Gate Ce 1
Gate Ce 1
Gate Ce 1
Civil Engineering
(Volume - I)
Section 1 : Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra : Matrix algebra; Systems of linear equations; Eigen values and Eigen
Calculus : Functions of single variable; Limit, continuity and differentiability; Mean value
theorems, local maxima and minima; Taylor series; Evaluation of definite and indefinite
integrals, application of definite integral to obtain area and volume; Partial derivatives;
Total derivative; Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Vector identities; Directional
derivatives; Line, Surface and Volume integrals.
Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) : First order (linear and non-linear) equations;
higher order linear equations with constant coefficients; Euler-Cauchy equations; initial
and boundary value problems.
Partial Differential Equation (PDE) : Fourier series; separation of variables; solutions of
one-dimensional diffusion equation; first and second order one-dimensional wave
equation and two-dimensional Laplace equation.
Probability and Statistics : Sampling theorems; Conditional probability; Descriptive
statistics – Mean, median, mode and standard deviation; Random Variables – Discrete
and Continuous, Poisson and Normal Distribution; Linear regression.
Numerical Methods : Error analysis. Numerical solutions of linear and non-linear
algebraic equations; Newton’s and Lagrange polynomials; numerical differentiation;
Integration by trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule; Single and multi-step methods for first
order differential equations.
Section 2 : Structural Engineering
Engineering Mechanics : System of forces, free-body diagrams, equilibrium equations;
Internal forces in structures; Frictions and its applications; Centre of mass; Free
Vibrations of undamped SDOF system.
Solid Mechanics : Bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beams;
Simple stress and strain relationships; Simple bending theory, flexural and shear
stresses, shear centre; Uniform torsion, Transformation of stress; buckling of column,
combined and direct bending stresses.
Structural Analysis : Statically determinate and indeterminate structures by force/
energy methods; Method of superposition; Analysis of trusses, arches, beams, cables
and frames; Displacement methods: Slope deflection and moment distribution
methods; Influence lines; Stiffness and flexibility methods of structural analysis.
Construction Materials and Management : Construction Materials: Structural Steel –
Composition, material properties and behaviour; Concrete - Constituents, mix design,
short-term and long-term properties. Construction Management: Types of construction
projects; Project planning and network analysis - PERT and CPM; Cost estimation.
Concrete Structures: Working stress and Limit state design concepts; Design of beams,
slabs, columns; Bond and development length; Prestressed concrete beams.
Steel Structures : Working stress and Limit state design concepts; Design of tension and
compression members, beams and beam- columns, column bases; Connections - simple
and eccentric, beam-column connections, plate girders and trusses; Concept of plastic
analysis –beams and frames.
Section 3 : Geotechnical Engineering
Soil Mechanics : Three-phase system and phase relationships, index properties; Unified
and Indian standard soil classification system; Permeability - one dimensional flow,
Seepage through soils - two - dimensional flow, flow nets, uplift pressure, piping,
capillarity, seepage force; Principle of effective stress and quicksand condition;
Compaction of soils; One- dimensional consolidation, time rate of consolidation; Shear
Strength, Mohr’s circle, effective and total shear strength parameters, Stress-Strain
characteristics of clays and sand; Stress paths.
Foundation Engineering : Sub-surface investigations - Drilling bore holes, sampling,
plate load test, standard penetration and cone penetration tests; Earth pressure
theories - Rankine and Coulomb; Stability of slopes - Finite and infinite slopes, Bishop’s
method; Stress distribution in soils - Boussinesq’s theory; Pressure bulbs, Shallow
foundations - Terzaghi’s and Meyerhoff’s bearing capacity theories, effect of water
table; Combined footing and raft foundation; Contact pressure; Settlement analysis in
sands and clays; Deep foundations - dynamic and static formulae, Axial load capacity of
piles in sands and clays, pile load test, pile under lateral loading, pile group efficiency,
negative skin friction.
Section 4 : Water Resources Engineering
Fluid Mechanics : Properties of fluids, fluid statics; Continuity, momentum and energy
equations and their applications; Potential flow, Laminar and turbulent flow; Flow in
pipes, pipe networks; Concept of boundary layer and its growth; Concept of lift and
Hydraulics : Forces on immersed bodies; Flow measurement in channels and pipes;
Dimensional analysis and hydraulic similitude; Channel Hydraulics - Energy-depth
relationships, specific energy, critical flow, hydraulic jump, uniform flow, gradually
varied flow and water surface profiles.
Hydrology : Hydrologic cycle, precipitation, evaporation, evapo-transpiration,
watershed, infiltration, unit hydrographs, hydrograph analysis, reservoir capacity, flood
estimation and routing, surface run-off models, ground water hydrology - steady state
well hydraulics and aquifers; Application of Darcy’s Law.
Irrigation : Types of irrigation systems and methods; Crop water requirements - Duty,
delta, evapo-transpiration; Gravity Dams and Spillways; Lined and unlined canals,
Design of weirs on permeable foundation; cross drainage structures.
Section 5 : Environmental Engineering
Water and Waste Water Quality and Treatment : Basics of water quality standards -
Physical, chemical and biological parameters; Water quality index; Unit processes and
operations; Water requirement; Water distribution system; Drinking water treatment.
Sewerage system design, quantity of domestic wastewater, primary and secondary
treatment. Effluent discharge standards; Sludge disposal; Reuse of treated sewage for
different applications.
Air Pollution : Types of pollutants, their sources and impacts, air pollution control, air
quality standards, Air quality Index and limits.
Municipal Solid Wastes : Characteristics, generation, collection and transportation of
solid wastes, engineered systems for solid waste management (reuse/ recycle, energy
recovery, treatment and disposal).
Section 6 : Transportation Engineering
Transportation Infrastructure : Geometric design of highways - cross-sectional
elements, sight distances, horizontal and vertical alignments.
Geometric design of railway Track - Speed and Cant.
Concept of airport runway length, calculations and corrections; taxiway and exit taxiway
Highway Pavements : Highway materials - desirable properties and tests; Desirable
properties of bituminous paving mixes; Design factors for flexible and rigid pavements;
Design of flexible and rigid pavement using IRC codes
Traffic Engineering : Traffic studies on flow and speed, peak hour factor, accident study,
statistical analysis of traffic data; Microscopic and macroscopic parameters of traffic
flow, fundamental relationships; Traffic signs; Signal design by Webster’s method;
Types of intersections; Highway capacity.
Section 7 : Geomatics Engineering
Principles of surveying; Errors and their adjustment; Maps - scale, coordinate system;
Distance and angle measurement - Levelling and trigonometric levelling; Traversing and
triangulation survey; Total station; Horizontal and vertical curves.
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - Scale, flying height; Basics of remote sensing
and GIS.
General Aptitude (GA)
Verbal Aptitude : Basic English grammar: tenses, articles, adjectives, prepositions,
conjunctions, verb-noun agreement, and other parts of speech Basic vocabulary: words,
idioms, and phrases in context Reading and comprehension Narrative sequencing.
Quantitative Aptitude : Data interpretation: data graphs (bar graphs, pie charts, and
other graphs representing data), 2- and 3-dimensional plots, maps, and tables
Numerical computation and estimation: ratios, percentages, powers, exponents and
logarithms, permutations and combinations, and series Mensuration and geometry
Elementary statistics and probability.
Analytical Aptitude : Logic: deduction and induction Analogy, Numerical relations and
Spatial Aptitude : Transformation of shapes: translation, rotation, scaling, mirroring,
assembling, and grouping Paper folding, cutting, and patterns in 2 and 3 dimensions.
S. No. Topics
1. Strength of Materials
1. Properties of Metals, Stress and Strain
2. Shear Force and Bending Moment
3. Principle Stress and Principle Strain
4. Bending and Shear Stress
5. Deflection of Beams
6. Torsion of Shaft and Pressure Vessels
7. Theory of Columns and Shear Centre
2. Structural Analysis
1. Determinacy and Indeterminacy (Static & Kinematic)
2. Force and Energy Methods
3. Displacement Method of Analysis
4. Analysis of Trusses
5. Influence Line Diagram and Rolling Loads
6. Analysis of Arches
7. Matrix and Stiffness Method
8. Structural Dynamics
3. RCC Structure & Pre-Stress Concrete
1. IS Code Recommendations and Fundamentals
2. Design & Analysis of Beam and Slab
3. Shear, Bond, Torsion, Anchorage & Development Length
4. Column & Footing
5. Prestressed Concrete
4. Design of Steel Structure
1. General Design Requirements
2. Connections
3. Design of Tension Members
4. Design of Compression Members
5. Design of Beams
6. Design of Plate Girders, Industrial Roof Truss and
Gantry Girders
7. Plastic Analysis
5. Engineering Mechanics
7. Geomatics Engineering
1. Fundamental Concepts
2. Levelling
3. Traversing
4. Theodolites and Plane Table Surveying
5. Tacheometric & Triangulation Surveying
6. Measurement of Area, Volume & Theory of Errors and
Survey Adjustment
7. Curves
8. Field Astronomy & Photogrammetric Surveying
9. Basics of GIS, GPS & Remote Sensing
8. Engineering Mathematics
1. Linear Algebra
2. Differential Equations
3. Integral and Differential Calculus
4. Vector Calculus
5. Maxima and Minima
6. Mean Value Theorem
7. Complex Variables
8. Limit & Series Expansion
9. Probability & Statistics
10. Numerical Methods
11. Transform Theory
9. General Aptitude
1. Numerical Ability
2. Logical Reasoning
3. Verbal Ability
Bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beams; Simple stress and strain
relationships; Simple bending theory, flexural and shear stresses, shear centre; Uniform torsion,
Transformation of stress; buckling of column, combined and direct bending stresses.
Contents : Strength of Materials
S. No. Topics
1. Properties of Metals, Stress and Strain
2. Shear Force and Bending Moment
3. Principal Stress and Principal Strain
4. Bending and Shear Stress
5. Deflection of Beams
6. Torsion of Shaft and Pressure Vessels
7. Theory of Columns and Shear Centre
1 Properties of Metals, Stress and Strain
50 kN
(A) 1000, 75 and 25 sz
(B) 1250, 150 and 50
(C) 1500, 225 and 75 (A) 0.00 (B) 0.25
(D) 1750, 300 and 100 (C) 0.50 (D) 1.00
Strength of Materials 1
2017 IIT Roorkee 1.8 In a material under a state of plane strain, a
10 × 10 mm square centered at a point gets
1.6 An elastic bar of length L, uniform cross-
sectional area A, coefficient of thermal deformed as shown in the figure.
expansion α , and Young’s modulus E is
fixed at the two ends. The temperature of the 10 mm
A1 = 100 mm 2 14000
1 12000
E1 = 2 ´ 105 MPa
Axial load, P (kN)
L2 = 900 mm
A2 = 60 mm 2
2 2000
E2 = 3 ´ 105 MPa
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Displacement, d (mm)
2 Strength of Materials
s yy = 50 MPa subjected to axial tensile force as shown in
the figures. When the bar is subjected to
y axial tensile forces P1 and P2 , the strain
s xx = 30 MPa
energies stored in the bar are U1 and U 2
respectively. [2 Marks]
Strength of Materials 3
AE = 106 N. The axial rigidities of the rods field in the plate is given by u = Cx 2 y and
HI and IJ are 2AE and AE, respectively. v = 0, where u and v are displacements (in
b m) along the X and Y directions,
respectively, and C is a constant (in m−2).
AE The distances x and y along X and Y,
H J respectively, are in m. The stress in the 𝑋
To make the axial force in rod HI equal to direction is σ XX = 40 xy N/m 2 , and the
zero, the value of the external force P (in N) shear stress is τ XY = αx 2 N/m 2 . What is the
is _______. (Round off to the nearest
integer) [2 Marks] value of α (in N/m4, in integer)?
1.15 For linear elastic and isotropic material, the
correct relationship among young’s modulus 1.18 A hanger is made of two bars of different
of elasticity (E), Poisson ratio (ν ) and shear sizes. Each bar has a square cross-section.
modulus (G). [1 Mark] The hanger is loaded by three-point loads in
the mid vertical plane as shown in the figure.
(A) E = (B) G = Ignore the self-weight of the hanger. What is
1 + 2ν 2(1 + ν)
the maximum tensile stress in N/mm2
E G anywhere in the hanger without considering
(C) G = (D) E =
1 + 2ν 2 (1 + ν ) stress concentration effects?
2023 IIT Kanpur
100 mm
1.16 A 5 cm long metal rod AB was initially at a
uniform temperature of T0 °C. Thereafter,
temperature at both the ends are maintained
at 0°C. Neglecting the heat transfer from the 100 kN 100 kN
lateral surface of the rod, the heat transfer in 50 mm
the rod is governed by the one-dimensional
∂T ∂ 2T
diffusion equation = D 2 , where D is 50 kN
∂t ∂x
(A) 15.0 (B) 25.0
the thermal diffusivity of the metal, given as
(C) 35.0 (D) 45.0
1.0 cm2/s.
The temperature distribution in the rod is
obtained as
nπx −βn2t
T ( x, T ) = n =1,3,5... Cn sin
e ,
Where, x is in cm measured from A to B with
𝑥 = 0 at A, t is in s, 𝐶𝑛 are constants in °C, T
is in °C, and β is in s−1.
The value of β (in 𝑠−1, rounded off to three
decimal places) is _________.
1.17 A 2D thin plate with modulus of elasticity, E
= 1.0 N/m2, and Poisson’s ratio, μ = 0.5 , is
in plane stress condition. The displacement
4 Strength of Materials
1.1 (A) Tertiary creep : Slope increase with time
rapidly accelerating strain rate upto failure.
Creep is a time dependent process where a
It is associated with formation of internal
material under an applied stress exhibits
cracks, voids, grain, boundary, separation,
deformation at high temperature. So, creep strain
necking, etc.
occur due to constant load i.e., dead load.
Hence, the correct option is (A) Effects of stress and temperature on
Key Point T3 > T2 > T1
Creep (Sometimes known as cold flow) s3 > s 2 > s1
Creep strain
material. T2 or s 2
1.2 (A)
It is asked in the question that the box should be
lifted without swinging, it means that there should
be no moment and the forces should be balanced.
The FBD of given question is,
F sin q0
Time tr
Cable 2m
P Beam Q pulley
(0.2 m ´ 0.2 m) B
3m D2 = 10 mm
1.5 m
P = 30 p kN
50 kN
Total deflection at point A is sum of elongation of
According to question, the FBD of given problem
uniform circular rod due to axial load P and the
after removing the cable can be drawn as,
elongation of tapered circular rod due to axial load
Beam Frictionless
pulley P.
Q ∴ Deflection of point A = Elongation of
3m uniform circular rod AB + elongation of
T tapered circular rod BC.
Δ A = Δ AB + Δ BC
= +
50 kN
AE π D D E
1 2
So, T = 50 kN 4
(30π×103 ) × (1.5 ×103 ) (30π× 103 ) × (2 ×103 )
50 kN = +
Axial stress = = 1250 kN/m2 π 2 π
0.2 × 0.2 × 10 × (2 × 10 5
) × 20 × 10 × (2 × 105 )
4 4
6 Strength of Materials
= (9 + 6) mm 1.6 (A)
BA = 15 mm
The given problem can be depicted in figure as
Hence, the deflection at point A is 15 mm. shown below,
Key Point a
Extension of a tapered bar under axial loading
4PL The axial stress resulting from rise in temperature
1. In circular tapered bar, δL = of the bar is given by
π D1 D2 E
σ = αΔTE
2. In rectangular tapered bar,
From above equation we can see that length have
δL = ln 2 no effect on thermal stress. Hence, the axial
Et ( B2 − B1 ) B1 stress will remain same (σ) .
1.5 (C) Hence, the correct option is (A).
1.7 35
Change in volume of an elastic isotropic body
subjected to triaxial stress is given by, Given : Axial load, ( P ) = 1kN
σ + σ y + σz Segment 1 :
dV = x (1 − 2μ) × Volume
3 Length of segment 1, ( L1 ) = 400 mm,
1 A2 = 60 mm 2
μ = = 0.5 2
E2 = 3 ´ 105 MPa
Hence, the correct option is (C)
Key Point P = 1 kN
When an object is submerged in water, it
FBD of the given question can be shown as,
experiences uniform compression because of
1 kN 1 kN
uniform pressure in all directions i.e. the
stress is equal in all direction. This state of
stress often known as hydrostatic stress. 1 2
Mohr’s circle becomes a point in case of
hydrostatic stress. 1 kN 1 kN
Strength of Materials 7
:Method 1:
Elongation of bar = Elongation of segment 1 g xy
+ Elongation of segment 2 p
+ g xy
Δ AC = Δ AB + Δ BC 2
-ve Shear strain
= + From the figure we can see that because of shear
A1 E1 A2 E2
strain, the angle has been increased.
(1× 103 ) × (400) (1× 103 ) × (900) Therefore, shear strain should be negative.
= +
(100) × (2 × 105 ) (60) × (3 × 105 ) ∴ γ xy = −0.0005 rad
= 0.02 + 0.05 = 0.07 mm
−0.0005 = 0.001 k
So, strain energy, U = × P × Δ AC k = −0.50
1 Hence, the correct option is (D).
= × (1×103 ) × 0.07 = 35 N-mm
2 Key Point
Hence, the strain energy stored in bar due to axial Sign convention for shear stress :
loading is 35 N-mm. 1. The shear stress will be considered positive
:Method 2: when a pair of shear stress acting on opposite
Strain energy of stepped bar under an axial loading sides of the element produce a counter
is given by, clockwise torque (couple).
P 2 Li (- t)
U =
2 Ai Ei
(+ t) (+ t)
So, in given problem strain energy is given as,
P 2 L1 P 2 L2 (- t)
U= +
2 A1 E1 2 A2 E2 2. The shear stress will be considered negative
3 2 3 2
(1× 10 ) × (400) (1×10 ) × 900 when a pair of shear stress acting on opposite
= +
2 × (100) × (2 × 10 ) 2 × (60) × (3 × 105 )
sides of the element produce a clockwise
= 10 + 25 = 35 N-mm torque (couple)
Hence, the strain energy stored in bar due to axial Sign convention for shear strain :
Positive y-face
loading is 35 N-mm.
1.8 (D) g t Positive x -face
p q
According to question, x
y t
10 mm t r
Negative x-face
Negative y -face
p g p
-g +g
10 mm 2 2 2
1.9 15625000
8 Strength of Materials
Given : Length of rod ( L) = 2 m = 2000 mm dC
Diameter of rod ( D ) = 8 mm dC = δdP = δ ← Differential of
Yield stress (σ y ) = 250 MPa complementary energy is deflection.
It has
The area of the region above the force-deflection Load Complementary energy C C = ò ddP no physical
curve is called complementary energy. A 0
meaning and
is just for
Stress mathematical
Complementary strain dP convenience
energy per unit volume Strain energyU
U = ò Pd d
D 0
strain energy.
The concept of total complementary energy
of an elastic system is particularly useful in
12500 kN the solution of statically indeterminate
structures, in which infinite number of
Complementary stresses distribution and reactive forces may
strain energy
be found to satisfy the requirement of
2.5 mm deflection (d)
1.10 (A)
Complementary strain energy
Given : Stress in x-direction (σ xx ) = 30 MPa
= Strain energy = Pδ Stress in y-direction (σ yy ) = 50 MPa
1 Young’s modulus ( E ) = 2 ×1011 N/m 2
= × (12500 ×103 ) × 2.5 = 2 × 105 N/mm 2
= 15625000 N-mm Poisson’s ratio (μ) = 0.3
Hence, the complementary strain energy is Stress in z-direction (σ zz ) = 0
15625000 N -mm . σ zz μ(σ xx + σ yy )
Strain, ε zz = −
Key Point E E
δ 0.3(30 + 50)
Strain energy, U = Pd δ = 0− = −120 × 10−6
2 ×105
(Negative sign represents contraction)
dU Hence, the correct option is (A).
dU = Pd δ = P ← Differential of
1.11 130
strain energy is load.
P1 L
Complementary strain energy, Given : δ1 = 5 mm =
C = δdP AE
= 10 kN/mm
δ2 = 3 mm = 2
Strength of Materials 9
We conclude that, U > U1 + U 2
Hence, the correct option is (D).
1 2 3
1.13 (B)
P1 P2 P3
1.14 50
Given :
P1 P2 P3 = P1
H 2 AE I J
P1 + P2 + P1 = W
P1 = 10 × 5 = 50 kN α = 10−6 C −1
b=2 m
P2 = 10 × 3 = 30 kN
W = 2 × (50) + 30 = 130 kN ΔT = 500 C
Hence, the magnitude of the load W is 130 kN. AE = 106 N
1.12 (D) PHI = 0 then P = ?
According to question, Axial deformation should be equal to zero
L δ1 + δ2 = 0
1 2
P2 δ2 = 0 = δad + δTH
− PL
L 0= + αΔTL
( P1 + P2 )
When bar is subjected to load P1 , the strain energy = αΔTL
stored, P = 10−6 × 50 × 106
U1 =
P L 1
… (i) P = 50 N
2 AE
1.15 (B)
Where, L = length of bar
When bar is subjected to load P2 , the strain energy We know that,
stored, E = 2G (1 + v )
P22 L E
U2 = … (ii) G=
2 AE 2 (1 + v)
Now when bar is subjected to load ( P1 + P2 ) , the Hence, the correct option is (B).
strain energy stored, 1.16 0.394
( P1 + P2 ) L ∞
nπx −βn2t
2 AE
T ( x, t ) =
n =1,3,5
cn sin
P12 L P22 L 2 P1 P2 L − n 2 π2 α 2 t
U= + + … (iii) ∞
2 AE 2 AE 2 AE T ( x, t ) = βn sin e
10 Strength of Materials
α2 = D = 1 ( l = 5) 15 x 2 ×1
τ xy = = 5x2
2 (1 + 0.5 )
π2α 2 π (1) π2 ( 3.14 )
2 2
Shear stress, τ xy = α x 2 2
N 50 kN 50 kN
250 kN
We know, shear modulus
G = xy ... ( A )
γ xy
Stress in x direction;
2 ( x
σx = ε + με y ) ... ( i )
1− μ
Substitute all known value in equation (i)
we get,
250 kN
40 xy = ( 2Cxy + 0.5 × 0 ) Fig. (i)
(1 − 0.52 ) Fig. (ii) FBD of member BC and AB
∴ C = 15 Stress in member BC,
∂v ∂u
Shear strain γ xy = + = 0 + Cx 2
∂x ∂y PB 50 ×103
σB = = = 20 N/mm2
γ xy = Cx2 AB 50 × 50
τ xy
G= PA 250 ×103
γ xy σA = = = 25 N/mm2
AA 100 ×100
E τ
= xy2 So, maximum tensile stress = 25 N/mm2
2 (1 + μ ) Cx Hence, the correct option is (B).
Strength of Materials 11
2 Shear Force and Bending Moment
Strength of Materials 1
in the figures. [2 Marks, Set- (D) Maximum bending moment and
II] maximum shear force occur at the same
80 N section.
The curvature of the beam at the mid-span
(in units, in integer) will be ________. B C
[1 Mark]
(A) Shear forces at H and F are zero
Strength of Materials 3
(B) Horizontal displacements at H and F magnitude 𝑀 at one-third spans, as
are zero shown in the figure. Which of the
(C) Vertical displacements at H and F are following statements is/are TRUE?
zero A B
(D) Slopes at E, F, G, and H are zero
2.13 A beam is subjected to a system of coplanar
forces as shown in the figure. The
(A) Support reactions are
magnitude of vertical reaction at Support P
is ________ N (Round off to one decimal
(B) Shear force is zero everywhere
500 N
(C) Bending moment is zero
100 N everywhere
0.5 m
60 0
(D) Deflection is zero everywhere
200 N
4 Strength of Materials
10 kN M x = −10(1 − x) + RB (0.75 − x)
B At point of contraflexure, M x = 0
∴ − 10 × (1 − x) + 15 × (0.75 − x ) = 0
x = 0.25 m
0.75 m 15 kN
Hence, the distance of point of contraflexure
from end A is 0.25 m.
BM x = 10 x − 15 × ( x − 0.25) = 0
∴ x = 0.75 m Scan for
So, from end A distance is 0.25 m. Video Solution
:Method 2:
1m 2.2 (A)
x 10 kN
w kN/m
0.75 m RB L/2
HP P S HS = 0
Conjugate beam As there is no horizontal force.
(–) Hence, H p = H s = 0
10 L
ΣM Q = H p × =0
1.25 kNm
∴ BM at Q = 0
Hence, the correct option is (A).
2.3 (D)
2.5 kNm RBh
By conjugate beam method, P
Deflection at B = 0
1 2
2 × 0.75 RB × 0.75 × 3 × 0.75 −
0.75 1
2.5 × 0.75 × 2 + 2
=0 A
× 7.5 × 0.75 × 2 × 0.75 RAh
3 RAv
1.5 m
1.5 m
0.14 RB − 2.1 = 0
RB = 15 kN Resolving vertical forces,
Now, taking bending moment about section x-x ∴ ΣFV = 0
at a distance x from end A, RAv = P
Strength of Materials 5
Resolving horizontal forces, 20 N/m
∴ ΣFH = 0 FBD
E, I
RBh = RAh 8m
Taking moments about A equal to zero. 160 kN
ΣM A = 0 ,
SFD (+)
RBh × 8 + P ×1.5 = 0
1.5 1.5
RBh = − P= P (Magnitude)
8 8
BMD (–)
∴ RAh = P ( RBh = RAh )
8 20
Hence, the correct option is (D). 640 kNm
Fv = 0 ,
Scan for
Video Solution R − 20 × 8 = 0
R = 160 N
2.4 (C) So, shear force at support, SQ = 160 N
Let R be the reaction force at the support. And, moment at support,
For P : M Q = 20 × 8 × 4 = 640 Nm
80 N
E, I For R :
FBD P 640 Nm
8m FBD R
R E, I
80 kN R 8m
SFD (+) Zero
640 kNm
BMD (+)
BMD (–)
Fv = 0 ,
640 kNm
Fv = 0, R=0
R − 80 = 0 So, shear force at support, S R = 0
R = 80 N
and, moment at support, M R = 640 Nm
So, shear force at support, S p = 80 N
Thus, form the above calculations,
and, moment at support, M p = 80 × 8 = 640 Nm
S P < SQ > S R and M P = M Q = M R
For Q :
Hence, the correct option is (C).
2.5 (B)
6 Strength of Materials
Internal hinge reduces indeterminacy by
l/2 l/2 2.7 (D)
For most economical longitudinal profile of
SFD V (+) cantilever, the depth of beam should vary along
Shear (–) V the length as per the shape of BMD.
Mmax (+)
P Q Given :
3L/4 L/4
The FBD of given problem can be shown as
below. y = x 2 − xL , to find curvature of beam
10 kN + R We know, y = Deflection
A Q = Slope
A dx
3L L d2y M 1
4 4 2
= Curvature = =
dx EI R
Considering the right hand section of beam,
Taking moment about hinge, M = 0 ∴ = 2x − l
− RQ × = 0 d2y
4 =2
dx 2
RQ = 0
2.10 30
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Given beam,
Scan for 10 kN/m
Video Solution
x y
Key Point Hinge
Internal hinges are provided in a structure
2m 2m
to reduce statical indeterminacy of the
structure. It makes structure more flexible x y
and allows structure to move which reduces
2m 2m
the reactive stresses.
Rx Ry
Bending moment at internal hinge is
always zero. We know, sum of moment at internal hinge is 0.
Strength of Materials 7
M 0 = 0, Taking moment about hinge support Q,
Ry × 2 − 10 × 2 × 1 = 0 ΣM Q = 0
Ry = 10 kN
8 Strength of Materials
3 Principal Stress and Principal Strain
= MPa
τ yx σ yy 30 20
The maximum shear stress in MPa is s y = 50 MPa
(A) 50 (B) 75
(C) 100 (D) 110 (A) –50 MPa, on a plane 450 clockwise
w.r.t. x-axis.
2014 IIT Kharagpur
(B) –50 MPa, on a plane 450 anti-
3.2 For the state of stresses (in MPa) shown in clockwise w.r.t. x-axis.
the figure below, the maximum shear stress (C) 50 MPa, at all orientations.
(in MPa) is _____. [2 Marks] (D) Zero, at all orientations.
2016 IISc Bangalore
3.5 For the state of stress (in MPa) shown in the
2 2 figure, the major principal stress is 10 MPa.
[2 Marks]
Strength of Materials 1
3.7 For a plane stress problem, the state of coordinate system to the X − Y coordinate
stress at a point P is represented by the system. The angle θ , locating the X-axis, is
stress element as shown in figure. assumed to be positive when measured
20 MPa from the x-axis in counter-clockwise
25 MPa y
80 MPa P 80 MPa σxx = 120 MPa
σ xy = 50 MPa
σ xy
25 MPa t
θ 300
20 MPa
σ yy = 35.6 MPa
By how much angle (θ) in degrees the
The absolute magnitude of the shear stress
stress element should be rotated in order to
component σ xy (in MPa, round off to one
get the planes of maximum shear stress?
[2 decimal place) in x − y coordinate system
is ______. [1 Mark]
2022 IIT Kharagpur
3.10 Stresses acting on an infinitesimal soil
element are shown in the figure (with
σ z > σ x ). The major and minor principal
q stresses are σ1 and σ3 , respectively.
(A) 31.7 (B) 13.3 Considering the compressive stresses as
(C) 26.6 (D) 48.3 positive, which one of the following
2020 IIT Delhi expressions correctly represents the angle
between the major principal stress plane
3.8 The state of stress represented by Mohr’s
and the horizontal plane? [1 Mark]
circle shown in the figure is
[1 Mark]
Shear stress Stress plane
(0, 0) stress τzx
σx τzx
(A) biaxial tension of equal magnitude
(B) hydrostatic stress τzx
(C) pure shear σz
(D) uniaxial tension τ zx −1 τ zx
(A) tan −1 (B) tan
2021 IIT Bombay σ1 − σ x σ1 + σ3
3.9 The state of stress in a deformable body is τ zx −1 τ zx
(C) tan −1 (D) tan
shown in the figure. Consider σ1 + σ x σ3 − σ x
transformation of the stress from the x − y
2 Strength of Materials
2023 IIT Kanpur 3.12 The infinitesimal element shown in the
figure (not to scale) represents the state of
3.11 In a two-dimensional stress analysis, the
stress at a point in a body. What is the
state of stress at a point is shown in the
magnitude of the maximum principal stress
figure. The values of length of PQ, QR,
(in N/mm2, in integer) at the point?
and RP are 4, 3, and 5 units, respectively.
6 N/mm 2
The principal stresses are_________.
(Round off to one decimal place)
y 3 N/mm2
4 N/mm 2 5 N/mm 2
P σ = 120 MPa 450
τ = 70 MPa
5 N/mm2 4 N/mm2
3 N/mm2
Q R 6 N/mm2
2 2 τmax = x 2
+ τ xy
100 + 20 100 − 20 2
σ1/ 2 = ± + 30 It is given in question that state of stress
2 2 is 2-D. If it is asked in 3-D, then
σ1/2 = 60 ± 50 σ − σ3 110 − 0
τ max absolute = 1 = = 55 MPa
2 2
Strength of Materials 3
Where, σ3 = 0 MPa . 2
σ − σy 2
τmax = x + τ xy
3.2 5 2
Given : Stress in x-direction (σ x ) = −2MPa , σ1 − σ 2
= = radius of Mohr’s circle
Stress in y-direction (σ y ) = 4MPa ,
4. Plane of maximum shear stresses (θ s ) ,
Shear stress ( τ xy ) = 4 MPa .
σ − σy
2 tan 2θ s = − x
σ − σ2 σ − σy 2τ
So, τmax = 1 = x 2
+ τ xy xy
2 2
3.3 0
σx + σ y σ − σy 2
Where, σ1 = + x + τ xy Given :
2 2
Normal stress in x direction (σ x ) = 100 MPa
σx + σ y σ − σy 2 Normal stress in y direction (σ y ) = −100 MPa
σ2 = − x + τ xy
2 2 Shear stress ( τ xy ) = 0
−2 − 4 2 2 2
100 MPa
So, τ max = + 4 = ( − 3) + 4
τmax = 5 MPa sn
4 450
4 100 MPa
s2 Method 1..
Normal stress at any plane at an angle θ is
Hence, the value of maximum shear stress is 5 given by
MPa. σx + σ y
σn = σθ =
Key Point 2
Member subjected to Biaxial stresses ( σ x , σ y ) σ x − σ y
± cos 2θ + τ xy 2 sin θ
combined with shear stresses ( τ xy ) : 2
1. Principal stresses (σ1 , σ 2 ) , So, normal stress at θ = 450
100 + ( −100)
2 σ 450 =
σ + σy σx − σ y 2 2
(σ1 , σ2 ) = x ± + τ xy
2 2 ±
100 − (−100)
cos(900 ) + 0
2. Principal plane ( θ p ) , 2
σ 450 = 0 MPa
2τ xy
tan 2θ p = Hence, the stress acting normal to the interface,
σx − σ y
σ n is 0 MPa.
3. Maximum shear stresses (τmax ) , Method 2..
4 Strength of Materials
Since, no shear stress is acting along the plane x s y = 50 MPa
and y, then x and y planes are treated as principal
planes and σ x and σ y are equal to the principal y
stresses. s x = 50 MPa x
s x = 50 MPa
So, Mohr’s circle for the given condition is,
s y = 50 MPa
2q = 90 0
:Method 1:
(-100, 0) (100, 0) Maximum shear stress,
σ − σy 2
( 0, -100) τmax = x + τ xy
From Mohr’s circle, normal stress is zero at 450 2
to the principal plane. 50 − 50 2
τ max = +0
Hence, the stress acting normal to the interface is 2
zero. τmax =0
Hence, the stress acting normal to the interface, ∴ Shear stress in all the directions is zero.
σ n is 0 MPa. Hence, the correct option is (D).
Key Point :Method 2:
Principal planes (Planes on which Mohr circle for the state of stress
Point circle
principal stresses act) :
2τ xy
tan(2θ p ) = 50 MPa
σx − σ y Thus, there is no shear stress at any point
Plane of maximum shear stress : Hence, the correct option is (D).
− (σ x − σ y ) Key Point
tan(2θs ) =
2 τ xy The given stress condition is of hydrostatic
Average stress (Shear stress is maximum) loading.
3.5 (B)
σx + σ y
σavg = Given :
0 Normal stress in x direction (σ x ) = 5 MPa
θ = 45 , is the plane of maximum shear
stress. Normal stress in y direction (σ y ) = 5 MPa
According to given question
3.4 (D) 5
Given :
Normal stress in x direction (σ x ) = 50 MPa
Normal stress in y direction (σ y ) = 50 MPa
5 x 5
Shear stress ( τ xy ) = 0 MPa
According to the question,
Strength of Materials 5
Major principal stress, σ1 = 10 MPa :Method 1:
2 Angle of principal plane ( θ p ) is given by,
σx + σ y σ − σy 2
σ1 = + x + τ xy 2τ xy −2 × 25
2 2 tan 2θ p = =
σx − σ y 80 − (−20)
5+5 5−5 2
10 = + + τ xy θ p = −13.280
2 2
10 = 5 + τ xy Note : Here, θ is measured from the plane at
which σ y is acting. So, τ xy is taken as negative,
∴ τ xy = 5 MPa
because shear stress is anticlockwise in direction
Hence, the correct option is (B).
in the plane in which σ y act.
3.6 (D)
Now, angle of plane of maximum shear stress,
Given : Normal tensile strain in x direction
(∈x ) = 0.0030
θ = θ p + 450 = −13.280 + 450 = 31.710
Normal tensile strain in y direction Hence, the correct option is (A).
(∈y ) = 0.0020 :Method 2:
According to the question, element is subjected Angle of plane of maximum shear stress (θ s ) is
to biaxial normal tensile strains. calculated by,
Let x and y be the plane. (σ x − σ y ) [80 − (−20)]
tan 2θs = − =−
The plane of maximum shear strain occur at 450 τ xy 2 × (−25)
to the principal planes.
θ s = 31.710
So, normal strain in the plane of maximum shear
strain Hence, the correct option is (A).
∈ + ∈y 0.0030 + 0.0020
= x = Scan for
2 2 Video Solution
= 0.0025
Hence, the correct option is (D). 3.8 (C)
80 MPa x 80 MPa
In case of bi-axial tension of equal
25 MPa t magnitude
20 MPa
6 Strength of Materials
+t ∴ On substituting value in formula,
40 + 35.6
s1 = s 2 = s 120 =
-s +s
40 − 35.6
+ cos(120) + z xy sin(120)
∴ z xy = 96.186 MPa
In case of uniaxial tension
3.10 (A)
-s æs ö (s,0) τzx
ç ,0 ÷
è2 ø
3.9 96.186 σx
Given : θ τzx
120 MPa σ1
40 MPa
50 MPa
ΣFx = 0,
τxy 30 0
sin θ =
35.6 MPa AC
σy (−) σ x ( BC ) − τ z × ( AB) + σ1 sin θ( AC ) = 0
AC sin θ AC cos θ σ1 sin θ( AC )
σx' σx + τz × =
cos θ cos θ cos θ
σx τx 'y 0 σx
σ x tan θ + τ zx = σ1 tan θ
30 0
tan θ (σ1 − σ x ) = τ zx
σy τ zx
θ = tan −1
σ x' = σ x cos 2 θ + σ y sin 2 θ σ1 − σ x
+ 2 z xy sin θ cos θ
3.11 (C)
σ + σy σx − σ y τ xy = 0
Or σ x' = x + cos 2θ
2 2 4
cos θ =
+ z xy sin 2θ 5
σ x = 40 MPa , σ y = 35.6 MPa , 3
sin θ =
Q = 600 (From vertical)
σn = σx cos2 θ + σ y sin 2 θ + 2τxy sin θ cos θ
∴ σ x' = 120 MPa
z x ' y ' = − 50
Strength of Materials 7
= 2 ± 5 −3& 7 MPa
70 MPa So, maximum principle stress = 7 MPa
θ 120 MPa
Hence, the correct answer is 7.
σx 4 Method-2 : (Mohr Circle)
θ τ
Q 3 x
O 5
σ − σx (2, 0) 90 0 = 2θ 6
τ= y sin(2θ) + τ xy cos 2θ
2 R 4
From equation (i),
2 2
4 3 R = x 2 + 32 = ( x − 1) 2 + 42
120 = σ x + σ y ...(iii)
5 5
From equation (ii), x 2 + 32 = x2 − 2 x + 1 + 42
σ − σx 4 3 x=4
70 = y 2 × × …(iv)
2 5 5
σmax = 2 + R = 2 + x 2 + 32
By solving equation (iii) and (iv),
= 2 + 4 2 + 32 = 7 MPa
We get, σ x = 67.5 MPa, σ y = 213.33 MPa
Hence, the correct answer is 7.
Hence, the correct option is (C).
3.12 7
Method-1 :
Given : σ y = 6 MPa , τ xy = 3 MPa ,
8 Strength of Materials
4 Bending and Shear Stresses
Strength of Materials 1
(A) 50 50
100 100
2 Strength of Materials
4.1 (A) 50 × (100 + 10 + 10)3 (50 − 10) × 1003
= −
“Plane sections remains plane after bending”. By 12 12
6 4
this assumption the strain will become directly I = 3.866 ×10 mm
proportional to the deflection i.e. ε ∝ δy 100 × 103 × 50 × 10 × 55
So, τ =
Hence, the correct option is (A). 3.866 × 106 × 10
Key Point τ = 71.12 N/mm 2
dy Hence, magnitude of the shear stress in the web at
Initial plane Final plane
(Before bending) (After bending) its junction with the top flange 71.12 N /mm2 .
4.3 (B)
Linear displacement
variation Moment of inertia is given by,
I = Ay 2
i.e. moment of inertia is moment of first moment
(moment of area) about axis of bending.
It is also called second moment of area but section
From figure. It is clear that the strain is directly modulus is given by,
proportional to deflection and strain profile
I Ay 2
obtained will be linear. Z= = = Ay
y y
Scan for So, the first moment of area about the axis of
Video Solution bending for a beam cross section is section
4.2 71.12 Hence, the correct option is (B).
Given : Width of each flange (b) = 50 mm Scan for
Thickness of flange (t ) = 10 mm Video Solution
Strength of Materials 3
Taking moment about point P, 0.1
6250 ×
MP = 0, M 2
σb = × y =
11.25 ×150 + 11.25 × 300 = RS × 450 I 0.1× 0.13
RS = 11.25 kN 12
σb = 37.5 MPa
RP = 22.5 − RS
Hence, the correct option is (B).
RP = 11.25 kN
4.6 90
Now, bending moment at point Q is given by,
BM Q = RP × 150 = 11.25 × 150 = 1687.5 kNmm Given : Length of beam ( L) = 8m
and, section modulus in given by, Cross section of beam (A) = 100 × 200 mm 2
I bd 3 bd 2 150 × 1502
z= = = = Uniformly distributed load (U.D.L) = 10 kN/m
y 12 × d 6 6 10 kN/m
2 A B
z = 562500 mm3 8m
So, modulus of rupture (i.e. bending stress) is
given by,
RA + RB = 10 × 8 = 80
M BM Q 1687.5 × 103
σ= = = 80
Z Z 562500 Due to symmetry, RA = RB = = 40 kN
σ = 3 N/mm = 3 MPa 2
Hence, the modulus of rupture is 3 MPa. Now, bending moment at point C is given by,
BM C = RA × 2 − 10 × 2 × 1
4.5 (B)
= 40 × 2 − 20 = 60 kNm
Given : Length of beam (l) = 2m,
And moment of inertia is given by,
Side of square beam (a) = 0.1m
Deflection (δ) = 5mm bd 3 0.1× 0.23
I= =
12 12
Young’s modulus ( E ) = 2 × 1011 N/m 2 −5
P I = 6.67 ×10 m4
So, bending stress is given by,
0.1m BM C 60 × 103 0.2
σb = ×y= −5
I 6.67 × 10 2
Now, deflection in cantilever beam when σb = 89.96 MPa ≈ 90 MPa
subjected to point load at free end is given Principal stress,
by, σ + σy 1
σ p1 , σ p2 = x ± × (σ x − σ y ) 2 + 4τ2xy
Pl 3 2 2
3EI 90 + 0 1
σ p1 , σ p2 = ± × (90 − 0) 2
P × 23 2 2
5 × 10−3 =
0.1× 0.13 σ p1 = 90 MPa and σ p2 = 0 MPa
3 × 2 × 1011 ×
So, principal stress = 90 MPa.
P = 3125 N
Since there is no shear stress, so bending stress
So, bending moment, M = P × l = 3125 × 2 will be maximum principle stress.
M = 6250 Nm Hence, the maximum principal stress at a point
and, from bending equation bending stress is given located at the extreme compression edge of a
4 Strength of Materials
cross-section and at 2 m from the support is 90
4.9 (A)
Given : Shear force (V ) = 8kN
4.7 0.001 Moment of inertia about neutral axis,
Given : ( I NA ) = 1.5 × 109 mm 4
Depth of beam ( D) = 500 mm = 0.5m
Distance between two nails (d) = 60 mm
Strain developed (ε) = 2.5 ×10−4
Now, from bending equation,
σ E
y R
1 σ 1
= ×
R E y 150
1 1 σ
= ε× ε =
R D/2 E 50
2 50
= 2.5 ×10−4 × = 1× 10−3 = 0.001m -1
0.5 Now, shear force per unit length is given by,
e = 2.5 ´ 10 VAy
y 8 × 103 × 50 × 100 × 150
D NA F= = 4 N/mm
1.5 × 109
So, shear force per unit length at each nail,
F = 4 × 60 = 240 N
e = 2.5 ´ 10-4
Hence, the curvature in the beam cross-section is Hence, the correct option is (A).
0.001 m–1. 4.10 468810
4.8 (C)
Shear force in flange (horizontal member) is linear
with zero at free end and in web (vertical member) 40 cm
it is parabolic in nature. C1 10 cm
Shear force distribution for channel, 5 cm
y1 C2 50 cm
tmax y2
20 cm
A1 = 40 × 10 = 400 cm 2
Hence, the correct option is (C).
Strength of Materials 5
A2 = 20 × 50 = 1000 cm 2
y1 = 50 + 5 = 55cm
y2 = = 25cm
Centroid of composite shape from bottom
A1 y1 + A2 y2
A1 + A2
(400 × 55) + (1000 × 25)
400 + 1000
= 33.5714 cm
I xx = 40 × + 400(55 − 33.5714)2
50 3
+ 20 × + 1000(33.5714 − 25)2
I xx = 187007.29 + 281802.23
I xx = 468809.52 cm 4 ≅ 468810 cm 4
Hence, the correct answer is 468810.
6 Strength of Materials
5 Deflection of Beams
2014 IIT Kharagpur 5.4 For the cantilever beam of span 3 m (shown
below), a concentrated load of 20 kN applied
5.2 If the following equation establishes
at the free end causes a vertical displacement
equilibrium in slightly bent position, the
of 2 mm at a section located at a distance of
mid-span deflection of a member shown in
1 m from the fixed end. If a concentrated
the figure is
vertically downward load of 10 kN is applied
d2y P at the section located at a distance of 1 m
+ y=0
dx 2 EI from the fixed end (with no other load on the
If a is amplitude constant for y, then beam), the maximum vertical displacement
[2 Marks] in the same beam (in mm) is _____.
y [2 Marks]
20 kN
P EI P 2mm
1m 2m
Strength of Materials 1
5.5 The axial load (in kN) in the member PQ 2016 IISc Bangalore
for the arrangement/assembly shown in the
5.9 A 3m long simply supported beam of
figure given below is _______.
uniform cross section is subjected to a
[2 Marks]
P uniformly distributed load of
w = 20kN/m in the central 1m as shown
in the figure.
160 kN
Hinge Beam
S If the flexural rigidity (EI) of the beam is
2m 2m
30 ×106 N-m 2 , the maximum slope
2015 IIT Kanpur
(expressed in radians) of the deformed beam
5.6 A steel strip of length, L = 200 mm is fixed is [2 Marks]
at end A and rests at B on a vertical spring of (A) 0.681×10 −7
(B) 0.943 ×10−7
stiffness, k = 2 N/mm. The steel strip is 5 mm
(C) 4.310 ×10−7 (D) 5.910 ×10−7
wide and 10 mm thick. A vertical load, P =
50 N is applied at B, as shown in the figure. 2017 IIT Roorkee
Considering E = 200 GPa, the force (in N) 5.10 Two prismatic beams having the same
developed in the spring is ________. flexural rigidity of 1000 kNm 2 are shown in
the figures. [2 Marks]
6 kN/m
k d1
120 kN
[2 Marks, Set-II] d2
5.7 Two beams are connected by a linear spring 1m 1m
as shown in the following figure. For a load If the mid-span deflections of these beams
P as shown in the figure, the percentage of are denoted by δ1 and δ2 (as indicated in the
the applied load P carried by the spring is
figures), the correct option is
_______. [2 Marks]
P (A) δ1 = δ2 (B) δ1 < δ2
(C) δ1 > δ2 (D) δ1 >> δ2
kS = 2018 IIT Guwahati
(2 L3 )
5.11 The figure shows a simply supported
beam PQ of uniform flexural rigidity EI
5.8 A simply supported reinforced concrete carrying two moments M and 2M.
beam of length 10 m sags while undergoing M 2M
shrinkage. Assuming a uniform curvature of P Q
0.004 m −1 along the span, the maximum L/3 L/3 L/3
deflection (in m) of the beam at mid-span is The slope at P will be [2 Marks]
(A) 0 (B) ML/(9EI)
[2 Marks]
(C) ML/(6EI) (D) ML/(3EI)
2 Strength of Materials
2020 IIT Delhi = 5 m. Force Q is applied at the center of
beam WX such that the force in the spring
5.12 A cantilever beam PQ of uniform flexural VW becomes zero.
rigidity (EI) is subjected to a concentrated P
moment M at R as shown in the figure U 2a
[2 Marks] EI Q
R a a
M L/2
The magnitude of force Q (in kN) is
________. (round off to the nearest integer)
The deflection at the free end Q is [2 Marks]
3ML2 ML2 2023 IIT Kanpur
(A) (B)
4 EI 6 EI
5.15 When a simply-supported elastic beam of
3ML ML2 span L and flexural rigidity EI (E is the
(C) (D)
8 EI 4 EI modulus of elasticity and I is the moment of
2021 IIT Bombay inertia of the section) is loaded with a
5.13 Employ stiffness matrix approach for the uniformly distributed load w per unit length,
simply supported beam as shown in the the deflection at the mid-span is
figure to calculate unknown displacement 5 wL4
/rotations. Take length, L = 8 m; modulus of Δ0 =
384 EI
elasticity, E = 3 ×104 N/mm 2 ; moment of If the load on one half of the span is now
inertia, I = 225 × 106 mm 4 . removed, the mid-span deflection_____.
E, 2I
(A) Reduces to Δ0 /2
A B E, I
(B) Reduces to a value less than Δ0 /2
(C) Reduces to a value greater than Δ0 /2
L L (D) Remains unchanged at Δ0
2 2
The mid-span deflection of the beam (in mm,
round off to integer) under P = 100 kN in
downward direction will be _______.
[2 Marks]
2022 IIT Kharagpur
5.14 The linearly elastic planar structure shown in
the figure is acted upon by two vertical
concentrated forces. The horizontal beams
UV and WX are connected with the help of
the vertical linear spring with spring constant
k = 20 kN/m. The fixed supports are
provided at U and X. It is given that flexural
rigidity EI = 105 kN-m2, P = 100 kN, and a
Strength of Materials 3
5.1 0.7854 5.2 (C)
X d2y P
= − . y = −ω2 x
R sin q dx EI
Where, ω = .
dq Solution of difference equation,
= −ω2 x is given as,
A dx
y = A sin ωx + B cos ωx
Moment at any section X-X,
M xx = −WR sin θ From boundary condition, at x = 0, y = 0
∂M xx B=0
∴ = − R sin θ Also, at x = l , y = 0
From strain energy method, 0 = A sin ω l
Deflection at point B , But A can not be zero, otherwise for all values
π /2
∂U (∂M xx / ∂W ) of x, y will be zero.
