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Cracking Test 4

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Reading Test

Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.


Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by a number of questions. After reading
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or

Questions 1-10 are based on the following passage. 30 a state known for its abolitionists, in that brief period
This passage describes the life and work of Phyllis Wheatley before 1783, when slavery was effectively abolished
(1753-1784), a poet from Massachusetts. in the northern state. All of these circumstances
and contradictions certainly go some of the way to
The role of African-American authors in what we explaining Wheatley’s remarkable achievements, but
more broadly call “American literature” is now well- 35 they do just as much to make us wonder how she was
known. Not only is Toni Morrison widely revered as able to achieve them at all.
Line the greatest novelist of the era after World War II, Zora While his honorary term may seem like a
5 Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937) cruel oxymoron to us today, John Wheatley was a
is the most-read book in American high schools. What “progressive” slave owner, which meant primarily
many do not realize, however, is that the tradition of 40 that he devoted some of his resources to his slaves’
African-American literature goes back to the origins thorough education. By the time she was twelve years
of the country itself. While the widespread practice old, Phyllis could read the New Testament in Greek,
10 of slavery (and its attendant prohibitions on literacy) and she was familiar with the great Roman works in
stained American history for many hundreds of years, their original Latin. Seeing that Phyllis had a special
a few remarkable individuals wrote on, and not just 45 aptitude for these subjects, the Wheatleys soon gave
in the form of slave narratives (like that of Frederick Phyllis’s duties to other slaves and allowed her to focus
Douglass), but in the less overtly political arts of poetry on her studies and, soon, her poetry.
15 and fiction. Wheatley’s story only becomes more fantastic from
Perhaps one of the most curious of these early there. In 1776, Wheatley sent a copy of her poem “To
authors is Phyllis Wheatley, the first published African- 50 His Excellency, George Washington” to Washington
American poet in the United States. Although the himself, and she was invited to his headquarters in
exact circumstances are unknown, Wheatley was Cambridge, MA, to meet him soon after. Thomas Paine
20 born in West Africa (Wheatley scholars hypothesize included “To His Excellency” in the Pennsylvania
that it was either modern-day Gambia or Senegal) Gazette in April 1776, and Thomas Jefferson praised
around 1753. When Wheatley was 8 years old, she was 55 Wheatley’s poems in Notes on the State of Virginia
captured by slave traders and sold to wealthy Boston (1801-1805).
merchant John Wheatley. This single event contains Tragically, for all her favorable circumstances,
25 so many facets that point to just how remarkable and Wheatley would not continue her successes. John
tragic Wheatley’s story is. Her very name, Phyllis Wheatley freed Wheatley at his death in 1778. Shortly
Wheatley, is a combination of the name of her master 60 thereafter, Wheatley married a “free man of color,” but
and the slave ship, The Phillis, that abducted her from the couple was soon wracked with debt and hardship.
her homeland. Then, she was a slave in Massachusetts,
758 | Cracking the New SAT
1 1
By the time of her death in 1784, at the young age of 2
31, Wheatley was completely impoverished, surviving Based on the information in the passage, Phyllis
on the meager wages she earned from domestic Wheatley’s life can best be described as
65 work. Even though Wheatley had been freed in a
A) difficult, because she was never freed from slavery
“progressive” state, racism and sexism were rampant
despite her fame as a poet.
in all parts of the country at that time, and Wheatley
could not find a place as a plain citizen, let alone as a B) charmed, because she was given so many
famous poet. wonderful opportunities upon arriving at the
70 Today, Wheatley’s story seems to provide more Wheatleys’ home.
questions than answers. For one, Wheatley was never C) impressive, although it contains many aspects
outwardly critical of or resistant to her place as a that are troubling or confusing to present-day
slave. Her most famous poem, “On Being Brought readers.
From Africa to America,” begins with the curious D) contemplative, although some of the sentiments in
75 lines, “’Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land,/ her work show a refusal to think deeply about her
Taught my benighted soul to understand.” Nothing own life.
of abduction or cruelty at all, until the final lines,
“Remember Christians, Negroes, black as Cain,/May
be refin’d, and join th’ angelic train.” But even here, 3
80 Wheatley seems to be suggesting that all Africans can
be, in a sense, redeemed by an experience like the Which choice provides the best evidence for the
one she had—that is, an experience as the slave of a answer to the previous question?
“refin’d” white owner. A) Lines 18-24 (“Although . . . Wheatley”)
Wheatley’s poems are more read today than they B) Lines 48-56 (“Wheatley’s story . . . 1805)”)
85 have been in many years. And while her story does
C) Lines 57-69 (“Tragically . . . poet”)
not seem to contain all the hallmarks of overcoming
adversity that we might expect from a freed slave, the D) Lines 84-90 (“Wheatley’s poems . . . groups”)
story nevertheless shows a triumph over the odds and
a revealing look into the mind of one from among
90 history’s most voiceless groups. 4
The passage suggests which of the following about
Phyllis Wheatley’s popularity?
A) Her family was prominent in Massachusetts, and
The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is to
she gained all of her connections through the
A) criticize readers for not having read more works family.
by authors subjected to adverse circumstances.
B) She was admired in the United States, but she
B) describe the life and work of an author while achieved greater fame in Europe.
noting some of the complications of that life and
C) She was considered one of the greatest poets in the
country, but few people consider her a great poet
C) outline a general history of African-American today.
literature and discuss its major figures.
D) She was admired by prominent people, but such
D) praise one slaveholder for his particularly admiration did not make her life less difficult.
forward-thinking views by showing his kindness
to slaves.
1 1
5 8
Which choice provides the best evidence for the The information in lines 41-47 primarily illustrates
answer to the previous question? Phyllis Wheatley’s
A) Lines 1-6 and 84-90 A) remarkable aptitude.
B) Lines 24-32 and 73-83 B) poetic nature.
C) Lines 44-47 and 84-90 C) vicious subjection.
D) Lines 48-56 and 57-65 D) confounding life.

6 9
The reference to Frederick Douglass in lines 13-14 The word “progressive” appears in quotations in line
serves primarily to 39 and line 66 in order to emphasize
A) name a writer whose life story is less interesting A) the remarkable achievement of those who behave
than Wheatley’s. well before it is common to do so.
B) allude to a type of literary achievement distinct B) the awkwardness of using contemporary terms to
from Wheatley’s. described past events.
C) note a discrepancy in literary history that is not C) the difficult nature of describing negative behavior
often acknowledged. in a positive way.
D) refer to a friend of Wheatley’s who encouraged the D) the fact that the word comes from Wheatley’s
publication of her work. poetry and essays.

