CT Nevi Fy 2024 Plan Final

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FY 2024 Plan

A Strategy to Expand Public

Electric Vehicle Charging

Submitted to FHWA on
August 15, 2023
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Glossary of Terms and Acronyms................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................. 4
State Agency Coordination ............................................................................................................................... 5
Public Engagement ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Stakeholders Involved in Plan Development........................................................................................ 6
Community Engagement Outcomes Report ........................................................................................ 7
Tribal Engagement......................................................................................................................................... 10
Utility Engagement ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Site-Specific Public Engagement ............................................................................................................ 10
Plan Vision and Goals ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Contracting ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
Civil Rights ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Existing and Future Conditions Analysis .................................................................................................. 11
Alternative Fuel Corridor Networks (Pending and Ready) .......................................................... 12
Known Risks and Challenges .................................................................................................................... 13
EV Charging Infrastructure Deployment .................................................................................................. 13
I-91 NEW Location: ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Implementation ................................................................................................................................................... 16
Equity Considerations ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Identification and Outreach to Disadvantaged Communities (DACs) in the State ......... 16
Benefits to DACs through this Plan, and Process to Identify, Quantify, & Measure....... 16
Labor and Workforce Considerations ....................................................................................................... 16
Physical Security & Cybersecurity ............................................................................................................... 16
Program Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix A: 2023 Stakeholder Engagement Survey-Comment Summary ............................. 18
Appendix B: NEVI Phase 1: Proposed DCFC Zones 1-Mile Drivable Buffer ............................. 20
Appendix C: Existing Locations of Charging Infrastructure Along AFCs ................................... 26

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
AASHTO – American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act
AFC – Alternative Fuel Corridor
AFDC – Alternative Fuels Data Center
CCS – Combined Charging System or plug type for DC Fast Charging
CHAdeMO – a plug type for DC Fast Charging
CHEAPR – Connecticut Hydrogen and Electric Automobile Purchase Rebate
COG – Council of Government
Corridor Pending – Corridor does not satisfy FHWA requirements
Corridor Ready – Corridor meets FHWA requirements
CTDEEP – Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
CTDMV – Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles
CTDOT – Connecticut Department of Transportation
DAC – Disadvantaged Community
DC – Direct Current DC Fast Charging – High power charging 400-800 volt, 150-600
amps, 3 phase
DCFC – Direct Current Fast Charger
DOT –Department of Transportation
EDC – Electric Distribution Company
EJ – Environmental Justice
EV – Electric Vehicle
EVITP – Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program
EVSE – Electric Vehicle Service Equipment
FAQ – Frequently Asked Question
FHWA – Federal Highway Administration
FY – Fiscal Year
Green Bank – Connecticut Green Bank
IBC – International Building Code
IIJA – Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
Joint Office US DOE – U.S. Department of Energy kW – Kilowatt (1,000 watts)
Level 2 – Medium power charging 240-volt, 15-50 amps, single phase
NASEO – National Association of State Energy
NB – Northbound
NEVI – National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
NFPA – National Fire Protection Association
NHFN – National Highway Freight Network
NREL – National Renewable Energy Laboratory
OCCP – Open Charge Point Protocol
PURA – Public Utilities Regulatory Authority
SB – Southbound
US DOE – United States Department of Energy
US DOT – United States Department of Transportation

Connecticut will receive approximately $52 million in formula funding over five years
from the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Public Law 117-58
(November 15, 2021) to support the expansion of a statewide electric vehicle (EV)
charging network. The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) will
administer these funds. Pursuant to the state receiving the National Electric Vehicle
Infrastructure (NEVI) funds, the NEVI program requires each state to submit a
deployment plan to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) by August 1 of each
year of the program. CTDOT was notified in September of 2022 that the state’s fiscal
year (FY) 2022 and 2023 Plan was approved by the United States Department of
Transportation (USDOT) and FY22-23 formula funds were obligated to CTDOT. Under
the NEVI Formula Program, each State is required to provide an updated NEVI plan to
FHWA annually. This FY24 NEVI plan update satisfies this annual requirement, provides
updates on program development, and upon approval, will allow Connecticut to be
apportioned FY2024 NEVI formula funds.

In early June of 2023, the U.S. Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (Joint Office)
issued revised NEVI Formula Program Guidance 1 that included information regarding
expectations for updated plans, funding eligibilities, and program administration. In
accordance with federal guidance, State NEVI plans need to be updated to reflect
program progress for each State as of August of 2022 and provide insight into FY24
NEVI planning actions. The FY24 NEVI Plan serves as an addendum to CT’s FY22-23 Plan
and incorporates actions that have occurred since 2022 as well as programmatic
changes the state anticipates incorporating into CTDOT’s 2023 grant solicitation. No
significant changes were made to the existing plan, except for the addition of new
sections as a result of new federal guidance requirements.

CTDOT has hired a consultant to assist in the development and implementation of the
NEVI program for PHASE 1 in Connecticut. The consultant will help ensure the NEVI
grant program meets Federal and State requirements.

Updates in the FY24 NEVI plan consist of:

• Stakeholder engagement in plan preparation.
• Coordination with State agencies

1U.S.DOT Memo: Information: National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program Guidance (Update),
Available at:

• A Community Outcomes Report that outlines outreach completed to date and
how the state envisions amplifying outreach efforts, especially to tribes and
disadvantaged communities (DACs).
• Updates to the State’s contracting approach, including timelines pertaining to
Connecticut’s grant solicitation.
• Updates to the Civil Rights Section to include Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) specific Building Codes recently adopted in Connecticut.
• Existing and Future Conditions Analysis to include a tool specific to Connecticut
and a discussion regarding risks and challenges in EV deployment.
• Discussion regarding EV charging infrastructure deployment and how gaps were
identified in the direct current fast charging (DCFC) planning efforts including
potential solutions.

Table 1: Updated Timeline of NEVI Plan Development and Phase 1 Implementation

Activity Date
Regional Outreach Efforts June-July 2023
Refine DCFC Gap Analysis July 2023
Public Outreach (Webinars, COG meetings etc.) July 2023
Final Plan submission to Joint Office August 2023
Drafting of program criteria Ongoing
CTDOT public grant solicitation Fall of 2023
CTDOT grant solicitation support Winter 2023/2024

State Agency Coordination

CTDOT has continued to work with the Connecticut Department of Energy and
Environmental Protection (CTDEEP) and other State partners regarding expanding
electric vehicle supply equipment to encourage the use of electric vehicles. Monthly
meetings have been held with CTDEEP to discuss lessons learned from the 54 EV
charging projects that CTDEEP awarded on June 27, 2023, as part of the Volkswagen
Settlement program.

In 2022 the Connecticut legislature passed Public Act 22-25, which included funding for
CTDEEP’s vehicle incentive program, the Connecticut Hydrogen and Electric Automobile
Purchase Rebate (CHEAPR). In 2023, CTDEEP contracted with a marketing firm to
develop a program to inform and educate low- and moderate-income individuals about
electric vehicles and the CHEAPR program. The ad campaign is in development and will
be launched in fall 2023 with multimedia engagement. CTDOT anticipates utilizing some
of these resources when working with stakeholders who are interested in learning about
the benefits of EVs.

CTDOT has followed the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority’s (PURA) Annual EV
Charging Program Review Docket and has tracked changes in the program. Over the
past year, CTDOT participated in the docket by submitting formal comments and having
staff available to speak at hearings related to potential synergies between the PURA
utility program and the NEVI program. There have not been any additional interagency
working groups initiated since the FY23 Plan update.

CTDOT acknowledges that charging and fueling infrastructure funded under this
program will be required to adhere to Build America, Buy American Act provisions.
CTDOT has included the updated Federal requirements for the NEVI program within the
state’s grant solicitation.

Public Engagement
Stakeholders Involved in Plan Development
In preparation for Connecticut’s FY24 NEVI
Plan update, CTDOT created a recorded Figure 1: Questions to Stakeholders
presentation2 outlining the
changes requested by the Joint
Office. This presentation was
shared during the July 12, 2023,
Council of Governments (COG)
meeting, posted on the CT NEVI
webpage, and distributed via
CTDOT’s NEVI listserv. In addition
to providing updates on the NEVI
program, CTDOT proposed
questions (Figure 1) for the public to respond to on July 18, 2023. Further information
on this effort is outlined in the 2023 Stakeholder Engagement Survey-Comment
Summary in Appendix A.

2CTDOT’s Charging Ahead Plan-A Strategy to Expand Public EV Charging: NEVI Plan Update FY24, Available at:

Community Engagement Outcomes Report
Over the past year, the media’s reporting on NEVI helped to increase interest in CTDOT’s
NEVI program. CTDOT responded to media requests and provided information on
several high-profile media pieces focused on NEVI. CTDOT
received stakeholder comments following publication of the
Stateline article (dated
October 11, 2022) on Figure 2: Examples of Media Stories
Expect More EV
Charging Stations as
States Tap into Federal
Dollars3 and The New
York Times article (dated
March 5, 2023) Why the
New York Area is Seeing
an Explosive Growth in
Electric Cars4 (Figure 2).
Comments from the public focused on the need for charging
locations to be safe, lighting to be reliable, and stations to be in
places that offer amenities for drivers such as restrooms, snack
options and dog walking areas.

Connecticut has been carrying out efforts to build a stronger electric vehicle charging
foundation. Spring 2022 NEVI Planning sessions emphasized to CTDOT the public’s
need for a broader understanding of electric vehicles. In the fall of 2022, CTDOT was
awarded a grant from the United States Climate Alliance, to work with the Connecticut
Department of Motor Vehicles (CTDMV), CTDEEP and Atlas Public Policy to develop an
EValuateCT5 comprehensive dashboard. This digital tool, published in January of 2023,
provides insights into the current state of vehicle electrification in Connecticut including:
• Where EV chargers are located,
• Which makes and models are most popular and
• Where EVs are registered.

The dashboard generated interest from EV advocacy groups, city and town officials and
various other stakeholders. Since the launch, CTDOT has received feedback on the tool

3 Stateline: Expect More EV Charging Stations as States Tap into Federal Dollars, Available at:
4 The New York Times: Why the New York Area is Seeing an Explosive Growth in Electric Cars, Available at:

5 Atlas Public Policy EValuateCT Dashboard, Available at: https://atlaspolicy.com/evaluatect/

and several municipalities have stated they are utilizing the tool to help plan for EV
charger deployment and as a resource when applying for grant opportunities.

CTDOT has been deliberate in not disseminating any NEVI specific outreach until the
FHWA National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Standards and Requirements were
considered in relation to impacts to planning and solicitation. When available, NEVI
specific information has been posted to Connecticut NEVI webpages6 and to a CT NEVI
distribution list, which has approximately 600 subscribers. CTDOT has conducted several
NEVI social media campaigns to reach a broader audience. Using Facebook and Twitter
and sharing NEVI updates on LinkedIn has been a useful tool to reach communities and
solicit feedback on the state’s NEVI Plan. CTDOT staff presented information regarding
the NEVI program at one in-person CTDOT COG Quarterly Meeting and one virtual
monthly CTDOT COG meeting during the spring of 2023. CTDOT plans to continue to
encourage stakeholders to join the NEVI specific email distribution list and utilize social
media to help reach the public. Feedback from municipalities has shown that meetings
and listening sessions (in-person) also help foster closer relationships with community

Over the year, stakeholders have asked specific programmatic questions regarding the
upcoming grant solicitation. To ensure the process is fair, and no one stakeholder has
information prior to public release, CTDOT has and will not disseminate information
regarding the CT grant solicitation until it is made publicly available (planned in fall of
2023). In the interim, the website was updated with frequently asked questions (FAQs):
National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Deployment in Connecticut7 to help
applicants prepare for the NEVI grant solicitation and to reduce confusion around the
electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) federal standards.

6Connecticut Department of Transportation’s NEVI website, Available at: https://portal.ct.gov/DOT/Sustainability-


7FAQs: National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Deployment in Connecticut, Available at:

CTDOT has also been collaborating with partners that have been working to electrify
transportation. CTDOT has monthly standing meetings with Connecticut's Clean Cities
Directors who provided resources and information for NEVI plan development. The
Clean Cities coordinators helped to inform their
members of available NEVI resources, shared CTDOT's Figure 3: NFPA Training Flyer
EV-related social media posts and
helped disseminate information
regarding the NEVI FY24 Plan
development. Greater New Haven Clean
Cities and Capitol Clean Cities of CT
worked with the Connecticut Fire
Academy to host a no cost, National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) First
Responder training in June, with over 30
towns represented at the training (Figure
3). Clean Cities is planning to hold two
additional no cost trainings for first
responders during 2023 and CTDOT plans to help publicize the events and to continue
working with Clean Cities in the future to ensure outreach and stakeholder engagement
efforts are maximized.

CTDOT continues to work with neighboring state Department of Transportations (DOTs)

and Offices of Energy Resources to help coordinate the EV fueling network beyond
Connecticut’s state’s borders. Discussions occurred with Rhode Island Office of Energy
Resources, Massachusetts DOT staff and New York DOT staff to ensure the EVSE fast
charging networks align.

To ensure the state rolls out a safe, reliable, and accessible EV fast charging network, a
wide range of outreach strategies will be necessary. Future engagement will consist of:
• Hosting meetings to achieve broad geographic and demographic representation,
• Actively soliciting feedback from stakeholders such as community-based
organizations, utilities, towns, municipalities and others through listening
sessions, public surveys.

CTDOT values meaningful public involvement for the NEVI planning processes. Ideas
and feedback have been gathered from municipalities, communities, DACs, and other
stakeholders throughout the planning and implementation process for the program.

Tribal Engagement
The federal guidance requires that CTDOT work with tribes as part of the State’s NEVI
planning process. CTDOT will be working with Connecticut’s FHWA Division office as it
relates to tribal coordination for NEVI program Implementation.

Utility Engagement
CTDOT has met monthly with United Illuminating Company and Eversource, the electric
distribution companies (EDCs), to discuss progress on planning efforts between the EDC
make-ready and CTDOT’s NEVI programs. The EDCs have shared DCFC projects that are
in their make-ready incentive program queues and intend to work collaboratively to
assess potential high interest NEVI sites when CTDOT starts accepting NEVI Phase-1
applications. In preparation for NEVI DCFC applications, Eversource has a System
Planning team available to perform electric load availability analysis within the 11
priority zones outlined within Connecticut’s FY24 Plan Update.

Site-Specific Public Engagement

Over 25 potential applicants have reached out to CTDOT asking about funding for their
potential DCFC site. CTDOT has acknowledged their interest in the program but has
delayed answering any specific grant solicitation questions to ensure no one entity is
offered an unfair advantage over another. CTDOT has continued to inform stakeholders
that Connecticut’s grant solicitation will be released to the public in the fall of 2023.

Plan Vision and Goals

Connecticut has no updates to this section, please reference FY22-23 Plan.

CTDOT is staying consistent with the FY22-23 NEVI Plan, to allow public and private
entities, EV charging station providers, site hosts, and others to apply for competitive
funding to own and operate NEVI-funded stations that meet the requirements set forth
by the most current FHWA NEVI Program Guidance. CTDOT has been working closely
with the local FHWA Division Office, ensuring that any potential Rights of Way concerns
and other potential hurdles are addressed when contracting with private property
owners. CTDOT will continue to meet and coordinate with Connecticut’s FHWA Division
Office over the course of the NEVI program.

Over this past year, CTDOT has been following how other states are setting up their
NEVI procurement processes and has been working internally to create a grant
solicitation that will result in a reliable, safe EV charging network. CTDOT has
investigated other state processes and gathered lessons learned, as well as retained a

consultant to finalize and disseminate the grant solicitation to any interested parties.
CTDOT anticipates releasing Connecticut’s Phase 1 grant solicitation in the fall of 2023.
and will ensure that the contracting language includes all applicable federal
requirements and guidelines. CTDOT is also working with a consultant to create scoring
criterion to collect, evaluate, and award contracts equitably and transparently.

Civil Rights
As stated in the state’s FY22-23 NEVI Plan, all proposed guidelines, and
recommendations for the deployment of EV charging stations will be created pursuant
to federal, state, and local laws and regulations to ensure compliance with the ADA and
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI). In October of 2022, the State of
Connecticut adopted the 2021 International Building Code (IBC) and the ICC A117.1-
2017 ANSI Standard which codified the EV charging station accessibility requirements
including IBC Section 1107.2 and ANSI Section 502.11 into the Connecticut State
Building codes.

Existing and Future Conditions Analysis

CTDOT is utilizing the EValuateCT dashboard to provide insights into the current state of
vehicle electrification in Connecticut. The EValuateCT dashboard is made possible
through a collaboration between CTDOT, CTDMV, CTDEEP, and Atlas Public Policy to
provide analytics regarding the state of transportation electrification in Connecticut.
CTDEEP provides aggregate vehicle registration data to Atlas Public Policy8 twice a year.
All other data sources, such as demographic data, retail electricity prices, and charging
data, are obtained through federal government databases. CTDOT will be reviewing this
dashboard to build a better understanding of where EV adoption trends are happening
across the state.

While future conditions of EV adoption are difficult to model, CTDOT tracks reports and
resources that attempt to conceptualize where long-term state planning around
transportation electrification needs to occur. According to the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory’s (NREL) report, The 2030 National Charging Network: Estimating U.S.
Light-Duty Demand for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure,9 the number of plug-in
electric vehicles that will be on the road in Connecticut in 2030 is approximately
340,000. NREL’s models show that Connecticut will need roughly 1,500 public DC ports
(a mixture of 150 kilowatt (kW)-350 kW stations) to meet that demand.

8 Information about Atlas Public Policy is Available at: https://atlaspolicy.com/

9NREL report, The 2030 National Charging Network: Estimating U.S. Light-Duty Demand for Electric Vehicle
Charging Infrastructure, Available at: https://driveelectric.gov/files/2030-charging-network.pdf

Alternative Fuel Corridor Networks (Pending and Ready)
Connecticut did not submit a 2023 Round 7 Alternative Fuel Corridor (AFC) nomination
to FHWA.

