- leaves 6- loan
10- button 7- lift 8- living 9- lemon
10- license

Book 2 - Part A 417 Answers


1- mad 2- medium 3- metal 1- wrist 2- whale 3- watch

4- mustache 5- motels 6- musician 4- wink 5- weight 6- weapons
7- moist 8- melts 9- mirror 7- wave 8- warehouse 9- well
10- medicine 10- wax


1- narrow 2- neck 3- needle 1- Xerox 2- xylophone 3- X-mas

4- noon 5- nuts 6- neighbor 4- x-ray 5- xenophobic
7- negative 8- neutral 9- nap
10- nylon YYYYY

1- yo-yo 2- yolk 3- yoghurt

4- young 5- yes 6- yell
1- Oyster 2- oil 3- oral 7- year 8- yard 9- yen
4- odd 5- octopus 6- onion 10- yesterday
7- opportunity 8- operate 9- once
10- owner ZZZZZ

1- zigzag 2- zipper 3- zebra

4- zero 5- zoom 6- zone
1- Parent 2- Poor 3- Power 7- zucchini 8- Zen 9- zoo
4- Precious 5- Pun 6- Punctual 10- Z
7- Please 8- Pins 9- Product
10- Pair Miscellaneous (Page 245)

A “Pair of” Quiz

1- a pair of gloves 2- a pair of glasses
1- quake 2- quantity 3- queen
3- a pair of socks 4- a pair of earrings
4- quarter 5- queue 6- quick
5- a pair of sunglasses 6- a pair of pants
7- quite 8- quiz 9- quote
7- a pair of shoes 8- a pair of pajamas
10- quit 11- quarrel
9- a pair of slippers 10- a pair of scissors

Automobile Vocabulary
1- raisin 2- raw 3- real
1-A 2-D 3-B 4-D 5-A 6-C 7-C 8-B
4- rear 5- receive 6- rave
9-B 10-D
7- razor 8- rude 9- rubber
10- rural

SSSSS 1- eyes 2- ears 3- teeth

4- hands 5- nose 6- mouth
1- sad 2- saddle 3- salary
7- legs 8- feet 9- knees
4- search 5- selfish 6- similar
10- back
7- smile 8- spider 9- spot
10- sofa
Clothes 1

TTTTT 1- gloves 2- hat 3- scarf

4- jeans 5- tie/necktie 6- socks
1- tires 2- twins 3- toothpaste
7- coat 8- shirt 9- skirt
4- target 5- thunder 6- turkey
10- suit
7- tailor 8- thermometer 9- transportation
10- typhoon
Clothes 2

UUUUU 1- scarf 2- pants 3- gloves

4- socks 5- shirt 6- jacket
1- uncle 2- unique 3- unclean
7- gown 8- trousers
4- usual 5- upside-down 6- used
7- underground 8- upper 9- urban
Colors 1
10- urgent
1- red 2- blue 3- white
VVVVV 4- green 5- yellow 6- purple
1- vacation 2- vacuum 3- vegetarian 7- orange 8- pink 9- brown
4- vertical 5- volleyball 6- velvet 10- black
7- vanished 8- valley 9- village
10- volunteer

Book 2 - Part A 418 Answers

Colors 2 Group Nouns

1- navy 2- green 3- red 1- transportation 2- fruit 3- furniture

4- yellow 5- white 6- seven 4- drinks 5- luggage 6- dogs
7- blue 8- five 7- holidays 8- food 9- vegetables
9- red, yellow, green 10- money

Colors 3 House Words

1- blue 2- yellow 3- red 1- In the kitchen 2- In the laundry

4- green 5- white 6- brown 3- In the closet 4- In the bathroom
7- brown 8- black 9- white 5- In the yard/in the garden 6- In the dining room
10- purple 7- In the living room 8- In the garage
9- In the pantry 10- In the bedroom
Colors 4
Household Appliances
1- green 2- red 3- yellow
4- blue 5- black 6- pink 1- washing machine 2- vacuum cleaner 3- microwave
7- brown 8- white 9- purple 4- iron 5- TV 6- telephone
10- oranges 7- dishwasher 8- kettle 9- toaster
10- freezer 11- refrigerator
Country - Nationality - Language
1-B 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-B 6-B 7-A 8-C
9-B 10-C 1-C 2-B 3-A 4-C 5-B 6-C 7-A 8-B
9-B 10-C
1- Friday 2- Thursday 3- Monday
4- Monday 5- Saturday 6- Sunday 1- December 2- July 3- June
7- Tuesday 8- Wednesday 9- Wednesday 4- January 5- April 6- August
10- Monday 7- November 8- May 9- January
10- June
Educational Subjects
1- Art 2- Math 3- Geography
4- Chemistry 5- Physics 6- Music 1-B 2-C 3-B 4-A 5-B 6-C 7-C 8-B
7- History 8- Economics 9- Biology 9-C 10-B
10- Physical education
Nationalities & Languages
Place Names
1-B 2-C 3-A 4-B 5-A 6-B 7-C 8-B
1- zoo 2- art museum 9-C 10-A
3- movie theatre or cinema 4- aquarium
5- sports stadium 6- bar or pub Occupations: What is my job?
7- concert hall 8- amusement park
1- secretary 2- lawyer
9- bank 10- post office
3- doctor or nurse 4- teacher
11- travel agency 12- funeral parlor or undertaker
5- clerk or salesperson 6- veterinarian
13- dry cleaners 14- plumber
7- firefighter 8- police officer
15- employment agency 16- law firm
9- dentist 10- mailman
17- realtor or estate agents 18- Laundromat

Opposites - Nouns
1-h 2-c 3-e 4-b 5-g 6-f 7-d 8-j
1- aunt 2- brother in law 3- grandmother
9-a 10-i
4- niece 5- grandson 6- brother
7- uncle 8- cousin 9- nephew
Opposites - Adjectives 1
10- grandfather
1-f 2-e 3-b 4-h 5-g 6-i 7-d 8-j
Food 9-a 10-c

1- sour 2- full 3- dry

Opposites - Adjectives 2
4- rich 5- thirsty 6- moist
7- starve 8- succulent 9- bitter 1-f 2-b 3-h 4-c 5-e 6-j 7-a 8-g
10- sweet 9-d 10-i

Book 2 - Part A 419 Answers

Opposites - Adjectives 3 What’s the Category?

1-d 2-e 3-g 4-c 5-j 6-a 7-i 8-h 1- clothing 2- birds 3- occupations
9-f 10-b 4- insects 5- transportation 6- flowers
7- fish 8- mammals 9- seasons
Opposites - Verbs 1 10- shoes 11- vegetables 12- trees
13- food 14- fruit 15- liquids
1-g 2-f 3-d 4-a 5-c 6-h 7-b 8-e
16- cereals 17- relatives 18- number
19- sports 20- weather 21- cities
Opposites 1
22- countries
1- tall 2- heavy 3- big
4- handsome 5- long 6- expensive Which Word is Different?
7- far 8- rich 9- polite
1- snake 2- peach 3- wrestling
10- happy
4- man 5- Rome 6- pineapple
7- Tom 8- bread 9- cat
Opposites 2
10- bag
1- clean 2- tight 3- sharp
4- loud 5- deep 6- straight Word Groups 1
7- dark 8- thick 9- high
1- odd numbers 2- writers, novelists
10- wide
3- composers 4- shapes
5- first names of girls 6- vegetables
Opposites 3
7- baseball positions 8- cities in England
1- short 2- tall 3- small 9- American Presidents 10- Greek alphabet
4- cheap 5- thin 6- old
7- slow 8- ugly 9- down Word Groups 2
10- wide
1- even numbers 2- American states
People Who Wear Uniforms 3- forms of transport 4- nationalities
5- types of fast food 6- first names of boys
1- firefighters 2- police 3- nurses
7- jewelry 8- car makers
4- mail carriers 5- pilots 6- chefs
9- songs by the Beatles 10- organs of the body
7- sailors 8- flight attendant 9- teller
10- waiter 11- waitress
Word Groups 3