7 10
In context, the “circumstances” in line 19 refer to As used in line 86, “hallmarks” most nearly means
A) precise and complete biographical details. A) distinctive features.
B) unintended consequences and failures. B) cordial greetings.
C) climate and weather conditions. C) political leanings.
D) general context and historical events. D) troublesome qualities.

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1 1
Questions 11-20 are based on the following passage. buyers at high prices. Such a course may bring us
immediate and false prosperity but it will be the kind
This passage is adapted from a “fireside chat” given on May 7,
of prosperity that will lead us into another tailspin.
1933, by Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt gave these addresses
45 It is wholly wrong to call the measure that we have
to the American public over the new technology of radio.
taken Government control of farming, control of
The “chats,” as the name implies, were intended as simplified
industry, and control of transportation. It is rather a
versions and explanations of the challenges facing the
partnership between Government and farming and
country at that time.
industry and transportation, not partnership in profits,
On a Sunday night a week after my Inauguration I 50 for the profits would still go to the citizens, but rather a
used the radio to tell you about the banking crisis and partnership in planning and partnership to see that the
the measures we were taking to meet it. I think that plans are carried out.
Line in that way I made clear to the country various facts We are working toward a definite goal, which is
5 that might otherwise have been misunderstood and in to prevent the return of conditions which came very
general provided a means of understanding which did 55 close to destroying what we call modern civilization.
much to restore confidence. The actual accomplishment of our purpose cannot
Tonight, eight weeks later, I come for the second be attained in a day. Our policies are wholly within
time to give you my report—in the same spirit and by purposes for which our American Constitutional
10 the same means to tell you about what we have been Government was established 150 years ago.
doing and what we are planning to do.
Two months ago we were facing serious problems. U.S. Unemployment Rate: 1930–2008
The country was dying by inches. It was dying because 30
trade and commerce had declined to dangerously low
15 levels; prices for basic commodities were such as to 25
Percent Unemployed

destroy the value of the assets of national institutions

such as banks, savings banks, insurance companies, 1930s Avg = 17.1%
and others. These institutions, because of their great
needs, were foreclosing mortgages, calling loans,
20 refusing credit. Thus there was actually in process of 10
destruction the property of millions of people who had 6.1%
borrowed money on that property in terms of dollars 5
which had had an entirely different value from the
level of March, 1933. That situation in that crisis did 0
25 not call for any complicated consideration of economic 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 00
panaceas or fancy plans. We were faced by a condition Year (1930 to 2008)
and not a theory. Source: Global Financial Data
Today we have reason to believe that things
are a little better than they were two months ago.
30 Industry has picked up, railroads are carrying more 11
freight, farm prices are better, but I am not going to Roosevelt’s primary purpose in this speech is to
indulge in issuing proclamations of overenthusiastic
A) criticize his detractors while drumming up
assurance. We cannot bally-ho ourselves back to
support for his re-election campaign.
prosperity. I am going to be honest at all times with
35 the people of the country. I do not want the people B) plead for more time to make adjustments to an
of this country to take the foolish course of letting unsuccessful plan.
this improvement come back on another speculative C) reassure the public about the efficacy and
wave. I do not want the people to believe that because appropriateness of actions the government has
of unjustified optimism we can resume the ruinous taken.
40 practice of increasing our crop output and our factory D) showcase his own achievements as a leader and
output in the hope that a kind providence will find ask for greater indulgence.
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1 1
12 16
Which choice provides the best evidence for the In lines 26-27, what is the most likely reason that
answer to the previous question? Roosevelt refers to a “condition and not a theory”?
A) Lines 1-7 (“On a Sunday . . . confidence”) A) He is issuing a proclamation on new health
B) Lines 18-24 (“These institutions . . . 1933”) initiatives within the United States.

C) Lines 34-35 (“I am . . . country”) B) He is suggesting that the problem is concrete

rather than abstract.
D) Lines 53-59 (“We are . . . ago”)
C) He is holding economic theorists responsible for
the current economic turmoil.
13 D) He is implying that the current economic crisis
cannot be solved.
As used in line 13, “by inches” most nearly means
A) with that form of measurement.
B) in a gradual way. 17
C) in a short time. In lines 28-33, Roosevelt makes a distinction between
D) on its feet. A) politicians and citizens.
B) conditions and theories.
C) cautious optimism and full-throated support of a
Based on the information in lines 12-20, Roosevelt D) bankers and farmers.
believes that the “national institutions” are
A) criminals who are stealing from those who have
invested money in their institutions. 18
B) overly dependent on the value of commodities to Based on the information in the fourth paragraph
run successful businesses. (lines 28-52), the economic situation in the United
C) devoted to the implementation of economic States has improved in all of the following ways
theories that were unsuccessful. EXCEPT
D) struggling in such a way that they do unfortunate A) increased railroad traffic.
things to investors. B) increased industry.
C) a second speculative wave.
15 D) improved crop prices.
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
answer to the previous question?
A) Lines 8-11 (“Tonight . . . do”)
As used in line 41, “providence” most nearly means
B) Lines 13-24 (“It . . . 1933”)
A) religion.
C) Lines 28-33 (“Today . . . assurance”)
B) luck.
D) Lines 35-42 (“I . . . high prices”)
C) prayer.
D) industry.
1 1
Which of the following gives accurate information
based on the graph?
A) Roosevelt’s purpose was accomplished in 2008
when the unemployment rate hit an all-time low
of 6.1%.
B) Government control of farming, industry, and
transportation resulted in a steady decrease in
unemployment through the 1940s.
C) The partnership between government and farming
brought an end to unemployment in 1943.
D) Roosevelt was addressing Americans at a time
when unemployment was higher than it would be
for the next 70 years.