δB = = M xx dx
∂W 0 EI Hence, ω l = nπ
π /2
(−WR sin θ)(− R sin θ) nπ n πx
dx ω=
y = A sin
π/ 2
(WR 2 sin 2 θ) Rd θ Hence, the correct option is (C).
dx (dx = Rd θ)
5.3 2.43
π/ 2
WR 3 360 C
= 2sin 2 θd θ 250
2 EI 0 mm 720
3 π /2 720 C Temperature
(1 − cos 2θ)d θ
= 1.5 m 1.5 m
2 EI 0
Due to temperature gradient, bottom section get
3 π/ 2
WR sin 2θ expanded while upper section remains of same
= θ−
2 EI 2 0 length.
π WR3
= …(i)
4 EI
WR 3
Now, according to the question, δ B = β
EI L/2 L/2
So, comparing it with equation (i), we have
π d
β = = 0.7854 L + LaDT1
Hence, the value of β is 0.7854 . L + LaDT2
4 Strength of Materials
5.4 1
L/2 L/2 d A = 2 mm
10 kN
1m 2m
From circle,
dB = ?
(2 R − δ) × δ = ×
2 2 20 × Δ B = 10 × (2)
(By the property of chord) ∴ Δ B = 1mm
L2 Hence, Maximum vertical displacement in the
2 Rδ − δ = beam under the load of 10 kN at a distance of 1 m
from fixed end is 1 mm.
L2 Key Point
2 Rδ = (δ2 <<<< 2 Rδ)
4 Maxwell – Betti Reciprocal Theorem :
The theorem states that the workdone by forces
δ= …(i) acting through displacement of the second system
8R is same as the work done by the second system of
Now from the circular arc forces acting through the displacements of the first
R R+h
= Thus, P.Δ1 = QΔ 2
L + LαΔT1 L + LαΔT2
(Since angle included between them is same)
α(ΔT1 − ΔT1 ) h D1 D2
1 + αΔT1 R This is also valid even when the first system of
As α × ΔT1 <<< 1 forces is P1 , P2 .......Pn and the second system of
forces is given by Q1 , Q2 ........Qn by the forces
R= …(ii) P1 , P2 ..........Pn only δ1 , δ2 ........δn be the
α(ΔT2 − ΔT1 )
displacements due to system of forces
Putting value of R from equation (ii) to equation Q1 , Q2 ........Qn only acting on the beam as shown
(i), we get
in fig.
L α(ΔT2 − ΔT1 ) P1 P2 Pi
∴ δ=
d1 d2 di
32 ×1.5 ×10−5 × 36
8 × 250 ×10−3 Q1 Q2 Qi
= 2.43mm
D1 D2 Di
Hence, the mid span deflection due to temperature
gradient is 2.43 mm. So, in general Pi Δi = Qi δi
Strength of Materials 5
to compression.
5.5 50
Now, since end B of beam is attached to
FBD of given problem is,
P Deflection of point B = Compression in spring
So, from FBD of beam,
( P − R) L3
RQ Deflection of point B = …(i)
RQ 160 kN 3EI
R and, compression in spring =
2m 2m k
By compatibility condition,
From equation (i) and (ii), we have
(Deflection at point Q in beam QR ) ( P − R) L3 R
= (Deflection at point Q in axial member PQ ) 3EI k
(50 − R )(200)3 R
RQ L3 RQ L =
∴ δ S + θS × QS − = 5 × 10 3
3EI AE 3 × 200 × 103 ×
160 × 23 160 × 22 RQ × 43 R = 3.0075 N
+ ×2− =0
3 × EI 2 EI 3 × EI Hence, the force developed in the spring is
(Deflection due to axial force will be very less 3.0075 N .
as compared to bending forces)
Scan for
6400 = RQ ×128 Video Solution
RQ = 50 kN 5.7 25
Hence, the axial load in the member PQ is 50 kN. L
E = 200 GPa. A B
The FBD for given problem is, R
B Beam ks
k Spring C D
6 Strength of Materials
compression is equal to the difference of OA2 + AQ 2 = OQ 2
deflection caused in two beams. 2
Let R be the force developed in spring due to 10
OA + = 2502
compression. 2
∴ Compression in spring OA = 2502 − 52 = 249.95 m
= (Deflection in upper beam
∴ Deflection at mid span
– Deflection in lower beam)
= OA '− OA = 250 − 249.95 = 0.05 m
Δ spring = δ B − δ D
Hence, the maximum deflection of the beam at
R ( P − R) L3 RL3 mid span is 0.05 m.
= −
ks 3EI 3EI 5.9 (*)
3 3
R ( P − R) L RL :Method 1:
= −
3EI 3EI 3EI Moment area method :
R(2 L3 ) ( P − R) L3 RL3
= −
2 R = ( P − R) − R
P Due to symmetrical loading
4 20 ×1
∴ Percentage of the applied load carried by Rp = RQ = = 10 kN
the spring
Now, M A = R p × 1 = 10 ×1 = 10 kN-m
R P/4
= ×100 = ×100 = 25%
P P 20 × 0.52
and, M B = 10 ×1.5 − = 12.5kN - m
Hence, the percentage of the applied load carried 2
by the spring is 25%. 12.5
Scan for
Video Solution
5.8 0.05
Given problem can be depicted in figure as A
0.5 m
shown below, 1m 1m 1m
O So, maximum slope in beam occurs at supports P
and Q,
R = 250 m M
∴ Maximum slope in beam = Area of
10 m EI
A 900 5m Q diagram between point A and B
A' 1 10 10
Given : Length, L = 10 m = × 1× + 0.5 ×
1 2 2.5
Curvature = = 0.004 m−1 + × 0.5 ×
3 EI
1 10.833 10.833
∴ R= = 250 m = = ×103
0.004 EI 30 ×10 6
8 Strength of Materials
1 L M 2L L 1 L M 5.12 (C)
R1 L − × × + − × ×
2 3 EI 3 9 2 3 EI R
L L 1 L M 2L L/2
+ + × × × =0 M
3 9 2 3 EI 9 L
∴ Slope at P, d1
θ p = Shear force at point a in conjugate beam
ML d2
θ p = SFp =
6EI δQ = δ1 + δ 2
Hence, the correct option is (D). 2
l l
:Method 2: M M
2 2 l
Moment area method = +
2 EI EI 2
dQ / P Ml 2 Ml 2
= +
P Q 8 EI 4 EI
M 2M
Ml 2 + 2 Ml 2 3Ml 2
L/3 L/3 L/3 = =
M 8 EI 8EI
EI + Hence, the correct option is (A).
– –
M M 5.13 119
EI EI Given : Length = 8 m
BMD/ EI E = 3 ×104 N/mm 2
δQ / P = Deflection of point Q w.r.t. to tangent at I = 225 ×106 mm 4
point P P = 100 kN
δQ / P P
θP = E, 2 I B
L A E, I
δQ / P = Moment of area of BMD/EI
1 M L 2L L
δQ / P = − × × +
2 EI 3 3 9 L L
2 2
1 M L L L
+ − × × +
2 EI 3 3 9
1 M L 2L 4
+ × × BMD
2 EI 3 9
= PL
6 EI 4 EI PL
ML 2 8EI
δQ / P ML
θP = = 6 EI = L B L EI
L L 6 EI 2 2
Hence, the correct option is (D).
Strength of Materials 9
Now, convert it into conjugate beam, since its K = 20 kN/m
simply supported beam then its conjugate beam EI = 105 kN-m 2
M P = 100 kN
remain same and diagram becomes our
EI a=5 m
loading diagram.
Free body diagram,
4 EI ( y1 )
PL 2a
A C R=0
2 2
Taking moment about B.
ΣM B = 0
1 PL L L 1 l
Then VA ( L) − × × × +
2 8 EI 2 2 3 2 a a
1 Pl 2 l 2 l 2 EI
− × × × = 0
2 4 EI 2 3 2
Deflection, y1 =
Pl 2 Pl 2 Pl 2 3EI
VA = + = P(2a)3
48 EI 48 EI 24 EI y1 =
L 1 PL L 1 L 3EI
∴ M B = VA × − × × × × =0
2 2 8EI 2 3 2 y1 =
100 ×103 (10)3
3 ×105 ×103
Pl 2 l Pl 3
MB = × − y1 = 0.333 m
24 EI 2 192 EI
R=0 Q
Pl 3
MB =
64 EI a a
In conjugate beam where we want to find
2 EI
deflection, take out moment about that point.
Pl 3 100 × 83 ×103 ×109
∴ δB = =
64 EI 64 × 3 ×104 × 225 ×106 Q
= 118.5 mm
a a
5.14 640
Given : Q
U a a
2a y2
V Qa
By using moment area method
a a
1 1 5a
2 EI y2 = aQa ×
2 EI 2 3
10 Strength of Materials
5Qa 3
y2 = = 0.33
12 EI
0.33 =
12 ×105 ×103
Q = 640000 N
Q = 640 kN
5.15 A
5 wL4
Given : Δ 0 =
384 EI
Strength of Materials 11
6 Torsion of Shafts and Pressure Vessels
6.2 A solid circular beam with radius of 0.25 m 6.5 The hoop stress at point on the surface of a
and length of 2 m is subjected to a twisting thin cylinder pressure vessel is computed to
moment of 20 kNm about the z-axis at the be 30 MPa . The value of Maximum shear
free end, which is the only load acting as stress at this point is
shown in the figure. The shear stress (A) 15 MPa (B) 30 MPa
component τ xy at point M in the cross (C) 7.5 MPa (D) 22.5 MPa
section of the beam at a distance of 1 m from [1 Mark]
the fixed end is 2023 IIT Kanpur
[1 Mark]
x 6.6 A circular solid shaft of span L = 5 m is fixed
20 kNm
M M at one end and free at the other end. A torque
y T = 100 kN.m is applied at the free end. The
2m shear modulus and polar moment of inertia
(A) 0.0 MPa (B) 0.51 MPa of the section are denoted as G and J,
(C) 0.815 MPa (D) 2.0 MPa respectively. The torsional rigidity GJ is
6.3 A closed thin-walled tube has thickness t,
50,000 kN.m 2 /rad . The following are
mean enclosed area within the boundary of
reported for this shaft:
the centerline of tube's thickness is Am and
Statement i) The rotation at the free end is
shear stress τ . Torsional moment of 0.01 rad
resistance T, of the section would be
Statement ii) The torsional strain energy is
(A) 2τAm t (B) 4τAm t 1.0 kN.m
(C) τAmt (D) 0.5τAmt With reference to the above statements,
2021 IIT Bombay which of the following is true?
(A) Both the statements are correct
6.4 A solid circular torsional member OPQ is
(B) Statement i) is correct, but Statement ii)
subjected to torsional moments as shown in
is wrong
the figure (not to scale). The yield shear
(C) Statement i) is wrong, but Statement ii)
strength of the constituent material is 160
MPa. [1 Mark] is correct
(D) Both the statements are wrong
Strength of Materials 1
6.1 23
Given : Outer diameter of the shaft T
( D ) = 100 mm A B
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Inner diameter of the shaft (d ) = 50 mm
Allowable shear stress (τ) = 125 MPa Scan for
Video Solution
Let the maximum torque be (Tmax )
6.3 (A)
π D4 − d 4
Tmax = τ
16 D Torsional moment of resistance T is given by,
τ× J TR
π 100 4 − 50 4 T= τ =
= 125 R J
16 100
τ× 2πR3t
= 23009711.82 Nmm T= = τ× 2πR 2t
Tmax = 23009 Nm = 23kNm T = 2τAmt ( πR 2
= Am )
Hence, the maximum torque that the shaft can
Hence, the correct option is (A).
resist is 23 kN-m.
6.4 15.279
6.2 (A)
2 kNm
According to question, d 1 = 0.1 m
x 3 kNm 1 kNm
T Material element aligned with
cylindrical coordinate axes 5m
1 kNm
y Radial d 2 = 0.08 m
direction p 1 kNm
p P Q
T 2m
All other stress
16TOP 16 × 3 ×106
components are (τmax )OP = =
zero in longitudinal π× d13 π× (100)3
direction l
The only non-zero stresses are τθz = τ zθ = τ, , if θ (τmax )OP = 15.279 MPa
is 900 then θ = y . 16TpQ 16 ×1×106
(τmax ) PQ = =
16 T π× d 23 π× (80)3
∴ τ zy = τ yz = τmax =
πd 3
(τmax ) PQ = 9.947 MPa
16 × 20 ×10
= = 0.815 MPa ∴ Absolute maximum shear stress in member
π(2 × 0.25)3
= max ( τ max )OP , ( τ max ) PQ
But in rest of the planes shear stresses are zero.
So, τ xy = τ yx = 0 = 15.279 MPa
2 Strength of Materials
6.5 (A)
30 15 30 − 15
= max , ,
2 2 2
= 15 MPa
6.6 (B)
T Gθ
(i) We know, =
Rotation at the free end is given as
TL 100 ×103 × 5 500
θ= = 3
= = 0.01
GJ 50000 ×10 50000
∴ θ = 0.01 rad
1 T 2L
(ii) Strain energy = × T × θ =
2 2GJ
(100) 2 × 5
2 × 50000 = 0.5 kN-m
Thus, statement I is true and Statement II is False.
Hence, the correct option is (B).
Strength of Materials 3
7 Theory of Columns and Shear Centre
Strength of Materials 1
6 EI
h (B) 2 rad/s
(C) 6 rad/s
1 2 EI
E, I (D) rad/s
L L m
7.8 Consider the cross-section of a beam made
up of thin uniform elements having
thickness t (t a) shown in the figure. The
If elastic modulus (E) of steel is 200 GPa, (x, y) coordinates of the points along the
ignoring self-weight of the tank. For the center-line of the cross-section are given in
supporting steel column to remain the figure.
unbuckled. The maximum depth (h) of the y
2a a
water permissible (in m, round off to one K (a , 3a )
decimal place) is _______.
( − 2 a , 3 a) t
[2 Marks]
7.7 A single story building model is shown in t
the figure. The rigid bar of mass ‘m’ is
supported by three massless elastic
columns whose ends are fixed against
rotation. For each of the columns, the x
J (0, 0)
applied lateral force (P) and corresponding
moment (M) are also shown in the figure. The coordinates of the shear center of this
The lateral deflection (δ ) of the bar is cross-section are : [1 Mark]
(A) x = 0, y = 3 a
given by δ= , where L is the (B) x = 2 a , y = 2 a
12 EI
effective length of the column, E is the (C) x = − a , y = 2 a
Young’s modulus of elasticity and l is the (D) x = − 2 a , y = a
area moment of inertia of the column cross-
section with respect to its neutral axis.
Rigid bar
Lateral deflection
Building model profile of any column
For the lateral deflection profile of the
columns as shown in the figure, the natural
frequency of the system for horizontal
oscillation is [1 Mark]
2 EI
(A) rad/s
L m
2 Strength of Materials
7.1 (D) 7.3 (A)
Let, PP and PQ be the buckling load for column P According to question,
and Q respectively. For any loading condition, all L L
the factors i.e., E, π and I will be same and cancel A C B
q q
out, except length L.
Since, buckling load is independent of yield
strength, we can write D
Strength of Materials 3
P1 2π2 EI 4 L2 π
= × 2 =8 FBottom = 1000 ×10 × h × ×1.52
P2 L2 π EI 4
Hence, the ratio (up to one decimal place) of the FBottom = 17671.45868h N
buckling load of column 2 to the buckling load of To avoid buckling, FBottom ≤ PE
column 1 is 8.0. 17621.45868 h ≤ 47903.22
7.5 (A) h ≤ 2.71 m
Given : Buckling load of column =P ∴ hmax = 2.7 m
Height of the column = h 7.7 (C)
Cross-section = a × 2 a
1. For one column
Load on the column, M
2a × a 3 P
π2 E 2 4
P= 12 = π Ea …(i) P 3
h2 6h 2 δ=
12 EI
Let, P0 be the buckling load of the redesigned
column then,
2. For combined system
3a × (0.5a )3 δ
π2 E
P0 = 12 P
(1.5h) 2
π2 Ea 4 1 π2 Ea 4
P0 = = ×
72h 2 12 6h 2
From equation (i) and (ii) we have, P3 P
δ= =
1 P 36 EI K
P0 = × P =
12 12 36EI
K= 3
Hence, the correct option is (A).
7.6 2.7 K EI
w= =6 rad/sec
Given : Diameter of solid steel column, m m3
D = 0.075 m Hence, the correct option is (C).
Height of column, L = 4 m 7.8 (A)
Effective length of column, Le = 2 L = 8 m Y
2a a
By Euler’s formula,
π2 EI
PE =
π 3a
π2 × 200 ×109 × × 0.0754
PE = 64
PE = 47903.22 N
(0, 0)
FBottom = ρgh × ×1.52 Co-ordinates of shear centre = (0,3a )
4 Strength of Materials
S. No. Topics
1. Determinacy & Indeterminacy (Static & Kinematic)
4. Analysis of Trusses
6. Analysis of Arches
8. Structural Dynamics
1 Determinacy & Indeterminacy (Static & Kinematic)
Q x
(A) Zero (B) One Consider the following statements about the
(C) Two (D) Unstable external and internal determinacies of the
2015 IIT Kharagpur
P. Externally determinate
1.3 A guided support as shown in the figure Q. External static indeterminacy = 1
below is represented by three springs R. External static indeterminacy = 2
(horizontal, vertical and rotational) with S. Internally determinate
stiffness k x , k y and kθ respectively. The T. Internal static indeterminacy = 1
limiting values of k x , k y and kθ are U. Internal static indeterminacy = 2
Which one of the following options is
[1 Mark] correct?
(A) P-False, Q-True; R-False; S-False; T-
(A) ∞, 0, ∞ (B) ∞, ∞, ∞ False; U-True
(B) P-False, Q-True; R-False; S-False; T-
(C) 0, ∞, ∞ (D) ∞, ∞, 0
True; U-False
2016 IISc Bangalore (C) P-False, Q-False; R-True; S-False; T-
1.4 The kinematic indeterminacy of the plane False; U-True
truss shown in the figure is (D) P-True, Q-True; R-False; S-True; T-
[1 Mark] False; U-True
Structural Analysis 1
1.6 Consider the frame shown in the figure Hinge
Note : The beam given is having only vertical 45
load hence, there will be no horizontal reaction.
∴ The number of equilibrium equation = 2
Number of external reaction, R = 3
Degree of external indeterminacy,
900 P
Dse = R − 2 = 3 − 2 = 1 Q
Degree of internal indeterminacy,
Dsi = 3C − rr Ds = Dse + Dsi
Where, C = Number of closed loop = 0. Dse = R − 3
rr = (m '− 1) = (2 − 1) = 1 Number of external reaction = 4
Dsi = 3 × 0 − 1 = −1 Dse = 4 − 3 = 1
Dsi = 3C − rr
Hence, Ds = Dse + Dsi = 1 − 1 = 0
Where, C = Closed loop = 0
Note : Stable for vertical loading and unstable
rr = Σ(m '− 1) = 2 − 1 = 1
for horizontal loading.
Dsi = 3 × 0 − 1 = −1
Hence, the static indeterminacy of the two-span
continuous beam with an internal hinge, shown Ds = Dse + Dsi = 1 − 1 = 0
below is 0. Hence, the correct option is (A).
2 Structural Analysis
We know that, for plane truss, kinematic
Scan for
Video Solution
Dk = 2 j − R
1.3 (A) Where, total number of joint, j = 7
According to question, Total number of external reaction, R = 3
∴ Dk = 2 × 7 − 3 = 14 − 3 = 11
The give support is guided roller support which Hence, the correct option is (A).
has 2 reaction.
1.5 (A)
1. Horizontal and
2. Moment i.e. θ = 0 According to question,
Stiffness in x-direction,
Load R
Kx = = x
Deflection Δ
∴ There is restriction in x-direction Δ = 0.
Kx = x = ∞
Stiffness in y-direction,
Load R R
Ky = = y = y
Deflection Δ ∞
There is no restriction in y-direction Δ → ∞
Ry Degree of external static indeterminacy,
Ky = =0 Dse = R − Equilibrium equation
Similarly, stiffness in θ direction, Where, R = Number of support reaction = 4
Moment M θ Equilibrium equation = 3
Kθ = =
Rotation θ Dse = 4 − 3 = 1
∴ θ is restricted i.e. θ = 0 .
M (Externally indeterminacy)
Kθ = θ = ∞ ∴ External static indeterminacy is equal to 1.
Hence, K x , K y , K θ are respectively ∞, 0, ∞ . Degree of internal static indeterminacy,
Dsi = m − (2 j − 3) (for plane truss)
Scan for
Video Solution Where, Number of members in the structures
m = 15
1.4 (A) Number of joints in the structure j = 8
According to question, Dsi = 15 − (2 × 8 − 3) = 2
(Internally indeterminate)
And internal static indeterminacy is 2.
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Scan for
Video Solution
Structural Analysis 3
1.6 (B) rr = 2 − 1 = 1
According to question, Dsi = 3 × 4 − 1 = 11
Ds = Dse + Dsi = 4 + 11 = 15
Hence, the degree of static indeterminacy of the
plane frame as shown in the figure is 15.
..Method 2..
By formula, Ds = 3m − (3 j − R ) − rr
Given that, the frame shown in figure is rigid.
(for plane frame)
Hence, the degree of kinematic indeterminacy,
Where, number of member in structure, m = 22
Dk = (3 j − R) − m " Number of joints in structure, j = 19
Where, number of joints in the structure, j = 6 Total reaction acting at support, R = 7
Total support reaction, R = 4 rr = Σ(m '− 1)
Number of inextensible (rigid) members m " = 6 Where, m ' = Number of member meeting at
Note : In question reduction of kinematic hybrid joint.
indeterminacy is asked when member are rr = 2 − 1 = 1
assumed to be rigid.
Hence, Ds = 3 × 22 − (3 ×19 − 7) − 1 = 15
Case 1 : When member are extensible,
Hence, the degree of static indeterminacy of the
Dk1 = 3 j − R = 3 × 6 − 4 = 14
plane frame as shown in the figure is 15.
(members are extensible)
Scan for
Case 2 : When member are inextensible (rigid), Video Solution
Dk2 = 3 j − R − m " 1.8 (D)
Dk 2 = 3 × 6 − 4 − 6 = 8 Given :
Reduction in Dk = Dk − Dk = 14 − 8 = 6
1 2 θ
Hence, the correct option is (B).
1.7 15
..Method 1..
Degree of external indeterminacy,
Dse = R − Available equilibrium equation
Total external reaction at support, R = 5 (reactions)
R = 3+ 2+ 2 = 7 Equilibrium reaction = 3
Degree of static indeterminacy,
Dse = 7 − 3 = 4
DSI = R − 3 2
Degree of internal indeterminacy, Kinematic indeterminacy, KI = ?
Dsi = 3C − rr At simply supported only one chances of
Where, C = Number of closed loop = 4. rotation or of is free to rotate.
rr = m '− 1 So, KI = 1
Hence, the correct option is (D).
Where, m ' = Number of member meeting at
hybrid joint
4 Structural Analysis
2 Force and Energy Methods
Structural Analysis 1
2019 IIT Madras the loads acting at joints L and M are along
the positive X direction. [2 Marks]
2.5 A portal frame shown in figure (not drawn to Y
10 kN 10 kN 10 kN
scale) has a hinge support at joint P and a
roller support at joint R. A point load of 50 I J K
2 Structural Analysis
WR 3 π /2 (1 − cos 2θ) Note :
δQ =
EI 0 2
dθ P
2 1 − cos 2θ A
sin θ =
qB qB L
3 π /2
WR sin 2θ L L
δQ = θ − 2
2EI 0 δC = δ B + θ B L
π wR3 Hence, the axial load 50 kN.
δQ =
4 EI 2.3 (B)
π A D
On comparing, β = = 0.7854
Hence, the value of β is 0.7854.
2.2 50
Rigid arm P
According to question, Rope
In above problem under the action of concentrated
2m 160 kN
load P at C, the tensile force (T ) will develop in
the rope which is inclined at 450 to the horizontal.
2m 2m A
From the given problem axial load in the member
PQ can be found out by considering PQ to be T sin450
rigid. Hence deflection at Q will be zero. L
By drawing free body diagram,
For point Q, 450
T cos45
160 kN 0
Structural Analysis 3
2.4 (D) Key Point
According to question, P
w qP qQ
θP = and θQ =
L 6 EI 3 EI
Figure - I
w and R
3 2
Hinge Y ΔR = and θ R =
L L 3EI 2 EI
4 Structural Analysis
P 5m xs = 6 2 cos θ
Virtual displacements of all the points.
x δyI = 2 cos θ d θ, δy j = 2 cos θ d θ,
10 m
δyk = 2 cos θ d θ
δxL = − 2 sin θ d θ,
δxm = −5 2 sin θ d θ,
M x = 100 × 5 − 50 x δxs = −6 2 sin θ d θ
dM x
= 10 − x Principle of virtual work to find unknown
dH R horizontal force H S .
Limit 0 to 10 m. δU = 0
ΔR = = −10 × 2 cos θ d θ × 3 + 10 ×− 2 sin θ d θ
δH R
5 (100 x )(2 x ) 10 (500 − 50 x )(10 − x ) + 10 ×− 5 2 sin θ d θ − Hs ×− 6 2 sin θ d θ
ΔR = dx + dx
0 EI 0 EI
30 2 cos θ + 10 2 sin θ + 50 2 sin θ
50 x 3
10 Hs =
5 5000 x + 500 x + 2 6 2 sin θ
200( x)3 3
ΔR = + 0
Put, θ = 45 ,
3EI 0 EI 0
Δ R = 0.025 m = 25 mm Hs = = 15 kN
Hence, the horizontal displacement of joint R Hence, the correct option is (D).
would be 25 mm.
2.7 18
Scan for
Video Solution tan θ =
2.6 (D) 1
θ = tan −1 = 39.80°
Degree of indeterminacy = 4 − 3 = 1 1.2
10 kN 10 kN 10 kN FBD :
P F cos θ U
2m HP θ
R q N P S F
10 N
F sin θ
L 10 kN Q M 10 kN
1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m Taking moment about P = 0
Hence, for determinate structure hinge support at ΣM p = 0
S is replace with roller support as shown in the F sin θ×1.2 = 10 × (1.2 + 0.6)
figure. F = 23.43 N
Coordinates of all the points where forces are
Horizontal component of force transferred from
PQ to member RS atP
yI = 2 sin θ, y j = 2 sin θ,
= F cos θ = 23.43 cos(39.805) = 18 N
yk = 2 sin θ Hence, the correct answer is 18.
xI = 2 cos θ, xm = 5 2 cos θ,
Structural Analysis 5
3 Displacement Method of Analysis
20 kN
2013 IIT Bombay
3m 1m 1m 3m
3.1 All members in the rigid-jointed frame M
shown are prismatic and have the same EI EI EI
flexural stiffness EI. Find the magnitude of Internal hinge
the B.M. at Q (in kNm) due to given loading.
3.4 Considering the symmetry of a rigid frame
[2 Marks] as shown below, the magnitude of the
3m 4m bending moment (in kNm) at P (preferably
using the moment distribution method) is
2m [2 Marks]
P T R 24 kN/m
100 kNm
4Ic P 4Ic
6m I Ic Ic
Structural Analysis 1
P [2 Marks]
2000 kN
1650 L P
(E, I) 2m Q
kN/m R
Q (E, I) S
(E, I) 4m EI L
4m S
The rotation (in degrees) up to one decimal (A) 7.5 (B) 3.0
place at the rigid joint Q would be ______.
(C) 48.0 (D) 0.1
[2 Marks]
2020 IIT Delhi
2018 IIT Guwahati
3.7 A vertical load of 10 kN acts on a hinge 3.10 The planar structure RST shown in the figure
located at a distance of L / 4 from the roller is roller-supported at S and pin-supported at
support Q of a beam of length L (see figure) R. Members RS and ST have uniform
[1 Mark] flexural rigidity (EI) and S is a rigid joint.
10 kN Consider only bending deformation and
neglect effects of self-weight and axial
P Q stiffening.
[2 Marks]
3L/4 L/4 P T
The vertical reaction at support Q is
(A) 0.0 kN (B) 2.5 kN
(C) 7.5 kN (D) 10.0 kN R S
3.8 A prismatic beam PQR of flexural rigidity
EI = 1 × 10 4 kNm 2 is subjected to a moment L
When the structure is subjected to a
of 180 kNm at Q as shown in the figure.
concentrated horizontal load P and the end
180 kNm
T, the magnitude of rotation at the support R,
Q is
5m 4m PL2 PL
(A) (B)
The rotation at Q (in radian) up to two 12 EI 6 EI
decimal places is _______. [2 Marks] PL 3
(C) (D)
2019 IIT Madras 12 EI 6 EI
2021 IIT Bombay
3.9 The rigid jointed plane frame QRS shown in
figure is subjected to load P at the joint R. 3.11 A square plate O-P-Q-R of a linear elastic
Let the axial deformations in the frame be material with sides 1.0 m is loaded in a state
neglected. If the support S undergoes a of plane stress. Under a given stress
PL3 condition, the plate deforms to a new
settlement of Δ = , the vertical reaction configuration O-P’-Q’-R’ as shown in the
β EI
figure (not to scale). Under the given
at the supports S will be become zero when deformation the edges of the plate remain
β is equal to straight.
2 Structural Analysis
y 10 mm
10 mm
R 5m
P' F
10 mm M
O x
20 mm EI EI 4m
The horizontal displacement of the point (0.5
m, 0.5 m) in the plate O-P-Q-R (in mm, G
round off to one decimal place) is _______.
3m 3m
[2 Marks]
If the magnitude (absolute value) of the
3.12 A frame EFG is shown in the figure. All support moment at H is 10 kN-m, the
members are prismatic and have equal magnitude (absolute value) of the applied
flexural rigidity. The member FG carries a moment M (in kN-m) to maintain static
uniformly distributed load w per unit length. equilibrium is _____. (round off to the
Axial deformation of any member is nearest integer)
neglected. [2 Marks]
L 3.14 Which of the following statement(s) is/are
correct? [2 Marks]
F (A) If a linearly elastic structure is subjected
to a set of loads, the partial derivative of
the total strain energy with respect to the
deflection at any point is equal to the
2L load applied at that point.
(B) If a linearly elastic structure is subjected
to a set of loads, the partial derivative of
E the total strain energy with respect to the
load at any point is equal to the
Considering the joint F being rigid, the
deflection at that point.
support reaction at G is
(C) If a structure is acted upon by two force
[2 Marks] system Pa and Pb , in equilibrium
(A) 0.500 wL (B) 0.375 wL separately, the external virtual work
(C) 0.453 wL (D) 0.482 wL done by a system of forces Pb during the
2022 IIT Kharagpur deformations caused by another system
of forces Pa is equal to the external
3.13 Consider the linearly elastic plane frame
shown in the figure. Members HF, FK and virtual work done by the Pa system
FG are welded together at joint F. Joints K, during the deformation caused by the Pb
G and H are fixed supports. A counter- system.
clockwise moment M is applied at joint F. (D) The shear force in a conjugate beam
Consider flexural rigidity EI = 105 kN-m 2 loaded by the M/EI diagram of the real
for each member and neglect axial beam is equal to the corresponding
deformations. deflection of the real beam.
Structural Analysis 3
2023 IIT Kanpur reaction at A is wL2 /k . What is the value
3.15 For the frame shown in the figure (not to of 𝑘 (in integer)? _________.
scale), all members (AB, BC, CD, GB, and
w w
CH) have the same length, 𝐿 and flexural
rigidity, 𝐸𝐼. The joints at B and C are rigid
joints, and the supports A and D are fixed
supports. Beams GB and CH carry L
uniformly distributed loads of 𝑤 per unit
length. The magnitude of the moment
100 kNm
2m 1m 2m
Using Betti’s law,
Q 10 × 2 = 20 × Δ
Δ = 1mm
Stiffness of member TP, ( KTP ) = Hence, the maximum vertical displacement at the
end when load is placed at 1 m from the fixed
Stiffness of member TS , ( K TS ) = 0
support is 1 mm.
4 EI 4 EI Note : Betti’s theorem, the virtual work done by
Stiffness of member TQ, ( KTQ ) = =
L 2 a P-force system is equal to the virtual work done
= 2EI by Q-force system in going through the
4 EI 4 EI deformation of P-force system.
Stiffness of member TR, ( KTR ) = = P1
L 4
= EI y1
ΣK = EI + 0 + 2EI + EI = 4EI P2
8m 8m 3.5 60
From given problem we can see that, axis of According to question,
symmetry is passing through a column, hence, it 30 kN/m M
can be treated as, B C
4Ic 4m 6m
8m Since, due to the moment ' M ' the joint B does
6m I
c not rotate, it will behave like a fixed support and
A member BC shall be treated as a null beam since,
there is no loading.
Stiffness of member BA, 30 kN/m
4 EI 4 EI C 2
K BA = = = EI C A B
L 6 3
Stiffness of member BP , RA 4m RB
4 EI 4 E × 4 I C R A + RB = 30 × 4
K BP = = = 2 EI C
L 8 Due to symmetry R A = RB
2 8 EI C 2 RB = 30 × 4
ΣK = EI C + 2 EI C =
3 3
RB = 60 kN
D.F . = The value of support reaction at B should be equal
ΣK i
to 60 kN.
Structural Analysis 5
Scan for 3.7 (A)
Video Solution According to question,
10 kN
3.6 1.0
According to question,
P RP 3L/4 L/4
2000 kN RQ
1650 2m Taking moment about the internal hinge from right
(E, I)
kN/m side,
Q (E, I) S L
RQ × = 0
(E, I) 4m RQ = 0
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Scan for
4m Video Solution
Moment at ' Q ' due to given loading,
2 3.8 0.01
M Q = 2000 × 2 − 1650 × 2 ×
2 According to question,
M Q = 700 kN-m 180 kNm
EI = 2.5 × 10 4 × 8 × 108 Q
6 Structural Analysis
2 ×104 VQ = VR
= 0+ × (2θQ + 0) = 8000 × θQ
5 Taking moment about Q.
2 EI ΣM Q = 0 ,
M QP = M FQP + (2θQ + θ R )
L 3EI Δ 4.5 EI Δ
( M FQR = 0, θ R = 0) − 2
+ VR × L − =0
L L2
2 ×104 7.5 EI Δ
= 0+ (2θQ ) = 10000 θQ P = VR =
4 L3
R 7.5EI Δ
Hence, sway force, P =
ΣM Q = 0 , PL3
Δ= …(i)
− M QP − M QR − 180 = 0 7.5EI
18000 × θQ = −180 PL3
On comparing with, Δ =
−180 βEI
θQ = = 0.01 radian β = 7.5
[(– ve) = Anticlockwise] Hence, the vertical reaction at the supports S will
3.9 (A) be become zero when β is equal to 7.5.
Given that the support S undergoes a settlement of : Method 2 :
Δ , then R will also sinks by ' Δ ' . Slop deflection method
: Method 1 :
6 EI Δ H
M QR = −
6 EI Δ
M RQ =− 2 P H
and M RS = M SR = 0
Due to symmetry distribution factor at ' R ' is 0.5
and 0.5 using moment distribution method.
0.5 0.5
6 EI D 6EI D 0
Fixed end
- -
0 2 EI 3Δ
moments L2 L2 M QR = θR −
Balancing 3EI D 3EI D L L
moment L2 L2 2 EI 3Δ
Carry over 1.5 EI D 1.5 EI D M RQ = 2θR −
moment L2 L2 L L
Find end
4.5EI D
3EI D 3EI D 1.5 EI D If reaction at S is equal to zero,
moment L2 L2 L2 L2 M RQ + M QR + P.L = 0
Considering QR member, 6 EI θ R 12 EI Δ
− + PL = 0
4.5EI D Q L2
L2 L2 6 EI θ R 12 EI PL3
− 2 × + PL = 0
VQ VR = P 6 EI θR 12 PL
− + PL = 0 …(i)
ΣFy = 0 , L β
Structural Analysis 7
From equilibrium of joint, 3.11 2.5
M RQ + M RS = 0 y
8 EI θ R 6 EI Δ 10 mm
− 2 =0
10 mm
6 EI θ R 6 6 EI PL3
= 2 × R
L 8 L β EI
6 EI θ R 36 PL
− …(ii) c
L 8β
From equation (i) and (ii),
36 PL 96 PL 10 mm
− + PL = 0 5 mm
8β 8β O
20 mm
60 PL
+ PL = 0 Horizontal displacement :
10 mm
8β = 60
β= = 7.5 1
8 x=
Hence, the vertical reaction at the supports S will
be become zero when β is equal to 7.5.
Scan for (0.5, 0.5) m
Video Solution 2
1− x =
0.5 m 3
3.10 (A)
According to question,
20 mm
10 20
− =−
x 1− x
1 x
2 1− x
1 − x = 2x
AB 20
2 2
− 0.5
3 3
Neglecting axial deformations,
AB = 5 mm
ML 2 PL2 So, horizontal displacement of
θR = = =
6 EI 6 EI 12 EI 5
C= = 2.5 mm
(Anticlockwise) 2
Hence, the correct option is (A). Moving in horizontal direction,
8 Structural Analysis
3.13 60
10 mm
Given: Flexural rigidity ( EI ) = 10 5 kN-m 2
Magnitude of the support
e Moment at H = 10 kN-m
The magnitude (absolute value) of the applied
moment M is,
10 mm M
5 mm = 10 kNm
10 + 5 M = 6 ×10
Vertical displacement of C = = 7.5 mm
2 M = 60 kNm
3.12 (D)
3.14 (A), (B), (C)
∂U As per betti’s theorem
Compatibility condition, =0
∂R P1 P2
∂ M
dx = 0
∂R 2 EI δ1 δ2
PA System
wx 2
Rx − 2L
RL −
∂ 2 2 P3 P4
dx + dx = 0
∂R 2 EI 2 EI
PB System
δ3 δ4
wx 2 2 wL3 P1 S 3 + P2 S 4 = P3 S1 + P4 S 2
Rx − 2L
RL −
2 ( x ) dx + 2
0 2 EI 0 2 EI ( L)dx = 0 As per Castigliano’s theorem-1
2 wx 3
2 wL 3
Rx − 2 L RL − dx ∂U
2 2 δ=
0 EI
=0 ∂P
U = Total strain energy
3 4 3
RL w L
− × + RL2 (2 L) −
(2 L) = 0 P = Load applied
3 2 4 2 ∂U
RL3 wL4 ∂S
− + 2 RL3 − wL4 = 0
3 8 As per Castigliano theorem.
RL3 wL4 9 3.15 6
2 RL3 + = + wL4 = wL4
2 8 8 E
w kN/m B C w kN/m
7 RL3 9 4 L L
= wL
3 8
Axis of
27 symmetry
R= wL = 0.482wL
56 A D
Hence, the correct option is (D).
Distribution factors of member BA and BC
Structural Analysis 9
(Applied moment)
2 L
B 2
k BC
k BA Imaginary frame
Join Membe D.F =
t r
k k k
B BA I 2
L 3 I 3
1 I 2L 1
BC’ 3
2 L
10 Structural Analysis
4 Analysis of Trusses
P (0, 4)
2013 IIT Bombay 22.840
Determine the tension force in segment AB P Q
at this cable (correct to 1 decimal place). 4m 4m
Assume the cable ABCD, BE and CF are
weightless. [2 Marks] 2015 IIT Kanpur
A D 4.5 For the 2D truss with the applied loads
1m shown below, the strain energy in the
C member XY is _____ kN-m. For member XY,
assume AE = 30 kN, where A is cross-section
area and E is the modulus of elasticity.
E F [2 Marks]
5 kN
Structural Analysis 1
2016 IISc Bangalore Which one of the following sets gives the
correct values of the force, stress and change
4.6 Consider the plane truss with load P as
in length of the horizontal member QR?
shown in the figure. Let the horizontal and
[2 Marks]
vertical reactions at the joint B be H B and (A) Compressive force = 25 kN;
VB , respectively and VC be the vertical Stress = 250 kN/m2 ;
reaction at the joint C . [1 Mark] Shortening = 0.0118 m
A G (B) Compressive force = 14.14 kN;
Stress = 141.4 kN/m2 ;
P Extension = 0.0118 m
L (C) Compressive force = 100 kN;
600 600
Stress = 1000 kN/m2 ;
D Shortening = 0.0417 m
L L (D) Compressive force = 100 kN;
Which one of the following sets gives the Stress = 1000 kN/m2 ;
correct values of VB , H B and VC ? Extension = 0.0417 m
(A) VB = 0, H B = 0, VC = P 4.8 A plane truss with applied loads is shown in
the figure. [2 Marks]
(B) VB = , H B = 0, VC = 20 kN
2 2 10 kN
10 kN J
P P 1m
(C) VB = , H B = P (sin 600 ), VC = H K
2 2 G U V
F M 1m
(D) VB = P, H B = P (cos 60 ), VC = 0 E N 1m
4.7 Consider the structural system shown in the
figure under the action of weight W. All the 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m
joints are hinged. The properties of the The members which do not carry any force
members in terms of length (L), area (A) and are
the modulus of elasticity (E) are also given (A) FT, TG, HU, MP, PL
in the figure. Let L, A and E be 1 m, 0.05 m2 (B) ET, GS, UR, VR, QL
(C) FT, GS, HU, MP, QL
and 30 × 106 N/m2 , respectively, and W be (D) MP, PL, HU, FT, UR
100 kN.
2018 IIT Guwahati
Joint C
450 2A, E 450
450 450
2 Structural Analysis
Given that E = 2 ×1011 N/m2 , A = 10 mm2 , RR denote the vertical reactions (upward
L = 1 m and P = 1 kN. The horizontal positive) applied by the supports at P , Q and
displacement of joint C (in mm up to one R . Respectively on the truss. The correct
decimal place) is ______. [2 Marks] combination of ( RP , RQ , RR ) is represented
4.10 All the members of the planar truss (see
figure), have the same properties in terms of
area of cross-section (A) and modulus of [1 Mark]
elasticity (E).
P 3m
P 30 kN
3m 3m 3m
(A) (10,30, −10) kN (B) (30, −30,30) kN
(C) (20, 0,10) kN (D) (0, 60, −30) kN
For the loads shown on the truss, the
statement that correctly represents the nature 2020 IIT Delhi
of forces in the members of the truss is 4.13 Consider the planar truss shown in the figure
[1 Mark] (not drawn to the scale)
(A) There are 3 members in tension and 2 L L L
members in compression
(B) There are 2 members in tension 2
member in compression and 1 zero-force L
members P
(C) There are 2 members in tension 1
member in compression and 2 zero-force Neglecting self-weight of the members, the
members number of zero-force members in the truss
(D) There are 2 members in tension and 3 under the action of the load P, is [1 Mark]
zero force members (A) 7 (B) 6
2019 IIT Madras (C) 8 (D) 9
4.14 The plane truss has hinge supports at P and
4.11 A plane truss is shown in figure not drawn to
W and is subjected to the horizontal forces as
shown in the figure (not drawn to the scale)
20 kN 20 kN 2m 2m
20 kN K N 20 kN 10 kN Z
G S 1m
F H J M O R 10 kN Y
2m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m
Which one of the following options contains 4m
ONLY zero force members in the truss? Q T X
10 kN
(A) FG , FI , HI , RS (B) FI , FG , RS , PR
(C) FG , FH , HI , RS (D) FI , HI , PR, RS 4m
Structural Analysis 3
Representing the tensile force with ‘+’ sign R
E, 2 A
and the compressive force with ‘–’ sign, the
force in member XW (in kN, round off to the E, A E, A E, A
nearest integer) is _______. E, A
[2 Marks] T
2021 IIT Bombay E, A E, A
4.15 A truss EFGH is shown in the figure, in
which all the members have the same axial F
rigidity R. In the figure, P is the magnitude If load, F = 10 3 kN, moment of inertia,
of external horizontal forces acting at joints
I = 8.33 × 106 mm 4 , area of cross-section,
F and G.
F G A = 104 mm 2 , and length, L = 2 m for all
P P the members of the truss, the compressive
stress (in kN/m2, in integer) carried by the
member Q - R is ________. [2 Marks]
2022 IIT Kharagpur
4.17 The plane truss shown in the figure is
subjected to external force (P). It is given
L that P = 70 kN, a = 2 m and b = 3 m .
If R = 500 × 10 kN , P = 150 kN and L = 3
m, the magnitude of the horizontal
displacement of joint G (in mm round off to
one decimal place) is ________.
[1 Mark]
4.16 Refer the truss a shown in the figure (not to
scale). The magnitude (absolute value) of force (in
kN) in the member EF is ______. (Round off
to nearest integer).
[2 Marks]
2023 IIT Kanpur
4.18 An idealised bridge truss is shown in the figure. The force in Member U2L3 is ___________ kN
(round off to one decimal place).
20 kN 20 kN 20 kN 20 kN 20 kN
U0 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
6 @3 m = 18 m
4 Structural Analysis
4.1 0 4.2 1311.96
4m 4m 4m R2
R S 15 kN A D
4m q
Q q
4m 15 kN
P R1 E F
FQR and FQV are zero force member. Weight of bar i.e.1800 N will act at centre of bar
i.e. at a distance of 2 m from either end.
Taking moment about point ‘V’ from right side.
MV = 0, Fy = 0 ,
R1 × 8 − 15 × 4 − 15 × 4 = 0 R1 + R2 = 1800N …(i)
R1 = 15kN Taking moment about point ‘D’,
Now from method of section, M D = 0,
R 15 kN R1 × 4 − 1800 × 2.5 = 0
R1 = 1125 N
H1 and R2 = 675 N [From equation (i)]
X 15 kN
R1 Considering joint ‘D’,
Structural Analysis 5
Now, drawing free body diagram that is RQ = 120 kN
675 2 From equation (i),
C 450
q B
RR = −40kN
Considering point ‘P’,
E F FPQ 14.030
and Fx = 0 , Fx = 0 ,
− FPQ sin14.030 + FPR cos53.130 = 0
TAB cos θ − 675 2 cos 450 = 0
FPR = 0.404 FPQ …(ii)
TAB cosθ = 675 …(iii)
Fy = 0 ,
By dividing equation (ii) to equation (iii),
5 FPQ cos14.030 − FPR sin 53.130 − 80 = 0
tan θ =
3 FPQ × cos14.030 −(0.404 FPQ )sin 53.130 = 80
θ = 59.0360 [From equation (ii)]
By putting the value of θ in equation (ii), we get 0.647 FPQ = 80
1125 FPQ = 123.65kN
TAB = = 1311.96 N
Now, considering joint ‘Q’,
4.3 (A) FPQ
FPQ cos14.03
P (0, 4)
53.130 14.030
q q = 14.030
80 kN 22.840 FPQ sin14.03
Fx = 0 ,
Q R (3, 0) FQR + FPQ sin14.03 = 0
(0, 0)
RQ RR FQR = −30.00 = −30 kN (Compressive)
1m 2m
3m Hence, the correct option is (A).
Fy = 0 , 4.4 2
Since PQ is short by 3 mm joint R will displace
RQ + RR = 80 kN …(i)
upward, so we have to find the vertical
Taking moment about point ‘R’, displacement of joint R,
80 × 3 − RQ × 2 = 0 Δ R = U λ
6 Structural Analysis
Where, λ = Lack of fit of any member. 4.5 5
Let apply a unit load at R as shown below,
Given : AE = 30 kN
5 kN
10 kN
q = 36.87 0 Q
X 3m
1 1 X Y
VP = VQ =
2 2
Due to symmetry, VP = VQ = A B
2 H1
Considering joint ‘P’,
R1 R2
Fx = 0 ,
q U PQ H1 = 10kN
Fy = 0 ,
2 R1 + R2 = 5
Fy = 0 , Taking moment about ‘A’,
R2 × 3 − 5 × 3 − 10 × 9 = 0
U PR sin θ = R2 = 35kN (Upward)
1 And R1 = 5 − R2 = 5 − 35 = − 30kN
U PR = (Downward)
2sin 36.87 0
By method of section, cutting section X-X.
U PR = 0.833 …(i)
For the calculation of force in member X-Y
Fx = 0 , consider downward portion of section X-X.
U PQ + U pr cosθ = 0 Fxy
U PQ = −U PR cos36.870 = −0.833 ×
5 450
H A = 10 kN
U PQ = −0.67
RA = 30 kN RB = 35 kN
Δ R = U PQ (λ PQ ) = −0.67 × (−3)
Fx = 0,
Δ R = 2mm (upwards) Fxy = 10 kN
Hence, the magnitude of vertical displacement of Strain energy in member xy,
joint R is 2 mm.
P 2 L (10) 2 × 3
U= = = 5 kN-m
Scan for 2 AE 2 × 30
Video Solution Hence, the strain energy in the member XY is 5
Structural Analysis 7
Considering joint ‘S’
Scan for
Video Solution
A G1
E F Key Point
We can also apply Lami’s rule,
100 FSR F
HB B C 0
= 0
= SQ
D sin 90 sin135 sin135
Fx = 0,
Fy = 0,
Fx = 0 ,
FSQ sin 450 + FSR sin 450 = 100
HB = 0
Fy = 0 , 2 FSQ × = 100
VB + VC = P …(i) FSQ = 50 2
Taking moment about ‘B’ And FSR = 50 2
Vc × 2L − P × 2L = 0 Considering joint ‘Q’
Vc = P
And VB = 0 [From equation (i)] 450
Hence, the correct option is (A). 450
4.7 (C)
Given : A = 0.05m2 , L = 1m
Fy = 0,
E = 30 × 106 N/m 2 and W = 100 kN
FQP sin 450 − FSQ sin 450 = 0
FQP = FSQ = 50 2
L Fx = 0,
FQR + FQP cos 450 + FSQ cos 450 = 0
0 0
45 45
Q R 1 1
450 450 FQR = −50 2 × − 50 2 ×
2 2
900 FQR = −100kN (compressive)
S Stress σQR = = 1000 kN/m2
(2 A) 2 × 0.05
W Due to compressive force member QR will go
8 Structural Analysis
Under shortening RB × L = 2 × L + 1× L
PL FQR × LQR RB = 3kN and RA = 1kN
Δ QR = =
AE (2 A) E (Downward)
100 × ( 2 ×1) ×10 3
Consider joint ' B ' ,
= = 0.0471m
2 × 0.05 × 30 ×106 FAB = 1 (Compressive)
Hence, the correct option is (C). FBC = 3 (Compressive)
4.8 (A) Consider joint ' A ' ,
20 kN FAC = 2 (Tension)
10 kN
10 kN J Now, force in each member due to unit load at C
G L in horizontal direction.
F M 1
Structural Analysis 9
The horizontal deflection, 4.12 (B)
PKL 5.414 ×1000
Δ HC = =
AE (10 ×10−6 ) (2 ×1011 ) 2m
Δ HC = 2.707 ×10 m = 2.7 mm
The horizontal displacement of joint C is 2.7 mm. P Q R
30 kN
Scan for
3m 3m 3m RR
Video Solution
10 Structural Analysis
Scan for
Video Solution
4.13 (C) 1
D 1
ΣPUl P × 1× l
F P X =− 2
=− 2
ΣU l 1 ×l
At joint A,
X = −P
Force in member GF = FGF + Ux
Force in member GF = FGF + Ux
= P − (− P × 1) = 0
ΣFx = 0, ΣFy = 0
FAC = 0, FAB = 0 0 0
0 0 0
Similarly, at joint B, FBD = FBC = 0
0 0
Similarly, at joint C, FCE = FCD = 0
At joint D,
No. of zero force member is 8.
