(GIVING) A Study On Syntactic and Semantic Features of The Giving Verb Group in English and Their Vietnamese Equivalents

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M.A Thesis

Field: English Language

Code: 8220201






Hanoi, 2018


M.A Thesis

Field: English Language

Code: 8220201






Hanoi, 2018

I declare that this thesis, entitled ―A STUDY ON SEMANTIC AND

VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS‖, and the work presented in it is my own and
has been generated by me as the result of my own research.

I confirm that when I quoted from the work of others, the source was always
given and no part of this work has been published before submission.

Hanoi, 2018

QuanThi Thanh Huyen

Approved by


Dr. Nguyen Thi Van Dong



During the whole process of conducting this study for her MA thesis, the
writer has received the support as well as encouragement from a number of people.
Thus, it will probably be an unacceptable mistake if this invaluable contribution to
the accomplishment of this thesis is not mentioned.
First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Dr.
Nguyen Thi Van Dong, with their patience in providing constant and careful
guidance, advice as well as useful corrections and suggestions.
Secondly, my special thanks also go to all the lecturers in the Faculty of
Postgraduate Studies, Hanoi Open University for their very useful and interesting
lectures which have laid the foundation for my thesis.
Last but not least, my sincere thanks are delivered to my beloved family and
friends, whose unlimited love and support enabled me to complete this paper.


Statement of authorship i
Acknowledgements ii
Table of contents iii
List of abbreviations vi
List of tables vii
Abstract viii
1.1. Rationale 1
1.2. Aims and objectives of the study 2
1.3. Research questions 2
1.4. Methods of the study 2
1.5. Scope of the study 3
1.6. Significance of the study 3
1.7. Design of the study 4
2.1. Previous studies 5
2.2. Theoretical background 6
2.2.1. Theory of syntax 6
2.2.2. Theory of semantics 7
2.2.3. Overview of English verbs 7
2.2.4. Overview of Vietnamese verbs 11
2.3. Theoretical framework 14
2.3.1. Overview of the giving verb group in English 14
2.3.2. Overview of the giving verb group in Vietnamese 16
2.4. Summary 19
Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY 20
3.1. Subjects 20
3.2. Instrumentation 20
3.3. Procedures 21
3.4. Statistical analysis 21
3.5. Summary 22
Chapter 4:

Syntactic features of English giving group in terms of sentence
4.1. 24
elements and sentence patterns
4.1.1. In terms of sentence elements 24
4.1.2. In terms of sentence patterns 35
4.2. Syntactic features of the six English verbs in the giving verb group 36
4.2.1. Syntactic features of give 36
4.2.2. Syntactic features of lend 37
4.2.3. Syntactic features of pay 38
4.2.4. Syntactic features of present 39
4.2.5. Syntactic features of donate 39
4.2.6. Syntactic features of exchange 40
4.3. Semantic features of the giving verb group in English 41
4.3.1. Semantic features of give 42
4.3.2. Semantic features of lend 43
4.3.3. Semantic features of pay 43
4.3.4. Semantic features of present 44
4.3.5. Semantic features of donate 45
4.3.6. Semantic features of exchange 45
4.4. The giving verb group in English and their Vietnamese equivalents 46
A comparison of giving verb group in English and their Vietnamese
4.4.1. 46
equivalents in terms of their syntactic feature
A comparison of giving verb group in English and their Vietnamese
4.4.2. 48
equivalents in terms of semantics
4.5. Frequency of English giving verbs 63
4.6. Discussion 64
4.6.1. Suggestions for language teaching 64
4.6.2. Suggestions for language translating 65
4.7. Summary 67
Chapter 5: CONCLUSIONS 68
5.1. Summary of findings 68
5.2. Concluding remarks 68

5.3. Recommendations for further study 69
5.3.1. Limitations of the research 69
5.3.2. Suggestions for further study 70


A Nouns or pronouns
A1 Things/people that is influenced
A2 Things given or received
Co Object complement
Cs Subject complement
E.g. For example,
i.e. That is
No Number
NP Noun phrase
NP1 Participant 1
NP2 Participant 2
NP3 Participant 3
O Object
Oi Indirect object
Od Direct object
P Percentage
Pre Preposition
S Subject
Sb Somebody
Sth Something
V Verb
* Wrong sentence

Table 2.1. Vietnamese verb classification in Vietnamese Grammar 14
Table 2.2. The classification of the six English verbs in the giving verb 15
Table 3.1. Total data for the research references and quoted sources 22
Table 4.1. The semantic functions of each clause type having the six 36
English verbs in the giving verb group.
Table 4.2. The giving verb group in terms of the sentence patterns 38
Table 4.3. Frequency of the six English verbs in the giving verb group 41
Table 4.4. The English giving verb group and their Vietnamese 62
equivalents in terms of semantic features
Table 4.5. The summary of semantic features of the giving verb group 62
in English and their Vietnamese equivalents
Table 4.6. Frequency the six giving verbs in the 8 bilingual English and 61
Vietnamese literary works


Nowadays, English is regarded as the language of modernization and technological

advancement all over the world. Learning English is also problematic for foreign
learners because they are affected by their mother tongue during the process of
studying grammar, vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, etc. This thesis aims at
dealing with investigating syntactic and semantic features of the giving verb group
and their Vietnamese equivalents. The data quoted from the eight bilingual English
and Vietnamese literary works prove that the verb give is the most frequency use,
and the verb donate is the least frequency use. In addition, the giving verbs can be
translated with a variety of meaning in Vietnamese. The findings of this study are
the valuable knowledge for translators and teachers as well as. The results of the
study show that the six English verbs belonging to the giving verb group are give,
lend, pay, present, donate, and exchange. Semantically, the six verbs in the giving
verb group mostly mean transferring possession of some Gift from Donor to a
Recipient. However; the translators should use different words in Vietnamese
depending on the different position (higher or lower) of the Donor and the
Recipient. These initial findings of the analysis may lead to implications for
language teaching, translation as well as some suggestions for further research.

Chapter 1
1.1. Rationale
Nowadays, English is regarded as the language of modernization and
technological advancement all over the world. Learning English is also problematic
for non-native speakers in general and foreign learners in particular because they
are affected by their mother tongue during the process of studying grammar,
vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, etc.
On the grammatical aspect, knowledge of parts of speech helps English
learners make sentences accurately. One of the most important parts of speech in
sentences is the verb. Verbs have always been one of the most complex parts of
speech, which have most widely used and consequently, have played an important
role in any language system so far. Among English verbs, the verb give is one of the
commonest words and is used in many different ways.
There have been a lot of researchers conducting investigations into the
giving verb group in both English and Vietnamese.
In English, Newman has two research works ―Give: a Cognitive Linguistic
Study‖ and ―Figurative Giving‖. In his two studies, he explores the verb give under
the cognitive perspective.
In Vietnamese, Nguyễn Kim Thản (1977) discusses about the verb group of
giving and lists out the verb give including ban, phát, biếu, bố thí, bồi thường, bù,
cấp, cho, cấp phát, dành, dâng, giao, gửi, nhường, phú, thí, etc. Lâm Quang Đông
(2008) has a study on the constructions of denotative meaning in sentences having
verbs give and receive. These above works study the giving verb in English or
Vietnamese separately, and the relation between the verb give in English and
Vietnamese is not mentioned to.
From these above reasons, I have decided to choose the topic “A study on
syntactic and semantic features of the GIVING verb group in English and their
Vietnamese equivalents”. This study appeared as a result of difficulties that the
author faces in daily teaching related to the usage of the giving verb group. The

problem is that how to make sentences having the verb give, lend, pay, present,
donate, exchange, and in which patterns are used. In addition, translators are
confused when choosing these verbs to make sentences in English and translating it
into Vietnamese.
Therefore, this thesis aims at filling these gaps. Hopefully, examining the
giving verb group in English and its equivalents in Vietnamese is supposed to help
language teaching, and translating more effectively.
1.2. Aims and objectives of the study
The study is expected to provide Vietnamese teachers and translators with a
description of syntactic and semantic features of the giving verb group in English
and their Vietnamese equivalents.
Objectives of the study are as follows:
- To identify syntactic and semantic features of giving verb group in English
- To find out the differences and similarities between English giving verb
group and their Vietnamese equivalents in terms of syntactic and semantics features
-To give some possible suggestions for teaching and translating the giving
verb group in English and Vietnamese
1.3. Research questions
In general, with the aims and the objectives above, the following research
questions will be addressed:
- What are the syntactic and semantics features of the giving verb group in
- What are the feature similarities and differences of the giving verb group in
English and their Vietnamese equivalents in terms of syntax and semantics?
- What are possible suggestions for teaching and translating the giving verb
group in English and Vietnamese?
1.4. Methods of the study
The study is planned to describe and analyze some syntactic and semantic
features of the giving verb group in English as well as their Vietnamese equivalents.

To meet the demand of the objectives, this study is going to choose English as the
source language and Vietnamese as the target one.
The methods are used in this study include descriptive and contrastive
analysis ones.
The descriptive method is exploited to search for the syntactic and semantics
features of the six verbs of the giving verb group in English.
Besides, the contrastive analysis method is useful to uncover the Vietnamese
equivalents of these six English verbs. In particular, the data collected from English
and Vietnamese literary works will be used to analyze in order to reveal the
equivalents in the two languages.
In addition, the statistical technique is also utilized. This technique helps to
collect, summarize, analyze and interpret the variable numerical data from the total
number of examples to give the frequency the six giving verbs.
The verbs are analyzed in detail beginning with give followed by lend, pay,
present, donate, exchange. Each of these verbs is described in a separate section,
and the analysis was conducted with a view to discovering such aspects of each
verb as its syntactic, semantics performed by each of these verbs. The analysis is
believed to contribute to a deeper understanding of the six English verbs. The
componential analysis will be applied to analyze the data.
1.5. Scope of the study
In this study, the major point is to focus on the English giving verb group in
terms of syntax and semantics. English is considered as source language, meanwhile
Vietnamese is target language. So, the syntactic and semantic features of the giving
verb group in English are compared with their Vietnamese equivalents.
On this base, some suggestions for Vietnamese teachers and translators are
proposed to support their using the giving verb group more effective.
1.6. Significance of the study
Theoretically, the study will provide a comprehensive and overall knowledge
about the syntactic and semantic features of the giving verb group in English.

Moreover, the similarities and differences between this verb groups in English and
in Vietnamese are very helpful in contrasting two languages.
Practically, the study will help teachers and translators to be able to master
some suggestions and hints in teaching and translating this verb group effectively
because the giving verb group consists of many verbs and make people confused
when its syntactic and semantic features are under many unknowns.
1.7. Design of the study
This thesis consists of five main parts:
Chapter 1 is the introduction which gives the reasons why this topic: ―The
syntactic and semantic features of the giving verb group in English and their
Vietnamese equivalents‖ has been chosen for the study as well as its aims and
objectives, scope, significance and organization of the study.
Chapter 2 is the literature review. It presents an overview of the previous
studies related to the giving verb group both in English and Vietnamese and a
review of theoretical background that can be considered as a foundation for
conducting the whole study.
Chapter 3 mentions to the methodology of the study which describes in detail
all research governing orientations and research methods.
Chapter 4 is the finding and discussion in which the similarities and
differences on the syntactic and semantic features of the giving verb group in
English in terms of their sentence patterns and sentence elements are mentioned.
Then the comparison with their Vietnamese equivalents is also given in accordance
with some possible suggestions for teaching English and translating the giving verb
group from English into Vietnamese.
Chapter 5 deals with the conclusion which summarizes the whole content of
the study, then gives some recommendations and suggestions for a further study.

Chapter 2
2.1. Previous studies
English verbs have been the subject of several studies by linguists because
they not only play an important role in a sentence but also present particularly
interesting syntactic and semantic characteristics. In particular, even if that are often
considered as being a coherent semantic class, we can find verbs displaying
different semantic features and syntactic behavior.
In English, Dixon (1991) has a study on semantic types of words and
grammatical word classes. Bases on semantic roles, he classifies verbs into two sort
primary and secondary sort. As stated in the ―A New Approach to English Grammar
on Semantic Principles‖, he mentions the primary –A verbs including 10 verb
groups. Among this verb group, he claims there are six verbs: give, lend, pay,
present, donate, exchange in the giving verb group. The study of Dixon mentions
to the verb groups based on the semantic relations but not syntactic relations.
Newman (1996) describes a detailed semantic account of words denoting giving and
then examines how these words function in clause structures. He also gives general
remarks on give verbs, introduces forms denoting giving across a number of
languages. Moreover, he states a detailed cognitive-semantic analysis of lexical
items denoting give. The two linguists exploit the verb give on the semantic aspects
without concerning to their syntactic relations.
In Vietnamese, Lâm Quang Đông (2008) mentions to the constructions of
denotative meaning in sentences having verbs give and receive. His particular
concern is to understand what meaning the verb give and receive express in
different sentence patterns. In addition, Nguyễn Kim Thản (1977) examines the
Vietnamese verbs on the grammatical features in his study. As he also gives a list of
give and deliver verb group including ban, phát, biếu, bố thí, dồi thƣờng, bù, cấp,
cho, cấp phát, dành, dâng, đƣa, đút lót, đền, giao, gửi, nhƣờng, hối lộ, phát, phú,
nộp, tặng, thí, trả…However, his study still does not mention to the semantic
features of the giving verbs yet.

There also have been many researches that focus on giving verb groups. Trần
Thị Ánh Diệp (2016) investigated Vietnamese translated variants of verbs of giving
and receiving in "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" by J.K. Rowling. In order
to facilitate the translator in the process of translation, especially at word level, her
study is carried out at the endeavor of exploring the English verbs of giving and
receiving and their corresponding variants. Đào Thị Hồng Hạnh (2017) studies the
sentences having verbs give and receive in comparison between Vietnamese and
Japanese. In her thesis, she concentrates on describing the verb on their layers of
meaning or denotative meanings.
In brief, these above works all study on the giving verb group in their
semantic features or on their denotative meanings, there is not any researches on the
giving verb group in both syntactic and semantic features in comparison between
English and Vietnamese equivalents as well. From these reasons, I have decided to
have a study on syntactic and semantic features of the giving verb group in English
and Vietnamese equivalents, with the hope that this research can partly facilitate
teachers, and translators to be more awarded of the meanings and sentence patterns
including the giving verb group.
2.2. Theoretical background
2.2.1. Theory of syntax
Syntax is defined as a set of rules in language. It dictates how words from
different parts of speech are put together in order to convey a complete thought.
According to Dixon (1991), syntax deals with the way in which words are
combined together. Verbs have different grammatical properties from language to
language but there is always a major class verb, which includes word referring to
motion, rest, and attention, giving and speaking.
Linda Thomas(1993) states that languages are by nature extremely complex
and describing a language, any language is not an easy task. Syntax seeks to
describe the way words fit together to form sentences or utterances.
Syntax or sentence structure concerns with the way words combine together
in a language to form sentences. Every language has a limited number of syntactic

relations. Subject and object are probably universal of syntactic relations, which
apply to every language. However, just as the criteria for the major words class
noun and verb differ from language to language, so do the ways in which syntactic
relations are marked.
2.2.2. Theory of semantics
Semantics defined in ―The study of language‖ by George Yule is the study
of the meaning of words, phrases and sentences. In semantic analysis, there is
always an attempt to focus on what the words conventionally mean, rather than on
what a speaker might want the words to mean on a particular occasion. Also,
linguistic semantics deals with the conventional meaning conveyed by the use of
words and sentences of a language.
According to David Crystal (2008) expresses his study as follow: Semantics
is a branch of linguistics devoted to the study of meaning in language. In particular,
the approach called structural semantics applies the principles of structural
linguistics to the study of meaning through the notion of semantics relations
between lexical items (such as synonymy and antonymic). In generative grammar,
the semantic component is a major area of the organization of a grammar, which
assigns a semantic representation to a sentence and analyses lexical items of
semantics features.
In the preface of ―Linguistic semantics: An introduction‖, John Lyons
(1995) defines that ―semantics is the study of meaning in language‖. It is
systematically encoded in the vocabulary and grammar of natural languages. This
definition of linguistic semantics, as far as it goes, is relatively uncontroversial. But
it is also almost wholly uninformative unless and until one goes on to say, first,
what one means by ―meaning‖ and, second, what exactly is meant by ―encoded‖ in
this context. He also explains that those who draw a terminological distinction
between ―semantics‖ and ―pragmatics‖ and take narrower view of meaning than he
does will see his book as introduction to a broader field of linguistic semantics and

2.2.3. Overview of English verbs Definition of the English verb
The Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
(2010) defines verb is a word which occurs as part of the predicate of a sentence
carries markers of grammatical categories such as tense, aspect, person,
number and mood, and refers to an action or state.
For example:
He opened the door.
Jane loves Tom.
Alexander (1988) also gives the definition of English verb as a word (run) or
a phrase (run out of) which expresses the existence of a state (love, seem) or the
doing of an action (take, play).He gives two terms of verbs: verbs are used to
express distinctions in time (past, present, future) through tense (often with
adverbials of time or frequency); auxiliary verbs are used with full verbs to give
other information about actions and states. For example, he may be used with the
present participle of a full verb to say that an action was going on ('in progress') at a
particular time (For example: was swimming); have may be used with the past
participle of a full verb to say that an action is completed (For example: have
As stated by Dixon (1991), the definition of English verb is ―A verb is the
center of a clause‖. A verb refers to some activity and there must be a number of
participants who have roles in that activity as: Sinbad carried the old man; or it may
refer to a state, and there must be a participant to experience the state as: My leg
A set of verbs is grouped together as one semantic type partly because
they require the same set of participant roles. All giving verbs require a Donor, a
Gift and a Recipient, as in:
John gave a bouquet to Mary.
Jane lent the Saab to Bill.
The Women‟s Institutes supplied the soldiers with socks.

