Past Papers IGCSE 2022 22

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1 Very small values of which quantity are measured using a micrometer screw gauge?

A time

Cambridge IGCSE B pressure
C moment
PHYSICS 0625/22 D distance
Paper 2 Multiple Choice (Extended) May/June 2022
45 minutes
2 A man stands next to a railway track.
You must answer on the multiple choice answer sheet.

You will need: Multiple choice answer sheet

Soft clean eraser
Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)
A train travelling at 40 m / s takes 2.0 s to pass the man.
• There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. What is the length of the train?
• For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct
and record your choice in soft pencil on the multiple choice answer sheet. A 20 m B 38 m C 40 m D 80 m
• Follow the instructions on the multiple choice answer sheet.
• Write in soft pencil.
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number on the multiple choice answer sheet in the 3 Which quantity is equal to acceleration?
spaces provided unless this has been done for you.
• Do not use correction fluid. A area under a distance–time graph
• Do not write on any bar codes.
B area under a speed–time graph
• You may use a calculator.
• Take the weight of 1.0 kg to be 10 N (acceleration of free fall = 10 m / s2). C gradient of a distance–time graph
D gradient of a speed–time graph
• The total mark for this paper is 40.
• Each correct answer will score one mark. 4 On the Moon, all objects fall with the same acceleration.
• Any rough working should be done on this question paper.
Which statement explains this?

A On the Moon, all objects have the same weight.

B The Moon has a smaller gravitational field strength than the Earth.
C The weight of an object is directly proportional to its mass.
D The weight of an object is inversely proportional to its mass.

This document has 20 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

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3 4
5 A measuring cylinder contains 30 cm of a liquid. 7 A beam is pivoted at one end, as shown.

40 cm beam
50 pivot


20 6.0 N
The beam weighs 6.0 N and its weight acts at a point X 40 cm from the pivot.

A force of 4.0 N is applied to the beam causing it to balance horizontally.

In which direction and where is the 4.0 N force applied?

A vertically downwards at 20 cm to the left of X
B vertically downwards at 20 cm to the right of X
Some more of the liquid is added until the liquid level reaches the 50 cm3 mark. C vertically upwards at 20 cm to the left of X
The reading on the balance increases by 30 g. D vertically upwards at 20 cm to the right of X

What is the density of the liquid?

8 The diagram shows two forces acting at right angles to each other.
A 0.60 g / cm3 B 0.67 g / cm3 C 1.5 g / cm3 D 1.7 g / cm3

6 An object moves at constant speed around a circular path.

1.0 N
Which statement is correct?

A A resultant force acts on the object outwards from the centre of the circle.
B A resultant force acts on the object in the direction it is travelling. 3.0 N
C A resultant force acts on the object towards the centre of the circle.
D There is no resultant force acting on the object because it is moving at constant speed.
4.0 N

What is the resultant of the two forces?

A 1.0 N B 5.0 N C 7.0 N D 12.0 N

9 Which statement describes the impulse acting on an object?

A Impulse is the change in kinetic energy of the object.

B Impulse is the change in momentum of the object.
C Impulse is the rate of change of force acting on the object.
D Impulse is the rate of change of momentum of the object.

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5 6

10 A ball of mass 0.16 kg is moving forwards at a speed of 0.50 m / s. A second ball of mass 0.10 kg 13 The diagram shows a deep reservoir formed by a dam.
is stationary. The first ball strikes the second ball. The second ball moves forwards at a speed of
0.50 m / s.

What is the speed of the first ball after the collision?

A 0.0 m / s B 0.19 m / s C 0.31 m / s D 0.50 m / s water

11 A tennis ball is dropped from position 1. It falls vertically onto a hard surface at position 2.

tennis ball
position 1 On what does the pressure at X depend?

A the depth of the water at X

B the length of the reservoir

position 2 C the surface area of the water

D the thickness of the dam wall
Which energy changes have taken place between position 1 and position 2?

