Scripting Reference Oracle Essbase

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Oracle® Essbase

Scripting Reference for Oracle Essbase

September 2020
Oracle Essbase Scripting Reference for Oracle Essbase,


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Primary Author: Essbase Information Development Team

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1 Scripting Reference Overview

About the Scripting Reference 1-1
About Aggregate Storage Cubes 1-1

2 Essbase Command-Line Interface (CLI)

Download and Use the Command-Line Interface 2-1
CLI Command Reference 2-2
Login/Logout: CLI Authentication 2-3
Calc: Run a Calculation Script 2-4
Clear: Remove Data from a Cube 2-5
Createlocalconnection: Save a JDBC Connection 2-6
Dataload: Load Data to a Cube 2-7
Deletefile: Remove Cube Files 2-9
Deploy: Create a Cube from a Workbook 2-10
Dimbuild: Load Dimensions to a Cube 2-11
Download: Get Cube Files 2-12
Help: Display Command Syntax 2-13
LcmExport: Back Up Cube Files 2-14
LcmImport: Restore Cube Files 2-14
Listapp: Display Applications 2-16
Listdb: Display Cubes 2-16
Listfiles: Display Files 2-16
Listfilters: View Security Filters 2-17
Listlocks: View Locks 2-18
Listvariables: Display Substitution Variables 2-18
Setpassword: Store CLI Credentials 2-19
Start: Start an Application or Cube 2-19
Stop: Stop an Application or Cube 2-20
Unsetpassword: Remove Stored CLI Credentials 2-20
Upload: Add Cube Files 2-20
Version: Display API Version 2-22

3 MaxL
How to Read MaxL Railroad Diagrams 3-1
Anatomy of MaxL Statements 3-1
Railroad Diagram Symbols 3-2
Sample Railroad Diagram 3-3
MaxL Statements 3-4
Performance Statistics in MaxL 3-4
The Essbase Performance Statistics Tables 3-4
MaxL Script Example 3-9
Listed By Verbs 3-10
Alter 3-10
Create 3-11
Display 3-11
Drop 3-12
Execute 3-12
Export 3-12
Grant 3-12
Import 3-12
MaxL Shell Invocation 3-13
Logout 3-22
Query 3-23
Refresh 3-23
Listed by Objects 3-23
Aggregate Build 3-24
Aggregate Process 3-24
Aggregate Selection 3-24
Allocation 3-24
Application 3-24
Archive_file 3-24
Calculation 3-24
Data 3-25
Database 3-25
Dimensions 3-25
Drillthrough 3-25
Filter 3-25
Group 3-25
Location Alias 3-25
Lock 3-26
LRO 3-26
Object 3-26

Outline 3-26
Partition 3-26
Privilege 3-26
Session 3-26
System 3-27
Tablespace 3-27
Trigger 3-27
Trigger Spool 3-27
User 3-27
Variable 3-27
MaxL Statement Reference 3-27
Alter Application 3-27
Alter Database 3-31
Alter Database enable | disable 3-32
Alter Database Set 3-34
Alter Database (Misc) 3-38
Alter Drillthrough 3-42
Alter Filter 3-43
Alter Object 3-45
Alter Partition 3-46
Alter Session 3-49
Alter System 3-51
Alter Tablespace (Aggregate Storage) 3-57
Alter Trigger 3-59
Create Application 3-60
Create Calculation 3-61
Create Database 3-62
Create Drillthrough 3-64
Create Filter 3-65
Create Location Alias 3-66
Create Partition 3-68
Create Replicated Partition 3-68
Create Transparent Partition 3-72
Create Trigger 3-74
Create After-Update Trigger 3-75
Create On-Update Trigger 3-76
Display Application 3-78
Display Calculation 3-80
Display Database 3-81
Display Drillthrough 3-86
Display Filter 3-87

Display Filter Row 3-88
Display Group 3-88
Display Location Alias 3-89
Display Lock 3-90
Display Object 3-91
Display Partition 3-92
Display Privilege 3-93
Display Session 3-94
Display System 3-96
Display Trigger 3-99
Display Trigger Spool 3-100
Display User 3-100
Display Variable 3-103
Drop Application 3-104
Drop Calculation 3-104
Drop Database 3-105
Drop Drillthrough 3-105
Drop Filter 3-106
Drop Location Alias 3-106
Drop Lock 3-107
Drop Object 3-108
Drop Partition 3-108
Drop Trigger 3-110
Drop Trigger Spool 3-110
Execute Calculation 3-110
Execute Aggregate Process (Aggregate Storage) 3-113
Execute Aggregate Build 3-114
Execute Aggregate Selection 3-116
Export Data 3-120
Export LRO 3-122
Export Outline 3-124
Grant 3-127
Import Data 3-128
Import Dimensions 3-130
Import LRO 3-132
Query Application 3-133
Query Archive_File 3-134
Query Database 3-135
Refresh Outline 3-140
Refresh Replicated Partition 3-142
MaxL Definitions 3-143

MaxL Syntax Notes 3-143
Numbers in MaxL Syntax 3-145
Terminals 3-145
ACTION 3-145
APP-NAME 3-146
DATE 3-153
DBS-NAME 3-154
DIM-NAME 3-156
ID-RANGE 3-160
IMP-FILE 3-161
LOG-TIME 3-163
OBJ-NAME 3-165

PROPS 3-167
RNUM 3-168
URL-NAME 3-172
VIEW-ID 3-175
Privileges and Roles 3-176
Application-Level System Roles 3-176
Database-Level System Roles 3-177
Quoting and Special Characters Rules for MaxL Language 3-177
Tokens enclosed in Single Quotation Marks 3-178
Tokens Enclosed in Double Quotation Marks 3-178
Use of Backslashes in MaxL 3-178
Use of Apostrophes (Single Quotation Marks) 3-179
Use of Dollar Signs 3-179
MaxL Shell Commands 3-179
Overview of MaxL Shell 3-180
MaxL Shell Invocation 3-180
Login 3-188
MaxL Shell Invocation 3-189
MaxL Shell Syntax Rules and Variables 3-199
Semicolons 3-199
Variables 3-200
Quoting and Special Characters Rules for MaxL Shell 3-203
MaxL Shell and Unicode 3-205
MaxL Shell Command Reference 3-205
Spool on/off 3-205
Set Display Column Width 3-207
Set Message Level 3-208

Set Timestamp 3-208
Echo 3-209
Nesting 3-209
Error Checking and Branching 3-210
Version 3-212
Logout 3-212
Exit 3-212
ESSCMD Script Conversion 3-213
ESSCMD Script Utility Usage 3-213
Things to Note About the ESSCMD shell Script Utility 3-214
ESSCMD to MaxL Mapping 3-214
MaxL Reserved Words List 3-221
MaxL BNF 3-230
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage) 3-251
Alter Application (Aggregate Storage) 3-253
Alter Database (Aggregate Storage) 3-256
Alter System (Aggregate Storage) 3-263
Create Application (Aggregate Storage) 3-269
Create Database (Aggregate Storage) 3-270
Create Outline (Aggregate Storage) 3-272
Display Tablespace (Aggregate Storage) 3-273
Execute Allocation 3-274
Execute Calculation (Aggregate Storage) 3-278
Export Data (Aggregate Storage) 3-280
Export Query Tracking (Aggregate Storage) 3-283
Import Data (Aggregate Storage) 3-284
Import Query Tracking (Aggregate Storage) 3-288
Query Application (Aggregate Storage) 3-289
Query Database (Aggregate Storage) 3-291
Outline Paging Dimension Statistics 3-300
Aggregate Storage Runtime Statistics 3-301
Aggregate Storage Slice Information Output 3-303
Aggregate Storage Group ID Information Output 3-303
Aggregate Storage Uncommitted Transaction Information Output 3-304
MaxL Use Cases 3-304
Creating an Aggregate Storage Sample Using MaxL 3-304
Loading Data Using Buffers 3-305
Using Aggregate Storage Data Load Buffers 3-307
Forcing Deletion of Partitions 3-308
Metadata Filtering 3-309

Examples of Triggers 3-311

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through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
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if you are hearing impaired.

Scripting Reference Overview
You can use MaxL and the Essbase Command Line Interface (CLI) to perform
operations in Essbase using scripts and shell-interfaces. This reference is intended
for advanced users who need detailed information and examples.
MaxL is a language interface for administering Essbase, and the CLI is a command
interface. MaxL statements begin with a verb, and enable you to perform actions on
Essbase artifacts. CLI commands have a variety of options to help you specify what
you want to do.
• About the Scripting Reference
• About Aggregate Storage Cubes

About the Scripting Reference

This Scripting Reference describes language and command interfaces available for
Oracle Essbase. This reference is intended for advanced users who need detailed
information and examples to perform operations on Essbase.
This document provides examples based mostly on the Sample Basic cube, provided
with Essbase as a template you can build into a cube. The Sample application, as well
as more samples you can build, are available in the Applications > Demo Samples
section of the gallery. The gallery is available in the Files section of Essbase. See
Explore the Gallery Templates.
To use this document, you need the following:
• A working knowledge of the operating system.
• An understanding of Essbase concepts and features.
• An understanding of the typical database administration requirements and tasks,
including calculation, querying, security, and maintenance.

About Aggregate Storage Cubes

Consider using the aggregate storage model if the following is true for your database:
• The database is sparse and has many dimensions, and/or the dimensions have
many levels of members.
• The database is used primarily for read-only purposes, with few or no data
• The outline contains no formulas except in the dimension tagged as Accounts.
• Calculation of the database is frequent, is based mainly on summation of the data,
and does not rely on calculation scripts.
Some MaxL grammar is applicable to aggregate storage mode, and some MaxL
grammar is not relevant. To learn which statements are supported in aggregate

Chapter 1
About Aggregate Storage Cubes

storage application and database operations, see MaxL Statements (Aggregate


Essbase Command-Line Interface (CLI)
The command-line interface is a nongraphical interface in which you enter shell
commands to perform administrative actions on Essbase.
• Download and Use the Command-Line Interface
• CLI Command Reference

Download and Use the Command-Line Interface

1. If it is not already installed, download and install Java SE Development Kit 8 from
Oracle Technology Network.
2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable on your system to point to the JDK
installation folder. If the installation path has any spaces, enclose the path in
quotation marks.

3. In the Essbase web interface, click Console.

4. In the Console, go to Desktop Tools and expand Command Line Tools.
5. Click Download

next to the utility labeled Command-line Tool.

6. Download to a local drive. For best results, choose a path that has no
spaces; for example, C:\Oracle.
7. Uncompress, and see the extracted files under the cli folder.
8. To issue commands interactively,
a. Navigate to the CLI folder containing the shell script, esscs.bat or
b. Set the proxy and launch the CLI:
For Windows:

esscs.bat login -u MyAdmin -p mypass7YG -url

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

For Linux:

export login -u MyAdmin -p mypass7YG -url

For more examples and details, see the login command topic.
If the CLI was installed correctly, a list of supported commands is displayed.
9. To execute multiple CLI commands, add them to any shell script and execute it.
In any script you run that contains CLI commands, Oracle recommends you
include the following directive before the CLI login statement:
For Windows:

set ESSCLI_ID=%USERNAME%_%random%

For Linux:

export ESSCLI_ID=`whoami`_$PPID

This helps store session information and prevent execution errors when multiple
scripts are run concurrently.

CLI Command Reference

The following commands are available in the command-line interface. Arguments to
commands can be issued in any order.
• calc
• clear
• createlocalconnection
• dataload
• deletefile
• deploy
• dimbuild
• download
• help
• lcmexport
• lcmimport
• listapp
• listdb
• listfiles
• listfilters
• listlocks

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

• listvariables
• login, logout
• setpassword
• start
• stop
• unsetpassword
• upload
• version
To display help for all commands, enter esscs -h. To display help for a specific
command, enter esscs command -h.

To turn on verbose output for any command, meaning that extended information (if
available) is displayed, enter esscs command -v command arguments.

Login/Logout: CLI Authentication

Before you can issue CLI commands to Essbase, you must log in. If a secure
connection is required, then the URL must begin with https.

You can authenticate in the following ways using CLI:

• Use setpassword once to have the password stored for your client/user
combination. In subsequent sessions, you can use the login command without
being prompted to enter a password.
• Use the -user and -password options with the login command (Caution: the
password appears in the shell window as cleartext).
• Use only the -user option with the login command. You are prompted to enter the
password, which is hidden.
If you’re a federated SSO user in Oracle Identity Cloud Service, logging in using MaxL
or CLI is not supported. Federated SSO login requires a browser window. Create a
native Identity Cloud Service user, and use that instead to log in using MaxL or CLI.

Syntax (login)

login [-verbose] -essbaseurl

-user username [-password password]

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Show extended descriptions
-essbaseurl -url Address of an instance of Essbase
-user -u User name
-password -p Optional. Password for user. Alternatively, set the
password using setpassword.
If issuing the the login command from a script, and
the password contains special characters, enclose it in
double quotation marks (for example, "aNb3^5%9$!").

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

Example 1 (login)

esscs login -url https://myEssbase-test- -u smith

Example 2 (login)
In the following example, the user logging in, [email protected] is an Identity Cloud
Service administrator who was set as the initial Essbase administrator during Essbase
stack deployment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. As the password is not entered in
this example, the administrator will be prompted to provide it next. The URL is the
essbase_url from the job outputs resulting from the stack deployment.

esscs login -u [email protected] -url

Syntax (logout)


Example (logout)

esscs logout

Calc: Run a Calculation Script

This CLI command executes a calculation script on the cube. To run it, you need at
least Database Update permission, as well as provisioned access to the calculation
To run calculation scripts, you must first upload the scripts, as .csc files, to the cube
directory. You can use the CLI to upload files. See Upload: Add Cube Files.


calc [-verbose] -application appname -db cubename -script scriptfilename

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Show extended descriptions
-application -a Application name
-db -d Database (cube) name
-script -s Calculation script name. Must have .csc file extension.
You do not need to give a full path. Files are assumed to
be in the relevant cube directory.


esscs calc -v -a Sample -d Basic -s CALCALL.CSC

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

You can also run calculation scripts using the Calculate option in Cube Designer or
Smart View, Jobs in the Essbase web interface or REST API, or execute calculation
in MaxL.

Clear: Remove Data from a Cube

This CLI command clears data from a cube. To run it, you need at least Database
Update permission.


clear [-verbose] -application appname -db cubename [-option

clearOption[-regionspec regionSpec]]

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Optional. Show extended descriptions
-application -a Application name
-db -d Database (cube) name
-option -O Optional. Keyword specifying what to clear. Default
option, if omitted, is ALL_DATA.
The options for block storage cubes are:
• ALL_DATA—All data, linked objects, and the outline
are cleared
• UPPER_LEVEL—Upper level blocks are cleared
• NON_INPUT—Non input blocks are cleared
The options for aggregate storage cubes are:
• ALL_DATA—All data, linked objects, and the outline
are cleared
—All aggregated data is cleared
—Only specified data region is cleared. Use with
-regionspec -rs MDX expression specifying the region to clear


esscs clear -a ASOSamp -d Basic -O PARTIAL_DATA -rs "{([Jan],[Sale],


You can also clear data using the Load Data option in Cube Designer, Jobs in the
Essbase web interface or REST API, or alter database DBS-NAME reset in MaxL.

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

Createlocalconnection: Save a JDBC Connection

This CLI command creates a JDBC connection and stores it locally. To use it, you
need at least Service Administrator role.

You must use this command to create and save the local connection before you can
use the CLI dataload or dimbuild commands with the streaming option. You must also
set an environment variable EXTERNAL_CLASSPATH to point to the .jar file for your
database driver; for example:

export EXTERNAL_CLASSPATH=/scratch/db/jars/db2jcc.jar


createLocalConnection [-verbose] -name streamConnection -

connectionstring connectionString -user userName [-driver jdbcDriver]
[-password password]

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Show extended descriptions
-name -N Connection name
-connectionstring -cs JDBC connection string. Format can be with SID, as


or with service name, as follows


See Examples.
-user -u User name
-driver -D JDBC driver. If not provided, Oracle
Database is considered the default, as
-password -p Password (optional)

The following examples reflect various data sources.
If the -driver option and jdbcDriver parameter are not provided, Oracle database is the
assumed database by default.

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

Oracle DB – Example with SID (Service ID)

esscs createLocalConnection -N OracleDBConnection1 -cs

jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhostname01:1521:ORCL -u OracleUser -D

Oracle DB – Example with Service Name

esscs createLocalConnection -N
OracleDBConnection2 -cs -u OracleUser


esscs createLocalConnection -N DB2conn -cs jdbc:db2:// -u myDB2User -D


esscs createLocalConnection -N MySQLconn -cs jdbc:mysql:// -u MySQLUsr -D com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Microsoft SQL Server

esscs createLocalConnection -N MSSQLConn -cs

jdbc:sqlserver:// -u MSSQLUsr -D


esscs createLocalConnection -N TeraDconn -cs jdbc:teradata:// -u MSSQLUsr -D

If you have network connectivity between an external source of data and Essbase,
it is most efficient to define application-level or global connections and Datasources
in the Essbase web interface. These definitions help you to easily "pull" data from
the external source. If you have no network connectivity between Essbase and the
external source of data, then you can stream data loads or dimension builds using
the CLI by first using this command to create a local connection, and then issuing the
dataload or dimbuild command with the stream option; this "push" method is slower.

Dataload: Load Data to a Cube

This CLI command loads data to a cube. To use it, you need at least Database Update
This command requires one of the following sets of options:
• Data file and optional rule file

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

• Rule file with user name and password

• Stream option referencing a saved local connection
The source database should be accessible within the client network, as not all
database drivers can work with Java proxies.
To load data, you must first upload the data load and rule files to the cube directory.
You can use the CLI to upload files. See Upload: Add Cube Files.


dataload [-verbose] -application appname -db cubename -file filename

[| -catalogfile catalogFile] [-rule rulesFile | -catalogrulefile
catalogRulesFile] [-user username [-password password]] [-stream]
[-connection connectionName][-query queryString] [-rows n]] [-

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Show extended descriptions
-application -a Application name
-db -d Database (cube) name
-file -f Data load file name. You do not need to give a full
path. Files are assumed to be in the relevant database
directory. You can use -catalogfile in place of this option.
-rule -r Optional. Rule file name. You do not need to give a full
path. Files are assumed to be in the relevant database
directory. You can use -catalogrulefile in place of this
-catalogfile -CF Data load file name from the file catalog. You can use
this option in place of -file.
-catalogrulefile -CRF Rule file name from the file catalog. You can use this
option in place of -rule.
-user -u Optional. User name. Requires password if used.
If you are using a saved connection and Datasource,
no user name and password are required. If you are
not using a saved connection, and the rule file connects
to an RDBMS, specify the user name and password to
connect to the RDBMS.
-password -p Optional. Password for user. If omitted, user will be
prompted for password.
-stream -S Optional. Use streaming data load. Requires -conn
option if used.
-connection -conn Required if streaming option is used. Name of
a saved connection that was created using the
createlocalconnection CLI command.
-query -q Optional. Database query to submit along with the
streaming data load.
-rows -rows Optional. Number of rows to stream simultaneously.
Default is 100.
-abortOnError -abort Abort data load if error is encountered

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference


esscs dataload -a Sample -db Basic -f Calcdat.txt -abort true

esscs dataload -a Sample -db Basic -r Basic.rul -S -conn oraConn -q

"Select * from Data" -rows 50

esscs dataload -a Sample -db Basic -CF /users/weblogic/Data_Basic.txt

-r Data.rul -abortonerror

esscs dataload -a Sample -db Basic -CF /users/weblogic/Data_Basic.txt

-CRF /shared/Data.rul -abort

esscs dataload -a Sample -db Basic -CRF /shared/Data.rul -S -conn

localConnectionName -q "Select * from Table"

You can also load data using Cube Designer, Jobs in the Essbase web interface
Essbase web interface or REST API, or import data in MaxL.

Deletefile: Remove Cube Files

This CLI command removes cube artifacts from the application, database, or user
home directory. To delete files from a cube, you need at least Database Manager
permission for the cube. No special permissions are required to delete files from your
user directory.


deletefile [-verbose] -file fileName [-application application [-db

database] [| -catalogfile catalogFile]]

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Show extended descriptions
-file -f Name of the file to delete
-application -a Optional. Application name. If not provided, files are
assumed to be in your user home directory.
-database -db Optional. Database (cube) name
-catalogfile -CF File path and name from the file catalog. You can use
this option in place of -file.


esscs deletefile -a Sample -d Basic -f Act1.rul

esscs deletefile -CF /shared/Data.txt

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

You can also manage files in Cube Designer, the Essbase web interface, or REST

Deploy: Create a Cube from a Workbook

This CLI command creates a cube from an Excel application workbook. To do this, you
need at least Power User role.


deploy [-verbose] -file fileName [-application application [-

database database] | -catalogfile catalogFile] [-restructureoption
restructureOption] [-loaddata] [-recreateapplication] [-createfiles] [-

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Show extended descriptions
-file -f Name of the application workbook file
-application -a Optional. Application name. If not provided, application
name will be taken from the workbook.
-database -db Optional. Database (cube) name. If not provided,
database name will be taken from the workbook.
-catalogfile -CF Application workbook from the file catalog. You can use
this option in place of -file.
-loaddata -l Optional. Load data, if the application workbook
contains a data worksheet. Otherwise, only metadata is
imported into the cube.
-restructureoption -R Optional. Keyword indicating the desired restructuring
The options for block storage cubes are:
• ALL_DATA—Preserve all data
• NO_DATA—Preserve no data
• LEAFLEVEL_DATA—Preserve level 0 (leaf level)
• INPUT_DATA—Preserve input data
The options for aggregate storage cubes are:
• ALL_DATA—Preserve all data
• NO_DATA—Preserve no data
- -ra Optional. Re-create the application, if it already exists
-createfiles -cf Optional. Create cube artifacts in the files directory in
-executescript -e Optional. Execute calculation scripts. Applicable only
if the application workbook contains a calculation
worksheet with Execute Calc set to Yes in the

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference


esscs deploy -v -a SampleD1 -d BasicD1 -f Sample_Basic.xlsx -l -ra -cf


esscs deploy -CF "/gallery/Applications/Demo Samples/Block Storage/

Sample_Basic.xlsx" -a Sample1 -l -cf -e -R ALL_DATA

You can also deploy cubes using Cube Designer, or by using the Import option in the
Applications section of the Essbase web interface.

Dimbuild: Load Dimensions to a Cube

This CLI command loads dimensions to a cube. To do this, you need at least Database
Manager permission.
To load dimensions, you must first upload the dimension-build and rule files to
Essbase. You can use the CLI to upload files. See Upload: Add Cube Files.


dimbuild [-verbose] -application appname -db cubename -file fileName

[| -catalogfile catalogFile] -rule rulesFile [| -catalogrulefile
catalogRulesFile]] [-user userName [-password password]] [-stream]
[-connection connectionName][-query queryString] [-rows n]] [-
restructureOption restructureOption] [-forcedimbuild]

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Show extended descriptions
-application -a Application name
-db -d Database (cube) name
-file -f Dimension build file name. You do not need to give a full
path. Files are assumed to be in the relevant application
or database directory. You can use -catalogfile in place
of this option.
-rule -r Rule file name. You do not need to give a full path.
Files are assumed to be in the relevant application or
database directory. You can use -catalogrulefile in place
of this option.
-catalogfile -CF Dimension build file name from the file catalog. You can
use this option in place of -file.
-catalogrulefile -CRF Rule file name from the file catalog. You can use this
option in place of -rule.
-user -u Optional. User name. Requires password if used.
If you are using a saved connection and Datasource,
no user name and password are required. If you are
not using a saved connection, and the rule file connects
to an RDBMS, specify the user name and password to
connect to the RDBMS.
-password -p Optional. Password for user. If omitted, user will be
prompted for password.

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

Option Abbreviation Description

-stream -S Optional. Use streaming dimension build. Requires -
conn option if used.
-connection -conn Required if streaming option is used. Name of
a saved connection that was created using the
createlocalconnection CLI command.
-query -q Optional. Database query to submit along with the
streaming dimension build.
-rows -rows Optional. Number of rows to stream simultaneously.
Default is 100.
- -R Controls your preservation choices for the outline
restructureOption restructure.
For block storage, possible options are:
• ALL_DATA: Preserve all data when loading
• NO_DATA: Do not preserve data.
• LEAFLEVEL_DATA: Preserve only level 0 data
values. If all data required for calculation resides in
level-0 members, then you should select this option.
All upper-level blocks are deleted before the cube
is restructured. When the cube is recalculated, the
upper-level blocks are re-created.
• INPUT_DATA: Preserve only input data.
For aggregate storage, possible options are:
• ALL_DATA: Preserve all data when loading
• NO_DATA: Do not preserve data.
-forcedimbuild -F Continue the dimension build even if other user activities
are in progress. This cancels active user sessions.


esscs dimbuild -a Sample -d Basic -r Basic.rul -u smith -p password -R


esscs dimbuild -a Sample -d Basic -r Basic.rul -S -conn oraConn -q

"Select * from Data" -rows 50 -R NO_DATA

esscs dimbuild -a Sample -db Basic -CRF /users/weblogic/Dim_Market.rul

-CF /shared/Market.txt -R ALL_DATA -F

You can also load dimensions using Cube Designer, Jobs in the Essbase web
interface Essbase web interface or REST API, or import dimensions in MaxL.

Download: Get Cube Files

This CLI command downloads cube artifacts from an instance of Essbase to a local
directory. You may need to download text files, rule files, or calculation script files from
a cube, so you can work on them or upload them to another cube. To download cube
artifacts, you need at least Database Update permission.

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference


download [-verbose] -file filename[ | -catalogfile catalogFile] [-

application appname [-db cubename]] [-localdirectory path] [-overwrite]

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Show extended descriptions
-file -f Name of file to download
-application -a Optional. Application name. If not provided, artifacts are
downloaded from your user home directory.
-db -d Optional. Database (cube) name
-catalogfile -CF File in the file catalog. You can use this option in place of
-localdirectory -ld Optional. A local directory path
-overwrite -o Optional. Overwrite existing file
-nocompression -nc Optional. Disable compression of data transfer


esscs download -v -f Product003.rul -a Sample -d Basic -ld c:/temp -o

esscs download -f Acli.rul -ld c:/temp -o

esscs download -CF /shared/Acli.rul -ld c:/temp -o

You can also manage files in Cube Designer, the Essbase web interface, or REST

Help: Display Command Syntax

Displays CLI command level help in the console or terminal.


[command] -help | -h


esscs -help

esscs -h

esscs dataload -help

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

LcmExport: Back Up Cube Files

This CLI command backs up cube artifacts to a Lifecycle Management (LCM) .zip file.
To do this, you need at least Application Manager permission.


lcmExport [-verbose] -application appname [-zipfilename filename] [-

localDirectory path] [-threads threadscount] [-skipdata] [-overwrite]
[-generateartifactlist] [-include-server-level]

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Optional. Show extended descriptions
-application -a Name of application to back up
-zipfilename -z Optional. Name of compressed file to hold backup files
-localdirectory -ld Optional. A local directory path
-threads -T Optional. Number of threads to spawn if using parallel
export. Minimum: 10
-skipdata -skip Optional. Do not include data in the backup
-overwrite -o Optional. Overwrite existing backup file
- -gal Optional. Generate a text file containing a complete list
generateartifactlis of the exported artifacts. You can use this text file to
t manage the import of artifacts. For example, you can
rearrange the order of artifacts in the list to control the
order in which they are imported. You can skip importing
some artifacts by removing or commenting out items in
the list.
-include-server- -isl Optional. Include globally defined connections and
level Datasources as part of the export

This command, like other CLI commands, can be used from outside the Essbase
machine, whereas the LCM utility must be run on the Essbase machine.


esscs lcmExport -v -a Sample -z -ld c:/temp -skip -o -gal


LcmImport: Restore Cube Files

This CLI command restores cube artifacts from a Lifecycle Management (LCM) .zip
file. To do this, you must be the power user who created the application, or a service


lcmImport [-verbose] -zipfilename filename [-overwrite] [-targetappName

targetApplicationName] [-artifactlist artifactList]

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Optional. Show extended descriptions
-zipfilename -z Name of compressed file containing backup files
-overwrite -o Optional. Recreate the target application.
-targetappName -ta Optional. Target application name, if you want it to be
different from the source name.
-artifactlist -al Optional. Name of the file containing the list of artifacts
to import. This file can be generated from lcmexport.
To skip artifacts, comment out or delete entries from
the list. For example, to skip importing audit records,
comment out that line, as shown:

# ------------IMPORT-----------------
import @Provisions
import @Databases/Basic
#import @Databases/Basic/Audit
import @Databases/Basic/Text_files
import @Databases/Basic/Xml_files
import @Databases/Basic/Calc_scripts
import @Databases/Basic/
import @Databases/Basic/
import @Databases/Basic/Provisions
import @Databases/Basic/Rule_files

To control import order, rearrange the import entries in

the text file.
If –overwrite is used, the import operation deletes
and recreates the entire application, importing only the
artifacts present in the list. If –overwrite is not used, the
import operation includes the artifacts specified in the
list, without impacting any other artifacts already present
in the target application.

• This command, like other CLI commands, can be used from outside the Essbase
machine, whereas the LCM utility must be run within the Essbase machine.
• When partitions exist between cubes being migrated, you must import the data
source before the data target. Otherwise, partition definitions may not be restored.


esscs lcmImport -z C:/Sample/ -o -al C:/Sample/Sample.txt

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

Listapp: Display Applications

This CLI command lists applications that you have access to on this instance of


listapp [-verbose] [-details]

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Optional. Show extended descriptions
-details -dtl Optional. Display more details in the output (application
type and current status).


esscs listapp -v -dtl

Listdb: Display Cubes

This CLI command lists databases that you have access to within a specified Essbase


listdb [-verbose] -application applicationName [details]

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Optional. Show extended descriptions
-application -a Application name
-details -dtl Optional. Display status details in the output


esscs listdb -v -a Sample -dtl

Listfiles: Display Files

This CLI command lists cube artifacts that exist on an instance of Essbase. Cube
artifacts may include data files, workbooks, rule files, calculation script files, or other
artifacts. Cube artifacts include any files that are needed to perform actions on
applications and cubes.
To list files for a cube, you need at least Database Access permission for the cube. No
special permissions are required to list files from your user directory.

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference


listfiles [-verbose] [-type filetype] [-application appname [-db

cubename] | -catalogpath catalogPath]

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Optional. Show extended descriptions
-type -t Optional. File extension/type to display, not including the
Supported file types are:
• .csc (calculation scripts)
• .rul (rule files)
• .txt (text files)
• .msh (MaxL scripts)
• .xls, .xlsx (Excel workbooks)
• .xlsm (macro-enabled Excel workbooks)
• .xml (XML files)
• .zip (compressed zip files)
• .csv (comma-separated files)
-application -a Optional. Application name. If not provided, files from
your user home directory are displayed.
-db -d Optional. Database (cube) name
-catalogpath -CP Optional. Catalog path to the filename. Can be used
instead of -a [-d] to specify the catalog location of the


esscs listfiles -t rul -a Sample -d Basic

esscs listfiles -CP "/shared"

You can also manage files in Cube Designer, the Essbase web interface, or REST

Listfilters: View Security Filters

This CLI command displays a list of Essbase security filters. You need at least
Database Manager permission on the application to see filters for any cubes in the


listfilters [-verbose] -application appname -db cubename

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Optional. Show extended descriptions

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

Option Abbreviation Description

-application -a Application name
-db -d Database (cube) name


esscs listfilters -v -a Sample -d Basic

Listlocks: View Locks

This CLI command displays any locked data blocks or cube-related objects. You need
at least Database Access permission on the application to see locks for any cubes in
the application.


listlocks [-verbose] -application appname -db cubename [-object]

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Optional. Show extended descriptions
-application -a Application name
-db -d Database (cube) name
-object -obj Optional. Display locked files/artifacts.


esscs listlocks -v -a Sample -d Basic -obj

Listvariables: Display Substitution Variables

This CLI command lists substitution variables defined at the cube, application, or
global scope. You need at least Database Access permission to see variables for
a cube, Application Manager role to see variables for an application, and Service
Administrator role to see global variables.


listvariables [-verbose] [-application application [-db database]]

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Show extended descriptions.
-application -a Optional. Application name.
-database -db Optional. Database (cube) name.

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

Cube level

esscs listvariables -a Sample -db Basic

Application level

esscs listvariables -a Sample

Global level

esscs listvariables

Setpassword: Store CLI Credentials

This CLI command stores a password associated with your client/user combination. In
subsequent sessions, you can log in without entering a password.


setpassword [-verbose] -essbaseurl URL -user userName

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Optional. Show extended descriptions
-essbaseurl -url Address of an instance of Essbase
-user -u Your user name


esscs setpassword -url https://myEssbase-test- -user rschmidt

Start: Start an Application or Cube

This CLI command starts an Essbase application or cube, loading it into memory. To
do this, you need at least Database Access permission.


start [-verbose] -application appname [-db cubename]

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Optional. Show extended descriptions
-application -a Application name
-db -d Optional. Database (cube) name

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference


esscs start -v -a Sample -d Basic

Stop: Stop an Application or Cube

This CLI command stops an Essbase application or cube. To do this, you need at least
Database Access permission.


stop [-verbose] -application appname [-db cubename]

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Optional. Show extended descriptions
-application -a Application name
-db -d Optional. Database (cube) name


esscs stop -v -a Sample -d Basic

Unsetpassword: Remove Stored CLI Credentials

This CLI command removes stored login credentials associated with your client/user
combination, reversing the effect of setpassword.


unsetpassword [-verbose] -essbaseurl URL -user userName

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Show extended descriptions
-essbaseurl -url Address of an instance of Essbase
-user -u The user whose password to unset


esscs unsetpassword -url https://myEssbase-test- -u rschmidt

Upload: Add Cube Files

This CLI command uploads cube artifacts from a local directory to an instance of

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

To perform tasks such as data loads, dimension builds, calculations, or other

operations, you may need to upload data files, rule files, calculation script files, or
other artifacts to the cube directory. You can also upload the artifacts to your user
To upload files to a cube, you need at least Database Manager permission. No special
permissions are required to upload to your user directory.


upload [-verbose] -file filename [-application appname [-db

cubename] | -catalogpath catalogPath] [-overwrite] [-nocompression][-

Option Abbreviation Description

-verbose -v Optional. Show extended descriptions
-file -f Name of file to upload
-application -a Optional. Application name. If not provided, files are
uploaded to your user directory, or to the catalog path
specified in -CP.
-db -d Optional. Database (cube) name. Requires -a.
-catalogpath -CP Optional. Catalog path to the filename. Can be used
instead of -a [-d] to specify the catalog location of the
-overwrite -o Optional. Overwrite existing file
-nocompression -nc Optional. Disable compression of data transfer
- -ca Optional. Available if -nc is not used. Defines which
compressionalgor compression algorithm to use for data transfer. Possible
ithm choices: gzip or lz4.
• gzip—Default if compression is used. Provides
smaller data transfer with slower calculation.
• lz4—Provides faster calculation with a slower data
Usage examples:

-ca gzip

-ca lz4


esscs upload -v -f c:/temp/Maxl01.msh -a Sample -d Basic -o -ca lz4

esscs upload -f C:/temp/Act1.rul -CP /shared

You can also manage files in Cube Designer, the Essbase web interface, or REST

Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference

Version: Display API Version

This CLI command gets the version of the REST API that is associated with this
instance of Essbase.




esscs version

Using MaxL, you can administer and query Essbase through a scripting language.
MaxL is the multi-dimensional database access language for Essbase. MaxL is a
practical, expressive interface for administering and querying the Essbase system.
With the MaxL language, you use statements to make requests. MaxL statements
begin with a verb, such as Create, Alter, and Display.
As a prerequisite to using MaxL, follow the client setup instructions in Manage
Essbase Using the MaxL Client.
• How to Read MaxL Railroad Diagrams
• MaxL Statements
• MaxL Definitions
• MaxL Shell Commands
• Reserved Words List
• MaxL BNF
• MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)
• MaxL Use Cases

How to Read MaxL Railroad Diagrams

The MaxL grammar is illustrated using a railroad syntax notation. The railroad
diagrams illustrate all the valid (grammatically correct) statements that can be parsed
by MaxL.
• Anatomy of MaxL Statements
• Railroad Diagram Symbols
• Sample Railroad Diagram

Anatomy of MaxL Statements

• A keyword (see , represented in plain, lower-case font, is a unit of MaxL grammar.
Keywords must be entered literally and in the correct order in MaxL statements.
See the examples of keywords in the following diagram excerpt:

Chapter 3
How to Read MaxL Railroad Diagrams

• A terminal, represented in upper-case without brackets, is replaced by values in

the appropriate format as defined in the Terminals table. In the above diagram,
DBS-NAME is a terminal. Terminals need to be replaced with a valid name; for
example, sample.basic.
Keywords cannot be used as terminals, unless enclosed in single quotation
marks. For example, to create a database named database, the statement create
database database; would return an error, but create database "database";
would work.
• The semicolon indicates the end of a statement. Omitting a semicolon, or placing
one before the expected end of a statement, results in a syntax error.
• A non-terminal, represented in upper-case with angle brackets <>, is defined in
an additional diagram, usually below the main diagram. No non-terminal is shown

Railroad Diagram Symbols

The following table describes the meaning of symbols used in railroad diagrams.

Table 3-1 Railroad Diagram Symbols

Symbol Definition
Statement begins here.

Statement continues on next line.

Statement is continued from previous line.

Statement ends here.

Alternatives: optionally select one keyword.

Boldface indicates default if no selection is

Chapter 3
How to Read MaxL Railroad Diagrams

Table 3-1 (Cont.) Railroad Diagram Symbols

Symbol Definition
Alternatives: selection of one keyword is

A comma-separated list of any length is


Word is not further defined. Replace with value

of format shown in the Terminals table.
Word used in statement is further defined.

Non-terminal used in statements is defined


Sample Railroad Diagram

The following diagram illustrates a variant grammar that parses the following English
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Keywords and variables on the main line (with arrow markings) are required; optional
grammar is recessed (lower than the main line). A vertical stack of words represents
alternatives. Bold words indicate defaults when no word is chosen.
Valid sentences parse-able by the example grammar may include:
• The fox jumps over the dog. Bold letters indicate a default value when no option is
entered; therefore, entry of this statement would be interpreted as The brown fox
jumps over the dog.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

• The quick brown fox jumps over the dog.

• The red fox jumps over the lazy cat.
• The quick brown fox jumps onto the tired elephant.

MaxL Statements
The MaxL data-definition language has its own grammar that you use to create
statements. In this document, the syntax for the MaxL DDL is illustrated using railroad
The MaxL grammar is case-insensitive. Semicolon statement-terminators are required
when using the MaxL Shell.
Key words of the MaxL grammar are represented in this document in lower-case.
Terminals, represented in upper-case, are to be replaced by the appropriate names,
numbers, privileges, or strings. For more information about components of MaxL
statements, see MaxL Definitions.
Topics covered in this section:
• Performance Statistics in MaxL
• Listed By Verbs
• Listed by Objects
• MaxL Statement Reference

Performance Statistics in MaxL

Query database returns medium and long performance statistics for the database and
application. The statistics appear as tables in the MaxL output. To gather performance
statistics, you must first enable statistics gathering using alter database <dbs-name>
set performance statistics enabled. You also use alter database to return to zero the
statistical persistence (length) and scope (granularity).
Collecting and analyzing performance statistics can help you understand whether
the databases are in good running condition or could use modifications to improve
Topics related to performance statistics:
• The Essbase Performance Statistics Tables
• MaxL Script Example

The Essbase Performance Statistics Tables

The Essbase system gathers a variety of statistics regarding the performance of the
system and the connected applications. The output of query database can vary
depending on what the system has just done, how long statistics have been gathered
and the persistence of the gathered statistics. The tables give information on a typical
set of statistics. It can be very helpful to compare two sets of statistics gathered at
similar points in the server's operation, such as after two comparable updates or after
two restructure operations. Statistics should be gathered at intervals and compared to
each other to identify differences. Compare the statistics gathered before and after any
changes to the system and if the system performance changes.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Depending on the calculations you choose to perform, if any, some tables
may or may not be displayed in your output log.

Performance statistics for which tables are available:

• Kernel Input/Output Statistics
• Kernel Cache Statistics
• Cache End-Transaction Statistics
• Database Synchronous Input/Output Statistics
• Database Asynchronous Input/Output Statistics
• Dynamic Calc Cache Statistics

Kernel Input/Output Statistics

The Kernel I/O Statistics table summarizes input/output for the entire application.
There is one kernel I/O table per application.
Persistence/Scope of this table: med/server

Table 3-2 Kernel IO Statistics

Kernel I/O Read (OS reads from disk) Write (OS writes to disk)
# Index I/O Number of reads that occurred Number of writes that occurred
through the index cache. through the index cache.
# Data I/O Number of reads that occurred Number of writes that occurred
through the data cache. through the data cache.
# Fground I/O Number of data reads that occurred Number of data writes that occurred
in the foreground (while a process in the foreground (while a process
waited for data to be read). waited for data to be written).
# Index bytes Number of bytes read from .IND files. Number of bytes written to .IND files.
# Data bytes Number of bytes read from .PAG Number of bytes written to .PAG files.
Av byte/dat I/O Average byte size of data reads. A Average byte size of data writes. A
high number is preferable. high number is preferable.

Kernel Cache Statistics

The Kernel Cache Statistics table assists in sizing database caches. Make caches
only as large as necessary for optimum performance. Note that cache sizes are listed
in order of importance: index, data file, data.
• The index cache is a buffer in memory that holds index pages.
• The data file cache is a physical data cache layer designed to hold compressed
data blocks.
• The data cache is a buffer in memory that holds data pages.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

The Kernel Cache Statistics table assists you in determining how to size Essbase
caches. The Essbase kernel uses these caches to manage memory. As a rule,
data that is useful to processes should be kept in memory rather than on a disk.
Replacements occur when something needed for a process is moved from disk to
cache and something in the cache is thrown away to make room for it.
Use this table to help you decide how to size your caches. Make the caches as small
as possible; however, if replacements for a cache are greater than 0, the cache may
be too small. Appropriate sizing of the Index cache is the most important for optimal
performance; appropriate sizing of the Data cache is the least important.
Persistence/Scope of this table: long/db

Table 3-3 Kernel Cache Statistics

Kernel Cache Statistic Description

# Blocks Number of blocks actually in the Index cache,
Data file cache, and Data cache. The block
size multiplied by the number of blocks equals
the amount of cache memory being used.
Compare this figure to the block estimation
you initially used to size your database.
# Replacements Number of replacements per cache.
Replacements occur when data moves from
disk to cache and something in the cache
is deleted to make room. If the number or
replacements is low or zero, the cache might
be set too large.
# Dirty repl Number of dirty replacements per cache. A
dirty replacement is one that requires a write
to the disk before cache memory can be
reused by a process. The data needed for
the process is "dirty" because it was modified
in memory but not saved to the disk. Dirty
replacements are inefficient and expensive.
They indicate that a cache might be too small.
Log blk xfer in Number of logical blocks transferred to
the Data file cache and Data cache (this
measurement is not applicable for the Index
cache.) If you are changing cache sizes, it may
be instructive to study this statistic and note
changes in data traffic.

