Living in The Information Technology (IT) ERA
Living in The Information Technology (IT) ERA
Living in The Information Technology (IT) ERA
Briefer: This activity will allow you to identify the gadgets/devices that you have now and have used
before and find out the roles and functions these gadgets had in your lives.
1. Gather all gadgets such as old and new phone, old and new computer, old and new personal
digital assistants (PDAS), beepers, if still have, digital media (audio and video players); and other
devices that have made your life comfortable.
2. Arrange the gadget and devices that you once used and are still using now in chronological
order starting from the earliest year.
3. Make a summary of these in a form of table. (see table below)
4. You may include some photos of these gadgets on a separate page.
5. Share your output to the class and to you instructor
Name of the gadgets/device Inclusive year when the gadget How the gadgets helped you.
(include the brand and model). was used.
DIRECTION: Based from the list of gadgets and devices you presented in activity 1, select one out from
that list and thick of a certain feature that you can improve that gadget/devices or develop to help
improve the lives of people in the society. It could be something that you can develop to help in
communication, transportation, health, and the like. Illustrate your “improve device” in a paper or
though adobe photoshop, and other similar application of your comfort. Write a short narrative of your
“improved device”
Write short narrative of your “improved device” here.
“Apple iPhone”
Apple iPhone was the first company to put a truly power computer in the pockets of millions
when existed for years, bur none came together as accessibly and beautifully as the iPhone. Apples
devices ushered in a new era of flat, touchscreen phone with buttons that appeared on screen as you
needed them, replacing the chunkier phones with slide out keyboards and static however, was its
software and mobile app store, introduced changing how we communicate, play games, shop, work and
complete many everyday tasks.
The iPhone is a family of every successful products. But more that it fundamentally changed our
relationship to computing and information a change likely to have repercussions for decades to come.
DIRECTION: Examine the photo below as illustrate by Martyna Dela Cruz (2018), and in a statement
what do you think it imply?
In the Evolution of technology there are many ways to communicate. Such as people near or far
even through people in other countries through sending letters, we use it to send people notes from far
of near places. Snail mail, a longer way to send mail from people from other countries. The time fast
travel the technology became more powerful, they create new technology that can help to have
communicate from far countries and the example of that is Telephone that can have a call just you can
stay at your house. Now there are mobile phones that you can bring anywhere. Again, the technology
became more other countries and the example of the technology they create is iPhone, Vivo and others
cellphones that can help us now there are different types of phones to have a better communication.
DIRECTION: Answer the following question.
1.How did technology shape society and how did society shape technology?
Ans. Technology shapes society or society shapes technology is like language, ritual, commerce and the
arts, technology is an intrinsic part of human culture, and it both shapes society and is shaped by it. The
technology available to people greatly influences what their lives are like technology has strongly
influences the course of history and continues to do so.
2. Aside from communication, what other aspects of society is/are being influenced in the fast-changing
advancement of technology through ICT? Explain.
Ans. Well, that’s a question difficult to separate out of my mind. But I had a few thoughts. I think mobile
phones ability to capture an incident, is changing our society. We have become narcissistic. Our phones
have made it possible to focus on ourselves more. We have become self-image orientated. Once, we
kept up with the society influenced. I think, with information so easily accessible, we have become
impatient, nervous, constantly distrustful for the press because we know easy it is to alter or exaggerate
or bias information. We do it ourselves.
3.Is the advancement of ICT as medium of communication mobility enough to narrow the gap between
the rich and the poor? Why or why not? Explain your position.
Ans. The new technology risks widening the gap between rich and poor countries by shifting more
investment to advanced. Even as technology becomes more affordable and internet access seems
increasingly ubiquitous, a digital divide between rich and still more likely than others to have good
access to digital resources according to the new internet.
DIRECTION: Considering the advert of technological advancement in your locality, list down technology
you possess up to this day. In the next column, the write technologies you need to achieve to meet the
IT era (at least five). Then the next column, elucidate each technology on how will you acquire the
technology. Having achieved those technologies, what do you wish to contribute to your community and
live the IT era productivity.
What technology do I What technology do I How will I acquire the What do I wish to
possess up to this day? need to achieve to technology? contribute to my
meet the IT era? community and live the
IT Era productively?