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1 1
Questions 21-31 are based on the following passage. they warmly charge it upon others, are themselves
thrusting arbitrary and cheap artificial distinctions into
The following passage comes from George Washington
the delicate machinery of society’s self-distribution as
Cable’s The Silent South, published in The Century in 1885.
45 it revolves by the power of our natural impulses, and of
In the passage, Cable defends attacks against his previous
morality, personal interest, and personal preferences.
article, “The Freedman’s Case in Equity,” which advanced full
This, of course, is not the intention, and even these
civil rights and equality for the slaves freed in 1865 amid
persons retard only incidentally, unawares and within
national Civil War.
narrow limits, nature’s social distributions, while
But now that we have clearly made out exactly 50 taking diligent and absolutely needless pains to apart
what this immovable hostility is, the question two races which really have no social affinity at all.
follows—and half the nation are asking it today Do we charge any bad intention or conscious
Line with perplexed brows—why is it? Yet the answer is false pretense? Not at all! They are merely making
5 simple. Many white people of the South sincerely the double mistake of first classing as personal social
believe that the recognition of rights proposed in 55 privileges certain common impersonal rights of man,
the old Civil Rights bills or “The Freedman’s Case in and then turning about and treating them as rights
Equity” would precipitate a social chaos. They believe definable by law—which social amenities are not and
Civil Rights means Social Equality. This may seem cannot be.
10 a transparent error, but certainly any community For the sake of any who might still misunderstand,
in the world that believed it, would hold the two 60 let us enlarge here a moment. The family relation has
ideas in equal abomination; and it is because of the rights. Hence marital laws and laws of succession. But
total unconsciousness and intense activity of this beyond the family circle there are no such things as
error at the South, and the subtle sense of unsafety social rights; and when our traditionists talk about a
15 that naturally accompanies it,—it is because of this, too hasty sympathy having “fixed by enactment” the
rather than for lack of clearness in its statement of 65 negro’s social and civil rights they talk—unwisely. All
the subject, that the article on “The Freedman’s Case the relations of life that go by impersonal right are
in Equity” is so grossly misinterpreted even by some Civil relations. All that go by personal choice are Social
who undoubtedly wish to be fair. That this is the true relations. The one is all of right, it makes no difference
20 cause of the misinterpretation is clear in the fact that who we are; the other is all of choice, and it makes
from the first printing of the article until now the 70 all the difference who we are; and it is no little fault
misconstruction has occurred only among those whose against ourselves as well as others, to make confusion
thinking still runs in the grooves of the old traditions. between the two relations. For the one we make laws;
Nothing in that paper touches or seeks to touch for the other everyone consults his own pleasure; and
25 the domain of social privileges. The standing of the the law that refuses to protect a civil right, construing
magazine in which it appears is guarantee against the 75 it a social privilege, deserves no more regard than if
possibility of the paper containing any such insult to it should declare to be a civil right. Social choice, civil
the intelligence of enlightened society. Social equality rights; but a civil privilege, in America, is simply heresy
is a fool’s dream. The present writer wants quite as against both our great national political parties at once.
30 little of it as the most fervent traditionist of the most
fervent South. The North, the West, the East, and the 21
rest of the intelligent world, want quite as little of it
as the South wants. Social equality can never exist In the article, the role that Cable plays can best be
where a community, numerous enough to assert itself, described as that of
35 is actuated, as every civilized community is, by an A) a traditionalist attacking an article published in a
intellectual and moral ambition. No form of laws, no magazine.
definition of rights, from Anarchy to Utopia, can bring B) a theorist defending his views against those who
it about. The fear that this or that change will produce misconstrue them.
it ought never to be any but a fool’s fear. And yet there C) an ideologue creating social unrest with his
40 is this to be added; that no other people in America are uncompromising views.
doing so much for social equality as those who, while
D) an observer describing two sides of an argument
766 | Cracking the New SAT with equal sympathy.
1 1
22 26
Based on the information presented in Cable’s article, Cable refers to “the delicate machinery of society’s
it can be inferred that those who oppose civil equality self-distribution” (line 44) in order to
for African-Americans A) demonstrate that his detractors violate a natural
A) have refused to read his earlier article with order with a misguided set of rules.
adequate care. B) praise the United States for its perfect alignment
B) willfully misunderstand the basic tenets of the U.S. with natural human needs.
Constitution. C) use figurative language that encapsulates his views
C) believe that such equality will lead to an on the substance of a debate.
undesirable social mixing. D) scold readers for their belief in an unworkable and
D) cite legal technicalities in order to further their impractical system of government.
own arguments.

Which choice provides the best evidence for the
Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?
answer to the previous question? A) Lines 5-8 (“Many . . . chaos”)
A) Lines 8-9 (“They . . . Equality”)
B) Lines 47-51 (“This . . . at all”)
B) Lines 24-25 (“Nothing . . . privileges”)
C) Lines 52-58 (“Do we . . . cannot be”)
C) Lines 36-38 (“No . . . about”)
D) Lines 60-61 (“The family . . . succession”)
D) Lines 39-46 (“And . . . preferences”)

The primary purpose of the third paragraph (lines 52-
As used in line 23, “runs in the grooves of” most
58) as it relates to the passage as a whole is to
nearly means
A) speak ironically of people’s good intentions while
A) corresponds with.
disparaging those who disagree.
B) dances along to.
B) concede the good intentions of detractors while
C) cuts an irregular pattern in. introducing a main point.
D) breaks violently from. C) summarize the arguments presented in the first
two paragraphs in much the same language.
25 D) close the debate by refusing to acknowledge the
views of another side.
The principal rhetorical effect of the phrase in lines
31-32 (“The North . . . world”) is to
A) identify the disagreements described in the article 29
as those of particular regions.
As used in line 73, “pleasure” most nearly means
B) outline the places that have already accepted
Cable’s views and to encourage the South to join A) discretion.
them. B) hedonism.
C) suggest that there is widespread agreement about C) manipulation.
a single fundamental principle. D) fun.
D) praise some parts of the United States for being
more intelligent than others.
1 1
30 31
In the final paragraph of the passage, Cable’s attitude Based on the final paragraph, Cable’s definition of
toward those who cite social rights (lines 61-63) can civil rights includes all of the following EXCEPT
best be described as A) legal protection for all races.
A) hostile. B) rights that can be dictated by law.
B) legalistic. C) nothing about social interaction.
C) skeptical. D) interactions based on personal preference.
D) supportive.