Soccer Vocabulary 1- jobs 2- mountains

3- African countries 4- footwear
1-A 2-C 3-A 4-C 5-B 6-B 7-C 8-A
5- cosmetics 6- types of currencies
9-B 10-C
7- cartoon characters 8- James Bond movies
Things We Carry 9- Australian cities 10- ice cream flavors

1- raincoat / umbrella 2- camera Word Groups 4

3- book bag/satchel 4- briefcase
5- wallet 6- purse 1- Roman numerals, Consonants 2- fashion houses
7- handkerchief 8- newspaper 3- continents 4- birds
9- key 10- shopping bag/carrier bag 5- school subjects 6- breeds of dogs
7- capital cities 8- baby animals
Time Words 9- Olympic venues

1- minute 2- hour 3- half an hour

Word Groups 5
4- day 5- week 6- fortnight
7- month 8- season 9- year 1- types of flowers 2- all in Egypt
10- decade 11- century 12- millennium 3- all played James Bond 4- precious stones or gems
5- all are red 6- all are types of weather
Transportation Verbs 7- baseball teams 8- athletes
9- emotions
1- arrive 2- depart 3- disembark
4- drive / ride 5- take-off 6- land
Word Relationships
7- sail 8- tow 9- fly
10- ride 1- foot 2- youth 3- walking
4- racket or racquet 5- women 6- Japanese
What Vegetable? 7- girl 8- your 9- dentist
1- Tomatoes 2- Corn 3- Pumpkins 10- ate 11- uncle 12- shoot
4- Spinach 5- Carrots 6- Beet roots 13- more important 14- second
7- Potatoes 8- Beans 9- Garlic 15- the month before last
10- Peppers

Book 2 - Part A 420 Answers


Snonyms (Page 251) Miscellaneous (Page 259)

1-B 2-C 3-B 4-B 5-B 6-C 7-C 8-B Analogies 1 - Find the Appropriate Match
9-A 10-B 11-B 12-A 13-B 14-E 15-C 16-B 1- Barber 2- Shorten 3- Shuttlecock
17-B 18-B 19-C 20-C 21-D 22-D 23-C 24-A 4- Shallow 5- Roughness 6- Worse
25-A 26-A 27-C 28-C 29-A 30-C 31-E 32-D 7- Irresponsible 8- Court 9- Sailor
33-C 34-A 35-A 36-B 37-D 38-C 39-E 40-B 10- Swollen 11- Widow 12- Stings
41-C 42-E 43-A 44-C 45-E 46-A 47-A 48-D 13- Gloves 14- Moo 15- Students
49-A 50-B 51-C 52-B 53-A 54-B 55-A 56-A 16- Wolves 17- Fast 18- Triangular
57-C 58-A 59-A 60-E 61-D 62-A 63-B 64-D 19- Piglet 20- Reptile
65-A 66-C 67-C 68-C 69-D 70-C 71-D 72-E
73-E 74-E 75-B 76-A 77-A 78-C 79-D 80-B Analogies II - Find the Appropriate Match
81-D 82-C 83-D 84-B 85-A 86-A 87-B 88-D
89-A 90-B 91-A 92-D 93-C 94-A 95-D 96-B 1- Pork 2- Kitten 3- Christmas
97-A 98-C 99-D 100-D 101-D 102-B 103-B 104-B 4- Carbohydrate 5- A brood of 6- Sweet
105-D 106-D 107-A 108-B 109-D 110-B 111-B 112-B 7- To 8- Milk 9- Living room
113-A 114-A 115-D 116-B 117-D 118-C 119-D 120-A 10- Leg 11- Soften 12- Departure
121-C 122-D 123-D 124-D 125-D 126-B 127-A 128-A 13- Phenomena 14- Little 15- Five cents
129-B 130-B 131-B 132-D 133-D 134-D 135-C 136-C 16- Minus 17- Hard 18- Fill up
137-C 138-B 139-B 140-C 141-A 142-A 143-D 144-D 19- Leap year 20- Pack/Packet of
145-B 146-D 147-C 148-C 149-A 150-B 151-D 152-B
153-D 154-C 155-B 156-C 157-C 158-C 159-A 160-A Beverages
161-B 162-C 1- cocoa 2- a soda 3- wine
4- brandy 5- whisky 6- tea
Antonyms (Page 255) 7- beer 8- liquor 9- coffee
1-A 2-C 3-D 4-E 5-B 6-A 7-D 8-D 10- ayran
9-E 10-B 11-B 12-C 13-A 14-B 15-A 16-C
17-D 18-C 19-C 20-C 21-E 22-D 23-E 24-C Business Expressions 1
25-A 26-E 27-C 28-D 29-A 30-C 31-D 32-A 1-C 2-E 3-D 4-C 5-E 6-A 7-A 8-E
33-C 34-E 35-B 36-D 37-B 38-D 39-A 40-E 9-E 10-A
41-B 42-D 43-B 44-D 45-B 46-B 47-D 48-D
49-C 50-D 51-B 52-D 53-B 54-C 55-B 56-B Business Expressions 2
57-A 58-A 59-E 60-C 61-B 62-D 63-E 64-A
1-B 2-B 3-E 4-C 5-E 6-A 7-A 8-E
65-D 66-E 67-C 68-B 69-D 70-A 71-A 72-B
9-A 10-A
73-B 74-E 75-E 76-C 77-D 78-B 79-D 80-B
81-B 82-A 83-B 84-A 85-D 86-B 87-C 88-A
Business Expressions 3
89-B 90-B 91-B 92-A 93-C 94-D 95-A 96-D
97-B 98-D 99-C 100-C 101-B 102-C 103-D 104-A 1-E 2-A 3-B 4-A 5-E 6-B 7-D 8-C
105-B 106-C 107-C 108-D 109-D 110-A 111-A 112-A 9-E 10-B
113-B 114-D 115-A 116-D 117-D 118-A 119-A 120-B
121-A 122-B 123-B 124-B 125-D 126-A 127-B 128-A Change the Words
129-C 130-D 131-C 132-C 133-B 134-B 135-D 136-A 1- Instead 2- continue 3- used
137-C 4- snowdrift 5- bucket 6- outdoors
7- outfought 8- overlook 9- excuse
The logic List (Page 258)

1-A 2-D 3-A 4-A 5-A 6-A 7-B 8-A Count/Non-Count Food Partitives
9-B 10-A 11-C 12-B 13-A 14-C 15-A 16-A 1-B 2-C 3-A 4-D 5-B 6-C 7-B 8-A
17-B 18-C 19-D 20-A 21-C 22-B 23-C 24-A 9-B 10-D 11-C 12-D 13-A 14-B 15-D 16-B
25-C 26-D 27-C 28-A 29-D 30-A 31-A 32-C 17-A 18-C 19-B 20-A
33-B 34-C 35-B 36-A 37-A 38-B 39-B 40-C
41-B 42-C 43-B 44-B 45-D 46-C 47-D 48-D Gender-Free Language
49-C 50-D 51-C 52-A 53-C 54-A 55-C 56-B
57-B 58-C 59-B 60-B 61-C 62-A 63-B 64-C 1- flight attendant 2- police officer
65-D 66-A 67-C 68-A 69-A 70-D 71-C 72-D 3- letter carrier 4- chairperson
73-B 74-B 75-A 76-C 77-C 78-A 79-C 80-C 5- spokesperson 6- anchor
81-C 82-A 83-C 84-C 85-D 86-A 87-D 88-C 7- poet 8- actor
89-B 90-B 91-A 92-B 93-A 94-A 95-A 96-B 9- homemaker 10- workforce, personnel
97-A 98-B 99-B 100-B 11- spouse 12- parenting
13- supervisor 14- selling ability
15- people, humankind

Book 2 - Part B 421 Answers

Finish the Sentence Use of English (Page 264)

1-A 2-C 3-C 4-A 5-B 6-B 7-A 8-A TEST A

9-C 10-B
1-B 2-A 3-B 4-A 5-D 6-C 7-D 8-A
9-A 10-B 11-D 12-B 13-A 14-C 15-C
Food and Nutrition Quiz