FHWA proposed designated EV Freight Corridors for Connecticut as part of the 2023
Round 7 AFC nomination. FHWA proposed using the National Highway Freight
Network10 (NHFN) (Figure 4) as the preliminary designation and Connecticut did not
dispute using the NHFN EV routes because they mirror data included in the 2022
Connecticut Statewide Freight Plan Update11. CTDOT anticipates FHWA will approve the
NHFN EV Freight Corridors as proposed.

Figure 4: Connecticut’s Freight Network

10U.S.DOT National Highway Freight Network, Available at:


11Connecticut Statewide Freight Plan Update (December 2022), Available at: https://portal.ct.gov/-

Known Risks and Challenges
CTDOT has received concerns from potential site hosts and community members that
NEVI program reimbursement requirements pose a potential financial barrier to
program participation. In Connecticut’s FY22-23 NEVI Plan, CTDOT coordinated with The
Connecticut Green Bank (Green Bank) to identify programs within their organization that
potential applicants to the NEVI program could consider. Since that time, the Green
Bank has added an additional bridge loan as an option to help fund EV charging
infrastructure. The Green Bank has the capacity to provide low- and no-interest bridge
loans to organizations and communities who may face challenges associated with large
upfront capital investments and extended reimbursement periods. Financing solutions
such as these may be useful in promoting EV charging infrastructure deployments in
underserved communities.

The state has also received feedback from EV drivers utilizing existing DCFC
infrastructure requesting that new charging locations offer overhangs or protection
from the weather. Many of those same EV drivers are also concerned about the
reliability of lighting at public DCFCs found along the AFCs in relation to safety and
accessibility. A common theme heard from current EV drivers is that that the federal
minimum standards don’t go far enough in ensuring that a user’s charging experience
mirrors that of an internal combustion vehicle.

EV Charging Infrastructure Deployment

Connecticut’s FY 22-23 Plan identifies ten zones throughout the state for consideration
as priority areas for Phase 1 build-out of the NEVI program (Table 2). CTDOT has further
mapped these zones as a one-mile drivable buffer from the exit ramp (see Appendix B).
These sites helped to satisfy many of the federal guidance criteria making them eligible
for NEVI funding. For FY24, Connecticut will continue to prioritize these ten zones in the
state’s Fall 2023 NEVI grant solicitation. These sites are anticipated to have at a
minimum, four combined charging system (CCS) connectors per location, but as part of
the grant solicitation ranking criteria, proposals that have more than the minimum
number of connectors will also be considered. Contracted entities will also be required
to develop stations that incorporate at minimum, all the specific NEVI guidance and the
requirements of the federal rulemaking. These sites include:

Table 2: NEVI Phase 1: Proposed DCFC Zones

Corridor Location
I-95 Old Saybrook – I-95/State Route 9 Intersection off I-95 exit 69
I-95 Norwalk – I-95/U.S. Route 7 Intersection off I-95 exit 15 NB/SB

I-91 Hartford – I-91 exit 33
I-91 *Meriden – I-91 exit 16 NB, exit 17 SB
I-84 Willington – I-84 exit 71
I-84 Waterbury – I-84 WB exit 22/EB exit 23
I-84 Danbury – I-84 exit 5 (also U.S. Route 7)
I-395 Putnam – I-395/U.S. Route 44 intersection at exit 47 off I-395
I-395 **Plainfield I-395 exit 32 location and the Plainfield I-395
NB/SB Plaza
I-395 **Plainfield – I-395 NB/SB Service Plaza
Route 7 North Canaan - U.S. Route 7/U.S. Route 44 Intersection
Route 7 New Milford - U.S. Route 7/U.S. Route 202 Intersection
*New proposed zone for Phase 1 build-out
**CTDOT is considering the Plainfield I-395 exit 32 location and the Plainfield I-395
NB/SB Plaza and will allow the application process to determine which location gets

In preparation of Connecticut’s FY24 Plan, the team reviewed the United States
Department of Energy (US DOE’s) Alternative Fuel Data Center (AFDC) NEVI compliant
site locations for Connecticut. This evaluation revealed that a bank of 150 kW DCFCs
found in North Haven that had previously been listed on the AFDC website as NEVI
compliant, had been removed from the list. US DOE staff confirmed that the bank of
DCFC in North Haven were not 150 kW chargers but only capable of charging up to 50
kW. This left a gap along I-91 between Stratford and all points North on I-91. The state
evaluated whether a new bank of DCFCs installed at an East Harford site off I-84 could
fill the charging gap along I-91 but found that the East Hartford station was located 1.3
miles from the I-91 Southbound (SB) exit and 1.7 miles from the I-91 Northbound (NB)
exit. CTDOT decided not to ask for an exemption but instead added an additional
priority area for Phase 1 build-out of the NEVI program (Figure 5). This new priority
location will be located off I-91 in Meriden, exit 16 NB, exit 17 SB.

Figure 5: NEVI Phase 1: Alternative Fuel Corridors Proposed DCFC Zones
(July 2023)

I-91 NEW Location:

Meriden – I-91 exit 16 NB, exit 17 SB
Utility: Eversource Energy

The city of Meriden has been identified as an Environmental Justice (EJ) Distressed
Municipality according to 2020 Census data. The new zone reaches two Justice 40
Disadvantaged Communities. Additionally, this zone lies at a major intersection between
I-95 and CT State Route 15, which plays a vital role as a North/South connector between
NY’s Hutchinson River Parkway to the south and I-84 to the north. The highly utilized
route also intersects State Route 7 and U.S. Route 8, connecting numerous communities
to economic centers throughout the state. CT State Route 15 is not a designated FHWA
AFC but there has been interest from the public to add EV charging along this route.
The zone would be 24 miles from the proposed zone in Hartford, CT, (to the north), and
33.2 miles from a NEVI qualifying DCFC charging location to the south, in Stratford, CT.
Additionally, the proposed zone would be 49 miles from the proposed zone in Old
Saybrook, CT, to the south. An additional NEVI qualifying DCFC charging location is
located off AFC I-84, just 19.7 miles from the proposed zone.

Connecticut is currently working with a consultant to finalize the details on program
implementation and has no further updates to this section, please reference FY22-23

Equity Considerations
CTDOT is staying consistent with the FY22-23 Plan to use the Electric Vehicle Charging
Justice40 Map tool developed by US DOE and the USDOT in addition to Connecticut’s
2021 Environmental Justice Community map for CT’s NEVI program.

Identification and Outreach to Disadvantaged Communities (DACs) in the State

CTDOT has relied upon relationships with partner organizations such as Clean Cities, the
Center for Latino Progress, the Connecticut Equity and Environmental Justice Council,
municipalities, and others. Going forward, the state anticipates working with additional
partners to ensure appropriate outreach to DACs.

Benefits to DACs through this Plan, and Process to Identify, Quantify, & Measure
Connecticut provided examples within the State’s FY 22-23 Plan of the types of benefits
that are likely to be a part of the Phase 1 program. CTDOT will identify the means of
quantifying and measuring the benefits to DACs as a part of the Fall 2023 grant

Labor and Workforce Considerations

Connecticut expects to meet the workforce requirements that were outlined in the
state’s FY22-23 Plan. Progress on the State’s PURA docket on the EDC’s Connecticut
Electric Vehicle Program may indirectly benefit the NEVI program.

At PURA’s request, the EDCs have been discussing changes and design considerations
for the Connecticut Electric Vehicle Program annual review. One of the considerations
that PURA asked the EDCs to explore is phasing in certified electric vehicle infrastructure
training program (EVITP) contractors as part of the utilities make ready program to
mirror NEVI program guidance. If PURA issues a decision for EDCs to use EVITP certified
contractors, there will likely be a larger number of certified EVITP electricians to work on
NEVI funded projects.

Physical Security & Cybersecurity

CTDOT anticipates reviewing and adopting the Joint Office’s clauses regarding
cybersecurity into the grant solicitation when they become available. It has also become
evident in talking to electric vehicle equipment manufacturers and service providers,
that the ecosystem framework around standards such as cybersecurity, open charge

point protocol (OCCP) certification, metering accuracy, and ISO 1511-2, is lacking in
conformance. CTDOT anticipates requiring charging suppliers to provide supporting
evidence that they meet all required cybersecurity and OCCP standards.

Program Evaluation
CTDOT has been considering ways to measure program success. Some of the factors
being considered include setting goals around the number of stations that meet the
97% uptime requirements, understanding usage data thresholds and what usage could
mean to program success. Lessons learned from Phase 1 will be captured and used in
planning for Phase 2 of the program.

CTDOT is executing a thoughtful and deliberate program development process that will
provide time to evaluate successes from other state’s program implementation. This will
position Connecticut to deliver a successful NEVI charging network. CTDOT will continue
to work collaboratively with the American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the National Association of State Energy Officials
(NASEO) state partners to create a robust and safe charging network that is reliable for
EV drivers.

Appendix A: 2023 Stakeholder Engagement Survey-Comment
A stakeholder survey was offered on CTDOT’s website, presented at the July CTDOT
COG meeting, and emailed to stakeholders on the NEVI distribution list in preparation
for the Connecticut FY24 NEVI Plan update. The survey was open between July 12 and
August 7, 2023.

A total of twenty-three (23) stakeholders completed the survey.

Do you have any recommendations for the Community Engagement Outcome

Nine (9) comments were received for this survey question.
• Three (3) comments recommended NEVI stakeholder comments/survey
responses be posted on the CTDOT website.
• Three (3) comments focused on future community engagement and the need for
CTDOT to incorporate established Connecticut based non-profits to help with
community engagement.
• Two (2) comments recommended developing more online EV/EVSE educational
• One (1) comment focused on the need to evaluate an alternative option for a
community engagement report and that metrics should be developed around
community engagement to gauge the measure of success of the NEVI program.

How would you like to see CTDOT quantify expected EV charging benefits to
disadvantaged communities?
Eight (8) comments were received for this survey question.
• Three (3) comments focused on CTDOT working directly with disadvantaged
communities to identify benefits.
• Two (2) comments focused on flexibility in calculating benefits to disadvantaged
• One (1) comment focused on developing criteria that would help identify/rank
project benefits within a disadvantaged community.
• Two (2) comments focused on how benefits to disadvantaged communities need
to align with Federal NEVI rules.

Would you be in favor of including NACs and/or CHAdeMO connectors in addition

to the (4) required CCS connectors at Phase 1 site locations? If so, how many?
Eight (8) comments were received for this survey question.
• Three (3) comments recommended including NACs as an option in Phase 1 site
selection criteria.

o One (1) comment recommend 2 NAC ports for every 6 CCS ports
• Nine (9) comments did not recommend using NACs as an option in Phase 1 site
selection criteria.
• Four (4) comments did not recommend using CHAdeMo as an option in Phase 1
site selection criteria.

Regarding the importance of characteristics for locating DCFC stations during

Phase 1 please rate the following from 1-least important to 10-most important.
Eight (8) comments were received for this survey question and rankings varied across
Criteria that ranked favorably on survey responses
• Thirteen (13) comments on proposal emphasizes station safety, accessibility, and
• Five (5) comments on proposal are within an environmental justice area as
defined by the Justice40 Initiative, or are able to directly serve low-income,
minority or other disadvantaged populations
• Eight (8) comments on proposal requiring minimal operating assistance.
Criteria that ranked low on survey responses
• Four (4) comments on proposal fills a charging gap.
• Three (3) comments on proposal offers a higher percentage (>20%) of the non-
federal funding match
• Three (3) comments on proposal serving corridors with higher traffic and truck
• Five (5) comments on proposal providing “redundancy” along an AFC (more
infrastructure in areas of high demand)
• Four (4) comments on proposal already hosts EV charging infrastructure and only
requires upgrades to meet NEVI criteria.

Please share other feedback that could help us in updating our NEVI FY24 Plan.
• Three (3) comments focused on areas in the state where EV charging coverage
was needed.
• Eight (8) comments were regarding utility coordination and providing better
understanding of profit limits on NEVI funded chargers, variable rates, and grid
• Five (5) comments discussed wanting more NEVI program engagement
opportunities focused on communities and local government.
• Eighteen (18) comments focused on grant solicitation (program design, timelines,
site criteria, pull through requirements, etc.).
• Two (2) comments were complimentary on the approach to the NEVI Plan.

Appendix B: NEVI Phase 1: Proposed DCFC Zones 1-Mile Drivable
Danbury – I-84 exit 5 (also U.S. Route 7)

Hartford – I-91 exit 33

Meriden – I-91 exit 16 NB, exit 17 SB

New Milford - U.S. Route 7/U.S. Route 202 Intersection

North Canaan - U.S. Route 7/U.S. Route 44 Intersection

Norwalk – I-95/U.S. Route 7 Intersection off I-95 exit 15 NB/SB

Old Saybrook – I-95/State Route 9 Intersection off I-95 exit 69 NB/SB

Plainfield I-395 exit 32

Putnam – I-395/U.S. Route 44 intersection at exit 47 off I-395 NB/SB

Waterbury – I-84 WB exit 22/EB exit 23

Willington – I-84 exit 71

Appendix C: Existing Locations of Charging Infrastructure Along AFCs
NEVI Guidance Qualifying Station Data

State EV Charger Route Location Number of EV Connectors EV

Charging Level Network
Location (DCFC, L2) (if known)
*Unique ID*
7 single headed 350kW
411 Barnum Ave
CCS Electrify
121739 DCFC I-95 Cutoff, Stratford, CT,
1 dual headed 50kW America
CHAdeMO/ 150kW CCS
3 dual headed 150kW CCS
420 Buckland Hills Dr, 2 dual headed 350kW CCS Electrify
164399 DCFC I-84
Manchester, CT, 06042 1 dual headed 50kW America
CHAdeMO/ 150kW CCS
1 dual headed 350kW CCS
2 dual headed 150kW CCS
915 Hartford Tpk, Electrify
121737 DCFC I-395/I-95 2 dual headed 50 kW CCS
Waterford, CT, 06385 America
1 dual headed 50kW
CHAdeMO/ 150kW CCS
805 E Main Street, East Electrify
260587 DCFC I-84 4 single 350 kW CCS
Hartford, CT 06108 America

*Defined by the State-this should match the unique ID in the State’s applicable GIS databases
*Data extracted July 27th, 2023

Existing Locations of Charging Infrastructure Along AFCs

DCFC Within 1 mile of AFC (Non-Qualifying)
State EV
Level EV Network
Location Route Location Number of EV Connectors
(DCFC, (if known)
175 Hartford
105196 DCFC I-84 Turnpike, Vernon, 1 single 25kW CCS
CT, 06040
165 W Service Rd, 1 dual headed CHAdeMO/CCS Non-
44435 DCFC I-91
Hartford, CT, 06120 unknown kW Networked
1 Weston Park Rd, ChargePoint
164606 DCFC I-91 1 single 23.92 kW CCS
Hartford, CT, 06120 Network
900 Universal Dr N,
1 dual headed 50kW Non-
44447 DCFC I-91 North Haven, CT,
CHAdeMO/CCS Networked

410 Universal Dr N, 3 dual headed 50 kW CCS
189349 DCFC I-91 North Haven, CT 1 dual headed 50 kW
06473 CHAdeMO/CCS
100 Universal Dr,
6 dual headed 100kW eVgo
198997 DCFC I-91 North Haven, CT,
CHAdeMO/CCS Network
25 Old Kings Hwy, 1 dual headed 50kW eVgo
198862 DCFC I-95
Darien, CT, 06820 CHAdeMO/CCS Network
930 Kings Hwy E, 1 dual headed 50kW Non-
60900 DCFC I-95
Fairfield, CT, 06825 CHAdeMO/CCS Networked
95 Connecticut Tpke, 1 single 50kW CHAdeMO/150 kW Non-
256123 DCFC I-95
Fairfield, CT, 06824 CCS Networked
165 Round Hill Rd, 2 dual headed 50 kW Non-
256124 DCFC I-95
Fairfield, CT 06824 CHAdeMO/150 kW CCS Networked
144 Railroad Ave, 1 single 50 kW CCS
254011 DCFC I-95 EV Connect
Greenwich, CT 06830 1 single CCS unknown kW
I-95 Southbound
2 dual headed 50 kW Non-
223850 DCFC I-95 Service Plaza I-95,
CHAdeMO/150 kW CCS Networked
Madison, CT 06443
I-95 Northbound
2 dual headed 50 kW Non-
256122 DCFC I-95 Service Plaza I-95,
CHAdeMO/150 kW CCS Networked
Madison, CT 06443
488 Colman Street,
202905 DCFC I-95 New London, CT, 1 single 23.92 kW CCS
I-95/US- 100 N Water St,
151880 DCFC 1 single 60kW CCS Volta
7 Norwalk, CT, 06854
295 Middlesex
Turnpike, 1 dual headed 50kW Non-
44450 DCFC I-95
Old Saybrook, CT, CHAdeMO/CCS Networked
1 dual headed 50kW
US-7/I- 7 Backus Ave, eVgo
84 Danbury, CT, 06810 Network
1 single 44kW CHAdeMO
116 Danbury Rd,
1 dual headed 50kW eVgo
198298 DCFC US-7 New Milford, CT,
CHAdeMO/CCS Network
746 Danbury Rd, 1 single 23.92 kW CCS ChargePoint
80416 DCFC US-7
Ridgefield, CT, 06877 2 dual headed 62 kW CCS Network
1 single 50kW CHAdeMO
978 Danbury Rd, Non-
44464 DCFC US-7 1 dual headed CHAdeMO/CCS
Wilton, CT, 06897 Networked
unknown kW
*Data extracted July 27th, 2023

1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20590

September 14, 2022

In Reply Refer To:

Mr. Joseph Giulietti

Connecticut Department of Transportation
2800 Berlin Turnpike
Newington, CT 06111

Subject: Approval of Connecticut Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan

Dear Commissioner Giulietti:

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has completed the review of the Connecticut
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan required under the National Electric Vehicle
Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program. 1 Based on the review and the recommendations
provided by the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (Joint Office), FHWA has determined
that the Connecticut Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan is approved for
implementation. With this approval, Fiscal Year 2022 funds are now available to Connecticut
for obligation.