This is the advanced To have this kind of I wish to contribute to
technology can help us, technology, I just need my community is to
to have a better to buy or if I have it have or to managed
1. Phone communication with already, I just need to the efficient IT system
others. improve or update it. to ensure what we
need in our
On one of the To use of any To have a productively
technologies that can computers and others IT era is to maintain
2. Laptop help us to present our devices that can help our devices such as
report in PowerPoint us to processes to laptop in a good way.
and other possibly that create, process, store,
can create or secure of secure, and exchange
our information. all form of electronic
This technology is for The evolution of This device can help to
kids that many to technology like this those children who
3. Tablets communicate too. device that along the schooling the online
other countries. class, in the way we
can contribute our
community to live
The device is now The capable TV is Care for others hours
updating we can watch advanced technology or community specially
4. TV other movies/ drama devices that along the to those have not
from far countries. other countries. capable TV.
The smart Wi-Fi is the The devices can help It is amazingly easy to
best way to search out, you to download the make our community
all the information you pdf of your topic, worth living, through
5.WI-FI need watch videos on the free wi-fi not that
YouTube. Internet is many take the time nor
the best resource to make the effort to do
learn any new it.
DIRECTION: using the table below, enumerate the impact of ICT and computers and various media on
the way you live today (it can be in education, communication, transportation, health, and amount
related life style). Furthermore, foresee changes and development of ICT and computers and various
media that will happen five years from now.
Impact of ICT and computers and various media Foreseen change and development by 2005
1. It is the basic of all field of computers 1. We could see major improvement in our
applications. It also finds usefulness in lives through the acceleration of the shift
management, science and engineering. away from fossil fuels, more electric cars
ICT has created innovative applications and the corresponding in frastracture,
that have led to making life easier in more power- self- sufficient happen to
many sectors expansion of cloud computing experts
predict the new normal.
2. The modern information communication 2. The next big technology frontier is
technologies have enabled the process of artificial intelligence and the hardware
sending and receiving message to work at that power it is a rapidly growing our
extra ordinary speed each new problem environment. Evolution technology is
we solve spawns another opportunity to more powerful in the near future.
learn and invert.
The following website are the extensive teacher resources. You are requested to read it your most
convenient time for the purpose of enhancing your foundational knowledge of the lesson. You are also
asked to write two key point on what you have learned/observed in the given reading materials.
1. The site presents an article entitled the 10 new paradigms of communication in the digital age
by Jose Luis orihuela. Read the article and write on the space below your take ways.
a. The 10 new paradigms of communication in the digital age the internet changed most of the
paradigms that helped us to describe and understand the public communication ecosystem.
Media is one of the most important technology nowadays,
b. The digital age arrives with a set of big communication challenges for traditional mainstream
media, new relations with the audiences (interactivity) new languages (multimedia) and so on
that can help us to community the others people even to far from as because media is the most
2. This site presents an article entitled Philippines in the Digital Age by Aileen Jazbeec. Read the
article and write on the spaces below your takeaways.
a. Internet access has developed over the years, with more than 70% Filipinos going online
regularly nowadays. The lifestyle of Filipinos, especially the ones residing in metropolitan areas
and the suburbs, has significantly been enhanced by the internet in an uncountable aspect.
Some Filipinos choose to work from home primary to escape the inconvenience of
transportation jobs are outsourced from flourishing economics to the Philippines through the
b. People are now living in a period in which the economy is based on information
computerization. The industry that involves computers, are among other is called information.
Most of the Filipinos are now more empowered in the digital age. The integration in technology
into everyday lives change us in many way. Great topic and video off how you involved some
Philippines people and encouraged then [m to share more about the digital evolution.
Activity 1
Activity 1. Video Clip Showing
Briefer: This activity aims to gather your understanding of Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4,0), being
considered as one of the keys of what we call modern day living in the digital age.
Direction: The following links below are video clips that will orient you about Fourth Industrial
Revolution. After watching the video clip, come up with a short narrative or reflection highlighting your
understanding of what IR 4.0 is all about and what challenges do we need to thrive the impacts brought
by this revolution for the contemporary generation.
