CEM40 GEM45 FirmwareUpgradeInstruction

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CEM40/GEM45 Firmware Upgrade

The firmware of both 8407 hand controller (HC) The mount comes with a RS232 cable. Please do
and mount can be upgraded. The upgrading is not use a cable other than iOptron one. They
only supported by Windows. Please check may look exactly same but wired differently.
iOptron’s website, www.iOptron.com, under
Support, for the most up to date firmware.
The firmware upgrade will be done via:
 Mount: USB port on mount main board.
 Hand controller: RS232 serial port on hand
To upgrade the firmware, you need some or all of If you are making your own cable, here is the
the following software/hardware, depends on the wiring instruction:
upgrading you are performing:
 iOptron Upgrade Utility Program (Version RS232 RJ9
2 4
2.01) 3 3
5 1
 Mount firmware upgrade:
o CEM40/GEM45 mount firmware RS232 connector (female) RJ9 plug
o USB cable #8416 (included) (2) Serial (RS232) Port on a Computer
o FTDI VCP (Virtual COM Port) driver for The first step is to find if your computer has a
CEM40/GEM45 mount USB port serial port (or RS232 port). The following photos
 Hand controller firmware upgrade: show a native (built-in) serial port on a laptop (left)
o 8407 hand controller firmware and a desk top (right). It is a 9-pin D-shaped
o iOptron RS232 to RJ9 serial cable (DB9) connector. The assigned port number
#8412 (included) usually is COM1. Minimum 5.0VDC output power
o USB to RS232 converter and driver for at serial connector is needed to ensure reliable
hand controller firmware upgrade. If data transmission.
your computer does not equip a
RS232 port (9-pin D-shape connector)
except the USB port, you need to buy
a USB to RS232 converter, form a
computer hardware store or on-line.
We recommend using a converter.

1. Prepare the hardware

CEM40/GEM45 Mount Firmware
(1) Connect the USB cable to the mount USB
port on main board, NOT the one next to
polar scope.
(2) Download and install FTDI VCP driver
Hand Controller Firmware
(3) USB to RS232 converter
(1) RS232 to RJ9 serial cable
If your computer only has USB ports, like most
late PC and laptops do, or the native RS232 port

iOptron Corporation, 6E Gill Street, Woburn, MA 01801 www.iOptron.com

does not perform, you need a USB to COM
(RS232) converter to convert one USB port to a
RS232 port. Here are two examples of USB2COM

Download and install FTDI VCP driver.

We recommend use a USB to RS232 converter Find the COM port number
even your computer has a native RS232 port. A Use your mouse’ right button to click on Windows
converter with FTDI chipset is preferred to ensure sign located on the left bottom corner of your
a reliable operation. computer’s screen (Windows 10 as an example).
This will bring up a list of tasks as shown in the
screen shot below. Move the mouse to Device
2. Find the serial port (COM port) number Manager and click onto it.
The Upgrade Utility for CEM40/GEM45 should
detect the COM port number automatically, after
USB VCP driver is installed. You may skip this
step, unless the Upgrade Utility could not find the
COM port #.
CEM40/GEM45 Mount Firmware
Direct connect the USB cable between the mount
USB port and the computer.
Hand Controller Firmware
The default assigned number is COM1 if your
computer has a serial port (9-pin D-shape male
connector on the back,
If you are using a USB to COM converter or direct
USB connection, you can find the computer
assigned COM port number as described below.
Set up you mount. Connect the hand controller to
the HBX socket, NOT the iPORT socket, on the
CEM40/GEM45 mount.
Plug the USB to RS232 converter into one of
available USB port on your computer and connect
the RS232-RJ9 serial cable onto the serial port
(D-shaped) of the converter.
Connect the RJ9 telephone jacket into RS232 port
of 8407 HC for hand controller firmware upgrade. Click on Ports (COM & LPT), find out the COM
number and write it down (in the following screen
shot, the assigned port number is COM6)

iOptron Corporation, 6E Gill Street, Woburn, MA 01801 www.iOptron.com

(3) Hold ENTER button of the hand controller
while switch the ON/OFF button to turn the
mount power on. The HC will enter upgrading
(4) Locate downloaded software and click on

3. Download software and firmware from

iOptron website:
Go to CEM40/GEM45 product page on iOptron
website, www.iOptron.com, click on Support (5) An iOptron Upgrade Utility window will display.
Documents tab. Click on Browse:

Download and save iOptronUpgradeUtility.exe

program, Hand Controller firmware and
CEM40/GEM45 mount firmware.