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1 1
Questions 32-42 are based on the following passage. ultimately, that humans are an “evolved” species, then
all of his theories must necessarily support this idea.
The following two passages are adapted from a special
This is not to say that Darwin’s theory is necessarily
issue of a scientific journal, in which the origins of human
wrong; it may be merely incomplete. It is conceivable,
bipedalism (walking on two legs rather than four) are
45 for instance, that bipedalism did ultimately contribute
to the evolution of human intelligence, but such a
Passage 1 theory does not explain the cause. We do not accept
One of the central mysteries of human evolution Passage I’s proposition that “bipedalism and human
is that of bipedalism, or walking on two legs rather intelligence are mutually constitutive.” Bipedalism
than four. If humans have four limbs like their primate 50 must have come first. It may have led to increased
Line ancestors, why do they use only two of them to walk? human intelligence, but to imagine some divine model
5 A number of theories have been proposed over the of an already-intelligent brain saying, “Let us walk on
years, but one of the most compelling remains Charles two legs!” is something that reason cannot brook.
Darwin’s own. The advanced intelligence of the early A study issued in 2007 in the Proceedings of the
human ancestors meant that they had more uses for 55 National Academy of Sciences shows definitively
their two free limbs. Imagine bringing the groceries in the scientific basis for bipedalism: energy. Three
10 from the car: if you were using all four of your limbs researchers studied the various perambulatory habits
to walk inside, how much could you carry? Not much, of chimpanzees (humans’ closest living ancestor) and
and the same was true for our early human ancestors. humans. With both the humans and the chimpanzees
Early humans could not only carry more food back 60 on a treadmill, the researchers used oxygen masks
to their families. They could also begin to use the tools to record energy expenditure. They found that the
15 of the Stone Age: the early tools that archaeologists and chimpanzees expended equal amounts of energy
others have found were operated manually, suggesting walking on two and four limbs. The humans, however,
that early human hands evolved to have more dexterity used 75 percent less energy walking upright than
than feet do. With more dexterity came more delicacy; 65 walking on all fours.
early human feet were meant to plod along, while These data show clearly that bipedalism was
20 early human hands were involved in higher-order an energy-saving measure for humans. This initial
operations. bipedalism led to a number of other evolving traits:
In other words, bipedalism and human intelligence humans tended to use smaller muscles, which helped
are mutually constitutive. Modern humans can’t have 70 with energy efficiency, and evolved longer legs and
one without the other. The obvious truth of such a thicker bones, which helped to distribute the weight in
25 claim is evident in any of the other decidedly human more efficient ways. It is plausible that this eventually
evolutions: we write with our hands, not our feet, led to a particularly bipedal kind of intelligence, but
for instance, and all of the tremendous advances in we can’t know for sure. That must be a matter for the
medical science, particularly in surgery, are frankly 75 speculators. For the scientists, however, we have solved
inconceivable without this combination of superior the mystery of bipedalism.
30 intelligence and dexterity. Human evolution, in
this sense, can be seen as the evolution of human
handiness, and the split from our nearest primate 32
ancestors 4 to 7 million years ago can be explained by The author mentions primate ancestors (lines 3-4) in
the idea that we stood up as they continued to walk on order to
35 all fours. A) suggest that scientists have wondered about
bipedalism since before written history.
Passage 2
B) doubt the claims of evolutionary biologists who
The author of Passage 1 cites an early theory from
cite monkeys as human ancestors.
the Father of Evolution, but recent studies have shown
the matter to be more than a question of human C) establish a link between two groups that shows
intelligence. After all, Darwin’s theory shows more how significantly one of those groups has changed.
40 than anything a researcher’s bias. If he seeks to prove, D) answer the question posed in the second half of
the sentence.
770 | Cracking the New SAT
1 1
33 36
In Passage 1, the reference to “two free limbs” (line 9) Which choice provides the best evidence for the
serves to answer to the previous question?
A) emphasize that the two limbs used for walking A) Lines 1-3 (“One . . . four”)
have grown much stronger. B) Lines 14-18 (“They . . . do”)
B) explain why animals that walk on all fours cannot C) Lines 24-30 (“The . . . dexterity”)
go grocery shopping.
D) Lines 30-35 (“Human . . . fours”)
C) criticize bipedal animals for not taking full
advantage of all of their limbs.
D) imply that bipedal animals can use some of their 37
limbs for higher-order functions. As used in line 53, “brook” most nearly means
A) stream.
34 B) allow.
As used in line 16, “manually” most nearly means C) flow.
A) without technology. D) block.
B) by hand.
C) with difficulty. 38
D) by humans. The third paragraph of Passage 2 (lines 54-65)
primarily serves to
A) question research methods that would put
35 monkeys on treadmills.
In discussing the nature of human handiness, the B) criticize the author of Passage 1 for his outmoded
author of Passage 1 suggests that research.
A) humans’ intellectual ability is inseparable from C) introduce new findings that offer a new take on an
skillful use of hands. old debate.
B) humans’ hands were useless for a long while D) give a detailed account of an average laboratory
before humans developed sufficient intellectual research setup.
C) human dexterity took approximately 4 to 7 million
years to develop. 39
D) humans would be just as intelligent if they wrote From the information presented in Passage 2, it can
with their feet rather than their hands. be inferred that
A) humans and primates stemmed from a common
B) the author of Passage 2 rejects Darwin’s theory of
human evolution.
C) human ancestors required a certain level of
intelligence before they could see the efficiency of
D) the debate surrounding human bipedalism was
resolved in 2007.
1 1
40 42
Which choice provides the best evidence for the What is the primary difference in the way Passages 1
answer to the previous question? and 2 incorporate new information?
A) Lines 39-40 (“After . . . bias”) A) Passage 1 uses contemporary analogies while
B) Lines 44-47 (“It is . . . cause”) Passage 2 uses modern scientific research.

C) Lines 54-56 (“A study . . . energy”) B) Passage 1 dismisses newer scientific research while
Passage 2 uses it sparingly.
D) Lines 56-59 (“Three . . . humans”)
C) Passage 1 uses new scientific research while
Passage 2 is more interested in deductive
D) Passage 1 is eager to incorporate new materials
The authors of both passages would most likely agree while Passage 2 dismisses any theories that come
with which of the following? after Darwin’s.
A) Bipedalism and human intelligence evolved at the
same time in history.
B) If primates were to walk on two legs, they would
expend less energy.
C) Primates would expend as much energy as
humans if the two went grocery shopping.
D) Human use of hands and human intelligence are
likely connected in the evolutionary process.