Cache End-Transaction Statistics

The Cache End-Transaction Statistics table measures DBWriter efficiency. DBWriter
is an asynchronous (or no-wait) Essbase thread, which searches the cache finding
information that needs to be written to a disk.
The Cache End-Transaction Statistics table shows the cleanup state at the end of a
transaction. These statistics are designed to measure DBWriter efficiency. DBWriter is
an asynchronous (or no-wait) thread, which searches the cache and finds information
that needs to be written to a disk. Because the DBWriter only operates during idle
times, measuring the DBWriter activity can give an idea of the amount of idle time.
This number should be high, indicating that the DBWriter had enough idle time
to support the database effectively. Keep these statistics available for diagnostic
purposes, in case you need to call technical support.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Persistence/Scope of this table: med/db

Database Synchronous Input/Output Statistics

The Database Synchronous I/O table tracks synchronous input/output. Synchronous
means that the thread or program waits for the I/O to finish before proceeding. The
Tave (us) column shows the bandwidth (bytes/Ttotal).
Persistence/Scope of this table: med/db

Table 3-4 DB Sync IO Statistics

DataBase Synch I/O Count Bytes Ttotal (ms) Tave (ms)

Index Read Number of times the Number of bytes the Total amount of Average amount of
An occurrence of OS went to the disk OS read from .IND time the OS took time the OS took to
the OS reading to read a .IND file. files. to complete index complete one index
index information reads. read. This equals
from a .IND file on Ttotal (ms)/Count.
the disk.
Index Write Number of times the Number of bytes the Total amount of Average amount of
An occurrence of OS wrote information OS wrote to .IND time the OS took time the OS took to
the OS writing index to a .IND file. files. to complete index complete one index
information to a .IND writes. write. This equals
file. Ttotal (ms)/Count.

Data Read Number of times the Number of bytes the Total amount of time Average amount of
An occurrence of OS went to the disk OS read from .PAG the OS took to time the OS took to
the OS reading to read to a .PAG file. files. complete data reads. complete one data
information from read. This equals
a .PAG file on the Ttotal (ms)/Count.
Data Write Number of times the Number of bytes the Total amount of time Average amount of
An occurrence of the OS wrote information OS wrote to .PAG the OS took to time the OS took to
OS writing data to to a .PAG file. files. complete data writes. complete one data
a .PAG file. write. This equals
Ttotal (ms)/Count.

Bandwidth = bytes/Ttotal. Average bandwidth = bytes/Tave.

Database Asynchronous Input/Output Statistics

The Database Asynchronous I/O table tracks asynchronous input/output.
Asynchronous means no-wait: the I/O happens at an unknown time, while the program
does other things. The effective bandwidth for the application is determined by bytes/
Persistence/Scope of this table: med/db

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Table 3-5 DB Async IO Statistics

DataBase Count Bytes Ttotal (ms) Tave (ms) Twait (ms)

Asynch I/O
Index Read Number of times Number of bytes Time elapsed Average time Wait time if the
An occurrence of the OS went to the OS read between request elapsed between OS had not
the OS reading the disk to read from .IND files. for an index read, requests for completed index
index information a .IND file. and verification of index reads, and reads at the time
from a .IND file its completion. verification of polled.
on the disk. their completion.

Index Write Number of times Number of bytes Time elapsed Average time Wait time if the
An occurrence of the OS wrote the OS wrote between request elapsed between OS had not
the OS writing information to to .IND files. for an index write, requests for completed index
index information a .IND file. and verification of index writes and writes at the time
to a .IND file. its completion. verification of polled.
their completion.
Data Read Number of times Number of bytes Time elapsed Average time Wait time if the
An occurrence of the OS went to the OS read between request elapsed between OS had not
the OS reading the disk to read to from .PAG files. for a data read, requests for completed data
information from a .PAG file. and verification of data reads, and reads at the time
a .PAG file on the its completion. verification of polled.
disk. their completion.

Data Write Number of times Number of bytes Time elapsed Average time Wait time if the
An occurrence of the OS wrote the OS wrote between request elapsed between OS had not
the OS writing information to to .PAG files. for a data write, requests for completed data
data to a .PAG a .PAG file. and verification of data writes and writes at the time
file. its completion. verification of polled.
their completion.

(1) Because asynchronous I/O is ideally no-wait, and happens at an
unknown time, you cannot determine how long reads and writes actually
took to complete. (2) You cannot determine the bandwidth (bytes per
microsecond). Effective bandwidth, as seen by the application, is determined
by bytes/Twait.

Dynamic Calc Cache Statistics

The Dynamic Calc Cache table shows where blocks that are expanded to contain
calculated members (BigBlks) are calculated: in dynamic calculator cache (DCC), or in
regular memory (nonDCC). By viewing the total number of big blocks allocated versus
the maximum number of big blocks held simultaneously, and by analyzing block wait
statistics, you can determine the efficiency of your dynamic calc cache configuration
settings (including DYNCALCCACHEMAXSIZE).

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Table 3-6 Dynamic Calc Cache Statistics

Dynamic Calc Cache Statistic Description

BigBlks Alloced The number of big block allocations that have
been requested, so far, irrespective of where
the system got the memory (DC cache or
regular). For three queries Q1, Q2, and Q3
executed, requiring 25, 35, and 10 big blocks,
respectively, BigBlks Alloced would be 70. This
does not mean that Q1 needed all 25 blocks at
the same time. It may have used some blocks
for a while, then released some of them, and
so on, until the query finished and released
all remaining blocks (returned to DC cache or
regular memory).
Max BigBlks Held The maximum number of big blocks
simultaneously held, so far. For each query
Qi executed so far, there will be a number
Ni, which gives the maximum number of big
blocks that the query needed to have at the
same time (includes both DCC and regular
memory blocks). MaxBigBlksHeld under the
Total column is the maximum over all values of
Ni. The values under the DCC and non-DCC
columns are similar except that they restrict
themselves to the maximum blocks held in the
respective portions of memory.
DCC Blks Waited The number of dynamic calculator blocks that
the system had to wait for.
DCC Blks Timeout The number of times that Essbase timed out
waiting for free space in the dynamic calculator
DCC Max ThdQLen The highest number of threads that were left
waiting in queue for Dynamic Calc cache
memory to be freed.

MaxL Script Example

The following MaxL script creates an output file of performance statistics tables.

/* to execute:
essmsh scriptname username password
login $1 $2;
spool on to 'c:\mxlouts\pstatsouts.txt';
alter database sample.basic set performance statistics enabled;
execute calculation
on Sample.basic;
alter database sample.basic set performance statistics mode to medium
persistence server scope;
query database sample.basic get performance statistics kernel_io table;
alter database sample.basic set performance statistics mode to long

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

persistence database scope;

query database sample.basic get performance statistics kernel_cache
alter database sample.basic set performance statistics mode to medium
persistence database scope;
query database sample.basic get performance statistics end_transaction
query database sample.basic get performance statistics database_synch
query database sample.basic get performance statistics database_asynch
spool off;

Listed By Verbs


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


location alias

filter row
location alias
trigger spool

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

location alias
trigger spool

aggregate process
aggregate selection
aggregate build
custom calculation (aggregate storage)




Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


MaxL Shell Invocation

The MaxL Shell (essmsh) is a pre-parser mechanism for entering MaxL statements.

You can start the shell to be used interactively, to read input from a file, or to read
stream-oriented input (standard input from another process). You can log in after you
start the shell, interactively or using a login statement in the input file. You can also log
in at invocation time, by using the -l flag (see -l Flag: Login).
To start the essmsh shell, do not invoke it directly. In order for the environment to be
set correctly, you must start essmsh using startMAXL.bat (Windows) or
• Prerequisites for Using MaxL
• MaxL Invocation Summary
• Interactive Input
• File Input
• Standard Input
• Login
• LoginAs
• Encryption
• Query Cancellation

Prerequisites for Using MaxL

Before the Essbase Server can receive MaxL statements,
1. The Essbase Server must be running.
2. The MaxL Shell (essmsh) must be invoked (see MaxL Invocation Summary), if you
are using the shell.
3. You must log in (see Login) to the Essbase Server from the MaxL Shell. If you are
running a MaxL script, the first line of your script must be a login statement.
You must use a semicolon (;) to terminate each MaxL statement.

MaxL Invocation Summary

The following MaxL Shell help page summarizes invocation options. This help is also
available at the operating-system command prompt if you type startMAXL.bat -h |

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

The following help text is for essmsh shell; however, in order for the
environment to be set correctly, you must start essmsh using startMAXL.bat
(Windows) or (UNIX). You can pass the same arguments to
startMAXL as you would formerly pass to essmsh. For example, instead of
essmsh -l username password, you should now use startMAXL.bat -l
username password.


essmsh -- MaxL Shell

essmsh [-hlsmup] [-a | -i | file] [arguments...]

This document describes ways to invoke the MaxL Shell.
The shell, invoked and nicknamed essmsh, takes input in the
ways: interactively (from the keyboard), standard input (piped
from another
program), or file input (taken from file specified on the command
The MaxL Shell also accepts any number of command-line arguments,
which can be used to represent any name.

essmsh accepts the following options on the command line:

Prints this help.

-l <user> <pwd>
Logs in a user name and password to the local Essbase Server

-u <user>
Specifies a user to be logged in to an Essbase Server instance.
If omitted but the '-p' or '-s' flags are used, essmsh will
prompt for the username.

-p <pwd>
Specifies a password of the user set by the '-u' option to
be logged in to an Essbase Server instance. If omitted, essmsh
will prompt for the password, and the password will be hidden
on the screen.

-s <server>
Used after -l, or with [-u -p], logs the specified user into a

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

server. When omitted, localhost is implied.

-m <msglevel>
Sets the level of messages returned by the shell. Values for
are: all (the default), warning, error, and fatal.

Starts a MaxL session which reads from <STDIN>, piped in from
another program.
The end of the session is signalled by the EOF character in that

Allows a string of command-line arguments to be referenced from
within the
subsequent INTERACTIVE session. These arguments can be referenced
with positional
parameters, such as $1, $2, $3, etc. Note: omit the -a when using
arguments with
a file-input session.


No option is required to pass a filename to essmsh.

Arguments passed to essmsh can represent anything: for example, a

user name, an
application name, or a filter name. Arguments must appear at the
end of the
invocation line, following '-a', '-i', or filename.


Interactive session, simplest case:


Interactive session, logging in a user:

essmsh -l user pwd

Interactive session, logging user in to a server:

essmsh -l user pwd -s server

Interactive session, logging in with two command-line arguments

(referenced thereafter at the keyboard as $1 and $2):
essmsh -l user pwd -a argument1 argument2

Interactive session, with setting the message level:

essmsh -m error

Interactive session, hiding the password:

essmsh -u user1
Enter Password > ******

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

File-input session, simplest case:

essmsh filename

File-input session, with three command-line arguments

(referenced anonymously in the file as $1, $2, and $3):
essmsh filename argument1 argument2 argument3

Session reading from <STDIN>, logging into a server with two

command-line arguments:
essmsh -l user pwd -s server -i argument1 argument2

Interactive Input
You can log into the MaxL Shell for interactive use (typing statements at the keyboard)
in the following ways. See MaxL Invocation Summary for more descriptions of login
No Flag
-a Flag: Arguments
-l Flag: Login
-u, -p, and -s Flags: Login Prompts and Hostname Selection
-m Flag: Message Level

No Flag
Invoked without a flag, file name, or arguments, the MaxL Shell starts in interactive
mode and waits for you to log in. Note to UNIX users: In the following examples,
replace startMAXL.bat with



Essbase MaxL Shell - Release 11.1.2

Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
MAXL> login Fiona identified by sunflower;

49 - User logged in: [Fiona].

-a Flag: Arguments
With the -a flag, the MaxL Shell starts in interactive mode and accepts space-
separated arguments to be referenced at the keyboard with positional parameters.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

If interactive arguments are used with spooling turned on, variables
are recorded in the log file just as you typed them (for
example, $1, $2, $ARBORPATH).


startMAXL.bat -a Fiona sunflower appname dbsname

Essbase MaxL Shell - Release 11.1.1

Copyright (c) 2000, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
MAXL> spool on to 'D:\output\createapp.out';

MAXL> login $1 identified by $2;

49 - User logged in: [Fiona].

MAXL> create application $3;

30 - Application created: ['appname'].

MAXL> create database $3.$4 as Sample.Basic;

36 - Database created: ['appname'.'dbsname'].



MAXL> spool off;

Contents of logfile createapp.out:

MAXL> login $1 identified by $2;

OK/INFO - 1051034 - Logging in user Fiona.

OK/INFO - 1051035 - Last login on Friday, January 18, 2008 4:09:16 PM.
OK/INFO - 1241001 - Logged in to Essbase.

MAXL> create application $3;

OK/INFO - 1051061 - Application appname loaded - connection

OK/INFO - 1054027 - Application [appname] started with process id
OK/INFO - 1056010 - Application appname created.

MAXL> create database $3.$4 as Sample.Basic;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

OK/INFO - 1056020 - Database appname.dbname created.



MAXL> spool off;

-l Flag: Login
When the -l flag is used followed by a user name and password, the MaxL Shell logs
in the given user name and password and starts in interactive or non-interactive mode.
The user name and password must immediately follow the -l, and be separated from it
by a space.


startMAXL.bat -l Fiona sunflower

Entered at the command prompt, this starts the MaxL Shell in interactive mode and
logs in user Fiona, who can henceforth issue MaxL statements at the keyboard.

-u, -p, and -s Flags: Login Prompts and Hostname Selection

The MaxL Shell can be invoked using -u and -p options in interactive mode, for
passing the user name and password to the shell upon startup. To be prompted for
both username and password, use the -s option with the host name of the Essbase
• If -s <host-name> is passed to the shell, MaxL will prompt for the user name and
password, and the password will be hidden.

startMAXL.bat -s localhost
Enter UserName> admin
Enter Password> ********

OK/INFO - 1051034 - Logging in user admin.

OK/INFO - 1051035 - Last login on Monday, January 28, 2003
10:06:16 AM.
OK/INFO - 1241001 - Logged in to Essbase.

• If -u <username> is passed to the shell and -p <password> is omitted, MaxL Shell

will prompt for the password, and the password will be hidden.

startMAXL.bat -u smith
Enter Password > ******

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

• If -p <password> is passed to the shell and -u <username> is omitted, MaxL Shell

will prompt for the user name.

startMAXL.bat -p password
Enter Username > smith

• If -m <messageLevel> is passed to the shell, only the specified level of messages

will be returned by the shell.

startMAXL.bat -m error

Values for <messageLevel> include: default, all, warning, error, and fatal. The
default value is all (same as specifying default).

-m Flag: Message Level

If -m <messageLevel> is passed to the shell, only the specified level of messages will
be returned by the shell.
Example:startMAXL.bat -m error

Values for the <messageLevel> include: default, all, warning, error, and fatal. The
default value is all (same as specifying default).

File Input
You invoke the MaxL Shell to run scripts (instead of typing statements at the keyboard)
in the following ways. See MaxL Invocation Summary for a complete description of
login flags.
File Only
File Only

File Only
If you type startMAXL.bat followed by a file name or path, the shell takes input from
the specified file.



Entered at the command prompt, this starts the shell, tells it to read MaxL statements
from a file, and terminates the session when it is finished.

startMAXL.bat filename

Starts the shell to read MaxL statements from filename, located in the current
directory (the directory from which the MaxL Shell was invoked).

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

File with Arguments

If you type startMAXL.bat followed by a file name followed by an argument or list of
space-separated arguments, essmsh remembers the command-line arguments, which
can be referenced as $1, $2, etc. in the specified file. If spooling is turned on, all
variables are expanded in the log file.


D:\Scripts>startMAXL.bat filename.msh Fiona sunflower localhost

Starts the shell to read MaxL statements from filename.msh, located in the current

Contents of script filename.msh:

spool on to $HOME\\output\\filename.out;
login $1 $2 on $3;
echo "Essbase is installed in $ESSBASEPATH";
spool off;

Contents of logfile filename.out:

MAXL> login Fiona sunflower on localhost;

49 - User logged in: [Fiona].

Essbase is installed in C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\EssbaseClient

Standard Input
With the -i flag, essmsh uses standard input, which could be input from another
process. For example, | startMAXL.bat -i

When generates MaxL statements as output, you can pipe
to startMAXL.bat -i to use the standard output of as standard input for
essmsh. Essmsh receives input as generates output, allowing for efficient
co-execution of scripts.


echo login Fiona sunflower on localhost; display privilege user;|

startMAXL.bat -i

The MaxL Shell takes input from the echo command's output. User Fiona is logged in,
and user privileges are displayed.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Before you can send MaxL statements from the MaxL Shell to Essbase Server, you
must log in to an Essbase Server session.
As a prerequisite to using MaxL, follow the client setup instructions in Manage
Essbase Using the MaxL Client.

Before logging in to an Essbase Server session, you must start the MaxL
Shell (see MaxL Invocation Summary).Or, you can start the MaxL Shell and
log in (see -l Flag: Login) at the same time.



login admin pa5sw0rd on "https://myEssbase-";

Establishes a connection for user Admin.

To facilitate creating scheduled reports with user-appropriate permissions,
administrators can log in as another user from MaxL.
Example of "log in as" statement:


Example of "log in as" invocation method:


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Interactive example:

Enter UserName> username
Enter Password> password
Enter Host> machine_name
Enter UserName to Login As> mimicked_user_name

You can encrypt user and password information stored in MaxL scripts.
The following MaxL Shell invocation generates a public-private key pair that you can
use to encrypt a MaxL script.

essmsh -gk

The following MaxL Shell invocation encrypts the input MaxL script, obscuring user
name and password, and changing the file extension to .mxls.

essmsh -E scriptname.mxl PUBLIC-KEY

Nested scripts are also encrypted. To avoid this and encrypt only the base script, use

The following MaxL Shell invocation decrypts and executes the MaxL script.

essmsh -D scriptname.mxls PRIVATE-KEY

The following invocation encrypts input data and returns it in encrypted form. This is
useful if there is a need to manually prepare secure scripts.

essmsh -ep DATA PUBLIC-KEY

The following invocation enables you to encrypt the base script while saving any
nested scripts for manual encryption.

essmsh –Em scriptname.mxl PUBLIC-KEY

Query Cancellation
You can use the Esc key to cancel a query running from MaxL Shell.

Log out from Essbase without exiting the interactive MaxL Shell.



Chapter 3
MaxL Statements



database backup archive file
application (for aggregate storage)
application (for block storage)

replicated partition

Listed by Objects
location alias

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

trigger spool

Aggregate Build
execute aggregate build

Aggregate Process
execute aggregate process

Aggregate Selection
execute aggregate selection

execute allocation

query (for aggregate storage only)


execute custom (aggregate storage)

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements





alter filter
create filter
display filter
display filter row
drop filter


Location Alias

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements




see also Dimensions

refresh replicated
refresh outline for outline synchronization


alter system to stop a session

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements



create or replace

Trigger Spool

grant to assign permissions

display variable
To add, drop, or set substitution variables:
alter application
alter database
alter system

MaxL Statement Reference

Consult the Contents pane for an alphabetical list of MaxL statements, or see Listed
By Verbs.

Alter Application
Click here for aggregate storage version
Change application-wide settings.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Permission required: Application Manager.


Use alter application to change the following application-wide settings:


set lock_timeout
Change the maximum time interval that locks on data blocks can be held by Smart
View (or other grid clients') users. When a client data-block lock is held for more than
the time out interval, Essbase removes the lock and the transaction is rolled back.
The default interval is 60 minutes. This setting affects all databases in the application.

set max_lro_file_size
Specify a maximum file size for Linked Reporting Objects (LRO) attachments. There
is no default. There is no minimum or maximum value, excepting limitations imposed
by your system resources.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

set minimum permission

Grant all users a minimum level of permission to all databases in the application.
Users with higher permissions than this minimum are not affected.

set variable
Assign a string value to an existing substitution-variable name. If the variable does not
exist, first create it using add variable. Substitution variables may be referenced by
calculations in the application.

set cache_size
Set the maximum size to which the application cache may grow. The application
cache grows dynamically until it reaches this limit. The application cache is used for
hybrid aggregation in block storage databases, and can help you manage memory
usage for retrievals. This setting takes effect after you restart the application. To check
the currently set limit, use the following MaxL statement:

query application APP-NAME get cache_size;

set type unicode_mode

Migrate an application to Unicode mode. Migration to Unicode mode cannot be

load database
Start (by loading into memory) an idle database. The statement will fail if you do not
have at least read privilege for the database.

unload database
Stop (by unloading from memory) an active database. The statement will fail if you do
not have at least read privilege for the database.

enable startup
Permit all users to load (start) the application. This only applies to users who have at
least read privilege for the application. Startup is enabled by default.

disable startup
Prevent all users from loading (starting) the application. Startup is enabled by default.

enable autostartup
Start the application automatically when Essbase Server starts. By default,
autostartup is disabled.

disable autostartup
Do not start the application automatically when Essbase Server starts. By default,
autostartup is disabled.

enable commands
Allow all users with sufficient permissions to make requests to databases in the
application. Use to reverse the effect of disable commands. The disable commands
setting remains in effect only for the duration of your session. By default, commands
are enabled.

disable commands
Prevent all requests to databases in the application, including non-data-specific
requests, such as viewing database information or changing database settings. All
users are affected, including other administrators. Administrators are affected by this

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

setting as a safety mechanism to prevent accidental updates to databases during

maintenance operations. This setting remains in effect only for the duration of your
session. The setting takes effect immediately, and affects users who are currently
logged in, as well as users who log in later during your session.

If performing maintenance operations that require disabling commands, you
must make those maintenance operations within the same session and the
same script as the one in which commands were disabled.

By default, commands are enabled.

enable updates
Allow all users with sufficient permissions to make requests to databases in the
application. Use to reverse the effect of disable updates. Disabling updates remains
in effect only for the duration of your session. By default, updates are enabled.

disable updates
Prevent all users from making requests to databases in the application. Use before
performing update and maintenance operations. The disable updates setting remains
in effect only for the duration of your session.

If performing maintenance operations that require updates to be disabled,
you must make those maintenance operations within the same session and
the same script as the one in which updates were disabled. By default,
updates are enabled.

enable connects
Allow all users with sufficient permissions to make connections to databases in the
application. Use to reverse the effect of disable connects. By default, connections
are enabled.

disable connects
Prevent any user with a permission lower than Application Managers from making
connections to the databases that require the databases to be started. This includes
starting the databases or performing the ESSCMD shell SELECT command on the
databases. Database connections remain disabled for all databases in the application,
until the application setting is re-enabled by the administrator.
By default, connections are enabled.

enable security
When security is disabled, Essbase ignores all security settings in the application and
treats all users as Application Managers. By default, security is enabled.

disable security
When security is disabled, Essbase ignores all security settings in the application and
treats all users as Application Managers. By default, security is enabled.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Enter an application description (optional). The description can contain up to 80

clear logfile
Delete the application log located in the application directory. A new log is created for
entries recording subsequent application activity.

add variable
Create an application-level substitution variable by name, and optionally assign a
string value for the variable to represent. You can assign or change the value later
using set variable. A substitution variable acts as a global placeholder for information
that changes regularly. Substitution variables may be referenced by calculations and
report scripts.
If substitution variables with the same name exist at server, application, and database
levels, the order of precedence for the variables is as follows: a database level
substitution variable supersedes an application level variable, which supersedes a
server level variable.

drop variable
Remove a substitution variable and its corresponding value from the application.

rename to
Rename the application. When you rename an application, the application and the
application directory (ARBORPATH\app\appname) are renamed.


alter application Sample set minimum permission read;

Grants all users read access to all databases in the Sample

application. Users can retrieve data values and run report

alter application Sample disable commands;

Prevents all users from making requests to the application

scope. Use this statement before performing application-wide
update and maintenance operations.

alter application Acme set variable Current_month July;

Assigns the string value July to the substitution variable

"Current_month." "Current_month" may be referenced by
calculations in the Acme application.

Alter Database
Click here for aggregate storage version
Select a subset of alter database:

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

• Alter Database enable | disable

• Alter Database Set
• Alter Database (Misc)

Alter Database enable | disable

Click here for aggregate storage version
Change database-wide settings.
Permission required: create_application.


Use alter database to change the following database-wide settings:


enable two_pass_calc
Recalculate (after a default calculation) database outline members tagged as Two
Pass, so they will be recalculated after other database members have been
consolidated. This setting is enabled by default.
Members that usually require a two-pass calculation are those members of the
Accounts dimension that are calculated by a formula rather than by hierarchical
consolidation. These members are typically ratios, such as "Profit % Sales" (profit
percentage of sales), which has a member formula.
This setting is ignored during a calculation script; it is used only during a default
calculation. To use two-pass calculation in a non-default calculation, use the CALC
TWOPASS command in the calculation script.

disable two_pass_calc
Do not recalculate database outline members tagged as Two Pass after a default
calculation. Two-pass calculation is enabled by default.

enable aggregate_missing
Consolidate #MISSING values along with the regular database consolidation. If
you never load data at parent levels, aggregating #MISSING values can improve
calculation performance, depending on the ratio between upper level blocks and input
blocks in the database.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

If this setting is enabled and you load values directly at the parent level, these parent-
level values will be replaced by the results of the consolidation, even if the results are
#MISSING values. The aggregate missing setting is disabled by default.

disable aggregate_missing
Do not consolidate #MISSING values. This is the default. Data that is loaded at parent
levels is not overwritten by #MISSING values of children below it. However, if any of
the child data values are not #MISSING, these values are consolidated and overwrite
the parent values.

enable startup
Enable users to start the database directly or as a result of requests requiring the
database to be started. Startup is enabled by default.

disable startup
Prevent all users from starting the database directly or as a result of requests that
would start the database. Startup is enabled by default.

enable autostartup
Automatically start the database when the application to which it belongs starts.
Autostartup is enabled by default. This setting is applicable only when startup is

disable autostartup
Prevent automatic starting of the database when the application to which it belongs
starts. Autostartup is enabled by default.

enable compression
Enable data compression. By default, Bitmap compression is enabled. To switch to a
different compression type, use alter database set compression.

disable compression
Disable data compression. By default, Bitmap compression is enabled.

enable create_blocks
Allow Essbase to create a data block when you assign a non-constant value to a
member combination for which a data block does not already exist. Block creation on
equation is disabled by default, because it can result in a very large database.
When you assign a constant to a member on a sparse dimension, you do not need
to enable Create Blocks on Equation, because Essbase would create a data block
anyway. For example, "West = 5;" would result in the creation of data blocks, with or
without the Create Blocks on Equation setting enabled.
You do need to check this option if you want blocks created when you assign anything
other than a constant to a member on a sparse dimension for which a data block does
not already exist. For example, if no data exists for Actuals, a member of a sparse
Scenario dimension, then you need to enable Create Blocks on Equation in order to
perform the following allocation:

2002Forecast = Actuals * 1.05;.

disable create_blocks
Turn off the Create Blocks on Equation setting. The setting is disabled by default.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

enable committed_mode
Set the database isolation level to committed access, meaning that only one
transaction at a time can update data blocks. Essbase holds read/write locks on
all data blocks until the transaction and the commit operations are performed. If pre-
image access is enabled, users (or transactions) can still have read-only access to
data at its last commit point. For more information, see the enable pre_image_access
setting. The default isolation-level mode is Uncommitted.

disable committed_mode
Turn off the Committed Mode setting, reverting to the default isolation level of
Uncommitted for the database.

Smart View and other grid clients' data-update operations are always in
committed mode.

In uncommitted mode, Essbase allows transactions to hold read/write locks on a

block-by-block basis. Essbase releases a block after it is updated, but does not
commit blocks until the transaction is completed, or until a specified number of blocks
or rows (a "synchronization point") has been reached. You can set this limit using the
implicit_commit settings.

enable pre_image_access
Allow users (or other transactions) read-only access to data at its last commit point,
when the database is in committed mode (meaning that data blocks may be locked
for the duration of a concurrent transaction). Pre-image access is enabled by default
when the database is in committed mode.
See also the enable committed_mode setting.

disable pre_image_access
Disable pre-image access, disallowing read-only access to locked blocks of data
at their last commit point (this setting is only applicable while the database is in
committed mode). Pre-image access is enabled by default when the database is in
committed mode.


alter database Sample.Basic disable two_pass_calc;

Prevents recalculation (after a default calculation) of members

tagged as Two Pass.

Alter Database Set

Click here for aggregate storage version
Change database-wide settings.
Permission required: create_application.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


Use alter database set to change the following database-wide settings:


Change the database retrieval buffer size. This buffer holds extracted row data
cells before they are evaluated by the RESTRICT or TOP/BOTTOM Report Writer
commands. The default size is 20 KB. The minimum size is 2 KB. Increasing the size
may improve retrieval performance.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Change the database retrieval sort buffer size. This buffer holds data until it is sorted.
The Report Writer and Essbase Query Designer use the retrieval sort buffer. The
default size is 20 KB. The minimum size is 2 KB. Increasing the size may improve
retrieval performance.

Change the data cache size. The data cache is a buffer in memory that holds
uncompressed data blocks. Essbase Server allocates memory to the data cache
during data load, calculation, and retrieval operations as needed. The default and
minimum size is 3072 KB.

Change the index cache size. The index cache is a buffer in memory that holds index
pages. When a data block is requested, Essbase looks at the index pages in the
index cache to find its location on disk.
• Minimum value: 1 MB (1,048,576 bytes)
• Maximum value: 256 TB
Default value for buffered I/O: 1 MB (1,048,576 bytes)
Buffered I/O is the default for this release.

Link the database with a currency database. A currency database enables you to
convert currency values in a database from one currency into another currency.

Specify the member to use as a default value in currency conversions. You can
specify any valid member of the dimension defined as "Currency Type" in the
currency database.

Specify whether during currency conversion, the calculation method multiplies the
currency database exchange rates with the main database values, or that the
currency database exchange rates are divided by the main database values.

minimum permission
Set a level of permission that all users or groups can have to the database. Users
or groups with higher granted permissions than the minimum permission are not

compression rle
Set the database to use run-length encoding (RLE) compression. Essbase
compresses repetitive, consecutive values, including zeros and #MISSING values.
The default compression type is bitmap.
When a compressed data block is brought into the data cache, Essbase expands the
block to its full size, regardless of the scheme that was used to compress it.

compression bitmap
Set the database to use bitmap compression, the default. Essbase stores only non-
missing values and uses a bitmapping scheme.
When a compressed data block is brought into the data cache, Essbase expands the
block to its full size, regardless of the scheme that was used to compress it.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Change the interval to wait for blocks to be unlocked when the database is in
committed mode. If a transaction request is made that cannot be granted in the
allotted time, the transaction is rolled back until a lock can be granted.

Smart View and other grid clients' data-update operations are always in
committed mode.

implicit_commit after <number> blocks

When uncommitted access is enabled, set the frequency at which Essbase commits
data blocks (after the specified number of blocks has been reached).
The default frequency, if unspecified, is 3000, and may adjust dynamically during a
If Essbase Server runs on Oracle Exalytics In-Memory machine, for calculation and
data load requests, the commit happens at the end of the command or request, and
the default interval of 3000 (or any other value you specify) is ignored.

implicit_commit after <number> rows

When uncommitted access is enabled, set the frequency at which Essbase commits
data blocks (after the specified number of rows has been reached).

Change the value of an existing substitution variable on the database. The value must
not exceed 256 bytes. It may contain any character except a leading ampersand (&).

default calculation
Change the default calculation (which, by default, is CALC ALL;) to the stored
calculation script you specify, or to an anonymous (unstored) calculation string.

active alias_table
Set an alias table as the primary table for reporting and any additional alias requests.
Only one alias table can be used at a time. This setting is user-specific; it only sets
the active alias table for the user issuing the statement.

performance statistics enabled

Turn on performance-statistics gathering. You might do this when you want to tune
the system, change hardware configuration, or monitor I/O. The measurement begins
for current processes as soon as you enable it. Any subsequent queries for statistics
return measurements spanning from the time of enablement to the time of the query.
Performance statistics can be retrieved using query database.

performance statistics disabled

Turn off performance-statistics gathering. This halts the collection of statistics; it does
not prevent anyone from retrieving old statistics using query database.

performance statistics mode to <PST-SPEC>

Reset performance-statistics gathering for a specified persistence and scope. Each of
the statistics tables available using query database has a pre-defined persistence
and scope. When you use set performance statistics mode, you select the
persistence and scope to reset, and the collecting of measurements starts over for
the applicable tables.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Create an informational note about the database that Smart View or other grid client
users can see from the login dialog box. For example, 'Calc in progress: do not
update.' Database notes can be up to 64 kilobytes long.


alter database Sample.Basic set lock_timeout after 120;

Changes the number of seconds to wait for blocks to be

unlocked. If a transaction request is made which cannot be
granted in 120 seconds, the transaction is rolled back until a
lock can be granted.

Alter Database (Misc)

Click here for aggregate storage version
Change database-wide settings.
Permission required: create_application.


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Use alter database to change the following database-wide settings:


Clear all data and linked-reporting objects from the database, but preserve the outline.

reset all
Clear all data, Linked Reporting Objects, and the outline.

reset data
Same as using reset.

force restructure
Explicitly restructure the database to eliminate or reduce fragmentation. By
default, this statement is run in serial. To enable parallel restructuring, use the
RESTRUCTURETHREADS configuration setting.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

load alias_table
Load an alias table from a file to the current database. The feeder file (FILE-NAME)
must follow these rules:
• Must be correctly formatted.
• Must be located on the Essbase Server computer, not on a client computer.
• FILE-NAME must include the full path.
Sample contents of a feeder file for loading an alias table:

"400-10" Guava
"400-20" Tangerine
"400-30" Mango

unload alias_table
Delete the specified alias table.

add variable
Create a database-level substitution variable by name, and optionally assign a string
value for the variable to represent. You can assign or change the value later using
set variable. A substitution variable acts as a global placeholder for information
that changes regularly. Substitution variables may be referenced by calculations and
report scripts.
If substitution variables with the same name exist at server, application, and database
levels, the order of precedence for the variables is as follows: a database level
substitution variable supersedes an application level variable, which supersedes a
server level variable.

drop variable
Remove a substitution variable and its corresponding value from the database.

delete lro
Delete Linked Reporting Objects linked to the active database for a given user name
or modification date.

unlock all objects

Unlock all objects on the database that are in use by a user or process.

begin archive to file

Prepare the database for backup by an archiving program, and prevent writing to the
files during backup.
This statement requires the database to be started.
Begin archive achieves the following outcomes:
• Commits any modified data to disk.
• Switches the database to read-only mode. The read-only state persists, even
after the application is restarted, until it is changed back to read-write using end
• Reopens the database files in shared, read-only mode.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

• Creates a file containing a list of files that need to be backed up. Unless a
different path is specified, the file is stored in the database directory.
Begin archive and end archive do not perform the backup; they simply protect the
database during the backup process.

Using the begin archive to file and end archive grammar is the only
supported way to initiate backup and recovery of a database using MaxL.

end archive
Return the database to read-write mode after backing up the database files.
This statement requires the database to be started.
End archive achieves the following outcomes:
• Returns the database to read-write mode.
• Re-opens database files in exclusive, read-write mode.

Using the begin archive to file and end archive grammar is the only
supported way to initiate backup and recovery of a database using MaxL.

replay transactions
Replays the database transactions that were logged after the last replay request was
originally executed or after the last restored backup's time (whichever occurred later).
Transactions that are executed and logged after the restore operation are not
replayed, unless you replay those transactions using their sequence IDs. After
restoring a database, Oracle recommends that you finish replaying the transactions
that were logged after the backup and before the restore and that are needed to fully
recover the database; then you can continue executing new transactions.

replay transactions after LOG-TIME

Replays the transactions that were logged after the specified time. Enclose the TIME
value in quotation marks; for example: '11_20_2007:12:20:00'

replay transactions using sequence_id_range ID-RANGE

Replays the transactions specified by a comma-separated list of sequence ID ranges.
A range can consist of:
• A single transaction: n to n; for example, 1 to 1
• Multiple transactions: x to y; for example, 20 to 100
Each logged transaction is assigned a sequence ID, indicating the order in which the
transaction was performed. To ensure the integrity of the restored data after a replay,
Essbase enforces the replay of transactions in the same order in which they were
originally performed. The order of sequence IDs are tracked across multiple replay

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

You can skip replaying a transaction if you are absolutely sure that the
transaction results are not required to recover the database.

rename to
Rename the database. When you rename a database, the database directory is also

Create a description of the database. The maximum number of characters is 80.
This description is available to database administrators. To annotate the database for
Smart View or other grid client users, use set note.


alter database Sample.Basic begin archive to file 'samplebasic.arc';

Backs up the Sample.Basic database files to the specified

archive file (samplebasic.arc).

alter database Sample.Basic end archive

Returns the Sample.Basic database to read-write mode after

backing up the database files.

alter database Sample.Basic replay transactions using sequence_id_range

1 to 10,20 to 100;

Replays the transactions in the Sample.Basic database with

sequence IDs 1 through 10 and 20 through 100.

alter database Sample.Basic replay transactions after


Replays all transactions that were logged after the specified


Related Topics
• Alter Database enable | disable
• Alter Database Set

Alter Drillthrough
Edit drill-through URL definitions used to link to content hosted on Oracle ERP and
EPM applications.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


Use alter drillthrough to edit a URL definition in the following ways:


alter drillthrough
Edit drill-through URL metadata.
The number of drill-through URLs per database is limited to 255.

from xml_file
Indicate the path to the local URL XML file that defines the link information.
The URL XML is created by the ERP or EPM application that deployed the Essbase
database. The XML contains the drill-through URL display name as well as a URL
enabling the hyperlink from a cell to a Web interface to occur. For a sample URL XML
file, see Create Drillthrough.

on {<member-expression>,...}
Define the list of drillable regions, using the same Essbase member-set calculation
language that is used to define security filters. The list of drillable regions must be
enclosed in {brackets}.
The number of drillable regions in a drill-through URL is limited to 256. The number of
characters per drillable region is limited to 65536.

Optional: Merge the drillable-region definition instead of replacing it on update.


alter drillthrough sample.basic.myURL from xml_file "C:/drillthrough/

data/myfile.xml" on {'@Ichildren(“Qtr1”)', '@Ichildren(“Qtr2”)'}

Alter Filter
Add filter rows to a database security filter. Filters control security for database objects.
Use grant to assign filters to users and groups.
Minimum permission required: Database Manager.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


Use alter filter in the following ways to edit a filter:


alter filter ...add no_access on <member-expression>

Block access to a specified member combination.

alter filter ... add read on <member-expression>

Provide read-only access to a specified member combination.

alter filter ... add write on <member-expression>

Provide write access to a specified member combination.

alter filter ... add meta_read on <member-expression>

Restrict access to siblings and ancestors of the member expression. In case of a
filtering conflict, the MetaRead filtering overrides the other filter permissions. For more
information about metatdata filtering, see Metadata Filtering.

• Filters created using MaxL must be valid. For information about filter syntax, see
Designing and Maintaining Essbase Cubes.
• MEMBER-EXPRESSION must be enclosed in single quotation marks. It can be a
comma-separated list.


alter filter sample.basic.filt7 add read on '@Descendants("East")';

Adds a row to a Sample.Basic filter named filt7, giving read-

only access to the data for the eastern states.

alter filter sample.basic.filt8 add read on '@Descendants("East")', add

write on '@Descendants("West")';

Adds two rows to a Sample.Basic filter named filt8.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Alter Object
Rename, unlock, or copy a database-related artifact.


Use alter object to edit artifacts in the following ways:


rename to
Rename the artifact. Not applicable for partition files, worksheets, or outlines.

Unlock an artifact that is locked by another user or process. Not applicable for alias
tables and worksheets. Unlocking an artifact of type lro is applicable for stored
linked-reporting objects only; that is, files with the .LRO extension.

To unlock all database artifacts, use alter database DBS-NAME unlock all

copy to
Make a copy of a server artifact. Not applicable for partition files, worksheets, or
outlines. If an artifact of the new name already exists, it is replaced.

force copy to
Make a copy of a server artifact. Not applicable for partition files, worksheets, or
outlines. If an artifact of the new name already exists, it is replaced. If an administrator
issues the statement with the force keyword, locked artifacts are unlocked, copied,
and re-locked.

• Specified artifacts must be persisted in the database directory.
• Attempting to rename or copy an artifact of type "partition_file" returns an error.


alter object sample.basic.genref of type rules_file rename to 'level';

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Renames a rules file in the Sample.Basic directory, named

genref.rul, to level.rul.

alter object sample.basic.Calcdat of type text rename to 'c_data';

Renames a text file in the Sample.Basic directory, named

calcdat.txt, to c_data.txt.

alter object of type partition_file unlock;

Unlocks the partition definition file for the Samppart Company


Alter Partition
Fix invalid or dangling partition references. Change the authorized user who can
connect to both cubes. Change the name of an application, cube, or host (in the event
that something was renamed).


Use alter partition to edit partitions in the following ways:


...set connect
Change the user authorized to access the partitioned cubes.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

...set hostname
Edit the partition definition to include the correct URL for the partition source cube,
target cube, or both.

...set application as
Edit the partition definition to include a corrected application name. This is useful if
one application name was changed; if both application names changed, the partition
definition cannot be corrected and you must re-create it.

...set database as
Edit the partition definition to include a corrected cube name. This is useful if one
cube name was changed; if both cube names changed, the partition definition cannot
be corrected and you must re-create it.

...direction single
See Examples 2, 4, and 5.

...direction all
See Example 3.

• The first DBS-NAME is the local cube, and the second DBS-NAME is the remote
• Directing a partition to the remote site means the current cube is the source.
Creating a partition from the remote site means the current cube is the target.
• To change the authorized partition user, you must change the user for both
partitioned cubes, as shown in Example 1.
• If a partitioned host, application, or cube is renamed, the rename does not
propagate to the partition definition, so you must use alter partition to change
the name in the partition definition. As shown in Examples 2 through 5, you must
give the old name and the new name. If both names were changed, the partition
definition is not recoverable, and must be re-created.


Example 1 (Alter Partition)

The following example changes the user authorized to access the partitioned cubes.

/* To change authorized partition user on target, log in to source &

then use: */
alter transparent partition app1.source to
set connect as newuser identified by newpasswd;

/* To change authorized partition user on source, log in to target &

then use: */
alter transparent partition from app1.source
set connect as newuser identified by newpasswd;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Example 2 (Alter Partition)

In the following example, alter partition is used to fix a partition definition that
became invalid when a URL changed and affected only one half of the partition
definition (

alter transparent partition app1.source to at "https://"
set hostname as "https://myEssbase-" instead of "https://" direction

where direction single indicates that only the target URL needs to be changed.

Example 3 (Alter Partition)

In the following example, alter partition is used to fix a partition definition that
became invalid when a host-name change affected both the source and the target,
because both applications were on the same host:

alter transparent partition app1.source to at "https://"
set hostname as "https://myEssbase-" instead of "https://" direction

where direction all indicates that the host-name change needs to be made on both
the target and source halves of the partition definition.

Example 4 (Alter Partition)

In the following example, alter partition is used to fix a partition definition
that became invalid when the source application name (oldAppName) changed to
newAppName, and affected only one half of the partition definition:

alter transparent partition newAppName.source to

set application as newAppName instead of oldAppName direction

where direction single indicates that only one half of the partition definition needs to
be corrected.