Also, States should be aware that FHWA has posted updated Frequently Asked Questions on our
website at:

The FHWA and the Joint Office will follow up with States on specific opportunities for
improvement in future year plans and will continue to provide technical assistance and guidance
as States continue to update plans and begin implementation.

A publicly accessible version of the Connecticut Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment

Plan and this approval letter will be available on the FHWA website at:

The NEVI program is authorized under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, enacted as the Infrastructure Investment
and Jobs Act (IIJA), (Pub. L. 117-58)

Thank you for putting the United States on a path to a nationwide network of EV chargers that
can ensure a convenient, affordable, reliable, and equitable charging experience for all users.


Gloria M. Shepherd
Associate Administrator
Office of Planning, Environment and Realty

FHWA: HOA, HCC, HPL, HCF, Connecticut Division Office
Joint Office Interim Director: Alex Schroeder, Deputy Director: Rachael Nealer
September 14, 2022
FHWA Approved


Office of the

July 26, 2022

Secretary Peter Buttigieg

U.S. Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20590

Subject: National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure-State of Connecticut Plan

Honorable Secretary Buttigieg,

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is pleased to submit the enclosed

National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) plan- Connecticut's Charging Ahead Plan: A
Strategy to Expand Public Electric Vehicle Charging for your review and approval. This plan
builds on Connecticut's commitment to clean transportation, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions, and ensuring that consumers have a reliable, convenient network of electric vehicle
(EV) chargers.
The State of Connecticut has long supported the greater deployment of EVs and other zero-
emission vehicles across multiple vehicle classes to reduce the transportation sector's
environmental impacts and achieve its GHG reduction targets. CTDOT acknowledges, and
research has shown, that the availability of publicly accessible EV charging is a critical
supporting element that must be in place before widespread EV adoption can occur. The
availability of NEVI funding will allow Connecticut to help expand the state's fast charging
network, including in rural and disproportionately impacted communities. It will also help
address the growing demand for charging in the parts of the state that already see higher EV
adoption and usage.
Connecticut's NEVI Plan has been developed by CTDOT, with collaboration from the
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and with feedback from
hundreds of stakeholders. The plan addresses each of the elements in the NEVI Formula
Program guidance and template, and in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, enacted as the
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Public Law 117-58.
CTDOT appreciates the ongoing guidance in our plan development provided by the U.S.
Department of Transportation and the U.S Department of Energy's Joint Office. We look forward
to building on and promoting a national network of electric vehicle charging. Please feel free to
contact Ms. Kimberly Lesay, Bureau Chief of Policy and Planning, at [email protected]
or by phone at (860) 594-2001 with any questions regarding this plan.


Joseph J. Giulietti

Table of Contents
Glossary of Terms and Acronyms .................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Dates of State Plan for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Development .................................. 6
State Agency Coordination ............................................................................................................................ 7
Public Engagement ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Stakeholders Involved in Plan Development ............................................................................................. 9
Public Outreach .......................................................................................................................................13
Plan Vision and Goals ...................................................................................................................................16
Vision .......................................................................................................................................................16
Overarching Goals of Connecticut’s Charging Ahead Plan .....................................................................16
Contracting ..................................................................................................................................................18
Existing and Future Conditions Analysis ......................................................................................................20
State Geography, Terrain, Climate, and Land Use Patterns ....................................................................21
State Travel Patterns ...............................................................................................................................22
AFC-Corridor Networks (Pending and Ready) .........................................................................................23
Known Risks and Challenges ....................................................................................................................25
EV Charging Infrastructure Deployment......................................................................................................27
Funding Sources .......................................................................................................................................29
2022 Infrastructure Deployments/Upgrades ..........................................................................................30
Upgrades of Corridor Pending Designations to Corridor Ready Designations ........................................31
Increases of Capacity/Redundancy along Existing AFC ...........................................................................32
Electric Vehicle Freight Considerations ...................................................................................................36
Public Transportation Considerations .....................................................................................................38
FY23-26 Infrastructure Deployments ......................................................................................................39
State, Regional, and Local Policy .............................................................................................................40
Implementation ...........................................................................................................................................40
Strategies for EVSE Operations & Maintenance ......................................................................................40
Strategies for Identifying Electric Vehicle Charger Service Providers and Station Owners ....................41
Strategies for EVSE Data Collection & Sharing ........................................................................................42
Strategies to Address Resilience, Emergency Evacuation, Snow Removal/Seasonal Needs ..................43
Strategies to Promote Strong Labor, Safety, Training, and Installation Standards .................................44
Civil Rights ....................................................................................................................................................45

Equity Considerations ..................................................................................................................................46
Identification and Outreach to Disadvantaged Communities (DACs) in the State .................................47
Benefits to DACs through this Plan, and Process to Identify, Quantify, & Measure ...............................48
Labor and Workforce Considerations ..........................................................................................................50
Cybersecurity ...............................................................................................................................................52
Program Evaluation .....................................................................................................................................54
Discretionary Exceptions .............................................................................................................................54
Appendix ......................................................................................................................................................55
FHWA Round 6: Electric Alternative Fuel Corridor Parameters .............................................................55
RE: Public DC Fast Charging .....................................................................................................................55
Existing Locations of Charging Infrastructure Along AFCs .......................................................................55
Existing Locations of Charging Infrastructure Along AFCs .......................................................................56

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
AC – Alternating Current
ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act
AFC – Alternative Fuel Corridor
BEB – Battery Electric Bus
CEEJAC – Connecticut Equity and Environmental Justice Advisory Council
CCS – Combined Charging System or plug type for DC Fast Charging
COG – Council of Government
Corridor Pending – Corridor does not satisfy FHWA requirements
Corridor Ready – Corridor meets FHWA requirements
CCEC – Connecticut Clean Economy Council
CTDECD – Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development
CTDEEP – Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
CTDOL – Connecticut Department of Labor
CTDOT – Connecticut Department of Transportation
CTOWS – Connecticut Office of Workforce Strategy
DAC – Disadvantaged Community
DBE – Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
DC – Direct Current DC Fast Charging – High power charging 400-800 volt, 150-600
amps, 3 phase
DCFC – Direct Current Fast Charger
DOE – U.S. Department of Energy
DOT – U.S. Department of Transportation
EDC – Electric Distribution Company
EJ – Environmental Justice
EV – Electric Vehicle
EVITP - Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program
EVSE – Electric Vehicle Service Equipment
FHWA – Federal Highway Administration
GWC – Governor’s Workforce Council
ICE – Internal Combustion Engine
IIJA – Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
kW – Kilowatt (1,000 watts)
kWH – Kilowatt Hour (1,000 watts for 1 hour)
Level I – Low power charging 120-volt, 10-20 amps, single phase
Level 2 – Medium power charging 240-volt, 15-50 amps, single phase
MHD – Medium and Heavy Duty (vehicles)
MPO – Municipal Planning Organizations
NESCAUM – Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management
NEVI – National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
PEL – Planning and Environmental Linkages
PROWAG – Public Right-of Way Accessibility Guidelines
PURA – Public Utilities Regulatory Authority
RFP -Request for Proposals
SHPO - State Historic Preservation Office
STIP – Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
TCI – Transportation Climate Initiative TIP – Transportation Improvement Program
UCONN – University of Connecticut
Connecticut will receive approximately $52 million in formula funding over the next five
years from the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Public Law
117-58 (November 15, 2021) to support the expansion of a statewide electric vehicle
(EV) charging network. The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) will
administer these funds. Pursuant to the state receiving the National Electric Vehicle
Infrastructure (NEVI) funds, the NEVI program requires each state to submit a
deployment plan to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) by August 1, 2022, for
fiscal year 2022 and 2023 funding and provide an updated NEVI plan to FHWA annually.

Connecticut is at the forefront of the EV revolution being one of the first states to adopt
the California Zero Emission Vehicle Program in 2005. Connecticut was one of eleven
states to sign the Zero-Emission Vehicle Memorandum of Understanding in 2013 and
has committed to an ambitious EV adoption goal of putting between 125,000 – 150,000
EVs on the road by 2025. As of July 2022, there were 25,444 EVs registered in
Connecticut, a fraction of the total 2.9 million light-duty passenger cars and trucks
registered in Connecticut. The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (CTDMV)
records indicate that the annual sales of new light-duty vehicles in Connecticut fluctuate
each year from roughly 150,000 – 180,0001, but over the last 12 months, there has been
over 600 new registered EVs per month in the state. This indicates that the EV market in
Connecticut is growing, and Connecticut has a unique opportunity to leverage NEVI
funds to help expand a publicly accessible charging network to further promote EV

While the passage of the IIJA and the creation of the NEVI program has accelerated
Connecticut’s planning efforts for expanding a fast charging network, a great deal of
work has already been done to identify gaps in the existing fast charging network
throughout the state. In the fall of 2021, CTDOT began an analysis examining where
existing fast charging was located within the state. The analysis was presented in January
of 2022 to inform stakeholders of the status of EV Fast Charging technology and where
EV fast charging gaps (50 miles between stations) existed along Connecticut’s
transportation corridors. CTDOT fine-tuned the state’s Fast Charging Gap Analysis work
to adhere to the February 2022 NEVI guidance criteria and highlighted the fast charging
stations and locations that met the guidance.

1Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicle website accessed on July 13, 2022 from https://portal.ct.gov/DMV/News-and-

Building on the Fast Charging Gap Analysis, CTDOT determined early in the NEVI
planning process that developing a comprehensive NEVI plan and grant solicitation for
the state required engaging with and soliciting input from the many stakeholders that
could be impacted by this program. In the spring of 2022, CTDOT began rigorously
engaging with stakeholders and facilitated numerous listening sessions with utility
providers, consultants, fueling station providers, non-profits, businesses, and the general
public, to better understand the needs, constraints, and opportunities of expanding fast
charging infrastructure in the state.

Reoccurring themes identified during listening sessions included:

• Operations and maintenance to ensure reliability
• Siting considerations, particularly in rural and urban areas
• Data collection and reporting frequency
• Competitive bidding processes and the amount of lead time to submit projects
• Criteria to prioritize funding locations
• Power level of chargers (not all stations need 350kW)
• Engaging with Environmental Justice (EJ) communities
• Contracting methods

As indicated in the NEVI guidance, states are required to fully build out their FHWA
designated Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs) before funding EV charging in other
locations across the state. As a result, program planning and this plan focus largely on
this Phase 1 of the NEVI program, which is prioritizing the build-out of fast charging
along Connecticut’s existing AFCs to ensure residents and travelers were always within
range of a charging station while traveling along the state’s interstate highways.

Connecticut’s Charging Ahead Plan: A Strategy to Expand Public Electric Vehicle Charging
will be updated annually to document progress to date, identify new challenges and
opportunities, and highlight the deployment plan for the coming years. Connecticut is
committed to reviewing the outcomes of the plan to determine best practices, ensure
that the plan meets program guidelines, and to confirm that the plan is achieving the
state’s goals for a connected network of electric vehicle chargers.

Dates of State Plan for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Development

Development of Connecticut’s Charging Ahead Plan: A Strategy to Expand Public Electric
Vehicle Charging began in the spring of 2022, following the February release of NEVI
Formula Program Guidance from FHWA. After submittal of this Plan to FHWA for review,
CTDOT will transition to drafting the Phase 1 grant solicitation for EV charging stations
focused on building out fast charging along the state’s AFCs. Connecticut’s goal is to
have the NEVI grant solicitation published during the first quarter (Q1) of 2023. CTDOT

expects to receive proposals during 2023 and send award letters to selected projects
later in 2023.

Connecticut’s NEVI plan is submitted by CTDOT’s Commissioner, who has the authority
to adopt this plan. CTDOT has provided updates and presentations to the Connecticut
Councils of Government (COGs)/Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) bimonthly
(starting in March 2022) to inform them of the NEVI program, answer their questions,
receive feedback, and make them aware that the NEVI program is to be administered as
a Federal-aid Highway Program under Title 23 United States Code Chapter 1 and that
federal funds will be capped at 80% of project costs. In addition, CTDOT will be working
with the COGs to ensure that the NEVI program will be incorporated into Transportation
Improvement Programs (TIPs). CTDOT will include the NEVI program in the Statewide
Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and ensure that all projects complete all
state and federal environmental reviews.

Table 1: Timeline of NEVI Plan Development and Phase 1 Implementation

Activity Date
Develop Plan Narrative March through June 2022
Refine DCFC Gap Analysis April through June 2022
Coordinate with DEEP- Compile Plan Data Ongoing
Public Outreach (Webinars, one on one sessions, COG/MPO April & May 2022
meetings etc.)
Regional Outreach Efforts May 2022
Draft Plan Recommendations May and June 2022
Submit to DOT Mgmt. for Review/Approval June-July 2022
Final Plan submission to Joint Office by August 1, 2022
Notification from Joint Office Plan is Approved Anticipated October 2022
Anticipated October 2022-Q1 of
Drafting of program procedures and protocols 2023
Evaluate Proposals and Include Projects into STIP/TIP 2023
Award Grants/Contract(s) for DCFC station for Phase 1 (Alt 2023
Fuel Corridors)

State Agency Coordination

CTDOT has coordinated with other Connecticut state agencies to use their experiences
and expertise in the development of a comprehensive state fast charging plan to meet
all NEVI program requirements.

When the NEVI Formula Program Guidance was released, CTDOT reached out to
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP) to establish
a working group specifically focused on addressing NEVI plan development and
implementation. There are two Bureaus within CTDEEP that participated in preparing the
NEVI plan; the Bureau of Air Management (BAM), and the Bureau of Energy and
Technology Policy. CTDOT also coordinated and met with staff from the Connecticut
Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA). Each of these entities contributed staff time
to help CTDOT draft the NEVI state plan and provide input on the implementation
strategy. CTDEEP shared lessons learned from their experience managing the
state’s EVConnecticut Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) infrastructure program.
They also provided valuable feedback and direction on how CTDOT could incorporate
strategies outlined in Connecticut's EV Roadmap: A Policy Framework to Accelerate
Electric Vehicle Adoption 2 (developed and published by CTDEEP in 2020) into NEVI

The CTDOT/CTDEEP working group met biweekly from April to July and collaborated on
developing plan sections based on each unit's strengths and experiences. As plan
gaps/needs were identified, other Connecticut state agencies such as the Department of
Labor (CTDOL) and the Department of Economic and Community Development
(CTDECD), were consulted to provide input on various sections of the plan.

CTDOT acknowledges that charging and fueling infrastructure funded under this
program will be subject to Build America, Buy American Act provisions. CTDOT plans to
adhere to Federal requirements for the NEVI program and include these provisions
within the grant solicitation.

Public Engagement

CTDOT is committed to learning from the input and interests of Connecticut residents in
developing and implementing the NEVI program. Throughout the five-year NEVI
program, CTDOT will have an open and transparent stakeholder process that engages
and encourages participation from citizens and businesses as the state works to help
build out a strong network of EV fast chargers across Connecticut.

2Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection; Connecticut’s EV Roadmap: A Policy Framework to
Accelerate Electric Vehicle Adoption, accessed on July 28, 2022 from

In early February 2022, before FHWA released NEVI guidance, CTDOT held two public
stakeholder meetings that showed the status of EV Fast Charging technology and
identified locations of EV fast charging gaps along Connecticut’s transportation
corridors. Over 300 stakeholders participated in the live webinars, and an additional 50
people have viewed the presentation since it was posted in February of 2022. In
addition, CTDOT received over 60 written comments and responses to the gap analysis
that were included as an addendum to the YouTube recording3 of the presentation. This
initial public outreach effort spurred many EVSE private developers, charging
manufacturers, and original equipment manufacturers, to reach out to CTDOT about
their plans to expand fast charging infrastructure within the state. Over the next five
years, CTDOT hopes to expand these conversations to enhance and facilitate the
growing network of EV fast charging across the state.

Stakeholders Involved in Plan Development

Starting in December of 2021, CTDOT met with private sector companies, utilities,
environmental and environmental justice (EJ) advocacy groups, municipalities, MPOs,
Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPOs), Council of Governments
(COGs), and other interested parties. The goal of these listening sessions was to help
inform the state's NEVI plan for supporting fast charging infrastructure in Connecticut.

CTDOT worked closely with the Connecticut FHWA division office throughout
development of the FY 22/23 NEVI plan. The FHWA division office participated in several
public NEVI listening sessions, and division staff also participated in calls CTDOT
organized with the Joint Office. In addition, CTDOT met with staff at the division office
and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to identify opportunities to simplify
the evaluation of EV charging projects. Through these meetings, suggestions were
offered to CTDOT for items to include within the NEVI grant application that might help
streamline the SHPO and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process.
CTDOT will continue working closely with the Connecticut division office and SHPO to
ensure that CT’s NEVI program meets all requirements of Section 106 of the National
Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and work together to find efficiencies in the process.

In July 2021, PURA issued a final decision in Docket No. 17-12-03RE04 that established a
nine-year program to support the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure
(Level 2 and DCFCs) across Connecticut (EV Charging Program). The EV Charging

3 Connecticut Department of Transportation Outreach Session on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: National Electric Vehicle
Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program (April/May 2022) YouTube Link:

Program4 established deployment targets based on three-year program implementation
cycles for the following market segments: DCFCs; Level 2 chargers installed at multi-unit
dwellings, workplaces, and public “destinations”; and Level 2 chargers installed at
residential, single-family dwellings. As part of this decision, Connecticut’s electric
distribution companies (EDCs) United Illuminating and Eversource are required to
coordinate and facilitate planning efforts between their light-duty EV managed charging
and make-ready incentive program and CTDOT’s work on the buildout of fast charging.
CTDOT and the EDCs began meeting biweekly in February of 2022. The goal of these
meetings is to work collaboratively and coordinate the implementation of programs that
support Connecticut's transition to electric transportation. These meetings are expected
to continue over the next year and help address challenges and opportunities that may
arise as the CT NEVI program is implemented.