1-B 2-C 3-E 4-B 5-A 6-C 7-D 8-B TEST B

9-D 10-E 11-C 12-A 13-D
1-A 2-C 3-A 4-D 5-A 6-B 7-D 8-B
9-C 10-A 11-B 12-A 13-D 14-B 15-C
What Fruit...?
1- apple 2- grapes 3- pineapple
1-B 2-C 3-A 4-D 5-B 6-D 7-B 8-D
4- banana 5- orange 6- cherries
9-B 10-C 11-A 12-A 13-A 14-D 15-C
7- melon 8- pear 9- plum
10- strawberry

House Words 1-A 2-B 3-A 4-D 5-C 6-C 7-A 8-A
9-C 10-B 11-A 12-D 13-A 14-C 15-B
1- in the kitchen 2- in the bedroom
3- in the bathroom 4- in the living room
5- in the closet 6- in the garage
7- in the shed 8- in the nursery 1-D 2-B 3-A 4-C 5-B 6-C 7-C 8-A
9- in the laundry 10- in the toilet 9-B 10-C 11-A 12-D 13-A 14-D 15-C

Interjections TEST F

1-A 2-C 3-A 4-B 5-B 6-C 7-B 8-A 1-A 2-C 3-D 4-C 5-A 6-D 7-C 8-B
9-A 10-A 9-C 10-C 11-B 12-A 13-D 14-C 15-D


1- beef 2- bacon 3- pork 1-C 2-A 3-B 4-D 5-C 6-B 7-D 8-B
4- lamb 5- mutton 6- venison 9-A 10-A 11-D 12-B 13-C 14-C 15-D
7- game 8- fish 9- poultry
10- offal TEST H

1-B 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-A 6-B 7-C 8-D

The logic list 9-B 10-A 11-D 12-B 13-C 14-A 15-D
1-D 2-B 3-D 4-A 5-B 6-B 7-D 8-C
9-C 10-B 11-A 12-B 13-D 14-E TEST I

1-C 2-B 3-A 4-C 5-D 6-C 7-B 8-D

The most general meaning 9-A 10-C 11-B 12-B 13-D 14-A 15-D
1-E 2-D 3-B 4-D 5-E 6-E 7-C 8-B
9-D 10-C TEST J

1-D 2-C 3-B 4-C 5-D 6-B 7-C 8-A

Types of Hats 9-B 10-D 11-B 12-C 13-A 14-D 15-A
1- hats 2- cap 3- helmets
4- beret 5- veil 6- headscarf TEST K
7- turban 8- crown 9- hood 1-C 2-B 3-C 4-A 5-D 6-B 7-A 8-D
10- bonnet 9-A 10-B 11-C 12-A 13-C 14-B 15-D

Word definition TEST L

1-B 2-D 3-B 4-D 5-A 6-D 7-E 8-D 1-C 2-A 3-B 4-D 5-C 6-C 7-A 8-C
9-D 10-C 11-C 12-E 13-D 9-C 10-A 11-C 12-D 13-A 14-D 15-B


1-B 2-C 3-A 4-D 5-D 6-B 7-C 8-B

9-D 10-B 11-D 12-C 13-C 14-A 15-C


1-B 2-C 3-D 4-D 5-B 6-A 7-B 8-C

9-A 10-D 11-D 12-D 13-C 14-C 15-D

Book 2 - Part B 422 Answers

TEST O Doctors’ surgeries and hospitals

1-D 2-C 3-D 4-A 5-A 6-D 7-C 8-A 1-A 2-C 3-D 4-C 5-D 6-D 7-B 8-B
9-D 10-C 11-C 12-D 13-C 14-D 15-C 9-C 10-A 11-B 12-A 13-B 14-A

TEST P Education

1-C 2-A 3-C 4-D 5-A 6-D 7-D 8-B 1-B 2-A 3-A 4-D 5-B 6-C 7-D 8-C
9-D 10-B 11-C 12-B 13-D 14-A 15-A 9-C 10-B 11-C 12-C 13-B 14-D 15-A 16-B
1-C 2-A 3-A 4-D 5-A 6-D 7-D 8-B
1-B 2-C 3-B 4-D 5-D 6-A 7-B 8-A 9-C
9-B 10-D 11-D 12-B 13-A 14-C 15-C
Everyday Vocabulary (Page 270)
1-D 2-A 3-D 4-C 5-A 6-C 7-B 8-A
At the airport 9-D 10-C

1-B 2-C 3-A 4-B 5-D 6-A 7-B 8-D

Renting a flat
9-A 10-C 11-C 12-B 13-A 14-D 15-A 16-C
17-B 18-A 19-B 20-C 21-B 1-C 2-A 3-B 4-A 5-D 6-B 7-C 8-A
9-D 10-B
In the air
Buying a house
1-A 2-C 3-B 4-C 5-A 6-B 7-D
1-D 2-C 3-C 4-B 5-B 6-B 7-A 8-D
Bank Account 9-C 10-A 11-D

1-C 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-D 6-B 7-A

Eating out

Current and deposit accounts 1-A 2-D 3-C 4-D 5-C 6-A 7-B 8-B
9-A 10-C 11-D 12-B
1-B 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-D 6-A

Entertaining at home
Using your account
1-B 2-C 3-D 4-C 5-C 6-A 7-A 8-D
1-D 2-B 3-A 4-A 5-C
9-B 10-A 11-D 12-B

1-A 2-B 3-C 4-B 5-A 6-D 7-C
1-D 2-B 3-D 4-C 5-A 6-B 7-B 8-A
9-A 10-C
Books and Reading 1

1-d 2-f 3-b 4-h 5-e 6-c 7-a 8-g Smoking

1-A 2-B 3-A 4-B 5-D 6-C 7-C 8-A

Books and Reading 2
9-B 10-D
1-D 2-B 3-B 4-C 5-B 6-D 7-A 8-A
9-A 10-D Drinking

1-D 2-B 3-C 4-B 5-D 6-C 7-C 8-D

Cars and driving
9-A 10-A
1-A 2-C 3-B 4-C 5-C 6-A 7-B 8-D
9-D 10-D 11-B Industry

1-C 2-B 3-D 4-A 5-B 6-C 7-B 8-D

A visit to the cinema
9-A 10-D 11-A
1-A 2-D 3-C 4-D 5-A 6-B 7-C 8-B
9-A 10-C 11-B 12-A 13-D Agriculture

1-C 2-A 3-C 4-A 5-A 6-D 7-C 8-D

A film review
9-D 10-B
1-A 2-B 3-D 4-D 5-C 6-A 7-B 8-C
9-D 10-C A summit meeting

1-B 2-D 3-A 4-B 5-C 6-C 7-D 8-A

Medical staff and patients
9-B 10-A
1- k 2- h 3- b 4- a 5- c 6- f 7- g 8- e
9- i 10- j 11- d

Book 2 - Part B 423 Answers

Diplomatic relations Television

1-D 2-B 3-A 4-D 5-C 6-B 7-A 8-C 1-C 2-B 3-A 4-A 5-B 6-B 7-C 8-D
9-D 10-A
An arrest
1-C 2-A 3-C 4-D 5-C 6-A 7-C 8-D
9-D 10-B 11-B 12-B 13-A 14-D 15-A 16-A 1-B 2-C 3-C 4-B 5-A 6-D 7-C 8-B
17-B 9-D 10-D 11-D 12-A 13-A