The old application name can be discovered by issuing the display
partition statement prior to correcting the partition definition.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Example 5 (Alter Partition)

In the following example, alter partition is used to fix a partition definition
that became invalid when the source application name (oldAppName) changed
to newAppName, and affected both halves of the partition definition because both
partitioned cubes were on the same application:

alter transparent partition newAppName.source to

set application as newAppName instead of oldAppName direction all;

where direction single indicates both halves of the partition definition need to be

Alter Session
Set MDX display options.


Use alter session to change the following MDX output settings:


Revert to the default MDX display settings in the MaxL Shell. The default settings are:
alias ON, metadata_only OFF, cell_status OFF.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

alias on|off
Set whether to use aliases instead of member names.

metadata_only on|off
Set whether to show only the metadata, with no data.

cell_status on|off
Set whether to display cell status. Cell status is additional information returned with
each cell value in MDX query outputs.

Every cell consists of one member from each dimension. Up to four cell-
status types may be returned with the output:

• DC: Dynamic Calc. If any of the members defining the cell is Dynamic Calc, this
status is on.
• RO: Read Only. If the cell cannot be written to (for example, by lock-and-send),
this status is on. Security filters in the database might cause cells to be read-only.
Dynamic Calc cells are automatically read-only.
• CM: Calculated Member. If any of the members defining the cell is a calculated
member, this status is on.
• LO: Linked Object. If the cell has any associated Linked Reporting Objects, this
status is on.

numerical_display fixed_decimal| scientific_notation|default

Set whether MaxL returns data values in MDX query output as fixed decimals,
scientific notation, or default format (values are returned in a reasonable combination
of decimals or scientific notation).

precision <precision-digits>
Set the number (0-15) of decimal places to include for the data values in MDX query

formatted_value on|off
Set whether to return formatted values for all cells of type text or date, or cells
associated with a format string. By default, this setting is on.

get_missing_cells on|off
Set whether to return #Missing valued cells for all cells of type text or date, or cells
associated with a format string. By default, this setting is on.

get_meaningless_cells on|off
Set whether to return #Meaningless for cells that are empty only because they are
unassociated with the context attribute or varying attribute. By default, this setting is
off, and the empty cells display as #Missing.
The following example query gets sales for all products, but the aggregation is
specified by the slicer context only for Ounces_12.

{Sales, Cogs}

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

FROM Sample.Basic
WHERE (Ounces_12)

A value of #Meaningless is displayed for any members not associated with the
attribute Ounces_12.

Alter System
Click here for aggregate storage version
Change the state of Essbase Server. Start and stop applications, change system-wide
variables, manage password and login activity, disconnect users, end processes, or
shut down the server.
Permission required: Administrator.


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Use alter system to change the following system-wide settings:


load application
Start an application, or start all applications on the Essbase Server.

unload application
Stop an application, or stop all applications on the Essbase Server. Unloading an
application cancels all active requests and database connections, and stops the
application. If Essbase encounters a problem when trying to cancel active requests
and database connections, and stopping the application, an error is logged in the
application log.
If you do not want to stop an application if it has active requests and database
connections, use the no_force grammar. When using no_force:
• If the application has active requests and database connections, the application is
not stopped; it continues running
• If the application does not have active requests and database connections, the
application is stopped, as if you used unload application without specifying

set session_idle_limit
Set the interval of time permitted for a session to be inactive before Essbase Server
logs off the user. The minimum limit that you can set is five minutes (or 300 seconds).
When the session idle limit is set to none, all users can stay logged on until the
Essbase Server is shut down.
The default user idle logout time is 60 minutes. When a user initiates a calculation in
the background, after 60 minutes the user is considered idle and is logged out, but the
calculation continues in the background.
Because the user may mistakenly assume that the calculation stopped because he or
she was logged out, you can do one of the following to correct the user experience:
• Run the calculation in the foreground
• Increase the session idle limit in to a time that exceeds the duration of the
calculation, or to none

set session_idle_poll
Set the time interval for inactivity checking and security-backup refreshing. The time
interval specified in the session idle poll gives Essbase instructions:
• Tells it how often to check whether user sessions have passed the allowed
inactivity interval indicated by session_idle_limit in the alter system statement.
• Tells it how often to refresh the security backup file. If session_idle_poll is set to
zero, the security backup file is still refreshed every five minutes.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

set invalid_login_limit
Set the number of unsuccessful login attempts allowed by any user before the system
disables it. When you change this setting, the counter resets to 0. When the invalid
login limit is set to none, there is no limit. By default, there is no limit.

set inactive_user_days
Set the number of days a user account may remain inactive before being disabled
by the system. The counter resets when the user logs in, is edited, or is activated by
an administrator. When the inactive days limit is set to none, user accounts remain
enabled even if they are not used. By default, there is no limit.

set password_reset_days
Set the number of days users may retain passwords. After the allotted number of
days, users are prompted at login to change their passwords. The counter resets
for a user when the user changes the password, is edited, or is activated by an
administrator. When the password reset days limit is set to none, there is no built-in
limit for password retention. By default, there is no limit.

set variable
Change the value of an existing substitution variable on the system. The value must
not exceed 256 bytes. It may contain any character except a leading ampersand (&).

set server_port
Expand a port range specified Essbase configuration properties. Each Essbase
application uses two ports from this range. If no more ports are available, an error
message is displayed.

You can expand port ranges only so that the beginning port range is
less than SERVERPORTBEGIN and the ending port range is greater than

delete export_directory
Delete directories created for linked reporting objects exported from a database to a
directory created in ARBORPATH\app. Use this grammar after the exported LROs are
migrated into a database using import lro, and the directories containing the exported
LRO information are not needed.

This process works only for directories created in ARBORPATH\app using the
DBS-EXPORT-DIR option of the export lro statement. It does not work for
directories created elsewhere using the FULL-EXPORT-DIR option of the
export lro statement.

To view a list of names of exported linked-reporting-objects directories in

ARBORPATH\app, use display system export_directory.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

add variable
Create a system-level substitution variable by name, and optionally assign a string
value for the variable to represent. You can assign or change the value later using
set variable. A substitution variable acts as a global placeholder for information
that changes regularly. Substitution variables may be referenced by calculations and
report scripts.
If substitution variables with the same name exist at server, application, and database
levels, the order of precedence for the variables is as follows: a database-level
substitution variable supersedes an application-level variable, which supersedes a
server-level variable.

drop variable
Remove a substitution variable and its corresponding value from the system.

logout session all

Terminate all user sessions running on the Essbase Server.

logout session...force
Terminate a session (or sessions) even if it is processing a request. The request is
allowed to proceed to a safe point, and then the transaction is rolled back.

logout session <session-id>

Terminate a session by its unique session ID number. To see the session ID number,
use display session.

logout session by user

Terminate all current sessions by a particular user, either across the entire Essbase
Server, or limited to a specific application or database.

logout session by user on application

Terminate all current sessions by a particular user across a specific application.

logout session by user on database

Terminate all current sessions by a particular user across a specific database.

logout session on application

Terminate all current user sessions across a specific application.

logout session on database

Terminate all current user sessions across a specific database.

Shut down the Essbase Server.

kill request all

Terminate all current requests on the Essbase Server.

To terminate your own active request in MaxL Shell, press the ESC key.

kill request <session-id>

Terminate the current request indicated by the session ID. You can obtain session IDs
using display session.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

kill request by user

Terminate all current requests by the specified user on the Essbase Server.

kill request on application

Terminate all current requests on the specified application.

kill request on database

Terminate all current requests on the specified database.

enable unicode
Set the Essbase Server to allow the creation of Unicode-mode applications and the
migration of non-Unicode-mode applications to Unicode-mode applications.

disable unicode
Prevent the Essbase Server from allowing the creation of Unicode-mode applications
or the migration of non-Unicode-mode applications to Unicode-mode applications.

When Essbase is started using a security backup file (essbase_timestamp.bak)
instead of essbase.sec, reconcile the security file to match the state of Essbase on
an external disk. This grammar displays discrepancies in application and database
information between the security file and the external disk:
• If an application folder is on the disk but not in the security file, display a message
indicating the discrepancy. (Essbase checks for the presence of a
file in the ARBORPATH/app/appname directory.)
The force option does not apply in this scenario.
• If an application file is in the security file but not on the disk, display a message
indicating the discrepancy.
The force option removes the application from the security file.
• If an application database folder is on the disk but not in the security file, display
a message indicating the discrepancy. (Essbase checks for the presence of a
dbname.otl file in the ARBORPATHapp/appname/dbname/cube directory.)
The force option does not apply in this scenario.
• If an application database file is in the security file but not on the disk, display a
message indicating the discrepancy.
The force option removes the database from the security file.


A session is a single user connection to Essbase Server. The session can be identified
by keywords and names indicating context, or by a unique session ID number.
A request is a query sent to Essbase Server by a user or by another process; for
example, starting an application or restructuring a database outline. Only one request
at a time can be processed in each session.
If a session is processing a request at the time that an administrator attempts to
terminate the session, the administrator must either terminate the request first, or
use the force kewyord available with alter system to terminate the session and the
current request.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements



alter system unload application Sample;

Stops the Sample application, if it is currently running.

alter system unload application all;

Terminates all active requests and stops all applications.

alter system unload application Sample no_force;

Essbase prepares to unload the Sample application; however,

if active requests are running, the application is not stopped.

alter system shutdown;

Stops all running applications and shuts down Essbase


alter system logout session by user Fiona;

Disconnects Fiona from any applications or databases to

which she is connected.
To log out a user, log out the sessions owned by that user.

alter system set password_reset_days 10;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Specifies that all users will be prompted after 10 days to

change their passwords. The day count for any user is
reset when the user changes the password or is edited or
reactivated by an administrator.

Alter Tablespace (Aggregate Storage)

Change details about a tablespace. To see a list of tablespaces, use display
tablespace. You cannot change the location or size of the metadata and log
Tablespaces are applicable only to aggregate storage databases.
Permission required: Application Manager.


Use alter tablespace to edit tablespaces in the following ways:


add file_location
Add a new file location to the tablespace.

FILE-NAME is case sensitive in this statement.

alter file_location
Change the maximum file-size or disk-size value for the specified file location.

FILE-NAME is case sensitive in this statement.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

set max_file_size
Specify a value for the maximum size that a data file may attain before Essbase
creates a new file.
The largest possible value that the aggregate storage kernel can handle is 134217727
MB. This is also the default value. If operating system limits take effect before this
value is reached, the kernel creates a new file. If you enter a value that is larger than
134217727 MB, the kernel ignores the setting and caps file size at 134217727 MB.
The minimum value is 8MB (8388608b), and any values you enter are rounded up to
the next 8MB interval.

Some operating system platforms may enforce a maximum file size limit.

set max_disk_size
Specify the value for the maximum amount of disk space to be allocated to the file
The largest possible value that the aggregate storage kernel can handle is
4294967295 MB. This is also the default value. If operating system limits take effect
before this value is reached, the kernel attempts to use another file location in the
tablespace. If you enter a value that is larger than 4294967295 MB, the kernel ignores
the setting and caps disk size at 4294967295 MB.
The minimum value is 8MB (8388608b), and any values you enter are rounded up to
the next 8MB interval.

drop file_location
Delete the specified file location from the tablespace. When a file location is deleted,
all files in the file location are deleted, as well as the subdirectory containing the files.
You cannot delete a file location if it contains data. You cannot delete the tablespace

FILE-NAME is case sensitive in this statement.

• This statement requires the application to be started.
• On Windows, you can specify tablespace file locations using Uniform Naming
Convention (UNC) syntax, which is \\ComputerName\SharedFolder\Resource.
Including the escape characters required by MaxL Shell, the UNC file name
specification would look like the following:


alter tablespace ASOsamp.'default' add file_location 'C:\\mytablespace'

set max_file_size 50mb;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Adds another file location for the default

tablespace. Now the tablespace default is in
C:\mytablespace in addition to the original location,

alter tablespace ASOsamp.'default' alter file_location 'C:\\Hyperion\

\products\\Essbase\\EssbaseServer\\' set max_file_size 50mb;

Changes the maximum file size allowed in the specified

location of the default tablespace. Note that the file_location
string is case sensitive.

alter tablespace ASOsamp.'default' alter file_location '\\\

\ComputerName\\SharedFolder\\Resource' set max_file_size 50mb;

Changes the maximum file size allowed in the specified

location of the default tablespace. The file_location string is
specified using UNC.

Alter Trigger
Enable or disable a trigger created to track state changes over a selected cube area.


Use alter trigger to edit triggers in the following ways:


Essbase monitors the trigger during data load, calculation, or lock and send, and
performs the trigger action when the condition is met on the specified cube area.

Essbase does not monitor the trigger.

on database <DBS-NAME> disable

Disables all triggers in the database. A restart of the application or the database
following the disable restores the triggers to the same state as before the disable

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

was issued (all the triggers disabled using alter trigger on database DBS-NAME
disable are re-enabled).


alter trigger Sample.Basic.WatchCosts disable;

alter trigger on database sample.basic disable;

Create Application
Click here for aggregate storage version
Create or re-create an application, either from scratch or as a copy of another
application on the same system. See APP-NAME for information on the maximum
length of and special characters that are allowed in an application name. Application
names are not case-sensitive.


Use create application to create an application in the following ways:


create application
Create a new application. Application names are not case-sensitive.

create or replace application

Create an application, or replace an existing application of the same name.
Application names are not case-sensitive.

...type nonunicode_mode
Create a Non Unicode-mode application. This is also the default if these keywords are

...type unicode_mode
Create a Unicode-mode application.

create application as
Create an application as a copy of another application. Application names are not

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Create an application description (optional). The description can contain up to 80


create application Sample comment 'This is a test application.';

Creates a new application called Sample with an associated


create application Newsamp as Sample;

Creates an application called Newsamp which is a copy of the

application Sample.

create or replace application Sample;

Creates an application called Sample. If an application named

Sample already exists, it is overwritten.

Create Calculation
Create, replace, or copy a stored calculation.
Permissions required:
• Database Manager to create database-level calculations.
• Application Manager to create application-level calculations.


Use create calculation to create a calculation in the following ways:


create calculation
Create a calculation script, the body of which is specified by CALC-STRING.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

create or replace calculation

Create a calculation script, the body of which is specified by CALC-STRING. If a
calculation script of that name already exists, it is replaced.

create calculation as
Create a calculation as a copy of another stored calculation.

• When creating database-level calculations, this statement requires the database to
be started.
• A stored calculation can be associated with an application/database, or with
an application only. To create an application-level calculation, use two tokens
for CALC-NAME. To create a database-level calculation, use three tokens. See
CALC-NAME for more details.
• Calculations created using MaxL must be valid. For information about calculation
syntax, see Designing and Maintaining Essbase Cubes.


create or replace calculation sample.basic.Accts

CALC DIM(Accounts);'

Creates a calculation named Accts that is associated with


create calculation sample.basic.Accts2 as app.db.Accts

Creates a calculation named Accts2 on sample.basic that is a

copy of another database's calculation named Accts.

Create Database
Click here for aggregate storage version
Create or re-create a database. Optionally create the database as a copy of another
database on the same system. See DBS-NAME for information on the maximum
length of and special characters that are allowed in a database name. Database
names are not case-sensitive.
Permission required: Application Manager. To copy a database, Manager permission
on the source database is additionally required.


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Use create database to create a database in the following ways:


create database
Create a new database. Database names are not case-sensitive.

create or replace database

Create a database, or replace an existing database of the same name. Database
names are not case-sensitive.

create database using non_unique_members

Create a database that supports the use of duplicate member names. Once you have
created a database with a duplicate member outline, you cannot convert it back to a
unique member outline.
For more information about duplicate member names, see Creating and Working With
Duplicate Member Outlines.

create database as
Create a database as a copy of another database. Database names are not case-

create currency database

Create or replace a database for currency conversion. Linking a currency database
to a main database enables you to convert currency values in a database from one
currency into another currency.

Create a database description (optional). The description can contain up to 80


create or replace database Sample.Basic comment 'This is a test.';

Creates a database called Basic within the Sample

application. If a database named Basic within the Sample
application already exists, it is overwritten.

create database Sample.New as Sample.Basic;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Creates a database called New within the Sample application

that is a copy of the database Basic within the Sample

create currency database Sample.Interntl;

Creates a currency database called Interntl within the Sample


Create Drillthrough
Create a drill-through URL within the active cube outline.
For each drillable region of a cube, you can enable drill-through access by means of a
URL to Web content hosted on Oracle ERP and EPM applications.


Use create drillthrough to create a drill-through URL definition in the following ways:


create drillthrough
Create a drill-through URL as metadata.
The number of drill-through URLs per database is limited to 255.

from xml_file
Indicate the path to the local URL XML file that defines the link information.
The URL XML is created by the ERP or EPM application that deployed the cube. The
XML contains the drill-through URL display name and a URL enabling the hyperlink
from a cell to a Web interface to occur.
The following is a sample URL XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<foldercontents path="/">
<resource name="Assets Drill through GL" description=""
<name xml:lang="fr">Rapport de ventes</name>
<name xml:lang="es">Informe de ventas</name>

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

<action name="Display HTML" description="Launch HTML display of

Content" shortdesc="HTML">

on {<member-expression>,...}
Define the list of drillable regions, using the same member-set calculation language
that is used to define security filters. The list of drillable regions must be enclosed in
The number of drillable regions in a drill-through URL is limited to 256. The number of
characters per drillable region is limited to 65536.

level0 only
Optional: Restrict the URL definition to level-0 data.


create drillthrough sample.basic.myURL from xml_file "myfile1.xml" on

{'@Ichildren(“Qtr1”)', '@Ichildren(“Qtr2”)'} level0 only;

Create Filter
Create or re-create a database security filter, either from scratch or as a copy of
another filter on the same system. Filters control security for database objects. Use
grant to assign filters to users and groups.
Minimum permission required: Database Manager.


Use create filter to create a filter in the following ways:


create filter
Create a security filter to restrict or permit access to specified database cells.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

create or replace filter

Create a security filter or replace an existing security filter of the same name.

create filter ... no_access on <member-expression>

Create a filter blocking access to a specified member combination.

create filter ... read on <member-expression>

Create a filter providing read-only access to a specified member combination.

create filter ... write on <member-expression>

Create a filter providing write access to a specified member combination.

create filter ... meta_read on <member-expression>

Create a filter restricting access to siblings and ancestors of the member expression.
In case of a filtering conflict, the MetaRead filtering overrides the other filter
permissions. For more information about metatdata filtering, see Metadata Filtering.

create or replace filter ... definition_only;

Updates the filter definition while retaining user associations with the filter. If you
replace a filter without using definition_only, then the filter must be re-granted to
any users to whom it was assigned.

The member expression must be enclosed in single quotation marks. It can be a
comma-separated list.


create filter sample.basic.filt1 read on 'Jan, sales', no_access on


Creates a filter to restrict privileges to Sample.Basic as

follows: gives read-only access to the intersection of Jan and
sales (sales data for January only); blocks access to children
of Qtr2 (April, May, and June).

create or replace filter sample.basic.filt1 read on 'Sales,


Creates a filter (or changes an existing filter) to restrict

privileges to Sample.Basic as follows: gives read-only access
to sales data for products packaged in a bottle (product
base dimension members associated with the Bottle attribute

Create Location Alias

Create on the database a location alias identifying a host name, database, user
name, and password. Location aliases provide a shorthand way of referencing login
information for other cubes.
Minimum permission required: Database Manager.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


Use create location alias to create a location alias in the following ways:


create location alias

Create a location alias, identifying a remote host name, database, user name, and
password. The location alias can be used by the @XREF function as an abbreviated
login to a remote database.

create or replace location alias

Create a location alias, replacing any existing location alias of the same name on the
same database.

...from <dbs-name>
Specify the name of the current database (the database on which the location alias is
being created). <dbs-name>
Specify the name of the remote database to log in to. <host-name>
Specify where the remote database resides (using discovery URL). <user-name> identified by <password>

Specify a user name and password with which to log in to the remote database.

• This statement requires the database to be started.
• Location aliases created using MaxL must be valid.
• Location aliases are used by the @XREF calculation function for cross-database

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


create location alias EasternDB from Sample.Basic to East.Sales at

"" as
smith identified by 'password';

Creates a location alias called EasternDB on Sample.Basic

that represents the following login information:

• remote host =

• application = East
• database = Sales
• user name = Fiona
• password = sunflower

Create Partition
Create or validate a partition definition between two databases.
Permission required: Database Manager at both sites.
Select the type of partition to create:
• transparent
• replicated
Partitions created using MaxL must be valid. To validate a partition, use the validate
only clause. For information about partition definitions, see Designing and Maintaining
Essbase Cubes.

Create Replicated Partition

Create or validate a replicated partition definition between two cubes. A replicated
partition copies a portion of the source (or master) cube to be stored in a target cube.
Users can access the target cube as if it were the source. The administrator must
periodically refresh the target data from the source data.


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Use create replicated partition to create a partition in the following ways:


create replicated partition

Create a replicated partition. A replicated partition is a copy of a portion of the data
source that is stored in the data target.

create or replace ...partition

Create a partition definition, or replace an existing partition definition.

Define the partition areas to share with the other cube. Optionally nickname the area
using an area-alias .

to <dbs-name>
Create a partition definition between the current source cube and the second cube
(the target).

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

from <dbs-name>
Create a partition definition between the current target cube and the second cube (the

at <host-name>
Specify the discovery URL of the remote cube.

as <user-name> identified by <password>

Provide the name and password of a default partition user who can connect to both
cubes. Essbase uses the login information to:
• Transfer data between the source and the target for replicated and transparent
partitions. Security filters can be applied to prevent end users from seeing
privileged data.
• Synchronize outlines for all partition types.

using <user-name> identified by <password> for creation

Create the partition using a different user than the one being set as the default
partition user. This can be useful when you want to specify a read-only user account
as the default partition user.

Define the member-name mapping for shared sections of both cubes, if member
names for sections that map are different in the two cubes.

Specify the direction in which outline synchronization should proceed, if necessary.
The default direction is the same as the data-refresh direction.

Allow or disallow the updating of data in a replicated-type partition target. If you do not
specify update allow, by default, the replicated partition cannot be updated.

Create a comment to describe the source half of the partition definition.

remote comment
Create a comment to describe the target half of the partition definition.

validate only
Validate the existing partition definition described by this statement, without actually
creating it.

• Multiple area specifications are allowed, provided they are separated by
whitespace. Multiple mappings are allowed, provided they are separated by
whitespace. All area aliases used in a mapping should be associated with the
target, and the direction of the mapped clause should go from source to target.
• The first DBS-NAME is the local cube, and the second DBS-NAME is the remote
• Creating a partition tothe remote site means the current cube is the source.
Creating a partition fromthe remote site means the current cube is the target.
• Aggregate storage cubes can be the target, but not the source, of a replicated

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


create or replace replicated partition source.source

area 'DimensionA' sourceAreaA
area 'DimensionB' sourceAreaB
to at "https://myEssbase-"
as admin identified by 'password'
area 'ParentMemberA' targetAreaA
area 'ParentMemberB' targetAreaB
mapped targetAreaA (ChildA) to (Child_a)
mapped targetAreaB (ChildB) to (Child_b)

Creates a partition from cube Source to cube Target where

the partitioned areas between them are DimensionA and
DimensionB on the source, corresponding to ParentMemberA
and ParentMemberB (respectively) on the target. Differences
in member names between the two partitioned areas are
resolved during the partition creation, using the mapped
clauses. Area aliases are used after each area specification,
so that members can be mapped specifically for each area.

create or replace replicated partition sampeast.east

area '@IDESCENDANTS("Eastern Region"), @IDESCENDANTS(Qtr1)'
to at "https://myEssbase-"
as partitionuser identified by 'password'
update disallow;

Creates a replicated partition from an area in the source

cube, sampeast.east, to an area in the target cube,

create or replace replicated partition sampeast.east

area '@IDESCENDANTS("Eastern Region"), @IDESCENDANTS(Qtr1)'
to at "https://myEssbase-"
as admin identified by 'password'
mapped foo (Year) to (Yr)
update allow validate only;

Validates the syntax of a replicated partition you might want

to create. To create the partition after checking validity, simply
remove the validate only phrase. For an explanation of foo as
used above, see the definition for AREA-ALIAS .

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Create Transparent Partition

Create or validate a transparent partition definition between two cubes. A transparent
partition allows users to manipulate data that is stored in a target cube as if it were part
of the source cube. The remote data is retrieved from the data source each time that
users at the data target request it.


Use create transparent partition to create a partition in the following ways:


create transparent partition

Create a transparent partition. A transparent partition enables users to access data
from the data source as though it were stored in the data target. The data is, however,

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

stored at the data source, which can be in another application, in another cube, or on
another Essbase instance.

create or replace ...partition

Create a partition definition, or replace an existing partition definition.

Define the partition areas to share with the other database. Optionally nickname the
area using an area-alias.

to <dbs-name>
Create a partition definition between the current source cube and the second cube
(the target).

from <dbs-name>
Create a partition definition between the current target cube and the second cube (the

at <host-name>
Specify the discovery URL of the remote cube.

as <user-name> identified by <password>

Provide the name and password of a default partition user who can connect to both
cubes. Essbase uses the login information to:
• Transfer data between the source and the target for replicated and transparent
partitions. Security filters can be applied to prevent end users from seeing
privileged data.
• Synchronize outlines for all partition types.

using <user-name> identified by <password> for creation

Create the partition using a different user than the one being set as the default
partition user. This can be useful when you want to specify a read-only user account
as the default partition user.

Define the member-name mapping for shared sections of both cubes, if member
names for sections that map are different in the two cubes.

Specify the direction in which outline synchronization should proceed, if necessary.
The default direction is the same as the data-refresh direction.

Create a comment to describe the source half of the partition definition.

remote comment
Create a comment to describe the target half of the partition definition.

validate only
Validate the existing partition definition described by this statement, without actually
creating it.

• Multiple area specifications are allowed, provided they are separated by
whitespace. Multiple mappings are allowed, provided they are separated by

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

whitespace. All area aliases used in a mapping should be associated with the
target, and the direction of the mapped clause should go from source to target.
• The first DBS-NAME is the local cube, and the second DBS-NAME is the remote
• Creating a partition to the remote site means the current cube is the source.
Creating a partition from the remote site means the current cube is the target.
• Aggregate storage cubes can be the source, the target, or the source and target of
a transparent partition. Outline synchronization (refresh outline statement) is not
currently enabled for partitions that involve aggregate storage cubes.


create or replace transparent partition sampeast.east

area '@CHILDREN("Eastern Region"), @CHILDREN(Qtr1)' sourceArea
to at "https://myEssbase-"
as partitionuser identified by 'password'
area '@CHILDREN(East) @CHILDREN(Qtr1)' targetArea;

Creates a transparent partition between the source,

sampeast.east, and the target, The
partition is defined only for the areas specified by the area
aliases sourceArea and targetArea.

create or replace transparent partition source.source

area 'DimensionA' sourceAreaA
area 'DimensionB' sourceAreaB
to at "https://myEssbase-"
as smith identified by 'password'
area 'ParentMemberA' targetAreaA
area 'ParentMemberB' targetAreaB
mapped targetAreaA (ChildA) to (Child_a)
mapped targetAreaB (ChildB) to (Child_b)

Creates a partition from cube Source to cube Target where

the partitioned areas between them are DimensionA and
DimensionB on the source, corresponding to ParentMemberA
and ParentMemberB (respectively) on the target. Differences
in member names between the two partitioned areas are
resolved during the partition creation, using the mapped
clauses. Area aliases are used after each area specification,
so that members can be mapped specifically for each area.

Create Trigger
Create or replace a trigger to track state changes over a selected cube area.
Select the type of trigger to create:

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

• on-update
• after-update

Create After-Update Trigger

Create or replace a trigger to track state changes over a selected cube area.
Triggers help you track whether designated constraints are violated during updates
(events) in the area, and allow you to specify resultant actions to execute if violations
are detected.
Minimum permission required: Database Manager.
Create an after-update trigger if you want the trigger to be activated after the entire
data update operation is completed. This is the only type of trigger supported in
aggregate storage mode. When after-update triggers are used, the trigger fires when
an update operation on level-0 data cells is complete, and the update operation as a
whole has met any condition specified for the cube area.

You cannot create or replace a trigger during a calculation, data update, or
data load.

If a calculation assigns the same value to a given cell as was already present
before the calculation, then triggers for that cell will not activate. In other
words, if cell values are not changed, blocks are not marked as dirty, and
triggers for those blocks are not activated, even if the trigger condition was
otherwise met.


Use create after update trigger to create a trigger in the following ways:

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


create after update trigger

Create a new after-update trigger.

create or replace after update trigger

Create an after-update trigger, or replace an existing trigger of the same name.

where <cube area>

Define the area of the database to be tracked. Use a valid, symmetric MDX slicer

when <condition>
Define the condition to be tested for using the keyword WHEN followed by a valid
MDX conditional expression.

then <action>
Define the action to be taken if the WHEN condition is met. See examples in
Examples of Triggers.

The END keyword must terminate every create trigger statement.


create or replace after update trigger Sample.Basic.EastColas

where (Jan, Sales, Actual, [100], East)
when Jan > 20 then spool EastColas_Fail end;

Logs a message in the EastColas_Fail file in the database


Create On-Update Trigger

Create or replace an on-update trigger to track state changes over a selected cube
Triggers help you track whether designated constraints are violated during updates
(events) in the area, and allow you to specify resultant actions to execute if violations
are detected.
Minimum permission required: Database Manager.
An on-update trigger is the default type of trigger, even if no type is specified. During
a data update process, any cell update that meets a condition specified for the cube
area will immediately activate the trigger. On-update triggers are not supported in
aggregate storage databases. If you are using an aggregate storage database, you
can create after-update triggers.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

If a calculation assigns the same value to a given cell as was already present
before the calculation, then triggers for that cell will not activate. In other
words, if cell values are not changed, blocks are not marked as dirty, and
triggers for those blocks are not activated, even if the trigger condition was
otherwise met.

You cannot create or replace a trigger during a calculation, data update, or
data load.


Use create on update trigger to create a trigger in the following ways:


create [on update] trigger

Create a new on-update trigger. The on update keywords are optional; an on-update
trigger is created by default.

create or replace [on update] trigger

Create an on-update trigger, or replace an existing trigger of the same name.

log_value OFF
Optional. Log no data values to the trigger spool file. This is the default.

log_value ON
Optional. Log new and old data values to the trigger spool file.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

where <cube area>

Define the area of the database to be tracked. Use a valid, symmetric MDX slicer

when <condition>
Define the condition to be tested for using the keyword WHEN followed by a valid
MDX conditional expression.

then <action>
Define the action to be taken if the WHEN condition is met. See examples in
Examples of Triggers.

else <action>
Optional. Define an action to be taken if the WHEN condition is not met. See
examples in Examples of Triggers.

The END keyword must terminate every create trigger statement.


create or replace on update trigger Sample.Basic.EastColas

where (Jan, Sales, Actual, [100], East)
when Jan > 20 then spool EastColas_Fail end;

Logs a message in the EastColas_Fail file in the database


Display Application
View information about current application-wide settings.


Use display application to display application information in the following ways:


Display all applications on the system.

Display the named application.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

<app-name> message_level
Display the message-level settings for the named application.
Sample output:

component message_level
Sample info

Output Columns

String. Name of the application.

String. Optional description of the application.

TRUE or FALSE. Whether all users who have at least read permission can start the

TRUE or FALSE. Whether the application starts when Essbase Server starts.

minimum permission
String. Minimum level of permission all users can have to databases in the

TRUE or FALSE. Whether any user with a permission lower than Application Manager
can make connections to the databases in this application which would require the
databases to be started.

TRUE or FALSE. Whether users with sufficient permissions can make read requests (or
higher) to databases in the application.

TRUE or FALSE. Whether users with sufficient permissions can make write requests (or
higher) to databases in the application.

TRUE or FALSE. If FALSE, the Essbase security settings are disabled for the
application, and all users are treated as Application Managers.

Number. Maximum time interval (in seconds) that locks on data blocks can be held by

Number. If 0, there is no limit on the size of LRO attachments. All other sizes are
displayed in kilobytes.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

The type of encoding for the application.

0 Unspecified encoding type. The application was created using a

pre-Release 7.0 version of Essbase.
1 This value is not in use.
2 Non-Unicode-mode application
3 Unicode-mode application

The language of the character set in use by the application.

The name of the computer hosting the Essbase Server.


0 Not Loaded
1 Loading
2 Loaded
3 Unloading

How long the application has been loaded.

The number of users currently connected to the application.

The data storage type of the application.

0 Default data storage (same as 1)

1 Block storage (multidimensional)
4 Aggregate storage

The number of databases in the application namespace.


display application;

Displays information about all applications on the system.

display application Sample;

Displays information about the Sample application.

Display Calculation
View a list of stored calculations on the system.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


Use display calculation to display calculations in the following ways:


Display all stored calculations on the system.

Display the named calculation.

on application
Display all calculations on the specified application.

on database
Display all calculations on the specified database.


display calculation;

Display Database
View information about current database-wide state and settings.


Use display database to display database information in the following ways:

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


Display information for all databases on the system.

Display information about the specified database.

on application
Display information about all databases on the specified application.

Display information about recent requests for the database. Information about the last
three requests is returned.

Output Columns

Name of the application

Name of the database

Text of the database comment, if present

Whether the database is set to start when a user attempts retrievals against it

Whether the database is set to start when the application starts

minimum permission
Minimum permission setting for the database.

Whether Essbase aggregates missing values during database calculations

Whether Two-Pass calculation is enabled

Whether create blocks on equations is enabled

The size setting of the data cache for holding uncompressed data blocks

The size setting of the file cache

The size setting of the index cache, a buffer in memory that holds index pages

The size setting for the index page, a subdivision of an index file that contains index
entries that point to data blocks. This setting is not changeable

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Whether cache memory locking is enabled (no longer supported)

Compression type. Field values are numeric, and translate as follows:

1 Run-length encoding
2 Bitmap
3 (no longer supported)

The size of the retrieval buffer, used to process and optimize retrievals from grid

The size of the retrieval sort buffer, used to hold data to be sorted during retrievals

The current I/O access mode. Only buffered I/O is supported.

Values are numeric, and translate as follows:

0 Invalid / Error
1 Buffered
2 Direct /* no longer supported

Whether Essbase is set to wait to acquire a lock on data blocks that are locked by
another transaction

Whether Essbase is set to enable transactions to hold read/write locks on all data
blocks involved with a transaction until the transaction completes and commits

Whether Essbase is set to allow users read-only access to data blocks that are locked
for the duration of another concurrent transaction

The maximum number of minutes that data blocks can be locked by users

The number of data blocks updated before Essbase performs a commit (The default
is 3000)

The number of rows of a data file processed during a data load before Essbase
performs a commit (The default is 0)

Name of a linked currency database, if one exists

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

The member to use as a default value in currency conversions

The method of currency conversion.
Values are numeric, and translate as follows:

1 division
2 multiplication

Annotation accessible from the login dialog box

Database type. Values are numeric, and translate as follows:

0 Normal
1 Currency /* no longer supported

Values are numeric, and translate as follows:

0 Not read only

1 Read only

Running status of the database. Values are numeric, and translate as follows:

0 Not Loaded
1 Loading
2 Loaded
3 Unloading

How long the database has been running, in hours:minutes:seconds

Number of connected users

How many data blocks are locked

Number of dimensions

Number of disk volumes

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Values are numeric, and translate as follows:

0 No Data
1 Data Loaded without Calculation
2 Data is Calculated

Current size of the data cache

Current size of the file cache

Current size of the index cache

Current size of the index page

For currency databases, the country dimension

For currency databases, the time dimension

For currency databases, the accounts dimension where currency categories are

For currency databases, the currency type dimension, which contains members that
identify various currency scenarios

request_type_n / request_user_n / request_start_n / request_end_n

If you use the request_history keyword, information about the last three requests
is returned under columns request_type_n, request_user_n, request_start_n, and
request_end_n, where n is 1, 2, and 3. The request_user fields return the names
of the users who made the requests. The request_start and request_end fields return
the date and time of the requests.
request_type field values are numeric, and translate as follows:

0 Data Load
1 Calculation
2 Outline Update


display database;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Displays information about all databases on the system.

display database Sample.Basic;

Displays information about the Sample.Basic database.

Display Drillthrough
View drill-through URL definitions used to link to content hosted on Oracle ERP and
EPM applications.


Use display drillthrough to display URL information in the following ways:


Display all drill-through URL definitions on the database.
The number of drill-through URLs per database is limited to 255.

<dbs-name> to <file-name-prefix>
Display all drill-through URL definitions on the database, writing the URL XML content
to file names prefixed with the string given as input for FILE-NAME-PREFIX.

Display the specified drill-through URL definition.
The number of drillable regions in a drill-through URL is limited to 256. The number of
characters per drillable region is limited to 65536.

<url-name> to <file-name>
Display the specified drill-through URL definition, writing the URL XML content to the
specified file name.


display drillthrough sample.basic;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Displays all drill-through URL definitions on Sample.Basic.

display drillthrough sample.basic to "urlxmls";

Displays all drill-through URL definitions on Sample.Basic,

writing the URL XML content to file names prefixed with

display drillthrough sample.basic."Drill through To EPMI";

Displays the drill-through URL definition named Drill

through To EPMI.

display drillthrough sample.basic."Drill through To EPMI" to "c:/temp/


Displays the drill-through URL definition named Drill

through To EPMI, writing the URL XML content to the file

Display Filter
View a specific filter or a list of all filters on the system.


Use display filter to display filters in the following ways. Use display filter row to
display the contents of filters.


Display all filters on the system.

Display a filter by name.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

on database
Display all filters associated with the specified database.


display filter;

Displays the names of all filters on the system.

Display Filter Row

View the filter rows which define database access within a specific filter or all filters.


You can display filter contents in the following ways using display filter row.


Display all filters (and their contents) defined on the system.

Display a filter and its contents by name.

on database
Display all filters (and their contents) associated with the specified database.


display filter row sample.basic.filt2;

Displays the row-by-row definition of a filter named filt2 which

is associated with Sample.Basic.

Display Group
View a specific group or a list of all groups on the system. To view group membership
information, use display user.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


Use display group to display groups in the following ways:


Display all security groups on the system.

This MaxL grammar is deprecated. Oracle recommends using Java API or
Oracle Enterprise Manager to get a list of all groups.

Display a security group by name.

Display Location Alias

View a specific location alias or a list of all location aliases defined on the system.


You can display location aliases in the following ways using display location alias.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


Display all location aliases defined on the system.

Display a location alias by name.

on application
Display all location aliases defined for the specified application.

on database
Display all location aliases defined for the specified database.


display location alias all;

Displays a list of location aliases defined on the system.

Display Lock
View information about locks currently held by users or processes on data blocks.

Data locks do not apply to aggregate storage applications.


You can display locks in the following ways using display lock.


Display all locks on the specified scope. If all is omitted, this is the default.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

on system
Display all locks on the system.

on application
Display all locks associated with the specified application.

on database
Display all locks associated with the specified database.

Display Object
View a list of database-related file objects stored in database directories.


You can display objects in the following ways using display object.


Display all stored objects on the specified scope.

Display only locked objects on the specified scope.

of type...
Display only the objects of type specified by OBJ-TYPE ::=.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Display a specific object by name and type.

on system
Display all stored objects on the system.

on application
Display all objects associated with the specified application.

on database
Display all objects associated with the specified database.


MAXL> display object sample.basic.Calcdat of type text;

applicati database object_na object_ty locked locked_by

Sample Basic Calcdat 9 FALSE N/A N/A

Display Partition
View information about a specific partitioned database or all partitioned databases
on the system. Only displays partition information for applications which are currently


You can display partition information in the following ways using display partition.


Display all partitions defined on the system.

on database
Display all partitions associated with the specified database.

Display full information including areas and member mappings for local and remote
pieces of partitions.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

If a partition definition is invalid, the same partition may be displayed twice, one time
for each half. Each half will show the connection information of the other half.


display partition all;

Displays information about all partitioned databases defined

on the system.

Display Privilege
View a list of privileges, calculations, or filters held by users or groups.


You can display security permissions in the following ways using display privilege.


Display security permissions for all users, or for a specified user.

Display security permissions for all groups, or for a specified group.

The values returned for the type field are numeric, and translate as follows:

Table 3-7 Output Columns

Column Description
1 System-level system privileges (no longer
supported in MaxL)
2 System-level system roles (no longer
supported in MaxL)

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Table 3-7 (Cont.) Output Columns

Column Description
3 Execute calculation
4 Filter


display privilege user Fiona;

Displays the privileges user Fiona has on each database

object, including any calculations or filters granted to Fiona.

display privilege group;

Displays privileges held by all groups on the system to all

applications and databases on the system.

Display Session
View active login sessions on the current server, application, or database, including:
• The user that owns each session
• A session ID for each session
• How long the sessions have been active
• Information about outstanding requests (description, time started, name of
computer originating the request, and status).



Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

You can display login and request information in the following ways using display


Display information about all current user sessions and active requests.

Display information about a particular user session, indicated by the numeric session

by user
Display information about all current sessions by a particular user.

by user on application
Display information about all current sessions by a particular user on the specified

by user on database
Display information about all current sessions by a particular user on the specified

on application
Display information about all current sessions on the specified application.

on database
Display information about all current sessions on the specified database.

Table 3-8 Display Session: Output Columns

Column Description Example

user Logged in user name powerusr
session Numeric session id 865075202
login_time Number of seconds ago the 192
session began
application Name of active application Sample
database Name of active database Basic
db_connect_time Number of seconds ago the 11879
database was set active
request Type of active request BuildDimXml :
in progress; for example, Index Only
calculation, data load, or
restructure. This information
can help you get details
about what is occurring during
lengthy sessions.
request_time Number of milliseconds the 1503869494621
active request has been
connection_source Host name of the connected

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Table 3-8 (Cont.) Display Session: Output Columns

Column Description Example

connection_ip IP address of the connected
request_state The status of the active in_progress


display session;

display session on database sample.basic;

Display System
View information about current system-wide settings.


You can display server-wide information in the following ways using display system.


display system
Display current connections and system-wide settings.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

configuration field values are numeric, and translate as follows:

1 Non-Unicode mode
2 Unicode mode

display system version

Display the server software version number.

display system ports in use

Display information about ports currently in use on the system.

display system ports overview

Display the number of ports that are available and in use on the system.

display system export_directory

Display names of directories created for linked-reporting objects exported from a
database to a directory created in $ARBORPATH\app.
If you used export lro and gave a full path to a directory for export files, those
directories are not listed. Only export directories created in the ARBORPATH\App
directory using the following export lro method are listed:
export database DBS-NAME lro to <server or local> directory DBS-EXPORT-
where DBS-EXPORT-DIR is a suffix (for example, dir1) for the name of a directory
created by MaxL in $ARBORPATH\App. MaxL creates the directory with a prefix of
appname-dbsname-. For example, display system export_directory would list the
following directories existing under $ARBORPATH\App:



but it would not list export directories created elsewhere by providing a full directory
path when using the export lro statement, such as:c:\MyExports\MyExportDir

display system license_info

Display information about the license settings implemented on the system.

display system security mode

The type of security in use: native or OPSS mode.
security_mode field values are numeric, and translate as follows:

1 Native Essbase security (no longer supported)

2 OPSS security

display system configuration agent

Display current Essbase Agent configuration properties.
Permission required: Administrator.

display system configuration network

Display current Essbase configuration properties applicable to the network.
Permission required: Administrator.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

display system configuration errors

Display Essbase configuration properties that contain errors: an error is any line entry
that is not a comment and results in nothing being set.
Permission required: Administrator.

display system configuration on database DBS-NAME

Display Essbase configuration properties applicable to the named database.
Permission required: Administrator.

