Build Forms II - Volume 1 - Instructor Guide

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Oracle Developer:

Build Forms II

Volume 1 • Instructor Guide


Production 1.0
May 1999
Author Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

This documentation contains proprietary information of Oracle Corporation. It is

Mark Sullivan
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Jayne Marlow
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Christin Nowakowski
Bryan Roberts
Bert Salyga
Helene Schwann
Hiroyuki Sugiyama
Pal Tarcsay
Bart Van der Laar
Jack Walsh

Kelly Lee
Sherry Polm

Profile xv
Related Publications xvi
Typographic Conventions xvii

Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Introduction 1-3
Introducing Project Builder 1-5
Project Builder Terminology 1-7
Project Builder Benefits 1-9
Project Builder User Interface 1-11
Project Builder User Interface 1-13
Creating Projects and Subprojects 1-15
Adding Project Files 1-17
Subdirectories Added as Subprojects 1-19
Creating Connections 1-21
Working with Project Files 1-23
Establishing Dependencies 1-25
Building Projects 1-27
Delivering Projects 1-29
Summary 1-33
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 1 1-35
Practice 1 1-36

Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Introduction 2-3
Components of the Menu Module 2-5
The Default Menu 2-7
The Menu Editor 2-9
Creating a Menu Module 2-11
Module Properties 2-13
Menu Properties 2-15
Menu Item Properties 2-17
Menu Item Types 2-19

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II iii

Menu Item Command Types 2-21

Implementing Menu Toolbars 2-23
Storing the Menu Module 2-25
Attaching the Menu Module 2-27
Pop-up Menus 2-29
Summary 2-31
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 2 2-33
Practice 2 2-34

Lesson 3: Managing Menu Modules

Introduction 3-3
Using PL/SQL in Menu Item Code 3-5
Useful Built-in Menu Subprograms 3-7
Showing and Hiding the Current Menu 3-9
Managing Menu Security 3-11
Defining Security Roles 3-13
Assigning Access to Menu Items 3-15
Summary 3-17
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 3 3-19
Practice 3 3-20

Lesson 4: Programming Function Keys

Introduction 4-3
Key Triggers 4-5
Defining Key Triggers 4-7
Characteristics of Key Triggers 4-9
Classification of Key Triggers 4-11
Using Key Triggers 4-15
Association with Other Interface Controls 4-17
Summary 4-19
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 4 4-21
Practice 4 4-22

iv Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Lesson 5: Responding to Mouse Events

Introduction 5-3
What Are Mouse Events? 5-5
Responding to Mouse Movement 5-7
Responding to Mouse Button Actions 5-11
Summary 5-17
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 5 5-19
Practice 5 5-20

Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically

Introduction 6-3
Using Window-Interaction Triggers 6-5
Built-ins for Manipulating Windows 6-7
Built-ins for Manipulating Canvases 6-9
Working with Tab-Style Canvases 6-11
Windows and Blocks 6-15
Manipulating Window Properties Programmatically 6-17
Showing Multiple Windows 6-19
Closing Windows 6-21
Blocks with Many Items 6-23
Summary 6-25
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 6 6-27
Practice 6 6-28

Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

Introduction 7-3
Data Source Types 7-5
Basing a Data Block on a FROM Clause Query 7-7
Basing a Data Block on a Stored Procedure 7-9
Example of a Query Using a REF Cursor Procedure 7-11
Example of Query Using a Table of Records Procedure 7-13
Example of DML Using a Stored Procedure 7-15
Deciding Whether to Use a REF Cursor or a Table
of Records 7-17

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II v

Data Block Wizard 7-19

Data Block Properties 7-21
Data Source Guidelines 7-23
Summary 7-27
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 7 7-29
Practice 7 7-30

Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

Introduction 8-3
What Are Object Types? 8-5
Review of Objects 8-7
Object REFs 8-9
Supported Oracle8 Features 8-11
How Oracle Developer Treats Objects 8-13
Object Type Displays 8-15
Creating Data Blocks Based on Oracle8 Objects 8-17
Selecting Object Table Columns 8-19
Selecting Object Column Attributes 8-21
Blocks with REF Lookups 8-23
The REF Column Value 8-25
LOVs for REFs 8-27
Summary 8-29
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 8 8-31
Practice 8 8-32

Lesson 9: Controlling Data Block Relationships

Introduction 9-3
Creating a Relation 9-5
Block Coordination 9-7
Coordinate Blocks Using REFs 9-9
Characteristics of Relation-Handling Triggers 9-11
Principles of Relation-Handling Code 9-13
Obtaining Relation-Handling Information 9-15
Implementing a Coordination-Type Toggle 9-17

vi Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Forcing a Commit Per Master 9-19

Summary 9-21
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 9 9-23
Practice 9 9-24

Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Introduction 10-3
OPEN_FORM to Invoke Additional Forms 10-5
Closing Forms 10-7
Navigating Between Forms 10-9
Transaction Processing for Opened Forms 10-11
CALL_FORM to Invoke Additional Forms 10-13
Transaction Processing for Called Forms 10-15
NEW_FORM to Invoke Additional Forms 10-19
Controlling Open Forms and Called Forms Together 10-21
Different Ways of Invoking Forms 10-23
Using Form Parameters 10-25
Parameter Lists 10-29
Creating and Manipulating Parameter Lists 10-31
Passing Data Between Forms 10-33
Summary 10-35
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 10 10-37
Practice 10 10-38

Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Introduction 11-3
Record Groups 11-5
Using Record Groups 11-7
Defining Record Groups at Design Time 11-9
Built-in Functions for Controlling Record Groups 11-11
Defining Query Record Groups Programmatically 11-17
Defining Nonquery Record Groups Programmatically 11-19
Manipulating Record Group Rows 11-21
Manipulating Selected Record Group Rows 11-23

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II vii

Defining Global Record Groups 11-25

Manipulating List Items Programmatically 11-27
Implementing Dynamic List Items 11-29
Adding Values to Combo Boxes 11-31
Summary 11-33
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 11 11-35
Practice 11 11-36

Lesson 12: Including Charts and Reports

Introduction 12-3
Including Charts by Using the Chart Wizard 12-5
Chart Item Properties 12-11
Reporting Within Form Builder 12-13
Report Object Properties 12-15
Working with Reports 12-17
Summary 12-21
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 12 12-23
Practice 12 12-24

Lesson 13: Applying Timers

Introduction 13-3
Timers 13-5
Handling Timer Expiration 13-7
Creating a Timer 13-9
Modifying a Timer 13-11
Deleting a Timer 13-13
Summary 13-15
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 13 13-17
Practice 13 13-18

Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

Introduction 14-3
Using Oracle Server Functionality in Forms 14-5
Dealing with PL/SQL Code 14-7

viii Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

PL/SQL8 Support 14-9

New PL/SQL8 Scalar Data Types 14-11
Unsupported Client-Side PL/SQL8 Features 14-13
Handling Errors Raised by the Oracle Server 14-15
Performing DDL with FORMS_DDL 14-19
Using FORMS_DDL 14-21
Summary 14-23
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 14 14-25
Practice 14 14-26

Lesson 15: Using Reusable Components

Introduction 15-3
Reusable Components 15-5
Reusable Components List 15-7
The Calendar Class 15-11
Calendar Object Group Content 15-13
Built-in for Manipulating the Calendar 15-15
Summary 15-17
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 15 15-19
Practice 15 15-20

Appendix A: Practice Solutions

Practice 1 Solutions A-2
Practice 2 Solutions A-5
Practice 3 Solutions A-9
Practice 4 Solutions A-12
Practice 5 Solutions A-16
Practice 6 Solutions A-18
Practice 7 Solutions A-21
Practice 8 Solutions A-25
Practice 9 Solutions A-29
Practice 10 Solutions A-34
Practice 11 Solutions A-36
Practice 12 Solutions A-42

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II ix

Practice 13 Solutions A-45

Practice 14 Solutions A-49
Practice 15 Solutions A-55

Appendix B: Table Descriptions and Data

Summit Sporting Goods Database Diagram B-2
S_CUSTOMER Description B-3
S_DEPT Description and Data B-8
S_EMP Description B-9
S_EMP Data B-10
S_ITEM Description B-13
S_ITEM Data B-14
S_ORD Description and Data B-16
S_PRODUCT Description B-17
S_REGION Description and Data B-22
S_TITLE Description and Data B-23
Oracle8 objects: types, tables B-24

Appendix C: Project Builder Addendum

Introduction C-3
Team Development with Project Builder C-5
Generating and Printing Project Reports C-11
Defining New Module Types C-13
Identifying New Module Types C-15
Describing New Module Types C-17
Actions for New Module Types C-19
An Icon for New Module Types C-21
Modifying Types Using Actions C-23
Customizing Actions by Using Macros C-25
Customizing the Launcher C-29
Inheritance in Project Builder C-31
Actions C-33

x Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Summary C-35

Appendix D: Introduction to Oracle8 Object Features

Introduction D-3
New Oracle8 Data Types D-5
Object Types D-7
Creating Oracle8 Objects D-11
Object Columns D-13
Object Views D-15
INSTEAD-OF Triggers D-17
Referencing Objects D-19
Displaying Oracle8 Objects in the Object Navigator D-21
Summary D-29

Appendix E: Menu Run-Time Parameters

Introduction E-3
Substitution Parameters E-5
Defining a User-Named Substitution Parameter E-7
Substitution Parameter Built-ins E-9
Validating a Substitution Parameter Value E-11
Summary E-13

Appendix F: Handling Server-Side Errors

Introduction F-3
Obtaining the Cause of Declarative-Constraint Violations F-5
Customizing Oracle Server Error Messages F-7
Example Procedure for Handling Oracle Server Errors F-9
Summary F-13

Appendix G: EMP_PKG Package

Package Specification G-2
Package Body G-4

Appendix H: Working with ActiveX Controls

Introduction H-3

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II xi

What Are VBX, OCX, and ActiveX Controls? H-5

Comparison of VBX, OCX, and ActiveX Controls H-7
ActiveX in Form Builder H-9
Implementing an ActiveX Control H-11
Inserting an ActiveX Control in an ActiveX Control Item H-13
Importing ActiveX Control Methods and Events Packages H-15
Setting and Getting ActiveX Control Properties H-17
Invoking ActiveX Control Methods H-21
Responding to ActiveX Control Events H-23
Handling Exceptions H-25
Registering an ActiveX Control H-27
Summary H-29

Appendix I: Using Oracle Server Roles at Run Time

Using Oracle Server Roles at Run Time I-3
Procedures for Managing Roles I-7

Appendix J: Instructor Note

Introduction J-2
How the Project Is Organized J-3
Project Setup J-4
Launching the Files J-8

xii Oracle Developer: Build Forms II


Instructor Note
General course information for instructors:

PowerPoint Slides The slide show provides many builds to facilitate your
explanation. Of course, you can modify these builds if you prefer, depending
upon your familiarity with PowerPoint.
All slides include a small arrow at the bottom of the screen that is displayed
on the final build, so that you know when one slide finishes and the next
slide begins. On the last slide of a lesson the arrow points to the left instead
of the right.
If you modify a build, make sure that this arrow is the last object in the build

Demonstrations A set of demonstrations is provided to help you with

your explanations. You can launch the demonstration files from Project
Builder. For additional information, see Appendix J, “Instructor Note.”

Practice Sessions Students might want to view the form that they are
asked to produce in each question. Solution files of all forms are available in
the LAB_SOL directory. You can also launch them from Project Builder.
See Appendix J “Instructor Note” for additional information.

xiv Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Before You Begin This Course
Before you begin this course, you should have the following qualifications:
• Thorough knowledge of:
- Creating simple applications with Oracle Developer Form Builder
- Creating SQL query statements
• Working experience of:
- Creating PL/SQL constructs, including conditional statements,
procedures, and functions
- Creating PL/SQL stored (server) procedures and functions
• Knowledge of using a graphical user interface (GUI)

The following instructor-led training (ILT) course: Oracle Developer: Build
Forms I

Suggested Follow-up Courses

• Oracle Developer: Build Reports
• Oracle Developer: Deploy Web-Based Applications
• Oracle Designer: Design and Generate Oracle Developer Applications

How This Course Is Organized

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II is an instructor-led course featuring
lectures and hands-on exercises. Online demonstrations and written
practices reinforce the concepts and skills introduced.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II xv

Related Publications
Oracle Publications
Title Part Number
Oracle Developer Guidelines for Building Applications, A50994-1
Release 6
Oracle Developer Getting Started, Release 6 A50995-1

Additional Publications
• file
• relnotes.pdf file

xvi Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Typographic Conventions

Typographic Conventions
Typographic Conventions in Text
Convention Element Example
Bold italic Glossary term (if The algorithm inserts the new key.
there is a glossary)
Caps and lowercase Buttons, Click the Executable button.
check boxes, Select the Can’t Delete Card check box.
Assign a When-Validate-Item trigger . . .
Open the Master Schedule window.
Courier new, Code output, Code output: debug.seti(’I’,300);
case sensitive directory names, Directory: bin (DOS), $FMHOME (UNIX)
(default is filenames,
Filename: Locate the init.ora file.
lowercase) passwords,
pathnames, Password: Use tiger as your password.
URLs, Pathname: Open c:\my_docs\projects
user input, URL: Go to
usernames User input: Enter 300
Username: Log on as scott
Initial cap Graphics labels Customer address (but Oracle Payables)
(unless the term is a
proper noun)
Italic Emphasized words Do not save changes to the database.
and phrases, For further information, see Oracle7 Server
titles of books SQL Language Reference Manual.
and courses,
Enter [email protected], where
user_id is the name of the user.
Quotation marks Interface elements Select “Include a reusable module
with long names component” and click Finish.
that have only This subject is covered in Unit II, Lesson 3,
initial caps; lesson “Working with Objects.”
and chapter titles in
Uppercase SQL column Use the SELECT command to view
names, commands, information stored in the LAST_NAME
functions, schemas, column of the EMP table.
table names

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II xvii

Convention Element Example

Arrow Menu paths Select File—>Save.
Brackets Key names Press [Enter].
Commas Key sequences Press and release these keys one at a time:
[Alt], [F], [D]
Plus signs Key combinations Press and hold these keys simultaneously:

Typographic Conventions in Code

Convention Element Example
Caps and lowercase Oracle Forms When-Validate-Item
Lowercase Column names, SELECT last_name
table names FROM s_emp;
Passwords DROP USER scott
(OG_GET_LAYER (’prod_pie_layer’))
Lowercase italic Syntax variables CREATE ROLE role
Uppercase SQL commands SELECT userid
and functions FROM emp;

Typographic Conventions in Navigation Paths

This course uses simplified navigation paths, such as the following example, to direct
you through Oracle Applications.

(N) Invoice—>Entry—>Invoice Batches Summary (M) Query—>Find

(B) Approve

This simplified path translates to the following:

1 (N) From the Navigator window, select Invoice—>Entry—>Invoice Batches
2 (M) From the menu bar, select Query—>Find.
3 (B) Click the Approve button.

N = Navigator, M = Menu, B = Button

xviii Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Managing Projects
with Project Builder
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

After completing this lesson, you should
be able to do the following:
• Define Project Builder terminology
• Identify the uses of Project Builder
• Recognize the components of the
Project Builder user interface
• Create projects and subprojects

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

• Invoke actions associated with entries
• Create entries from files and
• Establish dependencies among project
• Build files and projects
• Deliver a project by using the Delivery

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 40 minutes
Practice 25 minutes
Total 65 minutes

1-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

One of the most difficult aspects of application development is managing the files that
make up an application. Large applications can consist of hundreds of files and
millions of lines of code. In addition, files that are important to the project as a whole
but that are not compiled into the application itself, such as design specifications, test
scripts, and documentation, must also be tracked and maintained. This lesson explains
how to use Oracle Developer Project Builder to help you manage application
Additional Project Builder features are covered in Appendix C, “Project Builder

After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
• Define Project Builder terminology
• Identify the uses of Project Builder
• Recognize the components of the Project Builder user interface
• Create projects and subprojects
• Invoke actions associated with entries
• Create entries from files and subdirectories
• Establish dependencies among project entries
• Build files and projects
• Deliver a project by using the Delivery Wizard

Instructor Note
Individual components—Form Builder, Report Builder, and so on—do not have splash
screens. You see a splash screen only when you start Project Builder.
Oracle Developer demonstrations include the project file that was used to create them.
This file provides an excellent prebuilt demonstration that you can use to show
students all the capabilities of Project Builder.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-3
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

What Is Project Builder?

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

1-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Introducing Project Builder

Introducing Project Builder

For developers working on large, complex projects, managing the files that make up
those projects is always a difficult and time-consuming task. A typical Oracle
Developer project might consist of tens or hundreds of files. These files are of various
types; for example:
• Forms modules and their corresponding executables
• Reports modules and their corresponding executables
• Graphics modules and their corresponding executables
• PL/SQL libraries
• Icons and bitmaps
• Dynamic-link libraries built from C source files
• Text documents such as test scripts and specifications
• Test data
• SQL scripts
The developer faced with these files must constantly ask questions such as:
• What files make up this project?
• How do files depend on one another?
• Which files have been modified and need to be rebuilt?
• Which files are to be delivered to the deployment environment?
• What type of file is this, and how do I print, edit, or build it?
Many developer hours are wasted trying to resolve such issues of configuration and
management. Project Builder brings these tasks under control as an integral part of the
Oracle Developer product.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-5
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Project Builder Terminology

Term Description
Project Collection of components
Subproject Projects contained within other projects

Project Entry Representation of project items in the

Project Navigator
Registry Storehouse of information
Type Category of files
Action Command string
Macro Variable to customize and extend actions
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Project Builder Terminology

Project Subproject Subproject

Project Project Project

entries entries entries

Type Type
Actions Macros Actions

Macros Macros
Global Registry User
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Oracle Developer: Build Forms II project to illustrate the
terminology. Show the different nodes, the Build From FMB action for the Form
Builder executable type, and also the ORACONNECT macro.

1-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Project Builder Terminology

Project Builder Terminology

Project Builder is based upon the concepts of projects and subprojects.

Term Description
Project A project is a collection of pointers to the files that compose an application.
Files might include form modules, icons, or C source.
Subproject A subproject is a project contained within another project, and it enables a
finer level of organizational granularity. You can organize your forms,
reports, and displays in their own subdirectories, or even organize your direc-
tories by functional groups corresponding to sections of your application.
Project A project entry is a representation of a file in your application. When you
Entry delete a project entry from the Project Navigator, you do not delete the file,
only a pointer to the file.
Type A type is a category of file to which a file belongs, such as form, report, or C
source. A type determines which actions can be performed against files of
that type. Project Builder recognizes file types primarily by default extension;
for example, .txt for text files.
Action An action is a command string that applies to types, such as print, edit, or
build. Actions can act on individual components or on several components at
a time.
Macro A macro is a variable used to customize and extend actions.
There are several predefined macros, such as {name} and {path}.
For example, Project Builder inserts all the information you have
specified for connecting to a database into the ORACONNECT macro, which
is included in all commands that require database connection. The informa-
tion in the macro is then inserted into the action so you can log on automati-
Registry A registry is a storehouse of information about a project.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-7
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Project Builder Benefits

• View all files associated with an

application in a common navigator
• Automate actions
• Share projects among team members
• Define commonly used connect strings
• Deliver your application to end users

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Insist on the word deliver. Do not use the word deploy. Project Builder is not yet able
to deploy an application to end users. The only thing that Project Builder does is
package a set of files.

1-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Project Builder Benefits

Project Builder Benefits

Project Builder helps ease the burden of managing large, complex applications.

Viewing All Files Associated with an Application in a Common Navigator

You can associate all of the files in your application simply by adding them to the
same project. You can then view a graphical presentation of the project in a familiar
“navigation” style.
This method enables you to track a large application as a single entity and to determine
the dependencies between modules.

Automating Actions
Project Builder enables you to initiate on files common actions such as Edit, Print, and
Build from directly within the Project Navigator. Project Builder ships with default
actions that can be modified and customized. Customization of actions is covered in
Appendix C, “Project Builder Addendum.”

Sharing Projects Among Team Members

Common storage areas, called registries, enable developers to share information about

Defining Commonly Used Connect Strings

With Project Builder, you can define all your most-used database connect strings and
store their definitions under the Connections node. You can then assign a connection to
projects, subprojects, types, or individual project entries by dragging the connection
from the Connections node and dropping it on the desired project, subproject, type, or
project entry.

Delivering Application to End Users

Project Builder includes a wizard that simplifies packaging your application for end
users. You have the option of delivering your entire application, or delivering only
those files that have been updated from the previous release.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-9
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Project Builder User Interface


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

1 Launcher 3 Pop-up menu

2 Project Navigator 4 Property Palette

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Oracle Developer: Build Forms II project to show the
components. Expand the Summit application subproject node, and change the Project
Navigator view. Launch Form Builder from the Launcher.

1-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Project Builder User Interface

Project Builder User Interface

Project Builder has four main components: the Project Navigator, the pop-up menus,
the Property Palette, and the Launcher toolbar.

The Project Navigator

The Project Navigator is the main window for managing and organizing the entries in
a project. It can be displayed in one or two views.

View Description
Project view The entries in a project are organized by project and subproject, then
by type. This is useful to see all of the entries of a particular type, for
example, all of the PL/SQL libraries used in a project.
Dependency view The entries in a project are organized by dependencies between files;
for example, an object file depends on a source file and a number of
header files.

The Pop-up Menus

Use the pop-up menus to launch actions against entries from the Project Navigator.
1 Select the entry.
2 Click the right mouse button.
3 Select one of the available actions shown on the pop-up menu.
Note: You can add the commands you consider most useful to the type-specific pop-
up menus available from the Project Navigator.

The Property Palette

Project Builder includes the Property Palette for connections, types, entries, and
projects. Using the Property Palette, you can view and modify properties, actions, and
macros. You can also add new actions and macros to types, entries, and projects.

The Launcher
Project Builder also provides the Launcher, a customizable toolbar to which you can
add all the tools, including third-party tools, that you need to edit your project file.
Customizing the Launcher is covered in Appendix C, “Project Builder Addendum.”

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-11
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Project Builder User Interface

• Filtered views
• Password protection

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

1-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Project Builder User Interface

Project Builder User Interface

Project Builder user interface enables you to view a subset of the entries, and to limit
access to the project.

Filtered Views
A filter allows you to display only those projects or project items in the Project
Navigator that meet certain criteria. When you apply a filter, the objects that do not
match the criteria specified in the filter definition are hidden from view.
To create a filter, select Navigator—>Manage Filters from the main menu. Click the
Add Filter button. The Add Filter dialog box is displayed. Enter a name for the filter in
the Filter name field.
Use the tabs (General, File, Project, Delivery, Connection, and Macros) to specify
values for the project or item properties you want the filter to locate. All properties are
joined by AND; no provisions are made for OR conditions. As you add criteria, the
filter definition is recorded in the Current filter criteria field.
To remove criteria from your filter, select the property and its value in the Current
filter criteria field and click Remove.
When you finish creating your filter, click the OK button.

Password Protection
You can set passwords for projects to protect them from unauthorized viewing or
modification. When a user tries to open a password-protected project, a dialog
prompts the user to enter the password. If the user cannot supply the correct password,
access to the project is denied.
To set a password for a project file select the node for the project you want to protect.
Select FileAdministration—>Set Project Password to display the Set Project Password
Enter the password in the New password field. The password may be of any length and
may contain any characters. The password does not expire. Enter the password again
in the Confirm password field to verify the spelling. Click the OK button.
When you or another user attempts to open this project, a dialog prompts you to enter
the password.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-13
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Creating Projects
and Subprojects

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Specifying User Defaults

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Create a new project by using the Project Wizard. Name your project
Summit Application and add all the files for the Summit application. Explain that a
connection is a named set of a username, a password, and a connect string that can be
assigned as a group to a project entry or type.

1-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Creating Projects and Subprojects

Creating Projects and Subprojects

A project is a collection of pointers to the files that make up an application, and the
project registry file is the physical file in which this information is stored. Your first
job in creating a project is to define the project registry file.

The Project Wizard

The Project Wizard provides an easy-to-use interface for creating a project.
To create a project using the Project Wizard, click the Project Wizard icon on the
toolbar and:
• Define the project
• Specify user defaults
• Add files to the project
You can also create a new project without the Project Wizard by using the New Project
tool available on the toolbar and by setting project properties in the Property Palette.

Defining the Project

In the Project Wizard, you can choose to:
• Create a standalone project (the default)
• Create a subproject, a project that is part of a larger project
When defining the project, you must:
• Name your project.
• Select a default directory for the project registry file.
• Name the project registry file.

Specifying User Defaults

Next, you can specify:
• The author of the project
• A default connection to a data source such as an Oracle Server. This
connection will apply to all files within your project unless it is
• Any comments that you want to add
Note: This information is optional but can be used to identify and document your
projects in a team development environment.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-15
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Adding Project Files

• Add files through the Project Wizard.

• Add files to a project at any later time.
• Specify that implicit
components be
added to the

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
The directory structure of a project can have far-reaching consequences. Suppose you
include modules in a project that are located in a directory that is not a child of the
project directory. Then you create actions that search for and modify project modules.
How will you find the “orphan” modules? How will you create alternative actions with
hard-coded paths? It is not portable. Perhaps you can search from the root, but this is
not efficient.
• Locate modules in the project directory or in a directory that is a child of
the project directory (a good choice when adding subprojects).
• Use only relative paths. In other words, create a project and subprojects
that mirror your actual directory structure.

1-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Adding Project Files

Adding Project Files

Accepting the Project Wizard
The last step allows you either to add files to your project from within the Project
Wizard (the default) or to create an empty project. When you select Finish, the Project
Wizard creates your new project.

The Add Files Dialog Box

If you choose to add files to your project from within the Project Wizard, you can
immediately select files to be included as entries in your project. You can also add
other components at any later time.
Note: The dialog box always inserts the full path unless the module you want to add is
in the project directory.
In all other instances, the dialog box forces a full path. In that case, you can manually
change it to the relative path by:
• Selecting the item (for example, a subproject) in the Project Navigator
• Displaying the Property Palette
• Editing the Filename property

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-17
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Creating Subprojects
from Subdirectories

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Create a subproject from a subdirectory. You can use the directory structure where the
instructor demo files are stored.

1-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Subdirectories Added as Subprojects

Subdirectories Added as Subprojects

You can add an entire subdirectory of files as a subproject by selecting Project—>Add
Directory to Project… from the Add Directory to Project dialog box, choose the
directory and click OK. You have created a subproject with the same name as the
subdirectory, and all of the files in the subproject are registered.
If the selected subdirectory has subdirectories of its own, they are added as subprojects
to the newly created subproject, and their files are registered.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-19
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Creating Connections

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Assigning a Connect String

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Create a connection. Add it to a project and to an entry.

1-20 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Creating Connections

Creating Connections
In a typical project, the developer has a number of databases to work against. For
example, there might be a small “scratch” database where the developer can create any
test data he or she needs; a large test database that contains the data for a formal test
suite; and perhaps databases running different versions of Oracle to test backward
compatibility or new features.
With Project Builder the developer can define and save the connect strings associated
with these various databases, and then easily associate those connections with the
project files, simply by dragging a connection and dropping it on the entry for the file.
When the Form module is next opened from Project Builder, Form Builder
automatically connects to the database before opening the form.

Define a Connect String

1 Select the Connections node in the Project Navigator and choose New
Connection from the pop-up menu to display the Add Connection dialog
2 Type a title in the Title text box. The title provides the label for the
connect string in the Project Navigator.
3 Type a username, password, and connect string in the corresponding text
4 (Optional) Add comments in the Comments text field.
5 Click OK to accept the dialog and add the connection to your list of
possible connections.

Assign a Connect String to a Project or a Project Item

1 In the Project Navigator, expand the Connections node. Select the
connection you want to associate with the project or project item.
2 Drag and drop the connection on the project or project item.
The new connect string is inserted into the appropriate actions for all items in the
project (if you assigned it to a project) or the project item.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-21
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Working with Project Files

• Open and edit files
• Add, modify, or remove files and types
• Specify dependencies
• Compile the project
• Package the project

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
• Open a Form Builder file.
• Edit a SQL file or a text file.
• Show how to create and assign a connect string, because students will
have to do it in the practice session.
• Display the Property Palette by selecting Tools––>Property Palette.
Mention that it is impossible to describe all the properties, because they
differ from type to type. Explain that the properties are classified by
- General information
- Connections
- Actions
- Macros
Do not demonstrate the other options. They are covered later in this lesson. Just
explain what they mean.

1-22 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Working with Project Files

Working with Project Files

When your project is set up, you can use Project Builder to:
• Open and edit the files
• Specify dependencies
• Build the project
• Package the project for delivery

Editing Files
Project Builder comes with a large number of the most common actions already
defined. For example:
• Selecting Open from the pop-up menu for a text file may invoke
• Selecting Open from the pop-up menu for a form may invoke Form
If necessary, you can modify the predefined commands for any type. You can also
launch a tool from the Launcher. For more information, see Appendix C, “Project
Builder Addendum.”

Adding, Modifying, and Removing File Types

Project Builder comes with a large number of the most common file types already
defined. You can define new file types, alter existing file types, or remove file types.
For more information, see Appendix C, “Project Builder Addendum.”

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-23
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Implicit Dependencies

Deduces dependencies from

• Deliverable Type property
• Build From <type> action
Type FMB-Form Builder document
Deliverable Type FMX-Form Builder executable
Build From FMB ..\bin\ifcmp60.exe

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Explicit Dependencies

Add explicit
dependencies in the
• Select the parent,
click Add Files.
• Cut the child; paste
it onto the parent.
Select Navigator—>
Dependency View.
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
To explain the needs of explicit dependencies, you can use the dependence between
two.fmb files. When you make an object a subclass of a form and you change the
parent definition. you must build the child.

1-24 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Establishing Dependencies

Establishing Dependencies
Project dependencies refer to the order in which project entries depend on each other.
For example, a Form Builder executable file (.fmx) depends on a Form Builder
module file (.fmb), which may depend on a Form Builder library file (.pll), and so

Implicit Dependencies
Project Builder automatically deduces many dependencies from the Deliverable Type
property and the Build From <type> action of interdependent types.
• The Deliverable Type property specifies whether the type of file
delivered to the end user.
• The Build From <type> action specifies the command used to build a file
of a given type.

The type Form Builder module (.fmb files) has a deliverable type of Form Builder
executable (.fmx files). Therefore, Project Builder can deduce that any .fmx files in
your project are dependent on the associated .fmb files, and if those .fmb files
change, the .fmx files must be rebuilt based on the Build From <type> action defined
for the Forms Executable (.fmx) type. If there is no .fmx file already in your project,
Project Builder will show it as an item that is implied by the existence of the .fmb.

Explicit Dependencies
Sometimes you will have dependencies that Project Builder cannot determine
automatically. For instance, your form may contain calls to program units in a PL/SQL
library. If the interfaces to the program units in the library change, you need to rebuild
the Form Builder executable (.fmx).
To allow the developer to include such dependencies in the project definition,
dependencies can be added manually. To indicate that an .fmx depends on a PL/SQL
1 Select the entry (.fmx file).
2 Select Project––>Add Files to Project.
3 Select the files to be added as a dependency of the selected entry.
Note: To see the dependencies in the project, select Dependency View in the Project

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-25
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Building Projects
Three build options:

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.


1 Build All
2 Build Selection
3 Build Incremental

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Show all the options.
If you want to demonstrate the Build Selection option, be sure to select the .fmx
entries, and be sure not to select the .fmb entries.
If you want to demonstrate the Build All option, be sure that you illustrate this option
on a small project (with few files). Use, for example, the project that you created
earlier (Summit Application).

1-26 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Building Projects

Building Projects
Project Builder easily enables you to ensure that the “build” is up-to-date. You can
update your project and build all dependencies by using one of three build options in
the Project Builder Project menu:

Build Option Description

Build Selection Select one or more files in the Project Navigator, and choose Build
Selection from the Project menu. Project Builder rebuilds the
selected files only.
Build All To build all files in the project, select the project in the Project
Navigator and choose Build All. Project Builder builds all files,
regardless of whether you have modified them since the previous
Build Incremental To build modified files only, select Build Incremental from the
Project menu, or click the equivalent toolbar button. Project
Builder automatically determines which files need to be built, by
examining the file time stamps to determine which files have been
modified and rebuilding those that are out of date.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-27
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Delivering the Project

• Set the Deliver File property: Specifies

components that are the deliverables
• Specify the Deliver the Selected File(s)
action: Defines how to package a
deliverable file
• Set the PACKFILE macro: Specifies the
name of the .zip or .tar file

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

1-28 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Delivering Projects

Delivering Projects
After a project is completed, the remaining task is to deliver the executable files, help
files, supporting media (such as sounds, images, videos, or icons), and any other files
that the end user will need to have installed. Typically, the delivery process involves
setting certain delivery properties and invoking the delivery wizard.

The Deliver File Property

To simplify this task, Project Builder includes the Deliver File property, which allows
you to indicate which entries represent files to be delivered to the end user.
Usually the Deliver File property will be inherited from the type. For some files this
may not be appropriate. In this case, you can simply override the setting on individual
entries, as with any other property. Alternatively, you might choose to organize all the
deliverables into a separate subproject, and then set the Deliver File property on that
subproject to Yes, which then all the files in the subproject will then inherit.

The Deliver the Selected Files Action

Before packaging your files, you must define the Deliver the Selected Files to be the
exact command needed to archive the files. Typically, the definition for this action
uses the PACKFILE macro.


Before packaging your files, you must define the PACKFILE macro to be the name of
the .zip or .tar file that is the result of the Deliver action.

Actions and Macros are explained in Appendix C, “Project Builder Addendum.”

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-29
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Delivering the Project

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Deliver a project as an Oracle Installer script.