In addition to meeting with the EDCs, which are Connecticut’s two largest utility
providers, CTDOT also hosted meetings with the other small municipal electric utilities
operating within the state that are not regulated by PURA. In preparation for the
meeting, CTDOT sent out a 20-question survey to all participants that allowed them to
discuss their answers one-on-one or submit their responses in writing. Many
participants asked for one-on-one meetings, and CTDOT used these sessions to discuss
any outstanding questions about NEVI and explore how each of the utilities could play a
role in the timely buildout of a fast charging network within their territories and across
the state.

CTDOT has biweekly standing meetings, initiated in March of 2022, with Connecticut's
Clean Cities coordinators who provided valuable resources and information for NEVI
plan development. The Clean Cities coordinators helped to inform their members of
CTDOT's NEVI stakeholder meetings, available NEVI resources, the state NEVI survey,
and CTDOT's EV-related social media posts. CTDOT plans to continue working with
Clean Cities in the future to ensure outreach and stakeholder engagement efforts are

CTDOT and CTDEEP staff also engaged with the Georgetown Climate Center, the
Connecticut Green Bank, and the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management
(NESCAUM). NESCAUM in particular, provided detailed information on the challenges
and opportunities for permitting and installing EV charging equipment that was
instrumental in addressing some of the related required plan sections.

4 Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority: Electric Vehicle Charging Program website accessed on July 28, 2022 from

Many of Connecticut's colleges, universities, and institutions of higher learning also
expressed interest in the NEVI program. Many of these facilities are interested in being
EV charging site hosts, while others are interested in helping with research aspects of
the state's Plan to build charging infrastructure. CTDOT is partnering with the University
of Connecticut (UCONN) as part of CT's Cooperative Transportation Research Program
to study Optimal Light Duty EV Charging Station Locations with Supplemental Clean
Energy Microgrids. The study is planned for 24 months, beginning in August 2022.
CTDOT anticipates working with UCONN to identify optimal locations for EV charging
stations across Connecticut with specific constraints in which utility feeder capacity is
limited or costly to expand. UCONN will provide a microgrid design tool to evaluate
optimal charging locations, and CTDOT may utilize this analysis to direct future NEVI
funding investments.

Connecticut has a history of coordinating with neighboring state DOTs on Alternative

Fuel Corridor planning and ensuring that corridor nominations work to help expand the
alternative fueling network beyond our state’s borders. CTDOT continued this
coordination when planning for NEVI Phase 1 investments. Several NEVI coordination
sessions were held with the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT), the
Massachusetts Department of Transportation, and the New York State Department of
Transportation to better understand how they anticipate structuring their NEVI
programs and building out infrastructure within their respective states. Connecticut
expects to continue these coordination sessions throughout the five-year NEVI program
to ensure travelers to our region encounter a seamless EV charging experience.

During April and May of 2022, CTDOT held four virtual stakeholder meetings and
presented at four additional venues to inform and keep stakeholders up to date with
NEVI plan guidance and development. These stakeholder meetings also served as
listening sessions where the public, potential site owners/operators, and other
interested parties could engage with CTDOT and ask questions. During these meetings,
the public shared feedback on plan development, stakeholder outreach ideas, and
specific criteria that the state should include in a fast charging grant solicitation over the
next five years. CTDOT provided public notice at least two weeks prior to scheduled
meetings and posted the meeting dates on CTDOT's public calendar. Included in the
public notice was the offer of support services such as language translation and
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodations upon request. Stakeholders with
similar priorities were offered the opportunity to group together on specific dates to
facilitate focused discussion topics and questions. CTDOT also varied the meeting times
to encourage broad participation of different stakeholder groups. The CTDOT team was
available to answer questions and receive comments during each session. CTDOT
received over 60+ questions/comments during the four sessions.

NEVI Stakeholder Engagement Meetings Spring 2022
Session 1: Focus on Environment | April 26, 12-1pm

71 registered, 72% attendance rate

Session 2: Focus on Community | April 28, 7-8pm

57 registered, 44% attendance rate

Session 3: Focus on Municipalities & Utilities | May 4, 3-4pm

122 registered, 55% attendance rate

Session 4: Focus on Business | May 6, 8-9am

65 registered, 46% attendance rate

Other NEVI Presentations Spring 2022

March 1 & May 5 update - COG Coordination Teleconference
April 27 & May 25 DEEP/DOT Environmental Justice Stakeholders Meeting

Each stakeholder session was live-streamed on YouTube and Microsoft Office Teams
Live. CTDOT ensured that live closed-captioning was also available on Zoom, and the
team posted a presentation recording on YouTube, offering closed-captioning
(including non-English translation options) as an available option. For all Zoom sessions,
CTDOT included additional accessibility and language assistance which stakeholders
could access by contacting a member of our CTDOT Communication staff. We anticipate
that for future NEVI outreach in which we utilize Zoom or YouTube, we will follow the
same procedures to ensure we are giving stakeholders adequate notice of
information/listening sessions and ensure translation and interpretation services are
provided when requested.

Figure 1: Sample from CT’s NEVI Survey
In addition to hosting
stakeholder engagement
sessions, the public was
encouraged to take our
NEVI state-specific
survey in which nine
easy-to-read questions
built off our stakeholder
engagement session and
centered around
Connecticut’s specific
NEVI program
development. Answers
were analyzed to gauge interest around questions such as: if chargers should be located
less than 50 miles apart, should CTDOT plan for 350kW chargers in some locations, and
what are the perceived barriers that would prevent Connecticut from achieving stated
vision and goals? On average, the survey took 10 minutes to complete, and we received
a clearer understanding of participants’ feedback. Stakeholders were encouraged to
submit letters and comments to CTDOT via email. Emails and social media channels
were distributed weekly starting in April to inform the public that CTDOT was collecting
input on NEVI planning. CTDOT refined comments into focused topics that helped direct
plan development and will help the grant solicitation development.

Public Outreach
CTDOT engaged a wide range of electric vehicle infrastructure stakeholders and
communities during the Spring of 2022 to receive feedback and input on how
Connecticut should structure the state’s NEVI plan and grant solicitation over the next
five years. In addition to hosting information/listening sessions referenced above,
CTDOT also created other outreach tools that the public could reference to learn more
about the NEVI program.

Public Involvement Resources Created by CTDOT:

• Connecticut NEVI landing webpage 5
o Recording6 of stakeholder presentation on YouTube

5Connecticut Department of Transportation’s NEVI website, Available at: https://portal.ct.gov/DOT/Sustainability-

6Connecticut Department of Transportation Outreach Session on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: National
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program (April/May 2022) YouTube Link:

o Public Survey7 to help with plan development
o Email Distribution Sign-Up8 for stakeholders to stay up to date with NEVI
o PDF of CT NEVI Stakeholder Presentation 9
o CT FAQ document10 a resource for NEVI stakeholders
• A dedicated NEVI email address: [email protected]
• Generated Social Media Pinpoint Sites

Figure 2: Examples of CTDOT NEVI Social Media Posts

7CTDOT National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Stakeholder Survey, Available at:
8Subscribe for updates from the Connecticut Department of Transportation at
9Connecticut Department of Transportation Outreach Session on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: National
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program (April/May 2022) PDF of Presentation Link

10Connecticut Department of Transportation Frequently Asked Questions, May 2022 https://portal.ct.gov/-


Table 2: Public Involvement Results (as of June 10, 2022)
Public Involvement Method Count
Webpage Visits 543
LinkedIn Post 1,004 impressions
Facebook Impressions 630 impressions
Instagram Impressions 307 impressions
Twitter Impressions 1,026 impressions
Completed NEVI General Surveys 93 Survey Responses
Completed Utility Surveys 4 out of 7
Emails to [email protected] 60 emails

CTDOT recognizes that public outreach is critical in ensuring the NEVI program's
success. Despite a short planning timeframe, CTDOT worked to receive feedback from
stakeholders indicating the type of outreach events they would like to see in the future,
and specific groups indicated interest in participating in targeted outreach
opportunities. CTDOT values meaningful public involvement and will be exploring ways
to further engage with these groups during future NEVI outreach opportunities.
Potential Future Outreach Opportunities Identified through 2022 Listening
Sessions/Survey Responses Focused on:
• Multi-Unit Dwelling (MUDs) in low-income neighborhoods
• Gas station owners/operators
• Small Business Organizations
• Fleet Operators (both light-duty and medium & heavy duty)
• Ride-sharing services
• Historically disadvantaged and underserved communities
• Tribal Communities
• EV Charging providers
• Municipalities
• Rural populations
• Communities with limited English proficiency
• Parking lot/garage operators

CTDOT anticipates engaging stakeholders throughout the NEVI process with updates
and opportunities to provide input through email, social media, and outreach events
throughout future plan updates and implementation process. CTDOT intends to utilize
the NEVI Outlook contacts that have subscribed to the distribution list (384 contacts)
and CTDOT's Campaign Monitor listserv, which contains approximately 2,000
subscribers. Additionally, engagement efforts will be directed to include groups
representing disadvantaged, low-income, Tribal and rural communities. The project
team may hire a consultant to lead outreach efforts.

CTDOT will consider additional outreach strategies to reach stakeholders, including ad
placement in print and digital news, and social media; authoring op-eds or thought
leadership pieces for print and digital news, as well as social media; and engaging local
transportation media contacts for feature and interview opportunities.

There is a great deal of synergy and excitement around EVs and EV charging
opportunities within the state, and CTDOT anticipates ongoing engagement with the
community and prospective partners in NEVI plan updates and implementation for the
coming years.

Plan Vision and Goals

The build out of both public direct current fast chargers (DCFC) and public Level 2
chargers is anticipated to play an important role in accelerating the adoption of EVs and
in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and other transportation related emissions.
Connecticut suffers from some of the worst air quality in the country, especially along
heavily traveled transportation corridors where criteria air pollutants are most densely
concentrated. In Connecticut, the transportation sector is estimated to be responsible
for about 38 percent of economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions, and more than 66
percent of nitrogen oxides, a harmful component of smog and other hazardous air

Based upon the state’s experience installing Level 2 EV infrastructure through the
EVConnecticut program and in partnering with the utilities to install DCFCs in several of
our Service Plazas in 2016, CTDOT has identified significant barriers to the development
of viable business models to operate public DCFC networks. CTDOT does not intend to
own and operate the state’s NEVI charging network. Instead, CTDOT anticipates
providing competitive NEVI grants to other entities, both public and private, for their
acquisition/installation of the public DCFC stations. To realize this, CTDOT has laid out a
vision and supporting goals that will serve as a foundation to help guide the state’s
future NEVI grant solicitation.

Connecticut’s Charging Ahead Plan will create a multi-year robust roadmap for how the
state intends to catalyze the expansion of a safe, reliable, accessible EV fast charging
network by spurring investment in and ensuring equitable distribution of fast charging
infrastructure throughout the state.

Overarching Goals of Connecticut’s Charging Ahead Plan

• Accelerate EV adoption/deployment by making fast charging convenient and
reliable while also providing a seamless New England EV traveler experience
o Collaborate with state and local partners (frequent correspondence) to
address gaps along Connecticut’s highway network
o Coordinate with other state agency partners and the utilities on EVSE
installation and distribution (e.g., make ready and VW EVSE grant funding)
o Create a business opportunity for companies that provide public EV
charging services
o Support DEEP’s efforts to work with state and municipal governments to
modify building codes and permitting requirements to support EV
infrastructure deployment
o Promote regional EV initiatives/educational materials on CTDOT website
and other formats
o Leverage opportunities where existing DCFC infrastructure can be updated
to NEVI standards
• Provide equitable access to the benefits of electrification across the state
o Phase 2 of Plan will run targeted outreach specific to rural areas and areas
underserved by EV fast charging opportunities
o Solicit applications and award funds through a transparent public process
• Boost range confidence
o Provide sufficient coverage (in tandem with non-NEVI fast charging,
workplace charging, residential charging, and other charging
infrastructure), so that prospective buyers and EV drivers have confidence
that they can recharge an EV in Connecticut when and where needed
o Each NEVI station will have at least four units offering EV charging and,
where feasible, CTDOT will encourage one charging space be available
that offers a pull through space for passenger vehicles pulling trailers or
recreational vehicles.
o Charging locations will be discoverable online at the US Department of
Energy Alternative Fuel Data Center and various third-party applications
o Ensure that OEMs and auto dealers within the state remain abreast of all
DCFC buildout by providing quarterly DCFC infrastructure updates on the
NEVI website
• Engage stakeholders in the NEVI Plan development and program
o Provide a forward-facing Connecticut NEVI website
o Maintain a NEVI specific email distribution list
o Coordinate with COGs, community, business and EJ groups, and other
stakeholder groups to actively listen and gather ideas on the Plan and
o Provide online survey opportunities to gauge stakeholder reaction to plan

• Ensure EV charging network is accessible and easy to locate
o Require clear Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Device (MUTCD)
compliant wayfinding signage
o ADA and universal design considerations
• Maximize investments to complement other available funding
o Encourage NEVI applicants to also participate in utility EVSE programs
(make-ready, managed charging, rate riders etc.) when applicable
o Encourage creative public investment strategies
o Leverage other state financial incentives aimed at building out EV


Connecticut’s Charging Ahead Plan: A Strategy to Expand Public Electric Vehicle Charging
will be updated annually (beginning in FY24), allowing public and private entities to
apply for funding to build stations that fit the requirements set forth by the most
current FHWA NEVI program guidance. In Phase 1 (FY22-23) of the program, $18.9
million in federal funds will be allocated to complete the buildout of the DC Fast
Charging network along Connecticut’s FHWA designated Alternative Fuel Corridors.
CTDOT’s analysis indicates that approximately ten areas identified as zones within this
plan will be needed to fully build out Connecticut’s EV corridors for Phase 1.

CTDOT expects to contract with other entities, including private sector entities, EV
charging station providers, site hosts, and others, on a competitive basis to own and
operate the NEVI-funded EV charging stations. CTDOT anticipates releasing grant
solicitations periodically, with criteria that will be developed to collect, evaluate, and
award contracts transparently. Grant contracting language will include all applicable
federal requirements and guidelines. CTDOT will emphasize achieving benefits for
Justice40 Disadvantaged Communities (DACs) and outreach to small businesses as well
as other interested parties. CTDOT will ensure this criterion is included in both the
program development and the award selection process. Grant applications will be
awarded through a transparent scoring and ranking process that CTDOT will develop
following FHWA approval of this Plan.

For Phase 1, the solicitation process will inform prospective grant applicants to identify
specific installation sites within CTDOT's ten identified EV zones and to work with
property owners, utilities, and municipalities to complete the development of their
application that meets the program's rigorous standards. In addition, the awardee will

be responsible for all federal requirements and guidelines and will work with CTDOT to
ensure the project adheres to all environmental regulations.

To ensure ongoing operation and maintenance activities, CTDOT's grant solicitation will
define operation and maintenance standards and requirements. CTDOT will require that
awardees provide five years of continuous operation and maintenance for each charging
port and that strict data reporting requirements must be met to guarantee
reimbursement. It will also be documented within contract language that failure to meet
any requirements set forth within the program will jeopardize project reimbursement.
Efficient and effective deployment will be emphasized in the evaluation of applications.

For Phase 1, once all applications are scored, the highest ranked eligible application for
each zone will be proposed for an award. CTDOT will develop grant agreement
packages for proposed awardees. The grant agreement will include a defined Scope of
Work, budget, schedule of deliverables, and terms and conditions. Agreements will
require monthly calls and quarterly project reports to communicate progress and
quickly address any issues that may arise. Reimbursement of the agreed amount (up to
80% of station project costs, pursuant to federal requirements) will occur no sooner than
CTDOT determination of compliance with all requirements and confirmation that the
station is in full operation. CTDOT is considering reserving a percentage of each award
until after proof of minimum period of reliable operations and maintenance.

After the first round of projects is awarded, CTDOT will assess the Phase 1 grant
solicitation and evaluate the installation and commissioning timelines to determine how
to adjust the program strategy.

Table 3: Expected Timeline of NEVI Plan Development and Phase 1

Activity Date
Develop Plan Narrative March through June 2022
Refine DCFC Gap Analysis April through June 2022
Coordinate with DEEP- Compile Plan Data Ongoing
Public Outreach (Webinars, one on one sessions, April & May 2022
COG/MPO meetings etc.)
Regional Outreach Efforts May 2022
Draft Plan Recommendations May and June 2022
Submit to DOT Mgmt. for Review/Approval June-July 2022
Final Plan submission to Joint Office by August 1, 2022
Notification from Joint Office Plan is Approved Anticipated October 2022

Anticipated October
Drafting of program procedures and protocols 2022-Q1 of 2023
Evaluate Proposals and Include Projects into STIP/TIP 2023
Award Grants/Contract(s) for DCFC station for Phase 1 (Alt 2023
Fuel Corridors)

Existing and Future Conditions Analysis

Although EV sales currently account for a relatively small percentage of overall vehicle
sales in Connecticut compared to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, the market
is growing at a rapid pace. This growth is largely due to advances in battery technology,
expanded vehicle range, increased model availability, and state policies and regulations
to reduce emissions and incentivize EV adoption. The transition from ICE vehicles to EVs
raises a variety of opportunities and challenges, including developing adequate
charging infrastructure to meet consumers’ charging needs, addressing increased
electricity demand, maximizing the potential for more efficient use of the electric grid to
lower electric rates for all ratepayers, and ensuring that low-income residents and
underserved communities’ benefit from transportation electrification.