A gravitational potential → kinetic → chemical 14 The conditions of a sample of gas change in two stages.
B gravitational potential → kinetic → elastic (strain)
stage 1 increase of temperature at constant volume
C kinetic → gravitational potential → chemical stage 2 increase of volume with no further change of temperature
D kinetic → gravitational potential → elastic (strain)
Which row about the pressure after each stage is correct?

12 A boy holds onto a bar and pulls himself up until his chin is level with the bar. stage 1 stage 2
pressure compared pressure compared to
He raises himself through 40 cm in 0.5 s. to original pressure pressure after stage 1

The weight of the boy is 500 N. A decreases decreases

What is the average power he produces as he raises himself? B decreases increases

C increases decreases
A 40 W B 400 W C 4000 W D 40 000 W
D increases increases

15 Small pollen particles are suspended in water.

When viewed with a microscope, the pollen particles can be seen to be moving about irregularly.

What causes this movement?

A The pollen particles are being bombarded by the heavier particles of the water.
B The pollen particles are being bombarded by the lighter particles of the water.
C The temperature of the water is higher than that of the pollen particles.
D The temperature of the water is lower than that of the pollen particles.

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7 8

16 The diagram shows a liquid-in-glass thermometer. 19 One end of a copper bar is heated to a high temperature.

Which mechanism is responsible for the transfer of thermal energy to the other end of the copper
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 bar?

A the lattice vibrations of copper ions only

Which physical property of the thermometer is used to measure temperature?
B the lattice vibrations of copper ions and the movement of high energy electrons along the bar
A expansion of glass
C the movement of high energy copper ions along the bar
B expansion of liquid
D the movement of high energy electrons along the bar only
C mass of glass
D mass of liquid
20 Four cubic copper containers are filled with water. The surfaces of all the containers are painted
17 A block of lead of mass 500 g is at its melting point.
Two of the containers have sides of length 20 cm and the other two containers have sides of
length 40 cm.
The specific latent heat of fusion of lead = 23 kJ / kg.
Two of the containers contain water at 80 °C and the other two contain water at 30 °C.
How much energy is required to completely melt the block?

A 46 J B 12 000 J C 46 000 J D 12 000 000 J Which container radiates energy at the lowest rate?

18 A glass contains an iced drink on a warm and humid day. Water starts to form on the outside of
the glass.

30 qC 80 qC
30 qC 80 qC

What is the name of the effect by which the water forms?

A condensation
B conduction
C convection
D evaporation

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21 The diagram shows a wave. 23 A student uses one eye to look at images in a plane mirror.

2.0 plane mirror

displacement / cm

0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 28.0
–1.0 distance / cm X Y

Objects are placed on the line XY.
Which row is correct?
Which objects give rise to images that can be seen by the eye at E?
amplitude of wavelength of A P, Q, R, S, T and U
the wave / cm the wave / cm
B Q, R, S and T only
A 1.0 4.0
C P and U only
B 1.0 8.0
D R and S only
C 2.0 4.0
D 2.0 8.0
24 An object is placed in front of a converging lens of focal length 15 cm.

22 The water wave shown has a frequency of 4.0 Hz. Which row describes the image of the object?

36 cm distance of object
nature of the image
from lens / cm

A 40 real, upright, diminished

3.0 cm
B 30 virtual, inverted, enlarged
What is the speed of the wave? C 20 real, inverted, diminished

A 3.0 cm / s B 12 cm / s C 48 cm / s D 72 cm / s D 10 virtual, upright, enlarged

25 The speed of light in air is 3.0 × 108 m / s.

The critical angle for light in a transparent plastic material placed in air is 37°.

What is the speed of light in the plastic material?