Hence, the correct option is (C).
FDF 4.14 – 30
P Method of sections,
ΣFy = 0, ΣFy = 0 10 kN
S V Z 10 kN
FDE = P, FDF = 0 4m
Truss reduce (it is 1 degree indeterminate) 10 kN
R U Y 10 kN
G l E 4m
X 10 kN X
10 kN
l (x)
Take redundant as vertical support,
P P E M Q =0
FXW × 4 + 10 × 4 + 10 × 8 = 0
P P 2 120
FXW = − = −30 kN
F Hence, the force in member XW is – 30 kN.
Applied unit load at redundant,
Structural Analysis 11
4.15 0.9 P (1)(3) 150(1)(3)
∴ δG = =
AE 500 × 103
Given : Axial rigidity, R = 500 ×103 kN
= 9 ×10−4 m = 0.9 mm
P = 150 kN
4.16 500
Pkl (1)
δG = Σ =?
P G E, 2 A
E, A
3a E, A E, A
E, A
3m a 2 a
E, A a E, A
VP F = 10 3 kN VS
V p = Vs = 5 3 kN
Consider joint G :
Consider equilibrium of LHS of section (1) - (1),
ΣFx = 0 2
ΣFy = 0 P
12 Structural Analysis
M j = 0,
RA × 8 − 70 × 4 − H A ×1 = 0
RA = 40kN
H A = 40 kN
At joint E
Fy = 0,
F = 70 − 40 = 30 kN
4.18 14.14
Vertical reaction at supports
= = 50 kN ( Due to symmetry of structure )
20 20 20 20 20
U0 U1 U 2 U3 U4 U5 U6
50 50
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
Fu 2 l3
50 kN
Fl2 l3
L1 L2
V = 0
Fu2l3 = 10 2 = 14.14 kN
Hence, the correct answer is 14.14.
Structural Analysis 13
5 Influence Line Diagram and Rolling Loads
5m 5m 20 m 5m 5m (A) P (B) Q
(A) 30 kN (B) 40 kN (C) R (D) S
L 3L 2017 IIT Roorkee
4 4
5.4 Consider the beam ABCD shown in the
Q. 0.6
Internal hinge
0.6 4m 4m 10 m
L 3L
4 4 For a moving concentrated load of 50 kN on
the beam, the magnitude of the maximum
Structural Analysis 1
bending moment (in kNm) obtained at the P Q R S T
support C will be equal to _______.
[2 Marks]
1.5m 3m 2m 1.5m
2019 IIT Madras The maximum negative (hogging) bending
5.5 A long uniformly distributed load of 10 moment (in kN-m) that occurs at point R, is
kN/m and q concentrated load of 60 kN are [2 Marks]
moving together on the beam ABCD shows (A) 150.00 (B) 56.25
in the figure (not drawn to scale). The (C) 22.50 (D) 93.75
relative positions of the two loads are not
fixed. The maximum shear force (in kN 2023 IIT Kanpur
round off to the nearest integer) caused at the 5.7 Muller-Breslau principle is used in analysis
internal hinge B due to the two loads is of structures for _________.
Internal hinge
(A) Drawing an influence line diagram for
any force response in the structure
(B) Writing the virtual work expression to
2m 2m 4m get the equilibrium equation
(C) Superposing the load effects to get the
2020 IIT Delhi
total force response in the structure
5.6 Distributed load (s) of 50kN/m may occupy
(D) Relating the deflection between two
any position (s) (either continuously or in
patches) on the girder PQRST as shown in points in a member with the curvature
the figure (not drawn to the scale) diagram in-between
5.1 (C) 1
Hence, ordinate at A = × 5 = 0.25
P A Q R B S 20
To get the maximum absolute value of S.F. UDL
5m 5m 20 m 5m 5m should be placed in spans ' PQ ' and ' QR '
4 kN/m 1 1
Hence, SFmax = ×10 × 0.25 × 4 + ×1× 20 × 4
2 2
Q’ SFmax = 45kN
0.25 A’ 1 Hence, the correct option is (C).
+ 5.2 (A)
Q –
0.25 A C B
Ordinate at Q = 1 ( unit displacement)
L/3 3L/4
3L / 4
1 0.75 =
Ordinate at B = × 5 = 0.25 L
(By similar triangle rule) L/4
While releasing the S.F. just right of ' Q ' by = 0.25
making a cut and giving unit displacement slope at Hence, the correct option is (A).
right of ' Q ' and left of ' Q ' should be same.
2 Structural Analysis
Key Point 28.89 ×103
(σb )max =
b 16.2 ×10− 6
( a + b)
(σb )max = 1.783 ×109 N/m2 = 1.783GPa
Hence, the maximum bending stress due to the
C wheel loads is 1.783 GPa.
a Scan for
( a + b) Video Solution
θ = tan 450
a = 10.75 m 2.5 8.25 BB '
1.25 1.25
b = 13.25 m tan 450 = 1 =
12 m 12 m
ab 10.75 ×13.25 BB ' = BC = 4
Ordinate at P1 = = = 5.935 m
L 24 Hence, ordinate at ‘B’ = 4 m.
5.935 × 8.25 For maximum bending moment load should be
Ordinate at P2 = = 3.695 m
13.25 placed at ‘B’.
(By similar triangle rule) Hence, M max = Load × Ordinate
Hence, maximum bending moment
M max = ΣLoad × Ordinate M max = 50 × 4 = 200 kN-m
M max = 3 × 5.935 + 3 × 3.695 = 28.89 kN-m Hence, the magnitude of the maximum bending
moment obtained at the support C will be equal to
M max
Hence, (σb )max = 200 kN-m.
Structural Analysis 3
5.5 70 5.7 A
2m 2m 4m
From Muller’s Breslau’s principle
2m 2m 4m
For maximum shear force the UDL should be
placed in portion AB and the concentrated load
should be placed at B.
Hence, VB (max) = UDL × Area of ABB '
Scan for
Video Solution
5.6 (B)
1.5m 3m 2m 1.5m
(+) 1.20
( -) ( -)
0.6 0.9
1 1
M R = − × 1.5 × 50 × 0.6 − × 1.5 × 50 × 0.9
2 2
= −56.25 kN-m or 56.25 kN-m (hogging)
Hence, the correct option is (B).
4 Structural Analysis
6 Analysis of Arches
8.0 m
Structural Analysis 1
Scan for
Key Point
Video Solution
6.2 96
According to question,
12 kN/m
2.4 m
HA = 0 Parabolic profile
8.0 m
ΣFy = 0 ,
VA + VB = wL
∴ VA + VA = wL
6.3 (A)
2VA = wL
12 × 8
VA = = 48 kN
2 P cosθ R
R sinθ
VA = VB = 48 kN P
θ 450
2 Structural Analysis
7 Matrix and Stiffness Method
7.1 (B) 12 EI Δ
RB =
2 L3
12 EI
L 3
So, k22 = RB = 3 [ Δ = 1]
A, E, I 1
Hence, the correct option is (B).
Scan for
k22 Force at 2 due to a unit deformation at 2. Video Solution
To kind k22 given unit deflection in the direction
2 only and measure force developed in the same
L2 D =1
12 EI D 12 EI D
RA = RB =
L3 L3
Taking moment about ‘A’,
M A = 0,
6 EI Δ 6 EI Δ
RB × L − − 2 =0
L2 L
12 EI Δ
RB × L =
Structural Analysis 1
8 Structural Dynamics
8.1 (D)
Given : Equation of motion for the free vibration,
mz + kz = 0
z+ z=0
z + ω2n z = 0
Comparing with
We get, ωn =
Hence, the correct option is (D).
Structural Analysis 1
Working stress and Limit state design concepts; Design of beams, slabs, columns; Bond and
development length; Prestressed concrete beams.
Contents : RCC Structure & Pre-Stress Concrete
S. No. Topics
1. IS Code Recommendations & Fundamentals
5. Prestressed Concrete
1 General Design Requirements
Hence, the correct option is (B). Welded connection are weak under fatigue loading
1.2 (C) and prone to cracking. So fatigue life of welded
structure is always less than the fatigue life of
Maximum deflection in the beam should not
riveted structure.
exceed ,
Steel Structures 1
Fatigue life of welded structure
Fatigue life of riveted structure
Hence, the correct option is (A).
1.4 (C)
∴ Factor of safety = = 1.67
Hence, the correct option is (C).
1.5 (D)
2 Steel Structures
2 Connections
(A) 30.33 and 20.00 100 mm
(B) 30.33 and 25.00
(C) 33.33 and 20.00
(D) 33.33 and 25.00
2015 IIT Kanpur
2.2 A bracket plate connected to a column flange
transmits a load of 100 kN as shown in the
following figure. The maximum force for
which the bolts should be designed is
_______ kN. 150 mm
[2 Marks, Set-1]
100 kN As per the Limit State Method of IS 800:
600 2007, the minimum length (rounded off to
the nearest higher multiple of 5 mm) of each
75 weld to transmit a force P equal to 270 kN
(factored) is [2 Marks]
75 75 (A) 90 mm (B) 105 mm
All dimension
are in mm (C) 110 mm (D) 115 mm
2.5 Two bolted plates under tension with
2.3 Prying forces are [1 Mark, Set-2] alternative arrangement of bolt holes are
(A) Shearing forces on the bolts because of shown in figures 1 and 2. The hole diameter,
the joints pitch and gauge length are d , p and g ,
(B) Tensile forces due to the flexibility of respectively.
connected parts
P P P g P
(C) Bending forces on the bolts because of d
the joints
Steel Structures 1
Which one of the following conditions must 2.9 A fillet weld is simultaneously subjected to
be ensured to have higher net tensile capacity factored normal and shear stresses of 120
of configuration shown in figure 2 than that MPa and 50 MPa, respectively. As per IS
shown in figure 1? 800 : 2007 the equivalent stress (in MPa, up
[2 Marks, Set-2] to two decimal places) is ______.
(A) p 2 > 2 gd (B) p 2 > 4 gd [1 Mark, Set-2]
2.10 Four bolts P, Q, R and S of equal diameter
(C) p 2 > 4 gd (D) p > 4 gd are used for a bracket subjected to a load of
2017 IIT Roorkee 130 kN as shown in the figure.
[2 Marks, Set-2]
2.6 Two plates of 8 mm thickness each are Centerline
connected by a fillet weld of 6 mm thickness 200 mm
as shown in the figure.
6 130 kN
240 mm
P 50 mm 100 mm P
100 mm
The permissible stresses in the plate and
the weld are 150 MPa and 110 MPa,
100 mm
respectively. Assuming the length of the
The force in bolt P is
weld shown in the figure to be the effective
length, the permissible load P (in kN) is (A) 32.50 kN (B) 69.32 kN
_______. [2 Marks] (C) 82.50 kN (D) 119.32 kN
2.7 A column is subjected to a load through a 2019 IIT Madras
bracket as shown in the figure.
2.11 A 16 mm thick gusset plate is connected to
15 cm P = 10 kN the 12 mm thick flange plate of an I – section
10 using fillet welds on both sides as shown in
1 figure (not drawn to scale). The gusset plate
900 is subjected to point of 350 kN acting at a
distance of 100 mm from the flange plate
size of filet weld is 10 mm.
[2 Marks]
350 kN
100 mm
The resultant force (in kN) up to one decimal
place in the bolt 1 is ________. 16 mm thick
gusset plate
[2 Marks] 500 mm
500 mm
2018 IIT Guwahati Fillet weld
bending tensile stress are 50 MPa and 150 (Front view) (Side view)
MPa respectively. As per IS 800 : 2007, the The maximum resultant stress (in MPa,
equivalent stress (in MPa, up to two decimal round off to 1 decimal place) in the fillet
places) will be _______. weld along the vertical plane would be
[1 Mark, Set-1] _______.
2 Steel Structures
2020 IIT Delhi weld is 108 MPa. The location of the
centroid of the angle is represented by C yy
2.12 Two steel plates are lap jointed in a
workshop using 6 mm thick fillet weld as in the figure, where C yy = 28.4 mm. The
shown in the figure (not drawn to the scale), area of cross-section of the angle is
The ultimate strength of the weld is 410 1903 mm 2 . Assuming the effective throat
MPa. thickness of the weld to be 0.7 times the
given weld size, the lengths L1 and L2
(rounded-off to the nearest integer) of the
120 mm
Fillet weld required to transmit a load equal to the
weld full strength of the tension member are,
200 mm
5mm weld
As per Limit State Design of IS 800 : 2007, L1
_____. [2 Marks]
5mm weld
2021 IIT Bombay
15 mm thick gusset plate
2.13 A column is subjected to a total load (P) of
60 kN supported through a bracket (A) 541 mm and 214 mm
connection as shown in the figure (not to (B) 214 mm and 541 mm
40 40 (C) 380 mm and 151 mm
mm mm
(D) 151 mm and 380 mm
60 kN
[2 Marks]
2023 IIT Kanpur
30 mm
R 2.15 Consider the fillet-welded lap joint shown in
30 mm
the figure (not to scale). The length of the
weld shown is the effective length. The
welded surfaces meet at right angle. The
100 mm weld size is 8 mm, and the permissible stress
in the weld is 120 MPa. What is the safe load
The resultant force in bolt R (in kN, round P (in kN, rounded off to one decimal place)
off to one decimal place) is ________. that can be transmitted by this welded joint?
[2 Marks] 75 mm
2022 IIT Kharagpur
50 mm
2.14 A weld is used for joining an angle section
ISA 100 mm ×100 mm ×10 mm to a gusset
plate of thickness 15 mm to transmit a tensile
load. The permissible stress in the angle is
150 MPa and the permissible shear stress on
the section through the throat of the fillet
Steel Structures 3
2.1 (D) 75
tan θ =
tan θ = 1 (∴ θ = 450 )
FR = F12 + F22 + 2F1F2 cos θ
3 Pu = 250 kN FR = (20)2 + (141.42) 2 + 2 × 20 ×141.42cos 450
FR = 156.2 kN
Hence, the bolts should be designed is 156.2 kN.
Pu = 250 kN
4 Scan for
cos θ= Video Solution
Sin θ = 2.3 (B)
Pu cos θ Prying force is additional tensile force develop in
Tension in each bolt = bolt due to flexibility of connection.
6 2P 2P
250 4
= × = 33.33kN
6 5
P sin θ
Shear in each bolt = u
250 3
= × = 25 kN
6 5
Hence, the correct option is (D). 2P 2P
Scan for
Video Solution
2.2 156.2
75 F2
q P+Q P+Q
75 75
Q = Prying force
We know, F1 = = 20 kN Hence, the correct option is (B).
Per (100 × 0.6) × (75 2) × 10−3 2.4 (B)
F2 = =
r2 (75 2) 2 × 4 ×10−6 Refer Solution No. 2.19
F2 = 141.42kN Hence, the correct option is (B).
4 Steel Structures
Always Remember Pplate = σat × Anet
For safe weld design = 150 × (50 × 8)
Vdw ≥ Tdg = 60 kN
Vdw = Design strength of weld So permissible load = 60 kN
Tdg = Gross strength of plate Hence, the permissible load P is 60 kN.
Scan for
2.5 (C)
Video Solution
P P P g P
p 2.7 6
Steel Structures 5
410 FR = F12 + F22 + 2F1F2 cos θ
f e = 1502 + 3 × 502 ≤
3 ×1.25
f e = 173.20 ≤ 189.37 (Hence ok) FR = 32.52 + 502 + 2 × 32.5 × 50 × 0.384
So equivalent stress = 173.20 MPa . FR = 69.33kN
Hence, the equivalent stress will be 173.20 MPa. Hence, the correct option is (B).
Scan for 2.11 78.10
Video Solution
t1 t2
2.9 147.99 350 kN
Given : Factored normal stress, f a = 120 MPa 100mm
500 mm Pe = m
fu = 410 MPa 500mm
f e = f a2 + 3q 2 ≤
fu S = Size of weld = 10 mm
3 γ mw tt = Effective throat thickness
f e = 1202 + 3 × 502 ≤ tt = 0.7S
3 ×1.25
f e = 147.99 ≤ 189.37 tt = 0.7 ×10
So equivalent stress = 147.99 MPa tt = 7 mm
Hence, the equivalent stress is 147.99 MPa. Shear stress due to direct force
2.10 (B) P
200 mm 2 × dt
130 KN
350 ×103
q= = 50 MPa
2 × 500 × 7
240 mm q F2 Normal stress due to bending
R S F1
My Pe × d / 2
Fb = =
I tt d 3
P 130 12
F1 = = = 32.5 kN
n 4 350 × 103 × 100 × 500
Fb = = 60 MPa
Pe 5003
F2 = × rp 2×7× ×2
r12 12
{ rp = rQ = rR = rs = 502 + 1202 = 130 mm } Resultant stress = Fb2 + q 2
(130 × 200) × 130
F2 = Fr = 602 + 502
4 × 130 2
200 Fr = 78.10 MPa
F2 = = 50 kN
4 Hence, the maximum resultant stress in the fillet
50 weld along the vertical plane would be 78.10
And cos θ = = 0.384
130 MPa.
6 Steel Structures
Scan for F2 =
Video Solution Σr12
60 × 100 × 40
2.12 413.59 F2 = = 18.18 kN
Σ 4 × 50 2 + 2 × 40 2
Given : Thickness of weld, t = 6 mm ,
Throat thickness, tt = 0.7 × t ,
tt = 0.7 × 6
180 0
θ = 180
Ultimate strength of weld = 410 MPa
Design capacity of welded connection,
Ps = fb × leff × tt
R = 102 + 18.182 + 2 ×10 ×18.18cos1800
F1 θ = 0
R = 102 + 18.182 + 2 ×10 ×18.18cos 00
R = 28.18 kN
2.14 (A)
P= × 520 × 0.7 × 6 Case 1 : (Ignoring shear lag)
3 × 1.25
Full strength of tension member,
= = 413598 N P = σsat × Ag
= 413.586 kN P = 150 ×1903
P = 285450 N
Hence, the design capacity of the welded
connection, is 413.59 kN. Weld strength of L1 ,
2.13 28.18 P1 = L1 × (0.7 × s) ×108
40 40 P1 = L1 × 0.7 × 5 ×108
mm mm
60 kN P1 = 378L1 …(i)
Weld strength of L2 ,
30 mm P2 = L2 × (0.7 × s) ×108
30 mm
P2 = L2 × 0.7 × 5 ×108
P2 = 378L2 …(ii)
Applying moment CG equal to zero,
100 mm
P1 × 28.4 = P2 (100 − 28.4)
Resultant force, R = F12 + F22 + 2F1F2 cos θ P1 71.6
Total load ( P) P2 28.4
F1 =
Number of bolt (n) L1 × 378 71.6
= = 2.521
60 L2 × 378 28.4
F1 = = 10 kN
6 L1 = 2.521 L2 …(iii)
Steel Structures 7
Total weld strength = Tensile strength
( L1 + L2 ) × 3.5 ×108 = 285450
L1 + L2 = 755.158
Using equation (iii),
2.521 L2 + L2 = 7585.158
L2 = 214.472 mm
L1 = 540.685mm
Case 2 : (Consider shear lag)
Anet = A1 + K1. A2
Equal angle section, K = 0.75 Anet
Anet = 1.75 × ( A1 )
= 1.75 × = 1665.125 mm 2
Full strength of tension member
= 150 ×1665.125s
= 249768.75 N
Total weld strength = Tensile strength
( L1 + L2 ) × 3.5 ×108 = 249768.75
L1 + L2 = 660.763 mm
Let us check the options (C) and (D).
None of the options full fill
L1 + L2 = 660.763 mm
Hence, the correct option is (A).
2.15 134.4
Given : Weld size (S) = 8 mm
Permissible stress ( σ ps ) = 120 MPa
Psafe = K × S × leff × σ ps
= 0.7 × 8 × (75 + 75 + 50) ×120
= 134.40 kN
Hence, the correct answer is 134.4.
8 Steel Structures
3 Shear, Bond, Torsion, Anchorage & Development Length
3.1 As per IS 456 : 2000, for M 20 grade 3.4 In shear design of an RC beam, other than
concrete and plain bars in tension, the design the allowable shear strength of concrete (τc )
bond stress τbd = 1.2 MPa . Further, IS 456 : , there is also an additional check suggested
in IS 456 : 2000 with respect to the
2000 permits this design bond stress value to
maximum permissible shear stress ( τ c max ) .
be increased by 60% for HYSD bars. The
stress in the HYSD reinforcing steel bars in The check for τc max is required to take care
tension, σ s = 360 MPa . Find the required of
[1 Mark]
development length, Ld for HYSD bars in
(A) Additional shear resistance from
terms of the bar diameter, φ ______. reinforcing steel.
[1 Mark] (B) Additional shear stress that comes from
accidental loading.
2014 IIT Kharagpur (C) Possibility of failure of concrete by
diagonal tension.
3.2 A rectangular beam of width 230 mm and
(D) Possibility of crushing of concrete by
effective depth 450 mm is reinforced with
diagonal compression.
four bars of 12 mm diameter. The grade of
3.5 As per IS 456 : 2000 for the design of
concrete is M 20 and grade of steel is Fe 500.
reinforced concrete beam, the maximum
Given that for M 20 grade of concrete the
allowable shear stress ( τ c max ) depends on
ultimate shear strength, τuc = 0.36 N/mm 2
the [1 Mark]
for steel percentage, p = 0.25 , and τuc =
(A) Grade of concrete and grade of steel.
0.48 N/mm2 for p = 0.50. For a factored (B) Grade of concrete only.
shear force of 45 kN, the diameter (in mm) (C) Grade of steel only.
of Fe 500 steel two-legged stirrups to be used (D) Grade of concrete and percentage of
at spacing of 375 mm, should be reinforcement.
[1 Mark] 3.6 A haunched (varying depth) reinforced
(A) 8 (B) 10 concrete beam is simply supported at both
ends, as shown in the figure. The beam is
(C) 12 (D) 16
subjected to a uniformly distributed factored
2015 IIT Kanpur load of intensity 10 kN/m. The design shear
force (expressed in kN) at the section X-X of
3.3 The development length of a deformed
the beam is ________.
reinforcement bar can be expressed as
[2 Marks]
1 φσs 5m X
. From the IS 456 : 2000, the 10 kN/m
k τbd
400 mm
value of k can be calculated as _______. 600 mm
[1 Mark] X
Effective span = 20 m
So, diameter of stirrups will be calculated by using Comparing equation (i) and (ii),
Fe500, 2-legged stirrups as, 1 φσ s φσ s
k τbd = 6.4τ
Asv = × φs 2 × 2
4 1 1
φ s = 7.12 mm 8 mm k 6.4
Hence, providing 8φs Fe500 two legged stirrups ∴ k = 6.4
@ centre to centre spacing of 375 mm. Hence, the IS 456 : 2000, the value of k can be
calculated as 6.4.
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Scan for
Scan for Video Solution
Video Solution
3.4 (D)
Key Point In shear design of a RCC beam as per IS 456 :
(a) Shear reinforcement 2000, there is a provision of two checks for the
1. τv < 0.5τc no shear reinforcement is value of nominal shear stress (τv ) . They are :
provided (i) Check for allowable shear strength of
2. 0.5τc ≤ τv < τc minimum shear concrete (τc )
reinforcement is provided (ii) Check for maximum permissible shear stress
3. τv > τc ( τ c max )
Then shear reinforcement (vertical or As per clause 40.2.3, IS 456 : 2000,
inclined) are designed for shear force of Under no circumstances even with shear
Vus = [τv − τc ] bd reinforcement, shall the value of nominal shear
(b) As per clause 40.4 of IS 456 : 2000. The stress, τv exceeds maximum permissible shear
characteristic strength of the stirrup or bent stress, τc max .
up reinforcement shall not be taken greater
This clause is provided to check the beam for the
than 415 N/mm 2 .
diagonal compression failure.
3.3 6.4 If in any case τv exceeds τc max .i.e., τv > τc max , then
Given : Development length of a deformed the beam should be redesigned because it is weak
reinforcement bar, in shear and may fail due to crushing by diagonal
1 φσ s compression.
Ld = …(i)
k τbd Hence, the correct option is (D).
Hence, the required spacing (up to one decimal Used M30 grade concrete and Fe415 steel
place) as per limit state method will be 8.20 cm. pt = 1%
3.8 700 τc = 0.66 Mpa
Given : Diameter of tie bar (d ) = 12 mm π
Asv = 2 × ×102 = 157.08 mm 2
Working tensile stress (σ st ) = 230 N/mm 2 4
Average bond strength between a tie bar and Vus = 400 kN
concrete Sb = 2 N/mm 2 440 ×103
τv = = 2.52 N/mm 2
Thickness of slab (t ) = 10 mm 300 × 580
d σ st 0.87 f y Asv d
Length of tie bar = t + Vus = (τv − τs ) bd =
2 × Sb Sv
12 × 230 = (2.52 − 0.66) × 300 × 580
= 10 + = 10 + 690
2× 2
0.87 × 415 × 157.08 × 580
= 700 mm =
3.9 (D)
Sv = 101.63mm
Reinforcing steel bar, partially embedded in
Check : 0.75d = 0.75 × 580 = 435 mm
concrete, is subjected to a tensile force P, bond
stress distribution shown in figure, 0.87 f y σ sv
( Sv ) min = = 472 mm
L 0.46
S v = 101.63 mm
3.11 A, B, D
uavg In case of excessive shear reinforcement,
umax concrete become stronger in diagonal on failure
Bond stress distribution and compression Failure may occur before the
shear reinforcement has yielded.
The main reinforcement increase shear resistance
of beam.
Nominal shear stress for beam with varying
Vu ± u ( tan β)
depth, τv = d
Key Point bd
● For bars in compression, the values of bond Where, τv depend on both design shear force as
stress for bars in tension shall be increased well as the design bending moment.
by 25 %.
Hence, correct options are (A), (B) and (D).
● The deformed bars conforming to IS : 1786
these values shall be increased by 60 %.
2014 IIT Kharagpur 4.4 An RCC short column (with lateral ties) of
rectangular cross-section of 250 mm × 300
4.1 While designing, for a steel column of Fe mm is reinforced with four numbers of 16
250 grade, a base plate resting on a concrete
mm diameter longitudinal bars. The grades
pedestal of M 20 grade, the bearing strength
of steel and concrete are Fe 415 and M 20
of concrete (in N/mm2) in limit state method respectively. Neglect eccentricity effect.
of design as per IS 456 : 2000 is ______.
Considering limit state of collapse in
[1 Mark, Set-1] compression (IS 456 : 2000), the axial load
2015 IIT Kanpur carrying capacity of the column (in kN) up
4.2 A column of size 450 mm × 600 mm has to one decimal place is _______.
unsupported length of 3 m and is braced [2 Marks, Set-1]
against side sway in both directions. 2021 IIT Bombay
According to IS 456 : 2000, the minimum 4.5 A combined trapezoidal footing of length L
eccentricities (in mm) with respect to major
supports two identical square columns ( P1
and minor principle axes are
[1 Mark, Set-2] and P2 ) of size 0.5 m × 0.5m , as shown in
(A) 20 and 20 (B) 26 and 21 the figure. The column P1 and P2 carry loads
(C) 26 and 20 (D) 21 and 15 of 2000 kN and 1500 kN respectively.
2018 IIT Guwahati L
x x
Refer Solution 4.5 table
Hence, the correct option is (D).
4.4 918.1
Given :
450 mm Grade of concrete = M20 (∴ f ck = 20 N/mm 2 )
2000 kN 1500 kN
5m 1.5 m
P1 P2
A1Y1 + A2Y2
C.G. of load =
A1 + A2
C.G. of load
(2000 × 0.25) + [1500 × (5 + 0.25)]
2000 + 1500
50 mm
70 mm
7.5 m
15 m
If the cable is tensioned from one end only,
the percentage loss (round off to one decimal
place) in the cable force due to friction, is
______. [2 Marks]
2021 IIT Bombay
5.8 A prismatic cantilever prestressed concrete
beam of span length, L = 1.5 m has one
straight tendon placed in the cross-section as
shown in the following figure (not to scale).
The total prestressing force of 50 kN in the
tendon is applied at dc = 50 mm from the top
in the cross-section of width, b = 200 mm
and depth, d = 300 mm.
Prestressing tendon
Q d
L b
Section X- X'
If the concentrated load, P = 5 kN, the
resultant stress (in MPa, in integer)
e q q
P P = 600 kN
5.8 0
Given :
5 kN
50 mm
Q P 300 mm
1.5 m
P cos θ× e = 200 mm
θ=0 0 Let us calculate,
cos θ = 1 Bending moment = 5 × 1.5 = 7.5 kN-m
0 + 14.16 + 2(14.16)
(Δσ) avg =
+ + 3
P Pe M ( Δσ) avg = 14.16 MPa
A τ τ
Hence, the correct option is (B).
Resultant stress is Q = 0.
5.9 (B)
Given : Length L = 15 m
b × d = 450 ∗ 450
Modular ratio = 6
Section area = 200 mm2
Tendons stress = 1500 MPa
450 mm
e = 100 mm
125 mm
Total load P = stress * Area
1500 × 200
= 300 kN
( Δσ) average = ? (due to elastic shorting)
(Δσ) elastic shorting = m.7c
P Pe2
fc = +
Working stress and Limit state design concepts; Design of tension and compression members,
beams and beam- columns, column bases; Connections - simple and eccentric, beam-column
connections, plate girders and trusses; Concept of plastic analysis -beams and frames.
Contents : Design of Steel Structure
S. No. Topics
1. General Design Requirements
2. Connections
3. Design of Tension Members
4. Design of Compression Members
5. Design of Beams
6. Design of Plate Girders, Industrial Roof Truss and
Gantry Girders
7. Plastic Analysis
1 General Design Requirements
1.2 (C)
and prone to cracking. So fatigue life of welded
structure is always less than the fatigue life of
Maximum deflection in the beam should not
riveted structure.
exceed , Fatiguelifeof weldedstructure
325 <1
Fatiguelifeof rivetedstructure
Steel Structures 1
Hence, the correct option is (A).
1.4 (C)
Factor of safety 1.67
Hence, the correct option is (C).
1.5 (D)
2 Steel Structures
2 Connections
(A) 30.33 and 20.00 100 mm
(B) 30.33 and 25.00
(C) 33.33 and 20.00
(D) 33.33 and 25.00
2015 IIT Kanpur
2.2 A bracket plate connected to a column flange
transmits a load of 100 kN as shown in the
following figure. The maximum force for
which the bolts should be designed is
_______ kN. 150 mm
[2 Marks, Set-1]
100 kN As per the Limit State Method of IS 800:
600 2007, the minimum length (rounded off to
the nearest higher multiple of 5 mm) of each
75 weld to transmit a force P equal to 270 kN
(factored) is [2 Marks]
75 75 (A) 90 mm (B) 105 mm
All dimension
are in mm
(C) 110 mm (D) 115 mm
2.5 Two bolted plates under tension with
2.3 Prying forces are [1 Mark, Set-2] alternative arrangement of bolt holes are
(A) Shearing forces on the bolts because of shown in figures 1 and 2. The hole diameter,
the joints pitch and gauge length are d , p and g ,
(B) Tensile forces due to the flexibility of respectively.
connected parts
P P P g P
(C) Bending forces on the bolts because of d
the joints
Steel Structures 1
Which one of the following conditions must 2.9 A fillet weld is simultaneously subjected to
be ensured to have higher net tensile capacity factored normal and shear stresses of 120
of configuration shown in figure 2 than that MPa and 50 MPa, respectively. As per IS
shown in figure 1? 800 : 2007 the equivalent stress (in MPa, up
[2 Marks, Set-2] to two decimal places) is ______.
(A) p 2 > 2 gd (B) p 2 > 4 gd [1 Mark, Set-2]
2.10 Four bolts P, Q, R and S of equal diameter
(C) p 2 > 4 gd (D) p > 4 gd are used for a bracket subjected to a load of
2017 IIT Roorkee 130 kN as shown in the figure.
[2 Marks, Set-2]
2.6 Two plates of 8 mm thickness each are Centerline
connected by a fillet weld of 6 mm thickness 200 mm
as shown in the figure.
6 130 kN
240 mm
P 50 mm 100 mm P
100 mm
The permissible stresses in the plate and
the weld are 150 MPa and 110 MPa,
100 mm
respectively. Assuming the length of the
The force in bolt P is
weld shown in the figure to be the effective
length, the permissible load P (in kN) is (A) 32.50 kN (B) 69.32 kN
_______. [2 Marks] (C) 82.50 kN (D) 119.32 kN
2.7 A column is subjected to a load through a 2019 IIT Madras
bracket as shown in the figure.
2.11 A 16 mm thick gusset plate is connected to
15 cm P = 10 kN
cm the 12 mm thick flange plate of an I – section
10 using fillet welds on both sides as shown in
1 figure (not drawn to scale). The gusset plate
0 is subjected to point of 350 kN acting at a
distance of 100 mm from the flange plate
size of filet weld is 10 mm.
[2 Marks]
350 kN
100 mm
The resultant force (in kN) up to one decimal
place in the bolt 1 is ________. 16 mm thick
gusset plate
[2 Marks] 500 mm
500 mm
2018 IIT Guwahati Fillet weld
bending tensile stress are 50 MPa and 150 (Front view) (Side view)
MPa respectively. As per IS 800 : 2007, the The maximum resultant stress (in MPa,
equivalent stress (in MPa, up to two decimal round off to 1 decimal place) in the fillet
places) will be _______. weld along the vertical plane would be
[1 Mark, Set-1] _______.
2 Steel Structures
2020 IIT Delhi weld is 108 MPa. The location of the
centroid of the angle is represented by C yy
2.12 Two steel plates are lap jointed in a
workshop using 6 mm thick fillet weld as in the figure, where C yy = 28.4 mm. The
shown in the figure (not drawn to the scale), area of cross-section of the angle is
The ultimate strength of the weld is 410 1903 mm 2 . Assuming the effective throat
MPa. thickness of the weld to be 0.7 times the
given weld size, the lengths L1 and L2
(rounded-off to the nearest integer) of the
120 mm
Fillet weld required to transmit a load equal to the
weld full strength of the tension member are,
200 mm
5mm weld
As per Limit State Design of IS 800 : 2007,
the design capacity (in kN, round off to three Cyy
_____. [2 Marks]
5mm weld
2021 IIT Bombay
15 mm thick gusset plate
2.13 A column is subjected to a total load (P) of
60 kN supported through a bracket (A) 541 mm and 214 mm
connection as shown in the figure (not to (B) 214 mm and 541 mm
40 40
(C) 380 mm and 151 mm
mm mm
(D) 151 mm and 380 mm
60 kN
[2 Marks]
2023 IIT Kanpur
30 mm
30 mm
R 2.15 Consider the fillet-welded lap joint shown in
the figure (not to scale). The length of the
weld shown is the effective length. The
welded surfaces meet at right angle. The
100 mm weld size is 8 mm, and the permissible stress
in the weld is 120 MPa. What is the safe load
The resultant force in bolt R (in kN, round P (in kN, rounded off to one decimal place)
off to one decimal place) is ________. that can be transmitted by this welded joint?
[2 Marks] 75 mm
2022 IIT Kharagpur
50 mm
2.14 A weld is used for joining an angle section
ISA 100 mm ×100 mm ×10 mm to a gusset
plate of thickness 15 mm to transmit a tensile
load. The permissible stress in the angle is
150 MPa and the permissible shear stress on
the section through the throat of the fillet
Steel Structures 3
2.1 (D) 75
tan θ =
tan θ = 1 (∴ θ = 450 )
FR = F12 + F22 + 2F1F2 cos θ
3 Pu = 250 kN FR = (20)2 + (141.42)2 + 2 × 20 ×141.42cos 450
FR = 156.2 kN
Hence, the bolts should be designed is 156.2 kN.
Pu = 250 kN
4 Scan for
cos θ= Video Solution
Sin θ = 2.3 (B)
Pu cos θ Prying force is additional tensile force develop in
Tension in each bolt = bolt due to flexibility of connection.
6 2P 2P
250 4
= × = 33.33kN
6 5
P sin θ
Shear in each bolt = u
250 3
= × = 25 kN
6 5
Hence, the correct option is (D). 2P 2P
Scan for
Video Solution
2.2 156.2
75 F2
q P+Q P+Q
F1 Q Q
75 2P
100 Q = Prying force
We know, F1 = = 20 kN
5 Hence, the correct option is (B).
Per (100 × 0.6) × (75 2) ×10−3 2.4 (B)
F2 = =
r2 (75 2)2 × 4 ×10−6 Refer Solution No. 2.19
F2 = 141.42 kN Hence, the correct option is (B).
4 Steel Structures
Always Remember Pplate = σat × Anet
For safe weld design = 150 × (50 × 8)
Vdw ≥ Tdg = 60 kN
Vdw = Design strength of weld So permissible load = 60 kN
Tdg = Gross strength of plate Hence, the permissible load P is 60 kN.
Scan for
2.5 (C)
Video Solution
P P P g P
p 2.7 6
2.8 173.20
Given : Direct bending tensile stress
P 50 mm 100 mm P
f a = 150 MPa
100 mm fu = 410 MPa
Pw = Fb × Effective area Direct shear stress q = 50 MPa
According to IS 800 : 2007, clause,
= 110 × (leff × tt )
the equivalent stress,
= 110(100 + 100 + 50) × 0.7 × 6 fu
f e = f a 2 + 3q 2 ≤
= 115.5kN 3 γ mw
Steel Structures 5
410 FR = F12 + F22 + 2F1F2 cos θ
f e = 1502 + 3 × 502 ≤
3 ×1.25
f e = 173.20 ≤ 189.37 (Hence ok) FR = 32.52 + 50 2 + 2 × 32.5 × 50 × 0.384
So equivalent stress = 173.20 MPa . FR = 69.33kN
Hence, the equivalent stress will be 173.20 MPa. Hence, the correct option is (B).
Scan for 2.11 78.10
Video Solution
t1 t2
2.9 147.99 350 kN
Given : Factored normal stress, f a = 120 MPa 100mm
500 mm Pe = m
fu = 410 MPa 500mm
f e = f a2 + 3q 2 ≤
fu S = Size of weld = 10 mm
3 γ mw tt = Effective throat thickness
f e = 1202 + 3 × 502 ≤ tt = 0.7 S
3 ×1.25
tt = 0.7 ×10
f e = 147.99 ≤ 189.37
So equivalent stress = 147.99 MPa tt = 7 mm
Hence, the equivalent stress is 147.99 MPa. Shear stress due to direct force
2.10 (B) P
200 mm 2 × dt
130 KN
350 ×103
q= = 50 MPa
2 × 500 × 7
240 mm q F2 Normal stress due to bending
R S F1
My Pe × d / 2
Fb = =
I t d3
2× t
P 130 12
F1 = = = 32.5 kN
n 4 350 × 103 × 100 × 500
Fb = = 60 MPa
Pe 5003
F2 = × rp 2×7× ×2
r12 12
6 Steel Structures
Scan for F2 =
Video Solution Σr12
60 × 100 × 40
2.12 413.59 F2 = = 18.18 kN
Σ 4 × 50 2 + 2 × 40 2
Given : Thickness of weld, t = 6 mm ,
Throat thickness, tt = 0.7 × t ,
tt = 0.7 × 6
180 0
θ = 180
Ultimate strength of weld = 410 MPa
Design capacity of welded connection,
Ps = fb × leff × tt
R = 102 + 18.182 + 2 × 10 × 18.18 cos1800
F1 θ = 0
R = 102 + 18.182 + 2 ×10 ×18.18cos 00
R = 28.18 kN
2.14 (A)
P= × 520 × 0.7 × 6 Case 1 : (Ignoring shear lag)
3 ×1.25
Full strength of tension member,
= = 413598 N P = σsat × Ag
= 413.586 kN P = 150 ×1903
P = 285450 N
Hence, the design capacity of the welded
connection, is 413.59 kN. Weld strength of L1 ,
2.13 28.18 P1 = L1 × (0.7 × s) ×108
40 40 P1 = L1 × 0.7 × 5 ×108
mm mm
60 kN P1 = 378L1 …(i)
Weld strength of L2 ,
30 mm P2 = L2 × (0.7 × s) ×108
30 mm P2 = L2 × 0.7 × 5 ×108
P2 = 378 L2 …(ii)
Applying moment CG equal to zero,
100 mm
P1 × 28.4 = P2 (100 − 28.4)
Resultant force, R = F12 + F22 + 2 F1F2 cos θ P1 71.6
Total load ( P) P2 28.4
F1 =
Number of bolt (n) L1 × 378 71.6
= = 2.521
60 L2 × 378 28.4
F1 = = 10 kN
6 L1 = 2.521 L2 …(iii)
Steel Structures 7
Total weld strength = Tensile strength
( L1 + L2 ) × 3.5 ×108 = 285450
L1 + L2 = 755.158
Using equation (iii),
2.521 L2 + L2 = 7585.158
L2 = 214.472 mm
L1 = 540.685mm
Case 2 : (Consider shear lag)
Anet = A1 + K1. A2
Equal angle section, K = 0.75 Anet
Anet = 1.75 × ( A1 )
= 1.75 × = 1665.125 mm 2
Full strength of tension member
= 150 ×1665.125s
= 249768.75 N
Total weld strength = Tensile strength
( L1 + L2 ) × 3.5 ×108 = 249768.75
L1 + L2 = 660.763 mm
Let us check the options (C) and (D).
None of the options full fill
L1 + L2 = 660.763 mm
Hence, the correct option is (A).
2.15 134.4
Given : Weld size (S) = 8 mm
Permissible stress ( σ ps ) = 120 MPa
Psafe = K × S × leff × σ ps
= 0.7 × 8 × (75 + 75 + 50) ×120
= 134.40 kN
Hence, the correct answer is 134.4.
8 Steel Structures
3 Design of Tension Member
1995 IIT Kanpur angles are connected, one each on either side
of a 10 mm thick gusset plate, by 18 mm
3.1 The net effective cross-sectional area
diameter rivets arranged in one row. The
calculated in the steel angle tension
allowable stresses in rivet are
member design accounts for
f s = 90 N/mm 2 and fbr = 250 N/mm2 .
(A) The tensile force and bolt holes
(B) The eccentricity of the end connections 3.3 Maximum tensile stress in the tie in N/mm2
and the bolt holes is [2 Marks]
(C) The effectiveness of the tack connection (A) 93.6 (B) 87.5
along the length (C) 77.2 (D) 66.0
(D) The effectiveness of the end connection 3.4 Minimum number of rivets required at each
ends is [2 Marks]
[1 Mark]
(A) 2 (B) 3
2002 IISc Bangalore (C) 4 (D) 5
3.2 ISA 100 ×100 ×10 mm (cross-sectional area 2004 IIT Delhi
= 1908 mm ) serves as tensile member. This 3.5 Two equal angles ISA 100 mm × 100 mm of
angle is welded to a gusset plate along A and thickness 10 mm are placed back-to-back
B appropriately as shown in figure. and connected to the either side of a gusset
Assuming the yield strength of the steel to be plate through a single row of 16 mm
260 N/mm2 the tensile strength of the diameter rivets in double shear. The effective
member can be taken to be approximately areas of the connected and unconnected legs
[2 Marks] of each of these angles are 775 mm 2 and
950 mm 2 , respecti-vely. If these angles are
NOT tack riveted, the net effective area of
ISA 100 ´ 100 ´ 10 the is pair of angles is riveted, the net
effective area of this pair of angles is
[2 Marks]
(A) 3650 mm (B) 3450 mm 2
Gusset plate
(C) 3076 mm 2 (D) 2899 mm 2
(A) 500 kN (B) 300 kN
(C) 225 kN (D) 375 kN 2005 IIT Bombay
Steel Structures 1
2006 IIT Kharagpur safety factor, γ mw = 1.25 ). As per the Limit
3.7 In the design of welded tension members, State Method of IS 800: 2007, what is the
consider the following statements : minimum length (in mm, rounded off to
[2 Marks] the nearest higher multiple of 5 mm)
A. The entire cross-sectional area of the required of each weld to transmit a
connected leg is assumed to contribute to factored force P equal to 275 kN?
100 mm
the effective area in case of angles.
2 Steel Structures
3.1 (A) ISA size = 75 × 75 × 6 mm
Assuming both the angle between sections are not
In tension number,
tack riveted. (Maximum tensile stress is obtained
Net effective cross-sectional area
when angles are not tack bolted/ riveted)
= Gross area – Area of bolt holes
3 A1 3 × 412
Whereas in compression member, ∴ k1 = = = 0.685
3 A1 + A2 3 × 412 + 568
Net-effective cross-sectional area = Gross area
Ae = ( A1 + K1 A2 )2
3.2 (C)
= (412 + 0.685 × 568) × 2 = 1602.2 mm 2
Given : ISA 100 ×100 ×100 mm
Cross sectional area = 1908 mm 2 ∴ Maximum tensile stress =
Yield strength of weld f y = 260 N/mm 2 150 ×103
= = 93.6 N/mm2
Hence, the correct option is (A).
3.4 (C)
ISA 100 ´ 100 ´ 10
Given :
Diameter of rivet = 18 mm
Diameter of hole d 0 = 18 + 1.5 = 19.5
Gusset plate
Strength of rivets in shearing
A1 = Net area of connected leg
2 × π(19.5)2 × 90
= (100 − 5) ×10 = 950 mm 2 = = 53.76 kN
A2 = Net area of outstand leg Strength of rivets in bearing
= (100 − 5) ×10 = 950 mm 2 = 19.5 × 10 × 250 = 48.75kN
∴ Rivet value = 48.75kN
3 A1 3 × 950
K= = = 0.75 150
3 A1 + A2 3 × 950 + 950 No. of rivets = = 3.08 ≈ 4
Hence Anet = A1 + KA2
Hence, the correct option is (C).
= 950 + 0.75 × 950
3.5 (D)
= 1662.5 mm 2
When angles are not tack riveted they will be
Tensile strength of member = 0.6 × f y × Anet considered as single angles connected on one side
= 0.6 × 260 × 1662.5 of gusset plate.
= 259.4 kN Ae = ( A1 + kA2 ) × 2
So on the safe side, tensile strength can be taken 3 A1 3 × 775
k= = = 0.71
as 225 kN. 3 A1 + A2 3 × 775 + 950
3.3 (A) Ae = (775 + 0.71× 950) × 2
Given : Ae = 2899 mm 2
Pull applied P = 150 kW Hence, the correct option is (D).
Steel Structures 3
3.6 (C) P2
Anet = ( B − 3 × d 0 ) + × 2 t
The permissible stress is axial tension. σ st shall 4g
not exceed 0.60 f y . 2 × 352
= (70 − 3 ×11.5) + ×6
S. Allowable 4 × 20
Type of stresses FOS
No. stress Anet = 396.75 mm 2
1. Axial tensile (σat ) 0.6 f y 1.67
∴ Maximum tension allowed
2. Maximum axial 0.6 f y 1.67 = Anet × σat = 396.75 × 150 = 59.5 kN
compressive (σat )
Case 3 : By failure along (4)-(5)-(6)-(7)
3. Bending tensile 0.66 f y 1.51
Anet = ( B − 2 × d 0 ) × t
(σbt )
4. Maximum bending 1.51 = (70 − 2 ×11.5) × 6 = 282 mm 2
0.66 f y
compressive (σbc ) ∴ Maximum tension allowed = Anet × σat
= 282 × 150 = 42.3kN
3.7 (D) ∴ Minimum value among all four cases
1. Correct because correction factor k is only = 42.3kN
applied to A2 i.e. area of outstanding leg. Hence, the correct option is (A).
2. Correct because correction factor k = 1,
Scan for
when angles are connected back to back and Video Solution
tacked. Hence Anet = A1 + A2 as in case of T-
3.9 B
3. Correct because, when slenderness ratio Given : fu = 410 MPa , f y = 250 MPa ,
increases beyond 400, it is called as cable. γ mw = 1.25 and t = 12 mm , Size of weld,
Hence, the correct option is (D).
S = 10 mm .
3.8 (A) Factored force P = 275 kN
P= × Lw × 0.7 × S ... ( A )
t = 6 mm 1 4 3γ mw
5 15
20 Assume minimum length of weld required on
70 mm 2 20
6 each size = l
3 7 ∴ Lw = 2 × l
Substitute P and Lw in equation (A),
Given : d 0 = 11.5 m and σat = 150 N/mm 410
275 × 103 = × 2l × 0.7 × 10
Shear capacity of each bolt = 15 kN 3 × 1.25
Case 1 : Let us suppose all bolt fail in shear l = 103.25 mm ≈ 105 mm
∴ Max force allowed = 3 ×15 = 45 kN Hence, the correct option is (B).
Hence only option below 45 kN i.e 42.5kN
Case 2 : By failure along section (4)-(5)-(2)-(6)-
4 Steel Structures
4 Design of Compression
Steel Structures 1
4.1 (A) (Self-weight of base plate and steel column is
Less for member M than that of member N.
Total load on pedestral = 2000 kN
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Bearing capacity of concrete
As per IS 800 : 2007
= 0.45 fck = 0.45 × 20 = 9 MPa
Key Point
Area of steel base plate = Factored axial load
bearing capacity of concrete
(2000 ×103 )
= = 222222.22 mm2
Side of base plate = Area
= 222222.22 = 471.4 mm
= 47.14 cm
The length of a side of the base plate to be
provided = 47.14 = 48cm
Hence, the correct option is (D).
4.3 (A)
Degree of end
restraint of Values of effective length
Effectively held
in position and
restrained against
rotation in both
Theoretical value = 0.50l
value = 0.65l
Effectively held
in position at both
ends, restrained
Scan for against rotation at
Video Solution one end.
Theoretical value = 0.70l
4.2 (D) Recommended
Given : Factored axial load = 2000 kN value = 0.80l
2 Steel Structures
Effectively held 4.4 (A)
in position at both
ends, but not Given :
restrained against Yield strength of steel = 250 MPa
rotation. Width of flange = 250 mm
Theoretical value = 1.00l
Thickness of flange = 15 mm
value = 1.00l fy 250
λ= = = 0.5
f cr 1000
Effectively held
in position and Hence, the correct option is (A).
restrained against Key Point
rotation at one
end and at the The strength curve of an axially loaded and
other restrained initially straight hinged column. This plot is
Theoretical value = 1.00l
against rotation sometimes represented in non-dimensional form
but not held in f cr fy
position. value = 1.20l versus shown in figure.
fy f cr
Effectively held f cr Shown in figure
in position and fy
restrained against Plastic yield
rotation in one 1.0
end, and at the
other partially Theoretical value = Nil Elastic Buckling
restrained against Recommended
rotation but not
value = 1.50l 0 1.0
held in position. fy
Effectively held f cr
in position at one
end but not Scan for
restrained against Video Solution
rotation, and at
the other end Theoretical value = 2.00l
restrained against
rotation but not
held in position. value = 2.00l
Effectively held
in position and
restrained against
rotation at one
end but not held Theoretical value = 2.00l
in position nor
restrained against Recommended
rotation at the value = 2.00l
other end.
