Theory Old Questions

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IOE Old Questions (Theory)

Chapter 01
1. What is the limitation of Nikuradse’s experiment on pipe flow? How was it addressed
for our practical application purpose? [2+2]
2. For a steady laminar flow in a circular pipe, derive an expression for velocity
distribution along diameter of pipe and determine the radial distance (r) from the axis
at a section where the local velocity is equal to the mean velocity of flow. [4+1]
3. Consider steady, incompressible, laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid in an infinitely long
round pipe of diameter D or radius r = D/2 inclined at angle α as shown in the figure.
The fluid flows down the pipe due to gravity alone. Consider the coordinate system
shown, with X down the axis of pipe. Derive an expression for the X-component of
velocity u as a function of radius and the other parameters of the problem. [6]

4. Explain the concept of mixing length as proposed by Prandtl. [2]

5. For a steady laminar flow in an inclined circular pipe, derive expressions for i) the shear
stress at any radial distance from the axis, ii) the pressure drop along the pipe in terms
of the boundary shear stress. [3+3]
𝑢 𝑢∗ 𝑦 1/7
6. If the velocity distribution for turbulent flow in a pipe is given by = 8.74 ( ) ,
𝑢∗ Ʋ
obtain expression for f as 𝑓 = , where Ʋ is kinematic viscosity. [8]
𝑅𝑒 1/4
7. Describe Moody’s chart. What are the basis to draw such a diagram? State its uses.
8. A fluid of constant density ρ enters a horizontal pipe of radius R with uniform velocity
V and pressure p1. At a downstream section, the pressure is p2 and the velocity varies
with radius r according to the equation 𝑢 = 2𝑉 {1 − }. Show that the friction force
at the pipe walls from the inlet to the section considered is given by
𝜌𝑉 2
𝜋𝑅2 (𝑝1 − 𝑝2 − ). [6]
9. Explain Prandtl Mixing length theory. Show that the velocity distribution in pipe for
turbulent flow is logarithmic. Derive an expression of head loss to sudden expansion of
pipe. [2+3+3]
10. Show that for turbulent flow in rough pipes, 𝑉 ∗ = 5.75𝑙𝑜𝑔 (𝐾) + 4.75. [8]
Where, V= mean velocity
V* = shear velocity
R = radius of pipe
K = average height of surface protrusions
𝑢−𝑣 𝑦
11. Show that in both smooth and rough pipes for turbulent flow = 5.75 𝑙𝑜𝑔 (𝑅) +
3.75 where v = mean velocity, u =point velocity at distance y from boundary, v* = shear
velocity and R = radius of pipe. [8]

Chapter 02

Chapter 03
1. What is the underlying principle for the Hardy cross method? [2]
2. What do you understand by branching pipe system? Explain. Describe the solution
procedures for three possible different cases of three reservoir problem. [6]
∑(𝑟𝑄𝑜 2 )
3. Derive the expression of correction factor ∆𝑄 = − for solution of pipe network
(2𝑟𝑄𝑜 )
using Hardy Cross method where, r is resistance coefficient of pipe and 𝑄𝑜 is initial
assumed discharge. [2]

Chapter 04
1. Determine water hammer phenomenon. Derive an expression for the water hammer
pressure rise for elastic pipe when valve is instantaneously closed at the end. [2+5]
2. What are the primary and secondary purpose of surge tank? [2]
3. Obtain a formula for the rise in pressure in a thin plastic pipe for circular section in
which the flow of water is stopped by sudden closure of a valve. How are pipe liens
secured against such abnormal rise of pressure? [6+2]
4. Compare gradually varied flow, rapidly varied flow and spatially varied flow with
sketches [4]
5. Discuss water hammer phenomenon. Develop Euler’s equation as well as continuity
equation for unsteady flow. [8]
6. Explain the importance of surge tank. Describe the types of surge tank. [1.5+1.5]
7. Define water hammer and write down continuity equation and momentum equation for
unsteady flow in pipe. [3]

Chapter 05
1. Differentiate between different types of varied flow in open channel flow. Express bed
slope, water surface slope and energy line sloe in terms of head (Show also by drawing
the figure). [3+3]
2. Differentiate between pipe flow and open channel flow. Also classify non-uniform flow
with neat sketches and examples. [3+3]
3. Are the following flow valid for open channel? If yes, define with sketches. [4]
a. Unsteady uniform flow
b. Steady non-uniform flow
c. Spatially varied flow
d. Steady uniform flow
4. Differentiate between prismatic and non-prismatic channel. [2]
5. Compare gradually varied flow, rapidly varied flow and spatially varied flow with
sketches. [4]
6. Define steady non-uniform and spatially varied flow. Give at least two examples of
each flows. [3]
7. Define the following; non-prismatic channel, spatially varied flow, hydraulic slope,
gradually varied flow.
8. Define the following; Hydraulic depth, energy slope, gradually varied flow and
spatially varied flow. [4]
9. Give two practical examples of following flow regimes. [4]
a. Uniform and non-uniform flow
b. Spatially varied flow and gradually varied flow