(R.M.W. Dixon, 1991: 9)
According to David Crystal (2008), verb is a term used in the grammatical
classification of words, to refer to a class traditionally defined as ‗doing‘ or ‗action‘
words. The formal definition of a verb refers to an element which can display
morphological contrasts of tense, aspect, voice, mood, person and number.
Functionally, it is the element which, single or in combination with other verbs as a
‗verb phrase‘, is used as the minimal predicate of a sentence, co-occurring with a
subject (E.g. she/wrote). If the predicate contains other elements (E.g. object,
complement, adverbial), then it is the verb which more than any other is the unit
which influences the choice and extent of these elements; (E.g. the verb put
takes both an object and a locative adverbial, as in he put the book on the
table.). In many grammatical theories, accordingly, the verb is considered the
most important element in sentence structure. English verb classification
There are many different classifications of an English verb depending on
different categories. According to Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written
English (2002), verbs are classified as follows:
Verbs perform two major functions in clauses: main verbs and auxiliary
verbs. Main verbs are the central element in a clause and autarky verbs qualify the
meaning of the main verb. In addition, verb forms can be grouped into three major
classes according to their ability to function as main verbs or auxiliary verbs:
Lexical verbs (run, eat, think) function only as main verbs, primary verbs (be, have,
and do) can function as both auxiliary and main verbs, and modal verbs (can,
could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must) function only as auxiliary verbs.
In ―A new approach to English grammar on semantics principles‖, Dixon
states that verbs fall into two board subclasses-those that require only one role
(intransitive verb) and those which require two or more roles (transitive verbs).
There is considerable difference between intransitive subject and transitive subject.
In term of the function within the verb phrase, Quirk et al (1985) states that
verbs are divided into open class of full verbs (or lexical verbs such as leave), and

closed classes (be, have, do) of primary verbs and of modal auxiliary verbs (will,
might). Of these three classes, the full verbs can act only as main verbs, the modal
auxiliaries can act only as auxiliary verbs, and the primary verbs can act either as
main verbs or as auxiliary verbs.
In term of sentence patterns, Quirk et al (1985) classify verbs into two types:
intensive verbs and extensive verbs.
a. Intensive verbs
Intensive verbs are also called copular verbs, and they are usually followed
by a noun, or a noun phrase, and adjective or prepositional phrase. Intensive verbs
are used to describe the subject. It means that the focus is on one thing, the subject
only. Intensive verbs appear in the structure ―S V C‖ or ―S V A‖. Words or phrases,
which are followed by an intensive verb work as the subject compliment and they
apply to the subject, not the verb. Let‘s consider the following examples:
Your dinner seems ready. (SVC)
My office is in the next building. (SVA)
(Quirk, Randolph, 1985: 721)
b. Extensive verbs
Extensive verbs are most other verbs, they do not have subject compliment.
Extensive verbs are used to say what the subject is doing. It covers a wider area; it
takes the information away from the subject. Words or phrases, which are followed
by an extensive verb work as the verb‘s object. They apply to the verb, not the
subject as in He stayed very quiet. (Quirk, Randolph, 1985: 55).
Extensive verbs include three small types: monotransitive, complex transitive
and ditransitive.
Ditransitive verbs are verbs which take a subject and two objects or have the
structure ―SVOO‖. According to certain linguistic considerations, these objectives
may be called direct, indirect objectives, or primary and secondary objectives as in
the following examples:
I must send my parents an anniversary card. (SVOO)
(Quirk, Randolph, 1985: 721)

In contrast, mono transitive verbs take only one object and appear in the
structure ―S V O‖ as in the following example:
That lecture bored me. (SVO)
(Quirk, Randolph, 1985: 721)
Verb requires both a direct object and another object or an object
complement is complex transitive verbs. Complex transitive verbs appear in the
structure ―SVOC‖ or ―SVOA‖. In a complex- transitive construction, the object
complement identifies a quality or attributes pertaining to the direct object. Let‘s
consider the following examples:
Most students have found her reasonably helpful. (SVOC)
You can put the dish on the table. (SVOA)
(Quirk, Randolph, 1985: 721)
2.2.4. Overview of the Vietnamese verbs
Up to now, there has been a vast amount of research on the linguistic field in
Vietnamese grammar and parts of speech. Vietnamese is an isolating and analytic
language in which grammatical meanings are shown chiefly through word order and
function words (grammatical words). Also, Vietnamese words have the same forms
in different positions in sentences. As a result, several grammatical structures are
similar in form-organization but different in grammatical meanings.
E.g.: Tôi đi làm bằng xe máy. (I go to work by motorbike.)
Hôm qua tôi đi làm bằng xe máy.
(Yesterday, I went to work by motorbike.)
In contrast with verbs in English, verbs in Vietnamese do not have the
concord with other parts of speech. In other words, they are not affected by number,
gender, mood, voice and tense. In Vietnamese, a sentence refers to the basic time of
the context - that is the time which has been made clear in the context up to that
point. In addition, when playing function as central component of a verb phrase,
verb can combine with other modal auxiliary components before it to indicate scope
of the action or activity such as „cũng‟,„đều‟, „cứ‟, etc. to indicate continuation like
„còn‟, „vẫn‟, etc.; to indicate tense, aspect such as „sắp‟, „đang‟, „sẽ‟, „đã‟, etc.; to

refer to negative meaning, for example: ‗chƣa‘, ‗không‘, ‗chẳng‘, etc.; to indicate
advice or prohibit such as: „hãy‟, „đừng‟, „chớ‟, and so on. However, as Cao Xuân
Hạo suggested, such auxiliary components, especially „sắp‟, „đang‟, „sẽ,,„đã‟ should
be used with great care because in some cases these auxiliaries do not at all indicate
the tense. For instances, a soldier reunited with his family for five days, and the next
day when he had to come back to his military unit. His wife said to him: ―Ngày mai
anh đã đi rồi à?‖, ―đã‖ here does not indicate tense; it just helps to show regret.
Obviously, in Vietnamese, context holds the key factor to define tense of the verbs. Definition of Vietnamese verb
According to Lê Biên (1990:70), and Diệp Quang Ban (2001:21),
Vietnemese verbs are substantives referring to progress, forms of movements. They
may be activities (1), states (2), changing progress (3), and movement (4), etc.
For example: (1) Cô ấy đọc sách. / Anh ấy viết thƣ.
(2) Nó nhớnhà./ Em hiểu bác mà.
(3) GS Ngô Bảo Châu đã trở thành nhà bác học nổi tiếng thế
(4) Bạn tôi đi thành phố Hồ Chí Minh rồi. Vietnamese verb classification
With regards to linguistics, there have been many different ways to classify
verbs in each language by different authors. However, the classification of the verbs
by Diệp Quang Ban and Hoàng Văn Thung will be applied in this thesis. The two
linguisticians study and classify Vietnamese verbs into two kinds: Independent
verbs (động từ độc lập) and dependent verbs (động từ không độc lập). The
independent verbs are verbs followed by a direct object (thing or person that
receives the action of the verb). The independent verbs can not stand alone to
complete the meaning of the sentences including these verbs.
For example: Lan đưa tôi cuốn sách. Tôi yêu Hà Nội. In contrast, dependent
verbs stand alone in a sentence without any help verbs. For example: Trời mưa, Cô
ấy hát, etc. However, some verbs can be both dependent verbs and independent
verbs depending the way they are used. The verb break, for instance, sometimes

needs an object such as in the sentence: Julia breaks my heart. This verb does not
need a direct object in the sentence: When I hear your name, my heart breaks.
In each major type, he subdivides them based on several factors. The
classification of Vietnamese verbs is summarized in the following table:

Classification Meaning in Meaning

of Vietnamese verbs Vietnamese in English
Modal nên, cần, phải … Necessity
có thể, không thể ... Ability
định, toan, dám, nỡ Will
mong, muốn, ƣớc … Expect
bị, đƣợc, mắc, phải, chịu Passive
Independent …
verb cho là, xem, lấy … Estimation
Relation là, làm Parity
còn, có mất, biết … Existence
Có possession
hóa, thành, hóa ra ... Change
bắt đầu, tiếp tục … time process
gần, xa, gần gụi … spatial process
giống, khác, hơn, kém ... Comparison
By Adjunct viết, đánh, đi, nói, nghe ... Action
followed yêu, ghét,thích, mê … State
Dependent thấy, cảm thấy
verb By notional ngồi, đứng, nằm, lăn … Action
words ngủ, thức, cƣời … (notional words needn‘t
followed cằn nhằn, hậm hực … be required/ intransitive
đánh, trồng, học … verbs)
cho, tặng, gửi, lấy..

Dependent By notional sai, bảo, khiến … (notional words are
verb words ra, vào, lên, xuống … usually required /
followed đi, chạy, bò, lăn ... monotransitive verbs or
kéo, đẩy, xô ... ditransitive verbs)

Table 2.1: Verb classification in Vietnamese Grammar

Source: Diệp Quang Ban and Hoàng Văn Thung (1992:100)

2.3. Theoretical framework

2.3.1. Overview of the giving verb group in English
Regarding to verb classes, Quirk et al (1985:53) state that there are three
main verb classes. Quirk et al claim that intranstitive verbs are followed by no
obligatory element, and occur in type SV. Transitive verbs are followed by an
object, and occur in types SVO, SVOO, SVOC, and SVOA respectively. Colpular
verbs are followed by a Subject complement or Adverbial, and occur in types SVC
and SVA. In a general sense, the term transitive is often applied to all verbs which
required an object, including those of clause types SVOO, SVOC, and SVOA. The
patterns below give a further classification. The transitive verbs can be classified in
to smaller classes as monotransitive verbs, ditransitive verbs, or complex transitive

Monotransitive verbs occur in type SVO

Ditransitive verbs occur in type SVOO

Complex transitive verbs occur in type SVOC

and SVOA
In a sentence (a simple sentence or multiple sentence), a verb belongs to the giving
verb group can be followed by a direct object and indirect object or by no obligatory
element. One verb can be intransitive verb or transitive verb in different sentences.
Different verb classes require different complementation (Od, Oi, Cs, Co, A) to
complete the meaning of the verb, or no complementation.
Through investigating the six English verbs in the dictionary, the author has
the classification of these verbs as below:
No Verb Intransitive Transitive
1 Give X X
2 Lend - X
3 Pay X X
4 Present X X
5 Donate X X
6 Exchange X X

Table 2.2: The classification of the six English verbs in the giving verb group
The five English verbs in the giving verb group can be intransitive verbs or
transitive verbs depending on the sentence pattern which they join. There is only
verb lend which is always transitive verb. Therefore, this verb is followed by
Semantically, Angela Downing and Philip Locke (2002:90), state that there
are two main types of ditransitive complementation: the basic type, in which an
Indirect Object is followed by a Direct Object, and another, in which a Direct
Object is followed by a prepositional Object. They also classify give verbs into the
verbs of transfer. For example: I gave her a present. This is the basic ditransitive
pattern. Three-place verbs like give have a subject and two Objects, representing the
transfer of goods or information from one person to another.
E.g.: He showed the policeman his driving license.
(He showed his driving license to the policeman.)
As the examples show, the indirect Object has a prepositional counterpart,
the give type with to, and the prepositional functions as a prepositional object.
E.g.: I gave a present to her.
On the semantic aspect, Dixon (1991:86) states that giving verb group has
three core roles appear in two kinds of constructions with alternative roles being
mapped onto transitive object.
(a) Mary sent a present to the doctor.

Donor gift recipient

(b) Mary sent the doctor a present.

Donor recipient gift

In the three semantic roles, the subject – transitive subject is Donor, the two
other objects are Gift and Recipient, and the verb is transitive verb which must have
NPs (not complement clauses).
2.3.2. Overview of the giving verb group in Vietnamese
According to Lê Biên (1999), the Vietnamese giving verbs are independent
verbs which can not be used to make a full sentence itself without any other help
verbs. He also gives the structure of the giving verbs in sentences.
A – V-A2-A1 or A – V-A1-A2
(A are nouns or pronouns, V is verb, and A1 is thing or people that is
influenced, A1 is things which is given or received).
Em tặng cô bó hoa A – V-A2-A1
Em tặng bó hoa cho cô A – V-A1-A2
In this structure, it requires at least one complement, and the other can be
omitted. He gives the list of giving verbs such as tặng, cho, biếu, cấp, phát, trả,
nộp, đền, dâng.

According to Lâm Quang Đông (2008), he studies the Vietnamese giving
verb group in the constructions of sentences and the constructions denotative
meaning. He states eight kinds of sentence structures in both active and passive
1 NP1+ V trao/ tặng + NP2 + NP3
Example 1: She gave me all her life.
Cô ấy trao cho tôi cả cuộc đời.
2 NP1 + V trao/ tặng + NP3 cho +NP2
(use preposition to is used)
Example 2: He handed the bag to me.
Anh ta đưa cái túi cho tôi.
3 NP2 + be PII + NP3 + bởi NP1 (passive voice)
Example 3: The girl was presented with a million roses by the artist.
Cô gái được tặng triệu bông hồng bởi chàng họa sỹ.
4 NP2 đƣợc NP1 + V trao/ tặng + NP3 (passive voice)
Example 4: Meggie got a letter from Like.
Meggie nhận được một lá thue của Luke.
5 NP2 + V nhận + từ NP3 (use preposition from)
Example 5: Bill got a letter.
Bill nhận được một bức thư.
6 NP2 + V nhận + của NP1 + NP3
7 NP3 + be PII + NP2 + bởi NP1 (passive voice)
Example 7: The book was given to me by mistake.
Cuốn sách được đưa nhầm cho tôi.
8 NP3 (+ NP1) + V trao/ tặng + NP2
Example 8: A 10,000-dollar award has been offered for the capture of the
Người ta đã treo giải thưởng 10 ngàn đô la cho ai bắt được kẻ
bị truy nã.

In term of the meaning of the giving verb group, Lâm Quang Đông
(2008:110) states the giving verb group in Vietnamese has four layers of meaning.

1. Control - possession relation.

In Vietnamese, the meaning of the giving verb group mainly is the change
the right of control and possession from the owners to others.
Example: X cause Y to have Z.
X khiến Y có Z.
2. Spatial-Dynamic relation.
In this kind of meaning, the movement of the things from givers to receivers
is mentioned. The space between from givers to receivers varies differently.
Example: X cause Z to go to Y.
X khiến Z tới Y
3. The meaning of human interest.
This layer of meaning shows who receive benefits from the giving or
receiving action.
Example: X cause Y to benefit from having Z.
X làm cho Y phải chịu đựng Z.
4. The meaning of power.
This layer of meaning shows the relationship between the givers and
receivers in the aspects of age, positions, and relationship in their family and
in the social. The upward relationship is the relationship between the lower
positions in comparison with the the higher positions of givers of receivers.
In this occasion, the giving verb hiến, cúng, biếu (donate, devote) are used.
In contrast, the downward relationship is the relationship between the higher
positions in comparison with the the lower positions of givers of receivers.
The giving verb phú, ban (bestow, endow) are used.
He also mentions to three participants to make a full sentence with the
giving verb group as below:

Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3
tiếp thể (recipient),
tác thể (agent),
đích (goal),
chủ thể (author), đối thể (theme),
nghiệm thể(experience),
nguồn(source), tạo thể (complement),
địa điểm (locative),
địa điểm (locative), công cụ (instrument)
đắc lợi thể (beneficiary),
công cụ (instrument)
thụ thể (patient)

2.4. Summary
In this chapter, the Literature Review includes previous studies, review of
theoretical background. In the previous studies, the studies of authors in oversea and
in Vietnam are given. In the theoretical background, theory of syntax and semantics
are analyzed thoroughly in order to use for the background of analyzing the
syntactic and semantic features of the giving verbs in English.
Moreover, the definition of the verb and classification of verb are pointed out
in details. Finally, theoretical background is given briefly reviewed what has been
found and discussed the related studies by describing their approaches and key
findings, but then identify weaknesses in the approach and limitations in the


This chapter introduces the subjects which are objective entities analyzed,
instruments, techniques used to collect data and find out the results of the research,
and procedures which are steps of processing the research. In addition, statistical
analyses are mentioned to demonstrate the process used for analysis of data.
3.1. Subjects
The research takes the six English verbs in the giving verb group as follows:
give, lend, pay, present, donate, exchange as the subjects to study. These verbs are
studied on their usages and meanings to sum up their general syntactic and semantic
3.2. Instrumentation
The sources which the six English verbs are investigated are from many
official English documents. The most important documents used to quote examples
are the 8 bilingual English and Vietnamese literary works on bookstores and
libraries in Vietnam.
The names of these 8 bilingual English and Vietnamese literary works are
listed in the corpora, and the contrastive translation between English and
Vietnamese are mentioned in the appendix.
Next, a large amount of dictionaries in both English and Vietnamese or
bilingual dictionaries are considered such as: Oxford Advanced Learner’s
Dictionary (2015); NTC’s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases (2002);
Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics (1987);
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary with Vietnamese translation (2014);
English- Vietnamese dictionary (2014). Additionally, there are numerous
theoretical books about syntax and semantic in English, English verbs, Vietnamese
verbs are referred such as A New Approach to English Grammar on Semantic
Principles (1991); Semantic Structures (1990); English Verb Classes and

Alternations: A preliminary investigation (1993); Động từ trong Tiếng việt (1977);
Từ loại tiếng Việt hiện đại (1999), and so on.
3.3. Procedures
In order to accomplish the thesis, the study uses an authentic and realistic
data which are 213 quotes and examples taken from bilingual English- Vietnamese
novels, short stories. Firstly, the 8 English and Vietnamese literary works are
chosen at random. The number of the works, the year of the works written, the
length and the structure of each work are not considered.
The examples having six English verbs are quoted, analyzed and used as the
chief source for the qualitative evidence.
When analyzing data, the syntactic features of the six English giving verbs
and their Vietnamese equivalents are presented through clear and understandable
examples firstly.
Then the semantic features of the six English verbs and their Vietnamese
equivalents are presented in turn.
After that the frequency or percentage in using of the six English giving
verbs are investigated.
After presenting the syntactic and semantic features of English giving verb
group and their Vietnamese equivalents, the discussions of findings are carried out
in order to find out the differences and similarities of each matter mentioned to state
the differences and similarities in English and Vietnamese giving verb group.
Some solutions for teaching English, translating from English into
Vietnamese the giving verb group are suggested. For the language teaching, the
teachers have to instruct students the giving verb group in both syntactic and
semantic features. Syntactically, teachers should give students some basic
knowledge on the giving verb group from the sentence elements to sentence
patterns in detail. Based on the understanding on the semantic features of the giving
verb group, a translator will have more choices in choosing the equivalent words in
their translating.

3.4. Statistical analysis
Based on the scan versions of English and Vietnamese literary works, the
researcher will use find and count tool in the PDF software in orders to get
sentences occurring the verbs give, lend, pay, present, donate, exchange. The find
tools give out total 213 sentences and the analyzing the syntactic and semantic
features of six verbs are carried out. Finally, the author can obtain the syntactic and
semantic features of these six verbs and the occurrence frequency of each verb as
well as.

Bilingual English and Vietnamese literary

Order Number of examples
1 A Walk to Remember 31
2 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 11
3 The Call of the Wild 12
4 The Catcher in the Rye 96
5 The Great Gatsby 30
6 The Last Leaf 2
7 The Old Man and the Sea 14
8 The Scarlet Sails 17
Total 213

Table 3.1: Total data for the research references

and quoted sources

3.5. Summary
To sum up, in this chapter, the author provides readers with the context of
the study, subjects of the study, instruments, procedures, statistical analysis.
Research governing orientations and research methods are two important elements
to help the author to do the study. The methods are used in this study include

descriptive and contrastive analysis methods. The data are collected from the
Bilingual English and Vietnamese literary works because their popularities. These
data is of high importance for chapter four and chapter five, in which the author
answers the research questions and withdraw conclusion for the whole study.