Note : Here, l = Unsupported length of column
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Steel Structures 3
5 Design of Beams
force (as per IS 800 : 2007) is defined as As per IS 800 : 2007, the web bearing
(A) V > 0.6Vs (B) V > 0.4Vs strength (in kN, round off to 2 decimal
places) of the beam is ________.
(C) V > 0.8Vs (D) V > 0.9Vs
[2 Marks]
[1 Mark, Set-1]
2020 IIT Delhi
2016 IISc Bangalore
5.5 The flange and web plates of the doubly
5.2 The semi-compact section of a laterally symmetric built-up section are connected by
unsupported steel beam has an elastic section continuous 10 mm thick fillet welds as
modulus, plastic section modulus and design
shown in the figure (not drawn to the scale).
bending compressive stress of 500 cm3 , 650 The moment of inertia of the section about
cm3 and 200 MPa, respectively. The design its principal axis X-X is 7.73 ×106 mm 4 . The
flexural capacity (expressed in kNm) of the permissible shear stress in the fillet welds is
section is ________.
100 N/mm2 . The design shear strength of the
[1 Mark, Set-1]
section is governed by the capacity of the
2019 IIT Madras fillet welds.
5.3 Assuming that there is no possibility of shear 100 mm
Steel Structures 1
5.1 (A)
Scan for
According to IS 800 : 2007 clause 9.2.1. no. Video Solution
Reduction in moment capacity of the section is
necessary as long as the cross section is subjected 5.3 (A)
to high shear force (factored value of shear force
is greater than 60% of the shear strength of the As per IS 800 : 2007
section). For semi-compact section
Hence, the correct option is (A).
1. In low shear case (V ≤ 0.6Vd )
5.2 100
Ze f y
Given : Md =
Elastic section modulus Z e = 500 cm3 γ m0
Z e = Elastic section modulus Hence, the web bearing strength of the beam is
272.727 kN.
γ m 0 = Material factor of safety of steel
against yielding Scan for
f y = Yield stress of the material Video Solution
2 Steel Structures
5.5 393.5
10 mm
120 mm
x x
10 mm
100 mm
I ×b
Where, q = Shear stress
F = Shear force
A = Area of cross section
I = Moment of inertia of the section
b = 4t = 4 × 0.7 ×10 = 28
F × (100 × 10) × 55
100 =
7.73 × 106 × 28
F = 393.527 kN
The maximum shear force that can be carried by
the section, is 393.5 kN.
Steel Structures 3
6 Design of Plate Girders, Industrial Roof Truss & Gantry
Steel Structures 1
concentrated load. For stiffeners, PQ ii.PQ should be placed in the tension side
(running along the beam axis) and RS of the flange.
(running between the top and bottom (B) i. RS helps to prevent local buckling of
flanges) which of the following pairs of the web.
statements will be TRUE? [2 Marks] ii.PQ should be placed in the compression
side of the flange.
(C) i. RS should be provided at supports.
P Q ii.PQ should be placed along the neutral
S axis.
(D) i. RS should be provided away from
L L points of action of concentrated loads.
(A) i. RS should be provided under the ii.PQ should be provided on the
concentrated load only. compression side of the flange.
2 Steel Structures
(B) Web splice : It resist most of the shear. For
simply supported beam, maximum shear
force usually occurs at support thus web
splice should be away from support (where
shear force is less).
(C) Bearing stiffeners : It is provided at
supports (where reaction or concentrated
load act.)
(D) Horizontal stiffeners : It should be
provided near to the compressive flange
longitudinally to web plate to avoid
compression bucking of web.
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Scan for
Video Solution
6.6 (C)
The size of the fillet welds in design to safety resist
the horizontal shear force between the flanges and
the web.
Hence, the correct option is (C).
6.7 (B)
Horizontal stiffener or longitudinal stiffener
( PQ ) is provided to prevent the buckling of web
due to bending stress (compressive stress), so it
should be placed in the compression side of the
The first horizontal stiffener is provided at one-
fifth of the distance from the compression flange
to the tension flange. If required, another stiffener
is provided at the neutral axis. Horizontal
stiffeners are not continuous and are provided
between vertical stiffeners.
Vertical stiffener ( RS ) are provided to prevent
local buckling of web due to shearing buckling
It is assumed that the vertical stiffener is not
subjected to any load and is selected to provide
necessary lateral stiffness only.
Steel Structures 3
7 Plastic Analysis
L L The minimum value of load ( P) at which the
2 2 beam would collapse (ultimate load) is
(A) 16.5 M P / L (B) 15.5 M P / L 7.5 M P 5.0 M P
(A) (B)
(C) 15.0 M P / L (D) 16.0 M P / L
4.5 M P 2.5 M P
[2 Marks, Set-2] (C) (D)
7.8 For formation of collapse mechanism in the
2018 IIT Guwahati
following figure, the minimum value of PU
is cM P /L M P and 3M P denote the plastic 7.11 A prismatic propped cantilever beam of span
moment capacities of beam sections as L and plastic moment capacity M, is
shown in this figure. The value of c is subjected to a concentrated load at its mid-
________. span. If the collapse load of the beam is
Pu M M
1m 1m α p , the value of α p is _______.
[2 Marks, Set-2]
7.12 The dimension of a symmetrical welded I-
section are shown in the fig.
2m 140
[2 Marks, Set-1]
2016 IISc Bangalore
6.1 200
7.9 A propped cantilever of span L carries a
vertical concentrated load at the mid-span. If 9
the plastic moment capacity of the section is
M P , the magnitude of the collapse load is
(All dimensions are in mm)
8M P 6M P The plastic section modulus about the
(A) (B)
L L weakest axis (in cm3 , upto one decimal
4M P 2M P place) is ______. [2 Marks]
(C) (D)
2019 IIT Madras
[2 Marks, Set-1]
7.10 A fixed end beam is subjected to a 7.13 If the section shown in the figure turns from
concentrated load ( P) as shown in the fully elastic to fully plastic, the depth of
figure. The beam has two different segments neutral axis (NA), y decreases by
2 Steel Structures
60 mm K
5 mm
y a a
60 mm
a a
5 mm
2020 IIT Delhi I
7.14 The ratio of the plastic moment capacity of a The values of S and M P (rounded-off to one
beam section to its yield moment capacity is decimal place) are
termed as [1 Mark] [2 Marks]
(A) shape factor (B) aspect ratio (A) S = 1.5, M p = 58.9 kN-m
(C) slenderness ratio (D) load factor
(B) S = 2, M p = 100.2 kN-m
2021 IIT Bombay
(C) S = 1.5, M p = 100.2 kN-m
7.15 A prismatic steel beam is shown in the
(D) S = 2.0, M p = 58.9 kN-m
figure. The plastic moment, Mp calculated
for collapse mechanism using static method 2023 IIT Kanpur
and kinematic method is,
7.17 Consider the horizontal axis passing through
[2 Marks]
P the centroid of the steel beam cross- section
shown in the figure. What is the shape factor
A C (rounded off to one decimal place) for the
B E, I
L 2L
3 3 b
2 PL
(A) M p , static > = M p , kinematic
2 PL
(B) M p , static = = M p ,kinematic
2 PL b
(C) M p , static = ≠ M p ,kinematic
2 PL b b b
(D) M p , static < = M p ,kinematic
9 (A) 1.5 (B) 1.7
2022 IIT Kharagpur (C) 1.3 (D) 2.0
7.16 For the square steel beam cross-section
shown in the figure, the shape factor about
Z-Z axis is S and the plastic moment capacity
is M P . Consider yield stress f y 250 MPa
and a = 100 mm.
Steel Structures 3
7.1 (C) 7.3 60
Cross section in which extreme fibre in P
compression can reach yield stress but cannot A B
develop plastic moment of resistance due to local R
buckling is called semi compact section. 1.5 m 1.5 m
Hence, the correct option is (C).
q q
Key Point Mp D
Plastic Section : Cross section which can
develop plastic hinges and have the rotation q q
capacity required for the failure of structure by Mp Mp
formation of plastic mechanism.
Compact Section : Cross section which can Lθ
Δ= , L=3 m
develop plastic moment of resistance but have 2
inadequate plastic hinge rotation capacity for External work done = Internal work done,
formation of plastic mechanism before buckling.
P × Δ = M P θ + M P (θ + θ)
Slender Section : Cross section in which the
elements buckle locally even before attainment of L
P× θ = 3M P θ
yield stress are called as slender section. 2
6 M P 6 × 90
7.2 25 Pu = = = 180 kN
L 3
At collapse condition M A = 0 ,
R × 3 + M P − P ×1.5 − M P + M P = 0
1.5 m 1.5 m
R× 3 + 90 − 180 ×1.5 = 0
From compatibility equation,
R = 60 kN
Net deflection at B = 0
Hence, reaction R using plastic analysis 60 kN.
RL3 P (1.5)3 P(1.5) 2
= + × 1.5
3EI 3EI 3EI Scan for
3 Video Solution
RL 1.125P 1.687 P
= +
7.4 (C)
9 R 1.125 P 1.687 P
= +
EI EI EI Factor which increases working load to
5P 5 ultimate load is load factor. Therefore ‘Q’
R= = × 80 should be matched with ‘4’.
16 16
R = 25kN Factor which decreases ultimate strength of
Hence, the reaction R using elastic analysis 25 kN. a material to design strength is material
partial safety factor. Therefore ‘P’ should be
Scan for matched with ‘3’.
Video Solution
Hence, the correct option is (C).
4 Steel Structures
7.5 (C) P/2
P D2
L/2 L/2
q q
q q
Mp D Mp
Lθ Lθ
q q Δ1 = and Δ 2 =
2 3
Mp Mp PΔ1 − Δ 2 = M P (θ + θ)
From principle of virtual work, PL P l
θ − × θ = M P (θ + θ)
External work done = Internal work done 2 2 3
P × Δ = M P θ + M P (θ + θ) PL
θ = 2M P θ
L 3
From figure, Δ = θ 6M P
2 P=
Pu × θ = 3M P θ General minimum collapse load is taken here in
6M P
6M P both mechanism collapse load ( Pu ) = .
Pu = L
L Hence, the correct option is (C).
Hence, the correct option is (C).
7.7 (C)
7.6 (C)
No. of plastic hinges formed at collapse
Degree of static inderminacy = 0 = DS + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3
No of plastic hinges required for mechanism Mechanism 1 :
= DS + 1 = 0 + 1 = 1 W
L /3 2 L /3
Mechanism 1 : q a
P/2 2M p D Mp
P Mp
q a
2M p 2M p
Steel Structures 5
16.5 Pu
W= MP 3L / 4 L/4
q f
Mechanism 2 :
3M p D Mp
L/2 L/2
L/3 W f
q q Mp Mp
2M p Mp 3L L
θ= φ
q q
4 4
φ = 3θ
Mp Mp PL
3M P θ + M p θ + M p φ + M p φ = φ
From principal of virtual work 4
External work done = Internal work done PL
4M P θ + 2M P φ = φ
WL 4
= θ = 2M P θ + M P θ + M P θ + M P θ 4 PL
3 M Pφ + 2M P φ = φ
15 M P 3 4
W= 10 M P φ PL
L = φ
15 M P 3 4
Hence minimum collapse load is 40 M P
L P=
Hence, the correct option is (C). 3L
Out of two mechanisms smaller collapse load is
Scan for 40
Video Solution taken, so C = = 13.33
7.8 13.33 Scan for
Video Solution
Mechanism 1 :
7.9 (B)
L/2 L/4 L/4
q q
3M p D Mp L /2 L /2
q q q q
Mp Mp q q
L = 4m Mp Mp
From principle of virtual work, L
External work done = Internal work done Δ= θ
Pu × Δ = 3M P θ + M P θ + M P θ + M P θ
External work done = Internal work done
Pu × θ = 6 M P θ P × Δ = M P θ + M P (θ + θ)
24 M P 1
Pu = P × θ = 3M P θ
L 2
Mechanism 2 :
6 Steel Structures
6M P 2L
P= P× θ = 5M P θ
L 3
Hence, the correct option is (B). 15M P
7.10 (A)
7.5M P
So minimum collapse load is
Degree of static indeterminacy DS = 2 L
Hence, the correct option is (A).
∴ Number of plastic hinges required for
7.11 *
complete collapse = DS + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3
Mechanism 1 :
2L / 3 P 4L / 3
q f
D Mp
2M p q q
Mp D
q f
q q
2M p 2M p
2L 4L Mp Mp
Δ= θ= φ
3 3 L
Δ= θ
θ = 2φ 2
External work done = Internal work done From principle of virtual work
External work done = Internal work done
P× θ = 2 M P θ + 2 M P (θ + φ) + M P φ P × Δ = M Pθ + M Pθ + M Pθ
2L P× θ = 3M P θ
P× θ = 4 M P θ + 3M P φ 2
3 6M P
P= …(i)
2L θ L
P θ = 4 M P θ + 3M P
3 2 αM P
Comparing equation (i) to we get α = 6
2 L 11M P θ L
P θ =
3 2 7.12 89.89
33M P 9 mm
Mechanism 2 : 6.1mm 182mm
2L / 3 P
9 mm
Mp 140
q q
2M p D A
We know, Z p = ( y1 + y 2 )
q q
140 × 9 182 × 6.1 6.1 6.1
= 2× (35 + 35) + +
Mp Mp 2 2 4 4
External work done = Internal work done = 89893.055mm3 = 89.89cm3
P × Δ = 2M P θ + M P θ + M P θ + M P θ
Steel Structures 7
Scan for Zp Mp ( y1 + y2 )
Video Solution Shape factor = = = 2
Ze My I/y
7.13 (D) ● Load factor is the ratio of actual amount of
60 mm load and the maximum permissible load.
5 mm P
Load factor = c
y P
Load factor = Factor of safety
× Shape factor
● Slenderness ratio is the ratio between length
5 mm of a column and the least radius of gyration
A1 y1 + A2 y 2 of its cross section.
y= L
A1 + A2 λ= e
γ min
60 5
60 × 5 × + 60 × 5 × 60 + ● Aspect ratio-For any geometric shape aspect
2 2
ratio is found by dividing the value of one
(60 × 5) + (60 × 5)
dimension by another dimension in a
y = 46.25 mm structure. Generally, it is used for design of
The section is unsymmetrical about the neutral any structure like beam, for which the ratio
axis and hence the equal area axis has to be of width (b) to depth of cross section of beam
located. (d) is to be fixed.
60 mm Hence, the correct option is (A).
EA 5 mm Key Point
NA 60 mm
5 mm
Let x ≤ 5 mm
(60 × 5) + (60 × 5)
60 × x =
x = 5 mm
∴ NA shifts by,
7.15 (B)
60 − y = 60 − 46.25 = 13.75mm
Hence, the correct option is (D). Arc
We know that, Angle =
Scan for ∴ Deflection is same at B from both A and C
Video Solution
L/3 2L/3
7.14 (A) α β
● Shape factor is the ratio of plastic section L / 3α ×β
modulus ( Z p ) and section modulus ( Z e )
8 Steel Structures
L 2L bh
Now, α= β [δ = θ × L ] 2×
3 3 = 2 (y + y )× f
1 2 y
α = 2β 2
Ds = 0
No. of plastic hinges = Ds + 1 = 0 + 1 = 1
P β = M P (α ) + M P (β)
3 b
P β = M P (2β) + M P (β) h
β P = 3M P β 100
3 100 2 ×
2L MP = 2 × h × 2 × 250
MP =
P 2 3
2 PL 100
M P static = = M p kinetic M P = 5000 × × 2 × 250
9 2 ×3
Hence, the correct option is (B). M P = 58.92 kN-m
7.16 (D) Hence, the correct option is (D).
Given : Yield stress, f y = 250 MPa 7.17 (B)
Dimension, a = 100 mm I 3b
Ze = , Ymax =
Ymax 2
a a b
h y
a a
x b x
a = 100 m
b = 100 2 mm
3b × b3 b × b3
100 2 100 I xx = + 2× × (b × b) × b 2
h= = mm 12 12
2 2
1 1 29b 4
We know that, = b4 + 2 + b =
Shape factor for diamond section = 2 4 12 12
y1 = b
A 5b 2 11 11
Zp = ( y1 + y2 ) = ×b + ×b
2 2 20 20
11 3
= b
11 3
b 11×18
S .F = 4 = = 1.706 = 1.71
29 3 4 × 29
Hence, the correct option is (B).
10 Steel Structures
2014 IIT Kharagpur
5.1 Polar moment of inertia ( I p ) , in cm , of a
rectangular section having width, b = 2 cm 60 0
and depth, d = 6 cm is _____. R
[1 Mark] The respective values of the magnitude (in
kN) and the direction (with respect to the x -
2016 IISc Bangalore
axis) of the resultant vector are
5.2 An assembly made of a rigid arm ABC [2 Marks]
hinged at end A and supported by an elastic (A) 290.9 and 96.00
rope CD at end C as shown in the figure. The
members may be assumed to be weightless (B) 368.1 and 94.70
and the lengths of the respective members (C) 330.4 and 118.90
are as shown in the figure.
(D) 400.1 and 113.50
A 2017 IIT Roorkee
5 kg
36 N 4 kg
The magnitude of horizontal component of
(A) 4.0 N (B) 7.2 N the reaction (in kN) at pin O, is
(A) 150 (B) 120
(C) 9.0 N (D) 16.0 N
(C) 90 (D) 180
5.8 A cable PQ of length 25 m is supported at
two ends at the same level as shown in the 2021 IIT Bombay
figure. The horizontal distance between the
5.10 A wedge M and a block N are subjected to
supports is 20 m. A point load of 150 kN is
forces P and Q as shown in the figure. If
applied at point R which divides it into two
force P is sufficiently large, then the block N
equal parts
can be raised. The weights of the wedge and
20 m
the block are negligible compared to the
forces P and Q. The coefficient of friction (
μ ) along the inclined surface between the
wedges and the block is 0.2. All other
surface are frictionless. The wedge angle is
150 kN
300 .
2 Analog Electronics
2022 IIT Kharagpur
Surface 3
Surface 2 ( μ 0.2)
5.13 A horizontal force mechanics of P kN is
Block N
applied to a homogeneous body of weight 25
kN, as shown in the figure. The coefficient
Wedge M of friction between the body and the floor is
30 0 0.3. Which of the following statement is/are
Surface 1 correct.
The limiting force P, in terms of Q, required
for impending motion of block N to just P
move it in the upward direction is given as
P = αQ . The value of the coefficient ‘ α ’ 2m
(round off to one decimal place) is
[2 Marks]
(A) The motion of the body will occur by
(A) 2 (B) 0.5
(C) 0.6 (D) 0.9
(B) Sliding of the body never occurs
5.11 A perfectly flexible and inextensible cable is
(C) No motion occurs for P ≤ 6 kN
shown in the figure (not to scale). The
external loads at F and G are acting (D) The motion of body will occur by sliding
vertically. only.
E [2 Marks]
5.14 A uniform rod KJ of weight w shown in the
figure rests against a frictionless vertical
3m wall at the point K and a rough horizontal
surface at point J. It is given that w = 10 kN,
F a = 4 m and b = 3 m.
10 kN K
12 kN
2m 2m 2m
The magnitude of tension in the cable
segment FG (in kN, round off to two decimal
places) is _______. [2 Marks]
5.12 A prismatic fixed-fixed beam, modelled with
a total lumped mass of 10 kg as a single
degree of freedom system (SDOF) as shown J
in the figure.
A b
The minimum coefficient of static friction
EI EI that is required at the point J to hold the rod
L L in equilibrium is ______. (round off to three
2 2 decimal places)
[2 Marks]
If the flexural stiffness of beam is 4π2 kN/m
5.15 An undamped spring-mass system with mass
, its natural frequency of vibration (in Hz, in
m and spring stiffness k is shown in the
integer) in the flexural mode will be
figure. The natural frequency and natural
period of this system are ω rad/s and T s,
[2 Marks]
respectively. If the stiffness of the spring is
doubled and the mass is halved, then the (A) 2ω rad/s and T / 2 s
natural frequency and the natural period of (B) ω / 2 rad/s and 2T s
the modified system, respectively, are (C) 4ω rad/s and T / 4 s
[2 Marks] (D) ω rad/s and T s
5.1 40 A
According to the question,
b = 2 cm x dA
X X d = 6 cm x
Y The above theorem can be easily proved. Let us
Now, polar moment of inertia is given by, consider an elemental area dA at a distance r from
bd 3 db3 O. Let the coordinates of dA be x and y. Then
I P = I X + IY = +
12 12 from definition,
(from perpendicular axis theorem) I zz = r 2 dA = ( x 2 + y 2 )dA
2 × 6 6 × 23 432 + 48
I zz = x 2 dA + y 2 dA = I xx + I yy
IP = + =
12 12 12
480 5.2 (B)
IP = = 40 cm 4
12 Let, tension in rope be T
Hence, the correct answer is 40 cm4.
Scan for
Video Solution
Key Point L
Perpendicular axis theorem : The moment of T
inertia of an area about an axis perpendicular to
its plane (polar moment of inertia) at any point O C
is equal to the sum of moments of inertia about L
any two mutually perpendicular axes through the
same point O and lying in the plane of the area. Considering triangle ABC,
Referring to figure, if z-axis is normal to the plane AC 2 = AB 2 + BC 2
of paper passing through point O, as per theorem,
I zz = I xx + I yy AC = L2 + L2 = 2 L
Taking moments about A equal to zero.
4 Analog Electronics
∴ ΣM A = 0 , (w.r.t. – x-axis in clockwise direction)
− P × L + T × 2L = 0 ∴ θ ' = 180 − 61.114 = 118.8860
PL P θ ' ≈ 118.90
T= = (w.r.t. + x-axis in counter-clockwise direction).
2L 2
Hence, the correct option is (C).
Hence, the correct option is (B).
5.3 (C) Scan for
Video Solution
Let resultant of forces P, Q, R be Rres .
+ y 5.4 5.5
Q = 250 N
P = 100 N Given : Mass of the particle (m) = 2 kg
Initial velocity (u ) = 1.5 m/s
60 0 Applied force F (t ) = 3t 2 N
-x +x
150 Force duration (t ) = 2sec
R = 150 N
-y Let, final velocity be v.
Now, we know that,
Now, net horizontal force,
F = ma
ΣFH = P cos 60 − Q sin15 − R cos15 t
θ = tan −1 V
−1 289.26
∴ F dt = m
dV = m[v − u ]
= tan −159.59
5.5 312.5
θ = − 61.1140
Given :
Initial speed of the aircraft (u ) = 200 km/h AB = 2502 − 2002 = 150 mm
De-acceleration upto the runway exit At the instant when the cylinder just starts rolling
(a1 ) = −1.697 m/s over obstacle, it will be lifted from point D. the
contact will only be there with point B and no
Time taken upto the runway exit (T ) = 18sec
reaction force takes place at contact point B.
De-acceleration after exiting runway Now, taking the moments about B equal to zero,
(a2 ) = −1m/s 2 ΣM B = 0 ,
Let, v1 be the velocity at runway exit (after 18 sec), − P × AC + W × AB = 0
S be the distance travelled by the aircraft from − P × 200 + 10 × 150 = 0
runway exit to the gate position with an
acceleration a2 and final velocity be v2 , where P= = 7.5 kN
v2 = 0 .
Hence, the correct option is (D).
Now, velocity at the runway exit,
Scan for
v1 = u + at Video Solution
200 × 1000
v1 = + ( −1.697 × 18) = 25 m/s
3600 5.7 (D)
Distance traveled from runway exit to the gate a
position is, ma 5 kg
6 Analog Electronics
5.8 125 12.52 = x 2 + 102
Given : Length of cable PQ = 25 m x = 7.5 m
Horizental distance between PQ = 20 m
Bending moment at R = 0 ,
:Method 1:
10 m 10 m H P × 7.5 = 75 ×10
P TP S TQ Q H P = 100 kN
.5 0 0 m
m 53.13 53.13 2.5
Tension in cable = H P2 + VP2
36.87 36.87
150 kN = 752 + 1002 = 125 kN
Let, tension in cable PR and QR be TP and TQ
respectively, Now, in triangle PQR, Hence, the tension in the cable due to the applied
PS = SQ = 10 m load will be 125 kN.
TP 150 HP 1.5m
= 1.5m
sin(90 + 36.87) sin(53.13 + 53.13) HR
TQ q = 36.87 0
= 2m
sin(90 + 36.87)
150 × sin(90 + 36.87)
TP = = 124.98 kN
sin(53.13 + 53.13)
TP = TQ = 124.99 ≈ 125kN
Hence, the tension in the cable due to the applied Σy = 0 ,
load will be 125 kN.
R0 sin 36.87 − 90 = 0
:Method 2:
10 m 10 m 90
VP VQ R0 = = 150 kN
HP HQ sin 3687 0
m Horizontal reaction at O = H 0
150 kN = 120 kN
VP + VQ = 150 kN
Hence, the correct option is (B).
VP = VQ = 75 kN
5.10 (D)
Given : Friction factor of surface 2μ = 0.2 P = αQ
Q α = 0.878
α 0.9
5.11 8.25
Block N
N1 μN2
N2 μN2
HE 1m
P θ
Wedge M 2m
30 0
N3 10 KN
12 KN
Free body diagram,
Left of F, H E × 3 + VE × 2 = 0
N 2 cos300 = 0.2 N 2 sin 300 + Q
Q H E = VE …(i)
N2 = 3
cos 30 − 0.2sin(30) At support,
N2 = 1.305Q VE × 6 − H E ×1 − 10 × 4 − 12 × 2 = 0
N2 6VE − H E = 64 …(ii)
Put value of H E in equation (ii),
30 0 6VE − VE = 64
N1 3
VE = × 64 = 12 KN
0.2N2 2
H E = × 12 = 8 KN
Tension, in EF,
FEF = VE 2 + H E 2
P 30
30 0
10 KN
P = 0.2 ×1.305Q cos (30) ΣFH = 0 , FFG cos θ1 = 8 …(iii)
+ 1.305Q sin(30 ) ΣFV = 0 , FFG sin θ1 + 10 = 12
P = 0.878Q
FFG sin θ1 = 2 …(iv)
Given condition,
8 Analog Electronics
( FFG )2 = (8)2 + (2)2 1m
FFG = 8.25 KN
5.12 10
Given : Total lumped mass, m = 10 kg
We know that,
1 k 25 kN
Frequency, f n =
2π m At the verge of overturning
where, k = Flexural stiffness and ( Pmin )overturning × 2 = mg × 0.5
w = 10 kN , a = 4 m , b = 3 m
25 kN = mg N1
( Pmin ) sliding = (maximum static friction)max
W N2
= μN
Normal reaction (N) = mg = 25 kN
Static equilibrium equation
( Pmin ) sliding = 0.3 × 25 = 7.5 kN ΣFH = 0
Maximum force for overturning, N1 = f s
ΣFv = 0
N2 = w
ΣM k = 0
w × 2.5cos θ + f s × 4 = N2 × 3
10 × 2.5 × + f s × 4 = 10 × 3
f s = 8.75 kN
f s ≤ f max
3.75 ≤ μs × N2
μs ≥
μs ≥ 0.375
μmin = 0.375
5.15 (A)
Natural frequency,
k 2π
ω= , T1 =
m ω1
Case : If stiffness is doubled & the mass is halved
k2 = 2 k & m2 = m / 2
ω2 =
4k k
ω2 = =2
m m
ω2 = 2ω1
2π 2π
T2 = =
ω2 2ω
T2 =
Hence, the correct option is (A).
10 Analog Electronics
Construction Materials: Structural Steel – Composition, material properties and behavior; Concrete -
Constituents, mix design, short-term and long-term properties. Construction Management: Types of
construction projects; Project planning and network analysis - PERT and CPM; Cost estimation.
(C) 3 1 2
Construction Materials
(D) 3 2 1
2013 IIT Bombay 2015 IIT Kanpur
1. Maximum possible value of compaction 3. Consider the following statements for air-
factor for fresh (green) concrete is entrained concrete :
[1 Mark] (i) Air-entrainment reduces the water
(A) 0.5 (B) 1.0 demand for a given level of workability
(C) 1.5 (D) 2.0 (ii) Use of air-entrained concrete is required
2014 IIT Kharagpur in environments where cyclic freezing
2. Group-I contains representative stress- and thawing is expected.
strain curves as shown in the figure, while Which of the following is TRUE?
Group-II gives the list of materials. Match [1 Mark]
the stress strain curves with the (A) Both (i) and (ii) are True
corresponding materials. [1 Mark] (B) Both (i) and (ii) are False
(C) (i) is True and (ii) is False
(D) (i) is False and (ii) is True
4. Workability of concrete can be measured
using slump, compaction factor and Vee-bee
time. Consider the following statements for
workability of concrete : [1 Mark]
(i) As the slump increases, the Vee-bee time
Group-I increases
P. Curve J
(ii) As the slump increases, the compaction
Q. Curve K
factor increases
R. Curve L
Which of the following is TRUE?
(A) Both (i) and (ii) are True
1. Cement paste
2. Coarse aggregate (B) Both (i) and (ii) are False
3. Concrete (C) (i) is True and (ii) is False
P Q R (D) (i) is False and (ii) is True
(A) 1 3 2 2016 IISc Bangalore
(B) 2 3 1
(ii) S
(iii) P & Q The expected completion time (in days) of
(D) (i) P the project is _____. [2 Marks]
(ii) Q & R 3. The activity on arrow network of activities
(iii) T for a construction project is shown in the
figure. The durations (expressed in days) of
Construction Planning the activities are mentioned below the
& Management
2016 IISc Bangalore
1. A construction project consists of twelve
activities. The estimated duration (in days)
required to complete each of the activities
along with the corresponding network
diagram is shown below,
:Construction Materials:
2. (B)
1. (B) Stress
In the compaction factor test, the degree of Aggregate
workability of concrete is measured in terms of
internal energy required to compact the concrete Concrete
Cement paste
Compaction factor
Weight of partially compacted Strain
concrete Hence, the correct option is (B).
Weight of fully compacted concrete 3. (A)
The maximum possible value of compaction factor An air entraining agent introduces air in the form
for fresh concrete can be 1. of bubbles that occupy upto 5 % of the volume of
Hence, the correct option is (B). concrete distributed uniformly throughout cement
Key Point paste. Thus for the same amount of water/cement
ratio, we get higher workability.
Degree of workability Compacting factor
An air entraining agent improves freezing and
Very low 0.78 thawing resistance since cracks in the concrete
Low 0.85 during freezing and melting of water is avoided
because water can take up the air voids present is
Medium 0.92
High 0.95 Hence, the correct option is (A).
10. (C) 3
5. 1.12 3
Ratio of Probability of
At mark up of 8%
S. Y’s bid Number type of
Bid price of contractor X 1.08
No. price to of bid bid from previous
X’s cost Contractor X will with if quoted bid price of
30 bids
contractor Y is greater than X bid price,
6 For type 4 and type 5, Y bid is higher.
1. 1.02 6
30 So, Probability of win of contractor X is
12 6 3 9
2. 1.04 12 0.3
30 30 30 30
3 Option 3 more than 0% but less than 50%.
3. 1.06 3 Hence, the correct option is (C).
6 11. (A)
4. 1.10 6
30 Given : Direct cost = 160000 Rs
Indirect cost = 20000 Rs.
Book value after 4th year by straight line method Here, D1, D2 are dummy activities
Critical path = longest duration path
160000 10000
160000 4 40000 Total paths :
(i) A - B - K - L = 23 days
Now, depreciation after mth year by sum of year
(ii) A - B - D - G - D1 - L = 45 days
digit method
(iii) A - B - D - G - D2 - H = 48 days
n m 1
(Ci Cs ) (iv) A - C - E - G - D1 - L = 53 days
n(n 1)
(v) A - C - E - G - D2 - H = 56 days
2 (vi) A - C - E - F - H = 36 days
Depreciation after 1 year ( D1 ) 5th path is longest path which takes 56 days
(5 1 1) to complete project hence it is critical.
D1 (160000 10000)
5 (5 1) 15. (A)
Activity Duration Depend on
Book value after 1 year ( B1 )
160000 50000 110000 P 10 -
Similarly we can calculate other depreciation and Q 12 -
booked values R 5 P
D2 (160000 10000) 40000 S 10 Q
B2 110000 40000 70000 T 10 P, Q
17. (C)
18. (A)
Path :
(i) Q and T 22 (i) Increase in water cement ratio, decrease in
compressive strength of concrete because
(ii) Q and S 22
higher volume of water occupies the volume
16. 1 of concrete and introduces voids.
C (ii) Increase in w/c ratio, increase in workability
of concrete due to availability of water,
A 5
16 reduce the friction between the particles.
10 10
26 As per Abram’s law :
12 D
Compressive Strength
B 14
15 26
16 26
Water Cement Ratio
Total float, Hence, the correct option is (A).
FT = Maximum available Time
– Activity duration
Principles of surveying; Errors and their adjustment; Maps - scale, coordinate system; Distance
and angle measurement - Levelling and trigonometric levelling; Traversing and triangulation
survey; Total station; Horizontal and vertical curves. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing -
Scale, flying height; Basics of remote sensing and GIS.
Contents : Geomatics Engineering
S. No. Topics
1. Fundamental Concepts
2. Levelling
3. Traversing
4. Theodolites and Plane Table Surveying
5. Tacheometric & Triangulation Surveying
6. Measurement of Area, Volume & Theory of Errors and Survey Adjustment
7. Curves
8. Field Astronomy & Photogrammetric Surveying
9. Basics of GIS, GPS & Remote Sensing
1 Fundamental Concepts
Geomatics Engineering 1
Standardization correction, 1.4 (D)
Measured length
Cs Correction Given : Tape length 50 m
Nominal length of tape
Too short = 0.1 m
0.05 Q
30 350m
0.4758 m (negative) 1
P 5
Slope correction :
Slope correction,
h2 Correct sloping length L
Cslope l
2L ' 49.9
28.552 350
Cslope 1.4275 (negative) 50
2 285.5 349.3
tan 1 11.309
Horizontal distance between P and Q,
L 342.51m
Total correction,
CTotal CS CSlope
0.4758 1.4275
(0.4758 1.4275) 1.9033
Correct length L = Measured length – Correction
Correct length L 285.5 1.9033 283.596 m
Hence the correct length (L) of measured survey
line is 283.596 m.
Key Point
Correction due to slope always negative.
Correction for standardization.
Length of tape too long positive.
Length of tape too short negative.
1.3 (B)
Correct sequence :
Reconnaissance Field observation Data
analysis Map making
Hence, the correct option is (B).
2 Geomatics Engineering
2 Levelling
2 Geomatics Engineering
2.1 642.106 Last (RL) 100 0.705 0.75
( RL) R 100 1.455 101.455
Given : ( RL) A 880.88 m
Hence, the correct option is (C).
2.4 (B)
Explanation : Mean Sea level (MSL) is not used
tan 6 10 '
as a reference surface for establishing the
2200 m horizontal control. It is used for establishing the
x 237.70m horizontal vertical control.
True staff reading at station B Hence, the correct option is (B).
2.5 0.06728 d 2 2.5 0.06728 (2.2)2 2.5 97.44
2.5 0.326 2.174 m
Given : BS 3.085 m
So, ( RL) B = ( RL) A HI x 2.174
FS 5.645 m
880.88 1.1 237.70 2.174 First RL 100 m
642.106 m
Last RL ?
FS FS Last RL First RL
3.085 5.645 Last RL 100
Last RL 97.44 m
2.2 (B)
Hence, the R.L. of the last station is 97.44 m.
Given : Distance between P and Q is 20m
2.6 (A)
Given : d 1km
Correction due to curvature, Cc 0.07853d 2
Correction due to refraction, CR 0.01121d 2
20 x
Combine correction, C CC CR
51.870 49.600 51.00 49.600
x 12.33m C 0.07853d 2 0.01121d 2
Hence, the correct option is (B). Combined correction, Ccombined 0.0673d 2
Where d = Distance in kms
Cc 0.0673 12 0.0673m
Geomatics Engineering 3
2.9 476.915
Given : Distance between P and Q 60 m
Reduced level of BM 450 m
2.7 100
4 Geomatics Engineering
d 3.855( 5 40) 33.0012 km 101.4 1.4 100 m
Hence, the distance of the observer from the Hence, the RL of the theodolite station is 100 m.
lighthouse is 33.0012 km.
2.13 (A)
2.11 (A)
2.14 137.682
Given : HI (Height of instrument) 1.320 m
RL (Reduced level of BM) 112.565 m
2.34 18 45'
12 45 '
1.66 P x
Height of instrument RL = 100 m Datum
RL HI level When reading taking from P,
112.565 1.320 113.885 m RL of hillock = HI P x tan1845'
RL of bottom of bridge deck 100 2.34 x tan1845' ... i
HI 2.835
When reading taking from Q,
113.885 2.835 116.720 m
Hence, the correct option is (A). RL of hillock HI Q x 55 tan1245 '
100 1.66 x 55 tan1245 ' ... ii
By Equating equation (i) and (ii),
2.12 100
100 2.34 x tan1845' 100 1.66 x 55 tan1245'
Given : Reduced level (RL) of bench mark (BM)
= 100.000 m
Horizontal distance between theodolite and staff = 2.34 0.339x 1.66 12.445 0.226x
50 m x 104.115
RL of the top of the hillock
100 2.34 104.115tan1845' 137.682 m
Hence, the correct answer is 137.682.
Geomatics Engineering 5
3 Traversing
3.3 In a closed loop traverse of 1 km total length, 3.7 The observed bearings of a traverse are given
the closing errors in departure and latitude below :
are 0.3 m and 0.4 m, respectively. The Line Bearing Line Bearing
relative precision of this traverse will be : PQ 0
46 15' QP 226015 '
[1 Mark]
QR 108015' RQ 286015 '
(A) 1 : 5000 (B) 1 : 4000
RS 201030 ' SR 20 030 '
(C) 1 : 3000 (D) 1 : 2000
3.4 In a region with magnetic declination of ST 3210 45 ' TS 1410 45 '
20 E , the magnetic Fore bearing (FB) of a The station(s) most likely to be affected by
line AB was measured as N 79050' E . There the local attraction is/are [2 Marks]
was local attraction at A. To determine the (A) Only R (B) Only S
correct magnetic bearing of the line, a point (C) R and S (D) P and Q
O was selected at which there was no local
Geomatics Engineering 1
3.8 The accuracy of an Electronic Distance Which of the triangles are ill-conditioned
Measuring Instrument (EDMI) is specified and should be avoided in Triangulation
as (a mm b ppm). Which one of the surveys? [1 Mark]
following statements is correct? (A) Both Q and S (B) Both P and S
[1 Mark] (C) Both Q and R (D) Both P and R
(A) Both a and b remain constant, 3.11 The data from a closed traverse survey PQRS
irrespective of the distance being (run in the clockwise direction) are given in
measured. the table [1 Mark]
(B) a remains constant and b varies in Line Included angle (in degrees)
proportion to the distance being PQ 88
measured. QR 92
(C) a varies in proportion to the distance RS 94
being measured and b remains constant. SP 89
The closing error for the traverse PQRS (in
(D) Both a and b vary in proportion to the degrees) is _______.
distance being measured.
2020 IIT Delhi
2018 IIT Guwahati
3.12 An open traverse PQRST is surveyed using
3.9 The following details refer to a closed theodolite and the consecutive coordinates
traverse : [2 Marks] obtained are given in the table [2 Marks]
Consecutive coordinate
Consecutive Coordinates
Line Northing Southing Easting Westing
(m) (m) (m) (m) Northi Eastin Westin
Line ng g g
PQ - 437 173 - g
( ( (
QR 101 - 558 - (m
m m m
RS 419 - - 96 )
) ) )
SP - 83 - 634 PQ 110.2 - 45.5 -
The length and direction (whole circle QR 80.6 - - 60.1
bearing) of closure, respectively are RS - 90.7 - 70.8
(A) 1m and 900 ST - 105.4 55.5 -
(B) 2 m and 900 If the independent coordinates (Northing,
(C) 1m and 2700 Easting) of station P are (400 m, 200 m), the
(D) 2 m and 2700 independent coordinates (in m) of station T,
2019 IIT Madras
(A) 405.3, 229.9 (B) 205.3, 429.9
3.10 The interior angles of four triangles are given (C) 194.7, 370.1 (D) 394.7, 170.1
below, 3.13 The lengths and bearings of a traverse PQRS
Triangle Interior Angles are :
P Segment Length (m) Bearing
850 , 500 , 450
PQ 40 800
Q 1000 , 550 , 250 QR 50 10 0
R 1000 , 450 , 350 RS 30 2100
S 1300 , 300 , 200 The length of line segment SP (in m, round
off to two decimal places), is _____.
[2 Marks]
2 Geomatics Engineering
2021 IIT Bombay 3.18 If the magnetic bearing of sun at a place at
noon is S 20 E the magnetic declination (in
3.14 Traversing is carried out for a closed traverse
degree) at that place is.
PQRS. The internal angles at vertices P, Q,
(A) 20 W (B) 40 W
R and S are measured as 920 , 68, 1230 and
(C) 20 E (D) 40 E
770 respectively. If fore bearing of a line PQ [1 Mark]
is 270 , fore bearing of line RS (in degrees,
2023 IIT Kanpur
in integer) is ______. [2 Marks]
3.15 Which of the following is/are correct 3.19 The magnetic bearing of the sun for a
statement (s)? [1 Mark] location at noon is 183˚ 30ˊ. If the sun is
(A) The boundary of water of a calm water exactly on the geographic meridian at noon,
pond will represent contour line. the magnetic declination of the location
(B) If the whole circle bearing of a line is is_______ .
2700 , its reduced bearing is 900 NW. (A) 3˚ 30ʹ W
(C) In the case of fixed hair stadia (B) 3˚ 30ʹ E
tachometry, the staff intercept will be larger, (C) 93˚ 30ʹ W
when the staff is held nearer to the (D) 93˚ 30ʹ E
observation point. 3.20 A delivery agent is at a location R. To deliver
(D) Back bearing of line is equal to Fore
the order, she is instructed to travel to
Bearing 1800 location P along straight-line paths of RC,
3.16 For a given traverse, latitudes and departures
CA, AB and BP of 5 km each. The direction
are calculated and it is found that sum of
of each path is given in the table below as
latitudes is equal to +2.1 and the sum of
whole circle bearings. Assume that the
departures is equal to 2.8 m. The length
latitude (L) and departure (D) of R is (0, 0)
and bearing of the closing error,
km. What is the latitude and departure of P
respectively, are :
(in km, rounded off to one decimal place)?
(A) 2.45 m and 530 7'48'' NW
(B) 3.50 m and 530 7'48'' NW Directions (in
120 0 90 240
(C) 0.35 m and 53.130 SE degrees)
(D) 3.50 and 53.130 SE
(A) L = 2.5; D = 5.0
[2 Marks] (B) L = 0.0; D = 5.0
2022 IIT Kharagpur (C) L = 5.0; D = 2.5
3.17 The bearing of a survey is N 31017 'W . It’s a (D) L = 0.0; D = 0.0
azimuth observed from north is _______
degree. (rounded-off to two decimal places)
[1 Mark]
3.1 (D)
Given : Latitude = L cos 78 m
Departure = L sin 45.1m
Since latitude is positive and departure is negative
the line in 4th quadrant.
Geomatics Engineering 3
45.1 Key Point
78 In a closed traverse the algebraic sum of the
Whole circle bearing (WCB) 3600 300 latitudes (L ) should be zero and the algebraic
330 0 sum of departure (D ) should be zero.
Hence, the correct option is (D).
3.4 (C)
3.2 (D)
Given : Station A is subjected to local attraction
Given : Fore bearing of DE – Back bearing of DE but station O is free from local attraction hence
1800 fore bearing of OA will be correct.
Station D and E are free from local attraction, Correct FB of OA 3600 500 20 ' 3090 40 '
CD – DC 340030 ' 1600 45' Correct back bearing of OA 3090 40 ' 180 '
Error at station ‘C’ (1800 1780 45') 1290 40 '
3.3 (D)
Given : Perimeter of closed loop traverse 1km
Total error
Relative precision
Perimeter of closed loop
Total error eL2 eD2 0.4 2 0.32 m
2 Let distance of S1S3 L1
1/2 m
1 and distance of S2 S3 L2
1 10 m 2000
Easting of S3 ,
Hence, the correct option is (D).
500 L1 sin 450 600 L2 sin 26034 '
4 Geomatics Engineering
L1 sin 450 L2 sin 26034 ' 100 …(i) local attraction, then station R is most likely to be
Northing of S3 , affected.
Hence, the correct option is (A).
500 L1 cos 450 450 L2 cos 26034 '
L1 cos 450 L2 cos 26034 ' 50 …(ii)
Solving equation (i) and (ii), we get
L1 70.707 3.8 (B)
3.6 (D)
3.9 (A)
Given : Length of line L 10 m
All north reading are latitude,
L (419 101) (437 83) 0
All east west reading are departure,
D (173 558) (96 634) 1
Length of closure
( L)2 ( D) 2 02 12 1
And direction of closure,
The departure of a line is, D 1
tan tan 1 900
1 L 0
L sin 300 10 5m
2 Hence, the correct option is (A).
Hence, the correct option is (D).
3.10 (A)
3.7 (A) For a well-conditioned triangle, the interior angle
Given : should not be less than 300 .
In this way, triangle ‘Q’ and ‘S’ having less angles
Line Bearing Line Bearing
(acute angle).
PQ 46015' QP 226015 ' Q and S are ill conditioned.
QR 108015' RQ 286015 ' Hence, the correct option is (A).
RS 201030 ' SR 20 030 '
ST 3210 45 ' TS 1410 45 '
Difference of fore bearing and back bearing of PQ
and ST are 180 0 . So Station P, Q, S, T are free from 3.11 3
Assuming it as anticlockwise traverse.
Geomatics Engineering 5
Note : Mathematically sum of interior angle for a l cos 30.215
closed traverse l sin 33.081
(2n 4) 900 [(2 4 4)] 900 3600 Length of line segment SP,
Where, n Number of sides. l 30.215 33.081 44.802 m
2 2
77 0
3.12 (D)
Given independent coordinates (Northing, S
Easting) of station P (400, 200) ( FB) RS ?
( FB) Pq 27
400 m, 200 m
( BB ) PQ 27 0 1800 207 0
( FB )QR 207 0 680 1390
( BB )QR 1390 1800 319 0
( FB) RS 319 123 1960
3.15 A, B, D
3.16 (B)
S Given : Sum of latitude, L 2.1 m
L 190.8 196.1 5.3 Sum of departure, D 2.8 m
D 101 130.9 29.9
Closing error (e) (L)2 (D)2
Co-ordinate of T are (400 5.3, 200 29.9)
(394.7, 170.1) e (2.1)2 (2.8)2 3.5 m
Hence, the correct option is (D).
3.13 44.80 53 07' 4.37''
6 Geomatics Engineering
N 31 17 ' W
Geomatics Engineering 7
4 Theodolites & Plane Table Surveying
Geomatics Engineering 1
C. Bubble tube : It is used to check the level of x 20 m
the instrument when the bubble of the tube
RL of Q 433.05 2.905 x 2
comes in the centre, then the instrument is
levelled. 433.05 2.905 20 2
D. Stadia hair : Line on diaphragm, the 413.955 m
intercept ‘S’ between two stadia hairs of a
vertically held rod gives the distance Hence, the correct option is (C).
between tacheometer and the rod as 4.4 257.36
D KS (k = stadia constant)
Given : R.L. of instrument axis = 212.250 m
Hence, the correct option is (D).
Horizontal distance between A and B = 400 m
4.2 (D)
tan 450
2 Geomatics Engineering
5 Tacheometric & Triangulation Surveying
5.1 28.8
Distance of PQ KS C
1 0 0 ( 0 . 3 5 ) 0 . 1
3 2 . 1 0 m
Distance of PR KS C
100 (0.21) 0.1
21.10 m
Applying the cosine rule,
QR PQ2 PR 2 2( PQ)( PR) cos
Where 61030 '30 ''
(32.10)2 (21.10)2
2(32.10)(21.10) cos(61030'30'')
QR 28.799 m 28.80 m
Hence, the horizontal distance between the points
Q and R is 28.80 m.
Geomatics Engineering 1
6 Measurement of Area, Volume & Theory of Errors and Survey
6.1 (A) Wa
Various laws of weight.
Let there be quantities A and B with weight Wa and Wa K 2
Wb respectively, Hence, the correct option is (A).
Operation Resultant weight
A B 1
Wa Wb
A B 1
Wa Wb
Geomatics Engineering 1
6.2 68.54 A 2rr
A 2rr
A r 2
A r r
2 0.2 % given
A r r
2 0.2 0.40%
Area by Simpson’s rule, A
A [(h0 hn ) 4(h1 h3 ....)
2(h2 h4 ....)]
[(1.22 1.15) 4(1.67 2.34 1.87)
2(2.04 2.14)]
68.50 m 2
Hence, the first and the last offset, using
Simpson’s rule, is 68.50 m2.
Key Point
Area by trapezoidal rule,
A [(h0 hn ) 2(h1 h2 ....hn1 )]
Area by Simpson’s one third rule,
A [(h0 hn ) 4(h1 h3 ....hn1 )
2(h2 h4 hn2 )]
6.3 360
6.4 0.4
A r 2
For percentage error A 2rr
2 Geomatics Engineering
7 Curves
7.2 (A)
Given : Deflection angle 600
Tangent length R tan
R tan
1800 1400 400
0.577 R
Tangent distance T1P or T2 P ,
Hence, the correct option is (A).
R tan 600 tan 200 218.38 m
Length of the curve T1CT2 ,
Geomatics Engineering 1
7.3 200
Given : VPI is 100 m away (When measured
along horizontal) from VPL.
2 Geomatics Engineering
8 Field Astronomy & Photogrammetric Surveying
8.2 120.4
rA 4cm
For tower B :
Given : Flying height H 700 m
Relief displacement,
h0 250 m , r 112.50 mm, r1 82.40 mm . d B 2.0cm, rB 6cm hB 80m
Relief displacement d
H havg
hB rB
For B, dB
H h0
80 6
H h0
H h0 240 m
hA rA
For A, dA
H h0
hA 4
Relief displacement,
240 1.5
rh hA 90 m
d 4
H h0 Hence, the height of the tower A is 90 m.
d r r1
d 112.50 82.40 30.1mm
30.1 (700 250)
h 120.4 m
2 Geomatics Engineering
H 2800 m
8.4 (C)
Given : Focal length f 150 mm
Scale, S
H h
Elevation of ground (h) 650 m
RF (Representation fraction)
1cm 2 1
2 2
Hence, the correct option is (D).