Connecticut expects that future EV deployments will be driven by ZEV program

manufacturer obligations (see table below). The minimum ZEV requirement for each
manufacturer includes the percentage of passenger cars and light-duty trucks produced
by the manufacturer and delivered for sale in Connecticut. Connecticut has adopted this
California regulation pursuant to Connecticut General Statute 22a-174g11. The
regulation also includes opportunities for compliance with transitional zero emission
vehicles, which must demonstrate certain exhaust emissions standards, evaporative
emissions standards, on-board diagnostic requirements, and extended warranties.
Beyond 2025, the state expects deployments would be driven by the recently noticed
CARB Advance Clean Cars II regulation requirements 12.

11Connecticut General Statute 22a-174g, Available at:

California Proposed Advanced Clean Cars II Regulations: All New Passenger Vehicles Sold in California to be Zero
Emissions by 2035, Available at: https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/our-work/programs/advanced-clean-cars-

Table 4: Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Production Requirements13
Model Year ZEV Requirement
2021 12%
2022 14.5%
2023 17%
2024 19.5%
2025 and later 22%

State Geography, Terrain, Climate, and Land Use Patterns

Connecticut is the second smallest and southernmost state in New England, with a total
of 5,018 square miles of land mass that is 110 miles long and 70 miles wide, with 96
miles of general coastline. It is bordered by New York to the west, Massachusetts to the
north, Rhode Island to the east, and Long Island Sound to the south. Within the central
part of the state is the Connecticut River, which flows from north to south, and
ultimately discharges into Long Island Sound. Other major rivers draining to the Sound
include the Housatonic and Thames Rivers. Connecticut’s terrain consists generally of
coastal plains to the south, a central valley region which can be categorized as generally
flat, and hills located in the northwest and northeast parts of the state. Although
Connecticut is a relatively small state, it features a variety of landscapes, including
mountains, open fields, and farmland in inland areas to coastal marshes and beaches
along its southern coast. As such, the highest peak in the state is Bear Mountain, located
in the northwest corner of the state, while many coastal land areas can be less than 20
feet above sea level.

Being a state located in the northeast region of the United States, Connecticut
experiences four well defined seasons, with temperatures having the ability to range
anywhere from below zero to over 100 Degrees Fahrenheit. However, on average,
temperatures are historically mild, with only about 12 days per year when the
temperature reaches over 90 degrees, and only about six days experiencing zero
degrees or below. Connecticut experiences generally even precipitation patterns of rain
and snowfall, with about one third of days seeing some amount of precipitation per

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),

Connecticut has been affected by 12 climate and weather disasters from 2010 to 2018.
The most expensive of these disasters was Hurricane Sandy, which caused a total of
$72.8 billion in combined damages to all states affected, including Connecticut.

13 Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Production Requirements, Available at: https://afdc.energy.gov/laws/4249

Warming oceans and melting ice sheets are also causing sea level rise on Long Island
Sound directly affecting the Connecticut shoreline and low-lying terrain. In the last 100
years the waters of Long Island Sound have risen by nearly a foot, and that pace is
accelerating. Under the state-adopted sea level change scenario of 20 by 50 (20 inches
by 2050), a 100-year flood today will be more like a 23-year flood. The Sea Level
Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM) was applied to Connecticut’s shoreline to better
predict flooding along the coastal areas of Connecticut. The results of the model
indicate that some coastal area roads that currently flood only a few times a year will
flood more regularly, in some cases as much as at least once a month, by mid-century.

State Travel Patterns

Connecticut has 346 miles of National Highway System interstate highways, 4,137 miles
of state-maintained routes and roads and approximately 21,556 miles of public
roadways. The New York-to-New Haven corridor is home to three of the state’s largest
cities—Stamford, Bridgeport, and New Haven. The transportation network in this
corridor is a tight knit concentration of interstate routes, state highways, parkways, rail
lines, and ports, most notably Interstate 95 and the Merritt Parkway which parallel the
coast. State Routes 7 and 8 and other major roads connect this coastal corridor to the
nearby cities of Danbury and Waterbury, approximately 30 miles inland. Despite the
density of transportation assets, this is Connecticut’s most congested corridor.

The New York to Hartford corridor shares a long expanse of border with New York. It
includes a dynamic mix of densely populated urban and suburban communities along I-
84 and rural townships to the north. A network of state highways (principally State
Routes 7 and 8) connect the corridors largest cities, Danbury, and Waterbury, to the
coastal cities of Stamford, Norwalk, Bridgeport, and New Haven. The strong
transportation assets of this corridor link Connecticut to the national economy. They
also link the Danbury, Waterbury, and Hartford economic regions.

The north-south Hartford to New Haven corridor includes two of the most populous
cities in the state, Hartford, the state capital, and New Haven, the busiest port between
Boston and New York. The corridor also includes New England’s second largest airport,
Bradley International Airport. The corridor developed along the Connecticut River Valley,
which links New Haven and Hartford, to Springfield, Massachusetts and other markets in
Vermont, New Hampshire, and Canada, to the north. I-91 and the Hartford Line are the
transportation backbone of the corridor and connect the region to significant
transportation assets in Massachusetts—I-90. I-84 bisects the corridor from west to east;
it links Hartford to the New York City metro area to the west and Boston to the east.

Eastern Connecticut borders Massachusetts in the north and Rhode Island to the east.
The corridor includes a significant manufacturing sector dominated by General
Dynamics Electric Boat in Groton and a large tourism industry comprising Mystic
Seaport, Mystic Aquarium, major casinos, and coastal recreation. I-95 and the Northeast
Corridor rail line link this corridor to New Haven and New York City to the west and
Providence and Boston to the east. I-395, which traverses the corridor north-south, links
eastern Connecticut’s largest cities (New London and Norwich) to Worcester,
Massachusetts and to I-90. The strategy for this region reflects its less urbanized nature
and the importance of tourism and manufacturing.

CTDOT is one of the few state DOTs in the nation that directly owns and operates or
subsidizes nearly all the state’s public transportation services. Public transportation in
Connecticut consists of commuter rail service, intercity passenger rail service, urban
public transportation, and rural transportation providers. There are numerous providers
of bus, paratransit, and commuter and intercity passenger rail service in Connecticut;
however, there are still areas where service is lacking or inadequate to meet demand.
CTfastrak, a bus rapid transit (BRT) system operating in central Connecticut, opened in
2015. In addition to bus, van, and rail services, the state provides grants, assistance, and
incentives for other commuter programs, including telecommuting and ridesharing.

Connecticut has experienced slow population growth and this trend is projected to
continue over the next 30 years. Much of the state’s population is concentrated in the
central and southwestern parts of the state, paralleling I-95 and I-91 and centered in the
cities of Hartford, Waterbury, New Haven, Stamford and Bridgeport.

AFC-Corridor Networks (Pending and Ready)

Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFC) are critical to Connecticut’s Charging Ahead Plan.
Connecticut has a long history of supporting alternative fuel projects to improve public
access to alternative motor fuels, improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. Starting in 2016 and working with planning partners such as Connecticut
Clean Cities, CTDOT has worked to nominate sections of interstate highways to the
Electric Alternative Fuel Corridors network.

CTDOT nominated eight corridors (I-84, I-91, I-95, I-395, US-44/CT-2, CT-8, CT-9, & US-
7) for inclusion in the Alternative Fuel Corridor network during FHWA’s initial solicitation
in 2016, but not all corridors met the AFC criteria at that time. Connecticut did not
nominate any additional corridors during FHWA’s round 2 (2017) or round 3 (2018)
nomination cycles. During FHWA’s round 4 (2019) nomination cycle, Connecticut
nominated I-91 as the state’s first signage ready corridor designated for hydrogen.
Interstate 91 serves as Connecticut’s, as well as Western New England’s, primary
North/South route. Connecticut anticipates the corridor to be designated as signage
ready upon the re-opening of a hydrogen fueling station in Hartford, currently awaiting

During FHWA’s round 5 (2020) nomination cycle, US-7 was designated as EV signage
ready for the section between the I-95 interchange in Norwalk to New Milford. The
remaining section of US-7 north of New Milford to the Massachusetts border was
designated as EV signage pending until further alternative fueling station infrastructure
were to become operational. Connecticut did not put forward a 2022 Round 6 AFC
nomination to FHWA.

As of 2022, FHWA has designated the following Interstate highways as achieving

“signage-ready” status for having sufficient EV charging stations to warrant installation
of highway signage:
• I-84 (NY border to MA border)
• I-91 (New Haven to MA border)
• I-95 (NY border to RI border)
• I-395 (Waterford to MA border)
• US-7 (Norwalk to Milford, CT)

Three “signage-ready” EV corridors above are also included in larger multi-state

• I-84 (Middletown, NY to CT/MA border)
• I-91 (New Haven, CT to Norwich, VT)
• I-95 (Augusta, ME to Petersburg, VA)

Connecticut currently has one “signage pending” EV Corridor:

• US-7 (Milford, CT to MA border) as indicated by the red dotted line in Figure 1

When the February 2022 NEVI guidance was released, the FHWA opened a Round 6
nomination process that set new parameters that defined an FHWA Electric Alternative
Fuel Corridor (see Appendix: FHWA Round 6: Electric AFC Parameters RE: Public DC Fast
Charging) and allowed states, if they so choose, to nominate additional FHWA AFCs.
CTDOT created an inventory of the state’s Direct Current (DC) fast charging
infrastructure and found that the majority of Connecticut’s current signage-ready AFCs
did not meet the new parameters set by Round 6 of the AFC program. Connecticut did
not proceed with additional AFC nominations in 2022 to allow more flexibility in
program development in future years.

The Plan for Phase 1 of Connecticut’s NEVI Plan is to prioritize fast charging build-out of
the state’s existing Electric Alternative Fuel Corridors (Figure 3), and we have been in
close contact with our neighboring states to bridge connectivity gaps at the border.
CTDOT received input from many stakeholders during our NEVI outreach sessions that
there is an interest in nominating additional AFCs in the future (Route 6, Route 8, Route
9, and the Merritt Parkway) and CTDOT plans to evaluate the nomination of additional
corridors once all the existing Electric AFCs are built out.

See Appendix for Existing Locations of Charging Infrastructure Along AFCs (qualifying
and non-qualifying).

Figure 3: FHWA Alternative Fuel Corridors: Electric Charging

April 2022

Known Risks and Challenges

Connecticut has gained experience in building out charging infrastructure through
CTDEEP’s EVConnecticut EVSE incentive programs that provided incentives to
businesses, municipalities, and other entities to build Level 2 chargers. In addition,
PURA’s EV Charging Program, which launched in January 2022, encompasses both Level
2 and fast charging expansion goals for the utilities to achieve. CTDOT intends to build
upon these existing efforts and work with CTDEEP to develop strategies to address the
NEVI requirements and the associated challenges. CTDOT recognizes that supporting
data, resources, and guidance from other state and federal partners are crucial to the
success of the Plan.
Feedback from CTDEEP, utilities, charging manufacturers, and other stakeholders
involved in the installation of charging infrastructure identified ongoing equipment,
labor, transformer, and microchip shortages as having the potential to lengthen
timelines and limit private sector capabilities. In addition to challenges associated with
supply chain shortages and disruptions, there are ongoing concerns over rising inflation,
construction costs, and labor shortages that could lead to increased installation costs or
delayed completion.
In addition, CTDOT heard from stakeholders that a significant challenge for the state
would be ensuring the funded EV chargers are reliable and viable for many years to
come and not become stranded assets. We agree that this is one of the challenges –
ensuring that chargers in the network continue to be functioning with at least 97
percent uptime over the coming years. CTDOT’s grant solicitation process and
contracting will be designed to enable the state to oversee project progress and
maintain requirements stipulated in the NEVI guidance.

Stakeholder input received during CTDOT's Spring listening sessions highlighted the
potential difficulty for many entities to front the capital costs for procuring and installing
the charging equipment in order to participate in the NEVI program, which is
administered as a reimbursement program. Recognizing this challenge, CTDOT has
coordinated with the Connecticut Green Bank, a quasi-state organization with a mission
to attract private investment into Connecticut's clean energy economy, to identify
programs within their organization that potential applicants to the NEVI program could
consider when exploring possible EVSE designs.

• The Green Bank’s Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) Program
is available to support financing for EV charging on a variety of commercial
property types, either by itself or combined with energy-saving improvements.
This innovative program uses a municipal benefit assessment mechanism to
secure financing with a payment obligation that ties to a benefitted property
rather than to a borrower, providing the ability to improve a building’s cash flow
and amenities without going out-of-pocket. As of the recent passage of Public
Act 22-6, EVSE may be financed as a standalone improvement through C-PACE14.
• The Green Bank also has an open, rolling Request for Proposals (RFP) for Green
Bank Capital Solutions15, through which project developers and capital providers

14Connecticut Green Bank’s Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy website accessed on July 28, 2022 from
15Connecticut Green Bank’s Open Request for Proposals for Green Bank Capital Solutions website accessed on July 28, 2022
from https://www.ctgreenbank.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Open-RFP-for-Green-Bank-Capital-Solutions.pdf

may solicit the Green Bank’s participation to increase the impact of a given
investment. This is targeted towards proposals with financing requirements that
are not met by existing Green Bank financing programs. Examples of investments
are senior and subordinate loans or participation in others’ loans; credit
enhancements like loan guarantees and loss reserves; equity; and access to tax-
exempt bonding powers for qualified activities. The Open RFP is geared toward
projects with a financing requirement of $250,000 or greater from the Green
Bank, but smaller sized projects could be considered.

The federal guidance directs states that EVSE funded by NEVI federal funds must be
installed and maintained by a contractor with the appropriate license and who is Electric
Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) 16 trained and certified. According to the
EVITP website, the training is available online and on-demand, with EVITP examinations
occurring in person or online. However, the availability of licensed electricians/electrical
contractors, EVITP-trained and certified workforce, and other critical occupations in this
workforce sector in meeting the increased demand is uncertain. To ensure Connecticut
has a workforce ready for installing and maintaining the EVSE, CTDOT is working with
Connecticut Clean Cities and the DOL/OTP to identify and address the workforce
challenges associated with EVSE installation and operation.

CTDOT recognizes the challenges ahead and plans to provide criteria within the state’s
competitive grant program that helps address these concerns. CTDOT anticipates that
by working with Phase 1 and Phase 2 grant awardees and our planning partners,
solutions will be identified to these concerns and help build out a reliable and
convenient charging network for all.

EV Charging Infrastructure Deployment

CTDOT expects to partner with site host owner/operators primarily within the private
sector to develop Connecticut’s EV charging network. Per the Joint DOT/DOE guidance,
Phase 1 of the state’s Plan will focus on enhancement of FHWA corridor-ready and
pending electric AFCs. Once Phase 1 fast charging installation is completed on the AFCs,
CTDOT will shift focus to other parts of the state such as rural/urban communities to
continue deployment of fast charging infrastructure and Level 2 chargers to the extent
permitted under the NEVI program.

16Electric Vehicle infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) website accessed on July 28, 2022 from https://evitp.org/training/

Contracted entities will be required to develop stations that incorporate specific NEVI
guidance and the requirements of the minimum standards rulemaking, and to further
Connecticut’s EV charging goals (articulated above).

Typical specifications for DC fast charging locations are likely to include:

• CCS Connector (industry standard)

• 150-350kW Max Power (higher power acceptable assuming costs are not
o 400-800 volts, 150-600 amps, 3-phase
• Shared circuits provide a minimum of 150kW per vehicle
• Minimum 4 DCFC units per station
• Plans/futureproofing to include additional chargers
• Open 24/7 year-round and publicly available
• Adequate lighting, restrooms, ADA compliant
• Signage directing users to charging locations
• Applicant required to report usage data per location to CTDOT
• Price transparency at the charging location
• Station location, operational status, and cost/fees published online
• EV charging stalls marked accordingly
• Payment by contactless payment/phone/app/card and Plug and Charge (ISO
15118) but would prefer a 24x7 phone number
• Payment instructions must provide multilingual access and accessibility for
people with disabilities
• Open Charge Point Protocol & Interface
• All equipment must be certified by an Occupational Safety and Health
Administration nationally recognized testing laboratory

Other criteria being considered:

• Pull-through capacity for at least one space, should be available for vehicles
pulling trailers or RV campers.
• A minimum length charge cable length (15 foot)
• Distributed energy resources that provide electrical capacity or energy
• Close proximity to numerous amenities
• For Phase 2, Level 2 charging CTDOT expects to require specifications such as:
J1772 Connector (industry standard)
o 6-10 kW Max Power
❖ 240 volts, 15-50 amps, single phase
o All AC Level 2 EVSE must be ENERGY STAR certified
As required by federal guidance, CTDOT will develop a framework to collect and
evaluate station usage information from equipment owners and adjust the network as
needed based on this information.

CTDOT places resilience as a top priority within our NEVI project development. When
evaluating locations for potential NEVI funding, CTDOT will utilize the Federal
Emergency Management Agency’s National Flood Hazard Layer as a determining factor
of the proposed infrastructure’s resiliency. Areas outside of a Special Flood Hazard Area,
defined as the area that will be inundated by a flood event having a 1-percent chance of
being equaled or exceeded in any given year, will be placed at a higher consideration
than those within.

Funding Sources
Funding for the NEVI Plan is based on federal fiscal year (FY) budget cycles that start on
October 1 and end on September 30th of the following year. As the NEVI program is a
new federal program under the IIJA, the rollout of the program was contingent on
corresponding federal guidance to provide parameters for how the funds could be
spent. Fortunately, NEVI funds can be rolled over into the corresponding fiscal years so
there is not a requirement that FY22 funds need to be obligated by September 30 of

Per FHWA guidance, the NEVI program is to be administered as a Federal-aid highway

program under Title 23, United States Code Chapter 1, and federal funds will be capped
at 80 percent of project costs with a minimum of 20 percent non-federal match covered
by grant recipients.

