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Annex 2B.4 to DepEd Order 42, s.

School Grade Level Grade 10
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher Learning Area MAPEH 10- Health
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Third

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

12 February 2024 13 February 2024 14 February 2024 15 February 2024 16 February 2024
A. Content Standards  CATCH UP
B. Performance
C. Learning
Write the LC code for each
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learning Materials
3. Textbooks pages
4. Additional Material Slide deck Slide deck Slide deck Slide deck
from Learning Teacher made audio Teacher made audio Teacher made audio Teacher made audio
Resource (LR) visual visual visual visual
portal TV set or laptop TV set or laptop TV set or laptop TV set or laptop
LAS / Module LAS / Module LAS / Module LAS / Module
B. Other Learning Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet,
Resources lms.deped.gov.ph lms.deped.gov.ph lms.deped.gov.ph lms.deped.gov.ph
IV. PROCEDURES Integrative Approach Inquiry – Based Approach Constructivism Inquiry – Based Approach
Content-Based Instruction Cyclic Inquiry Model and the Activity Based Knowledge Building
(CBI) – 4As Activity Practical Inquiry Model 3 A’s Activity Community Building
DCAP Activity EIBU Activity
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or
presenting the new
B. Establishing a Activity: . Act:
purpose for the (COOPERATING) .
Indicator 3
Applied a range of
teaching strategies to
develop critical and
creative thinking as well
as high order thinking
skills 1.5.2
C. Presenting Experience:
of the new lesson
Indicator 1
Applied knowledge of content
within and across curriculum
teaching areas 1.1.2
Indicator 2
Used a range of teaching
strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills 1.4.2
D. Discussing new Conduct a class Deliberate: The students Conduct a class Inform:
concepts and discussion. will talk about the discussion. (Cooperating)
practicing new Analysis: following: Analyze:
skills #1 .
Indicator 4.
Used effective verbal and non-
verbal classroom communication
strategies to support learner
understanding, participation,
engagement, and
Indicator 3
Displayed proficient use of
Mother Tongue, Filipino, and
English to facilitate teaching and
E. Discussing new Conceive: Based on the Build Knowledge:
concepts and different questions, they Guide Questions:
practicing new will share their answer . (Localization)
skills #2 and discuss it with the 6. Explain why it is
Indicator 9 class. important to ____
Designed, selected, organized,
and used diagnostic, formative, Act: Students will share
and summative assessment their key takeaways from
strategies consistent with the lesson.
curriculum requirements PPST
F. Developing Abstraction: RELATING Apply Understand:
mastery Students will write and Give each group a Ask the students to list Have students create a
(Leads to share their findings and different type ask them to ___ visual representation
Formative compare similarities and analyze ____ (poster or infographic)
Assessment) differences between ____ showcasing different
Indicator 8 basic____
Applied a range of successful
strategies that maintain learning
environments that motivate
learners to work productively by
assuming responsibility for their
own learning.2.5.2
G. Finding practical Application: Perceive: APPLICATION Ask students to write a
applications of Ask students to make a Ask students to Ask the students to ____ short paragraph about the
concepts and skills short reflection about the individually write down importance of .____
in daily living topic he / she learned the steps in____
about _____
H. Making Select students will give Select students will give Select students will give Select students will give
generalizations and the key points acquired the key points acquired the key points acquired the key points acquired
abstractions about from the lesson. from the lesson. from the lesson from the lesson
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Assessment: Assessment: Assessment. Assessment:
Indicator 9 Multiple Choice: Identification. True or False. Write True Multiple Choice:
Designed, selected, organized, if the statement states a
and used diagnostic, formative, fact and False if the
and summative assessment statement is incorrect.
strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements PPST
Additional activities
for application or

A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Leaners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

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