772 | Cracking the New SAT

1 1
Questions 43-52 are based on the following passage. 45 the fire-breathing Chimera from Greek mythology, a
creature that was part serpent, part lion, and part goat.
The following article is adapted from Robert Martone,
Naturally occurring chimeras are far less ominous
“Scientists Discover Children’s Cells Living in Mothers’ Brains,”
though, and include such creatures as the slime mold
in Scientific American (December 4, 2014).
and corals.
The link between a mother and child is profound, 50 Microchimerism is the persistent presence of a
and new research suggests a physical connection few genetically distinct cells in an organism. This was
even deeper than anyone thought. The profound first noticed in humans many years ago when cells
Line psychological and physical bonds shared by the mother containing the male “Y” chromosome were found
5 and her child begin during gestation when the mother circulating in the blood of women after pregnancy.
is everything for the developing fetus, supplying 55 Since these cells are genetically male, they could not
warmth and sustenance, while her heartbeat provides a have been the women’s own, but most likely came from
soothing constant rhythm. their babies during gestation.
The physical connection between mother and fetus In this new study, scientists observed that
10 is provided by the placenta, an organ built of cells from microchimeric cells are not only found circulating
both the mother and fetus, which serves as a conduit 60 in the blood, they are also embedded in the brain.
for the exchange of nutrients, gasses, and wastes. Cells They examined the brains of deceased women for the
may migrate through the placenta between the mother presence of cells containing the male “Y” chromosome.
and the fetus, taking up residence in many organs of They found such cells in more than 60 percent
15 the body including the lung, thyroid, muscle, liver, of the brains and in multiple brain regions. Since
heart, kidney and skin. These may have a broad range 65 Alzheimer’s disease* is more common in women who
of impacts, from tissue repair and cancer prevention to have had multiple pregnancies, they suspected that
sparking immune disorders. the number of fetal cells would be greater in women
It is remarkable that it is so common for cells from with AD compared to those who had no evidence for
20 one individual to integrate into the tissues of another neurological disease. The results were precisely the
distinct person. We are accustomed to thinking of 70 opposite: there were fewer fetal-derived cells in women
ourselves as singular autonomous individuals, and with Alzheimer’s. The reasons are unclear.
these foreign cells seem to belie that notion and Microchimerism most commonly results from
suggest that most people carry remnants of other the exchange of cells across the placenta during
25 individuals. As remarkable as this may be, stunning pregnancy; however, there is also evidence that cells
results from a new study show that cells from other 75 may be transferred from mother to infant through
individuals are also found in the brain. In this study, nursing. In addition to exchange between mother
male cells were found in the brains of women and had and fetus, there may be exchange of cells between
been living there, in some cases, for several decades. twins in utero, and there is also the possibility that
30 What impact they may have had is now only a guess, cells from an older sibling residing in the mother may
but this study revealed that these cells were less 80 find their way back across the placenta to a younger
common in the brains of women who had Alzheimer’s sibling during the latter’s gestation. Women may have
disease, suggesting they may be related to the health of microchimeric cells both from their mothers as well as
the brain. from their own pregnancies, and there is even evidence
35 We all consider our bodies to be our own unique for competition between cells from grandmother and
being, so the notion that we may harbor cells from 85 infant within the mother.
other people in our bodies seems strange. Even
stranger is the thought that, although we certainly *a neurogenerative disease that, among other symptoms, causes
consider our actions and decisions as originating problems with memory.
40 in the activity of our own individual brains, cells
from other individuals are living and functioning
in that complex structure. However, the mixing of
cells from genetically distinct individuals is not at all
uncommon. This condition is called chimerism after
774 | Cracking the New SAT
1 1
Organ Presumed cell type Maternal Fetal 45
origin Mc origin Mc
Brain Neurons(murine)
Lymph node Hematopoietic cells
What is the primary purpose of the passage?
Thyroid Epithelial cells, thyrocytes
Tcells, Bcells, monocytes/ A) To explain how, while we each have a unique
Blood macrophages, NK cells, x x

genetic code, cells from other unique individuals
Lymphoid progenitor cells
Heart Cardiac myocytes x x may live inside our bodies
Skin Endothelial cells x
Hematopoletic cells
x B) To suggest that Alzheimer’s disease is caused by
Renal tubular cells
Islet beta cells
cells with “Y” chromosomes
Liver x x
Gallbladder Epithelial cells x C) To illustrate the difficulty of drawing conclusions
Epithelial cells
Epithelial cells
from scientific research
D) To show how the common conception of the bond
Various types of microchimerisms affect humans. The com-
mon mother-Mc and fetus-Mc and the organs/presumed cell
between mothers and children is wrong
types affected by them are shown.

As used in line 22, “autonomous” most nearly means
What is the rhetorical effect of the opening line of the A) self-governing.
B) reliant.
A) To elicit a response from the reader about his or
her personal experience C) independent.
B) To cast doubt on a cliché idea that is now D) sovereign.
C) To introduce a well-known topic to which the
author will add new information 47

D) To question the fallacy that a mother is closer to According to the passage, what is one potential
her children than a father is outcome of a woman’s brain containing dormant male
A) Women with such cells may be less susceptible to
44 memory disorders.
Which of the following models the structure of the B) Women with such cells are less likely to suffer
author’s argument throughout the passage? from immune disorders.
A) He outlines a common misconception, shows C) Women with such cells tend to be more aggressive
new evidence to the contrary, then offers a new and physically stronger.
solution. D) Women with such cells are more likely to live with
B) He presents his own original research, discusses men for several decades at a time.
his methods for acquiring it, then critiques earlier
C) He questions a new set of data, shows its
inconsistencies, then offers his own new
D) He starts from a point of basic agreement,
introduces new information, and speculates about
that new information.
1 1
48 51
Which choice provides the best evidence for the Which choice provides the best evidence for the
answer to the previous question? answer to the previous question?
A) Lines 16-18 (“These . . . disorders”) A) Lines 55-57 (“Since . . . gestation”)
B) Lines 30-34 (“What . . . brain”) B) Lines 64-69 (“Since . . . disease”)
C) Lines 51-54 (“This . . . pregnancy”) C) Lines 76-81 (“In addition . . . gestation”)
D) Lines 72-76 (“Microchimerism . . . nursing”) D) Lines 81-85 (“Women . . . mother”)

49 52
Which idea best describes the function of the Based on the information in the passage and the
statement “We all . . . strange” (lines 35-37)? graphic, which of the following most accurately
A) Many people with certain disorders prefer not to describes an effect of microchimerism?
come into contact with strangers. A) It is possible that a mother’s cells would be found
B) After birth, children often help their mothers and in the brain of an infant to whom she has given
fathers through difficult times. birth.
C) The idea that everyone is unique in some way is B) A women and her fetus exchange an equal
no longer scientifically provable. number of liver cells during gestation.
D) The notion of total individuality may be C) It has been firmly established that fetus cells can
inconsistent with scientific reality. migrate to the brain of the mother, as well as to
several other organs.
D) It is due to the lack of cells produced and
50 transferred from mother to fetus that children can
be born with immune disorders.
According to the passage, non-twin siblings may have
some cells in common because they
A) share at least the mother’s half of their genetic
B) are present for one another’s significant illnesses.
C) are less likely to suffer from the memory disorders
that afflict the elderly.
D) may have exchanged unique cells as the younger
sibling was in the womb.