Law and punishment Journeys

1-C 2-A 3-D 4-D 5-C 6-A 7-B 8-C 1-B 2-C 3-B 4-D 5-C 6-A 7-D 8-C
9-B 10-D 9-B 10-A

Classical music Argument

1-D 2-C 3-B 4-A 5-A 6-B 7-D 8-C 1-D 2-B 3-D 4-B 5-A 6-C 7-A 8-C
9-A 10-D 11-C
Popular music
1-C 2-A 3-B 4-B 5-A 6-D 7-B 8-A
1-A 2-D 3-C 4-B 5-A 6-B 7-A 8-C 9-C 10-D
9-D 10-B
Famine and flood
1-C 2-A 3-B 4-A 5-C 6-A 7-D 8-B
1-C 2-A 3-B 4-A 5-D 6-B 7-D 8-C 9-B 10-C 11-D
Earthquake and epidemic
1-B 2-A 3-D 4-C 5-A 6-A 7-B 8-D
1-C 2-A 3-D 4-C 5-D 6-A 7-B 8-A 9-C 10-C 11-D
9-B 10-B
1-C 2-B 3-A 4-B 5-D 6-D 7-C 8-A
1-C 2-B 3-A 4-D 5-C 6-A 7-D 8-B
Public Transport
1-B 2-D 3-D 4-B 5-A 6-C 7-A 8-C
1-D 2-B 3-A 4-D 5-C 6-B 7-C 8-A 9-A 10-B
9-A 10-B 11-C 12-B 13-B 14-C 15-B 16-B
17-C 18-A 19-D 20-D 21-A 22-C 23-D 24-A Photography
1-D 2-A 3-A 4-C 5-B 6-D 7-B 8-C

Military Service
1-B 2-C 3-A 4-D 5-B 6-A 7-C 8-B
1-B 2-A 3-C 4-A 5-C 6-D 7-D 8-B
9-D 10-A

1-B 2-D 3-B 4-C 5-D 6-A 7-C 8-A
1-D 2-B 3-D 4-A 5-C 6-A 7-C 8-B
9-B 10-C
Security Work

Going shopping 1-B 2-C 3-A 4-C 5-D 6-D 7-C 8-B
1-A 2-D 3-C 4-D 5-C 6-B 7-B 8-A
9-A 10-A 11-C 12-B 13-B 14-D 15-C
The Seaside

Sports facilities and athletics 1-B 2-C 3-A 4-D 5-B 6-C 7-A 8-D
9-B 10-A
1-C 2-B 3-A 4-B 5-D 6-C 7-B 8-C
9-D 10-A 11-D 12-A

Football 1-D 2-B 3-C 4-A 5-B 6-A 7-A 8-B

9-C 10-D
1-B 2-C 3-D 4-A 5-B 6-D 7-A 8-C
9-B 10-C 11-D 12-A

Book 2 - Part B 424 Answers

Electrical Appliances Law Breakers 1

1-A 2-C 3-B 4-B 5-A 6-D 7-C 8-D 1-b 2-e 3-a 4-c 5-g 6-d 7-f 8-k
9-B 10-A 9-h 10-l 11-j 12-i 13-m

The Telephone Law Breakers 2

1-D 2-C 3-B 4-A 5-A 6-D 7-C 8-B 1-d 2-a 3-b 4-e 5-c 6-f 7-h 8-k
9-l 10-g 11-j 12-i
Occupations 1
1-B 2-C 3-A 4-A 5-B 6-C 7-D 8-D
1-d 2-e 3-a 4-g 5-k 6-j 7-b 8-c
Sounds 9-f 10-h 11-i

1-A 2-C 3-C 4-B 5-D 6-D 7-B 8-C

Occupations 2
9-B 10-A 11-A 12-C 13-B 14-C 15-B 16-A
17-D 18-D 1-e 2-c 3-h 4-j 5-i 6-g 7-f 8-b
9-a 10-d
Animal Sounds
Occupations 3
1-d 2-a 3-f 4-c 5-h 6-b 7-e 8-i
9-g 10-j 11-m 12-n 13-k 14-r 15-l 16-q 1-e 2-d 3-a 4-c 5-j 6-b 7-k 8-i
17-p 18-o 9-f 10-h 11-g

Human Sounds People

1-A 2-C 3-D 4-B 5-C 6-B 7-D 8-A 1-b 2-e 3-a 4-c 5-g 6-i 7-h 8-d
9-D 10-A 11-C 12-B 9-f 10-l 11-m 12-j 13-k

Ways of Looking Quantities

1-C 2-D 3-B 4-B 5-D 6-B 7-A 8-A 1-b 2-e 3-a 4-c 5-h 6-g 7-d 8-f
9-A 10-C 9-k 10-l 11-n 12-i 13-m 14-j 15-p 16-o

Walking Slang

1-D 2-C 3-A 4-D 5-C 6-C 7-D 8-B 1-e 2-c 3-a 4-b 5-k 6-d 7-j 8-h
9-A 10-B 11-B 12-A 9-f 10-i 11-g

Body Movements 1 American Words 1

1-d 2-a 3-b 4-c 5-l 6-g 7-e 8-j 1-j 2-a 3-c 4-f 5-i 6-e 7-h 8-d
9-k 10-h 11-f 12-i 9-g 10-n 11-p 12-m 13-l 14-o 15-k 16-b
Body Movements 2
American Words 2
1-c 2-e 3-a 4-b 5-d 6-g 7-h 8-f
1-b 2-l 3-g 4-d 5-p 6-q 7-s 8-r
Body Movements 3 9-a 10-m 11-o 12-j 13-k 14-i 15-n 16-e
17-f 18-h 19-c
1-c 2-e 3-d 4-a 5-g 6-b 7-h 8-f


1-D 2-B 3-D 4-A 5-C 6-B 7-A 8-A

9-B 10-C 11-D 12-D 13-C 14-D


1-C 2-C 3-B 4-A 5-C 6-D 7-D 8-B

9-D 10-A 11-C 12-D 13-B 14-A

Collective Nouns

1-B 2-C 3-B 4-A 5-C 6-B 7-A 8-D

9-D 10-B 11-A 12-C 13-A 14-B 15-A 16-B
17-B 18-C 19-A 20-D 21-D 22-C 23-A 24-C
25-A 26-D

Book 2 - Part B 425 Answers


Classified Phrasal Verbs (Page 287) Test 2 (Page 294)