(100) cm 10000
1 0.15
10000 H 650
H 650 1500
8.7 (C)
H 1500 650 2150 m
Hence, the correct option is (C). Given : f 152 mm
1 h0 460 m
Given : Scale , h 1400 m , f 15cm
7500 MSL
Scale f 0.152 1
H h Scale =
H h0 (3.5 1000) 460 20000
1 0.15
7500 H 1400 8.8 20000
H 1400 0.15 7500 1125 Given : Ground area = 6 km 3 km
H 2525 m
Map area = 30 cm 15 cm
Hence, the altitude of the flight above mean sea
level is 2525 m. Map area
We know, scale =
Ground area
30 15 1
6 10 3 10
5 5
8.6 (D) Scale of photograph is 1:20000.
Given : Focal length f 20 cm
Hence, the correct answer is 1 : 20000.
As we know scale of vertical photograph
H havg
1 20
8000 ( H 1200) 100
Geomatics Engineering 3
9 Basics of GIS, GPS & Remote Sensing
9.1 The minimum number of satellites needed 9.3 The number of spectral bands in the
for a GPS to determine its position Enhanced Thematic Mapper sensor on the
precisely is [1 Mark] remote sensing satellite LANDSAT-7 is
(A) 2 (B) 3 [1 Mark]
(C) 4 (D) 24 (A) 64 (B) 10
9.2 The system that uses the Sun as a source of (C) 8 (D) 15
electromagnetic energy and records the
naturally radiated and reflected energy
from the object is called [1 Mark]
(A) Geographical information system
(B) Global positioning system
(C) Passive remote sensing
(D) Active remote sensing
2 Geomatics Engineering
S. No. Topics
1. Linear Algebra
2. Differential Equations
3. Integral and Differential Calculus
4. Vector Calculus
5. Maxima and Minima
6. Mean Value Theorem
7. Complex Variables
8. Limit & Series Expansion
9. Probability & Statistics
10. Numerical Methods
11. Transform Theory
1 Linear Algebra
Engineering Mathematics 1
1.9 The smallest and largest Eigen values of the 1.14 The matrix P is the inverse of matrix Q. If
following matrix are I denotes the identify matrix, which one of
[2 Marks] the following option is correct?
3 2 2 [1 Mark]
4 4 6 (A) PQ I but QP I
2 3 5 (B) QP I but PQ I
(C) PQ I and QP I
(A) 1.5 and 2.5 (B) 0.5 and 2.5
(C) 1.0 and 3.0 (D) 1.0 and 2.0
1.10 Let A [aij ], 1 i, j n with n 3 and 5 1
1.15 Consider the matrix . Which one of
aij i. j. The rank of A is 4 1
the following statements is TRUE for the
[1 Mark] Eigen values and Eigen vectors of this
(A) 0 (B) 1 matrix?
(C) n – 1 (D) n [2 Marks]
2 1 (A) Eigen value 3 has a multiplicity of 2, and
1.11 The two Eigen Values of the matrix
1 p only one independent Eigen vector
have a ratio of 3 : 1 for p = 2. What is another exists.
value of p for which the Eigen values have (B) Eigen value 3 has a multiplicity of 2, and
the same ratio of 3 : 1 two independent Eigen vectors exists.
(C) Eigen value 3 has a multiplicity of 2, and
[2 Marks]
no independent Eigen vector exists.
(A) 2 (B) 1 (D) Eigen value are 3 and – 3, and two
7 14 independent Eigen vectors exists.
(C) (D)
3 3 1.16 Consider the following simultaneous
equations (with c1 and c2 being constants) :
2016 IISc Bangalore
3x1 2 x2 c1
1.12 If the entries in each column of a square
4x1 x2 c2
matrix M add up to 1, then an Eigenvalue of
The characteristics equation for these
M is
simultaneous equation is
[1 Mark] [1 Mark]
(A) 4 (B) 3
(A) 4 5 0
(C) 2 (D) 1
(B) 2 4 5 0
1.13 Consider the following linear system
(C) 2 4 5 0
x 2 y 3z a
(D) 2 4 5 0
2 x 3 y 3z b
1 5 3 7
5x 9 y 6 z c 1.17 If A and B T
, AB is
6 2 8 4
This system is consistent if a, b and c equal to
satisfy the equation [2 Marks]
[2 Marks] 38 28 3 40
(A) 7 a b c 0 (B) 3a b c 0 (A) (B)
32 56 42 8
(C) 3a b c 0 (D) 7 a b c 0 43 27 38 32
(C) (D)
2017 IIT Roorkee 34 50 28 56
1.18 For the given orthogonal matrix Q,
2 Engineering Mathematics
3 2 6 2 4
7 7 1.20 The matrix has
7 4 2
6 3 2 [2 Marks]
7 7 7
(A) real Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
2 6 3
(B) real Eigen value but complex Eigen
7 7 7 vectors.
The inverse is (C) complex Eigen value but real Eigen
[1 Mark] vectors.
3 2 6 (D) complex Eigen value and Eigen vectors.
7 7 7 1.21 The rank of the following matrix is
1 1 0 2
6 3 2
7 7 7 2 0 2 2
2 6 3 4 1 3 1
7 7 7 [2 Marks]
3 2 6 (A) 1 (B) 2
7 (C) 3 (D) 4
2019 IIT Madras
6 3 2
7 7 7 1.22 Consider the hemispherical tank of radius 13
m as shown in the figure (not drawn to
6 3
7 7 7 scale). What is the volume of water (in m 3
3 6 2 ) when the depth of water at the centre of
the tank is 6 m ?
[2 Marks]
2 3 6
7 7 7
6 2
7 7 7
3 6 2
7 7
(A) 156 (B) 396
(C) 468 (D) 78
2 3 6
7 7 7 2 3 4
1.23 The inverse of the matrix 4 3 1 is
2 3
7 7 7 1 2 4
2018 IIT Guwahati [2 Marks]
10 4 9
1.19 Which one of the following matrices is
singular? (A) 15 4 14
[1 Mark] 5 1 6
2 5 3 2 10 4 9
(B) 15 4 14
(A) (B) 2 3
1 3
5 1 6
2 4 4 3
(C) (D)
3 6 6 2
Engineering Mathematics 3
4 9 1 2 2 3
2 5 5 3 4 2 5
1.27 The Rank of matrix is
(C) 3
4 14 5 6 2 7
5 5
7 8 2 9
1 1 6 [1 Mark]
5 5 (A) 4 (B) 3
4 9
2 5
(C) 2 (D) 1
5 0 5 0
(D) 3
14 0 2 0 1
5 5 1.28 The rank of matrix is
5 0 5 0
1 1 6
5 5 0 1 0 2
2020 IIT Delhi [1 Mark]
(A) 2 (B) 3
1.24 Consider the system of equations
(C) 4 (D) 1
1 3 2 1
2 2 3 x1 1 1.29 If A is a square matrix then orthogonality
x2 property mandates
4 4 6 2 [1 Mark]
2 5 2 1 (A) AA A
T 2
(B) AA I
The value of x3 (round off to the nearest (C) AAT A1 (D) AAT 0
integer), is ______. 1.30 The smallest eigen value and corresponding
[2 Marks] 2 2
1.25 A 4 4 matrix [ P ] is given below eigen vector of the matrix is
1 6
[2 Marks]
[2 Marks]
0 1 0
2 2.55
3 4
0 (A) 1.55 and
[ P] 0.45
0 0 1
0 0 6
1 (B) 1.55 and
The eigenvalues of [ P ] are 0.45
(A) 1,2,3,4 (B) 1,2,5,7 1.00
(C) 2.00 and
(C) 0,3,6,6 (D) 3,4,5,7 1.00
2021 IIT Bombay 2.00
(D) 1.55 and
1 2 0 1 0.45
1.26 If P and Q T T
then Q P
3 4 1 0 2022 IIT Kharagpur
is 1.31 The Cartesian co-ordinates of a point P in
[1 Mark] right - handed co-ordinate system are (1, 1,
1 2 1 3 1). The transformed co-ordinates of P due to
(A) (B) a 450 clockwise rotation of the co-ordinate
3 4 2 4
system about the positive x-axis are
2 4 2 1
(C) (D) [2 Marks]
1 3 4 3 (A) (1, 0, 2) (B) (1, 0, 2)
4 Engineering Mathematics
(C) (1, 0, 2) (D) (1, 0, 2) [1 Mark]
1.32 The matrix M is defined as 2023 IIT Kanpur
[1 Mark] 1.36 For the matrix
1 3 1 1 0
4 2 [ A] 1 2 1
and has eigen value 5 and – 2. 0 1 1
The matrix Q is formed as
Which of the following statements is/are
Q M 3 4M 2 2M
Which of the following is/are the eigen (A) [𝐴]{𝑥} = {𝑏} has a unique
value(s) of matrix Q?
(A) – 20 (B) 25
(B) [𝐴]{𝑥} = {𝑏} does not have a unique
(C) – 30 (D) 15
1.33 Let y be a non zero vector of size 2022 1. solution
(C) [𝐴] has three linearly independent
Which of the following statement(s) is/are
true? eigenvectors
[2 Marks] (D) [𝐴] is a positive definite matrix
2 1 0 3
(A) y y is an eigen value of yy 1.37 Two vectors and
(B) yy T has a rank of 2022 1 0 1 2
belong to the null space of
(C) yy is a symmetric matrix a 4 × 4 matrix of rank 2. Which one of the
(D) yy is invertible following vectors also belongs to the null
1.34 P and Q are two square matrices of the same space?
order. Which of the following statement(s) (A) 1 1 1 1
is/are correct?
(B) 2 0 1 2
[1 Mark]
(A) If P and Q are not invertible, then
(C) 0 2 1 1
1 1 1
(D) 3 1 1 2
(B) If P and Q are invertible, then
P 1Q 1 1.38 Cholesky decomposition is carried out on the
following square matrix [𝐴].
(C) If P and Q are invertible, then
8 5
Q 1 P 1 A 5
(D) If P and Q are invertible, then
QP Let iij and aij be the i, j
P 1Q 1
elements of
1.35 The component of pure shear strain in a matrices [𝐿] and [𝐴], respectively. If the
sheared material are given in the matrix element l22 of the decomposed lower
1 1
triangular matrix [𝐿] is 1.968, what is the
1 1 value (rounded off to the nearest integer)
Here, trace ( E ) 0. Given P Trace ( E 8 ) of the element a22 ?
and Q Trace ( E "). (A) 5 (B) 7
Numerical value ( P Q ) is equal to
(C) 9 (D) 11
_______ (in integer).
Engineering Mathematics 5
1.39 If M is an arbitrary real 𝑛×𝑛 matrix, then (A) The eigenvalues of [𝐴] are same as the
which of the following matrices will have eigenvalues of [𝐴]
non-negative eigenvalues? (B) The eigenvalues of [𝐴]−1 are the
(A) M 2 reciprocals of the eigenvalues of [𝐴]
(B) MM 𝑇 (C) The eigenvectors of [𝐴] are same as the
(C) M 𝑇M eigenvectors of [𝐴]
(D) (M 𝑇)2 (D) The eigenvectors of [𝐴]−1 are same as the
eigenvectors of [𝐴]
1 2 3
1.40 For the matrix A 3 2 1 , which of
3 1 2
the following statements is/are TRUE?
1.1 16 3 2 1 1
Total number of multiplication performed in K JK 1 2 113 2 4 2 2
1 31
4 2 4 32
( PQ)44 R41 will have multiplications K T JK 6 1 8 2 1 111 23
4 4 1 16 Hence, the product of K T JK is 23.
Therefore, total number of multiplications
16 32 48
If we multiply QR first :
Q24 R41 will have multiplications 1.3 (A)
2 4 1 8
215 650 795
P42 (QR)21 will have multiplications
Given : [ M ] 655 150 835
4 2 1 8
485 355 550
Therefore, total number of multiplications
8 8 16 For any square matrix,
Therefore, minimum number of multiplications Sum of the Eigen values is equal to trace of the
performed = Min (48, 16) = 16. matrix (Sum of leading diagonal elements).
Hence, the minimum number of multiplications Therefore, sum of Eigen values
required to compute the matrix PQR is 16. 215 150 550 915
Hence, the correct option is (A).
1.2 23
1.4 88
3 2 1 1
0 3
Given : J 2 4 2 and K 2
1 2
1 0 3 0
1 2 6 1 Given : A
2 3 0 1
3 0 1 2
6 Engineering Mathematics
Expanding about R1 , For a 2 2 matrix, determinant will be positive if
0 1 2 3 (i) Both Eigen values are positive.
(ii) Both Eigen values are negative.
1 0 3 0
A Therefore, the given statement is not true.
2 3 0 1 Option (D) : If the product of the trace and
3 0 1 2 determinant of the matrix is positive, all its Eigen
0 3 0 1 2 3 values are positive.
Let determinant of a 2 2 matrix be 15 and trace
0 3 0 1 1 3 0 1
be 2 . Then, product of determinant and trace is
0 1 2 0 1 2
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 …(i)
2 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 12 15 …(ii)
0 1 2 3 0 1 From equation (i) and (ii),
A 0 1[1 12 9] 12 3(24) 1 3, 2 5
A 4 12 72 88 Therefore, the given statement is not true.
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Hence, the determinant of the matrix is 88.
1.6 2
1.5 (A)
Option (A) : If the trace of the matrix is positive 6 0 4 4
2 14 8 18
and the determinant of the matrix is negative, at Given : A =
least one of its Eigen values is negative. 14 14 0 10
Let determinant and trace of a 2 2 matrix be
. Method 1 :
30 and 1 then,
By elementary transformations
Determinant = Product of Eigen values
R2 3R2 R1 , R3 6R3 14R1
1 2 30
6 0 4 4
Trace = Sum of Eigen values 1 2 1
A 0 42 28 58
1 1 0 84 56 116
R3 R3 2 R2 ,
1 30 1 0
1 6, 5 6 0 4 4
A 0 42 28 58
and 2 1 1
0 0 0 0
2 5, 6
There exist two non-zero rows.
Since, one of the Eigen value is negative, given
statement is true. So, ( A) 2
Option (B) : If the trace of the matrix is positive, Hence, the rank of the matrix is 2.
all its Eigen values are positive. . Method 2 :
From above example, trace = 1, then 1 5 , In the given matrix A, there exists linear
2 6 . relationship is given below,
Therefore, given statement is not true. R2 2R1 R3
Option (C) : If the determinant of the matrix is So, there are only linearly independent rows R1
positive, all its Eigen values are positive.
and R3
Determinant = Product of Eigen values
Engineering Mathematics 7
( A) 2 Number of unknowns ( n) 2
Hence, the rank of the matrix is 2. The augmented matrix is given by,
2 3 : 5
[ A : B]
3 p : 10
By elementary transformation,
1.7 (A) 3
R2 R2 R1
Given : ( x1 , y1 ) (1,0) ; ( x2 , y2 ) (2, 2) ; 2
2 3 : 5
( x3 , y3 ) (4,3) .
[ A : B]
0 p 9 : 5
2 2
Since, ( A : B) 2
If no solution exists then ( A) ( A : B) .
It is possible only, if p 0
p 4.5
Hence, the value of p is 4.5.
1.9 (D)
x1 y1 1
1 3 2 2
Area of triangle x2 y2 1
2 Given : A = 4 4 6
x3 y3 1
2 3 5
Area of triangle
The characteristic equation of matrix A is given
x1 ( y2 y3 ) y1 ( x2 x3 ) 1( x2 y3 y2 x3 ) by,
Area of triangle A I 0 [where, Eigen values]
1 3 2
1(2 3) 0(2 4) 1(2 3 2 4)
2 4 4 6 0
1 3
Area of triangle 1 0 2 . 2 3 5
2 2
(3 )[( 4 )(5 ) 18]
Area cannot be negative. Therefore area of triangle
3 2[4(5 ) 12]
is equal to .
2 2[12 2( 4 )] 0
Hence, the correct option is (A). (3 ) (20 4 5 2 18)
1.8 4.5 2(20 4 12)
Given : The system of equation are, 2(12 8 2) 0
2x 3y 5 3 4 2 5 2 0
3 x py 10 1 1, 2 1, 3 2
It is in the form of non-homogenous equation and
Therefore, 1, 1, 2
is given by,
Hence, smallest Eigen value is 1 and largest Eigen
value is 2.
2 3 5
where, A , B Hence, the correct option is (D).
3 p 10
8 Engineering Mathematics
1.10 (B) 1 3
2 1
Given : A matrix is defined as, A [aij ]
1 32
where, 1 i, j n and n 3 and aij i. j
Put the value of 1 in equation (i),
For n 3 j 3 ,
3 2 2 2 p
Let order of matrix be 2 3 .
4 2 2 p
1 1 1 2 1 3
Then, [ A]23 p2
2 1 2 2 2 3 2
1 2 3 Put the value of 1 in equation (ii),
[ A]23
2 4 6 3 22 2 p 1
In the above matrix, there exist a linear
relationship as given below, 3 2 p 1
R2 2 R1 4
Thus, only row R1 is an independent row. p2 4 p 4
3 2 p 1
So, ( A) 1 16
For n 4 j 4 , 3 p 2 12 p 12 32 p 16
Now, let order of matrix be 3 4 . 3 p2 20 p 28 0
1 2 3 4 14
Then, [ A]34 2 4 6 8
3 6 9 12 34 Hence, the correct option is (D).
In the above matrix, there exist a linear . Method 2 :
relationship as given below, 2 1
Given : A
R2 2 R1 and R3 3R1 1 p
Thus, only row R1 is an independent row. The characteristics equation of the matrix A is
So, ( A) 1 given by,
Therefore, for any order of given matrix, rank of A A I 0 [where, Eigen values]
is always equal to 1. 2 1
Hence, the correct option is (B). 0
1 p
1.11 (D)
(2 ) ( p ) 1 0
2 1
Given : A 2 ( p 2) (2 p 1) 0
1 p
From option (D) :
. Method 1 :
Let 1 and 2 be the Eigen value of matrix A p
1 3
Therefore, for p 2 14 14
2 1 So, 2 2 2 1 0
3 3
Trace 1 2 2 p …(i) 20 25
2 0
Determinant 1 2 A 2 p 1 3 3
…(ii) 5,
Engineering Mathematics 9
5 1.13 (B)
So, ratio of two Eigen values 3:1
5/3 Given : The system of equations are,
Hence, the correct option is (D). x 2 y 3z a
1.12 (D) 2 x 3 y 3z b
Given : Entries in each column of a square matrix 5x 9 y 6 z c
M add up to 1. It is in the form of a non-homogenous equation
Let us consider 2 2 matrix and generalize the and is given by,
result for all other like 3 3 , 4 4, 5 5 and so on AX B
for M order square matrix. 1 2 3 a
1 0 where, A 2 3 3 , B b
Example : A
0 1 5 9 6 c
The characteristics equation of the matrix A is The augmented matrix is given by,
given by,
1 2 3 : a
A I 0 [where, Eigen values]
A : B 2 3 3 : b
1 0 0 5 9 6 : c
0 1 0 0
By elementary transformation,
1 0 R2 R2 2R1 , R3 R3 5R1
0 1 1 2 3 : a
(1 ) 0 A : B 0 1 9 : b 2a
1, 1 0 1 9 : c 5a
1 1 3 R3 R3 R2
Example : 2 1 2
1 2 3 : a
2 1 0
A : B 0 1 9 : b 5a
The characteristics equation is given by, 0 0 0 : c b 3a
A I 0
( A : B) 2
1 1 3 For system to be consistent,
2 1 2 0 ( A : B) ( A)
2 1 0 The above condition is only possible if
(c b 3a) 0
(1 ) (1 ) 2
3a b c 0
1 (2 4) 3[2 2(1 )] 0
Hence, the correct option is (B).
(1 ) 2 2 2 4 6 0 1.14 (C)
3 5 6 0 Given : P Q 1 …(i)
1, 0.5 2.39i Multiplying Q on both side of equation (i),
From both examples, it is clear that atleast one of QP QQ1 [Since, QQ 1 I ]
the Eigen value is unity when the sum of column
elements is unity. QP I …(ii)
Hence, the correct option is (D). Post multiplying Q on both side of equation (i),
PQ Q 1Q [Since, Q 1Q I ]
10 Engineering Mathematics
PQ I …(iii) s 2 1 1
From equation (ii) and (iii), Hence, the given matrix consist only one
PQ I and QP I independent Eigen vector.
Hence, the correct option is (C). Hence, the correct option is (A).
1.15 (A) 1.16 (A)
5 1 Given : The system of equations are,
Given : A
4 1 3x1 2 x2 c1
The characteristic equation of the matrix A is given
4x1 x2 c2
A I 0 [where, Eigen values] It is in form of non-homogeneous equation and is
given by,
5 1
0 AX=B
4 1
3 2 c
(5 )(1 ) (4 1) 0 where, [ A] ,B 1
4 1 c2
2 6 9 0
The characteristic equation of the matrix A is given
( 3)2 0
3, 3
A I 0 [where, Eigen values]
If an Eigen value of a square matrix of order n
is repeated p times then the number p is called 3 2
algebraic multiplicity of Eigen value. 0
4 1
Here, Eigen values are 3, 3.
Therefore Eigen value 3 has a multiplicity of 2. (3 )(1 ) (4 2) 0
Calculation of independent Eigen vector : 2 4 5 0
Geometric multiplicity of Eigen value is the Hence, the correct option is (A).
number of linearly independent Eigen vectors
associated with it. 1.17 (A)
Let s be a number of linearly independent vectors. 1 5 3 7
Then s = [Number of variables ( A I ) ] Given : A , B
6 2 8 4
Here, number of variables 2
For 3 , 3 7 3 8
[ B]
5 3 1 8 4 7 4
4 1 3 1 5 3 8
Hence, ABT
2 1 6 2 7 4
4 2 3 35 8 20 38 28
18 14 48 8 32 56
By elementary transformation,
R2 R2 2R1
Hence, the correct option is (A).
2 1
A I 1.18 (C)
0 0
It has one non-zero row. Given :
Hence, ( A I ) 1
Thus, number of independent Eigen vector,
Engineering Mathematics 11
3 2 6 Hence, the correct option is (C).
7 7 7 1.19 (C)
3 2
is an orthogonal matrix. If A 0 , A is said to be singular matrix.
7 7 7
From option (A) :
2 6 3
2 5
7 7 7 a
1 3
. Method 1 :
a 6 5 1 0
If Qnn is an orthogonal matrix then, QQT I From option (B) :
The inverse of the matrix, Q 1 QT 3 2
3 6 2 2 3
7 7 7 b 94 5 0
Q Q T 2 3 6 From option (C) :
7 7 7 2 4
6 2 3 3 6
7 7 7 c 12 12 0
Hence, the correct option is (C). From option (D) :
. Method 2 : 4 3
Inverse of a matrix is given by, Q 1
[Adj Q ] 6 2
Q d 8 18 10 0
21 42 14 Hence matrix (c) is singular.
49 49 49 Hence, the correct option is (C).
14 21 42 1.20 (D)
Adj Q
49 49 49
2 4
Given : P
42 14 21
4 2
49 49 49
The characteristics equation of matrix P is given
3 9 12 2 18 4 by,
7 49 49 7 49 49 P I 0 [where, Eigen values]
6 36 6
2 4
7 49 49 0
4 2
3 21 2 14 6 42
Q (2 ) ( 2 ) ( 4) (4) 0
7 49 7 49 7 49
4 2 2 2 16 0
63 28 252 343
Q 1 2 12 0
49 7 343
3 6 2 1 2 3 i and 2 2 3 i
7 7 7 These are the two complex Eigen values of the
1 2 3 6 matrix.
7 7 7 For Eigen vector [ X ] of a matrix (P)
6 2 3 corresponding to Eigen value , the following
7 7 7 equation satisfies.
12 Engineering Mathematics
[ P I ] [ X ] 0 . 3
R3 R3 R2 ,
For 1 2 3 i , 2
1 1 0 2
2 2 3 i 4 x1 0
P 0 2 2 6
4 2 2 3 i x2 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 3 ix1 4 x2 0 There exists two non-zero rows.
2 2 3 ix1 4 x2 ( P ) 2
x1 x2 Hence, the correct option is (B).
4 22 3i 1.22 (B)
x1 4 Given : r 13 m , h 6 m
2 2 2 3 i 1
Volume of water h2 (3r h)
For 2 2 3 i , 3
2 2 3 i 4 x1 0 62 (3 13 6)
4 2 2 3 i x2 0 396
2 2 3 ix1 4 x2 0 Hence, the correct option is (B).
1.23 (D)
2 2 3 ix1 4 x2
x1 x2 2 3 4
4 2 2 3i Let A 4 3 1
1 2 4
x1 4
x Det ( A) 2(12 2) 3(16 1) 4(8 3)
2 2 2 3 i
2(10) 3(15) 4(5)
Therefore, the given matrix has complex Eigen
values and complex Eigen vectors. Det ( A) 5
Hence, the correct option is (D). Minor of 2 12 2 10
1.21 (B) Minor of 3 16 1 15
Minor of 4 8 3 5
1 1 0 2
Minor of 4 12 8 4
Given : P 2 0 2 2
Minor of 3 8 4 4
4 1 3 1
Minor of 1 4 3 1
By elementary transformation, Minor of 1 3 12 9
R2 R2 2R1 and Minor of 2 2 16 14
R3 R3 4R1 Minor of 4 6 12 6
1 1 0 2 10 15 5
P 0 2 2 6 Cofactors of A 4 4 1
0 3 3 9 9 14 6
adj A (Cofactors of A)T
Engineering Mathematics 13
10 4 9 0 1 3 0
2 4
adj A 15 4 14 3 0
[ P]
5 1 6 0 0 6 1
Inverse of the matrix is given by, 0 0 1 6
10 4 9 0 1 3 0
adjA 1
A 15 4 14 2 3 0 4
A 5 Det ([ P])
5 1 6 0 0 6 1
0 0 1 6
4 9
2 5 5 1 3 0
6 1
1 4 14 (2) 0 6 1 2(1) 70
A 3 1 6
5 5 0 1 6
1 1 6
Trace of [ P] 0 3 6 6 15
5 5
Consider option (B),
Hence, the correct option is (D).
1 2 5 7 15 Trace of [ P ]
1.24 3 1 2 5 7 70 Det [ P ]
Given : System of equations, So, the eigen values of P are 1, 2, 5 and 7.
1 3 2 1 Hence, the correct option is (B).
2 x1
2 3 1 1.26 (C)
4 4 6 2
x3 ( PQ)T QT PT
2 5 2 1
1 2 0 1 2 1
Echelon form is given by, PQ
3 4 1 0 4 3
1 3 2 : 1
2 2 3 : 1 2 4
A : B QT PT ( PQ)T
4 4 6 : 2 1 3
Hence, the correct option is (C).
3 5 2 : 1
1 3 2 : 1 1.27 (C)
0 1 2 : 1
R2 R2 3R1
0 0 1 : 0
R3 R3 5R1
0 0 0 : 0
1 2 2 3
1 3 2 1 0 2 4 4
0 1 2 x1 1
x 0 4 8 8
0 0 1 2 3
x3 0 6 12 12
0 0 0 0
R3 R3 2R2
x3 3
R4 R4 3R2
Hence the value of x3 is 3.
1.25 (B)
Given :
14 Engineering Mathematics
1 2 2 3 0.45 2 x 0
0 2 4 4 1 4.45 y 0
0 0 0 0 45 x 2 y 0
0 0 0 0 45 x 2 y
p ( A) 2
x 2
Hence, the correct option is (C).
y 0.45
1.28 (B)
Hence, the correct option is (C).
5 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 1.31 (B)
0 2 0 1 R1 R1 R2 0 2 0 1
. Method 1 :
5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Given : (1, 1, 1) right handed coordinate system.
0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2
450 clockwise rotation of coordinate about x-
5 0 1 0
0 2 0 1
R4 R4 R2 z
0 0 0 0 (1,1,1)
0 3 45 0
0 0 y
5 0 1 0 x
0 2 0 0
By rotation of yz plane, new coordinates will be
R4 3
0 0 0
2 y ' y cos z sin 1
2 2
0 0 0 0
1 1
Rank ( A) 3 z ' y sin z cos 1 1 2
2 2
Hence, the correct option is (B).
So, new coordinate (1, 0, 2).
1.29 (B) Hence, the correct option is (B).
. Method 2 :
If, AAT I or A1 AT
In a cartesian plane a point p (1,1,1) after rotating
The matrix is orthogonal.
450 on positive direction of x-axis.
Hence, the correct option is (B).
x ' 1 0 0 x
1.30 (D) y ' 0 cos sin y
2 2 z ' 0 sin cos z
A A I 0
1 6 Here 450 , at point p (1,1,1)
2 tr [ A] 0 x ' 1 0 0 1
y ' 0 cos 450 0
sin 45 1
2 8 10 0
z ' 0 sin 450 cos 450 1
[ A] X [ X ]
[ A I ] X ] 0
Engineering Mathematics 15
x ' 1 0 0 1 1 2
y ' 0 1/ 2 1/ 2 1
2 4
z ' 0 1/ 2 1/ 2 1
Finding eigen values,
Characteristics equation is given by,
x ' 1 1
y ' 1/ 2 (1/ 2) 0 X I 0
z ' 1/ 2 1/ 2 2 1 2 1 0
2 4 0 1 0
Then new coordinate is (1, 0, 2) about positive x-
1 2
axis. 0
Hence, the correct option is (B). 2 4
1.32 (A), (D) (1 ) (4 ) 4 0
1 3 4 4 2 4 0
Given : M 2 5 0
4 2
5, 2 ( 5) 0
16 Engineering Mathematics
We can see that AAT becomes a symmetric From equation (i) and (ii),
matrix. 1 2, 2 2
So, option (C) is correct. Eigen values of matrix ()
Option (D) : E 2, 2
y 20221 , y T
12022 E 8 ( 2)8 , ( 2)8
y 20221 yT 12022 yyT 20222022 E 8 16,16
We know that,
E 11 ( 2)11 , ( 2)11
p AB min p ( A), p ( B )
E 11 32 2, 32 2
p yyT min p( y ), p( yT )
p yyT min 1, 1 P Trace(8 ) 16 16 32
Q Trace (11 ) 32 2 ( 32 2) 0
p yyT 1
Numerical values,
It is clear that yyT is not invertible because its
P Q 32 0 32
rank is 1.
1.36 (B), (C)
So, option (D) is not correct.
Hence, the correct option are (A) and (C). 1 1 0
1.34 (C), (D) Given : [A] 1 2 1
Given : P and Q are two square matrices. 0 1 1 33
We know that, Characteristic equation, | A I | 0
( AB)1 B 1 A1 1 1 0
Also P and Q are invertible 1 2 1 0
then, PQ Q 1 P 1
0 1 1
P 1Q 1 (1 )[ 2 3 2 1] 1( 1) 0
Hence, the correct option are (C) and (D). (1 )[ 2 3 2 1 1] 0
1.35 32 (1 )( 2 3) 0
1 1 2 3 3 3 2 0
Given : Matrix
1 1 3 4 2 3 0
Trace () 1 (1) 0 (as given) ()(2 4 3) 0
1 1
Det () 1 (1) 11 2
1 1 Since there are three Eigen values so number of
We know that, linearly independent Eigen vectors are 3.
Sum of eigen values, Here one Eigen value 0 ,so [A] is not a
1 2 Trace () positive definite matrix.
1 2 0 …(i) Also, [A]{x} {b} , does not have a unique
Product of eigen values, solution.
1 2 Det () Hence, correct options are (B) and (C).
1 2 2 …(ii) 1.37 (A)
Engineering Mathematics 17
Given : Matrix is 4 4 M 2 X X
Rank of matrix = 2
M 2 X 2 X ...(ii)
N A Number of column – Rank of matrix = 4
[ (non negative) is Eigen value of M2]
We can say that null space of A will consists only MX X
two linearly independent vectors which is given as M T X X .... (iii)
x and y. [M, MT have same Eigen values]
2 1
1 0 MM T X MX
Eigen vectors of Matrix A, and MM T X X
0 1
3 2 MM T X 2 X ....(iv)
Therefore, remaining eigen vectors must be [ 2 (none negative) is Eigen value of MMT]
linearly dependent. MX X
1 M T X X
Hence, X Y M T MX MX
M T MX (X )
Hence, the correct option is (A). M T MX 2 X ...(v)
1.38 (B) [ 2 (non negative) is Eigen value of M T M ]
Cholesky decomposition, A LLT MX X
8 5 L11 0 L11 L21 MMx MX
5 a L L22 0 L22
22 21 M 2 X X )
On compare both side (M T ) 2 X
We get, L11 2 2
[ M , M T have same Eigen value]
L21 ( M T )2 X 2 X …(vi)
2 2
L221 L222 a22 [ 2 is Eigen value of (M T )2 which non negative]
2 Hence, the correct options are (B) & (C).
1.968 a22 1.40 (A), (B), (D)
2 2
Characteristics equation of A and AT are same.
a22 6.99
Characteristics roots of A and AT are same.
a22 7
Hence, the correct option is (B). A1 AX A1X
1.39 (B), (C) IX A1X
MX X ...(i) X A1 X
[ is Eigen value of (M)] 1
X A1 X
18 Engineering Mathematics
is Eigen value of A1 .
Hence, the correct options are (A), (B) &
Engineering Mathematics 19
2 Differential Equations
Engineering Mathematics 1
2.8 The solution of the partial differential (A) (1, 0) (B) (0,1)
u 2u
equation 2 is of the form (C) (1,1) (D) ( 2, 2)
t x
2018 IIT Guwahati
[1 Mark]
2.13 Variation of water depth (y) in a gradually
(A) C cos(kt ) C1e( k / ) x
C2e ( k / ) x
varied open channel flow is given by the first
(B) Cekt C1e( k / ) x
C2 e ( k / ) x
order differential equation
2 Engineering Mathematics
Laplace’s equation of continuity is Vi ( n 1) Vi ( n ) V ( n ) 2Vi ( n ) Vi ( n1)
expressed as (B) i 1
t (x) 2
h h h h
(A) 0 Vi ( n ) Vi ( n 1) V ( n ) 2Vi ( n ) Vi ( n1)
x x z z (C) i 1
h h t (x) 2
(B) 0
x z Vi ( n ) Vi ( n1) V ( n ) 2Vi ( n ) Vi ( n1)
(D) i 1
2h 2h 2h 2t 2x
(C) 2 0
x xz z 2 2020 IIT Delhi
2h 2h
(D) 2 2 0 2.22 In the following partial differential equation,
x z is a function of t and z , and D and K are
2.18 Consider the ordinary differential equation
functions of
d2y dy
x2 2 x 2 y 0 . Given the values 2 K ()
dx 2
dx D () 0
z 2 z t
of y (1) 0 and y (2) 2 , the value of y (3)
The above equation is
(round off to 1 decimal place), is _____. [1 Mark]
[2 Marks] (A) a second order non-linear equation
2.19 An ordinary differential equation is given (B) a second degree linear equation
dy (C) a second degree non-linear equation
below ( x ln x) y . The solution for the
dx (D) a second order linear equation
above equation is 2.23 For the ordinary differential equation
[2 Marks] d 2x dx
5 6x 0 ,
(Note : K denotes a constant in the options) dt 2
(A) y Kxe x (B) y Kxe x with initial conditions x(0) 0 and
(C) y K ln x (D) y Kx ln x dx
(0) 10 , the solution is
2.20 Euclidean norm (length) of the vector dt
[4 2 6]T is [2 Marks]
[1 Mark] (A) 10e 10e
2t 3t
4 Engineering Mathematics
x 0, y 0. The value of this function on dy
2.34 In the differential equation xy 0 ,
the circular boundary of this domain is equal dx
to 3. The numerical value of f (0, 0) is is a positive constant. If 𝑦 = 1.0 at
[1 Mark] 𝑥 = 0.0, and 𝑦 = 0.8 at 𝑥 = 1.0, the value of
(A) 1 (B) 0 is________ (rounded off to three
(C) 2 (D) 3 decimal places).
2023 IIT Kanpur du
2.35 The differential equation, 2tu 2 1
2.33 The solution of the differential equation dt
is solved by employing a backward
d3y d2y dy
5.5 2
9.5 5 y 0 difference scheme within the finite
dx dx dx
difference framework. The value of 𝑢 at
is expressed as y C1e2.5 x C2ex C3ex , the (𝑛 − 1)th time-step, for some 𝑛, is 1.75.
where C1 , C2 , C3 , and are constants, with The corresponding time (t) is 3.14 s. Each
time step is 0.01 s long. Then, the value of
and being distinct and not equal to 2.5.
Which of the following options is correct for
un un1 is____________.(round off to
the values of 𝛼 and 𝛽? three decimal places).
(A) 1 and 2 (B) −1 and −2
(C) 2 and 3 (D) −2 and −3
Engineering Mathematics 5
H C1 x C2 …(ii) y 18
Using boundary conditions : Hence, the value of y is 18.
(i) When x 0, H 5
5 C1 0 C2
C2 5
2.5 (C)
(ii) When x 10, H 1
Given :
1 C1 10 5
y y
2 x( y dx x dy ) cos y ( xdy ydx) sin
C1 x x
Put the values of C1 and C2 in equation (ii), y
x( y dx x dy ) x
H x5 y ( xdy ydx) y
5 cos
At the middle of strip i.e. x 5
y dx x dy y y
H 5 5 3m tan
xdy ydx x x
Hence, the value of H is 3. Let y vx
2.4 18 Differentiating both sides with respect to x,
dy xdv
d2y v dy vdx xdv
Given : 2
12 x 2 24 x 20 dx dx
vxdx x(vdx xdv) vx vx
Integrating both sides with respect to x, tan
x(vdx xdv) vxdx x x
4 x3 12 x2 20 x c1
dx 2vxdx x 2 dv
v tan v
y x 4 4 x3 10 x 2 c1 x c2 x 2 dv
…(i) 2v dx
1 v tan v
Using boundary conditions : x dv
(i) When x 0, y 5 2v dx
v tan v 1
x dv
5 0 4 0 10 0 c1 0 c2
2dx (v tan v 1)
c2 5 dv
x v
(ii) When x 2, y 21 2dx 1
tan v dv
21 24 4 23 10 22 c1 2 c2 x v
21 16 32 40 2c1 5 Integrating both sides,
2dx 1
2c1 21 16 32 40 5 x tan v v dv
2c1 40 2 ln x ln(sec v) ln v ln C
c1 20 sec v
ln x 2 ln C
Put the values of c1 and c2 in equation (i), v
y x 4 4 x3 10 x 2 20 x 5 x2 C
sec v
At x 1 , v
y 1 4 10 20 5
6 Engineering Mathematics
y C.F. (c1 c2 x)e0 x
Put, v on above equation,
x e 0 x [c3 sin 3 x c4 cos 3 x]
sec C.F. c1 c2 x c3 sin 3 x c4 cos 3 x
x2 C x
y The particular integral is given by,
x 1
P.I. 108 x 2
C y f ( D)
x sec
y x P.I. 4
108 x 2
y C ( D 3D 2 )
xy C sec
x cos y P.I.
108 x 2
x 3D 2 1 2
y 3D
xy cos C
x 1
P.I. 108 x 2
Hence, the correct option is (C). D 2
3D 2 1
2.6 (C) 3
2 P 2 P 2 P P P 1 D2
Given : 3 2 0 P.I. 1 3 108 x
x 2
y 2
xy x y 3D 2
Comparing the above equation with general form By binomial expansion:
of a linear second order partial differential
equation, (1 x) n 1 nx n(n 1) x 2 ....
2u 2u 2u u u
a 2 b c 2 d e fu g 1 D2
x xy y x y P.I. 1 3 .... 108 x
where, a 1, b 3, c 1 3D 2
b 2 4ac 9 4 5 0 1 D2
P.I. 108 x 2
[108 x 2 ]
Hence, Partial differential equation is hyperbolic. 3D 2 3
Hence, the correct option is (C). 1 108
P.I. 108 x 3 2
2.7 (A) 3D 2
d4y d2y 1
Given : 4
3 2
108 x 2 P.I. 108x2 72
dx dx 3D
This is in the form of a non-homogenous linear 1
P.I. 9 x4 36 x2 c
differential equation. 3
[ f ( D)] y P.I. 3 x 4 12 x 2 c
The auxiliary equation is given by, The complete solution is given by,
f ( m) 0 y C.F. + P.I.
m 4 3m 2 0 y c1 c2 x c3 sin 3 x
m1 0, m2 0, m3 3 i, m4 3 i c4 cos 3 x 3 x 4 12 x 2 c
The complementary function is given by, Hence, the correct option is (A).
C.F. (c1 c2 x)e m1x 2.8 (B)
e [c3 sin bx c4 cos bx]
Engineering Mathematics 7
u 2u
Given : 2
t x
The above given equation is heat equation.
Therefore, solution to the above equation is, 2.10 (D)
u ( x, t ) ( A cos px B sin px) Ce p t
Given : Q 1
K K dt
Put p i ,
( D 1)Q 1
Now, put the value of p in given equation, This is in the form of a non-homogenous linear
K K Kt differential equation.
u ( x, t ) A cos ix B sin ix Ce [ f ( D )] Q
The auxiliary equation is given by,
K K Kt
u ( x, t ) A cosh x iB sinh x Ce f ( m) 0
m 1 0
x m 1
Kt e e
u ( x, t ) Ce A The complementary function is given by,
C.F. C1emt C1e t
Particular integral is given by,
2 1
P.I. (1)
f ( D)
A iB
u ( x, t ) Ce e
2 P.I. 1(1 D)1
D 1
A iB
P.I. 1(1 D D2 D3.......)
By binomial expansion:
(1 x) n 1 nx n(n 1) x 2 ....
x x
u( x, t ) Ce C1e C2e
Hence, the correct option is (B).
P.I. 1 0 0....... 1
2.9 36
The complete solution is given by,
2 2 2 Q (t ) C.F. P.I.
Given : 3 B 3 4 0
x 2 xy y 2 Q(t ) C1et 1 …(i)
Comparing the above equation with general form
Using boundary condition :
of a linear second order partial differential
equation, When t 0 , Q 0
2u 2u 2u u u 0 C1e 0 1
a 2 b c 2 d e fu g
x xy y x y 0 C1 1
where, a 3 , b B, c 3 C1 1
For the equation to be parabolic, Put the value of C1 in equation (i),
b 2 4ac 0
Q(t ) 1 et
B 4 3 3 0
P.I. 1
3 3 3 Given : Differential equation,
ln( y )
1 e 3
D2 4D dy
..... (2t 3t 2 )
3 dx 250 45e 3ln( y )
According to Euler method,
1 1
P.I. (2t 3t 2 ) {D 2 (2t 3t 2 ) y1 y0 h f ( x0 , y0 )
3 3
At x0 0, y0 0.8m
4D(2t 3t 2 )} {D4 (2t 3t 2 ) 10
9 dy 1 e 3
16 D 2 (2t 3t 2 ) 8D3 (2t 3t 2 )}..... dx 250 45e 3ln(0.8)
1 dy
P.I. (2t 3t 2 ) {6 4(2 6t )} 6.8 10 3 0.0068 f ( x0 , y0 )
3 3 dx
y1 y0 f ( x0 , y0 ) 1 y1 0.8 ( 0.0068)
{0 16(6) 0} 0.7932 m
1 1 Hence, the depth of the flow is 0.793.
P.I. 2t 3t 2 ( 6 8 24t )
3 3 2.14 0.368
1 d2y dy
(96) Given : 2 y 0
9 dx 2
1 14 96 ( D 2D 1) y 0
P.I. 2t 3t 2 8t
3 3 9 This is in the form of a homogenous linear
differential equation.
Engineering Mathematics 9
f ( D) y 0 Satisfying the conditions
u( x,0)
The auxiliary equation is given by, u ( x, 0) f ( x) and g ( x)
f ( m) 0 t
where, f ( x) is the initial displacement
m 2 2m 1 0
and g ( x ) is the initial velocity.
m 1, 1
The general solution is given by,
The complementary function is given by,
So, C.F. = (C1 C2 x)e x u( x, t ) [ f ( x ct ) f ( x ct )]
Particular integral (P.I) is 0 because it is 1 x ct
homogenous equation. g (s) ds
2c x ct
The complete solution is given by,
2u 2u
y (C1 C2 x)e x …(i) 25 [Given]
x 2 t 2
Differentiating above equation with respect to x, Initial conditions:
dy u (0) 3 x f ( x)
(C1 C2 x)e x C2e x
dx u
(0) 3 g ( x)
Using boundary conditions : t
(i) When x 0, y 1 Comparing the given equation with standard
From equation (i), equation,
1 (C1 C2 0)e0 2u 1 2u 1
i.e. c
1 C1 t 2
25 x 2
Therefore, by D-alembert’s solution is,
(ii) When 1, x 0 1 1 1
dx u( x, t ) f x t f x t
2 5 5
1 (1 C2 0)e 0 C2e 0 1
x t
1 11 C2 1
1 1
g ( s) ds
C2 0 2 x t
5 5
Put values of C1 and C2 in equation (i), At x 1, t 1
y (1 0 x) e x 1 1 1
u (1, 1) 3 1 3 1
y e x 2 5 5
At x 1 , 1
1 1
3 ds
e 2.718 1
Hence, the solution of the differential equation is 1 4 6 5
0.368. u (1, 1) 3 3 3[5]6/5
2 5 5 2
6m 2 m 1 0
d3y dy
x x2 y 0
1 1
m , m 3/2
d3y dy
3 2 x2 y x
So, general solution is given by, dx
d3y 2
1 1
3 x y x
x x
y C1e C2 e
3 2
dx dx
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Order 3 degree 2.
2.27 (C) Hence, the correct option is (C).
d 2 y 2dy 2.30 6.4
Given : y0
dx 2 dx dy
y (0) 1 Given : 4( x 2) y f ( x, y)
y (1) 3 With initial condition y 3 at x 1, i.e., y (1) 3
( D2 2D 1) y 0 The value of y at x 1.4, i.e., y (1.4) ?
Auxiliary equation, m 2m 1 0
By Euler’s method with step size h 0.2.
(m 1)2 0 yn1 yn hf ( xn , yn )
m 1
y (1.2) y (1) hf 1, y (1)
So, CF PI (C1 C2 x)e x
y (1.2) 3 0.2 4 (1 2) 3
y (0) 1 C1 1
y (1) 3 C2 3e 1 y (1.2) 3 0.2(12 3)
y (1.2) 3 0.2 9
So, y [1 (3e 1) x]e x
Hence, the correct option is (C). y (1.2) 3 1.8 4.8
2.28 (B) y (1.4) y (1.2) hf 1.2, y (1.2)
dy y y (1.4) 4.8 0.2 4 (1.2 2) 4.8
Given : 1
dx x y (1.4) 4.8 0.2(4 3.2 4.8)
We know that,
y (1.4) 4.8 0.2(12.8 4.8)
Py 0 y (1.4) 4.8 0.2 8
y (1.4) 4.8 1.6 6.4
Engineering Mathematics 13
2.31 (A) From equation (i),
C2 C4 3
Given : z sin ( y it ) cos ( y it ), z, y and t are
So, f (0, 0) 3
Hence, the correct option is (D).
i 1
2.33 (A)
i cos ( y it ) sin ( y it ) ( i) d3y d2y
t Given : 5.5
9.5 5 y 0
3 2
2 z dx dx dx
i sin ( y it ) i i cos ( y it ) ( i) The differential equation can be written as
t 2
2 z D 3 5.5 D 2 9.5 D 5 0
sin ( y it ) cos ( y it ) …(i) By solving above equation we get,
t 2
z D = 2, 1, 2.5
cos ( y it ) sin ( y it )
y Hence the solution is given as
2 z y c1e2.5 x c2e1x c3e 2 x
sin ( y it ) cos ( y it ) …(ii)
y 2 So, and are 1 and 2 respectively.
2 z 2 z Hence, the correct option is (A).
t 2 y 2 2.34 0.446
Hence, the correct option is (A). dy
2.32 (D) xy y (0)=1
Given : The function f ( x, y ) satisfies the Laplace dy
xdx y(1)= 0.8
equation, y
2 f ( x, y) 0 dy
f ( x, y) (C1 x C2 ) (C3 y C4 ) …(i) y xdx
As given circular domain of radius r 1 with its x2
center at point P with coordinates x 0, y 0. ln y c …(i)
y (0) 1 ln1 0 c c0
(0, 1)
ln y …(ii)
P x
(–1, 0) (0, 0) (1, 0) y(1) 0.8 ln (0.8)
2 ln (0.8)
(0, –1)
ln (0.8)2
Engineering Mathematics 15
3 Integral & Differential Equations
1 sin x
2013 IIT Bombay
3.5 The value of
0 1 x 2
0 x
dx is
(C) 450 (D) 900
3.8 The area between the parabola x 2 8 y and
the straight line y 8 is ______.
[2 Marks]
3.9 If f ( x) 2 x 3x 5 , which of the
following is a factor of f ( x) ?