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section in the test.

776 | Cracking the New SAT

2 2
Writing and Language Test

Turn to Section 2 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.


Each passage below is accompanied by a number of questions. For some questions, you
will consider how the passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas. For
other questions, you will consider how the passage might be edited to correct errors in
sentence structure, usage, or punctuation. A passage or a question may be accompanied
by one or more graphics (such as a table or graph) that you will consider as you make
revising and editing decisions.

Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage. Other questions will
direct you to a location in a passage or ask you to think about the passage as a whole.

After reading each passage, choose the answer to each question that most effectively
improves the quality of writing in the passage or that makes the passage conform to the
conventions of standard written English. Many questions include a “NO CHANGE” option.
Choose that option if you think the best choice is to leave the relevant portion of the
passage as it is.

Questions 1–11 are based on the following passage. 1

An Official, Certified… Criminal? B) in the present day
[1] The image is as old as computers themselves. C) presently
[2] These are the hackers, immortalized in the 1995 cult D) DELETE the underlined portion.
classic film Hackers. [3] Of late, these “cybercriminals”
have become the scourge of the American public 1 in
recent years because of huge security breaches at major
The best placement for sentence 5 would be
businesses. [4] “Hackers” are the reason we password-
A) where it is now.
protect our WiFi networks and feel a twinge of skepticism
B) after sentence 1.
every time we pay for something with a credit card. [5]
C) after sentence 2.
A ponytailed group of geeks, their computer monitors
D) after sentence 3.
reflecting brightly off of their glasses, breaks into some
“mainframe” from an evil corporation. 2

778 | Cracking the New SAT

2 2
3 While the popular image of the hacker might
Which of the following would best introduce this
not have changed, it has, in some cases, been given a bit of paragraph by linking it to ideas from the previous
a makeover. Schools like Hack Reactor in San Francisco paragraph?
teach aspiring software engineers and wear the name “Hack” A) NO CHANGE
proudly, as if it’s a sign of 4 authenticity. In this line, a B) Because hacking is a federal crime with a range of
“hacker” is now seen as one whose powers can be used for punishments,

good as well as ill. There is a new crop of hackers, called C) As identity theft becomes a more public problem,

Certified Ethical Hackers (CEH), who can help to protect D) Although hackers’ style is now more
conventionally attractive,
against 5 our evil counterparts and make computers safer
for us all.
Which of the following alternatives to the underlined
portion would be LEAST acceptable?
A) Realness
B) Legitimacy
C) Legality
D) Genuineness

B) one’s
C) the
D) their
2 2
Certified Ethical Hackers follow a course of study 6
either at an Accredited Training Center or by self-study. A) NO CHANGE
The final exam is a 125 multiple-choice exam: it takes B) certification, Certified Network Defense Architect,
four hours and requires 70% correct to receive a passing C) certification Certified Network Defense Architect,
score. There is another 6 certification Certified Network D) certification, Certified Network Defense Architect
Defense Architect which has the same basic course and test
but is available only for certain U.S. Government agents.
The writer is considering deleting the phrase but is
available only for certain U.S. Government agents from
the preceding sentence, ending the sentence with a
period after the word test. Should this phrase be kept
or deleted?
A) Kept, because it helps to differentiate the two
certifications mentioned in this paragraph.
B) Kept, because it shows that CEHs also have an
important role to play in maintaining national
C) Deleted, because it contains information already
stated in an earlier part of the paragraph.
D) Deleted, because it suggests that hacking is only a
problem in the United States.

780 | Cracking the New SAT

2 2
CEHs combine many facets of computer study into 8
8 one typically. A company will hire a CEH to ensure A) NO CHANGE
maximum security of that company’s network, whether B) one, typically, a company
that’s company secrets or customer payment information C) one. Typically, a company
or anything in between. Essentially, an ethical hacker does D) one typically; a company
everything that an unethical one does, but he or she does
so at the request of a particular organization. “We want you
to hack us,” says that organization, “so we 9 will have
known how to avoid being hacked.” It’s kind of like the old
B) knew
saying, “It takes a crook to catch a thief,” except in this case
C) know
the “crook” is not a crook at all. 10
D) would of known
Some in the computing community disparage the
term. They say that “hacker” is a criminal designation, so
saying “ethical hacker” is like saying “ethical thief,” that is,
At this point, the writer is considering adding the
a 11 contradiction of terms. This objection is of course following true sentence:
overstated, and overwhelmingly, companies are happy To Catch a Thief was directed by Alfred Hitchcock
to have “hackers” on staff. That designation can help to and released in 1955.
overcome the stodgy, impersonal image that corporations Should the writer make this addition here?
tend to have, and it can tap in to a kind of underground A) Yes, because it helps to clarify the origin of the
saying cited in the previous sentence.
energy that many find irresistible.
B) Yes, because it is as relevant to the passage as the
movie Hackers cited in the first paragraph.
C) No, because it does not maintain this paragraph’s
focus on ethical hacking.
D) No, because it mentions a movie that existed
before computer hacking became widespread.

B) contradictory under terms.
C) contradiction by terms.
D) contradiction in terms.
2 2
Questions 12–22 are based on the following passage. 12
Which of the following true choices best matches the
Taking Stock of Modern Investing style and tone of this paragraph?
Time is a funny thing. Often, we can feel that we’ve A) NO CHANGE
been studying for hours and hours only to realize that B) while the average NFL play lasts only 6 to 7
it’s been, say, 40 minutes. Or, if we’re watching a football
C) yet people continue to watch football every
game, we may have a sense of constant action, 12 and Sunday.
that’s what sports fandom is all about. Each of these 13 D) but there are some who find football boring as all
is plausible when we sit and think about it: we know that get-out.
“time flies when you’re having fun” and that it drags when
you’re not, but some statistics about time may surprise
us. If time flies when you’re having fun, what about when
there’s no “you” at all, or any other human for that matter?
B) are
C) was
D) were

782 | Cracking the New SAT

2 2
Increasingly, computers are running the world, 14
and these computers operate on a completely separate A) NO CHANGE
time scale 14 than us. They can process many millions B) from ours.
of operations in seconds, operations that would take C) from us.
us multiple lifetimes to complete. That’s all fine if the D) than we do.
computers are doing the work of computers—making
calculations, assimilating data, or accessing that data. 15
But what about when computers 16 start working in
If the writer were to delete the phrase making
human fields and competing with the human mind? calculations, assimilating data, or accessing that data
from the previous sentence (ending the sentence at the
word computers), the essay would primarily lose
A) a clarification of a term used earlier in the same
B) a complete list of the tasks that computers
perform well.
C) a metaphor for the intrusion of technology into
modern life.
D) nothing at all, because the information is stated
explicitly in the following paragraph.