1-C 2-B 3-C 4-A 5-B 6-C 7-B 8-A 1-D 2-C 3-D 4-A 5-D 6-B 7-D 8-C
9-C 10-B 11-A 12-B 13-C 14-A 15-C 16-C 9-B 10-A 11-A 12-D 13-D 14-B 15-C 16-B
17-A 18-B 19-B 20-A 21-C 22-A 23-C 24-A 17-A 18-B 19-B 20-B 21-C 22-A 23-A 24-C
25-C 26-A 27-C 28-A 29-B 30-B 31-C 32-A 25-C 26-A 27-B 28-C 29-B 30-B 31-B 32-B
33-A 34-B 35-A 36-C 37-B 38-A 39-A 40-C 33-C 34-C 35-D 36-D 37-B 38-D 39-B 40-D
41-A 42-A 43-C 44-B 45-A 46-B 47-A 48-B 41-C 42-A 43-C 44-C 45-B 46-D 47-A 48-C
49-C 50-B 51-C 52-B 53-A 54-C 55-B 56-B 49-C 50-D 51-A 52-A 53-B 54-D 55-C 56-D
57-B 58-A 59-B 60-B 61-B 62-A 63-A 64-C 57-D 58-B 59-C 60-C 61-C 62-A 63-B 64-C
65-B 66-C 67-A 68-C 69-B 70-A 71-A 72-C 65-A 66-D 67-D 68-A 69-C 70-C 71-B 72-C
73-C 74-B 75-B 76-B 77-A 78-A 79-B 80-A 73-D 74-B 75-B 76-A 77-D 78-D 79-D 80-C
81-C 82-B 83-A 84-C 85-A 86-A 87-C 88-C 81-A 82-D 83--B 84-D 85-C 86-A 87-B 88-B
89-B 90-A 91-C 92-C 93-A 94-A 95-C 96-C 89-D 90-B 91-A 92-B 93-A 94-D 95-A 96-C
97-B 98-A 99-B 100-C 101-B 102-C 103-A 104-C 97-A 98-A 99-A 100-A
105-B 106-C 107-A 108-B 109-C 110-C 111-B 112-A
113-C 114-A 115-A 116-B 117-B 118-A 119-C 120-C Test 3 (Page 297)
121-C 122-B 123-A 124-A 125-C 126-B 127-C 128-B 1-C 2-B 3-D 4-C 5-D 6-C 7-A 8-A
129-B 130-C 131-A 132-A 133-C 134-B 135-B 136-A 9-D 10-C 11-D1 2-C 13-B 14-D 15-D 16-B
137-B 138-A 139-C 140-A 141-B 142-A 143-B 144-A 17-D 18-A 19-B 20-B 21-C 22--D 23-D 24-B
145-C 146-A 147-B 148-C 149-A 150-C 151-B 152-B 25-A 26-B 27-A 28-D 29-C 30-C 31-B 32-B
153-C 154-A 155-A 156-A 157-B 158-B 159-C 160-B 33-C 34-C 35-C 36-A 37-B 38-D 39-A 40-A
161-A 162-A 163-B 164-A 165-C 166-B 167-B 168-A 41-D 42-B 43-A 44-A 45-D 46-C 47-B 48-B
169-C 170-C 171-A 172-B 173-B 174-C 175-B 176-C 49-A 50-A 51-C 52-A 53-D 54-D 55-C 56-D
177-A 178-C 179-C 180-A 181-A 182-B 183-C 184-C 57-A 58-D 59-D 60-B 61-A 62-C 63-D 64-A
185-B 186-A 187-C 188-B 189-C 190-B 191-A 192-C 65-B 66-C 67-B 68-D 69-B 70-A 71-A 72-B
193-C 194-A 195-A 196-C 197-A 198-C 199-B 200-A 73-D 74-A 75-A 76-C 77-A 78-B 79-D 80-C
201-C 202-C 203-B 204-B 205-A 206-B 207-A 208-C 81-B 82-A 83-C 84-C 85-B 86-C 87-A 88-C
209-B 210-C 211-B 212-C 213-C 214-A 215-B 216-A 89-D 90-D 91-C 92-A 93-B 94-C 95-A 96-A
217-B 218-B 219-A 220-B 221-A 222-C 223-B 224-A 97-A 98-A 99-A 100-C
225-C 226-A 227-B 228-A 229-C 230-A 231-B 232-C
233-B 234-A 235-C 236-C 237-A 238-A 239-B 240-B Test 4 (Page 299)
241-C 242-C 243-B 244-A 245-A 246-C 247-A 248-B
249-B 250-B 251-A 252-B 253-B 254-C 255-A 256-A 1A 2-C 3-C 4-A 5-C 6-C 7-B 8-D
257-B 258-C 259-C 260-A 261-C 262-B 263-A 264-B 9-D 10-B 11-A 12-C 13-A 14-B 15-A 16-A
17-C 18-C 19-A 20-C 21-B 22-A 23-C 24-A
Test 1 (Page 292) 25-B 26-A 27-C 28-A 29-C 30-A 31-D 32-B
33-D 34-C 35-A 36-B 37-D 38-D 39-C 40-D
1-B 2-D 3-B 4-B 5-B 6-A 7-B 8-C 41-B 42-C 43-C 44-B 45-D 46-A 47-B 48-D
9-A 10-B 11-B 12-C 13-B 14-B 15-C 16-B 49-C 50-D 51-D 52-A 53-C 54-A 55-D 56-B
17-B 18-D 19-C 20-C 21-D 22-C 23-A 24-B 57-B 58-A 59-D 60-C 61-C 62-B 63-D 64-A
25-C 26-A 27-C 28-B 29-B 30-A 31-A 32-C 65-D 66-C 67-A 68-D 69-D 70-B 71-A 72-C
33-C 34-C 35-C 36-A 37-D 38-D 39-A 40-A 73-A 74-A 75-C 76-D 77-B 78-A 79-D 80-B
41-D 42-B 43-C 44-C 45-B 46-D 47-B 48-A 81-D 82-D 83-A 84-A 85-C 86-A 87-A 88-C
49-B 50-C 51-D 52-B 53-A 54-D 55-A 56-D 89-C 90-D 91-A 92-B 93-A 94-A 95-C 96-C
57-C 58-A 59-A 60-C 61-A 62-D 63-C 64-B 97-D 98-B 99-A 100-C 101-C 102-A 103-D 104-B
65-C 66-A 67-C 68-D 69-B 70-B 71-C 72-D 105-A 106-A 107-B 108-D 109-C 110-A 111-B 112-D
73-B 74-B 75-B 76-A 77-C 78-B 79-C 80-C 113-C 114-D 115-B 116-A 117-D 118-D 119-A 120-A
81-D 82-C 83-D 84-A 85-C 86-C 87-B 88-B 121-D 122-A 123-A 124-B 125-B 126-D 127-D 128-A
89-A 90-C 91-D 92-C 93-D 94-B 95-D 96-A 129-B 130-C 131-A 132-D 133-D 134-A 135-B 136-D
97-D 98-B 99-D 100-B 137-A 138-A 139-D 140-B 141-C 142-A 143-D 144-D
145-A 146-A 147-A 148-B 149-D 150-D

Book 2 - Part C 426 Answers


TEST 1 (Page 303) TEST 9 (Page 311)

1-D 2-B 3-A 4-E 5-C 6-C 7-B 8-D 1-E 2-D 3-A 4-D 5-B 6-D 7-C 8-D
9-C 10-B 11-D 12-E 13-B 14-C 15-A 16-E 9-C 10-B 11-A 12-A 13-C 14-D 15-B 16-E
17-C 18-D 19-D 20-A 21-A 22-B 23-A 24-C 17-B 18-D 19-C 20-E 21-B 22-E 23-C 24-B
25-B 26-B 27-B 28-A 29-C 30-C 31-B 32-B 25-D 26-B 27-E 28-B 29-D 30-A 31-B 32-D
33-A 34-B 35-B 36-C 37-A 38-B 39-E 40-B 33-C 34-D 35-C 36-E 37-A 38-D 39-E 40-B

TEST 2 (Page 304) TEST 10 (Page 312)

1-A 2-B 3-C 4-A 5-A 6-D 7-B 8-A 1-B 2-D 3-B 4-E 5-D 6-B 7-C 8-B
9-A 10-E 11-C 12-C 13-C 14-E 15-B 16-D 9-D 10-A 11-B 12-D 13-C 14-E 15-A 16-C
17-D 18-B 19-C 20-C 21-A 22-D 23-C 24-D 17-E 18-B 19-D 20-C 21-C 22-A 23-E 24-D
25-E 26-E 27-C 28-C 29-A 30-A 31-B 32-B 25-C 26-B 27-D 28-C 29-B 30-A 31-C 32-B
33-B 34-B 35-A 36-B 37-C 38-B 39-A 40-B 33-B 34-D 35-D 36-C 37-B 38-D 39-A 40-B

TEST 3 (Page 305) TEST 11 (Page 313)

1-C 2-A 3-B 4-D 5-C 6-A 7-C 8-C 1-C 2-D 3-C 4-D 5-B 6-E 7-C 8-B
9-B 10-C 11-B 12-E 13-C 14-D 15-D 16-C 9-B 10-C 11-B 12-D 13-B 14-B 15-E 16-B
17-E 18-A 19-C 20-E 21-E 22-B 23-D 24-E 17-D 18-E 19-C 20-B 21-B 22-B 23-E 24-B
25-E 26-C 27-A 28-B 29-B 30-A 31-C 32-C 25-C 26-D 27-B 28-D 29-C 30-B 31-A 32-C
33-A 34-B 35-A 36-B 37-C 38-C 39-A 40-A 33-C 34-E 35-D 36-D 37-B 38-C 39-B 40-D

TEST 4 (Page 306) TEST 12 (Page 314)