Display the values that are set for the system message level.
Sample output:

component message_level
system info


display system;

Displays current password and session management settings.

display system configuration agent;

Displays current Essbase configuration properties applicable

to the Essbase Agent.

Sample Outputs for Display System Configuration

MAXL> set column_width 40;

MAXL> display system configuration agent;


OK/INFO - 1241044 - Records returned: [3].

MAXL> display system configuration network;


OK/INFO - 1241044 - Records returned: [2].

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

MAXL> display system configuration on database democfg.basic;

DYNCALCCACHEMAXSIZE DB[41943040], SV[41943040]

OK/INFO - 1241044 - Records returned: [9].

Display Trigger
View details about a trigger created to track state changes over a selected cube area.

The application containing the trigger must be started in order to use display



Table 3-9 Output Columns

Column Description
application The name of the application that contains the
database The name of the database that contains the
trigger. Essbase lists only databases that
contain triggers.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Table 3-9 (Cont.) Output Columns

Column Description
name The name of the trigger.
definition The MaxL trigger statement (for example,
create or replace trigger)
enabled Whether Essbase is set to monitor the trigger.
Values: TRUE or FALSE. To change the value,
use alter trigger.


display trigger on database Sample.Basic;

This example displays the output columns:

Table 3-10 Display Trigger MaxL Output

application database name definition enabled

Sample Basic WatchCosts create or replace TRUE

Display Trigger Spool

View the log file created by a trigger. Triggers track state changes over a selected
cube area. For more information about triggers, see Examples of Triggers.



Display User
View a specific user or a list of all users defined on the system. View account and
group membership information.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


You can display user information in the following ways using display user.


Display information about all users on the system.

This MaxL grammar is deprecated. Oracle recommends using Java API or
Oracle Enterprise Manager to get a list of all users.

Display information about the specified user.

in group all
Display membership information for all groups on the system.

in group <group-name>
Display membership information for the specified group.

Output Columns

String. Name of the user.

No longer supported.

logged in
Values: TRUE or FALSE.

Integer. The number of days before the password expires, or 0 if no expiration is set.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Values: TRUE if the user account is active, or FALSE if the account has been disabled
by an administrator.

Values: TRUE if the user must change the password at the next login; FALSE


0 User is set up using native Essbase security (no longer

1 No longer used.
3 User is externally authenticated.

If the user is externally authenticated, this field contains the value OPSS. This field is
blank if the type field is 0 (the user is not externally authenticated).

conn param
This field is blank.


0 No access
1 Essbase access
2 Planning access
3 Essbase and Planning access (requires 2 licenses)

See also Descriptions section.


display user;

Displays all users on the system and shows whether they are
logged in, whether their accounts are enabled, and whether
their passwords are set to expire.

display user in group;

Displays the membership information of all groups on the


display user in group big_group;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Displays the membership information for a group called


Display Variable
View a list of substitution variables defined on the system.


You can display substitution variables in the following ways using display variable.


Display all substitution variables defined on the Essbase Server, including those
associated with applications and databases.

Display a substitution variable by name.
Permission required:
• Read access for the applicable database or application.
• Administrator for system-defined variables.

on application
Display only substitution variables defined on the specified application.
Permission required: Read access for the application.

on database
Display only substitution variables defined on the specified database.
Permission required: Read access for the database.

on system
Display only the substitution variables associated with the Essbase Server.
Permission required: Administrator.

To manage substitution variables, use alter database (containing add, drop, and set

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


display variable;

Displays a list of all substitution variables on the Essbase


Drop Application
Delete an empty application from the system. To remove an application with
databases, use cascade. To remove an application that has locked objects in a
constituent database, you can use force.
Minimum permission required: Application Manager.


You can delete applications in the following ways using drop application.


Delete an application along with its constituent databases.

Delete an application that may have locked objects in a constituent database.

Drop Calculation
Delete a stored calculation from a database.
Minimum permission required: Database Manager.

You can delete calculations using drop calculation.


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


drop calculation <calc-name>

Delete the specified calculation.


drop calculation Sample.basic.calcname;

Deletes a calculation from Sample.basic.

Drop Database
Delete a database from the sytsem. If the database has outstanding locks, clear them
first, or use force to drop with locks.
Minimum permission required: Database Manager.

You can delete databases using drop database.



Delete a database that may have locked objects.


drop database Sample.Basic force;

Deletes the database Sample.Basic, even if client users have

outstanding locks on Sample.Basic.

Drop Drillthrough
Delete a drill-through URL definition used to link to content hosted on Oracle ERP and
EPM applications.


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements



drop drillthrough sample.basic.myURL;

Drop Filter
Delete a security filter from the database.
Minimum permission required: Database Manager.


You can delete filters using drop filter.


drop filter <filter-name>

Delete a filter by name.


drop filter sample.basic.filter1;

Deletes the filter called filter1 from the sample.basic database.

Drop Location Alias

Delete from the database a location alias identifying a host name, application,
database, user name, and password.
Minimum permission required: Database Manager.


You can delete location aliases using drop location alias.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


drop location alias <location-alias-name>

Delete a location-alias definition.


drop location alias Main.Sales.EasternDB;

Drops the location alias called EasternDB in the Main.Sales


Drop Lock
Remove locks acquired through a grid client operation.

Data locks do not apply to aggregate storage applications.




drop lock on system all

Drops all locks by all users, for all databases on the system.

drop lock all

Same as "drop lock on system all"

drop lock on system

Same as "drop lock on system all"

drop lock
Same as "drop lock on system all"

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

drop lock on application APP-NAME

Drops all locks on the application, for all users.

drop lock on application APP-NAME held by USER-NAME

Drops locks on the application which are held by a specific user.

drop lock on database DBS-NAME

Drops all locks on the database, for all users.

drop lock on database DBS-NAME held by USER-NAME

Drops locks on the database which are held by a specific user.

drop lock held by USER-NAME

Drops all locks held by a specific user, on any application or database.

Drop Object
Remove database-related file objects stored in database directories.




If the object is locked by a user or proecess, unlock it and delete it.

To drop a partition, use drop partition.

Drop Partition
Delete from the system a partition definition between two cubes. Database Manager
permission for each cube is required.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


You can delete partition definitions in the following ways using drop partition.


Remove a partition definition between the current target cube and a source cube.
Remove a partition definition between the current source cube and a target cube.

at <host-name>
Optionally specify the host location, if removing a partition definition associated with a
remote instance.
Use the discovery URL to indicate the location. For example, "https://myEssbase-".

Specify that the source half of a partition definition should be dropped regardless
of whether the target half is missing or invalid. For more information, see Forcing
Deletion of Partitions.

If the create partition statement used was of the format:

create partition SOURCE to TARGET;

Then the only permutations of the drop partition statement that will have effect are:

drop partition SOURCE to TARGET;

drop partition TARGET from SOURCE;


create or replace replicated partition

sampeast.east area '@IDESCENDANTS("Eastern Region"),
@IDESCENDANTS(Qtr1)' to at "https://myEssbase-";

drop replicated partition Samppart.Company from Sampeast.East;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Drop Trigger
Remove a trigger created to track state changes over a selected cube area.




drop trigger Sample.Basic.WatchCosts ;

Drop Trigger Spool

Delete the log file created by a trigger. Triggers track state changes over a selected
cube area. For more information about triggers, see Examples of Triggers.



Execute Calculation
Click here for aggregate storage version
Execute a stored calculation, the stored default calculation (determined by alter
database), or an anonymous (non-stored) calculation string.
Minimum permissions required:
• For stored calculations (CALC-NAME): Granted access to the calculation.
• For anonymous calculations (CALC-STRING) and the default calculation:
Database Update


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

You can run calculations in the following ways using execute calculation.


execute calculation <calc-name>

Run the specified stored calculation script.

<calc-name> on database
Run the specified stored calculation script against the specified database.

<calc-string> on <dbs-name>
Run an anonymous calculation, whose body is contained in <calc-string>, against the
specified database.

default on <dbs-name>
Run the default calculation against the specified database.

<calc-name> with runtimesubvars <rtsv-list>

Run the specified stored calculation script with the runtime substitution variables
specified in RTSV-LIST, which is a string of runtime substitution variables specified
as key/value pairs. The string must be enclosed with single quotation marks, and the
key/value pairs must be separated by a semicolon, including a semicolon after the
last runtime substitution variable in the string and before the terminal single quotation
mark. In this example of a runtime substitution variable string, the name and value of
four runtime substitution variables are specified (for example, the value of the runtime
substitution variable named "a" is 100):

'a=100;b=@CHILDREN("100");c="Actual"->"Final";d="New York";'

The string of runtime substitution variables cannot exceed 64 KB.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Runtime substitution variables used in a calculation script must be declared
in the SET RUNTIMESUBVARS calculation command, with a name and
default value. If a different value is declared in the RTSV-LIST, the default
value is overwritten at runtime.
If you include a runtime substitution variable in RTSV-LIST that has
not been declared in SET RUNTIMESUBVARS, Essbase ignores the
undeclared runtime substitution variable (no warnings or exceptions are
Runtime substitution variables that are used in a calculation script can
be logged in the application log file, using the ENABLERTSVLOGGING
configuration setting. See "Logging Runtime Substitution Variables" in the
Designing and Maintaining Essbase Cubes.
If the name of a runtime substitution variable that is declared in the
SET RUNTIMESUBVARS calculation command is the same as a runtime
substitution variable declared in RTSV-LIST, the value specified in RTSV-
LIST overwrites the default value in SET RUNTIMESUBVARS.

• A stored calculation can be associated with a specific database in an application
(database level), or with an application only (application level). To execute a
calculation stored at the application level, you must specify which database in
the application to calculate using the on database STRING grammar.
• A calculation script can reference runtime substitution variables using the with
runtimesubvars grammar.


execute calculation Sample.Basic.Calc1;

Calculates the Sample.Basic database using the stored

calculation script file named Calc1, which is associated with
the database.

execute calculation Sample.Calc2 on database Basic;

Calculates the Sample.Basic database using the stored

calculation script file named Calc2, which is associated with
the Sample application.

execute calculation
on Sample.basic;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Calculates the Sample.Basic database using an anonymous

(unstored) calculation string.

execute calculation Sample.Basic.Calc3 with runtimesubvars


Calculates the Sample.Basic database using the stored

calculation script file named Calc3, which is associated with
the database, and the specified runtime substitution variables,
in which the value of the runtime substitution variable named
"a" is 100 and the value of "b" is 50.

Execute Aggregate Process (Aggregate Storage)

Perform an aggregation, optionally specifying the maximum disk space for the
resulting files, and optionally basing the view selection on user querying patterns.
This statement applies to aggregate storage databases only.
This statement enables you to build aggregate views with a minimum of settings. If
greater control is needed, you can combine the following statements:
• Execute Aggregate Selection
• Execute Aggregate Build
This statement causes Essbase to:
1. Select 0 or more aggregate views based on the stopping value and/or on querying
patterns, if given.
2. Build the views that were selected.
You can also configure Essbase to generate aggregate views automatically. For more
information about aggregate views, see Aggregating an Aggregate Storage Database.


You can aggregate an aggregate storage database in the following ways using
execute aggregate process.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


stopping when total_size exceeds...

Aggregate whichever views Essbase selects, with the exception that the maximum
growth of the aggregated database must not exceed the given ratio. For example, if
the size of a database is 1 GB, specifying the total size as 1.2 means that the size of
the resulting data cannot exceed 20% of 1 GB, for a total size of 1.2 GB.

based on query_data
Aggregate whichever views Essbase selects, based on collected user querying
patterns. This option is only available if query tracking is turned on, using alter
database with the enable query_tracking grammar.

enable|disable alternate_rollups
If enabled, secondary hierarchies (with default level usage) are considered for view
selection. Default: disabled (no secondary hierarchies are considered).

View selection (step 1) can be performed independently of aggregation by using
execute aggregate selection. Aggregation (step 2) can be performed without built-in
view selection by using execute aggregate build.


execute aggregate process on database ASOsamp.Sample

stopping when total_size exceeds 1.3;

Selects and builds an aggregation of the ASOsamp.Sample

database that permits the database to grow by no more than
30% as a result of the aggregation.

execute aggregate process on database ASOsamp.Sample based on


Selects and builds an aggregation of the ASOsamp.Sample

database, where the views that Essbase selects for
aggregation are based on the most frequently queried areas
of the database.

Related Topics
• Execute Aggregate Build
• Execute Aggregate Selection

Execute Aggregate Build

Performs an aggregation based on the views selected by the execute aggregate
selection statement.
The views to build must either be identified by their view IDs, obtained previously using
execute aggregate selection, or by a view selection saved in an aggregation script.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

You can also configure Essbase to generate aggregate views automatically. For more
information about aggregate views, see Aggregating an Aggregate Storage Database.


You can materialize aggregations in the following ways using execute aggregate


using views...
Builds an aggregation based on a previously selected view (or views) and the
associated outline ID.

using view_file...
Builds an aggregation based on a saved view selection stored in an aggregation
Omit the .csc file extension from the view file name when you issue the execute
aggregate build statement.

• Although it is possible to pass arbitrary view-id and view-size arguments, this
practice is not supported.
• Passing view-size arguments other than those returned by the execute aggregate
selection command may cause unpredictable results.


execute aggregate build on database Sample.Basic using views 711

0.00375 with outline_ID 4142187876;

Builds an aggregation of the Sample.Basic database. The

build is based on the view of an aggregate storage outline

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

(identified as 4142187876) having the view ID 711, and a view

size of 0.00375.

execute aggregate build on database Sample.Basic using view_file myView;

Builds an aggregation of the Sample.Basic database based on

the view saved in the aggregation script

Related Topics
• Execute Aggregate Process (Aggregate Storage)
• Execute Aggregate Selection

Execute Aggregate Selection

Select views of an aggregate storage database based on various selection criteria,
and return the results in the form of a table or aggregation script. Next, use the tabular
information or aggregation script to build an aggregation (materialize a view) using
execute aggregate build.

View selection and aggregation can be performed by Essbase in a single
step by using execute aggregate process. However, the use of the two
separate statements execute aggregate selection and execute aggregate
build enables you more control of the selection criteria.

You can also configure Essbase to generate aggregate views automatically. For more
information about aggregate views, see Aggregating an Aggregate Storage Database.


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

You can select views in the following ways using execute aggregate selection.


using views...with outline_ID

Selects views based on pre-selected view IDs. The view IDs are obtained from
previous executions of the statement.

using views...with outline_ID...force display

Selects views based on pre-selected view IDs, including the pre-selected views IDs

using views...with outline_ID...suppress display

Selects views based on pre-selected view IDs, skipping the pre-selected views IDs
themselves. This is the default behavior even if the suppress keyword is omitted.

selecting <INTEGER> views

Selects the number of views based on whether the number of views specified in
<INTEGER> is greater than or equal to, or less than, the recommended number of
default views that are returned by the execute aggregate selection statement. By
default, Essbase determines the recommended number of default views.
Assume that <RECNUM> represents the recommended number of default views:
• If the value of <INTEGER> is greater than or equal to the value of <RECNUM>,
the selected number of views equals <RECNUM>.
For example, if <INTEGER> equals 20 and <RECNUM> equals 15, the number of
selected number of views equals 15.
• If the value of <INTEGER> is less than the value of <RECNUM>, the number of
views that are selected equals <INTEGER>.
If you want the number of views that are selected to equal the value of
<INTEGER>, use the stopping when total_size exceeds <STOPPING-VAL>
grammar to change the number of recommended default views that are returned
by the execute aggregate selection statement. Define the <STOPPING-VAL>
factor large enough so that the number of default views that are returned by
execute aggregate selection is greater than the value of <INTEGER>.
For example, if <INTEGER> equals 20 and <RECNUM> equals 50, the number of
selected number of views equals 20.

This parameter does not create views.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

stopping when total_size exceeds <STOPPING-VAL>

Selects views, specifying a storage stopping value in terms of a factor times the size
of the unaggregated input (level 0) values. For example, a stopping value of 1.5
means that the view selection should permit the database to grow by no more than
50% as a result of the aggregation.

based on query_data
Selects views based on previously collected query-tracking data. You must have
already enabled query tracking. After enabling query tracking, allow sufficient time to
collect user data-retrieval patterns before performing an aggregate selection based on
query data.
Query tracking records information about every query executed on the database, so
that it can be used as a basis for view selection. Query-based view selection helps to
improve query performance when the distribution of user queries is skewed.
For every level combination, the cost of retrieving cells is recorded. The recording
continues until the application is shut down or until the recording is explicitly turned
off using alter database <dbs-name> disable query_tracking. In both cases, all the
query cost data is discarded, and the recording stops (and will not continue when the
application starts again).
All query cost data becomes invalid when additional views are built.
To create views based on tracked query patterns,
1. Enable query tracking using alter database <dbs-name> enable
2. Run all production queries once, and then select the first set of views based
on the query cost data. To select the views, run this MaxL statement (execute
aggregate selection…based on query_data…).
3. Build the selected aggregate view using execute aggregate build.
4. Repeat the previous two steps at least twice. Selecting and building multiple
views iteratively helps ensure there are enough usage-tracking data to form a
pattern. Each new view you build decreases the rate at which query costs grow.

dump to view_file
Saves the view selection to an aggregation script. If the specified script name already
exists, an error is returned. To overwrite an existing script, use the force_dump
The aggregation script contains information derived during the aggregate view
selection. You can materialize the aggregation at a different time by running the
aggregation script. For example:execute aggregate build on database <dbs-name>
using view_file <view-file-name>

force_dump to view_file
Saves the view selection to an aggregation script. If the specified script name already
exists, the force_dump keyword causes it to be overwritten.

enable|disable alternate_rollups
If enabled, secondary hierarchies (with default level usage) are considered for view
selection. Default: disabled (no secondary hierarchies are considered).


execute aggregate selection on database ASOsamp.Sample;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Performs the default view selection for ASOsamp Sample.

This statement selects the same views as execute aggregate
process on database ASOsamp.Sample would build.

execute aggregate selection on database ASOsamp.Sample using views 711,

8941 with outline_ID 4142187876;

Selects views based on the pre-selected view IDs. The view

IDs are obtained from previous executions of the statement.

execute aggregate selection on database ASOsamp.Sample using views 711,

8941 with outline_ID 4142187876 force display;

Selects views based on the pre-selected view IDs. force

display is used to include the pre-selected views (711 and
8941) in the new selection.

execute aggregate selection on database ASOsamp.Sample stopping when

total_size exceeds 1.2;

Selects an aggregation of the ASOsamp Sample database

that, when built, would permit the database to grow by no
more than 20% as a result of the aggregation.

execute aggregate selection on database ASOsamp.Sample based on


Selects views based on previously collected query-tracking

data. You must have enabled query tracking using alter
database <dbs-name> enable query_tracking.

execute aggregate selection on database ASOsamp.Sample

dump to view_file myView;

Selects a default aggregation of the ASOsamp Sample

database, saving the selection to APP\DB\ You can
materialize the view later by running the aggregation script For example:

execute aggregate build on database ASOsamp.Sample using view_file


Related Topics
• Execute Aggregate Build

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

• Execute Aggregate Process (Aggregate Storage)

Export Data
Click here for aggregate storage version
Export all data, level-0 data, or input-level data, which does not include calculated
values. Export data files are written to the application/cube directory. To use Report
Writer, export the data using a report file.
Minimum permission required: Read.


You can export data from a database in the following ways using export data.


export database <dbs-name> all data...

Export all data in the specified cube to the application/cube directory.

Exporting data does not clear the data from the database.

export database <dbs-name> level0 data...

Export level-0 data blocks only (blocks containing only level-0 sparse member
combinations. Note that these blocks may contain data for upper level dense
dimension members.) A level-0 block is created for sparse member combinations
when all of the members of the sparse combination are at the bottom of dimension

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Exporting data does not clear the data from the cube.

export database <dbs-name> input data...

Export only blocks of data where the block contains at least one data value that was
loaded (imported), rather than created as the result of a calculation.

export database <dbs-name> ... data in columns

Export data in columns, to facilitate loading the exported data into a relational
database. In each row, the columnar format displays a member name from every
dimension. Names can be repeated from row to row.
Columnar format provides a structure to the exported data, so that it can be used
for further data processing by applications other than Essbase tools. In non-columnar
format, sparse members identifying a data block are included only once for the block.
Because the export file in non-columnar format is smaller than in columnar format,
reloading a file in non-columnar format is faster.

export database <dbs-name> ... data anonymous

Export data in anonymized format. Anonymization removes the risk of sensitive data
disclosure, and can be used in case sample data needs to be provided for technical
support. Essbase replaces real data values with incremental values beginning with 0,
increasing by 1 for each value in the block.

export database <dbs-name> ...using...report_file...

Run a stored report script, exporting a subset of the database.

• This statement requires the database to be started.
• To export data in parallel, specify a comma-separated list of export files, up to a
maximum of 1024 file names. The number of file names determines the number of
export threads. The number of available block-address ranges limits the number of
export threads that Essbase actually uses. Essbase divides the number of actual
data blocks by the specified number of file names (export threads). If there are
fewer actual data blocks than the specified number of export threads, the number
of export threads that are created is based on the number of actual data blocks.
For example, if the block storage database is very small, with only 100 data
blocks, Essbase will use only 100 threads, even if you specify a higher number.
This approach results in a more even distribution of data blocks between export

In specifying the number of export files, it is important to consider the
number of available CPU cores and I/O bandwidth on the computer on
which Essbase Server runs. Specifying too large a number can result in
poor performance.

If the data for a thread exceeds 2 GB, Essbase may divide the export data into
multiple files with numbers appended to the file names.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

The naming convention for additional export files is as follows: _1, _2, etc. are
appended to the additional file names. If the specified output file name contains
a period, the numbers are appended before the period. Otherwise, they are
appended at the end of the file name.
For example, if the given file name is exportfile.txt, the next additional file is
• To export data in column format, use the optional "in columns" grammar.
• During a data export, the export process allows users to connect and perform
read-only operations.
• When MaxL exports data from a Unicode-mode application, the export file is
encoded in UTF-8. You cannot use UTF-8-encoded export files from a Unicode-
mode application to import data to a non-Unicode-mode application.
• MaxL cannot export databases with names containing hyphens (-).


export database Sample.Basic data to server data_file 'myfilesamp.txt'

Exports data to Sample/Basic/myfilesamp.txt.

Export LRO
Export linked-reporting-object information, and binary files if the database has file-type
LROs, to a directory.


You can export LRO information from a database in the following ways using export


to server directory
Export the LRO information to a directory you specify on the Essbase Server to which
you are connected.

to local directory
Export the LRO information to a directory you specify.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

• This statement requires the database to be started.
• MaxL creates exactly one export directory; it does not create a directory structure.
For example, if c:\temp exists, MaxL will create c:\temp\exports, but not
• If the specified export directory already exists, the export LRO statement will fail.
This is a safeguard against overwriting existing export directories.
• If you do not specify a full path for an export directory to be created on the client
or server, MaxL uses your short directory specification (DBS-EXPORT-DIR) as a
suffix, and creates the destination export-directory in the ARBORPATH\app directory
with a prefix of appname-dbname-. If you do specify a full path, MaxL creates
whatever directory you specify.
• When MaxL exports LROs from a database, if the database is from a Unicode-
mode application, the exported LRO-catalog file is encoded in UTF-8. You cannot
use UTF-8-encoded export files from a Unicode-mode application to import LROs
to a non-Unicode mode application.


export database sample.basic lro to server directory '../home/temp/


Exports LRO-catalog information, and binary files if the

database has file-type LROs, to a server directory called home/
temp/lros. The directory contains file-type LROs, if applicable,
and the LRO-catalog export file lros.exp. These can be
brought back into a database using import lro.

export database sample.basic lro to server directory 'exportedLROs';

Exports LRO-catalog information, and binary files

if the database has file-type LROs, to a server
directory $ARBORPATH/app/sample-basic-exportedLROs. The
directory contains file-type LROs, if applicable, and the LRO-
catalog export file named sample-basic-exportedLROs.exp.
These can be brought back into a database using import lro.

export database sample.basic lro to server directory 'D:\\MaxL\


On Windows, exports LRO-catalog information to a

new directory dir under the existing directory structure
D:\MaxL\LROexports. The double backslashes (\\) must be
used because a single backslash is an escape character to

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Export Outline
Export metadata, either from the active database outline or an input outline file, to a
specified XML file. Export outline files must be written to a location on the Essbase
Server or client computer on which the export outline MaxL statement is run.
Permission required: Database Manager.


You can export metadata information from a database in the following ways using
export outline.


Specify the database name instead of the outline file path.

Specify the outline file path instead of the database name.

all dimensions
Export information about all dimensions in the database.

list dimensions
Export information about only the listed dimensions. Specify each dimension name
within curly braces, and separated by commas.

Export only the member names in the hierarchy, omitting full metadata details.

with alias_table
Export using only the member names indicated in the specified alias table.

to xml_file
Specify the full path to the output XML file.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

• This statement requires the database to be started.
• The following general outline information is included in the XML export:
– Case sensitiveness
– Outline Type
– Duplicate Member Names allowed
– Typed Measures Enabled
– Date Format
– Varying Attributes Enabled
– Alias Table count and list
– Active Alias Table
– Attribute information
– Auto configure
– Text list definitions
– Universal member comments
– Locale, if it exists
– Query hint list (if aggregate storage)
• The following dimension information is included in the XML export:
– Name
– Two pass calc
– Type
– Text list, if text typed
– Formula
– Format String
– Comment
– Extended member comment
– Dimension category
– Attribute type
– Data Storage
– Dimension Storage
– Alias Names, if any
– UDAs, if any
– Consolidation
– Attribute dimension associated
– Independent dimensions, if any
– Time balance

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

– Skip options
– Variance reporting
– Currency conversion
– Currency conversion member
– Dynamic Time Series enabled list
– Attachment level, if linked attribute dimension
– Dimension solve order
– Is Non Unique dimension?
– Hierarchy type
– Level usage for aggregation (for aggregate storage hierarchies)
– Is Compression dimension? (if aggregate storage)
– Storage category
• The following member information is included in the XML export:
– Name
– Two pass calc
– Type
– Text list, if text typed
– Is shared?
– Shared member name, if shared
– Formula
– Format string
– Comment
– Extended member comment
– Attribute type
– Data storage
– Dimension storage
– Alias names, if any
– UDAs, if any
– Consolidation
– Attribute member associated
– Validity sets, if any
– Time balance
– Skip options
– Variance reporting
– Currency conversion
– Currency conversion member
– Member solve order (if aggregate storage)

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

– Level usage for aggregation (for aggregate storage hierarchy members)


export outline sample.basic all dimensions to xml_file "c:/temp/


Exports all outline information from Sample.Basic to the

specified XML file, basic.xml.

export outline sample.basic list dimensions {"Product", "Market"} tree

to xml_file "c:/temp/basic.xml";

Exports information about Product and Market dimensions

from Sample.Basic to the XML file.

Export outline "c:/temp/basic.otl" all dimensions with alias_table

"Default" to xml_file "c:/temp/basic.xml";

Exports information about all dimensions in Sample.Basic from

the specified outline file to the XML file, using only default alias

Grant a a filter or a stored calculation to a user or a group.


You can grant permissions to users and groups in the following ways using grant.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


filter <filter-name> to...

Assign a filter to a user or group that grants or denies permissions to the specified
database at a data-value level of detail.

execute <calc-name> to...

Grant the user or group permission to run the specified stored calculation script.

execute any on system to...

Grant the user or group permission to run any calculation against any database on the
Essbase Server.

execute any on

Grant the user or group permission to run any calculation against any databases in
the specified application.

execute any on

Grant the user or group permission to run any calculation against the specified

execute default on system to...

Grant the user or group permission to run the default calculation against any database
on the Essbase Server.

execute default on

Grant the user or group permission to run the default calculation against any
databases in the specified application.

execute default on

Grant the user or group permission to run the default calculation against the specified
database. The default calculation is typically 'CALC ALL;', but it can be changed using
alter application set default calculation.


Granting filters:
Users may be granted multiple filters per database.

Granting calculations:
A user or group may have any number of calculations per database. Therefore,
granting a calculation adds it to the user or group's list of calculations. Grant execute
any gives the user or group permission to execute all calculations, including the
default calculation.


grant filter Sample.basic.filter8 to Fiona;

Import Data
Click here for aggregate storage version
Import data from data files, with or without a rules file.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Minimum permission required: Write.


You can import data to a database in the following ways using import data.


...using max_threads INTEGER

Optionally specify a maximum number of threads to use, if this is a parallel data load.
If this clause is omitted for a parallel data load, Essbase uses a number of pipelines
equal to the lesser of number of files, or half the number of CPU cores.

import database <dbs-name> data from...

Specify whether the data import file(s) are local or on the server, and specify the type
of import file(s).

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

To import from multiple files in parallel, use the wildcard characters * and/or ? in the
IMP-FILE name so that all intended import files are matched.
• * substitutes any number of characters, and can be used anywhere in the
pattern. For example, day*.txt matches an entire set of import files ranging from
day1.txt - day9.txt.
• ?* substitutes one occurrence of any character, and can be used anywhere in the
pattern. For example, 0?-*-2011.txt matches data source files named by date,
for the single-digit months (Jan to Sept).

...using ... rules_file

Import data into the database using a specified rules file. If you are using a rules file
for a parallel data load, all the data files in the load must be able to use the same
rules file.

...<data error spec> (on error...)

Required. Tell Essbase what to do in case of errors during the data load: abort the
operation, or write or append to a specified error log.

...<data record spec> from data_string

Load a single data record into the selected database. The string following data_string
must be a contiguous line, without newline characters.

...<SQL connect spec> (connect as...)

If you are importing data from an SQL source, provide your SQL user name and
password. You must always use a rules file when you load SQL data sources.

• This statement requires the database to be started.
• When using the import statement, you must specify what should happen in case of
an error.
• To import from a SQL data source, you must connect as the relational user name,
and use a rules file.


import database Sample.Basic data from server data_file 'expsamp.txt'

on error abort;

import database Sample.Basic data from server data_file '/Sample/Basic/

expsamp.txt' on error abort;

Import Dimensions
Import dimensions from data files, using a rules file.
Minimum permission required: Write.


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

You can import dimensions to a database in the following ways using import


import database <dbs-name> dimensions from...

Specify whether the dimension import is from a local or server file, and what type of
file to import the dimension from.

...using ... rules_file

Import dimensions into the database outline using a specified rules file.

...enforce verification
Verify the outline resulting from the dimension build. This is the default behavior.

...suppress verification
Do not verify the outline resulting from the dimension build.

Using this option defers restructuring.

...preserve all data

If you need to preserve all data when importing dimensions, specify that here.

...on error...
Tell Essbase what to do in case of errors during the dimension build: abort the
operation, or write or append to an error log.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

...<SQL connect spec> (connect as...)

If you are importing dimensions from an SQL source, provide your SQL user name
and password. You must always use a rules file when you load SQL data sources.

...<preserve spec alt> (

If you need to preserve level-0 or input data when importing dimensions, specify that

• This statement requires the database to be started.
• When using the import statement, you must specify how error logs should be
• When multiple files are included in the same statement, restructure is deferred
until all files have been processed. The deferred-restructure type of dimension
build has been called an incremental dimension build.
• When the suppress verification option is used, restructure is deferred.
• When multiple files are included in the same statement, be sure verification is
enforced for the last file.
• To import from a SQL data source, you must connect as the relational user name,
and use a rules file.


import database sample.basic dimensions

from data_file 'dims.txt' using rules_file 'rulesfile.rul'
on error append to 'dimbuild.log';

Import LRO
Import Linked Reporting Objects (LROs) from the specified output directory created
by export lro. The directory contains an ASCII .exp file containing LRO-catalog
information, and LRO binary files (if the database from which LROs were exported
contained file-type LROs).
Minimum permission required: Write.


You can import exported LRO information to a database using import lro.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


import database <dbs-name> lro...

Import Linked Reporting Objects (LROs) from the specified export directory on the
local computer or on a remote server where the Essbase Server resides.

• This statement requires the database to be started.
• The specified import directory must come from the results of the export lro
operation. The exported LRO-catalog file contains a record of the LRO file
locations, cell notes, or URL text, and database index locations to use for re-
importing to the correct data blocks.
• In the paths in the second two examples, double quotation marks are used to
allow variable expansion in the string IMPORT-DIR, and single quotation marks
are required because there are special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes) in the
path name.


Windows Example

import database sample.basic lro

from server directory 'C:\\Hyperion\\products\\Essbase\\EssbaseServer\

import database sample.basic lro

from directory "'$ARBORPATH\\app\\sample-basic-lros'";

UNIX Example

import database sample.basic lro

from server directory "'$ARBORPATH/app/sample-basic-lros'";

From the subdirectory created by export lro in the app directory on the server,
both the Windows and UNIX example statements above re-import the LRO-catalog
information (and file-type LROs if applicable) that were exported to that location.

Query Application
Click here for aggregate storage version
Get information about the current state of the application.
This statement requires the application to be started.


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

You can query application state information using keywords.


get cache_size
Check the current maximum size setting to which the application cache may grow.
The application cache grows dynamically until it reaches this limit. The application
cache is used for hybrid aggregation in block storage databases, and can help you
manage memory usage for retrievals.

The following MaxL statement:

query application sample get cache_size;

returns the maximum size (in kilobytes) to which the application cache may grow.

Query Archive_File
Retrieve information about the database backup archive file.
Minimum permission required: Read.
The database must be running.


You can query archive file information using keywords.


get overview
Retrieve the following overview information:
• Application name
• Database name
• Time when the archive was performed

list disk volume

Retrieve a list of disk volume names.
On Windows, Essbase adds the default ARBORPATH drive (for example, the C: drive) as
a disk volume, even if the database that you backed up does not store data on that
disk volume.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements


query archive_file /Hyperion/samplebasic.arc get overview;

Retrieves overview information about the samplebasic.arc

backup archive file.

query archive_file /Hyperion/samplebasic.arc list disk volume;

Retrieves disk volume information about the samplebasic.arc

backup archive file.

Query Database
Click here for aggregate storage version
Get advanced information about the current state of the database.
Minimum permission required: Read.
This statement requires the database to be started.


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

• kernel_io
• kernel_cache
• end_transaction
• database_synch
• database_asynch
• dynamic_calc
You can query for database information in the following ways using query database.


get active alias_table

Display the active alias table for the user issuing the statement.

get attribute_info
Get attribute member, dimension, and name information for the specified attribute

get attribute_spec
Display the current attribute specifications for the database. These specifications
include attribute member name format, Attribute Calculation dimension member
names, Boolean and date member names, and numeric range specifications.

get currency_rate
Display the currency rate for every currency partition.

get dbstats dimension

Get information about dimensions.
The index_type field values are numeric, and translate as follows:

0 Dense
1 Sparse
3 None (database is aggregate storage)

get dbstats data_block

Get information about data blocks. The information returned has little relevance to
aggregate storage databases.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

The type field values are numeric, and translate as follows:

0 Array
1 AVL (or "B+ Tree")

get default calculation

View the contents of the calculation designated as default for the database. The
default calculation refers to either the relations defined in the database outline (CALC
ALL) or to the set of calculation strings defined as the default database calculation.

get member_info MEMBER-NAME

Get information on a specific member.
The unary_type field values are numeric, and translate as follows:

0 Add
1 Subtract
2 Multiply
3 Divide
4 Percent
5 NoRollUp

The member_tag_type field values translate as follows:

0 SkipNone
16384 SkipMissing
32768 SkipZero
49152 SkipBoth
1 BalFirst
2 BalLast
4 TwoPass
8 Average
64 Expense

Variations are possible. The field value consists of one of the first four "skip" values
plus any/all/none of the last five values. Some examples:

0 SkipNone
77 SkipNone, BalFirst, TwoPass, Average, Expense
16385 SkipMissing and BalFirst

The first four "skip" values are base values, and added to them are combinations of 1,
2, 4, 8, and 64.
The status field values are hexadecimal, and translate as follows:

0 Normal
1 Never Share
2 Label
4 Refer Share
8 Refer Share (with different name)
16 Implicit share

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

32 Virtual Member (stored)

64 Virtual Member (not stored)
2048 Attribute
32768 Referred

get member_calculation MEMBER-NAME

View the formula associated with the selected member.

get estimated size

Display an estimate of the number of blocks a database will create after full
calculation (CALC ALL), based on the number of blocks that exist before calculation.
The database can have all data loaded, or it can have a random sampling of data
loaded. Outlines that contain sparse formulas of any type or top-down formulas are
not supported. Results of the estimation on such databases may be invalid.

performance statistics...table
Display one of several choices of performance statistics tables. Before you can
use this statement, you must enable performance statistics gathering, using alter
database DBS-NAME set performance statistics enabled.

list alias_table
Get a list of alias tables that are defined for the database.

list alias_names in alias_table

List the alias names defined in an alias table. Alias tables contain sets of aliases for
member names and are stored in the database outline. Use this grammar to see a list
of alias names defined in the specified table.

list lro
Get information about linked objects, including the object type, name, and description,
based on criteria you specify. If you specify both a user name and modification date,
objects matching both criteria are listed. If you specify no user name or date, a list of
all linked objects in the database is displayed.

list...file information
Get accurate index and data file information. Provides index and data file names,
counts, sizes, and totals, and indicates whether or not each file is presently opened
by Essbase. The file size information is accurate. Note that the file size information
provided by the Windows operating system for index and data files that reside on
NTFS volumes may not be accurate.

list transactions
Display, in the MaxL Shell window, database transactions that were logged after the
time when the last replay request was originally executed or after the last restored
backup's time (which ever occurred later).

list transactions after LOG-TIME

Display, in the MaxL Shell window, database transactions that were logged after
the specified time. Enclose the TIME value in quotation marks; for example:

list transactions after LOG-TIME write to file PATHNAME_FILENAME

Write the list of database transactions to the specified file. The list output is written to
a comma-separated file on the Essbase Server computer.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Provide the full pathname to an existing directory and the name of the output file. If
only the output file name is provided, Essbase writes the file to the ARBORPATH/app
When writing to an output file that already exists, you must use the force grammar to
overwrite the file.

list transactions force write to file PATHNAME_FILENAME

Overwrite the contents of an existing output file.

list transactions after TIME...write to file PATHNAME_FILENAME

Write the list of database transactions that were logged after the specified time to the
specified file.


Example 1

query database Sample.Basic list transactions;

Displays, in the MaxL Shell window, Sample.Basic database

transactions that were logged after the time when the last
replay request was originally executed or after the last
restored backup's time (which ever occurred later).

Example 2

query database Sample.Basic list transactions after

write to file 'C:\\Hyperion\\products\\Essbase\\EssbaseServer\\app\

Writes the transactions in the Sample.Basic database that

were logged after November 20, 2007 at 12:20:00 to a CSV
file in the Sample.Basic database directory.

Example 3

query database sample.basic get member_calculation 'Profit per Ounce';

Displays the formula associated with the 'Profit per Ounce'


Example 4

query database sample.basic list lro before '06_16_2008';

Displays information about linked objects, in the Sample.Basic

database, that were modified before the specified time.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Refresh Outline
Synchronize the outlines between partitioned databases. Use this in the event that one
outline has undergone changes to dimensions, members, or member properties, and
you wish to propagate those changes to the partitioned database.
Outline synchronization is not currently enabled for partitions that involve aggregate
storage databases.


You can synchronize the outlines between partitioned databases using refresh

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

Use the current source outline to refresh the remote target outline.

Refresh the current target outline using the remote source outline.

purge outline change_file

Clear any source outline changes that have already been applied to the target outline
or have been rejected. Source outline changes that have not been applied or rejected
are not deleted from the outline change file.

apply all
Refresh all aspects of the target outline, including dimension changes, member
changes, and member property changes made to the source outline. This is the
recommended method for refreshing outlines, because if you choose to omit some
changes, those changes cannot be applied later.

apply nothing
Do not apply source outline changes to any aspects of the target outline. The target
outline will be considered synchronized to the source, and the timestamp will be
updated, although source changes were not actually applied to the target.

apply on dimension...
Refresh the target outline with all or some dimension changes made to the source
• add: Refresh with added dimensions.
• delete: Refresh by deleting dimensions.
• rename: Refresh with renamed dimensions.
• update: Refresh with dimensions that have member updates (required if the
statement will also use apply on member).
• move: Refresh the order of dimensions in the outline.
Use commas to separate the types of source dimension changes to refresh on
the target. For example, to refresh only with added or moved dimensions, use the
following phrase: apply on dimension add, move.

apply on member...
Refresh the target outline with all or some physical member changes made to the
source outline. Requires apply on dimension update.
• add: Refresh dimensions with added members.
• delete: Refresh dimensions by deleting members.
• rename: Refresh dimensions with renamed members.
• move: Refresh the order or hierarchy of members in the dimension.
Use commas to separate the types of source member changes to refresh on the
target. For example, to refresh only with added or moved members, use the following
phrase: apply on dimension update, apply on member add, move.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements

apply on member_property...
Refresh the target outline with all or some member property changes made to the
source outline. Requires apply on dimension update.
• account_type: Refresh with changes in account type.
• alias: Refresh with changes to aliases.
• calc_formula: Refresh with changes to member formulas.
• consolidation: Refresh with changes to consolidation tags.
• currency_conversion: Refresh with changes to currency conversion flags.
• currency_category: Refresh with changes to currency categories.
• data_storage: Refresh with changes to data storage tags.
• uda: Refresh with changes to UDAs.
Use commas to separate the types of source member-property changes to refresh
on the target. For example, to refresh only with updated member formulas, use
the following phrase: apply on dimension update, apply on member_property


refresh outline on replicated partition sampeast.east to
apply all;

Refreshes the target outline (for database)

with any and all changes made to the source outline

refresh outline on replicated partition Sampeast.east to
apply on dimension update, apply on member rename, apply on
member_property account_type;

Refreshes the target outline (for database)

with changes made to the source outline (Sampeast.east),
reflecting the following update to a dimension: a member
tagged Accounts was renamed.

Refresh Replicated Partition

Refresh the current replicated-partition target cube from the remote (second DBS-
NAME) source partition. Database Manager permission for each cube is required.


Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

You can update a replicated-partition using refresh replicated partition.

Use the current replicated-partition source cube to refresh the remote target partition.

Refresh the current replicated-partition target cube from the remote source partition.

...updated data
Refresh a replicated-partition cube only with data that has been updated since the last

...all data
Refresh a replicated-partition cube with all data, regardless of the last refresh.


refresh replicated partition sampeast.east to

at ""
all data;

MaxL Definitions
This section contains the following topics:
• MaxL Syntax Notes
• Numbers in MaxL Syntax
• Terminals
• Privileges and Roles
• Quoting and Special Characters Rules for MaxL Language

MaxL Syntax Notes

The following syntax scheme applies to the creation of MaxL statements.
A MaxL statement corresponds to a sentence telling Essbase what to do with users
and database objects. In this documentation, the grammar of MaxL statements is
illustrated using railroad diagrams.