B) take the human field and the mind in competition
with its working?
C) field the human mind and start working and
competing with it?
D) work starting and competing in human fields and
the mind?
2 2
Broader questions of artificial intelligence 17 aside; 17
the contemporary stock market offers an interesting test A) NO CHANGE
case. There’s no question that the average holding period B) aside. The
has gone down significantly since the 1950s, but a recent C) aside—the
study has shown that the data no longer fits an obvious D) aside, the
trend. In 2014, the average holding period for a stock in
the U.S. was 22 seconds. 18 In 1920, it was even lower!
Granted, the stock market has gone through some troubling
Which of the following gives information consistent
permutations: many young people treat investing in the with the graph?
stock market like “investing” in the poker tables at Las A) NO CHANGE
Vegas, and people are less likely than ever to stay loyal to B) It peaked in 1975!
certain brands. 19 C) What a change a decade makes!

Average holding period for a stock on the NYSE (years) D) In 1940, it was 10 years!
8 19
7 If the author were to remove the quotation marks
6 from the preceding sentence, the sentence would
5 primarily lose
A) nothing at all, because the punctuation does not
influence the meaning of the word in quotations.
1 B) a suggestion that the author wishes he could find a
0 more precise word.
C) an indication that the author is using the word
19 0

19 0
19 5

20 0
19 0
19 0

19 0
19 0


19 0
19 5











investing ironically.
Image courtesy SG Global Strategy Research D) a direct quotation from one of the investors
discussed in the essay.

784 | Cracking the New SAT

2 2
However, 22 seconds is simply not a human time. 20
That essentially means owning a stock for less time than it Which of the following alternatives to the underlined
takes to complete the transaction online or with a broker. portion would be LEAST acceptable?
The number is so low because stock trading has come to A) work

be almost exclusively the 20 province of powerful trading B) responsibility

computers, which can buy and sell stocks in milliseconds. C) realm

After all, 22 seconds is the average, so if there are still some D) state

human traders keeping 21 your stocks for 10 years, that

must make a stunning number of computer transactions. 21
In the end, 22 the trend toward mechanized training
B) their
is probably irreversible, regardless of what governments
C) they’re
try to do to intervene. The question remains, though, what
D) his or her
are the purely human activities left to us? Is there anything
they can do that we can do better?
B) the trend, toward mechanized training, is
probably irreversible,
C) the trend toward mechanized training is, probably,
D) the trend, toward mechanized training, is,
probably, irreversible,
2 2
Questions 23–33 are based on the following passage. 23
I Object! B) murder, theft, and, other transgressions.
Crime stories are as old as narrative itself. Some C) murder theft and other transgressions.
of the earliest texts we have center on questions of 23 D) murder: theft and other transgressions.
murder, theft, and other transgressions. Still, while
people often remember the crimes and criminals
themselves, typically these stories will revolve around
a separate 24 issue, guilt, and innocence. Courtroom
B) issue; guilt and innocence.
dramas in our own day attest to this correlative
C) issue: guilt and innocence.
fascination. 25
D) issue: guilt, and innocence.

Which of the following choices would most effectively
conclude this paragraph and provide an effective
transition into the next?
A) The most famous courtroom drama of all time is
probably To Kill a Mockingbird.
B) Errol Morris has made many interesting films
throughout his career.
C) We all have our fascinations in life, and there’s
usually some TV show that lines up with these
D) One of the great modern examples of such a
fascination is Errol Morris’s famous documentary
The Thin Blue Line (1988).

786 | Cracking the New SAT

2 2
Morris’s story takes up the real-life case of Randall 26
Dale Adams, 26 a Texas police officer was killed by this A) NO CHANGE
Ohio man allegedly. Although the evidence in the trial was B) a man from Ohio who would be convicted of the
thin, Adams was sentenced to life in prison. Morris’s film murder of Texas police officer.

in a sense reopens the case, interviewing many of those C) a Texas police officer being killed by this Ohio
man allegedly.
involved: 27 many more people than just the defendant
D) a verdict of guilty was this Ohio man’s fate for the
are involved in a case. All of the interviewees raise notable murder of a Texas police officer.
objections to Adams’s murder charge, and the film
concludes with a sobering message from the prosecutor’s
closing statement: the police are the “thin blue line”
Which of the following choices gives the most
separating society from 28 anarchy. At least they should
detailed explanation of the words those involved,
be, the film wants us to see, but should this separation which appear before the colon?
come at the expense of a man’s legal rights? A) NO CHANGE
B) witnesses, attorneys, detectives, and the judge who
presided over the case.
C) he couldn’t interview the victim of the crime for
obvious reasons.
D) there is nothing that says those involved can’t talk
after the trial has concluded.

Which of the following alternatives to the underlined
portion would be LEAST acceptable?
A) lawlessness.
B) chaos.
C) tyranny.
D) mayhem.
2 2
Within a year of the film’s 1988 release, Adams’s 29
sentence was overturned. It’s not hard to see that it was Which of the following gives accurate information
Morris’s film that helped to build the appeals case. Such an based on the graph?
event is remarkable, not only because of the relative rarity A) NO CHANGE