1-D 2-B 3-E 4-C 5-E 6-D 7-D 8-E 1-A 2-B 3-A 4-E 5-C 6-D 7-D 8-A
9-B 10-E 11-E 12-B 13-A 14-C 15-A 16-C 9-D 10-D 11-B 12-E 13-A 14-B 15-B 16-D
17-B 18-D 19-E 20-E 21-C 22-C 23-D 24-D 17-A 18-E 19-B 20-C 21-D 22-B 23-B 24-B
25-B 26-C 27-C 28-E 29-C 30-A 31-B 32-A 25-E 26-C 27-A 28-C 29-E 30-A 31-D 32-B
33-A 34-B 35-D 36-C 37-E 38-E 39-C 40-B 33-C 34-D 35-A 36-C 37-B 38-E 39-C 40-B

TEST 5 (Page 307) TEST 13 (Page 315)

1-C 2-E 3-B 4-D 5-E 6-A 7-A 8-D 1-D 2-E 3-A 4-C 5-C 6-E 7-B 8-E
9-B 10-A 11-C 12-C 13-E 14-B 15-C 16-E 9-C 10-A 11-C 12-B 13-A 14-D 15-D 16-B
17-D 18-A 19-E 20-C 21-B 22-D 23-A 24-E 17-C 18-E 19-C 20-B 21-E 22-C 23-A 24-A
25-B 26-A 27-B 28-B 29-C 30-D 31-D 32-C 25-A 26-B 27-E 28-A 29-B 30-B 31-A 32-A
33-B 34-B 35-B 36-A 37-E 38-B 39-D 40-E 33-B 34-B 35-D 36-C 37-B 38-B 39-C 40-A

TEST 6 (Page 308) TEST 14 (Page 316)

1-E 2-D 3-E 4-C 5-D 6-C 7-B 8-D 1-B 2-B 3-B 4-C 5-C 6-D 7-C 8-C
9-C 10-D 11-B 12-D 13-E 14-C 15-E 16-B 9-E 10-E 11-D 12-C 13-D 14-B 15-E 16-A
17-A 18-C 19-C 20-C 21-D 22-C 23-A 24-B 17-A 18-B 19-E 20-E 21-B 22-C 23-A 24-A
25-D 26-D 27-A 28-A 29-B 30-D 31-B 32-C 25-A 26-C 27-E 28-D 29-C 30-B 31-A 32-B
33-C 34-D 35-D 36-B 37-C 38-C 39-B 40-E 33-C 34-D 35-A 36-D 37-C 38-D 39-C 40-A

TEST 7 (Page 309) TEST 15 (Page 317)

1-E 2-B 3-E 4-E 5-D 6-B 7-A 8-D 1-B 2-A 3-D 4-D 5-B 6-C 7-B 8-D
9-B 10-D 11-C 12-A 13-B 14-B 15-D 16-C 9-C 10-E 11-E 12-A 13-E 14-B 15-D 16-B
17-C 18-B 19-E 20-B 21-B 22-C 23-E 24-A 17-E 18-E 19-B 20-C 21-E 22-C 23-C 24-B
25-C 26-E 27-C 28-A 29-A 30-D 31-D 32-B 25-B 26-D 27-C 28-E 29-D 30-C 31-C 32-C
33-B 34-E 35-D 36-A 37-D 38-C 39-C 40-B 33-B 34-D 35-A 36-B 37-D 38-B 39-D 40-B

TEST 8 (Page 310) TEST 16 (Page 318)

1-C 2-A 3-A 4-A 5-E 6-C 7-C 8-B 1-E 2-C 3-A 4-A 5-D 6-A 7-B 8-E
9-C 10-D 11-D 12-E 13-C 14-C 15-C 16-E 9-D 10-C 11-B 12-E 13-A 14-B 15-E 16-A
17-C 18-B 19-B 20-C 21-A 22-D 23-A 24-D 17-C 18-E 19-B 20-A 21-C 22-A 23-C 24-B
25-D 26-B 27-C 28-E 29-C 30-E 31-B 32-E 25-E 26-C 27-C 28-A 29-E 30-D 31-B 32-C
33-C 34-A 35-B 36-A 37-C 38-D 39-D 40-D 33-B 34-E 35-D 36-D 37-D 38-C 39-B 40-D

Book 2 - Part D 427 Answers

TEST 17 (Page 319) TEST 25 (Page 327)

1-D 2-E 3-D 4-B 5-D 6-C 7-A 8-C 1-C 2-B 3-E 4-C 5-C 6-B 7-E 8-D
9-D 10-C 11-B 12-C 13-E 14-A 15-C 16-D 9-D 10-D 11-E 12-D 13-C 14-E 15-A 16-A
17-D 18-A 19-C 20-C 21-B 22-A 23-A 24-C 17-D 18-E 19-C 20-C 21-A 22-A 23-B 24-C
25-B 26-B 27-B 28-C 29-B 30-A 31-D 32-B 25-D 26-D 27-C 28-D 29-D 30-A 31-A 32-C
33-E 34-E 35-A 36-D 37-C 38-B 39-D 40-A 33-C 34-C 35-E 36-B 37-A 38-E 39-A 40-A

TEST 18 (Page 320)

1-C 2-B 3-A 4-D 5-A 6-B 7-A 8-E

9-D 10-E 11-C 12-D 13-B 14-A 15-C 16-D
17-B 18-B 19-A 20-C 21-D 22-B 23-C 24-B
25-B 26-D 27-D 28-E 29-C 30-C 31-A 32-A
33-A 34-A 35-C 36-B 37-C 38-C 39-A 40-C

TEST 19 (Page 321)

1-E 2-B 3-B 4-B 5-A 6-E 7-E 8-B

9-A 10-D 11-B 12-A 13-A 14-D 15-A 16-C
17-A 18-B 19-B 20-D 21-A 22-B 23-D 24-A
25-C 26-D 27-A 28-B 29-A 30-A 31-A 32-E
33-A 34-A 35-C 36-E 37-C 38-B 39-E 40-B

TEST 20 (Page 322)

1-B 2-C 3-B 4-B 5-B 6-B 7-D 8-B

9-B 10-D 11-D 12-B 13-D 14-C 15-B 16-B
17-B 18-C 19-A 20-C 21-D 22-C 23-C 24-A
25-B 26-B 27-A 28-D 29-E 30-E 31-E 32-B
33-D 34-C 35-C 36-A 37-B 38-E 39-C 40-C

TEST 21 (Page 323)

1-B 2-C 3-A 4-A 5-B 6-D 7-B 8-E

9-D 10-A 11-A 12-C 13-C 14-B 15-B 16-C
17-A 18-B 19-B 20-E 21-B 22-A 23-B 24-A
25-C 26-D 27-B 28-D 29-A 30-D 31-C 32-D
33-B 34-D 35-C 36-D 37-A 38-E 39-B 40-A

TEST 22 (Page 324)

1-C 2-C 3-A 4-A 5-E 6-B 7-C 8-C

9-E 10-B 11-B 12-D 13-B 14-D 15-D 16-B
17-D 18-B 19-E 20-C 21-A 22-C 23-C 24-B
25-C 26-C 27-A 28-D 29-C 30-D 31-B 32-B
33-C 34-B 35-C 36-E 37-C 38-A 39-C 40-B

TEST 23 (Page 325)

1-A 2-B 3-A 4-E 5-A 6-D 7-E 8-B

9-C 10-E 11-B 12-B 13-E 14-E 15-D 16-B
17-D 18-E 19-A 20-A 21-C 22-B 23-D 24-C
25-D 26-B 27-D 28-E 29-A 30-C 31-C 32-B
33-A 34-B 35-D 36-A 37-C 38-B 39-C 40-A

TEST 24 (Page 326)

1-E 2-D 3-C 4-D 5-B 6-E 7-C 8-B

9-D 10-D 11-B 12-D 13-D 14-C 15-D 16-D
17-B 18-A 19-A 20-D 21-C 22-A 23-A 24-B
25-C 26-D 27-C 28-E 29-D 30-C 31-D 32-D
33-A 34-B 35-D 36-C 37-D 38-E 39-D 40-E

Book 2 - Part D 428 Answers


WORDPOWER (Page 328)