CTDOT expects to develop a program where the applicants (e.g., private sector parties)
will provide at least the 20 percent cost share required to fund the non-federal share of
the NEVI formula program, such as:
• Private funding, including lender/investor financing
• Utility administered EV Charging Program
• Other non-federal, and non-CTDOT, public or quasi-public funding

Based on previous state-run EVSE incentive programs, private investment from an EVSE
developer or site host in a project helps to ensure the success of both their business
investments and has led to a more reliable product.

CTDOT expects that awardees will charge customers to use the charging stations and be
responsible for maintenance of the infrastructure going forward. CTDOT understands
that per the FHWA guidance, site hosts will be able to determine reasonable kW/hr
pricing for the electricity and use of the equipment and, per the guidance, the vendor
may keep charging station revenues subject to federal requirements on program
income or revenue.

Table 5: Expected Phase 1 Funding Levels

Charging % of Project Maximum Maximum Number of Ports
Capacity Covered Funding Level by Funded per Application
150kW To be determined To be determined 4 with opportunities for
up to 80% futureproofing
Over 150kW To be determined To be determined Proposals evaluated site by site
up to 80%

*Represents maximum funding levels by applicant type per port.

2022 Infrastructure Deployments/Upgrades

CTDOT examined existing charging locations along our designated Electric Alternative
Fuel Corridors using the Alternative Fuel Data Center application and applied Round 6
requirements to identify stations that met all the federal NEVI requirements. Coverage
gaps greater than 50 miles were examined for proximity to commercial zones, annual
average daily traffic, proximity to Justice40 Disadvantaged Communities (DACs), suitable
electrical supply, and the ability for chargers to provide coverage to more than one
interstate/state route.

Input received during CTDOT's Spring Stakeholder listening sessions indicated that
stakeholders would support, when feasible, placing fast chargers less than 50 miles
between hubs, especially if there was an ancillary benefit to state routes in addition to
interstate travel. CTDOT took that feedback under advisement when selecting zones
(Figure 4) for Phase 1 of the NEVI program.

Figure 4: NEVI Phase 1: Alternative Fuel Corridors Proposed DCFC Zones
(July 2022)

Upgrades of Corridor Pending Designations to Corridor Ready Designations

Since 2016, CT has successfully designated five EV Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs),
totaling over 350 miles of roadway throughout the state. The designation includes
interstates 95, 91, 84, 395, and part of US Route 7. Connecticut’s one EV Pending
Corridor is the Northern section of US Route 7 (New Milford to CT/MA border),
indicated by the red dotted line on the map below. There are currently not enough fast
chargers North of New Milford on Route 7 to meet FHWA’s Alternative Fuels Corridor
program requirements.

With Phase 1 of NEVI funding being awarded in 2022-23, Connecticut proposes to

ensure the Route 7 corridor meets the new FHWA NEVI requirements and can transition
from corridor-pending to corridor-ready. CTDOT has identified three potential zones for
Phase 1 build-out of the NEVI program that will impact Route 7’s AFC designation.
CTDOT defines zones as predetermined exit numbers that CTDOT proposes as areas
that would be eligible for funding under the NEVI program requirements. We will be
selecting NEVI grant applications for confirmed zones based on sites being within a
one-mile drivable distance from the AFC exit ramp. We will also be prioritizing
applications by how many criteria points an application satisfies. To build out the Route
7 corridor, we propose a zone in Danbury off exit number 5 (this exit meets the EJ
Census Block Group (2020) and the Justice 40 criteria; location may change depending
on the outcome of a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study currently
underway in this area) and another zone in New Milford and also in North Canaan at the
junction of Route 7 and Route 44. Once these zones are built out, which we anticipate
happening in 2023-2024, then Route 7 will transition from corridor-pending to corridor-
ready designation under FHWA’s Alternative Fuel Corridor Program. Once the buildout
of Route 7 EVSE infrastructure is complete, Connecticut will have no remaining EV
Alternative Fuel Pending-Corridors.

Figure 5: Phase 1 AFC Expected Buildout

Increases of Capacity/Redundancy along Existing AFC

Connecticut has historically relied on private sector development of DC fast charging
infrastructure throughout the state and has designated AFCs based on operational
charging infrastructure that met FHWA criteria and was publicly available. When the new
NEVI guidance was released, CTDOT inventoried all DCFCs within the state to see what
existing stations met the new NEVI or Round 6 AFC criteria and found several gaps in

the state’s EV network. In support of the federal government’s goal to build a reliable,
fast charging network nationwide, CTDOT sees an opportunity to enhance CT’s fast
charging network by increasing redundancy along many of CT’s corridor-ready

CTDOT has identified ten zones throughout the state for consideration as priority areas
for Phase 1 build-out of the NEVI program. Each zone would satisfy many of the federal
guidance outlined criteria making them eligible for NEVI funding. These zones may also
be optimal locations for EV owners, future AFC nominations, and equitable locations
based on Census EJ Communities and Justice40 Disadvantaged Communities.

I-395 Locations:
Putnam – I-395/U.S. Route 44 intersection at exit 47 off I-395 NB/SB
Utility: Eversource Energy
This zone lies at a major intersection between I-395 and U.S. Route 44. U.S. Route 44
extends the entire East/West length of the state from the CT/RI border in Putnam to the
CT/NY border in Salisbury, passing through the state’s capital, Hartford. U.S. Route 44
has gained interest towards an AFC nomination for future FHWA rounds, and as such,
this location may be optimal for future-proofing possible additions to CT’s AFC list. The
town of Putnam is also an EJ Distressed Municipality, according to 2020 Census data.
This zone also encompasses a Justice40 Disadvantaged Community. The proposed zone
is 8.5 miles from the Massachusetts border to the North and 21.2 miles to a currently
operational DCFC charging location in Auburn, MA. The zone is also 15.5 miles from the
proposed zone in Plainfield to the South.

*CTDOT is considering the Plainfield I-395 exit 32 location and the Plainfield I-395 NB/SB
Plaza and will allow the application process to determine which location gets awarded.

Plainfield – I-395 exit 32

Utility: Eversource Energy
This zone lies off I-395 NB/SB exit 32 in Plainfield and connects to State Route 14, East
Main Street. The town of Plainfield has been identified as an EJ Distressed Municipality
according to 2020 Census data. This proposed zone would also complete AFC I-395
requirements by placing a DCFC charging location 15.5 miles from the proposed zone in
Putnam to the North and 27.9 miles from the existing DCFC location in Waterford to the

Plainfield – I-395 NB/SB Service Plaza

Utility: Eversource Energy
This zone lies on the service plazas located at mile marker 34.8, I-395 NB/SB in Plainfield.
The town of Plainfield has been identified as an EJ Distressed Municipality according to
2020 Census data. This proposed zone will also complete AFC I-395 requirements by
placing a DCFC charging location 12.6 miles from the proposed zone in Putnam to the
North and 34.3 miles from the existing DCFC location in Waterford to the South.

I-91 Locations:
Hartford – I-91 exit 33
Utility: Eversource Energy
This zone lies off I-91 NB/SB exit 33 in Hartford. The city of Hartford has been
designated as an EJ Distressed Municipality according to 2020 Census data. This central
zone is 18 miles from the Massachusetts border to the North and 35 miles to a currently
operational DCFC charging location in Chicopee, MA. The zone would also be 35.8 miles
to a NEVI qualifying DCFC charging location to the South, operational in North Haven,
CT. There are currently three existing DCFC locations within this zone, which have the
potential to be upgraded to meet NEVI program requirements. This proposed zone
would complete the NEVI requirements for the I-91 AFC.

I-95 Locations:
Old Saybrook – I-95/State Route 9 Intersection off I-95 exit 69 NB/SB
Utility: Eversource Energy
This zone lies at a major intersection between I-95 and CT State Route 9. CT State Route
9 plays a vital role as a North/South connector between I-95 to the South and I-84 to
the North. The highly utilized route also intersects I-91, connecting numerous
communities to economic centers throughout the state. CT State Route 9 has gained
interest towards an AFC nomination for future FHWA rounds, and as such, this location
may be optimal for future-proofing possible additions to CT’s AFC list. The zone would
be 15.2 miles from a NEVI qualifying DCFC charging location to the North, operational
in Waterford, CT. Additionally, the proposed zone would be 45.8 miles from a NEVI
qualifying DCFC charging location to the South, operational in Stratford, CT. An
additional NEVI qualifying DCFC charging location is located off AFC I-91, just 36.8 miles
from the proposed zone as well. Zone may change depending on the outcome of a PEL
study currently underway in this area. If the outcome of the PEL study effects the Plan,
we will update our grant solicitation to select another zone along the corridor.

Norwalk – I-95/U.S. Route 7 Intersection off I-95 exit 15 NB/SB

Utility: South Norwalk Electric and Water
This zone lies at a major intersection between I-95 and U.S. Route 7, both being
designated AFC for EV vehicles, in Norwalk. The zone encompasses three EJ block group
communities according to 2020 Census data, as well as three unique Justice40
Disadvantaged Communities. The zone is located 16.1 miles from the New York border
to the South and 18.6 miles from a NEVI qualifying DCFC charging location to the North,
operational in Stratford, CT. Following U.S. Route 7, the zone is located 22.8 miles from
the proposed zone in Danbury to the North. There are currently three existing Level 2
locations and one existing DCFC location within this zone, which have the potential to
be upgraded to meet NEVI program requirements.

I-84 Locations:
Willington – I-84 exit 71
Utility: Eversource Energy
This zone lies off I-84 EB/WB exit 71 in Willington. This zone is located 10.5 miles from
the Massachusetts border to the East and 32 miles to a currently operational DCFC
charging location in Auburn, MA. The zone would also be 17.4 miles to a NEVI qualifying
DCFC charging location to the West, active in Manchester, CT. This zone also
encompasses a highly utilized truck stop location known as “TA Travel Center.”

Waterbury – I-84 WB exit 22/EB exit 23

Utility: Eversource Energy
This zone lies off I-84 WB exit 22/EB exit 23 in Waterbury. The city of Waterbury has
been identified as an EJ Distressed Municipality according to 2020 Census data. This
zone also encompasses four unique Justice40 Disadvantaged Communities. The zone
would be 37.5 miles to a NEVI qualifying DCFC charging location to the East, operational
in Manchester, CT. The proposed zone would also be 28.5 miles from the proposed zone
in Danbury, CT, to the West. There are currently four existing Level 2 locations within this
zone that have the potential to be upgraded to meet NEVI program requirements.

Danbury – I-84 exit 5 (also U.S. Route 7)

Utility: Eversource Energy
This zone lies off I-84 EB/WB exit 5 in Danbury. This section of I-84 overlaps with U.S.
Route 7, a designated AFC, and would fulfill both routes’ NEVI Phase 1 build-out
requirement. The zone encompasses an EJ block group community, according to 2020
Census data. This zone also encompasses three unique Justice40 Disadvantaged
Communities. The zone is located 5.5 miles from the New York border to the West, and
28.5 miles from the proposed zone in Waterbury, CT to the East. There is currently one
existing Level 2 location within this zone which has the potential to be upgraded to
meet NEVI program requirements. Zone may change depending on the outcome of a
PEL study currently underway in this area. If the outcome of the PEL study effects the
Plan, we will update our grant solicitation to select another zone along the corridor.

U.S. Route 7
North Canaan - U.S. Route 7/U.S. Route 44 Intersection
Utility: Eversource Energy
This zone lies at a major intersection between U.S. Route 7 and U.S. Route 44 in North
Canaan. U.S. Route 44 extends the entire East/West length of the state from the CT/RI
border in Putnam to the CT/NY border in Salisbury, passing through the state’s capital,
Hartford. U.S. Route 44 has gained interest towards an AFC nomination for future FHWA
rounds, and as such, this location may be optimal for future-proofing possible additions
to CT’s AFC list. The zone also encompasses an EJ block group community, according to
2020 Census data. The zone is located just 1.7 miles from the Massachusetts border to
the North. The proposed zone would also be 53.2 miles from the proposed zone in
Danbury, CT, to the South.

New Milford - U.S. Route 7/U.S. Route 202 Intersection

Utility: Eversource Energy
This zone lies at the intersection between U.S. Route 7 and U.S. Route 202 in New
Milford. U.S. Route 202 plays a critical transportation role, extending from the CT/NY
border, connecting U.S. Routes 7 to U.S. Route 44, and continuing to the CT/MA border
to the North. As such, this location may be optimal for future-proofing possible
additions to CT’s AFC list. The zone also encompasses an EJ block group community,
according to 2020 Census data. The zone is located 39 miles from the proposed zone in
North Canaan, CT to the North and 14.2 miles from the proposed zone in Danbury, CT,
to the South. There is currently one existing DCFC location within this zone which has
the potential to be upgraded to meet NEVI program requirements.

*Additional proposed locations fulfilling U.S. Route 7 build-out have been included in the
aforementioned sections (I-84 Danbury & I-95 Norwalk)

Electric Vehicle Freight Considerations

Connecticut's freight system is comprised of public and privately-owned infrastructure
made up of roads, rails, ports, and airports; almost entirely operated by the private
sector. Every business and resident in Connecticut depend on the freight transportation
system for commodities used daily. People have relied on the convenience of ordering
something online and receiving it within a couple of days or perhaps even several hours
of placing an order. Yet, freight transportation requires significant energy expenditures
to move large quantities of goods quickly and over long distances. Tractor-trailers
specifically contribute significantly to mobile-source CO2 emissions by traveling
relatively long distances, carrying heavy loads, and using higher-carbon content diesel
fuels. Recent data shows that nearly 91 percent of the freight that travels to, from, or
through Connecticut does so by truck. That truck traffic brings congestion and
contributes to air quality concerns for health and the environment.

In response to emerging trends and technologies in the medium and heavy duty (MHD)
sector, Connecticut has begun planning to support MHD fleets moving into the electric

space. The increased market penetration of MHD EVs is expected to create greater
demand for and consequent investment in Connecticut's EV charging network.
Additional infrastructure will be necessary to support the introduction of long-haul HD
EVs designed for and destined to travel the interstates through Connecticut.

In preparation for the electrification of the MHD sector, CTDOT has included a specific
goal in the state's Freight Plan, currently being drafted, that focuses on equity,
environmental protection, and livability. The objective associated with that goal is to
mitigate freight movement impacts on communities located near freight facilities or
freight corridors and reduce freight transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions by
increasing electric vehicle charging and alternative fueling infrastructure. Also, as part of
the analysis for the Freight Plan, the state has identified freight corridors that are critical
urban freight routes and critical to rural freight delivery. These maps will be helpful to
the state as we begin to explore where we should prioritize fast charging buildout for
the MHD sector.
Figure 6: Connecticut’s Freight Network

As part of the state's Freight Plan development, CTDOT has reached out to stakeholders
about their planning around the adoption of alternative fuels such as electricity. CTDOT
has also actively participated in freight-related workgroups that follow freight
electrification news and technology. CTDOT is closely monitoring for the ramp up of
commercial MHD fleet electrification, and in preparation for the MHD EV wave,
Connecticut has aligned itself with regional partners working to support the
advancement of MHD fleet electrification efforts. Connecticut is one of the 14 states,
along with the District of Columbia, that has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) to advance the market and use of electric MHD vehicles. This MOU provides that
100 percent of all new MHD vehicle sales (including large pickup trucks and vans,
delivery trucks, box trucks, and long-haul delivery trucks) be zero-emission vehicles by
2050, with an interim target of 30 percent ZEV sales by 2030.

The Connecticut state legislature has also shown support of advancing MHD fleet
electrification. During the Spring 2022 session, the legislature passed An Act Concerning
the Connecticut Clean Air Act17 which creates a voucher program, to be managed by
CTDEEP, to help electrify Class 5 to Class 13 FHWA classified vehicles and Class 3 to
Class 8 school buses. CTDEEP plans to prioritize funding for projects that maximize air
pollution reductions in environmental justice communities, and funds will help fleets
purchase vehicles and install electric vehicle charging infrastructure for qualifying
vehicles. Additionally, PURA has opened proceeding (Docket No. 21-09-1718) to explore
solutions to advance ZEV bus and MHD fleet electrification within the state, and CTDOT
and CTDEEP are actively participating in these docket proceedings.

The momentum in Connecticut around advancing MHD fleet electrification is growing.

Connecticut anticipates that NEVI funding may be used in the future to help augment
some of the efforts already underway to help build out charging for the MHD sector
within the next five years. Many infrastructure challenges associated with MHD charging
will have to be addressed before Connecticut moves forward to use NEVI funds for the
MHD sectors. There needs to be a national standard outlet/plug in place for these
vehicles to help ensure that the equipment that is installed can be used by all makes
and models of the MHD sector and that the implications to the electric grid are

Public Transportation Considerations

Connecticut is committed to working towards converting the diesel bus fleet (600 plus
vehicles) to battery-electric buses (BEB) by 2035. As part of the state’s initiative to
electrify the bus fleet, CTDOT has also begun installing BEB chargers within depot

17 Public Act No. 22-25. An Act Concerning the Connecticut Clean Air Act accessed on July 28, 2022

18 PURA Docket No. 21-09-17


facilities. The transition to fully BEB will be instrumental in helping to advance the
electrification of many of the on-demand and paratransit vehicles in the future because,
in most cases, these vehicles are dispatched from the same depots or hubs as the transit
buses. The user case for public transportation EV charging is to charge at the bus
garages/depot facilities, typically overnight when the vehicles are generally not in use.
These facilities are not open to the public for other vehicle owners to charge.