Based on Mt understanding about the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on society is
increased human productivity. The social media revolution embodied by the devices has given everyone
a voice and a way to communicate instantly across the environment. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is
finally, well change not only what we do but also affect our identity and all the issues associated with it,
our sense of privacy, our nations devote to work and leisure and how we develop our careers, cultivate
our skills, meet people and nurture Relationship in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Briefer: This activity will strengthen your understanding of modern day living driven by the latest
technological revolution which is IR 4.0 affecting many facets of our culture and society. Further, this
seeks your response how far ASEAN and the Philippines has benefited the impacts of digital age.
Direction: The following link below is a video clip that will orient you on about the status Philippine
response on IR 4.0 across sectors in the society. After you view the video clip, come up with a short
assessment how far is the Philippines as of this time when it comes to IR 4.0. Also, assess yourself, how
ready are you now to face IR 4,0? What skills do you have to meet and exceed the demands of the
present era? Are these skills enough? Why or Why not?
The Philippines has reached the replication and even innovation stages of technology capability in
most First wave technologies. The Philippines ranks 50the. up by Four notches, in World intellectual
property organization Gill 2020. Science and technology Secretary Fortunato Dela Peña targets the
Philippines to further improve the country's ranking to 43re spot by 2022. Therefore. shifting your
careers in a more tech- related direction, learning how to code, or getting a degree in computer science
will probably be the safety way to not be replaced by technology.
You can enhance your personal development skills by taking classes, learning from the
people around you, gaining new talents and improving upon existing one's. Follow these guidelines to
develop yourself personally. Skills the next generation will need for success. Critical thinking being able
to think for yourself is a key skill at a time where the concept of career and the workplace is changing.
Adaptability excellent communication skill and cultural understanding. Are those skill enough Why? Why
not, No because I'm still underage an still has many more to learn about ICT before I can really manage a
Direction: Answer the following questions:
1. Digitalization of processes across sectors in the community has affected the way we live today. Take
for example are virtual bank transactions, online shopping, social media, distance education, and many
other behaviors which internet is a major ingredient has definitely transform our society and culture. Do
you think that these transformation is enough to crack the barrier between the rich and the poor?
Ans. The digitalization impacted to the technology has had a huge impact on all our daily lives, from
media to work. We look at the areas most hit. Technology affect almost every aspects of 21st century
life from transport efficiency and safety, to access to food and healthcare, socialization and
productivity. In fact technology has improved the way people feed, cloth and shelter themselves,
technology has also changed to others aspects everyday life.
2. The digital age has a lot to offer when it comes to modern and current trends such as Internet of
Things, animation, and nanotechnology. As a thinking individual, what other technological
advancements or innovations can possibly influenced the behavior of the government, business, and
academe? Elaborate.
A change in the way a product or service is produced or delivered that reduces the resource input
requirements for production or delivery. Still other key government roles to provides results of
government scientific and technical research, such as through the National Technical Information
Service. The Government is able to put a wealth of information for the public to use without having to
leave their home. Public services can now reach every location that has Internet access.
Easy access to information, easy retention of information, more storage of information, better
presentation of information, teaching became more interaction, easy sharing of knowledge and more
interest in learning. Technology has the potential to revolutionize the traditional teaching and learning
process. It can eliminate the barries to education imposed by space and time and dramatically expand
access to lifelong learning. Student no longer have to meet in the same place at the same time to learn
together from an instructor. Technological innovation are having a significant impact on educational
system at all levels.
3. One of the pillars of culture is education, and considering the digital era we are living today, how do
you think education can play significantly as a fundamental core of Industrial Revolution 4.0?
Ans. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a way of describing the blurring of boundaries between the
physical, digital and biological worlds. Given the Fourth Industrial Revolution a new form of a higher
learning institution is emerging that does teachning, research and service in a different manner, such as
a massive open online courses, virtual classroom and laboratories, virtual libraries and virtual teacher.
The fourth Industrial Revolution urges us to think creatively about the manufacturing process, value
chain, distribution and customer.
Exercise 1.
Briefer: This exercise seeks your personal touch or experience of the IT Era. You are expected to share
your life experience on the use of various technological tools and how it has contributed to you by
describing its advantages and disadvantages.