1-A 2-B 3-C 4-A 5-B 6-A 7-C 8-A 473-D 474-C 475-C 476-B 477-D 478-D 479-B 480-B
9-C 10-B 11-C 12-B 13-A 14-B 15-A 16-B 481-C 482-B 483-B 484-A 485-C 486-C 487-D 488-E
17-A 18-D 19-C 20-E 21-B 22-C 23-B 24-B 489-C 490-A 491-D 492-A 493-C 494-C 495-C 496-A
25-D 26-E 27-D 28-E 29-C 30-C 31-A 32-E 497-B 498-B 499-D 500-A
33-A 34-B 35-C 36-D 37-C 38-D 39-D 40-E
41-C 42-B 43-D 44-C 45-A 46-E 47-A 48-C
49-E 50-A 51-A 52-D 53-C 54-A 55-A 56-D
57-E 58-A 59-B 60-A 61-D 62-B 63-B 64-B
65-C 66-A 67-C 68-D 69-C 70-D 71-A 72-B
73-C 74-E 75-E 76-E 77-B 78-A 79-C 80-D
81-D 82-C 83-C 84-E 85-C 86-A 87-D 88-B
89-B 90-B 91-E 92-D 93-C 94-C 95-B 96-A
97-D 98-C 99-A 100-A 101-D 102-C 103-E 104-C
105-B 106-D 107-A 108-E 109-A 110-A 111-B 112-B
113-A 114-A 115-B 116-C 117-B 118-B 119-C 120-C
121-A 122-A 123-A 124-C 125-B 126-D 127-E 128-A
129-A 130-C 131-A 132-C 133-A 134-C 135-B 136-C
137-A 138-D 139-B 140-C 141-A 142-A 143-B 144-B
145-D 146-A 147-E 148-D 149-D 150-C 151-B 152-D
153-D 154-D 155-A 156-B 157-C 158-A 159-E 160-E
161-C 162-A 163-B 164-C 165-A 166-A 167-D 168-C
169-C 170-B 171-D 172-B 173-D 174-A 175-C 176-C
177-B 178-D 179-E 180-D 181-D 182-B 183-D 184-E
185-D 186-C 187-E 188-A 189-C 190-A 191-A 192-A
193-E 194-D 195-D 196-C 197-A 198-C 199-D 200-A
201-B 202-C 203-B 204-A 205-A 206-B 207-C 208-B
209-B 210-B 211-B 212-D 213-D 214-A 215-D 216-D
217-B 218-D 219-E 220-D 221-E 222-A 223-C 224-B
225-B 226-D 227-B 228-B 229-A 230-C 231-A 232-C
233-E 234-D 235-D 236-C 237-B 238-A 239-B 240-B
241-B 242-B 243-B 244-E 245-D 246-C 247-A 248-D
249-B 250-A 251-E 252-B 253-A 254-E 255-E 256-C
257-A 258-B 259-D 260-D 261-D 262-B 263-E 264-C
265-D 266-A 267-B 268-E 269-B 270-D 271-C 272-E
273-A 274-D 275-C 276-C 277-A 278-C 279-A 280-D
281-B 282-C 283-B 284-D 285-B 286-C 287-A 288-D
289-A 290-A 291-B 292-B 293-C 294-B 295-A 296-B
297-C 298-D 299-C 300-C 301-A 302-C 303-D 304-B
305-A 306-A 307-D 308-C 309-B 310-C 311-E 312-D
313-B 314-B 315-B 316-B 317-B 318-A 319-D 320-C
321-D 322-A 323-C 324-B 325-C 326-A 327-D 328-B
329-B 330-E 331-C 332-C 333-C 334-C 335-A 336-A
337-B 338-B 339-A 340-A 341-D 342-C 343-C 344-B
345-C 346-C 347-D 348-B 349-B 350-B 351-D 352-C
353-D 354-D 355-C 356-C 357-C 358-D 359-C 360-C
361-B 362-C 363-B 364-C 365-C 366-A 367-C 368-D
369-A 370-C 371-C 372-A 373-D 374-A 375-B 376-D
377-B 378-A 379-C 380-B 381-D 382-C 383-E 384-D
385-A 386-D 387-E 388-C 389-C 390-B 391-A 392-A
393-C 394-D 395-A 396-C 397-A 398-C 399-B 400-B
401-C 402-C 403-B 404-A 405-A 406-E 407-E 408-A
409-B 410-C 411-B 412-D 413-D 414-A 415-C 416-A
417-B 418-E 419-D 420-D 421-C 422-A 423-A 424-A
425-A 426-C 427-B 428-E 429-E 430-C 431-D 432-B
433-C 434-A 435-A 436-B 437-E 438-D 439-E 440-B
441-D 442-C 443-C 444-D 445-E 446-A 447-A 448-B
449-E 450-B 451-D 452-B 453-B 454-C 455-A 456-B
457-D 458-E 459-A 460-B 461-B 462-B 463-A 464-B
465-A 466-C 467-D 468-B 469-C 470-C 471-C 472-D

Book 2 - Part E 429 Answers


Test 1: Reading Comprehension (Page 343) Test 5: Appropriate Answers (Page 373)

1-D 2-C 3-A 4-C 5-B 6-A 7-D 8-C 1-B 2-C 3-A 4-B 5-B 6-C 7-C 8-C
9-A 10-E 11-A 12-B 13-C 14-A 15-D 16-C 9-C 10-B 11-B 12-C 13-C 14-A 15-D 16-D
17-B 18-B 19-A 20-E 21-A 22-A 23-E 24-C 17-C 18-B 19-B 20-C 21-C 22-C 23-B 24-B
25-A 26-B 27-D 28-B 29-C 30-E 31-D 32-D 25-D 26-E 27-A 28-B 29-E 30-E 31-B 32-A
33-A 34-B 35-C 36-E 37-C 38-B 39-A 40-D 33-B 34-C 35-A 36-C 37-C 38-B 39-E 40-C
41-A 42-E 43-D 44-C 45-D 46-E 47-B 48-D 41-A 42-C 43-D 44-A 45-B 46-A 47-B 48-E
49-E 50-B 51-A 52-A 53-E 54-B 55-C 56-D 49-B 50-A 51-C 52-A 53-D 54-D 55-B 56-E
57-E 58-B 59-B 60-E 61-E 62-D 63-A 64-A 57-B 58-B 59-D 60-B 61-B 62-C 63-C 64-A
65-E 66-A 67-C 68-A 69-D 70-A 71-D 72-B 65-A 66-B 67-A 68-B 69-D 70-C 71-A 72-A
73-B 74-C 75-A 76-B 77-D 78-A 79-E 80-D 73-C 74-A 75-B 76-D 77-E 78-B 79-D 80-D
81-A 82-C 83-C 84-D 85-D 86-E 87-A 88-E 81-A 82-A
89-C 90-D 91-A 92-D 93-B 94-B 95-D 96-E
97-D 98-B 99-C 100-B 101-E 102-C 103-A 104-D Test 6: Making up a story (Page 377)
105-B 106-A 107-C 108-B 109-C 110-C 111-E 112-C
1-E 2-D 3-D 4-D 5-E 6-D 7-B 8-B
113-D 114-A 115-A 116-D 117-E 118-B 119-C 120-D
9-E 10-C 11-D 12-B 13-A 14-A 15-C 16-D
121-B 122-A 123-C 124-E 125-C 126-D 127-B 128-D
17-A 18-C 19-E 20-C 21-C 22-A 23-B 24-C
129-E 130-C 131-E 132-C 133-C 134-E 135-A 136-D
25-B 26-B 27-B 28-B 29-E 30-E 31-A 32-A
137-E 138-C 139-C 140-C 141-D 142-A 143-A 144-C
33-A 34-A 35-A 36-A 37-A 38-E 39-B 40-A
145-B 146-E 147-D 148-C 149-A 150-D 151-D 152-A
41-B 42-A 43-C 44-E 45-E
153-E 154-B 155-B 156-A 157-E 158-A 159-B 160-B
161-A 162-D 163-C 164-C 165-E 166-A 167-A 168-A
Test 7: Dialogue Completion (Page 381)
169-D 170-E 171-C 172-D 173-C 174-D 175-B 176-A
177-B 178-E 179-C 180-B 181-C 182-B 183-C 184-D 1-A 2-C 3-C 4-A 5-D 6-E 7-D 8-D
185-A 186-C 187-E 188-D 189-B 190-B 191-A 192-D 9-E 10-D 11-D 12-B 13-D 14-A 15-D 16-A
193-B 194-B 195-C 196-E 197-D 198-A 199-B 200-E 17-C 18-E 19-B 20-D 21-C 22-D 23-D 24-C
201-D 25-C 26-D 27-D 28-D 29-B 30-C 31-B 32-D
33-C 34-A 35-B 36-C 37-D 38-E 39-B 40-A
Test 2: Paragraph Completion (Page 359) 41-B 42-B 43-C 44-D 45-E 46-B 47-E 48-B
49-B 50-B 51-D 52-C 53-C 54-E 55-E 56-A
1-A 2-E 3-B 4-D 5-B 6-C 7-A 8-E
57-C 58-D 59-C 60-B 61-C 62-E 63-A 64-A
9-B 10-A 11-A 12-B 13-E 14-B 15-D 16-A
65-D 66-C 67-E 68-C 69-B 70-E 71-D 72-E
17-E 18-A 19-C 20-D 21-D 22-D 23-E 24-C
73-B 74-C 75-B 76-A 77-D 78-D 79-D 80-C
25-A 26-D 27-E 28-C 29-D 30-A 31-A 32-A
81-C 82-D 83-A 84-B 85-B 86-C 87-C 88-B
33-C 34-A 35-E 36-C 37-A 38-B 39-D 40-B
89-D 90-A 91-C 92-B 93-C 94-C 95-C 96-B
41-B 42-D 43-A 44-A 45-E 46-C 47-C 48-A
97-A 98-A 99-A 100-A 101-D 102-B 103-B 104-E
49-C 50-E 51-A 52-B 53-E 54-C 55-D 56-A
105-A 106-A 107-D
57-D 58-E 59-E 60-A 61-E 62-B 63-E 64-D
65-A 66-C 67-E 68-B 69-B 70-D 71-B
Test 8: Proverbs (Page 388)