1-30 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Delivering Projects

Delivering Projects (continued)

Once you’ve developed and tested your project (the application that is a collection of
forms, reports, graphics, and PLSQL modules), you need a way to package and deploy
it on your target environments. The Delivery Wizard can help you accomplish these
tasks by providing the means to:
• Copy or FTP your completed project, or product, to a staging area.
• Generate the necessary scripts so your product is installable on Windows
95 and NT through the Oracle Installer.
• Run your customized Deliver action against a project.
To invoke the Delivery Wizard, select Tools—>Delivery Wizard from the main menu.

Delivery Using an Oracle Installer Script

The Delivery Wizard can create the files you need to install your application using
Oracle Installer.
• Select the project you want to deliver, and whether you want all of the
files, or only changed files delivered.
• Select the radio button “Deliver locally and create Oracle Installer
scripts.” Enter the destination directory for the scripts.
• Enter the name of the script, a program group name for the script, and a
version number. You may choose to have the Oracle Developer runtime
environment installed at the same time, if you wish.
• Select the files for delivery. These will be preselect according to each
files Delivery property.
• Specify the subdirectories in which you want the files delivered. You
may also specify a start menu label for any file.
• Specify andy environmental variables that need to be set.

Delivery Using the Customized Delivery Action

You may also use the Delivery Wizard to package files in an archive file, such as a
.zip file or a .tar file. With this method, you must define the Deliver the Selected
Files action and the PACKFILE macro. Actions and Macros are explained in
Appendix C, “Project Builder Addendum.”

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-31
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder


• Defining Project Builder terminology

• Using the Project Navigator
• Creating connections
• Defining dependencies
• Building and delivering a project

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
For additional information about Project Builder, and especially how to use Project
Builder in a team environment, see Appendix C, “Project Builder Addendum.”

1-32 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Project Builder Basics
• Define Project Builder terminology
• Identify Project Builder uses
• Describe Project Navigator features

Building a Project
• Create projects and subprojects
• Create connections
• Open project files
• Build and deliver projects
Note: For additional information about Project Builder, see Appendix C, “Project
Builder Addendum.”

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-33
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Practice 1 Overview

This practice covers the following topics:

• Creating an initial project
• Creating a connection
• Experimenting with the various Project
Navigator views
• Creating subprojects and adding files
and subdirectories to them
• Delivering a project
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Practice Solutions
For practice solutions, see Appendix A, “Practice Solutions.”

1-34 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 1

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 1

This practice guides you through creating a project and adding entries.

Practice Contents
• Create an initial project
• Create a connection
• Experiment with various Project Navigator views
• Create subprojects and add files and subdirectories to them
• Deliver a project

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-35
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

Practice 1
1 Create a connection to the database.
a Create a new connection.
b Name the connection SUMMIT and specify the connect string. Your
instructor should provide this information.
2 Create an initial project.
a Create a new project (use the Project Wizard).
b Name the project “Oracle Developer: Build Forms II”. Assign to this
project the connection created earlier, and save it as summit.upd in
the Lab directory. Do not add files to this project.
a Using the Project Wizard, create a subproject named Summit
Application that belongs to Oracle Developer: Build Forms II.
b From the labs directory, add:
- baseball.tif
- calendar.pll
- copy.ico
- customers.fmb
- Form_Builder_II.olb
- pr11_2f.txt
- pr7_3a.sql
c Give a file items a more meaningful title.
3 Create a subproject and add files to it.
4 Explore the Project Navigator.
a Examine the state of the Project Navigator. Note that Project Builder
has added executable versions of the Oracle source files that you
added to the project.
b Turn off the Show Implicit Items option. Note what happens to the
Project Navigator display.
c Experiment with Project Builder’s different views.
5 Deliver the project.
a Invoke the Delivery Wizard and deliver all files.
b Create Oracle Installer scripts on your local file system.
c Include all the deliverable files in the project.
d Accept the default delivery directories.

1-36 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice 1

eDo not set any environmental variables upon installation.

f Verify the settings, and finish the delivery.
If you have time...
6 Create a subproject from a subdirectory and add files to it.
Using the Project Wizard, create a subproject named Lab_Sol that belongs to
Oracle Developer: Build Forms II. Automatically include all files in that

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 1-37
Lesson 1: Managing Projects with Project Builder

1-38 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Creating a Menu Module

Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

After completing this lesson, you should
be able to do the following:
• Identify the components of a menu
• Create, save, and attach menu modules
• Set menu properties by using the
Property Palette
• Create menu toolbars
• Create pop-up menus

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 50 minutes
Practice 40 minutes
Total 90 minutes

2-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

By default, each form module uses the same menu structure, called the Default menu.
This lesson teaches you how to customize this menu and how to create your own menu
modules. You will also learn how to enhance your application by including menu
toolbars and pop-up menus.

After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
• Identify the different components of a menu module
• Create, save, and attach menu modules
• Set menu properties by using the Property Palette
• Create menu toolbars
• Create pop-up menus

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-3
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Components of the Menu

Menu item Module

Individual menu Menu toolbar
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Hierarchical Structure of a Menu

Individual Menu Menu Individual
menu item item menu
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Run the Orders form (orders.fmb) to explain the components.
Open the Default menu (menudef.mmb) to illustrate the hierarchical structure of a

2-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Components of the Menu Module

Components of the Menu Module

What Is a Menu Module?
A menu module is a hierarchically structured object that provides a quick and easy
method for operating your Forms application. Like the form module, the menu module
is one of the main components of an application.
Each menu module displays as a pull-down menu. A pull-down menu comprises a set
of options, displayed horizontally under the application window title. Each option can
represent a submenu or an action. Selecting a submenu displays a vertical list.
Selecting an action executes the action.

What Is a Menu?
A menu is a list of related options. Each option performs a different action. You can
create three menu types in Forms:
• Main menu:
- Displays horizontally in the menu bar
- Contains options (menu items) that are typically individual menus
• Individual menu: Displays vertically
• Submenu: Displays vertically and to the right of the menu item that
calls it

What Is a Menu Item?

A menu item is an option that you can choose from a menu. Each menu item has an
associated command that enables the user to perform an action.

What Is a Menu Toolbar?

A menu toolbar is a toolbar of iconified buttons that represent individual items from
your menu. For a menu module, you can have a vertical and a horizontal menu toolbar.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-5
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Default Menu
Action Edit Query Block Record Field Help

Save Cut Enter Previous Previous Previous Help

Clear All Copy Execute Next Next Next Keys
Print Paste Cancel Clear Scroll Up Clear List
Print Edit Last Scroll Duplicate Display
Setup Display Criteria Down Error
Exit List Count Insert Debug
Hits Remove
Fetch Lock
Next Duplicate
Set Clear

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
The path for menudef.mmb is
Open the Default menu (menudef.mmb), and show the menu items in the menu

2-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
The Default Menu

The Default Menu

What Is the Default Menu?
The Default menu is not a separate menu module and is built in to every form module.
The Default menu includes standard commands for editing, navigating, and database
interaction, such as Action—>Save.
When you build a form module, it automatically uses the Default menu. The Default
menu is internal to Oracle Forms. You can replace the Default menu with a custom
menu. A custom menu is stored in a separate module that has a suffix of .mmb. A
custom menu that is exactly the same as the Default menu, menudef.mmb, ships
with Oracle Forms.

Examining the Default Menu

You can look at the structure of the Default menu by opening the file called
menudef.mmb. This file contains a menu module with an identical structure to that
of the Default menu. Once you have opened the menudef.mmb module, you can see
its objects in the Object Navigator.
You can see that the menu module consists of a main menu (starting point), menus,
and menu items.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-7
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

The Menu Editor

Display Create Create Switch
menu Down Right Orientation

Menu tab Expanded Collapsed

menu menu
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Technical Note
By default, the Menu Editor displays a pull-down menu, with the
top-level menu displayed horizontally. If you are developing a full-screen menu, you
may want to display the top-level menu vertically, so that the display matches the way
your menu will appear at run time. To change the orientation, click the Switch
Orientation button.

Instructor Note
In the Menu Editor, the key sequences [Ctrl] + the down arrow and [Ctrl] + the right
arrow create, respectively, a menu item below and to the right of an existing object.
Use the Default menu (menudef.mmb) to show the Menu Editor functionalities.
Show the steps to move a menu or a menu item. Show the steps to copy a menu to
another level. Explain the alert duplicate menu or reuse the original. Demonstrate that
if you move a submenu to a parent item with the Command Type property set to PL/
SQL or Null, Form Builder displays an alert.

2-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
The Menu Editor

The Menu Editor

What Is the Menu Editor?
The Menu Editor is a graphical design facility for laying out, modifying, and viewing
menu modules and their objects. Use the Menu Editor to carry out all of your menu
design work.

Two Ways to Display the Menu Editor

• Double-click the icon to the left of the menu module entry in the Object
• Select Tools—>Menu Editor.

Tools Specific to the Menu Editor Toolbar

You have seen the majority of the tools from the Menu Editor toolbar in the Layout
Editor; however, some are specific to the Menu Editor.

Tool Function
Display Determines the highest level menu that the Menu Editor displays. (Choose
Menu from all the menus in your menu module.)
Create Down Creates a new menu item below the currently active one
Create Right Creates a new menu item to the right of the currently active one
Switch Allows display of the top-level menu vertically or horizontally

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-9
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Creating a Menu Module

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Create the following menu:
File Edit Query
Save Clear Record Enter
Exit Clear Block Execute
Sort > By Order Id
By Order Date

2-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Creating a Menu Module

Creating a Menu Module

The first step when creating a menu is to define a new menu module by using the
Object Navigator. Once the module is created, you need to create menus and menu
items in the Menu Editor. When the Menu Editor is displayed, it shows a menu called
MAIN_MENU, with one item labeled New Item.

Creating a Main Menu from the Menu Editor

To create menu items for the Main menu, select New Item from the Menu Editor (it is
usually selected already).
1 Type a menu label to replace the default label.
2 Click the Create Right icon.
3 Type a new label to replace the default label.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add more items to the Main menu.
Note: The label is the text that is displayed for the menu item at run time. The label
may differ from the name, which you can use programmatically and which must
follow PL/SQL naming conventions.

Creating an Individual Menu

1 In the Main menu, select the parent item.
2 Click the Create Down icon.
3 Type a new label to replace the default label.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add more menu items to the current individual
Note: Forms places a shaded rectangle, or handle, to the left of the first menu item.
You can use it to move the menu along with all its items.

Creating a Submenu
1 Select the parent item on the individual menu.
2 Click the Create Right icon.
3 Replace the default label.
4 Select Menu—>Create Down to add another item to the submenu.
5 Replace the default label.
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add more submenu items.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-11
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Menu Module Properties

Main Menu
Menu Directory
Menu Filename
Startup Code
Share Library with Form

Use Security
Module Roles
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Do not spend a long time going through all the menu module properties; instead point
out that they are here for convenience. Also, context-sensitive help is available.

2-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Module Properties

Module Properties

Property Description
Main Menu Property that specifies the name of the individual menu in the module
that is the main or starting menu at run time
For a pull-down menu, the main menu is automatically set to the name
of the first menu that you create. Users cannot navigate above this
menu in the menu hierarchy.
Menu Directory Path used by Forms as a pointer to the directory for the run-time .mmx
file; only used by menu modules that are saved to the database
Menu Filename Filename used by Forms as a pointer to the run-time .mmx file; only
used by menu modules that are saved to the database
Startup Code PL/SQL code executed when a menu module is loaded in memory
Share Library Property that enables to be loaded in memory a single copy of a PL/
with Form SQL library, if this library is used by the form module and the menu
Use Security Property that when set to Yes enforces security at run time (Set this
property to No to test the menu module without having to be a member
of any database role.)
Module Roles Property that displays the Menu Module Roles dialog box, where you
can list the roles assigned to the menu module (Roles defined must be
assigned to individual menu items in the Menu Editor.)

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-13
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Menu Properties

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Do not spend a long time going through all the menu properties; instead point out that
they are here for convenience.
The Tear-Off property is available for the Motif window manager.

2-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Menu Properties

Menu Properties

Property Description
Tear-Off Menu Enables the menu to be dragged from the menu bar and repositioned
elsewhere on the screen (available only if your window manager
supports this feature)

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-15
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Menu Item Properties

• Enabled • Menu Item Code

• Label • Submenu Name
• Menu Item Type • Keyboard
• Magic Item Accelerator
• Menu Item Radio • Icon in Menu
Group • Icon Filename
• Command Type

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Technical Note
Radio menu items must belong to a radio group. All of the radio items for a radio
group must be contiguous on the same menu. Radio group names are internal names
that are not displayed at run time.

Instructor Note
The mappings of logical accelerator keys to physical device keys are defined in the
run-time resource file. You must edit the resource file in Oracle Terminal to change the
key mappings. You can also create additional accelerator keys in Oracle Terminal
(ACCELERATOR6, ACCELERATOR7, and so on), which you can then associate
with menu items in a menu module.
Demonstration next page: Use the Summit menu (m_summit.mmb) file to show the
different menu item types. You can attach it to the ORDERS form and run it to
illustrate the menu items at run time. You can also use the Customized menu
(menu.mmb) file.

2-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Menu Item Properties

Menu Item Properties

Properties Specific to Menu Item
Menu Item Property Function
Enabled Specifies whether the menu item is an active and mouse
manipulatable (Inactive menu items are displayed in grey.)
Label Specifies the text that appears in the menu item
Menu Item Type Determines how this menu item displays (Choose from
Plain, Check, Radio, Separator, and Magic.)
Magic Item Specifies that one of the predefined menu items for custom
menus should be used
Menu Item Radio Group Determines which radio group this menu item belongs to
Command Type Determines the type of command that this menu item calls
(Choose from Null, Menu, PL/SQL, or SQL*Plus.)
Menu Item Code Specifies the command that this menu item invokes
Submenu Name Specifies the menu that this menu item invokes
Keyboard Accelerator Determines which logical function key is associated with
this menu item (Accelerator keys are named
Icon in Menu Specifies if an icon is displayed in the menu item
Icon Name Specifies the name of the icon to display

Defining Menu Access Keys

Forms indicates an access key by underlining one special character in the menu item.
Users can then issue the menu item command by pressing a key combination such as
[Alt] + [character].

Specifying the Underline Character

Development Run Time
execute query execute query
eXecute query eXecute query
Exe&cute Query Execute Query
Execute &Query Execute Query

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-17
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Menu Item Types





Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Magic Items

• About • Paste
• Undo • Help
• Clear • Quit
• Copy • Window
• Cut

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

2-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Menu Item Types

Menu Item Types

You can customize a menu by using different item types. In addition to plain menu
items, Form Builder supports four types of special menu items.

Choosing a Menu Item Type

Menu Item Type Description
Plain Creates a standard text menu item (This is the Default menu item type.)
Check Creates a menu item that has two possible states (Check menu item
functionality is defined using PL/SQL.)
Radio Creates a set of mutually exclusive buttons, each representing a differ-
ent action (To assign a radio item to a group, enter the name of the
group in the Menu Item Radio Group field in the Properties window.)
Separator Creates a separating horizontal line for grouping menu items
Magic Creates a menu item with predefined functionality

Magic Items
Some Magic menu items include default functionality. Because a Magic item
provides the standard actions of a graphical user interface (GUI), a copy or
paste action is already defined at the menu level. All you need to do is set the
item to the Magic type and define the desired action (standard or specific).
Magic Item Command Type Default Functionality?
About Any except Menu No. You must assign a command to these
Undo items to perform the desired function.
Clear Null Yes. These items perform the default
Copy operations indicated by their names.
Help Menu No. You must define a submenu to be
called by the Magic Help item, and you
must assign commands to the items on
that submenu.
Quit Null Yes. The Quit command, by default, exits
from the form after asking the user to
save any changes.
Window Null or Menu Yes. The window item invokes a default
submenu that lists all open windows.
Users can activate a window by selecting
it from the submenu.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-19
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Menu Item Command Types

Null Does not issue a command

Menu Invokes a submenu

PL/SQL Executes a PL/SQL command

Plus Spawns a process to SQL*Plus

Form Backward compatibility

Macro Backward compatibility

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

2-20 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Menu Item Command Types

Menu Item Command Types

Every menu item must have a valid command type. Most menu items execute PL/SQL
commands, so their command type is PL/SQL. However, if a menu item is composed
of submenus, the command type must be set to Menu. (For example, all items on the
Main menu must have the command type set to Menu.) In that case, the Menu Item
Code property is replaced by the Submenu Name property.

Choosing a Command Type

Command Type Description
Null Specifies that the menu item does not issue a command (The
NULL command is required for Separator menu items and
optional for all other types of items.)
Menu Invokes a submenu (Valid submenu name is the name of the
submenu to be invoked.)
PL/SQL (default) Executes a PL/SQL command (Valid menu item code is a PL/SQL
block, including calls to built-in and user-named
Plus Specifies that the menu item code spawn a process to SQL*Plus.

Note: The command types of Form and Macro are available for compatibility with
SQL*Menu V4.0. and SQL*Menu V.5.0.

Viewing Menu Item Commands

To view the menu item command associated with a menu item, you must take one of
the following actions:
• Double-click the icon to the left of the menu item entry in the Object
• Use the Menu Item Code or Submenu Name property in the Property
• Right-click on the menu item in the Object Navigator or Menu Editor
and select PL/SQL Editor from the pop-up menu

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-21
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Implementing Menu Toolbars

Toolbar as part of menu module:
• Contains only buttons corresponding to
menu items
• Is displayed above “normal” toolbars
• Executes the same code as menu items
• Is enabled and disabled, visible and
hidden, in synchronization with
corresponding menu item

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Technical Note
For more flexible or complex requirements, use the existing Toolbar canvas in form

Instructor Note
The Default menu toolbar works very well; however, building your own menu and
menu toolbar is not so easy. For example, you have to create separator items for every
space that you require to group the items. Also, the menu toolbar icons appear in
exactly the same order as the menu options, which might not be what you want.
Demonstration: Use the menu that you created earlier, and set the properties to display
the Save option in a menu toolbar. Use the save.ico file.

2-22 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Implementing Menu Toolbars

Implementing Menu Toolbars

What Is a Menu Toolbar?
A menu toolbar is a set of iconic buttons that represent individual items from a menu.
When you create a custom form menu, you can specify that some of its items appear
on a menu toolbar.
You need to provide icons to represent the associated buttons on the menu toolbar. If
you use the default form menu, Form Builder attaches a default menu toolbar to your
form automatically.
Menu toolbars allow developers to easily provide toolbar shortcuts to menu
commands without duplicating code or effort.

Menu Toolbar Orientation

You can assign menu items to a horizontal or a vertical menu toolbar. Form Builder
locates a horizontal menu toolbar at the very top of a form (just beneath the pull-down
form menu.) A vertical menu toolbar appears at the far left of a form (to the left of any
existing toolbar canvas).

Creating a Menu Toolbar

To create a menu toolbar, you have to set up the following menu item properties.

Property Description
Visible in Horizontal Specifies that the menu item should appear (represented by an
Menu Toolbar icon) on the horizontal toolbar of a form
Visible in Vertical Specifies that the menu item should appear (represented by an
Menu Toolbar icon) on the vertical toolbar of a form
Icon Filename Specifies the name of the icon resource that you want to represent
the iconic button

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-23
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Menu Module Storage

Menu module definition:
• Stored in files or database tables
Menu module executable:
• .mmx
• Stored in files
Menu module text:
• .mmt
• Stored in files
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

2-24 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Storing the Menu Module

Storing the Menu Module

Saving the Menu Module Definition
As with the form module, you can save your menu module definition to either of the
following storage formats.
Storage Format Description
File with .mmb Menu module binary file, a binary representation of the menu structure
extension that is portable between operating systems
Database table A table representation of the menu structure that is portable between

You can save your menu module definition by either of the following actions:
• Clicking the Save icon in the Object Navigator
• Selecting File—>Save

Creating an Executable Version

Before you can use your customized menu module, you must create an executable
version. To do so, select File—>Administration—>Compile File.
The resulting file that you create has the .mmx extension. A menu module executable
file containing binary code is not portable between operating systems.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-25
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Form Module Properties

Menu Specify
module that menu
to use with module
this form is stored
module in the file

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Technical Note
If you want to use the Default menu without the associated menu toolbar, replace the
value DEFAULT&SMARTBAR in the Menu Module property with DEFAULT only.

2-26 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Attaching the Menu Module

Attaching the Menu Module

To use your customized menu module, you must attach it to a form module. When you
attach a customized menu module to a form module, you are effectively replacing the
Default menu with your own.

Attaching the Menu Module to the Form Module

1 Ensure that the menu module has been generated.
2 Select the form module to which you want to attach your menu.
3 Invoke the Property Palette for the form module.
4 Replace the value DEFAULT&SMARTBAR in the Menu Module
property with your menu module name.
5 Ensure that the Menu Source property has a value of:
a File, if the menu module is stored in the file system
b Database, if the menu module is stored in the database
6 Generate your form module.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-27
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

What Is a Pop-up Menu?

Menu that appears on the Cut Ctrl+X
Copy Ctrl+C
screen at the location it Paste Ctrl+V
was invoked: Properties...
Layout Editor...
• Enables users to PL/SQL Editor...
access commonly used Help
functions easily
• Is accessed by pressing
the right mouse button
(Microsoft Windows and
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Incorporating Pop-up Menus

• Pop-up menus are:
– Top-level objects in the object
navigator, such as alerts, blocks, and
so on
– Built through the Property Palette or
Menu Editor
– Part of a form module as opposed to
a separate menu module
– Associated with items and canvases
by using a new pop-up menu property
• Pre-Popup-Menu trigger provides
dynamic control
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Run the Customers form (customers.fmb) demonstration.
Navigate to the Comments item, and click the right mouse button.

2-28 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Pop-up Menus

Pop-up Menus
Pop-up menus are context-sensitive menus. You attach pop-up menus to an item or
canvas, and display them by right click on that item or canvas. Pop-up menus enable
end users to quickly access common functions and commands.
Pop-up menus are top-level objects in the Object Navigator (similar to alerts, blocks,
canvases, and so on) and belong to a form module (as opposed to form menus, which
belong to a separate menu module).
Items on a pop-up menu should be contextual to the menu’s associated objects. For
example, you would not include text-editing items on the
pop-up menu for a two-digit numeric item. You might include such items on the pop-
up menu for a multiline text item, however.

Incorporating Pop-up Menus

1 In the Object Navigator of a form, click the Pop-up Menus node, and
click the Create button on the toolbar.
Form Builder creates a pop-up menu and gives it a default name, such as MENU1.
2 In the Object Navigator or Menu Editor, create a main pop-up menu,
submenus (if any), and menu items.
3 Assign commands to the menu items.
4 Attach the menu to items and canvases with a new Pop-up Menu

Rules for Incorporating Pop-up Menus

• To show pop-up menus for a canvas, the mouse must be on the canvas
• Pop-up menu items can be parents of submenus (if the platform allows
it), magic menu items, or separators.

Pre-Popup-Menu Trigger
You can use this trigger to add dynamic control at run time, prior to displaying the
menu. For example, you can use the trigger to identify the cursor context and navigate
to a different item if necessary.

Instructor Note
Beginning with release 6, pop-up menus support icons, check boxes, and option

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-29
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module


• Menu module components

• The Default menu
• Creating a menu module
• Menu properties
• Menu module storage
• Menu module and form module
• Pop-up menu

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

2-30 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

In this lesson, you learned how to add, create, and customize menu modules.

The Menu Module Components

• Main menu
• Menu
• Menu item
• Menu toolbar

The Default Menu

• Automatically used with every form module
• Can be customized

Creating a Menu Module

Properties •
• Menu module properties
• Menu properties
• Menu item properties

Implementing a Menu Toolbar

Menu Module Storage

• Database tables
• .mmb file extension
• .mmx file extension
• .mmt file extension

Menu Module and Form Module Association

Using the form module properties of Menu Module and Menu Source

Creating a Pop-up Menu

• Incorporate pop-up menus
• Rules to incorporate pop-up menus
• Pre-Popup-Menu trigger

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-31
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Practice 2 Overview

This practice covers the following topics:

• Creating a simple menu module
• Incorporating some of the menu items
in the menu toolbar
• Compiling and attaching the menu to
the ORDERS form
• Creating a pop-up menu

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
The practice overview in this lesson and the ones that follow are provided only as
guides. Outline the practice in the level of detail appropriate for the course
For this lab, use the DO_KEY built-in. At this stage of the course, students do not
yet know this built-in. Explain it briefly and tell them that it is covered in detail in
Lesson 4.

2-32 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 2

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 2

This practice guides you through creating a custom menu, and creating a pop-up

Practice Contents
• Create a simple menu module
• Incorporate menu items in the menu toolbar
• Compile and attach a menu to a form
• Create a pop-up menu

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-33
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Practice 2
1 Create a new menu module.
a Using the following screenshot as a guideline, create a new menu
module called M_SUMMIT.

• File Menu

Visible in
Menu Visible Horiz.
Item Command Menu Item in Menu Icon
Label Type Type Code Menu Toolbar Filename
Save Plain PL/SQL DO_KEY(’CO Yes Yes Save
Clear Plain PL/SQL DO_KEY(’ Yes Yes Abort
Null1 Separator Null Yes Yes
Exit Plain PL/SQL DO_KEY( Yes Yes Exit
Null2 Separator Null No Yes

2-34 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice 2

• Edit Menu

Visible in
Menu Magic Command Visible Horiz. Menu Icon
Label Item Type Item Type in Menu Toolbar Filename
Cut Magic Cut Null Yes Yes Cut
Copy Magic Copy Null Yes Yes Copy
Paste Magic Paste Null Yes Yes Paste
Null3 Separator Null No Yes

• Sort By Menu

Menu Menu Item

Item Radio Command
Menu Label Type Group Type Menu Item Code
’s_ord’, order_by,
’id’ ) ;
Customer Id Radio Order_By PL/SQL SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY(
’s_ord’, order_by,
’customer_id’ ) ;
Sales Rep Id Radio Order_By PL/SQL SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY(
’s_ord’, order_by,
’sales_rep_id’ ) ;

• Query Menu

Visible in
Menu Command Horiz. Menu Icon
Label Item Type Type Menu Item Code Toolbar Filename
Enter Plain PL/SQL DO_KEY(’ Yes query
eXe- Plain PL/SQL DO_KEY(’EXECUT Yes execute
cute E_QUERY’);

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 2-35
Lesson 2: Creating a Menu Module

Save as M_SUMMIT and compile the menu module.

c Attach the menu module to the ORDERS form.
d Save and compile the form module.
e Run and test the ORDERS form.
2 Add pop-up menus to the CUSTOMERS form.
a Open the CUSTOMERS form module.
b Copy the EDIT_MENU menu from the M_SUMMIT menu module
to the CUSTOMERS form. Attach this pop-up menu to the
Comments item.
c Save and compile the form module.

2-36 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Managing Menu Modules

Lesson 3: Managing Menu Modules


After completing this lesson, you should

be able to do the following:
• Control the menu programmatically
• Manage the interaction between the
menu and form documents
• Implement application security through
the menu

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 50 minutes
Practice 40 minutes
Total 90 minutes

3-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

In this lesson, you will learn how to modify menus dynamically, as well as
how to control application security through menu access.

After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
• Control the menu programmatically by using menu built-ins
• Customize menu modules by using substitution parameters
• Implement menu security by using both database roles and the
appropriate built-ins

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 3-3
Lesson 3: Managing Menu Modules

Using PL/SQL in Menu Item

• Similar to PL/SQL code in form triggers
• You can share code between a form
module and a menu module by using
the following:
– Libraries
– User-defined triggers
– DO_KEY built-in

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Using PL/SQL in Menu Item

• Menu modules generated independently
• Restrictions:
– Cannot directly reference values of
form objects
– Must use NAME_IN built-in function
– Cannot use direct assignment for
form objects
– Must use COPY built-in procedure
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
The DO_KEY built-in is explained in the next lesson. Stress that it is very
important to use this built-in for generic coding.

3-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Using PL/SQL in Menu Item Code

Using PL/SQL in Menu Item Code

Using PL/SQL in Menu Item Commands
PL/SQL menu item commands are structurally similar to form triggers. In
addition to standard application functions such as navigation, validation, and
database interaction, you can use PL/SQL menu item commands to perform
any actions.

Sharing Code Between a Form Module and a Menu Module

You can share code between form modules and menu modules in three
• Setting up libraries and attaching them to the modules
• Creating user-defined triggers in the form module and calling them from
a standard trigger in a form module, or calling them from a menu item in
a menu module (Use EXECUTE_TRIGGER to fire the user-defined
• Using the DO_KEY built-in to fire the corresponding trigger or function
from a menu item

Menu modules are generated independently of form modules.
In PL/SQL command menu items:
• You cannot directly reference the value of form module objects.
• You must use the NAME_IN built-in function to determine the current
value of the object.
• You cannot use direct assignment to set the value of a form module
• You must use the COPY built-in procedure.

IF :s_emp.title = ’MANAGER’ THEN ...-- INCORRECT
IF NAME_IN(’s_emp.title’) = ’MANAGER’ THEN ... -- CORRECT := ’PUMP’; -- INCORRECT

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 3-5
Lesson 3: Managing Menu Modules

Built-ins for Setting and Getting

Menu Item Properties

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Summit menu (m_summit.mmb) file to show
examples of these built-ins.

3-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Useful Built-in Menu Subprograms

Useful Built-in Menu Subprograms

You can change certain menu characteristics dynamically at run time by
using built-in subprograms.
Using some of these subprograms, you can get or change menu item
properties. Using others, you can hide, display, or replace the current menu.

Setting and Getting Menu Item Properties

Built-in Description
FIND_MENU_ITEM This function gets the ID of a menu item. The receiving
variable must be declared as a menu item type. Use it as
soon as you reference the same menu item more than
GET_MENU_ITEM_PROPERTY This function returns the current value of the given
property for a specified menu item.
SET_MENU_ITEM_PROPERTY This procedure modifies the state of a menu-item-
specific characteristic.
ITEM_ENABLED This function returns the Boolean value TRUE when the
menu item is enabled and FALSE when the menu item is
MENU_SHOW_KEYS This procedure displays the Keys screen for the menu
module at run time.

This procedure finds the ID of a menu item before setting multiple properties.
mi_id MenuItem;
mi_id := Find_Menu_Item(’Preferences.AutoCommit’);
/* Determine the current checked state of the AutoCommit menu
checkbox item and toggle the checked state */
IF Get_Menu_Item_Property(mi_id,CHECKED) = ’TRUE’ THEN

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 3-7
Lesson 3: Managing Menu Modules

Built-ins for Showing and Hiding

the Current Menu
Character mode built-ins:

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Technical Note
REPLACE_MENU replaces the menu for all windows in the application. If
you are using CALL_FORM, REPLACE_MENU replaces the menu for
both the calling form and the called form with the specified menu.

3-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Showing and Hiding the Current Menu

Showing and Hiding the Current Menu

Built-in Description
REPLACE_MENU Procedure for replacing the current menu with a specific one,
without making it active (Use this procedure, to modify the
display style and security.)
HIDE_MENU Procedure hiding the current menu
SHOW_MENU Displays the current menu without activating it
MENU_REDISPLAY Redraws the current menu on the screen

Use a standard procedure to change which root menu in the current menu
application appears in the menu bar. A single menu application may have
multiple root menus, which an application can set dynamically at run time.
PROCEDURE Change_Root_To(root_menu_name VARCHAR2) IS
Replace_Menu(’MYAPPLSTD’, PULL_DOWN, root_menu_name);

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 3-9
Lesson 3: Managing Menu Modules

Managing Menu Security

• Defining security roles

• Choosing roles for the menu module
• Assigning access to menu items
• Setting the Use Security property

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What Is a Role?


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

3-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Managing Menu Security

Managing Menu Security

What Is Menu Security?
Using menu security, you can set up access rights on menu items. You can
choose between two security policies for the users:
• Grant users access to all menu items in a module
• Grant users access only to specific menu items
When you want to deny a user access to a menu item, you can either hide the
item or disable it.

What Is a Role?
A role is a group of users sharing the same privileges. With Form Builder,
you can manage menu security through Oracle server roles.
When you create a role, you can grant access privileges to each item
individually. If access is granted only to some roles, only users belonging to
those roles can access those items.
Using this feature, you can deliver the same application for different kinds
of users.

Implementing Menu Security

First, define the different types of users who will use the menus, their
profiles, and their needs. Then follow the steps below:
1 Define security roles in the database.
2 Choose roles for the module in Form Builder.
3 Assign access to menu items.
4 Set the Use Security property.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 3-11
Lesson 3: Managing Menu Modules

Menu Module Roles Window

Select Menu Module Roles:

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Use Security Property

• Set to Yes to enforce security

• Set to No to ignore security: Enables the
developer to test the application

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Technical Note
If Use Security is modified, you must recompile the menu module.

3-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Defining Security Roles

Defining Security Roles

Defining New Roles
Menu security is based on the Oracle server roles. You can create these from
the Oracle server, using SQL statements.
The following SQL commands implement roles.
Command Action
CREATE ROLE Creates a new role
GRANT Assigns the role to a user (This command allows you
to give a set of privileges to a user at one time.)
ALTER USER...DEFAULT ROLE Controls which role is assigned by default to users
when they connect to the database

Assigning Roles to the Menu Module

To associate a particular role with a menu item, you must define all the roles
used in that menu module:
1 In the Object Navigator, select the menu module.
2 In the Properties window, select the Menu Module Roles property.
3 Click More... to open the Menu Module Roles dialog box.
4 Enter the names of the roles that you want to choose for this menu
5 Click OK to accept the roles list.
Note: The role must exist in the database.