Chapter 4


In this chapter, the syntactic and semantic features of the giving verb group
in English as well as in Vietnamese are mentioned separately. After, the comparison
between the syntactic and semantics feature are invested to give the implications for
teaching, translating the giving verb group in both English and Vietnamese.
4.1. Syntactic features of English giving verb group in terms of sentence
elements and sentence patterns
4.1.1. In terms of sentence elements Subject (S) element
According to Quirk et al (1985:719), elements such as subject and verb are
constituents of sentences and also of clauses within sentences. He states that the
subject is the most important in that it is the element that is most often present.
It is also the element for which we can find the greatest number of
characteristic features. Relating to the form of subject, the subject is normally a
noun phrase or a nominal clause. Mentioning to the position of subject, the subject
normally occurs before the verb in declarative clauses, clauses, and after the
operator in yes-no interrogative clauses. Syntactically, a subject is obligatory in
finite clauses except in imperative clauses, where it is normally absent but implies.
Through investigating the 213 sentences having the giving verb group in 8
bilingual English and Vietnamese literary works , there is only 1 sentence ( 0,5% )
that the giving verb appears in a noun phrase at the position of a subject.
(1) Only Gatsby, the man who gives his name to this book, was exempt from my

(Trong phản ứng ấy, tôi chỉ chừa có Gatsby, ngƣời đƣợc lấy tên đặt cho cuốn
sách này.)
A subject is obligatory in finite clauses except in imperative clauses, where it
is normally absent but implied. There are 18 sentences (8,5%) that the subject is
omitted or implied.
(1) Must be in the Lord‘s plan to give us challenges.
(Hẳn phải là kế hoạch của Chúa để ngăn chặn một điều gì đó tồi tệ hơn xảy ra.)
(2) Don't give yourself airs!
(Đừng vênh váo nữa con.)
(3) ―Give your evidence,‖ said the King; 'and don't be nervous, or I'll have you
executed on the spot.
(Hãy đưa ra bằng chứng đi và đừng có sợ run lên nhƣ thế, nếu không ta sẽ
hành quyết.)
(4) ―Give your evidence,‖ the King repeated angrily, or I'll have you executed,
whether you're ervous or not.
(Hãy đưa ra bằng chứng đi. Nếu không ta sẽ cho hành quyết ngƣơi bất kể
ngƣơi có run sợ hay không.)
(5) ―Give your evidence,‖ said the King.
(Hãy trình bằng chứng của ngƣơi ra - Vua ra lệnh.)
(6) "Here, lend me a hand before you pull your freight," he added.
(Nào giúp tớ một tay trƣớc lúc chú mày phới!)
(7) Yeah? Give her to me, boy.
(Thật sao, cho tao đi mày.)
(8) Listen. Give her my regards, willya?
(Này, chuyển giúp tao lời chào nhé?)
(9) All right, give it back to me, then
(Đƣợc, đƣợc, thế thì trả bài luận lại đây)
(10) Listen. Give her my compliments.
(Nghe này, anh chuyển hộ lời chào của tôi đến cô ấy nhé.)
(11) Give her my compliments. Okay?

(Nghe này, hãy chuyển lời chào của tôi đến cô ấy nhé.)
(12) Give mother a kiss.
(Hôn mẹ nào.)
(13) Just give me two bucks, is all.
(Đưa anh hai đô thôi.)
(14) Give her good care, and she‘ll get well
(Ráng chăm sóc thì cô ấy sẽ khỏi.)
(15) Make him pay for the line, he thought.
(Bắt nó trả sợi dây, lão nghĩ.)
(16) Make him pay for it.
(Bắt nó trả sợi dây.)
(17) Now give it back," the little girl said timidly.
(Bây giờ thì trả cho cháu đây, cô bé rụt rè đòi.)
(18) Give a poor man a smoke, sir," he said.
(Ông chủ ơi cho kẻ khó này xin điếu thuốc với nào.) Verb (V) element

According to the previous study, verbs belonging to the giving verb group in
English can be both intransitive and transitive verbs. In case of being intransitive
verbs, these verbs are elements in the SV, SVC, SVA sentence patterns. In case of
being intransitive verbs, these verbs can appear as monotransitive verbs, ditransitive
verbs, or complex transitive verbs in the SVOO, SVOC, SVOA sentence patterns.
The verb give is found as intransitive, monotransitive, ditransitive, and
complex transitive verbs. The verb lend is found only as ditransitive verbs. In
addition, the verb pay occurs as intransitive, monotransitive, ditransitive, and
complex transitive verbs. The verb present plays roles as monotransitive, and
ditransitive verbs. The verb donate appears as only ditransitive verbs. The verb
exchange is in the roles of monotransitive, ditransitive verbs.
As investigating on 8 bilingual English and Vietnamese literary works with
213 verbs in sentences, the six verbs in the giving verb group appears as follow

percentage. The number of intransitive verbs are 11( 5,2%), monotransitive verbs
are 42 ( 19,7%), ditransitive verbs are 139 ( 65,3 % ), and complex transitive verbs
are 21 ( 9,8 %).

Frequency of the six giving verbs

in terms of sentence elements

Examples of intransitive verb:

(1) As he was fighting back his tears and sniffling, Margaret had already given in
to hers and sat weeping on the couch, unable to speak.
(Trong lúc nó đang cố gắng ngăn những giọt nƣớc mắt và tiếng sụt sịt, Margaret
đã đầu hàng những giọt nƣớc mắt của mình và ngồi khóc trên ghế sofa, không
thốt nên lời.)
(2) Men were not and when same of the filaments would catch on a line and rest
there slimy and purple while the old man was working a fish, he would have
welts and sores on his arms and hands of the sort that poison ivy or poison oak
can give.
(Ông lão đã chạm phải làm cả cánh tay lẫn bàn tay nhức nhối nhƣ thể khi chạm
phải một dây trƣờng xuân độc hay loài sồi độc.)

(3) The tall door topped by a murky fanlight was usually locked, but the latch fit
the mortise loosely and when pressed hard, the door would give, buckle and
(Tấm cửa cao lắp kính mờ ở phía trên lúc nào cũng đóng im ỉm, nhƣng then cửa
lại cài hờ hờ, chỉ cần đẩy tay vào là nó kênh lên và bật ra.)
(4) They saw Charles turn and make one step to run back, and then a whole section
of ice give way and dogs and humans disappear.
(Họ nhìn thấy Sác quay ngoắt lại và cố dấn thêm 1 bƣớc để chạy trở lui, rồi thì
toàn bộ cả 1 mảng băng lớn tụt hẳn xuống, lũ chó và ngƣời biến mất.)
(5) He would give in, and the clerk, having filled his basket with wellmade,
excellent toys, would leave, laughing up his sleeve.
(Anh hết muốn tranh cãi với ngƣời lái buôn, và y cuối cùng đã mua đƣợc rẻ. Y
cho những đồ chơi chắc chắn, tuyệt đẹp ấy vào làn rồi ra về, tủm tỉm cƣời.)
(6) Jamie never wanted to ask people straight out for the money, she wanted them
to give voluntarily.)
(Jamie chƣa bao giờ trực tiếp hỏi xin tiền, con bé muốn mọi ngƣời tự nguyện
đóng góp.)
(7) Even ministers had bills to pay.
(Ngay cả các mục sƣ cũng có những hóa đơn cần chi trả.)
(8) Make him pay for it.
(Bắt nó trả sợi dây.)
(9) Make him pay for the line, he thought.
(Bắt nó trả sợi dây, lão nghĩ.)
(10) Think they'll make ya pay for em?
(Thế chắc bọn chúng bắt mày chịu cả tiền vé chứ gì?)
Examples of monotransitive verb:
(1) Just then the fish gave a sudden lurch that pulled the old man down onto the
bow and would have pulled him overboard if he had not braced himself and
given some line.

(Đúng lúc ấy, bất thình lình con cá giật mạnh, kéo lão ngã sấp xuống mũi
thuyền và suýt lôi lão xuống biển nếu lão không gồng hết sức níu giữ và nới
thêm dây.)
(2) If he was called to give the answer, he would almost always give the right one,
and he‘d turn his head from side to side with a smug look on his face, as if
proving how superior his intellect was when pared with those of the other peons
in the room.
(Mà nếu có bị gọi bất chợt, hầu nhƣ lúc nào nó cũng trả lời đúng, và nó sẽ quay
bên này bên kia với vẻ mặt tự mãn, nhƣ thể chứng mình trí tuệ siêu việt của
mình khi só sánh với những đứa khác trong lớp.)
(3) She was wearing the sweater I‘d given her, just like she‘d promised.
(Nhƣ đã hứa, con bé mặc chiếc áo len tôi tặng.)
(4) But what I can do is to let another share in the joy that she has always given me.
(Nhƣng điều tôi có thể làm là để một ngƣời khác cùng chia sẻ niềm vui mà con
bé đã luôn mang đến cho tôi.)
(5) ―Give your evidence,‖ said the King; 'and don't be nervous, or I'll have you
executed on the spot.
(Hãy đưa ra bằng chứng đi và đừng có sợ run lên nhƣ thế, nếu không ta sẽ
hành quyết.)
(6) I took their check off them, but they wouldn't let me pay it.
(Tôi giành lấy hai tấm phiếu ghi tiền, nhƣng họ nhất định không chịu để tôi trả.)
(7) I insisted on paying the check.
(Tôi một mực đòi trả tiền.)
(8) He earned a little by serving as a model to those young artists in the colony who
could not pay the price of a professional.
(Lão kiếm sống bằng nghề làm ngƣời mẫu cho các họa sĩ trẻ trong khu thuộc
địa vì các họa sĩ trẻ này không đủ tiền mướn các ngƣời mẫu chuyên nghiệp.)

Examples of ditransitive verb:
(1) I can‘t say that I was happy about hearing from her, and for a second I
wondered who had given her my phone number before I realized it was
probably in the church records.
(Không thể nói tôi vui mừng khi nghe thấy giọng con bé, và trong một giây tôi
tự hỏi ai đã cho con bé số điện thoại nhà tôi nhƣng rồi tôi kịp nhận ra có thể nó
tìm đƣợc trong danh sách ở nhà thờ.)
(2) Miss Garber had given him the role because he‘d been the only one who offered
to do it, but eventhen it was obvious she didn‘t want him either.
(Cô Garber giao vai diễn cho Eddie chỉ vì nó là đứa duy nhất đề nghị đƣợc làm
việc này, nhƣng thậm chí nhƣ thế, ngƣời ta vẫn thấy rõ là cô Garber cũng không
muốn nó nhận vai.)
(3) Jamie had given me her Bible.
(Jamie tặng tôi cuốn Kinh thánh của mình.)
(4) The doctors have given me some medicine for the pain, and it seems to help a
(Các bác sĩ cho mình thuốc giảm đau, vậy nên cũng đỡ hơn một chút.)
(5) I'll give them a new pair of boots every Christmas.
(Cứ mỗi dịp lễ giáng sinh, mình sẽ mua cho chúng một đôi giày.
(6) I'll give him sixpence.
(Tôi sẽ cho anh ta 6 xu.)
(7) I'll give you a thousand for him, sir, a thousand, sir--twelve hundred, sir."
(Tôi xin nộp ngài 1000, ngài để nó cho tôi thƣa ngài, 1000, thƣa ngài, 1200,
thƣa ngài.)
(8) We all had to stand up in the grandstand and give him a locomotive.
(Chúng tôi tất cả phải đứng lên hoan hô lão.)
(9) All right, Katspaugh, don‘t pay him a penny till he shuts his mouth.
(Đƣợc rồi, Katspaugh này, đừng có mà trả cho hắn dù chỉ một xu chừng nào
hắn chƣa câm cái mồm.)
(10) They'd pay me a salary and all for it.

(Họ sẽ trả lƣơng cho tôi và các thứ.)
Examples of complex transitive verb:
(1) I didn't give a damn how I looked.
(Tôi cóc cần để ý đên diện mạo mình lúc này thế nào.)
(2) But you don‘t want to give it back, do you?
(Nhƣng cậu không muốn trả lại, đúng không?)
(3) Although Jamie was weak and hadn‘t moved from her bed in two weeks, she
insisted on walking down the aisle so that her father could give her away.
(Mặc dù Jamie rất yếu và đã hai tuần rồi không hề ra khỏi giƣờng, nàng vẫn
khăng khăng đòi bố nàng dắt đi giữa hai hàng ghế.
(4) As a father, I‘m supposed to give away my daughter, but I‘m not sure that I‘m
able to do this.
(Với tƣ cách là một ngƣời cha, tôi có trách nhiệm trao gửi con gái mình, nhƣng
tôi không chắc có thể làm điều này.)
(5) I can no more give Jamie away than I can give away my heart.
(Tôi không thể trao Jamie đi cũng nhƣ chẳng thể cho đi trái tim mình.)
(6) Now give it back," the little girl said timidly.
(Bây giờ thì trả cho cháu đây, cô bé rụt rè đòi.)
(7) I asked him how much he'd give me for it.
(Hỏi xem nó định trả bao nhiêu.)
(8) When the Depression hit hardest, he foreclosed on dozens of businesses
throughout the county while retaining the original owners to continue to work
on salary, paying them just enough to keep them where they were, because they
had nowhere else to go.
(Khi cuộc Đại suy thoái vào hồi khốc liệt nhất, ông tịch thu hàng tá cơ sở làm
ăn trên khắp hạt để gán nợ và cùng lúc đó giữ lại những ngƣời chủ cũ làm công
ăn lƣơng, chỉ trả vừa đủ để giữ họ ở lại, bởi vì họ chẳng có nơi nào khác để đi

41 Object (O) element
In the A comprehensive grammar of the English language, Quirk et al
(1985:726) state that the object is normally a noun phrase or a nominal clause.
There are constraints on the types of nominal clauses that can be indirect object:
generally, only nominal relative clauses. Mentioning about position of objects, the
object normally follows the subjects and verb. If both objects are present, the
indirect object normally comes before the direct object. Syntactically, the object
function requires the objective form for pronouns that have distinctive case forms. If
there is only one object present, it is generally the direct object. In some sentences
having ditransitive verbs, the indirect object may be retained while the direct object
is omitted. In that case the only object present is the indirect object.
As investigating the sentences having the giving verb group, there are 11
sentences which do not have objects, the numbers of sentences which have only one
object are 63 sentences, and the remains are 139 sentences which have two objects.
Examples of sentences without objects.
(1) Men were not and when same of the filaments would catch on a line and rest
there slimy and purple while the old man was working a fish, he would have
welts and sores on his arms and hands of the sort that poison ivy or poison oak
can give.
(Ông lão đã chạm phải làm cả cánh tay lẫn bàn tay nhức nhối nhƣ thể khi chạm
phải một dây trƣờng xuân độc hay loài sồi độc.)
(2) The tall door topped by a murky fanlight was usually locked, but the latch fit
the mortise loosely and when pressed hard, the door would give, buckle and
(Tấm cửa cao lắp kính mờ ở phía trên lúc nào cũng đóng im ỉm, nhƣng then cửa
lại cài hờ hờ, chỉ cần đẩy tay vào là nó kênh lên và bật ra.)
(3) Jamie never wanted to ask people straight out for the money, she wanted them
to give voluntarily.
(Jamie chƣa bao giờ trực tiếp hỏi xin tiền, con bé muốn mọi ngƣời tự nguyện
đóng góp.)

Examples of sentences with one object.
(1) While the Dodo solemnly presented the thimble, saying.
(Trong khi Dodo trịnh trọng trao cái vòng cho cô và nói.)
(2) Occasionally a line of gray cars crawls along an invisible track, gives out a
ghastly creak, and comes to rest, and immediately the ash-gray men swarm up
with leaden spades and stir up an impenetrable cloud, which screens their
obscure operations from your sight.
(Thỉnh thoảng, một đoàn tàu với những toa xe xám xịt trƣờn trên một con
đƣờng vô hình, phát ra một tiếng rít rùng rợn rồi dừng lại. Ngay lập tức, những
con ngƣời xám ngoét kia tay cầm những chiếc xẻng chì bâu đến nhung nhúc
nhƣ đàn kiến và làm bốc lên một đám mây dày đặc che kín các hoạt động mờ
ám của họ.)
(3) Anyhow, he gives large parties.
(Dù sao, chỉ biết là ông ta tổ chức những cuộc vui lớn.)
(4) She wasn‘t able to endure being at a disadvantage and, given this unwillingness,
I suppose she had begun dealing in subterfuges when she was very young in
order to keep that cool, insolent smile turned to the world and yet satisfy the
demands of her hard, jaunty body.
(Cô ta không thể cam chịu ở thế bất lợi và do thái độ không cam chịu ấy, tôi cho
rằng từ lúc còn rất nhỏ Jordan đã bắt đầu dùng đến mƣu mẹo để có thể giữ đƣợc
cái nụ cƣời lạnh lùng và xấc xƣợc này đối với mọi ngƣời, đồng thời vẫn thoả
mãn đƣợc những nhu cầu của tấm thân nhanh nhẹn rắn chắc của mình.)
(5) I don‘t give big parties.
(Tôi không tổ chức những cuộc vui lớn.)
(6) That night an obviously frightened person called up, and demanded to know
who I was before he would give his name.
(Đêm ấy, có một ngƣời gọi điện thoại đến với giọng lộ rõ là hoảng hốt, hỏi tôi
là ai đã rồi mới chịu xưng tên.)
(7) If he was called to give the answer, he would almost always give the right one,
and he‘d turn his head from side to side with a smug look on his face, as if

proving how superior his intellect was when pared with those of the other peons
in the room.
(Mà nếu có bị gọi bất chợt, hầu nhƣ lúc nào nó cũng trả lời đúng, và nó sẽ quay
bên này bên kia với vẻ mặt tự mãn, nhƣ thể chứng mình trí tuệ siêu việt của
mình khi só sánh với những đứa khác trong lớp.)
(8) She was wearing the sweater I‘d given her, just like she‘d promised.
(Nhƣ đã hứa, con bé mặc chiếc áo len tôi tặng.)
(9) I'd give anything if I hadn't, but I did.
(Bởi tôi không muốn, mà cứ phải nhè thêm 5 đô.)
(10) The only thing he ever did, though, was give these sex talks and all, late at
night when there was a bunch of guys in his room.
(Nhƣng nó chỉ làm mỗi một việc là cho đề cập tới đủ thứ chuyện về tình dục
lúc đêm khuya, khi bọn nhóc con chúng tôi tụ tập ở phòng nó.)
Examples of sentences with two objects (indirect objects and direct objects).
(1) Must be in the Lord‘s plan to give us challenges.
(Hẳn phải là kế hoạch của Chúa để ngăn chặn một điều gì đó tồi tệ hơn xảy ra.)
(2) They were old friends, you could see that right off, and Mr. Jenkins had given
her a big hug as soon as she‘d entered.
(Họ đã quen thân từ rất lâu, có thể thấy điều đó ngay lập tức, ông Jenkins ôm
choàng lấy Jamie ngay khi con bé bƣớc vào.)
(3) Jamie had given me a list of every place she‘d placed a can, and I borrowed my
mom‘s car and started at the far end of town the following day.
(Jamie đƣa cho tôi danh sách những nơi con bé đặt vỏ hộp, ngày hôm sau tôi
mƣợn xe của mẹ và bắt đầu từ chỗ xa nhất của thị trấn.)
(4) Since I had to accept that it was not within my power to cure her, what I wanted
to do was give her something that she‘d always wanted.
(Bởi tôi phải chấp nhận mình không có khả năng cứu nàng, tôi muốn mang lại
cho nàng điều nàng luôn mơ ƣớc.)
(5) Jamie, I understood then, had already given me the answer I‘d been searching
for, the one my heart had needed to find.