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

When issued via the MaxL Shell (essmsh), statements must be terminated by
semicolons. Semicolons are used only to tell the shell when to terminate the
statement; semicolons are not part of the MaxL language itself. Therefore, when
issuing MaxL statements programmatically external programs, do not terminate with a
A token is a delimited sequence of characters recognized by MaxL as a single
readable unit. Tokens may be singleton names, keywords, strings, or numbers. Names
can have one, two, or three tokens, delimited by periods. The space delimiting tokens
can be any white space: spaces, tabs, new lines, or blank lines.
A keyword is a sequence of alphabetic characters that is part of the MaxL grammar.
Each keyword is recognized as one token. To be recognized as keywords, keywords
cannot be enclosed in quotation marks. However, if you wish to use MaxL keywords
outside of the grammar as terminals (for example, as database names or passwords),
they must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.
A terminal is something referenced in the grammar for which you provide the correct
name or definition. Terminals can be names, numbers, or strings. Examples: user-
name, filter-name, size-string.
A name is a string which can be quoted or unquoted. Unquoted names must
begin with an alphabetic character. Quoted names can consist of any sequence of
characters. Names in MaxL are used to uniquely identify databases and database
objects, such as users, applications, or filters.
Names in MaxL may be one of three types:
• singletons, which are names with one token (example: Sample). Use a singleton
name for objects that have a system-wide context: for example, applications.
• doubles, which are names with two tokens. A double is two names connected by
a period (example: Sample.basic). Use doubles to name objects with application-
wide contexts, such as databases.
• triples, which are names with three tokens. A triple is three names connected
by two periods (example: Sample.Basic.Calcname). Use triples to name objects
having database-wide contexts, such as filters.
A string is unquoted or quoted. An unquoted string can be any sequence of non-
special characters. A quoted string can be any sequence of characters (special,
alphabetic, or numeric) in the MaxL Alphabet, enclosed in single or double quotation
A number is one kind of token which may be passed to Essbase by MaxL. To
have meaning, the number must be in the correct format for the Essbase value it
represents. In the MaxL grammar documentation, labels for numbers indicate whether
the allowed number is positive, negative, an integer, or a real. See Numbers in MaxL
The MaxL alphabet consists of the following elements:

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

Table 3-11 MaxL Alphabet Elements

Element Description
Special characters Valid special characters: . , ; : % $ " ' SPACE
TAB * + - = < > [ ] { } ( ) ? ! / \ | ~ ` # & @ ^
When using special characters in MaxL
terminals, note the quoting rules (see Quoting
and Special Characters Rules for MaxL
Non-special characters Alphabetic characters and numbers.
Alphabetic characters Letters of the alphabet, and the underscore.
[a-z, A-Z, _]
Numbers See Numbers in MaxL Syntax

Numbers in MaxL Syntax

Numbers in MaxL statements fit into one of the following categories.

• INTEGER—Zero or a positive integer. Decimals and scientific notation are

permitted. Examples: 0, 1, 1000, 1.3e4
• REAL—Zero or a positive real number. Decimals and scientific notation are
permitted. Examples: 0.0, 1, 1000, 1000.4, 13.1e-4

The following sections describe terminals in alphabetical order.

The required action if a data-monitoring trigger is activated.


mail [smtp],[sender],[receiver1,reciever2,...],[subject]

• mail - sends an email from the specified sender, to a specified email address
or addresses, with the specified subject line (optional). Enclose email addresses
containing special characters in square brackets ([]). The mail action is not
supported for after-update triggers, which are the only triggers available for use
with aggregate storage cubes.
• spool - logs a message in a specified file in the \trig folder under the cube

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)


mail, [[email protected], [email protected]]

spool "trgmonitor"

Referenced By
create trigger
drop trigger

The name of an alias table. If the name contains special characters (see MaxL Syntax
Notes), it must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)


'Long Names'

Referenced By
alter database
query database

The name of the application.
The application name must not exceed 8 bytes (non-Unicode-mode applications) or 30
characters (Unicode-mode applications). Avoid using spaces. Application names are
not case-sensitive.

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

If the name contains any allowed special characters, it must be enclosed in single or
double quotation marks. Only the following special characters are allowed by Essbase
within application names:

% (percent sign)

$ (dollar sign)

- (minus sign)

{ (open brace)

} (close brace)

( (open parenthesis)

) (close parenthesis)

! (exclamation mark)

~ (tilde)

` (accent mark)

# (pound sign)

& (ampersand)

@ (at sign)

^ (caret)

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

Referenced By
alter application
alter partition
alter system
create application
display application
display calculation
display database
display location alias
display lock
display object
display session
display trigger spool
drop application
drop lock
query application

A shorthand name used in the in the create partition statement for referring to an
already-specified member expression that designates which areas of the databases
should be partitioned.

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

In the create partition statement below, "foo" is an area-alias for the member
expression specified in the area specification. To create area-aliases, enter the alias
names after the member expression in each area specification. To specify which
area is relevant when mapping members (if applicable), refer to its alias name in the
mapped phrase.
In the example below, the alias name as created is shown in this color, and it
specifies which area (in other words, it refers to the entire member expression string,
'@IDESCENDANTS(East) @IDESCENDANTS(Qtr1)'). The alias name as referenced is
shown in this color.

create or replace replicated partition sampeast.east

area '@IDESCENDANTS("Eastern Region"), @IDESCENDANTS(Qtr1)'
to at aspen

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

as admin identified by 'password'

mapped foo (Year) to (Yr)
update allow validate only;

All area aliases used in a mapping should be associated with the target
(as in the example above), and the direction of member names listed in the
mapped clause should go from source to target.

Referenced By
create partition

A number between 1 and 999,999 inclusive. To destroy a buffer before a data load is
complete, you must use the same BUFFER-ID number that was used to initialize the

number (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

Referenced By
alter database

A stored calculation.

• Syntax for database-level calculation:


• Syntax for application-level calculation:


• name1—Application name.
• name2—Database name (not required for application-level calcs).
• name3—Calculation script name.

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

For calculations associated with databases, three tokens are required, to indicate
application and database context and the calculation name.



For application-level calculations, two tokens are required, indicating application

context and the calculation name. When executing application-level calculations, you
must specify which database to calculate using the syntax 'on database STRING.'

• Sample.'' is the application-level CALC-NAME.
• execute calculation Sample.'' on database Basic; is a way to
execute the application-level calculation on a database.
If any part of the name contains special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), it must
be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

Referenced By
create calculation
display calculation
drop calculation
execute calculation

A stored calculation name that is the third token of a database-level CALC-NAME.
If any part of the name contains special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), it must
be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

If the full database-level calc name is sample.basic.'', then CALC-NAME-
SINGLE is ''.

Referenced By
alter database

A calculation string. The body of an anonymous (unstored) calculation, or the string
used to specify the body of a stored calculation at create time.

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

Because calculations are terminated with a semicolon, and semicolons are special
characters to MaxL, CALC-STRING should be enclosed in single or double quotation

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

CALC DIM(Year, Measures, Product);

Referenced By
alter database
execute calculation

A number (at least 8) representing character-width of columns; or, the keyword
default, representing 20 characters wide.

number (see MaxL Syntax Notes) or default

set display column width 80

set display column width default

Referenced By
Set Display Column Width

A string of user-defined informational text. If the string contains special characters (see
MaxL Syntax Notes), it must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

'This is a comment.'

Referenced By
alter application
alter database
create application
create database

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

create partition

A numeric-value-expression developed in MDX. Must be enclosed in double quotation
marks. Enclose strings containing special characters in square brackets ([]).

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)


Referenced By
create trigger

A cube area or other specification developed in MDX as a symmetric, syntactically-
valid set. The area specification must be static, for example it cannot contain Dynamic
Calc members or runtime functions such as Filter, TopSum, or BottomSum. Enclose
strings containing special characters in square brackets ([]).

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

The following is a set of siblings.

'{[Jan 2000], [Feb 2000], [Mar 2000]}'

The following is a crossjoined set.

'{([Qtr1], [New York]), ([Qtr1], [California]),

([Qtr2], [New York]), ([Qtr2], [California])}'

The following set is also a tuple.

'{(Jun, FY2011, Actual)}'

The following statement clears data from a region of ASOsamp.Sample. The region is
defined using a CUBE-AREA expressed in MDX.

alter database ASOsamp.sample clear data in region '{(Coupon, [Prev

Year], South)}' physical;

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

Referenced By
create trigger
alter database (aggregate storage)
execute allocation
execute calculation (aggregate storage)

A valid date string formatted according to these rules:
• Any character can be used as a separator; for example, MM~DD~YY is valid.
If the string contains special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), it must be enclosed
in single or double quotation marks.

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



Referenced By
alter database
query database

Suffix for the name of a cube directory to contain export files, to be created (upon
export lro) in the application directory as appname-dbname-suffix.

After LRO export, the directory contains file-type LRO binary files (if applicable to the
database), and the LRO-catalog export file with file-extension .exp.
If for a Sample.Basic export, DBS-EXPORT-DIR is given as lros, then the sample-
basic-lros directory is created in the application directory. The sample-basic-lros
directory contains file-type LRO binary files and the LRO-catalog export file 'sample-

• MaxL creates exactly one export directory; it does not create a directory structure.
• If the specified export directory already exists, the export LRO statement fails, as a
safeguard against overwriting.

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

Referenced By
export lro

The name of a database. Two tokens are required, to indicate application context.



• name1—The name of the application containing the database.

The application name must not exceed 8 bytes (non-Unicode-mode applications)
or 30 characters (Unicode-mode applications). Avoid using spaces.
• name2—The name of the database.
The database name must not exceed 8 bytes (non-Unicode-mode applications) or
30 characters (Unicode-mode applications). Avoid using spaces.
Database names are not case-sensitive.
If the name contains any allowed special characters, it must be enclosed in single
or double quotation marks. Only following special characters are allowed by Essbase
within database names:

% (percent sign)
$ (dollar sign)
- (minus sign)
{ (open brace)
} (close brace)
( (open parenthesis)
) (close parenthesis)
! (exclamation mark)
~ (tilde)
` (accent mark)
# (pound sign)
& (ampersand)
@ (at sign)
^ (caret)

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)


Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

Referenced By
alter database
alter partition
alter system
alter trigger
create database
create location alias
create outline
create partition
display database
display filter
display filter row
display location alias
display lock
display object
display partition
display session
display trigger spool
display variable
drop database
drop lock
drop partition
drop trigger spool
execute aggregate build
execute aggregate process
execute aggregate selection
export data
import data
import dimensions
import lro
query database
refresh outline

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

refresh replicated partition

The second token of DBS-NAME. Limit 8 characters.
If the name contains special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), it must be enclosed
in single or double quotation marks.

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



Referenced By
alter application
alter database
alter partition
execute calculation

The name of a database dimension.
If the string contains special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), it must be enclosed
in single or double quotation marks.

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



Referenced By
query database


string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions



Referenced By
alter system

A file name or path. If the string contains special characters, it must be enclosed in
single or double quotation marks.

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

• file01
• "errors.txt"
• '/Sample/Basic/expsamp.txt'

Referenced By
alter database
export data
import data
import dimensions

Prefix for one or more file names to be created (upon display drillthrough DBS-
NAME to FILE-NAME-PREFIX) on the client in the working directory of MaxL
These display output files contain the URL XML content of URL drill-through definitions
used to link to content hosted on ERP and EPM applications.
If the string contains special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), it must be enclosed
in single or double quotation marks.

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

Referenced By
display drillthrough

The name of a security filter. Three tokens are required, to indicate application and
database context.
The following special characters are not permitted:

! @ # $ % ^ & * () _ + - = {} [] | ; ' : " < > ? , . / ~ `



• name1—Application name.
• name2—Database name.
• name3—Filter name.

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



Referenced By
alter filter
create filter
display filter
display filter row
drop filter

Full path for the name of a directory for LRO export files,to be created (upon export
lro) anywhere on the client or server.
After export lro, the directory contains file-type LRO binary files (if applicable to the
database), and the LRO-catalog export file named in the format directoryname.exp.

For example, if for a Sample.Basic export, FULL-EXPORT-DIR is given as home/temp/

lros, then the lros directory structure is created under home/temp if home/temp exists.

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

The lros subdirectory contains file-type LRO binary files and the LRO-catalog export
file 'lros.exp'.

• MaxL creates exactly one export directory; it does not create a directory structure.
In the above example, if the home/temp directory structure exists, MaxL creates
the lros directory as a subdirectory of home/temp, but if home/temp does not exist,
MaxL will not create home/temp/lros.
• If the specified export directory already exists, the export LRO statement will fail.
This is a safeguard against overwriting existing export directories.

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

Referenced By
Export LRO

The name of the Essbase security group.
Group name guidelines:
• Non-Unicode application limit: 256 bytes
• Unicode-mode application limit: 256 characters
• Group names must start with a letter or a number
• The following special characters are not permitted:

. ; , = + * ? [ ] |< > \ " ' / [Space] [Tab]

• If the group name contains any special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), the
name must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

• name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)
• name@provider

If a user or group name includes the @ character, you must specify the
provider as well. For example, if you want to log in user admin@msad which
is on a Native Directory provider, you must specify 'admin@msad@Native

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions



Sales010@Native Directory

with identity "native://


Referenced By
alter application
display privilege

Use the discovery URL instead of a host name. A discovery URL is the URL provided
by your Service Administrator, with /agent appended to the end. For example,

Leading or trailing spaces will be trimmed off. Maximum length is 1024 bytes (non-
Unicode application) or characters (Unicode application).

A comma-separated list of sequence ID ranges for logged sequential transactions. A
range can consist of:
• A single transaction: n to n; for example, 1 to 1
• Multiple transactions: x to y; for example, 20 to 100

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)


1 to 10,20 to 100

Referenced By
alter database

Unique identity attribute identifying a user or group in a directory.
To find the identities of existing users or groups, use display user or display group.

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions



Referenced By

A string representing the full path to the directory used in the export lro statement.

If importing lros from a server directory (using from server syntax of import
lro), you can give just the full directory name instead of the full path, as
specified by EXPORT-DIR.

The string must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)


For information about how IMPORT-DIR is created, see the grammar and definitions
for export lro.

Referenced By
import lro

A name or path to a server-side rules file or data file, used for import data and import
dimension statements.
If the data or rules file is specified to be on the server, the following rules apply. If the
data or rules file is specified to be local (or left unspecified, in which case it is also
local), skip the following and use FILE-NAME.
If you are using server data_file or server rules_file, you can get the file from any
application (not just the current application) by starting the IMP-FILE string using the
following pattern:

FILE_SEP AppName FILE_SEP DbName FILE_SEP rest_of_file_name

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

where FILE_SEP must be /.

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

Consider the MaxL statement:

import database demo.basic data

from server rules_file 'IMP-FILE'
on error abort;

If IMP-FILE is 'calcdat.txt' or '/Demo/Basic/calcdat.txt', the file will be looked

for in the Demo.Basic cube directory.

import database demo.basic data

from server file '/Sample/Basic/Calcdat.txt'
on error abort;

Essbase looks for calcdat.txt inside the Sample.Basic cube directory, and loads the
data to Demo.Basic.

Referenced By
import data
import dimensions

The name of a location alias referencing another database.



• name1—Application name.
• name2—Database name.
• name3—Location alias name.

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



Referenced By
create location alias

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

display location alias

The single form of a location alias name. Use if you are creating a new location alias.

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



Referenced By
alter database
create location alias

A specific log time after which to replay subsequent transactions. Enclose the value in
quotation marks.

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



Referenced By
alter database

An MDX numeric value expression used to specify the amount for an allocation
source. The amount value is allocated to cells in the target region. The allocation
numeric is one of the following:
• An MDX tuple
• A number
• An arithmetic expression using member names, with the following restrictions:
– All members in the expression must be from the same dimension.
– Tuples cannot be used.
– Only arithmetic operators (+, -, /, and *) can be used.
– MDX functions (such as Avg and Parent) are not allowed.

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

• (Acc_1000, Jan_2009)
• 100.00
• (Acc_1000 + Acc_2000)/2
• AcctA + AcctB
• Balance * 1.1

Referenced By
execute allocation

Outline member specification of members from one or more dimensions, member
combinations separated by commas, or member sets defined with functions. Must be
enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



If MEMBER-EXPRESSION contains MEMBER-NAMES that begin with numbers or

contain special characters, enclose those member names in double quotation marks,
and the entire MEMBER EXPRESSION in single quotation marks. For example:
• create or replace filter demo.basic.numfilt no_access on '"2"';
• '@DESCENDANTS("Eastern Region"), @CHILDREN(Qtr1)'
The following example shows how create drillthrough uses a member expression to
define the list of drillable regions.

create drillthrough sample.basic.myURL from xml_file "temp.xml" on

{'@Ichildren("Qtr1")', '@Ichildren("Qtr2")'} level0 only;

Referenced By
alter filter
create filter
create partition
create drillthrough
alter drillthrough

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

The name of a database outline member.
If the name contains special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), it must be enclosed
in single quotation marks.

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



'New York'


with a number or contains special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), enclose
MEMBER-NAME in double quotation marks and enclose MEMBER-EXPRESSION in
single quotation marks.

Referenced By
alter database
create partition
query database

The name of a database object. Three tokens are required, to indicate application and
database context.



• name1—Application name.
• name2—Database name.
• name3—Object name.

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

Referenced By
alter object
drop object

A stored database object name that is the third token of a database-level OBJ-NAME.
If any part of the name contains special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), it must
be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

If the full database object name is sample.basic.calcdat, then OBJ-NAME-SINGLE
is calcdat.

Referenced By
alter object

The numeric identification of an aggregate storage outline associated with a view.
The outline ID is returned by the execute aggregate selection statement. The execute
aggregate selection statement returns a set of views, including the outline ID for the
views it returns.

number (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



Referenced By
execute aggregate selection
execute aggregate build

A user's password. Not applicable for externally authenticated users.
Password guidelines:
• Non-Unicode application limit: 100 bytes
• Unicode-mode application limit: 100 characters

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

• If the string contains special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), the password
must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks
• Leading or trailing spaces are illegal and will be trimmed off

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

Referenced By
alter partition
create location alias
create outline
create partition
MaxL Shell Invocation

A path to a file. If the string contains special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), it
must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

Referenced By
query database

An integer between 0 and 15, inclusive.

number (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

Referenced By
alter session

Aggregate storage data load properties that determine how missing and zero values,
duplicate values, and multiple values for the same cell in the data source are
• ignore_missing_values: Ignore missing values in the data source.
• ignore_zero_values: Ignore zeros in the data source.
• aggregate_use_last: Combine duplicate cells by using the value of the cell that
was loaded last into the data load buffer. When using this option, data loads are
significantly slower, even if there are not any duplicate values.

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

The aggregate_use_last method has significant performance impact,
and is not intended for large data loads. If your data load is larger than
one million cells, consider separating the numeric data into a separate
data load process (from any typed measure data). The separate data
load can use aggregate_sum instead.

• aggregate_sum: (Default) Add values when the buffer contains multiple values for
the same cell.
If you use multiple properties and any conflict occurs, the last property listed takes

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

Referenced By
alter database (aggregate storage)

Resource usage specification for temporary aggregate storage data load buffer.
Must be a number between .01 and 1.0 inclusive. If not specified, the default value
is 1.0. Only two digits after the decimal point are significant (for example, 0.029
is interpreted as 0.02). The total resource usage of all load buffers created on a
database cannot exceed 1.0 (for example, if a buffer of size 0.9 exists, you cannot
create another buffer of a size greater than 0.1). Send operations internally create load
buffers of size 0.2; therefore, a load buffer of the default size of 1.0 will cause send
operations to fail because of insufficient load buffer resources.

number (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



Referenced By
alter database (aggregate storage)

A string of runtime substitution variables that can be used in calculation scripts.
Runtime substitution variables are specified as key/value pairs. The string must be
enclosed with single quotation marks, and key/value pairs must be separated by a
semicolon, including a semicolon after the last runtime substitution variable in the
string and before the terminal single quotation mark.

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

Runtime substitution variables—name and default value—must be declared in the

SET RUNTIMESUBVARS calculation command. If you include a runtime substitution
variable in RTSV-LIST that has not been declared in SET RUNTIMESUBVARS,
Essbase ignores the undeclared runtime substitution variable (no warnings or
exceptions are generated).

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

In this example of a runtime substitution variable string, the name and value of four
runtime substitution variables are specified (for example, the value of the runtime
substitution variable named "a" is 100):

'a=100;b=@CHILDREN("100");c="Actual"->"Final";d="New York";'

Referenced By
execute calculation (block storage only)

A comma separated list of strings of rules-file names. Each rules-file name should be
an 8-character object file name with no extension. The rule files must reside on the
Essbase server.

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)


'h1h1h1' , 'h1h1h2'

Referenced By
import data (aggregate storage)

The unique session ID. This ID can be used to logout a user session, or kill the current
request in that session.

number (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

Referenced By
alter system
display session
query database


number units

• number—Any positive number. Decimals and scientific notation are permitted.
Whitespace between number and units is optional.
• units—One of the following: b, kb, mb, gb, tb (case-insensitive).If units are
unspecified, bytes are assumed.

number (see MaxL Syntax Notes)


51040 b

Referenced By
alter application
alter database
alter tablespace

The name of a trigger's output file, as specified in the THEN or ELSE section of the
create trigger statement.



Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

In the following create trigger statement, the bold section is the spool name.

create or replace trigger Sample.Basic.Trigger_Jan_20

where "(Jan,Sales,[100],East,Actual)"
when Jan > 20 and is(Year.currentmember,Jan) then
spool Trigger_Jan_20

Referenced By
display trigger spool
drop trigger spool

Optional stopping value for the execute aggregate process statement. Use this value
to give the ratio of the growth size you want to allow during the materialization of an
aggregate storage database, versus the pre-aggregation size of the database (Before
an aggregation is materialized, the database contains only level 0 input-level data.)

number (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

A stopping value of 1.5 means that during the materialization of the aggregation, the
aggregate cells are allowed to occupy up to 50% of the disk space occupied by the
level-0 data.

Referenced By
execute aggregate selection
execute aggregate process

The name of a tablespace. Tablespaces are applicable only to aggregate storage
databases. For this release, possible names for tablespaces you can alter are default
and temp. Other tablespace names reserved by the system are metadata and log.

• name1—Application name.
• name2—Tablespace name.

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)


Referenced By
alter tablespace
display tablespace

The name of the trigger device created to track and respond to database updates.
Trigger names must be triple names, specifying application name, database name,
and trigger name (if you rename the application or database, the trigger is invalidated).
Trigger names are case-insensitive, are a maximum of 30 bytes, and cannot contain
special characters.



• name1—Application name.
• name2—Database name.
• name3—The name of the trigger.

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



Referenced By
alter trigger
create trigger
display trigger
drop trigger

The name of a drill-through URL definition used to link to content hosted on Oracle
ERP and EPM applications.

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions



• name1—Application name
• name2—Database name
• name3—URL name

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)



If any part of the name contains special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), the
name must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

Referenced By
create drillthrough
alter drillthrough
display drillthrough
drop drillthrough

The name of the user.
User name guidelines:
• Non-Unicode application limit: 256 bytes
• Unicode-mode application limit: 256 characters
• The following special characters are not permitted:

; , = + * ? [ ] |< > \ " ' / [Space] [Tab]

• If the user name contains any special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), the
name must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

• name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)
• name@provider

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

If a user or group name includes the @ character, you must specify the
provider as well. For example, if you want to log in user admin@msad which
is on a Native Directory provider, you must specify 'admin@msad@Native



JWSmith@Native Directory

with identity "native://


Referenced By
alter application
alter database
alter partition
alter system
create location alias
create outline
create partition
display privilege
drop lock
query database
MaxL Shell Invocation

The name of the substitution variable. The name can only contain alphanumeric
characters and the underscore: (a-z A-Z 0-9 _).

name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions



Referenced By
alter application
alter database
alter system
display variable

An aggregation script containing information derived during aggregate view selection.
The file is created in the cube directory, with a .csc extension.

Aggregation scripts are valid as long as the dimension level structure in the outline has
not changed.
Executing an aggregation script (using execute aggregate build) materializes the
aggregate views specified within it.
The .csc extension is optional when executing the script.

The file name can be a maximum of 8 characters in length (excluding the extension)
and must not contain any of the following characters, or whitespace: :;.,=+*?[]|

string (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

Referenced By
execute aggregate selection
execute aggregate build
query database

The numeric identification of an aggregate view, returned by the execute aggregate
selection statement. The concept of views applies only to aggregate storage
VIEW-IDs persist only as long as their associated OUTLINE-IDs. OUTLINE-IDs
change when changes are made to the outline.

number (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions



Referenced By
execute aggregate selection
execute aggregate build

Approximate view size as a fraction of input data size. For example, a view size of
0.5 means that the view is 2X smaller than the input-level view. The concept of views
applies only to aggregate storage databases.

number (see MaxL Syntax Notes)

Referenced By
execute aggregate build

Privileges and Roles

Essbase system privileges are indivisible database access types. In MaxL, privileges
are grouped together to form permission-sets called roles. Privileges themselves
are not grantable using MaxL; you typically grant roles, which are the equivalent
of privilege levels. The scope of a role can be the system, the application, or the
While one privilege does not imply another, roles are hierarchical. The following table
illustrates the Essbase system privileges that are contained in each MaxL system role.

Table 3-12 Privileges and Roles

Privileges read write calculate manage create start manage create/

and Roles database database applicatio applicatio drop
n n applicatio
no access . . . . . . . .
read . . . . . . .
write . . . . . .
execute . . . . .
manager . . . .

Application-Level System Roles

Application-level system roles are applicable to an application. The following roles may
have an application-wide scope:

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

• no_access—No access to the application or any databases within it.

• manager—Manager access to the application and any databases within it.
Manager access means ability to create, delete, and modify databases within
the application, in addition to having Read, Write, and Execute access for that

Database-Level System Roles

Database-level system roles are minimum access permissions you can set for
databases. The following roles have a database-wide scope and are available when
assigning minimum database permissions:

• no_access—No access to the database (if assigned using alter database) or to

any databases in the application (if assigned using alter application).
• read—Read-only access to the database (if assigned using alter database) or to
all databases in the application (if assigned using alter application). Read access
means ability to view files, retrieve data values, and run report scripts.
• write—Write access to the database (if assigned using alter database) or to all
databases in the application (if assigned using alter application). Write access
means ability to update data values, in addition to having Read access.
• execute—Calculate access to the database (if assigned using alter database) or
to all databases in the application (if assigned using alter application). Calculate
access means ability to update data values, in addition to having Read and Write
• manager—Manager access to the database (if assigned using alter database) or
to all databases in the application (if assigned using alter application). Manager
access means ability to modify database outlines, in addition to having Read and
Write access.

Quoting and Special Characters Rules for MaxL Language

These rules apply to terminals of MaxL statements; for example, USER-NAME or
FILE-NAME. Rules for MaxL Shell also apply (see MaxL Shell Syntax Rules and

Chapter 3
MaxL Definitions

Tokens enclosed in Single Quotation Marks

Contents are preserved as literal, with the following exceptions:
• One backslash is ignored; two are treated as one.
• Apostrophe must be escaped using one backslash (\').
Example: export database sample.basic data to data_file 'D:\\export.txt';

Result: Exports data to D:\export.txt.

Example: display user 'O'Brien';

Result: Error.
Example: display user 'O\'Brien';

Result: User O'Brien is displayed.

Tokens Enclosed in Double Quotation Marks

Contents are preserved as literal, with the following exceptions:
• Variables are expanded.
• One backslash is ignored; two are treated as one.
• Apostrophe must be escaped using one backslash (\').
Example: export database sample.basic data to data_file "D:\\export.txt";

Result: Exports data to D:\export.txt.

Example: export database sample.basic data to data_file "$ARBORPATH\\App\


Result: Exports data to


Example: display user "O'Brien";

Result: Error.
Example: display user "O\'Brien";

Result: User O'Brien is displayed.

Use of Backslashes in MaxL

Ignored unless preceded by another backslash (the escape character). Must use
single or double quotation marks around the token containing the two backslashes.
create application 'finance\\budget';

Result: Application finance\budget is created.

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Example (Windows):

export database sample.basic using report_file

to data_file 'c:\\home\\month2.rpt';

Result: The Windows file paths are interpreted correctly as

EssbaseServer\App\Sample\Basic\asym.rep and c:\home\month2.rpt.

Use of Apostrophes (Single Quotation Marks)

Syntax error returned, unless preceded by a backslash (the escape character) and
enclosed in single or double quotation marks.
Example:display user 'O\'Brien';

Result: User O'Brien is displayed.

Use sparingly. Apostrophes are permitted by Essbase in user and group
names, but not in application or database names.

Use of Dollar Signs

Syntax error returned, unless preceded by a backslash (the escape character) and
enclosed in single quotation marks. Dollar signs ($) intended literally need to be
escaped by the backslash so that they are not considered variable indicators.
Example:create application '\$App1';

Result: Application $App1 is created.

MaxL Shell Commands

The MaxL Shell (essmsh) is a pre-parser mechanism for entering MaxL statements.
The MaxL Shell has a separate set of useful commands, independent of the MaxL
language itself. Before using any of the following MaxL Shell commands, you need to
log in (see MaxL Shell Invocation).
• Spool on/off
• Set Display Column Width
• Set Message Level
• Set Timestamp
• Echo
• Nesting
• Error Checking and Branching
• Version

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

• Logout
• Exit

Overview of MaxL Shell

The MaxL Client is a utility through which you execute MaxL statements or scripts.
This section contains the following topics:
• Invocation and Login
• Syntax Rules and Variables
• Shell Commands

MaxL Shell Invocation

The MaxL Shell (essmsh) is a pre-parser mechanism for entering MaxL statements.

You can start the shell to be used interactively, to read input from a file, or to read
stream-oriented input (standard input from another process). You can log in after you
start the shell, interactively or using a login statement in the input file. You can also log
in at invocation time, by using the -l flag (see -l Flag: Login).
To start the essmsh shell, do not invoke it directly. In order for the environment to be
set correctly, you must start essmsh using startMAXL.bat (Windows) or
• Prerequisites for Using MaxL
• MaxL Invocation Summary
• Interactive Input
• File Input
• Standard Input
• Login
• LoginAs
• Encryption
• Query Cancellation

Prerequisites for Using MaxL

Before the Essbase Server can receive MaxL statements,
1. The Essbase Server must be running.
2. The MaxL Shell (essmsh) must be invoked (see MaxL Invocation Summary), if you
are using the shell.
3. You must log in (see Login) to the Essbase Server from the MaxL Shell. If you are
running a MaxL script, the first line of your script must be a login statement.
You must use a semicolon (;) to terminate each MaxL statement.

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

MaxL Invocation Summary

The following MaxL Shell help page summarizes invocation options. This help is also
available at the operating-system command prompt if you type startMAXL.bat -h |

The following help text is for essmsh shell; however, in order for the
environment to be set correctly, you must start essmsh using startMAXL.bat
(Windows) or (UNIX). You can pass the same arguments to
startMAXL as you would formerly pass to essmsh. For example, instead of
essmsh -l username password, you should now use startMAXL.bat -l
username password.


essmsh -- MaxL Shell

essmsh [-hlsmup] [-a | -i | file] [arguments...]

This document describes ways to invoke the MaxL Shell.
The shell, invoked and nicknamed essmsh, takes input in the
ways: interactively (from the keyboard), standard input (piped
from another
program), or file input (taken from file specified on the command
The MaxL Shell also accepts any number of command-line arguments,
which can be used to represent any name.

essmsh accepts the following options on the command line:

Prints this help.

-l <user> <pwd>
Logs in a user name and password to the local Essbase Server

-u <user>
Specifies a user to be logged in to an Essbase Server instance.
If omitted but the '-p' or '-s' flags are used, essmsh will
prompt for the username.

-p <pwd>

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Specifies a password of the user set by the '-u' option to

be logged in to an Essbase Server instance. If omitted, essmsh
will prompt for the password, and the password will be hidden
on the screen.

-s <server>
Used after -l, or with [-u -p], logs the specified user into a
server. When omitted, localhost is implied.

-m <msglevel>
Sets the level of messages returned by the shell. Values for
are: all (the default), warning, error, and fatal.

Starts a MaxL session which reads from <STDIN>, piped in from
another program.
The end of the session is signalled by the EOF character in that

Allows a string of command-line arguments to be referenced from
within the
subsequent INTERACTIVE session. These arguments can be referenced
with positional
parameters, such as $1, $2, $3, etc. Note: omit the -a when using
arguments with
a file-input session.


No option is required to pass a filename to essmsh.

Arguments passed to essmsh can represent anything: for example, a

user name, an
application name, or a filter name. Arguments must appear at the
end of the
invocation line, following '-a', '-i', or filename.


Interactive session, simplest case:


Interactive session, logging in a user:

essmsh -l user pwd

Interactive session, logging user in to a server:

essmsh -l user pwd -s server

Interactive session, logging in with two command-line arguments

(referenced thereafter at the keyboard as $1 and $2):
essmsh -l user pwd -a argument1 argument2

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Interactive session, with setting the message level:

essmsh -m error

Interactive session, hiding the password:

essmsh -u user1
Enter Password > ******

File-input session, simplest case:

essmsh filename

File-input session, with three command-line arguments

(referenced anonymously in the file as $1, $2, and $3):
essmsh filename argument1 argument2 argument3

Session reading from <STDIN>, logging into a server with two

command-line arguments:
essmsh -l user pwd -s server -i argument1 argument2

Interactive Input
You can log into the MaxL Shell for interactive use (typing statements at the keyboard)
in the following ways. See MaxL Invocation Summary for more descriptions of login
No Flag
-a Flag: Arguments
-l Flag: Login
-u, -p, and -s Flags: Login Prompts and Hostname Selection
-m Flag: Message Level

No Flag
Invoked without a flag, file name, or arguments, the MaxL Shell starts in interactive
mode and waits for you to log in. Note to UNIX users: In the following examples,
replace startMAXL.bat with



Essbase MaxL Shell - Release 11.1.2

Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
MAXL> login Fiona identified by sunflower;

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

49 - User logged in: [Fiona].

-a Flag: Arguments
With the -a flag, the MaxL Shell starts in interactive mode and accepts space-
separated arguments to be referenced at the keyboard with positional parameters.

If interactive arguments are used with spooling turned on, variables
are recorded in the log file just as you typed them (for
example, $1, $2, $ARBORPATH).


startMAXL.bat -a Fiona sunflower appname dbsname

Essbase MaxL Shell - Release 11.1.1

Copyright (c) 2000, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
MAXL> spool on to 'D:\output\createapp.out';

MAXL> login $1 identified by $2;

49 - User logged in: [Fiona].

MAXL> create application $3;

30 - Application created: ['appname'].

MAXL> create database $3.$4 as Sample.Basic;

36 - Database created: ['appname'.'dbsname'].



MAXL> spool off;

Contents of logfile createapp.out:

MAXL> login $1 identified by $2;

OK/INFO - 1051034 - Logging in user Fiona.

OK/INFO - 1051035 - Last login on Friday, January 18, 2008 4:09:16 PM.
OK/INFO - 1241001 - Logged in to Essbase.

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

MAXL> create application $3;

OK/INFO - 1051061 - Application appname loaded - connection

OK/INFO - 1054027 - Application [appname] started with process id
OK/INFO - 1056010 - Application appname created.

MAXL> create database $3.$4 as Sample.Basic;

OK/INFO - 1056020 - Database appname.dbname created.



MAXL> spool off;

-l Flag: Login
When the -l flag is used followed by a user name and password, the MaxL Shell logs
in the given user name and password and starts in interactive or non-interactive mode.
The user name and password must immediately follow the -l, and be separated from it
by a space.


startMAXL.bat -l Fiona sunflower

Entered at the command prompt, this starts the MaxL Shell in interactive mode and
logs in user Fiona, who can henceforth issue MaxL statements at the keyboard.

-u, -p, and -s Flags: Login Prompts and Hostname Selection

The MaxL Shell can be invoked using -u and -p options in interactive mode, for
passing the user name and password to the shell upon startup. To be prompted for
both username and password, use the -s option with the host name of the Essbase
• If -s <host-name> is passed to the shell, MaxL will prompt for the user name and
password, and the password will be hidden.

startMAXL.bat -s localhost
Enter UserName> admin
Enter Password> ********

OK/INFO - 1051034 - Logging in user admin.

OK/INFO - 1051035 - Last login on Monday, January 28, 2003
10:06:16 AM.
OK/INFO - 1241001 - Logged in to Essbase.

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

• If -u <username> is passed to the shell and -p <password> is omitted, MaxL Shell

will prompt for the password, and the password will be hidden.

startMAXL.bat -u smith
Enter Password > ******

• If -p <password> is passed to the shell and -u <username> is omitted, MaxL Shell

will prompt for the user name.

startMAXL.bat -p password
Enter Username > smith

• If -m <messageLevel> is passed to the shell, only the specified level of messages

will be returned by the shell.

startMAXL.bat -m error

Values for <messageLevel> include: default, all, warning, error, and fatal. The
default value is all (same as specifying default).

-m Flag: Message Level

If -m <messageLevel> is passed to the shell, only the specified level of messages will
be returned by the shell.
Example:startMAXL.bat -m error

Values for the <messageLevel> include: default, all, warning, error, and fatal. The
default value is all (same as specifying default).

File Input
You invoke the MaxL Shell to run scripts (instead of typing statements at the keyboard)
in the following ways. See MaxL Invocation Summary for a complete description of
login flags.
File Only
File Only

File Only
If you type startMAXL.bat followed by a file name or path, the shell takes input from
the specified file.



Entered at the command prompt, this starts the shell, tells it to read MaxL statements
from a file, and terminates the session when it is finished.

startMAXL.bat filename

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Starts the shell to read MaxL statements from filename, located in the current
directory (the directory from which the MaxL Shell was invoked).

File with Arguments

If you type startMAXL.bat followed by a file name followed by an argument or list of
space-separated arguments, essmsh remembers the command-line arguments, which
can be referenced as $1, $2, etc. in the specified file. If spooling is turned on, all
variables are expanded in the log file.


D:\Scripts>startMAXL.bat filename.msh Fiona sunflower localhost

Starts the shell to read MaxL statements from filename.msh, located in the current

Contents of script filename.msh:

spool on to $HOME\\output\\filename.out;
login $1 $2 on $3;
echo "Essbase is installed in $ESSBASEPATH";
spool off;

Contents of logfile filename.out:

MAXL> login Fiona sunflower on localhost;

49 - User logged in: [Fiona].

Essbase is installed in C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\EssbaseClient

Standard Input
With the -i flag, essmsh uses standard input, which could be input from another
process. For example, | startMAXL.bat -i

When generates MaxL statements as output, you can pipe
to startMAXL.bat -i to use the standard output of as standard input for
essmsh. Essmsh receives input as generates output, allowing for efficient
co-execution of scripts.


echo login Fiona sunflower on localhost; display privilege user;|

startMAXL.bat -i

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

The MaxL Shell takes input from the echo command's output. User Fiona is logged in,
and user privileges are displayed.

Before you can send MaxL statements from the MaxL Shell to Essbase Server, you
must log in to an Essbase Server session.
As a prerequisite to using MaxL, follow the client setup instructions in Manage
Essbase Using the MaxL Client.

Before logging in to an Essbase Server session, you must start the MaxL
Shell (see MaxL Invocation Summary).Or, you can start the MaxL Shell and
log in (see -l Flag: Login) at the same time.



login admin pa5sw0rd on "https://myEssbase-";

Establishes a connection for user Admin.

To facilitate creating scheduled reports with user-appropriate permissions,
administrators can log in as another user from MaxL.
Example of "log in as" statement:


Example of "log in as" invocation method:


Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Interactive example:

Enter UserName> username
Enter Password> password
Enter Host> machine_name
Enter UserName to Login As> mimicked_user_name

You can encrypt user and password information stored in MaxL scripts.
The following MaxL Shell invocation generates a public-private key pair that you can
use to encrypt a MaxL script.

essmsh -gk

The following MaxL Shell invocation encrypts the input MaxL script, obscuring user
name and password, and changing the file extension to .mxls.

essmsh -E scriptname.mxl PUBLIC-KEY

Nested scripts are also encrypted. To avoid this and encrypt only the base script, use

The following MaxL Shell invocation decrypts and executes the MaxL script.

essmsh -D scriptname.mxls PRIVATE-KEY

The following invocation encrypts input data and returns it in encrypted form. This is
useful if there is a need to manually prepare secure scripts.

essmsh -ep DATA PUBLIC-KEY

The following invocation enables you to encrypt the base script while saving any
nested scripts for manual encryption.

essmsh –Em scriptname.mxl PUBLIC-KEY

Query Cancellation
You can use the Esc key to cancel a query running from MaxL Shell.

MaxL Shell Invocation

The MaxL Shell (essmsh) is a pre-parser mechanism for entering MaxL statements.

You can start the shell to be used interactively, to read input from a file, or to read
stream-oriented input (standard input from another process). You can log in after you
start the shell, interactively or using a login statement in the input file. You can also log
in at invocation time, by using the -l flag (see -l Flag: Login).

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

To start the essmsh shell, do not invoke it directly. In order for the environment to be
set correctly, you must start essmsh using startMAXL.bat (Windows) or
• Prerequisites for Using MaxL
• MaxL Invocation Summary
• Interactive Input
• File Input
• Standard Input
• Login
• LoginAs
• Encryption
• Query Cancellation

Prerequisites for Using MaxL

Before the Essbase Server can receive MaxL statements,
1. The Essbase Server must be running.
2. The MaxL Shell (essmsh) must be invoked (see MaxL Invocation Summary), if you
are using the shell.
3. You must log in (see Login) to the Essbase Server from the MaxL Shell. If you are
running a MaxL script, the first line of your script must be a login statement.
You must use a semicolon (;) to terminate each MaxL statement.

MaxL Invocation Summary

The following MaxL Shell help page summarizes invocation options. This help is also
available at the operating-system command prompt if you type startMAXL.bat -h |

The following help text is for essmsh shell; however, in order for the
environment to be set correctly, you must start essmsh using startMAXL.bat
(Windows) or (UNIX). You can pass the same arguments to
startMAXL as you would formerly pass to essmsh. For example, instead of
essmsh -l username password, you should now use startMAXL.bat -l
username password.


essmsh -- MaxL Shell

essmsh [-hlsmup] [-a | -i | file] [arguments...]

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

This document describes ways to invoke the MaxL Shell.
The shell, invoked and nicknamed essmsh, takes input in the
ways: interactively (from the keyboard), standard input (piped
from another
program), or file input (taken from file specified on the command
The MaxL Shell also accepts any number of command-line arguments,
which can be used to represent any name.

essmsh accepts the following options on the command line:

Prints this help.

-l <user> <pwd>
Logs in a user name and password to the local Essbase Server

-u <user>
Specifies a user to be logged in to an Essbase Server instance.
If omitted but the '-p' or '-s' flags are used, essmsh will
prompt for the username.

-p <pwd>
Specifies a password of the user set by the '-u' option to
be logged in to an Essbase Server instance. If omitted, essmsh
will prompt for the password, and the password will be hidden
on the screen.

-s <server>
Used after -l, or with [-u -p], logs the specified user into a
server. When omitted, localhost is implied.

-m <msglevel>
Sets the level of messages returned by the shell. Values for
are: all (the default), warning, error, and fatal.

Starts a MaxL session which reads from <STDIN>, piped in from
another program.
The end of the session is signalled by the EOF character in that

Allows a string of command-line arguments to be referenced from
within the
subsequent INTERACTIVE session. These arguments can be referenced
with positional
parameters, such as $1, $2, $3, etc. Note: omit the -a when using

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

arguments with
a file-input session.


No option is required to pass a filename to essmsh.