Setting the Use Security Property

The Use Security property determines whether Form Builder should take
account of the specified roles at run time.
When Use Security is set to Yes, Forms enforces security.
When Use Security is set to No:
• Forms ignores security.
• Your users can access all menu items.
• You can test your application without being a member of all roles.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 3-13
Lesson 3: Managing Menu Modules

Menu Item Roles Window

Select Menu Item Roles:

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
You can manipulate roles dynamically at run time by using Form Builder.
For example, you can select views from the data dictionary to get
information about existing roles. Subprograms belonging to the
DBMS_SESSION package enable you to modify the roles that are used by
the menu module to enforce security. Tell students that if they want more
details about DBMS_SESSION, they can read Appendix I, “Using Oracle
Server Roles at Run Time.”

3-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Assigning Access to Menu Items

Assigning Access to Menu Items

After defining roles to use for the current menu module, you must specify
the role or the roles that will have access to each menu item.
1 Select the desired menu item in the Menu Editor or in the Object
2 Select the Item Roles property in the Properties window.
3 Click More... in the Menu Item Roles dialog box, which contains the
role names associated with the menu module.
4 Select the role in the list to assign a role to the selected menu item.
5 Set the Display without Privilege property to specify how Forms should
display the item if the current user does not have access to the item.
If set to Yes, the item is displayed disabled.
If set to No, the item is hidden completely.
Note: Roles assigned to an item are highlighted. All others are displayed as
usual. To assign the same roles to many items, select the items first by
“Shift-clicking” or “Control-clicking” in the Menu Editor or Object
Navigator, then select the roles through the Menu Item Roles property.
For additional information on how to manipulate Oracle server roles at run
time, see Appendix I, “Using Oracle Server Roles at Run Time.”

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 3-15
Lesson 3: Managing Menu Modules


• PL/SQL in menu item commands

• Built-ins for use with menus
• Implementing menu security

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

3-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

PL/SQL in Menu Item Commands
• Typical PL/SQL uses
• Restrictions for PL/SQL in menu item commands

Built-ins for Use with Menu Modules

• Showing and hiding the current menu:
• Getting and setting menu properties:

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 3-17
Lesson 3: Managing Menu Modules

Practice 3 Overview
This practice covers the following topics:
• Enhancing the menu with a check
menu item
• Synchronizing the Image Activate menu
item with the Image button
• Disabling irrelevant menu items
according to form context

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
The practice overview in this lesson and the ones that follow are provided
only as guides. Develop the practice with the level of detail appropriate for
the students. This lab uses a lot of PL/SQL code. Because this is not a
coding course, we provide the code. Take time to explain this practice so that
students understand the code that they will import.

3-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 3

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 3

This practice guides you through enhancing custom menus for the ORDERS and

Practice Contents
• Add a check menu item.
• Enhance the menu so that the Image Activate menu item is synchronized
with the Image button. If the image is displayed, a check should appear
next to the Image Activate menu item.
• For the EMPLOYEE form, disable the menu items that are not relevant.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 3-19
Lesson 3: Managing Menu Modules

Practice 3
1 Define a check menu item.
a Open the M_SUMMIT menu module and create a new menu item to
the right of Query and rename it Image.
b Create a new menu item under Image and name it Image Activate.

Menu Label Menu Item Type Command Type

Image Activate Check PL/SQL

Import the text for the Image Activate menu item by using the
pr3_1c.txt file. The menu item name must be
d Save and compile the menu module.
e Run and test the ORDERS form.
2 Synchronize the menu module with the form.
a Write startup code for the M_SUMMIT menu module that
synchronizes the Image Activate menu item with the Image button.
You can import the pr3_2a.txt file.
b Save and compile your module.
3 The menu items Sort By and Image are not relevant to the
CUSTOMERS form and therefore should have no effect.
a Attach the menu module to the CUSTOMERS form.
b Modify the startup code of the M_SUMMIT menu module to disable
these options when the CUSTOMERS form is opened. You can
replace the existing code with the code from the pr3_3b.txt file.
You may need to change the code to conform to the exact names you
gave to the Main Menu and its menu items.
c Save and compile the module.
d Run the CUSTOMERS form and test your application.Execute a
Query and click the Orders button to move to the ORDERS form.
Note that the Sort By and Image menu items are disabled when the
CUSTOMERS form is current, and that they are enabled when the
ORDERS form is current.

3-20 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Function Keys
Lesson 4: Programming Function Keys


After completing this lesson, you should

be able to do the following:
• Define key triggers and their uses
• Program function keys
• Describe the characteristics of key
• Classify key triggers
• Associate function keys with interface
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 40 minutes
Practice 40 minutes
Total 80 minutes

4-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

The Oracle Developer Form Builder components enable you to redefine the
actions of function keys. This lesson shows you how to define key triggers
to intercept and supplement the usual behavior of the function keys with
which your users navigate the Oracle Developer application.

After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
• Define key triggers and their uses
• Program function keys
• Classify key triggers
• Associate function keys with interface controls

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 4-3
Lesson 4: Programming Function Keys

Key Triggers

What is a key trigger?

Using Key-Exit, display an alert and exit
the application if the user answers Yes.

′Do really want to leave the form? ′);
′Do you really want to leave the form?
you ′);
IF SHOW_ALERT(′question_alert
IF SHOW_ALERT( ′question_alert′)′) == ALERT_BUTTON1
EXIT_FORM; -- default functionality
EXIT_FORM; -- default functionality

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

4-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Key Triggers

Key Triggers
If you press a function key, Forms usually performs the default function
associated with that key. You can modify the standard functionality of a
function key by defining a key trigger for that function key.

What Is a Key Trigger?

A key trigger, like any other trigger, is a subprogram that is executed when a
certain event occurs. In the case of a key trigger, the event is pressing the
function key for which the trigger is defined. The trigger is usually named
after the event that causes it to fire. When the key trigger is defined for a
function key, the usual functionality of the key is replaced by the PL/SQL
text of the trigger. In this respect, key triggers resemble “on” triggers.

The form level Key-Exit trigger below displays an alert to ask to the end
user if he or she wants to leave the form.
you really want to leave the form?’);
IF SHOW_ALERT(’question_alert’) = ALERT_BUTTON1 THEN
EXIT_FORM; -- default functionality

Note: If you also want to execute the default functionality of the function
key, you must ensure that the key trigger includes the built-in function
associated with the key.

The following form-level Key-Menu trigger disables [Block Menu] for a

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 4-5
Lesson 4: Programming Function Keys

Key Trigger Properties

and PL/SQL Editor

Display in “Keyboard Help”

“Keyboard Help” Text

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Open the LOV Form (Orders2.fmb). Change those
properties for the Key-Duprec trigger at the form level. Run the form.

4-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Defining Key Triggers

Defining Key Triggers

You define key triggers in the same way that you define any other trigger.
However, the following two properties on the Properties window for triggers
apply to key triggers only.
Property Description
Display in Keyboard Help Specifies whether a key trigger description is displayed in the
run-time Keys Help window
Keyboard Help Text Specifies the text that is displayed in the run time Keys Help
window if the display in the Keyboard Help property is set to
Yes (If you want the default description to be
displayed, leave this property blank.)

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 4-7
Lesson 4: Programming Function Keys

Characteristics of Key Triggers

• You cannot redefine all function keys

with key triggers.
• Key triggers are defined at all three
• A key trigger can contain SELECT
statements and all built-ins.
• Key triggers can fire in Enter Query

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Characteristics of Key Triggers

Function Key Built-in Key Trigger

[Accept] COMMIT_FORM Key-Commit

[Clear Form] CLEAR_FORM Key-Clrfrm

[Create Record] CREATE_RECORD Key-Crerec

[Delete Record] DELETE_RECORD Key-Delrec

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

4-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Characteristics of Key Triggers

Characteristics of Key Triggers

Rules of Key Triggers
• You cannot redefine all function keys with key triggers. Some keys are
handled by the terminal or window interface manager rather than by
Forms. Examples of such static function keys are [Clear Item], [Left],
[Right], and [Toggle Insert/Replace].
• You can define key triggers at all three levels: form, block, and item.
• You can use SELECT statements, restricted built-in functions, and
unrestricted built-ins.
• Key triggers can fire in Enter Query mode.
Note: You cannot use all built-ins in Enter Query mode.
If you do not redefine a function key, a built-in function performs its default
functionality when you press the key. Therefore, in most cases, a built-in
function and a key trigger are associated with a function key. The following
table gives some examples of this association.

Function Keys, Their Associated Built-in Functions, and Key Triggers

Function Key Built-in Function Key Trigger
[Accept] COMMIT_FORM Key-Commit
[Create Record] CREATE_RECORD Key-Crerec
[Delete Record] DELETE_RECORD Key-Delrec
[Duplicate Record] DUPLICATE_RECORD Key-Duprec
[Enter Query] ENTER_QUERY Key-Entqry
[Execute Query] EXECUTE_QUERY Key-Exeqry
[List] LIST_VALUES Key-Listval
[Next Item] NEXT_ITEM Key-Next-Item
[Down] DOWN Key-Down
[Next Record] NEXT_RECORD Key-Nxtrec
[Exit] EXIT_FORM Key-Exit

Note: This list is incomplete.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 4-9
Lesson 4: Programming Function Keys

Classification of Key Triggers

• Function key triggers

• Key-Fn triggers and Oracle Terminal
• Key-Others triggers

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Technical Note
The function keys Fn do not necessarily map to F1, F2, F3, and so on.

4-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Classification of Key Triggers

Classification of Key Triggers

You can distinguish among different types of key triggers. Learning these
classifications will help you understand when to use key triggers.

Types of Key Triggers

Category Description
Function key triggers Key triggers that are associated with existing function keys
(They fire when the associated function key is pressed.)
Key-Fn triggers Key triggers that are associated with the logical Runform keys
F0 through F9 (Before you can use these Key triggers, you or
the DBA must use Oracle Terminal to map these logical keys to
physical keys or key sequences. They fire when the associated
physical key or key sequence is pressed.)
Key-Others trigger A key trigger that is associated with all keys that can have key
triggers associated with them, but are not currently redefined by
a function key trigger at any level

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 4-11
Lesson 4: Programming Function Keys

Classification of Key Triggers

Mouse-event key triggers:

• Key-Next-Item • Key-Down
• Key-Prev-Item • Key-Scrup
• Key-Nxtrec • Key-Scrdown
• Key-Prvrec • Key-Nxtblk
• Key-Up • Key-Prvblk

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Technical Note
Since mouse-event key triggers are not executed when the mouse is used to
initiate window interaction, you should not place code that needs to be
executed every time the window interaction occurs in a mouse-event key

Instructor Note
Demonstration for next page pair:
• Use the LOV Form (Orders2.fmb) demonstration to show preventing
duplication of the primary key by using the Key-Duprec trigger.
• Use the same demonstration to illustrate a call of a customized list of
values (LOV) form instead of the native Forms LOV, using Key-Listval.
To do this click the product LOV button. Do not explain in detail the
code associated with this button, because the students will write it later
in this course.

4-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Classification of Key Triggers

What Are Mouse-Event Key Triggers?

Mouse-event key triggers are function key triggers whose associated default
functionality can also be activated directly with the mouse.

• The Key-Nxtblk trigger is a mouse-event key trigger, because the
NEXT_BLOCK functionality can also be activated using the mouse by
clicking in the next block. In this case, a possible Key-Nxtblk trigger
will not fire.
• The Key-Exeqry trigger is not a mouse-event key trigger, because the
EXECUTE_QUERY functionality cannot be activated by simply
clicking the mouse. It can be activated by the mouse only if a trigger is
defined that fires as a result of the mouse action.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 4-13
Lesson 4: Programming Function Keys

Using Key Triggers

• Adjust user interface

• Disable a (set of) function keys
• Replace or extend functionality of
function keys
• Add additional function keys
• Be careful with Key-Others
• Do not use for validation

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Specific Key Trigger Uses

• Call an LOV form

• Check for detail records before deleting
a master record
• Prevent duplication of the primary key
• Adjust toolbar buttons for Enter Query

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4-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Using Key Triggers

Using Key Triggers

You should use key triggers sparingly. Often you must define many key
triggers to trap a certain event completely. Mouse-event key triggers can be
circumvented with the mouse. Use key triggers only if you want to adjust the
default user interface.

Common Uses
• Disable function keys
• Replace or extend the default functionality of function keys
• Add additional keys for custom functions using Key-Fn triggers
• Disable a set of function keys using Key-Others

When Not to Use Key Triggers

• To perform validation; use validation triggers instead
• To amend navigation; use navigational triggers instead
• To perform data manipulation; use transactional triggers instead

Specific Key Trigger Uses

• Call a list of values (LOV) form instead of the native Forms LOV, using
• Check if detail records exist before deleting a master record if the master
block and detail lock are in separate forms, using Key-Delrec
• Prevent duplication of the primary key when duplicating a record, using
• Adjust behavior of toolbar buttons when Enter Query mode is entered or
left, using Key-Entqry

Technical Note
To determine if a Key-Others trigger applies to a function key, Forms looks
for associated key triggers at all levels. For example, if you define the
Key-Others trigger at the block level, it will not fire for function keys for
which a key trigger is defined at the form level.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 4-15
Lesson 4: Programming Function Keys

Association with Other

Interface Controls
Syntax: DO_KEY(built_in_name)
Example: To customize actions when user
exits the form with [Exit Form], a button,
or a menu item:
1. Key-Exit
-- custom
custom actions
actions when
when user
user tries
tries to
to exit

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Association with Other

Interface Controls
2. In When-Button-Pressed and Menu
item code:

TDO_KEY(‘Key-Exit’) gives run-time

TCorresponding interface control
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Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the LOV Form + Duplication Primary Key
(Orders2.fmb) demonstration, and show the code for the
CONTROL.EXIT_BUTTON button. Also show the Key-Exit trigger at
form level.

4-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Association with Other Interface Controls

Association with Other Interface Controls

You can often activate the same functionality in various ways, such as by
pressing a function key, choosing a menu item, clicking a button, or
performing direct manipulation with the mouse. In this case, you want to
specify the PL/SQL code to be executed only once. You can use the built-in
function DO_KEY to accomplish this.

What Is DO_KEY?
DO_KEY is a built-in function that executes the key trigger associated with
the built-in that is specified as its parameter. If no key trigger is defined, the
specified built-in is executed.


Exit a Form by clicking [Exit Form] or an Exit button, or by choosing a
menu item.
1 Define a Key-Exit trigger at form level.
2 Call DO_KEY by using:
a The When-Button-Pressed trigger on the associated Exit button
b The menu-item code for the menu item that exits the form using

Interface Control Descriptions

If the same functionality is activated by various interface controls, you
should also make sure that the controls have the same descriptions.
Interface Control Property for Description Changeable at Run Time?
Function key Show keys description No
Menu item Menu-item label Yes
Button Button label Yes
Mouse event Not applicable Not applicable

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 4-17
Lesson 4: Programming Function Keys


• Display in Keyboard Help and Keyboard

Help Text
• Key-Fn, Key-Others, and mouse-event
key triggers
• Using key triggers
• Function keys, buttons, menu items,
and mouse events
• Example: DO_KEY(‘EXIT_FORM’);

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4-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Understanding Key Triggers
• They fire when the associated function key is pressed.
• They are defined like any other trigger.
• Special properties are Display in Keyboard Help and Keyboard Help

Classification of Key Triggers

• Function key triggers
• Key-Fn triggers
• Key-Others
• Mouse-event key triggers

Uses of Key Triggers

• Disable function keys
• Replace or extend default behavior of function keys
• Add function keys using Key-Fn triggers
• Adjust set of function keys using Key-Others

Association with Other Interface Controls

• Function keys, buttons, menu items, mouse events
• Keys description, button label, menu-item label

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 4-19
Lesson 4: Programming Function Keys

Practice 4 Overview
This practice covers the following topics:
• Examining the behavior of
[Duplicate Record] at run time
• Redefining [Duplicate Record]
– To create a new record before
– To clear primary key items after
• Changing the behavior of function keys
according to context
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4-20 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 4

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 4

This practice guides you though redefining function keys with key triggers.
In the process, you will investigate the behavior of the Key-Others trigger.

Practice Contents
• Examine the behavior of [Duplicate Record] at run time.
• Use a key trigger to redefine [Duplicate Record] to create a new record
before duplicating. Ensure that the primary key of the new record is
• Disable all function keys on the master block except for
[Execute Query], [Up], [Down], and [Enter Query].
• Test the effects of the key triggers on the master block.
• Add a form-level Key-Exit trigger to perform default exit functionality.
• Run the form again to test the effects of this key trigger.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 4-21
Lesson 4: Programming Function Keys

Practice 4
1 Create and modify a key trigger.
aOpen the ORDERS form module and replace the M_SUMMIT menu
module with the DEFAULT&SMARTBAR menu.
b Run the form and make sure that you understand the default behavior
of [Duplicate Record], by invoking it once while the cursor is on a
queried record in the S_ORD block and again when the cursor is on a
new record.
c Redefine [Duplicate Record] so that a new record is created before
the record duplication occurs. Redefine [Duplicate Record] at the
form level.
d In the S_ORD block, redefine [Duplicate Record] in such a way that
the Id item is emptied after duplication. This code should be
executed in addition to and after the form level code.
e In the S_ITEM block, redefine [Duplicate Record] in such a way that
the item_id, product_id, description, and price items are emptied
after duplication. This code should be executed in addition to and
after the form level code.
f Save, generate, and test the ORDERS form.
If you have time...
2 Disable function keys.
a Make sure that only the function keys [Duplicate Record],
[Execute Query], [Enter Query], [Create Record], [Clear Block],
[Up], and [Down] can be used for the S_ORD master block. All
function keys should be available for the S_ITEM detail block.
b Test whether you can exit from the form by selecting the [Exit] key
in the master block.
c Add a form-level Key-Exit trigger to perform the exit functionality
d Test again whether you can exit from the form by selecting [Exit] in
the master block. Explain this behavior.
e Modify the When-Button-Pressed trigger of the
CONTROL.EXIT_BUTTON item to activate the same functionality
when you select the [Exit] function key. Remove the existing code.
3 Create and modify a key trigger.
a Create an alert called DELETE_ALERT.

4-22 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice 4

b For the S_ORD and S_ITEM blocks, redefine [Delete Record] so

that the alert is displayed when a record is deleted. Modify the
message displayed, depending on the block where the cursor is.
c Specify new text to be displayed in the run-time Show Keys help

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 4-23
Lesson 4: Programming Function Keys

4-24 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Responding to Mouse
Lesson 5: Responding to Mouse Events


After completing this lesson, you should

be able to do the following:
• Define mouse events
• Cause a form module to respond to
mouse movement
• Cause a form module to respond to
mouse button actions
• Drag and drop items

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 40 minutes
Practice 30 minutes
Total 70 minutes

Instructor Note
Demonstration for the next page pair: Use the Cursor Style
(cursor_style.fmb) demonstration to show the mouse cursor style.

5-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

The keyboard, menu, and mouse are the operator’s tools for interacting with
the Forms application. This lesson demonstrates how to write an application
that responds to mouse events.

After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
• Define mouse events
• Cause a form module to respond to mouse movement
• Cause a form module to respond to mouse button actions
• Drag and drop items

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 5-3
Lesson 5: Responding to Mouse Events

Mouse Events

• Point at which processing can be

• Identified by:
– Mouse movement
– Mouse button action

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Mouse Cursor Style

To change the cursor style dynamically:

DEFAULT GUI-specific arrow symbol

BUSY GUI-specific busy symbol
CROSSHAIR GUI-specific crosshair symbol
HELP GUI-specific help symbol
INSERTION GUI-specific insertion symbol

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Instructor Note
Do not forget to change the cursor style to DEFAULT in case of a trigger

5-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
What Are Mouse Events?

What Are Mouse Events?

An event is a point during a Forms process at which you can influence the
processing behavior. Every object can have processing events with which
you can associate PL/SQL code (triggers).
A mouse event is an event that can be identified by a mouse movement or a
mouse button action.

The Seven Mouse Events

The Forms mouse events can be divided in two groups: mouse movement
events and mouse button-initiated events.
The mouse movement events are:
• Entry into an item or canvas
• Exit from an item or canvas
• General movement
The events that correspond to mouse button actions are:
• Click
• Double-click
• Up
• Down

Mouse Cursor Style

Form Builder allows you to change dynamically the cursor style. Use the
following built-in to do it:
The valid settings for the cursor style property are:

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 5-5
Lesson 5: Responding to Mouse Events

Mouse Movement Triggers




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Technical Note
Using the When-Mouse-Enter, When-Mouse-Leave, and
When-Mouse-Move triggers can affect the performance of your form,
because these triggers have the potential to fire frequently.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Simple Mouse Events (mouse_event.fmb)
demonstration to illustrate a humorous use of the When-Mouse-Enter
You can also use the Mouse Events (mouse.fmb) demonstration to
illustrate all the mouse triggers and system variables.

5-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Responding to Mouse Movement

Responding to Mouse Movement

You can initiate an action whenever mouse movement occurs, by defining
the mouse movement triggers.

The Three Mouse Movement Triggers

Trigger Use
When-Mouse-Enter Fires when the user moves the mouse into an
item or canvas-view
When-Mouse-Leave Fires when the user moves the mouse out of
an item or canvas-view
When-Mouse-Move Fires when the user moves the mouse within
an item or canvas-view

Uses of the Mouse Movement Triggers

• Use When-Mouse-Move in conjunction with the
variables to return the exact position of the mouse within an item.
• Use When-Mouse-Leave to update an item value without causing the
cursor to navigate out of the current item.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 5-7
Lesson 5: Responding to Mouse Events

Navigation in a Block


3 6


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Technical Note
The SYSTEM.MOUSE_FORM system variable is NULL if the platform is
not a GUI platform.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Mouse Events (mouse.fmb) demonstration to
illustrate all the mouse triggers and system variables.
Demonstration for the next page pair: Use the Mouse Events (mouse.fmb)
demonstration to illustrate all the mouse triggers and system variables.

5-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Responding to Mouse Movement

The Mouse Position System Variables

Use the following system variables to determine when the mouse has
moved, where it has moved from, and where it has moved to.
Variable Use
SYSTEM.MOUSE_FORM Identifies the form module that the mouse is
currently in
SYSTEM.MOUSE_CANVAS Identifies the canvas that the mouse is currently
SYSTEM.MOUSE_ITEM Identifies the item that the mouse is currently in
SYSTEM.MOUSE_RECORD Identifies the record number that the mouse is
currently in
SYSTEM.MOUSE_RECORD_OFFSET Identifies the number of the record that the mouse
is currently in, relative to the first visible record;
uses a 1-based index
SYSTEM.MOUSE_X_POS Identifies the x coordinate of the mouse’s current
position (If the mouse is positioned on a canvas,
the x coordinate is measured relative to the top
left corner of the canvas. If the mouse is in an
item, the x coordinate is measured relative to the
top left corner of the item.)
SYSTEM.MOUSE_Y_POS Identifies the y coordinate of the mouse’s current
position (If the mouse is positioned on a canvas,
the y coordinate is measured relative to the
top left corner of the canvas. If the mouse is in an
item, the y coordinate is measured relative to the
top left corner of the item.)

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 5-9
Lesson 5: Responding to Mouse Events

Mouse Button Action Triggers




click click

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Mouse Event Trigger Sequence

1. When-Mouse-Down

2. When-Mouse-Up

3. When-Mouse-Click

4. When-Mouse-Down

5. When-Mouse-Up

6. When-Mouse-Doubleclick
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Technical Note
Click and double-click work only if the mouse stays on the item (or canvas)
throughout the down-up action.

5-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Responding to Mouse Button Actions

Responding to Mouse Button Actions

You can initiate an action whenever a mouse button action occurs by defining the mouse
button action triggers.

The Mouse Button Action Triggers

Trigger Use
When-Mouse-Down Initiates an action when the user presses the
mouse button down while the mouse is point-
ing to an item or a canvas
When-Mouse-Up Initiates an action when the user presses and
releases the mouse button while the mouse is
pointing to an item or a canvas
When-Mouse-Click Initiates an action when the user clicks on an
item or canvas
When-Mouse-Doubleclick Initiates an action when the user double-clicks
an item or canvas

Firing Sequence for Mouse Button Action Triggers

When you double-click an item or canvas, you are potentially causing the following
triggers to fire in the order in which they are listed. Similarly, when you click an item
or canvas, the triggers that precede the When-Mouse-Click trigger will fire.
• When-Mouse-Down
• When-Mouse-Up
• When-Mouse-Click
• When-Mouse-Down
• When-Mouse-Up
• When-Mouse-Doubleclick

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 5-11
Lesson 5: Responding to Mouse Events

Mouse Button Action

System Variables



Ctrl Alt

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Instructor Note
There are now more useful system variable names for the mouse button
state. SYSTEM.MOUSE_BUTTON_MODIFIERS should be used in place
The values returned by SYSTEM.MOUSE_BUTTON_MODIFIERS are
invariant across all platforms and languages.
• SYSTEM.MOUSE_BUTTON_SHIFT_STATE returns the string, but in
the language of the operating system.
• SYSTEM.MOUSE_BUTTON_MODIFIERS always returns the same
string, regardless of OS language.
Demonstration: Use the Mouse Events (mouse.fmb) demonstration to
illustrate all the mouse triggers and system variables.
Demonstration for the next page pair: Use the Drag and Drop
(dragdrop.fmb) demonstration to show an example of drag and drop
use. Click an employee number, and drag this employee to a department.

5-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Responding to Mouse Button Actions

The Mouse Button System Variables

Use the following system variables to determine which of the mouse buttons
was pressed and which special key, if any, was used.
Variable Use
SYSTEM.MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED Identifies which mouse button was pressed
(values of 1-5, where 1 is the left mouse
SYSTEM.MOUSE_BUTTON_MODIFIERS Identifies which special key was pressed to
modify the usual mouse button action
(possible values are Shift+,
Caps Lock+, Control+, Alt+,
Command+, Super+, and Hyper+)
If the operator holds down the [Ctrl] and [Shift] keys while pressing the
mouse button, SYSTEM.MOUSE_BUTTON_MODIFIERS contains the
value Shift+Control+.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 5-13
Lesson 5: Responding to Mouse Events

Drag and Drop

Items in original positions

Item-A highlighted

Items repositioned

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Instructor Note
A library named drag.pll is shipped with the product. Use the following
steps as a demonstration:
1 Create a new form module and a new text item manually.
2 Attach the PL/SQL library drag.pll to your form.
3 For this item, create a When-Mouse-Down trigger, a
When-Mouse-Move trigger, and a When-Mouse-Up trigger.
In the When-Mouse-Down trigger, include the following statement:
You can also include code here to change the cursor to indicate that a
drag operation is occurring.
In the When-Mouse-Move trigger, include the following statement:
In the When-Mouse-Up trigger, add your application-specific code,
which should check where the object has been dropped, and take
appropriate action.

5-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Responding to Mouse Button Actions

What Is Drag and Drop?

The drag and drop functionality is the ability for users to move items around
the canvas and arrange them in the order they want.

Implementing Drag and Drop Functionality

You can use the mouse button action triggers (When-Mouse-Down and
When-Mouse-Up) and the mouse position system variables to implement
drag and drop functionality in your form module.
You need to consider the following when implementing drag and drop:
• Changing the appearance of the item you want to drag and drop: Use the
SET_ITEM_PROPERTY built-in and a visual attribute.
• Changing the appearance of the cursor during the drag and drop process:
Use SET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY(cursor_style, ‘value’).
• Holding the name of the item being dragged and dropped.: Use a global
variable to store the initial value of SYSTEM.MOUSE_ITEM.
• Setting the new position, according to the mouse position: Use
SET_ITEM_PROPERTY(:global.variablename, position,
• Repositioning other items that may be affected

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 5-15
Lesson 5: Responding to Mouse Events


• Mouse events
• Responding to mouse movement
– Mouse position system variables
– Mouse movement triggers
• Responding to mouse button actions
– Mouse button system variables
– Mouse button triggers

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5-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

In this lesson, you saw how to write an application that responds to mouse

Mouse Events
• Entry to a canvas or an item
• Exit from a canvas or an item
• Move the cursor
• Click
• Double-click
• Up
• Down
• Responding to mouse movement
• Mouse position system variables

Mouse Movement Triggers

• When-Mouse-Enter
• When-Mouse-Leave
• When-Mouse-Move

Responding to Mouse Button Actions

• Mouse button system variables
• Mouse button triggers
- When-Mouse-Click
- When-Mouse-Doubleclick
- When-Mouse-Up
- When-Mouse-Down

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 5-17
Lesson 5: Responding to Mouse Events

Practice 5 Overview

This practice covers the following topics:

• Invoke an editor when the operator
double-clicks an item
• Define mouse-event trigger to display
the Help canvas

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5-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 5

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 5

This practice guides you through using mouse-event triggers and mouse
system variables.

Practice Contents
• Define a mouse-event trigger to invoke an editor on the
• Modify the button to a display item.
• Assign a value of “?” to the CONTROL.SHOW_HELP_BUTTON
display item when the user enters the form.
• Display the CV_HELP canvas when the mouse enters the

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 5-19
Lesson 5: Responding to Mouse Events

Practice 5
In this practice, you provide additional functionality in your forms by
defining mouse-event triggers.
1 In the CUSTOMERS form, define a mouse-event trigger on
S_CUSTOMER.COMMENTS that invokes the item’s editor when the
user double-clicks the item.
2 In the ORDERS form convert the CONTROL.SHOW_HELP_BUTTON
button into a display item capable of displaying a single large character.
Change the item type property and choose a font that allows large
character sizes (such as Times New Roman). Set the font size to 24. Set
Bevel to none. Adjust the item size so that one character is visible inside
it. Since only the first character of the item name is visible in the Layout
Editor, this item appears as S. The item’s background color should match
the toolbar, and its text color should be green.
3 In the ORDERS form, define a When-Mouse-Enter trigger at form level
that assigns a value of? to the display item
CONTROL.SHOW_HELP_BUTTON. This should occur only when the
mouse is in the CV_ORDER canvas.
4 Create a When-Mouse-Enter trigger on
built-in to display the CV_HELP. Remove the When-Button-Pressed
5 Create a When-Mouse-Leave trigger on
CONTROL.SHOW_HELP_BUTTON that hides the CV_HELP. Use the
HIDE_VIEW built-in to achieve this. Delete the
6 Save, compile, and run the ORDERS form to test. The stacked canvas,
CV_HELP is displayed only if the current item is not obscured. Ensure,
at least, that the first entered item in the form is CV_HELP will not
If you have time...
7 Modify the When-Mouse-Enter and When-Mouse-Leave triggers to
display the Cv_Help canvas, even if the current item is obscured. You
can replace the existing code with the code from the pr5_7_1.txt
and pr5_7_2.txt files.

5-20 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Controlling Windows
and Canvases
Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically

After completing this lesson, you should
be able to do the following:
• Display a form document in multiple
• Write code to interact with windows
• Manipulate windows programmatically
• Manipulate canvas-views
• Use large data blocks

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 40 minutes
Practice 45 minutes
Total 85 minutes

6-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

You should already be familiar with setting window and canvas properties at design
time. This lesson covers the triggers and built-ins that you can use to manage the
properties and behavior of windows and canvases at run-time.

After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
• Display a form module in multiple windows
• Write code to interact with windows
• Manipulate windows programmatically
• Manipulate canvas-views programmatically
• Use large data blocks

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 6-3
Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically

Using Window-Interaction
Trigger Use

When-Window-Activated Enforces navigation

When-Window-Deactivated Deactivates a window

When-Window-Closed Closes a window

When-Window-Resized Maintains visual


System variable
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

6-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Using Window-Interaction Triggers

Using Window-Interaction Triggers

You can use four window-interaction triggers to provide extra functionality whenever
a user interacts with a window. These triggers should be defined at the form level.
Trigger Characteristic
When-Window-Activated Fires when a window is made the active window (Note
that window activation can occur independently of navi-
When-Window-Deactivated Fires when a user deactivates a window by setting the
input focus to another window
When-Window-Closed Fires when a user closes a window by using a window-
manager-specific Close command
When-Window-Resized Fires when a window is resized, either by the user or
through a trigger (It also fires at form startup, but not
when a window is made into an icon.)

The common uses for those triggers are the following:

Trigger Use
When-Window-Activated Captures initial settings of window properties; enforces
navigation to a particular item whenever the window is
When-Window-Deactivated Deactivates a window
When-Window-Closed Closes a window programmatically
When-Window-Resized Maintains visual standards; captures window properties

Keeping Track of the Triggered Window

The SYSTEM.EVENT_WINDOW system variable contains the name of the last
window for which a window-interaction trigger fired. You can use this system variable
to perform different actions for different windows in your window-interaction triggers.
Note: Help with triggers is available by pressing [Ctrl] + [H] and selecting PL/SQL
Reference - Triggers.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 6-5
Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically

Built-ins for Manipulating


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Technical Note
In Microsoft Windows, you can reference the multiple-document interface
(MDI) application window with the FORMS_MDI_WINDOW constant.
FORMS_MDI_WINDOW is used with certain built-in functions and procedures
that relate to windows.

6-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Built-ins for Manipulating Windows

Built-ins for Manipulating Windows

Built-in Description
FIND_WINDOW Returns the internal window ID (of data type
WINDOW) of a window with the given name
GET_WINDOW_PROPERTY Returns the current value of the specified
window property for the given window
HIDE_WINDOW Hides the window
MOVE_WINDOW Moves the window to the location specified by
the given coordinates
RESIZE_WINDOW Changes the window to the specified width and
SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY Sets the specified window property for the
given window to a specified value
SHOW_WINDOW Makes the window visible at the current or
specified display position

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 6-7
Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically

Built-ins for Manipulating

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Technical Note
REPLACE_CONTENT_VIEW does not hide the stacked canvas already displayed
in the window, whereas SHOW_VIEW and SET_VIEW_PROPERTY (with the
Visible property) display the given canvas in front of any stacked canvas.

Instructor Note
Point out that the GET_ built-ins are the most important ones when writing generic
Demonstration for the next pages: Use the Tab Pages (tab_page.fmb)
demonstration to show those system variables. Click a tab page and press [F1];
a message is displayed.
Use the same demonstration to show how to enforce navigation when a user selects
a tab page.
Use the same demonstration to illustrate the TOPMOST_TAB_PAGE argument.
Click the TopMost Tab Page button.