Direction: Over the course of your life, find a scenario in which IT tools was implemented. Examples are
a video projector used for classroom lectures; a biometric scanner used to record the attendance of
school employees; or an interactive board used by students during class discussions. The more up-to-
date the application of IT tool/s, the better. Then prepare a minimum of 500-word report guided by the
following questions below.
A scenario describe one way that a system is or is envisaged to be used in the context of an
activity in a defind time frame. Scenarios are frequently used as part of the system development
process.The manual processing means of a transaction that requires human intervention by STI
including; taking inbound calls and/ or placing outbound calls, and using individuals to manage and
pursue to resolution issues related to transaction. With faster turnaround and elimination of wasteful
practices, automated processes facilitated time and cost savings. Efficient allocation of resources. The
observation method about or have the advantages is provides high accuracy since the observer directly
interact with the observed. And about the disadvantages the observation is a costly method since it
requires a lot of things.
Exercise 2.
Briefer: This exercise seeks your understanding of social behavior blended by the emerging trends of the
digital age. One is cyberbullying. You are expected to come up a personal reflection of your coping
mechanisms out from your personal experiences or other people’s experiences about cyberbullying and
assess how it has affected the way he/she lives in the modern time.
Direction: Write a self-reflection on cyberbullying by answering the following questions:
1) Have you, or has anyone you know, been cyberbullied?
2) What were the steps you, or that person, took to stop the incident? What are the other ways that you
think can combat cyberbullying?
Surprisingly no; however, I knew someone who a horrifying experience with someone on
craigslist. Apparently, she was feeling a bit lonely and went to the Casual Encounters section browsing
for someone with whom to spend some time. He had something else in mind and beat her severely
when she refused. She had to be taken to the hospital. We worked on getting a plan in place for when
she is lonely that excludes craigslist. I realize this is not what you asked; however, the crossover from
cyber to reality seemed to render it appropriate. Within the Hannah Smith Foundation, we frequently
have kids complaining about either continued cyberbullying or one time events. What we do works in
two ways: Of course, whenever the topic comes up, we reiterate the theory of reporting, blocking and
ignoring, and why not to respond, the idea being having them hear it so often that it becomes second
nature. Being confident about what to do takes a lot of the agony away. The other way this works is that
we actually walk them through an acute event. This is the more important part, because it reinforces
them mentally, it practises to apply the theory under stress, almost like a drill, so they actually start to
feel good about it.If the bullying is happening on a social platform, consider blocking the bully and
formally reporting their behaviour on the platform itself. Social media companies are obligated to keep
their users safe.It can be helpful to collect evidence – text messages and screen shots of social media
posts – to show what’s been going on.For bullying to stop, it needs to be identified and reporting it is
key. It can also help to show the bully that their behaviour is unacceptable. If you are in immediate
danger, then you should contact the police or emergency services in your country.
The following websites are the extensive teacher resources. You are requested to read it in your most
convenient time for the purpose of enhancing your foundational knowledge of the lesson. You are also
asked to write two key points on what you have learned/observed in the given reading material.
1. This site presents an article entitled mapping the values of IoT by Razvan Nicolescu, Michael Huth,
Petar Radanliev & David De Roure. Read the article and write on the spaces below your takeaways.
We investigate the emerging meanings of “value” associated with the Internet of Things.
Given the current political economy, we argue that the multiple meanings of “value” cannot be
reduced to a single domain or discipline, but rather they are invariably articulated at the
juxtaposition of three domains: social, economic, and technical. We analyse each of these
domains and present domain challenges and cross-domain implications – drawing from an
interdisciplinary literature review and gap analysis across sources from academia, business, and
governments. We propose a functional model that aggregates these findings into a value-driven
logic of the emerging global political economy enabled by digital technology in general and IoT
in particular. These conceptual contributions highlight the critical need for an interdisciplinary
understanding of the meaning of “value”, so that IoT services and products will create and
sustain such concurrent meanings during their entire lifecycle, from design to consumption and
retirement or recycling.A high-level functional model of IoT ecosystems, showing the
interaction and cross-dependencies of two major domains we call macro-sphere and
microsphere. Internet of Things (IoT) technology has been placed at the vanguard of future
digital applications for more than a decade now. Developed around end devices that have the
‘‘mandatory capabilities of communication andoptional capabilities of sensing, actuation, data
capture, data storage and data processing’’ (ITU-T, 2012), IoT came to represent complex
systems and systems of systems that promise further transformations of the digital economy.