(Lúc này tôi mới hiểu ra Jamie đã từng cho tôi câu trả lời tôi vẫn hằng tìm
kiếm, câu trả lời trái tim tôi cần phải tìm ra.)
(6) Lend me your scissors a second, willya? Ya got 'em handy?
(Cho tao mượn kéo của mày một lát đƣợc không?)
(7) How 'bout lending me your hound's-tooth jacket?
(Cho tao mượn cái áo da ngắn của mày đƣợc không?)
(8) Isabella to lend him the dough to buy ships.
(Isabella cho vay ít xu mua tàu.)
(9) If you want to know the truth, I almost didn't lend him my sweater.
(Nói thật với bạn, tôi suýt không cho mượn nữa.)
(10) They'd pay me a salary and all for it.
(Họ sẽ trả lƣơng cho tôi và các thứ.)
(11) All right, Katspaugh, don‘t pay him a penny till he shuts his mouth.
(Đƣợc rồi, Katspaugh này, đừng có mà trả cho hắn dù chỉ một xu chừng nào
hắn chƣa câm cái mồm.)
(12) But Jamie was the type of person who would donate a kidney to a stranger
she met walking down the street, if he really needed one.
(Nhƣng Jamie là kiểu ngƣời sẽ cho một ngƣời xa lạ mà con bé gặp đang đi bộ
trên phố một quả thận, nếu anh ta thực sự cần nó.)
4.1.2 In terms of sentence patterns
According to R. Quirk et al (1985:53), there are seven sentence patterns
which are (1) SV, (2) SVO, (3) SVC, (4) SVA, (5) SVOO, (6) SVOC and (7)
SVOA. However, among these patterns, the giving verb group appears in only five
patterns that are (1) SV, (2) SVO, (5) SVOO, (6) SVOC, and (7) SVOA.
It is found that, the giving verb group does not appear in the pattern (3) SVC,
(4) SVA.
In the following parts, each of the above sentence patterns will be analyzed
more in detail.
The giving verb group appears in the five patterns with the follow

The number of examples which the giving verb group appears in the pattern
(1) SV is 11, (2) SVO is 42. The sentences belonging to the pattern (5) SVOO is
139. In the pattern (6) SVOC, there are 7sentences, and 14 sentences belonging to
the pattern (7) SVOA.
Semantically, the six giving verbs in each clause type also are summarized as
the following by author.
Type S Oi Od Cs Co A
SV agentive
SVO agentive recipient
SVOO agentive recipient affected
agentive affected eventive
SVOC agentive affected attribute
SVOA agentive affected locative

Table 4.1: The semantic functions of each clause type having the six English
verbs in the giving verb group.
In these clause types, the most typical semantic role of a subject that has a
direct object is that of the agentive participant: that is, the animate being instigating
or causing the happening denoted by the verb. Moreover, the most typical role of
the direct object is that of the affected participant: a participant (animate or
inanimate) which does not cause the happening denoted by the verb, but is directly
involved in some other way. The most typical role of the indirect object is that of
the recipient participant (of the animate being that is passively implicated by the
happening or state).
4.2. Syntactic features of the six English verbs in the giving verb group
4.2.1. Syntactic features of give

In the study of using the verb give in the eight novels and short stories, there
are many examples are listed out to illustrate the five patterns using this verb.

(b) SVO
(c) SVOO
(d) SVOC
(e) SVOA
(a) He would have welts and sores on his arms and hands of the sort that poison ivy
or poison oak can give.
(Ông lão đã chạm phải làm cả cánh tay lẫn bàn tay nhức nhối nhƣ thể khi chạm
phải một dây trƣờng xuân độc hay loài sồi độc.)
In this example, the subject is poison ivy or poison oak , the main verb is
give and the object of the that clause is omitted.
(b) Anyhow, he gives large parties.
In this example, the subject is he, the transitive verb is give and the direct
object is large parties.
(c) I'll give them a new pair of boots every Christmas.
In this example, the subject is I, the transitive verb is give, the indirect object is
them, and direct object is a new pair of boots.
(d) I didn't give a damn how I looked.
(Tôi cóc cần để ý đên diện mạo mình lúc này thế nào.)
In the above example, the subject is I, the transitive verb is give, the direct
object is a damnand the object complement is how I looked modifies to object a
(e) Now give it back," the little girl said timidly.
(Bây giờ thì trả cho cháu đây, cô bé rụt rè đòi.)
In this example, the subject is omitted because this is the imperative
sentence. The transitive verb is give, the direct object is pronoun it and object-
related adverbial is preposition back.
4.2.2. Syntactic features of lend
Through analyzing the sentences having the verb lend, it is easy to recognize
that this verb occurs only in the SVOO pattern.


(a) If you want to know the truth, I almost didn't lend him my sweater.
(Nói thật với bạn, tôi suýt không cho mượn nữa.)
In this example, the subject is I, the transitive verb is lend, the indirect object
is him and direct object is my sweater.
4.2.3. Syntactic features of pay
The verb pay is found in the sentences belong the five patterns.
PAY (a) SV
(b) SVO
(c) SVOO
(d) SVOC
(e) SVOA
(a) Even ministers had bills to pay.
(Ngay cả các mục sƣ cũng có những hóa đơn cần chi trả.)
In this example, the subject is bills, the intransitive verb is pay.
(b) He earned a little by serving as a model to those young artists in the colony who
could not pay the price of a professional.
(Lão kiếm sống bằng nghề làm ngƣời mẫu cho các họa sĩ trẻ trong khu thuộc
địa vì các họa sĩ trẻ này không đủ tiền mướn các ngƣời mẫu chuyên nghiệp.)
In the above example, the subject is those young artists, the transitive verb is
pay, the direct object is the price of a professional.
(c) They'd pay me a salary and all for it.
(Họ sẽ trả lương cho tôi và các thứ.)
In the above example, the subject is They, the transitive verb is pay, the
direct object is salary, and indirect object is me.
In the above example, the subject is he, the transitive verb is pay, the direct
object is five years‟ taxes and the object complement is all the neighboring cottages
modifies to object five years‟ taxes.
(d) You can take it all. You can pay me back.

(Anh lấy đi, lấy hết đi! Rồi trảem sau.)
In the above sentence, the subject is You, the transitive verb is pay, the
indirect object is me, and theobject-related adverbial is back.
4.2.4. Syntactic features of present
The two below patterns are used in the sentences having verb present.
(b) SVOO
(a) While the Dodo solemnly presented the thimble, saying.
In this example, the subject is the Dodo, the transitive verb is presentedand the
direct object is the thimble.
(b) The shipwreck has made it possible for me, acting as an offshore pirate, to
present you with this prize.
(Nạn đắm tàu là nguyên nhân để bác với tƣ cách một cƣớp biển trên cạn có dịp
trao tặng cháu phần thƣởng này.)
In this example, the subject is an offshore pirate, the transitive verb is
present, the indirect object is you, and direct object is this prize.
4.2.5. Syntactic features of donate
During the study on syntactic features of the verb donate, the author found
that this verb is used in only one pattern.


(a) But Jamie was the type of person who would donate a kidney to a stranger she
met walking down the street, if he really needed one.
(Nhƣng Jamie là kiểu ngƣời sẽ cho một ngƣời xa lạ mà con bé gặp đang đi bộ
trên phố một quả thận, nếu anh ta thực sự cần nó.)
In this example, the subject is Jamie, the transitive verb is donateand the
direct object is a kidney, indirect object is a strange.

4.2.6. Syntactic features of exchange
Through the quotes on the eight novels and short stories, the verb exchange
is found in the two patters as below:
(b) SVOO
(a) Miss Baker and I exchanged a short glance consciously devoid of meaning.
(Baker và tôi đƣa mặt vội nhìn nhau, cố tình không bộc lộ gì trong ánh mắt
In this example, the subject is Miss Baker and I, the transitive verb is
exchanged, and the direct object is a short glance.
(b) Francois, guiding the sled at the gee-pole, sometimes exchanged places with
him, but not often.
In the above sentence, the subject is Francois, the transitive verb is
exchanged, the indirect object is him, and the direct object is places.
In short, the syntactic feature of the giving verb group will be demonstrated
as in the following table.

No Type give lend pay present donate exchange

1 SV X x
2 SVO X x x x
5 SVOO X x x x x x
6 SVOC X x
7 SVOA x x

Table 4.2: The giving verb group in terms of the sentence patterns
The giving verb group can be used in different patterns depending on the
different contexts. The verb give can be used in the three patterns: SV, SVO,
SVOO, SVOc, and SVOA. The verb lend appears only in patternsSVOO. In
addition, the verb pay can be used in patternsSV, SVO, SVOO, SVOCand SVOA.
The verb present appears in thepatterns SVO, SVOO. The verb donate appears only
in the patterns SVOO. And the last, the verb exchange can be used in the pattern
SVO and SVOO.As investigating the sentences having the giving verb group, the
total number of sentences is 213. The six giving verbs including give, lend, pay,
present, donate, exchange are distributed as the below table.

No Type give lend pay present donate exchange

1 SV 6 5
2 SVO 31 8 1 2
5 SVOO 124 9 3 1 1 1
6 SVOC 6 1
7 SVOA 11 3
Total 178 9 20 2 1 3
Table 4.3: Frequency of the six English verbs
in the giving verb group
The verb give appears at the highest frequency178 times at the five sentence
patterns SV, SVO, SVOO, SVOC and SVOA. The number of the verb pay are 20,
the verb lend is 9. The verb present and exchange appear less than the other verbs.
The numbers of the verb exchange are 3, and the verbs present are 2. Especially,
the verb donate appears only one time.
4.3. Semantic features of the GIVING verb group in English
On the semantic aspect, Dixon (1991:113) states that the giving verb group
involves three semantic roles-a Donor transfers possession of some Gift to a
Recipient. There are two basic construction types, both with Donor in A syntactic
relation; one has the Gift and the other the recipient as O. Type IIw is the variant
of construction II in which the preposition with is inserted before the post-O gift
A O Peripheral
I. John (Donor) gave a book (Gift) to Tom (Recipient).
II. John (Donor) gave Tom (Recipient) a book (Gift).
IIw. John (Donor) supplied the army with bully beef (Gift).
The construction I focus on the Gift, which the sentence centres on ―gave a
book‖ (or another gift). In contrast, construction II and IIw focus on the Recipient,
which the sentence centres on ―giving Tom‖ (or some other Recipient). The
construction II is used for the direct transfer of ownership of some specific Gift.
Construction IIw tends to be used to describe a more general act, along the lines of
―make available‖ compare.
4.3.1. Semantic features of give
Levin(1993: 29) proposes giving verb group are verbs of changing
possession. These verbs are listed three subtypes such as give verbs, contribute
verbs, and verbs of future having.
Richard (2002) gives definition of the verb give as to cause someone or
something to have or receive something; to cause something to become owned by
As given in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2015),the verb give
has twelve meanings in the following list.

To hand sth to somebody so that they can look at it, use it or keep it
GIVE for a time
To pay money to a charity, etc, to help people
To use time, energy, etc for somebody/something
To make somebody suffer a particular punishment
To infect somebody with an illness
To perform sth
Giving the same meaning as the related verb

To make a telephone call to somebody
GIVE To judge somebody/ somethig to be of a particular standard
To predict that sth will last a particular length of time
To say that a player or the ball is in a particular position
To bend or stretch under pressure
To agree to change mind, or give up some of your demands

4.3.2. Semantic features of lend

Levin (1993: 29) claims that the verb lend is the verb of changing
Richard (2002) gives definition of the verb lend as to grant someone
permission, to use or borrow something for a period of time, and to contribute an
effect to something.
As given in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2015),the verb lend
has two main meanings in the following list.

To give sth to sb
LEND To allow them to use sth that belongs to you, which they have to
return to you later

4.3.3. Semantic features of pay

Levin (1993: 29) claims that the verb pay is the verb of changing possession.
Richard (2002) gives definition of the verb pay as to to give money in
exchange for a product or a service or to settle a debt, to give someone an amount of
money in exchange for a product or service or to settle a debt, to settle a bill, to
yield a certain amount of money or a certain benefit.
As given in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2015),the verb pay
brings six main meanings in the following list.

To give sb money for work, goods, services, etc
To give sb money that you owe them
PAY To produce a profit
To result in some advantage of profit for sb
To suffer or be punished for your beliefs or actions
Used with some nouns to show that you are giving or doing the
thing mentioned
4.3.4. Semantic features ofpresent
Levin (1993: 29) claims that the verb present is the verb of fulfilling. ("X
gives something to Y that Y deserves, needs, or is worthy of"):
E.g.: a. The judge presented a prize to the winner.
b. The judge presented the winner with a prize.
Richard (2002) gives definition of the verb present as to give something to
someone, especially as part of a ceremony, to make something available for the
public to see; to bring something to someone‘s attention, and to introduce someone
to someoneelse.
As given in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2015),the verb
present has eleven main meanings in the following list.
To give sth to sb
PRESENT To show or offer sth for other people to look at or consider
To show or describe sth/sb in a particular way
To cause sth to happen or be experienced
To suddenly happen
To appear in a radio or television
To produce a show, play, broadcast, etc for the public
To introduce sb formally
To officially appear somewhere
To offer or express sth in speech or writing
To give sb a cheque or bill that they should pay

4.3.5. Semantic features of donate
Levin (1993: 29) claims that the verb donate is the verb of contribution.
In the Dictionary of words and phrases (2002), Richard gives the definition of the
verb donate as to give something to a charity or other organization.
As given in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2015),the verb
donate has eleven main meanings in the following list.
To give money, food clothes, etc to sb/sth, especially a charity
DONATE To allow doctor to remove blood or a body organ in order to help
sb who needs it

4.3.6. Semantic features of exchange

Levin (1993: 29) claims that the verb exchange is the verbs of exchange.
This verb relates to exchanging one thing for another. They are not found with to
phrases expressing goals, nor with from phrases expressing sources. Some of these
verbs are found with for phrases. These for phrases are used to express the object
that the agent receives as part of the exchange; they are not benefactive for phrases.
These verbs show neither the dative nor the benefactive alternation.
E.g.: Gwen exchanged the dress for a shirt.
Dative alternation:
E.g.: Gwen exchanged the dress to Mary.
Gwen exchanged Mary the dress.
Benefactive alternation:
Gwen exchanged the dress for Mary.
Richard (2002) gives definition of the verb exchange as to trade something
for something else, to trade someone for someone else.
As given in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2015),the verb
exchange has eleven main meanings in the following list.

To give sth to sb and at the same time receive the same type
EXCHANGE of thing from them
To give or return sth that you have and get sth different or
better instead
To sign a contract with the person that you are buying sth

4.4. The GIVING verb group in English and their Vietnamese equivalents
4.4.1. A comparison of giving verb group in English and their Vietnamese
equivalents in terms of their syntactic features
Firstly, the giving verbroup in English and Vietnamese shares some
similarities. The common tructures of sentence used with the giving verb group
(SV, SVO, SVOO, SVOC, SVOA) in English and in Vietnamese arecompletely the
Even ministers had bills to pay.
(Ngay cả các mục sƣ cũng có những hóa đơn cần chi trả.)
(1) Anyhow, he gives large parties.
(Dù sao, chỉ biết là ông ta tổ chức những cuộc vui lớn.)
(2) They were content to pay the toll.
(Chúng bằng lòng nộp món tiền mãi lộ ấy.)
(1) I‘ll give it to him when he gets back.
(Tôi sẽ chuyển lại khi nào ông ấy về.)
(2) All right, Katspaugh, don‘t pay him a penny till he shuts his mouth.
(Đƣợc rồi, Katspaugh này, đừng có mà trả cho hắn dù chỉ một xu chừng nào
hắn chƣa câm cái mồm.)
(3) If you want to know the truth, I almost didn't lend him my sweater.
(Nói thật với bạn, tôi suýt không cho mượn nữa.)

(1) I didn't give a damn how I looked.
(Tôi cóc cần để ý đên diện mạo mình lúc này thế nào.)
(1) "Now give it back," the little girl said timidly.
(Bây giờ thì trả cho cháu đây, cô bé rụt rè đòi.)
(2) You can pay me back.
(Anh có thể trả lại cho em sau.)
(3) "Here, lend me a hand before you pull your freight," he added.
(Nào giúp tớ một tay trƣớc lúc chú mày phới.)

In addition, the structure SVOO is can be formed the two patterns: SVOiOd
and SVOdOi.The second pattern usually has one preposition preceded. Similarly, in
the Vietnamese sentence, the preposition to, back, …(cho,tới, lại…)is used
toindicate thegoal or purposes.
(1) The one with the glasses made me give it back to her.
(Cô mang kính bảo tôi phải đưa vé lại cho cô ta.)
(2) I decided I'd just see old Phoebe and sort of say goodby to her and all,
and give her back her Christmas dough.
(Tôi quyết định sẽ chỉ gặp em Phoebe để từ biệt chút đỉnh và trảlại tiền
giáng sinh cho em.)
Secondly, besides the similarities in syntactic features, the giving verb group
in English and Vietnamese also has a significant difference. The verb which belongs
to the giving verb group can be used in both two sentence patterns SVOiOd and
SVOdOi in English without determining the positions of the agentives or recipients.
For example, the position of the agentives is lower than the position of
recipients; however, the pattern SVOiOd or SVOdOiareboth used.
(1) I‘ll give it to him when he gets back.
(Tôi sẽ chuyển lại khi nào ông ấy về.)
(2) I'll give you a thousand for him, sir, a thousand, sir--twelve hundred, sir."

(Tôi xin nộp ngài 1000, ngài để nó cho tôi thƣa ngài, 1000, thƣa ngài, 1200,
thƣa ngài.)
In contrast, the upward relationship (quan hệ hƣớng thƣợng) between the
givers and receivers (the lower positions of the givers in comparison with the higher
positions of receivers) requires the pattern SVOdOi must be used in Vietnamese.
(1) I‘ll give him the belly meat of a big fish.
(Ông sẽ biếubác ấy miếng thịt bụng của con cá lớn.)
(*) Ông sẽ biếu miếng thịt bụng của con cá lớn cho bác ấy.)
(2) I‘m going to give you this dress as soon as I‘m through with it.
(Tôi sẽ biếuchị chiếc áo này khi tôi không dùng đến nó nữa.)
(*) Tôi sẽ biếu chiếc áo này cho chị khi tôi không dung đến nó nữa.)
(3) The boy had given him two fresh small tunas, or albacores.
(Thằng bébiếuông lão hai con cá thu nhỏ tƣơi, thuộc loài albacore.
(*) Thằng bé biếu hai con cá thu nhỏ tƣơi, thuộc loài albacore cho ông lão.)
4.4.2. A comparison of giving verb group in English and their Vietnamese
equivalents in terms of semantics The similarities in the semantic features of the giving verb group in
English and Vietnamese
In term of semantic features, the giving verb group in English and
Vietnamese has a significant common feature. The verbs such as give, lend, pay,
present, donate, and exchange in English or trao, gửi, tặng, biếu, …etc in
Vienamese all express thechanging possession of things from agentives to
recipients. The verb give and its Vietnamese equivalents
After investigation the quotations from the eight bilingual English and
Vietnamese literary works, the meaning of the giving verb group in English and
their Vietnamese equivalents are shown as follow:

To hand sth to sb so that they can cho, trả, nộp, gửi, đƣa, chuyển,
GIVE look at it, use it or keep it for a trả, đem cho, trả lại, đƣa ra, đƣa
time lại, trao, mang đến, trao tặng, biếu

The verb give means to hand something to somebody so that they can look at
it, use it or keep it for a time. The meaning of the verb give equals to cho, trả, nộp,
gửi, đưa, chuyển, trả, đem cho, trả lại, đưa ra, đưa lại, trao, mang đến in
The below examples are quoted from theeight bilingual English and
Vietnamese literary works which will illustrate to these equivalents between the two
(1) I give you fair warning.
(Ta mang đến cho ngƣơi lời cảnh báo rõ ràng.)
(2) I'll give you a thousand for him, sir, a thousand, sir--twelve hundred, sir."
(Tôi xin nộp ngài 1000, ngài để nó cho tôi thƣa ngài, 1000, thƣa ngài, 1200,
thƣa ngài.)
(3) She didn't give you a lot of horse manure about what a great guy her father was.
(Nàng không tuôn ra hàng tràng lời nói xấu về ông bố khả kính vĩ đại tuyệt vời
của nàng.)
(4) "Listen. Give her my regards, willya?"
(Mày nói tao gửi lời thăm nàng nhé?)
(5) She was wearing the sweater I‘d given her, just like she‘d promised.
(Nhƣ đã hứa, con bé mặc chiếc áo len tôi tặng.)
(6) "Why should I give her another five bucks?"
(Tại sao tôi lại phải đưa thêm cho cô ấy năm tì?)
(7) She was trying to give me the dough.
(Em đang cố đưa tiền cho tôi.)
(8) I decided I'd just see old Phoebe and sort of say goodby to her and all, and give
her back her Christmas dough.