(A) x y y (B) x ( y y ) (A) ( x3 8) (B) ( x 1)
(C) x y y (D) x ( y y ) (C) (2 x 5) (D) ( x 1)
2016 IISc Bangalore 2017 IIT Roorkee
3.4 In a process, the number of cycles to failure 3.10 Let x be a continuous variable defined over
decreases exponentially with an increase in the interval ( , ) and f ( x) e x e .
load. At a load of 80 units, it takes 100 cycles
for failure. When the load is halved, it takes The integral g ( x) f ( x)dx is equal to
10000 cycles for failure. The load for which [2 Marks]
the failure will happen in 5000 cycles is x x
(A) ee (B) e e
(A) 40.00 (B) 46.02
(C) ee (D) e x
Engineering Mathematics 1
3.11 Consider the following definite integral 2021 IIT Bombay
(sin 1 x) 2
I dx 3.15 The volume determined from
1 x2 forV 2,3 1, 2 0,1
[1 Mark]
2018 IIT Guwahati
2022 IIT Kharagpur
3.12 The value of the integral
x cos 2 x.dx is
x 2 x3 x 4
[2 Marks] 3.17 2 3 4 ...... dx is equal to
(A) (B) (A) constant
8 4 1 x
2 1
(C) (D) 2 (B) constant
2 1 x2
2020 IIT Delhi 1
(C) constant
3.13 The area of an ellipse represented by an 1 x2
x2 y 2 (D) constant
equation 2 2 1 is 1 x
a b
[1 Mark]
[1 Mark]
ab 2023 IIT Kanpur
(A) ab (B)
4 3.18 For the integral
4ab ab 1 1
(C) (D) I 2 dx
3 2 1 x
3.14 If C represents a line segment between which of the following statements is TRUE?
(0,0,0) and (1,1,1) in Cartesian coordinate (A) 𝐼 = 0
system, the value (expressed as integer) of
(B) 𝐼 = 2
the line integral
(C) 𝐼 = −2
C ( y z)dx ( x z)dy ( x y)dz is (D) The integral does not converge
[2 Marks]
3.1 (B) 6
I cos4 3 2sin 3 cos3 d
6 0
Given : I cos 4 3 sin 3 6 d
sin 2 A 2 sin A cos A
2 Engineering Mathematics
6 3.3 (B)
I 8cos 3 sin 3 d
7 3
Given :
Let 3 t , 3d dt
When 0, t 0
When ,t
6 2
dt From figure,
I 8 cos7 t sin 3 t
3 x 0, y 0
x 2, y 1
3 0
I sin 3 t cos7 t dt From option (A) :
x y y
Here, m 3, n 7 Put y 1 ,
8 3 1 7 1 7 3 7 5 x 1 1 2 ( 2, 1)
3 3 7 3 7 2 3 7 4 3 7 6 3 7 8
From option (B) :
8 2 6 4 2 1 x (y y )
3 10 8 6 4 2 15 Put y 1 ,
Hence, the correct option is (B).
x ( 1 1) 2 (2, 1)
Key Point
From option (C) :
By the property of integrals,
x y y
Put y 1 ,
x cos n xdx
0 x 1 1 0 (0, 1)
(m 1)(m 3).....(n 1) (n 3) (n 5)
From option (D) :
(m n) (m n 2)...... x y y
3.2 (C) Put y 1 ,
cos x i sin x x 1 1 (0) 0 (0, 1)
Given : I
cos x i sin x
Only option (B) is valid option for given figure.
/2 /2 Hence, the correct option is (B).
I dx e
2 ix
dx 3.4 (B)
e ix 0
Since, the number of cycles to failure decreases
1 /2 1
I e2ix ei 1 exponentially with an increase in load. The general
2i 0 2i equation is given by,
I cos i sin 1 y ne mx
where, y number of cycle failure and x is load
1 2
I 1 0 1 i Given : y 100 and x 80
2i 2i
Hence, the correct option is (C). Therefore, 100 n e80 m …(i)
When load is halved, it take 10000 cycle for
Engineering Mathematics 3
10000 ne 40 m …(ii) Put s 0,
From equation (i) and (ii) sin x
dx cot 1 (0)
100 e 40 m 0
m …(iii) I2
sin x
40 x 2
For 5000 cycles to failure,
5000 ne xm …(iv) Hence, I I1 I 2
2 2
From equation (ii) and (iv),
Hence, the correct option is (B).
2 e m ( x 40)
3.6 (B)
m( x 40) ln 2
From equation (iii), Given : y x 2 1 …(i)
ln 2 x y 3 …(ii)
x 40
m From equation (ii),
ln 2 y 3 x
x 40 40
ln100 Put the above value in equation (i),
0.693 3 x x2 1
x 40 40
4.605 x2 x 2 0
x 46.02 ( x 2)( x 1) 0
Hence, the correct option is (B). x 2, 1
3.5 (B) When x 2, y 5
Given : I
1 sin x When x 1, y 2
0 1 x2
dx 0 x dx Thus, the common points are ( 2, 5) and (1, 2) .
Let I I1 I 2 ,
where, I1 dx [tan 1 x]0
0 1 x2
I1 tan 1 tan 1 0
I1 0
2 2
sin x
I2 dx
0 x
L[sin x] 2
s 1 1 3 x
sin x
L tan 1 tan 1 s
Area [ y ]3yxx2 1dx (2 x x 2 )dx
x 2 x 2
x 2 x3
sin x Area 2 x
L tan 1 s cot 1 s
x 2 2 3 2
sin x
1 1 8
L e sx
sin x
dx cot 1s Area 2 4 2
x 0 x 2 3 3
4 Engineering Mathematics
12 3 2 10 64 64
Area Area 64 64
6 3 3 3
7 10 27 9 128
Area Area 128 85.33
6 3 6 2 3
Hence, the correct option is (B). Hence, the area between the curves is 85.33.
3.7 (D) 3.9 (B)
Given : Curves x 2 4 y and y 2 4 x Given : f ( x) 2 x7 3x 5
Checking from the options,
From option (B) :
Put x 1 ,
f (1) 2 17 3 1 5 0
Since, x 1 satisfies the given function f ( x) .
Therefore, ( x 1) is a factor of given function
Angle between the curves is angle between the f ( x) .
tangents at the point of intersection. i.e. 900 Hence, the correct option is (B).
Hence, the correct option is (D). 3.10 (B)
3.8 85.33 x
Given : f ( x) e x e
Given : x 2 8 y …(i)
g ( x) f ( x)dx e x e dx
y 8 …(ii)
g ( x) e e e x dx
From equation (i) and equation (ii), …(i)
x 2 8 8 64
Put e x t ,
x 8
Differentiating on both sides,
When x 8 , y 8
e x (1)dx dt
When x 8 , y 8
e x dx dt
Thus, common points are (8,8) and ( 8,8) .
From equation (i),
g (t ) et (1) dt
8 8 8
Put t e x in above equation,
Area dy dx [ y ]8
dx g ( x) e e
8 x2 8 8
y Hence, the correct option is (B).
x2 1 x3
3.11 (A)
Area 8 dx 8 x
(sin 1 x) 2
8 8 3 8
Given : I dx …(i)
1 8 1 ( 8)
3 3 0 1 x2
Area 8 8 8 (8)
8 3 8 3 Let sin 1 x t
dx dt
1 x2
Engineering Mathematics 5
When x 0 , t sin 1 0 0
I cos2 xdx I
When x 1 , t sin 1 1
2 2 I cos 2 xdx
From equation (i), 0
2 I 2 cos 2 xdx
I t dt
(2 1)
t 1 2 I 2 2
3 3
I 03 2 2 4 2
3 0 3 2
1 3 3 I
I 4
3 8 24 Hence, the correct option is (B).
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Key Point
3.12 (B) By the property of integrals,
Given : I x cos 2 x.dx 2a a
20 f ( x)dx, if f (2a x) f ( x)
0 (i) f ( x)dx
0, if f (2a x) f ( x)
. Method 1 :
1 cos 2 x /2 (n 1) (n 3)......
I x .dx (ii) cos n x dx
2 0 2 n(n 2)......
x x [if n even]
I cos 2 x .dx
0 2 2
x x 3.13 (A)
I dx cos 2 x dx
0 2 0 2
x2 y 2
1 x2 1
Given : 2 2 1
2 2 0 2 0 (I) (II)
I x cos 2 x dx a b
2 1 sin 2 x d
I x ( x) cos 2 x dx
4 2 2 dx
2 1 x sin 2 x cos 2 x
4 2 2 4 0
2 1 1 1 2 b
I a
x2 a2
4 2 4 4 4 Area (1)dydx
Hence, the correct option is (B).
x a y b x 2 a 2
. Method 2 : b 2 2 b 2 2
a x a x
a a a a
I x cos 2 xdx Area 4
0 x 0
y 0
(1) dydx 4
x 0
y 0
Area ab
I ( x) cos 2 ( x)dx
Hence, the correct option is (A).
[By definite integral property]
I cos xdx x cos 2 xdx
0 0
6 Engineering Mathematics
3.14 3 d
(uv) dx u v dx dx u v dx dx
Given : Line integral
I ln (1 x) 1 dx
( y z )dx ( x z )dy ( x y)dz
Where, C is a line segment between (0, 0, 0) and (ln (1 x)) 1 dx dx C
(1, 1, 1) dx
I ( ydx xdy ) ( zdx xdz ) ( zdy ydz )
I ln (1 x) x dx C
C 1 x
x 1 1
I d ( xy ) d ( xz ) d ( yz ) I ln (1 x) x dx C
C x 1
I ( xy yz zx) (1,1,1) 1
(0,0,0) I ln (1 x) x 1 dx C
I (1 1 1) (0 0 0) = 3 x 1
I x ln (1 x) x ln (1 x) C
Hence, the value of the line integral is 3.
I ln (1 x) ( x 1) x C
3.15 15
No option is correct.
Volume = 8 xyz dx dy dz 3.18 (D)
1 2 3
V 8 z y x dx dy dz
0 1 2
1 2 3
Infinite area
V 8 zdz ydy x dx
0 1 2
1 2 3
z 2 y 2 x2
V 8 1 3 5 15 x
2 0 2 1 2 2 -1 1
1 1
3.16 0 Given : I dx
1 x2
x 1
dx Odd function f x is not defined at x = 0
1 x2
f ( x) f ( x) 0 1 1 1
So, I 2 dx 2 dx
1 x 0 x
dx 0 0 1
1 1 1
3.17 MTA x 1 x 0
x 2 x3 x 4 1
Here, is also not defined at x = 0. So, the integral
Given : I x ...... dx x
2 3 4
does not converge.
We know that,
Hence, the correct option is (D).
Logarithmic series,
x 2 x3 x 4
ln (1 x) x ......
2 3 4
I ln (1 x) dx ln (1 x) 1 dx
I function II function
Law of integration,
Engineering Mathematics 7
4 Vector Calculus
Engineering Mathematics 1
4.1 12 Directional derivative in direction of vector
(iˆ ˆj 2kˆ) is given by,
Given : x t 3 2t , y 3e2t , z = 2 sin (5t)
a iˆ ˆj 2kˆ
Let position vector, r xiˆ yjˆ zkˆ u (4iˆ 12 ˆj 3kˆ)
a 12 12 22
r (t 3 2t )iˆ 3e2t ˆj 2sin(5t )kˆ a 4 12 6 14
Velocity of particle is given by, a 6 6
v a 7 2
dt u 5.715
a 3
v (3t 2 2)iˆ 6e2t ˆj 10cos(5t )kˆ
Hence, the directional derivative is – 5.715.
Acceleration of particle is given by,
4.3 134
d 2r
a 2 Given : V x 2iˆ 2 y 3 ˆj z 4 kˆ
a 6t iˆ 12e2t ˆj 50sin 5t kˆ Divergence of the vector V is given by,
ˆ ˆ
At t 0 , V iˆ j k V
x y z
d 2r
(6 0)iˆ 12(e 20 ) ˆj ˆ ˆ 2 ˆ
dt 2
V iˆ j k ( x i 2 y 3 ˆj z 4 kˆ)
x y z
[50sin(5 0)]kˆ
d 2r V ( x 2 ) (2 y 3 ) ( z 4 )
12 ˆj x y z
dt 2
V 2 x 6 y 2 4 z 3
d r
12 ˆj 12 V 2 1 6 22 4 33 134
dt 2 (1,2,3)
At point (2, 1, 4 ) , C
F (r ) dr x 2 dx y 2 dy
0 0
4iˆ 12 ˆj 3kˆ
1 1
u x3 y 3
(2, 1, 4)
C F ( r ) dr 3 3
0 0
2 Engineering Mathematics
1 1 2 3 3iˆ 4
F (r ) dr
C 3 3
nˆ iˆ 2 ˆj ˆj
5 2 5 5
C F (r ) dr 3 0.67 3 4
DD f nˆ 2 1
5 5
Hence, the value of line integral is 0.67.
4.8 (D)
4.5 (A)
x2 y 2 z 2 48 , P (4, 4, 4)
Given : V 2 x y iˆ 5 z ˆj 4 yz kˆ
2 2
Grad iˆ ˆj kˆ
The curl of vector field V is given by, x y z
iˆ ˆj kˆ iˆ ˆj kˆ (2 x)iˆ (2 y) ˆj (2 z )kˆ
n (grad ) P 8iˆ 8 ˆj 8kˆ
x y z x y z n 8iˆ 8 ˆj 8kˆ iˆ ˆj kˆ
vx v y vz 2 x y 5 z 4 yz
2 2 nˆ
n 64 64 64 3
1 1 1
V iˆ ( 4 yz ) (5 z 2 ) nˆ
y z
, ,
3 3 3
Hence, the correct option is (D).
ˆj ( 4 yz ) (2 x 2 y )
x z 4.9 (A)
kˆ (5 z 2 ) (2 x 2 y ) div (u ) div(u ) u.grad ()
x y Hence, the correct option is (A).
V iˆ 4 z 10 z ˆj 0 0
kˆ [0 2 x 2 ]
V 14 ziˆ 2 x 2 kˆ
Hence, the correct option is (A).
4.6 (B)
4.7 1
f ( x, y) xe y
f f ˆ f ˆ
iˆ j k
x y z
e y iˆ xe y ˆj 0kˆ
(2,0) iˆ 2 ˆj
a ( x2 x1 )iˆ ( y2 y1 ) ˆj iˆ 2 ˆj
iˆ 2 ˆj
a 2
a 3
Engineering Mathematics 3
5 Maxima & Minima
Engineering Mathematics 1
(C) Only statement I, II and IV are correct (A) The function is continuous at all x
(D) Only statement I, II and III are correct (B) The function is differentiable at all 𝑥
[2 Marks] (C) The function is periodic
2023 IIT Kanpur (D) The function is bounded
5.2 (D)
Hence, the correct option is (B).
Given : f ( x) x 2 4 x 2 5.4 (D)
Differentiating both sides with respect to x,
Given : f ( x) x3
f '( x) 2 x 4 …(i)
. Method 1 :
The stationary points are given by,
f '( x) 0 Differentiating function f ( x) with respect to x,
2x 4 0 f '( x) 3x 2
x2 The stationary point is given by,
Differentiating both sides of equation (i) with f '( x) 0
respect to x, 3x 2 0
f "( x) 2 0 [Minimum]
Hence, f ( x) is minimum at x 2 . Differentiating function f '( x) with respect to x,
Therefore minimum value of f ( x) is, f ''( x) 6 x
f (2) 4 8 2 2 f ''(0) 0
Hence, the correct option is (D). [Neither local minima nor maxima]
5.3 (B) Hence, the correct option is (D).
Given : f ( x) x3 3x 2 5 . Method 2 :
Quadratic approximation is given by, Graph for f ( x) x3 will be drawn as,
( x 0)2
f ( x ) f (0) ( x 0) f '(0) f "(0)
f ( x) x 3 3 x 2 5
2 Engineering Mathematics
f ( x) f ''( x) f '( x)
(3 2 ln x)
f ( x) 2
3 2 ln x
f ( x)2 f '( x) 2
f ''( x) x 3
f ( x)
At x 0 , Substituting x e in equation (i),
The function y x3 has neither local minima nor 1 1e 1
f "(e) (e ) 1
maxima (i.e., it is a point of inflection). e3 2
Hence, the correct option is (D). 1
5.5 (A) ee
1 1e
f "(e) (e ) e 2 0.063
Given : f ( x) x x ( x) x
e 3
1 f "(e) 0
ln f ( x) ln x
x x e is point of minima.
Differentiating w.r.t x,
For option (C), f ( x) x3 has global minima at
1 1 ln x
f '( x) x 0.
f ( x) x2
For option (D), f ( x) x is not differentiable at
1 ln x 1 ln x 1x
f '( x) f ( x ) x x 0.
x2 x2
1 ln x Hence, the correct option is (A).
Now, f '( x) 0
1 ln x 0 5.6 (A), (D)
ln x 1
xe f ( x) max 3 x, x 1
Now, we calculate f ''( x) at x e
x 1 ; x 2
f '( x) 1 ln x f ( x)
3 x ; x 2
f ( x) x2
Differentiating above equation, we get Here, f (2) f (2 ) f (2 ) 2
x (1 ln x) 2 x
f ( x) f ''( x) f '( x)
x 4
f ( x)2
x Intersection
f ( x) f ''( x) f '( x) y x 1
x 2 x(1 ln x)
f ( x) 2 (0,1) (2,1)
(1,0) (3,0)
f ( x) f ''( x) f '( x)
2 x
x 2 x 2 x ln x 0 (2,0) y 3 x
f ( x) 2
x4 (0,–1)
f ( x) f ''( x) f '( x)
3x 2 x ln x
f ( x)2 x4 It is continuous on its domain.
Engineering Mathematics 3
1 ; x 2 f "( x 1.423) (1.423)3 6 (1.423) 2
f '( x)
3 ; x 2 111.423 6
Here, f '(2 ) f '(2 ) 0.384 0 (+ve)
At x 1.423, it shows minima.
It is not differentiable at x 2.
That means, there exists one local maxima and one
Clearly it is visible from figure that at x 2 it local minima in the domain S.
shows local minima. At x 1,
Hence, the correct option are (A) and (D). f ( x 1) 13 6 12 111 6 0
5.7 (C) At x 3,
Given : Polynomial f ( x 3) 33 6 32 11 3 6 0
f ( x) x3 6 x2 11x 6; 1 x 3 So at x 1 and x 3, the given polynomial is
Differentiation w.r.t x, zero at the boundary points.
f '( x) 3x 2 12 x 11 Statements I, II and IV are correct.
Again differentiation w.r.t x, Hence, the correct option is (C).
f "( x) 6 x 12 5.8 (A)
For maxima or minima,
f '( x) 0 y
3 x 2 12 x 11 0
Stationary points, x 2.577, 1.423 8
x 1,3
2.577, 1.423 1, 3
At x 2.577, 4
f "( x 2.577) (2.577) 6 (2.577)
3 2
11 2.577 6
0.384 0 (–ve) ( , 0) (0, 0) (, C)
At x 2.577, it shows maxima. Hence, the correct option is (A).
At x 1.423,
4 Engineering Mathematics
6 Mean Value Theorem
6.1 (A) 1
1 ln x
Given : x ln and y ln
x x x
Then ?
x 1
x y 1
and x x ln
ln ln
x 1
2 1
y ln y ln(ln ) x ln
ln x ln
Now, differentiating wrt x, x ln
ln y ln(ln ) x 0 ln
ln x x x ln
x ln y ln(ln )2 Putting x ln
1 x ln
ln y ln(ln ) ln y ln(ln y)2 x ln ln 1
But ln y ln(ln ) Hence, the correct option is (A).
6.2 0.125
1 x ln Given : f ( x) f n cos nx
x x x
n 0
For f ( x) cos 4 x, ( f 4 f5 ) ?
Engineering Mathematics 1
f ( x) cos4 x cos2 x cos2 x
1 cos 2 x 1 cos 2 x
f ( x)
2 2
f ( x) 1 cos 2 x cos 2 x cos 2 2 x
f ( x) 1 2cos 2 x cos2 2 x
1 1 cos 4 x
f ( x) 1 2 cos 2 x
4 2
f ( x) 2 4cos 2 x 1 cos 4 x
1 1 1 1
f ( x) cos 2 x cos 4 x
4 2 8 8
3 1 1
f ( x) cos 2 x cos 4 x …(i)
8 2 8
Expansion of F.S. in given function, for 4th and 5th
harmonic is
f ( x) ....... f 4 cos 4 x f5 cos5x .......
So, from the equation (i) and (ii),
f 4 and f5 0
Then, f 4 f5 0
f 4 f5 0.125
2 Engineering Mathematics
7 Complex Variables
2 3i 9
Given : Z R( z ) ( z 1) 2
5 i ( z 1) ( z 2) z 1
(2 3i ) ( 5 i)
Z R( z )
( 5 i) ( 5 i) (1 2)2
10 2i 15i 3i 2 10 13i 3 For multiple poles, the residue of f ( z ) at z a
52 i 2 25 1 with order m is given by,
13i 13 (i 1) i 1 1 d m1 m
Z 13 R( z ) z a m1 f ( z ) ( z a)
26 26 2 (m 1)! dz z a
i 1
Z 0.5 0.5i Residue at z 2 is,
2 2
1 d 9
Hence, the correct option is (B). R( z ) z 2 ( z 2)2
(2 1)! dz ( z 1)( z 2) 2
z 2
7.2 (A)
d 9
R( z ) z 2
Given : f ( z )
9 dz z 1 z 2
( z 1) ( z 2) 2
9 9
Poles of f ( z ) are given by, R( z ) z 2 2
( z 1) z 2 9
( z 1) ( z 2)2 0
So, –1 is the required residue.
z 1, 2, 2 Hence, the correct option is (A).
f ( z ) has poles at z 1, 2
Residue of z 1 is,
Engineering Mathematics 1
8 Limit & Series Expansion
Engineering Mathematics 1
1 The limit (correct up to one decimal place) is
(A) (B) 1
4 _______. [1 Mark]
1 x ln( x)
(C) (D) 0 8.13 The value of lim is [2 Marks]
2 x 1 x 2
1 1
x 1 ln x x 1
8.1 (C) d a
( x 1)
da x a log x
f (a ) lim
x sin x a 0 d 1
Given : f ( x) lim (a)
x da
sin x x a log x
f ( x) lim 1 f (a) lim 1 log x log x
x a 0 1
sin x sin Hence, the correct option is (A).
f ( x) 1 lim 1
x x . Method 2 :
f ( x) 1 0 1 [ 1 sin 1 ] a mx 1
lim m log a
Hence, the correct option is (C). x 0 x
8.2 (A) Substitute m 1 and x a ,
xa 1
xa 1 0 lim 1 log x log x
Given : f (a) lim x 0 a
a 0 a 0
Hence, the correct option is (A).
. Method 1 :
Key Point
0 d x
For form, applying L-Hospital’s rule, (i) (a ) a x log a
0 dx
a mx 1
(ii) lim m log a
x 0 x
2 Engineering Mathematics
8.3 (D) tan x
2x f ( x) lim dx
1 x 0 d
Given : y lim 1 ( x 2 x)
x dx
Taking log on both sides, sec 2 x sec 2 0
1 f ( x) lim
log y lim 2 x log 1 x 0 2x 1 2 0 1
x 1
f ( x) 1
1 1
2 log 1
log y lim x 0 tan x
x 1/ x 0 Hence, lim 2
x 0 x x
is equal to – 1.
For form, applying L’ Hospital’s rule, 8.6 (D)
2 1 sin 4 x tan x
2 and lim
1 x
To find : lim
x 0 sin 2 x
x 0
log y lim
sin 4 x 2sin 2 x cos 2 x
1 lim
2 So, lim
x 0 sin 2 x
x 0
sin 2 x
log y lim
2 sin 2 2sin .cos
x 1
1 sin 4 x
x lim 2 x) 2 1 2
y e2 x 0 sin 2 x
Hence, the correct option is (D). tan x
and lim
8.4 (D) x 0
xy 0 0
Given : f ( x, y ) lim It is of form. So applying L’ Hospital rule
x 0
y 0
x y
2 2
0 0
Let, y mx d
tan x sec 2 x
y 0, mx 0 lim dx lim
x 0 d x 0
x2m m x
f ( x, y) lim dx
x 0 x 2 (1 m2 ) 1 m2
Putting limit x 0
For different values of m we get different limits
sin 4 x
So, limit is not unique therefore limit does not lim 2
x 0 sin 2 x
Hence, the correct option is (D). tan x
x 0
8.5 –1 x
Hence, the correct option is (D).
tan x tan 0 0
Let, f ( x ) lim 2 8.7 (C)
x 0 x x
00 0
: Method 1 :
For form, applying L’ Hospital’s rule, Taylor series expansion of f ( x) around point x0
is given as
f ( x0 ) f ( x0 ) ( x x0 ) f '( x0 )
Engineering Mathematics 3
f "( x0 ) f "( x0 ) Hence, the correct option is (D).
( x x0 )2 . ( x x0 )3
2! 3! : Method 2 :
Taylor series expansion of f ( x) around x0 h , x sin x x sin x
lim lim
f ( x0 h) f ( x0 ) ( x h x0 ) f '( x0 ) x 0 1 cos x x 0 2 x
f "( x0 ) 2
( x h x0 )2 .
f ( x0 h) f ( x0 ) h f '( x0 ) x x
x 2sin 2 cos 2
h2 lim
f "( x0 ) ...... x 0
2sin 2
2! 2
Transforming the variable, is x0 x
h2 x cos 2
f ( x h) f ( x) h f '( x) f "( x) .... lim
2! x 0 x
Hence, the correct option is (C). 2
: Method 2 : x
Going by options. 2 cos 2
x 0 x
(i) Taylor series expansion has terms with sin
positive sign. So options (B) and (D) are 2
eliminated. x
(ii) Taylor series expansion contains terms with
factorials. So option (A) is eliminated. sin
lim 1
Hence, the correct option is (C). 0
8.8 (D) Applying limits,
x sin x 2 1
Given : lim =2
x 0 1 cos x
Hence, the correct option is (D).
: Method 1 :
0 8.9 (A)
Above limit is of form
0 x2 5x 4
Given : lim
Applying L’ Hospital Rule, x 4 x 2 2 x
3 We know that, normal equation for fitting of
1 0 straight lines are
Hence, the correct option is (A). y na b x
8.11 – 6.58 and xy a x b x 2
Here, n 4
Given : x x 2 an cos nx bn sin nx
2 n 1 n 1
So, 51 4a b(14)
Let f ( x) x x 2 188 a (14) b(54)
After solving, a 6.1 and b 1.9
Fourier series expansion of f ( x) from to
is given by,
a0 f ( x)dx
a0 ( x x 2 )dx
a0 x dx x2 dx
a0 0 2 x 2 dx
x is odd and x 2 is even
2 x 3 2 3 2 2
3 0 3
6.5797 6.58
Hence, the value of a0 is 6.58 .
8.12 1/2
1 1 ( x 1) ln x 1
lim lim
x 1 ln( x) x 1 x1 ( x 1) ln x 2
8.13 (C)
x ln x
x ln x
lim 2
x x 2
x 2x
0 x 1 1
lim lim 0
x 2 x 2 x 2
Hence, the correct option is (C).
8.14 1.9
Engineering Mathematics 5
9 Probability & Statistics
[2 Marks] f ( x) e2 b
9.2 A 1 hour rainfall of 10 cm has return 2 b
period of 50 year. The probability that 1 where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the statistical attributes
hour of rainfall of 10 cm or more will occur of the random variable X. The value of the
in each of two successive years is integral
(A) 0.04 (B) 0.2 a 1 x a
e2 b
(C) 0.2 (D) 0.0004 dx is [1 Mark]
2 b
2014 IIT Kharagpur (A) 1 (B) 0.5
9.3 The probability density function of
evaporation E on any day during a year in a (C) (D)
watershed is given by 9.7 An observer counts 240 veh/h at a specific
1 highway location. Assume that the vehicle
; 0 E 5 mm/day
f (E) 5 arrival at the locations is Poisson distributed,
0; otherwise
the probability of having one vehicle
The probability that E lies in between 2 and arriving over a 30-second time interval is -
4 mm/day in the watershed is (in decimal) _______.
_____. [1 Mark] 2015 IIT Kanpur
9.4 A traffic officer imposes on an average 5 9.8 Consider the following probability mass
number of penalties daily on traffic violators. function (p.m.f) of a random variable X
Assume that the number of penalties on q, if X 0
different days is independent and follows a
p ( X , q ) 1 q, if X 1
Poisson distribution. The probability that
there will be less than 4 penalties in a day is otherwise
______. [2 Marks] If q 0.4 , the variance of X is _______.
9.5 A fair (unbiased) coin was tossed four times [1 Mark]
in succession and resulted in the following 9.9 For probability density function of a random
outcomes : variable, x is
(i) Head (ii) Head (iii) Head (iv) Head. x
f ( x) (4 x 2 ) ; for 0 x 2
The probability of obtaining a ‘Tail’ when 4
the coin is tossed again is [1 Mark] 0 ; otherwise
1 The mean x of the random variable is
(A) 0 (B)
2 ______. [2 Marks]
Engineering Mathematics 1
2016 IISc Bangalore (B) Mean of f ( x) and g ( x) are same;
Variance of f ( x) and g ( x) are
9.10 Probability density function of a random
variable X is given below different.
0.25; if 1 x 5 (C) Mean of f ( x) and g ( x) are different;
f ( x) Variance of f ( x) and g ( x) are same.
0 ; otherwise
P ( X 4) is [2 Marks] (D) Mean of f ( x) and g ( x) are different;
3 1 Variance of f ( x) and g ( x) are
(A) (B)
4 2 different.
1 1 9.14 Type II error in hypothesis testing is
(C) (D)
4 8 [1 Mark]
9.11 The spot speeds (expressed in km/hr) (A) acceptance of the null hypothesis when it
observed at a road section are 66, 62, 45, 79,
is false and should be rejected
32, 51, 56, 60, 53, and 49. The median speed
(expressed in km/hr) is ______. (B) rejection of the null hypothesis when it is
[1 Mark] true and should be accepted
[Note : Answer with one decimal accuracy]. (C) rejection of the null hypothesis when it is
9.12 X and Y are two random independent events. false and should be rejected
It is known that P( X ) 0.40 and (D) acceptance of the null hypothesis when it
P( X Y ) 0.7. Which one of
the is true and should be accepted
following is the value of P ( X Y ) ?
2017 IIT Roorkee
[1 Mark]
(A) 0.7 (B) 0.5 9.15 A two-faced fair coin has its faces designated
(C) 0.4 (D) 0.3 as head (H) and tail (T). This coin is tossed
9.13 If f ( x) and g ( x) are two probability three times in succession to record the
density functions, following outcomes : H, H, H. If the coin is
tossed one more time, the probability (up to
a 1 ; a x 0 one decimal place) of obtaining H again,
given the previous realizations of H, H and
f ( x) 1 ; 0 x a H, would be _______. [1 Mark]
0 ; otherwise 9.16 The number of parameters in the univariate
exponential and Gaussian distributions,
respectively are [1 Mark]
a ; a x 0 (A) 2 and 2 (B) 1 and 2
x (C) 2 and 1 (D) 1 and 1
g ( x) ; 0 xa
a 9.17 For the function f ( x) a bx , 0 x 1 to
0 ; otherwise be a valid probability density function,
which one of the following statements is
Which one of the following statement is correct? [2 Marks]
true? [2 Marks] (A) a 1 , b 4 (B) a 0.5 , b 1
(A) Mean of f ( x) and g ( x) are same;
(C) a 0, b 1 (D) a 1, b 1
Variance of f ( x) and g ( x) are same.
2 Engineering Mathematics
2018 IIT Guwahati (B) Mean is greater than median but less than
9.18 The frequency distribution of the
(C) Mean is greater than median and mode.
compressive strength of 20 concrete cube
(D) Mode is greater than median.
specimens is given in the table.
Number of specimens with 2019 IIT Madras
f (MPa)
compressive strength equal to f 9.22 The probability that the annual maximum
23 4 flood discharge will exceed 25000 m3 /s , at
28 2 least once in next 5 years is found to be 0.25.
22.5 5
The return period of this flood event (in
31 5
29 4 years, round off to 1 decimal place) is
If is the mean strength of the specimens ______.
9.23 The probability density function of a
and is the standard deviation, the number
continuous random variable distributed
of specimens (out of 20) with compressive
uniformly between x and y (for y x ) is
strength less than 3 is ______.
[2 Marks]
9.19 The graph of a function f ( x) is shown in the 1
figure (A) y x (B)
(C) x y (D)
x y
2020 IIT Delhi
9.24 A fair (unbiased) coin is tossed 15 times. The
probability of getting exactly 8 Heads (round
off to three decimal places), is _______.
For f ( x) to be a valid probability density [1 Mark]
function, the value of h is [1 Mark] 2022 IIT Kharagpur
(A) 1/3 (B) 2/3
9.25 A pair of six-faced dice is rolled thrice. The
(C) 1 (D) 3 probability that the sum of the outcomes in
9.20 Probability (up to one decimal place) of each roll equals 4 in exactly two of the three
consecutively picking 3 red balls without attempts is _______. (round off to three
replacement from a box containing 5 red decimal places) [2 Marks]
balls and 1 white ball is ______.
2023 IIT Kanpur
[1 Mark]
9.21 A probability distribution with right skew is 9.26 A remote village has exactly 1000 vehicles
shown in the figure. with sequential registration numbers starting
from 1000. Out of the total vehicles, 30% are
without pollution clearance certificate.
Further, even- and odd-numbered vehicles
are operated on even- and odd-numbered
dates, respectively.
If 100 vehicles are chosen at random on an
The correct statement for the probability even-numbered date, the number of vehicles
distribution is [1 Mark] expected without pollution clearance
(A) Mean is equal to mode. certificate is _________.
Engineering Mathematics 3
(A) 15 (B) 30 respectively. What is the probability of
(C) 50 (D) 70 occurrence of at least A or B (rounded off to
9.27 The probabilities of occurrences of two one decimal place)? ____________
independent events A and B are 0.5 and 0.8,
x 3x 2 ; 1 x 2
Return period of rainfall, T = 50 years.
Given : f ( x)
Probability of occurrence once in 50 years,
0 ; otherwise
By the property of probability density function P 0.02
(P.D.F.), 50
Probability of occurrence in each of 2 successive
f ( x) dx 1 years,
P 0.02 0.02 0.0004
x 3x 2 dx 1
2 Hence, the correct option is (D).
1 9.3 0.4
x3 x2 1
3 2 x 1 ; 0 E 5 mm/day
3 2 1 Given : f ( E ) 5
0; otherwise
8 1 3
4 1 2 2 1 1 Hence, the required probability is,
3 3 2 4
7 9
2 1 P(2 E 4) f ( E ) dx
3 2 2
14 27 12
1 1 4
dx x 2
6 2
5 5
1 1
(4 2)
6 5
6 2
P(2 E 4) 0.4
Hence, the value of is 6. 5
Key Point Hence, the probability that E lies in between 2 and
4 mm/day in the watershed is 0.4.
Probability distribution or probability density
function of X :
(i) f x 0
(ii) f x dx 1
9.4 0.265
Given :
(iii) P a X b f x dx The mean of poisson distribution is m 5
b By poisson distribution probability is given by,
e m mr
P(r )
Let X = Number of penalties per day
4 Engineering Mathematics
P( X 4) P( X 0) P( X 1) a 1 x a
1 x a
1 1
e2 0.5
P( X 2) P( X 3) e2 b
2 b a 2 b
m m m2 m m3 m
P( X 4) e me e e Hence, the correct option is (B).
2! 3!
m 2 m3 9.7 0.27
P ( X 4) e m 1 m
2 6 Given : m 240 veh/h
25 125
e 5 1 5 m
veh/min 4 veh/min
2 6 60
e 5 4
P( X 4) (6 30 75 125) m veh/sec 2 veh/30sec
6 60
P ( X 4) 0.265 On average, two vehicles arrive in 30 sec time
Hence, the probability that there will be less than interval.
4 penalties in a day is 0.265. So, m 2
9.5 (B) Hence, according to Poisson distribution, the
1 probability of having one vehicle arriving over 30
P (4 successively head in 4 tosses)
24 sec. time interval is given by,
P (4 successively head and 1 tail in last toss during e m mr
1 P(r ) [where, r 1 ]
5 toss) P( H H H H T ) 5 r!
P (4 successively head and head in last toss during The required probability,
1 e2 21
5 toss) 5 P( X 1) 2e2 0.27
2 1!
P (4H, T) Hence, the probability of having one vehicle
Required probability
P (4H, H) P(4 H, T) arriving over a 30-second time interval is 0.27.
1 1 9.8 0.24
Required probability 2 2
if X 0
4 4 q,
1 1 1 1 2
Given : p ( X , q ) 1 q, if X 1
2 2 2 2 0,
Hence, the correct option is (B). otherwise
9.6 (B) q 0.4
1 x a X 0 1
Given : f ( x) e2 b
p(X) 0.4 0.6
2 b
Engineering Mathematics 5
Var ( X ) E ( X 2 ) E ( X )
53 56
Median = = 54.5 kmph
Var ( X ) 0.6 (0.6)2
Hence, the median speed is 54.5.
Var ( X ) 0.6 0.36 0.24
Hence, the variance of X is 0.24.
9.9 1.066
9.12 (A)
(4 x ); for 0 x 2
Given : f ( x) 4 Given : P( X ) 0.40
0 ; otherwise P( X Y C ) 0.7
Mean x of random variable is given by, Hence, P( X Y C ) P( X ) P(Y C ) P( X Y C )
x Since, X and Y are two independent events,
x xf ( x) dx 0 x 4 (4 x ) dx
Therefore, P( X Y C ) P( X ) P(Y C )
2 Hence, P( X Y C ) P( X ) P(Y C )
2 x4 x3 1 x5
x x dx 3 4 5
4 0 P( X ) P(Y C )
6 Engineering Mathematics
6a3 8a3 2a3 a3
E f ( x) xf ( x ) dx E( X 2 )
12 12 6
x2 x2 a3 a3
Var f ( x) 0
0 a
E f ( x) x dx x dx 6 6
a 0
a a
0 a
Variance of g ( x ) is given by,
x3 x 2 x3 x 2
E f ( x) Var g ( x) E ( X 2 ) [ E ( X )]2
3a 2 a 3a 2 0
( a )3 ( a ) 2 ( a 3 ) a 2 E( X 2 ) x g ( x) dx
E f ( x)
3a 2 3a 2
0 a
a2 a2 a2 a2 x3
E f ( x) E( X 2 ) a a dx 0 a dx
3 2 3 2
E f ( x) 0 x4
E( X )
Engineering Mathematics 7
1/16 8 1 31 5
1/ 8 16 2 29 4
Hence, the conditional probability according to the n 20
question is 0.5. Mean strength is given by,
9.16 (B) (23 4) (28 2) (22.5 5) (31 5) (29 4)
For the univariate exponential function, 20
Probability density function is given by, 26.575 MPa
a e ax ; x 0 Standard deviation is given by,
f ( x)
0 ; x0 ( f ) 2
where, a is a parameter n 1
For Gaussian distribution, probability density 4(23 26.575) 2 2(28 26.575) 2
function is given by,
( x )2 5(22.5 26.575) 2 5(31 26.575) 2
f ( x) e 2
4(29 26.575) 2
where, and are parameters. 19
Hence, the number of parameters in univariate 51.1225 4.06125 83.028
exponential distribution is 1 and for Gaussian 97.903 23.5225
distribution the parameters are 2.
Hence, the correct option is (B). 3.697 MPa
9.17 (B) Thus, 3 26.575 3(3.697) 15.485 MPa
Given : f ( x) a bx, 0 x 1 Hence, the number of specimen with compressive
By probability density function, strength less than 3 is 0.
9.19 (A)
f ( x) dx 1
Given :
Hence, (a bx) dx 1
bx 2
ax 2 1
a 1
2 According to the given graph, h lies between 0 and
Only option (B) i.e. a 0.5 and b 1 satisfies 1, 2h lies between 1 and 2 and 3h between 2 and
the above equation. 3.
1 2 3
Hence, the correct option is (B).
f ( x) dx f ( x) dx f ( x) dx 1
1 2
9.18 0 1st i nterval 2nd i nterval 3rd i nterval
Given : n 20 1 1
h 1 2h (2 1)
Number of specimens with 2 2
f (MPa) 1
compressive strength equal to f 3h (3 2) 1
23 4 2
h 2h 3h
28 2 1
22.5 5 2 2 2
8 Engineering Mathematics
0.5h 1h 1.5h 1
3h 1
Hence, the correct option is (A).
9.20 0.5
Given : Number of red balls in the box = 5 For a left skew curve (from the graph) l A lB
Number of white balls in the box = 1
Mean < Mode
Probability of first ball to be red Mean is less than mode and median.
Probability of second ball to be red (out of 9.22 17.9
4 The probability is of binominal distribution.
remaining 5 balls)
5 n number of times of occurrence of event = 5
Probability of third ball to be red (out of remaining r number of times of favorable case
3 Probability of flood discharge
4 balls)
4 P(r 1) 1 P(r 0)
Hence, the probability of consecutively picking 3 1 5 C0 p 0 q 5
red balls without replacement
5 4 3 1
0.5 So, q 0.944 1 p
6 5 4 2
Hence, the probability is 0.5. So, p 1 0.944 0.056
Hence, return period
9.21 (C)
1 1
In a right skew distribution curve, T 17.85 17.9 years
p 0.056
9.23 (B)
The probability density function of a continuous
random variable distributed uniformly between x
and y (for y x ) is .
From the above curve, mean is always right of the
peak. Mode comes at the peak and median comes
in between mean and mode.
Therefore, for a right skew curve (from the graph)
lB l A
So, Mean > Mode Total area of P.D.F. is 1
Hence, the correct option is (C). F ( X ) ( y x) 1
Key Point 1
F(X )
Similarly, in a left skew distribution curve, mean yx
is always left of the peak. Mode comes at the peak Hence, the correct option is (B).
and median comes in between mean and mode.
9.24 0.196
1 1
Given : n 15, p , q
2 2
Engineering Mathematics 9
Let x Number of heads 2
3 33
Required probability is given by, p (sum 4) C2
36 36
P( x 8) n Cx p x q n x 2
3 33
8 7 p(sum 4) 3
1 1 36 36
P ( x 8) 15C8
2 2 p (sum 4) 0.019
C8 6435 9.26 B
P ( x 8) 15
(2) 32768
Given : 30% of total vehicles are without
Hence, the probability of getting exactly 8 heads
pollution clearance certificate.
is 0.196.
9.25 0.019
Randomly choosen vehicle = 100
Given : A pair of dice is rolled thrice. Probability of selecting even vehicles on even
Sample space n( s ) 36 (pair of dice). numbered dates =1
Event : Sum of the outcomes in each roll equals to The number of vehicles expected without
4 in exactly two of the three attempts. pollution clearance certificate =
For pair of dice, 1000 1 0.3 30
Sum 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Total Hence, the correct option is (B).
number of 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 2 1 9.27 0.9
Given : P ( A) 0.5 and P ( B ) 0.8
For sum 4, there are 3 outcomes.
P (at least A (or) B) 1 P(None of A and B)
By Binomial distribution,
p( s) nCr ( p) r (q) n r , p q 1 1 P( A) P( B )
3 3 33 1 (0.5) (0.2) 1 0.10 0.9
p , q 1 p 1
36 36 36 Hence, the correct answer is 0.9.
2 3 2
3 33
p(sum 4) 3C2
36 36
10 Engineering Mathematics
10 Numerical Methods
x 10 dx using Simpson
4 The correction, x to be added to xini the
first iteration is_____. [1 Mark]
1/3rd rule is _____. [Take the step length as
1] [2 Marks] 10.5 For step-size, x 0.4, the value of
10.9 The value of the function f ( x) is given at the third derivative at xi is to be computed
n distinct values of x and its value is to be by using the fourth order central finite-
interpolated at the point x * , using all the n divided-difference scheme (with step
points. The estimate is obtained first by the length = h), the correct formula is
Lagrange polynomial, denoted by I L and [2 Marks]
(A) f ( xi 3 ) 8 f ( xi 2 ) 13 f ( xi 1 )
then by the Newton polynomial, denoted
by I N . Which one of the following 13 f ( xi 1 ) 8 f ( xi 2 ) f ( xi 3 )
8 h3
statements is correct? [1 Mark]
(B) f ( xi 3 ) 8 f ( xi 2 ) 13 f ( xi 1 )
(A) I L is always greater than I N
13 f ( xi 1 ) 8 f ( xi 2 ) f ( xi 3 )
(B) No definite relation exists between I L
8 h3
and I N (C) f ( xi 3 ) 8 f ( xi 2 ) 13 f ( xi 1 )
(C) I L and I N are always equal 13 f ( xi 1 ) 8 f ( xi 2 ) f ( xi 3 )
(D) I L is always less than I N . 8 h3
2020 IIT Delhi (D) f ( xi 3 ) 8 f ( xi 2 ) 13 f ( xi 1 )
2 Engineering Mathematics
f ( x)
2022 IIT Kharagpur Actual function
Approximated function
10.16Consider the following recursive interaction
scheme for different values of variable P
with the initial guess x1 1
1 P x
xn 1 xn , n 1, 2,3, 4,5 xl xu
2 xn
(A) the numerical value of the area obtained
For P 2, x5 is obtained to be 1.414, using the trapezoidal rule will be less
rounded-off to three decimal places. than the actual
For P 3, x5 is obtained to be 1.732, (B) the numerical value of the area obtained
rounded-off to three decimal places. using the trapezoidal rule will be more
If P 10, the numerical value of x5 is than the actual
________. (rounded-off to three decimal (C) the numerical value of the area obtained
places) [1 Mark] using the trapezoidal rule will be exactly
equal to the actual
2023 IIT Kanpur
(D) with the given details, the numerical
10.17A function f x , that is smooth and value of area cannot be obtained using
convex-shaped between interval xl , xu is trapezoidal rule
shown in the figure. This function is
observed at odd number of regularly spaced
points. If the area under the function is
computed numerically, then _________.
x 10 dx 10 266
1 4
4 1
From Simpson’s rule,
3 rd 0 3
x0 nh
h 4 11 91 2 26
f ( x)dx ( y0 yn )
x 10 dx 245.33
3 4
4( y1 y3 ... yn1 ) 4
2( y2 y4 ..... yn 2 ) Exact value = 0 x 10 dx 10 x
5 0
y0 y4 4( y1 y3 ) 2( y2 )
f ( x)
3 45
10 4 244.8
x 0 1 2 3 4 5
Magnitude of error
y x 4 10 10 11 26 91 266
= Estimated value – Exact value
y0 y1 y2 y3 y4
= 245.33 – 244.8 = 0.53
Hence, the correct answer is 0.53.
Engineering Mathematics 3
10.2 (A) 5 25 1
f 10 4
2 4 4
By Secant method,
( x1 x0 )
x2 x1 f ( x1 )
f ( x1 ) f ( x0 )
5 1
5 2 1 2 1
2 1 1 4 2 3 4
4 4
5 1 15 1 7
Exact value is computed by integration which x2 2.334
2 6 6 3
follows the exact shape of graph while computing
Hence, the estimated value of the root is 2.334.
the area.
Whereas, in Trapezoidal rule, the lines joining Key Point
each points are considered straight lines which is Secant method :
not the exact variation of graph all the time like as xn xn 1
xn 1 xn f ( xn )
shown in figure. f ( xn ) f ( xn 1 )
Therefore, J I
Hence, the correct option is (A). 10.4 0.33
4 Engineering Mathematics
x0 nh t t1
f ( x)dx ( y0 yn ) du (3t 2 1)dt
3 0 t0
u t 23 2 0 10
2( y2 y4 ..... yn 2 ) 3 0
f ( x) dx 1.367 u1 0 2(3 02 1) 2
Thus after first iteration,
Hence, the value of the given integral is 1.367.
u 2 at t t1 2
10.6 0.36
Hence, Absolute error
Given : f ( x) 3x e sin x x
= Exact value – Approximate value
Differentiating function f ( x) with respect to x, 10 2 8
f '( x) 3 e x cos x Hence, the absolute error is 8.
Initial guess : 0.333 10.8 1
f (0.333) 3 0.333 e0.333
Given : f ( x) 2 x 2 3x 3 …(i)
sin 0.333 x0 2
From Newton-Raphson formula,
f (0.333) 0.06926
f ( x0 )
180 x1 x0 …(ii)
f '(0.333) 3 e0.333 cos 0.333 f '( x0 )
f '(0.333) 2.549 Differentiating function f ( x) with respect to x,
By Newton Raphson method, f '( x) 4 x 3 …(iii)
x1 x0
f ( x0 ) Put the value of x0 2 in equation (i) and (iii),
f '( x0 )
f ( x0 ) 2(2) 2 3(2) 3
( 0.06926)
x1 0.333 0.360 f ( x0 ) 8 6 3 5
Hence, the next approximation for the root would and f '( x0 ) 4(2) 3
be 0.36.
f '( x0 ) 8 3 5
10.7 8
Put the values of f ( x0 ) and f '( x0 ) in equation
Given : 3t 2 1 with u 0 at t 0 (ii),
f ( x0 )
and step size, t 2 x1 x0
Absolute error f '( x0 )
= Exact value – Approximate value 5
x1 2 1
du 5
For exact value, 3t 2 1
dt Hence, the new estimate of x is 1.
Integrating both sides with respect to t,
Engineering Mathematics 5
10.9 (C) 10.13 20.67
For a given set of values of ( xi , f ( xi )) , the inter-
Area f ( x)dx
polating polynomials obtained by Lagrange and 2
Newton interpolation may look different. But theta Numerical Integrations, by Simson’s 1/3rd rule
re identical. So, I L and I N are always equal. h
( y0 y4 ) 4( y1 y3 ) 2 y2
Hence, the correct option is (C). 3
10.10 (C) 1
[(5 17) 4(7.25 13.25) 2 10]
Given : True value ln(2) = 0.69
True value ln(1) = 0
10.14 (C)
True value ln(6) = 1.79
Using method of interpolation, According to trapezoidal rule, e x dx
1.79 0 0
Actual value (2 1) 0.358
(6 1) ba
Given : n 4 , a 0 , b 1, h 0.25
True value Actual value x
% error 100
True value x 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 1
0.69 0.358 y 1 e1/ 4 e1/ 2 e 3/ 4
I e x dx y0 y4 2( y1 y2 y3 )
Hence, the correct option is (C). 0
10.11 (B) I 1.726
Hence, the correct option is (C).
Given : (5 x3 4 x 2 3x 2) dx 10.15 0.4
Given : a 0, b 0.5, n 5
Numerical integration using Simpson th gives Intercept,
b a 0.5 0
exact result for the polynomial upto degree three. h 0.1
Hence, the correct option is (B). n 5
10.12 (D) x0 0 , y0 0
6 Engineering Mathematics
0.1 8
10.16 3.162
x1 1
1 p
xn 1 xn , n 1, 2,3, 4,5
2 xn
For p 2, x5 is to be 1.414
For p 3, x5 is to be 1.732
If p 10, x5 ?
x1 1 for p 10
1 10
x2 x1
2 x1
1 10
x2 1
2 1
x2 5.5
1 10
x3 5.5
2 5.5
x3 3.6590
1 10
x4 3.6590
2 3.6590
x4 3.19600
1 10
x5 3.196
2 3.196
x5 3.162
10.17 (A)
Approximated function has under estimation so
numerical value of the area obtained using
trapezoidal rule will be less than the actual.
f ( x)
xl xu
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Engineering Mathematics 7
11 Transform Theory
2 cos x cos 3 x a a
f ( x) 2 .... (C) 2 2 (D) 2
4 1 32
s a s a2
sin x sin 2 x sin 3 x 2023 IIT Kanpur
1 2 3 11.3 The following function is defined over the
interval [−𝐿, 𝐿] : f x px 4 qx 5
The convergence of the above Fourier series
at x 0 gives [1 Mark]
If it is expressed as a Fourier series,
1 2
x x
f x a0 an sin bn cos
n 1 n 6
n 1 L L
(1)n1 2
n 1 n2
which options amongst the following are
1 2 (A) an , n 1, 2,..., depend on 𝑝
(C) (2n 1) 2
(B) an , n 1, 2,..., depend on 𝑞
n 1
n 1
(D) (C) bn , n 1, 2,..., depend on 𝑝
n 1 (2n 1) 4
(D) bn , n 1, 2,..., depend on 𝑞
2 1 1 1
f (0) 2 2 2 ...
n 1 (2n 1)
4 1 3 5
Hence, the correct option is (C).