Such developments would connect individuals, organizations, and devices in ways that can
transform capitalist economies radically, for example, by stimulating collaborative economies,
restructuring supply chains, eliminating middlemen, and lowering fixed costs significantly.
This article probes these challenges by discussing the concept of ‘‘value’’ as pertaining to
IoT from three different perspectives: social, economic, and technical. This analysis maps out
the meaning of ‘‘value’’ in these three perspectives, presents a functional model of IoT derived
from this investigation, and argues for the need to consider multidisciplinary methods in
developing IoT products and services. Neglect of such an integrative approach would impede, if
not prohibit, harnessing the great potential benefits of IoT. The meaning of value in the space
of IoT-connected devices. There is no simple or universal definition of the concept behind the
term ‘‘value’’, especially when addressing a dynamically evolving topic such as IoT. The most
notable attempts to record and discuss the concept of ‘‘value’’ are perhaps formalized by
economists and made popular by the industry and finance sectors. The dominant classic
theories of values can be grouped in a labour theory of value, which saw value as being
somehow simply generated during the process of productive labour (Smith, 1904 [1776];
Ricardo, 1821 [1817]; Marx, 1906 [1867]). In this paradigm, value formation depended on the
availability and the particular dispositions of a handful of key resources, such as land and
production means, the processes of commoditization, and commodity exchange. Other theories
of value such as the subjective theories of value (Jevons, 1871; Menger, 1871; Walras, 1874) in
mainstream economics and the developments around the notion of ‘‘value proposition’’ widely
used in the business and management literature show the multitude of viewpoints and
approaches to advancing the economic understanding of ‘‘value’’.Throughout the second half
of the twentieth century, the political economy in the West was significantly influenced by
Polanyi’s (2001[1944]) theory that saw economic value as an abstraction placed at the
intersection between the formal economy and the substantive economy. The formal
represented the conceptual and normative economy, and the substantive represented the
practical economy – a relatively simple and organic model for economists, businesses, and the
general public alike.
2. This site presents an article entitled Adaptive Learning Technology Relationship with Student
Learning Outcomes by Garry White. Read the article and write on the spaces below your
The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of an Adaptive Learning Technology
(ALT), as compared to traditional teaching methods, in an undergraduate management information
course. The effectiveness is based on Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning CompetenciesThis study aims to
provide empirical evidence of ALT outcomes in learning, to show if ALT enhance learning over traditional
teaching methods. If not, the value of using ALT is provided.Results showed no relationships between
ALT usage and test/course grades. No differences between the two groups (those who completed ALT
and those that did not do the ALT) were found with each of the four tests and final course grades. Since
the ALT group did the LearnSmart® as an option, the tool appears to be a preference for learning style
and provides user satisfaction. This is consistent with prior studies.Adaptive e-learning is viewed as
stimulation to support learning and improve student engagement, so designing appropriate adaptive e-
learning environments contributes to personalizing instruction to reinforce learning outcomes. The
purpose of this paper is to design an adaptive e-learning environment based on students' learning styles
and study the impact of the adaptive e-learning environment on students’ engagement. This research
attempts as well to outline and compare the proposed adaptive e-learning environment with a
conventional e-learning approach. The paper is based on mixed research methods that were used to
study the impact as follows: Development method is used in designing the adaptive e-learning
environment, a quasi-experimental research design for conducting the research experiment. The
student engagement scale is used to measure the following affective and behavioral factors of
engagement (skills, participation/interaction, performance, emotional). The results revealed that the
experimental group is statistically significantly higher than those in the control group.