Arguments passed to essmsh can represent anything: for example, a

user name, an
application name, or a filter name. Arguments must appear at the
end of the
invocation line, following '-a', '-i', or filename.


Interactive session, simplest case:


Interactive session, logging in a user:

essmsh -l user pwd

Interactive session, logging user in to a server:

essmsh -l user pwd -s server

Interactive session, logging in with two command-line arguments

(referenced thereafter at the keyboard as $1 and $2):
essmsh -l user pwd -a argument1 argument2

Interactive session, with setting the message level:

essmsh -m error

Interactive session, hiding the password:

essmsh -u user1
Enter Password > ******

File-input session, simplest case:

essmsh filename

File-input session, with three command-line arguments

(referenced anonymously in the file as $1, $2, and $3):
essmsh filename argument1 argument2 argument3

Session reading from <STDIN>, logging into a server with two

command-line arguments:
essmsh -l user pwd -s server -i argument1 argument2

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Interactive Input
You can log into the MaxL Shell for interactive use (typing statements at the keyboard)
in the following ways. See MaxL Invocation Summary for more descriptions of login
No Flag
-a Flag: Arguments
-l Flag: Login
-u, -p, and -s Flags: Login Prompts and Hostname Selection
-m Flag: Message Level

No Flag
Invoked without a flag, file name, or arguments, the MaxL Shell starts in interactive
mode and waits for you to log in. Note to UNIX users: In the following examples,
replace startMAXL.bat with



Essbase MaxL Shell - Release 11.1.2

Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
MAXL> login Fiona identified by sunflower;

49 - User logged in: [Fiona].

-a Flag: Arguments
With the -a flag, the MaxL Shell starts in interactive mode and accepts space-
separated arguments to be referenced at the keyboard with positional parameters.

If interactive arguments are used with spooling turned on, variables
are recorded in the log file just as you typed them (for
example, $1, $2, $ARBORPATH).

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands


startMAXL.bat -a Fiona sunflower appname dbsname

Essbase MaxL Shell - Release 11.1.1

Copyright (c) 2000, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
MAXL> spool on to 'D:\output\createapp.out';

MAXL> login $1 identified by $2;

49 - User logged in: [Fiona].

MAXL> create application $3;

30 - Application created: ['appname'].

MAXL> create database $3.$4 as Sample.Basic;

36 - Database created: ['appname'.'dbsname'].



MAXL> spool off;

Contents of logfile createapp.out:

MAXL> login $1 identified by $2;

OK/INFO - 1051034 - Logging in user Fiona.

OK/INFO - 1051035 - Last login on Friday, January 18, 2008 4:09:16 PM.
OK/INFO - 1241001 - Logged in to Essbase.

MAXL> create application $3;

OK/INFO - 1051061 - Application appname loaded - connection

OK/INFO - 1054027 - Application [appname] started with process id
OK/INFO - 1056010 - Application appname created.

MAXL> create database $3.$4 as Sample.Basic;

OK/INFO - 1056020 - Database appname.dbname created.



Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

MAXL> spool off;

-l Flag: Login
When the -l flag is used followed by a user name and password, the MaxL Shell logs
in the given user name and password and starts in interactive or non-interactive mode.
The user name and password must immediately follow the -l, and be separated from it
by a space.


startMAXL.bat -l Fiona sunflower

Entered at the command prompt, this starts the MaxL Shell in interactive mode and
logs in user Fiona, who can henceforth issue MaxL statements at the keyboard.

-u, -p, and -s Flags: Login Prompts and Hostname Selection

The MaxL Shell can be invoked using -u and -p options in interactive mode, for
passing the user name and password to the shell upon startup. To be prompted for
both username and password, use the -s option with the host name of the Essbase
• If -s <host-name> is passed to the shell, MaxL will prompt for the user name and
password, and the password will be hidden.

startMAXL.bat -s localhost
Enter UserName> admin
Enter Password> ********

OK/INFO - 1051034 - Logging in user admin.

OK/INFO - 1051035 - Last login on Monday, January 28, 2003
10:06:16 AM.
OK/INFO - 1241001 - Logged in to Essbase.

• If -u <username> is passed to the shell and -p <password> is omitted, MaxL Shell

will prompt for the password, and the password will be hidden.

startMAXL.bat -u smith
Enter Password > ******

• If -p <password> is passed to the shell and -u <username> is omitted, MaxL Shell

will prompt for the user name.

startMAXL.bat -p password
Enter Username > smith

• If -m <messageLevel> is passed to the shell, only the specified level of messages

will be returned by the shell.

startMAXL.bat -m error

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Values for <messageLevel> include: default, all, warning, error, and fatal. The
default value is all (same as specifying default).

-m Flag: Message Level

If -m <messageLevel> is passed to the shell, only the specified level of messages will
be returned by the shell.
Example:startMAXL.bat -m error

Values for the <messageLevel> include: default, all, warning, error, and fatal. The
default value is all (same as specifying default).

File Input
You invoke the MaxL Shell to run scripts (instead of typing statements at the keyboard)
in the following ways. See MaxL Invocation Summary for a complete description of
login flags.
File Only
File Only

File Only
If you type startMAXL.bat followed by a file name or path, the shell takes input from
the specified file.



Entered at the command prompt, this starts the shell, tells it to read MaxL statements
from a file, and terminates the session when it is finished.

startMAXL.bat filename

Starts the shell to read MaxL statements from filename, located in the current
directory (the directory from which the MaxL Shell was invoked).

File with Arguments

If you type startMAXL.bat followed by a file name followed by an argument or list of
space-separated arguments, essmsh remembers the command-line arguments, which
can be referenced as $1, $2, etc. in the specified file. If spooling is turned on, all
variables are expanded in the log file.


D:\Scripts>startMAXL.bat filename.msh Fiona sunflower localhost

Starts the shell to read MaxL statements from filename.msh, located in the current

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Contents of script filename.msh:

spool on to $HOME\\output\\filename.out;
login $1 $2 on $3;
echo "Essbase is installed in $ESSBASEPATH";
spool off;

Contents of logfile filename.out:

MAXL> login Fiona sunflower on localhost;

49 - User logged in: [Fiona].

Essbase is installed in C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\EssbaseClient

Standard Input
With the -i flag, essmsh uses standard input, which could be input from another
process. For example, | startMAXL.bat -i

When generates MaxL statements as output, you can pipe
to startMAXL.bat -i to use the standard output of as standard input for
essmsh. Essmsh receives input as generates output, allowing for efficient
co-execution of scripts.


echo login Fiona sunflower on localhost; display privilege user;|

startMAXL.bat -i

The MaxL Shell takes input from the echo command's output. User Fiona is logged in,
and user privileges are displayed.

Before you can send MaxL statements from the MaxL Shell to Essbase Server, you
must log in to an Essbase Server session.
As a prerequisite to using MaxL, follow the client setup instructions in Manage
Essbase Using the MaxL Client.

Before logging in to an Essbase Server session, you must start the MaxL
Shell (see MaxL Invocation Summary).Or, you can start the MaxL Shell and
log in (see -l Flag: Login) at the same time.

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands



login admin pa5sw0rd on "https://myEssbase-";

Establishes a connection for user Admin.

To facilitate creating scheduled reports with user-appropriate permissions,
administrators can log in as another user from MaxL.
Example of "log in as" statement:


Example of "log in as" invocation method:


Interactive example:

Enter UserName> username
Enter Password> password
Enter Host> machine_name
Enter UserName to Login As> mimicked_user_name

You can encrypt user and password information stored in MaxL scripts.
The following MaxL Shell invocation generates a public-private key pair that you can
use to encrypt a MaxL script.

essmsh -gk

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

The following MaxL Shell invocation encrypts the input MaxL script, obscuring user
name and password, and changing the file extension to .mxls.

essmsh -E scriptname.mxl PUBLIC-KEY

Nested scripts are also encrypted. To avoid this and encrypt only the base script, use

The following MaxL Shell invocation decrypts and executes the MaxL script.

essmsh -D scriptname.mxls PRIVATE-KEY

The following invocation encrypts input data and returns it in encrypted form. This is
useful if there is a need to manually prepare secure scripts.

essmsh -ep DATA PUBLIC-KEY

The following invocation enables you to encrypt the base script while saving any
nested scripts for manual encryption.

essmsh –Em scriptname.mxl PUBLIC-KEY

Query Cancellation
You can use the Esc key to cancel a query running from MaxL Shell.

MaxL Shell Syntax Rules and Variables

The MaxL Shell (essmsh) is a pre-parser mechanism for entering MaxL statements.
The following syntax information can help you use the MaxL Shell successfully.
Quoting and Special Characters Rules for MaxL Language

When a MaxL statement is passed to Essbase Server interactively or in batch mode
via the MaxL Shell (essmsh), it must be terminated by a semicolon. Semicolons are
used only to tell essmsh when to terminate the statement; semicolons are not part of
the MaxL language itself. Therefore, when issuing MaxL statements programmatically,
do not use semicolons.


Table 3-13 Semicolon Usage Examples in MaxL

Program Example
Interactive MaxL Shell create application Sample;

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Table 3-13 (Cont.) Semicolon Usage Examples in MaxL

Program Example
MaxL Shell script:
login $1 identified by $2;
create application Sample;
create currency database
display database Sample.Interntl;

Overview of MaxL Shell
Environment Variables
Positional Parameters
Locally Defined Shell Variables
Quotation Marks and Variable Expansion
Exit Status Variable

Overview of MaxL Shell Variables

In the MaxL Shell, you can use variables as placeholders for any data that is subject
to change or that you refer to often; for example, the name of a computer, user names,
and passwords. You can use variables in MaxL scripts as well as during interactive
use of the shell. Using variables in MaxL scripts eliminates the need to create many
customized scripts for each user, database, or host.
Variables can be environment variables (for example, $ESSBASEPATH, which references
the directory Essbase is installed to), positional parameters (for example, $1, $2, etc.),
or locally defined shell variables.
All variables must begin with a $ (dollar sign). Locally defined shell variables should be
set without the dollar sign, but should be referenced with the dollar sign. Example:

set A = val_1;
echo $A;

Variables can be in parentheses. Example: if $1 = arg1, then $(1)23 =

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Use double quotation marks around a string when you want the string interpreted
as a single token with the variables recognized and expanded. For example,
"$ESSBASEPATH" is interpreted as C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\EssbaseServer.

Use single quotation marks around a string to tell essmsh to recognize the string as a
single token, without expanding variables. For example, '$ESSBASEPATH' is interpreted
as $ESSBASEPATH, not C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\EssbaseServer.

Environment Variables
You can reference any environment variable in the MaxL Shell.
Example (Windows): spool on to "$ESSBASEPATH\\out.txt";

Result: MaxL Shell session is recorded to


Example (UNIX): spool on to "$HOME/output.txt";

Result: MaxL Shell session is recorded to output.txt in the directory referenced by

the $HOME environment variable.

Positional Parameters
Positional parameter variables are passed in to the shell at invocation time as
arguments, and can be referred to generically by the subsequent script or interactive
MaxL Shell session using $n, where n is the number representing the order in which
the argument was passed on the command line.
For example, given the following invocation of the MaxL Shell,

essmsh filename Fiona sunflower

and the following subsequent login statement in that session,

login $1 identified by $2 on $COMPUTERNAME;

• $COMPUTERNAME is a Windows environment variable.

• $1 and $2 refer to the user name and password passed in as arguments at
invocation time.
The values of positional parameters can be changed within a session. For example, if
the value of $1 was originally Fiona (because essmsh was invoked with Fiona as the
first argument), you can change it using the following syntax:set 1 = arg_new;

If you nest MaxL Shell scripts or interactive sessions, the nested shell does
not recognize positional parameters of the parent shell. The nested shell
should be passed separate arguments, if positional parameters are to be

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

The file or process that the MaxL Shell reads from can be referred to with the
positional parameter $0. Examples:

1) Invocation: essmsh filename

$0 = filename
2) Invocation: | essmsh -i
$0 = stdin
3) Invocation: essmsh
$0 = null

Locally Defined Shell Variables

You can create variables of any name in the MaxL Shell without the use of arguments
or positional parameters. These variables persist for the duration of the shell session,
including in any nested shell sessions.

MaxL>login user1 identified by password1;

MaxL>set var1 = sample;
MaxL>echo $var1; /* see what the value of $var1 is */
MaxL>display application $var1; /* MaxL displays application "sample" */

Locally defined variables can be named using alphabetic characters,
numbers, and the underscore (_). Variable values can be any characters,
but take note of the usual quoting and syntax rules that apply for the MaxL
Shell (see MaxL Shell Syntax Rules and Variables).

Variables defined or changed in a nested script persist into the parent script
after the nested script executes.

Quotation Marks and Variable Expansion

In the following examples, assume you logged in to the MaxL Shell interactively
with arguments, as follows. In addition to these examples, see Quoting and Special
Characters Rules for MaxL Shell.

essmsh -a Fiona sunflower sample basic login $1 $2;

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Table 3-14 Quotation Marks' Usage and Effect on Variables in MaxL

Example Return Value Explanation

echo $1; Fiona $1 is expanded as the first invocation
echo "$1's hat"; Fiona's hat $1 is expanded as the first invocation
argument, and the special character '
is allowed because double quotation
marks are used.
echo $3; sample $3 is expanded as the third
invocation argument.
echo '$3'; $3 $3 is taken literally and not
expanded, because it is protected by
single quotation marks.
display database $3.$4; Database sample.basic is $3 and $4 are expanded as
displayed. the third and fourth invocation
arguments. $3.$4 is interpreted as
two tokens, which makes it suitable
echo "$3.$4"; sample.basic, but interpreted as $3 and $4 are expanded as the third
one token (NOT suitable for DBS- and fourth invocation arguments, but
NAME, which requires two tokens). the entire string is interpreted as a
single token, because of the double
quotation marks.

Exit Status Variable

A successful MaxL Shell operation should have an exit status of zero. Most
unsuccessful MaxL Shell operations have an exit status number, usually 1. Exit status
can be referred to from within the shell, using $?. For example,

MAXL> create application test1;

OK/INFO - 1051061 - Application test1 loaded - connection established.
OK/INFO - 1054027 - Application [test1] started with process id [234].
OK/INFO - 1056010 - Application test1 created.
MAXL> echo $?;

MAXL> drop application no_such;

ERROR - 1051030 - Application no_such does not exist.
MAXL> echo $?;

Quoting and Special Characters Rules for MaxL Shell

These rules are for MaxL Shell commands. Applicable MaxL Shell commands include
Spool on/off, Echo, and Nesting.

See Also
Quoting and Special Characters Rules for MaxL Language
Tokens enclosed in Single Quotation Marks

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Tokens Enclosed in Double Quotation Marks

Use of Backslashes in MaxL
Use of Apostrophes (Single Quotation Marks)

Tokens enclosed in single quotation marks

Contents within single quotation marks are preserved as literal, without variable
Example: echo '$3';

Result: $3

Tokens enclosed in double quotation marks

Contents of double quotation marks are treated as a single token, and the contents are
perceived as literal except that variables are expanded.
Example: spool on to "$ESSBASEPATH\\out.txt";

Result: MaxL Shell session is recorded to


Example: spool on to "Ten o'clock.txt"

Result: MaxL Shell session is recorded to a file named Ten o'clock.txt

Use of apostrophes (single quotation marks)

Preserved if enclosed in double quotation marks. Otherwise, causes a syntax error.
Example: spool on to "Ten o'clock.txt"

Result: MaxL Shell session is recorded to a file named Ten o'clock.txt

Use of Backslashes
Backslashes must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks because they are
special characters.
One backslash is treated as one backslash by the shell, but is ignored or treated as an
escape character by MaxL. Two backslashes are treated as one backslash by the shell
and MaxL.
• '\ ' = \ (MaxL Shell)
• '\ ' = (nothing) (MaxL)
• '\\' = \\ (MaxL Shell)
• '\\' = \ (MaxL)
Example: spool on to 'D:\output.txt'

Result: MaxL Shell records output to D:\output.txt.

Example: spool on to 'D:\\output.txt'

Result: MaxL Shell records output to D:\output.txt.

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Example: import database sample.basic lro from directory


Result: Error. Import is a MaxL statement, and for MaxL, '\' is ignored.

Example: import database sample.basic lro from directory "$ARBORPATH\\app\


Result: MaxL imports LRO information to Sample.Basic from $ARBORPATH\app\sample-


MaxL Shell and Unicode

MaxL Shell is in native mode when started in interactive mode.
MaxL Shell is in native mode when processing a script without a UTF8 byte header.
MaxL Shell is in UTF8 mode when processing a script with the UTF8 byte header.

MaxL Shell Command Reference

The following topics describe the MaxL Shell commands.
• Spool on/off
• Set display column width
• Set message level
• Set Timestamp
• Echo
• Nesting
• Error Checking and Branching
• Version
• Logout
• Exit

Spool on/off
Log the output of a MaxL Shell session to a file. Send standard output, informational
messages, error messages, and/or warning messages generated by the execution of
MaxL statements to a file.
If FILE-NAME does not exist, it is created. If FILE-NAME already exists, it is
overwritten. If a directory path is not specified for FILE-NAME, FILE-NAME is created
in the current directory of the MaxL Shell. Directories cannot be created using the
spool command.
Message logging begins with spool on and ends with spool off.

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands



spool on to 'output.txt';

{MaxL statements}

spool off;

Sends output of MaxL statements to a file called output.txt, located in the current
directory where the MaxL Shell was invoked.

spool on to 'c:\hyperion\output.txt';

Sends output of MaxL statements to a file called output.txt, located in the pre-existing
directory specified by an absolute path.

spool on to '../../../output.txt';

Sends output of MaxL statements to a file called output.txt, located in the pre-existing
directory specified by a relative path. The file would be located three directories above
the current directory.

Most operating systems support three channels for input/output:
• STDIN (standard input channel)
• STDOUT (standard output channel)
• STDERR (standard error channel)
Most operating systems also provide command-line options for re-directing data
generated by applications, depending on which of the above channels the data is
piped through.
Errors in MaxL are flagged as STDERR, allowing command-line redirection of errors
using operating-system redirection handles. Non errors are flagged as STDOUT; thus
normal output may be logged separately from error output. Here is an example of
redirecting error-output at invocation time:

essmsh script.mxl 2>errorfile.err

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Operating-system redirection handles vary; check the platform

You can also redirect STDERR and STDOUT independently to different MaxL output
logs, using the corresponding options in the spool command. For example, you can
direct errors to one file and output to another by placing the following lines in your

spool stdout on to 'output.txt';

spool stderr on to 'errors.txt';

or you can direct errors only:

spool stderr on to 'errors.txt';

or you can direct output only:

spool stdout on to 'output.txt';

You cannot use the generic spool and the special output-channel spools in
the same script. For example, the following is not valid:

spool on to 'session.txt';
spool stderr on to 'errors.txt';

Set Display Column Width

Set the width of the columns that appear in MaxL display output tables, for the current
MaxL Shell session.
• Default: 20 characters
• Minimum: 8 characters
• Maximum: None.


Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands


set column_width 10;

Sets the column width to 10 characters.

set column_width default;

Sets the column width back to 20 characters.

Set Message Level

Set the level of messaging you want returned from MaxL Shell sessions. By default, all
messages are returned.

Table 3-15 MaxL Shell Message Levels

Message level Description

all Errors, warnings, status reporting, and
informational messages. This is the default
message level.
error Essbase and MaxL Shell error messages.
warning Essbase warning messages.
fatal Only errors which cause the shell to
disconnect from Essbase.


set message level all;

Set Timestamp
Enable or disable the display of a timestamp after execution of each MaxL statement.
By default, no timestamps are returned.

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

The timestamp information does not display after the error-control shell statements
goto, iferror, and define.


set timestamp on;

Display text or expand variables to the screen or to a log file. When used in scripts
with spooling (log-file generation) turned on, echo expands variables in the log file. For
interactive sessions, variables are not expanded in the log file; instead, the variable
name you typed is recorded (for example, $1).


echo <text> | <variablename>

See examples of echo under the discussion of variables (Quotation Marks and
Variable Expansion).

Reference (include) a MaxL script from within another MaxL script. You might use this
if variables are defined in the referenced MaxL script which are useful to the current
MaxL script.

msh <scriptfile>;


login fiona sunflower;

alter database sample.basic end archive;
msh calculate.msh;
alter database sample.basic
begin archive to file bak;

Variables defined or changed in a nested script persist into the parent script
after the nested script executes.

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Because msh is a shell command, it is limited to the originating session.
Therefore, you should not reference MaxL scripts that contain new login

Error Checking and Branching

IfError instructs the MaxL Shell to respond to an error in the previous statement by
skipping subsequent statements, up to a certain location in the script that is defined by
a label name.
IfError checks the presence of errors only in the precedent statement. IfError checks
• Errors in MaxL statement execution
• Errors in MaxL Shell command execution, including:
– Errors in spool on/off, such as permission errors
– Errors in set column_width, such as invalid widths
– Errors in script nesting, such as permission errors or nonexistent include files
Goto forces the MaxL Shell to branch to a certain location in the script defined by a
label name; goto is not dependent on the occurence of an error.


define label LABELNAME

Example: Iferror (MaxL)

The following example script contains a dimension build statement and a data load
statement. If the dimension build fails, the data load is skipped.

login $1 $2;

import database sample.basic dimensions

from data_file 'C:\\data\\dimensions.txt'
using rules_file 'C:\\\\data\\rulesfile.rul'
on error append to 'C:\\\\logs\\dimbuild.log';

iferror 'dimbuildFailed';

import database sample.basic data from data_file

on error abort;

define label 'dimbuildFailed';


Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

Example: Iferror (MaxL Shell)

The following example script tests various errors including MaxL Shell errors, and
demonstrates how you can set the exit status variable to a nonzero argument to return
an exit status to the MaxL Shell.

### Begin Script ###

login $1 $2;
echo "Testing syntactic errors...";

spool on to spool.out;

set timestampTypo on;

iferror 'End';

msh "doesnotexistlerr.mxl";
iferror 'FileDoesNotExistError';

echo "Script completed successfully...";

spool off;
exit 0;

define label 'FileDoesNotExistError';

echo "Error detected: Script file does not exist";
spool off;
exit 1;

define label 'ShellError';

echo ' Shell error detected...';
spool off;
exit 2;

define label 'End';

echo ' Syntax error detected...';
spool off;
exit 3;

### End Script ###

Example: Goto
The following example script contains a dimension build statement and a data load
statement. Goto is used to skip the data load.

login $1 $2;

import database sample.basic dimensions

from data_file 'C:\\data\\dimensions.txt'

Chapter 3
MaxL Shell Commands

using rules_file 'C:\\\\data\\rulesfile.rul'

on error append to 'C:\\\\logs\\dimbuild.log';

goto 'Finished';

import database sample.basic data from data_file

on error abort;

define label 'Finished';


The MaxL Shell will skip forward in the script to LABELNAME but not backwards.

To see which version of MaxL you are using, type version.




Essbase MaxL Shell - Release 11.1.2

Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.

Log out from Essbase without exiting the interactive MaxL Shell.





Exit from the MAXL> prompt after using interactive mode. You can optionally set the exit
status variable to a non zero argument to return an exit status to the parent shell.

Chapter 3
ESSCMD Script Conversion

It is not necessary to exit at the end of MaxL script files or stream-oriented
input (using the -i switch).





Closes the MaxL Shell window or terminal.

exit 10;

Closes the MaxL Shell window or terminal with a return status of 10. You can use this
in combination with IfError to return a non zero error status to the parent shell.

ESSCMD Script Conversion

cmd2mxl is a fully supported utility for converting existing ESSCMD shell scripts to
their corresponding MaxL scripts. To convert an ESSCMD shell script to a MaxL script,
go to the operating-system command prompt and enter the executable name, the
ESSCMD shell script name, the desired MaxL script name, and the name of a logfile to
write to in case of errors.
• ESSCMD Script Utility Usage
• Things to Note About the ESSCMD shell Script Utility
• ESSCMD to MaxL Mapping

ESSCMD Script Utility Usage

cmd2mxl esscmd_script maxl_output logfile

For example, if the ESSCMD shell script name is %ARBORPATH%\dailyupd.scr, the

command issued on the operating-system command line would be:
cmd2mxl %ARBORPATH%\dailyupd.scr %ARBORPATH%\dailyupd.mxl %ARBORPATH%

Subsequently, the MaxL script can be executed using the MaxL Shell by the follwing
essmsh %ARBORPATH%\dailyupd.mxl

Chapter 3
ESSCMD Script Conversion

Things to Note About the ESSCMD shell Script Utility

1. The utility will only translate syntactically and semantically valid ESSCMD shell
2. For invalid ESSCMD shell scripts, the resulting MaxL script is undefined.
3. All ESSCMD shell statements in the scripts should end with a semicolon ( ; )
statement terminator.
4. This utility will only work on Windows platforms.
5. Although most ESSCMD shell commands have corresponding MaxL statements,
there are exceptions. For such exceptions, a comment will be generated in the
logfile, and the resulting MaxL script will have to be modified to work correctly.
Note that if an ESSCMD shell command is still needed, it can be invoked from a
MaxL script using shell esscmd <scriptname>.
6. All strings in the ESSCMD shell scripts should be surrounded by double quotation
marks ("").

ESSCMD to MaxL Mapping

The following table compares ESSCMD shell usage to MaxL usage, and the following
conversions are supported by cmd2mxl.

Table 3-16 ESSCMD shell to MaxL Mapping

ESSCMD shell Command ESSCMD shell Usage Example MaxL Equivalent Example
ADDUSER ADDUSER finance essexer1; N/A. User management statements
no longer supported in MaxL.
BEGINARCHIVE beginarchive sample basic "test.txt"; alter database Sample.Basic begin
archive to file 'test.txt';
BEGININCBUILDDIM beginincbuilddim; import database Sample.Basic
dimensions from local text data_file
'c:\\data.txt' using local rules_file 'c:\
\data_rule.rul' on error write to 'c:\
BUILDDIM builddim 1 "c:\data_rul.rul" 3 Same as BEGININCDIMBUILD
"c:\data.txt" 4 "c:\error.log";
CALC calc "CALC ALL;"; execute calculation 'CALC ALL' on
CALCDEFAULT calcdefault; execute calculation default on
CALCLINE calcline "CALC ALL;"; execute calculation 'CALC ALL;' on
COPYAPP copyapp sample sampnew; create application sampnew as
COPYDB copydb sample basic sample basic2; create or replace database
sample.basic2 as sample.basic;
COPYFILTER copyfilter sample basic westwrite create filter sample.basic.westmgr as
sample basic westmgr; sample.basic.westwrite;

Chapter 3
ESSCMD Script Conversion

Table 3-16 (Cont.) ESSCMD shell to MaxL Mapping

ESSCMD shell Command ESSCMD shell Usage Example MaxL Equivalent Example
COPYOBJECT copyobject "9" "sample" "basic" alter object sample.basic.calcdat
"calcdat" "sample" "basic" "calcdat2"; of type text copy to
CREATEAPP createapp finance; create or replace application finance;
CREATEDB createdb finance investor; create or replace database
CREATEGROUP creategroup managers; N/A. User management statements
no longer supported in MaxL.
CREATELOCATION select sample basic; alter system load application sample;
createlocation hq hqserver finance alter application sample load
investor admin password; database basic;
create location alias hq from
sample.basic to finance.investor at
hqserver as admin identified by
CREATEUSER createuser karen password; N/A. User management statements
no longer supported in MaxL.
CREATEVARIABLE createvariable CurMnth localhost alter database sample.basic add
sample basic Jan; variable CurMnth 'Jan';
alter application sample add variable
CurMnth 'Jan';
alter system add variable CurMnth
DELETEAPP deleteapp sampnew; drop application sampnew cascade;
DELETEDB deletedb demo basic; drop database demo.basic;
DELETEGROUP deletegroup engg; N/A. User management statements
no longer supported in MaxL.
DELETELOCATION select finance investor; alter system load application finance;
deletelocation hq1; alter application finance load
database investor;
drop location alias
DELETELOG deletelog sample; alter application sample clear logfile;
DELETEUSER deleteuser rob; N/A. User management statements
no longer supported in MaxL.
DELETEVARIABLE select sample basic; alter system load application sample;
deletevariable CurMnth "localhost"; alter application sample load
database basic;
alter database sample.basic drop
variable CurMnth;
alter application sample drop variable
alter system drop variable CurMnth;
DISABLELOGIN disablelogin demo; alter application demo disable
DISPLAYALIAS select sample basic; query database sample.basic list
displayalias "default"; alias_names in alias_table 'Default';

Chapter 3
ESSCMD Script Conversion

Table 3-16 (Cont.) ESSCMD shell to MaxL Mapping

ESSCMD shell Command ESSCMD shell Usage Example MaxL Equivalent Example
ENABLELOGIN enablelogin demo; alter application demo enable
ENDARCHIVE endarchive sample basic; alter database sample.basic end
ESTIMATEFULLDBSIZE select sample basic; query database sample.basic get
estimatefulldbsize; estimated size;

EXIT exit; exit;

EXPORT select sample basic; alter system load application sample;
export "c:\data.txt" 1; alter application sample load
database basic;
export database Sample.Basic all
data to data_file 'c:\\data.txt';
GETALLREPLCELLS select samppart company; alter system load application
getallreplcells "svr2" "sampeast" samppart;
"east"; alter application samppart load
database company;
refresh replicated partition from
sampeast.east at svr2;
GETAPPINFO getappinfo "demo"; display application demo;
GETAPPSTATE getappstate demo; display application demo;
GETATTRIBUTESPECS select sample basic; query database sample.basic get
getattributespecs; attribute_spec;

GETATTRINFO select sample basic; query database sample.basic get

getattrinfo "Caffeinated_True"; attribute_info 'Caffeinated_True';

GETDBINFO select sample basic; display database sample.basic

getdbinfo; request_history;

GETDBSTATE getdbstate sample basic; display database sample.basic;

GETDBSTATS select sample basic; query database sample.basic get
getdbstats; dbstats data_block;

GETCRRATE getcrrate; query database sample.basic get

GETDEFAULTCALC select sample basic; query database sample.basic get
getdefaultcalc; default calculation;

GETMBRCALC select sample basic; query database sample.basic get

getmbrcalc "Profit %"; member_calculation 'Profit %';

GETMBRINFO select sample basic; query database sample.basic get

getmbrinfo "Ounces_20"; member_info 'Ounces_20';

GETPERFSTATS select sample basic; query database sample.basic get

getperfstats; performance statistics kernel_cache
GETUSERINFO getuserinfo admin; display user admin;

Chapter 3
ESSCMD Script Conversion

Table 3-16 (Cont.) ESSCMD shell to MaxL Mapping

ESSCMD shell Command ESSCMD shell Usage Example MaxL Equivalent Example
GETVERSION getversion; version;
IMPORT select sample basic; alter system load application sample;
import 1 "c:\data.txt" 4 y 3 alter application sample load
"c:\import.rul" n "c:\data_load.err"; database basic;
import database sample.basic
data from local text data_file 'c:\
\data.txt' using local rules_file 'c:\
\data_rule.rul' on error write to 'c:\
LISTALIASES select sample basic; query database sample.basic list
listaliases; alias_table;

LISTAPP listapp; display application all;

LISTDB listdb; display database all;
LISTFILES listfiles "" "sample" "basic"; query database sample.basic list all
file information;
LISTFILTERS listfilters sample basic; display filter on database
LISTGROUPS listgroups; display group all;
LISTGROUPUSERS listgroupusers finance; display user in group finance;
LISTLINKEDOBJECTS select sample basic; query database sample.basic list lro
listlinkedobjects "Fiona" by Fiona before '07/07/2003';
LISTLOCATIONS select sample basic; alter system load application sample;
listlocations; alter application sample load
database basic;
display location alias on database
LISTLOCKS listlocks; display lock;
LISTLOGINS listlogins; display session all;
LISTOBJECTS listobjects "2" "Sample" "Basic"; display object of type calc_script on
database sample.basic;
LISTUSERS listusers; display user all;
LISTVARIABLES listvariables localhost sample basic; display variable on database
LOADALIAS select sample basic; alter database sample.basic
loadalias "special_flavors" load alias_table 'special_flavors'
"C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\Essb from data_file "$ARBORPATH\\app\
aseServer\app\sample\basic\season \sample\\basic\\seasonal.txt";
LOADAPP loadapp sample; alter system load application sample;
LOADDB loaddb sample basic; alter application sample load
database basic;

Chapter 3
ESSCMD Script Conversion

Table 3-16 (Cont.) ESSCMD shell to MaxL Mapping

ESSCMD shell Command ESSCMD shell Usage Example MaxL Equivalent Example
LOADDATA select sample basic; alter system load application sample;
loaddata 3 "c:\data.txt"; alter application sample load
database basic;
import database sample.basic data
from local text data_file 'c:\\data.txt'
on error abort;
LOGIN login local admin password; login admin 'password' on local;
LOGOUT logout; logout;
LOGOUTALLUSERS logoutallusers y; alter system logout session all;
LOGOUTUSER Available only in interactive ESSCMD alter system logout session
shell sessions. 4294967295;
OUTPUT output 1 c:\test.log; spool on to 'c:\test.log';
output 4; spool off;
PURGELINKEDOBJECTS purgelinkedobjects "Fiona" alter database sample.basic delete
"07/07/2002"; lro by 'fiona' before '07/07/2002';
PUTALLREPLCELLS select sampeast east; alter system load application
putallreplcells svr1 samppart sampeast;
company; alter application sampeast load
database east;
refresh replicated partition
sampeast.east from at svr1 updated
REMOVELOCKS removelocks "2"; drop lock held by Fiona;
REMOVEUSER removeuser finance steve; N/A. User management statements
no longer supported in MaxL.
RENAMEAPP renameapp sample newsamp1; alter application sample rename to
RENAMEDB renamedb sample basic newbasic; alter database sample.basic rename
to newbasic;
RENAMEFILTER renamefilter sample basic westmgr create or replace filter
allwest; sample.basic.westmgr as
drop filter sample.basic.westmgr;
RENAMEOBJECT RENAMEOBJECT "9" "sample" alter object sample.basic.calcdat of
"basic" "calcdat" "calcdat2"; type text rename to 'calcdat2';
RENAMEUSER renameuser steve_m m_steve; N/A. User management statements
no longer supported in MaxL.
RESETDB select sample basic; alter database sample.basic reset;
RESETPERFSTATS resetperfstats enable; alter database sample.basic set
performance statistics enabled;
RUNCALC The only command supported is the execute calculation
server based calc script execution.;
Select Sample.Basic;
Runcalc 2 one;

Chapter 3
ESSCMD Script Conversion

Table 3-16 (Cont.) ESSCMD shell to MaxL Mapping

ESSCMD shell Command ESSCMD shell Usage Example MaxL Equivalent Example
RUNREPT select sample basic; runrept 2 alter system load application sample;
complex "c:\complex.out"; alter application load database basic;
export database sample.basic using
server report_file 'complex' to
data_file 'c:\\complex.out';
SELECT select sample basic; alter system load application sample;
alter application load database basic;
SETALIAS select sample basic; alter database sample.basic set
setalias "long names"; active alias_table 'Long Names';

SETAPPSTATE setappstate sample "" y y 4 y y y y alter application sample enable

1000 1000; startup;
alter application sample enable
alter application sample set minimum
permission manager;
alter application sample enable
alter application sample enable
alter application sample enable
alter application sample enable
alter application sample set
lock_timeout after 1000 seconds;
alter application sample set
max_lro_file_size 1000 kb;
SETDBSTATE setdbstate "" "Y" "Y" 4 3145728 "Y" alter database sample.basic enable
"Y" "Y" "" "" 0 1048576 1025 "Y"; startup;
alter database sample.basic enable
alter database sample.basic set
minimum permission manager;
alter database sample.basic set
data_cache_size 3145728;
alter database sample.basic enable
alter database sample.basic enable
alter database sample.basic enable
alter database sample.basic set
currency_conversion division;
alter database sample.basic set
index_cache_size 1048576;
alter database sample.basic enable

Chapter 3
ESSCMD Script Conversion

Table 3-16 (Cont.) ESSCMD shell to MaxL Mapping

ESSCMD shell Command ESSCMD shell Usage Example MaxL Equivalent Example
SETDBSTATEITEM . See the alter database statement.
SETDEFAULTCALC select sample basic; alter database sample.basic set
setdefaultcalc "CALC ALL;"; default calculation as 'CALC ALL';

SETDEFAULTCALCFILE select sample basic; Create a calculation file in

setdefaultcalcfile defcalc; the server containing the
calculation string. Then, alter
database sample.sasic set default
calculation sample.basic.defcalc;
will set the default calculation.
SETMSGLEVEL setmsglevel 2; set message level all;

This is
part of
e MaxL
ar, not

SETPASSWORD setpassword steve newpass; N/A. User management statements

no longer supported in MaxL.
SHUTDOWNSERVER shutdownserver local admin login admin 'password' on local;
password; alter system shutdown;
SLEEP sleep 10; shell sleep 10;
UNLOADALIAS select sample basic; alter database sample.basic unload
unloadalias "flavors"; alias_table 'flavors';

UNLOADAPP unloadapp sample; alter system unload application

UNLOADDB unloaddb sample basic; alter application sample unload
database basic;
UNLOCKOBJECT unlockobject "1" "sample" "basic" alter object 'sample.basic.basic' of
"basic"; type outline unlock;
UPDATE select sample.basic import database sample.basic from
update "Jan Sales '100-10' Florida data_string 'Jan Sales 100-10 Florida
Actual 220"; Actual 220';

UPDATEFILE updatefile 3 "c:\data.txt" 1; same as LOADDATA;

Chapter 3
MaxL Reserved Words List

Table 3-16 (Cont.) ESSCMD shell to MaxL Mapping

ESSCMD shell Command ESSCMD shell Usage Example MaxL Equivalent Example
UPDATEVARIABLE updatevariable hot_product local alter system set variable
sample basic "100-10"; 'hot_product' '100-10';
alter application sample set variable
'hot_product' "100-10";
alter database Sample.Basic set
variable 'hot_product' '100-10';
VALIDATE validate; alter database sample.basic validate
data to local logfile 'validation.txt';

MaxL Reserved Words List

The following keywords are part of the MaxL grammar, and are reserved. If you intend
to use any of these words as names or passwords, you must enclose the word in
single quotation marks.