4. 8407 hand controller firmware upgrade:

(1) Connect the 8407 hand controller to the HBX
port on CEM40/GEM45 mount. Make sure the
mount power is OFF;
(2) Connect 4-pin RJ9 plug into the serial port of
(5) Select 8407 hand controller firmware, such as
a 8407 hand controller and the 9-pin RS232
CEM40_HandController_YYYYMMDD.bin and
connector to your computer’s RS232 port (or
click Open.
RS232 port of the USB2COM converter);

(6) The FileType and Version will be verified and

displayed. The COM port will be detected
(here is COM6). If it does not show, click on
pull down menu of the COM/USB Port and
select the COM port number.

iOptron Corporation, 6E Gill Street, Woburn, MA 01801 www.iOptron.com

CEM40/GEN45 USB Port on main board
(7) Click on Upgrade button to start the process;


(8) After the firmware upgraded successfully, exit
(2) Locate downloaded software and click on
the Upgrade Utility program by click on . iOptronUpgradeUtility.exe:
Power cycle the mount.

5. CEM40/GEM45 mount firmware upgrade:

(1) Connect the mount to a computer via a USB
cable through mount USB port. Turn the
mount power on. (3) Click on Browse in iOptron Upgrade Utility
window. Select the mount firmware package,
such as CEM40_FWYYMMDD.bin, and click

iOptron Corporation, 6E Gill Street, Woburn, MA 01801 www.iOptron.com

(9) The FileType and Version will be verified and CEM40EC/GEM45EC version needs to perform
displayed. The COM port will be detected encoder calibration after the firmware upgrade
(here is COM18). If it does not show, click on to ensure precise tracking.
pull down menu of the COM/USB Port and
To calibrate the encoder:
select the COM port number.
1) Turn off the mount;
2) Press and hold number "2" button on the hand
controller when power on the mount. The
calibration process will start automatically;
The calibration mode will search the mount zero
position first. Next the mount will swing to the
eastern side quickly. Then the mount will slowly
move from eastern side to western side to
calibrate the encoder. It will return to Zero
Position after the calibration is finished. The total
procedure may take a few minutes.
(4) Now you can choose “Intelligent Select” to 3) After the mount stopped, turn off the mount,
let the software decided which part of mount and turn on again.
firmware needs be upgraded, or use 4) Perform Search Zero Position or Set Zero
“Manually Select” to select which firmware Position.
you want to upgrade.
If chose “Intelligent Select”, check the small 7. Common errors during firmware upgrade:
box in front of it and click on Upgrade button.
If the software is up to date, you’ll see the (1) COM port cannot be opened:
following window.  Wrong COM port is selected;
 A mount is not connected;
 Cable is not plugged in firmly
 A USB to RS232 converter driver is not
installed or corrupted;
 A USB to RS232 converter does not work
(2) Connection failed:
 Mount power is not turned on;
 Cable is not plugged in firmly;
 Broken RJ9 to RS232/USB cable;
If any or all firmware needs be upgraded, or  A USB to RS232 converter does not work
“Manually Select” is chosen, the software will properly;
do so.  Malfunctioned control board;
 Wrong firmware selected.
(5) Power cycling the mount. Check your
firmware version after all four firmware (3) Upgrade stopped in the middle or failed:
upgrade is finished by press  Cable is not plugged in firmly;
MENUFirmware Information.
 Cable is moved during process;
(6) Exit the Upgrade Utility program.  Broken RJ9 or RS232 cable;
 A USB to RS232 converter does not work
6. Calibration CEM40/GEM45 EC version high properly.
precision encoder: Contact support@ioptron.com for technical

iOptron Corporation, 6E Gill Street, Woburn, MA 01801 www.iOptron.com

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