(Tôi quyết định sẽ chỉ gặp em Phoebe để từ biệt chút đỉnh và trả lại tiền giáng
sinh cho em.)
(9) He had deliberately given Daisy a sense of security.
(Anh đã cố ý gây cho Daisy một cảm giác yên ổn.)
(10) I‘ll give him the belly meat of a big fish.
(Ông sẽ biếu bác ấy miếng thịt bụng của con cá lớn.)
(11) When a person places the most importance on getting a treasured copper it's
not hard to give him that copper.)
(Đối với con ngƣời, điều chủ yếu là khi dễ dàng kiếm đƣợc thì cũng dễ dàng
đem cho.)
(12) But who is to give the prizes?
(Nhƣng ai là ngƣời trao giải thƣởng?)
(13) 'Give your evidence,' said the King.
(Vua bảo ngƣời làm mũ, hãy đưa ra bằng chứng đi.)
(14) Those bastards never give your message to anybody.
(Tụi chó chết ấy không bao giờ chuyển lời đến ai cả.)
(15) I could give the note to somebody that would bring it to her in her classroom.
(Tôi có thể nhờ một ngƣời nào mang đến cho em trong lớp học.)
(16) I‘ll give it to him when he gets back.
(Tôi sẽ chuyển lại khi nào ông ấy về.)
(17) When the chief warden releases a prisoner of his own free will, when a
billionaire gives his scribe a villa.
(Khi ngƣời cai ngục tự mình thả tù nhân, khi nhà tỷ phú trao tặng viên thƣ lại
biệt thự.) The verb lend and its Vietnamese equivalents
To give something to somebody, to allow them
LEND to usesomething that belongs to you, which they Cho mƣợn, cho vay
have to return to you later

The verb lend means to give something to somebody or to allow them to use
something that belongs to you, which they have to return to you later.The meaning
of the verb lend can be translated as cho mượn, cho vay in Vietnamese.
The below examples are quoted from the eight bilingual English and
Vietnamese literary works which will illustrate to these equivalents between the two
(1) Can you lend me a thousand?" he asked, almost in a whisper.
(Anh có thể cho tôi vay 1000 đƣợc không? – Anh hỏi, hầu nhƣ thầm thì.)
(2) Lend me your scissors a second, willya? Ya got 'em handy?
(Cho tao mượn kéo của mày một lát đƣợc không?) The verb pay and its Vietnamese equivalents

(a) To give somebody money for trả tiền, trả lƣơng, trả giá,
PAY work, goods, services, etc
(b) To give somebody money that you trả, trả lại,đền, nộp
owe them

Firstly, the verb pay means to give somebody money for work, goods,
services, etc.The meaning of the verb pay can be translated as trả tiền, trả lương,
trả giá in Vietnamese. The below examples will show clearly the equivalents of the
verb pay in English and Vietnamese.
(1) They'd pay me a salary and all for it.
(Họ sẽ trả lương cho tôi và các thứ.)
(2) I said I'd pay you for coming and all.
(Tao sẽ trả mày vì đã tới đây.)
Secondly, the verb pay means give somebody money that you owe them.
The meaning of the verb pay can be translated as trả, trả lại, đền, nộpin
Vietnamese. The below examples will show clearly the equivalents of the verb pay
in English and Vietnamese.
(1) You can pay me back.

(Anh có thể trả lại cho em sau.)
(2) I think they should've at least offered to pay for the drinks they hadbefore I
joined them.
(Tôi nghĩ đáng lẽ ít nhất họ cũng phải đề nghị trả tiền cho phần họ uống trƣớc
khi tôi gia nhập.)
(3) Think they'll make ya pay for em.
(Mày nghĩ chúng nó bắt mày đền tiền không.)
(3) They were content to pay the toll.
(Chúng bằng lòng nộp món tiền mãi lộ ấy.) The verb present and its Vietnamese equivalents

(a) To give sth to sb Đƣa, trao

(b) To show or offer something for Đến, giơ ra, đƣa ra
other people to look at or consider

The verb present has two types of meaning, and both two types of meaning
in English are similar in Vietnam.
Firstly, the verb present means to give something to somebody. The
meaning of the verb present can be translated as đưa, trao, trao tặng in Vietnamese.
The below examples willexpress clearly the equivalents of the verb present in
English and Vietnamese.
(1) While the Dodo solemnly presented the thimble, saying.
(Trong khi Dodo trịnh trọng trao cái vòng cho cô và nói.)
(2) The shipwreck has made it possible for me, acting as an offshore pirate, to
present you with this prize.
(Nạn đắm tàu là nguyên nhân để bác với tƣ cách một cƣớp biển trên cạn có dịp
trao tặng cháuphần thƣởng này.)

Secondly, the verb present means to show or offer something for other
people to look at or consider. In this type of meaning, the verb present can be
translated in to Vietnamese as đến, giơ ra, đưa ra.
(1) But the opportunity did not present itself.
(Nhƣng cơ hội chƣa đến.)
(2) Or present a green card. I‘m giving out green.
(Hay là giơ ra một tấm thiếp ngọc màu xanh làm ám hiệu.) The verb donate and its Vietnamese equivalents
The verb donate shows its meaningsasthe following.
(a) To give money, food clothes, tặng, quyên góp
DONATE etc to sb/sth, especially a charity
(b) To allow doctor to remove hiến (máu/ nội tạng)
blood or a body organ in order
to help sb who needs it
Firstly, the verb donate means give money, food clothes, etc to sb, sth,
especially a charity. The meaning of the verb donate in English equals to tặng in
Vietnamese. The below examples will express clearly the equivalents of the verb
present in English and Vietnamese.
(1) He donated thousands of pounds to charity.
(Ông đã quyên góp hàng ngàn bảng để làm từ thiện.)
Secondly, the verbdonate means to allow doctor to remove blood or a body
organ in order to help sb who needs it. The meaning of the verb donate in English
equals to hiến in Vietnamese. The below examples will express clearly the
equivalents of the verb present in English and Vietnamese.
(2) When he died, his family donated his organs.
(Khi ông qua đời, gia đình ông hiến tặng nội tạng ông.) The verb exchange and its Vietnamese equivalents
To give or return sth that you have đổi chỗ, chuyển
EXCHANGE and get sth different or better instead sang, thay

The verb exchange means to give or return sth that you have and get sth
different or better instead. The meaning of the verb exchange in English equals to
đổi chỗ, chuyển sang, thay in Vietnamese. The below examples will express clearly
the equivalents of the verb present in English and Vietnamese.
(1) Francois, guiding the sled at the gee-pole, sometimes exchanged places with
him, but not often.
(Perôn dẫn đầu trƣớc đàn chó, dùng liếp đi tuyết nện chặt tuyết lại để cho chó
kéo xe dễ dàng hơn Phrăngxoa ở vị trí điều khiển chiếc xe cần lái xe, thỉnh
thoảng đổi chỗ cho Perôn, nhƣng không thƣờng xuyên.)
(2) He exchanged the whip for the customary club.
(Han bỏ chiếc roi, chuyển sang dùng chiếc dùi cui theo lệ thƣờng.)
(3) She traversed it in refreshed spirits, in a mood as peaceful and clear as a stream
in evening that had finally exchanged the flashing mirrors of the day for the
calm glow of the shadows.
(Trên đƣờng về tâm hồn tƣơi rói, cô trở lại trạng thái bình lặng và trong trẻo
giống nhƣ con suối buổi chiều tà, cuối cùng đã thay gƣơng mặt ngày rực rỡ
bằng lớp màn đêm phẳng dịu.) The diferences in the semantic features of the giving verb group in
English and Vietnamese
As investigating above, the giving verb group in English includes six verbs:
give, lend, pay, present, donate, and exchange. After studying the semantic features
of these verbs through the 213 examples, the similarities in their semantic features
appear in almost all the six verbs. However, the differences in the semantic features
between English and Vietnamse are foundin verb give and lend. The diferences in the semantic features of the verb give in English
and Vietnamese

(a) To make sb suffer a
GIVE particular punishment khiến
(b) Giving the same meaning as chỉ hành động có cùng nghĩa với
the related verb động từ liên quan: cảnh báo, hôn,
cƣời, hoan hô, mua cho, etc.

(c) To make a telephone call to gọi điện, viết thƣ, chuyển lời
sb, give messages
(d) To judge Cho điểm, chấm điểm, công

GIVE somebody/something to be of nhận

a particular standard

The verb give not only means to hand something to sombody so that they
can look at it, use it or keep it for a time but also brings many meanings in different
Firstly, the verb give in English can be translated into Vietnamese as khiến.
In this case the verb give means to make somebody suffer a particular punishment.
(1) That's something else that gives me a royal pain.
(Đó lại là một điều nữa khiến tôi rầu bỏ mẹ.)
Secondly, the verb give means giving the same meaning as the related verb
mentionedfollowing. The below examples are illustrations for this kind of meaning.
(1) They gave me frequent warning to start applying myself especially around
(Họ cảnh báo tôi khá nhiều lần về sự bắt đầu phải chuyên chú nhất là vào mỗi
khoảng thi học kỳ.)
(2) Give Mother a kiss.
(Hôn má cái nào.)

(3) He jumped off to give me a better view.
(Anh nhảy ra khỏi xe để tôi nhìn rõ hơn.)
(4) Then old Hans would just shake hands with them and give them a phony smile.
(Ông già Haas sẽ chỉ bắt tay mà thôi và cười một nụ cƣời rất là bộ tịch.)
(5) We all had to stand up in the grandstand and give him a locomotive.
(Chúng tôi tất cả phải đứng lên hoan hô lão.)
(6) For a while Assol stood pensively in the middle of the room, hesitating between
a desire to give herself up to wistful melancholy and the necessity of seeing to
the chores.
(Assol đứng ngẫm nghĩ một lát ở giữa căn phòng lƣỡng lự không biết nên thả
mình theo nỗi buồn hay làm cho xong những việc nhà đang đợi cô.)
(7) I'll give them a new pair of boots every Christmas.
(Cứ mỗi dịp lễ giáng sinh, mình sẽ mua cho chúng một đôi giày.)
(2) Don't give yourself airs!
(Đừng vênh váo nữa con.)
(8) She had got its neck nicely straightened out, and was going to give the
hedgehog a blow with its head.
(Alice giữ cho cái cổ con hồng hạc vƣơn thẳng để nó có thể dùng đầu đánh vào
con nhím.)
(9) That stuff gives me a bang sometimes.
(Nghịch thứ đó đôi khi cũng khoái đáo để.)
(10) Give her the time in Ed Banky's goddam car?
(Chơi với nàng trong chiếc xe phải gió ấy à)
(11) She'dgive Allie or I a push or something.
(Em sẽ đẩy Allie hay tôi một cái mà hỏi.)
(12) I should've given them the freeze, after they did that.
(Đáng lẽ tôi lờ họ luôn sau khi họ làm thế.)
(13) Old Stradlater hadn't given her the time.
(Thằng cha Stradlater chƣa chơi đƣợc nàng.)

(14) He objects she was balancing had obviously tottered a little and given her
something of a fright.
(Có lẽ cái vật cô đang đỡ suýt nữa lại rới khiến cô lo sợ.)
(15) Did you give Nick a little heart-to-heart talk on the veranda?
(Mình đã huyên thuyên tâm sự với Nick ở ngoài hiên rồi phải không?)
(16) All I ask is that they should give me a start.
(Chỉ cần có ai giúp đỡ tôi buổi đầu thôi.)
(17) Until he had given them something.
(Chừng nào anh chƣa đem lên đƣợc một thức gì.)
(18) If to give them a deep memory for the long parting the next day promised.
(Nhƣ để ghi sâuvào trong lòng họ kỷ niệm về cuộc chia ly dài sẽ đến hôm sau.)
(19) She‘ll give you a letter of introduction.
(Cô ấy sẽ viết cho ông một lá thƣ giới thiệu.)
(20) You‘ll give McKee a letter of introduction to your husband
(Em viết thƣ giới thiệu McKee với chồng em.)
(21) They were in good condition still and had the excellent sardines to give them
scent and attractiveness.
(Chúng vẫn còn tốt và xâu cá mòi thơm phức giúp chúng tỏa hƣơng hấp dẫn.)
(22) He ate the white eggs to give himself strength.
(Lão ăn những quả trứng rùa trắng để tăng thêm sức lực.)
(23) I must hold him all I can and give him line when he must have it.
(Mình phải giữ sợi dây cho đến lúc sức tàn lực kiệt và nới thêm dây khi nó
(24) As the sun set he remembered, to give himself more confidence.
(Khi mặt trời lặn, lão hồi tƣởng, để tự củng cố thêm niềm tin.)
(25) You give me much good counsel.
(Mày răn bảo tao quá nhiều lời hay hớm rồi đấy.)
(26) For a while Assol stood pensively in the middle of the room, hesitating
between a desire to give herself up to wistful melancholy and the necessity of
seeing to the chores.

(Assol đứng ngẫm nghĩ một lát ở giữa căn phòng lƣỡng lự không biết nên thả
mình theo nỗi buồn hay làm cho xong những việc nhà đang đợi cô.)
(27) She took his huge, soot-blackened hand and more or less managed to give it
a shake.
(Cô nắm lấy bàn tay to tƣớng, đen thủi, run run kéo lại phía mình.)
(28) I don't give a damn.
(Tôi cũng không thèm chấp làm cái quái gì.)
(29) He didn't give a damn about the fencing.
(Nó cần quái gì đến chuyện gƣơm với ghiếc.)
(30) He could give the time to anybody he felt like.
(Nó có thể chơi với bất cứ ai nó thích.)
(31) I didn't give a damn how I looked.
(Tôi đếch cần trông tôi thế nào.)
I didn't give a damn. I was too drunk to give a damn.
(Tôi quá say chẳng làm sao nghĩ đến chuyện ấy đƣợc.)
(32) Only Gatsby, the man who gives his name to this book, was exempt from my
(Trong phản ứng ấy, tôi chỉ chừa có Gatsby, ngƣời đƣợc lấy tên đặt cho cuốn
sách này.)
(33) A persistent undergraduate given to violent innuendo.
(Một anh sinh viên hay nói những lời bóng gió cục cằn.)
(34) Anyhow, he gives large parties.
(Dù sao, chỉ biết là ông ta tổ chức những cuộc vui lớn.)
(35) Don‘t give it another thought, old sport.
(Đừng nghĩ đến chuyện ấy một lần nào nữa, ngƣời anh em ạ.)
(36) I see I have given the impression that the events of three nights several
weeks apart were all that absorbed me.
(Tôi thấy mình đã làm cho ngƣời đọc tƣởng rằng những sự việc trong ba đêm
ấy, mỗi đêm cách nhau mấy tuần là tất cả những gì tôi quan tâm.)
(37) I don‘t give big parties.

(Tôi không tổ chức những cuộc vui lớn.)
(38) I don‘t give a damn about you now.
(Bây giờ thì em không cần gì ở anh nữa.)
(39) If he had not braced himself and given some line.
(Nếu lão không gồng hết sức níu giữ và nới thêm dây.)
(40) I must cushion the pull of the line with my body and at all times be ready to
give line with both hands.
(Mình phải đƣa thân ra làm chiếc đệm cho sợi dây và lúc nào cũng sẵn sàng cả
hai tay nới thêm dây.)
Thirdly, the verbive means to to make a telephone call to sb, or to give
messages. In this case, the verb give in English can be translated into Vietnamese as
gọi, gọi điện thoại.
The below example will illustrate to this type of meaning.
(1) I'd give old Jane a buzz and see if she was home for vacation yet.
(Tôi sẽ gọi Jane xem nàng đã về nghỉ lễ chƣa.)
(2) I'd give her a buzz if I got a chance.
(Tôi sẽ gọi em nếu có dịp.)
(3) I'm probably gonna give her a buzz tomorrow.
(Có lẽ mai tôi sẽ gọi điện thoại cho nàng.)
(4) I might stop in a phone booth and give old Jane Gallagher a buzz.
(Có lẽ tôi sẽ vào một phòng điện thoại gọi cho cô bé Jane Gallagher chút đỉnh.)
Fourthly, the verb give means to judge sopmebody, something to be of a
particular standard. In this case the verb give in English equals to công nhậnin
The below sentence is an example to illustrate to this type of meaning.
(1) To be sure, it was an unwonted performance: but he had learned to trust in men
he knew, and to give them credit for a wisdom that outreached his own
(Nhƣng Bấc đã tạo đƣợc thói quen tin tƣởng vào những ngƣời nó quen biết, và
nó công nhận là những con ngƣời ấy có 1 trí khôn vƣợt xa hẳn trí khôn của nó.)

69 The diferences in the semantic features of the verb lend in English
and Vietnamese
LEND To help sb Giúp đỡ
The verb lend not only means to give sth to sb to allow them to use sth that
belongs to you, which they have to return to you later but also means to help sb.
This type of meaning appears quite regular in English. The verb lend can be
translated as giúp in Vietnamese.
The below example will illustrate for this type of meaning.
(1) "Here, lend me a hand before you pull your freight," he added.
(Nào giúp tớ một tay trƣớc lúc chú mày phới.)
After investigation the quotations or examples from the 8bilingual English
novels, and short stories, the similarities and differences in the semantic features of
the giving verb group in English and Vietnamese are found. These features will be
demonstrated as in the following table.

Verb Comparison English Vietnamese

To hand something to cho, trả, nộp, gửi, đƣa,

somebody so that they can chuyển, trả, đem cho,
look at it, use it or keep it for trả lại, đƣa ra, đƣa lại,
a time trao, mang đến, trao
1. GIVE tặng, biếu
To make somebody suffer a khiến
particular punishment
Giving the same meaning as chỉ hành động có cùng
the related verb nghĩa với động từ liên
quan: cảnh báo, hôn,
cƣời, hoan hô, mua
cho, etc.