6-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Built-ins for Manipulating Canvases

Built-ins for Manipulating Canvases

Built-in Description
FIND_CANVAS Returns the internal canvas ID (of data type CAN-
VAS) of a canvas with the given name
FIND_VIEW Returns the internal view ID (of data type
VIEWPORT) of a canvas with the given name
GET_CANVAS_PROPERTY Returns the current value of the specified canvas prop-
erty for the given canvas
GET_VIEW_PROPERTY Returns the current value of the specified view prop-
erty for the canvas
HIDE_VIEW Hides the canvas
REPLACE_CONTENT_VIEW Replaces the content canvas currently displayed in the
window with the specified content canvas
SCROLL_VIEW Moves the view of a given canvas to a different posi-
tion on its canvas (does not move the window to a
different position on the screen)
SET_CANVAS_PROPERTY Sets the specified canvas property for the given canvas
to a specified value
SET_VIEW_PROPERTY Sets the specified view property for the given canvas
to a specified value
SHOW_VIEW Makes the given canvas visible at the current display

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 6-9
Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically

Working with Tab-Style

The When-Tab-Page-Changed trigger fires
when a user:
• Clicks a tab
• Uses the Next Tab Page or Previous Tab
Page function keys
Page 1 Page 2 click 3

Previous Next
Tab Page Tab Page

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Working with Tab-Style


Tab canvases system variables:


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Instructor Note
The trigger does not fire if the end user presses [Next Item] + [Tab] to navigate from
one field to another in the same block but on different tab pages.

6-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Working with Tab-Style Canvases

Working with Tab-Style Canvases

When-Tab-Page-Changed Trigger
This form-level trigger fires when there is explicit item or mouse navigation from one
tab page to another in a tab canvas. In other words, when the user clicks a tab or
presses [Ctrl]+[PgUp] or [Ctrl]+[PgDown].
This trigger is very often used to perform actions when any tab page is changed during
item or mouse navigation; for example, to enable or disable items or to set default or
related item values.
Be aware that this trigger does not fire when the tab page is changed programmatically
and does not fire with implicit navigation.

Tab Canvases System Variables

Within the When-Tab-Page-Changed trigger, you can reference system variables to
determine where you are coming from and going to.
• :SYSTEM.TAB_NEW_PAGE returns the name of the tab page that you
are going to.
• :SYSTEM.TAB_PREVIOUS_PAGE returns the name of the tab page
that you are coming from.
These system variables return only the page name, not the canvas name, so you must
name all tab pages uniquely across the form if you need to be able to identify them

Technical Note
When you are changing to another tab page, the cursor does not automatically move to
a different item. To move the cursor you must include a GO_ITEM statement in the
When-Tab-Page-Changed trigger. This is intended functionality to allow users to view
other tab pages without navigating the cursor and therefore causing item navigation
and validation (as previously mentioned).

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 6-11
Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically

Working with Tab-Style

the tab page label or the tab page
changing of the tab page label
• FIND_TAB_PAGE: Returns the tab page

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Other Arguments for Canvas

topmost tab page
page to the top programmatically

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
TOPMOST_TAB_PAGE returns only the tab page name, and not the canvas name.
To set a property, you must concatenate the canvas name with the page name.

6-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Working with Tab-Style Canvases

Built-ins for Manipulating Tab-Style Canvases

Built-in Description
FIND_TAB_PAGE Searches the list of tab pages in a given tab canvas and
returns a tab page ID when it finds a valid tab page
with the given name (You must define a variable of
type TAB_PAGE to accept the return value.)
SET_TAB_PAGE_PROPERTY Sets the tab page properties (ENABLED, LABEL,
tab canvas page
GET_TAB_PAGE_PROPERTY Returns property values (CANVAS_NAME,
VISUAL_ATTRIBUTE) for a specified tab page

Note: The tab page is named using the syntax “CanvasName.PageName.”

tp_id Tab_Page;
tp_id := Find_Tab_Page(’Canvas2.TabPage1’);
IF Get_Tab_Page_Property(tp_id, enabled) =’FALSE’ THEN
Set_Tab_Page_Property(tp_id, enabled,property_true);

Other Arguments for Canvas Built-ins

If you want to make a tab page the top-most on its underlying tab canvas, you can use
the built-in procedure SET_CANVAS_PROPERTY and set the canvas property
TOPMOST_TAB_PAGE. You can also get the top-most tab page by using the built-in
SET_CANVAS_PROPERTY(’canvas_name’, TOPMOST_TAB_PAGE, page_name)
In the preceding syntax example, page_name is either a constant, in single quotes, or
a variable.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 6-13
Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically

Windows and Blocks

Window 1
Active Nonactive
Block 1
window window

Window 2
Block 2

Block 3

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6-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Windows and Blocks

Windows and Blocks

Form Builder processes many events based on blocks (and items), which can be
completely independent of windows (and canvases). Keep in mind the following
characteristics of windows and blocks.

Connection Between Windows and Blocks

• A window can contain multiple canvases, and multiple items can be
located on a canvas.
• A block can contain multiple items, and an item is located on one and
only one canvas (except for null canvas items).
• A window can contain multiple blocks, and a block can be located on
several windows.
Note: In general, put blocks in separate windows. If blocks are closely related
(through a foreign-key relationship), put them in the same window.

Window Activation and Block Navigation

You can use the When-Window-Activated trigger to activate another window
automatically (see the Closing Windows example later in this lesson).

Transaction Management
During commit processing, Forms processes all base table blocks in
sequential order. Therefore, transaction management is block-based rather than
window-based. However, the user expects to interact with a form in a window-based

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 6-15
Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically

Manipulating Window Properties

Maximizing MDI application window
SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY (forms_mdi_window,
window_state, maximize);

Locating the Cursor window

((′system.cursor_item ′
′system.cursor_item′), item_canvas),
), item_canvas),

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Technical Note
You can also maximize the MDI window application with the WINDOW_STATE
command line parameter:
ifrun60.exe module=customer.fmx userid=my_name/my_password@my_database

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Window Coding (window.fmb) demonstration to show the
two examples described above. Show the When-New-Form-Instance trigger, which
includes the code for maximizing the MDI application window.
Show the GET_CURSOR_WINDOW program unit.

6-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Manipulating Window Properties Programmatically

Manipulating Window Properties Programmatically

You can use the window-interaction triggers and the built-ins for windows to
manipulate your windows (and the MDI application window on Microsoft Windows)
at run time.

Manipulating the MDI Application Window at Form Startup

The When-New-Form-Instance trigger below implements the following functionality:
• Maximizing the MDI application window
• Setting the window title of the MDI application window

The When-New-Form-Instance Trigger at Form Level

SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY(forms_mdi_window, window_state, maximize);
SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY(forms_mdi_window, title, ’Summit Sporting

Locating the Cursor Window

The cursor may be located in a nonactive window. In this case, you can use the
following GET_CURSOR_WINDOW function to find this window.
FUNCTION get_cursor_window

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 6-17
Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically

Cascaded Windows
with Context

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Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Window Coding (window.fmb) demonstration to show
cascaded windows with context. Show the Key-Help trigger, which includes the code
for cascading windows with context.

6-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Showing Multiple Windows

Showing Multiple Windows

When using several windows, you should consider how to position them with respect
to each other and how to indicate the context in which a certain window is displayed.
The following examples show a form based on departments and employees. The
department block and employee block are located in separate windows.

Relative Window Positioning

The When-New-Form-Instance trigger at form level:
v_first_window_x NUMBER;
v_first_window_y NUMBER;
DEFAULT_VALUE(’0’, ’global.first_window_x’);
DEFAULT_VALUE(’0’, ’global.first_window_y’);
v_first_window_x := :global.first_window_x;
v_first_window_y := :global.first_window_y;
SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY(’window1’, position, v_first_window_x,
SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY(’window2’, position, v_first_window_x + 3,
v_first_window_y + 1);

Display Context in Window Title

The When-New-Block-Instance trigger on EMP block:
SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY(’window2’,title,’Employees of Department’
||NVL(TO_CHAR(, ’??’));

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 6-19
Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically

Window with Close Option

on System Menu Box

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Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Window Coding (window.fmb) demonstration to show a
form using the Close option from the Microsoft Windows System menu.

6-20 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Closing Windows

Closing Windows
Use the Close Menu item on the system-menu box to provide the user with a means for
closing windows. Because there is no default behavior in Forms when a user chooses
the Close Menu item, you must define a
When-Window-Closed trigger.
The following examples show a form based on departments and employees. The
department block and employee block are located in separate windows. The When-
Window-Closed and When-Window-Activated triggers implement the following
• Exiting from the form or hiding the window that is closed by the user
(Forms automatically activates another window.)
• Navigating to the newly activated window
Note: The function GET_CURSOR_WINDOW, discussed in an earlier example, is
used here.

The When-Window-Closed Trigger at Form Level


The When-Window-Activated Trigger at Form Level

IF :SYSTEM.EVENT_WINDOW = get_cursor_window THEN

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 6-21
Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically

Blocks with Many Items

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Blocks with Many Items

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Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the large block (Tab_Page.fmb) demonstration to illustrate
the example above. The larg_emp.sql file drops and creates the
S_LARGE_EMP table.

6-22 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Blocks with Many Items

Blocks with Many Items

One way to deal with blocks with many items is to use one window with one content
canvas and one tabbed canvas with several pages in the following manner:
1 Divide the items into logical groups and name each group.
2 Place the main group on the content canvas.
3 Create a tabbed canvas on the content canvas.
4 Place each of the other groups on a separate pages of a tabbed canvas.
This technique works equally well for single record and multirecord blocks.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 6-23
Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically


• Window-interaction triggers
• Built-ins for manipulating windows
• Built-ins for manipulating canvases
• Built-ins for manipulating tab canvases

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.


• Windows and blocks

– Multiple blocks correspond to
multiple windows.
– Window activation does not induce
– Transaction management is block-

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

6-24 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Window-Interaction Triggers
• When-Window-Activated
• When-Window-Deactivated
• When-Window-Closed
• When-Window-Resized
Use the SYSTEM.EVENT_WINDOW system variable to keep track of the triggered

Built-ins for Manipulating Windows


Built-ins for Manipulating Canvases


Windows and Blocks

• Windows may contain multiple blocks and blocks may be located on
several windows.
• Forms will not automatically navigate to an item located in an activated window.
• Transaction management is block-oriented rather than window-oriented.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 6-25
Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically

Practice 6 Overview

This practice covers the following topics:

• Building a multiple-window form
– Using window interaction triggers
– Using window and canvas-view
• Controlling window size by using
window built-ins
• Enhancing the tab canvas functionality

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

6-26 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 6

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 6

This practice guides you through managing multiple windows and canvases

Practice Contents
• Build a multiple-window form and use the appropriate window
interaction triggers and built-ins to implement the behavior specified.
• Make sure that a user cannot make any window larger than it was at the
startup of the form.
If you have time...
• Display a hint or description for the current tab page.
• Change the label on the Comment tab page when it is the topmost page.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 6-27
Lesson 6: Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically

Practice 6
1 Manipulate a multiple-window form.
aOpen the ORDERS form module.
b Make sure that when a user closes the orders window by way of the
system-menu box, the form is exited. Also make sure that when a
user closes the inventory window by way of the system-menu box,
the cursor navigates to the orders window. If cursor navigation
succeeds, the inventory window should closed. Create a When-
Window-Closed trigger. You can import the pr6_1b.txt file.
c Save, compile, and test the form.
d Make sure that a user cannot make any window larger than it was at
the startup of the form. You should save the size of the windows at
the startup of the form, and create a procedure called
CHECK_WINDOW_SIZE that resets the size of the current window
if the new width and height are larger than the initial one. Create a
When-New-Form-Instance trigger. You can replace the existing code
with the code from the pr6_1d1.txt file. Next, create the
procedure CHECK_WINDOW_SIZE. You can import the code from
the pr6_1d2.txt file. Create a When-Window-Resized trigger
that calls the procedure.
2 Manipulate the MDI application window.
a Open the CUSTOMERS form module.
b At the startup of the form, maximize the MDI application window,
and display an appropriate title. You can import the pr6_2b.txt
If you have time...
3 Open the EMPLOYEES form, and use the CONTROL.HELP_TAB text
item to display a hint or description for the current tab page.
a Create a When-Tab-Page-Changed trigger to populate this item with
an appropriate message for each page. You can import the
pr6_3a.txt file.
b Test and verify your module.
c Modify the When-Tab-Page-Changed trigger to change the label on
the Comment tab page. When Comment is the topmost page, change
its label to Employee XX, where XX is the employee’s ID number
( When any other tab page is topmost, change the label back
to Comment. You can import the pr6_3c.txt file.

6-28 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Defining Data Sources

Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources


After completing this lesson, you should

be able to do the following:
• Describe the various data source types
• Base a data block on a FROM clause
• Describe the advantages of using a
FROM clause query

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• Base a data block on a stored procedure

• Return a REF cursor from a stored
• Return a table of records from a stored
• Select the appropriate data source for a
data block

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 50 minutes
Practice 50 minutes
Total 100 minutes

7-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

This lesson introduces you to the different data source types that can be used
for data blocks. This lesson also provides you with some guidelines for
choosing the best data source for the job.

After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
• Describe the various data source types
• Base a data block on a FROM clause query
• Discuss the advantages of using a FROM clause query
• Base a data block on a stored procedure that returns a REF cursor
• Select the appropriate data source for a data block

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-3
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

Data Source Types

Query DML

Table Table
FROM clause Company Name:
query Company Code:
Stored Balance: Stored
procedure procedure
Transactional Transactional
trigger trigger

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7-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Data Source Types

Data Source Types

In the previous course, Oracle Developer: Build Forms I, you learned that a
data block had a base table that served as the data source for both queries
and DML operations. A base table is not the only source for a data block,
however, and you can specify the data source for the query separately from

Data Sources for Query Operations

For query operations, you can base your blocks on:
• Database tables or views
• Stored procedures
• Transactional triggers
• The FROM clause query (subquery)
You can also change the base table of a block dynamically at run time.

Data Sources for DML Operations

For DML operations, you can base your blocks on:
• Database tables or views
• Stored procedures
• Transactional triggers
A data block based on a stored procedure can return data from a REF cursor
or a PL/SQL table of records. If your data block has database-intensive
multiple validation lookup or derived fields, this method of partitioning
application logic onto the server can improve application performance.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-5
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

Basing a Data Block

on a FROM Clause Query




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Why Use a FROM Clause

Perform joins, lookups, and calculations
on the server (thus avoiding multiple
network trips) without having to define a
view every time
• Improves developer productivity
• Reduces the burden on the DBA
• Improves performance

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Run the from_clause.sql and from_clause3.sql
scripts to illustrate a FROM clause query.

7-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Basing a Data Block on a FROM Clause Query

Basing a Data Block on a FROM Clause Query

You can use a FROM clause as the data source for a data block. A FROM
clause is a feature of the Oracle 7.3 Server that enables you to nest a
SELECT statement in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement.
A FROM clause is a valid query block data source, but it is not a valid DML
block data source. The value returned from a FROM clause is a subset of
records from the original query.

SELECT deptno, sal_total
( SELECT deptno, SUM(sal) sal_total
FROM emp
HAVING SUM(sal) > 5000
GROUP BY deptno
ORDER BY deptno ;

Why Use a FROM Clause Query?

FROM clauses are used to perform:
• Joins
• Lookups
• Calculations
This is done without having to create a view on the server. FROM clauses
can also be used to prototype views and to increase performance.
Using a FROM clause as a block data source is similar to using a view based
on an updatable join as a block data source. However, a FROM clause
provides you with more control, because the presence of a DBA is not
required to define the view.
Note: The FROM clause produces results that are identical to an updatable
join-view from the client side, but for which there is no defined view on the

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-7
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

Basing a Data Block

on a Stored Procedure
for Query Operations
Return data by way of:
• REF cursor
• A Table of records

Procedure Querying Data block

Empno Ename Job Hiredate
Company Name:
1234 Jones Clerk 01-Jan-95
Company Code:
1235 Smith Clerk 01-Jan-95 Balance:
1236 Adams Clerk 01-Jan-95
1237 Clark Clerk 01-Jan-95

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Basing a Data Block

on a Stored Procedure
for DML Operations

Return data by way of a table of records

Data block Updating Procedure

Empno Ename Job Hiredate
Company Name:
1234 Jones Clerk 01-Jan-95
Company Code:
Balance: 1235 Smith Clerk 01-Jan-95
1236 Adams Clerk 01-Jan-95
1237 Clark Clerk 01-Jan-95

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

7-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Basing a Data Block on a Stored Procedure

Basing a Data Block on a Stored Procedure

You can base a data block on a stored procedure. A stored procedure returns
a data block by using either a REF cursor or a table of records.

What Is a REF Cursor?

A REF cursor defines a SELECT statement that is the source of the records.
You can use this cursor to perform array fetches of SELECT statements
opened by a server-side procedure.
A REF cursor is a pointer to a server-side cursor variable. It is analogous to a
pointer in C in that it is an address to a location in memory. The stored
procedure returns a reference to a cursor that is open and populated by a
SELECT statement to be used as a block data source.
A stored procedure that uses a REF cursor can be used only as a query block
data source; it cannot be used as a DML block data source. Using a REF
cursor is ideal for queries that depend only on variations in SQL SELECT
statements and not PL/SQL.

What Is a Table of Records?

A table of records is a PL/SQL V2.3 variable that is essentially an array of
You can think of a table of records as an image of a table in memory. The
server-side procedure constructs this array, usually based on parameters
passed to it, and passes back the resulting “set” of records to a data block.
Forms treats the resulting table of records exactly as if it were fetching a
series of rows from a table.
Unlike a view or a REF cursor, you are not limited to what you can express
as a SQL SELECT statement. Anything you can code in PL/SQL is possible;
for example, a tree-walk that includes a join.
Using a table of records is extremely efficient in terms of the savings on
network traffic, because it takes a single round trip (from client to server) to
execute the stored procedure and a single round trip to return the records.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-9
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

Example of Query Using

a REF Cursor Procedure
Define a package specification with:
• The objects returned by the REF cursor
• The REF cursor
• The query procedure: Data returned
through the first argument that is an IN
OUT argument
Define a package body: Write the code for
the query procedure
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Edit the RefCurSpec.sql and RefCurBody.sql
scripts to show the code of a stored procedure using a REF cursor.

7-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Example of a Query Using a REF Cursor Procedure

Example of a Query Using a REF Cursor Procedure

This is an example of a stored procedure that returns a REF cursor as a block
data source. A package is used to group the related data types and
procedures logically.
-- Define Package Specification
PACKAGE emp_pkg IS
-- Defines the objects returned by the REF Cursor
TYPE emprec IS RECORD ( empno emp.empno%TYPE,
ename emp.ename%TYPE );

-- Defines the Ref Cursor


-- Defines the procedure used for querying records

PROCEDURE empquery_refcur ( block_data IN OUT empcur,
p_deptno IN NUMBER);

-- Defines Package Body

PROCEDURE empquery_refcur ( block_data IN OUT empcur,
p_deptno IN NUMBER)
OPEN block_data FOR
SELECT empno, ename
FROM emp
WHERE deptno = NVL( p_deptno, deptno )
ORDER BY empno;

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-11
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

Example of Query Using

a Table of Records Procedure
Define a package specification with:
• The structure of each row of the table
• The table of records
• The procedure used for querying
records: Data returned through the first
argument; that is, an IN OUT argument
Define a package body: Write the code for
the query procedure
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Edit the TorQuerySpec.sql and
TorQueryBody.sql scripts to show the code of a stored procedure using
a table of records.

7-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Example of Query Using a Table of Records Procedure

Example of Query Using a Table of Records Procedure

This is an example of a stored procedure that returns a table of records as a
block data source. A package is used to group the logically related data types
and procedures.
-- Define Package Specification
PACKAGE emp_pkg IS
-- Defines each row of the table
TYPE emprec IS RECORD ( empno emp.empno%TYPE,
ename emp.ename%TYPE );
-- Defines the Table of records
-- Defines the procedure used for querying records
PROCEDURE empquery_tab ( block_data IN OUT emptab,
p_deptno IN NUMBER );
-- Defines Package Body
PROCEDURE empquery_tab ( block_data IN OUT emptab,
p_deptno IN NUMBER )
CURSOR empsel IS
SELECT empno, ename
FROM emp
WHERE deptno = NVL( p_deptno, deptno );
OPEN empsel;
i := 1;
FETCH empsel INTO block_data(i).empno,
i := i + 1;

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-13
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

Example of DML Using

a Table of Records Procedure
Define a package specification with:
• The structure of each row of the table
• The table of records
• A procedure to insert rows
• A procedure to update rows
• A procedure to delete rows
• A procedure to lock rows
Define a package body: Write the code for
each DML procedure
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

See Appendix F, “Handling Server-Side Errors, for code details.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Edit the TorDMLSpec.sql and TorDMLBody.sql
scripts to show the code of a stored procedure using a table of records.

7-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Example of DML Using a Stored Procedure

Example of DML Using a Stored Procedure

This is an example of a stored procedure that inserts rows using a table of
records as a block data source. A package is used to group the logically
related data types and procedures. You should define procedures that update,
delete, and lock rows also.
-- Define Package Specification
PACKAGE emp_pkg IS
-- Defines each row of the table
TYPE emprec IS RECORD ( empno emp.empno%TYPE,
ename emp.ename%TYPE,
mgr emp.mgr%TYPE,
deptno emp.deptno%TYPE );
-- Defines the Table of records
-- Defines the procedure used for inserting records
PROCEDURE empinsert ( block_data IN emptab );

-- Defines Package Body

PROCEDURE empinsert ( block_data IN emptab )
cnt := block_data.count;
FOR i IN 1..cnt LOOP
INSERT INTO emp (empno, ename, mgr, deptno)
VALUES (block_data(i).empno, block_data(i).ename,
block_data(i).mgr, block_data(i).deptno);

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-15
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

Returning a REF Cursor


Query 1 2 REF cursor

REF cursor

Fetched rows

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Returning a Table of Records

Query 1 2 Cursor


Table of records

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

7-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Deciding Whether to Use a REF Cursor or a Table of Records

Deciding Whether to Use a REF Cursor or a Table

of Records
When deciding whether to use a REF cursor or a table of records, take into
account the following considerations.

Queries or DML on a Table

Executing queries or DML on a table takes one round trip per array size of
rows returned.

Queries with Stored Procedure Returning a REF Cursor

Executing queries using a stored procedure that returns a REF cursor takes
one round trip to execute the stored procedure(1, 2), plus one round trip
(3, 4) per array size of rows returned.

Queries or DML with Stored Procedure Using PL/SQL Tables of Records

Executing queries or DML with stored procedures using PL/SQL tables of
records takes one round trip to execute the stored procedure (1,2) plus one
round trip (3,4) for all the rows.

Performance Implications of REF Cursors or Table of Records

If you are dealing with a large number of rows, the disadvantage of PL/SQL
tables of records is that all the rows must be processed at once. For querying,
this means you might retrieve rows that the user does not need and never
• REF cursor: The number of records fetched depends on the Array Fetch
property value.
• Table of records: All records are fetched.
If you want to view all records, a table of records is more efficient. However,
if the table of records returns 10,000 records and you look only at 3, it is not
an efficient option. For querying and DML, you use an unnecessary amount
of memory because all the rows must be in memory at the same time.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-17
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

Data Block Wizard

Use the Data Block Wizard to specify the
• Data source type
• Query procedure
• Insert procedure
• Update procedure
• Delete procedure
• Lock procedure
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: If they do not already exist, create and populate the EMP
and DEPT tables using the UTLSample.sql file. Run the
TorDMLSpec.sql and TorDMLBody.sql scripts.
Create a new form module. Base the block on a stored procedure.
The query procedure is emp_pkg.empquery.
The insert procedure is emp_pkg.empinsert.
The update procedure is emp_pkg.empupdate.
The delete procedure is emp_pkg.empdelete.
The lock procedure is emp_pkg.emplock.

7-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Data Block Wizard

Data Block Wizard

The Data Block Wizard simplifies and automates the process of creating
blocks. You saw how to use it in the previous course, Oracle Developer:
Build Forms I.
Use the Data Block Wizard even if you want to create a data block based on
stored procedure. You just have to specify the following:

Property Description
Data source type Specifies if the data block is based on a table or a stored procedure
Query procedure Name of the procedure used to query rows
Insert procedure Name of the procedure used to insert rows
Update procedure Name of the procedure used to update rows
Delete procedure Name of the procedure used to delete rows
Lock procedure Name of the procedure used to lock rows

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-19
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

Data Block Properties

for Queries

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Data Block Properties for DML

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the form created previously to illustrate these

7-20 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Data Block Properties

Data Block Properties

Data Block Properties for Queries

Property Description
Query Data Source Type Specifies the query data source type for the data block
Query Data Source Name Used only used if the query data source type is Table,
Subquery, or Procedure
Query Data Source Columns Specifies the names and data types of the columns
associated with the query data source (Used only if the
query data source type is Table, Subquery, or
Query Data Source Arguments Specifies the names, data types, and values of the argu-
ments that are to be passed to the procedure for query-
ing data (Used only if the query data source type is

Data Block Properties for DML

Property Description
DML Data Target Type Specifies the DML data source type for the data block
DML Data Target Name Specifies the name of the DML data source for the data
block (Used only if the DML data target type is Table.)
(Insert, Update, Delete, Lock) Specifies the name of the procedure to be used (Used
Procedure Name only if the DML data target type is Procedure.)
(Insert, Update, Delete, Lock) Specifies the names and data types of the
Procedure Result Set Columns result set columns associated with the
procedure (Used only if the DML data
target type is Procedure.)
(Insert, Update, Delete, Lock) Specifies the names, data types, and values
Procedure Arguments of the arguments that are to be passed to the
procedure (Used only if DML data target
type is Procedure.)

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-21
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

Data Source Guidelines

Base a data block on a FROM clause

query to:
• Create a “dynamic” view
• Perform validation and DML on the
server side

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Data Source Guidelines

Base a data block on a stored

procedure to:
• Increase control and security
• Specify a SELECT statement at run time
• Query or update multiple tables
• Perform complex computations
• Perform validation and DML on the
server side
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Stored Procedures demonstration to illustrate how
to use the same block to display data from different tables. Before the
demonstration, run the OrderSpecs.sql and OrderBody.sql scripts.

7-22 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Data Source Guidelines

Data Source Guidelines

Using a FROM Clause Query
You base a data block on a FROM clause query to:
• Create a dynamic view
• Perform validation and DML on the server side

Using Stored Procedures

You base a data block on a stored procedure when you want to:
• Increase control and security
Using a stored procedure, you do not have to grant select access on the
table to the users, just EXECUTE privileges on the procedure.
• Specify a SELECT statement at run time
Using a REF cursor, if the logged-on user is a manager, open the cursor
as SELECT lastname, salary FROM s_emp; otherwise open
the cursor as SELECT lastname, null FROM s_emp.
• Base a block on multiple tables
Using a REF cursor and depending on some parameter to the procedure,
you could open the cursor either as SELECT * FROM open_orders
(current data) or as SELECT * FROM closed_orders (old data).
• Perform complex computations and decisions
Using a table of records, return the salary of all employees that you
manage, but NULL for the salary of other employees.
• Perform validation and DML on the server side
If your data block has multiple validation lookup or derived fields that
are database-intensive, this method of partitioning the application logic
onto the server can vastly improve the performance of applications.
• Encapsulate logic within a subprogram
• Reduce traffic through array processing, using a REF cursor

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-23
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

Data Source Guidelines

Data Source Query DML



Proc-Ref Cur YES NO

Proc-Table Rec YES YES

Transac. Trigger YES YES

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

7-24 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Data Source Guidelines

Data Source Type Restrictions

When deciding on a data block source, consider your requirements:
• Will the block be used only to query records?
• Will the block be used to perform inserts, updates, and deletes?
• Will the block be used to perform both query and DML?
To decide, you should also consider the functional restrictions for each data
source type:

Data Source Allows Query Allows DML

Table Yes Yes
View Yes Yes
FROM Clause Yes No
Procedure Using a REF Cursor Yes No
Procedure Using a Table of Records Yes Yes
Transactional Trigger Yes Yes

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-25
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources


New data sources:

• Stored procedure (query and DML)
• FROM clause query (query only)
Stored procedures return:
• REF cursors—limited to a single
SELECT statement
• Table of records—can be a complex
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.


Use the Data Block Wizard to specify:

• Data source type
• Procedures for queries, updates,
deletes, and locking
• Master-detail relationships

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

7-26 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

New Data Sources
• Stored procedure (query and DML)
• FROM clause query (query only)

Stored Procedures Return

• REF cursors—limited to a single SELECT statement
• Table of records—can be a complex procedure

Using the Data Block Wizard

• Specify data source type
• Specify procedures for queries, updates, deletes, and locking
• Specify master-detail relationships

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-27
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

Practice 7 Overview

This practice covers the following topics:

• Modifying the EMP block to base it on a
nested SELECT statement
• Enabling DML on the EMP block
• Creating a package containing a stored
procedure to return a Ref cursor
• Basing a block on the previous stored
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

7-28 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 7

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 7

This practice guides through using other data sources.

Practice Contents
• Base a block on a nested SELECT statement
• Enable DML on a block based on a nested SELECT statement
• Create a package containing a stored procedure to return a REF Cursor
• Base a block on a stored procedure

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-29
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

Practice 7
1 Base the EMP block on a subquery.
a Open the EMPLOYEES form module.
b Set the Query Data Source Type EMP block property to From Clause
c In the Query Data Source Name property enter the SELECT
statement. Your query should return all the columns from the S_EMP
table joined with the columns from the S_DEPT table. Remember to
enclose your select SELECT statement in parentheses. You can copy
and paste the content of the pr7_1c.txt file.
The SELECT statement is:
FROM s_emp e, s_dept d
WHERE e.dept_id =

d When a block’s Query Data Source Type is Table, the ROWID of

each row is implicitly queried when the row is retrieved from the
database. This ROWID value is used in the WHERE clause of any
statements issued by Oracle Forms.
When a block’s Query Data Source Type is From Clause Query, the
ROWID value is not implicitly retrieved. Therefore, the ROWID
value cannot be used in subsequent statements. Instead, Oracle
Forms constructs the WHERE clause using the primary key values
of each row.

7-30 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice 7

Configure the EMP block so that Oracle Forms will use the primary
key values when constructing the WHERE clause. Set the KeyMode
property for the EMP block to Updatable. Set the Enforce Primary
Key property for the EMP block to Yes. Set the Primary Key
property for the Id item to Yes.
e Save, run, and test your module.
2 Enable DML on the EMP block without using transactional triggers.
a Set the block DML Target Name.
b Prevent Oracle Forms from attempting to update the columns from
the S_DEPT table. On the Property Palette for the item, set the Query
Only property to Yes, and the Update Allowed and Insert Allowed
properties to No for the S_DEPT items (NUM, NAME,
c Remove the appropriate transactional triggers.
d Save, run, and test your module.
If you have time...
3 Create a server-side package containing a procedure to return a REF
Using the code in the pr7_3a.sql file in your labs directory, create
the Orders package body and package specification.
4 Modify the Ord_Sum block in the ord_sum.fmb module to base it on
the stored procedure.
a Open the ord_sum.fmb module. Change the Query Data Source
Type of the Ord_Sum block to Procedure. Change the DML Data
Target Type to None (this block does not allow any inserts, updates,
or deletes).
b Set the Query Data Source Name to the name of the stored procedure
in the package.
c Specify the Query Data Source Columns to match the items in the
Ord_Sum block.
The column names and types are:
ID, Number
NAME, Varchar2(255)
TOTAL, Number
d Specify the procedure arguments. The first argument is the REF
cursor that will be used by Forms to populate the block. The second
argument is used to pass the value of the list box

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 7-31
Lesson 7: Defining Data Sources

(:Choose.View_Type) to the procedure to determine which SELECT

statement is used. These arguments should match the arguments to
the package procedure.
e Add a trigger on the View_Type item so that the data in the Ord_Sum
block is updated when the list box value changes.
Hint: You need to execute a query in the Ord_Sum block.
5 Save and run your form. Observe the behavior of the record count in the
console and the scroll bar as you scroll through the records. What do you
deduce from this behavior?

7-32 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Working with Oracle8

Objects in Form Builder
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

After completing this lesson, you should
be able to:
• Recognize which object types are
• Describe how object types are
represented within Oracle Developer
• Create a block based on an object table
• Create a block based on a relation table
with an object or a REF column
• Populate a REF column with an LOV
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 30 minutes
Practice 25 minutes
Total 55 minutes

8-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

This lesson reviews certain object features of Oracle8 and explains how
these objects are displayed in the Object Navigator.

After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
• Recognize which Oracle8 object types are supported
• Describe how Oracle8 objects are represented within Oracle Developer
• Create a block based on an object table
• Create a block based on a relational table with an object column or REF
• Populate a REF column with an LOV

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-3
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

Object Types


po_no Cancel
Check custinfo
status line_items

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
These pages review object type fundamentals. Additional object type
information can be found in Appendix D, “Introduction to Oracle8 Object

8-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
What Are Object Types?

What Are Object Types?