A 1.8 × 108 m / s

B 2.4 × 108 m / s

C 3.8 × 108 m / s

D 5.0 × 108 m / s

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11 12

26 Which type of waves are produced by a television remote controller? 28 The diagram shows the magnetic fields around three objects, P, Q and R, placed close to each
A infrared waves
B radio waves
C ultraviolet waves
D visible light

27 Which statement correctly compares radio waves and X-rays?

A Radio waves have a longer wavelength and a greater speed in a vacuum. P Q R

B Radio waves have a longer wavelength and the same speed in a vacuum.
C Radio waves have a shorter wavelength and a greater speed in a vacuum.
D Radio waves have a shorter wavelength and the same speed in a vacuum.

Which row shows the nature of each of the objects?


permanent magnet permanent magnet

A copper rod

permanent magnet permanent magnet

B copper rod

permanent magnet permanent magnet

C iron rod

permanent magnet permanent magnet

D iron rod

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13 14

29 A negatively charged rod is brought near to an uncharged metal sphere that is placed on an 32 The four circuits shown each contain four diodes.
insulating stand.
In which circuit is the direction of the current in the resistor always from the red terminal to the
metal sphere black terminal?

– A B

insulating stand
12 V 12 V

Which diagram shows the distribution of charges on the sphere?


+ – – + + –
+ – – + + – red black red black
+ – – + + – terminal terminal terminal terminal
+ – – + + –
+ – – + + –

30 A resistor has a potential difference (p.d.) of 12 V across it and a current of 0.60 A in it.

What is the resistance of the resistor?

A 0.050 Ω B 2.0 Ω C 7.2 Ω D 20 Ω

12 V 12 V

31 There is a current I in a resistor of resistance R for a time t. The potential difference (p.d.) across
the resistor is V.

Which equation gives the power P dissipated in the resistor?

red black red black
A P = IR B P = It C P = IV D P = IV terminal terminal terminal terminal

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15 16

33 The diagram shows a battery connected to a potential divider and to two lamps, P and Q. 35 A coil XY is wound around a cardboard tube.

When the S pole of a magnet is pushed into the coil XY, the galvanometer deflects to the left.

P cardboard tube

S pole
X Y moves in

What other movement of the magnet will produce a deflection to the left?


The slider on the potential divider is moved from end X to end Y of the resistor. X Y X Y

Which row shows the effect on the brightness of each lamp? N S N S

brightness of P brightness of Q S pole N pole

moves out moves out
A brighter brighter
B brighter dimmer
C unchanged brighter
D unchanged dimmer C D

34 What is the truth table for the logic gate shown by the symbol?
N pole S pole
Y moves in moves out



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0

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17 18

36 Which transformer can change a 240 V a.c. input into a 15 V a.c. output? 38 A scientist was asked to separate the following equations into two categories: nuclear fission and
nuclear fusion.
239 112 124
1 94 Pu → 46 Pd + 48 Cd + 3 01 n

3 3 4 1 1
2 2 He + 2 He → 2 He + 1H + 1H
800 turns 40 turns 1000 turns 25 turns
14 1 15
3 7N + 1H → 8O

235 90 143
4 92 U → 36 Kr + 56 Ba + 201 n

C D Which equations show nuclear fission?

A 1 and 2 B 1 and 3 C 1 and 4 D 2 and 4

2400 turns 15 turns 1200 turns 75 turns 39 Which radioactive source is used in a smoke alarm system and what is the reason for this?

source reason

A α causes least ionisation of air

37 The diagram shows a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field. B α causes most ionisation of air
current C γ causes least ionisation of air

N S D γ causes most ionisation of air


40 A beam of α-particles and β-particles is incident at right angles to an electric field.

Which statement about the deflection of the particles in the field is correct?
In which direction is the force acting on the wire?
A α-particles deflect, but β-particles do not deflect.
A towards the bottom of the page
B α-particles deflect in the opposite direction to β-particles.
B to the left
C β-particles deflect, but α-particles do not deflect.
C to the right
D Both α-particles and β-particles deflect in the same direction.
D towards the top of the page

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