To make a telephone call to gọi điện, viết thƣ,
somebody, give messages chuyển lời
To judge somebody/ Cho điểm, chấm điểm,
something to be of a công nhận
particular standard

To give something to
somebody, to allow them to
2. LEND use something that belongs to Cho mƣợn, cho vay
you, which they have to return
to you later
Difference To help somebody Giúp đỡ
To give somebody money for trả tiền, trả lƣơng, trả
work, goods, services, etc giá
3. PAY Similarity
To give smebody money that trả, trả lại
you owe them
To give something to đƣa, trao
4. PRESENT Similarity To show or offer something Đến, giơ ra, đƣa ra
for other people to look at or
To give money, food clothes, tặng, trao
etc to somebody/something,
especially a charity
5. DONATE Similarity To allow doctor to remove hiến (máu/ nội tạng)
blood or a body organ in
order to help somebody who
needs it
6. Similarity To give or return something đổi chỗ, chuyển sang,

EXCHANGE that you have and get thay
something different or better

Table 4.4: TheEnglish giving verb group and their Vietnamese

equivalents in terms of semantic features

From the above comparison, the summary of semantic features of the giving
verb group in English and their Vietnamese equivalents are concluded to give a
general overview on this feature.

No Verb
Similarity Difference
1 GIVE x x
2 LEND x x
3 PAY x -
5 DONATE x -

Table 4.5: The summary of semantic features of the giving verb group in
English and their Vietnamese equivalents
From the above table, the the giving verbs in English and Vietnamese share
many similarities in semantic features. The six verbs are translated from English
into Vietnamese are quitesimilar.
However, the unequalities in semantic features are found at the verb give and
lend when translating from English into Vietnamse. The verb give means cho, trả,
nộp, gửi, đưa, chuyển, trả, đem cho, trả lại, đưa ra, đưa lại, trao, mang đến, trao
tặng in Vietnamese. On the one hand, thesemantic features of the verb give in
English is quite similar to Vietnamese. On the other hand, the verb give can bring
the meaning as khiến, gọi điện, viết thư, công nhận, etc. These semantic features in
English differ from Vietnamese. The verb lend also shares both similarities and
differences in semantic features in the two languages. The verb lend not only means
cho mượn, cho vay but also means giúp in Vietnamese.

4.5 Frequency of English giving verbs

After investigating the 8 bilingual English and Vietnamese literary works,
the six English verbs are quoted from 213 sentences, and calculated to give out their
occurrence frequency as in the following table.


No P No P No P No P No P No P
178 83,6% 9 4,2% 20 9,4 % 2 0,9% 1 0,5 % 3 1,4 %

Table 4.6 : Frequency the six giving verbs

in the 8 bilingual English and Vietnamese literary works

Notes: (No): Number of verbs
(P): Percentage
The table 4.6 indicates the occurrence frequency order of the six giving verbs
investigated from the hightest to the lowest as follows: give, pay, lend, exchange,
present, and donate. In the data, the verb give appears 178 times and takes the
percentage of 83,6 %, the other verbs one by onepay, lend, exchange, present are
20 times with 9,4%,9 times with 4,2%, 3 times with 1,4%, 2 times with 0,9%, and
the verb donate is times with 0,5 %. The reason why the verb give occupies the
highest number is that this verb is used with many different meanings in both
English and Vietnamese.In this situation, the verb give means to hand something to
somebody so that they can look at it, use it or keep it for a time. However, the verb
give also expresses the meaning of making a phone call, or giving the same
meaning as the followed verb, or judging somebody or something to be of a
particular standard. The lowest number of appearance is the verb donate. The verb
donate means to give money, food clothes, etc to somebody or something,
especially a charity and means to allow doctor to remove blood or a body organ in
order to help somebody who needs it. The verb donate is found only one timein the
8 bilingual English and Vietnamese literary worksbecause of its special meaning
which is used in the context relating to charity cases or presenting human organs
4.6. Discussion
4.6.1. Suggestions for language teaching
With the scope of this paper, we have dealt with some basic knowledge
of word meaning, semantic field, semantic role and syntactic relations. The finding
of the study may be in one way or another beneficial for the language teachers.
For the language teaching, the teachers have to instruct students the giving
verb group in both syntactic and semantic features.
Firstly, in term of the syntactic features, teachers should give students some
basic knowledge on the giving verb group from the sentence elements to sentence
patterns in detail. Therefore, students are aware of the giving verbs in parts of

speech and classification of the verbs. Because the giving verbs are both intransitive
and transitive verbs, the giving verbs will be used in the five patterns of sentences
(SV, SVO, SVOO, SVOC, SVOA).When the giving verb play a role as intransitive
verbs, they do not require any objects followed and vice versa. In any cases, the
giving verb needs objects followed if they are transitive verbs.
Besides, the sentence pattern SVOO also must be analyzed into two types:
SVOiOd and SVOdOi. The giving verbs can be used in both two types of these
patterns; however, if the giving verbs are used in the pattern SVOiOd, the
preposition to usually appears before the indirect object. Through understading the
the sentence patterns used with the giving verbs, teacher can help students make
sentences more easily, flexibly and sufficiently. For example the sentence ―John
gave a bouquet Mary‖ is incorrect. The teacher can elicit students to correct this
sentence as “John gave a bouquet to Mary”.
Secondly, in terms of the semantic features, teachers should pay attention on
the differences of the giving verbs between English and Vietnamese, so that they
can suggest students various meanings of the giving verbs in both English and
Vietnamse. For example, in some cases the verb give means to hand something to
somebody so that they can look at it, use it or keep it for a time. In contrast, there
are many occasions, the verb give means to make a telephone call and so on.
4.6.2. Suggestions for language translating
Based on the understanding on the syntactic features of the giving verb
group, a translator can translate the English sentences into Vietnamese more lively
and flexibly. In one sentence having the giving verbs with two objects, it can be
translated as in the pattern SVOdOi or SVOdOi in order to make the target language
more natural. In some sentences, if the subject is omitted, a translator can add the
subject into the translated sentences to make it clearer.
Based on the understanding on the semantic features of the giving verb group, a
translator will have more choices in choosing the equivalent words in their
translating. For example, if the verb give means to hand something to somebody so
that they can look at it, use it or keep it for a time, translators can translate this verb

as cho, trả, nộp, gửi, đưa, chuyển, trả, đem cho, trả lại, đưa ra, đưa lại, trao, mang
đến, trao tặng in Vietnamese. In addtition, if the sentences including the giving
verbs followed by the direct objects not a thing but an action, the verb give can be
translated as the same meaning as the related verb. The two follow examples will
illustrate this way of translation. For example: the sentence ―They gave me frequent
warning to start applying myself especially around midterms‖ can be translated
as―Họ cảnh báo tôi khá nhiều lần về sự bắt đầu phải chuyên chú nhất là vào mỗi
khoảng thi học kỳ‖. The verb give is translated as cảnh báo, but not trao, gửi, cho,
biếu, etc which quite differ from the general meaning of the verb give. Another
example will illustrate this kind of meaning. The below example will illustrate to
this type of meaning. ―Anyhow, he gives large parties‖ is translated as ―Dù sao, chỉ
biết là ông ta tổ chức những cuộc vui lớn‖. The verb give means to organize a social
event such as a party. In this case, the verb give in English can be translated into
Vietnamese as tổ chức but not đưa, trao,…etc.. as usual.
Moreover, the upward relationship (quan hệ hƣớng thƣợng - the lower
positions in comparison with the the higher positions of givers or receivers)
requires the giving verb must be translated as hiến, cúng, biếu (donate, devote)
but not cho, gửi,etc.
For example, ―The boy had given him two fresh small tunas, or albacores‖
must be translated as ―Thằng bé biếu ông lão hai con cá thu nhỏ tƣơi, thuộc loài
albacore‖ but not ―Thằng bé cho hai con cá thu nhỏ tƣơi, thuộc loài albacore‖.
Having a good understading on the semantic features of Vietnamese giving
verbs helps translator avoid mistake in translating the English sentences into
Vietnamese ones. Because the Vietnamse giving verbs have many layers of
meaning, translators must be careful in choosing words to obtain the correct
translating works. The relationship between the givers and receivers in the aspects
of age, positions, or relationship in their family and in the social position will affect
on the choosing optional Vietnamese words. For example, if the verb give is used in
the sentences having the upward relationship, it will be translated as hiến, cúng,

biếu in Vietnamse. In contrast, in the sentence with downward relationship, the verb
give will be translated as phú, ban, cho, tặng, etc in Vietnamse.
4.7. Summary
In this section, we have discussed about the syntactic and semantic features
of the givingverb group in English. The syntactic features of the giving verb group
in English are analyzed in detail in terms of fivesentence patterns (SV, SVO,
SVOO, SVOC, and SVOA). The semantic features of the giving verb group in
English are described in different senses of six verbs give, pay, lend, present,
exchange, and donate as to hand something to somebody so that they can look at it,
use it or keep it for a time, to give something to somebody or to allow them to use
something that belongs to you, which they have to return to you later, to give
somebody money for work, goods, services, to give something to somebody, to give
money, food clothes, etc to somebody/something, especially a charity, and to give
or return something that you have and get something different or better instead.
Then the comparison is given to examine the similarities and differences
between the giving verb group in English and in Vietnamese. As a result, the
similarities and differences between the two languages are given out. On the
syntactic aspects, the two languages are quite similar. However, on the semantic
field, there are many differences of the giving verbs in English and Vietnamse, and
most of differences are found at the veb give and lend.
The frequency of syntactic and semantic features of the giving verb group in
English and their Vietnamese equivalents is also investigated to illustrate the
comparison between the two languages.

Chapter 5
5.1. Summary of findings
The study has shown the syntactic features of the giving verb group in terms
of sentence elements and sentence patterns. Because the giving verbs are both
intransitive and transitive in different contexts, these verbs are used in the types of
sentence patterns: SV, SVO, SVOO, SVOC and SVOA.
On the semantic features, the giving verbs mainly express the meaning of
changing possession from a Donor to a Recipient. However, among six giving
verbs, the verb give brings many different meanings than other verbs and appear
most frequent than others as well as.
5.2. Concluding remarks
The study has found out the answers to the three research questions. It
suggests some solutions to improving the teaching and translating the givingverb
group in both English and Vietnamese.
Firstly, in terms of syntactic features, the givingverb group is analyzed in
two aspects: sentence elements and sentence patterns. According to the analyzing
sentence elements, verbs belonging to the givingverb group are intransitive verbs
monotransitive verbs, ditransitive verbs, or complex transitive verbs followed by
direct object (Od) and indirect object (Oi), or no object. The position of giving
verbs is mostly at the centre of sentence but not subject or predicate.
Secondly, in terms of semantic features, the giving verb group involves three
semantic roles-a Donor transfers possession of some Gift to a Recipient. In another
word, the giving verbs are used in sentences which have three elements. The subject
is Donor, the object is Gift (something is tranfered), and the other object is
Recipient (people or thing receive the Gift). The general meaning of giving verbs
is changing possession of something from the Donor to Recipient. However, at
different contexts, the giving verbs will express the other specific meanings.
Thirdly, the frequencies of the six giving verbs are investigated in the 8
bilingual English and Vietnamese literary works. The statistics shows that the verb

give is the most commonly used verb in 178 sentences and various semantic
features, and donate is the least commonly one with only once sentence.
Finally, some suggestions to improving the teaching and translating of the
giving verb group are mentioned. Especially, translators should pay attention to the
diferencies in semantic features of the verb give and lend to figure out appropriate
Vietnamese meanings in translating these verbs into Vietnamse.
The obvious conclusion to be drawn is one whereby the questions and goals
of this study seem to have been answered in the course of the linguistic
investigations. The interface of the syntactic and semantic features of the
givingverb group in English has been investigated and interpreted. This seems to
have had a bearing which were also investigated and accounted for.
5.3. Recommendations for further study
5.3.1. Limitations of the research
Although the study has offered the syntactic and semantic features of the
giving verb group in English and their Vietnamese equivalents, it has some
limitations. The results of this study are just relatively reasonable because of the
limited number of instances with the six verbs taken for analysis. To assure that in
the future research, more instances will be analyzed to have more standard results.
So far, in the study, different syntactic patterns and derived meanings
conveyed by the giving verb group have been scrutinized from semantic perspective
through the componential analysis. The study might be served as a foundation for
studies on other active verbs.
Due to the limited time, the study has not investigated the syntactic feature of
the verbs in passive voice yet. Moreover, the study has not been analyzed from the
point of view of culture and pragmatics. English in this study is considered as
source language and it has been presented relatively adequately but in term of
Vietnamese equivalent, Vietnamese is considered as target language and it has not
been completely studied yet. Hopefully, the limitations in this thesis will be
considered in other studies.

Though great efforts have been made in this thesis to work out the best
results, mistakes and limitations are unavoidable. Therefore, any your comments or
corrections for our better work would be highly appreciated.
5.3.2. Suggestions for further study
As stated the limitations of the study in the previous section, further research
should be conducted as follows:
-The giving verb group in English and their Vietnamese equivalents from
cultural and pragmatic perspective‖.
- The syntactic features of giving verb group in English in passive structure
should be analyzed.

1) A Walk to Remember
(1) Must be in the Lord‘s plan to give us challenges.
(Hẳn phải là kế hoạch của Chúa để ngăn chặn một điều gì đó tồi tệ hơn xảy ra.)
(2) If he was called to give the answer, he would almost always give the right one,
and he‘d turn his head from side to side with a smug look on his face, as if
proving how superior his intellect was when pared with those of the other peons
in the room.)
(Mà nếu có bị gọi bất chợt, hầu nhƣ lúc nào nó cũng trả lời đúng, và nó sẽ quay
bên này bên kia với vẻ mặt tự mãn, nhƣ thể chứng mình trí tuệ siêu việt của
mình khi só sánh với những đứa khác trong lớp.)
(3) Beaufort High School had only about four hundred students, so getting the
athletic vote was critical, and most of the jocks didn‘t give a hoot who they
voted for anyway.)
(Trƣờng trung học Beaufort chỉ có khoảng bốn trăm học sinh, vì thế có đƣợc
phiếu bầu của đội thể thao sẽ là điều quyết định, và dù sao phần lớn học sinh
cũng chẳng thèm chú ý đến ngƣời chúng bầu.)
(4) I can‘t say that I was happy about hearing from her, and for a second I
wondered who had given her my phone number before I realized it was
probably in the church records.)
(Không thể nói tôi vui mừng khi nghe thấy giọng con bé, và trong một giây tôi
tự hỏi ai đã cho con bé số điện thoại nhà tôi nhƣng rồi tôi kịp nhận ra có thể nó
tìm đƣợc trong danh sách ở nhà thờ.)
(5) Miss Garber had given him the role because he‘d been the only one who offered
to do it, but even then it was obvious she didn‘t want him either.)
(Cô Garber giao vai diễn cho Eddie chỉ vì nó là đứa duy nhất đề nghị đƣợc làm
việc này, nhƣng thậm chí nhƣ thế, ngƣời ta vẫn thấy rõ là cô Garber cũng không
muốn nó nhận vai.)
(6) He devotes his life to God, he gives to the munity.
(Ông đã dành cả cuộc đời mình cho Chúa, và cho cộng đồng.)

(7) They were old friends, you could see that right off, and Mr. Jenkins had given
her a big hug as soon as she‘d entered.)
(Họ đã quen thân từ rất lâu, có thể thấy điều đó ngay lập tức, ông Jenkins ôm
choàng lấy Jamie ngay khi con bé bƣớc vào.)
(8) It just gives me a way to . . . to be a part of her. Can you understand that?
(Chỉ là một cách khiến mình...mình là một phần của mẹ. Cậu có thể hiểu điều
đó không?)
(9) She hadn‘t put on her costume yet—she was supposed to wear a white, flowing
dress to give that angelic appearance—and she was still wearing the same
sweater she‘d worn at school.)
(Con bé vẫn mặc chiếc áo len thƣờng ngày đến trƣờng, chƣa mặc phục trang –
một chiếc váy trắng mềm rủ để trông giống nhƣ thiên thần.)
(10) Jamie never wanted to ask people straight out for the money, she wanted
them to give voluntarily.)
(Jamie chƣa bao giờ trực tiếp hỏi xin tiền, con bé muốn mọi ngƣời tự nguyện
đóng góp.)
(11) Jamie had given me a list of every place she‘d placed a can, and I borrowed
my mom‘s car and started at the far end of town the following day.
(Jamie đƣa cho tôi danh sách những nơi con bé đặt vỏ hộp, ngày hôm sau tôi
mƣợn xe của mẹ và bắt đầu từ chỗ xa nhất của thị trấn.)
(12) ―You can‘t give this to me,‖ I said breathlessly.
(―Cậu không thể tặng mình cái này đƣợc,‖ tôi nín thở nói.)
(13) Jamie had given me her Bible.
(Jamie tặng tôi cuốn Kinh thánh của mình.)
(14) Granted, she‘d given me the most wonderful gift I‘d ever received, and even
though I‘d probably never open it and read it like she did, I knew it was like
giving a piece of herself away.)
(Đúng là con bé đã tặng tôi món quà tuyệt vời nhất tôi từng đƣợc nhận, mặc dù
tôi có thể chẳng bao giờ mở ra đọc nhƣ con bé, tôi biết điều đó giống nhƣ cho đi
một phần bản thân mình.)

(15) I‘ll give you a bit to say good night.
(Bố cho con một lúc để chào bạn.)
(16) She was wearing the sweater I‘d given her, just like she‘d promised.
(Nhƣ đã hứa, con bé mặc chiếc áo len tôi tặng.)
(17) But you don‘t want to give it back, do you?
(Nhƣng cậu không muốn trả lại, đúng không?)
(18) Why she‘d given me her Bible.
(Vì sao nàng tặng tôi cuốn Kinh thánh của mình…)
(19) The doctors had given her a year, maybe less.
(Các bác sĩ nói nàng còn một năm, có thể còn ít hơn.)
(20) So that night I opened the Bible that Jamie had given me for Christmas and
began to read.)
(Vì thế đêm đó tôi mở cuốn Kinh thánh Jamie tặng vào dịp Giáng sinh ra và
bắt đầu đọc.)
(21) The doctors have given me some medicine for the pain, and it seems to help
a little.
(Các bác sĩ cho mình thuốc giảm đau, vậy nên cũng đỡ hơn một chút.)
(22) As he was fighting back his tears and sniffling, Margaret had already given
in to hers and sat weeping on the couch, unable to speak.
(Trong lúc nó đang cố gắng ngăn những giọt nƣớc mắt và tiếng sụt sịt,
Margaret đã đầu hàng những giọt nƣớc mắt của mình và ngồi khóc trên ghế
sofa, không thốt nên lời.)
(23) Since I had to accept that it was not within my power to cure her, what I
wanted to do was give her something that she‘d always wanted.
(Bởi tôi phải chấp nhận mình không có khả năng cứu nàng, tôi muốn mang
lại cho nàng điều nàng luôn mơ ƣớc.)
(24) Jamie, I understood then, had already given me the answer I‘d been
searching for, the one my heart had needed to find.
(Lúc này tôi mới hiểu ra Jamie đã từng cho tôi câu trả lời tôi vẫn hằng tìm
kiếm, câu trả lời trái tim tôi cần phải tìm ra.)