Chapter 3
MaxL Reserved Words List


Chapter 3
MaxL Reserved Words List


Chapter 3
MaxL Reserved Words List


Chapter 3
MaxL Reserved Words List


Chapter 3
MaxL Reserved Words List


Chapter 3
MaxL Reserved Words List


Chapter 3
MaxL Reserved Words List


Chapter 3
MaxL Reserved Words List


Chapter 3


MaxL BNF diagrams are an optional alternative to railroad diagrams, for reading MaxL


{} Alternatives (at least one required)

[] Options (none required)
!! Default option if none indicated
| Separates options (OR)
[,...] Comma-separated list (of previous item) allowed
[ ...] Whitespace-separated list (of previous item) allowed
'' Literal
::= "is defined as." Symbol to the left is to be replaced with
expression on the right

alter application

alter application
{lock_timeout after INTEGER[!seconds!|minutes]
|max_lro_file_size {unlimited|SIZE-STRING}
|minimum permission %DBS-SYSTEM-ROLE%
|cache_size SIZE-STRING
|type unicode_mode
|{load|unload} database DBS-STRING
|{enable|disable} {startup|autostartup|commands|updates|connects|

Chapter 3

|clear logfile
|add variable VARIABLE-NAME [STRING]
|drop variable VARIABLE-NAME
|rename to APP-NAME


alter application (aggregate storage)

alter application
|minimum permission %DBS-SYSTEM-ROLE%
|cache_size SIZE-STRING
|type unicode_mode
|{load|unload} database DBS-STRING
|{enable|disable} {startup|autostartup|commands|updates|connects|
|clear logfile
|add variable VARIABLE-NAME [STRING]
|drop variable VARIABLE-NAME
|rename to APP-NAME


alter database enable|disable

alter database DBS-NAME


alter database set

alter database DBS-NAME


Chapter 3

retrieve_buffer_size SIZE-STRING
|retrieve_sort_buffer_size SIZE-STRING
|data_cache_size SIZE-STRING
|index_cache_size SIZE-STRING
|currency_database DBS-STRING
|currency_member MEMBER-NAME
|currency_conversion {division|multiplication}
|minimum permission %DBS-SYSTEM-ROLE%
|compression {rle|bitmap}
|after INTEGER {[!seconds!|minutes]}
|implicit_commit after INTEGER {blocks|rows}
|default calculation {CALC-NAME-SINGLE|as calc_string CALC-STRING}
|active alias_table ALT-NAME-SINGLE
|performance statistics {enabled|disabled|mode to %PST-SPEC%}


|{medium|long} persistence {all|database|server} scope

alter database misc

alter database DBS-NAME

reset [{all|data}]
data to local logfile FILE-NAME
|using {error_file FILE-NAME|default error_file}
|force restructure
|load alias_table ALT-NAME-SINGLE from data_file FILE-NAME
|unload alias_table ALT-NAME-SINGLE
|add variable VARIABLE-NAME [STRING]
|drop variable VARIABLE-NAME
|delete lro
|before DATE
|by USER-NAME before DATE

Chapter 3

|unlock all objects

|begin archive to file FILE-NAME
|end archive
|[force] archive to file FILE-NAME
|[force] restore from file FILE-NAME
|replay transactions
after LOG-TIME
|using sequence_id_range ID-RANGE
|rename to DBS-STRING

alter database disk volumes

alter database DBS-NAME

{add|drop} disk volume VOLUME-NAME
|set disk volume VOLUME-NAME
file_type {data|index|index_data}
|file_size SIZE-STRING
|partition_size {SIZE-STRING|unlimited}

alter database (aggregate storage)

alter database DBS-NAME

retrieve_buffer_size SIZE-STRING
|retrieve_sort_buffer_size SIZE-STRING
|minimum permission %DBS-SYSTEM-ROLE%
|active alias_table ALT-NAME-SINGLE
|reset [{all|data}]
|compact outline
|add variable VARIABLE-NAME [STRING]
|drop variable VARIABLE-NAME
|destroy load_buffer with buffer_id BUFFER-ID[,...]
|unlock all objects
|rename to DBS-STRING

Chapter 3

|merge {all|incremental} data
|begin archive to file FILE-NAME
|end archive


initialize load_buffer with buffer_id BUFFER-ID[,...]
[resource_usage RNUM][property PROPS][wait_for_resources]

alter drillthrough

alter drillthrough
URL-NAME from xml_file FILE-NAME
on '{'MEMBER-EXPRESSION'}'[,...]

alter filter

alter filter FILTER-NAME

add {no_access|read|write|meta_read} on MEMBER-EXPRESSION [,...]

alter object

alter object OBJ-NAME of type %OBJ-TYPE%

{rename to OBJ-NAME-SINGLE|unlock|[force]copy to OBJ-NAME}


alter partition

alter {transparent|replicated} partition DBS-NAME

{to|from} DBS-NAME [at HOST-NAME]
connect as USER-NAME identified by PASSWORD
|hostname as HOST-NAME instead of HOST-NAME direction {single|all}

Chapter 3

|application as APP-NAME instead of APP-NAME direction {single|all}

|database as DSB-STRING instead of DBS-STRING

alter session

alter session set dml_output

|alias {on|off}
|metadata_only {on|off}
|cell_status {on|off}
|numerical_display {!default!|fixed_decimal|scientific_notation}
|formatted_value {on|off}
|get_missing_cells {on|off}
|get_meaningless_cells {on|off}

alter system

alter system
load application {all|APP-NAME}
|unload application {all|APP-NAME} [no_force]
session_idle_limit {INTEGER[!seconds!|minutes]|none}
|session_idle_poll {INTEGER[!seconds!|minutes]|none}
|invalid_login_limit {INTEGER|none|}
|inactive_user_days {INTEGER[days]|none}
|password_reset_days {INTEGER[days]|none}
|server_port begin at INTEGER end at INTEGER
|delete export_directory EXPORT-DIR
|drop variable VARIABLE-NAME
|logout session %SESSION-SPEC% [force]
|kill request %SESSION-SPEC%
|{enable|disable} unicode

|by user USER-NAME

Chapter 3

on application APP-NAME
|on database DBS-NAME
|on application APP-NAME
|on database DBS-NAME

alter system (aggregate storage)

alter system
load application {all|APP-NAME}
|unload application {all|APP-NAME} [no_force]
session_idle_limit {INTEGER[!seconds!|minutes]|none}
|session_idle_poll {INTEGER[!seconds!|minutes]|none}
|invalid_login_limit {INTEGER|none|}
|inactive_user_days {INTEGER[days]|none}
|password_reset_days {INTEGER[days]|none}
|server_port begin at INTEGER end at INTEGER
|drop variable VARIABLE-NAME
|logout session %SESSION-SPEC% [force]
|kill request %SESSION-SPEC%
|reconcile [force]

|by user USER-NAME
on application APP-NAME
|on database DBS-NAME
|on application APP-NAME
|on database DBS-NAME

alter tablespace (aggregate storage)

alter tablespace TABLSP-NAME

add file_location FILE-NAME
set max_file_size SIZE-STRING
|set max_disk_size SIZE-STRING

Chapter 3

|alter file_location FILE-NAME
set max_file_size SIZE-STRING
|set max_disk_size SIZE-STRING
|drop file_location FILE-NAME

alter trigger

alter trigger
TRIGGER-NAME {enable|disable}
|on database DBS-NAME disable

create application

create [or replace] application APP-NAME

[type {!nonunicode_mode!|unicode_mode}]

create application (aggregate storage)

create [or replace] application APP-NAME

[type {!nonunicode_mode!|unicode_mode}]
[using aggregate_storage]

create calculation

create [or replace] calculation CALC-NAME {CALC-STRING|as CALC-NAME}

create database

create [or replace] [currency] database DBS-NAME

[using non_unique_members]

create database (aggregate storage)

create [or replace] database DBS-NAME

[using non_unique_members]

Chapter 3

create drillthrough

create drillthrough URL-NAME from xml_file FILE-NAME

on '{'MEMBER-EXPRESSION [,...]'}'
[level0 only]

create filter

create [or replace] filter FILTER-NAME


create location alias

create [or replace] location alias


create replicated partition

create [or replace] replicated partition DBS-NAME

[using USER-NAME identified by PASSWORD for creation]
'('MEMBER-NAME [,...]')'
to '('MEMBER-NAME [,...]')'
[outline {!direct!|reverse}]
[remote comment COMMENT-STRING]
[update {allow|disallow}]
[validate only]

Chapter 3


create transparent partition

create [or replace] transparent partition DBS-NAME

[using USER-NAME identified by PASSWORD for creation]
'('MEMBER-NAME [,...]')'
to '('MEMBER-NAME [,...]')'
[outline {!direct!|reverse}]
[remote comment COMMENT-STRING]
[validate only]


create after-update trigger

create [or replace] after update trigger TRIGGER-NAME

where CUBE-AREA [when CONDITION then ACTION][ ...] end

create on-update trigger

create [or replace] [!on update!] trigger TRIGGER-NAME

[log_value {!OFF!|ON}]
[when CONDITION then ACTION][ ...]
[else ACTION]

display application

display application [!all!|APP-NAME [message_level]]

display calculation

display calculation
|on application APP-NAME

Chapter 3

|on database DBS-NAME


display database

display database
|on application APP-NAME

display disk volume

display disk volume

[!all!|UNIQUE-VOL-NAME|on database DBS-NAME]

display drillthrough

display drillthrough

display filter

display filter [!all!|FILTER-NAME|on database DBS-NAME]

display filter row

display filter row [!all!|FILTER-NAME|on database DBS-NAME]

display group

display group [!all!|GROUP-NAME]

display location alias

display location alias [!all!|LOCATION-ALIAS-NAME|on application APP-

NAME|on database DBS-NAME]

display lock

display lock [!all!|on system|on application APP-NAME|on database DBS-


Chapter 3

display object

display [locked] object

[!all!|of type %OBJ-TYPE%]
[!on system!|on application APP-NAME|on database DBS-NAME]
|OBJ-NAME of type %OBJ-TYPE%


display partition

display partition [!all!|on database DBS-NAME][advanced]

display privilege

display privilege
user [!all!|USER-NAME]
|group [!all!|GROUP-NAME]

display session

display session
|by user USER-NAME [on application APP-NAME|on database DBS-NAME]
|on application APP-NAME
|on database DBS-NAME

display system

display system

Chapter 3

|ports {in use|overview}
|security mode
|on database DBS-NAME

display trigger

display trigger
|on system
|on application APP-NAME
|on database DBS-NAME

display trigger spool

display trigger_spool
|on application APP-NAME
|on database DBS-NAME

display user

display user
in group [!all!|GROUP-NAME]

display variable

display variable
|on application APP-NAME

Chapter 3

|on database DBS-NAME

|on system

drop application

drop application APP-NAME [cascade] [force]

drop calculation

drop calculation CALC-NAME

drop database

drop database DBS-NAME [force]

drop drillthrough

drop drillthrough URL-NAME

drop filter

drop filter FILTER-NAME

drop location alias

drop location alias LOCATION-ALIAS-NAME

drop lock

drop lock
!on system!
|on application APP-NAME
|on database DBS-NAME
[!all!|held by USER-NAME]

drop object

drop object OBJ-NAME of type %OBJ-TYPE% [force]


Chapter 3


drop partition

partition DBS-NAME {from|to} DBS-NAME
[at HOST-NAME][force]

drop trigger

drop trigger TRIGGER-NAME

drop trigger spool

drop trigger_spool {SPOOL-NAME|all on database DBS-NAME}

execute aggregate build

execute aggregate build on database DBS-NAME

views VIEW-ID VIEW-SIZE [,...] with outline_id OUTLINE-ID
|view_file VIEW-FILE-NAME

execute aggregate process

execute aggregate process on database DBS-NAME

[stopping when total_size exceeds STOPPING-VAL]
[based on query_data]
[{enable|!disable!} alternate_rollups]

execute aggregate selection

execute aggregate selection on database DBS-NAME

using views VIEW-ID[,...]
with outline_id OUTLINE-ID
[[!suppress!|force] display]
[selecting INTEGER views]
[stopping when total_size exceeds STOPPING-VAL]

Chapter 3

[based on query_data]
[{dump|force_dump} to view_file VIEW-FILE-NAME]
[{enable|!disable!} alternate_rollups]

execute allocation (aggregate storage)

execute allocation process on database DBS-NAME with

[amountcontext MDX-TUPLE]
[amounttimespan MDX-SET ]
target MDX-TUPLE
[targettimespan MDX-SET]
[targettimespanoptions {!divideamout!|repeatamount}]
[offset MDX-TUPLE]
[debitmember MDX-MBR]
[creditmember MDX-MBR]
range MDX-SET
[excludedrange MDX-SET]
[basis MDX-TUPLE]
[basistimespan MDX-SET]
[basistimespanoptions {splitbasis|combinebasis}]
|spread [{skip_missing|skip_zero|skip_negative},...]
[zeroamountoptions {skip_to_next_amount|abort}]
discard errors

Chapter 3

|errors_to_location MDX-TUPLE
[{!override!|add|subtract} values]

execute calculation

execute calculation
|{CALC-STRING|default} on DBS-NAME

execute calculation (aggregate storage)

execute calculation on database DBS-NAME with

local script_file FILE-NAME pov MDX-SET sourceregion MDX-SET
[target MDX-TUPLE]
|[debitmember MDX-MBR]
|[creditmember MDX-MBR]
|[offset MDX-TUPLE]
[{!override!|add|subtract} values]

export data

export database DBS-NAME

data [anonymous] [in columns] to [!server!] data_file FILE-NAME[,...]
|using [!local!|server] report_file FILE-NAME to data_file FILE-NAME

export data (aggregate storage)

export database DBS-NAME

data [anonymous] to [!server!] data_file FILE-NAME[,...]
|using [!local!|server] report_file FILE-NAME to data_file FILE-NAME

export lro

export databse DBS-NAME lro to

[!server!|local] directory

Chapter 3

export outline

export outline {DBS-NAME|FILE-NAME}

all dimensions
|list dimensions '{'DIM-NAME'}'[,...]
[tree|with alias_table ALT-NAME-SINGLE]
to xml_file FILE-NAME

export query_tracking

export query_tracking DBS-NAME to

[!server!] file FILE-NAME


[on system]
|{no_access|manager} on application APP-NAME
|{no_access||read|write|manager} on database DBS-NAME
!on system!
|on application APP-NAME
|on database DBS-NAME

import data

import database DBS-NAME

[using max_threads INTEGER]
data_file IMP-FILE
[using [!local!|server] rules_file IMP-FILE]
|from data_string STRING
|connect as SQL-USR identified by SQL-PASS
using [!local!|server] rules_file IMP-FILE

Chapter 3

on error {{write|append}to FILE-NAME|abort}

import data (aggregate storage)

import database DBS-NAME data

data_file IMP-FILE
[using [!local!|server] rules_file IMP-FILE]
|from data_string STRING
|connect as SQL-USR identified by SQL-PASS
[!local!|server] rules_file IMP-FILE
|multiple rules_file RULE-FILE-NAME[,...]
to load_buffer_block starting with buffer id BUFFER-ID
on error {write to FILE-NAME|abort}
|from load_buffer with buffer_id BUFFER-ID[,...]
[{!override!|add|subtract} values]
[create slice]
|override {all|incremental} data

on error {{write|append}to FILE-NAME|abort}

import dimensions

import database DBS-NAME dimensions

[!text!] data_file IMP-FILE
using[!local!|server] rules_file IMP-FILE
[[!enforce!|suppress] verification]
|connect as SQL-USR identified by SQL-PASS
using[!local!|server] rules_file IMP-FILE
!preserve all data!
|preserve {level0|input} data
on error {write|append} to FILE-NAME

import lro

import database DBS-NAME

lro from [!local!|server] directory IMPORT-DIR

Chapter 3

import query_tracking

import query_tracking DBS-NAME from

[!server!] file FILE-NAME

query application

query application APP-NAME get cache_size

query application (aggregate storage)

query application APP-NAME

get cache_size
|list aggregate_storage storage_info

query archive file

query archive_file FILE-NAME {get overview|list disk volume}

query database

query database DBS-NAME

|attribute_info MEMBER-NAME
|dbstats {dimension|data_block}
|default calculation
|member_info MEMBER-NAME
|member_calculation MEMBER-NAME
|estimated size
|performance statistics
|alias_names in alias_table ALT-NAME-SINGLE

Chapter 3

|before DATE
|by USER-NAME before DATE
|{all|data|index} file information
after LOG-TIME
[[force] write to file PATHNAME_FILENAME]

query database (aggregate storage)

query database DBS-NAME

|attribute_info MEMBER-NAME
|dbstats {dimension|data_block}
|member_info MEMBER-NAME
|opg_state of %OPG-SECTION% for dimension DIM-NAME
|aggregate_storage runtime_info
|aggregate_storage compression_info
|aggregate_storage group_id_info
|aggregate_storage slice_info
|aggregate_storage uncommitted_transaction_info
|alias_names in alias_table ALT-NAME-SINGLE
|existing_views [based on query_data
|{!all!|data|index} file information
existing_views to view_file VIEW-FILE-NAME
[based on query_data]

refresh outline

refresh outline on {transparent|replicated}

partition DBS-NAME {to|from} DBS-NAME

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

purge outline change_file
|apply all
|apply nothing

apply on dimension
apply on member
apply on member_property {

refresh replicated partition

refresh replicated partition DBS-NAME

{to|from} DBS-NAME

MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Click here for non-aggregate storage list
Some MaxL grammar is applicable only to aggregate storage mode, and some
standard grammar is not applicable to aggregate storage mode. The following
statements support aggregate storage application and database operations.
• alter application
• alter database
• alter filter
• alter object
• alter partition
• alter system
• alter tablespace
• alter trigger
• create application
• create database
• create filter

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

• create outline
• create partition
• create after-update trigger
• display application
• display calculation
• display database
• display filter
• display filter row
• display group
• display lock
• display object
• display partition
• display privilege
• display session
• display system
• display tablespace
• display trigger
• display user
• display variable
• drop application
• drop calculation
• drop database
• drop filter
• drop lock
• drop object
• drop partition
• drop trigger
• execute aggregate process
• execute aggregate build
• execute aggregate selection
• export data
• grant
• import data
• import dimensions
• login
• query application
• query database

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

• refresh outline
• refresh replicated partition
The MaxL grammar is case-insensitive. Semicolon statement-terminators are required
when using the MaxL Shell. Key words of the MaxL grammar are represented in this
document in lower-case. Terminals, represented in upper-case, are to be replaced by
the appropriate names, numbers, privileges, or strings. For more information about
components of MaxL statements, see MaxL Definitions.

MaxL Shell Invocation is part of the separate command shell grammar, not
the MaxL language itself.

Alter Application (Aggregate Storage)

Click here for non-aggregate storage version
Change application-wide settings.
Permission required: Application Manager.


• Database-Level System Roles

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

You can change the following application-wide settings using alter application.


set minimum permission

Grant all users a minimum level of permission to all databases in the application.
Users with higher permissions than this minimum are not affected.

set variable
Assign a string value to an existing substitution-variable name. If the variable does not
exist, first create it using add variable. Substitution variables may be referenced by
calculations in the application.

set cache_size
Set the maximum size to which the aggregate storage cache may grow. The
aggregate storage cache grows dynamically until it reaches this limit. This setting
takes effect after you restart the application. To check the currently set limit, use the
following MaxL statement:

query application APP-NAME get cache_size;

set type unicode_mode

Migrate an application to Unicode mode. Migration to Unicode mode cannot be

load database
Start (by loading into memory) an idle database. The statement will fail if you do not
have at least read privilege for the database.

unload database
Stop (by unloading from memory) an active database. The statement will fail if you do
not have at least read privilege for the database.

enable startup
Permit all users to load (start) the application. This only applies to users who have at
least read privilege for the application. Startup is enabled by default.

disable startup
Prevent all users from loading (starting) the application. Startup is enabled by default.

enable autostartup
Start the application automatically when Essbase Server starts. By default,
autostartup is disabled.

disable autostartup
Do not start the application automatically when Essbase Server starts. By default,
autostartup is disabled.

enable commands
Allow all users with sufficient permissions to make requests to databases in the
application. Use to reverse the effect of disable commands. The disable commands
setting remains in effect only for the duration of your session. By default, commands
are enabled.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

disable commands
Prevent all requests to databases in the application, including non-data-specific
requests, such as viewing database information or changing database settings. All
users are affected, including other administrators. Administrators are affected by this
setting as a safety mechanism to prevent accidental updates to databases during
maintenance operations. This setting remains in effect only for the duration of your
session. The setting takes effect immediately, and affects users who are currently
logged in, as well as users who log in later during your session.

If performing maintenance operations that require disabling commands, you
must make those maintenance operations within the same session and the
same script as the one in which commands were disabled.

By default, commands are enabled.

enable updates
Allow all users with sufficient permissions to make requests to databases in the
application. Use to reverse the effect of disable updates. Disabling updates remains
in effect only for the duration of your session. By default, updates are enabled.

disable updates
Prevent all users from making requests to databases in the application. Use before
performing update and maintenance operations. The disable updates setting remains
in effect only for the duration of your session.

If performing maintenance operations that require updates to be disabled,
you must make those maintenance operations within the same session and
the same script as the one in which updates were disabled. By default,
updates are enabled.

enable connects
Allow all users with sufficient permissions to make connections to databases in the
application. Use to reverse the effect of disable connects. By default, connections
are enabled.

disable connects
Prevent any user with a permission lower than Application Manager from making
connections to the databases that require the databases to be started. Database
connections remain disabled for all databases in the application, until the application
setting is re-enabled by the administrator.
By default, connections are enabled.

enable security
When security is disabled, Essbase ignores all security settings in the application and
treats all users as Application Managers. By default, security is enabled.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

disable security
When security is disabled, Essbase ignores all security settings in the application and
treats all users as Application Managers. By default, security is enabled.

Enter an application description (optional). The description can contain up to 80

clear logfile
Delete the application log located in the application directory. A new log is created for
entries recording subsequent application activity.

add variable
Create an application-level substitution variable by name, and optionally assign a
string value for the variable to represent. You can assign or change the value later
using set variable. A substitution variable acts as a global placeholder for information
that changes regularly. Substitution variables may be referenced by calculations and
report scripts.
If substitution variables with the same name exist at server, application, and database
levels, the order of precedence for the variables is as follows: a database level
substitution variable supersedes an application level variable, which supersedes a
server level variable.

drop variable
Remove a substitution variable and its corresponding value from the application.

rename to
Rename the application. When you rename an application, the application and the
application directory (ARBORPATH\app\appname) are renamed.


alter application ASOsamp set cache_size 64MB;

Sets the maximum size of the aggregate storage cache to 64 MB.

alter application ASOsamp disable commands;

Prevents all users from making requests to the application scope. Use this statement
before performing application-wide update and maintenance operations.

alter application ASOsamp comment 'Aggregate storage application';

Attaches a descriptive comment to the ASOsamp application.

Alter Database (Aggregate Storage)

Click here for non-aggregate storage version
Change database-wide settings.
Permission required: create_application.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)



Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

You can change the following database-wide settings using alter database.


enable startup
Enable users to start the database directly or as a result of requests requiring the
database to be started. Startup is enabled by default.

disable startup
Prevent all users from starting the database directly or as a result of requests that
would start the database. Startup is enabled by default.

enable autostartup
Automatically start the database when the application to which it belongs starts.
Autostartup is enabled by default. This setting is applicable only when startup is

disable autostartup
Prevent automatic starting of the database when the application to which it belongs
starts. Autostartup is enabled by default.

enable query_tracking
Begin collecting query data for this database, to be used for query-based view
To utilize the results of query tracking, use the optional based on query_data
grammar in any of the following statements:
• query database <dbs-name> list existing_views
• execute aggregate process
• execute aggregate selection
Query tracking is disabled by default.

disable query_tracking
Stop collecting query data for query-based view optimization. Query tracking is
disabled by default.

set retrieve_buffer_size
Change the database retrieval buffer size. This buffer holds extracted row data
cells before they are evaluated by the RESTRICT or TOP/BOTTOM Report Writer
commands. The default size is 10 KB. The minimum size is 2 KB. Increasing the size
may improve retrieval performance.

set retrieve_sort_buffer_size
Change the database retrieval sort buffer size. This buffer holds data until it is sorted.
The default size is 10 KB. The minimum size is 2 KB. Increasing the size may improve
retrieval performance.

set minimum permission

Set a level of permission that all users or groups can have to the database. Users
or groups with higher granted permissions than the minimum permission are not

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

set variable
Change the value of an existing subsitution variable on the database. The value must
not exceed 256 bytes. It may contain any character except a leading ampersand (&).

set active alias_table

Set an alias table as the primary table for reporting and any additional alias requests.
Only one alias table can be used at a time. This setting is user-specific; it only sets
the active alias table for the user issuing the statement.

Clear all data and linked-reporting objects from the database, but preserve the outline.

If kernel queries are running when a clear data operation starts, the clear
data operation waits for the kernel queries to complete and then the clear
data operation proceeds. This information also applies to the reset all and
reset data grammar.

reset all
Clear all data, Linked Reporting Objects, and the outline.

reset data
Same as using reset.

clear aggregates
Delete all aggregate views.

compact outline
Compact the outline file to decrease the outline file size. Compaction helps keeps the
outline file at an optimal size. After the outline file is compacted, the file continues to
grow as before, when members are added or deleted.

Compacting the outline does not cause Essbase to clear the data. When
a member is deleted from the outline, the corresponding record of that
member in the outline file is marked as deleted but the record remains in
the outline file. Compacting the outline file does not remove the records of
deleted members.

add variable
Create a database-level substitution variable by name, and optionally assign a string
value for the variable to represent. You can assign or change the value later using
set variable. A substitution variable acts as a global placeholder for information
that changes regularly. Substitution variables may be referenced by calculations and
report scripts.
If substitution variables with the same name exist at server, application, and database
levels, the order of precedence for the variables is as follows: a database level
substitution variable supersedes an application level variable, which supersedes a
server level variable.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

drop variable
Remove a substitution variable and its corresponding value from the database.

initialize load_buffer
Create a temporary buffer in memory for loading data.
Data load buffers are used in aggregate storage databases for allocations, custom
calculations, and lock and send operations. Multiple data load buffers can exist on a
single aggregate storage database.
You can control the share of aggregate storage cache resources the load buffer is
allowed to use and how long to wait for resources to become available before aborting
load buffer operations. You can also set properties that determine how missing and
zero values, duplicate values, and multiple values for the same cell in the data source
are processed.
• resource_usage
• property

destroy load_buffer
Destroy the temporary data-load memory buffer.

unlock all objects

Unlock all objects on the database that are in use by a user or process.

rename to
Rename the database. When you rename a database, the database directory is also

Create a description of the database. The maximum number of characters is 80.
This description is available to database administrators. To annotate the database for
Smart View or other grid client users, use set note.

merge all|incremental data [remove_zero_cells]

Merge incremental data slices. Use these keywords:
• all—Merge all incremental data slices into the main database slice.
• incremental—Merge all incremental data slices into a single data slice. The main
database slice is not changed.
• (Optional) remove_zero_cells—When merging incremental data slices, remove
cells that have a value of zero (logically clearing data from a region results in cell
with a value of zero).

clear data in region …

Clear the data in the specified region.
There are two methods for clearing data from a region:
• Physical, in which the input cells in the specified region are physically removed
from the aggregate storage database. The process for physically clearing data
completes in a length of time that is proportional to the size of the input data, not
the size of the data being cleared. Therefore, you might typically use this method
only when you need to remove large slices of data.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Use the MaxL statement with the physical keyword:

alter database appname.dbname clear data in region 'MDX set

expression' physical;

• Logical, in which the input cells in the specified region are written to a new data
slice with negative, compensating values that result in a value of zero for the
cells you want to clear. The process for logically clearing data completes in a
length of time that is proportional to the size of the data being cleared. Because
compensating cells are created, this option increases the size of the database.
Use the MaxL statement without a keyword:

alter database appname.dbname clear data in region 'MDX set


The region must be symmetrical. Members in any dimension in the region must be
stored members. When physically clearing data, members in the region can be upper-
level members in alternate hierarchies. (If the region contains upper-level members
from alternate hierarchies, you may experience a decrease in performance.) Members
cannot be dynamic members (members with implicit or explicit MDX formulas), nor
can they be from an attribute dimension.
To remove cells with a value of zero, use the alter database MaxL statement with the
merge grammar and the remove_zero_cells keyword.

enable replication_assume_identical_outline
Optimize the replication of an aggregate storage database when the aggregate
storage database is the target and a block storage database is the source and the
two outlines are identical.
Replication optimization affects only the target aggregate storage application; the
source block storage application is not affected. This functionality does not apply to
block storage replication.

disable replication_assume_identical_outline
Do not optimize the replication of an aggregate storage database when the aggregate
storage database is the target and a block storage database is the source and the two
outlines are identical.

begin archive to file

Prepare the database for backup by an archiving program, and prevent writing to the
files during backup.
Begin archive achieves the following outcomes:
• Switches the database to read-only mode. The read-only state persists, even
after the application is restarted, until it is changed back to read-write using end
• Creates a file containing a list of files that need to be backed up. Unless a
different path is specified, the file is stored in the database directory.
Begin archive and end archive do not perform the backup; they simply protect the
database during the backup process.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Using the begin archive to file and end archive grammar is the only
supported way to backup and recover a database using MaxL.

end archive
Return the database to read-write mode after backing up the database files.

Using the begin archive to file and end archive grammar is the only
supported way to backup and recover a database using MaxL.


alter database ASOsamp.Sample clear aggregates;

Deletes all aggregate views in the ASOsamp.Sample


alter database ASOsamp.Sample initialize load_buffer with buffer_id 1;

See Loading Data Using Buffers.

alter database ASOsamp.Sample initialize load_buffer with buffer_id 1

resource_usage .5 property ignore_missing_values, ignore_zero_values;

Creates a data-load buffer in memory for the

ASOsamp.Sample database. The buffer can use only 50%
of available resources. Missing values and zeros in the data
source are ignored.

alter database ASOsamp.Sample disable query_tracking;

Turns off the harvesting of query data for the

ASOsamp.Sample database.

alter database ASOsamp.Sample merge all data;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Merges all incremental data slices into the main slice in the
ASOsamp.Sample database.

alter database ASOsamp.Sample merge incremental data;

Merges all incremental data slices into a single data slice

within the ASOsamp.Sample database.

alter database ASOsamp.Sample merge all data remove_zero_cells;

Merges all incremental data slices into the main slice in the
ASOsamp.Sample database, and removes cells with a value
of zero.

alter database ASOsamp.Sample clear data in region '{Jan, Budget}';

Clears all Budget data for the month of Jan, using the logical
method, from the ASOsamp.Sample database.

alter database ASOsamp.Sample clear data in region '{Jan, Budget}'


Clears all Budget data for the month of Jan, using the physical
method, from the ASOsamp.Sample database.

alter database ASOsamp.Sample clear data in region 'CrossJoin({Jan},

{Forecast1, Forecast2})';

Clears all January data for the Forecast1 and Forecast2

scenarios from the ASOsamp.Sample database.

Alter System (Aggregate Storage)

Click here for non-aggregate storage version
Change the state of the Essbase Server. Start and stop applications, manipulate
system-wide variables, manage password and login activity, disconnect users, kill
processes, and shut down the server.
Permission required: Administrator.


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

You can change the following system-wide settings using alter system.


load application
Start an application, or start all applications on the Essbase Server.

unload application
Stop an application, or stop all applications on the Essbase Server. Unloading an
application cancels all active requests and database connections, and stops the
application. If Essbase encounters a problem when trying to cancel active requests
and database connections, and stopping the application, an error is logged in the
application log.
If you do not want to stop an application if it has active requests and database
connections, use the no_force grammar. When using no_force:

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

• If the application has active requests and database connections, the application is
not stopped; it continues running
• If the application does not have active requests and database connections, the
application is stopped, as if you used unload application without specifying

Unloading an application cancels all active requests and database
connections, and stops the application, unless you explicitly specify
otherwise using the no_force option. The no_force option causes Essbase
to return an error if active requests are running on the application.
An internal logic error [200] is logged when a database is unable to shut
down gracefully when unloading an application or shutting down the system
while a process is running on the database.

set session_idle_limit
Set the interval of time permitted for a session to be inactive before Essbase Server
logs off the user. The minimum limit that you can set is five minutes (or 300 seconds).
When the session idle limit is set to none, all users can stay logged on until the
Essbase Server is shut down.
The default user idle logout time is 60 minutes. When a user initiates a calculation in
the background, after 60 minutes the user is considered idle and is logged out, but the
calculation continues in the background.
Because the user may mistakenly assume that the calculation stopped because he or
she was logged out, you can do one of the following to correct the user experience:
• Run the calculation in the foreground
• Increase the session idle limit in to a time that exceeds the duration of the
calculation, or to none

set session_idle_poll
Set the time interval for inactivity checking and security-backup refreshing. The time
interval specified in the session idle poll gives Essbase instructions:
• Tells it how often to check whether user sessions have passed the allowed
inactivity interval indicated by session_idle_limit in the alter system statement.
• Tells it how often to refresh the security backup file. If session_idle_poll is set to
zero, the security backup file is still refreshed every five minutes.

set invalid_login_limit
Set the number of unsuccessful login attempts allowed by any user before the user
account becomes disabled. When you change this setting, the counter resets to 0.
When the invalid login limit is set to none, there is no limit. By default, there is no limit.

set inactive_user_days
Set the number of days a user account may remain inactive before the system
disables it. The counter resets when the user logs in, is edited, or is activated by
an administrator. When the inactive days limit is set to none, user accounts remain
enabled even if they are not used. By default, there is no limit.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

set password_reset_days
Set the number of days users may retain passwords. After the allotted number of
days, users are prompted at login to change their passwords. The counter resets
for a user when the user changes the password, is edited, or is activated by an
administrator. When the password reset days limit is set to none, there is no built-in
limit for password retention. By default, there is no limit.

set variable
Change the value of an existing subsitution variable on the system. The value must
not exceed 256 bytes. It may contain any character except a leading ampersand (&).

set server_port
Expand a port range specified in Essbase configuration properties. Each Essbase
application uses two ports from this range. If no more ports are available, an error
message is displayed.

You can expand port ranges only so that the beginning port range is
less than SERVERPORTBEGIN and the ending port range is greater than

add variable
Create a system-level substitution variable by name, and optionally assign a string
value for the variable to represent. You can assign or change the value later using
set variable. A substitution variable acts as a global placeholder for information
that changes regularly. Substitution variables may be referenced by calculations and
report scripts.
If substitution variables with the same name exist at server, application, and database
levels, the order of precedence for the variables is as follows: a database-level
substitution variable supersedes an application-level variable, which supersedes a
server-level variable.

drop variable
Remove a substitution variable and its corresponding value from the system.

logout session all

Terminate all user sessions currently running on the Essbase Server.

logout session...force
Terminate a session (or sessions) even if it is currently processing a request. The
request is allowed to proceed to a safe point, and then the transaction is rolled back.

logout session <session-id>

Terminate a session by its unique session ID number. To see the session ID number,
use display session.

logout session by user

Terminate all current sessions by a particular user, either across the entire Essbase
Server, or limited to a specific application or database.

logout session by user on application

Terminate all current sessions by a particular user across a specific application.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

logout session by user on database

Terminate all current sessions by a particular user across a specific database.

logout session on application

Terminate all current user sessions across a specific application.

logout session on database

Terminate all current user sessions across a specific database.

Shut down the Essbase Server.

kill request all

Terminate all current requests on the Essbase Server.

To terminate your own active request in MaxL Shell, press the ESC key.

kill request <session-id>

Terminate the current request indicated by the session ID. You can obtain session IDs
using display session.

kill request by user

Terminate all current requests by the specified user on the Essbase Server.

kill request on application

Terminate all current requests on the specified application.

kill request on database

Terminate all current requests on the specified database.

When Essbase is started using a security backup file (essbase_timestamp.bak)
instead of essbase.sec, reconcile the security file to match the state of Essbase on
an external disk. This grammar displays discrepancies in application and database
information between the security file and the external disk:
• If an application folder is on the disk but not in the security file, display a message
indicating the discrepancy. (Essbase checks for the presence of a
file in the ARBORPATH/app/appname directory.)
The force option does not apply in this scenario.
• If an application file is in the security file but not on the disk, display a message
indicating the discrepancy.
The force option removes the application from the security file.
• If an application database folder is on the disk but not in the security file, display
a message indicating the discrepancy. (Essbase checks for the presence of a
dbname.otl file in the ARBORPATH/app/appname/dbname directory.)
The force option does not apply in this scenario.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

• If an application database file is in the security file but not on the disk, display a
message indicating the discrepancy.
The force option removes the database from the security file.


A session is a single user connection to Essbase Server. The session can be identified
by keywords and names indicating context, or by a unique session ID number.
A request is a query sent to Essbase Server by a user or by another process; for
example, starting an application or restructuring a database outline. Only one request
at a time can be processed in each session.
If a session is processing a request at the time that an administrator attempts to
terminate the session, the administrator must either terminate the request first, or
use the force keyword available with alter system to terminate the session and the
current request.


alter system unload application Sample;

Stops the Sample application, if it is currently running.

alter system unload application all;

Terminates all active requests and stops all applications.

alter system unload application Sample no_force;

Essbase prepares to unload the Sample application; however,

if active requests are running, the application is not stopped.

alter system shutdown;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Stops all running applications and shuts down Essbase


alter system logout session by user Fiona;

Disconnects Fiona from any applications or databases to

which she is connected.
To log out a user, log out the sessions owned by that user.

alter system set password_reset_days 10;

Specifies that all users will be prompted after 10 days to

change their passwords. The day count for any user is
reset when the user changes the password or is edited or
reactivated by an administrator.

alter system unload application Sample;

Create Application (Aggregate Storage)

Click here for non-aggregate storage version
Create or re-create an application, either from scratch or as a copy of another
application on the same system. See APP-NAME for information on the maximum
length of and special characters that are allowed in an application name. Application
names are not case-sensitive.


You can create an application in the following ways using the aggregate storage
version of create application.


create application
Create a new application. Application names are not case-sensitive.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

create or replace application

Create an application, or replace an existing application of the same name.
Application names are not case-sensitive.

...type nonunicode_mode
Create a Non Unicode-mode application. This is also the default if these keywords are

...type unicode_mode
Create a Unicode-mode application.

...using aggregate_storage
Create an application using an aggregate storage model. Only one database per
application is allowed. Selecting to use aggregate storage model for an application is
Use the aggregate storage model if the following is true for your database:
• The database is sparse and has many dimensions, or a large hierarchical depth
of members in the dimensions.
• The database is used primarily for read-only purposes; there are few or no data
• There are no formulas on the outline except in the dimension tagged as Accounts.
• Calculation of the database is frequent and highly aggregational, with no
dependency on calculation scripts.

create application as
Create an application as a copy of another application. Application names are not
You cannot copy block storage applications to aggregate storage applications or vice
versa. The copy will always use the same storage as the original. However, you can
convert an outline from a block storage database to an aggregate storage database,
using create outline.
Before you copy an aggregate storage application, you must merge all incremental
data slices into the main database slice. Data in unmerged incremental data slices is
not copied.

Create an application description (optional). The description can contain up to 80


create application Sample2 using aggregate_storage comment 'aggregate

storage application.';

Creates a new aggregate storage application called Sample2, with an associated


Create Database (Aggregate Storage)

Click here for non-aggregate storage version

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Create or re-create a database for an aggregate storage application. See DBS-NAME

for information on the maximum length of and special characters that are allowed in a
database name. Database names are not case-sensitive.
The syntax for creating an aggregate storage database is the same as for creating a
block storage database. You must create an aggregate storage database as part of an
aggregate storage application.
Permission required: Application Manager.


Use create database to create a database in the following ways:


create database
Create a new database. Database names are not case-sensitive.

create or replace database

Create a database, or replace an existing database of the same name. Database
names are not case-sensitive.

create database using non_unique_members

Create a database that supports the use of duplicate member names. Once you have
created a database with a duplicate member outline, you cannot convert it back to a
unique member outline.
For more information about duplicate member names, see Creating and Working With
Duplicate Member Outlines.

Create a database description (optional). The description can contain up to 80

• You cannot create an aggregate storage database as a copy of another
aggregate storage database. Only one aggregate storage database is allowed per
• You cannot copy a block storage database to an aggregate storage database.
For an example of how to create an aggregate storage application and database
based on a block storage application and database, see Creating an Aggregate
Storage Sample Using MaxL.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)


create or replace database Sample.Basic comment 'This is a test.';

Creates a database called Basic within the Sample application. If a database named
Basic within the Sample application already exists, it is overwritten.

Create Outline (Aggregate Storage)

Create an aggregate storage outline based on a block storage outline. The outline you
are creating must be for an aggregate storage cube that is local to your current login
session. The block-storage cube you are using as a source can be remote. If a remote
host is specified, you can also specify a user name and password if the connection is
Permission required: Database Manager.
Essbase supports the following scenarios for converting block storage outlines to
aggregate storage outlines:
• Non-Unicode block storage outline to non-Unicode aggregate storage outline
• Non-Unicode block storage outline to Unicode aggregate storage outline
• Unicode block storage outline to Unicode aggregate storage outline
The following conversion scenarios are not supported:
• Unicode block storage outline to non-Unicode aggregate storage outline
• Aggregate storage outline to a block storage outline


You can create an outline in the following ways using create outline.


create outline...
Create an aggregate-storage cube outline based on a block storage outline. If an
outline of the same name already exists, it is replaced.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

create or replace outline...

This statement has the same result as create outline above.

If the block-storage cube you are using as a source is remote, specify its discovery
URL. For example, "

as USER-NAME identified by PASSWORD

If the block-storage cube you are using as a source is remote, specify the location.
If the connection is also remote (requires a different authentication), provide the user
name and password, as you would do when creating a remote partition.


create or replace outline on aggregate_storage database Sample2.Basic2

as outline on database sample.basic;

Creates an aggregate storage outline based on the Sample.Basic outline. For a

complete example of how to create an aggregate storage version of a block storage
cube, see Creating an Aggregate Storage Sample Using MaxL.

Display Tablespace (Aggregate Storage)

View details about a tablespace.
Tablespaces are applicable only to aggregate storage databases.
Permission required: Application Manager.
This statement requires the application to be started.




set column_width 50; /* so file_location will not be truncated */

display tablespace ASOsamp.'default';

This example displays the following output:

Table 3-17 Display Tablespace MaxL Output Columns

Column Header Contents

file_location C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\EssbaseServer
max_file_size 56
max_disk_size 4294967295

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Execute Allocation
Allocate one or more given source amounts to a target range of cells in an aggregate
storage database. The source amount can be allocated to the target proportionately to
a given basis, or the source amount can be spread evenly to the target region.
Allocations are typically used in the budgeting process to distribute revenues or costs.
Minimum permission required: Execute.
For more information about allocations and to understand the input parameters, see
Performing Custom Calculations and Allocations on Aggregate Storage Databases.




pov <mdx-set>
Required. Provide an MDX set defining the context region in which the allocation is

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

amount <alloc-numeric>
Required. Provide an MDX numeric value expression indicating the amount to be

amountcontext <mdx-tuple>
Optional. Provide an MDX tuple with one member from each dimension missing from
pov and amount. This clause is required when amount is an arithmetic expression
and pov does not specify two or more dimensions. It should not be used otherwise.

amounttimespan <mdx-set>
Optional. Provide an MDX set indicating one or more time periods to be considered
for the amount. The amount value is aggregated over the specified time periods, and
the aggregated amount value is allocated. Time periods must be level 0 members in a
Time dimension.

target <mdx-tuple>
Required. Provide an MDX tuple defining the database region where results are

targettimespan <mdx-set>
Optional. Provide an MDX set indicating one or more time periods to be considered
for the target. Time periods must be level 0 members in a Time dimension.

Optional, but required if targettimespan is used.
Select a method for allocating values across the target time span:
• divideamount–Divide the amount evenly across the time periods
• repeatamount–Repeat the amount across the time periods

offset <mdx-tuple>
Optional. If offsetting entries are used, provide an MDX tuple defining the location in
the database where an offsetting value is written for each source amount.

debitmember <mdx-mbr>
Optional. If double-entry accounting is used, provide an MDX member expression
indicating the member to which positive result values are written.

creditmember <mdx-mbr>
Optional. If double-entry accounting is used, provide an MDX member expression
indicating the member to which negative result values are written.

range <mdx-set>
Required. Provide an MDX set indicating the database region in which allocated
values are calculated and written.

excludedrange <mdx-set>
Optional. Provide an MDX set specifying locations in the range where you do not want
allocation values written.

basis <mdx-tuple>
Required in most cases. Provide an MDX tuple that, when combined with the range,
defines the location of basis values that determine how the amount is allocated. The
basis can consist of upper-level or level 0 members.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Optional if the allocation method used is spread, and no values are skipped; required
otherwise. Basis must be omitted when the allocation method spread is used without
skip options.

basistimespan <mdx-set>
Optional. Provide an MDX set that indicates one or more time periods to be
considered for the basis. Time periods must be level 0 members in a Time dimension.

Optional, but required if basistimespan is used. Select a method for using the basis
time span:
• splitbasis–Use the basis value for each time period individually
• combinebasis–Use the sum of the basis values across the time periods specified
by basistimespan

Optional. Specify to allocate the amount(s) proportionately to the basis values. For
syntax, see Allocation Method Specification in Notes.

Optional. Specify to allocate the amount(s) evenly. For syntax, see Allocation Method
Specification in Notes. You can include one or more of the following skip options when
using spread allocation:
• skip_missing–Skip missing basis values
• skip_zero–Skip zero basis values
• skip_negative–Skip negative basis values

Optional. If omitted, zero or #MISSING amount values are allocated. Otherwise,
specify treatment of amount values that are zero or #MISSING:
• skip_to_next_amount–Skip to the next nonzero, non-#MISSING amount value
• abort–Cancel the entire allocation operation

Optional. For share, this option specifies the action when the sum of all basis values
is zero. For spread, this option specifies the action when all the basis values are
skipped. Select one of the following options:
• skip_to_next_amount–Skip to the next nonzero, non-#MISSING amount value
• abort–Cancel the entire allocation operation

Optional. Specify rounding options. The following options are available:
• Round to a specified number of decimal places, using an integer or MDX numeric
value expression. The value must be between 100 and -100, and is truncated if it
is not a whole number.
• Perform rounding, but discard rounding errors
• Add rounding errors to the highest allocated value

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

• Add rounding errors to the lowest allocated value

• Provide an MDX tuple indicating a cell to which the rounding error should be

override|add|subtract values
Optional. Generated allocation values can be added to (or subtracted from) existing
values, instead of overwriting them. Overwriting is the default.

• The clauses following the with keyword can be entered in any order, each
separated by white space.
• Each clause can only be entered once.
• The pov, amount , target, range, and basis clauses are mandatory; the others
are optional.
• You can specify only stored, level-0 members in all of the clauses except for
amount, amountcontext, basis, and the number of rounding digits; for all other
arguments, do not use upper-level members, attribute members, or dynamic calc

Allocation Method Specification

Rounding Method Specification

The following statement executes an allocation.

execute allocation process on database glrpt.db with

pov "Crossjoin({[VisionUS]},

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

amount "Jan + Feb"
amountcontext "([100], [Beginning Balance], [Actual],
target "([Allocation], [CostCenter1])"
offset "([Allocation], [CostCenter1], [100], [YearNA])"
debitmember "[Debit]"
creditmember "[Credit]"
range "Crossjoin(Descendants([999], [Department].Levels(0)),
Descendants([Year], [Year].Levels(0)))"
excludedrange "{[9994], [9995], [9996]}"
basis "([SQFT], [Balance], [Actual], [CostCenter2])"
zeroamountoptions abort
zerobasisoptions abort
negativebasisoptions zero_value
targettimespanoptions divideamount
round "Currency.CurrentMember.CurrencyPrecision"
errors_to_location "([101], [Jan])"
add values;

Execute Calculation (Aggregate Storage)

Click here for non-aggregate storage version
Execute a custom calculation script expressed in MDX, specifying the script file,
source region, and point of view (POV). Optionally specify the target, offset, and debit
or credit members.
Minimum permission required: Database Update.
For more information about custom calculation script parameters, see Performing
Custom Calculations and Allocations on Aggregate Storage Databases.