Adaptive technology empowers teachers with the ability to easily and continuously improve their
instruction, equiping them with analytics and authoring tools to better understand their students'
learning and modify their lessons accordingly.Adaptive learning is a technology-based or online
educational system that analyzes a student's performance in real time and modifies teaching methods
based on that data. Think AI meets dedicated math tutor meets personalized engagement.Adaptive
Design for Learning is a professional certificate course, not an academic course. This means that it has
been deliberately designed not to be esoteric or overly theoretical. ... The course has also been designed
to be project-based.Adaptive learning is one technique for providing personalized learning, which aims
to provide efficient, effective, and customized learning paths to engage each student. Adaptive learning
systems use a data-driven approach to adjust the path and pace of learning, enabling the delivery of
personalized learning at scale.Adaptive technology allows people with various types of disabilities to use
computers. For those who cannot use standard input devices such as a keyboard or a mouse, advanced
speech recognition allows them to control any function on the computer.Adaptive design refers to
graphical user interface (GUI) design that adapts to different screen sizes. Designers apply it in GUIs,
such as webpages, which must function on devices of different sizes.Adaptive learning, also known as
adaptive teaching, is an educational method which uses computer algorithms as well as artificial
intelligence to orchestrate the interaction with the learner and deliver customized resources and
learning activities to address the unique needs of each learner.
Post- test
Course Outcome: Construct an insight paper by analyzing the local and global impacts of information
and communication technology on individuals, organizations, and society drawn from various sources of
inquiry and empirical data.
Briefer: When you finish reading a book or an article, the first instinct may be to praise or pan the book.
An insight paper gives you the opportunity to share your analysis of a literary text and components like
characters, setting and theme. You should analyze an aspect of the work and also include your feelings
and ideas about the work itself. An insight paper generally does not require outside research and should
not feature a summary of the work but instead present your personal perspective.
Certain groups of people claim that globalization has predominantly positive effects,while
others assert the opposite. Which of these two arguments do you find more compelling? Why?
Elaborate your stand.
People across the globe are of two minds about globalization: in principle, most
believe it’s good for their country; in practice many – especially those in advanced economies –
are not so sure it’s good for them personally. This skepticism, especially among Americans,
Japanese and some Europeans, poses serious domestic political challenges for the transatlantic
and the transpacific trade deals now under negotiation, according to a new Pew Research Center
survey of publics in 44 countries conducted this spring.The good news for advocates of
globalization is that people across a diverse range of advanced, emerging and developing
economies overwhelmingly (a median of 81%) say that international trade and global business
ties are good for their country. People also generally voice the opinion (a median of 74%) that it
is beneficial for their economy when foreign companies build new factories in their country. The
survey included 48,643 respondents from March 17 to June 5, 2014.The bad news for these same
apostles of globalization is that a significant share of people in many nations have reservations
about the impact of deeper international economic integration. Just over half (54%) believe trade
creates jobs. Only a plurality (45%) holds the view that it increases wages. And barely a quarter
(26%) share the opinion that trade lowers prices, contrary to one of economists’ principal
arguments for why nations should trade.
The ugly political consequence of such sentiment is that skepticism about trade and
investment is particularly strong in France, Italy, Japan and the United States. Each of these
nations is involved in negotiating major regional trade agreements: the Trans-Pacific Partnership
(TPP) in the case of the U.S. and Japan and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
(TTIP) between the European Union nations and the U.S. If approved, the governments
involved, including the Obama administration and most of the business communities in Europe,
Japan, the U.S. and other countries party to the talks, say the deals will spur growth and jobs
while benefiting consumers.But, when we ask about specific implications related to international
trade, the American public is particularly skeptical. For example, barely 17% of Americans think
trade leads to higher wages, only 20% believe it creates new jobs and just 28% say foreign
companies buying American companies is good for the country.
This undercurrent of distrust could complicate government efforts to further deepen
and broaden global markets.In politics scope, globalization has had many negative and positive
consequences such as; increase power and liberty of nations, groups and nongovernmental
parties, expand of new political culture, weaken and washy of the role and hegemony of states in
illegitimate controlling of nations, change and redefinitionEvidence suggests that globalisation
has a positive effect on the country's economic growth and employment. In particular, trade
openness and foreign portfolio flows have contributed to higher per capita GDP growth in the
Philippines, following the implementation of FX liberalisation reforms.In addition, globalization
made it possible for Filipinos to learn new words and develop understanding with regards to
language. In terms of language monitoring, globalization affected the Filipino language because
Filipinos became sensitive and meticulous in using their language.Globalisation can help spread
the positive effects of environmentally friendly technologies and practices from developed to
developing countries. This can reduce pollution in developing countries through, for example,
importing greener technologies or developing better environmental regulations and standards.
Submitted by