Note Taking - Corporate Finacial Statement Analysis

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Outline of the course

1) Review financial statement

 Balance sheet
 Income statement
 Statement of cash flows

2) Financial analysis process

 Step 1: DuPont framework  ROE
o Leverage
o Efficiency
o Profitability
 Step 2: Common-size statement
o Commons-size income statement
o Common-size balance sheet
 Step 3: Additional ratios to asses a firm’s profitability, efficiency, and leverage
 Step 4: Follow-up with specific staff

I. A review of financial statement

1. The accounting equation

 There are 3 fundamental financial statement:
o Balance sheet: list of an organization’s asset and organization’s liabilities and equity
o Income statement: report of how much money a company is making
o Statement of cash flows: report of the amount of cash collected and cash paid by a company during a period
of time

2. Balance sheet
Assets = Liabilitties + Equity

 Liabilities: are obligations to repay money or to provide a service in the future

 Owner’s equity: money provided to the company by the owners
o Paid-in capital: owners put their own money (capital) into the business
o Retained earnings: keeping profits reinvested in the business

3. Income statement
Revenue – Expenses = Net income

 Revenue: is amount of assets henerated doing business

 Expenses: is amount of asstes consumed in doing business
 Net income: is net amount of assests generated by a business through operations

4. Statement of cash flows: The insight of accountants is to separate those cash flows in to 3 categories:
 Operating activies (which company does every single day):
o Collect cash
o Cash paid for investing
o Cash paid for wages, rent, advertising

 Investing activities (which happen occasionally):

o Investing in the business’s productive capacity
o Buying machines, new buildings or lands
o Financing activities:
 Borrowing money
 Repaying loans
 Cash from investors
 Paying dividends


1. Return on equity (ROE)

 Measure of the overall profitability of shareholder investment; Net income divided by equity
 The DuPont framework has 3 components:

Leverag Effieciency Profitability

Money  Buy assets  Generate sales  Generate income

 Leverage ratio
 How much money has been borrowed to purchase assets
 Formula:
Leverage ratio =
Total assets
Stockholder equity
 Efficiency ratio
 Measuring how much sales are generated from the company assets
 Formula:
Total sales
Effieciency ratio =
Total assets
 Profitabitity ratio
 Measuring how much income is generated from sales
 Formula:
Net income
Profitability ratio =
 Formula of ROE
Total assets Total sales Net income
× ×
Stockholder equity Total assets Sales
Not good 10% Very good 20%

2. Common-size statement
 This converts a company’s raw financial statement number into percentage of total sales or percentage of total assets
 The purpose of common-size financial statements:
o To compare two companies for that matter, you have to do some kind of adjustment for size
o Common-size financial allows us to drill down into the financial statement and target where we will spend
our time and energy investigating differences

 Common-size income statement

Eachcategories∈income statement
Total sales
 Common-size balance sheet
Eachcategories∈balance sheet
Total assets
3. Additional ratios to asses a firm’s profitability, efficiency, and leverage

 Profitability ratios
 When we talk about profit, we have:
o Gross profit
o Operating income
o Operating profit
o Net earnings
Total revenue $110,360
Cost of revenue $38,353
Gross margin $72,007
R&D $14,726
S&M $17,469
Operating income $35,058
Other Income, net $1,416
Income before taxes $36,474
Income tax expense $19,903
Net income/ Net earnings $16,571

 Efficiency ratios
 The operating cycle: length of time when inventory is purchased by the company to when cash is collected from the
sale of inventory

Operating cycle = Number of day’s sales in inventory + Average collection period

 Number of day’s sales in inventory: tells me how long on average does my inventory stay with me until it’s sold

Cost of goods sold

Inventory turnover (per year) = =
Average inventory for the year
Cost of goods sold
( Beginning inventory for the year + Ending inventory ) ÷2

Day’s sales in inventory =
Inventory turnover

 Average collection period: tells me, om average, how long from when I sell sth on credit until I collect the cash

Net credit sales

Account recievable turnover (per year) = =
Average account receivable
Net credit sales
( Beginning balance+ Ending balance ) ÷ 2

Average colleciton period =

Account recievable turnover
 Leverage ratios
 Current ratio
o A measure of a company’s short-term leverage. It also a measure of lidiquity
o Current asset: is an asset expected to be used or turned into cash within a year (Ex: cash, AR, and inventory,
o Current ratio should be greater than 2
Current ratio =
Current assets
Current liabilities

 Debt ratios
Debt ratio =

Debt-to-equity ratio =
Total liabilities
Total shareholder investment

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