You can execute custom calculations with the following options:

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)


local script_file
Required. Run the specified local calculation script file. Custom calculation scripts
are expressed in MDX. The following is an example of a custom calculation script,

(AccountA,Proj1) := 100;
([AccountB], [Proj1]) := ([AccountB], [Proj1]) * 1.1;
(AccountC,Proj1) :=
((AccountB,Proj1,2007) + (AccountB, Proj1)) / 2;
(AccountA,Proj2) :=
((AccountD,Proj1) +
(AccountB,Proj2)) / 2;

For information about writing custom calculation scripts, see Performing Custom
Calculations and Allocations on Aggregate Storage Databases.

pov <mdx-set>
Required. Provide an MDX set defining the context region in which the calculation is
performed. The calculation script will be executed once for every cross-product in the
POV region.

sourceregion <mdx-set>
Required. Provide an MDX set specifying the region of the cube referred to by the
formulas in the script. At a minimum, the source region should include all members
from the right-hand sides of the assignment statements in the custom calculation

target <mdx-tuple>
Optional. Provide an MDX tuple defining the database region where results are
written. You can use only stored, level-0 members in the tuple; do not use upper-level
members, attribute members, or dynamic calc members.

debitmember <mdx-mbr>
Optional. If double-entry accounting is used, provide an MDX member expression
indicating the member to which positive result values are written. You can specify
only stored, level-0 members; do not use upper-level members, attribute members, or
dynamic calc members.

creditmember <mdx-mbr>
Optional. If double-entry accounting is used, provide an MDX member expression
indicating the member to which negative result values are written. You can specify
only stored, level-0 members; do not use upper-level members, attribute members, or
dynamic calc members.

offset <mdx-tuple>
Optional. If offsetting entries are used, provide an MDX tuple defining the location
in the database where an offsetting value for each source amount is written. You
can use only stored, level-0 members in the tuple; do not use upper-level members,
attribute members, or dynamic calc members.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

override|add|subtract values
Optional. Generated calculation values can be added to (or subtracted from) existing
values, instead of overwriting them. Overwriting is the default.

• Each clause can only be entered once.
• The script_file, pov, and sourceregion clauses are mandatory; the others are
• The optional clauses following the sourceregion specification can be entered in
any order, each separated by white space.
• You can specify only stored, level-0 members on the left side of the assignment
statement in the custom calculation script; do not use upper-level members,
attribute members, or dynamic calc members.
• You can specify only stored, level-0 members in the following clauses:
DebitMember, CreditMember, Target, and Offset.

The following statement executes script.txt referenced above. For a sample use
case, see Performing Custom Calculations and Allocations on Aggregate Storage

execute calculation on database app.db with

local script_file "script.txt"
POV "Crossjoin({[VisionUS]},
Crossjoin ({[Jan]},
Descendants(Geography, Geography.Levels(0))))))"
SourceRegion "Crossjoin({[AccountB], [AccountD]},
Crossjoin({[Proj1], [Proj2]}, {[2007]}))"
Target "(Allocation)"
DebitMember "[BeginningBalance_Debit]"
CreditMember "[BeginningBalance_Credit]"
Offset "([Account_000], [Project_000])"
add values;

Export Data (Aggregate Storage)

Click here for non-aggregate storage version
Export level-0 data, which does not include calculated values, from an aggregate
storage database. Export data files are written to the application directory, unless an
absolute path is specified. To use Report Writer, export the data using a report file.
Minimum permission required: Read.


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

On aggregate storage databases, use export data to export in the following ways:


export database <dbs-name> level0 data...

Export level-0 input data to a text file. You cannot export aggregates, upper level data,
or data from dynamically calculated members.

Exporting data does not clear the data from the database.

export database <dbs-name> input data...

This statement performs the same action as export database <dbs-name> level0

export database <dbs-name> ... data anonymous

Export data in anonymized format. Anonymization removes the risk of sensitive data
disclosure, and can be used in case sample data needs to be provided for technical
support. Essbase replaces real data values with 1, for each value in the block.

export database <dbs-name> ...using...report_file...

Run a stored report script, exporting a subset of the database.

• This statement requires the database to be started.
• Exports on aggregate storage databases are limited as follows:
– You can export level-0 data only (level-0 data is the same as input data in
aggregate storage databases).
– You cannot perform upper-level data export on an aggregate storage

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

– You cannot perform columnar export on an aggregate storage database.

– To export data in parallel, specify a comma-separated list of export files, from
1 to 8 file names. This number should generally be equal to the number of
processors on the machine that you wish to commit to doing parallel export.
The number of threads Essbase uses typically depends on the number of file
names you specify. However, on a very small aggregate storage database
with a small number of data blocks, it is possible that only a single file will
be created (in effect, performing serial export), even though parallel export to
multiple files is requested. In this case, the export file name will be the first file
name given as input.
– During a data export, the export process allows users to connect and perform
read-only operations.
– If the data for a thread exceeds 2 GB, Essbase may divide the export data into
multiple files with numbers appended to the file names.
The naming convention for additional export files is as follows: _1, _2, etc.
are appended to the additional file names. If the specified output file name
contains a period, the numbers are appended before the period. Otherwise,
they are appended at the end of the file name.
For example, if the given file name is exportfile.txt, the next additional file
is exportfile_1.txt.


Example 1
The following example exports all level 0 data from ASOsamp.Sample to an export file.

export database ASOsamp.Sample data to server data_file


Example 2
The following example uses a report script, Bottom.rep, to export a subset of sorted
data from ASOsamp.Sample to an output file, Bottom.rpt.

export database ASOsamp.Sample using report_file 'Bottom.rep' to

data_file 'Bottom.rpt';

Sample Report Script and Output

For example 2, assume that Bottom.rep is the following report script file based on

<Column (Measures, Years)
<Row (Geography, Products)
<ICHILDREN Geography
<Bottom (3, @DataColumn(1))

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

The report script produces the following report (Bottom.rpt):

Measures Years Time Transaction Type Payment Type Promotions Age Income
Level Stores

North East All Merchandise 43,250,241

Products 43,250,241
High End Mercha~ 11,379,402
South All Merchandise 32,790,838
Products 32,790,838
High End Mercha~ 8,436,598
Geography All Merchandise 76,041,079
Products 76,041,079
High End Mercha~ 19,816,000

Export Query Tracking (Aggregate Storage)

Export query data from an aggregate storage database to a text file.
Query data can be used to select the most appropriate set of aggregate views to
materialize for an aggregate storage database. When an aggregate storage database
is refreshed or restarted, query data is not persisted in the database. To rebuild
aggregate views after a database refresh or restart, query data can be exported to and
then imported from a text file.
Permission required: Database Manager.


You can use export query_tracking in the following ways.


export query_tracking <dbs-name> to server file...

Export query data from the specified aggregate storage database to the specified
file. For FILE-NAME, specify the name, including the path, of the text file that
contains the query data to export. If a path is not specified, the file is created in
the $ARBORPATH/app/appname/dbname folder.

export query_tracking <dbs-name> to file...

You can omit the server keyword, but the result is the same.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

• To export and import query data, query tracking must be enabled for the aggregate
storage database. Use the alter database (aggregate storage) statement with the
enable query_tracking grammar. Query tracking is disabled by default.
• Do not edit the text file with the exported query data.


export query_tracking ASOsamp.Sample to server file


Exports query data from the ASOsamp.Sample database to

the named file.

See Also
Import Query Tracking (Aggregate Storage)

Import Data (Aggregate Storage)

Click here for non-aggregate storage version
Import data from text or spreadsheet data files, with or without a rules file.
Minimum permission required: Write.


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Use import data in the following ways to load data into an aggregate storage

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)


import database <dbs-name> data from...

Specify whether the data import is from a local or server file, and what type of file to
import data from.

...using ... rules_file

Import data into the database using a specified rules file.

...<data error spec> (on error...)

Required. Tell Essbase what to do in case of errors during the data load: abort the
operation, or write or append to a specified error log.

...<data record spec> from data_string

Load a single data record into the selected database. The string following data_string
must be a contiguous line, without newline characters.

...<SQL connect spec> (connect as...)

If you are importing data from an SQL source, provide your SQL user name and
password. You must always use a rules file when you load SQL data sources.
When loading SQL data into aggregate storage databases, you can use up to eight
rules files to load data in parallel by using the multiple rules_file grammar with
the grammar specified in <buffer-block-spec>. Essbase initializes multiple temporary
aggregate storage data load buffers (one for each rules file) and, when the data is
fully loaded into the buffers, commits the contents of all buffers into the database in
one operation.
Each rules file must use the same authentication information (SQL user name and
In the following example, SQL data is loaded from two rules files (rule1.rul and

import database ASOsamp.Sample data

connect as TBC identified by 'password'
using multiple rules_file 'rule1','rule2'
to load_buffer_block starting with buffer_id 100
on error write to "error.txt";

In specifying the list of rules files, use a comma-separated string of rules file names
(excluding the .rul extension). The file name for rules files must not exceed eight
bytes and the rules files must reside on Essbase Server.
In initializing a data load buffer for each rules file, Essbase uses the starting data load
buffer ID you specify for the first rules file in the list (for example, ID 100 for rule1) and
increments the ID number by one for each subsequent data load buffer (for example,
ID 101 for rule2).
The ODBC driver you are using must be configured for parallel SQL connections.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Performing multiple SQL data loads in parallel to aggregate storage
databases is different than using the to load_buffer with buffer_id
grammar to load data into a buffer, and then using the from load_buffer
with buffer_id grammar to explicitly commit the buffer contents to the
database. load_buffer with buffer_id

If you are importing data from multiple data files to an aggregate storage database,
you can import to a buffer first, in order to make the data import operation more

...from load_buffer with buffer_id

If you are importing data from multiple data files to an aggregate storage database,
you can import from a data load buffer in order to make the data import operation
more efficient.

...from load_buffer with buffer_id...values

Specify whether you want to add to existing values, substract from existing values,
or override existing values when committing the contents of the specified data load
buffer to the database.

...from load_buffer with buffer_id...create slice

Commit the contents of the specified data load buffer to the database by creating a
new data slice.

...from load_buffer with buffer_id override all data

Remove the current contents of the database and replace the database with the
contents of the specified data load buffer.

...from load_buffer with buffer_id override incremental data

Remove the current contents of all incremental data slices in the database and create
a new data slice with the contents of the specified data load buffer. The new data
is created with the data load property "add values" (aggregate_sum). If there are
duplicate cells between the new data and the primary slice, their values are added
together when you query for them.

• This statement requires that the database is started.
• When using the import statement, you must specify what should happen in case of
an error.
• To import from a SQL data source, you must connect as the relational user name
and use a rules file.


import database ASOsamp.Sample data from server data_file '/ASOsamp/

Sample/expsamp.txt' on error abort;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Loads data into the ASOsamp.Sample database.

import database ASOsamp.Sample data from load_buffer with buffer_id 1;

Commits the contents of a specified data load buffer to the ASOsamp.Sample


import database ASOsamp.Sample data from load_buffer with buffer_id 1,


Commits the contents of multiple data load buffers (buffer_id 1 and buffer_id 2) to the
ASOsamp.Sample database.

import database ASOsamp.Sample data from load_buffer with buffer_id 1

add values;

Commits the contents of a specified data load buffer to the ASOsamp.Sample

database by adding values.

import database ASOsamp.Sample data from load_buffer with buffer_id 1

override values create slice;

Commits the contents of the specified data load buffer into a new data slice in the
ASOsamp.Sample database.

import database ASOsamp.Sample data from load_buffer with buffer_id 1

override all data;

Replaces the contents of the ASOsamp.Sample database with the contents of the
specified data load buffer.

import database ASOsamp.Sample data from load_buffer with buffer_id 1

override incremental data;

Replaces the contents of all incremental data slices in the ASOsamp.Sample database
by creating a new data slice with the contents of the specified data load buffer. The
new data is created with the data load property "add values" (aggregate_sum). If there
are duplicate cells between the new data and the primary slice, their values are added
together when you query for them.
See Loading Data Using Buffers.

Import Query Tracking (Aggregate Storage)

Import query data, which was previously exported from an aggregate storage
database to a text file, to an aggregate storage database.
Query data can be used to select the most appropriate set of aggregate views to
materialize for an aggregate storage database. When an aggregate storage database
is refreshed or restarted, query data is not persisted in the database. To rebuild

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

aggregate views after a database refresh or restart, query data can be exported to and
then imported from a text file.
Permission required: Database Manager.


You can use import query_tracking in the following ways.


import query_tracking <dbs-name> from server file...

Import query data to the specified aggregate storage database from the specified file.
For FILE-NAME, specify the name, including the path, of the text file that contains the
query data to import. By default, the file is created in the database directory.

import query_tracking <dbs-name> from file...

You can omit the server keyword, but the result is the same.

• To export and import query data, query tracking must be enabled for the aggregate
storage database. Use the alter database (aggregate storage) statement with the
enable query_tracking grammar. Query tracking is disabled by default.
• Do not edit the text file with the exported query data.


import query_tracking ASOsamp.Sample from server file "'$ARBORPATH/app/


Imports the query data from the named file to the

ASOsamp.Sample database.

See Also
Export Query Tracking (Aggregate Storage)

Query Application (Aggregate Storage)

Click here for block storage version
Get information about the current state of the application.
This statement is only applicable for aggregate storage applications.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

This statement requires the application to be started.



The following MaxL statement:

query application sample get cache_size;

returns the maximum size (in kilobytes) to which the aggregate storage cache may
The following MaxL statement:

query application asoapp list aggregate_storage storage_info;

returns the following information:

Table 3-18 Query Application List Aggregate Storage Storage_Info MaxL

Output Columns

Output Columns Description

Cache hit ratio Ratio of the number of requests answered
from aggregate storage cache as opposed to
from the hard disk.

This statistic may
not be accurate
when parallel
data load or
operations are in

Current cache size (KB) The current size of the aggregate storage
cache. See description for current cache
size limit (KB).
Current cache size limit (KB) The maximum size (in kilobytes) to which the
aggregate storage cache may grow.
Page reads since last startup Number of data blocks (pages) read from disk
since the last time the application was started.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Table 3-18 (Cont.) Query Application List Aggregate Storage Storage_Info

MaxL Output Columns

Output Columns Description

Page writes since last startup Number of data blocks (pages) written to disk
since the last time the application was started.
Page size (KB) Size of the data block (page) in kilobytes.
Disk space allocated for data (KB) Total space used by all disk files in the
default tablespace.
Disk space used by data (KB) Total space actually in use within the disk files
in the default tablespace (some space within
files may be free).
Temporary disk space allocated (KB) Total space used by all disk files in the temp
Temporary disk space used (KB) Total space actually in use within the disk files
in the temp tablespace (some space within
files may be free).

Query Database (Aggregate Storage)

Click here for non-aggregate storage version
Get advanced information about the current state of the database.
Minimum permission required: Read.
This statement requires the database to be started.


Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

You can query for database information in the following ways using query database:


get active alias_table

Display the active alias table for the user issuing the statement.

get attribute_info
Get attribute member, dimension, and name information for the specified attribute

get attribute_spec
Display the current attribute specifications for the database. These specifications
include attribute member name format, Attribute Calculation dimension member
names, Boolean and date member names, and numeric range specifications.

get cube_size_info
Display information about input data size, aggregated data size, and number of
queries tracked (when query tracking is enabled).
This statement returns the output listed in the following table:
Column Name Contents
input_data_size_cells Number of input-level cells in the
input_data_size_bytes Number of bytes used by the input-
level data (approximate).
aggregate_data_size_cells Total number of cells in all aggregate
views in the cube.
aggregate_data_size_bytes Number of bytes used by the
aggregate cells (approximate).
kernel_queries_tracked Number of kernel queries executed
since the last time query tracking was
enabled or query tracking information
was reset.
total_query_cost Total cost of all queries executed
since the last time query tracking
information was reset.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Column Name Contents

query_tracking_enabled Values: True or False. Tells whether
user retrieval statistics are being
collected for the aggregate storage
database. The statistics can be used
by the following MaxL statements for
query-based view optimization:
• query database <dbs-name> list
• execute aggregate process
• execute aggregate selection
Query tracking is disabled by default.

get dbstats dimension

Get information about dimensions.
The index_type field values are numeric, and translate as follows:

0 Dense
1 Sparse
3 None (database is aggregate storage)

get dbstats data_block

Get information about data blocks. The information returned has little relevance to
aggregate storage databases.

get member_info <MEMBER-NAME>

Get information on a specific member.
The unary_type field values are numeric, and translate as follows:

0 Add
1 Subtract
2 Multiply
3 Divide
4 Percent
5 NoRollUp

The member_tag_type field values translate as follows:

0 SkipNone
16384 SkipMissing
32768 SkipZero
49152 SkipBoth
1 BalFirst
2 BalLast
4 TwoPass
8 Average
64 Expense

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Variations are possible. The field value consists of one of the first four "skip" values
plus any/all/none of the last five values. Some examples:

0 SkipNone
77 SkipNone, BalFirst, TwoPass, Average, Expense
16385 SkipMissing and BalFirst

The first four "skip" values are base values, and added to them are combinations of 1,
2, 4, 8, and 64.
The status field values are hexadecimal, and translate as follows:

0 Normal
1 Never Share
2 Label
4 Refer Share
8 Refer Share (with different name)
16 Implicit share
32 Virtual Member (stored)
64 Virtual Member (not stored)
2048 Attribute
32768 Referred

get opg_state of member_data

Display outline navigational information (for example, parent, child, or sibling), fixed-
length information (for example, the line aggregation symbol or the number of
children), and text strings (for example, member names or aliases).
See Outline Paging Dimension Statistics for a description of the output.

get opg_state of member_name_namespace

Display information that matches member names to internal member identifiers (one
section per database, thus the information for all dimensions is the same).
See Outline Paging Dimension Statistics for a description of the output.

get opg_state of member_formula

Display all formulas for the dimension.
See Outline Paging Dimension Statistics for a description of the output.

get opg_state of member_UDA

Display all user defined attributes (UDAs) for the dimension.
See Outline Paging Dimension Statistics for a description of the output.

get opg_state of member_UDA_namespace

Display information that matches UDAs to internal member identifiers.
See Outline Paging Dimension Statistics for a description of the output.

get opg_state of attribute_to_base_member_association

Display information that identifies the attribute member associated with each base
member of the dimension.
See Outline Paging Dimension Statistics for a description of the output.

get opg_state of member_comment

Display all member comments for the dimension.
See Outline Paging Dimension Statistics for a description of the output.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

get opg_state of member_alias_namespace

Display information that matches member alias names to internal member identifiers
(one section per alias table, thus the information for all dimensions is the same).
See Outline Paging Dimension Statistics for a description of the output.

list aggregate_storage runtime_info

Display runtime statistics about the aggregate storage database. For a description of
the output returned by this statement, see Aggregate Storage Runtime Statistics.

list aggregate_storage group_id_info

Display information about group IDs and their timestamps related to General Ledger

This grammar applies to General Ledger cubes, not to non-general-ledger
aggregate storage databases. For normal aggregate storage databases, this
table will be empty.
This MaxL grammar is disabled for previous release Essbase MaxL clients.

This statement returns the following output:

Column Name Contents
group_id The allocation group id, according to
the begin allocation command that
created the allocation group.
The number is an unsigned 64-bit
transaction_id The aggregate storage transaction ID
that is used internally.
The number is an unsigned 64-bit
state A string describing the state
of the group ID. For example:
BeginAllocation Done, Allocation
In Progress, Allocation Done,
EndAllocation In Progress.
time_last_used The date and time the group ID was
last used. The value is either the
time the group ID was created or
the time that an allocation or custom
calculation was last performed with
this group ID.
The value is a string.
time_expired The date and time when the group ID
will time out (expire).
The value is a string.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Column Name Contents

expired Indicates whether the group ID has
timed out. If the group ID has expired,
the group ID will be rolled back the
next time a begin allocation command
is executed.
The value is a boolean.

For a description of the output returned by this statement, see Aggregate Storage
Group ID Information Output.

list aggregate_storage slice_info

Display information about data slices and views, some information of which
applies only to General Ledger cubes (not to non-general-ledger aggregate storage

Small incremental slices may have fewer aggregate views than the primary
slice (slice number 0). Incremental slices with less than 100,000 cells will
never have any aggregate views built. However, if an incremental slice is
larger than 100,000 cells and it is larger than the primary slice, then it will
always have the same aggregate views as the primary slice.
This MaxL grammar is disabled for previous release Essbase MaxL clients.

This statement returns the following output:

Column Name Contents
transaction_id (Applies to General Ledger cubes
The ID of the transaction to which this
slice and view belong. There is one
transaction ID for each GL group ID.
The number is an unsigned 64-bit
To find the corresponding group ID,
use the following MaxL command:

query database app.db

list aggregate_storage

For non-general-ledger aggregate

storage databases, this number is
always 0.
slice_id ID number of the data slice.
The number is an unsigned 32-bit

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Column Name Contents

slice_tag (Applies to General Ledger cubes
When an allocation or custom
calculation is done within an
allocation begin/end, this number is
the rule_id of the allocation that made
this data slice.
The number is an unsigned 64-bit
For non-general-ledger aggregate
storage databases, this number is
always 0.
view_id 0 indicates an input view; otherwise,
the view is an aggregate view.
The number is an unsigned 64-bit
To list the levels in a given
aggregate view, use the following
MaxL command:

query database app.db list


size_cells The number of cells in the given view

of the slice.
The number is an unsigned 64-bit
size_kb The size in KB of the given view of the
The number is an unsigned 64-bit

For a description of the output returned by this statement, see Aggregate Storage
Slice Information Output.

list aggregate_storage uncommitted_transaction_info

Display information about uncommitted transactions that are related to General
Ledger cubes.

This grammar applies to General Ledger cubes, not to non-general-ledger
aggregate storage databases. For normal aggregate storage databases, this
table will be empty.
This MaxL grammar is disabled for previous release Essbase MaxL clients.

This statement returns the following output:

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Column Name Description

unc_transactions The number of existing user
transactions that are not yet
unc_data_slices The number of data slices used by
uncommitted transactions.
unc_input_data_size_cells The number of input cells used by
uncommitted transactions.
unc_aggregate_views The number of aggregate views used
by uncommitted transactions.
unc_aggregate_data_size_cells The number of aggregate cells used
by uncommitted transactions.
unc_input_data_size_kb The total disk space used by
uncommitted input-level data.
unc_aggregate_data_size_kb The total disk space occupied by
uncommitted aggregate cells.

For a description of the output returned by this statement, see Aggregate Storage
Uncommitted Transaction Information Output.

list aggregate_storage compression_info

Display estimated compression for aggregate storage databases when different
dimensions are hypothetically used as the compression dimension. These estimates
can help you choose the best dimension to use as the compression dimension.
In aggregate storage databases, the compression dimension enables database
compression. A good candidate for a compression dimension is one that optimizes
data compression and maintains retrieval performance. The following table lists
data for all non-attribute dimensions, even though it may not be possible to select
them as the compression dimension without significant changes to the outline. For
information on the requirements of a compression dimension, see Understanding the
Compression Dimension for Aggregate Storage Databases.
This statement returns the following output:
Column Name Contents
dimension_name Each dimension name in the
database, hypothetically considered
to be the compression dimension.
is_compression Indicates whether the dimension is
the aggregate storage compression
dimension. (There can be only
one compression dimension in an
aggregate storage database.)
stored_level0_members The number of leaf-level members
in the dimension. A large number
of stored level-0 members in a
dimension indicates that it may
not perform well as a compression

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Column Name Contents

average_bundle_fill Estimated average number of values
per compression dimension bundle.
Choosing a compression dimension
that has a higher average bundle fill
means that the database compresses
average_value_length Estimated average number of bytes
required to store a value. Dimensions
with a smaller average value length
compress the database better.
level0_mb Estimated size of the compressed
database, in megabytes. A smaller
expected level-0 size indicates that
choosing this dimension enables
better compression.
Except for the scenario in which there
is no compression dimension (None),
all estimates assume that all pages
are compressed. Since compressed
pages require additional overhead
that uncompressed pages do not, the
estimated level-0 database size for
some dimensions may be larger than
the value for None.

list alias_table
Get a list of alias tables that are defined for the database.

list alias_names in alias_table

List the alias names defined in an alias table. Alias tables contain sets of aliases for
member names and are stored in the database outline. Use this grammar to see a list
of alias names defined in the specified table.

list existing_views
Display information about all aggregate views. An aggregate view is a collection of
aggregate cells based on the levels of the members within each dimension.
The optional based on query_data clause causes the returned query cost
information to be based on the collected cost of actual user queries. If this clause
is not used, the default assumption is that all possible queries happen with the same
To use the based on query_data clause, query tracking must first be enabled. To
enable query tracking, use alter database <dbs-name> enable query tracking.

list ... file information

Get accurate index and data file information. Provides index and data file names,
counts, sizes, and totals, and indicates whether or not each file is presently opened
by Essbase. The file size information is accurate. Note that the file size information
provided by the Windows operating system for index and data files that reside on
NTFS volumes may not be accurate.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

list load_buffers
Display a list and description of the data load buffers that exist on an aggregate
storage database. See Using Aggregate Storage Data Load Buffers.

list aso_level_info
Display the aggregation level count for each real dimension in the outline.
Aggregation level count is the total number of aggregation levels in a real dimension
(including associated attribute dimensions) that exist on an aggregate storage

dump|force_dump existing views...

Saves existing views of this database to an aggregation script. This action requires a
minimum permission of execute (Execute).
If the specified script name already exists, you can use the force_dump keyword to
overwrite it; otherwise, an error is returned if the file name already exists.
If the based on query_data phrase is used, the view selection that is saved will
be based on previously collected query-tracking data. You must have enabled query
tracking to use this option. For more information about query tracking, see the based
on query_data description in execute aggregate selection.


query database ASOsamp.Sample list load_buffers;

Display a list and description of the data load buffers that exist on ASOsamp.Sample.

Outline Paging Dimension Statistics

The following columns are the output of the MaxL statement beginning with query
database DBS-NAME get opg_state.
This statement is only applicable to databases using aggregate storage.

Table 3-24 Outline Paging Dimension Statistics MaxL Output Columns

Column Name Contents

version The version of the outline paging section (a
Berkeley DB database).
unique_keys The number of unique keys in the outline
paging section.
key/data_pairs The number of key/data pairs in the outline
paging section.
page_size The page size (in bytes) of the underlying
minimum_keys_per_page The minimum number of keys per page.
length of fixed_length_records The length of the fixed-length records (only
available when the outline paging section is a
Recno database).
padding_byte_value_for_fixed_length_ The padding byte value for fixed-length
columns records.
levels Number of levels in the underlying database
corresponding to the outline paging section.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Table 3-24 (Cont.) Outline Paging Dimension Statistics MaxL Output Columns

Column Name Contents

internal_pages Number of internal pages in the underlying
leaf_pages Number of leaf pages in the underlying
duplicate_pages Number of duplicate pages in the underlying
overflow_pages Number of overflow pages in the underlying
pages_on_free_list Number of pages on the free list in the
underlying database.
bytes_free_in_internal_pages Number of bytes free in internal pages of the
underlying database.
bytes_free_in_leaf_pages Number of bytes free in leaf pages of the
underlying database.
bytes_free_in_duplicate_pages Number of bytes free in duplicate pages of the
underlying database.
bytes_free_in_overflow_pages Number of bytes free in overflow pages of the
underlying database.

Aggregate Storage Runtime Statistics

Statistics per Dimension
The following MaxL statement:

query database asoapp.asodb list aggregate_storage runtime_info;

Returns output which includes the following lines:

parameter value
Dimension [Year] has [3] levels, bits used 4
Dimension [Measures] has [1] levels, bits 4
Dimension [Product] has [3] levels, bits u 5
Dimension [Market] has [3] levels, bits us 5
Dimension [Scenario] has [1] levels, bits 2

For each dimension, the following statistics are shown:

• The name of the dimension.
• How many stored levels the dimension has, in the aggregate storage perspective.
Not all levels are stored in aggregate storage databases; some are virtual levels.
• The number of bits being used in the key for the dimension.
Each cell in an aggregate storage database is stored as a key/value pair. The key
length is 8 bytes or a multiple of 8 bytes; for example, 8, 16, 24.

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Each key corresponds to a numeric value in the database. The number of bits
each dimension uses in the dimensional key is shown in the value column for each
The number of bits used in each key may amount to less than the bytes needed for
physical storage of the key. As an example where this knowledge might be useful,
consider a case in which a key is using 65 bits. If you can reduce the key length
by one bit to 64, then you can have the key length be 8 bytes instead of 16, an
improvement which reduces the overall size of the database. Another use for these
statistics might be to examine them to see how much you gain from removing any
particular dimension.

Statistics for the Whole Database

The same MaxL statement used above also returns the following lines in its output:

parameter value
Max. key length (bits) 20
Max. key length (bytes) 8
Number of input-level cells 0
Number of incremental data slices 0
Number of incremental input cells 0
Number of aggregate views 0
Number of aggregate cells 0
Number of incremental aggregate cells 0
Cost of querying incr. data (ratio to total cost) 0
Input-level data size (KB) 0
Aggregate data size (KB) 0

The whole-database statistics are described in the following table.

Table 3-25 Aggregate Storage Runtime Statistics MaxL Output

Column Name Description

Max. key length (bits) The sum of all the bits used by each
dimension. For example, there are 20 bits in
the key used for dimensions, and the first 4 are
used by Year.
Max. key length (bytes) How many bytes the key uses per cell.
Number of input-level cells The number of existing level-0 cells in the
database, including incremental slices.
Number of incremental data slices The number of data slices resulting from
incremental data loads.
Number of incremental input cells The number of level-0 cells in the incremental
data slices.
To see the number of unique aggregate views,
use the MaxL statement:

query database appname.dbname

list existing_views;

Chapter 3
MaxL Statements (Aggregate Storage)

Table 3-25 (Cont.) Aggregate Storage Runtime Statistics MaxL Output

Column Name Description

Number of aggregate views The number of aggregate views in the
database, including those automatically built
on incremental slices.
Number of aggregate cells The number of cells stored in the database's
aggregate views.
Number of incremental aggregate The number of cells stored in the incremental
cells slices' aggregate views.
Cost of querying incr. data (ratio The average percentage of query time spent
to total cost) processing incremental data slices. This
functionality is useful in deciding when slices
should be merged together to improve query
Input-level data size (KB) The total disk space used by input-level data.
Aggregate data size (KB) The total disk space occupied by aggregate

For input-level and aggregate cells, the above statistics show:

1. Number of cells
2. Disk space occupied by those cells
Because Essbase uses compression, these statistics are useful because it is not
always possible to derive disk size based on the number of cells.

Aggregate Storage Slice Information Output

The following MaxL statement:

query database "dmglex4"."basic" list aggregate_storage slice_info;

Returns the following output:

transaction_id slice_id slice_tag view_id size_cells size_kb

0 0 0 0 38 64
3 1 66 0 21 32
3 2 77 0 21 32

See Query Database.

Aggregate Storage Group ID Information Output

The following MaxL statement:

query database "dmglex4"."basic" list aggregate_storage group_id_info;

Chapter 3
MaxL Use Cases

Returns the following output:

group_id transaction_id state time_last_used

time_expired expired
1234 1 Allocation Done Wed
Jul 20 17:39:57 Wed Jul 20 17:44:57 FALSE

See Query Database.

Aggregate Storage Uncommitted Transaction Information Output

The following MaxL statement:

query database "dmglex4"."basic" list aggregate_storage


Returns the following output (columns are truncated):

unc_trans unc_data_ unc_input unc_aggre unc_aggre unc_input unc_aggre

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

See Query Database.

MaxL Use Cases

The following topics demonstrate some tasks that can be accomplished using MaxL.
• Creating an Aggregate Storage Sample Using MaxL
• Loading Data Using Buffers
• Using Aggregate Storage Data Load Buffers
• Forcing Deletion of Partitions
• Metadata Filtering
• Examples of Triggers

Creating an Aggregate Storage Sample Using MaxL

Related MaxL statements: create application, create database, create outline, alter
database, import data, execute aggregate process,
The following sample MaxL script creates an aggregate storage application and
database based on Sample.Basic.

login $1 $2;

spool on to 'maxl_log.txt';

Chapter 3
MaxL Use Cases

create or replace application Sample2 using aggregate_storage

comment 'aggregate storage version of Sample';

create database Sample2.Basic2

comment 'aggregate storage version of Sample Basic';

create or replace outline on aggregate_storage database Sample2.Basic2

as outline on database sample.basic;

alter database Sample2.Basic2 initialize load buffer with buffer_id 1;

import database Sample2.Basic2 data

from server data_file '/catalog/users/catalogUser/Data.txt'
to load_buffer with buffer_id 1
on error abort;

import database Sample2.Basic2 data from load_buffer with buffer_id 1;

execute aggregate process on database Sample2.Basic2

stopping when total_size exceeds 1.9;

spool off;


Loading Data Using Buffers

Related MaxL Statements
• Alter Database (Aggregate Storage)
• Query Database (Aggregate Storage)
• Import Data (Aggregate Storage)
If you use multiple Import Data (Aggregate Storage) statements to load data values
to aggregate storage databases, you can significantly improve performance by loading
values to a temporary data load buffer first, with a final write to storage after all data
sources have been read.
While the data load buffer exists in memory, you cannot build aggregations or merge
slices, as these operations are resource-intensive. You can, however, load data to
other data load buffers, and perform queries and other operations on the database.
There might be a brief wait for queries, until the full data set is committed to the
database and aggregations are created.
The data load buffer exists in memory until the buffer contents are committed to the
database or the application is restarted, at which time the buffer is destroyed. Even if
the commit operation fails, the buffer is destroyed and the data is not loaded into the
Multiple data load buffers can exist on a single aggregate storage database. To save
time, you can load data into multiple data load buffers at the same time by using
separate MaxL Shell sessions. Although only one data load commit operation on a
database can be active at any time, you can commit multiple data load buffers in the
same commit operation, which is faster than committing buffers individually.

Chapter 3
MaxL Use Cases

You can query the database for a list and description of the data load buffers that exist
on an aggregate storage database. See Using Aggregate Storage Data Load Buffers.
• Example: Load Multiple Data Sources into a Single Data Load Buffer
• Example: Perform Multiple Data Loads in Parallel

Example: Load Multiple Data Sources into a Single Data Load Buffer
Assume there are three data files that need to be imported. With aggregate storage
databases, data loads are most efficient when all data files are loaded using one
import operation. Therefore, load buffers are useful when loading more than one data
1. Use Alter Database (Aggregate Storage) to create a load buffer.

alter database ASOsamp.Sample

initialize load_buffer with buffer_id 1;

2. Load data into the buffer, using the Import Data (Aggregate Storage) statement.

import database ASOsamp.Sample data

from server data_file 'file_1'
to load_buffer with buffer_id 1
on error abort;

import database ASOsamp.Sample data

from server data_file 'file_2'
to load_buffer with buffer_id 1
on error abort;

import database ASOsamp.Sample data

from server data_file 'file_3'
to load_buffer with buffer_id 1
on error abort;

3. Move the data from the buffer into the database.

import database ASOsamp.Sample data

from load_buffer with buffer_id 1;

The data-load buffer is implicitly destroyed.

4. Assume that in Step 2, after loading 'file_2' into the load buffer, you decided not
to load the data. Because the data is in a buffer and not yet in the database, you
would simply use Alter Database (Aggregate Storage) to destroy the buffer without
moving the data to the database.

alter database ASOsamp.Sample

destroy load_buffer with buffer_id 1;

Chapter 3
MaxL Use Cases

Example: Perform Multiple Data Loads in Parallel

1. In one MaxL Shell session, load data into a buffer with an ID of 1:

alter database ASOsamp.Sample

initialize load_buffer with buffer_id 1 resource_usage 0.5;

import database ASOsamp.Sample data

from data_file "dataload1.txt"
to load_buffer with buffer_id 1
on error abort;

2. Simultaneously, in another MaxL Shell session, load data into a buffer with an ID
of 2:

alter database ASOsamp.Sample

initialize load_buffer with buffer_id 2 resource_usage 0.5;

import database ASOsamp.Sample data

from data_file "dataload2.txt"
to load_buffer with buffer_id 2
on error abort;

3. When the data is fully loaded into the data load buffers, use one MaxL statement
to commit the contents of both buffers into the database by using a comma
separated list of buffer IDs:

import database ASOsamp.Sample data

from load_buffer with buffer_id 1, 2;

Using Aggregate Storage Data Load Buffers

Related MaxL Statement:
Query Database (Aggregate Storage)
Use the following MaxL statement to get a list and description of the data load buffers
that exist on an aggregate storage database.

query database appname.dbname list load_buffers;

This statement returns the following information about each existing data load buffer:

Table 3-26 List Load Buffers MaxL Output Columns

Field Description
buffer_id ID of a data load buffer (a number between 1
and 4294967296).

Chapter 3
MaxL Use Cases

Table 3-26 (Cont.) List Load Buffers MaxL Output Columns

Field Description
internal A Boolean that specifies whether the data
load buffer was created internally by Essbase
(TRUE) or by a user (FALSE).
active A Boolean that specifies whether the data
load buffer is currently in use by a data load
resource_usage The percentage (a number between .01 and
1.0 inclusive) of the aggregate storage cache
that the data load buffer is allowed to use.
aggregation method One of the methods used to combine multiple
values for the same cell within the buffer:
• AGGREGATE_SUM: Add values when the
buffer contains multiple values for the
same cell.
duplicate cells by using the value of the
cell that was loaded last into the load
ignore_missings A Boolean that specifies whether to ignore #MI
values in the incoming data stream.
ignore_zeros A Boolean that specifies whether to ignore
zeros in the incoming data stream.

Forcing Deletion of Partitions

The force keyword used at the end of the drop partition statement specifies that the
source half of a partition definition should be dropped regardless of whether the target
half is missing or invalid.
For example, in the following session, assume there is a partition definition between
app1.source and, but the database has been dropped. An
ordinary attempt to drop the partition definition fails:

MAXL> drop transparent partition app1.source to;

OK/INFO - 1053012 - Object source is locked by user system.

OK/INFO - 1051034 - Logging in user System.
OK/INFO - 1051035 - Last login on Friday, January 10, 2005 2:28:09
ERROR - 1051032 - Database target does not exist.
OK/INFO - 1053013 - Object source unlocked by user system.
OK/INFO - 1051037 - Logging out user system, active for 0 minutes.

In the second attempt, the force keyword allows the invalid source partition to be

MAXL> drop transparent partition app1.source to force;

OK/INFO - 1053012 - Object source is locked by user system.

Chapter 3
MaxL Use Cases

OK/INFO - 1051034 - Logging in user System.

OK/INFO - 1051035 - Last login on Friday, January 10, 2005 2:31:50
ERROR - 1051032 - Database target does not exist.
OK/INFO - 1051037 - Logging out user system, active for 0 minutes.
OK/INFO - 1053013 - Object source unlocked by user system.
OK/INFO - 1241125 - Partition dropped.

The force keyword only works to drop a partition definition when the source
half of the partition definition remains valid. In other words, if the source
database is deleted, the partition cannot be dropped from the dangling

Metadata Filtering
Related MaxL statements: create filter, alter filter.
Metadata filtering provides an additional layer of security in addition to data filtering.
With metadata filtering, an administrator can remove outline members from a user's
view, providing access only to those members that are of interest to the user.
When a filter is used to apply MetaRead permission on a member,
1. Data for all ancestors of that member are hidden from the filter user’s view.
2. Data and metadata (member names) for all siblings of that member are hidden
from the filter user’s view.

The following report script for Sample.Basic:


<COLUMN (Year, Product)


<ROW (Market)

under normal unfiltered conditions returns

Year 100-10 Measures Scenario

California 3,498
Oregon 159
Washington 679
Utah 275
Nevada (18)
West 4,593

Chapter 3
MaxL Use Cases

But with the following filter granted to an otherwise read-access user,

create or replace filter sample.basic.meta02

meta_read on '"California","Oregon"'

the report script then returns:

Year 100-10 Measures Scenario

California 3,498
Oregon 159
West #Missing

In summary, MetaRead permission on California and Oregon means that:

1. The affected user can see no data for ancestors of California and Oregon
members. West data shows only #Missing (or #NoAccess, in a grid client
2. The affected user can see no sibling metadata (or data) for siblings of California
and Oregon. In other words, the user sees only the western states for which the
filter gives MetaRead permission.

Overlapping Metadata Filter Definitions

You should define a MetaRead filter using multiple rows only when the affected
member set in any given row (the metaread members and their ancestors) has no
overlap with MetaRead members in other rows. Oracle recommends that you specify
one dimension per row in filters that contain MetaRead on multiple rows. However, as
long as there is no overlap between the ancestors and MetaRead members, it is still
valid to specify different member sets of one dimension into multiple MetaRead rows.
For example, in Sample.Basic, the following filter definition has overlap conflicts:

Table 3-27 Sample Filter with Overlap Conflicts

Access Member Specification

MetaRead California
MetaRead West

In the first row, applying MetaRead to California has the effect of allowing access to
California but blocking access to its ancestors. Therefore, the MetaRead access to
West is ignored; users who are assigned this filter will have no access to West.
If you wish to assign MetaRead access to West as well as California, then the
appropriate method is to combine them into one row:

Table 3-28 Sample Filter with No Overlap Conflicts

Access Member Specification

MetaRead California,West

Chapter 3
MaxL Use Cases

Examples of Triggers
Related MaxL statements: alter trigger, create trigger, display trigger, drop trigger.
The following examples are based on the Sample.Basic database.

You cannot define a trigger that requires data from Dynamic Calc members
or members from another partition.

Example 1: Tracking Sales for January

Example 1 tracks the Actual, Sales value for the following month, product, and region:
• January (Year dimension member Jan)
• Colas (Product dimension member 100)
• In the Eastern region (Market dimension member East)
When the current member being calculated is Jan, and when the Actual, Sales
value of Colas for January exceeds 20, the example logs an entry in the file

create or replace trigger Sample.Basic.Trigger_Jan_20

Jan > 20 AND Is(Year.CurrentMember, Jan)
then spool Trigger_Jan_20

Example 2: Tracking Sales for Quarter 1

Example 2 tracks the Actual, Sales value for the following months, product, and
• January, February, March (The children of Year dimension member Qtr1)
• Colas (Product dimension member 100)
• In the Eastern region (Market dimension member East)
When the current member being calculated is Jan, Feb or Mar, and when the
Actual, Sales value of Colas for any of the the months January, February, or
March exceeds 20, the example logs an entry in the file Trigger_Jan_Sales_20,
Trigger_Feb_Sales_20, or Trigger_Mar_Sales_20.

create or replace trigger Sample.Basic.Trigger_Qtr1_Sales

{([Measures].[Sales], [Product].[100], [Market].[East], [Scenario].

Chapter 3
MaxL Use Cases

Year.Jan > 20 and is(Year.currentmember, Jan)
then spool Trigger_Jan_Sales_20
Year.Feb > 20 and is(Year.currentmember, Feb)
then spool Trigger_Feb_Sales_20
Year.Mar > 20 and is(Year.currentmember, Mar)
then spool Trigger_Mar_Sales_20

Example 3: Tracking Inventory Level

Example 3 tracks the inventory level for the following product, region, and months:
• Colas (product 100)
• In the eastern region (market East)
• For January, February, and March (the children of Qtr1)
If the inventory of Colas in the eastern region falls below 500,000, the example trigger
sends an email to [email protected].

create or replace trigger Sample.Basic.Inventory_east

where CrossJoin(
{([East],[100],[Ending Inventory])}
when [Ending Inventory] < 500000 then
mail ([],[[email protected]],
[[email protected]],
[Subject of E-Mail])


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