(25) Although Jamie was weak and hadn‘t moved from her bed in two weeks, she
insisted on walking down the aisle so that her father could give her away.
(Mặc dù Jamie rất yếu và đã hai tuần rồi không hề ra khỏi giƣờng, nàng vẫn
khăng khăng đòi bố nàng dắt đi giữa hai hàng ghế.)
(26) As a father, I‘m supposed to give away my daughter, but I‘m not sure that
I‘m able to do this.
(Với tƣ cách là một ngƣời cha, tôi có trách nhiệm trao gửi con gái mình,
nhƣng tôi không chắc có thể làm điều này.)
(27) I can no more give Jamie away than I can give away my heart.
(Tôi không thể trao Jamie đi cũng nhƣ chẳng thể cho đi trái tim mình.)
(28) But what I can do is to let another share in the joy that she has always given
(Nhƣng điều tôi có thể làm là để một ngƣời khác cùng chia sẻ niềm vui mà
con bé đã luôn mang đến cho tôi.)
(29) When the Depression hit hardest, he foreclosed on dozens of businesses
throughout the county while retaining the original owners to continue to
work on salary, paying them just enough to keep them where they were,
because they had nowhere else to go.
(Khi cuộc Đại suy thoái vào hồi khốc liệt nhất, ông tịch thu hàng tá cơ sở
làm ăn trên khắp hạt để gán nợ và cùng lúc đó giữ lại những ngƣời chủ cũ
làm công ăn lƣơng, chỉ trả vừa đủ để giữ họ ở lại, bởi vì họ chẳng có nơi nào
khác để đi hết.)
(30) Even ministers had bills to pay.
(Ngay cả các mục sƣ cũng có những hóa đơn cần chi trả.)
(31) But Jamie was the type of person who would donate a kidney to a stranger
she met walking down the street, if he really needed one.
(Nhƣng Jamie là kiểu ngƣời sẽ cho một ngƣời xa lạ mà con bé gặp đang đi
bộ trên phố một quả thận, nếu anh ta thực sự cần nó.)
2) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
(32) I'll give them a new pair of boots every Christmas.

(Cứ mỗi dịp lễ giáng sinh, mình sẽ mua cho chúng một đôi giày.)
(33) But who is to give the prizes?
(Nhƣng ai là ngƣời trao giải thƣởng?)
(34) Don't give yourself airs!
(Đừng vênh váo nữa con.)
(35) She had got its neck nicely straightened out, and was going to give the
hedgehog a blow with its head.
(Alice giữ cho cái cổ con hồng hạc vƣơn thẳng để nó có thể dung đầu đánh
vào con nhím.)
(36) I give you fair warning.
(Ta mang đến cho ngƣơi lời cảnh báo rõ ràng.)
(37) Who would not give all else for two Pennyworth only of beautiful Soup?
(Ai mà khôngtrả cho tất cả với chỉ hai penny cho món xúp tuyệt vời?)
(38) ―Give your evidence,‖ said the King; 'and don't be nervous, or I'll have you
executed on the spot.
(Hãy đưa ra bằng chứng đi và đừng có sợ run lên nhƣ thế, nếu không ta sẽ
hành quyết.)
(39) ―Give your evidence,‖ the King repeated angrily, or I'll have you executed,
whether you're ervous or not.
(Hãy đưa ra bằng chứng đi. Nếu không ta sẽ cho hành quyết ngƣơi bất kể
ngƣơi không.)
(40) ―Give your evidence,‖ said the King.
(Hãy trình bằng chứng của ngƣơi ra - Vua ra lệnh.)
(41) I'll give him sixpence.
(Tôi sẽ cho anh ta 6 pen.)
(42) While the Dodo solemnly presented the thimble, saying.
(Trong khi Dodo trịnh trọng trao cái vòng cho cô và nói.)
3) The Call of the Wild
(43) To be sure, it was an unwonted performance: but he had learned to trust in
men he knew, and to give them credit for a wisdom that outreached his own.

(Nhƣng Bấc đã tạo đƣợc thói quen tin tƣởng vào những ngƣời nó quen biết,
và nó công nhận là những con ngƣời ấy có 1 trí khôn vƣợt xa hẳn trí khôn
của nó.)
(44) That had given them an unfair advantage; but now that it was off, he would
show them.
(Sợi dây ấy đã tạo cho bọn ngƣời kia một lợi thế, nhƣng không công bằng đối với
(45) The ghostly winter silence had given way to the great spring murmur of
awakening life.
(Sự yên lặng rùng rợn ma quái mùa đông đã phải lùi bƣớc nhường chỗ cho
tiếng rỉ rắc vĩ đại của muà xuân, sự sống đang thức giấc.)
(46) It was a simple matter to give the dogs less food.
(Bớt thức ăn của chó đi là 1 điều đơn giản.)
(47) They saw Charles turn and make one step to run back, and then a whole
section of ice give way and dogs and humans disappear.
(Họ nhìn thấy Sác quay ngoắt lại và cố dấn thêm 1 bƣớc để chạy trở lui, rồi thì
toàn bộ cả 1 mảng bằng lớn tụt hẳn xuống, lũ chó và ngƣời biến mất.)
(48) I'll give you a thousand for him, sir, a thousand, sir-twelve hundred, sir."
(Tôi xin nộp ngài 1000, ngài để nó cho tôi thƣa ngài, 1000, thƣa ngài, 1200,
thƣa ngài.)
(49) Nor did he give the wounded bull opportunity to slake his burning thirst in
the slender trickling streams they crossed.
(Bấc cũng không để cho gã nai bị thƣơng có 1 cơ hội nào để làm dịu cơn khát
cháy họng.)
(50) "Here, lend me a hand before you pull your freight," he added.
(Nào giúp tớ một tay trƣớc lúc chú mày phới!)
(51) "Can you lend me a thousand?" he asked, almost in a whisper
(Anh có thể cho tôi vay 1000 đƣợc không? – Anh hỏi, hầu nhƣ thầm thì.)
(52) When Buck earned sixteen hundred dollars in five minutes for John
Thornton, he made it possible for his master to pay off certain debts and to

journey with his partners into the East after a fabled lost mine, the history of
which was as old as the history of the country.
(Với 1600 đôla mà Bấc kiếm đƣợc cho Giôn Thoóctơn chỉ trong vòng 5 phút,
Bấc đã giúp cho chủ mình trang trải xong một số nợ nần và mở đƣợc cuộc
hành trình cùng với các bạn phƣờng đi về phía Đông để tìm 1 cái mỏ vàng mất
tăm tích chỉ còn lại trong truyền thuyết, mà sự tích cũng xa xăm nhƣ chính sự
tích cái xứ sở này vậy.)
(53) The life of only one member was demanded, which was a remoter interest than
their lives, and in the end they were content to pay the toll.
(Chỉ có 1 thành viên của đàn bị đòi nộp mạng, điều đó không đáng quan tâm
bằng chính cái mạng của chúng, và thế là cuối cùng chúng bằng lòng nộp món
tiền mãi lộ ấy.)
(54) Francois, guiding the sled at the gee-pole, sometimes exchanged places with
him, but not often.
(Perôn dẫn đầu trƣớc đàn chó, dùng liếp đi tuyết nện chặt tuyết lại để cho chó
kéo xe dễ dàng hơn Phrăngxoa ở vị trí điều khiển chiếc xe cần lái xe, thỉnh
thoảng đổi chỗ cho Perôn, nhƣng không thƣờng xuyên.)
(55) He exchanged the whip for the customary club.
(Han bỏ chiếc roi, chuyển sang dùng chiếc dùi cui theo lệ thƣờng.)
4) The Catcher In The Rye
(56) She didn't give you a lot of horse manure about what a great guy her father was.
(Nàng không tuôn ra hàng tràng lời nói xấu về ông bố khả kính vĩ đại tuyệt vời
của nàng.)
(57) They give guys the ax quite frequently at Pencey.
(Họ đã đuổi khỏi Pencey vô khối đứa.)
(58) I don't give a damn, except that I get bored sometimes when people tell me to
act my age.
(Tôi thì tôi nhổ toẹt vào chuyện đó, tuy rằng tôi rất buồn mỗi khi nghe thiên hạ
răn dạy này nọ: phải xử sự cho ra vẻ ngƣời lớn một chút chứ!)
(59) Then old Hans would just shake hands with them and give them a phony smile.

(Ông già Haas sẽ chỉ bắt tay mà thôi và cười một nụ cƣời rất là bộ tịch.)
(60) We all had to stand up in the grandstand and give him a locomotive.
(Chúng tôi tất cả phải đứng lên hoan hô lão.)
(61) He didn't give a damn about the fencing.
(Nó cần quái gì đến chuyện gƣơm với ghiếc.)
(62) I don't know, and I don't give a damn.
(Tao cóc biết mà cũng cóc cần biết.)
(63) Mother darling, give me your hand, Why won't you give me your hand?
(Mẹ ơi, đưa tay cho con, khổ thân con! Sao mẹ không đưa tay ra giúp con,
hở mẹ?)
(64) Mother darling, why won't you give me your hand?
(Mẹ ơi, mẹ hỡi! Sao mẹ không dắt con?)
(65) That stuff gives me a bang sometimes.
(Lắm lúc tôi cũng thấy thích vậy.)
(66) He'd probably take it off and give it ta you.
(Có lẽ nó cởi cái cà vạt ra cho mày ngay.)
(67) But he'd give you the goddam tie.
(Nhƣng nó sẽ cho mày cái cà vạt ấy.)
(68) Which is something that gives me a royal pain in the ass.
(Tôi rất lộn tiết vì nó dám thế.)
(69) That's something else that gives me a royal pain.
(Đó lại là một điều nữa khiến tôi rầu bỏ mẹ.)
(70) Yeah? Give her to me, boy.
(Thật sao, cho tao đi mày.)
(71) Listen. Give her my regards, willya?
(Này, chuyển giúp tao lời chào nhé?)
(72) They never give your regards to people.
(Hạng nó thì có bao giờ thèm chuyển lời chào hộ ai.)
(73) All right, give it back to me, then
(Đƣợc, đƣợc, thế thì trả bài luận lại đây.)

(74) Did you give her my regards?
(Mày nhắn giúp lời hỏi thăm của tao rồi chứ?)
(75) Give her the time in Ed Banky's goddam car?
(Chơi với nàng trong chiếc xe phải gió ấy à.)
(76) He could give the time to anybody he felt like.
(Nó có thể chơi với bất cứ ai nó thích.)
(77) I told him to stop off on the way to the can and give Mrs. Schmidt the time.
(Nhƣng tôi tức quá nên cứ bảo nó đi rửa trƣớc đi, rồi tiện đƣờng, vào luôn với
bà Schmith dƣới kia.)
(78) Almost every time somebody gives me a present.
(Hầu nhƣ mỗi lần ai cho tôi một món quà.)
(79) I asked him how much he'd give me for it.
(Hỏi xem nó định trả bao nhiêu.)
(80) I didn't give a damn how I looked.
(Tôi cóc cần để ý đên diện mạo mình lúc này thế nào.)
(81) I should've given her a phony name, but I didn't think of it.
(Đáng lẽ phải bịa một cái tên khác, nhƣng tôi không tài nào nghĩ ra đƣợc một
cái tên nào khả dĩ hơn.)
(82) She'd give Allie or I a push or something, and say, "Who? Who said that?"
(Thúc tôi hoặc Allie, rồi hỏi to: "Nhƣng ai bảo thế?")
(83) They probably thought I was too young to give anybody the once-over.
(Chắc họ đinh ninh tôi chƣa đủ tuổi để làm cái trò ngắm nghía đàn bà, con gái.)
(84) I should've given them the freeze, after they did that, but the trouble was, I
really felt like dancing.
(Lẽ ra tôi phải làm ra bộ khinh thường cho họ biết thân, nhƣng ác cái tôi đang
muốn nhảy kinh khủng.)
(85) I was pretty damn sure old Stradlater hadn't given her the time.
(Và mặc dầu tôi biết chắc giữa Jane với thằng thổ tả đó chẳng có chuyện gì.)
(86) I didn't give a good goddam where her dog relieved himself.
(Tôi nhổ toẹt vào chuyện con chó của Jane thích "bĩnh" ở đâu.)

(87) He was putting all these dumb, show-offy ripples in the high notes, and a lot of
other very tricky stuff that gives me a pain in the ass.
(Bởi lẽ lão cứ nện chí tử cả mƣời ngón tay ngu ngốc của mình xuống dãy phím
bên âm vực cao, khiến dòng âm thanh phát ra méo mó cả đi đến mức tôi thấy
bụng đau quặn, nhƣ ăn phải những thứ thiu thối.)
(88) Those bastards never give your message to anybody.
(Tụi chó chết ấy không bao giờ chuyển lời đến ai cả.)
(89) I didn't give a damn how I looked.
(Bất chấp diện mạo mình lúc ấy ra sao.)
(90) Then the crook probably would've given me this very phony, innocent look, and
said, "I never saw those gloves before in my life.")
(Lúc đó, chắc thằng vịt ấy sẽ làm ra vẻ nhƣ trẻ mới đẻ, đáp rằng: "Tao chƣa
từng thấy đôi găng ấy bao giờ.)
(91) Why should I give her another five bucks.
(Tại sao tôi lại phải trả thêm 5 dollar nữa?)
(92) I'd give anything if I hadn't, but I did.
(Bởi tôi không muốn, mà cứ phải nhè thêm 5 đô.)
(93) I'd check my bags in one of those strong boxes that they give you a key to, then
get some breakfast.
(Tôi sẽ đem gửi hành trang vào phòng gửi hành lý, giữ lấy chìa khoá, rồi đi tìm
món gì đó điểm tâm .)
(94) At first he only used to be kidding when he called my stuff bourgeois, and I
didn't give a damn.
(Hồi mới xa nhau, nó toàn chọc tức tôi, gọi những đồ dùng của tôi là trƣởng giả,
nhƣng tôi mặc kệ.)
(95) You think if they're intelligent and all, the other person, and have a good sense
of humor, that they don't give a damn whose suitcases are better, but they do.
(Chắc các bạn sẽ bảo, nếu có đầu óc và có khiếu châm biếm, thì phải nhổ toẹt
vào những chuyện vớ vẩn ấy chứ.)
(96) They let me give them ten bucks as a contribution.

(Họ cầm tờ mƣời dollar tôi quyên.)
(97) The one with the glasses made me give it back to her.
(Cô đeo kính nhanh nhẹn giằng lấy tấm phiếu từ tay tôi.)
(98) After they left, I started getting sorry that I'd only given them ten bucks for their
(Lúc họ đã đi hẳn, tôi đâm hối là chỉ quyên cho họ có 10 dollar.)
(99) I didn't give a damn, though.
(Nhƣng tôi nhổ toẹt vào cái đó.)
(100)If a girl looks swell when she meets you, who gives a damn if she's late?
(Nếu một cô gái đẹp tuyệt đến nơi hẹn thì ai còn bực vì cô đến muộn nữa
(101)Why don't you go on over and give him a big soul kiss, if you know him?
(Em biết không, em cứ việc đến đó, hôn hắn ta, có lẽ, hắn sẽ mừng đấy.)
(102)He was the kind of a phony that have to give themselves room when they
answer somebody's question.
(Một kẻ nhƣ hắn lúc nào cũng phô trƣơng, thậm chí còn dọn sạch chỗ cho mình
trƣớc khi trả lời.)
(103) I mean I don't give a darn, one way or the other.
(Em thì thế nào cũng đƣợc.)
(104) You have to keep making believe you give a damn if the football team loses,
and all you do is talk about girls and liquor and sex all day, and everybody
sticks together in these dirty little goddam cliques.
(Lại còn tứ thời giả bộ coi trọng đội bong của chúng thắng hay thua. Tối ngày
tán gẫu về rƣợu chè, đàn bà, tình dục, đứa nào cũng có hội hè cũng có một bè lũ
đê tiện nào đó.)
(105) You give me a royal pain in the ass, if you want to know the truth.
(Và nói chung, hãy cút đi cho rảnh…)
(106)I thought maybe I might give old Jane another buzz and see if she was home
(Tôi nghĩ – có lẽ vẫn nên gọi cho Jane lần nữa xem nàng đã về nhà chƣa.)

(107) I thought I'd give her a buzz and, if she was home yet, take her dancing or
something somewhere.
(Tôi nghĩ – nếu nàng ở nhà, tôi sẽ mời nàng đi nhảy ở đâu đó.)
(108)The only thing he ever did, though, was give these sex talks and all, late at
night when there was a bunch of guys in his room.
(Nhƣng nó chỉ làm mỗi một việc là cho đề cập tới đủ thứ chuyện về tình dục
lúc đêm khuya, khi bọn nhóc con chúng tôi tụ tập ở phòng nó.)
(109)He said he would, but he probably didn't even give her my message.
(Hắn nói, sẽ hỏi ngay tắp lự, nhƣng có lẽ hắn chẳng thèm chuyển lời đề
nghị của tôi.)
(110)People never give your message to anybody.
(Chẳng ai buồn chuyển hộ điều gì bao giờ, nếu bạn đề nghị.)
(111)But when I got inside this phone booth, I wasn't much in the mood any more to
give old Jane a buzz.
(Nhƣng khi đã vất vả chui đƣợc vào một trạm điện thoại, tôi chẳng còn tâm
trạng gọi cho Jane nữa.)
(112)About a gallon of water was dripping down my neck, getting all over my collar
and tie and all, but I didn't give a damn.
(Nƣớc từ đầu chảy xuống cổ, cà vạt ƣớt sũng, cả cổ áo nữa, nhƣng tôi nhổ toẹt
vào chuyện đó.)
(113)Listen. Give her my compliments.
(Nghe này, anh chuyển hộ lời chào của tôi đến cô ấy nhé.)
(114)Give her my compliments. Okay?
(Nghe này, hãy chuyển lời chào của tôi đến cô ấy nhé.)
(115)The worst he'll do, he'll give me hell again, and then he'll send me to that
goddam military school.
(Cùng lắm, bố sẽ la hét một trận rồi tống vào trƣờng quân sự.)
(116)When he was at Pencey they were the happiest days of his life, and giving us a
lot of advice for the future and all.

(Những năm học ở Pencey là những năm tốt đẹp nhất trong đời lão, rồi còn
khuyên bảo bọn anh mấy lời chết giẫm nào đó cho tƣơng lai.)
(117)All you have to do to depress somebody is give them a lot of phony advice
while you're looking for your initials in some can door.
(Lão phun ra một lô một lốc những lời khuyên vô dụng trong lúc tìm kiếm tên
mình trên các cánh cửa, và chỉ có thế.)
(118)"I don't give a damn if he does," I said.
(Thây kệ, anh nhổ vào tất cả!)
(119)He didn't even give a damn if his coat got all bloody.
(Thầy cũng chả thèm bận tâm đến cái áo khoác bị dây đầy máu.)
(120)Give Mother a kiss.
(Hôn mẹ nào.)
(121)She was trying to give me the dough, but she couldn't find my hand.
(Nó chìa cho tôi tiền, nhƣng không tìm đƣợc tay tôi.)
(122)Just give me two bucks, is all.
(Đưa anh hai đô thôi.)
(123)I tried to give it back to her, but she wouldn't take it.
(Tôi giúi tiền vào tay nó, nhƣng nó không cầm.)
(124)I told her again I'd give her a buzz if I got a chance, and then I left.
(Tôi còn hứa gọi điện cho nó thêm một lần nữa, nếu đƣợc, rồi ra đi.)
(125)I didn't give much of a damn any more if they caught me.
(Tôi nhổ vào chuyện ngƣời ta có tóm đƣợc tôi hay không.)
(126)If you go along with it any considerable distance, it'll begin to give you an idea
what size mind you have.
(Nếu cậu chuyên tâm đủ trong các giờ học, cậu sẽ nhận được khái niệm về khả
năng trí tuệ của mình.)
(127)I'm probably gonna give her a buzz tomorrow.
(Có lẽ, mai em sẽ gọi điện cho cô ấy.)
(128)I decided I'd just see old Phoebe and sort of say goodby to her and all, and give
her back her Christmas dough, and then I'd start hitchhiking my way out West.