An object type is a user-defined composite data type. It is in some ways
similar to a record type, and in some ways similar to a package.
An object type is similar to a record type in that it is composed of one or
more subparts that are of predefined data types. Record types call these
subparts “fields,” but object types call these subparts “attributes.” And just
as the fields of a record type can be of other record types, the attributes of an
object type can be of other object types. Such an object type is called
Object types are like record types in another sense: Both of them must be
declared as types before the actual object or record can be declared.
An object type is also similar to a package. After an object is declared, its
attributes are similar to package variables. And like packages, object types
can contain procedures and functions. In object types, these subprograms are
known as “methods.”
Like packages, object types can be declared in two parts: a specification and
a body. Like package variables, attributes declared in the object type
specification are public and those declared in the body are private. And as
with package subprograms, all methods are defined in the package body, but
only those whose specification appears in the object type specification are
public methods.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-5
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

Review of Objects

• Object tables
• Object columns
• Object views
• INSTEAD-OF triggers




Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
These pages review object type fundamentals. Additional object type
information can be found in Appendix D, “Introduction to Oracle8 Object

8-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Review of Objects

Review of Objects
With an object type, you can create object tables, object columns, object
views, and INSTEAD-OF triggers.

Object Tables
After you have declared an object type, you can create objects based on the
type. One way to do this is to create a table whose rows are objects of that
object type. Rows in an object table are assigned object IDs (OIDs) and can
be referenced using a REF type.

Object Column
Another construct that can be based on an object type is an object column in
a relational table. In the object table, the rows of a table are objects. In a
relational table with an object column, the column is an object. The table
usually has standard columns, as well as one or more object columns. Object
columns are not assigned OIDs, and thus cannot be referenced using object
REF values.

Object View
An object view transforms the way a table appears to a user, without
changing the actual structure of the table. Object views make relational
tables look like object tables. Objects accessed through object views are
assigned OIDs, and can be referenced using object REFs.

INSTEAD OF triggers provide a transparent way of modifying views that
cannot be modified directly through SQL DML statements (INSERT,
UPDATE, and DELETE). These triggers are called INSTEAD-OF triggers
because, unlike with other types of triggers, the Oracle server fires the
trigger instead of executing the triggering statement. The trigger performs
update, insert, or delete operations directly on the underlying tables.

Technical Note
The Database Trigger editor has been enhanced to include the INSTEAD OF
triggering event.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-7
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

References to Objects

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
These pages review object type fundamentals. Additional object type
information can be found in Appendix D, “Introduction to Oracle8 Object

8-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Object REFs

Object REFs
When a row in an object table or object view is created, it is assigned
automatically a unique identifier called an object Id (OID). This OID value
can be stored in attributes of other objects, or columns of other tables. The
stored copy of the OID then becomes a pointer, or REF, to the original
object. (Object columns are not assigned OIDs and cannot be pointed to by a
In relational databases, primary key values are used to identify records
uniquely. In object-relational databases, OIDs provide an alternate method.
With relational tables, you can associate two records by storing the primary
key of one record in one of the columns (the foreign key column) of another.
In a similar way, you can associate two objects by storing the OID of one
object in an attribute of another. Or you can associate a row in a relational
table to an object by storing the OID of an object in a column of a relational
table. The attribute or column that holds the OID is of data type REF.
Remember, the object itself is not stored in the table, only the OID value for
the object.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-9
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

Oracle8 in Developer
Supported Oracle8 features
• Large objects: BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB,
• User-defined objects
– Object table
– Column object
– REF column
Unsupported Oracle8 features
• Collection types
• Stored procedures that return object
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

8-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Supported Oracle8 Features

Supported Oracle8 Features

A number of new features provided in the Oracle8 Server are available in
Oracle Developer. This allows greater scalability and performance in your
Oracle Developer adds support for the following Oracle8 data types:
• Large objects (LOBs): BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB, BFILE
• User-defined Oracle8 objects
• An object table, where the entire table is based on a single object type
(Oracle Developer treats each column in an object table as an individual
data item.)
• A column object in an object or relational table, where the column is
based on an object type definition
• A REF column in an object or a relational table, where that column’s
values are pointers to rows in a separate object table

Unsupported Oracle8 Features

Not all Oracle8 features are currently supported by Oracle Developer. The
major unsupported features are:
• Collection types, including nested tables and varying arrays
• Stored procedures that return object values

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-11
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

How Developer Treats Objects

Object_A Object_A
Attr_A1 Attr_A1
Attr_B1 Attr_A2_B1
Attr_B2 Attr_A2_B2
Attr_A3 Attr_A3
Nested Objects Items in a Form
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

8-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
How Oracle Developer Treats Objects

How Oracle Developer Treats Objects

As you have learned, Oracle8 tables can contain objects. In its support for
the Oracle8 Server, Oracle Developer allows you to access these objects in
an application.
A table itself can be based on an object (a table object), one or more of the
table columns can be based on an object (a column object), or one or more of
the tables’ columns can contain a reference to an object stored in another
table (REF column). Each of these objects can itself contain objects.
In these cases, the columns and attributes form a hierarchy among the
Oracle8 data types. However, Oracle Developer has no hierarchy of items.
Each item lies directly below the block. Therefore, Oracle Developer must
collapse the hierarchy before the columns and attributes are mapped to items
within a block. Both the hierarchy of the columns and attributes and the
“flattened” nature of the resulting items are represented in Oracle
Developer’s displays and dialog boxes.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-13
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

Object Display

Object Column

Object Table

Object REF

Object Type

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

8-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Object Type Displays

Object Type Displays

The Object Navigator lists declared types in the “Database Objects” section,
along with tables, views, and other Oracle objects. The objects in the
screenshot are based on the following syntax:
-- type declaration
name VARCHAR2(25),
region_id NUMBER(7) )

-- object table
CREATE TABLE oo_dept_table OF dept_type;

-- object column
CREATE TABLE rel_emp_table_ObjCol (
id NUMBER(7),
last_name VARCHAR2(25),
first_name VARCHAR2(25),
userid VARCHAR2(8),
start_date DATE, manager_id
title VARCHAR2(25),
dept_id dept_type,
salary NUMBER(11,2),
commission_pct NUMBER(4,2) );

-- ref column
CREATE TABLE rel_emp_table_RefCol (
id NUMBER(7), last_name VARCHAR2(25),
first_name VARCHAR2(25), userid VARCHAR2(8),
start_date DATE, manager_id NUMBER(7), title
VARCHAR2(25), dept_id REF dept_type,
salary NUMBER(11,2),
commission_pct NUMBER(4,2) );

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-15
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

Creating Data Blocks Based

on Oracle8 Objects
• Blocks based on object tables
• Blocks based on object columns
• Blocks with REF lookups

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

8-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Creating Data Blocks Based on Oracle8 Objects

Creating Data Blocks Based on Oracle8 Objects

Oracle Developer Release 6 enables you to create data blocks based on
Oracle8 objects in a Form Builder application. The Data Block Wizard has
been enhanced to support object tables. The fields of an object are displayed
in a hierarchy underneath the object column in the wizard’s Table page. Like
objects in the Object Navigator, object columns can be expanded or
collapsed in the display.
A data block can be based on:
• An object table
• A column object
• A REF column

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-17
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

Blocks Based on Object Tables

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

8-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Selecting Object Table Columns

Selecting Object Table Columns

You can create a data block based on a user-defined object table. In the Data
Block Wizard, you select object tables the same way you select relational
tables. In the wizard’s Table page, when you select an object table as the
data source, it is expanded and each of its components is displayed in the
Available Columns window. An outline format with indenting is used to
show each component of the object.
You select the type attributes the same way you select relational table
columns. Oracle Developer treats each component in an object table as a
separate column, and allows you to select these columns individually.
The syntax below creates an object table based on an object type:
name VARCHAR2(25),
region_id NUMBER(7) )

CREATE TABLE oo_dept_table OF dept_type

In the diagram, the wizard shows all the columns of the object table
OO_DEPT_TABLE (ID, NAME, REGION_ID). Select any or all as data
block items.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-19
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

Blocks Based on Object


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8-20 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Selecting Object Column Attributes

Selecting Object Column Attributes

If you base a block on an object or relational table with an object column,
the attributes of the object column appear indented beneath the name of the
object column in the Data Block Wizard. Oracle Developer treats each
attribute as a separate column. You can select any combination of columns
or object column attributes. Once selected, they all “collapse” to the same
level as an item within the new block.
Data items selected from an object are given the default name
ColumnObjectName_ItemName. Selecting the object column name itself
has the effect of selecting all of the attributes of the object column.
The syntax below creates a table with an object column:
name VARCHAR2(25),
region_id NUMBER(7) )

CREATE TABLE rel_emp_table_ObjCol (

id NUMBER(7),
last_name VARCHAR2(25),
first_name VARCHAR2(25),
userid VARCHAR2(8),
start_date DATE,
manager_id NUMBER(7),
title VARCHAR2(25),
dept_id dept_type,
salary NUMBER(11,2),
commission_pct NUMBER(4,2) );
In the diagram, the wizard displays ID, NAME, and REGION_ID as
columns you can select as data block items.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-21
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

Blocks with REF Lookups

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

8-22 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Blocks with REF Lookups

Blocks with REF Lookups

If you base a block on an object or relational table with a REF column, the
attributes of the object being referenced appear below the REF column in
the Available Columns window.
Once selected, the attributes of the REF column are made into items, just
like standard columns. However, the items based on REF column attributes
are created with a QUERY ONLY property value of “YES,” and INSERT
ALLOWED and UPDATE ALLOWED properties of “NO.”
The syntax below creates a table with a REF data type:
name VARCHAR2(25),
region_id NUMBER(7) )

CREATE TABLE rel_emp_table_RefCol (

id NUMBER(7),
last_name VARCHAR2(25),
first_name VARCHAR2(25),
userid VARCHAR2(8),
start_date DATE,
manager_id NUMBER(7),
title VARCHAR2(25),
dept_id REF dept_type,
salary NUMBER(11,2),
commission_pct NUMBER(4,2) );
As seen in the diagram, the REF column name (DEPT_ID) appears twice in
the column selection list. It appears once as a heading for the referenced
object’s attributes and then again as a pointer. The column is selectable.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-23
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

Using the REF Lookup Value

Select REF attribute columns: This

causes the columns to appear as data
items at runtime.
Select the REF item itself:
• This causes the item to be placed on a
Null canvas.
• The item does not appear at run time.
• The item is available for coding
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

8-24 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
The REF Column Value

The REF Column Value

The double listing of the REF column name affords you different choices.
As with a regular column object, you can select any or all of a REF’s
attribute columns. Selecting the first instance of the REF name in the
diagram on the previous page selects all its parts.
When you select one or more of the REF’s attribute columns, they appear as
normal data items in the data block at run time.
You can also select the REF itself, which is the second entry in the diagram
on the previous page. If the REF column itself is included in the block, it is
created as a nondisplay item and placed by default on the Null canvas.
Although the REF item does not appear on the canvas at run time, it is still
available for coding purposes.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-25
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

LOVs for REFs

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8-26 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
LOVs for REFs

LOVs for REFs

Users need to have available an LOV from which they can choose the
appropriate new value. The Data Block Wizard presents this window, which
gives you an easy way to create an LOV.

How to Create the LOV

1 Select the REF desired.
2 For the REF selected, the wizard lists all the associated tables. Select the
table of your choice.
The wizard builds the LOV from the values in this table.
Note: The same LOV gets attached to all the lookup items associated with a
particular REF.
REFs are defined on object types, not on specific tables. Therefore, a REF
can point to multiple tables.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-27
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

• Most Oracle8 object types are
• Indentations represent nested objects.
• Blocks can be based on object tables.
• Blocks can be based on tables with
object columns or REF columns.
• REF columns can be populated with an

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

8-28 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

• Oracle Developer supports most, but not all, of the Oracle8 object types.
• In Oracle Developer, object types are displayed like columns, where
indentation shows the nesting of objects.
• Blocks can be based on object tables.
• Blocks based on object or relational tables can include object columns or
REF columns.
• REF columns can be populated with an LOV.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-29
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

Practice 8 Overview
This practice covers the following topics:
• Creating a block based on an object
• Creating a block based on a relational
table with an object column
• Creating a block based on a relational
table with a REF column
• Populating a REF column with an LOV

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

8-30 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 8

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 8

This practice provides experience with blocks based on tables with Oracle8
object features.

Practice Contents
• Create a block based on an object table
• Create a block based on a relational table with an object column
• Create a block based on a relational table with a REF column
• Populate a REF column with an LOV

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-31
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

Practice 8
1 Create a block based on a relational table.
Create a new form called OO_DEPT.
b Create a block by using the Data Block Wizard. Base the block on
the object table OO_DEPT_TABLE, and include all the columns. Do
not enforce data integrity.
c Finish following the Data Block Wizard and invoke the Layout
Wizard. Select all available items for display, and use a tabular
layout with three displayed records and a scroll bar. Do not enter a
frame title.
d Test and save the form.
2 Create a block based on a relational table with an object column.
a Create a form called OBJ_COL.
b Create a block by using the Data Block Wizard. Base the block on
the relational table REL_EMP_TABLE_OBJCOL. Select the
columns ID, FIRST_NAME, and LAST_NAME. Expand the object
column DEPT_ID and select the attributes ID and NAME. Note the
name that is given to the new item. Do not enforce data integrity.
c Finish following the Data Block Wizard and invoke the Layout
Wizard. Select all available items for display. Change the prompt for
item DEPT_ID to Department ID and DEPT_ID_NAME to
Department Name. Use a form layout. Do not enter a frame title.
Finish following the wizard.
d Examine the properties for the item dept_id_name. Pay particular
attention to the database properties. Later, you will compare and
contrast these properties with the properties set for a REF column.
e Test and save the form.
3 Create a block based on a relational table with an REF column and an
LOV to populate the REF column.
a Create a form called REF_COL.
b Create a block by using the Data Block Wizard. Base the block on
the relational table REL_EMP_TABLE_REFCOL. Select the
columns ID, FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME. Do not enforce data
c Note that there are two items called DEPT_ID. The first is
expandable and has the term “LOOKUP” in parenthesis after the
name. The second represents the REF column value itself. Expand

8-32 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice 8

the first DEPT_ID item and select the attributes ID and NAME. (Do
not select the second DEPT_ID item. The REF item is included
automatically when the LOV is created.)
d The Data Block Wizard offers to create an LOV for the REF item
dept_id. Select the check box, and select OO_DEPT_TABLE as the
source for the LOV.
e Finish following the Data Block Wizard and invoke the Layout
Wizard. Select all available items for display. Do not enter a frame
title. (Note that the REF item DEPT_ID is included in the list of
items in the Object Navigator but is not included in the list of
available items in the Layout Wizard. REF item values are normally
not displayed, so by default the REF item is assigned to the Null
f Examine the database properties for the item DEPT_ID_NAME. Pay
particular attention to the database properties. Notice that the Query
Only property is set to Yes.
g Select the item DEPT_ID from the Object Navigator, and examine
the Canvas property. Also, notice that an LOV and associated record
group now exist.
h Test and save the form, including the LOV.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 8-33
Lesson 8: Working with Oracle8 Objects in Form Builder

8-34 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Controlling Data Block

Lesson 9: Controlling Data Block Relationships

After completing this lesson, you should
be able to do the following:
• Define block coordination
• Coordinate data blocks by using REF
• Describe the characteristics and
principles of relation-handling code
• Implement a coordination-type toggle
• Force one commit per master record
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 30 minutes
Practice 30 minutes
Total 60 minutes
Demonstration for the next page pair: Use the Coordination-Type Toggle
(Orders3.fmb) demonstration to create explicitly a relation between the
S_ITEM and S_INVENTORY blocks.

9-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

You have seen how form modules consist of data blocks based on related
tables. This lesson shows how you can modify the relationship between two
data blocks to affect the way in which deletes are handled and to what extent
the data blocks are coordinated at query time. Also, it explains how to create
relationships based on object REFs.

After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
• Define block coordination
• Coordinate data blocks by using REF relations
• Describe the characteristics and principles of relation-handling code
• Implement a coordination-type toggle
• Force one commit per master record

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 9-3
Lesson 9: Controlling Data Block Relationships

• Logical objects that handle the
relationship between two blocks
• Created implicitly with a master-detail
form module
• Created explicitly with the New Relation
dialog box

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

9-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Creating a Relation

Creating a Relation
What Is a Relation?
A relation is a Form Builder object that handles the relationship between
two associated blocks.
You can create a relation either:
• Implicitly with a master-detail form module
• Explicitly in the Object Navigator

Implicit Relations
When you create a master-detail form module, a relation is automatically
created. This relation is named in the format masterblock_detailblock, for
example, S_ORD_S_ITEM.

Explicit Relations
If a relation is not established when default blocks are created, you can
create your own by setting the properties in the New Relation dialog box.
Like implicitly created relations, PL/SQL program units and triggers are
created automatically when you explicitly create a relation.

Instructor Note
The creation of explicit relations was covered in the Oracle Developer:
Build Forms I course. Use these pages to review the fact that relations can be
created implicitly or explicitly.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 9-5
Lesson 9: Controlling Data Block Relationships

Block Coordination
• Coordination-causing event
• Block-coordination phases:
– Clear phase executed before change
of master record
– Populate phase executed after
change of master record
• Implementation of block coordination:
– The Copy Value from Item property
– Relation-handling triggers
– Relation-handling procedures
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Explain to students the importance of the Copy Value from Item property for
implementing block coordination.
Demonstration: Use the Coordination-Type Toggle (Orders3.fmb)
demonstration to show the objects used to implement a block coordination.

9-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Block Coordination

Block Coordination
To maintain a master-detail relationship, Forms coordinates the master and
detail blocks to ensure that only the detail records that belong to the current
master record are displayed.

Coordination-Causing Events
Any event that changes the master record is called a coordination-causing
event or a coordination operation. Forms automatically coordinates the
master and detail blocks again when you move to another master record.

Block Coordination Phases

Phase Description
Clear Forms clears all detail blocks before it navigates to the new master record.
Possible changes in detail blocks are deleted. If the Clear phase fails, Forms
stops coordination processing and does not navigate to the new master record.
Populate Forms queries all detail blocks after it has navigated to the new master record,
unless the coordination type is Deferred.

Implementation of Block Coordination

Forms implements block coordination through the following elements:
• The Copy Value from Item property on the foreign-key item in the detail
block, which specifies the corresponding primary-key item in the master
• Relation-handling triggers, which fire during the Clear and Populate
phases of block coordination
• Relation-handling procedures, which are called from relation-handling
Note: The elements above are controlled through the relation object.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 9-7
Lesson 9: Controlling Data Block Relationships

Blocks with REF Relations

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

9-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Coordinate Blocks Using REFs

Coordinate Blocks Using REFs

Many object-oriented languages implement master-detail relations by
storing in the detail data an internal identifier to the master data. This
internal identifier is known as a reference (REF). To support object-oriented
programming, the Data Block Wizard enables you to choose to base the
relation on a REF rather than on a foreign key.
To create a master-detail relation based on a REF, the detail block must
contain the REF column. Create a master-detail form using REFs by doing
the following in the Data Block Wizard:
1 Create the master block and choose the columns you wish to include as
items in the block. Complete the Layout Wizard steps to finish creating
and laying out the master block.
2 Create the detail block. When you choose columns, you must choose the
REF column, because this value will be used to establish the
relationship. You should not choose the lookup columns, because doing
so causes the detail block to duplicate items that are already displayed in
the master block.
3 On the Master-Detail page of the wizard, click the Create Relationship
button. A dialog box appears listing all possible master blocks for the
relationship. Select the appropriate master block and click OK and then
4 Complete the Layout Wizard steps to finish creating and laying out the
detail block.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 9-9
Lesson 9: Controlling Data Block Relationships

Characteristics of Relation-
Handling Triggers

• On-Clear-Details: Implements the Clear

• On-Populate-Details: Implements the
Populate phase
• On-Check-Delete-Master: Implements
the restricted-delete rule
• Effect of trigger failure

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Technical Note
Relation-handling triggers fire only if you have defined a corresponding

9-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Characteristics of Relation-Handling Triggers

Characteristics of Relation-Handling Triggers

Forms automatically creates and maintains relation-handling triggers to
implement block coordination and restricted-delete foreign-key rules.
Trigger Description
On-Clear-Details Fires when a coordination-causing event occurs in a
master block, before Forms navigates to the new master
record. This trigger implements the Clear phase and is
defined at the form level. If it fails, the coordination-
causing event is aborted.
On-Populate-Details Fires when a coordination-causing event occurs in a
master block, after Forms has navigated to the new master
record. However, this trigger fires only if an On-Clear-
Details trigger is also defined. This trigger implements
the Populate phase and is defined for each master block.
If it fails, it can cause the wrong detail records to be
displayed for the current master record.
On-Check-Delete-Master Fires when you attempt to delete the current master
record, before Forms deletes the record. If it fails, the
record deletion is aborted.

Note: If you specify a cascade-delete foreign-key rule for a relation, Form

Builder uses a Pre-Delete trigger to implement this rule. However, this is a
commit trigger, not a relation-handling trigger, and can also be used outside
the context of relations.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 9-11
Lesson 9: Controlling Data Block Relationships

Principles of Relation-Handling
Three relation-handling procedures:
Adding your own code to relation-
handling triggers:
• Forms adds comments around code.
• You add your own code before or after
these comments.
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9-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Principles of Relation-Handling Code

Principles of Relation-Handling Code

Forms automatically creates and maintains the PL/SQL code that is
executed in the relation-handling triggers. You can add your own code to
these triggers.

Three Relation-Handling Procedures

Procedure Called From
CLEAR_ALL_MASTER_DETAILS On-Clear-Details trigger defined on the form
QUERY_MASTER_DETAILS On-Populate-Details trigger defined for each
master block
CHECK_PACKAGE_FAILURE On-Populate-Details trigger and the previous

Note: The CLEAR_ALL_MASTER_DETAILS procedure gives you an

example of how to recursively walk through a hierarchical tree of blocks.

Adding Your Own Code to Relation-Handling Triggers

Forms adds comments around the PL/SQL code that it generates for relation
handling, for example:
-- Begin default relation program section
-- End default relation program section
You can add PL/SQL code to relation-handling triggers before the “Begin
default relation program section” comment or after the “End default relation
program section” comment.
Note: Forms will not delete a relation-handling trigger to which you have
properly added PL/SQL code.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 9-13
Lesson 9: Controlling Data Block Relationships

Obtaining Relation-Handling
System variables for relation handling:
Built-ins for relation handling:
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Technical Note
You can use these system variables in the On-Clear-Details trigger only.
Assign their values to global variables to broaden the scope.

9-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Obtaining Relation-Handling Information

Obtaining Relation-Handling Information

You can use system variables and built-ins to obtain more information about
block coordination and relation properties. This is useful if you want to
modify the default relation-handling triggers.

System Variables for Relation Handling

Name Description
SYSTEM.MASTER_BLOCK Contains the name of the master block that
drives the current block coordination
SYSTEM.COORDINATION_OPERATION Contains the name of a block
coordination-causing event that occurred on
the driving master block (Value
examples of this system variable include

Built-ins for Relation Handling

Name Properties Concerning Relations

(*): You can also set those properties using the Set-Relation-Property built-

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 9-15
Lesson 9: Controlling Data Block Relationships

a Coordination-Type Toggle
Define a procedure that toggles between
immediate and deferred coordination
• Use GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY to obtain
relation name.
obtain current coordination type.
switch to other coordination type.
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

a Coordination-Type Toggle
Call this procedure from:
• When-Checkbox-Changed trigger
• Menu item of type Check

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Coordination-Type Toggle (Orders3.fmb)
demonstration to show the example described above.
Select Query––>Deferred.

9-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Implementing a Coordination-Type Toggle

Implementing a Coordination-Type Toggle

You can use relation-handling built-ins to offer users the choice between
immediate and deferred coordination.
This example procedure can be used in a simple master-detail form and can
serve as a starting point for more complex situations; for example, you can
call this procedure from a When-Checkbox-Changed trigger on a check box
that represents the coordination type, or from a menu item of type Check
PROCEDURE toggle_query_sync
(p_master_block in VARCHAR2)
v_rel_name VARCHAR2(30);
v_rel_id RELATION;
v_rel_name := GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY(p_master_block,
IF v_rel_name IS NOT NULL THEN
v_rel_id := FIND_RELATION(v_rel_name);
IF GET_RELATION_PROPERTY(v_rel_id, deferred_coordination) =
MESSAGE(’Query-synchronization mode: deferred.’);
MESSAGE(’Query-synchronization mode: immediate.’);
END toggle_query_sync;

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 9-17
Lesson 9: Controlling Data Block Relationships

Forcing a Commit Per Master

Define a procedure that:

• Updates the commit status by
performing validation
• Checks the commit status of the master
case of changes

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Forcing a Commit Per Master

Call the procedure:

• In the On-Clear-Details trigger
• Before the “Begin default relation
program section” comment

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Commit Per Master (Mascmt.fmb) demonstration
to illustrate the example described above.

9-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Forcing a Commit Per Master

Forcing a Commit Per Master

In some cases, you must commit changes in master-detail forms before a
change of master record takes place (for example, when checking database-
level constraints, such as a mandatory relationship).
You must call the procedure below from the On-Clear-Details trigger before
the “Begin default relation program section” comment. Note that if the On-
Clear-Details trigger fails, the change of master record is aborted.
PROCEDURE check_master_change
v_master_record NUMBER;
-- Force update of record status.
-- Check if master record has been modified.
v_master_record :=
IF GET_RECORD_PROPERTY(v_master_record,
MESSAGE(’You must commit first before you go to another
master record.’);
RAISE form_trigger_failure;
-- Validation error.
RAISE form_trigger_failure;
END check_master_change;

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 9-19
Lesson 9: Controlling Data Block Relationships

Creating relations:
• Implicitly
• Explicitly
Relation properties:
• For deletion
• For coordination
Block coordination:
• Coordination-causing events change
the master record
• Clear and populate
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Coordinating blocks with REFs
Elements involved in block coordination:
• Copy Value from Item property
• Relation-handling triggers and
Characteristics of relation-handling
Obtaining relation-handling information
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

9-20 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Creating Relations
• Implicitly, when a block is created through the New Block facility
• Explicitly, by creating the relation separately from the related blocks

Relation Properties
For controlling behavior on deletion of master records and coordination of
data between blocks

Block Coordination
• Coordination-causing events cause a change of the master record.
• The two block-coordination phases are the Clear and Populate phases.
• Base coordination of blocks on REF values.

Elements Involved in the Implementation of Block Coordination

• The Copy Value from Item property
• Relation-handling triggers and procedures

Characteristics of Relation-Handling Triggers

• On-Clear-Details implements the Clear phase.
• On-Populate-Details implements the Populate phase.
• On-Check-Delete-Master implements restricted-delete rules.

Principles of Relation-Handling Code

• The three relation-handling procedures are
• Add your own code to relation-handling triggers before or after
comments generated by Forms.

Obtaining Relation-Handling Information

• There are two system variables for relation handling.
• Built-ins for relation handling can be used to get relation names and to
get or set relation properties.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 9-21
Lesson 9: Controlling Data Block Relationships

Practice 9 Overview
This practice covers the following topics:
• Examining and changing relation
• Implementing a coordination-type
toggle for a master-detail form
• Implementing foreign-key delete rules
for a master-detail form
• Creating a relation based on REF values

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

9-22 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 9

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 9

This practice guides you through choosing the appropriate user-initiated and
forms event triggers to implement the desired form functionality.

Practice Contents
• Examining and changing relation properties
• Using check boxes to implement a coordination-type toggle for a master-
detail form.
- The first check box should enable a user to toggle between
immediate coordination and deferred coordination.
- The second check box should enable a user to toggle between auto
query and no auto query in the detail block.
• Implementing foreign-key delete rules for a master-detail form.
• Creating a relation based on REF values.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 9-23
Lesson 9: Controlling Data Block Relationships

Practice 9
1 Open the ORDERS form and examine the properties of the relation
called S_ORD_S_ITEM.
a Note the deletion and coordination property values.
b Run the ORDERS form and test the way deletes are handled.
2 Implement a query coordination-type toggle.
a Add two check boxes to the control block with the following

Property Check Box 1 Check Box 2

Enabled Yes No
Label Immediate Auto Query
Value When Checked Y Y
Value When Unchecked N N
Check Box Mapping of CHECKED UNCHECKED
Other Value
Keyboard Navigable No No
Mouse Navigate No No
Initial Value Y Y
DataBase Item No No

b Use the Layout Editor to position the checkboxes appropriately in

the Toolbar canvas.
c Make sure that the first check box enables a user to toggle between
immediate coordination and deferred coordination. You can import
the pr9_2c.txt file.
d Make sure that the second check box enables a user to toggle
between automatic query and no automatic query for the detail
block. This check box should be disabled if the other check box

9-24 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice 9

indicates immediate coordination. You can import the

pr9_2d.txt file.
e Test and save the form.
If you have time...
3 Add a detail block based on a REF relation to the OO_DEPT table.
a Open the OO_DEPT form in the Object Navigator.
b Create a new block by using the Data Block Wizard. Base the block
on the table REL_EMP_TABLE_REFCOL, and include the id,
first_name, last_name, and dept_id REF columns. Do not enforce
data integrity, and do not create an LOV.
c Create a relationship between the two blocks using the REF value.
d Finish following the Data Block Wizard and invoke the Layout
Wizard. Select all available items for display, and use a tabular
layout with three displayed records and a scroll bar. Do not specify a
frame title.
e Test and save the form.
4 Synchronize the check boxes at form startup.
a Open the ORDERS form module.
b Create a procedure called INIT_RELATION_CHECK_BOXES.
This procedure synchronizes the IMMEDIATE and AUTO_QUERY
check boxes with the current default value. You can import the
pr9_4b.txt file.
c Call this procedure from the When-New-Form-Instance trigger.
5 Implement foreign-key delete rules.
a Open the CUSTOMERS form module. Change the Menu Module
b Create a procedure called CHECK_DEL_CUS. This procedure
displays an error message as soon as a user tries to delete a customer
for which matching orders exist. You can import the pr9_5b.txt
c Call the procedure when a user selects the delete function key.
d Save, compile, and run the module.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 9-25
Lesson 9: Controlling Data Block Relationships

9-26 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Building Multiple Form

Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications


After completing this lesson, you should

be able to do the following:
• Describe the different ways of invoking
additional forms
• Open, call, and close forms
• Navigate between forms

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.


• Control opened forms and called forms

• Manage transaction processing for
opened forms and called forms
• Choose the most appropriate method
for invoking forms
• Pass form parameters

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 50 minutes
Practice 50 minutes
Total 100 minutes

10-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

You have already seen that Oracle Developer applications frequently consist of more
than one form. This lesson revisits the topic of multiple form applications and takes a
deeper look into the ways in which one form module can invoke another and the
effects this has on transaction processing.

After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
• Describe the various ways of invoking additional form modules
• Open, call, and close form modules
• Navigate between form modules
• Control open form modules and called form modules
• Manage transaction processing for open and called form modules.
• Choose the most appropriate method for invoking form modules
• Pass form parameters

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-3
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

OPEN_FORM to Invoke
Additional Forms

• Modeless
• Different transaction

OPEN_FORM( ′form_name′,
′, activate_mode,
session_mode, data_mode, paramlist);
data_mode, paramlist);

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Characteristics of OPEN_FORM

• Restricted
• Not valid in Enter Query mode
• No savepoint issued
• Modeless with respect to other opened
• Session run time option:

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Explain that “different transaction scopes” refers to the SESSION/NO_SESSION
parameter of the OPEN_FORM built-in.

10-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
OPEN_FORM to Invoke Additional Forms

OPEN_FORM to Invoke Additional Forms

This built-in procedure opens another form in a modeless fashion; that is, a user can
freely switch between open forms. You can open a form within the same transaction
scope or within a new transaction scope.

OPEN_FORM(’form_name’, activate_mode, session_mode, data_mode,

Parameter Description
form_name The file holding the executable module
activate_mode Either ACTIVATE (the default) or NO_ACTIVATE
session_mode Either NO_SESSION (the default) or SESSION
data_mode Either NO_SHARE_LIBRARY_DATA (the default) or
paramlist Either the name (in quotes) or internal ID of a parameter list
(This argument is optional.)

Characteristics of OPEN_FORM
• Is a restricted procedure
• Causes opened form to be modeless
• Can start a new database session

Using Data Mode to Share PL/SQL Variable Data

The data mode parameter can be used to share PL/SQL variable data between forms.
Create a package that contains the PL/SQL variables to be shared, and place the
package in a library. Attach the library to all the forms that are to share the data. In the
OPEN_FORM command, set the data_mode to SHARE_LIBRARY_CODE. Any
changes made by one form are visible to the other forms. This method of sharing data
between forms is preferable to global variables because the PL/SQL variables benefit
from PL/SQL’s strong typing and because PL/SQL variables are stored and accessed
more efficiently than global variables.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-5
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Closing Forms

– form_name
– form_id
• Characteristics of CLOSE_FORM:
– Restricted
– Not valid in Enter-Query mode
– Cannot close a form that called
another form
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Instructor Note
Explanation for next page pair: Explain that NEXT_FORM stops the execution of
subsequent statements in the trigger or program unit.
Stress that the When-New-Form-Instance trigger does not fire on navigation into a
form unless the form is being started. Point out that the When-Window-Activated
trigger should be used for synchronizing forms in a multiple-form application.
Demonstration for next page pair: Use the Multiple Form (Customer - Form 1)
(Mf_cus.fmb), Multiple Form (Order - Form 2) (Mf_ord.fmb), and Multiple
Form (Item - Form 3) (Mf_itm.fmb) files to demonstrate the navigational and
validation aspects of multiple-form applications.
You can also use the Open/Call_Form (DEPT form) (dept.fmb) and Open/
Call_Form (EMP form) (emp.fmb) to illustrate when the triggers fired.