Test 3: Paragraph Summarizing (Page 365) 1-D 2-D 3-A 4-C 5-E 6-D 7-C 8-A
9-E 10-D 11-E 12-B 13-B 14-D 15-D 16-E
1-E 2-D 3-A 4-C 5-A 6-B 7-E 8-C
17-E 18-C 19-B 20-E 21-C 22-D 23-C 24-B
9-C 10-C 11-A 12-B 13-B 14-C 15-B 16-E
25-D 26-C 27-B 28-E 29-C 30-B 31-D 32-E
17-A 18-C 19-D 20-E 21-E 22-D 23-B 24-E
33-A 34-E 35-E 36-C 37-B 38-C 39-A 40-E
25-B 26-C 27-E
41-B 42-A 43-A 44-C 45-E 46-C 47-A 48-A
49-E 50-D 51-D 52-B 53-A
Test 4: Appropriate Questions (Page 368)

1-C 2-E 3-D 4-A 5-B 6-D 7-D 8-B

9-C 10-A 11-B 12-B 13-C 14-B 15-C 16-D
17-D 18-E 19-A 20-A 21-C 22-A 23-D 24-C
25-C 26-C 27-C 28-A 29-B 30-C 31-C 32-D
33-E 34-A 35-D 36-E 37-E 38-E 39-C 40-D
41-C 42-B 43-D 44-E 45-E 46-B 47-D 48-B
49-E 50-E 51-B 52-B 53-B 54-B 55-A 56-D
57-D 58-C 59-D 60-E 61-D 62-E 63-B 64-A
65-D 66-A 67-A 68-C 69-D 70-D 71-A 72-C
73-A 74-A 75-A 76-D

Book 3 430 Answers

Test 9: Idioms (Page 391)

1-C 2-C 3-A 4-B 5-A 6-B 7-A 8-B

9-A 10-C 11-C 12-A 13-C 14-B 15-C 16-C
17-B 18-C 19-B 20-C 21-A 22-B 23-A 24-C
25-A 26-C 27-B 28-B 29-A 30-B 31-C 32-A
33-B 34-B 35-C 36-C 37-C 38-A 39-B 40-B
41-B 42-A 43-B 44-C 45-B 46-C 47-A 48-C
49-B 50-A 51-A 52-C 53-A 54-C 55-B 56-B
57-C 58-A 59-C 60-A 61-A 62-C 63-C 64-A
65-A 66-A 67-C 68-C 69-C 70-B 71-B 72-A
73-A 74-A 75-B 76-C 77-B 78-C 79-B 80-C
81-A 82-B 83-B 84-A 85-C 86-A 87-C 88-B
89-C 90-B 91-C 92-A 93-C 94-B 95-B 96-B
97-C 98-C 99-C 100-A 101-C 102-C 103-A 104-A
105-C 106-B 107-C 108-B 109-A 110-C 111-C 112-B
113-C 114-A 115-B 116-A 117-C 118-B 119-A 120-C
121-A 122-A 123-A 124-A 125-C 126-C 127-B 128-B
129-B 130-B 131-B 132-A 133-C 134-B 135-A 136-C
137-A 138-C 139-C 140-C 141-B 142-A 143-B 144-C
145-B 146-C 147-C 148-B 149-A 150-C 151-B 152-C
153-A 154-C 155-B 156-C 157-B 158-B 159-A 160-C
161-B 162-A 163-B 164-C 165-C 166-C 167-B 168-A
169-C 170-B 171-C 172-C 173-B 174-B 175-C 176-A
177-A 178-B 179-C 180-A 181-B 182-A 183-C 184-A
185-B 186-C 187-C 188-B 189-C 190-C 191-C 192-B
193-A 194-B 195-B 196-C 197-A 198-C 199-B 200-A
201-C 202-B 203-A 204-B 205-C 206-B 207-C 208-A
209-A 210-A 211-C 212-A 213-C 214-B 215-B 216-C
217-C 218-C 219-B 220-C 221-A 222-B 223-C 224-B
225-A 226-C 227-A 228-A

Test 10: Slang (Page 398)

1-A 2-B 3-A 4-C 5-B 6-A 7-C 8-C

9-B 10-A 11-C 12-A 13-A 14-C 15-A 16-B
17-B 18-A 19-A 20-C 21-C 22-C 23-B 24-C
25-A 26-B 27-C 28-A 29-A 30-B 31-C 32-C
33-A 34-C 35-C 36-C 37-C 38-B 39-B 40-A
41-C 42-B 43-C 44-C 45-B 46-B 47-A 48-C
49-A 50-A 51-A 52-C 53-A 54-B 55-B 56-B
57-B 58-C 59-A 60-A 61-C 62-B 63-A 64-B
65-A 66-C 67-B 68-C 69-B 70-C 71-B 72-B
73-A 74-A 75-A 76-B 77-A 78-B 79-C 80-C
81-A 82-C 83-B 84-C 85-C 86-A 87-B 88-C
89-B 90-A 91-C 92-A 93-A 94-A 95-C 96-A
97-A 98-B 99-C 100-B 101-C 102-B 103-A 104-A
105-C 106-A 107-A 108-B 109-A 110-B 111-C 112-C
113-A 114-B 115-B 116-A 117-B 118-A 119-B 120-C
121-A 122-C 123-C 124-C 125-A 126-B 127-A 128-C
129-B 130-A 131-A 132-B 133-C 134-A 135-C 136-A
137-B 138-B 139-C 140-B 141-A 142-B 143-A 144-C
145-A 146-B 147-B 148-A 149-B 150-A 151-B 152-C
153-A 154-A 155-C 156-B 157-B 158-A 159-C 160-C
161-B 162-C 163-C 164-A 165-A 166-C

Book 3 431 Answers

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