(Tôi quyết định sẽ gặp em gái tôi, trả nó tiền, rồi sau đó ra đƣờng cái giơ tay
vẫy xe xin đi nhờ đến miền Tây.)
(129)I figured I'd write her a note telling her where to meet me so I could say good-
by to her and give her back her Christmas dough.
(Tôi định sẽ viết mẩu giấy hẹn nơi gặp nhau để có thể từ biệt nó và trả lại nó
tiền quà. )
(130)I'd take the note up to her school and get somebody in the principal's office to
give it to her.
(Tôi sẽ mang mẩu giấy đến trƣờng, nhờ ai đó trong văn phòng chuyển cho
(131)Museum of art near the door at quarter past 12 if you can and I will give you
your Christmas dough back.
(Hãy chờ anh ở viện bảo tàng, cạnh cửa ra vào, lúc 12 giờ 15, nếu có thể, và
anhsẽ trả lại tiền quà của em.)
(132)Then I started walking up the stairs to the principal's office so I could give the
note to somebody that would bring it to her in her classroom.
(Tôi lên thang, vào phòng hiệu trƣởng để nhờ mang mẩu thƣ của tôi vào lớp
cho em gái.)
(133)I knew they'd give it to her if I was her brother and all.
(Nhƣng tôi biết, thƣ của anh trai sẽ được chuyển cho em ngay tức thì.)
(134)I told her I was Phoebe Caulfield's brother, in 4B-1, and I asked her to please
give Phoebe the note.
(Tôi nói rằng tôi là anh trai của Phoebe Caulfield học lớp 4B và nhờ bà chuyển
cho nó mẩu thƣ này.)
(135)She took the note off me and called some other lady, from the next office, and
the other lady went to give it to Phoebe.
(Bà ấy cầm tờ giấy của tôi, gọi một phụ nữ nào đó ở phòng bên và cô kia đi
chuyển giấy cho Phoebe ngay.)
(136)I thought maybe I might stop in a phone booth and give old Jane Gallagher a
buzz before I started bumming my way west, but I wasn't in the mood.

(Tôi nghĩ có nên gọi điện cho Jane Gallagher ở trạm điện thoại tự động trƣớc
khi bỏ đi miền Tây không, nhƣng chả có lòng dạ nào.)
(137)I began to get scared that maybe that old lady in the school had told that other
lady not to give old Phoebe my message.
(Nhỡ bà già trong văn phòng bảo ngƣời đàn bà kia đừng chuyển giấy
cho Phoebe.)
(138)Lend me your scissors a second, willya? Ya got 'em handy?
(Cho tao mượn kéo của mày một lát đƣợc không ?)
(139)How 'bout lending me your hound's-tooth jacket?
(Cho tao mượn cái áo da ngắn của mày đƣợc không?)
(140)Isabella to lend him the dough to buy ships.
(Isabella cho vay ít xu mua tàu.)
(141)If you want to know the truth, I almost didn't lend him my sweater.
(Nói thật với bạn, tôi suýt không cho mượn nữa.)
(142)I can lend you some.
(Em có thể cho anh mượn một ít.)
(143)Mr. Antolini forgot to lend me some.
(Thầy Antolini quyên cho tôi mượn một bộ.)
(144)Think they'll make ya pay for em?
(Thế chắc bọn chúng bắt mày chịu cả tiền vé chứ gì?)
(145)I think they should've at least offered to pay for the drinks they had before I
joined them.
(Tôi nghĩ đáng lẽ ít nhất họ cũng phải đề nghị trả tiền cho phần họ uống trƣớc
khi tôi gia nhập.)
(146)"Who do I pay?"
(Thế tiền thì trả cho ai?)
(147)I'll pay you and all, but do you mind very much if we don't do it?
(Thì tôi đã bảo sẽ trả tiền sòng phẳng rồi còn gì.)
(148)I said I'd pay you for coming and all.
(Tao sẽ trả mày vì đã tới đây.)

(149)I took their check off them, but they wouldn't let me pay it.
(Tôi giành lấy hai tấm phiếu ghi tiền, nhƣng họ nhất định không chịu để tôi trả.)
(150)You can take it all. You can pay me back.
(Anh lấy đi, lấy hết đi! Rồi trả em sau.)
(151)They'd pay me a salary and all for it.
(Họ sẽ trả lƣơng cho tôi và các thứ.)
5) The Great Gatsby
(152)Only Gatsby, the man who gives his name to this book, was exempt from my
(Trong phản ứng ấy, tôi chỉ chừa có Gatsby, ngƣời đƣợc lấy tên đặt cho cuốn
sách này.)
(153)He object she was balancing had obviously tottered a little and given her
something of a fright.
(Có lẽ cái vật cô đang đỡ suýt nữa lại rới khiến cô lo sợ.)
(154)Did you giveNick a little heart-to-heart talk on the veranda?
(Mình đã huyên thuyên tâm sự với Nick ở ngoài hiên rồi phải không?)
(155)Occasionally a line of gray cars crawls along an invisible track, gives out a
ghastly creak, and comes to rest, and immediately the ash-gray men swarm up
with leaden spades and stir up an impenetrable cloud, which screens their
obscure operations from your sight.
(Thỉnh thoảng, một đoàn tàu với những toa xe xám xịt trƣờn trên một con
đƣờng vô hình, phát ra một tiếng rít rùng rợn rồi dừng lại. Ngay lập tức, những
con ngƣời xám ngoét kia tay cầm những chiếc xẻng chì bâu đến nhung nhúc
nhƣ đàn kiến và làm bốc lên một đám mây dày đặc che kín các hoạt động mờ
ám của họ.)
(156)All I ask is that they should give me a start.
(Chỉ cần có ai giúp đỡ tôi buổi đầu thôi.)
(157)She‘ll give you a letter of introduction.
(Cô ấy sẽ viết cho ông một lá thƣ giới thiệu.)
(158)You‘ll give McKee a letter of introduction to your husband

(Em viết thƣ giới thiệu McKee với chồng em.)
(159)I‘m going to give you this dress as soon as I‘m through with it.
(Tôi sẽ biếu chị chiếc áo này khi tôi không dung đến nó nữa.)
(160)A persistent undergraduate given to violent innuendo.
(Một anh sinh viên hay nói những lời bóng gió cục cằn.)
(161)Anyhow, he gives large parties.
(Dù sao, chỉ biết là ông ta tổ chức những cuộc vui lớn.)
(162)Don‘t give it another thought, old sport.
(Đừng nghĩ đến chuyện ấy một lần nào nữa, ngƣời anh em ạ.)
(163)They will give you a better impression.
(Những tên ấy sẽ cho bạn một ấn tƣợng rõ nét hơn.)
(164)I began to like New York, the racy, adventurous feel of it at night, and the
satisfaction that the constant flicker of men and women and machines gives to
the restless eye.
(Tôi bắt đầu yêu thích New York, tôi có một cảm giác say sƣa, li kì khi dạo
chơi ban đêm ở thành phố này, vui thích nhìn những dòng ngƣời nam nữ và xe
cộ chập chờn nhoang nhoáng trƣớc con mắt nhớn nhác của tôi.)
(165)She wasn‘t able to endure being at a disadvantage and, given this unwillingness,
I suppose she had begun dealing in subterfuges when she was very young in
order to keep that cool, insolent smile turned to the world and yet satisfy the
demands of her hard, jaunty body.
(Cô ta không thể cam chịu ở thế bất lợi và do thái độ không cam chịu ấy, tôi cho
rằng từ lúc còn rất nhỏ Jordan đã bắt đầu dùng đến mƣu mẹo để có thể giữ đƣợc
cái nụ cƣời lạnh lùng và xấc xƣợc này đối với mọi ngƣời, đồng thời vẫn thoả
mãn đƣợc những nhu cầu của tấm thân nhanh nhẹn rắn chắc của mình.)
(166)They will give you a better impression.
(Những tên ấy sẽ cho bạn một ấn tƣợng rõ nét hơn.)
(167)He jumped off to give me a better view.
(Anh nhảy ra khỏi xe để tôi nhìn rõ hơn.)
(168)Take ‘em down-stairs and give ‘em back to whoever they belong to.

(Em mang xuống dƣới nhà trả cho ngƣời nào là chủ của nó.)
(169)Until he had given them something.
(Chừng nào anh chƣa đem lên đƣợc một thức gì.)
(170)I don‘t give big parties.
(Tôi không tổ chức những cuộc vui lớn.)
(171)He had deliberately given Daisy a sense of security.
(Anh đã cố ý gây cho Daisy một cảm giác yên ổn.)
(172)If to give them a deep memory for the long parting the next day promised.
(Nhƣ để ghi sâuvào trong lòng họ kỷ niệm về cuộc chia ly dài sẽ đến hôm sau.)
(173)No telephone message arrived, but the butler went without his sleep and waited
for it until four o‘clock—until long after there was any one to give it to if it
(Không có ai gọi điện thoại, nhƣng ngƣời hầu phòng vẫn không đi ngủ trƣa mà
cứ chờ cho đến bốn giờ chiều – tức là quá cái giờ không còn ai để mà báo, cho
dù có ngƣời gọi đến.)
(174)That night an obviously frightened person called up, and demanded to know
who I was before he would give his name.
(Đêm ấy, có một ngƣời gọi điện thoại đến với giọng lộ rõ là hoảng hốt, hỏi tôi
là ai đã rồi mới chịu xưng tên.)
(175)I‘ll give it to him when he gets back.
(Tôi sẽ chuyển lại khi nào ông ấy về.)
(176)I don‘t give a damn about you now.
(Bây giờ thì em không cần gì ở anh nữa.)
(177)All right, Katspaugh, don‘t pay him a penny till he shuts his mouth.
(Đƣợc rồi, Katspaugh này, đừng có mà trả cho hắn dù chỉ một xu chừng nào
hắn chƣa câm cái mồm.)
(178)I insisted on paying the check.
(Tôi một mực đòi trả tiền.)
(179)There was a story that he‘d agreed to pay five years‘ taxes on all the
neighboring cottages if the owners would have their roofs thatched with straw.

(Có câu chuyện kể rằng ông này đã xin chịu trả tiền thổ trạch cho tất cả các
ngôi nhà lân cận trong vùng trong năm năm, nếu chủ các ngôi nhà ấy chịu lớp
mái nhà mình bằng rơm.)
(180)Miss Baker and I exchanged a short glance consciously devoid of meaning.
(Baker và tôi đƣa mặt vội nhìn nhau, cố tình không bộc lộ gì trong ánh mắt
(181)Tom and I shook hands, the rest of us exchanged a cool nod, and they trotted
quickly down the drive, disappearing under the August foliage just as Gatsby,
with hat and light overcoat in hand, came out the
front door.
(Tom và tôi bắt tay nhau, còn mấy ngƣời kia và tôi thì gật đầu lạnh lùng chào
nhau, rồi bọn họ cho ngựa phi nƣớc kiệu trên đƣờng xe chạy trong vƣờn và
khuất sau một lùm cây đúng vào lúc Gatsby, tay cầm mũ và chiếc áo khoác
mỏng, hiện ra ở cửa trƣớc.)
6) The Last Leaf
(182)Give her good care, and she‘ll get well
(Ráng chăm sóc thì cô ấy sẽ khỏi.)
(183)He earned a little by serving as a model to those young artists in the colony who
could not pay the price of a professional.
(Lão kiếm sống bằng nghề làm ngƣời mẫu cho các họa sĩ trẻ trong khu thuộc
địa vì các họa sĩ trẻ này không đủ tiền mướn các ngƣời mẫu chuyên nghiệp.)
7) The Old Man and the Sea
(184)I‘ll give him the belly meat of a big fish.
(Ông sẽ biếu bác ấy miếng thịt bụng của con cá lớn.)
(185)I must give him something more than the belly meat then.
(Vậy thì ông phải biếu bác ấy cái gì quí hơn miếng thịt bụng.)
(186)The boy had given him two fresh small tunas, or albacores.
(Thằng bé cho ông lão hai con cá thu nhỏ tƣơi, thuộc loài albacore.)
(187)They were in good condition still and had the excellent sardines to give them
scent and attractiveness.

(Chúng vẫn còn tốt và xâu cá mòi thơm phức giúp chúng tỏa hƣơng hấp dẫn.)
(188)Men were not and when same of the filaments would catch on a line and rest
there slimy and purple while the old man was working a fish, he would have
welts and sores on his arms and hands of the sort that poison ivy or poison oak
can give.
(Ông lão đã chạm phải làm cả cánh tay lẫn bàn tay nhức nhối nhƣ thể khi chạm
phải một dây trƣờng xuân độc hay loài sồi độc.)
(189)He ate the white eggs to give himself strength.
(Lão ăn những quả trứng rùa trắng để tăng thêm sức lực.)
(190)I must hold him all I can and give him line when he must have it.
(Mình phải giữ sợi dây cho đến lúc sức tàn lực kiệt và nới thêm dây khi nó
(191)Just then the fish gave a sudden lurch that pulled the old man down onto the
bow and would have pulled him overboard if he had not braced himself and
given some line.
(Đúng lúc ấy, bất thình lình con cá giật mạnh, kéo lão ngã sấp xuống mũi
thuyền và suýt lôi lão xuống biển nếu lão không gồng hết sức níu giữ và nới
thêm dây.)
(192)As the sun set he remembered, to give himself more confidence.
(Khi mặt trời lặn, lão hồi tƣởng, để tự củng cố thêm niềm tin.)
(193)I must cushion the pull of the line with my body and at all times be ready to
give line with both hands.
(Mình phải đƣa thân ra làm chiếc đệm cho sợi dây và lúc nào cũng sẵn sàng cả
hai tay nới thêm dây.)
(194)You give me much good counsel.
(Mày răn bảo tao quá nhiều lời hay hớm rồi đấy.)
(195)Make him pay for the line, he thought.
(Bắt nó trả sợi dây, lão nghĩ.)
(196)Make him pay for it.
(Bắt nó trả sợi dây.)

(197)I would take some though in any form and pay what they asked.
(Dẫu sao thì mình sẽ nhận một ít trong bất cứ hình thức nào và trả bất kỳ giá
nào mà ngƣời bán đòi hỏi.)
8) The Scarlet Sail
(198)He would give in, and the clerk, having filled his basket with wellmade,
excellent toys, would leave, laughing up his sleeve.
(Anh hết muốn tranh cãi với ngƣời lái buôn, và y cuối cùng đã mua đƣợc rẻ. Y
cho những đồ chơi chắc chắn, tuyệt đẹp ấy vào làn rồi ra về, tủm tỉm cƣời.)
(199)Now give it back," the little girl said timidly.
(Bây giờ thì trả cho cháu đây, cô bé rụt rè đòi.)
(200)Give a poor man a smoke, sir," he said.
Ông chủ ơi cho kẻ khó này xin điếu thuốc với nào.)
(201)"I'd certainly give you some,".
(Tôi cho anh thôi.)
(202)He wouldn't give me a smoke.
(Hắn không cho tôi thuốc lá.)
(203)The tall door topped by a murky fanlight was usually locked, but the latch fit
the mortise loosely and when pressed hard, the door would give, buckle and
(Tấm cửa cao lắp kính mờ ở phía trên lúc nào cũng đóng im ỉm, nhƣng then cửa
lại cài hờ hờ, chỉ cần đẩy tay vào là nó kênh lên và bật ra.)
(204)I'll always give her a lift.
(Tôi cho nó ngồi ngay lên xe.)
(205)Won't you give us something for Z, too?
(Xin hãy thưởng thêm đôi chút.)
(206)You've often given me a lift.
(Bác vẫn cho cháu ngồi nhờ xe mà.)
(207)She took his huge, soot-blackened hand and more or less managed to give it a
(Cô nắm lấy bàn tay to tƣớng, đen thủi, run run kéo lại phía mình.)

(208)When a person places the most importance on getting a treasured copper it's not
hard to give him that copper.
(Nếu đối với một ngƣời nào đó, kiếm đƣợc tiền là quý nhất, thì có thể dễ dàng
cho anh ta đồng tiền.)
(209)When the chief warden releases a prisoner of his own free will, when a
billionaire gives his scribe a villa, a chorus girl and a safe, and when a jockey
holds back his horse just once to let an unlucky horse pass him then everyone
will understand how pleasant this is, how
inexpressibly wonderful.
(Khi ngƣời cai ngục tự tay mình tha? tù nhân, khi một nhà tỉ phú tặng cho viên
thƣ ký một toà biệt thự, một cô đào hát và một két bạc, khi một kỵ sĩ kìm con
ngựa đua của mình lại để chờ con ngựa khác không gặp may thì lúc đó mọi
ngƣời đều thấy đấy là chuyện tốt lành và vô cùng kỳ lạ.)
(210)And I'll give him some tobacco--he lost his at cards yesterday.
(Tôi sẽ cho cậu ấy ít thuốc lá của tôi, cậu ta hết thuốc hút rồi.)
(211)Then she added that Menners had agreed to lend her some money but had
demanded her love in return.
(Nàng nói thêm rằng Menners sẽ đồng ý cho vay tiền nếu nàng để cho lão yêu
(212)In the course of a year, while the Anselm sailed from France to America and
Spain, Gray squandered a part of his possessions on pastry-cakes, thus paying
tribute to the past, and the rest, for the present and future, he lost at cards.
(Trong khoảng một năm, khi tàu A-xem đi Pháp, Mỹ, Tây Ban Nha thì Grây đã
tiêu một phần tiền của mình cho quá khứ là đánh chén, phần còn lại cho hiện tại
và tƣơng lai - là thua bạc. Anh muốn trở thành một thuỷ thủ ―lão luyện‖.)
(213)The shipwreck has made it possible for me, acting as an offshore pirate, to
present you with this prize.
(Nạn đắm tàu là nguyên nhân để bác với tƣ cách một cƣớp biển trên cạn có dịp
trao tặng cháuphần thƣởng này.)

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NXB. Văn học.
29. Lê Huy Bắc (2004). Ông già và biển cả (The Old Man and the Sea). NXB Văn
30. Lê Thị Oanh (2016). Alice Ở Xứ Sở Diệu Kỳ (Alice's Adventures in
Wonderland). NXB Văn học.
31. Ngô Vĩnh Viễn. (2005). Chiếc lá cuối cùng (The Last Leaf). NXB Văn học.
32. Phạm Ngọc Thạch (2017). Cánh buồm đỏ thắm (The Scarlet Sail). NXB Thế

33. Phùng Khánh, Phùng Thăng (2008). Bắt trẻ đồng xanh (The Catcher in The
Rye). NXB Văn học.
34. Thái Hà (2010). Đoạn đƣờng để nhớ (A Walk To Remember). NXB Phụ nữ.


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