10-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Closing Forms

Closing Forms

Parameter Description
form_name The module name of the form (not the .fmx filename)
form_id The internal form module ID of the form (of type Form Module)

Characteristics of the CLOSE_FORM Procedure

• CLOSE_FORM is a restricted procedure that is not valid in Enter Query
• When the specified form is the current form, CLOSE_FORM is
equivalent to EXIT_FORM.
• You cannot close a form that has called another form with

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-7
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Navigating Between Forms

Built-ins for navigation between forms:


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Navigating Between Forms

Navigation and validation aspects:
• Each open form has a current item.
• There is no validation when navigating
between forms.
• No triggers fire when navigating
between forms, except the When-
Window-Activated/Deactivated and
When-Form-Navigate triggers.
• Click the noncurrent item in the other
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

10-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Navigating Between Forms

Navigating Between Forms

You can programmatically navigate between multiple forms that have been opened
with the OPEN_FORM built-in, just as you can navigate between blocks within one

Built-ins for Navigation Between Forms

Built-in Description
NEXT_FORM Navigates to the open form with the next highest sequence number
(Forms are placed in sequence in the order that they were invoked
at run time.) If there is no form with a higher sequence number,
the built-in navigates to the form with the lowest sequence num-
PREVIOUS_FORM Navigates to the open form with the next lowest sequence number
(If there is no form with a lower sequence number, this built-in
navigates to the form with the highest sequence number.)
GO_FORM Navigates to the specified form (You can use the form-module
name or the form-module ID as the form specification.)

Navigation and Validation Aspects of Inter-form Navigation

• In a multiple-form application, each open form has one item that is the
current item for that form.
• When you are navigating between open forms, no validation occurs in
the starting form. When you return to the starting form and attempt to
navigate within that form, normal validation is enforced.
• When you are navigating between (current items of) open forms, no
triggers fire. The only exceptions are the When-Window-Activated,
When-Window-Deactivated, and When-Form-Navigate triggers. Even
the navigational triggers do not fire when you are navigating between
open forms.
• If you click a noncurrent item of an open form, triggers that would
usually fire, when you are navigating from the current item to the target
item, fire. In this case, navigational triggers also fire and validation
occurs as required.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-9
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Opening Forms Within the Same

• Commit processing in all forms within
the same session, in a certain order
• If error occurs, then focus set to
initiating form
• Messages per open form within the
same session
• CLEAR_FORM usually causes a
ROLLBACK statement

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Opening Forms in Different

Runform Server

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10-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Transaction Processing for Opened Forms

Transaction Processing for Opened Forms

Opening Forms Within the Same Session
At run time, Form Builder automatically establishes a single connection to the Oracle
server. By default, one database session is created for this connection. When you open
forms within the same session, consider these issues:
• If you issue a commit, all forms will be processed in the order in which
they were opened, starting with the current form.
• If an error occurs during commit processing, Form Builder sets the input
focus to the form that initiated the commit.
• Commit processing usually causes messages to occur for every open
form within the same session. Because Form Builder maintains a
message line per open form, a user may have to acknowledge messages
from noncurrent open forms. This could be confusing.
• If you issue a CLEAR_FORM command, Form Builder will usually
issue a ROLLBACK statement, which rolls back all the changes in the
database and releases all locks. However, noncurrent open forms are not

Opening Forms in Different Sessions

The multiple-session feature of the Oracle server enables a single client to establish
multiple database sessions within a single connection. All Oracle server transaction
management and read-consistency features are implemented at the session level.
Therefore, commit processing, record locking, and read-consistency behavior for two
forms in different sessions is the same as it would be for two independent forms with
separate connections.
• You can turn the Session option on for all Runform invocations by
setting the FORMS50_SESSION environment variable to True.
• Forms Runform must be running with the Session option turned on when
you execute OPEN_FORM with the SESSION_MODE parameter set to

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-11
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

CALL_FORM to Invoke
Additional Forms

• Modal
• Returns to calling
CALL_FORM( ′form_name′,
′, display,
switch_menu, query_mode,
data_mode, paramlist);
data_mode, paramlist);
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Characteristics of CALL_FORM
• Unrestricted
• Valid in Enter Query mode
• Savepoint issued
• Modal with respect to calling form
• Does not cause navigation and
• Forms called from query-only form are
always query-only
• Exiting a called form

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Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Open/Call_Form (DEPT form) (dept.fmb) and Open/
Call_Form (EMP form) (emp.fmb) to illustrate the CALL_FORM built-in.

10-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
CALL_FORM to Invoke Additional Forms

CALL_FORM to Invoke Additional Forms

This built-in procedure calls another form in a modal fashion with respect to the
calling form; that is, you cannot work in the calling form. When the called form is
exited, Form Builder returns to the calling form.

CALL_FORM(’form_name’, display, switch_menu, query_mode,
data_mode, paramlist);

Parameter Description
form_name The file holding the executable form module
display Either HIDE (the default) or NO_HIDE (This defines whether the call-
ing form should be hidden from view while the called form is running.)
switch_menu Either NO_REPLACE (the default) or DO_REPLACE (This defines
whether the current menu module should be replaced by the default
menu of the called form.)
query_mode Either NO_QUERY_ONLY (the default) or QUERY_ONLY (This
defines whether the called form should run in Query Only mode.)
data_mode Either NO_SHARE_LIBRARY_DATA (the default) or
paramlist Either the name (in quotes) or internal ID of a parameter list
(This argument is optional.)

Characteristics of CALL_FORM
• Is valid in Enter Query mode
• Causes Forms to issue a savepoint
• Causes called form to be modal
• Does not cause navigation or validation in the initial form
• Can call a form in Query Only mode
• Propagates query-only parameter through all subsequent called forms
• Returns control to the calling form and resumes processing of the
PL/SQL code at the statement immediately following the calling
statement (This occurs when Forms exits the called form.)

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-13
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Save Not Allowed

in Post-Only Mode Form

A calling form has unapplied changes.

Save not allowed.

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Transaction Processing
for Called Forms

• Characteristics of Post-Only mode:

– Commit not allowed, only a post
– Full rollback not allowed, only a
rollback to savepoint
• Rollback behavior of called forms
• Call savepoints and post savepoints

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Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Open/Call_Form (DEPT form) (dept.fmb) and Open/
Call_Form (EMP form) (emp.fmb) to illustrate the Post-Only mode.

10-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Transaction Processing for Called Forms

Transaction Processing for Called Forms

If you call forms, you need to understand the commit and rollback processing between
the forms.

What Is Post-Only Mode?

When a calling form has pending updates or deletes that have not been explicitly
posted or committed, Form Builder runs the called form in
Post-Only mode. Additionally, any form called from a form running in
Post-Only mode is also in Post-Only mode. In Post-Only mode, you can submit DML
statements to the database, but you can not commit the changes. You can only commit
the changes after you exit the form that is running in Post-Only mode.

Characteristics of Post-Only Mode

If a form runs in Post-Only mode, Forms does not allow certain commit processing
operations to prevent losing locks in the calling form.
• A commit is not allowed, only a post. In other words, the changes are
written to the database, but a commit statement is not issued. An error
message appears on the status line: “A calling form has unapplied
changes. Save not allowed.” If a user makes changes in the called form
and then exits from the form, Forms usually asks if the user wants to
apply (post), rather than Save (commit), the changes that were made.
• A full rollback is not allowed, only a rollback to savepoint.

Rollback Behavior of Called Forms

If a user exits from a called form, Form Builder issues a rollback to the call savepoint
that was set when the form was called. This means that all changes posted in the called
form are rolled back upon exit from the called form. This is because of the
EXIT_FORM built-in default arguments:
EXIT_FORM(ask_commit, to_savepoint);
Do not confuse call savepoints, which are set when a form is called or started, with
post savepoints, which are set at the start of a post.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-15
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Transaction Processing
for Called Forms
Examples of adjusting default transaction
Key-Commit on form
IF <form
<form called>
called> THEN

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Transaction Processing
for Called Forms
Key-Exit on form
IF <form called> THEN

Adjust labels of corresponding buttons

and menu items
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Instructor Note
Demonstration: Open the Open/Call_Form (DEPT form) (dept.fmb) and Open/
Call_Form (EMP form)(emp.fmb) demonstrations. Remove the comments in the
Key-Exit and Key-Commit triggers.

10-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Transaction Processing for Called Forms

Adjusting Default Transaction Processing for Called Forms

The characteristics of Post-Only mode and the rollback behavior of called forms
require that you adjust default transaction processing as follows:
• Redefine [Commit] so that processing performs a post when the form is
• Redefine [Exit] so that processing does not perform a rollback when the
form is called.
• You may want to adjust the labels of possible buttons and menu items
that correspond to [Commit] and [Exit].

Key-Commit trigger at form level:
IF GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY(calling_form) is not null THEN
Key-Exit trigger at form level:
IF GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY(calling_form) is not null THEN
EXIT_FORM(ask_commit, no_rollback);

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-17
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

NEW_FORM to Invoke
Additional Forms


Replaces calling form

NEW_FORM( ′form_name′,
′, rollback_mode,
query_mode, data_mode,
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

10-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
NEW_FORM to Invoke Additional Forms

NEW_FORM to Invoke Additional Forms

This built-in procedure exits from the current form and executes the specified new
form. The new form completely replaces the current form.

NEW_FORM(’form_name’, rollback_mode, query_mode, data_mode,

Parameter Description
form_name The file holding the executable form module
rollback_mode Either TO_SAVEPOINT (the default), NO_ROLLBACK, or
query_mode Either NO_QUERY_ONLY (the default) or QUERY_ONLY (This
defines whether the called form should run in Query Only mode.)
data_mode Either NO_SHARE_LIBRARY_DATA (the default) or
paramlist Either the name (in quotes) or internal ID of a parameter list
(This argument is optional.)

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-19
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Controlling Opened
and Called Forms
Form A Form C Form D

Form B
Form F

Form E
Form A+B+E = Call form stack
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Technical Note
You can obtain information about the call form stack by using the
GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY built-in with the CALLING_FORM parameter.

Instructor Note
The slide illustrates the restrictions on using OPEN_FORM and CALL_FORM.
In this scenario, Form A calls Form B, Form B then opens Form C, Form C then opens
Form D; and Form B then calls Form E.
• The call is not allowed to navigate to Forms A and B.
• The current call form stack consists of Forms A, B, and E.
• A form cannot be called from Form C and D.
• Changes in any form are rolled back to the savepoint (S.P.) that was set
when Form E was called.

10-20 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Controlling Open Forms and Called Forms Together

Controlling Open Forms and Called Forms Together

When you invoke multiple forms with OPEN_FORM and CALL_FORM in the same
application, you should be aware of certain restrictions.

Call Form Stack

When you call a form with CALL_FORM, the calling form is disabled until the
operator exits from the called form. However, a called form can in turn call other
forms. When successive forms are loaded by way of CALL_FORM in this way, the
resulting form hierarchy is known as the call form stack.

Restrictions on Using OPEN_FORM with CALL_FORM

• Navigation: Any attempt to navigate programmatically to a disabled
form in a call form stack is disallowed.
• Calling forms: An open form cannot execute the CALL_FORM built-in
if a call form stack has been initiated by another open form. In other
words, you can have only one call form stack per Runform session.
• Rollback: Forms issues a savepoint when calling a form with
CALL_FORM. Any subsequent rollback, in any form, rolls back only
the changes that were made since this savepoint.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-21
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Different Ways of Invoking

• When to use OPEN_FORM
• When to open a form in a new session
• When to use CALL_FORM
• When to use NEW_FORM

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10-22 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Different Ways of Invoking Forms

Different Ways of Invoking Forms

When to Use OPEN_FORM
OPEN_FORM is the preferred method of invoking another form. Because open forms
are modeless, a user can freely switch between them. OPEN_FORM is most
appropriate for invoking forms from the application-system menu. A drawback of
OPEN_FORM is that it may be difficult to keep multiple open forms synchronized.
For example, you may want the current order in an ORDERS form always to belong to
the current customer in a CUSTOMERS form.

When to Open a Form in a New Session

Creating new sessions is usually appropriate for forms that manage transactions that
are logically independent. If the open forms act on tables that are closely related, data
manipulation of all those forms could be considered part of one transaction. Therefore,
the forms should be opened in the same session.
Note: You can also consider using CALL_FORM in this situation.

When to Use CALL_FORM

Use CALL_FORM if you want the invoked form to be modal. This is appropriate if
the invoked form is used to set data in the invoking form; for example, in the case of
an LOV form. Another reason may be that you want to make it easier to keep the
invoking and invoked forms synchronized.

When to Use NEW_FORM

The main advantage of this built-in is that it conserves memory because the invoked
form replaces the invoking form. It is particularly useful in Web-based applications.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-23
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Using Form Parameters

• What is a form parameter?
• How to create a form parameter

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Passing Values to a Form

Runform Form B
command line Design-time
Form A P1
Run time
Parameter CALL_FORM

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10-24 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Using Form Parameters

Using Form Parameters

What Is a Form Parameter?
Form parameters provide a mechanism for supplying values that a form requires at
startup. These parameters are form variables that you define at design time in the
Parameter Properties window.

Creating a Form Parameter

1 In the Object Navigator, create a parameter.
2 In the Property Palette window for the parameter, set the desired values
for Name, Subclass Information, Parameter Data Type, Maximum
Length, Parameter Initial Value, and Comments.

Passing Parameter Values to a Form

You can start a form from the command line or invoke it from another form. In both
cases, you can specify values for form parameters.
• Specify the parameters on the Runform command line.
• Programmatically assign the parameters to a parameter list and specify
the parameter list in the call to OPEN_FORM, CALL_FORM, or

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-25
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Using Form Parameters

• Passing a form parameter at run time:

ifrun60 module=orditem userid=scott/tiger cus_id=202

• Referencing form parameters from

within a module:
– :PARAMETER.parameter_name
– ‘PARAMETER.parameter_name’

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Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Multiple Form (Order - Form 2)(Mf_ord.fmb)
demonstration to show the properties of the CUS_ID form parameter.

10-26 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Using Form Parameters

Pass a value for the CUS_ID form parameter to the ORDITEM form by way of the
Runform command line. Note that MODULE and USERID are predefined command
line parameters.
ifrun60.exe module=orditem userid=scott/tiger cus_id=202

Referencing Form Parameters

You can reference form parameters in a way similar to how you would access Forms
• To reference the parameter contents, use bind-variable syntax:
:PARAMETER.parameter_name, where the reserved word
PARAMETER is the fixed part.
• To reference the parameter name, put the fully qualified name between
single quotation marks: ‘PARAMETER.parameter_name’

Assign the value of the CUS_ID form parameter to the CUSTOMER_ID item in the
ORDER block.
:order.customer_id := :PARAMETER.cus_id;

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-27
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Parameter Lists



NEW_FORM( …, )
The default parameter list is DEFAULT.
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Technical Note
You must define the parameters whose values are being passed to a form in that form
at design time.

10-28 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Parameter Lists

Parameter Lists
One way to supply form parameter values is to specify a parameter list in the call to
the built-in that invokes the form.

What Is a Parameter List?

A parameter list is a named programmatic construct that lists parameter names (called
keys), their types, and their values. You can specify parameter lists in the calls to the
following built-ins:

Two Parameter Types

Type Description
Text Parameter A simple parameter with a scalar, noncomposite CHAR value.
You must use this type of parameter, unless you want to pass a
record group to another Oracle product.
Data Parameter A parameter whose value must always be the name of a record
group defined in the current form. Data parameters are used to
pass data to products invoked with the RUN_PRODUCT built-in.
You cannot pass data parameters to forms.

Default Parameter List

Each form includes a built-in parameter list named DEFAULT. The DEFAULT
parameter list contains all of the form parameters that were defined in the form at
design time. Like any other parameter list, the DEFAULT parameter list can be
specified in the call to the built-ins that can invoke a form.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-29
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Creating and Manipulating

Parameter Lists
Name Key Type Value


list ID

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Technical Note
You cannot create a parameter list named DEFAULT or one that already exists. Use
GET_PARAMETER_LIST and ID_NULL to check whether a parameter list already

Instructor Note
Use the Multiple Form (Customer - Form 1) (Mf_cus.fmb) demonstration to show
the PASS_CUS procedure, which creates a parameter list and adds the CUS_ID
Demonstration for the next page pair: Use the Multiple Form (Customer - Form 1)
(Mf_cus.fmb) file to show the methods of passing data between forms in a multiple-
form application. Show the When-Button-Pressed trigger on the CTL.OPEN_FORM
button and explain that the final argument to the OPEN_FORM built-in is the
parameter list name.
Point out the use of a global variable in the first line of the code.

10-30 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Creating and Manipulating Parameter Lists

Creating and Manipulating Parameter Lists

You can programmatically create and manipulate parameter lists only by using the
following built-ins:
Built-in Description
CREATE_PARAMETER_LIST Creates a parameter list with the given name and
returns the ID of this parameter list
DESTROY_PARAMETER_LIST Deletes the given, programmatically created
parameter list (and all its parameters)
GET_PARAMETER_LIST Returns the internal parameter list ID (of type
PARAMLIST) of a parameter list with the given
name (This built-in is similar to the FIND_object
ADD_PARAMETER Adds a parameter with a specified name (also
called key), type (TEXT_PARAMETER or
DATA_PARAMETER), and value (in CHAR for-
mat) to the given parameter list
DELETE_PARAMETER Deletes the parameter with the specified name
from the given parameter list
GET_PARAMETER_ATTR Gets the type and value of the parameter with the
specified name in the given parameter list
SET_PARAMETER_ATTR Sets the type and value of the parameter with the
specified name in the given parameter list

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-31
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Passing Data Between Forms

Form A Form B

Run time OPEN_FORM(*) Design-time

Parameter list parameters

P1 P1
P2 P2
P3 P3

1. If a parameter list exists, destroy it.

2. Create a parameter list.
3. Add a text parameter to a list with the
value of an item.
4. Open a form with this parameter list.
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Passing Data Between Forms

• Characteristics of form parameters:
– Can be used only as input parameters
– Have data type CHAR, NUMBER, or
– CHAR parameter can be up to 64 K long
– Can be design-time objects
• Characteristics of global variables:
– Are programmatic constructs
– Have type CHAR(255)
– Are visible to all forms in the current
Runform session
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Technical Note
Global variables are used more often than parameters for passing data between forms.

10-32 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Passing Data Between Forms

Passing Data Between Forms

You can pass data to other forms by using form parameters, as shown in the following
example. The next section compares this approach with the global variable approach.

The When-Button-Pressed trigger on the CTL.OPEN_ORDITEM item:
v_pl_id PARAMLIST;
v_pl_id := CREATE_PARAMETER_LIST(’cus’);
OPEN_FORM(’orditem’, activate, no_session,
no_share_library_data, ’cus’);

Note: You must define the CUS_ID parameter in the ORDITEM form at design time,
because each run-time parameter must have a corresponding design-time parameter in
the target form.

Form Parameters and Global Variables

• Form parameters can be used only as input parameters; the invoked form
cannot return modified form-parameter values to the invoking form.
Therefore, global variables are the preferred method for communicating
between forms.
• Advantages of form parameters include:
- They have a data type of CHAR, NUMBER, or DATE.
- The length of a CHAR parameter can be up to 64 K.
- They can be design-time objects.
- Global variables are always programmatic constructs of type
CHAR(255). They are visible to all the forms in the current Runform

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-33
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications


• Opening, calling, and closing forms:

– Multiple database sessions per
connect possible
• Navigation: NEXT_FORM,
• Restrictions on the call form stack

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• Transaction processing
– Opened forms: Within same or
different sessions
– Called forms: Post-Only mode; a
rollback to savepoint
• Using form parameters and parameter
– Methods for parameter passing
– Referencing form parameters
– Text parameters and data parameters
– Built-ins for parameter lists
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

10-34 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

The Three Built-ins for Invoking Forms

Opening, Calling, and Closing Forms


Built-ins for Navigation Between Forms


Controlling Open Forms and Called Forms Together

Restrictions on the call form stack

Transaction Processing for Open Forms

Within the same session or different sessions

Transaction Processing for Called Forms

• Characteristics of Post-Only mode
• Rollback behavior of called forms: default rollback to savepoint

Using Form Parameters

• Passing parameter values to a form by way of Runform command line or
parameter list
• Referencing form parameters using PARAMETER.parameter_name

Using Parameter Lists

• The two parameter types: text parameters and data parameters
• The default parameter list named DEFAULT
• Built-ins for creating and manipulating parameter lists

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-35
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Practice 10 Overview
This practice covers implementing a
button on CUSTOMER to call
• Performing an automatic query on the
EMPLOYEE form based on the current
Sales Rep ID in the CUSTOMER form
• Ensuring that posted changes in
EMPLOYEE are not rolled back
• Ensuring that [Commit] performs a post
when EMPLOYEE is called from another
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

10-36 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 10

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 10

This practice guides through managing several interacting forms within one

Practice Contents
Implement a button on the CUSTOMER form to call the EMPLOYEE form.
• Perform an automatic query on the EMPLOYEE form based on the
current sales rep ID in the CUSTOMER form.
• Ensure that posted changes in the EMPLOYEE form are not rolled back
on exit.
• Ensure that when the EMPLOYEE form is called by another form,
[Commit] performs a post.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 10-37
Lesson 10: Building Multiple Form Applications

Practice 10
1 Produce a multiple form application by linking the CUSTOMERS and
the EMPLOYEES forms.
a In the control block of the CUSTOMERS form, create a button
called EMPLOYEE_BUTTON. Place it on the CV_CUST canvas,
below the Orders button.
b Define a trigger for CONTROL.EMPLOYEE_BUTTON that calls
the EMPLOYEES form with the current sales representative ID.
- Change the Mouse Navigate property of
- Create a parameter list called SALES.
- Add the SALES_ID parameter to the parameter list. The type of this
parameter is TEXT_PARAMETER, and it is initialized with the
value of the SALES_REP_ID item.
- Invoke the EMPLOYEES form by using the CALL_FORM built-in.
You can import the pr10_1b.txt file.
c Open the EMPLOYEES form module.
d In the Object Navigator, create a parameter called SALES_ID.
e Add a trigger to ensure that queries on the employee block are
restricted by the value of the SALES_ID parameter. Replace the
existing code with the code in the pr10_1e.txt file.
f Save and compile each form, then run the CUSTOMERS form
module. Test the application by exiting the EMPLOYEE form using
the menu or the toolbar.
If you have time...
2 Transaction processing for called forms:
a Make sure that any changes in the EMPLOYEES form that are
posted by a user are not rolled back by Forms upon exit.
b Make sure that when the CUSTOMERS form calls the
EMPLOYEES form, [Commit] performs a post. You can import the
pr10_2b.txt file.
c Save and compile each form, then run the CUSTOMERS form
module and test your application.

10-38 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Working with Record

Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

After completing this lesson, you should
be able to do the following:
• Describe the record group object
• Use record groups
• Define record groups at design time
• Control record groups by using built-in
• Define query record groups
• Define nonquery record groups
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

• Manipulate record group rows
• Define lists of values (LOVs)
• Manipulate list items programmatically
• Implement dynamic list items
• Add values to combo boxes

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 50 minutes
Practice 40 minutes
Total 90 minutes

11-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Record groups are useful constructs for storing structured data, and they can
be manipulated at run time. This lesson covers how to create, modify, and
delete record groups at design time and programmatically at run time. It also
covers how you apply record groups in useful ways, such as for dynamic list

After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
• Describe the record group object
• Use record groups
• Define record groups at design time
• Control record groups by using built-in functions
• Define query record groups programmatically
• Define nonquery record groups programmatically
• Manipulate record group rows
• Define lists of values (LOVs) programmatically
• Manipulate list items programmatically
• Implement dynamic list items
• Add values to condo boxes

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-3
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Record Groups

Three record group types:

SOURCE Based on a Not Based

TIME Statement Statement



Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Record Groups
Record groups and LOVs
• Forms implicitly creates query record
• Use SET_LOV_PROPERTY to replace
default record group.
IF Get_LOV_Property(lov_id,GROUP_NAME)
Get_LOV_Property(lov_id,GROUP_NAME) == ’GROUP1’

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

11-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Record Groups

Record Groups
What Is a Record Group?
A record group is an internal Forms data structure that is similar to a
database table. It can have columns of type CHAR, NUMBER, or DATE,
and its data is stored in rows. Record groups exist in local Forms memory,
rather than in the database.

Three Record Group Types

Type Description
Query Record Group A record group with an associated SELECT statement. The
columns in the record group derive their properties from the
columns in this SELECT statement. The rows in the record
group are the rows retrieved by this SELECT
statement. This type of record group can be created at design
time and at run time.
Nonquery Record Group A record group without an associated query. The columns and
rows of the record group are defined programmatically at
run time and can also be modified at run time.
Static Record Group A record group without an associated query. The columns and
rows of the record group are defined at design time and
cannot be modified programmatically at run-time.

Note: When you create a record group, you cannot specify its type
explicitly. The type is implied by when and how you create the record group.

Record Groups and LOVs

When you create a list of values (LOV) based on a query, Form Builder
implicitly creates a query record group. In this case, the columns and rows
of the record group are determined by the LOV-SELECT statement. At
run time, you can call the SET_LOV_PROPERTY built-in function to
replace the default record group of an LOV with another one. Use the
GROUP_NAME property.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-5
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Uses for Record Groups

• Constructing dynamic SELECT

• Storing form-configuration information
• Communicating within a form
• Passing data to other forms
• Passing data to other Oracle products
• Populating or storing list items

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

11-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Using Record Groups

Using Record Groups

Record groups are very powerful constructs offered by Forms. Some useful
record group applications are listed below.

Constructing Dynamic SELECT Statements

The SELECT statement on which a query record group is based can be
constructed programmatically at run time. As a consequence, you can write
very generic program units; for example, accepting a table name as

Storing Form-Configuration Information

Because a record group is a structured data type, you can use it as a
convenient means for storing information about the current form. Such
information may describe the way in which the form is set up or configured,
and is usually retrieved at form startup.

Communicating Within a Form

Because a record group is a structured data type, you can use it to exchange
related data within a form. For example, different program units or different
invocations of the same program unit might access the record group data.
This offers you an alternative to a set of scalar variables, such as help items
or global variables.

Passing Data to Other Forms

You can create a global record group at run time that is visible to all forms in
an application.

Passing Data to Other Oracle Products

You can use the RUN_PRODUCT built-in to pass data by way of a record
group to another Oracle product, specifically Report Builder and Graphics
Builder. This eliminates the need to perform a query again in the other
Oracle product if it has already been executed by Forms.

Populating or Storing List Items

You can transfer the values of a record group to a list item. Because the
record group may be based on a dynamically constructed SELECT
statement, this ability gives you the opportunity to create dynamic list items.
The data transfer is bidirectional; you can also transfer the values of a list
item to a record group. (This can be considered “storing” the list item.)

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-7
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Defining Record Groups

at Design Time

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Column Specification and

Record Group Property Sheet

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Record Groups (Code Examples)
(rec_grp.fmb) demonstration to show how you create query record
groups (CUSTOMER_ID) and static record groups (STATIC_GROUP).

11-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Defining Record Groups at Design Time

Defining Record Groups at Design Time

Creating a Query Record Group
1 In the Object Navigator, create a record group.
Forms displays the New Record Group dialog box.
2 Click the Based on the Query Below... radio button and then enter a
SELECT statement in the Query Text field.
3 Click OK.
Forms validates the SELECT statement and closes the dialog box.
Note: Use column aliases for expressions in the SELECT clause. Otherwise,
Forms generates an unreadable name for the corresponding column of the
record group.

Creating a Static Record Group

1 In the Object Navigator, create a record group.
Forms displays the New Record Group dialog box.
2 Click the Static Values radio button and then click OK.
Forms displays the Column Specification dialog box.
3 Enter the names of the columns in the Column Name list.
4 Specify the Data Type, Length, and Column Values properties for each
Note that these properties apply to the column currently selected in the
Column Name list.
5 Click OK to accept the record group definition.

Modifying the SELECT Statement of a Query Record Group

1 In the Object Navigator, select the desired record group.
2 In the Properties window, call the Editor from the Record Group Query
3 Modify the SELECT statement as desired and then click OK.

Modifying the Column Definitions of a Record Group

1 In the Object Navigator, select the desired record group.
2 In the Properties window, double-click the Column Specifications
property. Forms displays the Column Specification dialog box.
3 Select a column and modify its Data Type, Length, and Column Values
properties as desired and then click OK.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-9
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Creating and Deleting Record


Name Name, Query

Record Record ID Name

group ID group ID

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Modifying the Structure

Row No ID Name Address
1 201 Unisports
3 203 Delhi Sports
4 204 Womansport


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Point out that CREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY does not populate the record
group. ADD_GROUP_ROW adds an empty row. Row No is an internal number.

11-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Built-in Functions for Controlling Record Groups

Built-in Functions for Controlling Record Groups

You can create and modify query and nonquery record groups
programmatically at run time by using the following built-in functions.

Creating and Deleting Record Groups

Built-in Function Description
CREATE_GROUP Creates a nonquery record group with the given
name and returns the ID of this record group
CREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY Creates a query record group with the given
name based on the given SELECT statement and
returns the ID of this record group (Note that
this built-in function does not populate the
record group.)
DELETE_GROUP Deletes the given, programmatically created
record group

Modifying the Structure of Record Groups

Built-in Function Description
ADD_GROUP_COLUMN Adds a column of the specified data type (and
column width for CHAR columns) to the given
record group and returns the ID of this group
ADD_GROUP_ROW Adds a row with the specified row number to the
given record group
DELETE_GROUP_ROW Deletes the specified row or all rows of the
given record group

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-11
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Populating Query Record

FROM s_customer
ID Name
201 Unisports
202 SImms Athletics
203 Delhi Sports POPULATE_GROUP
204 Womansport (_WITH_QUERY)

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Getting and Setting Record

Group Cell Values

ID Name


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Technical Note
POPULATE_GROUP built-in function returns 0 when population succeeds
and 1 if population does not succeed.

11-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Built-in Functions for Controlling Record Groups

Populating Record Groups

Built-in Function Description
POPULATE_GROUP Executes the query associated with the given
query record group and returns a number
indicating success or failure (The retrieved
rows replace any existing rows in the record
POPULATE_GROUP_WITH_QUERY Executes the specified SELECT statement for
the given record group and returns a number
indicating success or failure (The retrieved
rows replace any existing rows in the record
SET_GROUP_CHAR_CELL, Sets the value for the record group cell
SET_GROUP_DATE_CELL, identified by the given record group column
SET_GROUP_NUMBER_CELL and row number (The record group column
must be of data type VARCHAR2 or LONG,
DATE, or NUMBER, respectively.)

Note: You can convert a nonquery record group into a query record group
by using the POPULATE_GROUP_WITH_QUERY built-in function to
populate the nonquery record group.

Getting Record Group Cell Values

Built-in Function Description
GET_GROUP_CHAR_CELL, Returns the value for the record group cell
GET_GROUP_DATE_CELL, identified by the given record group column
GET_GROUP_NUMBER_CELL and row number (The record group column
must be of data type VARCHAR2 or LONG,
DATE, or NUMBER, respectively.)

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-13
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Processing Record Group Rows


Selection No Row No ID Name

1 201 Unisports
1 2 202 Simms Athletics
3 203 Delhi Sports
2 4 204 Womansport

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Explain the built-ins and describe how with SET_GROUP_SELECTION, if
you select rows 2 and 4, the associated selection numbers are 1 and 2.
Explain that the record group type (query, nonquery, static) and time of
creation (design time or run time) determine which built-in functions are
valid for a particular record group.

11-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Built-in Functions for Controlling Record Groups

Processing Record Group Rows

Built-in Function Description
GET_GROUP_ROW_COUNT Returns the number of rows in the given
record group
SET_GROUP_SELECTION Marks the specified row in the given record
group by associating a selection number with
the row
UNSET_GROUP_SELECTION Deselects the row with the specified row
number in the given record group
RESET_GROUP_SELECTION Deselects all selected rows in the given record
GET_GROUP_SELECTION_COUNT Returns the number of selected rows in the
given record group
GET_GROUP_SELECTION Returns the row number of the row with the
specified selection number of the given record

Finding Record Group Objects

Built-in Function Description
FIND_GROUP Returns the internal record group ID (of type RECORDGROUP)
of a record group with the given name (This function can also be
used for record groups created at design time.)
FIND_COLUMN Returns the internal group column ID (of type
GROUPCOLUMN) of a record group column with the given
name (Note that this name must include the record group name as
a prefix. This function can also be used for group columns created
at design time.)

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-15
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Defining Query Record Groups


Find record group


Create group from query

Populate group

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Record Groups (Code Examples)
(rec_grp.fmb) demonstration to show the code for creating a query
record group. Use the DEFINE_QUERY_RECORD_GROUP procedure.

11-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Defining Query Record Groups Programmatically

Defining Query Record Groups Programmatically

The PL/SQL code below illustrates how you can create and populate a query
record group.
Note: The query record groups can also be defined at design time.
v_errcode NUMBER;
--Make sure that record group doesn’t already exist.
v_rg_id := FIND_GROUP(’customers’);
IF ID_NULL(v_rg_id) THEN
--Create query record group.
v_rg_id := CREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY(’customers’,
’SELECT id, name FROM s_customer ORDER BY id’);
--Populate query record group with associated query.
v_errcode := POPULATE_GROUP(v_rg_id);
You can replace the associated query of a query record group by calling the
POPULATE_GROUP_WITH_QUERY built-in function.
v_errcode := POPULATE_GROUP_WITH_QUERY(v_rg_id,
’SELECT id, name FROM s_customer
where region_id = 1 ORDER BY id’);

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-17
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Defining Nonquery Record

Groups Programmatically

Find record group


Create group Delete group rows

Add group columns Find group columns

Add group row

Set group cell values

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Record Groups (Code Examples)
(rec_grp.fmb) demonstration to show the code for creating a nonquery

11-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Defining Nonquery Record Groups Programmatically

Defining Nonquery Record Groups Programmatically

The PL/SQL code below illustrates how you can create and populate a
nonquery record group. Note that you cannot define nonquery record groups
at design time.
--Make sure that record group doesn’t already exist.
v_rg_id := FIND_GROUP(’customers’);
IF ID_NULL(v_rg_id) THEN
--Create non-query record group.
v_rg_id := CREATE_GROUP(’customers’);
--Add NUMBER and CHAR group column to record group.
v_gc1_id := ADD_GROUP_COLUMN(v_rg_id,’id’,number_column);
v_gc2_id := ADD_GROUP_COLUMN(v_rg_id,’name’,char_column,50);
--Delete all existing group rows.
--Find ids of group columns for later use.
v_gc1_id := FIND_COLUMN(’’);
v_gc2_id := FIND_COLUMN(’’);
--Add one group row to record group.
--Fill r g cells of group row 1 with item values.
You can convert the nonquery record group into a query record group by
calling the POPULATE_GROUP_WITH_QUERY built-in function.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-19
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Manipulating Record Group


Get number of group rows

Cell value=
For all given value
group Yes No
Return row

Return NULL

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Record Groups (Code Examples)
(rec_grp.fmb) demonstration to show the code for manipulating
record group rows. Use the GET_VALUE_GRPROW function to show the
code that you use to search for a specific value in a record group.
Explain that this technique can be used with a combo box to determine
whether or not the value already exists in the record group.