Engineering Mathematics 1
11.2 (C)
Formula of Laplace transform
L sin h(at ) 2
s a2
Hence, the correct option is (C).
11.3 (B),(C)
l l
f ( x).sin
1 4 nx
px 2 x sin
dx = Depends on q
l l even l
l l
f ( x).cos
( px 4 qx5 ).cos dx = Depends on p
l l odd . l
2 Engineering Mathematics
S. No. Topics
1. Numerical Ability
2. Logical Reasoning
3. Verbal Ability
Contents :
S. No. Topics
1. Number System & Series
2. Average, Percentage & Ratio
3. Mixture Allegation & Direction
4. Permutation & Combination
5. Probability & Statistics
6. Time, Speed & Distance
7. Work & Time
1 Number System & Series
Numerical Ability 1
(C) ab (a + b) (D) a 2 + b 2 [1 Mark]
1.10 A faulty wall clock is known to gain 15 (A) ( f ( x )) (B) ( f ( x )) 2 (C)
minutes every 24 hours. It is synchronized to ( f ( x )) 4 (D) f ( x)
the correct time at 9 AM on 11th July. What 2021 IIT Bombay
will be the correct time to the nearest minute
when the clock shows 2 PM on 15th July of 1.16 ⊕ and are two operators on numbers p
the same year? [2 Marks] p2 + q2
and q such that p⊕q = &
(A) 12:45 PM (B) 12:58 PM pq
(C) 1:00 PM (D) 2:00 PM p2
pq = ; if x ⊕ y = 2 2, then x =
2019 IIT Madras q
1.11 On a horizontal ground, the base of a straight (A) y (B) 2y
ladder is 6 m away from the base of a vertical (C) y/2 (D) 3y/2
pole. The ladder makes an angle of 450 to [1 Mark]
the horizontal. If the ladder is resting at a 1.17 A function λ is defined by
point located at one – fifth of the height of ( p − q) 2 , if p ≥ q
λ ( p, q ) =
the pole from the bottom, the height of the p + q, if p < q
pole is _____ meters. [1 Mark] The value of expression
(A) 15 (B) 25 λ(−(−3 + 2),(−2 + 3))
(C) 35 (D) 30 is : [2 Marks]
(−(−2 + 1))
2020 IIT Delhi 16
(A) 0 (B)
1.12 Insert seven numbers between 2 and 34, such 3
that the resulting sequence including 2 and (C) 16 (D) −1
34 is an arithmetic progression. The sum of 2022 IIT Kharagpur
these inserted seven numbers is _______.
1.18 Both the numerator and the denominator of
[1 Mark]
(A) 130 (B) 120 3
are increased by a positive integer x and
(C) 124 (D) 126 4
1.13 The sum of two positive numbers is 100. 15
those of are decreased by the same
After subtracting 5 from each number, the 17
product of the resulting numbers is 0. One of integer. This operation results in the same
the original numbers is _______. value for both the fractions.
[1 Mark] What is the value of x?
(A) 90 (B) 80 (A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 95 (D) 85 (C) 1 (D) 2
1.14 The unit’s place in 26591749110016 is [1 Mark]
_______. [2 Marks] 2023 IIT Kanpur
(A) 9 (B) 3 1.19 Let a = 30!, b = 50! &c = 100! Consider
(C) 1 (D) 6 the following numbers :
1.15 If f ( x ) = x for each x ∈ (−∞, ∞), then
loga c, logc a, logb a, loga b
f ( f ( f ( x)))
is equal to _______. Which one of the following inequalities is
f ( x)
2 Numerical Ability
(A) logca < logb a < loga b < loga c
Numerical Ability 3
Let original number be xy. Cyclicity of 1 is always 1.
Then, (10 x + y ) + 54 = 10 y + x Cyclicity of 2 is,
9 x + 54 = 9 y 21 → 2
9 x − 9 y = −54 22 → 4
x − y = −6 … (i) 23 → 8
Also, x + y = 12 … (ii) 24 → 6
From equations (i) and (ii), 25 → 2
x = 3, y = 9 Cyclicity of 3 is,
Hence, the correct option is (A). 31 → 3
. Method 3 : 32 → 9
Let the digit at one’s place will be x and ten’s place
33 → 7
will be (12 – x).
Hence, the original number = 10 (12 − x) + x 34 → 1
Cyclicity of 4 is,
= 120 − 10x + x
= 120 − 9x … (i) 41 → 4
The number obtained by interchanging the digits 42 → 6
= 10 x + 12 − x Unit digit of 21717 = 1
= 9 x + 12 Unit digit of 21729 = 2
As per given condition,
Unit digit of 217311 = 7
9 x + 12 = 54 + 120 − 9 x
9 x + 9 x = 174 − 12 Unit digit of 217413 = 4
18 x = 162 Therefore, the last digit of (2171) 7 + (2172) 9
x=9 + (2173)11 + (2174)13 = 1 + 2 + 7 + 4 = 14
From equation (i), Hence, the correct option is (B).
Original number = 120 − 9 × 9 = 120 − 81 = 39
1.7 (C)
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Given :
1.5 (B)
Sequence of numbers a1 , a2
x+2 2 x+4
16 3 1 1
Given : 81× ÷ = 144 Where an = −
25 5 n n+2
4 2 3
2 x+4
1 1 1 1 1
9 × ÷ = 144 So, a1 = 1 − , a2 = − , a3 = −
5 5 3 2 4 3 5
2 2 1 1 1 1 1
36 x + 2 3 x + 2 Sum = 1 − + − + ...... + −
÷ = 144 3 2 4 50 52
5 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
36 5
x+ 2 Sum = 1 + + ..... − + + .....
2 3 50 3 4 5 52
5 × 3 = 12
1 1 1
12 x+ 2 = 12 Sum = 1 + − −
2 51 52
So, x + 2 = 1
1 1 1
x = −1 Sum = 1 + − +
2 51 52
Hence, the correct option is (B).
Hence, the correct option is (C).
1.6 (B)
4 Numerical Ability
1.8 (A) From 15th July 9 am to 15th July 2 pm, total
minutes gain =5 × 0.625 min = 3.125 min .
Given : log a + log b + log c = 0
log abc = 0 So, from 11th July at 9 am to 15th July 2 pm, clock
has gain 63.125 minutes, which means the correct
abc = 1
time is 12.57 pm or approximately 12:58 pm.
Since, a, b and c are non-negative numbers and
Hence, the correct option is (B).
their product is 1, their sum can not be negative or
1.11 (D)
So, option (C) and (D) are incorrect. According to given data, the figure can be drawn
Since, a, b and c are greater than equal to zero, as shown below,
their sum can not be 1.
So, if a + b + c = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 [option (A)]
Hence, the correct option is (A).
1.9 (B)
Given :
(i) a+ + +a = a 2b
n times
Numerical Ability 5
1.13 (C) ∴ x 2 + y 2 − 2 xy = 0
Assume, two positive numbers are a and b, ( x − y )2 = 0
As per question, ∴ x = y satisfy the condition.
a + b = 100 … (i) Hence, the correct option is (A).
(a − 5)(b − 5) = 0 … (ii) 1.17 (A)
(a − 5)(b − 5) is zero only when (a − 5) or (b − 5) Given expression easily solved as,
is zero λ[−(− 3 + 2), (− 2 + 3)] λ (1, 1)
= = λ (1, 1)
Assuming, (a − 5) = 0 − (− 2 + 1) 1
a=5 p = q =1
b = 95
∴ λ(1, 1) = (1 − 1)2 = 0
Hence, the correct option is (C).
Hence, the correct option is (A).
1.14 (C)
1.18 (A)
110016 2k
(26591749) = (26591749) Number 1
Unit place = 9 = 9 2 even
= 81 3 3+ x
operation =
4 4+ x
So, the unit digit is 1 Number 2
Hence, the correct option is (C). 15 15 − x
operation =
Note : Cyclicity of 9 is (9, 1, 9, 1, ….) 17 17 − x
1.15 (A) 3 + x 15 − x
4 + x 17 − x
Given : f ( x) = x 2 (3 + x)(17 − x) = (15 − x)(4 + x)
f ( f ( x)) = ( x 2 )2 = x 4 ( x − 17)( x + 3) = ( x − 15)( x + 4)
f ( f ( f ( x)) = ( x 4 )2 = x 8 x 2 − 14 x − 51 = x 2 − 11x − 60
f ( f ( f ( x))) x8 9 = 3x
= 2 = x6 x=3
f ( x) x
Hence, the correct option is (A).
= ( f ( x))3
1.19 (A)
Hence, the correct option is (A).
logca ,logca , logba , logba
1.16 (A)
p2 + q2
Given : p ⊕ q = m log m
pq log n = log n
x2 + y 2
∴ x⊕ y = …(i) log100! log 30! log 50! log 30!
xy , , ,
log 30! log100! log 30! log 50!
and pq = logca < logb a < loga b < loga c
22 Hence, the correct option is (A).
∴ 22 = =2 …(ii)
From equation (i) and (ii),
x2 + y2
6 Numerical Ability
2 Average, Percentage & Ratio
(C) 15 (D) 30 30
2014 IIT Kharagpur 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2.3 The population of a new city is 5 million and
2.7 Read the following table giving sales data of
is growing at 20% annually. How many
five types of batteries for years 2006 to 2012
years would it take to double at this growth
rate? [1 Mark]
Numerical Ability 1
Type Type Type Type Type [2 Marks]
I II III IV V (A) 2 : 3 (B) 3 : 4
2006 75 144 114 102 108 (C) 6 : 7 (D) 4 : 3
2017 IIT Roorkee
2007 90 126 102 84 126
2008 96 114 75 105 135 2.10 If the radius of a right circular cone is
increased by 50% its volume increases by
2009 105 90 150 90 75
[1 Mark]
2010 90 75 135 75 90 (A) 75% (B) 100%
2011 105 60 165 45 120 (C) 125% (D) 237.5%
2012 115 85 160 100 145 2018 IIT Guwahati
2.14 The total expenditure of a family, on 2.18 In the given figure, PQRSTV is a regular
different activities in a month, is shown in hexagon with each side of length 5 cm. A
the pie-chart. The extra money spent on circle is drawn with its centre at V such
education as compared to transport (in that it passes through P. What is the area
percent) is _______. [1 Mark] (in cm2) of the shaded region? (The
diagram is representative)
2.17 If p : q = 1: 2, q : r = 4 : 3, r : s = 4 : 5 and u 2 cm
is 50% more than s, what is the ratio p : u = ? (A) 8 (B) 4
[1 Mark] (C)12 (D) 10
(A) 2 : 15 (B) 16 : 45
(C) 1 : 5 (D) 4 : 25
Numerical Ability 3
2.1 (D) (iii) Initial total profit, PT = 500
According to given data, Total selling price = Total cost price + Profit T
Increase in raw material, SPT = CPT + PT
6240 − 5200
= ×100 = 20% SPT = 100 + 500 = 600
Increase in power and fuel If total number of unit produced is x, then
9450 − 7000 x × 60 = 600
= ×100 = 35%
7000 x = 10
Increase in salary and wages 30
12600 − 9000 New cost price, CPT ' = 100 + 100 × = 130
= ×100 = 40% 100
New profit, PT ' = 500
Increase in plant and machinery
25000 − 20000 SPT ' = CPT ' + PT '
= ×100 = 25%
20000 10 × SP ' = 130 + 500 = 630
Increase in advertising SP ' = 63
19500 − 15000 63 − 60
= ×100 = 30% Increase in selling price = ×100% = 5%
15000 60
Increase in research and development Hence, the correct option is (A).
26400 − 22000
= ×100 = 20% 2.3 (A)
Category 2010 2011 % increase Given : Population of the city = 5 million
Raw material 5200 6240 20 Annual growth in population = 20%
Power and . Method 1 .
7000 9450 35
fuel After one year, population,
Salary and 20
9000 12600 40 x1 = 5 + 5 × = 6 million
Plant and
20000 25000 25 After two years, population,
20 6
Advertising 15000 19500 30 x2 = x1 + x1 × = 6 + = 7.2 million
100 5
Research and
22000 26400 20 After three years, population,
Therefore, the two categories that have registered 20
x3 = x2 + x2 ×
by same percentage are raw material and research 100
and development. 7.2
x3 = 7.2 + = 8.64 million
Hence, the correct option is (D). 5
2.2 (A) After four years, population,
Given : x4 = x3 + x3 ×
(i) Selling price per unit, SP = 60/unit
(ii) Total cost price, CPT = 100 x4 = 8.64 + = 10.368 million
4 Numerical Ability
Between third and fourth year, the population 2.4 1300
doubles i.e. becomes 10 million.
Given :
Hence, the correct option is (A).
. Method 2 . (i) Fixed daily cost = 50, 000
The law of natural growth and decay is given by, (ii) Variable cost = 800Q
dx where, Q = daily production in tonnes.
∝x [For growth] …(i)
dt For daily production of 100 tonnes,
dx Variable cost = 800 ×100 = 80, 000
∝−x [For decay]
Total cost
From equation (i),
= Fixed daily cost + Variable daily cost
dx dx
= kx = k dt CT = 50, 000 + 80, 000
dt x
Integrating both sides, CT = 1,30, 000
ln x = kt + C
Total cost for 100 tonnes = 1,30, 000
where, k and C are constants. So, cost of production per tonne
x represents the population of the city and t is 1,30, 000
= = 1300 Rs.
time. 100
Initially ( t = 0 ), population is 5 million. Hence, the cost of production in Rs. Per tonne for
ln(5 ×106 ) = 0 + C a daily production of 100 tonnes is 1300 Rs.
C = 15.42 2.5 (D)
Given :
At t = 1 , population grows 20%.
(i) Country X has 1% of people taller than 6ft.
x ' = 5 + 5× = 6 million (ii) Country Y has 2% of people taller than 6ft.
(iii) Country X has thrice as many people in
From equation (ii), country Y.
ln x ' = kt + C Let population of Y be 100. Then X’s population is
ln(6 ×10 ) = k ×1 + 15.42 300.
k = 15.60 − 15.42 = 0.18 …(iv) Total number of people in both country = 400
Now, for population to double i.e. x = 10 million Total number of people taller than 6ft in both
, countries,
From equations (ii), (iii) and (iv), 1 2
X× +Y ×
T= 100 100
ln(10 ×106 ) = 0.18 × t + 15.42
0.18t = 0.69 1 2
300 × + 100 ×
t = 3.84 100 100
Therefore, the population will double in between 400
three to four years. 5
%T = ×100% = 1.25%
Hence, the correct option is (A). 400
Hence, the correct option is (D).
Numerical Ability 5
2.6 2006 % Increase in imports,
Numerical Ability 7
2.12 (B) 2.14 (B)
2.13 (B) n = 26
150 + 200
Let population of X in 2001 be 100% and Seven = × 26 = 4550
population of Y in 2001 be 100%.
Therefore, the ratio is given by,
In 2011 population of X increased by x% i.e.
Sodd 2500 50
population of X = 100 + x. = =
Seven 4550 91
In 2011 population of Y increased by y% i.e.
Hence, the correct option is (C).
population of Y = 100 + y.
Ratio of population of X and Y in 2001, 2.16 (B)
8 Numerical Ability
Each angle of regular hexagon,
Coffee Tea (n − 2)1800
= 1200
25 10 30
θ 1200 2 25π
Re quired Area = πR 2
= π5 =
3600 3600 3
Both Hence, the correct option is (A).
25 + 10 + 30 = 65% employees are those who
2.19 (A)
either takes coffee or tea or both.
∴ (100 − 65)% = 35% are those who neither 1
Bottom shaded area ( A ) = 2 × π(2) 2 = 2π
take coffee nor tea. 4
Hence, the correct option is (B). π× 22
Top shaded area = 4 × 2 − = 8 − 2π
2.17 (B)
Total shaded area = 8 − 2 π + 2 π = 8
p 1 Hence, the correct option is (A).
Given : =
q 2
q 4
r 3
r 4
s 5
s 2
u 3
q = 2x
3x 4
2× s 5
15 x
15 x 2
8u 3
45 x
p:u = = 16:45
45 x
Hence, the correct option is (B).
2.18 (A)
Sum of interior angles = (n− 2)180
Numerical Ability 9
3 Mixture Alligation & Direction
2014 IIT Kharagpur facing east. The ant first turns 720
anticlockwise at P, and then does the
3.1 X is 1 km North-East of Y. Y is 1 km South-
following two steps in sequence exactly
East of Z. W is 1 km West of Z. P is 1 km
South of W. Q is 1 km East of P. What is five times before halting. [2 Marks]
the distance between X and Q in km. 1. Moves forward for 10 cm
[2 Marks] 2. Turns 1440 clockwise
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 2
2015 IIT Kanpur East
General Aptitude 1
3.1 (C) From figure,
N ∠AOB = ∠OBA = 600
Triangle OAB is an equilateral triangle because
W E ∠OAB + ∠ABO + ∠BOA = 1800
∠OAB + 600 + 600 = 1800
S ∠OAB = 600
According to the given statements in the question,
Hence, OB = 6 m, MD = BC = 2 m
the figure is shown below,
W 1 km Z O
X OM = OB − MB = 6 − 4 = 2
900 900
m 450 450 1 km From figure,
1 km
1 km OD 2 = OM 2 + MD 2
OD2 = 22 + 22
P Q P’
According to Pythagoras theorem, OD = 2 2 m
In triangle XYZ, Hence, the correct option is (A).
ZX 2 = ZY 2 + YX 2 = 12 + 12 = 2 3.3 (C)
ZX = 2
From above figure,
ZX = P ' Q = 2
In triangle QXP ' ,
QX 2 = P ' X 2 + P ' Q 2 = 12 + ( 2)2
QX = 3
Hence, the correct option is (C).
3.2 (A)
According to given data, the figure is shown
OQ = OX 2 + XQ2
600M 600 B
E OQ = 32 + 42 = 9 + 16
D 4m C OQ = 25
OQ = 5 units
S Hence, the correct option is (C).
2 General Aptitude
3.4 (D)
144 0
0 R
720 108 0
108 0
PS = SQ = QT = TR = RP = 10 cm
Hence, the correct option is (D).
General Aptitude 3
4 Permutation & Combination
General Aptitude 1
4.5 (A)
Given : n = 3
( n − 1)! = 2!
Given :
Cells of 3 × 3 grid are to be shaded such that each
row and each column have exactly one shaded
cell. An example of one valid shading is given
2 General Aptitude
5 Probability & Statistics
General Aptitude 1
5.1 25 Number of kings left = 2
2 General Aptitude
5.6 (A)
−17 −13 −9 −5 −1 1 5 9 13 17
Modian Mode
−1 + 1
Median = =0
Mode = –13, 13
So, Median ≠ Mode
Hence, the correct option is (A).
General Aptitude 3
6 Time, Speed & Distance
6.1 Budhan covers a distance of 19 km in 2 hours 6.2 Tower A is 90 m tall and tower B is 140 m
by cycling one fourth of the time and tall. They are 100 m apart. A horizontal
walking the rest. The next day he cycles (at skywalk connects the floors at 70 m in both
the same speed as before) for half the time the towers. If a taut rope connects the top of
and walks the rest (at the same speed as tower A to the bottom of tower B, at what
before) and covers 26 km in 2 hours. The distance (in meters) from tower A will the
speed in km/h at which Budhan walks is rope intersect the skywalk?
[2 Marks] [1 Mark]
(A) 1 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 6
6.1 (D) B
Given : Budhan covers a total distance of 19 km A a
in 120 minutes by cycling for 30 minutes and
walking for 90 minutes. b q c
140 m
So, 30C + 90W = 19 km …(i) x
90 m
General Aptitude 1
7 Work & Time
7.1 (C) 12
Then, 1 hr = = 3 pages
Given :
From option (A) :
(i) Ananth takes 6 hours to read a book 1hrs
(ii) Bharath takes 4 hours to read a book
Ananth Bharath
L.C.M. = 12
Read Not read Read Not read
The number of pages read by Ananth and Bharath 2 pages 10 pages 3 pages 9 pages
must be 12 (or) multiple of 12 only. 10 : 9
General Aptitude 1
(ii) Pipe Y fills the oil tank in 4 hours i.e. in one
Ananth Bharath 1
hour it fills th of tank.
Read Not read Read Not read 4
4 pages 8 pages 6 pages 6 pages
(iii) The drainage drains the tank in 20 hours i.e.
4:3 1
it drains th of tank in 1 hours.
From option (C) : 20
(iv) If both pipes and drainage are open then,
Ananth Bharath 1 X Y 1
+ +
Read Not read Read Not read 5 4
6 pages 6 pages 9 pages 3 pages
Oil tank
Therefore, after 3 hours is the number of pages to
be read by Ananth, twice that to be read by
Bharath. -
Hence, the correct option is (C).
In one hour, the tank will be will be filled by
7.2 (A)
1 1 1 8
+ − = part
Given : 5 4 20 20
(i) Number of machines = 02 i.e. M1 and M2 20
So, it will take hours i.e. 2.5 hours to fill the
(ii) Number of jobs = 04 i.e. P, Q, R and S 8
(iii) Number of objects = 10 tank.
(iv) Two objects need job P, 3 objects need job Hence, the correct option is (D).
Q, 1 objects needs job R and 4 objects need
job S.
(v) Machines can perform one job at one object
at a time.
In the first hour, machine M1 will perform job P
on two objects (30 minutes each) and M2 will
perform job R on one object.
In the second hour, M1 will perform job Q on three
objects (20 minutes each) and M1 will perform job
S on four objects (15 minutes each). Therefore, all
jobs can be performed on all 10 objects within 2
hours (one job on each object).
Hence, the correct option is (A).
7.3 (D)
Given :
(i) Pipe X fills the oil tank in 5 hours i.e. in one
hour it fills th of tank.
2 General Aptitude
Contents :
S. No. Topics
1. Data Interpretation
2. Syllogism
3. Numerical Computation
4. Miscellaneous
1 Data Interpretation
2013 IIT Bombay tons and the total revenues are 250 crore
rupees. What is the ratio of the revenue
1.1 Abhishek is elder to Savar. Savar is younger
to Anshul. generated through export of item 1 per
Which of the given conclusions is logically kilogram to the revenue generated through
valid and is inferred from the above export of the item 4 per kilogram?
statements? [2 Marks] [2 Marks]
(A) Abhishek is elder to Anshul
(B) Anshul is elder to Abhishek
(C) Abhishek and Anshul are of the same age
1.2 In a group of four children, Som is younger (A) 1:2 (B) 2:1
to Riaz. Shiv is elder to Ansu. Ansu is
(C) 1:4 (D) 4:1
youngest in the group. Which of the
following statements is /are required to find 1.4 Anuj, Bhola, Chandan, Dilip, Eswar and
the eldest child in the group? Faisal live on different floors in a six-
storeyed building (the ground floor is
[2 Marks] numbered 1, the floor above it 2, and so on).
Statements : Anuj lives on an even-numbered floor.
1. Shiv is younger to Riaz. Bhola does not live on an odd numbered
2. Shiv is elder to Som. floor. Chandan does not live on any of the
(A) Statement 1 by itself determines the floors below Faisal's floor. Dilip does not
eldest child. live on floor number 2. Eswar does not live
(B) Statement 2 by itself determines the on a floor immediately above or immediately
eldest child. below Bhola. Faisal lives three floors above
(C) Statements 1 and 2 are both required to Dilip. Which of the following floor-person,
determine the eldest child. combinations is correct? [2 Marks]
(D) Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient to
determine the eldest child.
1.3 The total exports and revenues from the
exports of a country are given in the pie
charts below. The pie chart for exports
1.5 The monthly rainfall chart based on 50 years
shows the quantity of each item as a
of rainfall in Agra is shown in the following
percentage of the total quantity of exports.
figure. Which of the following are true? (k
The pie chart for the revenues shows the
percentile is the value such that k percent of
percentage of the total revenue generated
the data fall below that value)
through export of each item. The total
[2 Marks]
quantity of exports of all the items is 5 lakh
General Aptitude 1
Q-Telecom, T-Finance
(C) P- Home, Q-Power, T-Defense,
S-Telecom, U-Finance
(D) Q- Home, U-Power, T-Defense,
R-Telecom, P-Finance
1.8 The given question is followed by two
statements: select the most appropriate
option that solves the question
Capacity of a solution tank A is 70% of the
capacity of tank B. How many gallons of
solution are in tank A and tank B?
[2 Marks]
(i) On average, it rains more in July than in Statements :
December I. Tank A is 80% full and tank B is 40%
(ii) Every year, the amount of rainfall in full
August is more than that in January II. Tank A if full contains 14,000 gallons of
(iii)July rainfall can be estimated with better solution
confidence than February rainfall (A) Statement I alone is sufficient
(iv) In August, there is at least 500 mm of (B) Statement II alone is sufficient
rainfall (C) Either statement I or II alone is sufficient
(A) (i) and (ii) (B) (i) and (iii) (D) Both the statements I and II together are
(C) (ii) and (iii) (D) (iii) and (iv) sufficient
2016 IISc Bangalore
2015 IIT Kanpur
1.9 A shaving set company sells 4 different types
1.6 If ROAD is written as URDG, then SWAN
of razors, Elegance, Smooth, Soft and
should be written as [1 Mark]
Executive. Elegance sells at Rs. 48, Smooth
(A) VXDQ (B) VZDQ at Rs. 63, Soft at Rs.78 and Executive at Rs.
(C) VZDP (D) UXDQ 173 per piece. The table below shows the
1.7 The head of a newly formed government numbers of each razor sold in each quarter of
desires to appoint five of the six selected a year.
members P, Q, R, S, T and U to portfolios of Quarter/
Elegance Smooth Soft Executive
Home, Power, Defense, telecom and Product
Finance. U does not want any portfolio if S Q1 27300 20009 17602 9999
gets one of the five. R wants either Home or Q2 25222 19392 18445 8942
Finance or no portfolio. Q says that if S gets Q3 28976 22429 19544 10234
either Power or Telecom, then she must get Q4 21012 18229 16595 10109
the other one. T insists on a portfolio if P gets
one. Which product contributes the greatest
Which is the valid distribution of portfolio? fraction to the revenue of the company in
[2 Marks] that year? [2 Marks]
(A) P-Home, Q-Power, R-Defense, (A) Elegance (B) Executive
S-Telecom, T-Finance (C) Smooth (D) Soft
(B) R- Home, S-Power, P-Defense,
2 General Aptitude
1.10 Consider the following statements relating Which of the following statements are
of the level of poker play of four players P, correct? [2 Marks]
Q, R and S. (i) The elevator never moves directly from
I. P always beats Q any non-ground floor to another non-
II. R always beats S ground floor over the one hour period.
III. S loses to P only sometimes (ii) The elevator stays on the fourth floor for
IV. R always loses to Q the longest duration over the one hour
Which of the following can be logically period.
inferred from the above statements? (A) Only (i)
[2 Marks] (B) Only (ii)
(i) P is likely to beat all the three other (C) Both (i) and (ii)
players (D) Neither (i) nor (ii)
(ii) S is the absolute worst player in the set 1.14 P, Q, R, S, T and U are seated around a
(A) (i) only circular table. R is seated two places to the
(B) (ii) only right of Q. P is seated three places to the left
(C) (i) and (ii) of R. S is seated opposite U. If P and U now
(D) neither (i) nor (ii) switch seats, which of the following must
1.11 If ‘relftaga’ means carefree ‘otaga’ means necessarily be true? [2 Marks]
careful and ‘fertaga’ means careless which (A) P is immediately to the right of R.
of the following could mean ‘aftercare’? (B) T is immediately to the left of P.
[1 Mark] (C) T is immediately to the left of P or P is
(A) Zentaga (B) Tagafer immediately to the right of Q.
(C) Tagazen (D) Relffer (D) U is immediately to the right of R or P is
immediately to the left of T.
2017 IIT Roorkee
1.15 Students applying for hostel rooms are
1.12 Four cards lie on a table. Each card has a allotted rooms in order of seniority. Students
number printed on one side and a colour on already staying in a room will move if they
the other. The faces visible on the cards are get a room in their preferred list. Preferences
2, 3, red and blue. [1 Mark] of lower ranked applicants are ignored
Proposition : If a card has an even value on during allocation.
one side, then its opposite face is red. Given the data below, which room will Ajit
The cards which must be turned over to stay in [2 Marks]
verify the above proposition are Room
(A) 2, red (B) 2, 3, red Student Current
Names preference
(C) 2, blue (D) 2, red, blue seniority room
1.13 The points in the graph below represent the Amar 1 P R, S, Q
halts of a lift for durations of 1 minute, over Akbar 2 None R, S
a period of 1 hour. Anthony 3 Q P
Ajit 4 S Q, P, R
(A) P (B) Q
(C) R (D) S
1.16 The bar graph below shows the output of five
carpenters over one month, each of whom
General Aptitude 3
made different items of furniture : chairs, letters are positioned in the figure such that
tablet, and beds. [2 Marks] ( A B C ), ( B G E ) and ( D E F ) are
equal. Which integer among the following
choices cannot be represented by the letters
A, B, C, D, E, F and G? [2 Marks]
(A) 4 (B) 5
Consider the following statements : (C) 6 (D) 9
(i) The number of beds made by carpenter 1.19 Each of the letters in the figure below
C2 is exactly the same as the number of represents a unique integer from 1 to 9. The
tables made by carpenter C3. letters are positioned in the figure such that
(ii) The total number of chairs made by all each of ( A B C ), (C D E ),
carpenters is less than total number of ( E F G ) and (G H K ) is equal to 13.
tables. Which integers does E represent?
Which one of the following is true? [2 Marks]
(A) Only i
(B) Only ii
(C) Both i and ii
(D) Neither i nor ii
1.17 The temperature T in a room varies as a
(A) 1 (B) 4
function of the outside temperature T0 and
(C) 6 (D) 7
the number of persons in the room p,
according to the relation T K (p T0 ), 1.20 The annual average rainfall in a tropical city
is 1000 mm. On a particular rainy day (24-
where and K are constants. What would be
hour period), the cumulative rainfall
the value of , which gives the following
experienced by the city is shown in the
data? [1 Mark]
graph. Over the 24-hour period, 50% of the
T0 p T rainfall falling on a rooftop, which had an
25 2 32.4 obstruction-free area of 50 m2 was
harvested into a tank. What is the total
30 5 42.0
volume of water collected in the tank in
liters? [2 Marks]
(A) 0.8 (B) 1.0
(C) 2.0 (D) 10.0
1.18 Each of the letters arranged as below
represents a unique integer from 1 to 9. The
4 General Aptitude
2020 IIT Delhi
General Aptitude 5
(C) (A) 8250 (B) 9750
(C) 8750 (D) 11250
1.28 For the year 2019, which of the previous
year’s calendar can be used? [1 Mark]
(A) 2014 (B) 2012
(C) 2011 (D) 2013
2022 IIT Kharagpur
(D) 1.29 Given the statements :
* P is the sister of Q
* Q is the husband of R
* R is the mother of S
* T is the husband of P
Based on the above information, T is
_______ of S. [1 Mark]
(A) The grandfather (B) An uncle
1.27 The monthly distribution of 9 Watt LED
bulbs sold by two firms X and Y from (C) The father (D) A brother
January to June 2018 is shown in the pie- 1.30 Healthy eating is a critical component of
chart and the corresponding table. If the total healthy aging. When should one start eating
number of LED bulbs sold by two firms healthy? It turns out that it is never too early.
during April-June 2018 is 50000, then the For example babies who start eating healthy
number of LED bulbs sold by the firm Y in the first year are more likely to have better
during April-June 2018 is _________. overall health as they get older. [2 Marks]
[1 Mark] Which one of the following is correct logical
inference based on the information in the
above passage?
(A) Eating healthy and better overall health
are more correlated at a young age, but
not old age.
(B) Eating healthy can be started at any age,
earlier the better.
(C) Healthy eating in more important for
Ratio of LED bulbs adult than kid.
Month sold by two firms (D) Healthy eating is important for those
(X:Y) with good health conditions but not for
January 7:8 others.
February 2:3
March 2:1
April 3:2
May 1:4
June 9:11
6 General Aptitude
12 11 O x
10 9
8 7
4 y
4 3
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O x
The above frequency chart shows the
frequency distribution of marks obtained by (A)
a set of student in an exam.
From the data presented above, which one of
the following is CORRECT?
(A) Mode > Mean > Median O x
(B) Median > Mode > Mean
(C) Mean > Mode > Median
(D) Mode > Median > Mean
[2 Marks] y
General Aptitude 7
1.1 (D) Given : Total quantity of exports of all the items
= 5 lakh tons.
According to the question, 1 ton = 907.185 kg
5 lakh tons 4.53 108 kg
Total revenue generated = 250 crore rupees.
11% of total export belongs to item 1. Therefore,
the quantity of item 1 is given by,
Q1 4.53 108 4.98 107 kg
Revenue generated by item 1 is given by,
R1 250 107 3 108 Rs.
Since, there is no information given about the 100
relationship between Anshul and Abhishek. So no Hence, the revenue generated through export of
conclusion can be made from the given item 1 per kg
information. 3 108 3
10 6
Hence, the correct option is (D). 4.98 10 7
1.2 (A) 22% of total exports belongs to item 4. Therefore,
the quantity of item 4 is given by,
Given : A group has 4 children. 22
Q4 4.53 108 9.96 107 kg
Som is younger to Riaz and Shiv is elder to Ansu. 100
Ansu is youngest in the group. Revenue generated by item 4 is given by,
Riaz Shiv 6
R4 250 107 15 107 Rs.
Som Ansu (youngest) Hence, the revenue generated through export of
item 4 per kg
Statement 1 : Shiv is younger to Riaz.
Riaz 15 107 15
9.96 10 10
8 General Aptitude
(iii) Chandan : Lives on any of the floor above Statement 4 : In August, there is at least 500 mm
Faisal’s. of rainfall.
(iv) Dilip : Does not live on floor number 2. This statement may or may not be correct. Since,
(v) Eshwar : Does not live on any of the floor the graph is average of 50 years.
above or below bhola. Hence, the correct option is (B).
(vi) Faisal : Lives 3 floor above Dilip 1.6 (B)
According to options, Dilip lives either on floor 1 Given : ROAD is written as URDG.
or 3 and Faisal lives either on floor 4 or 5. If Dilip By following A – Z alphabetic chart :
lives on 1st floor then Faisal lives on 4th floor and
R – U : In between two alphabets
if Dilip lives on 3rd floor then Faisal lives on 6th
O – R : In between two alphabets
floor (not possible because Chandan lives on any
A – D : In between two alphabets
of the floor above Faisal’s, but there is only 6th
D – G : In between two alphabets
So, S T U V
Hence, Dilip 1st floor
Faisal 4th floor
From options, option (C) and (D) are incorrect.
Now, Chandan 5th floor Hence, the correct option is (B).
[From option (A) and (B)]
1.7 (B)
Eshwar 3rd floor
Since, Eshwar cannot be immediately above or Given :
below, Bhola, So Bhola must be living on 6th floor (i) There are 5 portfolios, home, power,
which means Anuj lives on 2nd floor. defense, telecom and finance.
Hence, the correct option is (B). (ii) 6 selected members P, Q, R, S, T and U are
to be appointed in 5 portfolios.
1.5 (B)
(iii) U does not want any portfolio if S gets one
Given : The monthly rainfall chart based on 50 of the five.
years of rainfall in Agra is shown below, (iv) R wants either Home or Finance or no
Statement 1 : On average, it rains more in July portfolio.
than in December. (v) Q says that if S gets either Power or
According to the graph, above statement is correct. Telecom, then she must get the other one.
T insists on a portfolio if P gets one.
Statement 2 : Every year, the amount of rainfall R wants Home or Finance or no portfolio. In
in August is more than that in January. option (A) and (D), R has Defense and Telecom.
The graph shows the average rainfall so it is So, both options are incorrect.
impossible to predict if every year amount of U does not want a portfolio if S gets one of the
rainfall in August is more than that in January. five. In option (C), S and U both have portfolios.
Statement 3 : July rainfall can be estimated with So, option (C) is also incorrect.
better confidence than February rainfall. Hence, the correct option is (B).
Since, the graph shows that the gap between 5 1.8 (D)
percentile and 95 percentile from average is higher
in February than in July. Therefore, July rainfall Given : Capacity of a solution tank A is 70% of
can be better estimated than February. the capacity of tank B.
General Aptitude 9
Statement I : Tank A is 80% full and tank B is R v/s Q Q Always R
40% full.
From the given data, it can be clearly inferred that
Statement II : Tank A if full contains 14,000 P always beats Q. Since, Q always beats R, P can
gallons of solution. also beat R. P only sometimes beats S. Hence, P is
Statement I can be used to solve the question if likely to beat all the other three player. So,
capacity of both tanks is already known and statement (i) can be logically inferred.
statement II can be used if it is known how much S only sometimes loses to P i.e. sometimes S wins
each tank is full/empty. as well, meaning S beats the best player
Therefore, by using both statements, sometimes. Hence, S can’t be absolute worst
Let capacity of tank B is x, player in the set.
70 So, statement (ii) cannot be logically inferred.
Then, x 14000
100 Hence, the correct option is (A).
x 20000 gallons 1.11 (C)
Since, tank A was 80% full,
Given :
A 14000 11200 gallons (i) ‘relftaga’ means carefree.
100 (ii) ‘otaga’ means careful.
Since, tank B was 40% full, (iii) ‘fertaga’ means careless.
40 Here, it is clear that ‘taga’ means care and if taga
B 20000 8000 gallons
100 comes at the end in code language then meaning
Total solution 11200 8000 19200 gallons has ‘care’ at the front.
Hence, the correct option is (D). So, option (A) and (D) are incorrect.
1.9 (B) In ‘fertaga’ ‘fes’ means less.
So, ‘Tagafer’ means less care.
Elegance Smooth Soft Executive
Therefore, ‘Tagazen’ means aftercare.
27300 20009 17602 9999
Hence, the correct option is (C).
25222 19392 18445 8942
1.12 (C)
28976 22429 19544 10234
21012 18229 16595 10109 To verify the proposition the least number of cards
that must be turned will be two.
102510 80059 72186 39284
(i) Card with visible face of a colour.
Rs. 48 Rs. 63 Rs. 78 Rs. 173
(ii) Card with visible face of a number.
102510 80059 72186 39284
Case 1 : Blue card and ‘2’ card :
48 63 78 173
If the blue card has number 2 on the other side then
= 4920480 = 5043717 = 5630508 = 6796132 proposition is incorrect but if the other side has
From the above table it is clear that, more revenue number 3 then next card has to be turned.
is obtained from executive. Now, if card ‘2’ has colour red on the other side
Hence, the correct option is (B). then proposition is correct but if other side has
1.10 (A)
colour blue then the proposition is wrong.
Case 2 : Red card and ‘3’ card :
Given : If the red card has number 2 on the other side then
Winner Loses we need a confirmation whether a number card has
P v/s Q P Always Q a red colour on the other side or blue colour. For
R v/s S R Always S that we must turn card ‘3’. If card ‘3’ has red
S v/s P P/S Sometimes P/S colour on the other side then the proposition is
10 General Aptitude
wrong but if on the other side has blue colour then (iv) In both figure, U is not immediately to right
the proposition is correct. of R and P is not immediately to the left of
Case - 2 does not match with any of the options. T.
Hence, the correct option is (C). Hence, the correct option is (C).
1.13 (D)
1.15 (B)
From the given graph it is clear that,
Given table is shown below,
(i) The halt at fourth floor is of 19 minutes over
the period of one hour and at the ground
floor the halt is of 21 minutes. So, Room
Student Current
statement (ii) is wrong. Names preference
seniority room
(ii) It is clear from the graph that the left moves list
directly from any non-ground floor to Amar 1 P R, S, Q
another non-ground floor over the one
hour period multiple times such as, Akbar 2 None R, S
(a) At t = 5, from 1st to 5th floor Anthony 3 Q P
(b) At t = 10, from 1st to 4th floor and so on. Ajit 4 S Q, P, R
So, statement (i) is also wrong. Amar is the most senior student and his first
Hence, the correct option is (D). preference is room R. So, he will move to room R.
Akbar is second in the seniority list. Since, R is
1.14 (C)
allotted to Amar, Akbar will get room S. Next in
line is Anthony, who will move to room P. So, Ajit
will get room Q.
Hence, the correct option is (B).
1.16 (C)
Given figure is shown below,
Now, P and U switch seats,
(i) Number of beds made by carpenter C2
20 12 8
Number of tables made by carpenter C3
13 5 8
So, statement (i) is true.
(ii) Total number of chairs made by all
Fig. (a) Fig. (b) components
(i) In both figure, C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
P is not immediately to the right of R. 2 10 5 2 4 23
Total number of tables made by all carpenters
(ii) In figure (a), T is not immediately to the left
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
of P.
7 2 8 3 10 30
(iii) In figure (a), P is immediately to the right of So, statement (ii) is also true.
Q. Hence, the correct option is (C).
In figure (b), T is immediately to the left of
1.17 (B)
Given : T K ( p T0 )
Table is shown below,
General Aptitude 11
T0 p T (i) Each of the letters represent a unique integer
from 1 to 9.
25 2 32.4 So, A B C...... K 45 … (i)
30 5 42.0 (ii) A B C 13 … (ii)
C D E 13 … (iii)
According to the given data, E F G 13 … (iv)
32.4 K 2 25 … (i) G H K 13 … (v)
Adding all four equation,
42 K 5 30 … (ii)
A B 2C D 2E F 2G H K 52
From equation (i) and (ii), From equation (i),
42 5 30 C E G 52 45
32.4 2 25 C E G 7 … (vi)
84 1050 162 972
and E F G 13
78 78 From option (A),
1 E 1
Hence, the correct option is (B). Then, C G 6
1.18 (B) and F G 12
Prime factorization of digit 1 to 9 can be written Now, C and G should be less than 6.
as, Since, E 1 , C 1
1 1 22 So, C 2 , G 4 or C 4 , G 2
33 4 2 2 When C 2 and E 1 , then D has to be 10 for the
55 6 3 2 sum 13 which is not possible.
77 8 2 2 2 When C 4 and G 2 , then F has to be 10,
9 3 3 which is also not possible.
If A G E B G E D E F Hence, option (A) is incorrect.
Will be equal only when prime factorization of all From option (B),
3 term should be equal. E4
But in between 1 to 9 we can observe that 5 and 7 Then, C G 3 and F G 9
are not present as a prime factor of any term. Now, C and G should be less than 3.
To become 5 and 7 as a part of these multiplication Let C 1 , G 2 or C 2 , G 1
there should be a common alphabet, but we can When C 1 , G 2 F 7 [Possible]
observe there is no any alphabet common in these C D E 13
three. 1 D 4 13
Therefore, 5 and 7 can’t be as a part of these D 8
multiplication. So, C 1 , D 8 , E 4 , F 7 , G 2
Since, 7 is not present in option. Now, A B C 13
So, 5 will be correct option. So, A 9 , B 3 or A 3 , B 9
Hence, the correct option is (B). G H K 13
1.19 (B) So, H 6 , K 5 or H 5 , K 6
Given : It is clear that every alphabet has unique number.
Hence, the correct option is (B).
12 General Aptitude
1.20 (C) Ram but since it is clearly mentioned that Krishna
does not want to work with Ram, Krishna has to
Given : Annual average rainfall = 1000 mm
work with John and Amir will then work with Ram
Rainfall falling on a rooftop = 50%
for all workers to continue working.
Obstruction-free area = 50 m2
Hence, the correct option is (B).
Cumulative rainfall (from the graph) = 300 mm
50% of the cumulative rainfall 1.24 (B)
300 150 mm 150 103 m Codes given are as shown below
Total volume of water collected in the tank =
Obstruction-free area 50% of cumulative
Total volume of water collected in the tank
50 150 103 7.5 m3 7500 liters
Hence, the correct option is (C).
1.21 (B)
Given : E 10 , J 20 , O 30 , T 40 So, the codes for 45 ST
Here, E 2 Position of E (5 ) 10
Hence, the correct option is (B).
J 2 Position of J (10th ) 20 and so on. 1.25 (A)
Therefore, P 2 Position of P (16 ) = 32
Going through the options
S 2 Position of S (19th ) 38 Option (A) : RSPTQ is correct choice because
So, P E S T 32 10 38 40 120 both conditions are fulfilled in option (A)
Hence, the correct option is (B). 1. P, Q and T are not next to R.
1.22 (D)
2. P and S are not next to Q.
Given : Hence, the correct option is (A).
(i) Q is wife of P .
1.26 (C)
(ii) R is child of P and T is child of S .
Since, T is child of S , S cannot be aunt of T . Statement 1 : P wanted a room adjacent to the lab.
Hence, the correct option is (D). Hence, option (A) is incorrect.
1.23 (B) Statement 2 : Q wanted to be close to the lift.
Given : Hence option (B) is incorrect.
(i) No pair should work for more than 5 hours. Statement 3 : S wanted a corner office. Hence
(ii) Ram and John have worked together for 5 option (D) is incorrect.
hours. Here, option (C) satisfies all the statements.
(iii) Krishna and Amir have worked as a team for Hence, the correct option is (C).
2 hours.
1.27 (B)
(iv) Krishna does not want to work with Ram.
John cannot work with Ram anymore since his 5 From the given pie chart and corresponding table
hours have been completed with Ram. Now, John Sales
can either work with Krishna or Amir. If John Month X:Y X Y
(X + Y)
works with Amir, Krishna will have to work with
General Aptitude 13
April 3:2 15% 9% 6% 1.30 (B)
May 1:4 10% 2% 8% Eating healthy can be started at any age, earlier is
9: 5.5 better.
June 10% 4.5%
11 % The given statement is directly related to given
Total LED bulbs 50000 information.
The number of LED bulbs sold by the firm Y Hence, the correct option is (B).
during April - June 2018 is given by,
1.31 (D)
Y 19.5% of 50000
19.5 14
Y 50000 9750 14
12 11
Hence, the correct option is (B).
10 9
1.28 (D)
8 7
. Method 1 : 6
Non-leap year repeats after 6 or 11 years 4 3
Note : Above statement is valid only if leap year
is repeated every 4 years. 0
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2013 6 2019 Marks
According to above chart, clearly mode is 7 marks
So, 2013 and 2019 has same calendar.
as mode is the mark whose frequency is highest
Hence, the correct option is (D).
Total marks
. Method 2 : Mean
Total students
(3 3) (4 9) (5 11) (6 7)
(7 14) (8 2) (9 2)
(3 9 11 7 14 2 4)
Mean 5.84
Mode = 3 median – 2 mean
So, 2013 and 2019 has same calendar. 7 = 3 median – 2 5.84
Hence, the correct option is (D). 7 11.68
= median
1.29 (B) 3
= 6.72 median
Family Tree diagram can be made as :
mode > median > mean
+ – + –
Hence, the correct option is (D).
1.32 (A)
Here, T is an uncle of S.
Hence, the correct option is (B).
14 General Aptitude
2 Syllogism
2.1 (A) So, number of teachers who can teach both ES and
EM is 1.
According to the given data, Venn diagram can be
Hence, the correct option is (A).
drawn as shown below,
2.2 (B)
From given facts, the following Venn diagram can
be drawn,
H = Humans M = Mammals
E = Engineers BH = Build houses
2 General Aptitude
2.6 (A)
As we are directed to do logical negation, of given
statement, situation of “either or” will becomes
“Neither nor”
as : PQ XY
From above diagram, only statement III is true.
Negation : PQ XY
Hence, the correct option is (B).
Hence, the correct option is (A).
2.3 (D)
2.7 (B)
According to the given data, Venn diagram is
Total = 450
shown below,
150 200
Ma t
90 20 120
10 30
None of the given statements can be inferred
according to the Venn diagram. 105 60
Hence, the correct option is (D). 40
2.4 (A)
According to the given data, Venn diagram can be
The number of students interested in humanities
drawn as shown below,
will be find as
90+120 +105 +20+30+10+30 = 405
450 405 45
Hence, the correct option is (B).
2.8 (D)
Venn diagram can be made as
Number of people who play at least two sports
(15 25 30) (2 sports) + 5 (3 sports)
75 S C Cw
% of people 100 25%
Hence, the correct option is (A). (A) True
2.5 (B) (B) False
(C) True
(D) False
Only conclusion I and III are correct.
Football Cricket
Hence, the correct option is (D).
2.9 (D)
Hence, the correct option is (B). Given :
General Aptitude 3
A duck named Donald Duck says “All ducks
always lie.”
According to the given information Donald
Duck’s statement is false.
Hence, the correct option is (D).
2.10 (D)
Given :
Statement ‘Some humans are intelligent’.
Can be represented by given venn diagram as
shown below,
Humans Intelligent
4 General Aptitude
3 Numerical Computation
3.1 X and Y are two positive real numbers such 3.5 A function f ( x) is linear and has a value
that 2 X Y 6 and X 2Y 8 . For of 29 at x 2 and 39 at x 3 . Find its
which of the following values of ( X , Y ) , value at x 5 . [1 Mark]
the function f ( x, y ) 3X 6Y will give (A) 59 (B) 45
maximum value? [2 Marks] (C) 43 (D) 35
4 10 8 20 3.6 Choose the most appropriate equation for
(A) , (B) , the function drawn as a thick line, in the
3 3 3 3
plot below. [2 Marks]
8 10 4 20
(C) , (D) ,
3 3 3 3
3.2 If | 4 X 7 | 5 then the values of
2 | X | | X | is [2 Marks]
1 1
(A) 2, (B) ,3
3 2
3 2
(C) ,9 (D) ,9
2 3
2014 IIT Kharagpur
(A) x y y (B) x y y
(D) x y y
3.3 The smallest angle of a triangle is equal to
(C) x y y
two thirds of the smallest angle of a
quadrilateral. The ratio between the angles 2016 IISc Bangalore
of the quadrilateral is 3:4:5:6. The largest
3.7 A cube is built using 64 cubic blocks of
angle of the triangle is twice its smallest
side and unit. After it is built, one cubic
angle. What is the sum, in degrees, of the
block is removed from every corner of the
second largest angle of the triangle and the
cube. The resulting surface area of the
largest angle of the quadrilateral?
body (in square units) after the removal is
[2 Marks]
______. [2 Marks]
3.4 If y 5x2 3 , then the tangent at x 0 , (A) 56 (B) 64
y3 [1 Mark] (C) 72 (D) 96
3.8 If f ( x) 2 x7 3x 5 , which of the
(A) Passes through x 0, y 0
following is a factor of f ( x) ? [2 Marks]
(B) Has a slope of 1
(A) ( x3 8) (B) ( x 1)
(C) Is parallel to the x-axis
(C) (2 x 5) (D) ( x 1)
(D) Has a slope of 1
General Aptitude 1
3.9 In a process, the number of cycles of
failure decreases exponentially with an
increase in load. At a load of 80 units, it
takes 100 cycles of failure. When the load
is halved, it takes 10000 cycles for failure.