CTDOT is currently working in conjunction with the state’s six CTtransit divisions, 11
transit districts in addition to the 22 bus service providers that provide dial-a ride,
express bus, and other services to extend the reach of services and facilitate the
expansion of the state’s micro-transit or on-demand services throughout the state. In
the Spring of 2022, the Greater Hartford Transit District was awarded a $250 thousand-
dollar Federal Transit Administration “Areas of Persistent Poverty” grant to install
charging infrastructure and to purchase paratransit electric Ford Transit vehicles.
Limitations in procurement options have limited electrification of most on-demand and
paratransit services but CTDOT has begun performing cost estimates for installing
charging for these vehicles at depots across the state. In addition, both the Norwalk and
the Estuary Transit District ran electric on-demand pilot projects within Connecticut.
Later this year (2022), as part of an upcoming Request for Proposal, CTDOT plans to
prioritize additional electric vehicle micro-transit pilot projects. The state anticipates
exploring opportunities to build on the lessons learned within these pilots to help
encourage more paratransit and micro-transit fleets in the future to consider moving
towards electrification.

CTDOT is actively engaged and plans to work with ridesharing companies operating in
Connecticut to understand their operational needs and challenges as they explore
incorporating electric vehicles into their fleets. CTDOT anticipates that these
conversations will be ongoing and informative to CTDOT’s NEVI planning over the next
several years.

FY23-26 Infrastructure Deployments

To support the expansion of its public charging network, Connecticut will continue to
identify key destination locations for EVSE installation coincident with Connecticut’s
efforts to fill infrastructure gaps. Travel and tourism statistics will be analyzed to identify
prime locations for consideration of destination charging. Potential locations should
include interstate highways, parking lots and garages, airports, transit centers, retail sites
including supermarkets, state parks, multi-use entertainment venues, and lodging and
accommodations. In the future, this information could be made publicly available to
encourage EVSE investment in these areas. Where possible, the state will work with the

private sector to increase the number of public chargers and increase data collection
and analyses to adopt models that can help inform EVSE charger siting.

State, Regional, and Local Policy

As a key focus of the 2020 Electric Vehicle Roadmap for Connecticut, building codes and
permitting requirements continue to drive state and local government efforts to
establish the foundation for EVSE deployment. The state recognizes that the lack of
zoning regulations for EVSE implementation is a significant barrier for the 169
municipalities in the state. While some Planning and Zoning Commissions in the state
have implemented zoning regulations related to the use of EVSE in their respective
municipalities, the state is exploring methods to help standardize the process.
Connecticut currently seeks to establish a zoning regulations program that will train
municipalities to develop and implement zoning regulations while educating them on
best practices seen in similar programs across the nation.

In Connecticut’s NEVI program, we will rely on the applicant to coordinate with local
property owners and municipalities on zoning and permitting. Proposed applicants will
also be required to demonstrate that they have begun coordinating with the utility
territory in which the charger resides. Discussions with utilities and municipal officials
during CTDOT’s spring listening sessions revealed concerns over locations being
awarded funding without consideration of the applicant’s ability to secure utility and
local government approvals and to get the equipment operational promptly. As a result,
CTDOT anticipates the scoring criteria for our NEVI program will give greater weight to
applications with charging station proposals already coordinated at the municipal and
utility level.

Strategies for EVSE Operations & Maintenance (O & M)
The need for support for the continued operation and maintenance of the NEVI-funded
DC fast charging infrastructure was identified throughout outreach efforts as an
important factor in NEVI planning. Many EV drivers shared that, too often, they plan to
use a specific fast charger as part of their travel, and upon arrival, find that the station is
inoperable or in disrepair. Ensuring reliability and uptime is a high priority for the
Connecticut NEVI program. We have been exploring different strategies to ensure these
stations stay viable for years to come and are still evaluating which approaches we will
be utilizing.

Potential Strategies for EVSE O&M
• To be eligible for funding under the NEVI program, the applicant must have
considered if an applicable utility-led DC fast charging managed charging
program or enrolling in an EV-specific Time of Use (TOU) rate, if available, is
• Grant criteria may require the awardee acquire a minimum-year service
contract/maintenance contract, regardless of whether the expense may be
• O&M funding may be based on tiers, and higher amounts may be given to
priority locations (rural, underserved) but ramped down over time
• CTDOT will monitor station up time through vendor reported usage data and
general user satisfaction found on publicly accessible third-party charging web
• CTDOT expects the enforcement of idle fees, usage guidelines, and time limits
will be the responsibility of the vendor/station operator
• Withholding of a portion of the NEVI reimbursement amount conditional on
proof of satisfactory up-time of at least (97%) over a certain time period

Applicants will be required to submit an O&M Plan that addresses:

• That the equipment will be operational at least 97 percent of the time based on
the hours of operation
• Customer service, site host training, process and timelines for upkeep, and repair
o Connecticut expects most types of malfunctions and repairs to be
addressed within 48 hours of notice and 2-5 days for significant or
complex issues
• The party responsible for payment of all operating cost (payment of leases, rents,
royalties, licenses, fees, taxes, revenue sharing, utilities, and electric power supply)
for the EVSE
• The ability to operate and maintain EVSEs for a minimum of five years or as
otherwise required within future federal rulemaking

Strategies for Identifying Electric Vehicle Charger Service Providers and Station
Phase 1 of our Plan prioritizes filling the DC fast charging gaps within key corridors to
mitigate range anxiety and ensure charging infrastructure is located within a reasonable
distance (at least 50 miles) between fast charging locations and within a mile off the
interstate ramp. The CTDOT has identified zones within the state where the buildout of
fast chargers along our alternative fuel corridors would be strategic for both consumers

and application of the NEVI Phase 1 requirements. We have developed an initial draft
map depicting these potential zones.

CTDOT presented a first draft of this map during our initial public outreach session in
January and received indication from the private sector that some of the initial zones we
identified might be fulfilled by August of 2022 by private-sector projects already in the
pipeline and may meet the new NEVI guidelines. In addition, we also heard from many
charging providers and potential site hosts that they don’t want the state to be too
prescriptive in telling them where to install charging infrastructure. We will keep abreast
of all fast charging infrastructure buildout within the state. We understand that it is
paramount to continue an open dialog with EV service providers and potential site hosts
and owners.

Strategies for Identifying EV Charger Service Providers and Station Owners

• Establish an email distribution list for NEVI, which interested parties can sign up
and be notified of NEVI announcements
• Work with our Utility Partners to ensure utilities’ existing hosting capacity and
other information is available on our NEVI website
• Publish our Phase 1-proposed DC Fast Charging Zone Map any other applicable
EVSE planning resources on our website
• Continue to have an open dialog with stakeholders (listening sessions, webinars,
• Explore incentivizing providers/site hosts to put chargers in rural or low utilization
• Broad and multi-platform announcement of program solicitation when the
application period opens

Strategies for EVSE Data Collection & Sharing

As Connecticut seeks to expand EV fast charging infrastructure statewide, integrating
new and existing data and resources will be vital to ensuring optimal network EVSE
build-out. Data is essential, especially for planning future EV charging infrastructure and
optimizing infrastructure to meet EV drivers’ changing needs. Ensuring that our program
has a transparent tracking mechanism of how the infrastructure performs, including data
collection and regular reporting requirements, would provide ongoing NEVI program
evaluation and modification.

CTDOT Strategies for EVSE Data Collection & Sharing

• Grant would require all NEVI-funded chargers to use open, non-proprietary

communications protocols to avoid stranding assets and improve interoperability
within the public charging network
• Grant would require site hosts to collect and aggregate anonymized EV charging
data (for example, dates, times, durations, and electricity usage (kWh) per
charging sessions as well as monthly total electric load (kWh) from EV charging)
o To protect confidentiality, the collection of personally identifiable data
should be minimized and ensure that the data remains encrypted using
secure industry-standard techniques

Strategies to Address Resilience, Emergency Evacuation, Snow Removal/Seasonal

With the increasing frequency of extreme weather events exacerbated by climate
change, resiliency is increasingly vital to growing EV adoption. Having EV chargers
readily accessible and operable during emergency situations is essential. CTDOT has
been tracking the technological innovations within the electric vehicle industry and is
aware of various solutions (battery backup, solar arrays, etc.) available to bolster EV
charging resiliency. The challenge will be finding solutions that make economic sense
and meet the needs of the proposed charging locations.

In Connecticut, it is the responsibility of the local jurisdiction to identify and determine

the most appropriate evacuation route(s) for its community, as well as initiate the
evacuation based on the timing of the incident impacts. Evacuation route identification
may occur prior to an incident requiring evacuation or may be identified based on the
current status of the transportation network during an emergency and the timing of the
onset of impacts. There is not currently a CT state map identifying all the emergency
evacuation routes within the state, but it is anticipated that state roads may be used for
local evacuations, either as primary or secondary routes. Given the coastal topography
in Connecticut, reaching higher elevations to avoid a threat of severe coastal flooding is
often a short distance away from the low-lying areas.

The CTDOT has coordinated with the Department of Emergency Services and Public
Protection’s Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS) to
establish a State Evacuation Response Framework to support municipalities and state
departments. The state’s evacuation study predicts that as many as 17,000 residents will
have some degree of a transportation need during a Category 1 or 2 tropical storm, but
that most residents and tourists will evacuate an area using their own means of
transportation in most evacuation scenarios.
Strategies to Address Resiliency, Emergency Evacuation, Snow Removal/Seasonal Needs:

• Consideration is being made for site applications that integrate EV charging

infrastructure with resiliency measures such as solar and battery storage
applications 19
• Exploring using a portion of funds during Phase 2 to purchase portable EV
chargers for various purposes
• Practical commitments for snow clearing to keep the EV charging equipment
accessible, and overheating of equipment issues, will be required as part of the
grant solicitation application and terms of agreement

Strategies to Promote Strong Labor, Safety, Training, and Installation Standards

To perform electrical work in Connecticut, a person must maintain an active license with
the CT Department of Consumer Protection. Electrical work means the installation,
erection, maintenance, inspection, testing, alteration or repair of any wire, cable,
conduit, busway, raceway, support, insulator, conductor, appliance, apparatus, fixture or
equipment that generates, transforms, transmits or uses electrical energy for light, heat,
power or other purposes. On the job training, classroom training and an examination
are required for licensure.

Strategies to Promote Strong Labor, Safety, Training, and Installation Standards:

• Program will require all EV charging installers and maintainers to hold an Electric
Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) certification and Electrical
Contractors and Journeypersons must hold a license issued by the Connecticut
Office of Consumer Protection
• CTDOT will coordinate with CTDOL Office of Apprenticeship to inform all
registered apprenticeship related instruction providers that an EVITP certification
program is available
• CTDOT to coordinate with CTDOL Office of Apprenticeship to encourage EVITP
training be offered to registered apprentices nearing the end of their term.
• Connect with contractors working in the field to identify what resources are
needed to expand certification and overcome workforce hurdles in the EVSE field

19Battery storage incentive programs administered by the EDCs and the Connecticut Green Bank: CT Energy Storage Solutions
Program, https://energystoragect.com/ CT Non-Residential Renewable Energy Solutions Program,

• All other non-electrical laborers directly working on EVSE must have appropriate
licenses, training, and certification in support of providing a safe and quality
charging station.

Connecticut Clean Cities approached leaders within the national EVITP to discuss ways
to promote online certification for prospective Connecticut workers interested in
obtaining certification within the EV charging field. CTDOT plans to stay abreast of
program developments and work with our Clean Cities partners to encourage the
development of this online program and promote public outreach throughout the state.

Civil Rights

All proposed planned guidelines and recommendations for the deployment of EV

charging stations will be created pursuant to all federal, state, and local laws,
regulations, and statutes to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI). The ADA prohibits
discrimination against persons with qualified disabilities regarding the usability and/or
participation of all programs, services, activities, or benefits offered by the CTDOT. Title
VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin. Recipients may
not deny any individual service, financial aid, or benefits on the basis of race, color, or
national origin; Provide any service, financial aid, or benefit that is different from that
provided to others Subject an individual to segregation or separate treatment.; Restrict
an individual in the enjoyment of any advantage or privilege enjoyed by others; Treat
individuals differently in terms of whether they satisfy admission, eligibility, or
membership; Deny an individual the opportunity to participate in the provision of
services; Deny a person the opportunity to participate as a member of a planning or
advisory body.

CTDOT ensures that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color,
or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or
otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity.

To comply with ADA requirements;

• CTDOT will develop EV charging stations in accordance with ADA standards

related to accessible parking spaces, including but not limited to Public Right-of-
Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG)
• CTDOT’s solicitation process will ensure that NEVI-funded chargers can
accommodate EV drivers and passengers with various levels of physical abilities
and individuals using a wheelchair on an accessible path in accordance with
federal guidelines

To comply with Title VI Requirements:

• Develop and complete an environmental checklist to identify and address any

potential Title VI requirements and to meet Environmental Justice requirements.
• Educate low-income, minority and limited English proficient communities
regarding the availability of EV charging stations
• Conduct inclusive public outreach events to foster the engagement of
traditionally underrepresented communities and provide translation and
interpretation services when requested

Equity Considerations
Connecticut will be using the Electric Vehicle Charging Justice40 Map tool developed by
the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
to identify disadvantaged communities that may directly or indirectly benefit from this
program. This tool incorporates publicly available data on vulnerable populations,
health, transportation access and burden, energy burden, fossil dependence, resilience,
and environmental and climate hazards.

CTDOT also plans to use Connecticut’s 2021 Environmental Justice Community map 20,
see figure 7 below, which represents the environmental justice communities in
Connecticut as defined by section 22a-20a of the Connecticut General Statutes. The EJ
communities include distressed municipalities as defined by DECD, as well as census
block groups that are not in distressed municipalities in which 30% or more of the
population lives below 200% of the federal poverty level. Additional data is also listed in
this map that indicates the percent of the population in the general area that identifies
their race as a race other than white alone and/or identifies their ethnicity as Hispanic
and the percent of households in the given area that identify as having limited English
proficiency. This map is widely utilized in many existing state incentive programs related
to EVs, including DEEP’s Volkswagen Settlement, DEEP’s Diesel Emission Reduction Act
(DERA), and PURA’s EV Charging Program. CTDOT has heard from many in the EJ
community that they would like consistency in how the state defines EJ communities
and that they have concerns with CTDOT only relying on the Justice40 tool to define
disadvantaged communities since it much narrower than the state tools.

To stay consistent with the equity and environmental justice work being done within
Connecticut, CTDOT plans to use both the Justice40 mapping tool and the CT 2021

20 Connecticut’s 2021 Environmental Justice Community Map accessed on July 28, 2022 from

Environmental Justice Community map and will balance siting charging stations in
locations that provide reasonable access for vehicle owners in these communities as well
as potential air quality benefits.

Figure 7: Merged Layers of Connecticut’s Justice40 Map and the 2021

Environmental Justice Community Map

Identification and Outreach to Disadvantaged Communities (DACs) in the State

Attention to community equity concerns and engaging diverse stakeholders in the
process, particularly people from the communities most vulnerable to transportation
pollution, will continue to be an essential part of CTDOT’s NEVI program development.

There have been several state-organized Equity & Environmental Justice Working
Groups over the past several years that CTDOT has participated in. These include the
Equity & Environmental Justice Working Group of the Governor’s Council on Climate
Change, and the EJ Working group organized to provide input on the regional
Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI). CTDOT presented to the TCI-related EJ working
group several times about the NEVI program during 2022 and plans to continue to

ensure over the course of the NEVI program that outreach materials and notifications
are broadly disseminated within EJ communities.

As a result, recommendations were brought forward that for future outreach, the state
should partner with leaders of EJ communities to ensure that residents’ perspectives are
incorporated into planning decisions and program design from the beginning. In
response to this, CTDOT will develop its program structure to have targeted community
outreach and input prior to final selection of NEVI-funded charging station locations.
This public outreach will include identification of DACs in the area of a proposed station
and targeted notification and outreach to those communities. CTDOT also anticipates as
part of the grant solicitation, we will require applicants to include an outreach plan or
details regarding how the public (including DACs) were engaged or will be engaged as
part of the site selection process.

CTDOT recognizes that we must engage directly with underserved and overburdened
communities to develop responsive approaches to communities’ needs.

In December of 2021, Governor Lamont signed Executive Order No. 21-321 establishing,
within DEEP, a Connecticut Equity and Environmental Justice Advisory Council (CEEJAC)
in which CTDOT participates. One of the goals of the CEEJAC is to integrate
environmental justice considerations into the programs, policies, and activities to
improve the health and environment of Environmental Justice Communities, in key areas
including, but not limited to: (1) rulemaking, (2) permitting standards and processes, (3)
compliance and enforcement, (4) science and data, and (5) equitable program delivery;
providing mechanisms for Environmental Justice Communities to have a meaningful
opportunity to participate. CTDOT intends to present its NEVI program, as it develops,
to CEEJAC and obtain its input.

Benefits to DACs through this Plan, and Process to Identify, Quantify, & Measure
Below are examples of benefits that were brought forward to CTDOT during our
comment/listening sessions in the Spring of 2022 and which CTDOT is intending to fold
into our NEVI program in Phase 1 (other benefits/metrics will be discussed for Phase 2 in
future annual updates to this plan):

• Reduction of exposure to harmful transportation-related emissions,

o DACs often abut major transportation corridors and centers such as
highways and ports. As such, these communities have often borne

Connecticut Executive Order No. 21-3 signed on December 16, 2021 https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Office-of-the-


disproportionate transportation-related air pollution. To attempt to
mitigate the air emissions, CTDOT plans to use both the Justice40
mapping tool and the CT 2021 Environmental Justice Community map
both in program planning under Phase 2 and as a criterion for reviewing
applications under the state’s NEVI grant program. The reason CTDOT
focuses this more on Phase 2, is because under Phase 1 the locations for
stations are heavily influenced by the NEVI Program Phase 1 requirements
(e.g., only AFCs, 50 miles maximum between stations, and 1 mile maximum
from exits). Nonetheless, CTDOT will use these same mapping tools as part
of location selection evaluation in Phase 1 to the extent possible.
o Criteria pollution and carbon emissions reduction are measurable by the
vehicle (EV displacement of ICE vehicle), not necessarily by the charging
station. CTDOT anticipates capturing these emission benefits by using
available tools from the federal government and other available resources.
• Improving clean transportation access through the location of charging stations,
o The benefits of access to charging stations can be measured at least in
terms of distance to the stations. To comply with federal NEVI program
requirements, NEVI Phase 1 will be directed to fast charging buildout
within one mile of AFC exits. Therefore, CTDOT anticipates that specific
targets to support this benefit will be more fully applicable to Phase 2 of
the program.