11-20 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Manipulating Record Group Rows

Manipulating Record Group Rows

The function below illustrates how you can loop through all rows of a record
FUNCTION get_value_grprow
/* Returns row number of group row that contains the
value in the given group column.
Returns NULL if the value is not found. */
( p_rg_id in RECORDGROUP,p_gc_id in GROUPCOLUMN,
p_value in VARCHAR2)
RETURN number IS
v_grprow_count NUMBER;
v_grprow_count := GET_GROUP_ROW_COUNT(p_rg_id);
FOR v_grprow_no IN 1 .. v_grprow_count LOOP
IF GET_GROUP_CHAR_CELL(p_gc_id,v_grprow_no) = p_value THEN

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-21
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Manipulating Selected Record

Group Rows

Get number of group rows

Row number
For all even?
group Yes No
Mark row
as selected

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Record Groups (Code Examples)
(rec_grp.fmb) demonstration to show the code for manipulating
selected record group rows.
Use the SELECT_EVEN_ROWS procedure to show the code for searching
for a specific row in a record group.
Use the GET_VALUE_GRPSEL function to show the code for looping
through the row in a record group.
Explain that the even number can be identified by using the MOD function.

11-22 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Manipulating Selected Record Group Rows

Manipulating Selected Record Group Rows

The following procedure illustrates how you can select the rows of a record
PROCEDURE select_even_rows
--Marks all group rows with even row numbers as selected.
(p_rg_id in RECORDGROUP)
v_grprow_count NUMBER;
v_grprow_count := GET_GROUP_ROW_COUNT(p_rg_id);
FOR v_grprow_no IN 1 .. v_grprow_count LOOP
IF MOD(v_grprow_no,2) = 0 THEN
The function below illustrates how you can loop through all selected rows of
a record group.
FUNCTION get_value_grpsel
/* Returns selection number of selected group row
that contains the specified value in the given group
column. Returns NULL if the value is not found. */
(p_rg_id in RECORDGROUP
,p_gc_id in GROUPCOLUMN
,p_value in VARCHAR2)
v_grpsel_count NUMBER;
v_grprow_no NUMBER;
--Only loop through the selected group rows.
v_grpsel_count := GET_GROUP_SELECTION_COUNT(p_rg_id);
FOR v_grpsel_no IN 1 .. v_grpsel_count LOOP
--Get row number of selected row.
v_grprow_no := GET_GROUP_SELECTION(p_rg_id,v_grpsel_no);
IF GET_GROUP_CHAR_CELL(p_gc_id,v_grprow_no) = p_value THEN

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-23
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Defining Global Record Groups

• Record group visible to all forms in an

• “Scope” parameter
– FORM_SCOPE (default)
...CREATE_GROUP(group_name, scope);
query, scope);

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Technical Note
If a global record group is created from (or populated with) a query while
executing a Form A, and the query string contains bind variable references
that are local to A (:block.item or :PARAMETER.param), then when Form
A terminates execution, the global query record group is converted to a
global nonquery record group. The record group retains its data, but a
subsequent POPULATE_GROUP is considered an error.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Global Record Groups (Orders2.fmb)
demonstration to illustrate the use of a global record group. Click the
product_lov button to display a list of values form. Press [Ctrl] and click the
products that you want. Then click the OK button. The products selected are
returned by way of a global record group to the ORDERS form. You can
show the When-Mouse-Click trigger of the lov_product form.

11-24 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Defining Global Record Groups

Defining Global Record Groups

A global record group allows creation at run time of record groups that are
visible to all forms in an application.

Scope Parameter
A “scope” parameter can be added to the CREATE_GROUP and
CREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY built-ins. The value for this scope can
be either:
If you omit this parameter, the default is FORM_SCOPE.
Once created, a global record group persists for the remainder of the

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-25
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Manipulating List Items

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Using a Record Group

with a List Item
Labels Values

CHAR Column 1 CHAR Column 2

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

11-26 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Manipulating List Items Programmatically

Manipulating List Items Programmatically

When you define a list item at design time, you specify the possible labels
and values on the Properties window. However, you can also manipulate list
items programmatically at run time by using built-in functions. Some of
these functions require the use of record groups.
Built-in Function Description
ADD_LIST_ELEMENT Adds a list element (label and value) at the speci-
fied position (index) to the given list item
CLEAR_LIST Clears all list elements from the given list item
(After clearing, the list item contains only the null
DELETE_LIST_ELEMENT Deletes the list element at the specified position
(index) from the given list item
GET_LIST_ELEMENT_COUNT Returns the number (in CHAR format) of list ele-
ments in the given list item, including list elements
with NULL values
GET_LIST_ELEMENT_LABEL Returns the label of the list element at the specified
position (index) in the given list item
GET_LIST_ELEMENT_VALUE Returns the value of the list element at the speci-
fied position (index) in the given list item
POPULATE_LIST Clears the given list item and populates the list
item with the values from the specified record
RETRIEVE_LIST Retrieves the list elements (labels and values) from
the given list item and stores them in the specified
record group

Using a Record Group with a List Item

You can transfer information between a list item and a record group by using
the POPULATE_LIST and RETRIEVE_LIST built-in functions. The record
group that is used as the second parameter for these functions must satisfy
these requirements:
• The record group must contain exactly two group columns of type
• The first group column must store the list element label.
• The second group column must store the list element value.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-27
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Implementing Dynamic List

Find record group


Create group rrom query

Populate group

Yes Success? No

Populate list

Display first list label

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Record Groups (Code Examples)
(rec_grp.fmb) demonstration to show the code of the
Explain that the When-Create-Record trigger is used because it is too late
for the When-List-Changed trigger to here.
Another option is to use the When-Mouse-Down trigger.

11-28 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Implementing Dynamic List Items

Implementing Dynamic List Items

The procedure and trigger below illustrate how you can populate a list item
programmatically at run-time using a given SELECT statement.
Note: The retrieved rows are transferred to the list item by way of a record
PROCEDURE populate_list_with_query
--Populates the given list item with the specified query.
(p_list_item in VARCHAR2
,p_query in VARCHAR2)
/* Name the record group after the list item (no
block prefix). */
cst_rg_name constant VARCHAR2(30) :=
v_rg_id := FIND_GROUP(cst_rg_name);
IF ID_NULL(v_rg_id) THEN
v_rg_id := CREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY(cst_rg_name,p_query);
/* Force display of first list element label
in the list item. */
END populate_list_with_query;

When-Create-Record on the ORD Block

’SELECT name, to_char(id) FROM s_customer ORDER BY name’);
Note: In this example, the customer name is the (visible) list label and the
customer ID is the (actual) list value.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-29
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Adding Values to Combo Boxes

Get number of list elements

Element value=
For all Item value?
list Yes No

Add list element with item value

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Record Groups (Code Examples)
(rec_grp.fmb) demonstration to show the code of the

11-30 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Adding Values to Combo Boxes

Adding Values to Combo Boxes

For a combo box, you can choose an existing value from the list, but also
type in a new value. The procedure and trigger below show how a new value
can be automatically added to the list of existing values of a combo box.
Note: The added list elements are lost when you exit from the form.
PROCEDURE add_combo_box_element
/* Adds a new list element at the end of the given combo-box list
if it is not already present in the combo-box list. */
(p_list_item in VARCHAR2)
v_listel_count NUMBER;
/* First check if current list-item value is already present
in list. */
v_listel_count := GET_LIST_ELEMENT_COUNT(p_list_item);
FOR v_listel_idx IN 1 .. v_listel_count LOOP
IF GET_LIST_ELEMENT_VALUE(p_list_item, v_listel_idx)
= UPPER(NAME_IN(p_list_item)) THEN
/* Current list-item value not found in list;
add new list element at end of list. */
ADD_LIST_ELEMENT(p_list_item, v_listel_count + 1,

When-Validate-Item on the ORD.PAYMENT_TYPE Item (combo box)


Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-31
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups


A record group is a data structure similar

to a database table.
• Query, nonquery, and static records
• Record groups defined at design time
• Built-in functions for record groups
• Global record groups

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.


• Uses for record groups:

– Constructing dynamic SELECT
– Storing or passing data
– Populating or storing list items
• Manipulating list items
programmatically: Built-in functions for
list items

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

11-32 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

A record group is an internal Forms data structure that is similar to a
database table.

Three Record Group Types

• Query record group
• Non query record group
• Static record group

Defining Record Groups at Design Time

• Creating query and static record groups
• Modifying SELECT statements and column definitions of record groups

Built-ins for Controlling Record Groups

• Creating and deleting record groups
• Modifying the structure of record groups
• Populating record groups
• Getting record group cell values
• Processing record group rows
• Finding record group objects

Defining a Global Record Group

• Created at runtime only
• Visible to all forms in an application
• Scope parameter

Uses for Record Groups

• Constructing dynamic SELECT statements
• Storing form configuration information
• Communicating within a form
• Passing data to other Oracle products
• Populating or storing list items

Manipulating List Items Programmatically

Built-in for list items

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-33
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Practice 11 Overview

This practice covers the following topics:

• Converting a text item into a
dynamically populated list item
• Creating a list of values form from
which you can select multiple values

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

11-34 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 11

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 11

This practice guides you through some useful record group applications.

Practice Contents
• Convert a text item into a list item that is populated dynamically at run
• Create a list of values form that allows multiple values to be selected
simultaneously and returned to the calling form by way of a global
record group.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-35
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

Practice 11
1 Create a dynamic list item. This functionality avoids having to create a
new item to display the department name.
a Open the EMPLOYEES form module.
b Create a design time query record group that contains IDs and names
of departments. Name your record group DEPT_ID.
In the Object Navigator, create a record group named DEPT_ID based
on the query below:
SELECT name || ’ in region ’ || TO_CHAR(region_id) Name,
TO_CHAR(id) Id
FROM s_dept
c Convert the text item DEPT_ID into a list item, Combo Box Style.
Resize it in the Layout Editor.
d Create an element in the list. Label: Dummy and Value: 0
e Create a procedure called LIST_FROM_DESIGNTIME_GROUP.
This procedure accepts the list item name as an argument and
populates the list item dynamically at runtime, using the design-time
query record group. You can import the pr11_1e.txt file.
f Call the procedure each time a new record is created. You can import
the pr11_1f.txt file.
g Save, compile, and test the module.
If you have time...
2 Create a multirecord select list form. This practice shows how to create a
list of values where the user can select multiple values. This lab uses a
global record group.
a Exit Form Builder.
b Run Form Builder and create a new form based on a template named
c Examine this new module and save it as lov_product.fmb.
Create a When-Mouse-Click trigger at the PROD_LOV_BLK block
level that selects or clears a record when a user presses Control-
clicks for a product.
d Write the code to create a record group if it does not already exist
and add columns to the group for each item in the
PROD_LOV_BLK block. If the record group exists write the code to

11-36 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice 11

retrieve the internal ID for each column in the record group.

Write the code to check whether the record selected is already in the
record group. If so, loop through each item in the record to keep the
visual attribute from being highlighted, and then remove the record
from the record group.
If the user selects a record that was not already in the group, write the
code to add the record to the record group and loop through each
item in the block to keep the color highlighted.
Use the SELECTED and DESELECTED visual attributes in your
code to change the color of a selected or cleared record.
You can import the pr11_2d.txt file.
e Create the code for the OK button. This button enables the user to
exit the form.
f Create the code for the Cancel button in the PROD_LOV_BLK
Create a When-Button-Pressed trigger that deletes the record group
before returning to the ITEM block. You can import the
pr11_2f.txt file.
g In the ORDERS form, modify the When-Button-Pressed trigger for
the CONTROL.PRODUCT_LOV_BUTTON. The new code should
check the existing products in the S_ITEM block, so that products
already ordered do not show up in the list. The trigger then calls the
PROD_LOV_BLK form, passing the list of existing products using a
GLOBAL variable. You can import the pr11_2g.txt file.
h In the LOV_PRODUCT form, create a When-New-Form-Instance
trigger to retrieve the list of products excluding the products that
exist in the S_ITEM block. You should use the global variable
created earlier. You can import the pr11_2h.txt file.
i In the ORDERS form, modify the When-Button-Pressed trigger for
the CONTROL.PRODUCT_LOV_BUTTON. After you call the
form, the code creates records in the S_ITEM block for each row
selected in the record group. The code then deletes the record
group.You can import the pr11_2i.txt file. Place the new code
after the existing code.
j Save, run, and test your forms. To select multiple items, select the
first item, hold the Control key down, and then select other items.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 11-37
Lesson 11: Working with Record Groups

11-38 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Including Charts
and Reports
Lesson 12: Including Charts and Reports

After completing this lesson, you should
be able to do the following:
• Include charts in an application
• Integrate other graphics displays in an
• Include reports in an application

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 40 minutes
Practice 40 minutes
Total 80 minutes

12-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

In this lesson, you will learn how to include other module types in your
application, such as charts built using Graphics Builder and reports built
using Report Builder.

After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
• Include charts in an application
• Integrate other graphics displays in an application
• Include reports in an application

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 12-3
Lesson 12: Including Charts and Reports

Including Charts by Using

the Chart Wizard
To invoke the Chart Wizard:
• Use the
Chart tool
to drag a
chart area
the canvas.

• Select Tools—>Chart Wizard.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Step 1: Open the Employee Form (Emp.fmb)demonstration. Display the
CANVAS4 canvas. From the Layout Editor toolbar, change the Block pop-
up list from EMP to CONTROL. Using the Chart tool, drag a chart area onto
the canvas. (The Employee form is based on the EMP table. If it does not
already exist, it can be created by running the utlsample.sql file.
(Instructions for this demonstration continue in the next instructor note.)

12-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Including Charts by Using the Chart Wizard

Including Charts by Using the Chart Wizard

You are able to create charts and reports within the Form Builder without
launching separate chart or reports engines.
The Chart Wizard leads you step-by-step through the process of creating a
chart from within a form or a report.
Once the chart is created, you can modify or enhance the chart by using
Graphics Builder.

Invoking the Chart Wizard

To invoke the Chart Wizard:
• From the Layout Editor, use the Chart tool to drag a chart area onto the
• The New Chart Wizard dialog box appears. Click on the OK button to
accept the default option, “Use the Chart Wizard.”

Incorporating a Chart
The steps to create a chart are:
1 Specify a chart type and subtype.
2 Specify the data block that contains the data you want to assign to chart
3 Specify the data to appear on the Category (X) axis of the chart.
4 Specify the data to appear on the Value (Y) axis of the chart.
Follow the prompts on each page of the wizard to specify the settings for the
chart you want to create.

Re-Entering the Chart Wizard

A powerful quality of the Chart Wizard is its ability to operate in reentrant
mode. This means you can use the Chart Wizard to modify an existing chart
created with the wizard.
To invoke the Chart Wizard in reentrant mode, select the chart object in the
Object Navigator, and then select Tools—>Chart Wizard from the menu.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 12-5
Lesson 12: Including Charts and Reports

Including Charts by Using

the Chart Wizard


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Including Charts by Using

the Chart Wizard

indicates that
data from
the block is
in the chart.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Step 2: Select Column for the chart type.
Step 3: Select the EMP block. (continued)

12-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Including Charts by Using the Chart Wizard

Chart Type
Select the style of chart that you require. The picture on the left of the wizard
displays the relevant chart style.
The chart subtype options are context-sensitive; the number and style of
options change depending on the chart type that you choose. Choose the
chart subtype that you require, and then click Next to continue to the next
wizard page.

Chart Type Description

Column Data is plotted as columns.
Bar Data is plotted as horizontal bars.
Pie Data is plotted as individual “slices” showing the relationship of parts to
the whole.
Line Data is plotted as points along a line.
Mixed Data is charted using multiple chart types, such as bar and line.

Data Source
The next step in the Chart Wizard is to select the block that contains the data
you want to represent in the chart. The data block you select determines the
data that is available for assignment to the Category and Value axes of your

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 12-7
Lesson 12: Including Charts and Reports

Including Charts by Using

the Chart Wizard

Arrow points
to the

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Including Charts by Using

the Chart Wizard

Arrow points
to the Value

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Step 4: Select ENAME for the Category axis.
Step 5: Select SAL for the Value axis. Save into Disp1.ogd. Run your

12-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Including Charts by Using the Chart Wizard

Category Axis
To use the Chart Wizard to map data to your chart’s Category (X) axis:
1 In the Available Fields list, select the field that you want to map to the
Category (X) axis of the chart.
2 Transfer the selected field from the Available Fields list to the Category
Axis list.

Chart Type Description

Column, Line, Mixed chart Categories appear along the x-axis.
Bar chart Categories appear down the y-axis.
Pie chart Each category represents one segment of the pie.

Value Axis
To use the Chart Wizard to map data to your chart’s Value (Y) axis:
1 In the Available Fields list, select the field that you want to map to the
Value (Y) axis of the chart.
2 Transfer the selected field from the Available Fields list to the Value
Axis list.

Chart Type Description

Column, Line, Mixed chart Values are represented by the height of the column against
the y-axis.
Bar chart Values are represented by the length of the column against
the x-axis.
Pie chart Values are represented by the size of each segment.

Note: You must transfer at least one field from the Available Fields list to
the Category Value list before navigating to the next page.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 12-9
Lesson 12: Including Charts and Reports

Chart Item Properties

Execution Mode
Communication Mode
Data Source Data Block
Query Name
Data Source X Axis
Data Source Y Axis
Update on Query
Update on Commit

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
The default name of the Query Name property is Genie_Query. The query is
created automatically with the structure of the Data Source Data Block.

12-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Chart Item Properties

Chart Item Properties

The chart item properties are the following:

Property Description
Filename Specifies the name of the file where the chart is stored
Execution Mode Specifies the execution version of Graphics Builder to use:
Communication Mode Specifies the communication mode to be used when calling
Data Source Data Block Specifies the block that contains the data to represent in the chart
Query Name Specifies the name of the query used to display the chart
Data Source X Axis Specifies the item name used to map data to the chart Category
(X) axis
Data Source Y Axis Specifies the item name used to map data to the chart Value (Y)
Update on Query Specifies that the chart is refreshed each time you perform a
Update on Commit Specifies that the chart is refreshed each time you perform a

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 12-11
Lesson 12: Including Charts and Reports

Reporting Within Form Builder

• Create report objects in Object

• Run a report against a local or remote
• Base a report on
a data block

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Technical Note
Passing data is applicable only if running against a local server.

Instructor Note
You cannot run a report based on a block that contains a long column.
Demonstration: Open the Customer Form (customers.fmb)
demonstration and create a new report object.

12-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Reporting Within Form Builder

Reporting Within Form Builder

Oracle Developer Form Builder provides the ability to run a report against a
local or a remote server with considerable ease. A report object is available
that allows you to specify all the commands necessary for running a report.

Using the Report Wizard

Using the Report Wizard within Form Builder, you can:
• Create a new report module based on one data block in your form
• Create a new report module
• Use an existing report module
Note: You can modify or enhance the report module by using Report

Creating a Report Object Based on a Data Block

The ability to base a report on a data block represents an efficient way of
passing data from a form module to a report. Select the Report node in the
Object Navigator.
1 Create a new report object by clicking the Create icon.
Form Builder displays the New Report dialog box.
2 Specify a filename and a block name.
3 Click OK.
Form Builder runs Report Builder and displays the Report Wizard.
4 Choose the report style that most closely resembles the report you want
to create.
5 Select the fields you would like to display in your report.
6 Select the fields you would like to total by choosing from a list of
possible calculations. (This step is optional.)
7 Enter labels and widths for your fields and totals. (This step is optional.)
8 Select a template for your report and then click the Finish button.
The Live Previewer is displayed.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 12-13
Lesson 12: Including Charts and Reports

Report Object Properties

Oracle Developer
integration properties

Execution Mode
Communication Mode
Data Source
Source Data
Data Block
Query Name
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Report Object Properties

Report Destination Type

Report Destination Name
Report Destination Format
Report Server
Other Report Parameters

Reports properties

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Set the Execution Mode property to RUNTIME, the
Communication Mode to SYNCHRONOUS, and the Report Destination
Type to PREVIEW.

12-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Report Object Properties

Report Object Properties

Oracle Developer Integration Properties

Property Name Description

Filename Specifies the name of the report module to be executed by
Report Builder
Execution Mode Specifies the execution mode to be used when running Report
Builder (Valid numeric constants for this property are BATCH
Communication Mode Specifies the communication mode to be used when running
Report Builder. Valid numeric constants for this parameter:
SYNCHRONOUS specifies that control returns to Form
Builder only after Report Builder has been exited. The end user
cannot work in the form while Report Builder is running.
ASYNCHRONOUS specifies that control returns to the calling
application immediately, even if Report Builder has not
completed its display.
Data Source Data Block Block name used by Report Builder as data source
Query Name Query name used by Report Builder to retrieve the data (When
the report is based on data from a Form Builder block, the
query name property value is the block name.)

Reports Properties

Property Name Description

Report Destination Type Specifies the type of device that will receive the report
Report Destination Name Specifies the name of the file, printer, or Oracle Office
username (or distribution list) to which the report output will
be sent
Report Destination Format Specifies the format of your report (Possible values are PDF,
HTML, HTMLCSS, or the printer driver to be used when
DESTYPE is File.)
Report Server Name of the remote server on which the report is run
Other Report Parameters Declares additional parameters

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 12-15
Lesson 12: Including Charts and Reports

Working with Reports

Built-ins for interacting with reports:
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Examples of the syntax for RUN_REPORT_OBJECT,
COPY_REPORT_OUTPUT built-ins are available on the next page.
CANCEL_REPORT_OBJECT is not explained, but you can show the
syntax by expanding the Built-in Packages node in the Object Navigator,
and then STANDARD Extensions node.
SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY are not explained in detail, because
these built-ins are similar to the Get and Set built-ins.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Create a button in the Control block. Write a When-Button-
Pressed trigger with the following code:
v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(’<your_report_object_name>’);

12-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Working with Reports

Working with Reports

You can control reports in the Report Server dynamically when running a
form by including the following new built-ins in your trigger code:

Built-in Description
RUN_REPORT_OBJECT Runs a specified report on a specified server
FIND_REPORT_OBJECT Returns the internal ID of a report object
CANCEL_REPORT_OBJECT Cancels a report in the server queue
REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS Returns the current status of a report (The status
codes can be FINISHED, RUNNING,
COPY_REPORT_OUTPUT Copies the report output back to the client
GET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY Dynamically gets report object properties at
run time
SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY Dynamically sets report object properties at
run time
RUN_PRODUCT Invokes one of the supported Oracle tools
products and specifies the name of the module or
modules to be run

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 12-17
Lesson 12: Including Charts and Reports

Running a Report Against

a Local Server

v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
repid := FIND_REPORT_OBJECT(’deptrpt’);
v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Running a Report Against

a Remote Server

. . .
repid := FIND_REPORT_OBJECT(’barcode’);
v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);
IF rep_status = ’FINISHED’ THEN
HOST(’netscape c:\local.pdf’);
. . .

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
If you want to test the report status when you run a report against a remote
server, the Communication Mode report object property must be

12-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Working with Reports

Running a Report Against a Local Server

This example allows the user to run a report against a local server.
v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
repid := FIND_REPORT_OBJECT(’deptrpt’);
v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);

Running a Report Against a Remote Server

This example allows the user to run a report against a remote server.
RUN_REPORT_OBJECT returns a string that uniquely identifies the report
on the server. This string could be used to get the report status or copy the
output across or terminate the report in case the report is being run
v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
rep_status VARCHAR2(20);
repid := FIND_REPORT_OBJECT(’barcode’);
v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);
IF rep_status = ’FINISHED’ THEN
MESSAGE(’Report Completed’);
/* Once the report output is copied across successfully
depending on the type of the output the file could
be displayed using a Web Browser or an OCX control */
HOST(’netscape c:\local.pdf’);
MESSAGE(’Error when running report.’);

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 12-19
Lesson 12: Including Charts and Reports


• Invoking the Chart Wizard

• Reporting features in Form Builder:
– Create report objects
– Run against local or remote server
– Base reports on data blocks

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

• Interacting with reports:

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

12-20 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

In this lesson, you should have learned how to include charts and reports in
your application. You should have learned how to invoke the Chart Wizard.

Reporting Features in Form Builder

• Create report objects
• Run against local or remote server
• Base reports on data blocks

Interacting with Reports


Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 12-21
Lesson 12: Including Charts and Reports

Practice 12 Overview

This practice covers the following topics:

• Creating a chart to display the total
orders for each customer
• Creating a report based on the
• Displaying different report styles

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

12-22 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 12

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 12

This practice guides you in incorporating charts into your application, and
creating reports by using the Form Builder report object.

Practice Contents
• Create a chart to display the total orders for each customer.
• Create a report based on the S_CUSTOMER block.
• Display different report styles.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 12-23
Lesson 12: Including Charts and Reports

Practice 12
1 Create a chart object by using the Chart Wizard. This chart should
display the total orders for each customer.
a Open the CUSTOMERS form module.
b Create a new tab page on the TAB_CUSTOMER canvas. Name this
page CHART and change the label name.
Open the FormBuilder_II.olb object library. Copy the
OBJ_CHART object group into the CUSTOMERS form. This object
group contains a block named S_ORD. Only one item from this
block is visible: TITLE. This item displays a title for the chart.
c From the Layout Editor, use the Chart tool to drag a chart area onto
the chart tab page. Select Use the Chart Wizard from the New Chart
Object dialog box. Do not specify a title for the chart.
d Select Column as chart type, Plain as chart subtype.
e Specify the S_ORD block as the data block that contains the data
you want to assign to chart columns.
f Select CUSTOMER_NAME to appear on the Category (X) axis, and
TOTAL to appear on the Value (Y) axis of the chart.
g Click the Finish button. Save, run, and test your form. To display the
chart, click in the Title item on the Chart tab.
2 Create a report object based on the S_CUSTOMER block. This report
displays a customer list using a tabular layout. Display only the ID,
a Open the CUSTOMERS form.
b Create a new report object.
This will invoke the Report Builder. Within the Report Wizard:
- Choose the report style Tabular.
- Select the ID, NAME, COUNTRY, and CREDIT_RATING fields.
- Do not select fields to total.
- Change labels and widths for your fields.
- Select a template for your report.
c Save your report and exit Report Builder.
d Set the Execution Mode report object property to runtime and the
Report Destination Type report object property to screen.

12-24 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice 12

eCreate a button named CUST_REP_BUTTON into the control

block. Display this button on the CV_CUSTOMER canvas.
f Create a When-Button-Pressed trigger on the
CUST_REP_BUTTON button to run the report.
g Change the Query All Record property value to Yes for the
h Save, run, and test your form. Query a customer record before
calling the report.
If you have time...
3 Create a new tab page from which the user can run different report
a Open the Form_Builder_II.olb object library.
b From the Report tab page, select all the report objects and copy them
to the CUSTOMERS form.
c Change the filename property to each report so that the path is
correct for your environment.
d From the Report tab page, select the REPORT block and copy it to
the CUSTOMERS form. Organize this block so it is the last block in
e From the Report tab page, select the REPORT tab page object and
copy it to the CUSTOMERS form. Organize this tab page so it is the
last tab page in sequence.
f Save, run, and test your form.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 12-25
Lesson 12: Including Charts and Reports

12-26 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Applying Timers
Lesson 13: Applying Timers


After completing this lesson, you should

be able to do the following:
• Describe timers
• Create a timer
• Modify a timer
• Delete a timer
• Handle timer expiration

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 25 minutes
Practice 30 minutes
Total 55 minutes
Explanation for the next page: Point out that using
GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY(timer_name) returns NULL if called
from any trigger other than When-Timer-Expired.
Demonstration for the next page pair: Use the “About...” Information at
Startup (Customers.fmb) demonstration to illustrate one use of timers.
Use the Auto Commit/Rollback After Period of Time to illustrate
automatically asking for COMMIT after a period of time.

13-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

This lesson covers time-initiated processing; that is, processing that occurs
after a certain amount of time has elapsed. The mechanism you use to do this
is called a timer and it is created, modified, and deleted at run time.

After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
• Describe timers
• Create a timer
• Modify a timer
• Delete a timer
• Handle timer expiration

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 13-3
Lesson 13: Applying Timers

• What is a timer?
• Built-ins for timers:
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.


• When-Timer-Expired trigger
• Using timers:
– Poll database
– Periodically query, commit, or
– Show “About…” information at

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Technical Note
Timers are not suitable means of shutting down an application. It is the job
of the operating system to recognize idle processes and shut them down.

13-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Typically, Forms processes events that are (originally) initiated by the user.
You can use timers when you want Forms to perform a set of actions after a
period of time has elapsed.

What Is a Timer?
A timer is a programmatic construct similar to an “internal alarm clock.”
You can create, modify, or delete timers by means of built-ins. When you
create or modify a timer, you can specify the period of time that elapses
before the timer “expires.” Using a trigger, you can specify what actions
must be performed at that time.

Built-in Functions for Timers

Built-in Description
FIND_TIMER Returns the internal timer ID (of data type
TIMER) of a timer with the given name
CREATE_TIMER Creates a timer with the given name (You can
specify the time interval and whether the timer
should repeat on expiration.)
SET_TIMER Changes the settings for the given timer (You can
modify the time interval and the repeat behavior.)
DELETE_TIMER Deletes the given timer
GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY The TIMER_NAME property returns the name of
the most recently expired timer.

When-Timer-Expired Trigger
This trigger fires when a timer expires; that is, when the specified time
interval of the timer has elapsed.

Uses of Timers
• Polling the database to check if a certain event has occurred
• Performing an automatic query at regular intervals
• Showing “About this...” information at form startup
• Performing an automatic commit or rollback after a specific amount of
idle time

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 13-5
Lesson 13: Applying Timers

Handling Timer Expiration

Timer A Start
Timer B
Timer A
expired When-Timer-Expired (A)
Repeat Timer B
expired B

Timer A B,A
Repeat When-Timer-Expired (B)

When-Timer-Expired (A)

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Explain that:
1 Timer A is created, and when it expires, it is placed in the timer queue.
2 If no other processing is taking place, then the When-Timer-Expired
trigger fires for Timer A.
3 After Timer A has been serviced from the queue, it can begin its next
4 Timer B (a nonrepeating timer) is created in the meantime.
5 When Timer B expires, it cannot be immediately serviced by the
When-Timer-Expired trigger, because a query is taking place.
6 After the query is complete, the When-Timer-Expired trigger can fire for
Timer B.

13-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Handling Timer Expiration

Handling Timer Expiration

When a timer expires, the When-Timer-Expired trigger fires and executes
the desired actions. If you define more than one timer, you need to know
which timer expired and how expired timers are handled.

Timer Queue
When a timer expires, it is put in a queue of expired timers. Forms services
this timer queue on a first-in-first-out basis, but only while it is waiting for
user actions. After an expired timer is handled, it is removed from the queue.
Note: A repeating timer will not begin the next iteration while it is still in
the timer queue.

When-Timer-Expired Trigger
When using the When-Timer-Expired trigger remember that it:
• Fires once for each timer that expires, but only after Form Builder has
completed any current processing of triggers and built-in functions
• Fires after the specified time interval, rather than exactly on the moment
of expiration
• Must be defined at the form level
• Should include the GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY built-in function
for you to find out which timer has expired

Handle the expiration of two timers named HOUR_ALARM and
v_timer_name VARCHAR2(30);
v_timer_name := GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY(timer_name);
IF v_timer_name = ’HOUR_ALARM’ THEN
MESSAGE(’One hour has passed again.’);

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 13-7
Lesson 13: Applying Timers

Creating a Timer

CREATE_TIMER (timer_name,
(timer_name, milliseconds,
milliseconds, iterate)

v_timer_id := CREATE_TIMER ((′hour_alarm’,
:= CREATE_TIMER ′hour_alarm’, cst_hour);

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

13-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Creating a Timer

Creating a Timer
You can create a timer by using the CREATE_TIMER built-in function,
which returns type TIMER.


CREATE_TIMER(timer_name, milliseconds, iterate)

Parameter Description
timer_name The timer name
milliseconds The duration of the timer in milliseconds (Value must be
between 1 and 2147483648, approximately 25 days.)
iterate Specifies whether the timer should repeat upon expiration
(Valid values are REPEAT—the default—and NO_REPEAT.)

At form startup, create a timer named HOUR_ALARM that expires every
cst_hour constant NUMBER(7) := 3600000;
--3600000 is one hour in milliseconds
v_timer_id TIMER;
v_timer_id := CREATE_TIMER(’hour_alarm’, cst_hour);

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 13-9
Lesson 13: Applying Timers

Modifying a Timer

SET_TIMER (timer_name,
(timer_name, milliseconds,
milliseconds, iterate)
SET_TIMER (timer_id, milliseconds, iterate))
SET_TIMER (timer_id, milliseconds, iterate

SET_TIMER ((′hour_alarm’,
SET_TIMER ′hour_alarm’, no_change, no_repeat);
no_change, no_repeat );

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

13-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Modifying a Timer

Modifying a Timer
You can modify a timer by using the SET_TIMER built-in procedure.