Chapter 06
1. Calculate first hydraulic exponent for critical flow and second hydraulic exponent for
uniform flow for wide rectangular channel and triangular channel. [4]
2. Describe the Manning’s equation and the various terms that make it up. In particular,
define the slope So used in the Manning’s equation and show how it relates to the energy
diagram. Explain also why the uniform flow assumption is usually made for most
application of the Manning’s equation. [1+1+1+1+1]
3. Water flows in a channel of the shape of an isosceles triangle of bed width ‘a’ and sides
making an angle of 45º with the bed. Determine the relation between the depth of flow‘
d’ and the bed width ‘a’ for maximum velocity condition and for maximum discharge
condition. Use Manning’s formula and note that ‘d’ is less than 0.5a.
4. Derive the values of 1st and 2nd hydraulic exponent for wide and narrow rectangular
channel section.
5. Derive the equation of shear stress on the boundary of the open channel. [4]
6. Define energy slope. Also prove that hydraulic radius is equal to depth of flow for wide
rectangular channel.
7. Derive the expression for most economical rectangular section.
8. Explain variation of hydraulic radius with respect to depth in a very deep rectangular
channel with suitable illustration. [6]
9. Define hydraulic exponent. Show that the value of hydraulic exponent for rectangular
section is equal to 10/3.
10. Using Manning’s equation, show that the depth of flow is equal to 94% of the diameter
for the artificially filled most economical circular channel considering maximum
discharge. [4]
11. The velocity distribution in a channel may be approximated by the equation 𝑢 =
𝑑 𝑎
𝑢𝑜 (𝑑 ) in which u is the velocity at depth d; 𝑢𝑜 is the flow velocity at depth 𝑑𝑜 and
n=a constant. Derive expression for the energy and momentum coefficient. [5]
12. What are the conditions of uniform flow in open channel? [2]
13. Prove that for compound open channel, velocity distribution coefficient (Energy
𝐾 3
∑( 𝑖2 )(∑ 𝐴𝑖 2 )
𝐴 𝑖
correction factor) = , where ki = conveyance factor of ith section, Ai =
(∑ 𝐾𝑖 )3
cross section area of ith section. [4]

Chapter 07
1. Show that the condition for discharge to be maximum for a given specific energy is
same as for given specific energy to be minimum for a given discharge. Explain specific
force diagram with sketch. [6+4]
2. A rectangular channel section to have critical flow and at the same, the wetted perimeter
is to be minimum. Show that for these two conditions to occur simultaneously, the
width of the channel must be equal to 8/9 times minimum specific energy. [4]
3. Explain briefly, by sketching the graph between specific energy and water depth of a
horizontal rectangular channel, how the depth upstream changes with the height of
hump as it is gradually increased in three stages: i) less than critical hump height; ii) at
the critical hump height, and iii) exceeding the critical hump height. [6]
4. Define specific force. Plot a specific force curve for a channel section and explain its
characteristics using equations.
5. Prove that ‘for a given specific force and channel section, maximum discharge
corresponds to the critical state flow’.
6. Prove that for the given discharge, specific force is minimum when the flow is critical.
7. Develop the expression for specific force and explain the concept of conjugate depths
using the specific force curve. [4]
8. If y1 and y2 are alternate depths in rectangular channel, show that specific energy
𝑦1 2 + 𝑦1 𝑦2 +𝑦2 2
𝐸= . [6]
(𝑦1 +𝑦2 )
9. Define specific energy. Show that the flow is critical when the discharge is maximum
for the given specific energy. [1+4]
10. Define conjugate depths. Sketch the specific force curve showing conjugate depths and
the zones of sub-critical, critical and super-critical flow. [1+2]
11. What are the different conditions to be fulfilled when flow is critical open channel?

Chapter 08
1. What is M1 profile? [2]
2. Write down the procedures for direct step method, standard step method and direct
integration method to compute the gradually varied flow.
3. What is mild slope? Justify analytically the nature of surface profiles (both upstream
and downstream end) for mild slope. [1+4]
4. Justify analytically the nature of surface profiles in critical sloped channels. [5]
5. Justify analytically that A3 curve meets the yc line and channel bottom normally. [4]

Chapter 09
1. What do you mean by hydraulic jump in an open channel? Determine from the first
principle, the conditions required for the formation of such jump in the case of a
rectangular channel of constant width and calculate the loss of head in terms of depth
just before and after the jump.
2. What is hydraulic jump? Why is energy principle not applied for the analysis of the
jump? [1+1]

Chapter 10
1. Explain Shield’s diagram for studying the incipient motion condition. Further proceed
to derive an expression for critical stress if the shear Reynolds’s number is greater than
400? Also, explain the applicability of expression derived above for critical stress in
terms of particle size. [2+3+3]
2. Describe shield’s tractive force theory. Also derive relationship between critical grain
diameter and hydraulic radius for incipient motion condition using shield’s parameter.
3. Define mobile boundary and rigid boundary. What do you mean by incipient motion
condition? Derive an expression for the shear stress reduction factor or tractive force
ration in the case of mobile boundary channel in terms of side slope angle and angle of
repose of the sediment. [1+3+3]
4. Discuss Shield’s diagram and its application in designing mobile boundary channel. [6]
5. What do you mean by incipient motion? Derive an expression for the shear stress
reduction factor or tractive force ratio in the case of mobile boundary channel in terms
of side slope angle and angle of repose of the sediment.
6. Distinguish between rigid boundary and mobile boundary channels with respect to
design principle. Explain the procedures of designing rigid boundary channel by
minimum permissible velocity approach. [3+4]
7. Why shear stress reduction factor ‘k’ is necessary while designing the mobile boundary
channel? Explain the design procedures (step by step) of mobile boundary channel by
maximum permissible velocity approach. [2+4]
8. Explain the tractive force method of designing mobile boundary channel. [3]
9. Show the shears tress distribution on the alluvial channel boundary with values. [3]
10. Define an alluvial channel and incipient motion. Find the expression for the shear
reduction factor ‘k’ and explain the physical meaning of this factor. [1+3+2]
11. Write down the design procedures of mobile boundary channel using maximum
permissible velocity method, tractive force method and regime theory approaches with
appropriate expressions. [6]

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