CTDOT plans to further engage with DACs over the next year to determine which
benefits the state will measure and track for this program.

In measuring benefits to DACs CTDOT anticipates the Joint DOE/DOT office or FHWA
will establish national standards for measuring the benefits to the public, such as air
quality or job creation. In the meantime, CTDOT will evaluate examples from industry,
other states, and current practices to begin to internally track, measure, and assess our
performance through the lifecycle of managing the NEVI program.

In addition to benefits, the NEVI program will also consider the avoidance of potential
burdens associated with establishing new charging stations. An example of burdens may
include a community’s desire to avoid siting a charging station in or adjacent to
residential or mixed-use areas, where the station would attract an increase in vehicle
traffic and associated corridor safety and congestion-related concerns, as well as time of
day/evening use, lighting, and other quality of life elements.

Labor and Workforce Considerations
Over 100 years ago, Connecticut was home to the Columbia Electric Vehicle Company,
the first mass-producer of electric vehicles in American history. 22 Unfortunately, electric
vehicles were quickly supplanted by more powerful and less expensive gasoline-
powered vehicles. With advances in technology and a focus on improved air quality and
climate change mitigation, EVs are once again part of America’s mainstream automobile
culture. Vehicle electrification draws large investments from both the public and private
sectors, and Connecticut is well prepared to maximize both the economic and
environmental benefits of EV deployment.

Connecticut anticipates that installing, operating, and maintaining the NEVI Formula
Program’s EV charging infrastructure will create new opportunities for the state’s
workforce. We expect to see new jobs become available, particularly in the electrical and
other construction trades, while also creating opportunities within labor sectors
tangentially connected to alternative transportation. In 2020, all value chain segments in
Connecticut’s alternative transportation sector experienced growth, with the majority of
job growth concentrated in manufacturing, wholesale trade, and other services,
including automotive repair and maintenance. 23 Moreover, Connecticut’s hybrid electric
and electric vehicle industries added 188 new jobs to the Connecticut clean energy labor
market in 2020 collectively.24 Connecticut expects that the injection of NEVI funding into
the state’s alternative transportation sector will further bolster job growth in this sector
of the state’s clean economy.

Recognizing the importance of developing a robust and well-trained workforce

equipped with the skills needed to respond to the labor demands of Connecticut’s clean
economy, Governor Lamont established the Connecticut Clean Economy Council (CCEC)
in December of 2021 under Executive Order 21-325. The Council will serve to identify
opportunities to leverage state and federal funding to scale economic opportunities
with a focus on maximizing economic development benefits from investments needed
to meet the state’s climate, air quality, resiliency, and sustainability goals. The CCEC is
also tasked with supporting equitable economic development opportunities, including
for Small Business Enterprise and Minority Business Enterprise firms and job seekers

22KathyFoley21, P. by. (2022, May 13). May 13: The Electric Car Debuts. in Hartford. in 1897. Today in Connecticut History.
Retrieved May 16, 2022, from https://todayincthistory.com/2022/05/13/may-13-the-automobiles-electric-future-debuts-in-
23Connecticut Green Bank: Connecticut Clean Energy Industry Report, September 2021, accessed on July 28, 2022 from
25 Executive Order 21-3, December 2021, Available at: https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Office-of-the- Governor/Executive-
from Connecticut’s black, indigenous, and people of color populations. This newly
formed CCEC will be an asset in identifying ways that EV infrastructure investments
facilitate the growth and diversification of the workforce including broadening
workforce participation and opportunities for residents in Connecticut’s underserved
and underrepresented communities.

Connecticut will also incorporate guidance from the Connecticut Office of Workforce
Strategy (CTOWS), in coordination with CTDECD that serves as the administrative staff to
the Governor’s Workforce Council (GWC)26, in its EVSE deployment planning and
contracting efforts. The GWC has identified four priority areas to address skills and
opportunity gaps to ensure that Connecticut’s workforce is poised to meet the demands
of the 21st century economy:

1. Creating partnerships between educators and businesses that focus on

aligning curriculum with the needs of Connecticut employers and
2. Ensure that Connecticut’s educational system is accessible, equitable,
and aligned with in-demand career pathways in Connecticut.
3. Develop a support service system that increases workforce
participation through improved access to childcare, transportation,
food, and behavioral health services.
4. Develop a comprehensive set of workforce and education data systems
that provides resources to students or job seekers to learn about
different programs across the state that will allow them to progress
their overall education or enter the workforce.27

The CTDOT and CTDEEP will coordinate with the CTOWS and the CTDOL and our CT
Clean Cities partners to identify opportunities for leveraging NEVI investments to
advance the priority areas identified by the GWC.

In addition to developing a collaborative process between CTDOT, CTDEEP, CTDOL,

CCEC, and the OWS, Connecticut will also explore incorporating workforce
considerations into any grant solicitation for the installation, operation, and
maintenance of EVSE deployed with NEVI program funding.

26The Governor’s Workforce Council has been tasked with setting strategy and policy for the state’s Pre-K through retirement
workforce pipeline, and to serve as the prime coordinator for businesses, educators, trainers, state agencies, state workforce
boards, non-profits, and others. More information available at: https://portal.ct.gov/gwc/

27 Governor’s Workforce Council Priority Areas, available at: https://portal.ct.gov/GWC

CTDOT has coordinated closely with the CTDOL Office of Apprenticeship Training
(CTDOL/OAT) in drafting the labor and workforce section of the NEVI plan. CTDOL/OAT
is a State Apprenticeship Agency that is the sole entity federally authorized to operate
and administer Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) for Connecticut employers.
The Registered Apprenticeship is an employer-designed workforce development
program that an employer enrolls their new hires into. In Connecticut, apprentices are a
company’s paid employee and only become Apprentices upon hire. As such, an
employer’s Registered Apprenticeship program is a legally binding agreement between
the employer, the employer’s new hire (apprentice), and CTDOL/OAT.

For the electrical trade in Connecticut, an apprenticeship program duration is 4 years,

and the regimen includes the installation, maintenance, and repair of EV charging
stations, which are a very small fraction of the overall scope of the electrical industry, not
a stand-alone job. This 4-year long multi-scope portion of a registered apprenticeship is
referred to by the industry as On-The-Job Training (OJT).

CTDOT is exploring opportunities in which we can assist Registered Apprenticeship

employer programs, administered by the CTDOL/OAT to encourage diversity, equity,
inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) into those employers Registered Apprenticeship
Programs. Broadening the diversity of recruitments will future-proof Connecticut’s
workforce by cultivating talent and reflecting the diversity of Connecticut’s economy
and people.

CTDOT is committed to integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout all levels
of the agency. CTDOT has a standing committee to set the disadvantaged business
enterprises (DBEs) goals for projects, and we utilize our standard process to determine
DBE goals for the NEVI program.

As the number of electric vehicles increases in Connecticut, so will the need for more EV
charging infrastructure to connect to the electric grid. Each EV fast charger that CTDOT
funds under NEVI will be required to be networked, thus requiring an internet
connection. A networked charger is critical for collecting and reporting data and for the
charger to receive control signals if participating in a specific utility management
program. In addition, research and workgroups developed at the national level indicate
that EV chargers are a potentially vulnerable point where cyber security attacks could

In 2018, a multi-disciplinary team of state government, local government, education,
and private business developed the State of Connecticut's Cybersecurity Action Plan 28.
This Action Plan outlines how to plan, respond to, and recover from threats to the state's
cybersecurity infrastructure at the state, local, and private-sector levels. While EV
infrastructure is not explicitly called out within the plan, there is an emphasis on the fact
that the state, businesses, and organizations need to stay engaged with the latest
threats that might impact our residents and rely on organizations and industry
standards when initiating new programs and services.

The Connecticut Electric Distribution Companies (EDCs) have created a Cybersecurity

and Privacy Framework that incorporates cybersecurity best practices and industry
standards consistent with leading cybersecurity authorities to address new and
emerging threats. The EDCs rely on this Framework to apply the principles and best
practices of risk management to improve the security and resilience of critical
infrastructure. This Framework enables every EDC to provide a consistent approach to
establishing cybersecurity and privacy objectives, managing risks, and implementing
relevant cybersecurity capabilities and controls. CTDOT will ensure that any
cybersecurity measures included in the NEVI program stay consistent with the EDC’s

When the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services (CTDAS) was putting

together the state's electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) contract in 2022, the team
found no set standard regarding security for EV chargers. Therefore, CTDOT expects to
follow the model that other EV infrastructure state-led programs have used and require
all vendors participating in our NEVI grant program to abide by UL 2594 and Open
Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) 2.0.1 standards in tandem with ISO 15118 which target
the communication aspects of a networked EV charger. We also expect any charging
station management system used with the fast charging equipment to have an OCPP 1.6
Security Certificate. It will be the charger manufacturer's responsibility to ensure that
their chargers use the most recent OCPP and UL standards to communicate with other
chargers or with a third party to aggregate data while also maintaining strict data
security procedures.

In PURA’s Final Decision in Docket No. 17-12-03RE04 that established the EDC’s EV
Charging Program, PURA directed Eversource and United Illuminating utilities to
develop a comprehensive Data Privacy and Security Plan for the EV charging Make
Ready program. The planning framework ensures that adequate attention is given to

28Connecticut’s Cyber Security Plan, May 2018, Available at: https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/DAS/BEST/Security-Services/CT-


cybersecurity and customer privacy challenges to address new and emerging threats. All
EV charging vendors participating in the utility make-ready program must follow strict
security standards, and CTDOT anticipates utilizing those set security standards in our
NEVI program requirements.

Program Evaluation
CTDOT will be re-evaluating the state’s charging network bi-annually using U.S. DOE’s
Alternative Fuel Data Center and monitoring private sector charger development.
CTDOT also anticipates working closely with our utilities and other planning
partners/stakeholders to identify new locations and make necessary improvements to
existing locations. CTDOT also hopes to examine usage data returned from installed
equipment to help correlate the need for additional charging locations at developed

CTDOT and CTDEEP, in conjunction with Atlas Public Policy, are currently developing an
EV-specific dashboard to track charging stations and EV registrations. The state hopes to
utilize that data to help guide future NEVI investments.

CTDOT will update its NEVI Plan annually. Future updates will address Phase 2 of the
NEVI program. Phase 2 starts after FHWA certification that the AFCs have been built-out
in accord with NEVI requirements, though CTDOT’s planning for Phase 2 will begin in
more detail with the 2023 annual update to this plan.

Discretionary Exceptions (if any)

Connecticut plans to install fast charging to meet the NEVI requirement of a maximum
of 50 miles between NEVI-compliant stations along the state’s AFCs, and in some
instances, the distance between charging stations will be considerably under the 50-mile
threshold. As previously mentioned, CTDOT is identifying zones within our plan that
would meet the requirements for Phase 1 funding opportunities. CTDOT has identified
these zones using a variety of data layers, including looking at the percentage of
commercial verse residential zoned properties available within the zones and
referencing the utilities hosting capacity maps. At this time, CTDOT does not anticipate
that it will request exemptions to installing chargers within the 1-mile drivable distance
from an interstate exit. CTDOT will be evaluating any need for exemptions on a case-by-
case basis after it receives applications and will coordinate with the Joint Office on any
such future requests. CTDOT expects that any potential issues with placement, utilities,
communications, or security for stations will be communicated and coordinated with
FHWA as the program develops.


FHWA Round 6: Electric Alternative Fuel Corridor Parameters

RE: Public DC Fast Charging
Corridor Ready Corridor Pending
• No greater than 50 miles between one • A strategy/plan and timeline for public
station/site on corridor. DC Fast Charing stations separated by
more than 50 miles.
• No more than 1 mile (drivable • Locations of stations/site that are no
distance) from Interstate exists or more than 1 mile from Interstate exists
highway intersections along the or highway intersections along the
corridor. corridor
• Stations should include four
Combined Charging System (CCS)
connectors that are Type 1 ports
(simultaneously charging 4 EVs at
• Site power capability should be no
less than 600 kW (supporting at least
150 kW per port simultaneously across
4 ports).
• Maximum charge power per DC port
should not be below 150 kW.

Existing Locations of Charging Infrastructure Along AFCs

NEVI Guidance Qualifying Station Data

State EV Charger Route Location Number of EV EV

Charging Level Connectors Network
Location (DCFC, (if known)
*Unique ID* L2)
4 dual-headed 150kW CCS
411 Barnum Ave 2 dual-headed 350kW CCS
121739 DCFC I-95 Cutoff, Stratford, 1 dual-headed 50kW CCS
CT, 06615 1 dual-headed 50kW
CHAdeMO/ 150kW CCS
2 dual-headed 350kW CCS
410 Universal Dr,
1 dual-headed 150kW CCS Electrify
189349 DCFC I-91 North Haven, CT,
1 dual-headed 50kW America
CHAdeMO/ 150kW CCS

420 Buckland 2 dual-headed 150kW CCS
Hills Dr, 3 dual-headed 350kW CCS Electrify
164399 DCFC I-84
Manchester, CT, 1 dual-headed 50kW America
06042 CHAdeMO/ 150kW CCS
2 dual-headed 350kW CCS
I- 915 Hartford Tpk,
3 dual-headed 150kW CCS Electrify
121737 DCFC 395/I- Waterford, CT,
1 dual-headed 50kW America
95 06385
CHAdeMO/ 150kW CCS
*Defined by the state-this should match the unique ID in the state’s applicable GIS databases
*Data extracted April 1, 2022

Existing Locations of Charging Infrastructure Along AFCs

DCFC Within 1 mile of AFC (Non-Qualifying)

State EV
Charging Number of EV EV Network
Level Route Location
Location Connectors (if known)
(DCFC, L2)
*Unique ID*

1 dual-headed
7 Backus Ave, 50kW
198765 DCFC Danbury, CT, CHAdeMO/CCS eVgo Network
06810 1 single 50kW
1335 Boston Post
182677 DCFC I-95 Rd, 1 single 24kW CCS
Darien, CT, 06820
1 dual-headed
25 Old Kings Hwy,
198862 DCFC I-95 50kW eVgo Network
Darien, CT, 06820
930 Kings Hwy E, 1 single 50kW J- Non-
60900 DCFC I-95
Fairfield, CT, 06825 1772 Networked
165 W Service Rd,
1 dual-headed Non-
44435 DCFC I-91 Hartford, CT,
50kW J-1772 Networked
777 Main St,
50448 DCFC I-91/I-84 Hartford, CT, Unknown
71 Asylum Street,
89777 DCFC I-91/I-84 Hartford, CT, 1 single 24kW CCS

State EV
Charging Number of EV EV Network
Level Route Location
Location Connectors (if known)
(DCFC, L2)
*Unique ID*
1 Weston Park Rd,
164606 DCFC I-91 Hartford, CT, 1 single 24kW CCS
1 South Street, 1 dual-headed
223850 DCFC I-95 Madison, CT, 130kW
06443 CHAdeMO/CCS
1205 Tolland Tpke, 1 dual-headed
198244 DCFC I-84 Manchester, CT, 50kW eVgo Network
06042 CHAdeMO/CCS

55 Coogan Blvd, ChargePoint

192580 DCFC I-95 1 single 24kW CCS
Mystic, CT, 06355 Network
189 Forbes Ave, 1 dual-headed
198250 DCFC I-95 New Haven, CT, 50kW eVgo Network
06512 CHAdeMO/CCS
488 Colman Street,
202905 DCFC I-95 New London, CT, 1 single 23kW CCS
452 Broad St,
207656 DCFC I-95 New London, CT, Unknown
116 Danbury Rd, 1 dual-headed
198298 DCFC US-7 New Milford, CT, 50kW eVgo Network
06776 CHAdeMO/CCS
900 Universal Dr N, 1 dual-headed
44447 DCFC I-91 North Haven, CT, 44kW
06473 CHAdeMO/CCS
6 dual-headed
100 Universal Dr,
198997 DCFC I-91 North Haven, CT, eVgo Network
6 dual-headed
I-95/US- 100 N Water St,
151880 DCFC 1 single 60kW CCS Volta
7 Norwalk, CT, 06854
295 Middlesex
Turnpike, Non-
44450 DCFC I-95 Unknown
Old Saybrook, CT, Networked

State EV
Charging Number of EV EV Network
Level Route Location
Location Connectors (if known)
(DCFC, L2)
*Unique ID*
746 Danbury Rd,
80416 DCFC US-7 Ridgefield, CT, 1 single 23kW CCS
200 E Main St, 1 dual-headed
198865 DCFC I-95 Stratford, CT, 50kW eVgo Network
06614 CHAdeMO/CCS
175 Hartford
105196 DCFC I-84 Turnpike, Vernon, 1 single 25kW CCS
CT, 06040
471 New Park Ave, 1 dual-headed
198247 DCFC I-84 West Hartford, CT, 50kW eVgo Network
06110 CHAdeMO/CCS
355 Campbell Ave, 1 dual-headed
198223 DCFC I-95 West Haven, CT, 50kW eVgo Network
06516 CHAdeMO/CCS
978 Danbury Rd, 1 single 50kW Non-
44464 DCFC US-7
Wilton, CT, 06897 CHAdeMO Networked

*Data extracted April 1, 2022


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