SET_TIMER(timer_name, milliseconds, iterate)

SET_TIMER(timer_id, milliseconds, iterate)

Parameter Description
timer_name The timer name
timer_id The internal timer ID
milliseconds The duration of the timer in milliseconds (Value must be between 1 and
2147483648—approximately 25 days—or must be NO_CHANGE.)
iterate Specifies whether the timer should repeat upon expiration (Valid
values are REPEAT (default), NO_REPEAT, and NO_CHANGE.)

Set the repeat behavior of a timer named HOUR_ALARM without changing
the time interval. The trigger name depends on the situation.
SET_TIMER(’hour_alarm’, no_change, no_repeat);

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 13-11
Lesson 13: Applying Timers

Deleting a Timer

DELETE_TIMER (timer_name)
DELETE_TIMER (timer_id)
DELETE_TIMER (timer_id)

NOT ID_NULL (FIND_TIMER ((′hour_alarm
ID_NULL (FIND_TIMER ′hour_alarm′))
′)) THEN
DELETE_TIMER (‘hour_alarm’);
DELETE_TIMER (‘hour_alarm’);

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

13-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Deleting a Timer

Deleting a Timer
You can delete a timer by using the DELETE_TIMER built-in procedure.



Parameter Description
timer_name The timer name
timer_id The internal timer ID

Note: Forms generates an error if you attempt to delete a nonexistent timer.

Delete a timer named HOUR_ALARM after first checking that it exists. The
trigger name depends on the situation.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 13-13
Lesson 13: Applying Timers

• A timer is a programmatic construct
• Built-in functions for timers:
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

• Using timers
• Handling timer expiration:
– Timer queue
– When-Timer-Expired trigger

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

13-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

A timer is a programmatic construct much like an “internal alarm clock.”

Built-ins for Timers


Uses of Timers
• Polling the database to check if a certain event has occurred
• Performing an automatic query at regular intervals
• Showing “About this...” information at form startup
• Performing an automatic commit or rollback after a specific amount of
idle time

Handling Timer Expiration

• When a timer expires, it is put in a first-in-first-out timer queue.
• The When-Timer-Expired trigger fires once for each timer that expires,
but only after Forms has completed any current processing.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 13-15
Lesson 13: Applying Timers

Practice 13 Overview
This practice covers the topics:
• Showing “About...” information at form
• Periodically checking to see if there are
locked records and asking the user to
commit or roll back

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

13-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 13

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 13

This practice guides you through the implementation of time-initiated
processing. You will use the appropriate timer built-ins and triggers to create
timers and handle timer expiration.

Practice Contents
• Show “About...” information at form startup.
• If table rows are locked, display an alert that asks the user to commit or
roll back changes after a set period of time.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 13-17
Lesson 13: Applying Timers

Practice 13
1 Show”About...” information at the startup of the form.
aOpen the CUSTOMERS form module.
b Add a window and a canvas to the form that are used to display the
two control items. This window could be considered an ”About...”
window and should be a modal dialog window. Set the Hide on Exit
property to Yes for this window.
c Create manually a new control block, called ABOUT. Create two
items in the ABOUT block that are used to display the user name and
the current date and time.
d Show the ”About...” window for a short period of time at the startup
of the form. You can import the pr13_1d1.txt file for the
When-New-Form-Instance trigger. Add the new code after the
existing code. You can import the pr13_1d2.txt file for the
When-Timer-Expired trigger. Append the new code to the end of the
existing code.
If you have time...
2 Automatically ask the users if they want to commit after a set period of
a Open the CUSTOMERS form module.
b At the startup of the form, create a global variable called
GLOBAL.LOCKS_PENDING, which indicates at all times whether
rows of the S_CUSTOMER table are locked. Append the new code
to the end of the existing code.
c Create the On-Lock trigger to implement the default lock processing,
update the global variable, and create the timer. You can import the
pr13_2c.txt file.
d Write a When-Timer-Expired trigger to display an alert if locks are
still pending after a certain period of time elapses. This alert should
ask the user to commit or roll back the changes. You can replace the
existing code with the code from the pr13_2d.txt file.
Note: You need to create an alert called ASK_SAVE.
Define an alert (called ASK_SAVE) of style Caution with a Yes and a
No button. Define an appropriate message.
e Create the Post-Database-Commit trigger to give the NULL value to
the global variable.You can import the pr13_2e.txt file.
f Create the On-Rollback trigger to implement the default rollback
processing and give the NULL value to the global variable. You can
import the pr13_2f.txt file.

13-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Using Server Features

in Form Builder
Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

After completing this lesson, you should
be able to do the following:
• Use Oracle server functionalities in
• Deal with server-side PL/SQL
• Recognize which PL/SQL8 features are
supported in forms, and which are not
• Handle Oracle server errors
• Perform DDL commands by using the
FORMS_DDL built-in subprograms

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 25 minutes
Practice 30 minutes
Total 55 minutes

14-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

This lesson covers the use of Oracle server features in Form Builder
applications. You will learn about storing and calling PL/SQL code,
handling Oracle server errors, and issuing DDL commands from within

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
• Use Oracle server functionalities in forms
• Deal with server-side PL/SQL
• Recognize which PL/SQL8 features are supported in forms
• Handle Oracle server errors
• Perform DDL commands by using the FORMS _DDL built-in

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 14-3
Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

Using Oracle Server

Functionality in Forms
Useful Oracle server features:
• Declarative constraints
• Stored program units
• Database triggers

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

14-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Using Oracle Server Functionality in Forms

Using Oracle Server Functionality in Forms

The Oracle database offers several powerful features to implement
functionality in the Oracle server. You can call that functionality in your
forms to handle possible errors.

Oracle Server Features Useful for Forms

The following useful features are available to application developers:
• Declarative integrity constraints
• Stored program units: procedures, functions, and packages
• Built-in database packages
• Database triggers
• Database roles
• SQL Optimizer; shared SQL
• Locking
• Sequences
Some of these features are discussed in more depth later in this lesson.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 14-5
Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

Dealing with PL/SQL Code

• Where to store PL/SQL code:

– On the Oracle server
– In the attached PL/SQL libraries
– In the form itself
• Where to call PL/SQL code:
– From database triggers
– From forms triggers
• Application partitioning
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

14-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Dealing with PL/SQL Code

Dealing with PL/SQL Code

You can store and call your code in two places: the Oracle server and the

Where to Store PL/SQL Code

To maintain your code, you should not store the code in more locations than
necessary. The places to store PL/SQL code, in order of preference, are as
1 The Oracle server
2 Attached PL/SQL libraries
3 The form itself
Note: PL/SQL code cannot be stored in the Oracle server if it contains bind
variables or calls to Forms built-ins.

Where to Call PL/SQL Code

PL/SQL code is eventually called from triggers. Also, for easier
maintenance, the places to call PL/SQL code, in order of preference, are as
1 Database triggers
2 Forms triggers
Note: Database triggers fire only at commit time. If you want to give
immediate feedback to the user, you must use forms triggers.

Application Partitioning
For enhanced performance, you may want to call or store PL/SQL code on
the client side. In Forms, you can drag and drop PL/SQL program units
between the Oracle server and the application. In this way, you can
optimally divide applications over the available resources. This is called
application partitioning.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 14-7
Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

PL/SQL8 Support in Developer

• Client-side program units cannot

support Oracle8 object-related
• Stored program units can use the new
PL/SQL8 features.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

14-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
PL/SQL8 Support

PL/SQL8 Support
Oracle Developer Release 6 uses PL/SQL8 in the client and in the server.
However, client-side program units currently cannot support Oracle8 object-
related functionality.
The Stored Program Unit editor has been extended in Oracle Developer
Release 6 to allow editing of the type body (methods) and type specification
(attributes) of Oracle8 user-defined data types.

Object Iron Packages

The Object Iron is a set of database packages that helps you to access tables
containing instances of Oracle8 object types. The packages generate a table-
specific package, which you use to access data from the specified table.
After generation, the table-specific package appears under the Stored
Program Units node. It contains code that allows you to select, insert,
update, delete, and lock records in the specified table.

Instructor Note
Oracle Developer is backward-compatible with client-side program units
built using PL/SQL Version 2. Client-side program units created with
previous releases will run against the PL/SQL8 engine with no modification.
Although stored program units created with previous releases will run
against PL/SQL8, because of syntax incompatibility between PL/SQL8 and
PL/SQL Version 2, these stored program units may compile with errors.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 14-9
Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

New PL/SQL8 Scalar Types



Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

14-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
New PL/SQL8 Scalar Data Types

New PL/SQL8 Scalar Data Types

• NCHAR stores fixed-length (blank-padded if necessary) NLS character
data. How the data is represented internally depends on the national
character set, which might use a fixed-width encoding such as
US7ASCII or a variable-width encoding such as JA16SJIS.
• NVARCHAR2 stores variable-length NLS character data. How the data
is represented internally depends on the national character set, which
might use a fixed-width encoding such as WE8EBCDIC37C or a
variable-width encoding such as JA16DBCS.
• SIGNTYPE lets you restrict an integer variable to the values -1, 0, and 1,
which is useful in programming tri-state logic.
• FLOAT is a subtype of NUMBER. However, you cannot specify a scale
for FLOAT variables. You can specify only a binary precision.
• NATURALN is like subtype NATURAL but prevents the assignment of
• POSITIVEN is like subtype POSITIVE but prevents the assignment of
• PLS_INTEGER stores signed integers. Its magnitude range is
-2147483647 ... 2147483647. PLS_INTEGER values require less
storage than NUMBER values. Also, PLS_INTEGER operations use
machine arithmetic, so they are faster than NUMBER and
BINARY_INTEGER operations, which use library arithmetic.
Besides the database character set, which is used for identifiers and source
code, PL/SQL8 now supports a second character set called the national
character set, which is used for NLS data. The PL/SQL data types NCHAR
and NVARCHAR2 allow you to store character strings formed from the
national character set.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 14-11
Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

Unsupported Client-Side
PL/SQL8 Features
• Untrusted external procedures
• Object types
• Collection types
• LOB types
• Methods
• Objects as stored procedure parameters

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

14-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Unsupported Client-Side PL/SQL8 Features

Unsupported Client-Side PL/SQL8 Features

The following features are supported in server-side PL/SQL8 but are not
currently supported in client-side PL/SQL8:
• Object types
• Collection types
• LOB types
• Methods
• Objects as stored procedure parameters
Because these features are supported in server-side PL/SQL8, you can use
them by writing stored (server-side) subprograms, and calling the
subprograms from Oracle Developer. However, the last restriction requires
that you decompose any object data types before returning them to the client

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 14-13
Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

Causes of Oracle Server Errors

Form Oracle Server

Base table block Declarative

Implicit DML

Explicit DML
Stored PU call program unit

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Handling of Server Errors (errh.fmb) file to
demonstrate causes of Oracle server errors. Show the code in the
DEMO_RAISE_ERROR procedure and then drag it to the Oracle server.
Create a Before-Insert database trigger on the S_ORD table. Run the form
and show an implicit update causing an error by attempting to change the
primary key value. Attempt an insert and commit. Use [Display Error] to
display the database trigger error. Add comments to the first line of the Key-
Help trigger and remove the comments from the second line. Run the form
and press [Help] to show that the explicit insert, followed by commit, also
results in the database triggers firing.

14-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Handling Errors Raised by the Oracle Server

Handling Errors Raised by the Oracle Server

Oracle server errors can have different causes: for example, a declarative
constraint or a stored program unit. You should know how to handle errors
that may occur in different situations.

Causes of Oracle Server Errors

Cause Error Message
Declarative constraint Causes predefined error message
Database trigger Error message specified in RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR
Stored program unit Error message specified in RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR

Types of DML Statements

Declarative-constraint violations and firing of database triggers are in turn
caused by DML statements. For error-handling purposes, you must
distinguish between the following two types of DML statements:
Type Description
Implicit DML DML statements that are associated with base table blocks.
Implicit DML is also called base table DML. By default,
Forms constructs and issues these DML statements.
Explicit DML DML statements that a developer explicitly codes in triggers
or program units.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 14-15
Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

Trapping Server Errors

Form Oracle Server
Base table block
On-Error: message
DB trigger
Explicit DML/PU call
Stored PU
When Others: RAISE_

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Stress that the On-Error trigger and the DBMS_ERROR_CODE and
DBMS_ERROR_TEXT functions are specifically for handling errors in
implicit DML. (Implicit DML consists of the INSERT, UPDATE, and
DELETE statements implicitly created when changes to a form are saved.)
The PL/SQL functions SQLCODE and SQLERRM are for use with explicit
DML. (Explicit DML consists of the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
statements explicitly written into PL/SQL blocks in the form.)

14-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Handling Errors Raised by the Oracle Server

How to Trap Different Types of Oracle Server Errors

Type Error Handling
Implicit DML Use the Forms built-ins DBMS_ERROR_CODE and
DBMS_ERROR_TEXT in an On-Error trigger.
Explicit DML Use the PL/SQL functions SQLCODE and SQLERRM in a
WHEN OTHERS exception handler of the trigger or program
unit that issued the DML statements.
Stored program unit Use the PL/SQL functions SQLCODE and SQLERRM in a
WHEN OTHERS exception handler of the trigger or program
unit that called the stored program unit.

Note: Declarative-constraint violations and database triggers may be caused

by both implicit DML and explicit DML. Stored program units are always
called explicitly from a trigger or program unit.

Technical Note
The values of DBMS_ERROR_CODE and DBMS_ERROR_TEXT are not
automatically reset following successful execution.

FRM-Error Messages Caused by Implicit DML Errors

If an implicit DML statement causes an Oracle server error, Forms displays
one of these FRM-error messages:
• FRM-40508: ORACLE error: unable to INSERT record.
• FRM-40509: ORACLE error: unable to UPDATE record.
• FRM-40510: ORACLE error: unable to DELETE record.
You can use ERROR_CODE to trap these errors in an On-Error trigger and
then use DBMS_ERROR_CODE and DBMS_ERROR_TEXT to determine
the ORA-error code and message.
Note: The errors reported by the DBMS_ERROR_CODE and
DBMS_ERROR_TEXT built-ins are the same as what a user would see
after selecting [Display Error].
Appendix F, “Handling Server-Side Errors” covers server-side error
handling in more detail.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 14-17
Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

Performing DDL
• Syntax: FORMS_DDL (statement);
• Parameter (<=32 K):PL/SQL block, DML
or DDL statement
• Characteristics:
– Unrestricted; valid in Enter Query
– Statement must not contain bind-
variable references

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Performing DDL
• Characteristics:
– Statement cannot return results
– Use FORM_SUCCESS to check
success of statement
• Hints:
– Query record group instead
– Call stored program unit instead of
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

14-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Performing DDL with FORMS_DDL

Performing DDL with FORMS_DDL

Forms is intended primarily to perform DML operations. However, in some
cases you may find it useful to issue DDL statements from a form. You can
do this using the FORMS_DDL built-in function.


FORMS_DDL issues dynamic SQL statements at run time, including
server-side PL/SQL and DDL.

The specified statement can be any string expression up to 32K
representing a:
• PL/SQL block
• DML statement
• DDL statement
Do not end the PL/SQL block with a slash or the DML or DDL statement
with a semicolon.

FORMS_DDL is an unrestricted procedure that is also valid in Enter Query
• The specified statement must not contain bind-variable references.
However, you can concatenate the values of bind variables into the
specified string.
• The statement executed using FORMS_DDL cannot return results to
Forms directly.
• Use the FORM_SUCCESS built-in to check whether the statement
issued using FORMS_DDL executed correctly.
Note: Consider using a query record group with a SELECT statement or
calling a stored program unit, instead of executing FORMS_DDL.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 14-19
Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

Performing DDL
• Example: Create temporary table
FORMS_DDL (‘CREATE table temp (n_col number)‘);
MESSAGE (‘Table creation failed.‘);
RAISE form_trigger_failure;

• Example: Execute procedure with given

(‘BEGIN ‘‘ ||
|| p_proc_name
p_proc_name ||‘;
||‘; END;
END; ‘);
IF not

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Handling of Server Errors (errh.fmb)
demonstration file to show the code for the CREATE_TEMP_TABLE
procedure. This procedure is called from the Pre-Commit trigger. Show the
code for the EXEC_PROC procedure.
Explain that the Post-Database-Commit trigger does not fire when changes
are issued through the FORMS_DDL built-in, because Form Builder is not
aware of such changes.

14-20 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

The following examples show how you can use the FORMS_DDL built-in

Create a temporary table at the start of a post.
Pre-commit trigger at form level:
FORMS_DDL(’CREATE table temp(n_col number)’);
MESSAGE (’Table creation failed.’);
RAISE form_trigger_failure;

Execute a procedure with a given name. This is useful if you want to determine
dynamically which procedure should be executed in a certain situation.
PROCEDURE exec_proc (p_proc_name IN VARCHAR2)
FORMS_DDL(’BEGIN ’|| p_proc_name ||’; END;’);
Note: If the FORMS_DDL built-in fails, Forms sets the DBMS_ERROR_CODE
and DBMS_ERROR_TEXT built-ins. Therefore, you can handle Oracle server
errors using the HANDLE_SERVER_ERROR procedure discussed earlier.
Always test the SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS before calling the FORMS_DDL

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 14-21
Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

• Oracle server features useful for Form
• Dealing with PL/SQL code
• PL/SQL8 supported and unsupported
• Trap errors raised by the Oracle server
– Implicit DML
– Explicit DML or stored program units
• Performing DDL with FORMS_DDL

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

14-22 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Oracle Server Features Useful for Form Builder
• Declarative integrity constraints
• Stored program units
• Database triggers

Dealing with PL/SQL Code

• Store PL/SQL code in
- Oracle server
- Library
- Form
• Call PL/SQL code from
- Database trigger
- Form trigger
• Application partitioning

Handling Errors Raised by the Oracle Server

• Causes: declarative constraints, database triggers, stored program units
• Trap implicit-DML errors by using DBMS_ERROR_CODE and
DBMS_ERROR_TEXT in an On-Error trigger
• Trap explicit DML errors and stored program unit errors by using
SQLCODE and SQLERRM in a WHEN OTHERS exception handler

Performing DDL with FORMS_DDL

Parameter is a string (less than or equal to 32 K) representing a PL/SQL
block or DML or DDL statement.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 14-23
Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

Practice 14 Overview

This practice covers the following topics:

• Handling errors caused by declarative-
constraint violation
• Handling errors caused by stored
program units

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

14-24 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 14

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 14

This practice guides you through handling Oracle server errors.

Practice Contents
• Handle errors caused by declarative-constraint violations.
• Handle errors caused by stored program units.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 14-25
Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

Practice 14
1 Handle errors caused by declarative constraints violations.
aOpen the CUSTOMERS form module. This form is based on the
S_CUSTOMER table. A primary key constraint is declared on the
column Id.
b Run the CUSTOMERS form and try to add a new customer with an
existing customer number. Assign the new record an Id of 201 and a
name of Dummy. What FRM-error message do you get? What
Oracle server error message do you get? (Select [Display Error] to
see the message.)
c Which trigger must you use to trap error messages caused by
violation of this constraint?
d Which built-in functions must you use to get error messages caused
by violations of this constraint?
e Trap and replace the default constraint-violation message with your
own message. Use the function STRIP_CONSTRAINT_NAME to
detect which constraint was violated. You can import the
pr14_1e1.txt file to create the function and the
pr14_1e2.txt file to replace the existing code in the trigger.
Note: The function STRIP_CONSTRAINT_NAME accepts a complete
server error message, strips away the error number and prefix, and returns a
more readable error message. The details of this function are covered in
Appendix F, “Handling Server Side Errors.”
f Save and compile the form. Try to insert a duplicate Id value, and
note the displayed message.
If you have time...
2 Handle errors caused by stored program units.
a Open the CUSTOMERS form module.
b Implement immediate primary-key checking in the CUSTOMERS
form by creating a procedure called CHECK_PK_CUST. Call this
procedure from an appropriate trigger. You can import the
pr14_2b1.txt file to create the procedure and the
pr14_2b2.txt file to replace the existing code in the trigger.
c Run the form and try to add a new customer with an existing
customer number. Enter an Id value of 201 and press [Next Item] to
fire the When-Validate-Item trigger. What error do you get?

14-26 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice 14

d Drag the CHECK_PK_CUST procedure to the database under your

user account. Delete the local CHECK_PK_CUST procedure in your
e Examine the stored procedure CHECK_PK_CUST in the Stored
Program Unit editor. Explain the errors that are shown. Correct the
f Run the form and try to add a new customer with an existing
customer number. What FRM-error messages do you get? What
Oracle server error message do you get? (Select [Display Error] to
see the message.)
g Which trigger must you use to trap error messages caused by stored
h Which built-in functions must you use to get error messages caused
by stored procedures?
i Trap and replace the default error message with your own message.
Use the function STRIP_APPLICATION_ERROR to get the
application-error text. You can import the pr14_2i1.txt file to
create the function and the pr14_2i2.txt file to replace the
existing code in the trigger.
j Save, compile and test the form.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 14-27
Lesson 14: Using Server Features in Form Builder

14-28 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Using Reusable
Lesson 15: Using Reusable Components


After completing this lesson, you should

be able to do the following:
• List the reusable components
• Include the calendar object in an

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Topic Timing
Lecture 25 minutes
Practice 45 minutes
Total 70 minutes

15-2 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

In this lesson, you will learn about the reusable components that are
available with Oracle Developer. You will learn how these components can
fit into any application.

After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
• List the reusable components
• Include the calendar object in an application

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 15-3
Lesson 15: Using Reusable Components

Reusable Components

I’m the

I’m the

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Many of the demonstrations contain objects and techniques that the students
may want to copy. They may reuse the icons, images, ActiveX controls,
menus, and all other files provided in the demonstrations in their own
applications. They may also include the components within a product of
their own, including a commercial product that they sell to third parties.
There is no license or fee required for any such reuse.
These components are provided as is. Oracle Corporation makes no
warranty as to their correctness or their fitness for any particular purpose. If
they reuse any of these components in their own applications, whether
modified or unmodified, they do so entirely at their own risk. Oracle
Corporation does not provide any support for these components.
ActiveX (OCX) controls are provided solely for demonstration purposes.
Oracle does not support these controls and makes no guarantee as to their
reliability. For their own applications, Oracle strongly recommends that they
purchase supported, commercial controls such as those supplied by our
Open Tools Initiative partners.
Oracle Corporation retains all copyrights on these demonstrations,
components, icons, ActiveX controls, and images.

15-4 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Reusable Components

Reusable Components
Oracle Developer contains a complete set of demonstrations that illustrate
the power and productivity of the product. These demonstrations contain
many tips and techniques that you can copy and use in your own

Reusable Component Definition

A reusable component is a generic object (object group, block, PL/SQL
library, and so on), that you can reuse in all your applications. You can create
your own reusable components (code and object) by using the generic
programming characteristics.
This release also includes a number of reusable components that enable you
to easily and rapidly build applications that provide power and performance
while conforming to GUI standards. These components are customizable.

Technical Note
Some of the demonstrations and reusable components require PL/SQL
features that are supported only in Oracle7 release 7.3 or later. If your
database does not support these features, certain packages will be created
but marked as Invalid. If you try to run a demonstration that requires these
objects, you will see a warning that the packages are invalid.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 15-5
Lesson 15: Using Reusable Components

Reusable Components List

• ActiveX controls
• Calendar class
• Navigator class
• Online Help class
• Picklist class
• Wizard class
• Drag & Drop PL/SQL Library
• Form Builder Utilities PL/SQL Library
Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Instructor Note
Demonstration: Use the Orders (Orders.fmb) to demonstrate the
implementation of the calendar class and the picklist class.
Navigate to the DATE_ORDERED item and press [F9] to display the
Click the PRODUCT_LOV button to display the picklist form.

15-6 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Reusable Components List

Reusable Components List

The reusable components include:

Reusable Component Description

ActiveX controls An ActiveX control is a stand-alone software component that
you can include in your Form Builder application. Five
ActiveX controls are shipped with Oracle Developer: Image,
Sound, Spread Table, Tabsheet, and a Video object.
Calendar class This component enables you to add a calendar or date list of
values to your application.
Navigator class This component enables you to add an Explorer-style
interface to your application. This component is very similar
to Object Navigator.
Online help class This component enables you to easily add a Help system to
an application, and to provide functionality that mimics the
Windows Help system. It allows you to provide context- sen-
sitive help to end users. The help text is stored in the data-
base so that it can be easily shared among all users,
making updates and changes immediately available to
Picklist class This component enables you to easily add a picklist or
chooser-style interface to an application, and to provide
functionality that mimics the picklists of wizards and other
Wizard class This component enables you to easily add a wizard-style
interface to an application, and to provide functionality that
mimics the wizards of the Oracle Developer builders and
other Windows products.
Drag and drop PL/SQL This PL/SQL library provides simple procedures to help
library implement drag and drop or direct manipulation interfaces.
Form Builder utilities This PL/SQL library contains a procedure to write out the
PL/SQL library contents of a block.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 15-7
Lesson 15: Using Reusable Components

Reusable Components List

• Conversion PL/SQL Library

• Window System Interface PL/SQL
• Standard Object Library
• Oracle Applications Object Library
• Standard Menus
• Sample Icons

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

15-8 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Reusable Components List

Reusable Component Description

Conversion PL/SQL library This PL/SQL library contains procedures to perform
complex conversions.
Window system interface This PL/SQL library contains many commonly used routines
PL/SQL library specific to the Windows environment. The utility consists of
a PL/SQL library and a Windows dynamic-link library
(DLL) and can be used from any of the Oracle Developer
The PL/SQL library uses the ORA_FFI package and can be
used as a model for creating your own DLL calls. The utility
FFI_GEN is also available to help you generate a PL/SQL
interface to DLLs.
Standard object library The standard object library, stndrd20.olb, contains stan-
dard classes and visual attribute groups to help you build
applications that conform to a standard look and feel. The
standards can be used as provided, or you may choose to
extend or modify them for your own requirements. These
standards are designed to provide a Windows look and feel.
Where appropriate, the objects in the library are set as Smart-
Classes so that they can be readily applied to the objects that
you create in your forms.
Oracle applications object This object library, appsstds.olb, contains property
library classes and visual attribute groups that enable you to build
modules that have the same look and feel as Oracle
Applications. These standards have a Windows look and
feel, but they have also been designed for maximum portabil-
Standard menus These demonstrations include a number of standard menus
that you may want to reuse and customize.
Sample icons Sample icons can be found in
This directory includes all of the icons used in the demon-
strations and sample menus.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 15-9
Lesson 15: Using Reusable Components

The Calendar Class

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Creating a Calendar

To create a calendar:
1. Copy or make the Calendar Object
Group a subclass.
2. Attach the PL/SQL library
3. Create a Key-Listval trigger.
4. Call Date_LOV.Get_Date.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

15-10 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
The Calendar Class

The Calendar Class

This component enables you to easily add a calendar or date list of values to
an application. The Calendar window automatically displays the calendar
according to the NLS settings that are currently in effect, adjusting the start
of the week (for example, Sunday in the United States, Monday in Western
Europe) and the month and day names accordingly.

Creating a Calendar
To create a calendar, follow the steps below:
1 Open the stndrd20.olb object library. From the Components page,
copy or subclass the Calendar object group.
2 Attach the PL/SQL library calendar.pll, which contains the
Date_LOV package, to your module.
3 Create a Key-Listval trigger on the date item for which you would like to
use the Date List of Values window. Add code to display the calendar
using the Date_LOV package.
4 If you want the end user to be able to close the Date List of Values
window by clicking the WindowClose button in the title bar, create a
form-level When-Window-Closed trigger.
The calendar appears whenever the end user invokes a list of values for the
date item. A single calendar can be reused on many different date items.
Simply create a Key-Listval trigger for each item.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 15-11
Lesson 15: Using Reusable Components

Calendar Object Group Content

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

15-12 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Calendar Object Group Content

Calendar Object Group Content

The component contains many different Form Builder objects. You can
customize those objects for your specific application.

The Blocks
The calendar object contains two blocks:
• Date_Control_Block: This block contains the buttons that control which
month and year is displayed.
• Date_Button_Block: This block contains the buttons that represent each
day of the month.

The Canvas
The calendar class contains a content canvas named Date_Lov_Canvas. This
canvas contains all the items from both blocks.

The Window
The calendar class contains a window named Date_Lov_Window. This
window is used to display the Date_Lov_Canvas.

The Visual Attributes

The calendar class contains three visual attributes:
• Date_Normal_VA: This visual attribute contains the attributes for a date
button that is displayed normally.
• Date_Selected_VA: This visual attribute contains the attributes for a date
button that is displayed as selected.
• Date_Weekend_VA: This visual attribute contains the attributes for a
date button that is displayed as a weekend day.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 15-13
Lesson 15: Using Reusable Components

Built-in for Manipulating

the Calendar
Use Date_LOV.Get_Date to display the
• Syntax
date_lov.get_date( display_date,return_item,
v_cancel,v_highlight,v_autoconfirm,v_autoskip );

• Example
60,’Order Date’,’OK’,’Cancel’,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE);

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

15-14 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Built-in for Manipulating the Calendar

Built-in for Manipulating the Calendar

To use the calendar class, you have to attach a PL/SQL library called
calendar.pll. This library contains a package called DATE_LOV. This
package contains routines that the developer uses to interact with the

Date_LOV.Get_Date Procedure
This procedure displays the calendar with the month and year specified in
the Display_Date argument. The day of the month is displayed with bold
numbers. The date chosen by the end user is returned to the item specified
by the Return_Item argument.
. . .
display_date DATE, return_item VARCHAR2,
v_x_pos NUMBER := 0, v_y_pos NUMBER := 0,
v_title VARCHAR2 := ’Date List of Values’,
v_ok VARCHAR2 := ’OK’,
v_cancel VARCHAR2 := ’Cancel’, v_highlight BOOLEAN := TRUE,
v_autoconfirm BOOLEAN := TRUE, v_autoskip BOOLEAN := FALSE );. . .

Argument Description
display_date The date to display when the Date List of Values window first appears
return_item The name of the block and item to which to return the chosen date
v_x_pos Specifies the X coordinate of the Date List of Values window
v_y_pos Specifies the Y coordinate of the Date List of Values window
v_title Title to display in the Date List of Values window
v_ok Label for the OK button
v_cancel Label for the Cancel button
v_highlight Specifies that weekend days appear in a different color
v_autoconfirm Specifies that the date immediately be returned when the end user
clicks a day
v_autoskip Specifies that the input focus moves to the next item in sequence

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 15-15
Lesson 15: Using Reusable Components


• Reusable components
• Calendar class:
– Create a calendar class
– Built-in to manipulate the calendar

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

15-16 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

Reusable Components
• The purpose of a reusable component
• Reusable components list

The Calendar Class

• Create a calendar
• Calendar Object Group content
• Built-in for manipulating the calendar

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 15-17
Lesson 15: Using Reusable Components

Practice 15 Overview

• Creating a picklist to display and select

the products available
• Adding a calendar on items:
– s_ord.date_ordered
– s_ord.date_shipped

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

15-18 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice Session Overview: Lesson 15

Practice Session Overview: Lesson 15

This practice guides you through some useful reusable components.

Practice Contents
• Create a picklist to display and select the products available.
• Add a calendar on the S_ORD.DATE_ORDERED and

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 15-19
Lesson 15: Using Reusable Components

Practice 15
1 Create a picklist by using the picklist class. This picklist enables the end
user to make selections from two lists, one showing the products
available and the other showing the objects selected.
Note: To reuse the code you wrote in practice 10 question 2, we have
provided most of the code by way of an object library.
a Create a new form module.
b Open the Form_Builder_II.olb object library.
c From the Picklist Basic tab page, drag and copy the
PICKLIST_BASIC object group to the Object Groups node in your
module and release it. Copy the object group, do not subclass the
object group. This object group contains a canvas, a window, and a
block. The block contains two buttons, with the code to return the
products selected in the picklist to the orders form.
d From the Picklist Class tab page, copy the PICKLIST object group
into your new form module. This object group contains all the
objects to implement the picklist. Organize the CONTROL block so
it is the last block in sequence.
e Attach the picklist.pll library to your form.
f Create a When-New-Form-Instance trigger to populate the List_In.
Create an instance of the picklist with the CREATE_PICKLIST
procedure. Populate the List_in, using the
POPULATE_PICKLIST_WITH_QUERY function, with the results
of a query that returns the IDs, names, and suggested prices from the
S_PRODUCT table. (Retrieve the list of products excluding the
products that exists in the S_ITEM block. You should use the global
variable from practice 11.) Select the first element in the list by using
the SET_PICLIST_SELECTION procedure, and display both lists
by using the DISPLAY_PICKLIST procedure. You can import the
pr15_1f.txt file.
g Save your form using the filename PickList.fmb. Compile your
h Open the ORDERS form module.
i Modify the When-Button-Pressed trigger for the
CONTROL.PRODUCT_LOV_BUTTON so that it calls your new
form module. Comment out the old CALL_FORM line, it called an
LOV from an earlier lab.

15-20 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II
Practice 15

jSave, run, and test your form.

If you have time ...
2 In the ORDERS form, add a calendar on the S_ORD.DATE_ORDERED
item and S_ORD.DATE_SHIPPED item.
a From the calendar page of the Form_Builder_II.olb object
library, copy the calendar object group.
b Attach the PL/SQL library calendar.pll, which contains the
Date_LOV package, to your module.
c Create a Key-Listval trigger on the date ordered item. Add code to
display the calendar using the Date_LOV package. You can import
the pr15_2c.txt file.
d Create a Key-Listval trigger on the date shipped item. Add code to
display the calendar using the Date_LOV package.You can import
the pr15_2d.txt file.
e Save, run, and test your form.

Oracle Developer: Build Forms II 15-21
Lesson 15: Using Reusable Components

15-22 Oracle Developer: Build Forms II

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