The load for which the failure will happen
in 5000 cycles is ________.
[2 Marks]
(A) 40.00 (B) 46.02
(C) 60.01 (D) 92.02
3.10 A square pyramid has a base perimeter x
and the slant height is half of the perimeter. (i) y 2 x 4 for – 3 x 1
What is the lateral surface area of the (ii) y x 1 for –1 x 2
pyramid? [2 Marks]
(iii) y x 1 for –1 x 2
(A) x 2 (B) 0.75 x 2
(iv) y 1 for 2 x 3
(C) 0.50 x 2 (D) 0.25 x 2
(A) (i), (ii) and (iii) only
2017 IIT Roorkee (B) (i), (ii) and (iv) only
3.11 The following sequences of number is (C) (i) and (iv) only
arranged in increasing order : (D) (ii) and (iv) only
1, x, x, x, y, y,9,16,18, given that the mean log P log Q log R
3.14 Given that 10 for
and median are equal, and are also equal to yz zx x y
twice the mode, the value of y is x y z, what is the value of the product
[1 Mark] PQR? [2 Marks]
(A) 5 (B) 6 (A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 7 (D) 8 (C) xyz (D) 10 xyz
2018 IIT Guwahati 3.15 In manufacturing industries, loss is usually
taken to be proportional to the square of the
3.12 Hema’s age is 5 years more than twice of deviation from a target. If the loss is Rs.
Hari’s age. Suresh’s age is 13 years less 4900 for a deviation of 7 units, what would
than 10 times Hari’s age. If Suresh is 3 be the loss in Rupees for a deviation of 4
times as old as Hema, how old is Hema? units from the target? [2 Marks]
[1 Mark] (A) 400 (B) 1200
(A) 14 (B) 17 (C) 1600 (D) 2800
(C) 18 (D) 19
2019 IIT Madras
3.13 Which of the following function(s) is an
accurate description of the graph for the 3.16 A square has sides 5 cm smaller than the
range(s) indicated? [2 Marks] sides of a second square. The area of the
larger square is four times the area of the
smaller square. The side of the larger
square is ______ cm. [2 Marks]
(A) 15.10 (B) 8.50
(C) 18.50 (D) 10.00
2 General Aptitude
3.17 A retaining wall with measurements (A) 40 (B) 40
30 m 12 m 6 m was constructed with (C) 33 (D) 26
bricks of dimensions 8cm 6 cm 6 cm . If 3.22 Four persons P, Q, R and S are to be seated
60% of the wall consists of bricks, the in row. R should not be seated at the second
number of bricks used for the construction position from the left end of row. The
is _______ lakhs. [1 Mark] number of distinct seating arrangements
(A) 30 (B) 40 possible is : [1 Mark]
(C) 75 (D) 45 (A) 6 (B) 18
3.18 Suresh wanted to lay a new carpet in his
(C) 24 (D) 9
new mansion with an area of 70 55
sq.mts. However an area of 550 sq.mts.,
had to be left out for flower pots. If the cost
of carpet is Rs.50 per sq.mts., how much
money (in Rs.) will be spent by Suresh for
the carpet now? [1 Mark]
(A) Rs.1,65,000 (B) Rs.2,75,000
(C) Rs.1,92,500 (D) Rs.1,27,500 In the figure shown above, PQRS is a
2021 IIT Bombay square. The shaded portion is formed by
the intersection of sectors of circles with
3.19 In an equilateral triangle PQR, side PQ is radius equal to the side of square and
divided into 4 equal parts, side QR is center at S and Q.
divided into 6 equal parts and side PR is The probability that any point picked
divided into 8 equal parts. The length of randomly within square falls in shaded
each sub-divided part in cm is an integer. area is _______. [2 Marks]
The minimum area of triangle PQR 1
possible, in cm2, is [2 Marks] (A) (B) 4
2 2
(A) 18 (B) 144 3
(C) 1 (D)
2 4
(C) 48 3 (D) 24 3.24 Four persons P, Q, R and S are to be seated
3.20 Four persons P, Q, R and S are to be seated in a row, all facing the same direction, but
in row. R should not be seated at the second not necessarily in the same order. P and R
position from the left end of row. The can not sit adjacent to each other. S should
number of distinct seating arrangements be seated to the right of Q. The number of
possible is : [1 Mark] distinct seating arrangements possible is :
(A) 6 (B) 18 [1 Mark]
(C) 24 (D) 9 (A) 4 (B) 2
(C) 8 (D) 6
3.21 and are 2 operators on numbers p
3.25 Consider two rectangular sheets, sheet M
and q such that p q p q and
and sheet N of dimensions 6cm 4 cm
p q p q, then
9 (6 7) 7 (6 5) Folding operation 1 : The sheet is folded
into half by joining the short edges of the
[1 Mark]
current shape.
General Aptitude 3
Folding operation 2 : The sheet is folded (C) Area of PXWR = Area of SPQT – Area
into half by joining the long edges of the of RUVZ
current shape. (D) Area of PXWR = Area of RUVZ –
Folding operation 1 is carried out on Sheet Area of SPQT
M three times. 3.28 Consider a cube made by folding a single
Folding operation 2 is carried out on Sheet sheet of paper of appropriate shape. The
N three times. interior faces of the cube are all blank, the
The ratio of perimeters of the final folded exterior faces that are not visible in the
shape of Sheet N to the final folded shape above view may not be blank.
of Sheet M is _______. [2 Marks]
(A) 3 : 2 (B) 7 : 5
(C) 13 : 7 (D) 5 : 13
3.26 Which one of the following represents a
P possible unfolding of the cube?
T Q (A) (B)
Five line segments of equal lengths, PR, (C) (D)
PS, QS, QT and RT are used to form a star – –
as shown in the figure above.
The value of , in degrees, is ______. [2 Marks]
[2 Marks]
3.29 P invested Rs. 5000 per month for 6
(A) 36 (B) 108
months of a year and Q invested x per
(C) 72 (D) 45
month for 8 month of the year in a
2022 IIT Kharagpur partnership business. The profit is shared
3.27 In the following diagram the point R is the in proportion to the total investment made
center of circle. The line PQ and ZV are in that year. If at the end of that investment
tangential to the circle. The relation among year, Q receives 4/9 of the total profit, what
the areas of the squares, PXWR, RUVZ is the value of x (in Rs.).
and SPQT is [1 Mark] (A) 8437 (B) 3000
(C) 2500 (D) 4687
[2 Marks]
P 3.30 Two straight lines pass through the origin
( x0 , y0 ) (0, 0) one of them passes
T Z through the point ( x1 , y1 ) (1, 3) and the
other passes through the point
( x2 , y2 ) (1, 2) . What is the area enclosed
between the straight line in the interval (0,
(A) Area of SPQT = Area of RUVZ = Area
1) on the x-axis? [1 Mark]
(A) 1.5 (B) 0.5
(B) Area of SPQT = Area of PXWR – Area
of RUVZ (C) 2.0 (D) 1.0
4 General Aptitude
3.31 In a partnership business the monthly Line L4 : 6 x 9 y 6
investment by three friends for the first six Which one among the following is the
months is in the ratio 3:4:5 after six correct statement?
months, they had to increase their monthly (A) L2 is parallel to L4 and L2 is
investments by 10%, 15% and 20% perpendicular to L1
respectively, of their initial monthly (B) L1 is parallel to L2 and L1 is
investment. The new investment ratio was perpendicular to L3
kept constant for the next six months. (C) L3 is parallel to L4 and L3 is
What is the ratio of their shares in the total perpendicular to L2
profit (in the same order) at the end of the (D) L4 is perpendicular to L2 and L4 is
year such that the share is proportional to parallel to L3
their individual total investment over the [2 Marks]
year? 1 1 1
(A) 22:23:24 (B) 63:86:110 3.33 x: y:z : :
2 3 4
(C) 22:33:50 (D) 33:46:60 xz y
[2 Marks] What is the value of ?
3.32 Consider the following equations of
(A) 1.25 (B) 3.25
straight lines :
(C) 0.75 (D) 2.25
Line L1 : 2 x 3 y 5
[1 Mark]
Line L2 : 3x 2 y 8
Line L3 : 4 x 6 y 5
dy dy
Slope of tangent 10 x
dx xy0,3 dx
dx xy0,3
Slope of the tangent is 0.
Let us assume
Equation of tangent is given by,
(i) Largest angle of triangle is B and smallest
y y1 m( x x1 )
angle is C
y 3 0( x 0)
(ii) Largest angle of quadrilateral is Z and
smallest is W . y3
(iii) Angles of quadrilateral are 3K, 4K, 5K and
Then, C W … (i)
B 2C … (ii)
Since, W X Y Z 3600
3K 4 K 5 K 6 K 3600
K 200 Therefore, the tangent is parallel to the x-axis.
6 General Aptitude
Hence, the correct option is (C). 3.7 (D)
3.5 (C) Given :
Given : (i) Total number of cubes 64
(i) f ( x) is linear. (ii) Total number of cubes that are removed from
each corner 08
(ii) At x 2, f ( x) 29
At x 3, f ( x) 39
Let f ( x) mx C ,
Then, at x 2,
f ( x) m 2 C
29 2m C … (i)
and at x 3,
f ( x) m 3 C
39 3m C … (ii) . Method 1 :
From equation (i) and (ii), Area of first face of cube after removal,
m 2, C 33 12 1 12 m2 [Existing surface]
So, at x 5, For six faces, area 12 6 72 m 2
After removing 8 cubes, visible surface area at
f ( x) mx C 2 5 33
each corner 03 8 1 24 m 2
f ( x ) 43
Total surface area 72 24 96 m 2
Hence, the correct option is (C). Hence, the correct option is (D).
3.6 (B) . Method 2 :
Given plot is shown below, Removed cube will leave same area as they
covered before so still area will remain same
From above figure,
Area of one surface 16 unit 2
when y 1 x 2
and total number of surfaces 6
From option (A) :
Total surface area 16 6 96 unit 2
x y y Hence, the correct option is (D).
x 1 1 2 2 [Incorrect] 3.8 (B)
From option (B) : Given : f ( x) 2 x7 3x 5
x y y y From option (A) :
x 1 x3 8 0
1 1 2 [Correct]
x3 8
From option (C) :
x 2
x y y
For x 2,
x 1 1 0 2 [Incorrect]
f ( x) 2 x 7 3 x 5
From option (D) :
f ( 2) 2( 2)7 3( 2) 5
x y y
1 1 f ( 2) 256 6 5 267
x (1 1) 0 2 [Incorrect]
So, this is not a factor of f ( x)
General Aptitude 7
From option (B) : x
Slant height l
x 1 0 2
x 1
For x 1,
f ( x) 2 x 7 3 x 5
f (1) 2(1)7 3(1) 5 5 5 0
So, ( x 1) is a factor of f ( x) .
Hence, the correct option is (B).
3.9 (B)
Since, the number of cycles to failure decreases
exponentially with an increase in load. The general
equation is given by, Lateral surface area of pyramid
y n e mx 1
Base perimeter (p) slant height (l)
where, y number of cycle failure and x is load 2
Given : y 100 and x 80 1
A pl
Therefore, 100 n e80 m …(i) 2
1 x
When load is halved, it take 10000 cycle for A x
failure. 2 2
10000 n e 40 m …(ii) x2
From equation (i) and (ii), 4
100 e 40 m A 0.25 x2
ln100 Hence, the correct option is (D).
m …(iii)
40 3.11 (D)
For 5000 cycles to failure,
Given :
5000 n e x m …(iv)
(i) Series is 1, x, x, x, y, y, 9, 16, 18.
From equation (ii) and (iv),
(ii) Mean and median are equal.
2 e m ( x 40) (iii) Mean and median are equal to twice the
m( x 40) ln 2 mode.
From equation (iii), 1 x x x y y 9 16 18
ln 2 9
x 40
m 3x 2 y 44
ln 2 9
x 40 40
ln100 Median is defined as the number at the centre of
0.693 the series.
x 40 40 Hence, Median y
x 46.02 Mode is defined as the number which is most
Hence, the correct option is (B). repeated in the series.
Mode x
3.10 (D)
Now, Mean median 2 Mode
Base perimeter of square pyramid x p
8 General Aptitude
3x 2 y 44 At x 2, y 1 (Accurate)
y 2x
9 (iii) y x 1 for 1 x 2
3x 2 y 44
(i) 2x At x 1, y 1 1 0 [Inaccurate]
15 x 2 y 44 … (i) (iv) y 1 for 1 x 2 [Accurate]
3x 2 y 44 Hence, the correct option is (B).
(ii) y
9 3.14 (B)
3 x 7 y 44 … (ii) log P log Q log R
Given : 10
From equation (i) and (ii), yz zx x y
y 8, x 4 From the above equation,
Hence, the correct option is (D). log P 10 ( y z )
3.12 (D) log Q 10 ( z x)
log R 10 ( x y )
Given :
(i) Hema 2 Hari 5 log P log Q log R 10( y z ) ( z x) ( x y)
General Aptitude 9
and A2 4 A1 …(i)
Area of A1 (a 5) 2 , Area of A2 a 2
From equation (i), 6
a 4(a 5)
2 2
a 2 4a 2 100 40 a
3a 2 40a 100 0
a 10, 3.33 4
Since, a cannot be less than 5, So a 3.33 is a a a
For , , to be integer, a must be LCM of 4,
incorrect. 4 6 8
Hence, the correct option is (D). 6 and 8. So a = 24
3.17 (D) 3 2 3
Area a 242 144 3
Given : 4 4
(i) Dimension of wall 30 m 12 m 6 m Hence, the correct option is (B).
Volume 2160 m3 3.20 (B)
Given :
(i) Area of mansion 70 55 3850 m2 Probability
(ii) Area for flower plot 550 m2 r 2 r 2
fA 2
(iii) Area for carpet 3850 550 3300 m2 4 2
So, total money spent on carpet r 2 r 2
3300 50 Rs.165000 fA 4 2
Hence, the correct option is (A). TA r
3.19 (B) Hence, the correct option is (C).
10 General Aptitude
3.24 (D) N
Condition 1 : P and R can not sit adjacent to each 6
Condition 2 : S should be seated to the right of Q, 4 4
According to this all possible cases will be
1. Q P S R
2. Q R S P st
1 folding: (Respective of long edges)
3. P Q S R
4. R Q S P
5. P Q R S
6. R Q P S 2 2
Hence, the correct option is (D).
3.25 (C) 2nd folding: (Respective of long side)
According to given data, we can proceed step by 6
step as given below, 1 1
M 6
3rd folding: (Respective of long side)
6 6
0.5 0.5
4 4 Perimeter of folded shape N = 13
Ratio of perimeters of the final folded shape N to
6 the final folded shape of sheet M is 13:7.
1st folding: (Respective of short edges) Hence, the correct option is (C).
3.26 (A)
Here, start shape, will all sequent are equal is
4 4
shown below,
2 folding: (Respective of short side)
2 2
3 P T S R Q
3rd folding: (Respective of short side)
(Equal sides of triangle have equal angle)
2 2
Perimeter of folded shape M = 7
General Aptitude 11
ExtB 2 …(i) 4
Profit sharing of Q
( Sum of opposite interior angle = 9
Exterior angle) Profit sharing of ‘P’ = Capital of ‘P’
In QAS , Investment of ‘Time’
Profit sharing of ‘Q’ = Capital of ‘Q’
Investment Time of ‘Q’
30000 5
8x 4
x = ~3000
3.30 (B)
ExtA 2 …(ii)
Given : Straight line 1 A(0, 0), B(1, 3)
In PAB ,
Straight line 2 A(0, 0), C (1, 2)
2 C
S a P ar (ARB )
a a2 r 2 1 1
a (3 1) (1 2) 3 1
Z 2 2
T a Q r R
r r 0.5
U r V 3.31 (B)
Ar ( SPQT) a 2
Given :
Ar ( PXWR) a 2 r 2 A B C
Ar ( RUVZ) r 2 300x 400x 500x 1st 6 month
Ar ( SPQT) Ar ( PXWR) – Ar ( RUVZ) 330x 460x 600x 2nd 6 month
Hence, the correct option is (B). Net profit of A = (300x + 330x)
3.28 (D) Net profit of B = (400x + 460x) 6
3.29 (B) Net profit of C = (500x + 600x) 6
Given : Capital of P = ~5000 A:B:C
Investment time of P = 6 months 630 : 860 : 1100
Investment time of Q = 8 months 63 : 86 : 110
12 General Aptitude
3.32 (D) 5k 3 5
12k 4
L1 : 2 x 3 y 5
Hence, the correct option is (A).
L2 : 3x 2 y 8
L3 : 4 x 6 y 5
L4 : 6 x 9 y 6
for lines to be parallel,
a1 x b1 y c1 0
a2 x b2 y c2 0
a1 b1 c1
a2 b2 c2
4 6 5
here in L3 & L4 :
6 9 6
⸫ L3 & L4 are parallel to each other
For lines to be perpendicular, product of slope of
lines 1
Slope of line
Slope of L2
Slope of L4
3 6
Slope of L2 slope of L4 1
2 9
⸫ L2 & L4 are perpendicular to each other.
Hence, the correct option is (D).
3.33 (A)
1 1 1
x: y: z : :
2 3 4
1 1 1
x: k ; y: k , z : k
2 3 4
1 1 1
k k k
xz y 2 4 3
y 1
6k 3k 4k
General Aptitude 13
4 Miscellaneous
(A) Example : Allowed steps for a person at Y
The mirror image of the above text about
the X-axis is [1 Mark]
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
2022 IIT Kharagpur (A)
General Aptitude 1
(C) and midway between the equator and the
north pole in the northern hemisphere. Let
P, Q, and R move with speeds vP , vQ , and
vR , respectively.
Which one of the following options is
(A) vP vR vQ (B) vP vQ vR
(C) vP vR vQ (D) vP vR vQ
4.3 (B)
By option elimination only option (C) can be
made, as after opening the given closed dice, As the mirrar is placed on the right side of figure.
this side will be attached to left side of this of side. The reflection will be shown as
Start A B End
Hence, the correct option is (D).
Farthe piece to go from start to end. The minimum
number of moves are represented by the path
mention belay
Hence minimum 5 moves are required.
Hence, the correct option is (B).
2 General Aptitude
4.5 (C)
Spherical globe
We know velocity (V) r , where Constant
V r
Hence, more is the distance from the axis of
rotation more will be the velocity.
Hence, the correct option is (C).
General Aptitude 3
Contents :
S. No. Topics
1. Synonyms & Antonyms
2. Analogies
3. Sentence Completion
4. Idioms & Phrases
5. Grammar
6. Case Studies
1 Synonyms & Antonyms
1.1 Which of the following options is the 1.5 There was no doubt that their work was
closest in meaning to the word given below thorough.
[1 Mark] Which of the words below is closest in
Primeval meaning to the underlined word above?
(A) Modern (B) Historic [1 Mark]
Hence, the correct option is (C). Reduce : Decrease or diminish in size, amount,
extend or number.
1.2 (A)
Applaud : To express approval, praise.
Comprehension : Ability to understand Belittle : To speak slightingly of.
something. To depreciate or to seem little or less.
Hence, the correct option is (A). Option (A) is closest in meaning to the word
1.3 (C) belittle.
Vernacular : A form of language spoken by Hence, the correct option is (A).
particular group of people or region or country. 1.7 (A)
Indigenous : Something that naturally exists in a Given : Often is related to seldom in special
place or country rather than coming from another manner as they are opposite to each other in
place. meaning. In the same way of relationship kind will
Indigent : Poor, needy. be related to cruel as they are opposite to each
Colloquial : Language, word or expression which other in meaning. Hence, the correct option is (A).
is familiar, not formal. 1.8 (C)
Regional : Something that is from a particular
region or place. Given :
Eject is related to insert in a special manner as they
Except indigent, all other options are synonym of
are opposite in meaning for each other. In the same
way of relationship advance will be related to
Hence, the correct option is (C). retreat, as advance means forward and retreat
1.4 (D) means backward.
Hence, the correct option is (C).
Dreary : Dull, unattractive, nothing of interest.
Cheerful : Excited, joyful
Dreamy : Having qualities such as gorgeous,
fabulous, incredible.
Dismal : Sad or without hope, dull.
Hence, the correct option is (D).
1.5 (B)
2 General Aptitude
2 Analogies
2015 IIT Kanpur 2.2 Select the word that fits the analogy :
Partial : Impartial : : Popular : ________
2.1 Select the pair that best expresses a
[1 Mark]
relationship similar to that expressed in the
(A) Unpopular (B) Impopular
pair : [1 Mark]
(C) Dispopular (D) Mispopular
Children : Pediatrician
2.3 Select the word that fits the analogy :
(A) Adult : Orthopaedist
Fuse : Fusion :: Use : _______
(B) Females : Gynaecologist
[1 Mark]
(C) Kidney : Nephrologist
(A) Usage (B) User
(D) Skin : Dermatologist
(C) Uses (D) Usion
2020 IIT Delhi
Option (A) : Adult : Orthopedist Partial and impartial are opposite, in the same way
Orthopedists are the doctors who are specialist in popular and unpopular are opposite words.
treatment and care of bones. Hence, the correct option is (A).
[Includes men, women and kids] 2.3 (A)
Option (B) : Females : Gynecologist
Fuse : Fusion is a verb-noun pair.
Gynecologist are the doctor who are specialist in
Similarly, use : usage.
treatment of the female reproductive systems
Hence, the correct option is (A).
[Specific for women]
Option (C) : Kidney : Nephrologist
Nephrologists are the doctors who are specialist in
treatment of kidney related problems. [Includes
men, women and kids]
Option (D) : Skin : Dermatologist
Dermatologist are the doctors who are specialist in
treatment of skin.
[Includes men, women and kids]
General Aptitude 1
3 Sentence Completion
General Aptitude 1
3.11 “Although it does contain some pioneering 2021 IIT Bombay
ideas, one would hardly characterize the
3.18 The author said, “Musicians rehearse before
work as _______.”
their concerts. Actors rehearse there roles
The word that best fills the blank in the
before the opening of new play. On the other
above sentence is [1 Mark]
hand, I find it strange that many public
(A) Innovative (B) Simple
speakers think they can just walk on the
(C) Dull (D) Boring stage and start speaking. In my opinion, it is
3.12 “His face _______ with joy when the no less important for public speakers to
solution of the puzzle was _______ to him.” rehearse their talks.”
[1 Mark] Based on the above passage, which one the
The words that best fill the blanks in the following is TRUE? [2 Marks]
above sentence are (A) The author is of the opinion that
(A) Shone, shown (B) Shone, shone rehearsing is more important only for
(C) Shown, shone (D) Shown, shown musicians than public speakers.
2019 IIT Madras (B) The author is of the opinion that
rehearsing is less important for public
3.13 The lecture was attended by quite _______
speakers than for musicians and actors.
students, so the hall was not very ____.
(C) The author is of the opinion that
[1 Mark]
rehearsing is important for musicians, actors
(A) Few, quite (B) A few, quite
and public speakers.
(C) Few, quiet (D) A few, quiet
(D) The author is of the opinion that
3.14 Daytime temperatures in Delhi can _______
rehearsing is more important for actors than
40 0 C . [1 Mark]
(A) get (B) peak
3.19 Human have the ability to construct worlds
(C) reach (D) stand
entirely in their minds, which don’t exist in
3.15 The growth rate of ABC Motors in 2017 was the physical world. So far as we known, no
the same _______ XYZ motors in 2016. other species possess this ability. This skill
[1 Mark] is so important that we have different words
(A) as that off (B) as those of to refer to its different flavors, such as
(C) as off (D) as that of imagination, invention and innovation.
2020 IIT Delhi Based on above passage, which one of the
following is TRUE? [2 Marks]
3.16 His hunger for reading is insatiable. He reads
indiscriminately. He is most certainly (A) The terms imagination, invention and
a/an_______ reader. [2 Marks] innovation refer to unrelated skills.
(A) voracious (B) precocious (B) No species possess the ability to
construct worlds in their mind.
(C) wise (D) all-round
(C) Imagination, invention and innovation
3.17 It is a common criticism that most of the
are unrelated to the ability to construct metal
academicians live in their _______, so, they
are not aware of the real life challenges.
(D) We do not know of any species other
[2 Marks]
than humans who possess the ability to
(A) glass palaces (B) homes
construct mental worlds.
(C) big flats (D) ivory towers
2 General Aptitude
2023 IIT Kanpur (A) across (B) of
(C) between (D) about
3.20 The line ran ______ the page, right through
the centre, and divided the page into two.
General Aptitude 3
Collateral : It is an asset which is offered to secure The given sentence states that the work contains
a loan. some pioneering ideas but it can hardly be
Literal : Taking words in their basic or usual characterized as innovative.
meaning. Hence, the correct option is (A).
Figurine : A small model of human. 3.12 (A)
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Shone : Shone is the second form of verb ‘shine’.
3.8 (C) It means to glow, spark, or glitter.
Tampering : Modification in something which Shown : Shown is the second and third form of
would be harmful for a person. verb ‘show’. It means to display, exhibit or unveil.
Incubating : Siting on the eggs to hatch by Therefore, the correct flow of sentence will be,
keeping them warm. “His face shone with joy when the solution of the
Assisting : To help. puzzle was shown to him.”
Involving : Causing someone to take part in Hence, the correct option is (A).
3.13 (D)
Tampering is the most suitable option.
Tampering with someone else’s email account is Quite : To a certain extent or to a significant
now a very serious offence. amount.
Hence, the correct option is (C). Quiet : Silence, hushed.
3.9 (A) Quite a few : A large number.
“The hall was not very quite”, does not make any
Brake : Device for slowing or stopping a moving
sense. Here, the correct flow will be, “The hall was
not very quiet”.
Break : Taking time off in between.
If Hall was not quiet, it means lecture was attended
So, the correct flow of sentence is, ‘The driver
by enough students to make noise which indicates
applied the brake as soon as she approached the
the use of ‘quite a few’.
hotel where she wanted to take a break.
Hence, the correct option is (D).
Hence, the correct option is (A).
3.14 (C)
3.10 (A)
The most suitable word here is unpredictable. Daytime temperatures in Delhi can reach 400 C
‘It is no surprise that every society has had codes Hence, the correct option is (C).
of behavior; however, the nature of these codes is 3.15 (D)
often unpredictable’.
In the given sentence, growth rate of ABC motors
Hence, the correct option is (A).
and XYZ motors is said to be the same. The use of
3.11 (A) ‘off’ is incorrect therefore option (A) and (C) are
Word ‘Although’ means in spite of the fact or wrong. Since, growth rate is singular noun, ‘those’
even though. cannot be used. Therefore, the correct flow of the
sentence will be,
The word ‘innovative’ is most suitable because
pioneering ideas means exploring something for “The growth rate of ABC motors in 2017 was the
the first time, similar to innovation but not exactly same as that of XYZ motors in 2016”.
the same. Hence, the correct option is (D).
4 General Aptitude
3.16 (A)
3.19 (D)
Given :
The line ran across the page, right through the
centre, and divided the page into two.
Hence, the correct option is (A).
General Aptitude 5
4 Idioms & Phrases
4.1 (C)
Given : “As a woman, I have no country.”
Given statement is used as a metaphor to illustrate
that women of all countries are united and their
union is not affected by the fact that they belong
to different countries.
Option (C) relates to given statement perfectly.
[Solidarity means unity or harmony]
In option (A), literal meaning of given statement
is taken which is wrong.
In option (B), the statement is factually incorrect
as well as does not relate to anywhere near the
given statement because the statement in the
question does not comment about citizenship.
In option (D), it is stated that women of all
countries have equal legal rights.
Given statements in the question does not refer to
anything remotely related to legal rights of
Hence, the correct option is (C).
4.2 (A)
‘Turning a deaf ear’ means ignoring someone.
Hence, the correct option is (A).
General Aptitude 1
5 Grammar
2 General Aptitude
5.2 (D) then the main clause includes should have / would
have / could have + verb (III).
To express a fact, present simple tense is used in
Hence the correct assertion is,
general. Therefore, “experiences” is more
The event would have been successful if you had
been able to come.
Hence, the correct option is (D).
Hence, the correct option is (B).
5.3 (B)
5.9 (C)
The official answered respectfully that the
In case of factual sentences, the dependent and
complaints of the citizen would be looked into.
independent bot clauses are in present simple
Hence, the correct option is (B).
5.4 (B) The bacteria in milk are destroyed when it is
Insure : Protection against possible contingency. heated to 800 C.
Ensure : Making sure or making certain that Hence, the correct option is (C).
something will occur. 5.10 (A)
The correct use of underlined word is done only in
option (B). The phrase “have come a long way” means
progress. The given sentence is in present perfect
Hence, the correct option is (B).
continuous tense i.e. subject + has/have +
5.5 (D)
Word ‘until’ itself negates the upcoming sentence, Therefore, in the given sentence, the correct flow
hence ‘does not’ is not required. According to will be, “They have come a long way in creating
rules of present simple tense, verb ‘meet’ should trust among the users”.
have ‘s’, since the object is noun. Hence, the correct option is (A).
Hence, the correct option is (D).
5.11 (C)
5.6 (C)
‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘myself’ are subjective, objective and
According to the concept of second conditional reflective pronouns respectively.
sentences, if the ‘if clause’ is in past tense then the In the given sentence, CEO is subject and quitting
main clause includes should / would / could + verb is verb and object is missing from the sentence,
(I). which means we require an objective pronoun (i.e.
Hence the correct assertion is, ‘me’).
If I were you, I wouldn’t buy that laptop. It’s much Hence, the correct option is (C).
too expensive.
5.12 (A)
Hence, the correct option is (C).
Article ‘the’ is definite article. It limits the
5.7 (C)
meaning of a noun to one particular thing. In the
Given sentence is a well-known quotation which given sentence, it is specified that Hima Das was
goes as, where there is a will, there is a way. ‘the’ only Indian athlete to win. Article ‘a’ is used
Hence, the correct option is (C). before words that start with consonants. Therefore,
5.8 (B) the correct form of sentence will be,
‘Hima Das was the only Indian athlete to win a
According to the concept of third conditional
sentences, if the ‘if clause’ is in past perfect tense gold for India’.
Hence, the correct option is (A).
General Aptitude 3
5.13 (A)
The sentence mentions ‘areas’, hence use of “in”
will be grammatically correct. Latter, the correct
word would be “combat with”.
Hence, the correct option is (A).
5.14 (B)
5.15 (A)
Getting to the top is easier than staying in top.
Hence, the correct option is (A).
5.16 (A)
5.17 (C)
5.18 (D)
5.19 (C)
Given :
“I have not yet decided, what will I do this
evening; I might visit a friend”.
Hence, the correct option is (C).
4 General Aptitude
6 Case Studies
6.1 Moving into a world of big data will 6.3 Alexander turned his attention towards
require us to change our thinking about the India, since he had conquered Persia.
merits of exactitude. To apply the Which one of the statements below is
conventional mindset of measurement to logically valid and can be inferred from the
the digital connected world of the twenty- above sentence [2 Marks]
first century is to miss a crucial point. As (A) Alexander would not have turned his
mentioned earlier, the obsession with attention towards India had he not
exactness is an artefact of the information- conquered Persia.
deprived analog era. When data was (B) Alexander was not ready to rest on his
sparse, every data point was critical, and laurels, and wanted to march to India.
thus great care was taken to avoid letting (C) Alexander was completely in control
any point bias the analysis. From “BIG of his army and could command
DATA” Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and towards India.
Kenneth Cukier (D) Since Alexander’s kingdom extended
The main point of the paragraph is : to Indian borders after the conquest of
[2 Marks] Persia, he was keen to move further.
(A) The twenty-first century is a digital 6.4 Most experts feel that in spite of
world. possessing all the technical skills required
(B) Big data is obsessed with exactness. to be a batsman of the highest order, he is
(C) Exactitude is not critical in dealing unlikely to be so due to lack of requisite
with big data. temperament. He was guilty of throwing
(D) Sparse data leads to a bias in the away his wicket several times after
analysis. working hard to lay a strong foundation.
6.2 Rajan was not happy that Sajan decided to His critics pointed out that until he
do the project on his own. On observing his addresses to this problem, success at the
unhappiness, Sajan explained to Rajan that highest level will continue to elude him.
he preferred to work independently. [2 Marks]
Which one of the statements below is Which of the statement (s) below is/are
logically valid and can be inferred from the logically valid and can be inferred from the
above sentences? [1 Mark] above passage?
(A) Rajan has decided to work only in a (i) He was already a successful batsman at
group. the highest level
(B) Rajan and Sajan were formed into a (ii) He has to improve his temperament in
group against their wishes. order to become a great batsman
(C) Sajan had decided to give in to Rajan's (iii)He failed to make many of his good
request to work with him. starts count
(D) Rajan had believed that Sajan and he (iv) Improving his technical skills will
would be working together. success
General Aptitude 1
(A) (iii) and (iv) (B) (ii) and (iii) the order that they went in. However, the
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii) (D) (ii) only time they spent inside seemed to vary a lot
2016 IISc Bangalore some people came out in a matter of
minutes while for others it took much
6.5 Indian currency notes show the
longer. [2 Marks]
denomination indicated in at least
From this, what can one conclude?
seventeen languages. If this is not an
(A) The centre operates on a first-come-
indication of the nation’s diversity,
first-served basis, but with variable
nothing else is. [2 Marks]
service times, depending on specific
Which of the following can be logically
customer needs.
inferred from the above sentences?
(B) Customers were served in an arbitrary
(A) India is a country of exactly seventeen
order, since they tool varying amounts
of time for service completion in the
(B) Linguistic pluralism is the only
indicator of a nation’s diversity.
(C) Since some people came out within a
(C) Indian currency notes have sufficient
few minutes of entering the centre, the
space for all the Indian languages.
system is likely to operate on a last-
(D) Linguistic pluralism is strong evidence
come-first-served basis.
of India’s diversity.
(D) Entering the centre early ensured that
6.6 Today we consider, Ashoka as a great ruler
one would have shorter service times
because of the copious evidence he left
and most people attempted to do this.
behind in the form of stone carved edicts.
6.8 A map shows the elevations of Darjeeling,
Historians tend to correlate greatness of a
Gangtok, Kalimpong, Pelling and Siliguri.
king at his time with the availability of
Kalimpong is at a lower elevation than
evidence today. [2 Marks]
Gangtok. Pelling is at a lower elevation
Which of the following can be logically than Gangtok.
inferred from the above sentences? Pelling is at a higher elevation that Siliguri.
(A) Emperors who do not leave significant Darjeeling is at a higher elevation than
sculpted evidence are completely Gangtok.
forgotten. Which of the following statements can be
(B) Ashoka produced stone-carved edicts inferred from the paragraph above?
to ensure that later historians will [2 Marks]
respect him. (i) Pelling is at a higher elevation than
(C) Statues of kings are a reminder of their Kalimpong.
greatness. (ii) Kalimpong is at a lower elevation than
(D) A king's greatness, as we know him Darjeeling.
today, is interpreted by historians. (iii)Kalimpong is at a higher elevation than
2017 IIT Roorkee Siliguri.
(iv) Siliguri is at a lower elevation than
6.7 Bhaichung was observing the pattern of
people entering and leaving a car service
(A) Only (i)
centre. There was a single window where
(B) Only (ii) and (iii)
customers were being served. He saw that
(C) Only (ii) and (iv)
people inevitably came out of the centre in
(D) Only (iii) and (iv)
2 General Aptitude
6.9 The old concert hall was demolished the commercial use of this technology is
because of fears that the foundation would not legal in India. Notwithstanding that,
be affected by the construction of the new reports indicate that the herbicide tolerant
metro line in the area. Modern technology cotton had been purchased by farmers at an
for underground metro construction tried average of Rs 200 more than the control
to mitigate the impact of pressurized air price of ordinary cotton and planted in
pockets created by the excavation of large 15% of the cotton growing area in the 2017
amounts of soil. But even with these Kharif season.
safeguards, it was feared that the soil Which one of the following statements can
below the concert. [2 Marks] be inferred from the given passage?
From this, one can infer that, [2 Marks]
(A) the foundations of old buildings create (A) Farmers want to access the new
pressurized air pockets underground, technology for experimental purposes.
which are difficult to handle during (B) Farmers want to access the new
metro construction. technology if India benefits from it.
(B) metro construction has to be done (C) Farmers want to access the new
carefully considering its impact on the technology even if it is not legal.
foundations of existing building. (D) Farmers want to access the new
(C) old building in an area form an technology by paying high price.
impossible hurdle to metro 6.12 “Popular Hindi fiction, despite - or perhaps
construction in that area. because of - its wide reach, often does not
(D) pressurized air can be used to excavate appear in our cinema. As ideals that
large amounts of soil from viewers are meant to look up to rather than
underground areas. identify with, Hindi film protagonists
2019 IIT Madras
usually read books of aspirational value :
textbooks, English books, or high value
6.10 “The increasing interest in tribal characters literature.”
might be a mere coincidence, but timing is Which one of the following CANNOT be
of interest. None of this, though, is to say inferred from the paragraph above?
that the tribal hero has arrived in Hindi [2 Marks]
cinema, or that the new crop of characters (A) Protagonists in Hindi movies, being
represent the acceptance of the tribal ideals for viewers, read only books of
character in the industry. The films and aspirational value.
characters are too few to be described as a (B) People do not look up to writers of
pattern”. textbooks, English books or high value
What does the word ‘arrived’ mean in the literature.
paragraph above? [2 Marks] (C) Though popular Hindi fiction has wide
(A) Came to a conclusion reach : it often does not appear in the
(B) Reached a terminus movies.
(C) Went to a place (D) Textbooks, English books or high
(D) Attained a status literature have aspirational value, but
6.11 The new cotton technology, Bollgard-II, not popular Hindi Fiction.
with herbicide tolerant traits has developed 6.13 The Newspaper reports that over 500
into a thriving business in India. However, hectares of tribal land spread across 28
General Aptitude 3
tribal settlements in Mohinitampuram specific period of time. Real interest rate
forest division have already been calculated on the basis of actual value
“alienated”. A top forest official said. (inflation-adjusted), is approximately
“First the tribal are duped out of their land equal to the difference between nominal
holdings. Second, the families thus rate and expected rate of inflation in the
rendered landless are often forced to economy. [2 Marks]
encroach further into the forests.” Which of the following assertions is best
On the basis of the information available in supported by the above information?
the paragraph, ______ is/are responsible (A) Under high inflation, real interest rate
for duping the tribal. [2 Marks] is low and borrowers get benefited.
(A) The Newspaper (B) Under low inflation, real interest rate is
(B) It cannot be inferred who low and borrowers get benefited.
(C) Forest officials (C) Under low inflation, real interest rate is
(D) Landless families low and borrowers get benefited.
2020 IIT Delhi (D) Under high inflation, real interest rate
is low and lenders get benefited.
6.14 The American psychologist Howard
Gardner expounds that human intelligence 2023 IIT Kanpur
can be sub-categorized into multiple kinds, 6.16 Elvesland is a country that has peculiar
in such a way that individuals differ with beliefs and practices. They express almost
respect to their relative competence in each all their emotions by gifting flowers. For
kind. Based on this theory, modern instance, if anyone gifts a white flower to
educationists insist on prescribing multi- someone, then it is always taken to be a
dimensional curriculum and evaluation declaration of one’s love for that person. In
parameters that enable development and a similar manner, the gifting of a yellow
assessment of multiple intelligences. flower to someone often means that one is
[2 Marks] angry with that person.
Which of the following statements can be Based only on the information provided
inferred from the given text? above, which one of the following sets of
(A) Howard Gardner insists that the statement(s) can be logically inferred with
teaching curriculum and evaluation certainty?
needs to be multi-dimensional. (i) In Elvesland, one always declares
(B) Modern educationists insist that the one’s love by gifting a white flower.
teaching curriculum and evaluation (ii) In Elvesland, all emotions are declared
needs to be multi-dimensional. by gifting flowers.
(C) Modern educationists want to develop (iii) In Elvesland, sometimes one
and assess the theory of multiple expresses one’s anger by gifting a
intelligences. flower that is not yellow.
(D) Howard Gardner wants to develop and (iv) In Elvesland, sometimes one
assess the theory of multiple expresses one’s love by gifting a
intelligences. white flower.
6.15 Nominal interest rate is defined as the (A) only (ii) (B) (i), (ii) and (iii)
amount paid by the borrower to the lender (C) (i), (iii) and (iv) (D) only (iv)
for using the borrowed amount for a
4 General Aptitude
6.17 Based only on the following passage, such that each part is a mirror image of the
which one of the options can be inferred other part about that line.
with certainty? The figure below consists of 20 unit
When the congregation sang together, squares arranged as shown. In addition to
Apenyo would also join, though her little the given black squares, upto 5 more may
screams were not quite audible because of be coloured black. Which one among the
the group singing. But whenever there was following options depicts the minimum
a special number, trouble would begin; number of boxes that must be coloured
Apenyo would try singing along, much to black to achieve two lines of symmetry?
the embarrassment of her mother. After (The figure is representative)
two or three such mortifying Sunday a b
evenings, the mother stopped going to c d
church altogether until Apenyo became g
e f h
older and learnt to behave.
At home too, Apenyo never kept quiet; she
j k
hummed or made up silly songs to sing by
herself, which annoyed her mother at times (A) d (B) c, d, i
but most often made her become pensive. (C) c, i (D) c, d, i, f, g
She was by now convinced that her 6.20 The James Webb telescope, recently
daughter had inherited her love of singing launched in space, is giving humankind
from her father who had died unexpectedly unprecedented access to the depths of time
away from home. by imaging very old stars formed almost
[Excerpt from These Hills Called Home by 13 billion years ago. Astrophysicists and
Temsula Ao] cosmologists believe that this odyssey in
(A) The mother was embarrassed about her space may even shed light on the existence
daughter’s singing at home. of dark matter. Dark matter is supposed to
(B) The mother’s feelings about her interact only via the gravitational
daughter’s singing at home were only interaction and not through the
of annoyance. electromagnetic-, the weak- or the strong-
(C) The mother was not sure if Apenyo had interaction. This may justify the epithet
inherited her love of singing from her “dark” in dark matter.
father. Based on the above paragraph, which one
(D) When Apenyo hummed at home, her of the following statements is FALSE?
mother tended to become thoughtful (A) No other telescope has captured
6.18 If x satisfies the equation 48 256, then
images of stars older than those
x is equal to ________. captured by the James Webb telescope.
(B) People other than astrophysicists and
(A) (B) log16 8 cosmologists may also believe in the
existence of dark matter.
(C) (D) log4 8 (C) The James Webb telescope could be of
use in the research on dark matter.
(D) If dark matter was known to interact
6.19 A line of symmetry is defined as a line that via the strong-interaction, then the
divides a figure into two parts in a way epithet “dark” would be justified.
General Aptitude 5
6.1 (C) away his wicket i.e. He failed to make many of his
good starts count.
It is stated in the passage that in the information-
deprived analog era, there was a obsession with Therefore, option (B) can be inferred from the
exactness because data was sparse and every data passage.
point was critical but in the era of big data, the Hence, the correct option is (B).
thinking about merits of exactitude has to be 6.5 (D)
changed which means big data is not obsessed
The word ‘at least’ gives away the fact that there
with exactness or exactitude is not critical in
are more than 17 languages. So, option (A) is
dealing with big data.
Hence, the correct option is (C).
Option (C) is nowhere related to the passage.
6.2 (D)
The last statement of the passage shows that
According to given passage, Rajan was not happy linguistic pluralism is a strong evidence of India’s
that Sajan decided to do the project on his own, diversity.
which means that Rajan had thought that they will Hence, the correct option is (D).
be doing the project together as mentioned in
option (D). 6.6 (D)
Hence, the correct option is (D). The given passage states that the reason because
6.3 (A) of which we consider Ashoka as a great rules is
that he left behind evidence in form of stone
Given statement has no information about
carved edicts which were found by historians.
Alexander’s army or Indian borders. Hence,
Therefore, a king’s greatness, as we know him
option (C) and (D) are incorrect.
today, is interpreted by historians.
Option (B) states that Alexander was not ready to
Hence, the correct option is (D).
rest on his laurels. Laurel means a type of ancient
crown which is an indication of victory. The given 6.7 (A)
statement does not comment on the state of mind The passage states that the people come out of the
of Alexander i.e. whether he wanted to conquer center in the order that they came in. So, the center
different countries or not. operates on a first-come-first-served basis and the
Therefore option (B) is in correct. time that the people stayed inside the center varies
Hence, the correct option is (A). according to whatever kind of service they
6.4 (B) required.
Option (A) clearly contradicts the essence of the Hence, the correct option is (A).
passage. Hence, it is incorrect. 6.8 (B)
Passage states that due to lack of requisite
Given : A map shows the elevations of Darjeeling,
temperament, it is highly unlikely that he will
Gangtok, Kalimpong, Pelling and Siliguri.
become a batsman of higher order. So, he has to
According to question,
improve his temperament to become a great
batsman. (i) Darjeeling is at the highest elevation.
The passage states that after laying a strong (ii) Kalimpong and Pelling are at lower
foundation i.e. after a good head start, he throws elevation than Gangtok.
6 General Aptitude
(iii) Siliguri is at a lower elevation than Pelling. Hence, the correct option is (A).
From point (ii), statement-II can be inferred. 6.13 (B)
Siliguri is at a lower elevation than Pelling and In the given passage, nowhere it is mentioned that
Pelling is at a lower elevation than Gangtok. who is responsible for duping the tribal.
Therefore, statement-IV can be inferred from the Therefore, it can not be inferred.
paragraph. Hence, the correct option is (B).
Hence, the correct option is (B).
6.14 (B)
6.9 (B)
Since, the theory is already given or formulated.
The passage states that pressurized air pockets are Therefore, option (D) is incorrect.
created underground due to the excavation of large Howard Gardner is not related to teaching
amount of soil. So, options (A) and (D) are curriculums. Therefore, option (A) is incorrect.
incorrect. The passage indicates that due to the Modern educationists have little to do with
construction of metro line, foundation of the old developing theories. Therefore, option (C) is also
concert hall are effected, not the other way around. incorrect.
So, option (C) is also incorrect. The given passage indicates that modern
Hence, the correct option is (B). educationists insist on prescribing multi-
6.10 (D) dimensional curriculum and evaluation
parameters that enable development and
The given passage indicates that Hindi cinema is
assessment of multiple intelligences.
taking an interest in tribal characters but it does not
Hence, the correct option is (B).
mean that tribal characters have been completely
accepted in the industry. 6.15 (A)
In the sentence, “None of this, though, is to say Real interest = Nominal rate-inflation rate
that the tribal hero has arrived in Hindi cinema”, So, when inflation increases, real interest rate
use of ‘arrived’ indicates that tribal characters decreases and Borrower gets benefited.
have not attained a certain status yet.
6.16 (D)
Hence, the correct option is (D).
Given :
6.11 (C)
Elvesland is a country that has peculiar beliefs and
The given passage indicates that even though use practices. They express almost all their emotions
of new cotton technology is not legal in India, by gifting flowers. For instance, if anyone gifts a
farmers are still buying herbicide tolerant cotton at white flower to someone, then it is always taken to
an average of Rs.200 more than ordinary cotton be a declaration of one’s love for that person. In a
which means farmers want to access the new similar manner, the gifting of a yellow flower to
technology even if it is not legal. someone often means that one is angry with that
Hence, the correct option is (C). person.
6.12 (A) (i) In Elvesland, one always declares one’s
love by gifting a white flower cannot be
As it is clearly mentioned in the given passage that
inferred with certainty, as gifting white
Hindi film protagonists usually read books of
flower is sign of declaration of ones love
aspirational value which means there is a
for the person. It is not declares by a
possibility that they read other books as well. So,
statement mentioned in option (A) cannot be
inferred from the passage.
General Aptitude 7
(ii) In Elvesland, all emotions are declared by Option (C) cannot be inferred as she was
gifting flowers cannot be inferred with convinced that her daughter had inherited her love
certainty, as they express “almost all” their of singing from her father.
emotions by gifting flowers. Therefore Option (D) can be inferred as when open go
“All” (definite) cannot be true. hummed at home, her mother tended to become
(iii) In Elvesland, sometimes one expresses thought-full and then convinced.
one’s anger by gifting a flower that is not
Hence, the correct option is (D).
yellow is definitely cannot inferred as the
gifting of a yellow flower to someone often 6.18 (C)
means that one is angry with that person. 48 x 256
(iv) In Elvesland, sometimes one expresses
48 x 44
one’s love by gifting a white flower can be
inferred with certainty, as if anyone gifts a 8x 4
white flower to someone, then it is always
taken to be a declaration of one’s love for
2 3 x
that person. 2
So, x
Hence, the correct option is (D). 3
6.17 (D) Hence, the correct option is (C).
Given : 6.19 (B)
When the congregation sang together, Apenyo Given :
would also join, though her little screams were not A line of symmetry is defined as a line that divides
quite audible because of the group singing. But a figure into two parts in a way such that each part
whenever there was a special number, trouble is a mirror image of the other part about that line.
would begin; Apenyo would try singing along,
The figure below consists of 20 unit squares
much to the embarrassment of her mother. After
arranged as shown. In addition to the given black
two or three such mortifying Sunday evenings, the
squares, upto 5 more may be coloured black.
mother stopped going to church altogether until
Apenyo became older and learnt to behave. a b
At home too, Apenyo never kept quiet; she c d
hummed or made up silly songs to sing by herself, g
e f h
which annoyed her mother at times but most often
made her become pensive. She was by now i
convinced that her daughter had inherited her love j k
of singing from her father who had died
In the figure given below, MN is the vertical line
unexpectedly away from home.
of symmetry for the figure, for which we have to
Option (A) cannot be inferred as her mother was colour the box ‘i’.
embarrassed about her daughter’s singing at
Option (B) cannot be inferred as the mothers
feelings about her daughter’s singing at home
were not only of annoyance but also she become
8 General Aptitude
M Hence, the correct option is (D).
a b
c d
e f g h
j k
In the figure given below, PQ is the horizontal line
of symmetry for the figure, for which we have to
colour box ‘c’ and ‘d’.
a b
c d
P e f g h Q
j k
General Aptitude 9