of a court overturning its verdict 29 (one that peaked in B) (the data do not account for repeated attempts to
overturn verdicts),
the year of Morris’s film), but also because it was seemingly
C) (in 1989, the direct-appeal reversal rate was
done outside of the courts. approximately 14%),
The significance of The Thin Blue Line is again with us D) (one that actually trended downward in the years
after Morris’s film),
today with the podcast Serial, hosted by journalist Sarah
Koenig. The podcast analyzes the records from the 1999
trial and conviction of Adnan Syed, a then-17-year-old 30
high school student, who was convicted of killing his ex- A) NO CHANGE
girlfriend. 30 While Koenig’s stated purpose is merely to B) Koenig’s stated purpose
understand the ins-and-outs of the trial, not necessarily to C) Because Koenig’s stated purpose
get Syed’s sentence overturned, she does identify a degree D) However, Koenig’s stated purpose
of uncertainty about the trial’s verdict. Unlike Morris,
Koenig is not quite convinced of her subject’s innocence as 31
Morris was, but she is equally interested in how the legal
The author is considering deleting the phrase as
system determines that guilt and innocence, often showing Morris was, placing the comma after the word
how decidedly extralegal matters can play a serious role. innocence. Should the phrase be kept or deleted?
31 A) Kept, because the contrast with Errol Morris’s
project is not clear without it.
Figure 2C: Direct Appeal Reversal Rate B) Kept, because Koenig is clearly interested in
by Year of Review, 1973-1995 duplicating Morris’s work in the podcast format.
C) Deleted, because the information is given
elsewhere in the sentence.
70 D) Deleted, because it is not reasonable to suppose
Percent Reversed

60 that a film and a podcast could be usefully

19 5

19 8

19 8

19 0

19 6


19 2
19 4
19 4

19 4

19 1
19 7

19 2


19 7

19 0










Year of Review

Image courtesy of Columbia Law School

788 | Cracking the New SAT

2 2
Morris’s film and 32 Koenig’s podcast both raise
some serious questions about the legal system. For
B) the podcast of Koenig’s
instance, how conclusive does the evidence have to
C) the podcast Koenig is making
be to prove someone’s guilt? And how can questions
D) Koenig’s
of innocence or guilt ever be determined by so many
imperfect human actors? 33 They both remind us that
even though justice itself may be blind, and the U.S. court 33
system prides itself on legal objectivity, such a thing may A) NO CHANGE
not be possible, especially as it promises that all of those on B) Koenig and Morris
trial are innocent until proven guilty. C) The two
D) DELETE the underlined portion (beginning the
sentence at the word Both).
2 2
Questions 34–44 are based on the following passage. 34
Seeing Her Way to Space B) Ochoas’s
[1] C) Ochoas’
D) Ochoas
On the strength of these achievements, Ochoa was
selected for a NASA space mission in 1990. She became
the first Hispanic female astronaut and the first in space 35
in 1993. 34 Ochoa’s career at NASA has been every bit as If the punctuation were to be adjusted accordingly,
illustrious as one would expect 35 of Hispanic descent: in the best placement for the underlined portion would
2013, she became the first person and the second woman
A) where it is now.
to become director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center.
B) after the word she.
[2] C) after the word person.

Her second patent came in 1989, for a device that D) after the word Center.

identifies the positional coordinates of objects with a new

kind of precision, the kind required in military operations. 36
The device, which 36 is characterized by their almost A) NO CHANGE
exact precision, uses the light and movement data to B) are characterized by their
compute a specific spatial coefficient. The images produced C) are characterized by its
by this device allow a mathematical precision that digital D) is characterized by its
photography simply cannot provide. This invention has
had popular applications as well, 37 including advances
in face-recognition technology and airport-security
Which of the following true choices would best
scanning devices. support the idea presented in the first part of this
B) though scientists can sometimes be less interested
in popular applications than in scientific
C) but popular is a relative term when you’re talking
about high-level, complex scientific discoveries.
D) which is not to say that like people were sitting
around reading the patent for fun or anything.

790 | Cracking the New SAT

2 2
[3] 38
Which of the following true sentences would best
Ellen Ochoa was born in Los Angeles, CA, in 1958.
conclude this paragraph and support the main idea of
She did her primary schooling in La Mesa, and went on the passage?
to get a bachelor’s degree in physics from San Diego State A) NO CHANGE
University. She earned a Ph.D. from Stanford in electrical B) Despite her fairly conventional beginnings, Ochoa
engineering in 1981. 38 San Diego State University has gone on to become one of the most revered
Hispanic women in science.
is a good school, but Stanford is a truly great research
C) Ochoa is a fairly common surname for celebrities:
institution. Guillermo Ochoa is a soccer player, Amparo a
singer, and Lorena a golfer.
D) On average, it takes approximately five years to
Ochoa was first 39 revere for her research. Her earn a doctorate in electrical engineering.
most notable contribution is an optical system that can
detect defects in a repeating pattern. Her first patent came
in 1987 for a special camera that could correct in real
time. 40 Unlike digital technology, which can operate B) reverent
neither quickly nor accurately enough in space missions, C) referred
Ochoa’s optical analysis device uses laser light technology D) revered
41 instead of the traditional digital. The technology
operates on electromagnetic wavelengths and produces
instantaneous hologram images that are themselves 40

incorporated into the final image output. This technology A) NO CHANGE

B) Rather than using digital technology,
has enabled the further development of such optics
C) Using her knowledge of digital technology,
technology as powerful telescopes that can see through
D) A specialist in non-digital technology,
electromagnetic aberrations to accurate images.

B) in the place of digital.
C) not digital technology.
D) DELETE the underlined portion (ending the
sentence with a period).
2 2
[5] 42
At this point, the writer is considering adding the
Ochoa’s third patent was issued in 1990. 42 This
following true statement.
technology enables a user to filter 43 two-dimensional A design patent typically lasts for 14 years, but a
images to focus on particular parts of that image utility patent lasts for 20.
with equal precision. An electronic system ranks the Should the writer make this addition here?
components of image, removing the “noise” that is A) Yes, because it helps to clarify many parts of the
irrelevant to the desired part of the image. This technology passage that discuss patents.

gives a three-dimensional perspective to two-dimensional B) Yes, because the statement is true and advances
the larger cause of education.
objects, essentially offering users the ability to search an
C) No, because the statement removes the focus from
image with the same range of motion and perspective Ellen Ochoa’s career and accomplishments.
that they could use when analyzing a real-life object. This D) No, because patents are a politically sensitive topic
patent has had an obvious role in high-definition cameras, when there are competing claims to them.
but it has also led to innovations in other areas, such as
fingerprint-recognition software.
B) a two-dimensional image
C) one or two dimensional images
D) a pair of dimensional images

The best sequence for the paragraphs would be
A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
B) 2, 4, 3, 5, 1
C) 3, 4, 2, 5, 1
D) 4, 2, 3, 1, 5

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section in the test.

792 | Cracking the New SAT

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